Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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the bill , and tha rote stood yeas 33 , nays
CO , .but before the result was announced
Ilowo moved to refer the bill back to tha com-
inlttco of tlio whole.
The p 'nkcr decided the motion In older ,
nnd nttcr * much contusion It was declared
The house adjourned till 2 p. m.
Mr. While arose to a question of privilege
nnd made the point of order that no motion
can bo entertained to recommit n > bill after
the roll has been called on llnal passage , ns
the speaker had ruled before adjournment.
Ilowo desired to know If he wanted to go
back and change the record.
Whitu answered that ho did when the rul
ing Is confessedly wrong.
Scott wanted to Ifnow by what authority
they could suspend the announcing of yeas
nnd nays on a bill on IImil passage.
The speaker snla the house had done It by
n vote of 49 to 31 , and procoodcil to reverse
his former ruling and sustained thu point of
order miidobv Mr. White , but said the point
corno too Into to affect tbo bill Introduced by
Mr. Ilowo.
Messrs. Scott , Taylor of Johnson , \Vhlto
nnd Others demanded the roll call on ttio IImil
reading on the bill.
Tlio speaker tlnally said : "I have been
licro twenty-four days and this la the first
time 1 have got away from the constitution ,
but alter carufnlly considering the constitu
tion nnd tliu i-ules , I bellovo wo will have to
announce the result , " [ Cheers. ]
Tlio vote was announced JI2 yens , CO nays
and the speaker declared the mil was lost.
Tlio house took up nnrt passed by ft vote of
81 to 8 ublll bylCruso providing for the de
struction of the Uusslan thistle. The bill
tnakos It the duty of every person or corpora
tion ownlnir land to keep the sa-no clear of
these noxious weeds nnu requires the countv
board of .supervisors nnd road overseers to
t > ee thnt thu law is enforced.
A bill by Smith , requiring railroads to
Imilil passageways for stock under the track
In coses where the land on both sides of the
line belongs to the same owner , whet o the
( ratio Is llvo feet high und over , was also
Tlio bill introduced by Ilowo to prohibit
liuulict .shuns nnu speculating in options was
put on final passage.
Mathowson said this wa- the very bill iho
coinnilsstou men and dealers In Chicago Uo-
Tlio hill passed.
The house resolved itself Into a commlttco
of the whole to consider bills on general Illo.
A bill by Capek , providing for leave of ab
sence to employe * for the purpose of exercis
ing the right of suffrage , was tulicn up.
Fclker moved to BtnUo out of the penalty
clause the words fcTi nnd insert 25 cents.
[ Lutigbtor.j Tbo amendment was lost.
An amendment by Purncll making the flno
jot less th in ? Jo was adopted.
The bill was amended to make it applicable
fp all elections nnd lecommendcd for passage.
House roll KM , by Moan , providing that
Jlio governor nlonoshall hothobo.u-dof trans-
yortation , and have power to appoint thrco
leerotaries was taken ui > .
A long discussion followed over nn amend
ment that one secretary shall bo selected from
gacli of tlm tliico political parties.
liortiand did not beliovu iu centralizing
Porter thought the present board a lament-
nblo failure. Thu umendmcut wus stricken
out.Thosalnrles of the scci claries was fixed at
M.OOO each , and the bill recommended for
A bill Introduced by Ounnett to prevent
discrimination In llfo Insurnnco was also
under consideration.
"Watson failed to see the utility of this
measure. "What interest , " ho nskod , "has
the Roneral public In keeping up the rates on
lifo Insurance.1
White taid the bill was strongly opposed
by the llfo Insurance companies. They iiro
now conipolllng poor men to pay n much
higher rate on n policy of # 1,000 limn rich
men do on policies of $10,000.
Bortrand assorted th at the bill was intro
duced at tlio Instance of Insurance agents to
keep up rates and prevent competition , but
still lie thought It was a peed measure- and
worthy of support.
Watson ngain asserted that the bill was in
the Intelost of the llfo insurance companies
nnd should bo carefully investigated before
llnal action Is taken. The bill was postponed
for .further consideration.
The question of the foes of 4 cents per line
allowed county clerks for making out the tax
lists was under discussion , and a bill by
Sodcnnnn requiring them to account for
these fecsjlko all othcri , was debated at
length nnd laid over , also it bill reducing pas
senger fuio to 1 cents per mile.
Mr. Ncwberryoffcicd the following , which
was adopted :
Itcsolvud , That tlio stntooll inspector bo and
Is hereby requested to furnlsli this house ,
vltliout dvliiy , a statement of tlio amount of
oils Inspected : iml approved , amount lujcctocl.
amount of fees received , nniount of salaries
nnd expunges paid , nnd uiiinunt at oxccs-i
turned oM'i totho statetruiisurur slnco said
IntpPoUon law went Into effect. It any.
The sneaker appointed Wilson , McKesson
nnd White as n committee to attend the con
vention ut Galvestou iu accordance with the
memorial of the T.lncoln board of trado.
IIouSu adjourned till 10 n. in. tomorrow ,
11IK l\ ! > . \K
" \Vhnt Will Ho llequlri-tl the Next Twc
Vcnrsii ) Support Thmn ,
LivcoiA , NCD. , FeD. n. [ Special toTiii
BKR.J Among the unoxamlned reports of
superintendents of state institutions which
appear in the volume of the coinmlbslonor of
public lands and buildings is that of Or. Wil
kinson , the controlling mind of the Norfolk
hospltnlforthomsnno. Unlike that of Dr
Stone of Hastings asylum for incurables , it
does not point out the defects of the struc
ture nor the creation of another public ofllco.
It deals with facti of o routine character
which ttio members will rcadinTiii ! Hii : lun ;
before they will DO found In Mr. Steen's pitil
covered volumo.
Dr. Wilkinson says.that the last two year :
have been very successful ones In the histor ;
of the hospital. There have been no sorioii
accidents und no epidemic * with deadly ro
liUltS ,
Ho suggests that the number of attendant ;
nt the hospital bo Increased , There is nov
employed 0110 attendant for overv cloven pa
tlents , and the supcrintciulent Insists tlm
ono attendant should have charge of enl <
four patients. This change , ho claims , wouu
unable the attendant to give his personal cur. .
to each patient and atnuso or Instruct him
and thus promote his recovery ,
The doctor has insisted upon exercise , litho
the open nlr , of every patient physically abli
to walk. This exorcise can bo observed enl ;
by taking a walk mice or twice a day In coni
uany of their attendants. Uettor results , In
holds , would no doubt' ho obtained it tin
minds of thu patients could bo exercised a
well as the bodies. Ho claims also that Ugh
nnd pleasant tnochauical work would hi
gladly performed by the patients. Bu
there are no provisions for supplying thi
labor , and the suporlntendimt says that soun
provision should bo made to supply the dell
Ttio superintendent says tint the India
criminate visiting of insane hospitals , whicl
now obtains , ought to bo discontinued. Th <
patlcuts do not enjoy being gazed at au <
criticized and gossiped about any moro thin
sane people would. To bu made a show o
twice a week ho says Is extremely injurious
Whllo t no pre-ss , the clergy nnd the mcdlca
profession should at all times bo welcome tt
the asylum , the latter should always b
closed to the mcro slght-icor and morbldl'
curious who aie looking for bomotiiliig shock'
tug or hideous.
The number of patients the last year ha
Increased forty-four. At this rnto In twi
years the hospital will have 11U patients will
room for but 10) ) . Asa consenuuncnnn addl
( lonul wing or separate budding , to cost no
less than f 15,000 , should bo provided.
The KUiiCrintcnaont also asks for 210,00
With which to make a shaded lawn , which i
needed as u retreat for the patients on ho
do. vs.
The appropriation for the past two year
for board and clothing waif 10,000. With th
expected increase in the number ofhim.ittt
It Is thought V)7iVOO will bo required to sup
port the patients and thu oiiiplojos.
For employed wages the past two year
J30.000 have , with rigid economy , suftlcod.bu required for the next two jears.
For fuel nnd Unlit , $111,000 answered th
past term , Now $20,000 is sought ,
Olio thousand dollars is asked to roplac
brakcn und worthless funiituro. An oxtr
thousand Is demanded for general ropalt
nnd Improvomouts.
Dr. Wilkliuoii also asks for telephone nn
telegraph scrvlco and means to defray th
expense occasioned by the returning of pi
tleuta. lie asks also for a full supplv c
farm implements , ton milch cows , tlOC
with which to roninca the rickctv lee hous
wid $1,500 for a vegetable storeroom an
" 1'lm hosplUil u entlroly without protoi
tion In CMC of flro. The water supply In tha
building comes from tanks placed In the tow
ers , If hose should bo connected witti pi pel
In use It would bo nlmtat uiclcis for lire
lightingbecause the force would bo Insuf
ficient. " The superintendent wants n main
laid around thu building with hydrants at In
tervals and nn abundant supplv of hose at
tached to each. 'Ihis Improvement would
cost $ , ' ,000.
On n bask of 101 patients the ox pen so per
capita IsfcS.Sflpcr week. Not including the
salaries of oflleers the expense is $5.10 pur
feonntor Hwltzlcr Tnlltfl.
LIXCOI.V , Neb. , Fob. 3. [ Special to Tnr.
BKB.J ywltzler's resolution ugainst radical
changes In the financial laws was referred to
the committee on banks nnd currency nt ttio
requestor Snnntor Slovens , who wUljos to
get an tsxpresslon from his people on thnt
subject. The senator from Lincoln will leave
In n foxv days for Ogalnlla to attend the irri
gation convention called for February 10.
" convention , " ho snld in conversa
tion , "there Hill bo delegates from twenty or
thirty of the western counties. They will bo
representative men , nnd I wish to consult
with them to got nt the sentiment of the pee
ple. From letters received I have been led
to think that their viowsaro changing some
what. Now my opinion about taxing mort
gages agrees with that of Tin : HER ns ox-
proved in nn editorial in Its Sunday issuo.
Such n law would result in the lender In
creasing the interest or commission on lis }
loan suDlciently tomnkoup for the tax. It
would lessen general taxation and benefit the
man who doesn't have to borrow. The nnrty
whom the law is intended to benefit , the man
who is compelled to borrow , would not bo
benefited and might oven bo a llttlo worse off
because of It.
"I feel about a usury law as I do about n
prohibitory law. If it doesn't ' prohibit whut
good Is ill Thus far no usury law bus boon
devised that will prevent usury. I think
there is only ono way of reaching thnt ovll.
Thnt is n statute to override the common law
rule which protects the innocent purchaser
of a note froma dcfonso of fraud or usury In
enforcing its collection. Such nUw would
have to bo Kcnernl and would apply to n vast
amount of qogotlnblo paper now used In
commercial transactions. 1 am not very
clear ns to the effect such n measure would
ha\c on the business Interests of the state.
Wtdlo I think it would reach the usury ovll
It might cause a dlstmbancoin commercial
affairs that would overbalance its merits in
other directions. That is a matter I would
like to see discussed in the newspapers , by
writers with the ability and exporlcnco to
spc.Ut by authority.
"I ( im Inclined to think It would bo unwise
to pass nu enactment extending stays of exe
cution , though It might afford tomporniy re
lief. The rates of interest nro fair enough
ns they are. In discussing these matters the
inhabitants do not understand iu how dc-
plorablon position our people out west nro.
A drowning man catches at straws , A people
ple overwhelmed with financial burdens may
ask for extreme measures In the hope of Im
mediate relief for the time being , These
matters have been discusscu more fully of
Into , both in tlio papers nnd among Individ
uals , und I think I sco n more moderate tone
in the demands of the people. In my cnni-
patgn I rode ovni- great part of western No-
braska. I believe 00 per cent of the
farms and teams in that suction are under
moitgage , nnd three-quarters of that money
has been consumed. There is the direst dis
tress all over that section , and thousands are
on the verge of starvation. My chief con
cern is to afford some measure of
relief for the thousands who are
virtually bankrupt. It may require
laws that will seem radical to the people In
western Nobiaskn , but if they really under
stood the desperate straits of our poonloout
west they would bo moro lenient nnd more
Justin their Judgment.
"I realize Unit wo nro beginning at the
wrong cud of the trouble. .Money is subject
to the law of supply und demand. If there
were moro in circulation it would not bo so
scarce nnd interest would not bo as high.
The government doesn't cheese to issue
enough to relieve our necessities , nnd the
people nro clamoring for the legislature to do
something. The problem is to find out what
thnt something shall be.
To Gnrnislioo Ton 1'or Cont. of
LINCOLN , Neb. , Fob. 3. ( Special to Tun
BEE , ] Representatives of the Nooraska
Stale- Business Mcns' association nro on hand
with a bill to make an Important change In
thogarnlsncolaw.'They are backed by a
largo share of the retail merchants of the
stnto. Tbo bill propose * to amend section
531 of the code of civil procedure to road as
follows :
Section Kit A , The wasos of laborers , me
chanics or clerks who are hoiulsnt families. In
the hands of tnoso by whom such lulwrors.
nu'i'linnlcs or clerks niny ho employed , both
hofoio und aftorsiu'h waitus shall he due. shall
ho oinpl fiom thtopuratlonof attachment ,
ovetitltm or guriilslipit protest ; Provided ,
That not moro than llfty dollars ( toO ) shall
liumempt. 1'rovlilcd further , That when in
iinv of tin ) courts of this state an action shall
bunroiiKlit to recnuir for necessaries , anl tlio
plulntIK reeou'rs u Judgment therein , nn ex
ecution reciting that such facts appear In the
petition or bill of particular.- , , may thereupon
bo Issued ngalnbt 11 per centum of the wngcs ,
sal iry , liicomu r proilts of the Judgment ,
debtor , which It .lieu clue , or which the Judg
ment debtor shall thereafter bo earn In ? , or
wlmm shall thereafter Im earned and beeomo
duo to said Judgment debtor. The sheriff , con-
wtnlilu , marshal orotherolllcer.recelvJnKsnch
execution shall immediately thereafter ox-
Inhlt It to thu person or persons um-
plojItiR the judgment di'btor , or the per
son or pei'ionH piiyln1. the judpnunt
debtor his salary , wages , income , or
p roll Is. nt the sumo time leaving a no-
tleo that the levies on 10 per cuntum of the
\\nijes , Hilary , Income or profits of the ludK-
ineiit debtor , then due. or which shall there
after bo continually earned by tlio said judg
ment debtor , or which shall tlicio.if tor bo
earned und bncotnoduu to the judgmoiit deb-
tur , until the said execution nnd the expense
of the levy ha\u liten balMlcdnnd paid. The
liwv KOiimdoslmll ho a valid continual levy
on 10 ocr cuntum of the money wliloh. with
out bald levy , would Jiuvo been imid to the
judgment debtor by the person or persons KO
notilliMl. and shall continue until the uteou-
tlon anil the uxpeiiM ) of the levy th.Ul have
been fully paid and cmtlslled. No more than
three executions o ( this description shall be
allowed diirlnc the s.imo thno tualiist the
judgment debtor. Provided fiutlicr , Thnt
nothing In this net shall bo so construed as U
protect the irngrB. snlurv , Inronio or proflls ol
any persons who huve absconded or left. 01
nro about to absrond or leave this state , from
the provisions of the lavts now in force on that
subject. _ _ _ _ _ _
oiiml Su < ; ra < ; o to Women.
LINCOLN' , Neb. , Fe-o. il. [ Special to Tin
Bi.E.J The house commlttco on miscellan
eous subjects mot this morning to considei
the bill granting municipal suffrage tx
women. Mrs. M. 0. Upton , Mrs. Smith anil
Mrs. Kldredgo appeared on behalf of tin
Equal Suffrage association , nnd each ad
dressed the committee- . They made the usun
arguments in favor of the mo.miro that arc
daily heard from woman sulTrago advocates ,
Messrs. McCutfheon , the chairman , am
Ounnolt ( Ind , ) , Taylor of Uutler ( hid. ) am
( jifford ( rep , ) voted to report the bill bacl
with the recommendation "that it do pass.1
Messrs. Stewart ( ind. ) , Hall ( dcm. ) nut
Mathowson ( dam. ) will lllo n minority rcpor
nnd recommend that the bill "bo indollmtol :
postponed. " *
The teports will bo handed in during tin
morning -session , and u lively time is nutlci
patcil ,
Mr. Faxon ( rep. ) of Gage , nnd McCutchcoi
( ind , } nnd Gunnett ( Ind. ) will champion tin
bill , while the opponents of the measure will
be led by White of Uass. The defeat of thi
bill is a'forogono conclusion.
Uttloor No ltd Id'from Congrcai.
LINCOLV , Kob. , Tob. a. [ Special to Tin
Biif.J Whan tko memorial to congress ask
ing for $1,000,000 for the Nebraslti
drouth sufferers was opposed on tha groutu
thnt it would not help the delegation iu cou
gress , who were already at work for nn op
propriatloa , but would give the state an un
doslrablo advertisement , the Independent
felt bitterly indignant. The scorned to thlnl
the opposition a bit of bard hearted parti
Long before the memorial jmsod ttio sen
nto the congresspien-olcct Blurted for Wusn-
ington to urge congress to make the dealro <
appropriation. Now comes Mr. VT. A. Alt
Kolghaii with n confession of failure ns pro
dieted. Under tlute of January 2 $ horot <
from Washington to the stnto relief committee
too , nnd lui letter was transmittoi
by Secretary L > P. Ludeen to tbo lo
islature this morning. It Is as follows
"I wish to snv that I am satlsflod that th
aniount of 4ilil from congress will bo small , i
nnj thing (3 ( given. I regret this exceedingly
but I wish yea to Inform the members of th
legislature ) In order that they may bo pro *
pared to meet the demands of the needy nnd
deserving people of the west. Do not under
stand -by this t nut wo will in any wny relax.
our efforts , but I assure you that u a \\lll
present this matter on Saturday and do all In
our power to succeed. "
Olllclnl Itrport of the War.
LINCOI.X , Neb. , Foo. a. [ Special to Tun
B6K.-Uencrnl L.V. . Colby Is nt the st.ito
house today and brings a dotnilod reiwrt of
Iho Into campaign of the Nebraska , national
guards. With it nre nil general and special
orders and n rnnp of the Held of war , showing
the location of nil the mllitln companies en-
gngcd. One of the companies was stationed
within three miles of the \Vounuutl Knee
battle-field , ( loncrnl Colbv also brings nc\vs
of the death of Captain , T. S. Hodges froni
typhoid pneumonia , resulting from exposure
in the cuuulin. : [ The deceased had been
ordered to report at l lncoln today to tnalto
npa detailed stiitcniont of the expenses of
the recent movement of troops , but do died nt
Ins homo in Shelton lustniulit. Hevas brigade -
ado commissary nnd ser/lnglils second term.
Ho was a union soldier and leaves a wife und
LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. . Special to Tun
BKB. ] The secretary of s.ato reports that
copies of ttio laws of 1 839 can be had for S',50
Tlio sennte committee on enrolled nnd en
grossed bills settled n very grave question of
stnto today. A. Mr. Ilralnard was elected
ctcrltoftho committee early in the session.
Subsequently Chairman Taylor apj > olntod n
Mr. Loomls as chief cleik. The two clerks
have been quarreling as to which was the
superior hi authority , nnd it took a meeting
of the committee to restore peace nnd hnr-
moiry. It was accomplished by displacing n
lady and ruakinp Mr. Bratimrd assistant
chief clerk with full charge of the room in
the absence of Mr. Loomls.
Ono senator uas received a letter from a
constituent saying : "D u the contest.
SenU us seed nnd feed. "
Hepi-esontativo Wlsncr of Richardson is
suffering from n severe att.ick of the grlppo ,
but Is reported as gradually Improving , and
will DO in his scat again m a few days.
Mr. Arnold of Oago is on the sick list , but
is rapidly convalescing.
The entire calendar has been cleared of
bills nnd commendable progress is being
made in legislation , The only danger now is
that bills will bo rushed through without
due consideration.
Appropriations for Public Itulldltigs
all Over t ic Country.
WASIIIXOTOV , Feb. 3. The sundry civil
bill was reported to the liouso this afternoon.
3t carries nn appropriation of $31,212,070.
There ) Is nn Increased appropriation of $1,743-
ll'J for public buildings as compared with the
appropriation for the current fiscal year.
Under the bead of appropriations for public
buildings are the following : Ashland , Wis. ,
$70,000 , ; Aurora , 111. , SI5.000 : Burlington , la ,
S70.000 . ; Bloomlngton , 111. , $ " > ,00a ; Beatrice ,
Neb. , 800,000 ; Cedar H.iplds , la. , $70,000 ;
Chicago , custom house and sub-treasury repairs -
pairs , $ . " 0,000 ! world's Columbian exposition
( tocoinpluto building ) , (00,00(1 ( ( ; Davenport ,
la. , $100.000 ; Danville , 111. , $100,000 ; Fre
mont , Neb. , fcn.OOO ; Fort Dodge , la. , ? ! 5,0l > 0 ;
Onlcaburg. 111. , MO.OOO ; Kansas City. Mo. ,
? riOOOOOj Uock Island , III. S7.-.000 ; Sioux
1-Vills - , S. D. , $75,000 ; Sioux Cltyk , § 125,000 ;
Sheboygnn , Wis. , > 0,000.
Other items of Interest la the bill are :
he world's exposition government exhibit ,
$3.10,000 ; miscellaneous expenses , $153,000 ;
lady managers , $ .V,000 ) ; enforcement alien
contract labor laws , $90,000 ; cu forcemeat of
, hc Chinese act , ? ( X,000 ) ; surveys of public
amis , $300,000 ; Calvcston li.irbor , 8000,000 ;
{ lay lake channel , Michigan. S.100,000 : St.
Mary's river , Michigan , $ CX)0,000 ) ; Chlcu-
mauga national park , $200,000 ; soldiers'
homes , { 500,000.
The I'ltbllu Debt titn'omcm.
WASIIINOTOX , Fob. 3. Following Is the
public debt statement :
Aggregate of interest-bearing debt , exclu
sive of United States bonds Issued to Pacific
railroads , $017,145,750 ; debt on which Interest
has ceased since maturity , 21,071 695 ; aggre
gate of debt bearing no Interest , including na
tional bank fund , deposited In the treasury
n July , 1880. ? 90,40J,753 : nggrogato of
certificate * offset bv cosh in treasury ,
* 5'il003,373 ; ggregato of debt including
certificates and notes January 31 , ISUi ,
81,544,077,351 ; decrease of bonded debt during
the month.l,0 ! > 3)70 ! ) ; total cash in treasury ,
$0'J3OS2,80 { ; debt less cash in treasury Jnu-
uurv 81 , 181)1 ) , S'jW.ritl.'i.Oiri ; debt loss cash
in tlio treasury on December 30 , 1890 , ? 8B2-
430,541 , ; not of decrease debt during the
month , $15,835,400.
Fire nt Mcdinpolis.
MnrjliPor.19 , la. , Feb. ! i. The general store
of L. M , McClure , together with two houses ,
burned this morning. Loss , § 25,000 ; insur
ance , § 19,000.
Sioux City HK'iiliic Players.
Sionx CITT , In. , Fob. 8. ( .Special Tele
gram to THE BEn.J The Sioux City man
agement ts uiguing players for the coming
baseball season. Billy Earlo has been signed.
All of last year's team are released except
Crossley , Genius , JJlack , Strauss and Knp-
Full Urotfier-to Axtell Born.
IXDnrE.vnF.NCB , la. , Feb. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BEE. ] Lou , dam of Axtell ,
pave birth this morning to a horse , foal by
"William L , thus malting the youngster a full
brother -Axtell and consequently worth a
small fortune. The infant will probably bo
named "Dowtell. " C. W. "Williams owns a
half interest In the .colt. '
A nihzard ntlMnsmi City.
MASOX CmIu. . , Feb. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKK.I A severe blizr.ird sot in
here at 10 o'clock this morning. Hoports re
ceived from cast nnd west on the Milwaukee
road indicate that the storm Is general
throughout the northern part of the state.
The snow fell to a depth of twelve inches
nnd it looks ns If a general blizzard was upon
Suurenio Court DcciMnns.
Drs MOINES. la. , Feb. ! ) . [ Special Tele
gram to THE Ben. ] Tha supreme court filed
the following opinions today ,
Eliza Francis vs. H. Lltchfleld , axocution ,
appellant.Vebstordlstrict ; nfllrmod.
O. W. Gilbert , appellant , vs. D. C. Miller ,
Ulaok Hawk district ; anlrtned.
( iuorpo C. Hall vs. M. li. Loughlm , ap
pellant , Boone district ; dismissed.
( ieorge G. Hull vs G , II. Walsh et al , ap
pellant. Hoonc district ; ntllrmcd.
Martin steam feed cooker company , appel
lant. vs 13. S. Olive , Uuthriu district ; re
Jacob Wolf , appellant , vs Mary Madnn ,
Vim Burcn district ; afllrmed. llobbs vs Iowa mutual benefit associa
tion , appellant , JDosMoincb district ; affirmed.
Trouble Hotwooii Ijlqitor Men.
Sioux CITV , la , Feb. 3.-Spoclal | Tele
gram toTuuBuK.l D.V. . Lewis , represen
tative of Dillon & Co. , of Omaha , wholesale
dealers , today swore out warrants against
Pnul Leader and eight other liquor dealers
hero. Sorao time ago Lewis sold to Leader
? 5,000 worth of liquors. $1,200 being
paid down and the balauco on sight
drafts. All was paid except flOO ,
which Leader claims Lewis owed for a gam
bling debt. The warrants sworn out by
Lewis this morning wcro annulled by the
court , thereupon Lewis took out search war
rants agalust Loader and elRht wins xy sell
ers who buy stock of tiiin. These nro being
borved tonighi. In the meantime Louder has
begun a prosecution against Lewis for viola
tion of the federal revenue laws.
Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh , Uco bldg.
The Cold tinup Widespread.
Sr. PAUL , Fob. 3. Last night nil over the
jnorthwest and in this city the mercury was
from 10 ° to SO9 below zero , and this morn
ing it was about 7 = below.
KT. Louis , Mo. , Fob. 3. The cold wave
reached hero this morning and the thermom
eter was around the zero mark. A light snow
1ms fallen.
Ciucioo , Fob. n , Today was the coldest ot
the winter thus far , the thermometer having
marked 2 = below zero ate thla morning. At
10 this morning it had rlseu to U3 above.
Western Eoid | Detetmina That tbo Broker )
Wiist Go.
An KIToi t to "llevtvo the Antl-I'ms AN-
Huulntlmvnlli A ILustlo I'.n-
CHICAGO , Fob. n. [ Special Telogr.xm to
Tin : Dun. J The Western Passenger a socln-
tlon nnd the passenger department of the
Central Tr.iulc association each considered
today the question of abolishing unlimited
tlcltoU. Some of the roads have boon to the
pilnsof securing flguios on the loss to rail-
loads occnsloned by unlimited ttcltots , nnd
to total was nn astounding one. It was
llgured that the loss was pretty accurately
gauged by the profits of the scalpers , which
wore over half n million dollars la Chicago
nlono lust year , Throughput the United
States n conservative estimate of the loss is
$ . 1,000,000. It was agreed this amount eoula
bo saved by abolishing nil unlimited
tickets nnd limiting stopovers In
any case to twenty-four hours
Tlio only real argument against the change
was Us revolutionary chnwetcr , but in both
associations it wus determined , If possible , to
strike this death blow to the scnloors. The
consultation today extended to a considera
tion of a nuw form of limited tickets , and the
p.isscngor men of the strong lines nro confi
dent the uow dcp irturo will come to pass.
GOXV lti\'OM >
The AVesterii Aiid-I'nss Association
Cnnnot Ho HcMiiBcitntca.
Cuiaao , fob. 3. [ Special Telegram , to
THE BEU.I The railway press bureau
savs : "Tlio Now Vork financial men back
of the "Western Traftlo association nro
troubled over the collapse of the anti-pass
agreement. It was considered a strong
ndjunct to the association , as It
\vns the strongest possible moans to prevent
demoralization of rates. Besides thnt forty-
clglit roads signed the anti-pass agreement ,
wluln only fifteen so far hnvo signed that of
the \Vestorn Trnfllo association. The finan
cial men met last night in New York nnd
ngreed that the best plin for re-forming the
agreement would bo to adopt President Man
uel's ' proposition to put the wbolo matter in
the hands of Chairman \Volltor of the WesU
crn TrafUc association.
"The Now York people thereupon wired
Chairman Walker to take thenocossniy stops.
Ho immediately called a meeting of thcexccu-
live committee , who with Chairman St..Tohu .
met in Mr. "Walker's ofllco this morning.
The conference was n long one. nnd at Us end
It was practically determined that It was im
possible to reorganize. 'Iho general senti
ment was voiced by Mr. St. John , who said :
'So many of the roads have now issued their
trunsportatidii to shippers that it will bo im
possible to recall it. Gonseiiuently the asso
ciation cannot bo reorganized. ' "
After Southwestern IJusliicss.
CHICAGO , Feb. K. \ Special Telovram to
TUR Bnn. ] Chairman MIdgloy has sent to
the nine roads interested the figures on the
trafllc subject to the Southwestern pool. The
pool itself has now collapsed , none of the
lines obeying orders to divert traffic nnd
even up according to the percentages agreed
on by the chafrman. The total traflio in-
volod wa 1W,8 Rears. Of this the Atchison
took 22 per contt-thjo Burlingtott and Alton
each 14 , the Wqbash 10 , the St. Paul mid
Hpck Island each 9. the Missouri I'ncllic and
the Fort Scott o ehi , and tbo Kansas City 5.
Each of the roads | $ svuow scrambllnstufor
nil the business in slchi. . . In order
thnt their Janunryiaii FobruaV gM-cs may
servo as a basis for la/gor percel ; yStdcfr
the commissioners pf the Western Traflio
association begin pooling the business m
The estimated gross earnlnea for January
of the Ko'jk Island system reflects the uni
versal scarcity -of traflle. It shows au esti
mated total of gross earnings of ? 1,097,480..Hi ' ,
n decrease as compared \vlthJanuaryoflast
year of 953'JSS.Tfl. Pos.enger cainlugs by ali
lines are showing increases , the decrease
being entirely in freight.
Tlie Oiniilia Kinbroullu.
CIIICAOO , Fob. 3. President Cable of the
Uock Island will go to Omaha tomorrow to
take a personal survey of the situation as af
fected by the refusal of the Union Pacific to
allow his road to run trains Into Omaha.
I3oth ho and President Miller of the Pt. Paul
nro reticent as totho future course in the
matter , but it is learned that there is be
tween them somewhat of a diflerenco of opin
ion. The Rock Island people , it is said , in
cline to the view that Jay Could will win on
tbo plea of tbo contiact being made
without consulting the government dl-
lectors of the Union Pacific. The St. Paul
oflleiuls , It Is said , express coufidenco in the
ability of their company to establish the val
idity of contract. Disinterested parties only
aoo In this mix-up the gradual development
of ono of Gould's deep laid plots by which ho
intends to acquire complete control of the
western railroad situation and secure for the
roads in which ho is directly interested tbo
lion's share of business.
A. Villaid Deal.
NuwYomc , Fob. 3. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Bnn.J It was announced today that
Henry Villard had ploscd negotiations for
the sale of $10,000,000 bonds of the Cuicngo Ss.
Northern Pacific which recently acquired
title to the Wisconsin Central terminal. The
proceeds of the sale , ills stated , will bo used
in paying olt the Heating debt then con
AVoiiliI Vote lor Anything.
Toi'EKA , ICan. , Fob. 3. In the house the
sonuto concurrent resolution requesting the
Kansas congressional delegation to work for
the Conger lard bill was amended by striking
out the Conger bill nnd endorsing the Pad
dock pure food bill , gpcukor Elder , In talk
ing on the matter , dedarod the farmer dele
gates who went to Ocala wore wined and
dined by the cotton seed oil men until they
were ready to vote for any resolutiou.
StudentKoldlorH llcvolr.
CHAMPAIGN , 111. , f ob , 3. About twenty of
ficers of the batbiliou at the university of
Illinois are being Irica by the faculty for unmilitary -
military conduct'lu' frofuslng to talco their
companies to chdfcl exercises this morning ,
nnd urdes.3 they aclsvowlcdgo their wrong it
is prooiblo nil \vlll' be expelled. They de
mand the reinstatement of Captain Miller ,
icmoved recently uocauso his grade in study
wus not up to requirement ,
ForPtoh/U ) ; ? Own Km ) .
LIMI , O. , Fob , , , aj' Spccial Tolograra to
THE Bui : . ] Dr.oHenry Sampsell was a
druggist in the village of Hloomville. This
morning ho complained that ho was not
feeling well , anu\.til&ough ' ) suffering from no
serious body pJin/predicted that ho would
die before night.'JIr6 ' ulod at cloven minutes
after 1 o'clock p.'m ; Tuero worn no symp
toms of poisoning.
HIIOW Dloukiulo on the K. & li. H.
KKAIIXEV , Neb. , Feb. 8.-Specinl [ Telegram -
gram to THE BBE. ] The Kearney & Black
JIUla passenger train arrived hero late lids
evening , after being out three whole days.
The recent enow storm was very disastrous
to'trnftlo on this lino.
COI.UMIIUS , O. , Fob. : r. The republican
members of the legislature have signed a
communication to President Harrison sug
gesting ox-Uovornor Foster of Ohio as u
proper person to bo appointed secretary of
the treasury , _ _ _
Tlioy "VVimtTh'Jil1
LH-AVETTE , [ lid , , Feb. a. The conductors ,
brakemea nnd switchmen on this division of
ho Loutavllla. Now Albany & Chicago , about
1 fly In number , refused to work boemno
lir-y did not receive pay for December. No
reight trains were inorod today , The money
s expected tomorrow and will cud the
_ _
fuolii n 'J rouble' .
L.AUUOJSK , "WIs. , Feb. n. A. F. Brewer ft
Co. , dry goods , assigned toilav. ' Liabilities
exceed 820.WO : nsset , f ir.,000.
AVnr Department to llo
Cnrol'ullv Investluntnil.
1-iOMiox , Fob. ! ) . [ Special Cablegram to
Pun lii ) : : . ] In iho house of commons today
Hr. Lowther isnvo notice of n motion request-
ng the go\onimont to take Immediate meas-
nio to promote the formation of protcrcntu
iscnl relations between Great Hrituln and
icr colonies , Duron Henry do Worms , under
colonial secretary , sthld that the question \\ns
receiving consideration and that the govern
ment recognized the urgency of the matter ,
Mr. Majorlbunks moved ttio appointment of
a commission to examine the new tnngazlno
rillo mid the reason for IU adoption , Mr.
landbury condemned' ttio system by which
ho now rlllo system was introduced , llo
said that out of thirteen patents connected
vith the rille , one ofllclal held ten In his own
mine. The basis necessarily was not an
solntcd inquiry ns to how the rlllo was
idopted , but reform in the wnr ofllco. Ho
horcforo moved nn amendment that n com-
ulssion to Inquire into the mcro details of
the military administration ivns undesir
able as weakening the full responsibility
of the oflleials who recommended the rlllo.
After n sharp deb.Uo , In which the war oflleo
wni severely critlciscii , the amendment was
carried by a vote of lei to 71.
A motion by Sir Mlctnel nicies-Beach ,
irosident of the board of trade , to appoint a
select committee to inquire into the question
of legislative restriction of the working hours
of railway servants was agiced to.
Mr. Nolan ( nationalist ) moved that the
iperatlon of the icllof works act bo extended
: oGalwayand Mayo. Mr. Madden , attorney
'oncrid for Ireland , promised that Mr. Hal-
four , the chief secretary for Ireland , would
make a statement ou "tho subject before
Largo Ilopnbllcnii Gains and I'rotoc-
UoiiNtN' Great Strcngt'i.
MADRID , Fob. .1. [ Special Cablegram to
Tun IJni : . ] A feature of Sunday's election
is the great strength of the republican vote
! u the towns. Five great towns returned re
publicans by largo majorities. Although Mnd-
rid , Barcelona , Saragossn , Seville and Cadiz
returned conservatives , the votes obtained by
the two rival republican sections would have
sufllced , if combined , to defeat the inonurch-
ists in S.iragosca and Barcelona. In Valencia
the republicans received moro votes than the
llbera's , in spite of the abstention of the so
The conservatives elected nro chiefly pro
tectionists. The total protectionist vote in
the houbo is estimated ntliOO , and the free
trade vote at barely seventy.
Ilnrd Tunes in Jannn.
SAX FiiASCisto , Feb. ft. Advices from
Japan by the steamship Gaelic tonight say
the silk trade is in n very bad way. Last years'
tosses to merchants were over 5yo,000,000 and
according to present appearances the losses
will continue some time yet.
There is a serious state of affairs in Slam ,
owing to the failure of the rico crop.
The Mercantile Ga/etto of Yokohama says
that unless ctllcicnt measures are taken to
meet the emergency , rebellion and riot by the
starving unemployed , followed by nn epi
demic will surely ho the order of the day.
A serious earthquake was felt in Java ,
December 12 , the town of .loann being terri
bly damaged ; twelve people killed audseven-
tcea injured. _
In thu Ilotchstujj.
BERLIN , Foo. 3. In the reiclistatt today ,
icplylng to a question as to the action of the
police of Hohokoa. N. J. , iu arresting cor-t
tnlnXDeu of the Nnrth Gorman Lloyd stenm-ll
er Elbe , tbo secretary of state for foreign'
affairs said the United States government
was investigating , and a satisfactory settle
ment undoubtedly would bo reached. The
report from Major Wlsmanu was laid on the
table. It states that Einiu Pnshu's expedi
tion had been on several occasions In a criti
cal condition. In the battle fought near
Idabura 173 hostlles were killed or severely
\\ouiided und the expedition lost six nieu.
Hu-lr Foiled I'lniiN. 1 *
OroitTo , Fob. 0. It is now stated that
fifty persons were killed nnd two injuiod in
a light following the recent revolt here. An
effort was made to Involve the Portugese
navy In the revolution. Tvo sergeants of
marines wcio endeavoring to Incite the crew
of the government corvette lying outside of
Oporto to mutiny and scizo the ship. One of
the insurcont leaders declared it was their
intention to sack Oporto and shoot all the
Another Hitch.
Loxnox , Fob. 3 , The Times says Parnell
had another conference with Dillon and
O'Brien yesterday. Humors of n hitch 'in
ttie negotiations nro rifo. The Parncllltcs
declare the Hcaloyitos insisted uppn Parnoll's '
retirement , while the Hcaloyites assert that
Pnriiell declines to accept any Oradstoniiiu
assurances unless put In writing , a condi
tion which the ( Jladstonians would not
accept. _
LONDONFeb. . 3 , The funeral of Charles
Bradlaugh took place todav at Working
Surrey. Over fifteen hundred people came
from London by special trains to bo present.
Many , as if to cmphoslzo Bmdlaugh's lust
wishes to the effect that no signs of mourn
ing were to bo displayed , were colored ribbons
bens around their hats.
. Short ol' Coal.
Losnox , Fob. 3. The state line steamer ,
State of Alabama , from Glasgow January 14 ,
for Kcw York , returned to Quoenstown
today , short of coal. The steamer had ex- "
perlenced terrible gales during wnlch slio
wus greatly damaged aua everything movable
curried away.
Polities In Itnly.
ROME , Fob. 8. King Humbert has sum
moned Zunnrdolli , Crispls minister of Justice ,
to form a cabinet. Dr. Hudlnl has abandoned
the task.
Kailroud U'reclc In Frnneo.
PAIUB , Feb. 3. One passenger was killed
ana twenty were injured by the derailment
of a train between Donni and Paris this
Annual Address of Mayor Gushing
Kontl Last Kvenliii ; .
The janitor of the board of trade building
was oft duty last night and when the city
council mot the mercury in the thermometer
in the council room was searching for the
zero markr.
The llftccn members present sat nround
inuflled up m their great coats while Mayor
Gushing read Ins annual address. Tins was
thu chief business of the session , 'J he ad-
dn.'is is a lengthy one and contained a liberal
synopsis of tlio reports of all of the city otll-
Kepresontatlvo Stornsdorff presented a
communication from the Douglas county del-
egatlon rccommrndidg that ttio proposed
amendment to thu charter , requiring the
county commissioners to spend " 5 per cent of
the road fund within the city limits , bo
stricken out.
Ttio recommendation was opposed by
nearly every councilman present and was
finally referred to a eommUtco of live , con-
sluing of Messrs , Osthoff , Chaffce , Bcchcl ,
Morearty and Cooper , to confer with the
county commissioners nnd effect some settle-
niciitby which the commissioners would not
oppose the amendment ! ) ! the legislature ,
The item of 0,141.71 , awarded in the last
appropriation ordinance , to C. 12 , Fanning ft
Co. for work oa the North Omaha sewer , wus
vetoed by tlio mayor , The veto was sus
tained and the Item referred to the com
mittee on Judiciary.
Tha council adjourned until this evening.
Af f fell
His Never Failing Appetite tbo Ctiuso of all
His Frcsott Trouble ,
Ho ig Satisfied the Affair * ol'tho Ie-
luirlmcnt Are IIonoHlly Adminis
tered nnd Illumes C <
Next to the IndliuiH.
New York , Fob. . ) . ( bpcctnl Telegram to
Tun BKB.I In its Washington corresponu-
cnco the World has a two-column interview
with President Harrison on the recent Indian
outbreak nnd the complaints made by the
hostiles. Among other things the president
Is quoted assaying :
"Sotno of Iheso grievances nro real , some
nro imaginary and some nro the Inevitable
consequences of our form of goveinment.
Tbc bison anil elk hnvo vanished from the
plains nnd thus the great national larder of
the Sioux has boon emptied , but no legisla
tive net caused or can remedy that. Tlio In
dian h natur.illy Improvident. H will
gorge himself and his family today
until his skin nnd their skins nro
bursting. Ho will cat ten days' ' rations in
In ono nnd then complain because a fresh
supply Is not forthcoming the Instant his
nppotlto beckons , In past years lie has often ,
no doubt , boon robbed by cattle kings , by
ugcnts and by truuers precisely us the army
during wnr was robbed. Then soldiers got
paper shoes and shoddy o\ercoats. The In
dian has often received poor clothing und
moldy rations.
"But I do not believe the Indians nro rob
bed today. When I entered upon my public-
duties certain men were recommended for
removal. The causes assigned would hnvo
icmovcd them under the civil service rnlo
Incomputcucy , immorality or dishonesty.
They were immediately removed and their
places filled by men recommended by authori
ties who were in a position-to know. Politi
cal or partisan reasons had nothing to do
with It. Some of tlio new appointees proved
hipuleient and were at once dismissed ,
whether Senator or Ucprcscntntlvo So-and-
So objected or not.
"I have no doubt the Indian thinks ho is
robbed , because by Saturday he forget" thiit
on the previous Monday ho ate tils entire
week's rations. Also , ho does not compre
hend why hii supplies are cut down and de
layed. That is not my fault , nor the
fault of the secretary of ihe interior nor
that of the commissioner of Indian affairs.
Congress does the cutting down of which
the Indian complains and the wisdom or
folly of this is beyond ray control. I do
know , however , that the moment congress
npproprintcs money , however much or little ,
every dollar of II is applied to the Indian's
wants , and the entire machinery of the In
dian department is put in swift motion to get
supplies out ns soon as possible. But mouths
or perhaps years hnvo elapsed since the
treaty was made and the Indian complaint
that the department has acted in bad faith.
The department has been in no wise to
" 1 am entirely satisfied with the present
administration of IndLin affairs. It is thor-
ougly honest nnd intelligent and no complaint
Tins Wen ( iivcn ngiiliist it during tno lusU
two , Tcars that has not nt once received
prompt attention , and tbo cause has been re
moved. " _ _
The Kulltlin < > s to Ho Itomovoil.
CHICAGO , Fob. H. Property owners on
Michigan nvenuo filed another bill in the cir
cuit court today to restrain ttio world's Co
lumbian exposition from creetimr buildings
on the lake front until the decree has been
entered providing for the removal of the
structures after the close of the fair. Tlio
exposition compnuj answered immediately ,
they had no objection to such a provision ,
uud Judge Tuloy entered thodusiicd decree
providing for the removal after the fair of all
buildings except the nrt building , which is
designed to bo potmancnt.
Figuring on
Feb. 3. The post few days
all the gun stores In the city have been mak
ing lltrures on 5,00. ) boxes of cartridges in
view of a prospective purchaser who turns
out to bo Major Charles MiicNntnara , the ex-
fonian ofllrer who with Captain Charles
Waters and Captain Thomas Pucliin , recently
proposed raising troops for Guatemala.
Alajor MaaNaniura Is acting under instruc
tions which ho Intimates comes from the
Guatemalan government or the insurgents.
Cali for ilia's Appropriation.
SACIIAMKMO , Cala. , Fob. 3. The bill pro
viding nn appropriation of $3uOOOOfor Cali
fornia's exhibit at the world's fair passed Its
third reading in the assembly with an amend
ment restricting California's commissioners
to & 300 each.
_ _
Ono Killed and l-ivo liijureil.
MAUI.I.V , Tex. , Fob. 3. Last night u hand
car was run do\vn by a freight train and ono
man was cut to pieces , while five o'thors
were badly injured.
" flcauly without gract
Is a hook without a halt. " That's wlmt
the French think. Whether U bo true-
or not , there are ninny American women
who do not even possess tht hank beau
ty and attractiveness nre denied tlivrn.
Why ? Hccanso they're languid , crosa
and irritable. They know not \\lint
it is to be without pnlti or discomfort
Lair the time.
That'll It ; sutler In fllcncu misun
derstood when thcie'-i a remedy Dr.
Tierce's Favoiite Prescription at liaiul
that Isn't an experiment , but which In
sold , by druggists , under tlio guarantee
that il you are disappointed Iu iiny
way with It , you got votir money Luck
by applying to its makers.
A sljriml. service to wv k womenklnd
Is the Audlm ; of lost licallli the buildIng -
of ' ' run-down " Nothing
Ing up a - FVBtom.
ing does U so iniely at tlio "Fiivoiito
1'reficilptlon. " None like It !
For overworked , debilitated women ,
teachers , milliners , seamstresses , "shop
girls , " minting mothers on auU all &r
cured by It ,
All our blackblue and brozvn
beaver and chinchilla over
coats that we have always
sold for $ r2 } this week $6.50.
All our $25 overcoats for
Our $3 , $6 and $7pants
marked down for this wedk ,
to $3 and $4.25.
All pants worth less than
$5 , go at $2.2S-
Cor. i th & Farnain.
U i
& <
f i