OMAHA PAIJjV BJflJfl : MO DAir , l EBKTJARY 2 , IbUl. . 8PEGIHL NDT1GE& "X DVEIITISEMENTS for thtio columtwIU /Vto tuk n until 1230 p.m. , tor thteronlnf edition and until 8:31 : p. in , for th nornlng edition and BUNUAr IUc. rpEUMS-Cosh lii adranco. * OATKS-AdTcrtieDicnt.ion ! thli pmg * will bo J-Vchnrzcd forst llioratoof IVioentpor word tor tlio fimt Injertlon nnrt 1 cent per word for yxch niibsvoupnt Iniurtlnn. andll Opor Una or month , No ndrortlsornent taken lor les * tlmn 21 cents for tbu first Insertion. IN1TIAI.B , HKurcsgyruboU , etc. , count ach ni one word , , ndvcrtlfipmonUi must run oonifct - THESE nnd under no clrcumstnnccs will thcr bn takonordlscontlnuod by telephone. ndvertlslnB In tlicso eolnmni nnd PAHTIKH hftTinu their nniwcrs nrtdroi-ed to a num- bor.d lotlnr" In c.-jro ot TUB UEB will recelr a numbered check tnonntdo thorn to Rut thnlt letters. Aniiweri will bo delivered only on prciontntlnn of thl * chock. Kncloio unswon In envelopes tiropcrlj addressed. U , idvcrtUernriil-i uml r thn heart of A " .Special Notleos" nrn published In t > oth the tnnrnliiK anil ovenlni } editions of TUB HRF , the clrculntlon of which nguro atc moro than 0,000 pipers dally , nnd Rives the advertiser the bonrnt not only of the InrRe circulation of Tim IIEH In Omnha , but also In Council IllufTs , Llnonln nrt other rltl > ' "rt inifn-iln thn wit BRANCH OFFICES. AflrcrtUIng for these column * will I > B t .ken on the ahovocondltloni. Httbofollowlrn bunl * Desn houses who nro authorized to tsUo speclnl notlci s. nt the snmo ratc R can hna at tlia muln olllrn. OMAHA IIRANOII OFFIOE-No , SOUTH Btrtot , Muter lllook. _ _ _ TOH W. I1ELL , l'niirinaoIstB20 Boutli lenth J street. _ HASB ft EDDY/Btntlonors and Printer * 113 Boutli ICtli street. _ S"J " n"FMlNBWOUTU * , 1'hnrmaolit , ailflOunj. i lamtrcet. J.IlUailES.PhannBolit , 024 North 18tl . itreuU KO. W. PAIIH , Pharmacist , 1718 worth Btrcft. I'll AltMAOY. 21th and Farnim SITUATIONS WANTED. , rtc.ter tininf frrt rnlumnontliti page " " wnnirii in mw IIHIWU nv j > mi SITUATION vears'nvperlrnco ; admlttn to practice ; iroou fdcnogrnpor nnd lypowrltor tint class references. 081. lleo olllco. 60031 "IVANTED-Colloctlons for mil ibln linn ' Cnn furnish horse nnd buggy and tlrs class references Address O 40 , Hce. OOI- : ANTED to learn drcssm.iklng. KU "out ! 2.H flrfot . SI917 ! \YrANTRD Sltuatlonby pirty who hnslia V Ki'noml business experience nan KU security In jjosltlonof trust , or would tike a Intcrent In p-iylng business. Address OiUltoi ANTICIX-Hltuntlons for pond Rlrls ; m waiting rooms nro always full from 0 i m. to lip. m. Canadian Kmployment olllci .INK S nth. Telephone ( . 1. WANTED MALE HELP. frr toff * . If. , rectopnf yiint ciJnnuimi till * rini AGENTS Wo have the best lOo article o earth.TO p r cent profit ; 81 nn hour oa1 lly niiulii ; two Kamples. postpaid. 10cclrculai ; free No\clty Co , Cu.nhoga rails. O.MRS2 MRS2- : WANTI.D An active , reliable mnn snlsir 870 to &sO monthly , with Incrnnsc. to ronn sent In hlsovtiHectlon a iiisnonsllilnNew Yor lionsn. Kofuontes. Jlanufacturer , Look llo 1M , Now York. " \\rANTI.II-Salesmnn on comiiilHslou I ' i blnto of Nebraska for drst-chibs line i perfumery and toilet lii\urles. Add res .iloxandor , box 14SS , I1,0. Now York city. M02I- WANTKD Salesmen to carry nnsy sollli : side line of Htaplo Reodn. No H.unplc lllllow k Doup , 14th und Davenport strcotn.oo oo- : WANTI.D Phoenix Hu\lng9 Investmci Trust Oo. want good men to represci them. Write for particulars , Kunsas Clt JIo , MOJ1 w ANTED A. dioss goods and shoo sale inuii at Thu 1'alr , l.tth and Howard.Slim Slim WANTED Two persons to rocolvo instrii tlons and keep book'i. J. 11. Smith. ! ) Now York Mfo building. ooj ; WANTED Sinn with good references ; Mctroiolltui | Mfg. Co. . 1COO Howard fit , 254 F \YT ANT I'll Men to travel for our Cnnndln ' T nursorles.btonc&'Wolliiigton.Mudibou.W WANTED FEMALE HELP for ntfj ) , ttc. , , ffc tojinffrst cotiimn on Ihla ANTED A Oornmn girl for gcnor housework. 7J4 ! South 15th St. Kll-J WANTED Olrl for house worlc. Call 1010 Capitol avenue. KGjj WANTED-Klrst class Rlrl , must ho KOI took and Inundinss. Apply between o mock u. m. and J p. m. U001 Farnam street , MOK WANTED l.'list . class Rlrl , no wnshlnc i Ironing. "l-4 Ulniioy street. MH77- \VANTED-Lady "or Rontlcinan-salary I _ 'T per mult. 1003 Tarnum st. Wl " \\7ANTED-Olrl for uennral housowo ' except cooking ; ( W3N. 20tli st. cor. Cal MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. For tntcs , tic , fee top of first column on ( lit * 7x11 G ENTLEMAN wants roommate : ouo th wlsbou room nnd boird , Call ut 1814 Uodi 833 FOR RENT HOUSES. _ Forratn. tie , , ret t t > nf fttlcnlninn within rw. FOH KENT 7-room cottage now , bath. A ply , 0. S. Elgutler , 4.7 , 1'lrst Nation bnnk. Jll _ AD-UOOM house with steam heat nnd i > mo < lprn conveniences with cnnd colh yard ami o stem water ; 09 South 21th ftro < key at ! W7 faouth ' 'Ith street , M W rniin lower story of 207 South ' . 'lib street , J. rooms , hi'nt furnished , has gas , both h niul cold water anil cistern water , KOOI ! var key up stairs. 51 u > : I71OH KENT 7-room Hat , southern vxpnsu J2 Lange : blook , 002 . Uth st. Mo ; , OU Kl'NT rottniev in L . 5 and 81001 Casa bet > tli and 'Oth , Olarke , room bonrd of trado. J10JS 1 THOU KENT A nlno-room house \\Itli -i. modern liupro\emonts , Houth front Iliuibcom 1'arlc. Iiuiulie nf Kennedy & Hlu : burn , 130J 1'iirkuMi. M f ) now brick houwes on North Nlnotcei i street. 10 rooms , ull modern Itunrouimen nlso bni n | only f.r > per month. Oiinha Hi Estatennd Trust Co , , Itoom 4 , lieu bulldhu bulldhuM wi KENT fcoenroom cotlngo , cor. 2 ; a > o and Cup n > e. Iminlro i.i'18 Hedge M T710U KENT 3 lions , s 10 rooms each , l > t JU1 u\a \Voolworth st-.clty water.furnn \a. Call ntoneu , Miimniigb > v I'ltchett , hoi renting agents , S.V , cor. litli mid Howard TT'OU Itr.NT Conn r Hat , 8 room * , range n Ju all otlior coin enknecs. t 7018. lOthat.l Call lit stoic. Gooigu Claiibor. Oil irpit KENT 1'oiirO nnd 7-room lints w -L. liatb , hot ater. ete.i paved strict ; m business : all IninioM'nionls ; only Stt peri Itoferenccs reiiulred. The Munil Investmi Co. , 413 Uoolnilldliig. FOR HUNT Jan. 1 , f-ioom cottage , llr class In OM'ry rtsnocl , hntli , hot and c water ; on motor Hue. Call nt mbhormanu FOH HUNT Alnrgellstof IIOUHI-S from pur month up. ( jco. J , Paul , 1UM KamiW irOK KKNT-Selegant ll-ioom houses , > JU JUS and IS110 DoughiH bt. 1C mm ire of A , Gladstone , Mfo Douglas it. , or Uloho Leal Trust Co. , & 7 b ICthnt. rr-IIOOM house w Ith all modern coinenlenc I rent tU per mouth , corner Thirtieth i Woolwortli , fnohiK llunscom 1'arU , Enm Lco Nlchol. a > ih una Lcavonworth. } TEAM.hentcfl Hats ut 709 S lOtlu Thou Hall , all 1'aUoii blook. " | 7\OH \ KENT Mco 4-room cottage , nt loii JU Uth Nt Inqulru of Mrs. Duggun , b , \ \ . i 13th and I'aclllc sts. TTKyoii wUh to n-nta House or htoro ECO J-K. Cole , Continental blouk. MEOIOAL. , * < t ton a' nl cutiimi. mi TIINKST elcctrio""iiirl i eluoTr JL rooms. Including TurKlih cabinet ba Ladle , b to 1 d&lly & Tuesday A 1'rljny cv' 0 to 10. Ur. lUchardi , rooms 318 & U O.Ilee b ! FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 1'or mtai , tte. . itt twin ? frit ctMinn nnllilt riagt Foil UBNT-NIcciy furnlshod room , wltli gns. bixth and turnnco bent ; ono block from postonicc. AililroMW inllee. MtrTJ-j newly furnished Rtcnm houtcil .H. lthst. - _ _ _ _ _ FOR KENT A furnished room to pentlc- man. llonrd If desiioil. No other bo int ers. IM17 1'oppleton avciilie. _ C78-T1 MHS. Churchill 1ms furnished room . with board. 4H North 13th st. M0 7 * _ T71UKNISIIKD8 room house , nil rnolcrn con- JJ roiilcnces , on car line , 14JJ N. 17th stri-ej. "I UHNISUED rooms , 1903 Capitol avenue. _ M HENT-Purnlshcd room , 1113 Dodco st. Itoferenco "CWK KENT lleoms furnished or unfur- -C nlslicd , cheap , b.f. . cor. i'lst nnd Clark. M 4U-3 TTlUUNISIini ) room for rent , nil modern im- JL1 proumenta. . 51,0 N. 18th st. ' 774 2 * TTtOll KENT East front nlcoxe room at the JL1 Jlira "IJIOIt KENT Two largo front rooms cheap ; JL' modern conveniences ; LVIS Ilougliia. 8J1 J * OOUTH room for rent at 2100 DouRla-st. 6037 * BI1OAI5U and looms , C2S S 17th street. iiIS I fcO "I AUOi : south front loom , bny window , moil- J J em romcnlcncr * ! , for iinu ortwo gentlo- incn , if 10 per month. IS I.e cnworlh , SUIC "M"1CK rooms , btuam licnt , 171 ! ) UincniMrtst4 T71OU UKNT rurnlshcd rooins BUS bath J.1 nndstenm. 1510 Howard. 715 _ T CI vnrrnropcnn hotel. HUh dlnlnff room , htintn heat In nil rooms , tlth nn < l Bptelal rail's by v\cok orinontli. T17 for liousi-Uicplnfffor ninn nndvlfn , no children ; rcnltakuu Inboard. UluN.lTth. DwO - ' with nlrovc.citrtalns IjlOHltKNT-l'rontroorn ninntel. stonin lioiil , BUS and b.ith , 2 closets , siillablu for - ( , ( litli'inun or man < tnd wifu. 118.00 per month gQ7b4tlist. ! ! _ 701 rilO LCT Ilcnutlful front room Is best pirt J of dty , ilnsu to Rood board. Kent reason able. IX'KiJthst. 413 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. 7 ( ' tatm , ttc. , ttr top of fr t ( olnmu on thlf * ' Day board , } l CO per wcolc. * aa 410 Ul * rPO KHNT anil-story front room , first class ihoard , lui & 2'itli a\unuo. C91-4 * _ DOUItliK parlors , with Rns , bith , furmoo nnd ur.ite , sultnblo formanMiid wife or sovurnl Rontlenu > n. lloird It desired. H. K. cor. " .1th uo nnd llarncy. 703 3 * ONn oil front room with bo.ird , must have rufoi VIRUS , ItSl Howard , ' 89 4' T71OK ] { ENT Jiico warm room with board , -L' MlB California st. MS U1 ( ) \n \ t Ilnuglas , modem furnished rooms wltli - bourd , ' 771 .1' FIIlST-GIiASH table board with or without room , ns nnd bath In connection. Price * lory moderate. 2007 Cass. 742-2' ' rp\VO rooms ndjolnlnz , for two Indies , with -L bo trd. Addn ss 0 , U. lleo. Ml ELEGANT furnished rooms with hoird , pis , heat nnd bath. JJOH N 17th Htroet. IfoU-l'lS' FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. For iit' * , ttc , . MT tiiji < > / /list column on ( AM ingt. FOK KENT Ono store und 2 lints , C20 So loth street , nnd secral cottages " 'heap 11 J. Kendall:06 : Brown bldg. Sai-f-l. STOKES nt 700 P. ICth , steam heat furnlbh d . Thos. 1' . Hull. B11 I'liMon blk. 71 ! / 1H010K olllco on ground Iloor In Iloyd'i wopera lionsc , 2li S. I'lth Bt. , at re.isonalili flguresAiii. _ _ li'nul Co. 771 t TTTOlTliETfT Tito 4-story brick bulldlnir.wltl . JL ? or without powoi.formorlv occupied bytlu 0 HLO I'ubllshliu'Co. , Oiorarnnmst. 'Die build Ing bus a Iliepinof c-ement ( lasomont.completi fitcam heating fixtures , vt'iteron nil the lluors gas , etc. Apply at the olllco of The lleo. Ul : FOU KENT -Hv January 1 , 4-story building ; i.r > -IO squtiro feet ; hiiltablo for any kind o wholesaling , at Truth and Jones streets. U A. Llndqucut , Ull South I'lftteUth street. 71 ! FOR RENT WAREHOUSES. terrain , tic. , tec lop of frtt cnliimn 011 t/it / ( pass FOK ItENT Itrlck warehouse , two storle high , basement , bydiuullo elevator , track ago. llest location In the city. A. U 1'owoll STORAGE. X Forintn. ctt. . itelopo' flnl column an tills ll 8torn(7o"for Furniture rUIEAriEST nnd host ( \J Wells. 11111'nrnam street. M91 rpKACKAOE stlirago at lowest rates. W. SI . llushman , 1I111 I.ea\oimortli. 8 NICE drv storage loom nt lllnglirim'snli slore , BP ) bo , lH\st. 7C8 r 27 3 TOIIAOE nnd trackage. Ba\Id Colo. 8l5-sl Jllonnrd stieet. STORAGE The best In city olenn.dry.snft and privately stored nt reasonable term ! Omaha islovo Itopalr Wks,1207 Uouglas. Tel tin WANTED TO RtNT. t'orfttttf , etc , see tntinf first column oil thl 7Hic G ENT1EMAN desires to bo taken In wit . private f-imllv as thu only bo irdor , wit room. Uost of rufoionces. Address 0 41 , Hoc DM- : RENTAL AGENCY. fr > > rnlM. ffc. . ret tnttnf Jfril column mi tliti XV jou want your houses rented list nit P.urotto Hontnl Agency , ICtli and Dodge. MUbJ FS T\TAN Moro rents , notes and bllla 1 V > collect. Oeo. J I'uul , 10UO 1'arnain. MO LIST your houses to Roll or rent with C. I Hnrri'un , UIJ X. V. Life. 7 ; HE. COLE , rental ngeney.Contlucntnl blln it BOAHDING. for rate , t Ic. rcitounf t'ltl cn'ninnon tlilt pi 8 OULLJIAN butise bpeclnlieekly rates. LOST Ferrate * , ttc , , f * ton nr m t n > IIHI i > m Hi' * ji vi WANTED Information nnd nddri'ssof fe ! 71) H. rttuphoiiu. who formerly Ihed In th plnce. I'lLMsonddiess I' I' , ttephenx. fh llroudway , Now Voik Oily , N. Y , T OST-Ono white and llM-r-colorcd bird do U f * > rewind for icturn to Ed riynn. loth at 1. like. street. MT.M- T OST Irish hotter doz 10 months old ; ri 14 J-iHnrd , \ \ tn. .Slnieral , lei. 85 , rooms i."Jl ai 2 .rin > tNnt. bnnk , f , rk FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC .04 I'nr rattf , etc. , itr top of Jlnt utlumii on tliti .04ul ul "OU r > A LK-Ulnck imnortcd I'rcnoh Blnlllo 10. Imiulio (05 ( b. llth blicet. .MSll'- "IjlOU bALI. Cheap , w.igon nml iloubln woi t JL1 harmsj , or will eM'hiinuu for buck heir a r also good buigy , cheap H. E. Col 10. Continental . 10.nt building. \OKSALEilinup-A \ two herM ) siolgli , al large pulleys and shafting , U01 Douglas. Id Ide e FOK SALE " good work teams. Inoulro i CIS I'axton bliK-k. rId "io in. FOR SALE COW3. .121. Fnr rat' . tte , , "t t op nf frt nil'imn ' > MA' < i A.A 8AIi-A : lotof fn > sh milk cottsat SS A : Jnnd Hurt stunt , ulll trade for dry cou call nlturiuxins. E. S. Jester. W. OH SALE-1'lrst class milch cows , also so nil crnl good horses Enqulru room Ml tliual Ire b.uik building , ? 01 FOK SALt MlaCELLANEOUS. 705 crixitM. fff. . feelopnf Jli > t column on Ihu pa ; or. "TJ10H SALE Now I'oundland und bt , llr J70 1 : nurd do1 1 } enr old , weight SJ to 00 poimi Uoom U. .v < n lath street. 7iCi ; II. 703 TTIOU SALL-An A t Dro proof bafo. Enqul X ; at Huston btoru. Ml 1T10K 8ALE Typowrlter und cabinet n L1 medium sired safe. Apply utltoonM Merulmutx National Hank. SI' ' ith TTIOlt HALE-rorrets. Address 0. 1) . tirot ba Jj wood , hllor City , la , W igs IK.UO * | j1OU SALE-CompIoto set of drug Btore II UO i-1 turci , bow cusci , etc. 1' , U. Itox UTJ. I WANTED TO BUY. Fornif' * . rtr. , nrtiii > f tint r. .Mn n iintnli IIVM AXrANTED-l'icnr town iot ln NebVuVCn. iv Kunsas nnd Iowa. Atldroas OU7 , Oiniilin lleo. l'7 ' lit. sold , stored. WolK lilt rarnnm st. _ fci ! \\rANTKD-WH1 n-iy highest ciMiprtcii for V > housoliold gooils. Jill ) MJL Kllli at. 7B'l-l-J7 * 1WANT to buy for n eiiKtomrr nn Improved H ) or IU > aero Hurt of land In eiiHtern No brnsku or western Iowa. A. K. Klley. room II Conlliiuntnl block. ' 8' ' 0 \\7 ANTK1) ) to lluy A guod horse IT r'irty hiiAhiK s.uuo nnd vmntliiKcnsh moro thnn thn hoisa limy Una uurclnvitcr by iiddresslnc It 10 , lieu olllcv , Klvlng ape. and full pnrtlciilnrs , til WANTKD At once ; morthnndlto ; nil kinds ; spot cnslis must know nt onco. I. T. Newell A. Co. 1411) ) Uuuglns , Uinnha. ail H OltSKH wanted nt I'M N ICth st. r 74 trtratr * . tte. , trctnp < > / flra tolummmtftu ; iOtf DKI.DS , mortifiiKcs , eontr.iots nuU all liislrutiifntH unicfullv executed , A , K. Itlloy , iiitiirnoy ntid notary public , rontn U , Coiitlnuntnl block. b9i-rj3 ' Ladles dcslrlnp tholr hands MANIOI'irNfJ nn artistic inantuT.nftertho lnipii\ed ( London Toilet Ila7.iar Method , should untl mi Miss Allen ot Novr York ( Jlty.nt A.K. . U1LBY , notary public , room 11 , Con A. . tinental block Mill-JS MLAbSAOE Madam Uolzlor , ovorblO S. 1Hth. MASSAGE treatmcnUclectro-thormnl biths , scalp nnd hair treatment , rnanlcuro nnd chiropodist. Mrs. l'ost,310J $ S 15thItlinell bh < 7-J1 MONEY TO LOAN. far rales , tie , , tee tup of flat column / > ' " ' < jxiue SI'CONl ) mortRHRo loans on Insldo property , llrst moit ago on outsldo. Alex Mooie , I.OI fahucly blouk. . MIH.I 4' M OSHY to loan nnlmprovod Omaha prop erty. 11. II. Irey aM , N. Y. Life. 003 . private money to lo in , 7 per cent. $1.000 Omaha Hcnl Estate & Trust Co , 4 lice hidi * . M589 I UIVATE money to loan. J. D. Zlttle. OU N. V. Mfo , loins at lowest ratos. Ilamovod V tol)34 ) N. Y. Mfo bids. J. 11. EmmtiiKcr. 7JJ ONKY lonnod on fumlturo , horses , ot < 3. M llawkoyo Inv.Co,33 Uouglas blk,10ilodco ) 549 / 1I1ATTEL bank , III1) S st. , loans money v on chattels or collateral at reasonable rntts TT'IItST & second mortRnRes on vacant it Iru- -U provoJ city prop County warrants houpht. Money on hand. F. JI. Ul.hard30ii,813N.Y.Llfo. TOO _ _ MONEY to loan on city nnd farm property , W. M. Harris , 1120 , 1 renzor blk. , opp. P. O. n ? _ > UIL1)INO ) loans , , C to 7 per cent ; noiddl- tlon.ilelmrKesf or rommlsslon ( or attorney's fees. W. II. Mclklo. 1'Irst National bank bldir , 741 Loans Cash on hand. Olobc REALTstato Loin A. Trust Co.107 b Kith st. No delnv , uo extra charges. Houses fur runt , Rood list. E. & 0. M. Anthony. 31B N. Y. Life build- In ) * , lend money on farms In choice coun ties In Nebraska and Iowa , also on cooil Omnha risldvnco property ; lowest rates ; best terms ; no delay ; money ready. Titles und allies passed on hern. 74J MONEY to Loan Short tlmo paper bouuht , llrennnn f Co . 1C. N. Y. Life. 741-l i MONEY to loin by It. P. Musters on chattel and collateral ELCurltles for nny tlmo from 1 to G months , In any amount to suit bor rower. Loans made on household Roods , plnnos , or- K'ins. hoi es , mules , houses , leases , warehouse leeelpts , etc. . nt the lowest possible rates \v Ithout publicity or romovul of property. My loans are so arranged that youcan make n payment of any amount at any tlmo and re- diuu both prlnclinl and Interest. If you ewe a balance on your property 01 ha o a loan you wMi chanKcd , 1 will pay It oil nnd cnrry It for you. If you ( Ind It moro con- venlent , call up telephone No. 1GJ1 and youi business will bo arranged at homo. Money always on bund. No delay. No pub licity. Low est rates. B. F. Masters , Room 4. Withncll blk , 15th and llarucy sts. MONEY to loan on Improved city proportj at I ! current rates ; funds on hand ; no delny Oeo. K. Ilium A ; Co , SO 1 Hanmo bid ? . M'U1. BUblNESS CHANCES. Forralct , eta ue to ot filut rnumn on tMt ) > ai' "C10R SALE or exchange For n coot JL1 farm or other property a forty-roon hotel , furnished and doing a pooa business One of tlio best towns on the Union Pnolllc railroad. Address. II 44 , Ueo. fiOS-.ll AUHAKOEIn a life tlmo for men with cnpl tal und active men without capita ! to ue curonvery pleasant and piolltnhlu business No drones or curiosity seokois need apply Address with 2 cent Ht.unp Consolidated Ad justablu bhoo Co. , balem , Mass , JI077 2 THOU SALE-WI11 sell n stock of * now within elaht months , at " 0 nor con discount from wholesale price ; will Intolci about * JOl ) . A. O. Urcon , Uo Witt. Nob. 5197S-J IIO 1'alnters nnd Faporhanjjers SIM casl will buy the lending paint shop , fixtures staging und ladders , building 20\14 , with stoi front for snlo of Roods , business pirt of prln elpal htri'Ot. ( irnnd Island ; bulldlngnenrl' ' ' new , worth JMOOO ; will pay U. U , faro on sal' of saino ; ground rents HID per month. Ad diess F. II. 1) ) . , Grand Islnnd , Neb MOol 8 " ) , bujs a half interest In n well cstab $1",00000 manufacturing business In thlselty Dank referencea required und t'lven , Add res O 4. , Hcc. _ WANXKD Law partner , joung unmarried enerpotlc. with homo moans , good hnlilt * Address X l < , llooolHco. M8-5 ! \\7ANTKD-EiiurKotlo man with snnl ' capital to iniinuRu paying business In No TJAUTIES eniitcmplntliiR the banking busl J iiUkHiiiid doslrlnc netUe partner wlio wll take half Interest , address 020. Uto. 700 I " | 7UU SAl.E-Tnllor business , Frank Snchoi JL1 lUxIdOlty. Xtb. _ 7US F "ITlOIt bALEor Kent The ToKiimnh ciiinln - . ' faetoiy , In complete running order ; wll bo sold olio ip , or to thu right parties will b rented on fa\orablo terms Cull on or ad dress I'lrst National llanK , Tckanmh , Neb. SALOON The Dest opening Jn NebrnHki Address 11 , A. Kufus , Kavenna , Neb , It. i ngi'iit. _ 798 PJt TJ1OU SALE I'lirnltuio and lonso of 40-roor J- hotel In line location ; nn average busing ofjUlndny. liood cluinco. Host masons fa Milling , \V. fc. Cooper , Jlurrlam block , Count1 lllullh , la. T71OH SALE or Exchnngo Oloan stock of df J- ' goods , clothing , boots , shoes , hats , caps , hi dies nnd gents f mulshing goods. Alli > lo.l"i ! ) , I'r.mkfort , Ind 270 I'l "IjlOU ItEM' Only hotel In n good towns J. good oiiunlng for n good hotel man. 1'c partleulars addrts.s llox I. llurr. Nub. Dig r ; FOU SAMIorTrndo-l.arito ll\ery nnd fee stable , feed store attached. This Is we loc.itua on pu\ud street and doing n goo business. Mumnugh & . 1'Itchett , rent cor. IMh and llowunl sU ( X HOTEL 1'or Sale Do you want got Into teed liihlni > ss ? Ifou do , buy the t'ommc clul at Ilrokun How , Nub. i ; AN rstnbllbhcd business for sale or tradi HoxftlS. ilty. | ( MUSIO ART AND LANGUAGE. Jut ruff" , ttc , ur t i > nf hist tnl OH i on Cili > 171 " 17011 SALE Cheap , a nearly new Mullet JJ Dn\ls&'o. ( . upright piano In first-elm condition , liuiulru utllllij Douglas st. : . _ - , Charles I'otoneii. plnnrM lolln. zlthe J.VKultur Instruction , html lo .TO Shcely bll 71K1 IV J11AVE n few new plniiiw forsnlo aw full elioan , us ! lm\a goneoutof the piano bus ness , S. .lonason , 1 nrmun and lltli .si. b. BETOltr. buying n piano oMimlno the no buulo Klmball plauo. Alli > etieIS14 Dougln 7 G EO. P. Oellenbcek , toucher of the ban with llofcue , 151J Uouglus. 2 DRESSMAKING. lorratu , etf , , lej > nf flnt' coiui'iii mi l/iu / JKKJ IADIES who llko to muKo tholr own dres * J can get patterns cut from their own mc.i u re with Intornmtlon of 1'arla spring Htyl for II , by Jludtim Uoyt. , 511 North tbth.MOI5 MOI5 WOKTll'b tailor ajutem taught CIS 8 ICth , . 6.V ) 11' ' ENdAGKMENTS to do dressmaking In fin lilts bollvlted. Mlstbturdy , 2ijlO liurney FOR EXCHANGE. torratr.tte. . rre Input' ' A > d cofiimn ontftU yvje , WANTRO ExehnrttAkouU town property for farm. AddrcSnlbx 174 , Cozad , Neb. XCUANt.r > bno & .JJ0 stock of nicrcliim- l .e : no 17.000 stiKys/nf merehnndlsc ! ono stock of notions fcll clearnnd will irndo for good real cst.ito.r. llututilnsouend. . 1.VJ4 Douglas si , 701 III Oi _ . mo EXrTl ANOn-rirtt clns < lwollliiK house -L property for lown or eastern Nebraska farms , encumbered or clenr. Addrtss 0 ! ! . lleo olllce. < t.73-31 * TTIOU EXOHANOr-8l. X ) cmilty In Omnhn JU residence : JI.SOJ In vConneO HIutTs cottaste , for an Iowa farm , or tujslness house In county sent town , or general Merchandise. Address r. I , , Hce , Council llluff , la. Mw4 \\7ANTEn-01enrcnstern Nebraska farms > V ( or western Iowa ) for city and town- property nnd stoeksof mcrchaiidlso. Address o ; > % lleoonico. Mtr.ti-'j * HOHSi ; nnd buocy for equity and cash. W. J. I'aul , 1COU rnrnnni bt , M 910-7 FOIt EXCIIANOE Mnchlno shopnna foun dry outllt Including pitterns. In oxchaneo for good lands or city property. Address O. 1' . 0. box 065. JKvSJ 8 \\7ANTl.Ii-To oxchnngoa half lot or full 1 lot for brick ork and plastering. In- QUlro 1S17 S. nth street. JISso-2' HAVE olonr lot to trade for horse nnd hue- gy. A. 1C , Klloy , room II , Continental blk. blO 0 "TpOll SALEnrExohnnge rorclear Improved JL1 Omnhn real estate n. clean stock ot hnrd- ware , wagons ! stoclcof nboutjii.000 ; In north ern Illinois. Address C 0. care Omaha Ike. 713-3 " | 7\OK \ SALEorc-xi'linngc fiOO farms In Town J ? and Nobraskn , from $ * 00 to J.15,000. Send for list. E. I'MUiiRcr , 1510 Karnam. 7024 * I WILL trade n Rood clenr lot In Armour 1'lncc , South Omaha , and take good driving lioise nnd buggy as part payment. Addres Hi7 ! i , lite. 16 * OMAHA propoHyto exchange for livestock. E. r. lllngei , IMP rtmi.itu. 71 _ 4 * 171011 EXCHANaiT Kast front on 28th linns- com IMnee , corner with cottage , cast ofllunseom I'nrk. uood vacant lot II1 betaken taken part payment. Hutchlnson & Wend , isai Douglas. bur a TjUShNESS property on 12th st. , nonr 1'nr- JJnuni , for iCHlilenco. L'cloar lota ( cornti ) In Orchard 11111 forhoi and lot. 40x1 0 , Snundors st. , south of Lalto Clear , : retldunce Homo other good property for exchange. J. D. Zlttlc , N. Y. Llfu. OHO TTIOU r.XGHANnn-4 small stocks of dry J. goods nnd notions for clear land or lots ; IKilotsnear Wulnut Hill for inorchandlsc or clear land und cash i Nr > 00 stock of line mil linery In Orn.ilm , f..oooc.ish ; will tnko real ra- tate or paper for balance , E , V , Klngor. Iil9 1'ariuuii , 70 1 2u acres line fnrm land udjoiiilug good No- JLbraska town ; nearly clenr. 100 acres lini-lv Improved land 2'4 miles from county seat In Kobrniki ; lUhtly encumbered. KO acres good land In Nulir.isla,5uulcafrora county seat ; ' -.lOU Inlmbltiuti House and lot hi town In K uisas ; cluar. Clour lot In good Nubrislca town. 4 room house und lot , harn , well and cistern. . ICth street. Oiiuilu ; sllRhtly oncumbun-d ; will trade forOnnha property and nssutno cnoum- branccs. II. E. Cole , Continental blook. tXW C IGA11S for pluno. Address li 4J , lice.497F151 \VHATlnvoyou to trade for two good lota ' In Mt , 1'loasant addition , the future resi dence portion of Ouiab'a. Make offer. Address H20. lleoonico. FOR bALE REAL ESlATE. Tor j ales , etc , see ( op of Jit ft column on tMt page. T/OIl SALlIJIock (4) ( ) four In Ilollevuo.Snrpy I1 Oo , Neb. Imjulro of John Mlschllck , Wnr- saw , llcntou C6. , Jlo. " 709 1' riOlTAOE. live rooms , well built , excellent \J lep ill , peed b irn , graded street , ten mln utes walk of court liouse , only t2,000. Ensy terms. Alex Moore , IIOJ fahoely block 3I044- . " OU01IAHD Hill corner * 700. Iledford 1'laio. full lot ( all cash ) JV > 0. Nicest east front lot for sale In Wind so Place , $ I.MW. ' puth front corner Windsor Place , 81,500. Now motor extension makes Whmsor 1'laco property extra dcsirnJMc , 11. ft. truckage on N. 1 lib st. $ .1.60 ] . r.logant lot I iirnnnf. cast Lowe tt o. $3,500 Hutchlnson & Vic.iO 1 J J Douglas. 697 FOKSALD 50x200 foot on South 10th St. , bo tw eon St , Mary's a < o. , and Loavcnwortli st , east front cotlaio of nine largo rooms , closet , bath room , furnace , cemented cellar and good barn , for $12,001) ) ; worth 813,009. Ad dress 0 29 , lice offlco. 820-1'.M T71AKMS of from 40 to 3,000 acres for rent or i- silo on easy terms In faurpy. Oumlntr , Thnycr and other counties. II. T. Clarke , 11) ) Undid of Trade. M731-10 I HAVE cash customer for a piece of Im- protod property worth from J.l.000 to $0,000 , bringing in fair rental. A. K lilloy , Itoom H. IF you have bargains In real estate to offer , or If ion want to buy , rent or exchange , scu E. 1' . Hfngor , 1519 Farnam , ground iloor. 7024 * FOK SALE Cheap. , The residence nt 2. > 10 I'loreu Btrcct , nt a bargain for u few days only. Inniilte ut the Neb. Steam laundry , ICth nnd Howard streets. M518 BAltGAlNS fi-room cottage and lot , cltv- watar. sewer and barn , centrally located , 3.,7. > 0 Terms easy. Largo 5-rooni cottngo , nicely finished and neil located , $ . ' ,000. boutli fiont lot on paved street neur motor , JOOO Somonlealotsln west and north partof city , $550 and upwards. J , D. Zlttlo , 014 , N. Y. Life. 090 _ T71OU SALE Several Rood Improved farina Julso unimproved lands and town property In best located countlns lu Nebraska und Iowa ; nil nru bargalnsA , Address F. LLooml , Uth and Douglas , Omaljn. Neb , 5IIPJ TTIOll SALE My residence , 3020 Farnam 1street. . Choicest location nnd best IIOUSD In Omaha for the money. Hot water and every convenience possible , Harn , connected with sewer , water uud gas. D. Y. Bholea. 213 1st Nat , b ink. M781 5-llOO.M house , lot aixffi , J1.700 ; alaofi-room bouse. lotlMi-ixb- o. cor , llth and Vlnton St. , J2000. Ilrlck bouso and American house , lot GfivGd , n. o. cor. 101 li nnd Douglas , $40,000. , Mrs. Kublniunn , 2121 b. llth. 4.3 FOU SALE One of tlio most beautiful fruit farms In Harrison county , Town. Improve ments all good. Addiess 1) . F. Eaton , C ! i and View fruit farm , Magnolia , Iowa. 817-5 / Place 1 htlll hn\o onoU-rooru KOUNT/.E house to sell on easy payiuonts ; prlco. J'l.MJOi KiOOcash , bal. J.noo per month ; would lake some clour property la exchange. J. J. Gibson , fco'o ' agent Kountto 1'laco , rouirt .1 , Crolghton block. 4J8 SI'l.CIAL IJnrgaln-Largo lot , C3xlC3 ft , , 4 lilocks from I.owo live , and Cumlng St. , lays splendid ; cheap for cash , or will trade for farm. Address E. U. Jlerrlll , 42nd and Cabs sts. 187 ' 1II/-I- CLH'TON U-room house and full corner lot , very cheap for cash , or will trade for clear farm or Oma ha lots. Addres-s the owner ut 4-'nd and CUBS sts. . li O. .Merrill. Ib7 Bl&OEST bargain In Omaha. Only three of those elegant houses on 44th and Barnaul leftotit of six ; ntbortbrco occupied by llrst class imi ties. Houses Uro open ull day torln- fipccHlon. Every convenience la the houses , Ini'lndlng gas and llxturca. Taku n look nt them during this flnuwoathort buy ono and tnko IIfo comfoitnblo during tbo winter Only tnkos from J.KW to UOO cash. See thorn without fall for they wilt ploiao you , U V. bholra. 31.11'lrst Nftt'l bank. W CLAIRVOYAN1 i , ttf , tittup u/f/'raC column on UiUpij ) . US * WALI/AOR , iUurvoyantYiat ] : 11 rally gifted ; tolls past anil future love troubles , absent friends , changotv travel , business. lrt I'arii.iiu bt. 2 MU74h * MME. Ilurrough I'almlst tells thu pa t , ures- int nnd future frqiViKtlie lines of the band. In tlm old Oypsy \ > ny ? .Keo , Hi ladles only. Ibl7 Iz.tHl bliect , OmiiLXt 1.10 ,11 * MAfcSAGE MadnnrDolzlor , over 010 S. 1 itn. 4 | bTjO-rs * MHS. \Varfen.clalnoyunttrunco , speaking , writing nnd reliable buslncbs incnhini , fouryeara In Omaha. 11U N. ICth. 750 HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. Forratf. < tc. , Kttopnf tint lutunn unthU B1M' Ilnu hair goods In west ; halrdresslii- , lgs. swItcheH , bungs , hulr chains , etc , , i. specialty. lu\les ) , hair goods and milliner , opposite postolllu , lit M 15th street , Omaha. PATENT SOLICITORS. for rntet , rtc. . tee tuuii' rolnmii on Um P law ) un and solicitors. Cl. W. Slice Jeo biilldInOmabn. llrnncliotlicont Washington , D , C , Consultation free , tx COSTUMeS. for tatct , etc. , itetopi'f fitt rnfmnii mi tlilt pr l ADILb and Feutlcmoncan rent musqner- J-Jiilti : bulta ut Ui' N , 10th bU 7bsl'2d' The Majority Of so-callcil congli-cttrcs do Illtlo moro than Impair tlio digestive ( unctions mid crealo tllo. ) Aver's Cherry 1'cctoral , on ttiB ton- trary , wltllo It cures the cough , docs not In-\\lth tlio functions ot cither stomacher or liver. No other inodlclno Li so safe ami cDlcncloua Iti diseases of tlio and lungs. "Four jcarinRo I took a severe cold , which was followed by n tcirlble cough. 1 was > ery sick , nml confined to my beil about four jnoiitlis. 1 employed a physician most of the time , -vlio finally said 1 was In consump tion , nml tlmt 1m could not help me. One of my neighbors advised mo to try Aycr's Cherry 1'ectoral. I did so , anil , before t finished takltiR th nrst bottle was able to lt up nil tlio time , anJ to go out. lly the tlmo I had finished the tottlo ' Vv.iswell.and Inve remained so over since. " L. 1) . Illxhy , Jiartonsvlllc.Vt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , vnH'Antm nr DH. J. O. AYER & CO. , Lowell , Mann. Bold bj all DruEglfti. 1'tlcajl ; slxbottlci$5. Do you know that you can buy a chimney to fit your lamp that will last till some acci dent happens to it ? Doyou know that Macbcth's " pearl top " or " pearl glass " is that chimney ? You can have it your dealer will get it if you insist on it. He may tell you it costs him three times as much as some others- That is true. He may say they are just as good. Don't you believe it they may be better for him ; he may like the breaking. I'ltttliurg. OEO. A. MACBETH A. Co. MASSAGE , BATHS ETC. For rata , ele , tie tnt > nf fnl column on , this i age. TlfASSAGE bath at Mtidamo Smith's parlors , IUil ; Iloor. 705 a. Uth at. ie * 4 , Jladnm Dolzlor , over CIO S 1 lib. MAbBAOL sin * SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. tortattt , etc. , ttcmjiit nl column on I'm ' jxiae or wrlto for catalogues vncl Invcstl- CALL the merits of the .Smith Premier typo- writer. Manifestly superior features. Im portant cliniiKes nindo. Tvpo-wrltcrs sold , exchange or rontud. loO'JJi tartmni st. , L , 115 Mayhow , manager , a ? . PAWNBROKERS. For rate * , cte , , rcf Inp of fi tl column nn IhH yiji "ClItEl ) Mohlo loans money on diamonds nnd ja wutchesjowclry.ctc.s. . e. cor. Tarnam fi. lltli 75V O K 13 1 N JV r i Y Tliroo COMMENCINa" MONDAY KE1B. FIRST TlMli IN OMAHA. , , "A Poem of L-xughter and. Sunshine. " V \Vm. Glllutto's Greatest Coniedr Utt. ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME. ( A compinlon to "Tho Prlrate Secretary. " ) With 1U big New York cast nnd special tcenery. Under the Direction of Jill. CHAUMS KnOIIMAN Box ahoots open Saturday at regular price * . EBEN 3V1USEE. Will Lawler , Manager. Cor. llth nnd Tarnan WEKKOK lEllUUAHV 2. OOL. AliEXAKDISU OOOIPER The Kontucliy ( ialnt , Jns. Wilson , phonomcnn expansionist , Koia Vernon , Kngllsh Clou Dance , bc.iul ) , AtncCouihoChildren , MonK nntt rtunco urtlstte Snddlernndot , ( lennnn Comedlnna , Wall's must tal myaterr , 1 ady lllcycll't , A ( irent Show. RHILWHY TIME GRRH Leavci ICIIICAI.O , IlUill.lMiTON A Q.l Arrlvei Onmhii. I Depot IQtli nnrt .Mnson elroota. I Omahiv. J.prtYOS lUUHMNOTON A HO. H1VKU.I Arrlvu : Onialio. I Ik'iiot lUth ami Mii'nii streets. | Om ilia. * T Arrives Umuli ia. | Dcpot 10IU mil atii'Onstroeta. Omaha. 9Si a ml. . .Kansas City Day F.rpre * TlO"p T ! > 15 p m | It. C. Night Kxp vlr > U. 1' . Tram K.43 n i I.eavoi I UNION Arrive * Omaha. I Popot loth and aturcy street * . I Oaiahii. 2 M p m Urerlanil I'ljrur II 05 p I 7 oO p m t'oclllo Kxpnitts 11.45 a i 10 2U u m . . . . . . . . ten ) ver 12x press . ) t& p i A07 nm -Kunain Utr Ktprosa U05 n i Lonvos I ClIICAOO , It J.'A Arn0 ! Omalia. IU 1 * . depot. 10th ami Murcy tits. Omaha 8.10 p m Night lxpreHa . . . IU US n i 9.05 a m Atlaullu Uxiiruss , , U..M p i M p m .Ventlbule Llmltoil. , 10 45 a I I.envei l Arrlvei Omaha. | U. I' , depot. 101 h and ilnrcr SH I Omnha 7.16 a mi . . .yioux City I'ussengar. . „ . .ht. I'aul Kipreaa , _ _ JIO 10 BJ Tenrcs I SlOtJX OlTrT < ri'ACIFIO. I ATrlwi Omnha. I Dupot 15th \Veb-ter8ta. . I Omaha. ti 00 p in | St. 1'nnl I.I m I led I > ' - < HI A NOHTII\VhSTKIlN | Arrl oi Om.ilm. | U 1 * . ilupot , ICUi nnd .Maroy St | Omalm Lhttneo Kxpress . . . . u.'JO p i \c-tlbulolJnilteil . 1\00 a i Iowa Accommodation ( oic. Sun ) TOSp : . Knslcrn Flor . 3.45 p i ( HToSiint''ntEnstKxo ) eMonl 7.40 n i "Tuiivc i cnnrso"r3iiL"rs ! a irivc Omaha. I U. I' , dpput. llllh nnd .Many tan I Oninlia n 10 p ml Chtf nvu Kinross I .MS a i II.55 n nil. . . . Chlengo Kjpnm. . . I 1.10 p i IJ'OTU * I "OMSUATB'l lOOTS" Omahn | U 1' . Utput , luth find Slarcy SI * | Omaha 700 p ml. . . St. 1.0111 * Cnnnnn Hall lfi jj xttveS j P lC tt JUT VAI,77i\ ; . f 7Vrrlv l Omnha J Ilopotlith nnd Wvbstor 8t3. I Omnhn 'J 00 a"m Illaok lltlli Ktpro' * ft * ) p i < J 00 u ni IlastluK * Kip ( Ki hunilny ) 5.'J ) p ; 6 lO p m WohooM.tncoln l'a" ( z Sund'y ) ll.W u i _ , 10j2ni . . .NorfdU ( IT. 11 Vin i fonv es , i Omnha. Depot Uth and \Yohlcr 81- I Ulnalm 8.10 a m . .BluuiCltr Accommoilntlun 1 00 p m Sioux City Kipre-i ( ur. Bunduy ) 12 KI fiOO p m . .tit. Tanl Limited. . IL5 n R-fi p llanpott l'n ienger ( ox Miinclur ) ! B n a Leaves 1'ACn-TOT ' AFrlvo On'ulm Depot Ifithnna WebslerBls. Omnhi 10 SO a u : .Bt , I.ouli , V K. U. Kxpruia , . .1 4 U p 915 p ml . .SU lx > ul AK. U Kxpre'H I II 10 n IXMivt I CIIIUAOO , U I. & 1'ACIPIO. I Arrlvn Transfer ! Union Depot , Council Illag * . [ Tmnafi p m . . . . .Niiiht KxproM. . . "aw o a m Atlnntlo K.iprois. ft 55 o ) m .Vestlbulo I.linltihl 101. ) n IC111CAUO J.NOHTII\V1'.ST1UN. | Arrive Truniferl Union Depot. Cuimcll lllulT' rrmiisf U 40 u m . . . .Lhlcnzn KipreM I DOOp 500 p m Vcstllmle Limited 10 00 p m . . . .Kustorn Hyrr 300 p 1 30 p m TAthntloMull 710 n 6 TO p ni Jnga Arfoinmoil.itIon IKxo l'JLnJ ) ( H" Union Depot , Council lllult. I'l'raiiHf . p ml Chlcnuo liipttm , 1)11 ) n "Hi nvoi T IfC. . SiTSTtti i U. 1C" Traner | Union l > opot. Council II hi If * ioOTnmj .Knn "u City In/Uxpreis. .1 6.4.1 p t'ltyNlfcht r.ipreM _ . . | . < > 3) ) n _ _ . lAjISS Triin tur | Union Depot , Council muff * . iTrtn-f < 4U p m I . HI Ix Hull . | tlIC7\TIO. ; I Tramfnrl Union Depot , Council Hlutli iTrmn f U4Uauil . I lilinKU Kipifsi , . IDWp lOUOpm . . . . Chliauo Kjpre * . . . . 940 u 705 p . . . . . . . . , . . , ' tiiii l/Kul . . . . 'Ij0n | _ line * I SIOU-VCII'V A PAt'lUt" . " fAirlvi Truntlur ! Union Depot , L'uuncll Ilium rlrmut * 7.4n m 7"Bloux t'lty Accommoilntlon I 'JtO iT b.UJp m . bt. I'uul llipreu. . . . | IOCO p TYPEWRITERS1 A I'nrson Ail-rlticd OnmblliiR. The fortunes of nmny children in this town nro building slowly nnd patiently tlieso days nnd nights through the mo- dlutu of cards , gays the Now York Sun. It is the rule in ninny household * where whist IB played for a quarter n. corner , poker for nickels , nnd "honrts" for pennies to sot nsido nl the dimes nftor the gnmo is over for the youngest mem ber of the family. A child's safe is usually in an accessible part of the room and when the gnmo is finished the head of the family and In some Instances nile o ( the other winners pick out tlio 10 cent pieces from their winnings ami drop them in the bank. The tax falls only upon these who win , and the contribu tions nro limited to 1U cent pieces. The drain is not felt , and the f > ufo tills up at an astonishing rate of speed. When the sum reaches $5 or $10 it is de posited in a bank. It is believed that the fashion was started , as a good many such movements me , by the story of n famous authoress who wrote a Christ mas tale for children porno ten years tigo , in which the foundation ot the fortune of the llttlo licrolno wns laid in this way. A famous divine , in commenting ; upon the story , proiu'hed a s-onnon in which ho claimed that It taught child- ton that good could roino out of evil , and hoiico ittns a meritorious bit of fiction. The clergyman1 * argument aroused a storm of opposition , and tlio whole subject was discubted at such length that the attention of the public was dr.iwn to tills novel fashion of In- testmont. 1 have n cousin who is a printer , sajsex- Mayor J. 13 Louihinn ; of North DOS Mollies , la. Some years ago \\asuiuplo.Mjdlnthls city whcro they wore minting circulars for Chntnberluln. Ho Imd a dceo seated cold and terrible cough , and tvbllo BOttlag up copy ho nmdoup his mlntt to buy n bottlo. It cured him nnd that was thn first lover know of Chambcrl.iln's Cough Homeily. 1 luvo bwa strongly in its favor over slnco My oisn ex perience mm , of my f.nnlly convinces mo Hint this remedy is the best in the world That may bo strong huiKiingo but that is what I think. For sale by nil dtiiKgUts. A Kill' ' Hold ' ! liroc Others. Knlaknua was capable of saying a bright thing when the occision de manded. Oncost lion playing a game of poker with Billy l.moison , tlio minstrel , in Chicago , ho was ' 'called" by his op ponent , who nskcd him what ho had. The Hawaiian looked at his hand and answered : "Thrco kings. " "Guess I'vo got you this time , " wild the minstrel , "I'to got three aces. " The king looked at his hand again and said , "You will pat-don mo , hut there are four kings. " Kniorson said that couldn't bo , when the Hawaiian monarch of nil ho surveyed said : "I've got three kings in my hand and I nin a king myself , nnd that makes four kings , doesn't it ? " And his dusky highness took the stakes. But ho wouldn't have taken them in Texas. The importations into this country during 1890 show 00,130 cases of G. H. Mumm & Co.'s Extra Dry , being un increase of 27,000 over the previous year , evidencing the high appteciation in which this wmo is held for its excellent quality. It Is rocotnmciMlcd by the most cmlbcnt physicians in this country for its purity , small amount of alcohol and wholesomcucss , while for a line dry chain- pagne , "G. II. Mumm JC Co.'s Extra Diy" Is considered by connoisseur ! , as unsurpassed. Snow IMow Story. General Agent Joe Oglesby of the Rock Island tolls a story about a snow plow that operated two wlntora ago on the Oregon Short Line which runs through the principal street of Uollovuo , Idaho. The plow wus plying through the street ono day at twelve miles an hour pushed by four engines , when n woman rushed to the front door to bco Bill MOIlRUIjIj MACKKNZIH The eminent Throat Specialist , says : "The Sodon I'astlllcs , which art ! produced from the Sodon Mineral Springs by ovniionitlon , art particularly scrvlcoiihlu in Oatarrh il Inflam mations. Pore Throat , Coughs , llronchltia nnd I.unj ; Troubles. " Tor silo by all ill insists , Nonu genuine without tbo recommendation and the slRnaturo of Sir Morroll Mackenzie with each box. 1'rlce , M cents. NEBRASKA National Bank U. S. DEPOSITOIiY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital , - - - - $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - B7.BOO Ofllccra and niroctora--Henry W Yatcs , President , r. wl B. Itcuil , VIoe-I'rMUlonti Juniea W Snrniti' , W V. Morao. John S. Collins , U 0. Cuibliu , J. N. II 1'nlrlck. W. II. 3. lluchoj , lashtur. THE IRON BANK. Corner 12tb and Farnnm St * A Geuoral Daubing nuslnoss Transacted MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO , " the AV'onilerful bpsulbli licmrdy. It sold with a AVrlttenGuarntitcn to LUFC ull Ntnoui Ila- eau , curb u Weak Memory , I/its of Drain 1' o w o r , II c n d a r h c , Wakcf ulncM. lst > Han- hood , Kcr\ousnen , las- Bluulp. all Uralufl ando DeforoA , After Uso. ! o ° s of power ot tbo TbotOBraphcil from life. Ocncratho OrKini , In t'ltt.lT b ? i , caucid by over cxerllou , jouthful Indiscrttlon' . orlho uxrcsblu use ot tobacco , opium , or btlmulaut * , which nl'lmattly lead to luflnnUr , Cousuinptlon mil ItiEnnlty 1 tit up In convcnlfnt form to carry In tbo > cst noclstt. 1'rlco tlapackagc , or 6 for | o. With mery faonlcr wo it written irunrnnti'o to turn or rcTiuid tlio inoiioy. Sent by null to any address. Circular free , Mrntlon thl paper. AiUlrct * . MADRID CHEMICAt CO , , Branch Office for U. S. A. 417lpirhornKtrcct.ruic\O ( > II I JOi : BALK IN OMAHA. NKII , OY Kubn A to , Cor , 13th & Douglas SU. J. A. Fuller A Co , Cur 14th x , IouwUsSt | . A.1J. Foilcr & Co . Cuuuul lllufl' . la iDitoi'osAbs voui''iihisnnns.-ITj. : H. IN i. ( Hun borvlco. lUuubud A'onoy ( , South la < kotu.Juuuury Ili. Ib'JI. ' Snulnl pronos iN un- doisi'd "I'lojjo'iHlHfor Held hoeiU. " and ad dressed to the undersigned ut Kusiibm Ajreney. boutli Dakotn , will I o received iintl 1 o'clock of I'obru.iry 0 , lKl.forfimiishinR ! | inn dull\erliiK thumunu at Valentine , rsebiiiUa fclX ) bushels of seed oats , l.rou busho's ' ot HPU potatoes and 1,000 bushels of seed coin Hid durs must stain tliu piopnsed prlcoof each ur tlclo to bo ottered for delivery under n con tract. C'l.HTii'tr.t ) CIII.CKS. EIILI | bli must bu neeompnnlbd by a eurtl lied check or draft , upon some united State ; Depository , made p.iyublo to the order of tin underhlKiied , for at least 1'IVE per cent o the iiiiiuiintof the propoHiil , whlcli tlicek o ilruft will 1m forfulied 10 the United t-tiilcsli ease any bidder or bidders rceohliiK ni award sliull full tonromptly i-xieuto u uun tract with u < H > d nil Hiillluli'iit Huiltlim. ntliur wlso tolio nitiirnod to the bidder. J ( IKOKdl WitlOIlT , U.S. IiidliuiAKcnt. J-l.t-il-'l-tn n Itccolvcr'H btilu nt Capital Hotel Fur nituro. lly virtue of nn order of the district courl In and fur 1-nncias.ter count1 , upnolntlni ; th umlerslsnod rncelvcr In thu suit of Ualp Klti lien Mi Hdward 1' . Ito Ken , etui. , notice. I hereby si von tlmt I ulll on the Uth day n I'obruary , A , I ) . 1SUI. nt 10 o'ulooU a. in , of sil : day , itt tlm L'upltnl Iiotul , ut the soutlnm corner of nioxenthnnd 1'htreels , In tbuulty u liincoln. In the county of IiiincuHtur , sitll a ixiblloauutlon to the hiithuit blddor for u.isl nil the pcifional proiieitv. furniture , KIK > I | < chattuls mid fixtures In n ild hutul Ije'inipln ' to the Ilnn of Ito ceni. MuDoiiulU. 'Ihu In vcntory nnd list of tlio mild elmtlol piopcit c.iu boiixiiiiilnedat tliosuldhotolhulldlniuii almyotllec. SAM Mr'lAY ( , Uucoln , January 19,1891 , Uucnlti r .Innlld''lli the show. She bntl no poonor oioncd | the iloor than swish I banut ; tind u pio- lonpoil tluul , and the whole Interior of tlio house wns pnokutl with snow , tlht | naa drum. The woinun was ci.rrlotl by the uvnlnnolio to tlio p\i-lor : oolltni ; whcro who runmliioi. half an hour yuli * Int"Hoipl : murder ! police ! nrson ! " until roloastul by the Riuiff ot phovolom who catno to I'lont1 out the house. The force of thu throw Imd sent the snow Into all the i coins unHtatrg and in umlor all the buds , and fro/.o up the dinner oa the tahlo. The woman moved out and Bttoil the railroad for damagus. Ilnvo used Or. Thotim' Klootrlo Oil for croup and colds , mid dcrlaru it n posltho euro Contributed bv Win. lv\y , 5TO Ply mouth itvcnue , UulTalo , N. V , Weighed In the HnlmiKr * . A ninn who looked llkoiv Intel tlio Detroit Free I'roys , otitorod n , Michigan. . luomio j-rocory tv tiny or two ti < fO und miid to the proprietor : "Do > ou ronumibur that I came here about four \\coltH npoV" " 1 cun'tony that 1 do. " "Don't jou loiiioniuor of changing n $101)111 for u man who asked if you didn't want u barrel of iilukloaV" "No. " "Why. you must. There wns n woman in lioro at the tlmo who snltlon ohoatod her on M > mo butter. She wild" the weight wiu short. That wan what led mo to count my olii.iiyo over after leaving the store , mill I found " " 1 never biuv you bofoio , sir ! " Inter rupted the grocer. "Yes , you dldl" "Don't attomtit any tricks on mo , for they \um't world If I jjuvo you change it wan all rlghtl1' "No , it wasn't ! I found it $2 " " ( Teen ! You tire n swindler ! " "Vory well ; good day. You gave mo $2 too much , but if you can hUind it I can. It'll pay for getting the mare shod nil around , and I won't luivo unj thing on my coiibcionco. " Entitled to tlm licit. All nro entitled the best that their money will buy , so every family should have , a % onto , a bo tlio of the best family remedy , Sjrupof I'KS ' | , to ch'iinso the sj.stom wboa wtlvo or bilious. For Halo InftUc and $1 bot- .le.3 by nil leading druggists. Don't Fool i oilmen * ! Notwithstanding1 all rumors to the contrary , the Chicago , Milwaultoo & St , Paul Hy's now steam heated palace sleeping cars , with "electric lights in o\ory berth , " still leaves tlm Union do- > ot , Omalia at 0:10 : p. m. daily , arrlv- .ng nt Chicago at 0:80 : n. in. , in nmplo time to make all eastern connections. Ticket olllce , 1501 Farmun st. J. E. LJi.KSTON , LA. . NASH , C. Puss. AgL Gen. Agt. Warn I iti ; in I'll I ( or. The editor of tlio Froowator , Ore. , Herald has received the following notlro fiom Milton : "Ploiibo nay nothing In your noxtissuo about tlio proceedings of regulators on Wednobday atoning. Hy sodolng- you will atoid trouble. " "Fifty Citi/.ons" is the signature attached to the notice , which 7s supposed to bo the result of an in the Ilonild in which the editor expressed tlio opinion that the Chinamen who were dragged out of Milton with a rope mound their nocks were bettor than thobO who hold the ropo. The doctors are very much dlsploasod over a competitor who Is gradually stealing tholr best practice ; wo tncuu lr. Bull's Cough Syrup To Manufacturers Accidents nro constant oocurlng among your men entailing loss of tlmo and suffering. Keep Suwatiun Oil bandy. Price 25 cts. llppriove for ix Condemned Do ; ; . A Pittbburg fortune toiler has granted a rcpriovo to a dog condemned to doittli. A complaint had boon made to Alder man , lung that Thomas Urown's dog1 liad bittou a neighbor's child. Thomas was informed by the magistrate that ho must kill his dog. Thomas consulted a. fortune teller , who decided that it was not Brown's dog which did tbo biting1 , and Brown refused to obey tlio ordor. IIo is now debating whether to trust to tlio soothsayer and go to jail or murder the dog1. "Aycr's Cherry Pectoral lias given tna Kicnt icllof in bronchitis. Within a month I liavo sent some of this propitiation to a friend sufloiing fiam bronchitis and asthma. It has done him so much good tbut hovritos for more.1' Charlea P. Uuintcrville , Vlymouth , Elglnud. Ma i < ll Gran at Now Or'enni. On February 10 tlio grand carnival will take place. The great Wnlxish are now selling round trjn tickets to Now Orleans good returning until February 28 very choiip. Time only forty hours. Twelve hours in advance of all other routes. Also round trip tickets to all points in Florida. The favorite route to the Hot Springs of Arkan- : . For tick ets and full lnfoimillion In regard to time and routes south or oust cull at the Wuuash olllco , 1502 Farnam street or write G. N. CLAYTON , NorthwesternPas . Agt. , Omuha , Nob. Indian Wratliur I'ri'tllotlim. Old "Gimnio Gliow Torbaekor , " the Piuto cliiof of the weather liurciiu , Bays tlio Chloride , Nevada Holt , makes these predictions : "Maybe so ho no shonow two moro moons , no kolchum bad winter ; mobbo so , ho flhenotv all time , pooty boon , ho.ip dam bad. I guess ho slionow all time now , cause Injun no got ' 0111 wood , lie isetcli 'um big- cold now , Injun go Sal ing bailey. Hoop sot down. " How to Urrnk Dp n Mcvoro Cold. Fiom tbo Ylrt/lnln City , Mont. , Madlso- nluir AVhen u oil nil a inodicino wo know to possess genuine merit , tvo consider It u duty , und wo tano plcasuro In telling the publio what It Is , Sudi a incdklna wo found ( jluim- berlalu'a Cougn Kunii'dy. JJy the tiso of this syiup wolinvurcllotcd , In a fuw hours , severe - vero colds , and In tlio course of two or thrco days , entirely lirolcuu them up in h s sovcral of our friends to whomwohuvorccoinmenrted It. It is all it is ioi > ruscntud to bo by tUn inaiiufiicturcrs. Jf you huvo a cougli and want to stop It , Cluunborluln's Comli Rom- cdy will do the work. Tor sale by all drug * Wcntlior inillun ? . Up to tiiis date our monthly prognosti cations have boon fully IIH rollnblo as the prophesies of the Into lamented Wiggins , but at the beginning of a now your wo resolve to do nil 11 bolter. The customary January thaw will bo dinnonaod with and put-bongcrs who travel In the oloutrio ilghti'd , Hteam heated , vcHtlbulnd iiolaco cur trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee it St i'aul Uy. , IxjlwecM Omaha and Chi cago. will "bo comfortably cared for re gardless of the outside atinodplmro. City ticket olllco , 1C01 Fanmm street * ( Darker block ) , Omaha. Mill UiiHCtthMl. Mr. Drown of Virginia spoke of Mr , Hough of TonnosHco us if the name were pronounced "IIoo , " which ho olalmud wnu very proper for him to do , but Mr. Hough resented it , und one m'Qivod two bullets und the other throe cuts- and the oa HO in btill unsoUlod , according to the Detroit Free Press. Mr. llrown Insists that when iv man wants to bo known an Mr. Huff ho needn't ' go around the alphabet to uucompliim it. Tlio Uurdock Plant h ono of the best d I unities or kUluoy roguliitoia in the vefrttta * hlo world , as the rompounit known as Hur * doclt IJIooii Hlttoni Is unsurpassed In ull UU ouscs of tbo kidneys , liver and blood.