TJIE OMAHA DAILY BEE'MONDAY : ' ' , FEBRUARY 2 , 1801 JiVJtn\'i\ts Hocrctnry Noble Taking Stopi to licdlta Itiioini'fii In IIIiOlllco. WASIIISOTO.V , li'obf , 1. Secretary Noble Is talcing nctlvo rncusurci to oxnodlto the judi cious of ctnltmtn tlio pension burcnupartlcu- , Inr ntlcntlon being itlvon to thow cuscs which nro not represented by attorney * and to cases Which , for some rcanon , hnvo boon in the bureau fora IODB tlmo. In thU matter the secretary 1 * receiving the earnest cooperation tion una nsilstnuco of General llnum. Tlio cxnmitintlon of the records of the pension bureau discloses the fnct Hint there mo only nhout 12,000 cases on fllo which nro not represented by attorneys. Thc o will bo tnlten up by ttio board appointed for the purpose nnd will pro ceed to 11 llnul determination. This board is required to usoovciy euro that con Id bo taken Ity nn attorney and to fully consider anil jjlvo lust wciftit ? to every favorable fact disclosed in tlio rcrordsof these cases. In othfr words , full and cotripletojustlco 1 to bo done In every instance , and technicalities of con struction or picseiitation of tlieso cases nro not to bo taken iidvanlago of. The clalinaiiLs nro to bo assisted niul not hindered , Tl.rso reforms liavo already been started In tticlr course , and His ox ) ctcd the ) will icsult In Rood to nil concerned , Wlmloin'H riiiicntl. WASIIIMITOV , I ob. 1. All nrrnnijctnciits fortbo funorulof \Vlndomhavobeciuom- - plctcd. 1'rlvato services will take place at the house at 11 o'clock tomorrow. Iho picsl- dent and cabinet and members of the family will attend the services. From tlio house they will proceed to tlio church The mem bers of tlio cabinet will be honorary pill bearers and n mnnbcrof tienstiry department employes will net as body bearers. A lingo number of cullers vloxvud the leinalns today , among them the ptosldrnt and Mrs. Har rison. OVoiiiinr'n Views. W\SIIISOTOV , Feb. 1. T. P. O'Connor Is at the Aihngtun. Ho said tonight that tlicro is every prospect of satisfactory conclusion of the UouloKPO conference , so far 113 homa rule Is concerned. Tlio cause mav have re- col\pil a tctnporarv bacltset , but it is suio to triumph In the end. lie will sail for Kuiopo lu a few days. a cent JA ; TA i * * < i I'oib OA Kit. Tlio DnngtiU'r of it AVoaltliy w Yurie I'ntiiily TalccH Morphine , Krw YOHIC , Fob. l.-Mlss Helen Potts , daughter of < Jeorgo II. I'olla , the wealthy railroad anil inino owner , who llvos rit An- bury Park , died suddenly tiiii morning in a. private boarding school from raot'pliluo pois oning. .She had boon troubled with ncnous- ircss nnil Insomnia for some time , and last night took n capsule sup posed to contain twcntv-llvo grains of ( Iiilntiro and ono grain of morphlrro which had been prescribed by Carlyle \V. Hards , n medical studoiitatnl n wnnn.friend of herself anil family. Soon after returning her roommateas auakcncd by lie.ivy breathing , und Miss Putin was found almost unconscious. Medical aid was summoned und she was restored by , ' 1 o'clock nniUhougtrt to bo out of all danger , but \vucu aid was again .suminoncd a couple of hours later at a reoccurrence of the attacks nil efforts were found unavailing nnd she died at 11 o'cloolt this morning1. There arc several theories as to her death. An inexperienced prescription clerk may Iravo substituted morphine for quinine ; n \vliolo grain of rnotiilrine might h.rvo Rot into ono capsule or tlio girl m.ij have liadtho prescription renewed utrd died of tie ) cumulative action of n Inrgo nutii- bt'rof capsules. A thorough investigation Will ho ni.iiJo. The family is ( onnected with the most prominent families of Pennsylvania mnl New Jersey. Not tlio I Irst Time. MEMPHIS , Turn. , Fell. 1. Itobcit Gullo- way , one of ttio owners of tlio mines ftt Car bon hill , said to the Associated Press repor ter tonight in regard to the icported troubles nt the mines : "These outrages nro the worlc of the ele ment thnt knows no law ; that has terrori/ed that part of Wulkor county for the past three years nud have ire regard for human lifo. The jiowcrs of the county olllcials seem limited , but the tlmo lins conto for the state of Alabama to cinsih out tliis class. That the house In which the negroes were sleeping was riddled with bul- Icti is a fttct nnd ono ot thorn was wounded in the ami. None were Killed. Yobtculay James Cuttcrov , a negro , was killed nnd one was wounded , uut this is not tire ilrst tlmo in the last few nights that such things hnvo happened iu this county mid the guilty parties nro supposed to bo well known. This last case of liuvlcssnoss , whllo unjustl'lablo in every way , was brought nbcut by unfortuu- nto circumstances. On Tui'sday a stratiKO whlto mirtr was killed near Kldridge , six mires from Carbon hill , by a negro. On "Wednesday a negro employed to hunt up sotno negroes who formerly worked nt the mines , picked1 up some strange negroes nnd took them to GaJoivay On tire wav o\cr they got a drlnlc or tuo arrd the lender talked in a way to excite the crowd , who took the law in their own hands with the result ns stated. The house wus rallied. They evidently did not Intend to kill nny other negroes , as there were thirty or forty qimrtcreillthin UOO jards of this place \\lio were not touched. " Tlio llnlicuH Corpim Suspended. LNHOV , Fob. 1. A decree is published sus pending the habeas corpus net andauthorl/- ing tire suppression throughout the country of the Journals prejudicial to the state. The republican papers , Patria and Gebatcs , have already boon suppressed , The coum.ll of state is about to assemble to discuss the ap plication of military javV to the civilian ' ian Insurgents who 'will be brought hero on board the transport In dian. It transpires that the Insurgents counted upon a simultaneous rising ut Colin- bn , Hniga and Vizcu and were only waiting for the departure of tire troops to attack the capital , but It appears that a dissension rc- vcaloit at the recent republican conferences upset their plans. It is stated that the Eigh teenth regiment will be transferred to Ilraga nml that tire Ninth chasseurs nnd Tenth in- fnntry , which were concerned in the revolt , will bo disbanded. Cannot Malco It. , Feb. 1. Prof. Koch , who Is about to start for Egypt , gave a farewell reception to his laboratory assistants today. The professor says ho will probably bo absent from Berlin about three months , Ho explains - plains that ho has only parti'illy disclosed the method of production of the curative lymph because ho desired to stop the rush of doc tors to Berlin. If ho bird described * the method of manufacture moro fully , ho says , ho would have been rnoro worried about de tails. Great discontent prevails regarding the published account of the method of manufacturing the lymph. Tnoy imulo num berless attempts to produce the lymph , but they Him Prof. Koch's description iotally in- adeij.uato to enable them to rnako It. \ Tiiiinipliant Journey , , Feb. 1 , 1'arr.oll snoko in Ilnnls today according to programme. Ills Journoj from Dublin to Knnia was n triumphant pro- press. There was n roinnrlcnbla series o demonstrations iu his honor nil along tlu route. At Ocriitnnln. Hall. lire em of German theatres 1ms been ro vlvcd In Omaha and bids fuir to become pop ular. Oermanla hall on Ilanroy Btreot has been enlarged and remodeled , nnd horeaf tei each Sunday night It will bo occupied by c German theatrical company , LnstnlghfTlu Uoldon Cross" was presented bv a very ox celle-rrt company of amateurs with Miss l ii Cordt , recently of the Kurl Schult theatre o Hamburg , ns the star. A largo uudlenco wa in attendance nnd the play was well received There is no danger ot n cold resulting In pneumonia when Chamberlain's Cough Konr cdy is used as directed "for a so\ero cold.1 It otlectnully counteracts and arrests an ) tendency of a cold to result In pneumonia 'J'lil * fuel was fully proven In thousands o CASOH during the epidemic of iulluenza las winter , For aule by ull druggists , t or The I'rlnoiicr Ilrenks Diwn on the Aniinnnuoiiiont of tlio Vordlct. IjKtvnNViOUTif , Kan. , Teb. 1 , The trlnl of David 13 , Llavls for the murder of Ids ulfe , that has been going on for over a cek In the dlsttlct court , was concluded jcstcrdny and ho was found Riillty. 'I ho trial came to rather nn nbrnpt termination nnd ended several iluys sooner than expected. This was owing to the attorney for Davis waiving argument In his behnlf and allowing ho case to go to tno Jury after the county nt- orney made an opening addtcss. The jury vns only oiic ten minutes when thov rc- iirncd with a Verdict of murder In the flrst cgreo. When this vordlct was announced Javls sremed to lose his self-control and was nken into im null- room of the ciourt , where 10 bioko down completely , moaned and ribbed , nnd bewailed his hard fate. Us attorneys made a motion for a now rial that will bo argued on Febru ary 0. In the meantime DaUsvillboron - Inod In tlio couatv 'all nnd closely wntcheu , o prevent his committing suicide. As Davis' aso now icsts ho will bo sentenced to death , but this In Kansas means a llfo tenure In the xtnltcntlary. Davis has served four jcura n that Institution lor horio stcnlrnp , and ho Iocs not mind prison cotrllnptncnt much. N'otttltlntnndlng D.i\ls' Ind record , thcro Is onslderablo sympathy expressed forhlin , nd there Is gnat surprise at the Jury con- Ictlng him so quickly. i'Ki't-'s-u J-V/K rieis.iritr.XT. CaiiHiiH AlllnML'i : M < ; iiil > prs Trilkorilim for the I 'ON ! t l < in. TOPBKA , Kau. , rob. 1. ( Special Tele gram to TUB llii.l : Kansas nlllanco leaders re beginning to talk of Senator-elect PclTcr s the alliance candidate for the presidency n 18112. Speaker pro-temporo Mntchctt ro- narked today that such n thing would not bo at nil out of the question. Snld bos "Kansas is going to bo the leader In the alliance movement. The election of a United States .senator nnd five congressmen before ho party Is njcareldisa greater victory ban was ever attained by a new party in mv state. It puts Kansas in tire front in his great movement and this state mny bo called upon to furnish n presidential candi- late. H Kansas names the leader in IhW. it s not at all improbable that it would bo the low United States senator. " A movement stuitcd hero today to unite ho free silver republicans of the west In clc- nnnd for the nupolnttnent of a western man for Secretary Witrdoin's nlnee Kesolutlons vill tomorrow be passed by the semite asking .ho president to appoint a inan whoso views nro in accord \Uth thu views 'of the people of howeston the monetary question. A Ilpninrlcnlilc PirT.siiuiio , Pa. . Feb. 1. [ Special Tele- ; ram to Tin : Ini.l ( Michael Delano , an Ital- an , died nt Iho Allegheny general hospital odny. Ills corpse weighed forty-one pounds. I owns tldrty-ono jcarsold. It Is the most remarkable wasting away of flesh that the drj'hicians who hmo watcricd his case over icard of. Ono year ago Delano woigbcu 185 lounds. _ Blnotly Krre-nir-All Fiuhr. CHICAOO , Feb. 1. In a tenement house in he Italian quarter of this city a free-for-all Ight took place toniyht , Knives , uistols , shovels and other articles of warfare were rcelv used. A Greek named Tree had his rend almost severed from his body. Several othnscro injured , The. flght was stopped > y the police. A Itilstoi's Stiddon Oonlli. AlixxrAPoi i , Minn. , Feb. 1. Rov. Melville D. running of the Oak Park Cotigiogational L'hurch a.s taken suddenly ill at the con- lusloii of his morning sermon middled soon iftPi of npoploxv. The subject of his text was "Is Lifo Worth Living < " \Vaio'i Man A Knv Oni.R\M > , ! > > , Feb. 1. 1C. B Rodgers , manager of the New Orleans watch and Jew elry company , has absconded , taking about ? 10,000 of tne monov that had been piid In by subscribers to watch club schemes organized jy the company. Skeletons Chained Together. Leon S. Gordon , who has just ro- uriitd to Kansas City from a trip in Now JMexieo , where ho 1ms boon en- jiijred in constructing a telegraph line rein Ln.s Vegas to Silver City , rolntos a stranpo story of n discovery in ado by4iis jjinifj of men as they wore working ihroug'litho country. For miles they would work without seeing1 a huinnn being and 'tho houses vero iiflnclpallv old ruins which had .oiiff been abiiiiJoiicd. Itwasthocus- .0111 of the raon to utill/.o these ruins for ioinnoritry camping quarters , and it was whim thus occupying it house that the dij-covery vras made thut was at once sUutling nnd lotnan'io. Tlio party catnpud ut u place called by the Mexi cans L,03 , Ojos du la Muerto , or the Springs of Death. The springs were of l > uro water , but the place was so named from tlio fact that stnoral murders had boon committed nt the houso. Ono Sunday whllo the inon were real- Ing after tholr weok'a work , t\\o of the men begun nn oxainination of the place , and in tholr rambles became imbued with tlio idea that there wits si concealed room in the building. The walls were Bounded , and at lust they eamo to a place where they thought a different sound was given out , and they began to work a hole through. They found that their surmises were correct , und soon had an opening into a room. They procured lights and entered. Lying on the floor , they found two skeletons , the bones ot the wrists encircled with iron bands , which were rivited on nnd connected with chains , showing that the unfortu nates hud been cluuued together and loft to die u lingering death. From the appearance of the skeletons , it was readily perceived that they were these of a man and woman , inquiry was made in the neighborhood , but for a long time nothing could 1)0 learned thut would solve the mystery. Ono day an old Mexican came to the house and on hoing told of the dlsco\ory , said that it explained tlio disappearance of tlio wife of tlio man who owned the place , It was generally supposed tluough the country that she had eloped with a young American with \vhoin she had boon unduly intimate. Cloak IrtO YcnrH Old Never Unpaired , The glory of Mrs. Rebecca Essex's homo at Tauguatmk , Richmond , R. I , , is u great old grandfather's clock that was -hullt by n Mr , Stillman leO years ago and lias been running without un in terruption over since , sayh the Now York Sun. The clock is eight feel high and very bnndpomo , und a clockmakur recently said thut its works uro still as poiffccl as when tlioy nro imulo. The oloclc belonged to Mrs. Kb sex's grand father , niul has never been out of the possession of the Ussox family. The fndy , who is eighty-two years old , sajs it has almiyb kept poifoct time and never needed to bo repaired. Yields tlm I'.ilrn. Chicago Is unjustly called the city of divorces , writes Eugene Field. Yet Chicago ia not wholly given over to the dhorco industry ; ills not t > o infamous a divorce ecu turns the llttlo city of In dianapolis Is. Ltust joar the number o ; divorces In Indlanopolis was equal to ono-liftli the number' of marriages , This percentage largely exceeds the Hhinvlni ; made in I'hleago , The allowing here in dicates thut one in every forty mar- rlniTos Is a failure. Some rotnarUablu cures of deafness nro ro cnrdeiiof Dr. Thomas' Electric OU. Novct xuili to euro earache. I'WV / filtlf , .ST7M.VW// > . The Mj-Btrry Wit lull li AultntliiK ft Mluhliran Vllln c. Ltxstvn , Mleb. , Pcb. l.-Tbo bo 1y of an unknown girl , not more than fourteen years ild , of jHclit form nnd diminutive stature , les In a llttlo undertaking establishment at Dlmonclato , an IJaton county vlU age , seven miles south of this city , awaltlnp Identification. The short brown inlr , iar o eyes of the same color and hatidsomo forehead all Indicate that the corpse Is that of n beautiful child , The neck s marred by the innrlcs of lingers , ns though .ho victim had been strangled , nnd the teeth iad been forced' through the lower lip. These ire the only raarlss of violence on the body , vhlch bears evidence of having been tightly vnipped In n sheet or quilt. The body was omul in ( J rand ri\cr last evening , nbout dusk , by Solomon nnd Clifton Dorr , two farmers vho wcio irosslni ; the river on the ice. They had reached tire further shore when boson. Clifton , looking backward cauRht iKht of a curious looking object lodged In ho branches of a tree which had fallen across the rlvor. Closer examination ro- o.iled the cntlroly undo body of the young Rirl. which had evidently been carried to the spot and thrown through an opening In the ec. She Will Glvo Oiittiniii Another Touch of Ilor Talent. Nnw Yonii , Feb. 1. [ Special Tclepram o Tun Hr.n. ] Sarah Hernlmrdt will come icforo tlio New York public for the iirst titno n three or four years at the 0 arden theater neAt Thursday night. Bcrnhardt will np- icirr in "La Tosra , " and that play vill form the bill throughout the Irst weelc of the live she is to spend nt the Garden. Next week she will m'scnt "Cleopatra" with nearly all ttio clnb- jratton that marked Us original production it I'orto St. Martin , Paris. A. full company eamo over with Hcrnbardt , but her leading nan , lu Quesno , will not bo a stianpcr. Ho will play Mark Anthony to Hcrnhnrdt's ' 'Cleojntra. " "Tbcodora , " "Joan of Arc" anil "Cnmillo" are to bo offered later in the engagement Tniibcncck K.xonprntod. SriuvnrrEi-i ) , 111. , Feb. 1. Konrescntatlvo Moore of ono committee who went to Colum bus to Investigate the Tanbencck-Uofjers matter returned today. Ho said he had "nothing to say in regard to the investiga tion further than that It was satisfactorily iroven beyond n doubt that Tanbeneik was lot Rogers , the forger , and fur ther that Tanbcneck had never jccn nn inmate of the penitentiary. " The report of the committee will probably bo made to the house Tuesday morning and will Do substantially the result of evidence pro * duccd before the committees , closing with the statement that the senate committee rec ommends the public exoneration of Tan- beneck of all the charges that have been either published in the newspapers or made against him by any ono. Thu buying Hen. lions differ Individually , and they lilTor as broods. Knowledge of tholr Individual characteristics can only bo rained by constant association with , hoin nnd careful observation of their traits , The laying hen is one that is ictlvo and busy. A good boratrhing : ien ono that is never idle is , as u rule , i good layer , for Iho reason that nor ictivo habits keep her in the proper con- djtion for laying. Hence wo may ad vise , says an exchangethat in bplecting , iho busy , active hen bo retained. A jnght red comb , bright wastlos , and a happy disposition nro indicated , while bright eyes and clean feathers also point t success. All hens have bright [ ed combs when beginning to lay , hub It is before the hens begin that moro information is desired. The best method is to breed for good lujers. Select the best layers every year and mate thorn with a male from a good laying strain or breed , and the shortest road will at once ho taken. When one linds a lotof diones in a Hock , a ot rid of thorn ana bicod from these Lhat are productive. The rule that "llko liko" holds with begets good poul try as with anything else , nnd should lead to the production of better block ; but it is important that the nialo bo given some coiistdoiationlien selecting breeding stock , his influence on the fu- Lure piogeny is greater than any female in the Hock , ho is sire of all instead of only a few. Saw I Ive KMIKS Die. One of the most peculiar circumstances connected with the death of King Kala- kaua is the fact that Godftoy lhodes { , who was prcsbiit in the room at Che tiino of his death , has boon present at the death-bod of five kings , says the San Francisco Call. Noothcrinan , perhaps , in the world 1ms had a similar experi ence , lie was for many years a rgsident of Ilonolulu , where ho hold at various Limes nearly every ollico of impoitanco in the kingdom. During thai time live rulers have passed away , and , strange to say , ho has been present on each occa sion. Ask for Van Iloutcu's Cocoa. Take no other. Miss Mary Ilickoy loft yesterday over the Roelc Island for her home in Buftnlo , N. Y. , after an extended visit among friends In Omaha and Duluth , Jllnn. A farewell party was Ki\en her last evening at the residence of Mr. ami Mrs. John J. Cobry , 1143 North Seventeenth street , where a largo number of ber friends assembled to wish her a pleasant Journey nud an early return to Omaha. Plain enough the way to a clear complexion , frco from blotches , piiniluM | , erup tions , yellow spots , and roughness. Purify your blood , and you have it. "With pure , rich blood , an active liver , good appetite and digestion , the hue of health follows. Doctor Picrco's Golden Medical Discovery gives you all of them. It is the blood-purifier. There's no laok of them , but thoro'B HOMO like this. It's guaranteed to accomplish all that's ' claimed for it. In all dis eases arising from torpid liver and impure blood , it benefits or cures , or the money is refunded. With nu ordinary medicine , it couldn't bo done. Bui this isn't an ordi nary medicine. It is the cheapest blood - purifier sold , through druggists , becaiibc you only pay foi the f/iiod you get. Can yon ask moro ? The " Discovery" aets equally well all the ypar round. EVtnr WOMAN THAT H/\5 / ANY 5EN5E , AND MANV THERE BE V/E HOPE , v V/ILL / 5PEND HER CENTS FOR A USEFULCAK Of FAIRBANKS-SANTA CLAUS SOAP- OMA.I-IA , NEB. Dnrlnp Ills fovornl months location and pmctlco In Omaha , Or. IllllliiKs lint enrni'il un rnvlnlilo rointn- | Uun unmni ; tlio hiinilrodsiif iltlzom nlio opjillnl to him ulnioxt n a la t rusuit , tiinl founl In hln Kklllful ndnlstnitlons the full renllzutlon of hoi > o long ilo- fcrrud Ho Is porrenncntly lornlod nnd tins tlio best np- rolnteil nnd most eonviMili-ntly loculud pbjaltlan's olllcuond riccptlon rnotiM In Oinnlii. Tlio lick \slll Mini In Dr DIlliiiKi n true physician Diid u ) iiipnlliallc frlciulnuil nd\ Her , Kortbo trratniontof MIC lolloivlnunimcdilUen'os Dr. DHIUiKi has proven himself poisusacdot luos t untiHual ukllL NO OUREX ! NO RAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Seventeen years orperlonco A rCKnlnrsrndiinto Inmortlclno , nidlpiom.n sliow , Is tlll trnntlni with Iliocrcdtoitsuccess , nll Ncrvoui. Chronicumi I'rlvalo Dho'iso ! Aticnnincnt euro uiinrant d for Ortnnh , Sperniatorrhocn , Io t Mnnhfind. sotulml U'ejlcnuss , Nlubt fjoa < oi. ImiiotuiHy , SyiihllU. dtrlcturu , nnd nil ills- eases of tlio Hlood , Skin nnil Uilnnry Organs N.ll 1 Kuiranteo ( fJOO fur orcrr caio I undarUSo and tall to cure. L'onaultiitloufrco UooklMystorleso L-lfo ) sontfioo. Olllcoliouri-Oa. m. tu" p. in. Sun l.iyj IJ a ui. to 12 ui ZKRRD ICE CREEPER , Adjustable Ice Creppors flt any Bhoe , Anyone can put them on or ell they are always In order , and jou are ready for any change of weather. Agents Wanted. ' of fore and hind shoo. { 3ry 0nly the "Points" wear out : anyone can put iu.i new sot. "Ind spsnsamo. " FullBetO ) $3. Points , 8 bet , $1 . toonoaidress. Points , - tIO ( : ) 20c , by mail. \V. Kent , Sole JlTr. , Hcrldin , COM. CHRISTIE LHTHROP Commission Co. 800 nud 811 South I'llli Street , First Miami Dunk Grain , Provisions , , Stocks & Bonds , Orders oxpcuteil fortlmpiirchaso orsalofor ImnictlliLtoor future iloll\ery la all tlio Ivail- ItiK uiarUeU. \\'irc. \ \ . Ct > * Co fat. Louis . _ MI ) . II. TrancU & tiro' Is the l i ! t niajc , ami li lolj / cvervutiprc. 'Ihls Is thoorlQ. tnnl JJ UliM , ItewirooflnU- tatloiu. 1'osltlvcly ' none Renulnn imlesi nampeil on tha olci , " .laiiicn Blenne' SJ Shoo. " J. MEANS & CO. , 4 1 Ll.roln _ IN ALL THE WOHLD THEKE IS BUT ONE CURE DR. HAINE3' GOLDEN SPECIFIC , . tlii Djt or u alooBollo v rook. IT M. KU. i AU. . It opontea BQ quitlly n < l with auoti c r- tkinly tliat thu yitlent undorjoes no Inooavemtnco , BiiJ eru hi M aware , iu. complete relo.'rnution . > eireotoci 48pac booltoparllcular tiee. Jobphidol KUHW * CO.i lh * JJouBlM'iU ! C | n.1B"'j II11DOB 4 CO nld Crj"lrBdinunplled by llIiAKB. , T rTi n - ' lffvO" i r"h Buffering from tlio cffecU ot youthfulerron early ilfiay. Mtfll iivifrftkiuha. lost mualiood , etc , 1 will Mini o\aluaCio trLallio l al > , < l | contilnlns full particular * for homo Hire , 1 uD : of clmrffu Atp\uiilM iiicdlcn.lHorl | tioiiiauj na > l liycrerj man win U ncrrniu mil cl 'l > Mlati'il. ! AiWroiw 1'rof , V. C. VO WL.HU , WoodUi , Coun CATAllHH-AI ( | [ on'Cift ohroit nnd no o C lnrrlillniivcrl | licillio lilooil nnd nerves , proiluiliiK ( ) clilliJi'cnc iiinlducllno. UVSI'llt'aiA Anl nil tlm plmm of Indljn tlnn llvor troulilc , Imperfect n liullntlon niul nutrition KII > NIVlISI ! ) < AmsArc : limit ilooolvlns nml In- liluom Hyniptom < linnl to rccoziilm l > y thu iintlont ofliMi lend tofntul brlshti onllibatoi. 'irsKAsis : OF TUI : nt.ooi ) niooii poiioninK , icrufuln , cryslpulni , and discuses inontloiu'd horo- nflor. AII , KIN DlSriASKS-Korcmi , onlt rlicnm , Varl- oln. tllcor , t'llii rrloi , ncrofulii , lupin , mii'l ly color of thoikln , plmpli'i , nnd illstmioj of tlio ic.ilpiiro ciiroil tiy lr Hilling. NKHVOUS lISHASK8-I.oi ) of vl nr , lott timn- liooil. ilclilllty. proitrutlon , ilpipomlenoy , iTiiptlo 11 on tlio fact1. IO H of iiioinnrv. dronil of future , cto Anun treatment tlmt N'KVHIl 1'AII.S. UlIiniMATISM A.SM ) KKUKAUIIA Are cured tiy Dr Dllllniti vrlicn nil otliora liivo : fnllod FiMAT < K WKAKS'nssnS Tha Innh. Irrational nnd unnntiirnl motlioils unmlly employed nro ru- rpuiiHlbln lor fully throa-fonrllis nf tlio Mitlurlni ; now i-ndiiri'd by nuincn. lines tltatu Iho now , homo treatment nfllr Dllllntti I'lI.KS AII > ItKCl'Ar , TllOUIITjKt rilov , Hs- tula , nb rosHp. , stricture , and nil ilNeno * of roctiiui cured without tlio hnlfu , cnutcry or nn hour's del ly from work or biislnei-i. AIL IIKADACIIKS arc quickly rurcd. VKNKUKAl , U1SBASIM Urcont or lone itiiiidlnit fjlihllh , KoiiorriHi' , ntrlttura and nil roiullliiitnr- fcctlon' nrucurrd porninni'iitly mid former without any mercury or mlnornl trentincnt. MOItl'HINK 1IA1IITQuickly , roi'tlvcly ' mid. painlessly cuiod. TA I'llVOHM Tnlcfn with hcnd complete In ono hour with ono tcnsiioonful u5 iiloasnnt tiiudlt.liia. No OTIinil DISKASKSSilPh nt olrt sori-x. ulcers , tumor. " , caiieert , hpnrt troubloi , nstluua , cpllcpiy , St. Vltiiw iliinc'c milkier , chrinla constipa tion nnd clironlocllarrliiBiiTu cured. Till ) COMl'LnXION The ino t im lBlitly nnrt muildy comploxlon quickly frrahonudnnd bciutlllod. rOHOKKIINSlVi : I1UKATI1-A iicrnmnent euro LOW KKKSI KlUJi : CON'S UKPATIONI 110UIIH : C"Uiilii to 5 p. ni. K\cnln s , 7 to 8.30. 6iimlus , 2 tel p. in. Patients Troitcd By Correspondence. Medicine Sent Evaryv/hore. 322 South. Fifteenth St. GROUND FLOOR. NO STATUS. Dr. Dllllngs prepares and dispenses Ms o\vn medicines , which are largely seleotad from nature's healing plant ? , b.irks , roots , musshrxib3t3 , Nomln wl drajs vcleu DS , . J. E. McG-SE'W , THE SPECIA.LIST. Moro Ilinn Fifteen Years Expcrlonoa in the Tieatmen' of A inrn N ifinirm- PRIVATE DISEASES toed In from tlirea tu tire il.i)3 with out tlio loss of nn liour'a tlmo , cured without STRICTURES ; no int- i 'Illntlnti. The most cmnrknblo remedy knuwn toiuottoriiHOleni.o. Cnreil In 'M to CO day * . I > r Mo- SYPHILIS ( Irow'stionlmont fur tills ti'rrlblo blood dl9e'io lias been pronoiinutl the mo t poHorfiilant ) 8Uicc iful remedy ever dis covered for the absolute euro of this illaenso , Ills tucccus with this dlsu.uo has nuvcr bucn e < iualloJ. A comptelociirontiAiUMUCii nnd nil svcaknoss of LOST MANHOOD - . . inn ! nil mi- iiturnl dlschnrucs , nro absolutely cured. Rulief U mine llato unit cnniplcilo PI/III fllOriOCP Hlioiunatlim nml all ills- UIXI1I MiNrAijttl . ei'10'1 of Itiolilo3rt , Ihor , kWneyjnndLlaUaori jr- mnncntly cured. FEMALE DISEASES S-IuS cured Tlio Doctor's Homo Treatment for Indlei U truly n coniploto , tonvcnleiit niul wnmlorilul ri'iuoily. im3 totoKi. ) , Book free , ' marvolou * nuccosa has DR IWEW'S wini for him n reputation , which In truly national In uhnmctrr , and his Rrrnt nrni ) of pntli'nti rc.Klim from Iho Atlantic to the I'liclllu. 'Iho Doitor N a Krnduitoof "'I ' AH' ' medlrlno nnd tins hu 1 bn nnilrirefnl oxporloiico In lui'i'lrul practlee , an.1 13 ilnssut ainoni ; the learllni , ' ipcolallit In mo lorn rlenio Tronlnient t > y correspondence llonk or circulars about each of the ubovo illso iscs , rrtEE Office , i4th and Farnam Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Untranco on cither Btreot. NERVE AND BRAIN 1MTMENT , Hrxclflo for Hretcria. D1 tnesi.PtaKtturnlfla. ( Wuko tulneu. M ntal l prosslou. ttilfanlnfrnf tbo Jtraln rt > - pultinif in Insanity RnJ leading to nilsorjdecav and iloAth. Prtmatine OM Age. lUirenncu. Low ot Poirur Inutttiur heXi Involuntary L.o i * ยง , nn l Hparraatarrtrea cam * ! t lir ovtre ) ( tioi of ilia ( train , eelf-Mime or orcr tudu'trenco > ncli box cotiiaJnsonamomh'B tretit * rocnt ClatioXt or Plx for 9\ tent tiy mrllitr alil. With oncb order for six bom , will rteinl imnbaaor ( ni a run too to refund racn v If the tre-ttineiit fAiltttO GOODMAN DUL7G CO. , 1110 Kurwuu Stroct , Omalu , Neb. WANTED , Total Uauci of CITIES , COUNTIES , SCHOOL a DISTRICTS , WATER COMPANIES , OT. R.R.COMPArilES.ite. Uorrespondvnco rnllritul. a COMPAHY , Bankers , IG3-I05 Deortiorn SlroetCHICAGO , 19 Wall Street , NCW YORK. 70 Stuto St. , BOSTON. OMAHA DIRECTORY. BILLIARDS. BOXES. The Hrnnswick-Balke John L , Wilde , Oollondor Oo. IlllllnrJ iiiprchniiillti ? , Omnlmpit'Or licit factory , Hnlnon fltluroj 11I7-111J DoiiRlnt , 407.40li s liith Btreot , Uinnlin. promptly tlltot. BOOK BINDERSids STATIONERS. _ Omnha Republican Printing Oo. , l.Rir tirlcfa , li.-ink ( MiplliM | , mil urcrrlhlnj In trio prlnlltiK lino. IQlli nnil lloimlm itroot < . Ackermanu Bros. & Hciutzo , I'rlntcrj , blmtcrfl , rloctrntvpcr' . blnnk book tmrw- fntturori , II10 Ilownrl utroct , Onnhi. COAL , COKE , ETC.