OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , FEBRUARY 2 , 1591. MIAN SACRIFICE OFFERED. Indians Thought Their Tbrtnro of a Boy Would Bring Luck in Hunting. ODD AND TRAGIC WESTERN STORIES , Death Don't Stop Divorce Bnltn In California ifornia- Heroic Dcnthofan Old Timer Mania for Steal ing Itouonmilvea. In Juno last an Indian named Blue Horn went hunting and trapping in. the Beaver till ! , near Fort Saskatchewan , accompanied lj. the eight-year-old son of a Victoria Indian , rays the 'British Columbia Exchange. On I Is return from thn bunting trip to the camp I awns surprised to flncl tlio boy not there. . n extended search failed to rovcal the boy. * * half-breed from Beaver lake found In the tvoods about six miles east of Fort Saskotcbc- \ ? .m the sHcletonof a child in n standing 1 < .flttlon , its arms stretched out and it wrists tl d to two trees. From circumstances sur- t juudlng tlio affair it Is evident the lost boy ' 'as offered as n sacrifice to secure good luck In hunting by the Indians. TjOflt Hit IJfc ) i-ornn Unknown. The Murccd river in California which is mis- rometl Inasmuch ni the won ! is of Spanish BiiKlnnnd means "mercy , " has claimed an r chcr victim. John Clark , one of the oldest lesldonts of Mnriposa county nnd for many jcars the cfllclentand popular sheriff , yielded up his lifo In the turbid waters of that i-trcam last week. Clarlc lost his llfo in a desperate nnd almost hopeless attempt to save thu llfo of a fellow being who waste to him unknown. This man , whoso Identity has not yet boon announced , was crossing the river In n Btnal boat , which capsized before reaching the shore. ( Jl rk , who saw the predicament in which the man was placed , at once Jumped In to rescue him. An eddy caught him nnd carried him tinder almost irnnredl'itcly. ' The body has not yet been found The unknown was nblo to cling to the until It reached shore. Clark's untimely death has caused a feeling of gloom to pervmlo the entire com tnunlty. IIo was well liked and known as courageous nt all limes and under all clr cumstunces , Mr. Chirk wns well known to all the Yoc einito travelers ot late years. Tno Merced river is n treacherous stream , and principal among the drowning cases nro those of the Inhabitants of the country , who nro perfectly familiar with the eddies and bhoals so numerous In its course. Sheriff Clark had lived along the course of the river for thirty years , and was supposed to bo aware of tlio danger ho Invited when ho made his fatal jump. How a MUer's \Vcnl h Wont. William Lockcrman was a miser who died t Frultvnlo about n year ajo , leaving nn es tate worth over W,000. ) Ho had carefully boarded his money , nnd It would have given him undoubted pain could ho have known In * l his lifetime how It would have boon dis bursed nftcr his death , and that $781 would have been spent in putting hlra in his last resting place , when a pine board box would have been , moro in consonance with his tastes. IIo left n slater. Mrs. Mary Ann Roberts , living in Brooklyn , N. Y. , who had frequently appealed to him. for assistance , as she waft very poor. Lockcrtnaa always refused her re quests , but the money ho thus saved will eventually reach her , because Judge Ells worth ordered the estate settled nnd turned over to her. The public administrator was allowed $ lv23 ! , his attorneys $ * . " , nftl there wore other expenses which were not in ac cord with old Iiockorman's ' Idea of spending monoy. A physician who pidd him twenty visits wanted only $ tr > 00 , but tin ally came down under order of the court to $1,100. The old man who llvod so miserly nil his llfo was finally buried In a motalic coftln which cost the estate $500. while S''OO was paid to em balm his emaciated remains. Nnr-"Yrnr-OIl ) ( Annulled. Mrs. Marina Hcaly , the wife of a Pueblo boiler maker sworojjut a warrant for the ar rest \Villtan Moran , charging him with committing an assault on Mamlo Boll , a nine- year-old girl , a child by her first husband. Moran is nn old man , nnd has , according to Mrs. Henly , a family living In Denver. IIo has been n resident of Pueblo for about nmo years , and wns employed in the Denver & Hlo Grande round house until a short time ago. ago."Ho lives across the street nnd has been boarding with me , " said Mrs. Henley , a red- faced Httlo Irish woman. "I took euro of him , did his mending and washed his clothes and he paid mo for his board. Homado improper advances to mo , but I repelled him , and then when I loft the house ho assaulted my Mamlo , who is a bright httlo ono for her ago. " ' After hunting for Moran several days the constables finally caught him. After a pre liminary examination he was locked up in de fault of bail. _ Divorce Suli orDecoosetl Partners. \ VilllamS.Vilsonis missing , and his wife who was suing him /or divorce , is dead , and yet the cnso stands on the records of the Su perior court of Onklnnd , Cal. Attorney Miller lor , for defendant Wilson , moved to dismiss Vie case today , but the motion was not prop erly made , and the papers went back to their dust-covered pigeou-liola In the county clerk's ofllce.1 Amelia 1'lmcntnl of Berkeley , Cal. , is most persistent In trying to obtain a divorce from nor husband. Twice has she brought suit for divorce and twice has it boon refused She has nzain appeared before Judge Klls worth and stated that she wished to bogln r now trial , and having no money for trans cribing the records wants her husband to be compelled to pay it. OiMlcretl Out of Town. A few days ago a phrenologist named Prof Mutch , went to Livingston , Moat. , nnd cut wide swath. Having letters of recommemla tion ho soon was on good terms with leadini citizens. ITo Induced the superintendent o the public sctiools to dismiss tluim ono after noon and ho gave a lecture to young ladle and girls. The lecture proved to bo so in decent that the citizens becatno cnrapccl am drove the phrenologist out of town. Ttu superintendent of schools resigned on nccoun of the nITnir , tiut the school board refused th resignation on the ground that letters born ly the phrenologist would fool nnybodj Livingston has been torn up for the past twi days , and the affair was the biggest sensatloi of years. Mutch skipped to parts unknown Horse TlileT. JWm Nllcs , a horse thief , wns shot In Mon town , along with three others , while resisting arrest. The balance of the gang was or rested. Among them Is George Niles , brotho of John. The throe brothon formerly llvei in Grand Forks , N. D. John formerly was Ii the hvory business there and long under cloud , lus brother Gcorgo was n fanno near Morrlllcld. and had the reputation c being an exceptionally pious gentleman lint : about ( t year ago , when ho was arrested an convicted of wheat stealing. Ho was 01 milled to ball and skipped to Montana , whoi ho aua his brother piled their nefarious trade Clemency Tor an Old Mnn. The Governor of North Dakota pnrdono old man Frank Morris of Pemblna count ] from , the penitentiary , IIo bos served ou year of the two years' sentence for nssaul with a dangerous weapon. His pardoa we naked by the foreman nnd a majority of th Jurors who convicted him aud citizens gone : ally. In a civil suit Ho paid * Jaw tor th crime before being sentenced to the penltot tlary. The crltno was the result of a JrunUo row , in which ho shot hh hired man In th hand. _ Ho Sio'e Ijrotmmtlvo' . The railroad oftlclals now believe that the have obtained a clue of the man who startc the engines from the side track ; at Fresn December Sfi lost , says the Merced ( Col. ) 12 : press. Tlio party who U suspected to hn\ done this deed is named Pete H. Short wt hasti mania for starting engines. IIo U su ; posed to bo Insane aud is certainly a Uauge ous man to bo at larsro. IIo was arrested in Sacramento oil Matcti BJ , 13'JO. for stealing an engine la the Sacramento yard. IIo Is sus pected as the party who stoleor ran the en gines out of the Fresno yard. It Is under stood he is traveling In the southsomowhoro. A'/it's ttf rjflK xoirrnirmtT. Nnbrnakn. The proprietors of the Tokamah canning factory ore endeavoring to cither sell or the plant. Daniel McMulIon , former resident of Dakota City nnd a prominent Odfollow , re cently died at Leadvlllo , Colo. Zenos McCoy , a farmer near Burchard , held a post while a neighbor drove it Into the ground with a sledge. IIo is now minus a lltieer. A party of lads at Emerald enjoyed them selves the other day by nrlni ? a charge irom a shotgun Into a passonuor train. The shot shattered n car window , but luckily nobody was Injured. A. Berry , aged about thirteen , son of J. A. Duiilavy of Holdrege , accidentally shot oft his hand , losing the cntirn memner , except the thumb. The boy was riding on n wagon nnd took hold of ttio muzzle end of the gun with the above result. It Is reported that F. M. Coakmgham , a prominent Humphrey attorney , illled up on whisky the other night and went hotno and whipped hii wife. As n consequence Mrs. Coaklngham has commenced action against the saloonkeeper who sold her husband the liquor. An Arnpahoo btistnois man has been taken in to the extent of ? . " > by n C. O. D. express package which consisted of a cigar box con taining two brass rings. He garnishced the express company for the amount as soon as ho discovered the fraud , but the probabilities of his recovering are decidedly sllui. , Whllo Patrick Mnhon , a farmer living west of Jackson , was In Dakota City procuring a license to wed Miss Bridget .Smith , his in tended was eloping with n , farm laborer nanmd John Hums. Hums and Miss Smith have not been seen since aud Patrick has n marriage license on his hands which ho would bo glad to soli at reduced rates. A petition is being circulated among the attorneys of Box Butte county , asking the appointment of another Judge In the Twelfth Judicial district. Although Judge ICInkald Is exceedingly expeditious in disposing of busi ness , nevertheless , tho.number of cases that come up for adjudication in the several coun ties In that district nro said to bo moro than any ono Judtfo catuUtend to. C. H. Stodmnn , who for the past flvo years has represented the Union Paciilc nt Loiip City as agent , has resigned his position and left for Denver to seek a moro remunerative position. Mr. Stedman wont to LoupClty as the pioneer ngcnt on that branch and lias ably discharged the trust reposed In him. Ho was very popular in social circles , a prominent Mason and Oddfellow aud a very inlluential cltl/.cn. Oswald Baler of Weeping Water , who ot > - talncd n verdict at Plattsmouth In the dis trict court against the Missouri Pacific rail way for 1,500 for the death ot his wlfo in Uucomber , 1SSU , has now begun suit in the district court nt Nebraska City against the same company for $ . " > , ( ) OJ damages for the same cause. The verdict in the Cass district court was set aside and a new trial granted , and Mr. Baler concluded ho would rather risk Otoo this time. An Incident occurred in this city n couple of days ago which , did wo not know to bo true , would sound like a novel , says the Su perior Journal. The fatlior of liov. C. M. Shcphord , the well known pastor oE the Methodist church , lives in Washington City. Every once in a while ho sends hta son n bundle of Washington papers. The other day Mr. Shepherd received a uum- her f Stars , and , in glancing over nn adver tising page , noticed an advertisement for heirs to an estate in England containing the name of Glascott. Thinking maybe the people plo advertised for were some relation to Mr. D. S. Glascott of this city , ho handed him the after the "ad. " , paper uud ho. rciidlng over discovered that ho , with his sister Mary and another relative , were the heira advertised for. Of course Mr. Glascott feels pretty good over his find , and Is grateful to Uov. Shepherd who helped him to make It. loxvn. The Muscntino Journal reports the demand for dwellings in excess of the supply In its city. city.Tho The storage battery system of propulsion for street cars is said to work well in Du- buauo. James Dane" aged ninety-two , and a resl dent of Iowa for thirty years , is dead at Waterloo. The alliance In Montgomery county Is pre paring to start an. ludo pendent weekly paper. A homo for aged poor people hna been opened at Wavcrly. It Is supported by pri vate benevolence. George C. Ilavill , n resident of Scott county slnco 1833 , died recently in the Mt. Pleas ant Insane asylum. "Black Jack , " the blossom rock for zinc has been found otn comparatively shallow depth nearMuscatino. Davenport has settled the ward question by changing the boundary lines and leaving the number of wards as it was , six. A free reading room will bn opened In the basement of the Unlvorsalist church nt Dubuque buquo by tlio ladles of the society. The supreme court has decided that owners of unoccupied lands can recover damages for tresspass of stoclc grazing thereon. Stock subscriptions to tbo Muscatino beet , sugar factory nro coming briskly , nnd the News-Tribune says "tho factory is assured. " The Standard box company of Muscatino Is about to establish a branch plant in Den ver. The company is making arrangements to supply the Mexican market with boxes. The interval revenue collections for the northern district exhibit an increase lor 1800 of nearly SjO.OUO over those of 18SI. ! There was ? iyilT2.83 collected in 1890 , against 1140,020.44 , In 18S9. C. Perry Byatn , in trouble in Chicago or account of alleged swindling real estate , transactions , was formerly a resident of Fort Dodge , whera his father used to bo connected with the land oflico. . At Brighton Mrs. L. C. Wilson and hoi , sister , Deliuh Tredway , wore taitou very slch on tbo satno day and died ten days latei within twenty-four hours of each ether Both wcro buried in ono grave. 1'rof. F. B. Cooper of Iowa City , has booc i elected superintendent of the West DC ; Mninos schools to succeed Prof. Ucardshenr who resigns to take the presld ucy of UK Amos agricultural college. Des Moluos pnyi its superintendent { 3,000 a year. Over two years ago n man named Bachelo esn living in Dakota received ever the counter o n- the State bank in Hawarden $100 in excess o nid what was duo him , aud kept and approtiriatci 10 the money to his own use. Ho was indictee nt by the lust grand Jury for larceny. 10 Corn Smith has been sentenced to the ponl no tontlnry for four months for burglary at Leon noX Her accomplice In crime wns another youti- i-o woman , Martha Smith , her cousin , who ha ; inu. not vet been tried. They broUe Into the housi u. of a farmer and stole some provisions ant other property. The people of Glenwood.aro highly clatci over the success of their artesian well. / steam pump wns put in operation and kop running for ten hours without cessation throwing sixty gallons per imnuto and th water was not lowered a particle. It Is o excellent quality , soft a-s rain and of delight Ina ful taste , Inor a Mrs. J , II.Vrlght has returned to the hem or of of her parents at Ottumwa from Hot Springs Ark. Her husband was shot down In colt til 3d blood at the Springs by n man named Dennis Wright , the murderer claims , was his fourtl id- idTO victim. The coroner at Hot Springs robbei 10. TO the dead body of the murdered man of i watch and diamond ring. Major W.S.Mnrshall has Just alcd at Chat od tanooga , Tunn , , where ho was a prominen ody attorney. Ho was formerly an Iowa man y , cnlistlne In the First Iowa infantry nt Newton no ton early in the war. Ho was a captive Ii lit Libtiy prison sixteen months , nnd then mad as his escape. After the war ho settled i ho Chattanooga , jr- The success of Mills county in the hort jrho cultural societies , where she bos taken firs hem premium ever since she became a member i mun 1837 , has aroused a great deal of Interest i horticulture at Ulenwood. The result of thi Interest was tbo organization them of A vcr strong society , which will devote its oncrglc to the development oT the natural resource dy of the county aud tin ) advancemcntof its hoi ou ticullural Interests. 10 , A postal inspector has called upon th Clinton Herald , Ago and News to pay bau postage to the aggregate sum of betwee iVO j-,000 and M,000. The i apors have bee ho printing soinl-weekly odl lions and calliu in- thosi parts one and two of u weekly publlct er- ! oa in order to secure tlio free mail deliver to local subscribers to which woolcllci nra under the law entitled. The publisher of the Herald , Captain F.V. . Mahln , is himself poUmaslor. There was discovered In the public archives at Burlington the other day the "expression of sentiment" of the Dos Molnos county bar on the death of Daniel Webtter. The docu ment Is dated October 30 , IS5J. nnd is la the handwriting of Governor Grimes. AVnstiltictnn. The Green block nt Spokane Falls was ctittod by lire. The losses will aggregate $10,000. The Hebrews of Seattle have raised money enough to build n Quo synagogue that will seat nee peoplo. The people of Kalnma have decided to clear the place of the Chinese quarter by buying up the property. Postmaster Brooks of Seattle has resigned to become cashier of the Boston National bank nt Seattle. A company with a capital stock of 300,000 has bflcti organized at Seattle for the. erection of an opera houso. Hannah Hnycj , the oldest Indian on the Pitynllup reservation. Is dead. Her ago was said to bo ono hundred and two years. The amount of smuggled opium confiscated by the United States government nt Senttlo In the past flvo years is said to have brougnt nt nuctlnn ever $ iVOUO. During the past year nnd n half nineteen miles of streets nnd sidewalks have been graded , planked nnd improved in Now VYtmtcoui lit n cost of $ .T.0UW.50. Arthur Stevenson , who Is said to bo n son of Lord Bristol , Is on trial In n Seattle court for passing a worthless check for $3U on a hotel keeper lu payment of his board. The Northern Pacific hm had seized nil the properties belonging to the Oregon & Wash ington territory railroad ( the "Hunt road" ) for the payment ot $1S3,009 duo on freight collections. Some tlmo ago the common council of Col- fax invested 81,000 in machinery for sinking artesian wells. When it arrived no ono in the city or county could be found to run it , so they sent to St. Louis for nu engineer. The sheriffs of twenty counties mot nt Nortli Yiikhnn and held secret meetings for two days. It Is supposed they discussed measures for self-protection nnd for better means of dealing with the criminal clement * . At Seattle the other day n transfer of land for whl-jh $2,000,000 was p.iid was made to the Lake Washington belt line Improvement company , composed of such capitalists as John D. Itoeltfcller and General U. A.'Alger. A convention will bo hold nt Walla Walla February 5 to memorialize the legislatures of Oregon , Washington and Idaho to take such Joint action as will insure the speedy open ing of the Columbia and Snake rivers to frco navigation. A contract for building flfty-Avo miles of the Great Northern railroad between Hon- ncr's Ferry , on the Kootenal , and Kootenai Falls , has been lot to Burns & Chapman of this city. The contract will involve nu ex penditure of over 51,000,000. Thomas King and Alfred Call , both bosses in the employ of Peter Costello , a Spokane Falls contractor , quarreled last week. King drqw a revolver on Call and the latter ran the lines of u pitchfork ttirough King's head , killing him Instantly. Call gave himself up. The garbage of Tacoma is disposed of by ( tumping It into scowswhich , are towed to deep water nnd there emptied. Farmers in the country back or Tneoma have proposed to take the offal and refuse of the city , bring it by rnll to their hinds and use it as a fertilizer. A railroad corporation has been formed at Spokane I'Mls to build n road to run through the Columbia valley to the mouth ot Spokane river , thonro through the Big Bend country to "Wallula Junction , wheYo it will connect with the Union and Northern Pacllic , nnd thence to some point on the Columbia river near that place. During the trial of ox-Police OfllcoE Raymond mend and Clouetto , for opium smuggling , in the United States court at Seattle , Collector of Customs C. M. Brndshaw testified that during his entire term not n single can of prepared - pared opium had been entered for duty at the custom house. This shows the ereat extent to which opium smuggling is carried on. Seattle , with fiO.OOO Inhabitants , has n fire Oepartmont with eighty full paid men , six steamers , two norlal trucks , one village truclr , Jive chemical engines , two hose wagons with 1,000 feet of hose each , ono wngon with 500 feet of hose , ono reel with 000 foot of hose , six hand reels with 000 feet of hose each , and a powerful aud fully equipped fire boat. The decomposed remains of Abner Abbott , n Seattle brulgo carpenter , who had been missing over throe weeks , was found floating In the bay beneath a number of disreputable houses in \Vhitechapel \ district. Abbott when last seen wns known to have several hun dred dollars in his possession. Itis supposed ho went to Whltechapcl and.was there mur dered and his body thrown into the bay. Writs of prohibition were sworn out nt Se , attle to prevent tbo Harbor line commission from locating certain lines along the water front , nnd the juperior court has refused motion on the part of the state to quash the writs , so the case gees to the supreme court. The property involved is worth about $3,000,000 , and consists of - wharves , mills , factories , railways nnd other property built on trestles and piles along the shore. Among the plaintiffs lu those cases is Henry Lo Yoslor , ono of the pioneers who homcstcaded land on which the business center of Seattle now stands. The Northern Pacific , PugetS.ound Shore und the Columbia & Puget Sound railways are also plaintiffs. Oregon. By votlns : In favor of extendIng its city limits Astoria now contains 0,000 acres. Hay is now selling in Harnoy Valley at $3 n ton. Last ynnr at this tlmo It was hard to get at SIS n ton. Tbo government works at The Dalles can not bo completed lu less than three years , unless congress Is moro liberal in appropri ations. From present appearances , the Portland Oregonian says , there will bo twenty-three canneries at work on the ColnmOia river this _ season. Tlio expenditures for Oregon for the flscnl years 18SS-00 amounted to $1,071 , V.' ' The , heaviest Item , 8l7tltl3.'Jl ) , was charged to the Insane nsylura fund. Isaac Briggs , nged eighty-nine years , died at his homo in Springfield last week. Ho was ono of the early settlers of Lane county nnd highly respected. Ho went to Oregon from Iowa in 1817. A sensation was created nt Ellonsbiirg by : finding1 the bodies of two infants In the city roservolr by the leo cutters. Many families have ceased using the water and will await developments. How the bodies came there Is n mystery. Mrs. Mancy Westfall , wlfo of a Chinese contractor of Albany , was baptised at the Baptist church recently. Her husband Is al . ready n member of the church and is liberal with his means in the advancement of the work of the church. The sounding of the bar in Gray's harbor has been suspended temporarily in consequence quence of an attempt to bribe the leadsman ot the engineering party to give the false re turns. A spiteful tug owner , ' the services ol whoso vessel had been declined , caused the mischief. The Unitarian church of Portland was nl most destroyed by lire. The blaao started in the belfry nna Is supposed to hnvo been sol by n lighted cigarette which tramps , whc had boon sleeping la the belfry , bad dropped The loss is about 110,000 aud is covered by Iu Buranco. . Governor Pennoyor has remitted the flues id of HIJgs ( and Suyerj , the convicted priz ( a fighters , who were ordered to pay $1,000 each for lighting on Sunday in Pendfofdn. The.v t- could not pay and wore sent to Jail. Afte'i tut working out $250 worth the governor stepped in nnd lopped off 5T50. i v- Mayor Do La Schmutt of Portland bought vIn the celebrated stallion Noonday , by WodgD- jo wood , UIC , dam Noontide by Herald , the sire in of Maud S. The consideration was $15,000 , The purchase was mudo from W. H. Wllsoni the famous Kontucy brooder , aud the stalllot st will be taken to Portland. in The bill allowing the city of Portland t < in issue bonds for the purpose of bringlnf ils water into the city from Bull Run vlver hui ryes nassod both branches of the legislature. Th < es governor will not sign the bill , but It is sale cs ho will allow It to become n law without hi1 ir- signature , owing to the urgent demand of thi irbo people of Portland for better water. bo Captain Symons , United States engineer ek has Just m ado an Inspection of tbo govern 211 tnent works at Yaqulnn bay under tils charge an Ho reports that the Jetties have wlthstoo ( tbo storms and winter"very well. The wnvoi have cut under the south Jetty nnd it Is sunl ry lu places , but this boa all been stopped bj ( lumping rock. This Jetty Is out to the full length. Preparation ! ara noarlr completed for extending the north Jetty , which Is now out ( UK ) foot , nnd worlf will ho begun at once. A meteoric stone resembling grantto re cently fell near the m/mth of PlUol river. In Curry county , Oregon. 'It ' weighs something over -100 pounds , and hnboddod Itself sovcjal feet in the earth. Parties who saw It went- to dig It out , but foundlt : so hot nothing could bo done with It. Alter It had cooled It win removed , and will placed on exhibi tion. ' " i'orllnnd will try W place AlbUm nnd Ea < t Portland within its' corporate limits. In Albino , where Is tho'most ' opposition to the consolidation , ever 60 , per cent lgned ; In E-ist Portland over 71 , and In Portlacd over ( VI. There Is but Httlo doubt as to the bill passing the legislature , and from the showing made by this petition it will certainly bo adopted by the citizens. Colorado. Senator Eddy , an old Colorado pioneer , died In Boulder. , Fine veins of coking coal nro being opened up about Mcoker. Plans for n f 10,000 club house at Boulder are being perfected. Tlio state teachers' Institute will be held In Trinidad this inontti. Boulder Methodists will build a now stouo church to cost $15,000. Petroleum has been discovered at Crystal Springs in considerable quantities. The ice on the San Autonlo rlvor is twenty inches thick and as clear as crystal TheOtoro Fruit and Land company will put out 100 acres more fruit this spring. Grand .function is to hnvo a wine press nnd distillery In time for next fall's grape crop. O vcr StWO.OOO will bo invested in increasing the steel plant ut Bessemer during the pres ent year. A county horticultural society has boon or ganized hi Boulder. Hegular meetings will bo hold. Tlio city council of BouHcr have Issued a cull for bids to pave the now reservoir in Sunshine canon , Billy Wilson , well known by everybody in Pueblo nnd surrounding towns , died recently of consumption. A stock company Is oruatdzlnB in Brighton to build n hall to nccommodnto" three sccrot societies of the place. A new cave nas been found near Mnnttou. it will probably bo opened and explored in time for ucxt season. Work has boon begun on the now state bridge over Gunnlson river near Delta , All tbo material is at hand. The now orchards nnd vineyards about Uocity Ford ore In flno condition. The late snow was it great boncllt. It Is said that there nro now not moro than 10 per cent ns many cattle In the state ns there were six years ago. As Hi Plcrco was driving between Ironton and On ray his horses dashed over a cliff 150 or 200 feet nnd were killed. E. J. Illckman , the slayer of Chnrlos Oscar , Is now on trial in the criminal court at 1'u- eblo nnd attracting great crowds of people. The Pueblo mineral palace Is advertised for sale to satisfy a lien , and a committee has found it n difllcult matter to ralso sufllc- icnt funds to avert this. Tlio Hio Grande company bos donated to their employes the brick dispatcher's ofllce formerly used nt tha old union depot nt Pueblo fora reading room. Frank Koiirn was sentenced to three months In Jail at Uouua Vista for trying to influence n Juror la a case whcro J. C. Whlto was tried for the lurcony of a wagon. Tno Anheuser-Busch Brewing company has broken ground for a plant ut Colorado City. The building will bo 120x190 feet in dimensions nnd cost $ -0,000. Miss Ida Laycocic was attacked nt her school , near Lougmbnt , by n boy , who in flicted n very serious stub upon her with a pocket knife. She will recover. Pueblo will have a new republican dally paper called the Opinion , which will start March 1. A publication company has been incorporated with $ U)0OOD ) capital. A mass meeting was recently held at Oreo- ley to consider the question , of drainage. The mayor and council were requested to ndviso with a sanitary engineer on the subject. Sister M. Melanla , n teacher In St. Aloy- slus' academy , Central City died from con sumption , l She bad boon connected with the academy for four yours aud came from St. Louis. II. S. Sheldon is circulating a petition ask ing President Harrison to appoint him post master nt Bouldor. The term of the present postmaster , Air. Butsch , docs not expire until February , 1892. The scheme to erect n smelter on the line of the Hio Graudo Southern is meeting with much success. Many mine owners in the Sun Juan have agreed to take stocu ia the new enterprise. Frank Pratt , n single man of thirty , em ployed in the Bessemer stool works , wns locked up in tbo Pueblo Jail for snfo keeping. Ho is supposed to have become insane over the Indian troubles. Ilobert Williamson , a convalescent from the Sisters' hospital nt Pueblo , was seized by two men while tallug u walk and robbed of $20. Dave Shlnockcr and J.V. \ . Place were arrested for the crimo. The Denver & Rio Grande Is building n fine brick hotel on the summit of Marshall pass. It will contain eighteen sleeping rooms and will bo n great convenience to parties making the ascent of Mount Ouray. A largo body of cryolite is reported as hav ing been discovered nearChoyenno mountain , adjacent to Colorndo City. The mineral is especially valuable as nn article used in the manufacture ot the finest kind of glass. Sam Kogcrs , a wall knowa railroad em ploye , was probably fatally hurt at Crystal L > ako station. A wheel of a handcar on which ho was riding broke , throwing him to tbo ground and terribly lacerating his face. Some of our ranchmen arc a Httlo nppro- henslvo regarding the prospects for their winter wheat , says the Meeker Herald. They nro afraid that the absence of snow on the ground will materially shorten next sea son's crop. W. T. Albert , n Pueblo coal dealer , wns fined $35 and costs fur selling a load of conl without having It first weighed upon the city scales. The city has Just put up scale houses , nnd it is Mr. Albert's intention , to test the ordinance. St. Louis parties have purchased the Tip Top mine nt Lcadvillo. The Interests of iff Senator Plumb and Mayor Calvin Hood ifSB Kansas buvo been dlsposod of to Tauslg & Co , During the past flvo years tbo Tip Top has produced ere valued at $500,000. Nolan Camp , Egati county , nnd located n few miles from Red Cliff , is a late mineral producer , tbo llrst car of ere from the district trict having peon sent from the Adelaide re- contly. The ere was shipped to a Pueblo s melt or nnd ran n littlcover $ (00 ( to the ton. The Salida calnbooso.was . partly destroyed by lire and a prisoner came very nearly per ishing In the flumes. Ho was saved by a blacksmith battering dbwn thu door with a , sledge hammer. How the flro originated is unknown. A now anrt respectable city Jail will probably bo erected. When the state wa * admitted in 1870 there wcro but thirty-three-.counties organized , and their property was ) returncd to the state auditor for taxation iu 1677 at $43,453,010.30 Now the counties number fifty-Jive and th ( taxable property has increased to & 0r 4- } , OOl.fia , the erowth being $177,090,118.SO. School children are boinjr. interested in , helping the sufferers , in the rain belt. Ii < Colorado Springs last , week a day was sei apart and $150 in caslmva.s paid at the differ cut schools , and la addition every ncholat Drought a package'/af food-or clothing , th ( total being about four-tons of necessaries. A largo band of elk was run down ty Coon , ICleson aud tho-Cohuan brothers on tin upper fork of Whlto river. The bunch con sisted of over fifty head , nnd the huiiton after camping on their trail four days man aged to kill four of them , each being a bul and having a splendid set of horns with sli points each. Denver News : The police department o Denver lust year cost | lU'J,7il.95 , or ovcr$3SC a day , and yet nearly a dozen murderers es cnped , tinarrosted and undetected ; robborio : and burglaries wcro never more numerou or captures fewer , while confidence am bunko nisn carried on their games under tin very eyes nml noses of the police. Miners at the Phillips iniuo near Alma h Park county quit work because they bo llovcd the iniuo unsafe. The men havo.bcoi doing overhead stoplug lor some tlmo und iv the work progressed tbo company did no furnish timber to brace the walls. The mon ere thnt was removed the more dangerous bs came the work end the louder the miner. ' clamored for timber. U was not forthcotn I ing aud the men quit until only a tow ar loft and they are not working near tha dan gerous spot. Tncro will soon bo a uow super intendent at the mlno. A young colored man a Pueblo is Indus triously soliciting subscribers to a memorial to congress , praying for the granting of pen sions for llfo to all ox-slaves. Duraugo Herald : A delegation of Utoi entno Into Ignaeto last oven ing to consult with Koglstor Hitter. They wanted to know of him why It was the government did not pay some attention to the treaty made with them nnd wanted him to wrlto to the presi dent nt Washington und Secretary Noble nnd find out If they would have to , like the Sioux , light to obtain tholr rights. The cabin nonr the Wnrdcll ranch belong ing to Loulo LnSallo , says the Tcllurldo Ho- publican , was sot on tire early one monilug last week by nn unknown person , and came near ending the old man's llfo , as well as burning up everything ho had , oven to the most of his clothes. His face was almost blistered before ho was awakened enough to know what was the matter. Another smelter will bo built at Durango by the English conmauy which purchased the Silver Hello mlno. The company paid { 1,700,000 for the property and bullovo tin- ether good Investment would bo to build a stneltrr. They would build at Our.iy or Sll- verton If coal were more accessible , but hnvo decided It would bo cheaper to haul ere down hill than coal up the mountain. TwocamtH conuirlslnti forty men belong ing to tho. Denver it Ulo ( Irando surveying corps , nro now engaged around the foot of Logan mountain nud near the head of Oenova ptik-li. The survey is by way of Itutchlnson to Deer Vnlloy , thonro on the mountains to Geneva gulch nnd to Montcxumit by tunnel , thence to Dillon , Hed Cliff nnd west , Not withstanding this will bo out of the line of local trafllc , It will , ho .vovcr , glvo the Hlo Urnndo n good through line , The San Bernardo group of rlntnit , near Trinidad , hnvo boon sold to Rnglisli capital ists , who have Incorporated thorn uudor the nntnoof the Sau Bernardo mines , limited , and the capital stoclc tins been placed at 150.001) ) . Tnoso claims were located lu 1ST" and pay ere was struck in 1881. They have always paid. The four best claims are the Honduras , San Bernardo. Mosquito nnd Gar ibaldi , all of which are patented and are lu ore. Mnntniin. E. II. Wilson was elected president of the State Engineers' ' society. There are employed by the mines nnd mills of Butte -1,757 men. Ot this number the Anacondii employs 1,50 > ) . Chinook Opinion : Cattle are fat nnd In better shape than they h.ivo been at this tttno of winter during the past thrco years , and In consequence our ranchmen are feeling Jubilant. Another strike of rich ore Is reported in the Ilnttn , in Dunkleberg. A now hoist was re cently added to the mine's equipment and sloping on the 800 level Is now In progress The ere ranges from fSO to f 100 per ton. Articles of incorporation have been filed by the Northwestern Brewery association , with a capital of $1.000,000. The enterprise is hcnded by Jacob Rupert , the brewer of Now York. They will build n largo malting works at Morolund , commencing some time next spring. Thomas Wnrd , npoil thirty , employed at the smelting works ut Toston , wns fatally In jured by n Irelght train thrco miles west of that place and died the following day. It is said that ho had been drinking and fell asleep nnd was struck by the train while in that condition. Two coul clnlms nre located about flvo miles south of Castle , and only a few feet from the line recently made by Northern Pucitlo sur veyors. The locators clnlm they have n largo vein of good bituminous coal nnd will bo ready to supply all demands by the tlmo the road is completed. Frank Chandler , on employe of Steadman's foundry ut Helena , was seriously injured by falling through an elevator shaft. The ele vator foil , precipitating him to tbo basomeut lloor , a distance of forty feet. Strange to say ho was but slightly Injured in tlio full , but the wheel and drum of the elevator gearing foil upon him , breaking ono of his legs and In flicting some hard bruises. Butte Minor : The Parrott company Is now engaged In nil experiment with a patent auto matic caleincr , which is destined to provo a valuable acquisition to smelters , Inasmuch as no fuel is required to treat the orea , the sul phur contained therein consuming itself. It has now been in operation about thrco months nnd with the excoptiou of a few minor Im provements yet to bo rnado is giving good satisfaction. There was a stabbing affray aj Whitehall which may result fatally to ono of the partic ipants. Mlcliael Quinn and George Ilendly got Into a dinlculty nnd the former drew a knife and made n "pass at Headly , but only succeeded in giving him a slight scalp wound and in cutting the middle tlngor of ono of his own bauds oft at ttio second Joint. He then stabbed Headly twice In tbo back , ono tbrust penetrating the left lung , making nn ugly nnd probably fatal wound. Prices for Bozemanrenl estate nro climbing upward. Last July a man owning forty acres of land near tbo town tried to got n loan on It from tbo Cruse Saving * bank of Helena of $1,000. After having tlio property examined the bank refused the loan as not being sufficiently secured. During the same month the propertj- was sold to J. W. Imes , then of Marysvillo , Mont. , for $1,850. , Mr. Imos has already sold ยง 5,400 worth of the property and still has J1U,000 worth left. Phllllpsburg is tbo center of ono of the greatest silver producing districts In Mon tana or of the entire country for that matter , says the Helena Independent. It already has the greatest silver mine in the world , and the greatest number of quartz inlllstamps in the operation or any camp In the state. The Granite mountain mine , has nddod $10,000.000 in dividends to the coffers of its fortunnto owners nnd the extent of Its ere reserves - serves seems to bo unlimited. The BiMetallic - Metallic Is crowding the Granlto for honors , and the Elizabeth gives promise of a great future. Idaho. It Is expected that a smelter will bo put up at Savon Dovils. The Idaho North i South railroad has fllod with the secretary of ' state Ihvoo prolllos of the road as surveyed. The Queen of tbo Hills mlno and works at Bellevue started up again with n full force of employes , after a brief shut-down. There are six faro banks in Bolso nt pros- ont. According to the papers , bucking the tiger is becoming ono of the Important indus- tries of the town. The hot water well nt Bolso Is down 290 feet. The flow Is Immense. It is estimated at ever 600 gallons per minute. The tompor- nturo is 1150 = at the discharge. The heat - boats the famous hot springs of Arkansas - by 10 = . There Is excitement at Eimoro ever the prospect of tapping what Is known as the big led eo insldo of sixty days. A great strike Is predicted. Adrift has been started at the 550 foot level of the Eimoro shaft und thin drift will cut the ledge by about two hundred feet below the level of the old works. Great things are expected from the Seven Devils camp. The Weiser Signal tells of n line specimen from the Whlto Mountain mlno. Its peculiarity , and what makes it moro valuable , Is the fact of Its belntr first quality of copper ere with great knobs of shinning , pure gold sticking out of it , some thing unknown in mining history until thla season brought to light this sort of specimen In the Seven Dovlla. Nevada. ' Reno has probably neon the heaviest bcol cattle shipping point in Nevada this year. All the lauds of Nevada embraced withlr the military reservation have been throwt open to settlers. The speaker of the nssembly has Instructed the sergoant-at-arms not to soil spirituous or malt liquors in the capltol building during the session. All of the mines at Tusearora are running single shifts. A largo number of mon hav < been laid off. but It Ii thought that most o the mines will employ additional forces Ir the spring. Winncmucea Silver State : Pole French after having ordered ten cars to ship that many loads of cattla to California , returuoc Ills cattla to thu ran go on account of the over stocked market of San Francisco. In his message Governor Colcord favors t hlgti valuation of property with Uxntiou 01 n uniform system , but ut a lower tax rate Whllo favoring retrenchment , ho Is In favo of paying good salaries and obtaining goo < men. men.ExSheriff Ex-Sheriff Hanks of Klko died rocciitl' from a peculiar cause. Ho had been lu excel lent health nnd struck his thumb with aliain iner whllo making a fence , breaking the ikii und bursting the ilcsh. Next day ho wu cutting some rnwhldo In strips. Tha hldo hanncncd to bo that of nn animal which had died of starvation and the virus coming in contact with tbo wounded thumb caused blood poisoning , which resulted fatally. Virginia Enterprise : The Dow pumps nro now wlthlu n few hundred feet of the 1,000 , level of the Crown Point Incllno , sucking up over rt mil I ron gallons of water per day. Pro- Kress of sinking is very slow at this point , ns they nn ) uow doing the actual work of drain ing ttio 1,000 level and nit thu slope * mid openIngs - Ings connected therewith. After this level has been drained It Is extracted thnt good tlmo will bo made In sinking to the 1,700 , level , whore a stationary Dow pump will bo placed. Mon who nro familiar with the Storra Ne vada niountnlns say there U enough snow storca In the canyons from last winter to supply an ubundauco of water for Owens valley for two years to coma It there should bo that many winters of light snow fall in succession , says the Impo Independent. It is asserted very conlldoullnily thnt nil the streams ( lowing into the valley will bo quite us liljjh as last summer. For many years past Owens river and its tributaries buvo not been HO high at this sca oti ns they uro now nud have been for months post. Two Dakota * . Sprlnzllcid offers free the power of Its big artesian wcllto operate n woolen mill. An effort is bolmj imdo to secure the es tablishment of a military post 011 the Chey enne river , in P'onnlnRlou county , for the better protection of settlers. Second lieutenant H. Slclcels , of the Seventh cuvnlry , has boon detailed ns pro fessor of tnllltar/seicnco anil tactics at the university of South Dnkotn , Vornilllton , Frnmi.l. MeMuImn , accidentally shot nt Hot Springs by his friend , Boland , died from his wound , liolnnd was trying to take n shell from a Winchester rillo with n pocket knife , when the shell exploded. Forty men have received votes for United Slates scnntor in the South Dakota legisla ture. The i'lorro Free Press estimates that the senatorial light nnd the legislative con tests have nlroady cost the state $ . ' 0,000. The police raided n gambling den In the basement of Hotel ICenunrd ut Aberdeen , bagging six men with tables nnd complete outfits. The gamblers wen ) heavily fined. This Is the second mi a and more Is to follow. Chinjj Wee , n Chinese gnmbler of Dend- wooii , dropped dead of heart disease Just as ho had cashed In his cheeks at n. faro game. Hova ? noted for his typically Hibernian east of countenance and an unquenchable aversion to labor. J. O. tiiirrotson , thoploneergrocorof Deadwood - wood , lately died at San Jose , Cal. The do- cc.ised wns nt ono time one of tbo richest men lu Montana , where ho operated the largest freight line lu the then territory , IIo died comparatively poor. No wonder the prisoners ave well satisfied with the new administration in the county Jail , savs the Deadwood Pioneer. Yesterday the bill of faro consisted of portcibousw steak , with onions , corn , potatoes , cabbugo. stowed veal , tomatoes , with npplo * plo and rlco pudding for dessert. This was only an ordinary week d.iy dinner. Every ono of the incandescent lights in Christ church at Vankton was extinguished very suddenly while Hev. Wvatt Hannnth was delivering tils sermon. The reverend gentleman continued his discourse by moon light. When ho had finished the collection was taken up , the benediction pronounced nnd the congregation filed out. Charges have been madongainst the United States bank examiner for South Dakota. It Is said that two banks have petitioned the comntrollcrof the currency for permission to have tholr hanks Inspected by an examiner outside of the district. It is also stated that the bank at Huron was delayed hi Its re opening for nearly two wc-eks because the examiner was not on hand to attend to his business. The starch factory of Sioux Falls Is com pleted. The work was begun in December and prosecuted without loss of time. The three buildings of the factory used up nearly flvo hundred thousand feet of lumber. The main work shop is 100 by ( iO foot and four stories high. The dry kiln Is 80 t > y Ml feet , while the elevator Is four stories high and 30 by 40 feet. The factory will consume f > 00 bushels of corn per day und tlio machinery will cost $11,000. Archbishop Ireland of the nrchdiocoso of Minnesota , Nortn and South Dakota , has Issued the following order : Public sentiment has become so pronounced , and rightly so against lotteries and chance games that wo deem it our duty to prohibit altogether the raising of money for religious or charitnbk purpoics by the sale of chances , the use o wheels of fortune or by any method savoring of lottery or gambling. This rule , which wo now make , admits of no exception. U np piles to counties as well as to towns , to eon1 vents as well ns to parishes. C\llfbrula. : Nopals going to spend fM.OOO for a steel bridge across the Napa rlvor. Two tenderfoot loft Loraooro to walk to the lake that seemed oulv a mile distant from the hotel. They walked fifteen tnilos before they reached it , and hired a team to rldo back. A. voung fellow has been making a living around the Sonoma towns by soliciting the loan of a postage stamp. So many stamps meant a square meal. IIo has been nrrosted for vagrancy. A colored woman has been arrested nt Los Angeles for kidnaping a mulatto child from its guardian In San Diego. She gave us n reason for the act thnt she heard the child was being ill-treated. The body of William B. Munsie , n oattlo- man , was found In Grapevine canyon , Calnv- eras valley , u few days ago. In riding to his ranch his hat had blown off , and in trylnp to recover It ho fell ever a declivity and was killed. Mrs. Charles L. Foster of Uoss Valley , Murln county , saw two bounds chasing what she thought was a calf. Following them across u Held , she found thehounds strangling a lurfo spike bunk in a ditch. She drove the hounds nwav and plucklly held the doer until assistance came. Two years ngo n Saa Diego man planted some oysters at the mouth of the Sweet river. His first plant was forty sacks of Long Islnnu oysters , which hnvo now spread over. 12,000 acres. Three thousand acres nro now ready for eating , and the owner expects to got 1,000 , bushels to the aero. Mrs. Mary Brisco , aged sixty-flvo , mother of Michael Urisuo , a Stockton politician , wandered away from her homo and was found drowned , She hod been ot unsound mind for many years and required a watch on her at all times. During the absence of her nurse In an adjoining room she made her escape. A. L. Rountreo , xvho had boon a resident of Santa Cruz county for thirty yean , died at bis homo in l-'olton of aithma nnd dropsy , aged thirty-three years. Ho located on 270 acres of land near the ellII ut Santa Cruz with n largo bench frontage now worth a quarter of a million dollars. In 1871 ho was elected sheriff. An olive nnd vine company was organized nt Marysvillo with u capital stock of > 0Xi ( ) ) , all subscribed. The company will purchase 100 acres of land at Coloma and plant It to ollvo trees , with two rows of grapevines be tween each row of trees. Among the stock holders nro the wealthiest and most prom inent inen In this city. The brandy production of the Fourtli district , asshown by records in the United States internal rev enue oflico is ns follows : .800 , 702,323 gallons lens ; 18SU , 701,2ijj : 1888 , 411,601 , nnd lhS7 , aiJ,107. ( Tdo Fourth district comprises twenty-seven countlas In the northern nnd northwestern sections of the stato. The city assessor of Los Angeles Intends to look closely into the matter of mortgages. In one case It is said that u piuco of property which is valued ut J7OOO or $30,001) , ) Is only assessed by the county nt 83,600 , with a mortgage for the sumo amount , while a loan and trust com pany is sjInK for a foreclosure of n. mortgage on the satno property of $10,000 , Hev. Father A. lioussol , pustor of the San Luis Oblspcr Catholic church , died In Los Angolotf of dropsy after a lingering illness. Father Uousscl was ono of the oldest ami best known priests on the lower coast , hav ing coma around the Horn thu-tv-four years nco. Ho was formerly pastor of churches ut VVatsonvillo and Santa Cruz , llo was sixty- eight years of ngo. The remains will bo tuken to San Luis for burial. With ono exception , nil the fruit cannerlos In the state have fanned a compact with $3,000,000 capital stock , to lost fifty years. All of the cannerlos will bo pur chased lor two-thirds cash and ono third stock. They will then bo under control I of n corporation which will bo known ns tlu California fruit canneries , limited. The com t- a- pany has $2.000,000 , In bank with whlcn U aIn purchase the canneries , and 15,000 shares if stock have been subscribed for , THE COMMERCIAL TRAVELER , Voracious Ed Roe Moots and Interviews a Very Rointukaulo CSnnibal. A FARMER WHO WANTED NO SNAP , Ttio Hayfork Man Could Not Giro Him Anything Hustler * In Am- trnlln Tlio Driiiiiinor nnil the Ed nee of tlic Onto City lint company has nn unblemished reputation tor voracity. When ono of the boys ou the romt tolls a story wlilcli his hcarcrc are npt to scoff at bo simply says : "Well , 13d Uoo tohl mo thn * Story , " niul It goes. So there wna no look ot Incredulity on the fnco of any of Koo's nudl- oiico lit the I'uxtoti lust night whoa ho told them of a reformed cannibal ho mot recently at Denver. "Ilo was nimtlvoof India , " said Kd , "anil wns born on 0110 of tlio groups of the FIJI Islands. Ho was a funny looking nmrlc. "Hovoro n very red or cardinal colored suit of clothes , knee pants mid Jnckot trimmed with blnck velvet , collars ntul culls. Over his shoulder ho carried u cloak that was Hod over the loft shoulder nmt under the right , made of white ntul rod lluntiel. lit * licud was covered with u blouse that fell down his hack , ntul still over this n hombroii ) . HU shoes wcro tied ntuler the Instep \vlth n oao- hulf Inch whlto braid thnt wound nroucd the leg up to the kitoos. Ills general appearance WIM very gaudy. "This nallvo wnwonvertcd when twenty- thrco years old , ami ho Is now seventy-four years ot ago. Ills father lived to ho ono hundred and throe , and his grandfather ono hundred and thirty years of ago. Ills llfo has been spent In lecturing on the condition of his people , llospouks twenty humungus fluently. When live or six years old ho saw nn Indian wouiiin throw her child to n croco- dllo thnt weighed over ono thousand pounds. The animal missed the diilil ami thu mother raught It as It ran luck to her bogging for Its 11 lo , utid throw It again. This tlmo the crocodile struck It with Its claws nml toro it Into two pieces , ntul ate It very quickly. She then reported her nets to the pagan priest , nml he blessed her , saying to her. ( io nml sin no mono. "Ho wns also n cannibal. When ho was seven yours old there ) were twenty-ouo minis ters , who wore caught while traveling anil prospecting for places lo loento churches , nnd ono of these ministers was beheaded every morning by their high priest and his flesh cookud , and the natives were tnudo to stand in u row and each cue was given u part of ttio llcsh and they stiio.l ntul ate It. This was continued every day for twenty-one days , un til all of the ministers were eaten up , uud ho nto n pu.'t of twenly-oiio preachers , "Ho says the natives never do cat ono an other unless he bo taken in war or us u mis sionary. That It Is a mistaken idea that they slay ono another to eat when this man and that Is fat enough to eat. That the honsts of the llohi never slny ono of their kind to prey upon , and that the savages tiavo never gotten to bo lower than wild nnlinnls. "This man says ho remembers whoa Cal cutta had only (10,000 ( Inhabitants , and now she has nearly r > 0ltx)0. ) ) Doing a member of the Kpiscopal church of Knglnnd , ho is extravagant in his showers of praises upon the lOngllsh government - ment for their civilizing work among Ills people ple , unit being a preacher ho lavas to tell the Christian effect upon his ponplo and how Ills heart ROCS out to all efforts'nailo < o clvlllzo his poor heathen brethren. A mechanic com mands $ ! to $10 per day there , and ho knows of a lady thcro Irom the city of Indianapolis who receives $100 every month for teaching , and that thovo Is a great demand for uioro of thcso teachers. Ho had ono of the imtlva women with him. " Tim Drummer mill the Farmer. "You can cither boat a farmer as slick as grease or you can't beat him nt all , " said tto patent hay fork man ns a group of drummers wcro talking about their adventures In the rural regions. "Thatts , ho is eittior gulllDlo or over suspicious. Some will refuse a good thing and some will sniipat swindle. I thinic I can illustrate my declarations rights hero , or at least one of the in. Tlio man In the seat over there Is n farmer. " "I should say so. " "Anil he's ono of the sort who suspects every stranger. Watch mo try him. " Ho took a enko of toilet soup from his satchel and goinp over to the farmer saluted him in P. pleasant manner , nnd adilo.l : , "I have n now tniiko of soap hero which I am introducing to the public. It Is worth 13 cents n cnko , but 1 make the prlco only 3. " "Don't ' want it , " was the urn It reply. 'With every cnko ROCS n fs prconbaric , a gold bracelet , the deed of n town lot In Kan sas , n nockct-tuiife , a pair of oyo-glnsscs and a solid gold rlnp. " "Don't want 'em , sirl" "As Iwant , your opinion of the soap I will give it to you. " "I won't take It. " "But , sir , In orJcr to'lntroduco It Into your neighborhood 1 will give you 100 cakes free , and nt the same tlmo leave live watches and five deeds to town lots. " "Ijook-a-hero I" shouted the farmer us ho Jumped up and spat on his hands. "You go away from mo or I'll mash ynu I I'm onto your tricks old man , nnd if you think you have picked up a hayseed , you are barking up the wrong tree. " And the hay-forK man had to move lively to cscapo the blow levelled nt his nose. Homo ( -ruin Australia. "Few people have nn Idea of the isolation ot Australia , " said Mr. O. M7 Williams , a traveling man , who has just returned from the antipodes and is on his way cast. "Sid ney is about thirty-two days from Liverpool , nnd n few years ago It took six months to make the trip. Now Zealand is MOO miles from Australia , uud the trip to Snn Francisco consumes about twenty-four days. And Australia Is a great country , being equal lu territory to the United Status , exclusive of Alaska. Australia produces good timber , gold , copper , tin. silver and other valuable materials , nnd has besides a great number of valuable furnnlmals , which uro now competing in tlio European market with American furs. A half century prac tically spans the civilization of Australia , and yet there are several largo cities thoro. Tlio total population , however , does not exceed ; iM)0UlK , ( ) ) , and the growth Just now Is not rapid. They need a httlo American enter prise out there , nnd they also need self- government Kngland Is too faraway to re tain supreme power over that vast territory ; It takes too long to hear from the mother countiy , and , in my opinion , the movement for national union now going ou will end lu national independence. In fact , many pcoino nnd lenders among the people , hi Australia are outspoken in urglngtotnl separation from the old country and the establishment of a republic. When Australia does bacomo a re public there will bo nn lack of people and money to build up a great nation. The Drummer mid thn Ijympli. A patient who has received three Injec tions of Koch's lymph related his sensations under treatment yesterday. Tlio patlout li an Omaha drummer who had his experience at ttio Dunvor hospital the second day after the arrival there of the first consignment of the famous lymph. "Not the least interesting- part of my ex. pcrlonco , " ho said , "has boon the taking of the Injections. Apprehensions not unlike those of ono on ttio way to the dentist's wore mingled with the hopes of recovery that I felt before receiving the tlrst doio ot lymph. But I bad no reason for fear ; the operation wiw nothing to spvult of. A slight pricking sensation , a fouling of fullness uo- hcnth the skin at the side of the purctnrv. and I wax put to bed to await the action of thu remedy. A drowslnes.i comu over mo. but I did not sleep , and a hot Hush spread over mo. I seemed for the tlmo lo bo re moved from surrounding objeuut and to live apart from thu people ntout mo. Still I was conscious of my whereabouts. The feeling wasslmllar to thodollrum of fever nndthonU lendunts bald my Uiroporatnro was elevated. After thcso sensations had lusted for a tlmo I bccaino sllgtitly chilly and fell asleep. Whoa I awoke I was In a natural fratno of mind. ' 'The same experience followed the second 'Injection , but alter the third dosji of the remedy my temperature , to the surprlso of the doctor , full from to WJ.l , instead of rising , us h said to bo usual"