Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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OFFICE , NO. 12 1'KA.RL , ST.
r jjlvtrrd 1 > y Carrier In any pnrtof thoCltj
lf.V , T1J.TON. - MA.NAUKU
/ Fin nrM Ofllco , No. U
Ntpht Kdltor , No.1. .
r < v. i .co.
Council HlufTs Lumber Co. . coal.
Craft's chattel loan' . 20-1 Snpp block.
Bom To Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Atchlson ,
a boy.
IraOrnson loft last evening for n week's '
.ylslt with relatives in Gentry county , Mis
souri ,
11. Kichof Cleveland'O. , is njmestof Mr.
nnd Mm. A. . ) . Mandclnt their homo on Gift-
The wedding of Mr. W. 11. Alfred of
Onnihn mid Miss Spooncr is announced to
take pluco next Thursday , at tlio homo of tlio
'j'no Kind's Daughters of the Episcopal
cburch will KVO ! a socinl nt the residence
of Mr. Cooli , on Second avenue , on Monday
evening , February U.
Mrs. Chris Kelson died yesterday of con
sumption , npcd thirty-four years. The fun
eral will take plnco from tlio residence , on
Twenty-fourth nvcnuo between Sixth and
Seventh streets , this afternoon.
John Smith , n deserter from Port Omrdm ,
is In tlio city Jail , mid will botuUcnto the
fort thin morning. He wni arrested several
days ago In TJncoln , but \vas turned out by
mistake. Ho drifted to this city and was run
' _ by Ofllccr Wyatt.
Ice dealers nro rejoiced nt the prospect of
gathering a good haivest of crystal for next
season's trade. It wni reported yesterday
tluit tlio Ice on the Mosquito creek bad
rcnelied n thickness of fourteen Inches , and
prcat quantities of It will bo put up for pack
ing house purposes.
In nccorilnnco with nn order from head
quarters nt 'Washington which wns published
In these columns yesterday , tlio government
building nnil all the oflU'Cs connected there
with are to bo closed uftor I'J o'clock to
day , in honor to tholatu Secretary \Vliuloin ,
whoso funeral occurs this noon ,
lion. li. "W. Hess addressed the railroad
men's nifctingnt the Young Men's Christian
association rooms yesterday afternoon. Tlio
regular 4 o'clock meeting was led byltcv. G.
W C'rofts , tlio quartet of the Congregational
clinrch rendering some beautiful selections.
Tlio services were very. Interesting.
John Anderson , npcd eighteen years , died
Saturday night of dlplitherin. The funeral
will takoplnco this afternoon from the resi
dence , 710 Washington avenue , at ! l o'clock.
The deceased was formerly employed at
Jlono's. Ho was n nephew of Hov. II. A.
Helcicnbncli ( , who will conduct the services
ut the grave.
Tlio railroads have agreed to grant reduced
ral'js for the following occasions : Mealing
of the grand lodgoof the Ancient Order of
United Workmen , ut Boone , February 10-13 ,
one and one-third' faro : scconu annual con
vention of the State Husmess Men's nssocia-
tlon , at Cedar Kaplds , February ! " ( > , one
nml one-third fare.
Last evening a cal on the Sixteenth street
motor line run olT the track and down an em
bankment sdvural feet high , between avenue
A nnd Ilroadw.iy. The accident , was caused
by Ice on thu track. Fortunately there were
no passengers on Iho car at the time , nnd the
employes of the company were the only ones
to bo shaken up.
The Sisters of St. Bernard's hospital have
given notice that hereafter the only persons
who will bo admitted to sco the inmates of
the Insane hospital nro the relatives of tlio
flouts , tno i oporters on the cltv papers
ml the state nti'i county ofllcers. The vlsit-
ug days for relatives will bo the llrst and
last Thursday anu the second Sunday of each
The city council will bold its regular
monthly meeting this evening. The lire
committee will present the report of the In
vestigation of the lire department , which It
wns instructed to mitho at the last meeting.
It Is understood that the report will bo favor
able to tlio department , tlio committco hav
ing fulled to 11 rid any signs of dissipation
among ttio members.
Dr. Frauds Dlllon-Kgan , the celebrated
Irish lecturer , appeared before a good sized
nudionco atDohnny's ' last night , the subject
of the lecture being "Ireland. " The interest
In ttio address was greatly enhanced by a
number of storcoptlcan views , which served
to 11 x the places In the minds of the audience
moro effectively than anything else could ex
cept nn actual visit to thorn. Dr. Dillon Is a
very Interesting speaker.
L.nst evening a very Interesting service was
hold nt the Congrcgationa-l church , under llio
nuspices of the Young Peoples' ' society of
Christian Kndeavor. An attractive pro
gramme was rendered , consisting of read
ings , recitations , etc. , most of wliicti were
by members cf the society. Tbo inusio was
very flue , and furnished by n chorus of
mixed voices. At the close ol the service a
Collection was talton. the proceeds of which
ro devoted to lipmo missions.
A young fellow entered the bakery kept by
Mrs. .lolinnno Wlwthnim on South Main
street yesterday and wanted to soil some cut-
'LT.V which ho lind. Ills actions were sua-
iiloioui and the pollen were notified. Ofllccr
lieswic'k overhauled him in company with
four other hard looking characters nt the
Northwestern depot and arrested the outllt.
At tlio .station they gnvu the names of Juincs
Davenport , Albert Kelly , Charles Johnston ,
Martin Hurly nnd LJoorgo I'lker. A telegram
was received from Den Molnes n few days
ago announcing that a hardware store tuoro
luul hccn burglarized ot a largo quantity of
knives and scissors , and it was thought 'that
possibly the fellow who was trying to selj
tlio knives waa one of the gang of burglars.
\Vnnted-nfty men. Gilbert Ilros.
Our llcmnrkatilo Sucucss
Enables us to present lor your considera
tion pi Ices without a precedent in tlio history
of Council HlulTs. All goods are warranted
now and clean , equal to the best any market
alTords. Only ono price and terms strictly
cash , Cull and sco and bo satisfied that wo
uro right.
Davis' Kovnl No. 10 Hour , Jl.fiO ; Davis'
BlueD Hour , $1.35 ; Cold Modal Hour , $ l.4i ! ;
Minnesota Superlative Hour , $1 ; Snowllako
Hour , fl ; 15 Ibs granulated sugar for tl : IT
Ibs extra 13 granulated sunr for $1 ; M Ibs
Now Orleans sugar for $1 ; Arbucklo coffee ,
ncrplcgo , ilo ; German coITeo , ner pkge , Ii5c ;
King's buckwheat , per pkgc , lOo ; crackers ,
jier Ib , Cc8 ; Ibs ginger snupi for ! i" > c ; U loaves
tread for fie ; it Ibs inlnco incut , ;
t n cans tomatoes , " 5c ; it cans corn , 'J.ic ; Pago.
Norton & Co Hour , * ! . ' , ' . " > a sack ; ! l-lb nail lard
for 2io ; ; Mb pall lard for HSc : oil sardines , per
can , lie ; - cans musturd siuxlnics for , "o ; Cul-
ifornla hanis , per Ib , Oc ; good broom for
10cM ; ) iroixl cipirs foriricj'Co-lbp.dl Jelly for
7r > c ; B'-fj-pal pail syrup for Kic ; fi-gal keg
syrup for$1.40 ; pail whlto fish for tWo ,
Hrown's O. 0 , D. Uroccry ,
Council B lulls nnd Omaha.
Owing to stormy wontlier wo will continue
our cleurlng sulo iv few dnvs longer. Everything -
thing goes at net cost , 't'JS 11-way , O. 0 , Cully.
Too much California canned goods on hand ;
must be sold. Kelley & Youiikeriiian ,
Unity Guild
The following programme will bo presented
nt the Unity Guild entertainment tit Hughes1
hall next Friday evening :
Instrumental Solo .
Mr. Hcrt Sims.
Contralto Solo /.ion . Paul llodnoy
Ml Daisy A. Ulgglns.
Itaiijorliifliuidliultar Duct Mudloy .
Mcfevni. h'tophun and Atkins.
Vlnlla Solo llTrovatorc . Blnpolcr
JIubtor Charles A , Itluglns , uiiull of ! ' . J ,
BojirunoSolo-Kostacy .
Mrs. Ulngsbury.
Iti-cllntlim . . . . , .
Mrs. Mute Maker. *
CoiitriUtii < > lo-Tlio Jouriipy Is Long. .Coombs
Ml s Daisy
Vlullu Sola -Soeno do IftillPt . 0. Dollorlot
Mmtorl , ' , A. Illgglni ,
Vocal Solo-lnOld Madrid .
Mr. Hurt | IIIM.
CunlorlnoiindUultar liutt Homo Sweet
Home . . ' . .
.Messrs. Stephen and Atktaa.
Clinul-Moo-Ora and Colorado Cougti nnd
. / Catarrh Hoot at DoIIuvon's drug store.
Owing to stormy weather wo will continue
our clearing sale a few days longer , Every
\ thing goo ! ut not cost , 3 4 ll-way , C. C , Cully.
Gut-Off Island to be Loft Without Polios
Tlio C.imltdntng for the Various Ofll-
ocs Prepare to Offer Them-
oclvcR mi tlio Allar of
Their Country.
The question what to do with Cnt-ofT
Island has bccujtroubllng the city authorities
for some tlmo past. An effort was made
last summer to get that part of the city uioro
closely under the control of the law , nnd to
do this a pollco ofUeor was nut there
to keep order nnd to inako what arrests
might bo necessary. Months have pasied ,
and no arrests hnvo bocn nnulo. ThcnM ro
half n dozen saloons running there , and not
ono of them has ever paid a dollar into the
city treasury , and the result Is that the au
thorities are beginning to bo somuwhat dis
gusted with their attempts to tnuko Cut-off
island a law abiding community. Last night
) fllcer Fultz , who has been on duty there ,
vus ordered to report for duty In the city.
nnd from now on there will not bo anymore
wllco on the island , at least for the present.
The failure to collect the lines from the
saloonkeepers on the island the saino as from
hose In any other part of .tho city , is duo to
nn all-around misunderstanding among the
towers that bo. Whether Cut-off Island Is a
iart of Omaha or Council Blurts Is still un
settled , the matter now being in the federal
courts. It Ills a part of Omaha this city has
10 right to levy lines on the property owners ,
mid any attempt to ilo so would" probably bo
resisted to tlio bltti-r end. In ease the
mirshal tried to collect those monthly fines
nnd mot with any opposition , the only thing
'or him to do would bo to arrest the olTender.
hit after bo had arrested lilm , ho would bo
faced by another dlflleulty ; there would Do
10 way to get him to this side of the river
ixcept by taking him through the state of
Nebraska , and if the prisoner resisted
mil had to bo brought by force
10 would hnvo a very nice lit-
lo case ngalnst the olllcer for kid-
lapping. Tins prospect thu city marshal
Iocs not care to face , nnd consequently the
lines go uncollcctod. Chief ( Jury says ttio
idea that the marshal can't bring a prisoner
through Nebraska without a requisition is
all bosh. Hut the marshal says If tlio chief
wants to ninko arrests In thnt way ho can
have all the Honor that Is In It. This Is not
the llrst case , tiowovcr , in which the marshal
nnd the chlel have disagreed ,
It Is expected that the removal of Oftlecr
b'nltz from the Island will ralso a howl from
the property owners in that vicinity. Tlio
property there is quite valuable and is con
stantly 'becoming moro so. The taxes for
last year amounted , it Is said , to ovorl,4M ( > ,
anil the men who pay this amount into the
city's treasury will very likely insist on get
ting something In return for It.
Anniversary Sale nt tlio Huston Store1.
Just two years ago Saturday sluco the
Hoston Store , Coui'cll Bluffs , opened Us
doors to the public. The proprietors , Fother-
ingham , "Whitclaw ft Co. , take this opportun
ity of thanking their thousands of patrons In
Council Bluffs nnd surrounding country for
their very liberal support and patronage.
Their aim at nil times has been to give the
very best value in everything they carry ,
having only ono prici ana doing
a strictly cash business , thereby doing away
with the necessity of book-kcepers.eollcctors.
etc. , etc. , nlso tlio paying for these who don't '
pay , curtailing ourexpcnses to a mere noth
ing In comparison to the other method of
doing liusiness , cash being king every time.
Our facilities and connections for buying nro
such ns to enable us to get the cream of Uo
market at the very lowest market price. In
order to still servo you better , wo , have es
tablished nn oflico in New York City with n
man of twenty-live years' experience nt the
head of it , where within ttio shortest possible
notlco anything to bo found on side of
the Atlantic if In Now York city can bo had
by us. Our second annual sale for the past
ton days has been a stupendous success. For
our second anniversary wo will malto still
deeper cuts and continue the sale all this
coining week. Note a few of the bargains ,
Child's coats , 4 years old , sold for SD.-'o to
fg.1 > , In ono lot at .50.
Child's coats , 0 yonra old , sold for ? 4.00 to
$4.fiO , In ono lot at SJ.Ki.
Ladles' Jackets , sold for $3.25 , reduced to
$2..r ) .
Ladies' Jackets , sold for 5.75 , reduced to
$ . ' 1.39.
SJO and $22 plush Jackets reduced to 115.
S14 Jackets for $10.
Evor.v garment in our stock at special sale
Gents' shirts nnd drawers , sold for2."c , re
duced to 15c.
Heavy gr.iy shirts nnd drawers , former
price S'.io , during snlo 25c.
Our all wool shirts and drawers in grays
and scarlets , sold foi'fl , during sate We.
All our ! Xc ) , yJc : and 'Mo black goods , Includ
ing hrllllnutlncs and English cashmeres , dur
ing sale per yard , 'J.'i ; .
A complete line of English serges , French
drap d' alma , Austrian henrlettns nnd nil
wool cashmeres , sold for 5Sc , GD c and C9c ,
all In ono lot nt Ac.
Hrocadcs , fancy stripes , fine cashmeres and
silk llnishcd Henriettas , ranging in price C'Je
to We , all at ( ! ' . ' , ' tfe.
Our comforter and dress prints which sold
for fie nnd ( ic , during sale for ! ! c.
Our indigo blue print at "c to go at 4) < < c.
Heavy clioviot ginghams to go ut 0)40. )
Outing flannel in plain , light , medium nnO
dark colors , sold nt ICe ana 1'JJiJc , to go ate
o ; 12 yards for $1.
Yard wide muslin , sold for Co and fie , -Ic.
Four different makes of our 80 muslin , GJ c.
Yard wide bleached muslin , Jo.
See our c bleached muslin for .Wo.
42-iu. unbleached muslin , Sc ; blenched , Oc.
45-ln. unbleacheil muslin , 10lc ; bleaehod ,
7-1 unbleached muslin , Ific ; blenched , 17c.
9-1 unbleached muslin , 21c ; blenched , ajjijc
11-4 heavy white blankets , s.old for ? 3 n
pair , reduced to ? 3.
11-1 all wool and Union blankets , sold for
* 5 nnd $ . " > .7r , to go during sale nt $1.
At { 5 wo show our complete line of $0
$0,75 and (7 , all in ono lot nt $ . * >
Our "fie comforter , special value , Me.
Hegular fl.S'J ' comforter , $1.
Comforters sold from ? , ' . ! 25 to ? 2.7."i , all in
ono lot during sale nt $2.
Comforters sold at from $0 to ? 3.50 , all to
go at $ ) ,19.
Folhermglmm.Vhltfllnw & Co. ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Now York ofllco , 47 Leonard st.
Boys Wanted
at American district telegraph ofllco.
To bo sura that your children liavonuro
candy , ntiy for them the Pomona brand mil
luico tablets. Pomona stained on ouch ( ab
ut. The trade supplied by Dmjuetto & Co
Hell k Son's now grocery takes the lead on
Upper Hroadway. No old stock.
Evans Laundry Co. , fiiO Pearl street. Tele
phone ' . " .I ) . Uoods called for and delivered.
Davis , headquarters for Clmu 1-Moo-Grau
Honily l-'or the Fltttit.
The mayor's proclamation fixing the tint
of the spring election for the municipal otl !
core has stirred up tho. aspirants , and not
withstanding the zero weather thnt is prevailing
vailing , the spring campaign has already bo
gun. The chief deslro of the numerous gen
tlemcn who nro willing to servo their fello\
citizens Is to secure the nomination for aldei
innn-nt-lnrgo and atop Into the place that wi
bo vacated by Alderman ICncphcr , whose
term expires. There nro n number of candi
dates whoso friends think they nro desirable
hut who uro Imndlcaped by thu fact that they
live in the wrong ward. At least three
of these centlcmcu Hvo iu the First ward , and
as thnt ward already has ono of the 'two al
dcruion-ut-largo there Is poor prospect ol
cither of the conventions selecting the cnndl
dntefrom that ward , which would Ircsult In
giving the First three of the ciuht members
of the common council if thucundldatoshoulil
happen to bo clectod. The iiume most goncv.
1 GUi
i A T c v T A. rc
J. E. HOLDEN , Eiseman's Store , Council Bluffs.
ally mentioned for the place Is that of ox-Al-
dcrman Weaver of the Second , who has had
a coed deal of experience in city matters.
There is no question but ho would boaptronp
candidate , and if the democrats should nom
inate him there Is llttlo doubt but he would go
into the ofllco with a satisfactory majority
notwithstanding some opposition would bo
aroused by the fact that bo is a prominent
In the Third ward nn alderman will hnvo
to bo elected to till out the unoxplred term of
the Into Mr. Lacy. The name most commonly
mentioned in connection with the place is S.
B. "Wadsworth , but the friends of that gen
tleman are circulating the report that ho
positively will not accept the nomination
from any party. With Wudsworth out of the
race there are half a dozen aspirants whoso
chances are about equally good in the con
ventions of both parties.
The most important vacancy in the council
Is that created by the completion of the term
of Alderman Everett in the Fourth wnrd.
The ward is republican , nnd Mr. Everett can
succeed himself If ho desires. Tho'niinounco-
meut Is inndo scml-ofllclnlly , however , that
ho will positively not boa candidate. The
Fourth is ono of the most important wards In
the city , nnd it is very likely n strong light
will bo made In the primaries. A dozen
names are mentioned , but the campaign has
uot progressed far enough to warrant their
publication ,
In the Sixth wnrd Alderman MIkesell's
term expires , and ho has also given It out
cold that ho will not bo a candidate for re
election. A number of names have been
printed in connection with the vacancy , hut
tuulr owners nro anxiously endeavoring to
keep their little booms out of sight until the
proper time comes.
The situation r.s it appears now indicates
the determination of the aspirants to do a
good deal of still liuntlntr , nnd the men who
want the places the most and will do the
greatest nmount of hard work to obtain thorn
will seek the most earnestly to keep the fact
from bocoiulng generally known for the next
week or two.
The other ofllcos nro not much sought
nfti'r. There nro only two of them , Ono is
park commissioner and the other is town
ship clerk , The former has no salary nt all
attached to it and the other has realized
in the past the princely sum of Slit a year.
No candidates has come forward to annoui.ce
themselves for dither of them.
I3uy your coal nnd wood of C , B. Fuel Co. ,
6U9 Uroadwuy. Telephone I'M.
Host heavy poods , 25 per cent oit , cash.
Ileitor , the tailor , ! 110 Broadway.
Why nay prollts on every purchase when
you can get all your house furnishings in ono
pluco at ouo prollU Mandcl & IClein.
Great success.
Hellnblo goods.
Fair dealing.
Bottom prices.
At C. B. Jacquemlu it ( Jo. , No , 27 Main street
JC. nixtiv , stoim noatint ; , sanitary en
gineer , an Merriam block , Council Illulis
Tlio best French cook in western Iowa Is at
the Hotel Gordon , Council Bluffs.
The new dental rooms of Drs. Woodbury
nro the llnostnml most complete In the wost.
Next to the new Grand. "Telephone , H5. "
Owing to stormy weather wo will continue
our clearing snlo n few days longer , hivery-
thlnu goes at net cost. MS IJ-way , U , 0. Cully.
A. Small Fire.
At 7 o'clock last evening wullo Mr. J. J.
Johnson nnd family , who reside at " ' 0 Fur-
nam street , were enjoying nqulet Sunday
evening chat they suddenly heard a roaring
nnd cracking of tire creeping up the parti
tion between the back parlor and the dining
room. The smoke soon began to fill the
house , nnd hurrying 10 the stairs which lead
into the furnace room Mr. Johnson
saw thnt a brisk tire was burning along the
coiling of the basement near the furnace.
The alarm was nt once turned in anil several
of the neighbors rushed In to assist In remov
ing the furniture. When the chemical cn-
RIIO | from No. 3 nrrlved the ilreinen said
they could subdue the tlamcs without danger
to the furniture , and the work
of emptying the house caused. The
damage could not bo estimated with any de-
proo of accuracy , but will probably roach
S.'OO on the building and double that amount
by smoke upon the carpets and furniture.
Shakespeare will plcaso excuse us If wo
modify him thus : Thrlco Is ho clad who hath
hU system strengthened with Aycr's Sarsa-
parllla , and ho but naked , though arrayed in
furs , whoso blood Is poor or with disease cor
rupted. An lucoinparablo uiodlclnol
I5ev. Merrill's Sermon at tlio Metho-
. ( list Clinro'j Imst Kvi'ning.
Kov. S. P. Merrill of the FInt Methodist
church preached last evening upon 'the sub
ject ol small vices. His text was found in
the Twenty-third chapter oi the Songs of
Solomon nnd reads as lollows : "Bring me ,
the foxes , the llttlo foxes that spoil the
vines. " These little foxes that Hov. Merrill
intended to warn the people about were not
the four-footed , cunning creatures that rob
the hen roosts , but ttio sly and insidious cus
toms and vices of modern society. I In said
that when the hunters turn loose a
pet fox that will not run they
nro angry because the fun is cut
short. They want a spry nnd vigorous
fox that will run a long way and a long time
before captured. It Is so with young people
of the present day. They ilo not want to kill
off the little foxes , the innocent appearing
vices right away , but would rather let them
run awhile. It is great enjoyment , they
think , to chase thorn for several years. The
particular vices that Kov. Merrill likened to
young foxes were the babit of card
playing , theutcr-golng , dancing and wine
drinking. As to card playing , theater-going
and dancing , Kov. Merrill said ho would not
say that they were very wrong of them
selves , but they tend to compromise Chris
tians who practice thorn nnd dissipate their
influence. Ho thought that wino drinking
wns the worst of the four nnd
should not ho countenanced by young
Christians under any circumstances.
These habits not only compromise
a Christian , but they nro absolutely forbid
den by the Methodist church and tlio Meth
odists should avoid them and obey the rules
they have promised to oboy. . Ho referred to
hli own experience ns an example of the wis
dom of refraining from a participation in the
four so-called vices ho enumerated. He had
been tempted when a boy nt the print
er's trade by nil of these things
but had refused to play cards and drink and
dance. Ho had gene to theaters some but
became disgusted with iho whole category of
stage performances. As n result of his ro-
frainiiitf from these dissipations ho had se
cured an education by the careful saving of
his money and the useful employment of his
tlma ; while others who labored nt the ease
by his side have gene down to drunkards
graves because they gave way to all the
allurements of the card tnblo , the theaternnd.
the wino room. Ho bold that the wisest and
best men in the Methodist church have
always nnd do today maintain that card playIng -
Ing , theater going , dancing and wino drink
ing are dangerous and sinful habits and all
Methodists should strenuously avoid them.
The sermon was preached , Rev. Merrill
stated , at the request of u , member of his
congregation who has n largo family of
children , some of whom seem to bo drifting
into the meshes of those alluring pastimes.
Several years ngo Cham licrlaln it Co. of
DesMoines , In. , commenced th'o manufacture
of a conch syrup , believing * ! ! to bo the most
prompt and reliable preparation yet produced
for coughs , colds and croup1 ; that tlio publlo
apprcclnto true merit , and in tlmo it wns cer
tain to become popular. Their mostsanguino
hopes have bcou more than realized. Over
thrco hundred thousand bottles of Chamber
lain's Cough Horoody aronowsold cacti year ,
nnd it is recognized as'tho * best inaile' '
wherever known. It will euro a severe cold
in less tlmo than any other treatment. For
sale by nil druggists.
Stele Two Indies' Olonlcn.
Dntcctlvo Kills ycsterdaivrccoverod two
ladles' cloaks that were stolen at 0 o'clock
Saturday evening from Eti\m'i ( Eriokson nt
Twenty-second and Lcay'jniworth ' streets.
Tlio sneak thiet entered tbethall through the
front door while the family was nt supper
nnd went through the rooms on the second
door. Ho overlooked moro valuable gar
ments and took nothing bm the cloaKa ,
vitlued at $ ' 5 , They were recovered at two
second hand stores at Eleventh and Douglas
nnd Tenth and Dodge , where they were sold
forfO.fiO. A good description was obtained
of thu thief and the police are looking for
A faded or grey board may bo colored n
bountiful and natural' brown or black , at
will , by using Buckingham's Dye for the
Y. M. C. A. .Meeting.
There were 1U1 men present yesterday nt
the young men's mooting in Concert hall.
The service was conducted by Mr , O. D ,
IlelsscnbutU'l , the membership secretary ,
who spoke for a few minutes on the words of
Christ to the young man , "Yot ono thing
thou lackest. " Ilo was followed by Mr. T ,
H. Tibbies , tlio husband of Bright
Eyes , the celebrated Indian lecturer ,
w'no spoke on the saino subject ,
giving Instances in which the
Christian religion proved to bo the ono thing
lacking. Ho told inVldcnts which occurred
during the recent excitement nt Pine Kidgo
ngency , when the faith in Christ which the
pcor starving Indians bad , sustained them in
their nfllictions and kept them from joining
the hostilos. Mr. Uobert Evans then spoke
for n few minutes and the meeting was
brought to n close. Music was furnished by
the Male chorus , assisted by Mr. Ferrlnger
with his cornet.
Dan Toblii Falls Train n Cnr niul
Krafturos IIIn Skull.
Dan Tobln , a Missouri Pacific switchman ,
mot with n very serious and possibly fatal
accident about 8:80 : o'clock yesterday after
noon , Ho was standing on the rear end
of n car that was being swithbed
near tbo California street crossing ,
when a sudden jerk of the engine precipitated
him backwards to the ground. Hofelllif-
tcon fcoc , alighting on his head and shoulders
on the frozen ground , Ho was removed to
his homo , at the corner of Seventeenth and
Mason streets , in the pntrol wagon , and
the company's physician summoned , It
wns found that his skull was fractured ,
and bo hnd several minor cuts nnd bruises.
Ho was unconscious , and the doctor stated
that the prospects for his recovery were uot
promising ,
Tobln is twenty-two years old nnd un-
marriod. lie rosldiH with his widowed
mother , who depends upon him for support.
Gcssler's Mngio Headache Wafers. Cures al
headaches In ill ) minutes. At all druggists.
Secretary XVimtoin'H Funeral. .
The following telegram was received by
Collector Alexander Saturday evening :
WASIIIXOTOX , D. C. , .ran. 31. To the sur
veyor of customs , Omaha , Nob. , ofllcers of
the customs , assistant treasurers of the
United States nud nil other ofllccrs of iho
treasury department : Notice is hereby given
that the funeral of the Hon. William Win-
dom , Into secretary of the treasury , will take
place at 12 o'clock noon on Monday , February
a , 1891 , in the city of Wnshinctoa. All build
ings andnlllces under your control will bo
closed throughout , that day , so far as Is con
sistent with the transaction of necessary
public business , and absolutely on nnd after
the hour mentioned , On nil public buildings
throughout the United States and nil vessels
and steamers under the control of this de
partment the national Hag will bo displayed
at half-mast. A. S. NCTTUJTOX ,
Acting Secretary.
In compliance with these instructions from
the acting secretary of the treasury , and as
nn evidence of the profound sorrow which
the death of the distinguished secretary has
pressed upon this people , the customs nnd
revenue olllctis In this city will bo closed ao-
solutoly at I'J o'clock for the remainder of the
day , and during the time of the funeral , from
12 o'clock untdl 2 p. m. , the doors of the fed
eral building will bo locked.
Wll.UAM II. Al.nXANDKll ,
Surveyor of customs and custodian.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil
dren teething produces natural quiet sloop.
2.1 cents n bottle.
Kimeral of John II , ilut'nr.
The funeral over the remains of the into
John II , Butler was held from the family
residence , 2T05 Davenport street at ! f o'clock
yesterday afternoon , and was conducted by
the ICnlglita of 1'v'thlas and the Oddfellows ,
of which societies the deceased was an
honored and respected moinbor. At the
house religious services were hold by
Hov. Charles W. Savidgo , an old personal
friend of Mr. Hutler , nnd Hov. l > . S. Merrill.
The remains were Interred In Prospect hill ,
At the cemetery the beautiful burial service
of ttio Oddfellows was performed , each
member passing around the grnvo and drop
ping a sprig of myrtle or evergreen on the
coDln. Soventy-llvo Oddfellows and forty-
Boven Knights attended the funeral. Tlio
pall bearers were \Vllllatn \ Andrcss and John
Moyeroof the Knights. D. Hardsell and Wil
liam Hushtown of the Oddfellows , .lohn Jeff-
coat nnd Simon Adamsky from Grand Army of
the Kcnubile. The remains rested In a heavy
black broadcloth casket , and were almost
hidden by iloral offerings sent in by relatives
and friends of the family.
Stated by H , H , Cochrun , drupplst , Lancas
ter , Pn , Have guaranteed over -W bottles of
Hurdock Blood Hitters for dyspepsia , sour
stomach , bilious attacks , liver and kldnoy
To Soft Coal Consumers.
What is ? Our Celebrated Jackson , Illinois ,
COAL AT $4.50. .
Best in the market. Nothing like it. Order
early and avoid the rush.
Telephone 4S. - 114 Main Street
Or Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 ,
i I. A , Mlllnr , P. 0. dloason , R. h
Sims-art , 1C. E. Hurt , . ! . D. EdmuncUon , Ulurioi
O , Hiuinaa. Truiiict ; D.'iukln ? busi
ness. hur ont capital and surplus of an/
bank lu Sou tlnvustum
Council lllutr * , Iu.
All dlswuotol thu KYK. .
tTontuil Kith Ihu Kroal
skill nn d ruro.
nmlllAY FKVKIl Ireiito.l
with imilniml. success.
SUHOICAIjOPKIIATION ? , whom ncco-isitry. miln-
! oily iiurformo 1 with tlio utmost euro nnil Hklll , in
mirlnjj pvrfi'cl riMUltJ. KIXMSV ( H.A SICS iicrur-
iitclp proscribed , correctliiK utl refnictlro trouble * * ,
in Myopln , llyiero | | > ln ami Asils-lniitl in , HUM rru-
derlirj lnit ! cmr , clear mil ( riliiloii CilUONlO
MHimAUilAimcl S1CIC UKAIMfHII , titccr
of lorrlhlu roller , entirely curml. Olllcu ,
Itiymi I , SliuiMrt Illoclc. ever lluno i Co. ' Blurt' .
Council Illtilli , la.
rinloyBurlce.Geo.W. Hewitt.Thos , E. Oasaily
Burke , Hewitt &Casady ,
! i r t ' s
Oniccs : J , J. Itrnwn IlulldliiKi Council ItlulTs ,
_ _
Tj OH SAIiE Kino blnjlo nnd dmiblo rouil-
-L1 hturh niul lii.'ivy dniiiKlit bor UH. Will nlho
III ! onlcrs for any style ot linnux wniiti'd.
l.uuviiurdurii with Dr. W. ] i. I'utton. ( 'milrul
1 Ivory mid sale stables , ' . ' 1 uud ' N. Main
Coiumll 11 lull's. -
_ _
A O1UW Ilyon wnntto nut ono ucrour moro
-iV for n nleo liuinit , and where you cnn Kar-
den nnd ru'.so ' Biniill fruit and poultry , or If
you want tun or twenty acres or u lur ii farm
In Iowa , wn can suit yon. Cull IKK ! M-U us.
Johnston & Van 1'uttcn , Kvcrott block , C'oun-
rjll H lulls.
M Try Dr. MIllor'H homo trout-
iiiont for foinfdu illsousei. Safe , mild and
biiro. AlMi Dr. MIlIur'H ( illii iiustllus ; jaliiUiti
nnd Riiitrmitccd to cure. 1'nrmiln In Council
lllu Us uml Oinulm only | jy Mn . A. A. Smith ,
KliH. Ut St. . anil .Mrs. G. M UlRiiliiH , 1510
l.imvnnvorth St. , Omnlm.
OIUJ7YI.R or Uimtr Gordon land , wltti
bouiui , by J , II 11109. 104 Mala it , Uauaall
All klmls nt Dying unil OU'iuiIng ilhou In ths
niKbcst Sty lout tliu Art , Fudoil mid Stained
I'lilirlcs madi ) to look as KOOI ! ua now. Work
promptly donu anil dellvorttd In nil parts ot
the country. Bund for price list.
0. A. MAOHAN. Prop. ,
J01J llroadwav , Nuur NortliwoHteru
TfiW *
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
006 Broadway , Oounoll Bluffs , la
OKK10B. 07. UB'ui.3NJB
Over 0 , I ) , Jiicqiiuniln k Do. , Jewelry Stort
Corner Main nnd Hroailwajr.
Dealers In fowlun and ilnmoitlo xctyanit
Oolloctlon made anU lutnreit i > ald oa tlu