Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 m HE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : TUESDAY , JAITOAEY 27 , 1891.
A slight blnzo In llio Hall block , cor
ner of Sixteenth nnd Lctivemvortli , occa
sioned nu ulnrm ycatordiiy niornltiff.
The fire was In u partition botwcim
rooms occupied by Mrs. McCormlck , nnd
originated In the basement. It wtis ox-
tlngulahcd before much damage -.van
II. D. McMnnus , the ngccl Dinner who
has boon working the Bouth sldo resi
dents for numbers for their houses , by
representing Unit tills was ncccysary before -
fore they would bo irlvcn mall delivery
Borvlco , was nrralyncd before Judge
Holsley yesterday morning for obtaining
money. under false pretense1) ) . IIo ad
mitted that ho was doing the work , but
claimed Unit ho wan working In good
fiilth , and named several otlior pltices
wlioro ho hud done similar work. Ho
was ordered hold until thcso places can
be communicated with In order to ascer
tain the nature of his previous opera
Iloxvto Ilrrnk Up n Hevrro Cold.
From llio Vlrglnln City , Mont. , Mndlso-
nlnii ! "Whenvo llml n meulclnn wo know to
possess genuine ) merit , wo consider It a duty ,
nud wo tn no pleasure In tolling the publlu
what It i . Such n medicine we found ( Jhnm-
berlalii'a Coufjn Kemt'dy. Hy tlio use of this
syrup wo Imvo relieved , in a few hours , se
vere colds , and In the course of two or tlireo
days , entirely broken them up iw lias several
of our friends to whom we liavo recommended
It. It Is nil It is represented to bo by the
manufacturers. Jf you have a couiti nnU
want to stop it , Chamberlain's ' Coucli Kcm-
cdy will do the work. Forsaloby all drug
gists. _
Cloak Sate.
"Wo have a few choice styles jackets ,
wraps , tt'ttlsklii garments , ulsters , etc. ,
left. IJeur in mind that they aroall now
nnd that wo are selling them for
331 PER CENTer
or one-third discount from the already
marked down prices.
Don't Pool Yourself !
Notwithstanding all rumors to the
contrary , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St ,
Paul Ky's ' now steam heated palace
sleeping cars , with ' 'electric lights in
every berth , " still loaves the Union de
pot , Omaha at 0:10 : p. in. daily , arriv
ing nt Chicago at 9iOa. : ; m. , in umplo
tiino to make all eastern connections.
Ticket otllco , 1G01 Farnam at.
C.'Piisd. Agt. Gun. Agt
Tliey Catch Jlurnl Clllz-ns with
Worthlem Heal listnlo Souiirltioq.
Some smooth swindlers have been working
a real estate scheme through the state , the re
sult of which puts money In their purse and
loaves their victims In possession of mort
gages on practically worthless lots In a subur
ban addition to Omiilm.
The swindlers' plan of operation Is one well
calculated to catch the rural owner of grain
ana live stoclt which ho U willing to transfer
for nn equity In apparently gilt-edged prop
erty in the metropolis ,
The sharpers start out with a mortgage for
tr 00 each on lots in "B. & M. Terrace" addi
tion to Omaha. The mortgages are
dated ono or two years ago and have
endorsements showing that the interest has
been paid , the rate being 10 per ceat. The
swlnulcn represent the property as being in
nn excellent location and the value of the lots
at (1,500 at least. These mortgages are exchanged -
changed at cash equivalents for gr.iln or live
stock , which are promptly turned Into cash
at the nearest markets.
Several local real estate dealers have
had letters from country holders of thcso
mortgages Inquiring as to their vuluo and the
chances for turning them Into cashat a slight
discount. George J. Paul yesterday received u
letter from George Gilllsplo at CulberUson
-wha says ho has 4 > 2l | > 00 worth of the mort
gages for which ho traded all of the live
Block ho could spare Irom his farm. This
Is only a sample of the let
ters thsjt are coming in daily
from victims of tlio swindle in various parts
of the state.
The property on which the mortages arc
tnado lies In the swamps east of South Omahn
nud Is practically worthless.
That beautiful glossy shcoa , so much nd-
mired in the hair , can bo secured by the use
of Aycr's Iliur Vigor. Thorols nothing bet
tor than this preparation forstrcngthenlngthc
scalp and Icconing it free from dandruff am
Itching eruptions.
Marriage licenses were Issued yostordaj
to the following p.irtioa :
Name ana address. Ace
Harry Halo , Omaha . 27 I
Kninia llaiuiiiuiul , Wlnona , Minn . " 0 |
Mllio Nloo , MorrKtown. Ky . . . 23 i
Alice Moltoynolds , Princeton , liul. , . . . 10 (
OcorKO Fro Idol , Omaha . 20 I
Myrtle Dulloy , Onuihu . 24 j
Gcsslcr'o AlagloIIcadacho Wafers. Curoal
bcadachcs in " 0 mlautes. At all druggists
The Indications nro that Joseph Murphj
\vlll play to the banner houses of the season
Judging from the numerous inquiries thu
have been maJo at the box olllco window o
UioBoyd during the past two day. Yea
tcriluy an Irishman came from a place li
Pottnwnttamlo county , twelve miles cast oi
Council IHuffs , to inalto sure of scats for him
self nud his mother and blstors fo
the opening porforanco of th <
great Irish coaiedlan , and when in
found that they could not bo obtained unti
Wednesday morning at 0 o'clock , ho re
marked , "Now , if I thought I couldn't go
the best la the house I'd stay right here til
Wednesday inoriilii' . Thlm Irish ovc
there. God forglvo 'em , nro stuck on Joi
Murphy , nnd are all coming to sea 'im and
want to beat "om gottln" " seats. "
Mr. James J. Brady , acting manager c
Charles Frohmnn's "All the Comforts c
Home" company , which appears at the Boy
during the Ural three nights of next week , I
In the city. _
The particular Illustrious star of th
Howard Athenaeum constellation , which wn
visible at the Uoyd lost night , Is Paul Clt
qucvnlll , whoso juggling feats , ns graccfull
performed us they are dlftlcult , certainty sui
pass belief. He told a lii-.r. representative t
vronounco his name "ChmUwovalloy. " It I
Italian , not French , anil he is of Polish bjrtl
although at the present thno a subject c
"William IT. Ho owns a bniulsomo theatc
In Berlin , devoted to what wo ca
variety performances. In London they ca
lilm "tho admirable Urlchton of the musl
hulls. " Clnquovalll Is not only a juggler ,
man of remarkable strength and an niTOha
buta versatile musician. He has boon auactc
In farcical comedies nnd speaks half a doze
languages. The salary Cinquovalh rocoivc
from lilch & Hants , the proprietors of th
Howard Atlicncuin company , Is tomnrkubl
larpo , and will enable ; the great Juggler t
retire In u year or two.
P. O. Fisher's "Cold Day" company
greatly strengthened slnco tnelr lost vis
here , will bo at the Grand next Sunday ovci
Ing , for ono night only. They have ono (
( ho highest salaried dancers with any coined
company now Playing in th < > west , H <
jcrvcd seat * win v- * - nuj ( 5j ( C0ut3 -
The Kdon Musco has this week one of tli
greatest men on earth on exhibition. HI
irrcutncss lies in his weight tuiJsUe. Joh
Hanson Craig , the Kentucky giant , weigh
M j > ouiKl3. Ho Is n great ledge man au
\vhcnUio Knights of Pythias attempted 1
Initiate htm It took a derrick to throw him I
tlio colling. It can bo remarked that tl
celling bus boon repaired. Besides this woi
tier the Muioo has ono of the best special !
lUlrrictloiiH that could bo got togctho
Hilly Young , the famous minstrel , In h
ilw"I ) < fueo oddities Is without a peer. Tl
CarjxiiiUir l tern In their novelty hoop dam
U it iilriwIiiK feature. The whole culcrtaii
MllUlML rAUiUJiUd ttLLlrtNf.H'
'ho Iloventh Annual Oonvoation Will
Moot In Jills City Today ,
toot of tlio Hiisincsa Will Ho Trans
acted llctilml Closed Doors Ob
jects oftlie Oatlierlnj : Tlio
At 0 o'clock this morning the eleventh an-
unl convention of the National Farmers Al-
uiico will convene In this city , tn the ex-
hango room in the board of trade building.
Yesterday and last night a largo number
f the delegates arrived , Including the fol-
nwlugofllrers ol the association : President ,
Ion. J. II. Powers , Cornell , Neb. ; secretary ,
Vugust Post , Moulton , la.j treasurer , Hon.
. J. I'urloiifj. Austin , Mlun. ; lecturer , N. B.
Vshby , DCS Alolncs , la.
The call provides for a two days' convon-
lon , but the chances are that It will con-
inuodurlni ; the week , ns It Is claimed that n
ast amount of work Is to bo transacted. In
ho morning the convention will bo called to
rdor by the president , after which bo will
ppolnt the committee on credentials. While
Ills committee 1' nt work no will deliver his
nnual address. This will toke up nn hour
f the morning session. The commlttco on
redcntluls will report the names of delegates
ntitlcd to seats , after which the president
vlll name thn following committees : On
esolutions , secret work , legislation , couitl-
uttoti and by-laws , and business organlza-
lon. Miscellaneous business will bo trans
acted uutll noon.
In the afternoon the order of business will
) Q ns follows :
1:1W : p. m. Report of national lecturer.
i:15 ! : p. in. Uvport of secretary nud treas
ili ; ! p. m. Address by Milton Gcorgo , "A
'tanking System Suggested to Take the
. 'Inco of the Present System Which is UIs-
ipnearing by the Payment of the Public
Debt. '
1 p. m. Address by lion. J. Burrows , "Tho
future of the Alliance. "
7 p. in. Address by D. II. Talbot.
7:15 : n. m. Address by N. B. Ashby.
8il : ! ) p. IP. Address by Milton George.
'Fanatical Hoformers Want Everything and
Jot Nothing. Great Kotorins Succeed by
Jonservativo Measures Radically Prose
cuted. "
The business for Wednesday Is as follows :
8u : : ) a. in. Uoport of committees and mis
cellaneous work.
11:00 : a. m. Address by Miss Evn McDon
ald , state lecturer Minnesota state alliance.
1 : ! ! 0 p. in. Election of oulccrs ana iniscol-
ancous business.
It was given out last nl ht that most of
.ho business will bo transacted behind locked
doors , though a press commlttco will bo ap
pointed to glvo such Information as the mem
bers consider of a public nature. .
It Is probable that nearly UOO delegates will
1)0 In attendance , representing the suites of
Nebraska , Missouri , Iowa , Minnesota , NC.W
York , Oliio , Michigan , Oregon. Wisconsin ,
Indiana , Colorado , Kansas , Illinois , North
nnd South Dakota.
In speaking of theobicctsof the convention ,
a leading delegate said last night :
"The objects of the national alliance are to
unite the farmers for the promotion of their
ntcrests , socially , politically and financially ;
to sceuro a just representation of the agricul
tural interests of the country In the national
congress and state legislature ; to demand the
prohibition of alien cattle and land
syndicates ; to oppose all forms of mo
nopoly , as being detrimental to the best
Interests of the nubile ; to demand of our rep
resentatives In congress their votes and
active Influence in favor of the prompt pass-
ego of such' laws as will protect live stock
interests from contagious diseases ; to de
mand that agricultural Interests shall bo
represented by a cabinet oflicer , ana to en
courage the passage of stuto and national
laws that will benefit the farmers and other
men of the country. "
It was evident last night that there is to bo
music in the air , ns there are two contending
factions , both of which wat to run 'the ma
chine. One wing wants to swing the alli
ance Into line for the formation of a new po
litical party and attempt to control the desti
nies of the country , while the other demands
that politics shall not enter the delioeratlons
nnd that nothing but matters of Interest to
the tellers can or shall bo considered.
Among the ofllccrs and delegates who ar
rived last night are the following :
Nebraska J. II. Powers , Cornell : W. S.
Hutchlnson , Cozad ; W. 11. Stowo , W. Aurd ,
Cheyenne ; I. Hodges , Clay ; W. G. Bradley ,
Nelson ; J. L. Coppoo , Columbus ; E.Heavers ,
Fulls CityV. ; . T. Crow , Saunders ; D. Calk-
ins , Petersburg ; J. D. Ilatlield , Neligh ;
J. M. Bovine , Leigh ; C. F. McClure , Fremont -
mont : B. F. Pratt , Clarks ; Allen Hoot ,
PappilHon ; J. E. Koyser , Bower ; Q. A. Hill ,
Mlnden ; William Foster , Salt olio ; O. Hull
Greenwood ; W. E. Palmer , Moorlleld ; J. F.
Lndd , St. Paul.
Iowa Aucust Post , Moulton ; J. B. Fur
rows , Garwin ; N. Mnkon , Osceola ; George
T. Ashley , John Shaver , lied Oak.
Minnesota J. J. Furlong , Austin ; MUs
Eva McDonald , Minneapolis.
Missouri George D. Fullerton , Skldmorc.
The delegates who have arrived are a fine
looking lot of gentlemennnd In every respect
will compare favorably with the men who
attend conventions and other national gath
The president , John II. Powers , Is a fine
looking man of IHty-nIno years. His hair
and beard Is snowy white , giving him n kind
and fatherly appearance. Ills homo Is ai
Cornell , Hitchcock county , where he ,
with the assistance of live boys , tills
the greater portion of 320 acres of fertile
Nebraska soil. Mr. Powers Is a native of
Illinois , though this state has been his homo
for more than seventeen years. Ho Is a
ready speaker , nnd ns ho has Jlgured In poll-
tics to soma extent ho is known in nearly
every county In the stato. A man who does
not know Mr. Powers would take him for a
retired business man.
August Post , the secretary , was born at
Piano , 111. , Augustus , 1S55. Ho removed to
Iowa in 1800 and has been a farmer all of his
life. Just uow ho Is devoting much
of his tlmo to breeding Clydesdale
horses , Holstein cattle and Poland
China hogs. Ho owns a Una farm near his
homo town , whcro ho has a pleasant horn"
and a family consisting of a wife , two sni *
and ono daughter. IIo Is a charter mombui-
the Clydesdale Breeding association , secre
tary of the Iowa state alliance , a member ol
the board of education of Moulton , besides
being an elder nnd trustee In the PresbyterIan -
Ian cnurch. Mr. Post Is a line looking man ,
wears a Prlnco Albert coat , long Dundreary
whiskers nnd would readily bo taken for o
clergyman , IIo is a llucut speakerand a suc
cessful organizer.
N. 15. Ashhy , lecturer of the national as
sociation , lives in Dos Molues , but owns n
line farm a few miles from the city limits ,
whore ho raises an abundance of corn , line
horses , cattle and hogs. Ho is nuojt thirty-
flvo years of ago , wears a full board and has
the appearance of being a prosperous business
J , B. Furrow , president of the Iowa nlll
nnco , lives at Garwin , whore ho has a farmol
eighty acrosi Ho is llfty-soven years of ngt
nnd Is the father of three boys anil
four , girls. IIo was born iti
Ohio ' and educated in n backwoods
school , whcro ho received a practical cduci
tlon. IIo removed to Iowa In INK , and bj
his Industry has become wealthy. Mr , Fur
row Is a small sized man , with clear bluoevcs
nnd i ton-gray beard. IIo Is a ready talkei
nnd thoroughly posted on alliance matters ,
Miss Evn McDonald , the state lecturer ol
the Minnesota nlllanco , is a slight little
brunette lady , scarcely out of her Icons. She
was raised and educated in Minneapolis nui'
has been Interested in alliance work for sov years.
Oniccr Hnzo'a Wild lUdo.1
Mounted Patrolman Andrew Hftzo bad at
experience Sunday night that bo will no
soon forget , IIo was breaking in a fresl
horse and had not inado calculation upon tin
necessity of holding a very fiery nnd hari
mouthed animal , but had a common "curb1
bit on with no strap under the chin.
At Sixteenth and Vinton the horse tool
fright at something and started for the central
tral station at Fifteenth acd Jackson. Then
was no time lost la makln ? tbo trip
Ttit ) animal Is a swift runner am
the way Offlcor Haze was pulled throucl
tbo atmosphere down Sixteenth um
cross the viaduct would causa the historic
ido of Paul Kovorc to dwindle Into a school-
toy tale. Seeing that ho could not stop
lie beast , Haze decided to run him
nto a bank on Jones street. Just
ast of Sixteenth .itreet horse and man
voro piled In a promiscuous heap
nsldo of the sidewalk against the high bank ,
> ut luckily neither ono received serious In-
ury. O nicer Haze regained his feet Hi-stand
iccamo master of the situation by seizing the
rnctlous animal by tbo bits nnd hast ly run-
ling the hitch strap around under his jaw ,
ocurlng a "cinch" on the animal's moutli.
Threw tlio Olil Ijatly Out.
Antolno Byauk of Albright was arrested
n the charge of throwing old Mrs. Mary
lu toll u out of thu house and cruelly striking
nd boating her.
to n F !
Barney Taylor of this city nnd Frank Mc-
} eo of Omaha have signed artlcloi and put
p fit ) forfeit for a fight with small gloves In
Jerinanla hall on Friday evening , February
! . Taylor appeared In the ring once before
u this city and made a vicious light. .
Not 01 About tli-j City.
Mrs. II. M. Parker Is listed among the
A son has been born unto Mr. mul Mrs.
ohn Klnsclln , Third ward.
Mr. and Mrs , Kohny , Twentieth nnd M
trccts , uro the parents of a new girl baby.
The South Omaha gun club will hold a
meeting this week to elect ofllccrs for the
William Schmcllng , sr. , Is In a critical con-
Itlon and hopes for ills recovery are almost
given up.
The net receipts at the merchants' carnl *
nl given by the ladles of'tho Mothodlst con
gregation was (151.21.
The high-five club will meet at the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. James O. Martin this
veiling to play the third series of games.
A. H. Jones of St , Paul , agent for the
street stable car company , formerly located
n this city , is hack at the Exchange visiting
S. P. Klchnrdson , an attorney of Gnllatin ,
Mo , , is lu the city looking after some Inter-
sts In real estate and visiting his old friend ,
C. M. Hunt ,
M. P. Bull of-Chlrago , ono of the largest
ommtssion men In the wo t , Is In the city ,
ho guest of Assistant Cannier 0. M. Hunt of
ho Nebraska savings nnd exchange bank.
General Hronko'N Korurn.
Yesterday afternoon General Brooke ar
rived over the Fremont , Elkhoni & Missouri
Valley roaa from the scat of the late Sioux
varat Pine lUdgo. Ho was accompanied by
ils aides , Lieutenants Uoe and Trultt ; Major
Icnham , Inspector of rlllo practice of thd do-
mrtmcnt of the Platte , and Colonel Dallas
\ Bachc , medical Inspector of the same do-
lartment ,
The party was met nt the depot by Colo-
iclM. Shcriden , adjutant general of the de
partment ; Major Bell , chief commissary of
subsistence ; Major Hughes , chief quartermaster -
master ; Captain Ayres , chief ordnance ofll-
ccr , nnd a number of other gentlemen.
The general was congratulated on the suc
cessful mannerin , which ho had conducted
.he campaign and of the hearty appear.mco
vhlch ho presented after liaving undergone
ho rigors and exactions of the campaign.
His staff was also congratulated , after
which the party took ambulances which
were in waiting and were driven to their re
spective homes.
This morning the general nnd his staff will
10 found as usual at their quarters in TUB
BEI : building.
"Happy is tpo man who has his quiver full
of them"-of bottles of Salvation Oil the
greatest euro on earth for pain. Price only
in cents.
Mothers should never fall to keep Dr. Bull's
2ough Syrup convenient In order to relieve
.heir little ones of cough speedily and surely.
" 5 cents.
The President of Harvard.
President Eliott of Harvard college will
muko a trip through the west during next
month and will stop a few days in Omaha.
The Harvard club , composed ol graduates
of Harvard college who reside la Omaha ,
will probably entertain Dr. Eliott at dinner.
The club is composed of the following gentle
men : J. E. Condon , Albert Swartzlander ,
John Lothrop , Arthur Smith , M. W. Kich-
ards , J. H. Mclntosh , Charles Elguttcr , H.
P. Hodges , Will Moores , Dr. Stobblns , S. S.
Hall , C. F. Wells , W. II. Baldwin , W. S.
Itoblnson , F. A. Uwan , C. T. Hralnard. W.
El. Do Franco and \V. S. Popplotou.
Unexpectedly Dissolved.
VIENNA , Jan. 20. The lower house of
rolchsrath has been dissolved by nn unex
pected decree Premier Von Tnnffo desires
i now conservative majority in the house ,
laving abandoned dcpndcnco on the Bo-
Ucmlan and Slav members , whom he consid
ers unreliable ,
J'JKKSO.V. 1 lj M'.l 1C A Gil A I'JIS.
3 , T. Clark of York is at the Merchants.
II. H. Taylor of Chicago is at the Murray ,
W. II. Mallory of Chicago Is at the Pax-
John I. Pugb of New York Is at the Mil-
J. E. Staufler of Grand Island is nt tbo
H. R. Brown of Denver was at the Paxton
last night.
A. G. Arnold of Columbus was at the Casey
last nlgtit.
C. H. Elmoro of Beatrice Is In the city , at
the Casoy.
II. M. Chase of Wakefleld is registered at
the Casey.
J. A. Ban-is of Lincoln is registered at the
J. U. King of Chicago Is in the city , at the
C. W. Hiner of Cheyenne Is In the city , at
the Paxtou.
A. B. Chardo of Oakland is registered at
the Paxton.
J. A. Lane of Now YorK was at the Mur
ray lust night ,
C. D. Gould of Aspen , Colo. , Is registered
at the Mlllard.
T. H. Thrall of Columbus , O. , Is In the city
at the Murray.
E. B. Prior of St. Louis was at the Mil-
ard last night ,
Hon. T. H. Bcnton of Lincoln was at tbo
Mlllurd last night.
Charles A , Burke of Lincoln was at tbo
Merchants last night.
George L. Woolsoy of Nebraska City Is reg
istered at the Murray.
J. X. Brands , manager of thu Sioux City
Newspaper union , Is at the Miilard.
U. L. Wlllard , general agent of the Kail-
road Ofllclals and Employes Accident as
sociation of Indianapolis , lud , , is at the Mll
lard. ,
John W. Breen , who went to the Plaster-
en' ' international convention as a delegate
from the Omulia union , and while thcru was
elected llrst vice president , has returned and
is now sick at his residence , 1713 Capitol
The Shdh of Persia
Though advanced lit yean , has hair of raven
hue. Gray hairs , ut strictly prohibited In
Ills dominions , rani , limco Hie large ship.
mcnts to country of Aycr's I lair Vigor ,
by the use of whlcluUio Shah's subjects save ,
not-only their Imlr.lmt their heads. Aycr's
Jlnlr Vigor restorer the natural color of the
hair. It should boon evciy lolleHablc.
" Some time ago my hair licgnn to fade and
to fall outsobatlljr uiat I thought I should
bo baldj but the use of Aycr's Hair Vigor
has restored llio original color and made my
hair stiong , abmiUint , and hcnlthy , It does
not fall out any mnre. " - Addle Shaller.MO
lUco at , Cincinnati ! Ohio.
"My hair ( which had partly turned gray )
was restored to Its jouthful folnr and
licanty liy the use of a few bottles of Aycr's
Hair Vigor. I shall continue to use It , as
there Is no better dressing for the hair. "
Caldo ( Japp , Gcorgenna , Ala.
Ayer's Hair. Vigor ,
rnnrxKD nr
DR. J. C. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
Sold by all Druggists ami 1'crf uincts.
PJ/slii / > , Sirens anl Spjclalists ,
Tnc most widely iiiul fiivoralilv t nownspeo
nllsls In tlio Utiltol Slnlcs. Tli < ; ; r loriK ox-
pcrlunco , romnrlcnblo skill nnd universal suc
cess In the trentmeut and euro or Norvoui ,
Clirunlonnil Surslcal lUou ci. entitle thcso
eminent physicians to tlio full confidence of
tlio ullllotoa oviiiywlipro. Tlioy Kuarantco :
ho awful effects of early vice and the numer
ous evils that follow in Its train.
sperillly , coinnlctcly anil permanently cuiocl.
OKDHKS ylolcl readily to their Hklllf ul troat-
truorantced cured without palu or detention
'roin business.
nently mid successfully cured In ovpry case ,
mntori-hca. Seminal Weakness Lost Mnnliuort ,
Emissions , Decayed KitcultlcH , I'cmnlo
Weakness nnd all dollcuto disorders peculiar
: o either sex positively cured , us well as nil
'um'tlonal disorders that result from youthful
'olllcs or the cxcosof mature yrnrs.
l < Guaranteed pormun o n t ly
. cured , removal complete ,
without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Cures
olTectcd at homo by patient without a mo-
uunt'x pain or unnoyiuice.
A TTRT ? PlIRF Tll ° "wfl" "Toots of
tOUIXL , WUlVL , early vleo Avhloli brings
oru'iinlo weakness , destroying both mind nnd
tidily , with all its droidod Ills , permanently
HP'C TWTT\ Address those who have 1m-
US\J. U.L.11.O puhod themselves 'by Im-
> roper Indulgence und solitary habits , which
illn both mind and body , mill t ting them for
juilnoss. studv ormnrrliiRe. . . . ,
MAatltlBI ) MEN or thcsoontorlnK on tlmt
i appyi nto ) aware orphyslcal debility , quickly
IB based upon facts. First I'rHCtlcal experi
ence. Second Every CRSO Is specially titudlcd ,
thus BturtliiK right- Third medicines ure
; iroparcd In our laboratory exactly to suit
jacli case , thus effecting cm es without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
In its First Stages.
Uaiure i/ou yet the sCmilitr.
KDY. An unfail
ing cure for Sem
inal Wcnknen ,
Hpcrnmtcrrhoei ,
Impotcncy and
nil dlicaies that
follow o
qucnco of Self-
nbimo ; as Loss or
I'aln In Ihe Uaek , Dimness of Vision , Premature Old
Ago , nna iranr other diseases tlmt lend to Insanity
or consumption nndn premature Krnva.
larKull particulars In our pntnplilet , which we do-
lire to send free by moll to every ono , tJflho 8p -
clBo Medicine Is told nttl par package , or sli pack
age ! for 13 , or will bo tent free by mall on ricelpt of
the money , by addressing
On account of counterfeits we liaro adopted thi
yellow wrapper , the only genuine ,
UIIIII.IT1TKI ) Ihrftvil , IV.
I > 1S ( KKTIUMI or I ( KSbtS
i. r to ouxtan t ; ihii M
IUIMIT , Mti-e for r ' -
ro c , Orr ol tlw lBH , tliloj rrtrlr , BI1J , Soolh-
lu , roillnoou , ( yrnuM of riMlrUltr Ilirouih ill K K
riilTS.r.ttorlu lh < nl llllLTII J tK.dlllll H 8TRKMjTII
lUclrlc lurrcol r > ll l lutli , or forftil ( Vnw ID cub
ItBLT tn4 Haipttivrr OoMoltlt f b. Bd an. U orit catri I'fr *
piutoilf ( ortil In ihNwiaontbs. H lrd rimpliUt Free.
" JfDES ELEOTRIOCO , . leuus.iuBi. , CHICA'IO.U' '
Chemist ninl Assuycr.
formerly Laboratory of tlip Union
1'aulllo llnilway Company
Special Attention Given to Ores ,
Waters nnd Oils.
1112 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb
CtatmWVInltr Resort In ttellijlilaiiils.
liuntsvillellottlSlanmiElciantSt\Y \
, * , ! ,
1IAUVKV H. DBN190.N , .Mauaaor
UV110N F. BE.N1SON , AnlslauU
Which is now in progress , has proved a
We have placed on sale in four distin'ct lots
several thousand pairs of odd pants , left from
broken suits during the past senson'sbusine ss.
In the course of each season , we sell .
a great many coats and vests from suits leav -v
ing us the pants. Instead of putting them into
regular stock , a pair at a time as they are left ,
o and getting full price , -we keep them until the O
end of the season -when we make a
of them , at about half price , giving our customers a grand
D benefit , at the same time making a big advertisement for our
selves. We desire to call the D
f those of our customers who have bought suits of us during the
past season and whose pants arc now ornamented with "fringe
P on the bottom , " to the fact that they may be able to match
their coat and vest with a pair of pants P
A These Pants come in all shades and colors. They come in A
all styles of Cassimcres and Worsteds. They come in black
Cheviots of every grade. They come in all sizes from 30 to 40
N waists , and from 29 to 34 in length. N
LOT ( Several hundred pairs pants , every de- ATONE
4 scription , worth not less than three dol-
T ONE : ( 4ars and from that to tllFCC and a quarter. T
LOT ( Hundreds of pairs of Odd Pants in AT
\ all materials , worth from four fifty to fc 0r \
TWO : ( five dollars . $ J. UU s :
LOT f Great piles of Pants of all grades and AT
_ , , _ , _ _ < in all colors , worth from five to six ( ] > 0 7 T
THREE : ( dollars . JO.AT J
LOT Ccns sts of any amount of the finest AT
s found in any clothing store , anil ( /l Cf\ \
hu u ID : au ulc way llp lo SCVC11 dollars and a ball , w I . Jv
"Goods at Our Special Sales Don't Last , Long. "
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas.
We close at six thirty. Saturdays , open till ten
WoonsookBl & Rhode Island Rubber Go
And wo nro their woslorn agents and always carryalarostook.
Address ,
Jmeriean Jtafl Sewei Shoe Bo
1204 and 1206 llarney Street.
UK. noun's
: Hciulachn.
C'oi.Htlpatlon ,
imlliriMitlon , Wlllfrv *
rhe y ttm
BILIOUSNESS , r all tin
AND 1U. , here find
ftjSLIver and other dinar *
1 . They A
' , crii. u
Stomach iifftir routed , do
irli > e , very
WComplalnts. . . . , cuHj ( otuhp ,
nnd purely YtucU.
. blc , living compound-
eiof \ M > i > tablc In
digenous to Callfornli.
/Try ( litni. 45 pllU In
each vial.
IB Kbtolutely cured uy
f SS rcn(4iTlali It for OS centm
'or a Iorl. Knr sale by dru Klus ,
_ or by mall. Address
Kuin & Co , Cor. 15th i Doucl-u Street ) .
J. A. Fuller & Co , Cor Htli & Iioiitrla.Streets.
A. I ) . Foitter & Co. , Council lllulls , IOHO.
AND "niNciPii ORucatETS cvr.HYWnr.nt.
Wonderful Remedy
Price 81.00. I'lnt Hotlles ,
For Sale by leading Drugg'SU'
Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co ,
Blaka , Bmcs & C .
A 1'ull Sot of Tosfi
on Kubbor , for
A perfect fit Kiinranteed.
without pain or duneer. im
thetloa Gold nrt silver . , - _ " . "
ratea Ilrlilpo nnd Crown Work , itaiu
outulate * . AH work warrantcu.
Entrarco , Jflth st root clevato' Opcnovon-
" ' ' '
cs until !
Aluolutely KlUble , rurfrrllr ttfc. mo l powrrful f nj J
rtinil torknowii i nnrr till i J W in.ji lil ietve txu
Tempting Bargains
Arc bcino- offered with the idea of reducing' our stock of
Men's ' Suits , at $12 and $15-
We arc showing suits that would be considered cheap at
a much higher price.
Do not fail to visit our Children's Department. It is
gaining in favor each day
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
. . . > JM
n. ui. to 12 in.
IkVo'tltlV"aaUlllot HUBS 7mu71UT-U..HI. Im 4l , ' ,
ft * lullrr.ot ) to eut 4 forclfo Coulrlit. Uilli th .
lf fftrtfiUt * B * l , Jfil&BftlUaaad prtr nUUd ( Mklidl'rt * .
UOrm BRIB M1010At CO , , BUrFAlO. N. V.
Nerve Honns euro nil sexual wookncm In eltho
to * , udlniciin nurvM , briln , uiuul orKuns. Ali eLl
Ll rr. U'UK for luipotuncy nlKUIIjr umlnslOD * . los
rooiiuirr. liail Ur um > , afcrslon tu tooletr , 11
puHtimlil , H1X boxes IS : NKHVK IIKAN CO. , nu
puN V , Holtl \ > 1 Guoduiaa Uriitf Co. , 1110 K ru iu