Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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    JANUARY 27 , 1891. >
A Movenuntto ITnvo the Question Decided
by OongrtS3.
Ho Snyg Onmlia AVnnts No More
Wnjjon JlrUlnrn and That ( lie
Hovr JlrlduoMuot Accoin-
iiiodnto KnllrondH.
Tim opposition thnt 1ms boon shown In cer
tain quarters to the paHsnjjo of the Interstate
bridge bill , now pending In congress , has
awakened n lively interest In the measure.
The chlof objection to the 1)1)1 ) , as stated by
Us opponents , Is the uncertainty that Is al
leged to exist concerning the Iwundary be
tween lown and Nebraska , which is now In
Ofonulo in thu United Stntc * supreme court.
On thin subject n prominent business man
\vtia-hni no dtrojt interest In the mutter one
wny or the other , snld yesterday morning :
"Tlicro Is objection
no reason for the
jection made thnt botn ends of the
urldie ; , If located as proposed , would bo In
Jo\vn. The question of boundary Is noxv In
flispulo. If the survey of IIWU Is hold by the
suproino court to ho the boundary It would
tftUo a lurtfo sltco of the present Host Oinuhn
land ciiinpany's ' property and add It to Iowa.
It would not effect the location of tbo bridge ,
liowovor , ns even under the old survey ( ho
Vest cnil of the proposed structure would
rest on Nebraska soil.1'
Tlierc U a movement on footnutong business
men to tnko prompt notion for the settlement
of this cotitroversy.
It la proposed to mnko a formal attempt to
Imve the tuxus on the property In the dis
puted territory paid Into the Omaha city
Tlicro Is another plan for the settlement
of the boundary question. This contemplates
the addition iho Intcr-statu bridge bill of a
clause drfining the boundary Info between
Iowa and Nebraska at the present channel of
the rlvor , nnd thus ortoctually put an end to
the present dlsputo and take the matter from
the sum-cmo court.
Sctinlor MnmltTHoii's Domnml.
The following letter lias boon received from
Senator Mandcrsou on the subject of the now
bridge :
C. , Jan. 19. It. II. Mcday , Esq. , Manager of
the O. II , Hammond Packing Company ,
Omaha , Nob. Dear Sin Your telegram
concerning the low bridge charter for the In
terstate bridge company at East Omaha Is
I huvo Introduced a bill for this purpose ,
nnd It Is now with the committee on com-
morco. The Olfllculty with the situation Is ,
that thu cnffincers' department of the United
States army earnestly oppose the building of
a low bridge In our vicinity. The opposition ,
I think , is rather an absurd one , for I do not
bollcvc such a bridge would Interfere with
what llttlo navigation there Is on the Mis
souri river at Oninlm. Still It Is nn opposi
tion extremely dlnicult to overcome. 1 will
certainly do what I can to pass the bill in
form thnt It may do us good. I oppose the
building of another wagon bridge ; what
wo want Is a railroad bridge. The hill In
troduced by Mr. Keed of Iowa in the house
permits a wagon bridge , nna I will never
plvo my consent to the passage of a bill for a
lowbrldKO that will not absolutely require
that it shall bo a combined railroad and
wagon bridge. The wbolo stnto of Nobrasun
Is Interested In this subject , and It Is more
( lmportunt than any other to the interests of
Omaha. SInce I have been la the United
States fccnate , I have been Instrumental In
the granting of several Bridge charters , but
the alfllculty Is that they are never allowed
to materialize Into a railroad bridge that will
rid us of the monopoly thntns \ been such on
incubus upon our commerce. Omaha could
Imvo well afforded , years ago , to have built
n bridge that Should have been frco from the
pnssauo of the trains of every road thnt had
a terminus on either side of the Missouri
river. I hope to got this bill through , but If
I do not , It will bo bccauso of the opposition
of the ongincura , and those interested In per
mitting high bridges along our bonier , or the
opposition of these wlio , for purely sol-
llsh reasons. oppose the passage
of the trains of all road a un
embarrassed by outrageous nnd unrea
sonable demands , across the Missouri rlvor at
or near the city of Omaha. To the numerous
other persons at Omaha nnd Lincoln who
h'ave telegraphed mo concerning this charter ,
I have simply written saying that I would do
what I could for the passage of the bill. I
have herein explained the situation more
fully to you than to anyone olso. You are
privileged to exhibit this letter to nnyouo In
terested In the subject. Truly Yours ,
The Hrldgo QiiCHtlon.
COUNCIL BLUFFS , Jan. 25. To the Editor
N of TUB DBIJ : Seine comment was caused
yesterday by nn article In TUB Br.EOf last
Saturday , contributed by a man who signed
himself "Taxpayer. " It was calculated to
ralso objections to the Interstate bridge
schema which U now awaiting the action of
congress. Among other things the writer
eald :
"Already the Interstate bridge company
bas caused the white load works to remove
its works to the oust bank of the rlvor. It is
eald , moreover , that If the bridge bill passes
congress , Immndlnto steps will boot once
taken toward the location of the freight
yards In the BlulTs , thereby seriously crip
pling Omaha's commerce. "
This nrtlulo Is In direct line with a resolu
tion which was o ( To red at the last mooting of
Omaha's real estate exchange. Indeed , some
thlutc that both emanated from the same
source. The resolution road us follows :
Wuorom. Some of our nnicliils nnd many
ot our iicopln liuvn committed themselves In
favor of tlio Bust Onmlia brl'lcn ' charter , nnd ,
wherotiH , Inter developments have awakened
now opinions ; therefore , tie It
Kosolvet ] , Thtitoiirscnators nnd ropresont.i-
tlvcalii congress bo requested to hold the
whale Hubjeet matter at leant two weeks , until
> vti can nil fairly consider the conditions In
volved. "
The passage ot the resolution was asked
for on the ground that the bridge began and
ended In Council Bluffs , and was therefore In
reality nn Iowa Institution , It was lost by a
vote of 1J ! to ! l when It cnnio to n vote.
"In splto of tbo fact that it was lost , " said
n prominunt attorney of the city last evening ,
"tho mere fact of Its being under considera
tion at all shows that tuero Is n disposition
among certain Omaha capitalists to
Council Blurts and her Interests
flap the face nt every opportunity.
"If the bridge begins and.ends on Iowa soil ,
ivhnt right has Nebraska to incddlo with the
business nt nil ! To say the least , it shows a
Very narrow-minded spirit for these pcoplo
to seclc to Injure Council Illuffa by blocking
proceedings In the way they attempted.
"Of aim-so It Isnn open secret that Council
Bluffs Is golnc to reap the lion's share of the
benefit of tills brlduo. That being the case ,
it is our business to take some action at once ,
nnd notify our roinosontatlvea In congress
hot to allow n postponement of the matter oa
nny ground , but to push It to a completion
Curing the present session by all means. "
A petition Is now being circulated among
the citlrcns of Council Bluffs asking the son-
ntors nnd representatives to pass the bill
ivhlcli Is now before them authorizing the
construction ot the bridge.
lho Hoiian Kill.
Tnr. BEE yesterday published a copy ol
Senator Mnndcrson's Interstate bridge bill ns
it was reported by the. senate commerce com
mittee. The house committee has also sub
mitted the following report on tbo bousa
bridge bill :
Mr. Mason , from the committee on com-
iiorco , submitted tlio following report :
" The committed on commerce , to whom was
referral the bill ( II. 11. 11(071) ( ) authorizing
the construction of a draw street railway ,
luotor , wagon and pedestrian bridge over the
Missouri rlvor near Omaha , Nob. , report aa
follow * :
At tno present tlmo there nro existing between <
tween Omaha , Nob. , nnd Council Bluffs , la.
- \ > ut two bridges , ono of which 1s used oxclu
klvcly ns a railway bridgo. the other as n
troet railroad and wagon bridge.
The demands of commerce roqulro.and fait
x Foinpctltlon makes It necessary , tout now
and additional tnclllUe * bo furnUhed to the
numerous railroads centering at Omaha nnd
Council Bluffs for crossing the Missouri
river at available points between said cities.
It is tbo purpose of this bill , with the
mondmonts herewith proposed , to provide
such facilities.
At the vruscntttino lho right of certain
railroads to cross , with their trains , the pres
ent existing bridge Is denied , nnd travel and
commerce Is thereby delayed and Interrupted.
Owing to the low nnd tint character of the
land on both sides of the river nt and In the
vicinity of.tho proposed location of the bridge
desired to bo constructed under the provis
ions of this bill ( hereto attached ) , it will bo
Impracticable , if not absolutely impossible ,
to construct a high bridge.
With the restrictions nnd requirements
contained la the bill , the use and navigation
of the river by boats or rafts is amply nnd
suniclcntly provided for. The bill Is favored
and Its passata strongly urgnd-bv the citi
zens of both Omaha nnd Council IllufTs.
With the amendments heroin proposed the
bill will correspond witll senate bill 4830.
which has been submitted to the secretary of
war and by him referred to the chief of en
gineers , who has duly reported thereon , as
will more fully nnd nt largo appear by a copy
of said report , which Is hereto attached.
To fullv conform with said senate bill and
with recommendations as maclo by the
chief of engineers of the department of war ,
the committee rccoinuicud the following
amendments , to-wlt :
Amend the title by striking out the word
"draw" and Insert in lieu thereof the wori
"railway , " and after the word "near , " In
the second line of said title , add tbo words
"Council Ulutls , la , , and. "
After the words "secretary of war , " In
line 18 of section 1 , insert tbo words "and all
railroads reaching the Missouri river near said
point shall bo permitted the unobstructed use
of said bridge and tbo approaches there to for
iiigincs , cars and trains at reasonable com-
) cnsatlon and rates of toll. "
Strikeout the word "by" In line 13 of seo-
lon 3 , and Insert In lieu thereof the word
Strike out the words "topography of , " In
.ncs 18 and ill of section 2 , nnd insert In lieu
hereof the words , "high and low water lines
pon. "
Strlko out the words "with shore lines nnd
ioundlngs , nnd Insert in lieu thereof tbo
vords "tho direction nnd strength of the cur-
onts at all stages of tbo water , with
iounddlngs accurately showing the bed of the
trcam nnd the location of nny other bridge
jr bridges , such maps to bo sulllclcntly in de
tail to enable the secretary of war to judge of
no proper location of Bald bridge. "
After the word "and , " in Hno'JO of section
! , add the words "shall furnish. "
Strlko out all that portion of sections
ftcr the words "said bridge , " In line 0.
Strike out the words "two years , " In line
of Kcctlon 8 , and Insert In lieu thereof the
ivords "ono year.1'
Strlko out the words'/our , " In line 3 of
iald section 8 , nnd insert In llou thereof the
tvord "three. "
With the amend monts proposed your com
mittee recommend the passage of said bill.
i's ncrouT.
Sir : I have the honor to acknowledge
oforenco to this olllco of letter of the 10th
nstant , from the committee on comnmrco of
, ho United States senate , Inclosing for
ivar department views thereon S. 48bO ,
Fifty-Brat congress , second session , "A bill
ixuthori/lng the construction of a railway ,
street railway , motor , wngon and pedestrian
bridge over the Missouri river , near Council
Bluffs , la. , nnd Omaha , Nob. . " and to return
the papers with recommendation that the
bill bo amended as follows :
Section 2 , line 18 , change "by" to "tho ; "
Ines 18 and 19 , strike out "tho topograchy
of , " and substitute therefor "tho high and
ow water lines upon. "
Lines 19 nnd 20 , strlko out "with shore
In ts and soundings , " and insert in llou
thereof "tho direction nnd strength of the
currents nt all stages of the water , with
oundings accurately showing the bed of the
trcam and the location of 'any other bridge
or bridges , such map to bo sufllcicntly In
detail to enable tlio secretary of war to judge
of the proper location of said bridge. "
Line 20 after "and" Insert "shall furnish. "
Sections , Ilno2 , change "two years" to
'one year. " Line 3 , change "four" to
'three. "
This bill provides for two draw openings of
not less than 200 feet each , to bo main
tained over tbo main channel of the river ,
and the company is required , nt Its own
expense to build and maintain under direc
tion and supervision of the secretary of war ,
works necessary to maintain the channel
within tbo draw span of said bridge , and the
company is further required to maintain a
depth of water through the draw span uot
less than now existing at the point where the
bridge may bo located.
The interests of navigation nro in my opin
ion sufficiently protected by the terms of the
bill , and if amended , ns recommended above ,
I see no objection to Its passage by congress.
Very respectfully your obedient servant ,
Brlcadlor General , Chief of Engineers.
Secretary of Wcr.
Mr. TliurHton on the lloml Question.
Mr. Thurston , upon being asked why ho
had not appeared In the Injunction case
brought by Stuht and Howe against the
Union depot company to restrain the Issue of
bonds , said :
The directors of the Union Paclflc have
been in doubt ns to the uropor course to pur-
suo. There was a strong feeling that the
company could bettor afford to glvo up the
city bonds thaa to bind itself , under the
terms of the ordinance , to permit all
Iowa roads to have access to the depot
grounds nnd to cross the Missouri river
bridge on the terms set forth in tbo ordi
nance : and it was especially felt that the
provision requiring the Union Pacific to sub
mit to arbitration the question of compensa
tion for use of the bridge and of the depot
was unfair to the company. Notwithstand
ing this feeling , the company has at all times
stood ready to perform both the letter nnd
lho spirit of its obligation. The viaduct was
constructed , the depot was commenced ,
worlr was being pushed on It rapidly ,
and tbo bonds of the Union Paclllo
and the dcDot company had been prepared ,
executed nnd approved , ns to form , by tlio
city attorney. If there has been or Is to bo
any breach of faith in this matter It will
como from tbo city nnd not from the com
pany. To show tbo company's coed faith , it
is only necessary to say that the executive
committee of the Union Pnclllc , at its meet
ing in Now York on Friday lost , p asscd the
following resolution :
"Kcholved.Tliat It Is the policy of the Union
I'aalllo company to allow ail railroad eimipun-
lus thu use of thu bridge ovur the .Missouri
rlvor at Omaha nnd the tkuprouchus tlieruto ,
nnd also thu use of the union mi.-.songir ! depot
utOmalin , on cqutil and equitable- terms , the
bamo to all com pantos.
"I will bo frank with you in this matter
and say that if tbo city of Omaha desires to
back out and take tbo responsibility of the
failure of the union depot scheme , the Union
Pnclflo has nothing to say. It Is not asking
nny favor. It Is keeping Its faltb , and. If
there Is nny breach of compact It will come
from the action of tbo city or the citizens nnd
not from any action of the Union Pucillc
"It has been publicly cbarpod that the re
fusal of the Union Paclflc to permit the per
formance of the contracts with the Mil
waukee and Uock Island roads Is a refusal tote
to comply with the ) terms of the ordinance
letting other roads across the bridge with
their passenger trains. Such Is not the case.
lloth of those contracts glvo to the Iowa coin-
tmuics not only the use of tbo bridge mid
depot grounds , but of ton miles of the main
line , and a largo portion of the terminal
facilities , for all their passenger und
freight business. Even this would not
have been objected to particularly ,
but the contract of lease was for
the term of 090 years , without nny provision
for termination or Increase of rental In ac
cordance with the development of the busi
ness nnd the value of the leased promises.
The fact of It is , that If the contracts with
the Milwaukee and Hock Island roads are
hold good It will bo impossible for the Union
I'ueillo to let other roads across the bridge
without the consent of both the Milwaukee
and Hock Island companies.
"Judge Dillon has written me that In his
opinion 'if these contracts stand they are an
obstacle to tbo policy of frco nnd equal use
of the bridge by oil companion , since the
Hock Island and Milwaukee companies will
have to be consulted as well as tbo Union
Pacific. '
"It would be folly for tbo Union Pacific to
go on with the construction of the union pas
senger depot In Omaha unless tua use of such
depot was to bo shared by all the Iowa roads.
The rental to bo paid by these roads is all
there Is in the schema out of which to pay
Interest on | tbo plant. The Union 1'acffluJ
Blnoo the trouble commenced with the Mil
waukco road , offered to lot iti
trains and thosa of the Rock Island road Into
Omnha on just nnd reasonable ) torms. That
offer ( till holds good , and the Union Pncillo
Is ready to lot the trains of all the lotva roads
rome ncross the bridge Into Omaha for fair
and reasonable compensation.
"An nflldnvit showing the nbovo action of
the ) executive committee will bo ( lied in the
Injunction case now pending before Judge
Doano ; nnd the question of abrogating lho
contract will bo left with the city of Omaha
and Its pconlo to determine ns they see fit.
If tha neoplo'of this city do not wish the
union depot scheme to go ahead , it will bo no
hardship , BO far ns the Union 1'aciflc is con
cerned to Imvo It abandoned. In my judg
ment It would bo money In Its Docket to hold
Its acpot erounds for Its own use and retain
the exclusive operation of Its own bridge. It
1 $ now for the pcoplo of this elty to say
whether or not they Insist upon its doing so. "
Kxpcrts lloport Only Minor Defects
' In the Hospital I'lumliliif , ' .
After several Ineffectual efforts to got
enough members present to hold n frequently
adjourned meeting of the county commis
sioner board , Chairman O'KccHo finally suc
ceeded yesterday under n rule thatlio nude
on Saturday , namely , to enforce a postpoao-
mont whenever a quorum was not present
within ton minutes after 2 o'clock. The full
board was present and considerable routine
business -was done.
Quarterly reports of the county Judge nnd
clerk wore road and placed on Hie. The re
port of tbo clerk appeared In THE HKB last
week. That of the county judge shows ro-
oipts amounting to { 152.10 aud the expondl-
ures $133.3. ) , leaving a balance of 310.'JJ o u
A number ot small bills were ordered
ilaccd on the npproprlatlou sheet nnd paid.
A. rcx | > rt of lines nnd trial fees collected by
'rnnkE. ' Moorcs , clerk of the district court ,
nrlng the nuartor ending December ! H , li90 ! ,
towed S30 of lines and $153 in trial foes col-
ected , giving n total of $183 , which amount
o has paid Into the county treasury.
An application from Dr. McMamgal for
.ho position of county physician was ro-
"errod to the committee on charity.
County Treasurer Snydcr illcd n request
'or ' nn increase of salaries of his clerks ns
loilows : Thomas F. O'Brien , from $1,800 tote
to $2,100V. . Schnrick , from Sl.f.Ot ) to 81,600 ;
K. T. Shelby , from $1,200 to ? 1WX ) ; George
An thus , from f 1,200 , to $1.500. The request
was referred to the committee on llnancc.
The report of tbo exports appointed to ox-
ainino the plumbine and steam heating ap
paratus in the new county building snld in
iffcct that everything was all right , with n
few minor exceptions. It was referred to
.ho committee on construction.
iV reporter the iliiadco committee favora
ble to allowing the deputy county clerk 1,300 ,
'nstcad of ? l,000 was approved.
D.V. \ . Cannon was appointed constable of
lkhorn precinct.
A resolution was adopted placing $1,000 In-
jurnnco on the furniture In the now county
hospital. The value of the furniture Is placed
between $7.000 and $3,000.
Mr. Berlin Introduced the following sot ot
resolutions :
Whereas , T. A. Tilcjrenth was , on Novem
ber 8,1887. elected to the ofllco ot register of
deeds within nnd for Douglas county , Ne
braska , nnd was installed in said ofllco on
January 5,1SSS , for the term of two years ,
beginning on said last named data ; and
Whereas , During his Incumbency of said
term of two years In the said ofllco of register
of deeds of Douglas county , Nebraska , the
said T. A. Megeath , by virtue of his said of
fice , received the sum of S7GOi.90 ; In fees over
and nbovo nnd In excess of the sum of $1,500 ,
his salary provided by law for each year on d
the necessary deputy litre ; and
Whcrens , The said T. A. Megeath has
only paid over and accounted for the sum of
SttiOJ.9U ot the said sum , so ns aforesaid re
ceived by him , which snld payment ho made
on Juno SO , 1800 , and the remainder thereof ,
to-wlt , the sum of $4,000 yet remains unpaid ,
nnd"tho said Megeath refuses to pay the SUILO
or any part thereof ; now , therefore bo it
Resolved , That T. J. Mahoncy. the county
ttttornev of Douglas county , Nebraska , bo
and hols hereby requested to glvo this board
his opinion In writing as to whether or not
the said Megoath , as register of deeds afore
said , has any legal right or authority to re
tain said money , or nny part thereof , nnd if
so , to state what right or authority the said
Mogcath as register of deeds has to retain
and hold said money.
2. Did not the holding of the said 7,093.00
on and after the expiration of the first term
of ofllcoofsaldT. A. Moiioatu as register of
deeds of Douglas county , Nebraska , make the
said Megcnth ns register' deads in default
ns collector nnd custodian of public moneys
or property , nnd prevent him Jrom being ell-
Igiblo to re-election to the ofllco of register of
deeds , to which bo was re-elcctea for n second
end term on November 5,188'J , under the pro
visions of section B , artlclo 14 , of the consti
tution of Nebraska , which provides that any
person who Is in default us collector and cus
todian of public" moneys or property should
not bo eligible to uny olllco of trust under the
laws of the state.
I ! . If the said Megoath was In default ns
collector and custodian of the public moneys
or property and was not eligible to reelection
tion , cannot ho , the s.tld Mogeath , bo ousted
of snld ofllco by Institution of quo warrnuto
proceedings in tbo district court of Douglas
countv , Nebraska.
And whereas , It appears that after the re
election of said Megeath as register of deeds
ho did receive nt the end of his first quarter
In the year 1800 the sum of $1,507,00. and at
the end of his second quarter of said year
1800 the sum of $1,1151.50 , and at the
end of bis third quarter of said year $1,347.30 ,
and at the end of his fourth quarter of said
year the sum oft , no report having yet
boon made by the said Megeath , all of which
was in tbo sums and to the amounts afore
said In excess of and over the sum ot $1,500
salary for each year , and over , Above and In
excess of the necessary ana actual deputy
clerk hire ; nnd
Whereas , The said Megeath has failed to
pay the said excess ol money Into the treas
ury of Douglas county , and still holds nnd re
tains the same , as well ai the sum of § 1,000 ,
balance unpaid for his first term of ofllco ,
which expired on Januarys , 1800 ; uow there
fore bo It
Resolved , That the county attorney bo and
ho Is hereby requested to report to this board
his opinion in writing ns to whether or not :
1. By reason of the retention of said funds
and default of said Megeath to make pav-
mcntof-samo , ho , the said McROath , has not
forfeited his right to longer hold the said
oQico , and whether or not lie may not bo re
moved by quo warranto proceedings.
2. And If in thu opinion of tha county at-
tcrnoy the said Megeath Is liable 'to b'o re
moved from ofllco by such procecalngs , In
whoso iinuio the said proceeding should bo
Instituted that is to say , whether in the
name of the state on relation of the county
attorney , or whether in name of the state
upon relation of any citizen of the county and
stnto of Nebraska.
3. Whether or not In his. the said county
attorney's opinion , the said Megeath , under
the facts aforesaid a * stated in the foregoing
preambles , by reason of his having collected ,
held and retained said moneys , and having
been in default of payment of name Into the
county treasury , no Is not guilty ofvllful
und habitual or wilful neglect of his duty , .
and of wilful maladministration of otlico
within the purview ot section 1 , article 2 ,
chapter 18 , of the compiled statutes of Ne
4. Whether or not the collection nnd reten
tion of the said funds nnd failure to pay the
same Into the treasury of Douglas county , as
horelnboforo recited , would or would rot glvo
this board the power , right and authority to
rcmovo the said T. A. Megeath from the of
llco of register of deeds under the provisions
of article 2 , chapter 18 , compiled statutes ,
should nny.pcrson 11 lo before this board an
accusation charging the snld Mogeath with
such failure to pay said money , and the same
should bo fully sustained by proof.
After the resolution baa been read Mr.
Berlin moved Its adoption ,
Chairman O'ICcerTo announced that County
Attorney Mahoney was about to file certain
papers in the district court relative to fur
ther litigation looking toward securing this
money , when Judge McCulIough , attorney
for Mogeath , mot htm ( Mabonoy ) on the
stairs and told him if bo would hold the til
ings oil for forty-cleat hours the whole matter -
tor would bo straightened.
Mr , Berlin stated that ho offered the reso
lution out of no malice whatever , but simply
in the line of his duty 03 chairman of the
llnanco committio.
Tha resolution was ordered laid on the
table , Mr. Uerliu voting no.
Chairman O'Kccffo added tbnt ho county
attorney , on the representation mode by
Judge McCulIough , did not tlio the papers ho
had intended to In the court.
It was ascertained , that the papers which
Mr. Mabonoy was on the point of tiling con-
lUtedof n petition Instituting proceedings
against the bondsmen of Mr. Megeath.
Continental Clothing
Bargain Week. '
The steady increase in our business ever since the
Apes 18 to 17 , Mnrkeil down from $10 & $1' ' ,
Continental was opened in Omaha is due to the
fact that thpjpublic have confidence in our methods Price 8BY.5O.
of doing business , and that we manufacture and sell '
onty reliable clothing , and always do just as we ad Boys' Long Pant Suits ,
vertise , Last week our successful 20 per cent dis Ages 13 to 17 , marked d n fr.un $ lt : anil $15 , Trice
count sale of overcoats and ulsters , was another S9.QO.
proof that a genuine discount is appreciated , Our
spring stock is coming in and we feel the need of Boys' Knee Pant Suits ,
closing out all the winter weights possible , and will
offer special values this week in the boys' and chil , Prices $3.50 , $4 and $4,50
dren's department. You can make by taking
money All high cost suits mnrked down b cl.i . o. In Mimll sm tliciv no
advantage of this sale , ' .
8om chute ? s'ylcs in best s It'
Underwear Sale , Boys' Knee Pant Suits ,
Price $2.00.
Tbc sale of fine rmlcnvenr ndvrrllsed last week , Mill bo continue 1
another week , and mall orders filled mill every dozen Is soli ! . A raml clcnniiiff up of broken sl/os nnil a inrloty of styles will
on snlo nt $2. Enrly IniyoH will fjct thu l o l.
Lot No. 1. Natural Wool at 75c.
Lot No. 2 ? White Australian wool at $1. OVERGOKTS ,
will bo sent to any aildroiR , and if not found as represented may be re For another wok n discount of 20 per rout will bo allowed nl llio
turned at our expense. desk , on every overcoat sold In ( bo men's and buys' depart mrnt.
FREELAND , LOOMIS & CO. , Corner 15th arid Douglas Streets
[ lm&ybeVrue < Vh&lrsome men s&y ,
o It-m&un befrugj wha a ! men sayr ;
© . .
II-is & solid
ft t
For many years SAPOLIO has stood as the finest and
best article of this kind in the world. It knows no equal ,
and , although it costs a trifle more its durability makes it
outlast two 'cakes ' of cheap makes. It is therefore the
cheapest in tfre end. Any grocer will supply it at a
reasonable price.
Now that its manufacturers art drawing the atttntion of
the American public to this first andever , since its invention ,
the best of all cocoasit will soon be appreciated here as well
as elsewhere all over the world. All that the manufactur
ers request is simply OHO trial , or , still better , a compara
tive test with whatever other cocoa it may be ; then VAST
HOUTEN'S COCOA itself will convince every one of its great
superiority. It is because of this superiority that the
linglish. paper Health , says : "Once tried , always used. "
Oa-ToaTcl I the evil elhctiofTea and Oaffeo , use constantly VAN IlOUTEN'd COCOA. .
whlchl3aST.SiNGTllENEIloftheNERVnSand : rerrc hlu nndnourisliinKbeverieo. [ U
With Double Wire Suspensory.
PATCHED AOG. 16,1887. 1HPROYED IDLY 29 , :
PHNSOilY will euro all Ilhou-
mntlcComplalnra Lumbaco. Ocn-
eral and Norfoun. Debmtjr.CostlTO-
nose , Kidney DIscMCs. Norv-
oimneM , Trcmb- ling , Sexual V.r
hrulsUon.Vnst - IUK ot body , DU-
ensoa caused by Indiscretions In
Vo u tb , Ago , Mnr rlcd or Single
Life. BnspeniorT.
Altio nil Klcctrlo Truss.nnd Itolt Combined.
Bend So. postneo for rnEB , IIIuBtrntod book , 2ftJ
pages , which will bo sent you In plain sealed envel
ope. Jloullon Uils papor. Udreus
Owen Electric-Belt & Appliance Co. ,
3OQ N. Broadway1 , 9t. Louis , Mo.
TO WEAK MEN Raftering tha eflucts from ol
youthful _ . . orron _ . _
earl lydecar , wasting wcalcnru , loet mailicxxl. etc.
Ill Benil a valuable trcatlM ( iwalod ) contalnlnf
full particulars ( or homo cure , 1'llUli of rhartra
A. ( nlandld medical worlc I iboulit U > mad t/ ever )
man who U nrrroui and ddhlllnu-d. Aclrtrcsi
1'ror. I' . C. \VLKUiMooUus , Couti
* Notice.
ly mutual consent > , the ninnibora of tlio
Inuiiiu lluy cointmny , do irlthdranr from said
oomimny and will not hold ourselves roapoiul-
hlo for any clobta contracted on and after tills
tin to.
liimuti , Holt Co. , Ncli. , Jan. in. 1801.
u. L. l > oN
an. 31 dSt'ji u n.a.ioi.v.
T > \T7TVG ! four Nlnhta Ootn-
O\f S. U O monoinoi
Specialty Company
And the only
Eleven dlatlnctspoclalty turns. Twenty-flvo
nrtlsts. Jtox shcL'ta open Saturday nt regular
prices. _
Tlmrmliiu , J"1" ' . ) 20 y-
'lho Legitimate Irish Comedian , Mr ,
Joseph Murphy ,
And a carefully uclcctcd company In tlio following
repertoire :
Band rNl2ht
Ilex slioot npon AVodnosduy at ruaular prices.
Will Lawlor , StnnaRor. Cor. lithiuul I'arnam
The great Jlustorton Kentucky ( J Innt , John Hanron
Crnle.VclKliv9U7lbn. . Tlie bliuoit mnii of Ilia BKO.
Ilia wife and baby , lllltr McCnbu , tbe fiimouB Mln-
ftrul. Tliu llalla apccluly nrtuti. Morris and \VII-
Imr , Irhli Tcmm , Carpenter Blntcri , nufcltlei.
Hatch nnd Campbell , muilual marroli.
Jlen wlionre Licking In Tllnl forte nnd TlB r.
or are wruk anil ner TUUI I rum any cause , lend at
once for iraled InfurniiUon , 1'llKi : , of the N'evr
Uanimon Hrme II nie Cure. No elcctrlo 11011-
lense. No ttomafliUniKplnh' . Certain cure for all
Weakneueiof men. Address
Albloul > kurtuucyC o.lIuxUl , Alblun.Ulck.
Advertising Agents ,
66 nnd 63 West Third Street ,
Cincinnati , O
will secure the Insertion of
one-half inch 2 times in the
following weekly papers.
Cincinnati , 0. Rnoulrer 100,000
Toledo , Illnde 10S.COO .
Cleveland , Leader 31,000
Columbus , Press 21,000
Louisville. Ky. Courier Journal. 100,000
Indianapolis , Ind Sentinel 27,000
St. touls , Mo. Globe Democrat 90,000
Republic fcO.OCO
Kansai City , Times M.COU
Memphis , Tenn. Appeal AvalancheW.OCO .
Naslnille , American 16.000
Atlanta , Ga. Constitution 156,000
rlttstmrgh.Pa. Commercial Gazette. . . . 31,000
Philadelphia. Press 81,000
New Yor > . N. Y. World OJ.300
Chicago , ill. Inter Ocean _ 125,000
St. Paul , Minn. Olobe S : 20,000
Boston , Mass. Globe 40,000 ,
Circulation , 1,169,800
Double Markers.
Plows with Lift
ing Cams , Tongs ,
Bars and Fischer's
Improved Ice
Omaha , 1405 Douglas S
Specific for Jlyitorla.lMiilnm.Kti.lfonmlgla , W/ikO
fulneiiUinUl IxpmnlqaitofUnlnitof the
nultlnic In Infinity U Uadlnir to minordetar an4
nettli , Premature Old Au , lUrrountii. Loin at rower
In either tex , Inrolantary Lei eianrt Hp rmatorrLoa
caused by ot r < J Klo.ol the brain , lf-t > uie or
. Xach box contaj&i month'a
OYer'UulDlffence. & onj trwau
pant , tl abox , or tit for 8i. lent lij mull prepaid.
With eacti ordir for ill toi n , will mml imnbanr
( ruaraotae to refund noD y If the Ireatmrut falUtO
nr . Uuarante a IMU d aad tceaaJAe told only br
lUOtfarnam Street. - Omaha Nib.
I I' ' I&/1T" 9lnri iilno llnlill
SJ J-S/JLcurtdfn I0to20ij ri.
HoptytlllcirtA. UK 1 BTirUEHB.llbaBOll.O . ,
A POSITIVE and pirmanint CURE lor alt
dlie.moTlh.lJrTlNAnY ORGANS. Cure ;
where othertreatment lain. Fuudiiectloni with each
bollle. Price , one dollar , See signature ot E. U
STAHL For 8alo By All Druggists.
Bit. J. E. McGREW ,
More Than Fifteen Years Experlonce In tha
Treatment of
A euro M sunran-
PRIVATE DISEASES teoil In from thrca
to flro dvf with
out ( lie loss of an hour's tlnio.
TPIPTIIDC I'Tnrnncntl cured without
o I iiiu I i uiiu pnn | . or ' " > trutnonti ' ; no cut
ting ; no dllntlntf , Tlio moil
erunrknblorcmodf known tomoilorn iclonce.
Cured In SO to SO duys. Dr. Mo-
SYPHILIS Crenr'n trputmunt for thU torrlbl *
blood dUOftso has been Droriounood
tlio incut powerful and euccpaaful remedy orur (111-
covered for tin ; nbiolutu euro of tills dlauane , Hll
Hue-cuts with thUdltenxo lm uovor boon equallod.
A coraptt'to cum UUAUANTKKl ) ,
LOST MANHOOD ttt * , " .
, and all
ouMioan un-
ntural dl-chnrKos , arn nbnolutolr cured , llollof li
ninioitliito nnd rompleta.
fl I ( ? C A 0 CO Hhourantlsm and all dli- <
| | | \ PflPeiuesof thiibloud , Mvor ,
UlUUnUUU kldnojsnndbladdori > or-
mnncnlly cured.
FEMALE DISEASES Bnrron rtlnensen ness of tha
tomnch or blnddor
enred Tlio Doctor1 ! Homo Treatment fur Lndloi ll
truly n coniplclu , convenient nnd womlurUul romodr.
" " 3 to 4 ONLY. Hookfroo ,
' ninrvolous sncccvi liiu
OR , MCGREW'S won for 111 in n reputation
willed In truly national
In obarnctcr , nml bin crcnt nrmr of patlonU roacbet
from tha Atlantic to the 1'acltlo. Tliu Doctor I * a
Krndimto of "HKUULAU'1 nii'dlclnu nnd lina had long
nnd careful oxpcrlcncn In hoiplrnl prnrllrc , and U
clned Hinone llio Ii-adlnic npuclalUt In modern
ntlcnco. Trentment liy oorrrspondcnce. lluolc or
circulars nbuut cadi of tlio above dlioatui , ritEE.
Office , 14th and Farnam Sts. ,
Omiiba , Nob. ISntranco on olthcr street.
Sacrifice and
Kemoval Sale
yOur Trlce
, - -
will tell. Our
entire stock ( except Pntek
Philippe & Co'a Fine Watohoa ) , la on sale at
such sacrifice prices , that It should inaura
the Bile of every article.
wo are simply
Belling without regard to cost.
Our discount ouWatchei , Dlamonda.Bolld
Silver , Kino Jowelr/ and 'nil poods , makers
ino pr.cea lower thnn our peopla have evur
olas < j of
Douclas and 16th St.
It the licst m d , and ti sold j
CTeryvrhcre. Tlili li the ortg.
ln lt3Htioo. l ! iT > ro of Inil.
litlonf. 1'oilUitliiono
ICfinulno union itarupod
en tli olfi , "Jnuiu *
Moans' 03 Shoo. "
J. MEANS & CO. ,
4ILIlUl > BUMt ,
fiuloo , BM .