THE OMAHA m * TWENTIETH YEAtt OMAHA , TUESDAY MOJRNINQ , , JANUARY 27 , 1S01. NUMBER 220. TLo Slayer of tbo Lcavitt Children Believed to Bo Under Arrest. CAUGHT AT MEMPHIS , TENNESSEE , A Prominent Implement Dealer nt Stollu Shot liy ( lie City JIni tlN tllC Itomilt Uf n bcnmlnl. i ) , Nob. , Jnn. 20 Ills believed that the mystery surrounding the murder of the two Lcavitt children near Gresham a year nnd a hnlf ngo Is nbout to bo solved. Several days ngo Sheriff Adams received a tele gram from a policeman In Memphis , Tenn. , asking -whether two girls bad been murdered.In this county in .Tune , 1889 , nnd if so whether the authorities want ed the murderer. Sheriff Adams replied that there had been such n crime committed , jui by all means to hold the man. llo re ceived a second telegram staling thnt they had the man. The police- liian then wrote Sheriff Adams n long letter detailing the circumstances ns to how ho bccamo nwaro such n murder , had been committed. A colored man In Memphis cnmo to him nnd Informed him thnt whllo eating a lunch In n restaurant hoover- heard a conversation bctweea two men In nn adjoining liooth In regard to the mut ter. There had been three men In the booth , nnd ono of them wont out , when ono ol the others told bis companion that the man who hud Just gone out. wbilo tramping from Dakota through Nebraska , lind killed two girls In Sevvard county In .lime , IfcS'.l , aud tliero wus * I-IOU reward of- cred for the murderer The colrm-d ninn .vent nt oiico to the policeman nnd told him what ho liad heard , nnd the three men were arrested , but it seems that only the one who Is supposed to bo the real murderer was held , but Sheriff Adams telegraphed for them to hold nil three of them until ho could reach Memphis. The murder of Caroline nnd Besslo Lcavitt cceurred on the evening of Juno 10 , Ite'J ' , and U looks very much as If the right party has nt last been captured. The ofllcers hero have kept the mutter as quiet as possible , but since it has leaked out interest has iignin re vived In the case , and everybody is talking nbout It. The sheriff has not yet started ut ter the supposed murderer. Kliot by the City MurHlinl. STF.I.LA , Nob. , Jan. 2(1. ( [ Special Tele gram toTniiUnc.J AID o'clock this morning J E. Goslln shot at John Kennedy three times with a Si-cidlbro revolver. One of the shots lulllctcd n severe wound on Iho left side of Iho hold. The wound Is not con sidered < lungeroiis by the attending surgeon. Gosltuls city marshal , whllo Kennedy is a .Dinlneut implement dealer. Goslin claims that Kennedy made Improper advances to- yird Ida wife. The aasullnnt Is under nr- 'cst. ' _ _ _ _ _ ICnnv Count ) in a Pick I o. NionitAiiA , Nob. , Jnn. 20. ( Special to Tin : IJcn.1 Charles Marsh , super visor of Croighton , today enjoined the county clerk and treasurer ugalnst issuing warrants or paying money on orders In favor of Attor ney Grey of Fremont , $215 ; Frank Nelson for $251 , for money claimed to have been advanced for legal services In the mandamus .cases lu the late county division questions ; ' J. C. S'anteo $ ! ) ! " for delinquent tax list , which ho agreed to do on contract for one- sixth the legal rate , on the ground that the supervisors hud no right to call for bids , according to the supreme court's ' decision of the state vs , commissioners of Ulxon county , ( Nebraska reports , volume 24) ) , and sold the claim to nn alleged innocent purchaser , who ( secured Its passage , und against the Nlobrnru Tribune , which received the contract for legal printing for the ensuing year , after the Crclgliton News' bid had been reconsidered nnd rejected1 by the supcrvlsorson the ground of delay of tiling Ihu bid. Wishes of Oscoola Knriiinra. Oscnoi.A , Neb. , Jan. 20. [ Special to Tun E. ] Tliero was a special meeting of the Bounty alliance held hero on Saturday nnd icy received n telegram from the Hon. Ole Brcdson to hold thu meeting until the assist ant sergcant-at-arms , L. A. Deltzer , couli _ there ; that ho had an Important com munication to mnko. After ilr , Boltzorlind arrived they passed a resolution thnt the leg islature alliance should recognize Governor Boyd ( for the present ) nnd ulso that they did not unurovo of the three years' stay law or bill. Tlio vote on Governor Boyd was about half and half. Deliberate OIUND ISLAND , Neb. , Jan. 20. [ Special Telegram to THU BuE.l The residence of Ir , John Junss was burglarized last night during the absence of the family , The thieves effected nn entrance bj breaking n panooi glnss , raising the fastener and lifting the window. Rome house plants standing hi the way were removed outside. The house was thoroughly ransacked and many articles o : value taken , including some Jewelry that was highly prized. This is the second hurglarv that has occurred hero in less than a week As In other instances , it Is supposed to bo the work of boys. Ilio Pom : a 1111 Closed. PONCA , Neb , , Jnn. CO. [ Special to TUB Bri ; . ] The Ponca mill company has suspended operations for the present , owinf , the scarcity of wheat. The company is under contract to furnish the government 1,000,000 , pounds of flour for the Indians of Yankton Pine Hidgc and Spotted Tail agencies. Ahou ctio-halfof tVnt amount has been supplied It Is reported that S. II. Bittenbonder , the present business manager of the company's affairs , will resign that positloa ana accop the su | > crlutcndeucy of the stove works a Leeds , In. A Hey Injured , OSCKOU , Neb. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele gram , to TUB BEE , ) Gcorgo Osborno mo with a severe accident hero on Saturday. A number of boys were riding down hill In ai old wagon and Osborno fell olT , the whee potng over the bade of his head , making i terrible wound , so thut It was necessary fo IJr. Mills to tnko twenty stitches in it. The boy rested very poorly last night and Is uav ing u hard time of it. County , PONCA , Neb , , Janr SO. [ Special to Tn BEE. ] At his recent settlement with th supervisors County Clerk Suclbley of tul county reported that ho had received in fee during the past year # .l > 0. , nn aironu which wns 145.43 more than enough to pn , the salaries of himself , deputy and clerk , Arrowted lor FJIAXKUX , Nob. , Jnn. 20. [ SjieclalTclc- grain to TIIK Iluu.l-J. W. Uoblnson , cdlto of the Republican , was arrested today on charge of criminal llbol by J. II. Davldsoi Tljo trouble arose from tha publication of correspondent's letter last October. Th prcllmary examination occurs ncxtTucsduj Stricken With OSCHOI.A , Nob. , Jan. SO. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE.J John 11. Stewart , an old citizen of this town , had a stroke of paralysis Xnftor returning from church on Sunday , nnd it was thought hu might not ax-over , but bo is better tins morning. -fc rom Albion. > Neb. , Jun , 2(1 ( , [ Sf ociul to Tins UF.K. ] The trial of the prisoners charged with stealing the robes , overcoats , tc. , was completed Saturday. Two of them ) lcnded guilty , They each got thirty days n Jail and the costs of the court. Miss Fannlo Williamson , daughter of 7 . N. VlllUuiison , died yesterday morning utter a ow days sickness. At n Good Old Neb. , Jnn. 2fl.-Speclnl [ Tclo- Kram to TUB Biie.J Mrs. Kiddy Ballard , ngcd ninety , mother of D. II. Billiard , died nt i late hour lost night of old age. Mrs 'Jnllard was n very patient and uncnmpluln * ng sufferer. She sustained n severe full over four years nye , dislocating her hip , and icver entirely recovered from Iho shock. Jp to the time of her death , she manifested great Interest In nil the affair * of the family mdof the many friends nnd relatives shu mil in different parts of tlio country. Her maiden name was IClddy Mcndenhnll , She was bom In North Carolina , October 7 , 1800. ind w lien an Infant went to Orcou county , Dhlo. She was married on February ! ii ) , I80 ! , to John Ilullard , Tliero was born to Jicm eleven children , nnd llvo survive her. Her husband died in April , 1S-4C , . Mrs. Ballurd had thirty grandchildren and sixteen great grandchildren. She has been n faith ful meinbor of Iho Methodist ] plscopal church since 1850. To tt'clcotiio tlio Prrs < " . r iATiuciNeb. . , .Inn. 2tV [ Special Tele- Brain to Tin : Bixl Tlio board of tr.vlo hai ummlinoasly adopted the following resolu tion : To the Members of the Nebraska Press As sociation : Greeting The Beatrice board of trailo learns with sincere ) pleasure of your contemplated visit to our city on Thursday and Kndayof this week and takes thhopportunlty of bidding you welcome. The gates of the city jou will find wide open and ills with sincere pleasure wo extend you the absolute freedom of iho city. Come , und may your visit bo ono of pleimant memories , for such it will bo our aim and deslro to malic it. Again wo sny come , nnd welcome. A I'liyslclnii Sued. HASTIKOP , Neb. , Jan. 25. [ Special Telegram - gram toTnr.Bni.i : Marcus W. Brandt com menced u civil action against Dr.V. . A. Chapman , n prominent physician tod.iy , for $10,000 damages , allowing that In April , 1839 , he employed the defendant ai a physician to attend to tils wife who was ailing from being nreKtiant. The plaintiff alleges that the de fendant nt divers times used Instruments nnd administered poisonous drugs without his knowledge , and that he never learned of the exist cneu of said state of facts until the latter part of Iho mouth of January , 1S91 , when his wife was delivered of an uunia- turcd ( ictus. * _ . A Newspaper Seorolmd. ni.Aiii , Nei.lnn. 20. [ Special Telegram to Tin : DKII.I The Adrcrtlsor , n small weekly paper owned nnd edited by D. Meyers , was entirely destroyed by llnj tonight. The lire broke out In the back room , where , it is claimed by Meyers , tnat some ono had re moved his stove from the front room and started a red hot lire in It. Tbo firemen suc- I'ccdcdln saving the building- , although it is badly burned in places. The Advertiser has insurance of foOU and Is valued at $1,000. Return of'tlio Seventh. BniTittCE , "Neb. , Jan. 2i5. [ Special Tele gram to THE Uui : . ] The Seventh United States cavalry , Colonel Foray the and Major Wliitcsido commanding , passed through the city this mornlnc , onrouto from Pine Klilgo to l'rt > Itilcy. Tliero was also with the com mand , battery K of the First and battery IT of the Fourtli United States artillery. The cavalry command consisted of troops A , II , C , D , E , Q. I and K , They stopped hereabout about an hour for breakfnst. Ilnrlcy lIcnnlchM Funeral. Bunwnu , Neb. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BII : : . ] Hnrloy , the son of Hop- rescntatlvo Hcnnich , mentioned In yester day's dispatch , was buried today. The funeral was one of the largest over held in Garllcld county. Fully five hundred people were In attendance. The family Is heart broken and It will bo doubly hard for the father to return to Lincoln to resume his work on Wednesday. AVII1 JBo Warmly Received. BUHWKU , Nob. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK BKB.J Sheriff Sly of this county last night arrested ono Truux , who is charged with obtaining money from the First national bank of Alnsworth by mortgaging tbo property of some one else. Mr. Truax will bo apt to lind Brown county pretty warm for him on his return , as this class of busi ness is becoming common in northwestern Nebraska. An Irrigation Convention. SIIIXEY , Nob. , Jan. -Special [ Telegram to THE Dii.J- largo and enthusiastic meeting was held here tonight to consider the question of Irrigation , It was resolved' to hold u convention lit Sidney on Saturday , February 7 , composed of delegates from Per kins , ICelth , Box Ilutte , Scott's Bluff , Ban ner , ICimball aud Cheyenne counties. 1'roin- mcnt speakers will hu present. Stood the Hanging Well. 1SII biiJnmfiGimtm Ittnii'.tl. ] Jan. 2il. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tin : BnK.l-Texts of the nllreed compromises between the two wings of the nationals arc is numerous ns they nro unreliable. There has been no compromise yet nnd the indications are there will not bo untlltbo present session of parliament is much older. A few weeks ago the patriots were in the position of the democrats after they had been out wilted with O'Brien playing - ing a walling game , supping their energies nnd destroying tholr Influence. 1'nrnell , meanwhile , la tightening his grip. Ho shows much vitality for a man who was , as Hcaly puts It , hung at Kilkenny und cut down at Boulogne. A Small Strike. CHICAGO , Jan. " 0 , It was stated today in tbo local papers that a general strike of the sheep shearers and butchers at the stock yards for higher wages was Imminent. This afternoon forty butchers nt Armour's and twenty at Morris' house struck : . Their olace-i were quickly filled and the Indications to- iiU-ht uro that no general strike will take place. Fight Itctwoon Strikers nnd Pnlloc , LOVDOX , Jan. 30. Conflicts occurred lost night between CJrconoelc railway strlekors and tbo poljco , in which several oftlcors were injured. The North British railway has lodged nn nrrcstinont on the fund of the Scotch Hallway Servants society , claiming > 0,000 il.mmge.s from the society for causing tbo present strike. K < mml Hcuil , MITCHELL , S. U , Jun. 20. [ Special Tele- giiun to Tin : BKE , ] Louise Uerlach , a do mestic' In the homo of T. C. Burns , was found dead In tbo kitchen this inurnlng. It is supposed she fell In a faint nnd suffocated f rom gus that escaped fiom a gasoline stove. Her puivnts llvo In Douglas county. A so'dicr Killed. CIIUYKNNI ; , Wyo , , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tun UIE. | The Fort Husscll troops returned today from Pine HUlgo agency , Otto Scherinerhorn , a private , was run over and killed while on thatriptiomo. Ho was In toxicated and crawled through the car win dow whllo the truln was lu motion , . llctly Green Aszalu I.OSOH. CHICAGO , Jan , % The second attempt of Mrs. Hetty tlrecn of New York to redeem section 1 of the town of Clcoro , which she claimed was sold to tbo tlrunt loiomotlvo works at n prlco far below its value , has fulled , ttio suit being thrown out of court this morn luit. Ttir < / r > P rr i IOTTHM OT'nmtr * HIE GREAT EASTERN STORMS New York Streets Blockaded by Fallen Telegraph Poles and Wires. MOST DESTRUCTIVE EVER EXPERIENCED , The Mntlre .Foruco of tlio Plro and 1'olliio Depart men is on Duly Kitllroail Trnlllo Greatly Delayed , New YOKK , Jan. 2C. Yesterday's storm was by far the worst that the telegraph com panies hero over hau to deal with. An Idea of the wreckage may be gathered from the fact that out of 1,500 , running into this city the Western Union hud but three wires work ing this morning. Thoothers with many polo Ho beside railroad traeks , across liclds nnd in trees. The 1'ostnl telegraph company had not ono wlro working out from this city , while the Metropolitan tclgrnph ( and telephone company estimates that 2MK ) of its wires were laid low , The total dainago to the companies named will not bo far from > 00,000. Two weeks of unceasing effort will ho required to get the wires hack Into the condition which existed before tbo storm , lu Now Yqrk City proper the number of wires down Is roughly esti mated at 4MQ and the poles down 'J30. In addition to the forest of poles strewn about the streets as many moro were hanging lu a dangerous condition , ImraoiiHo gang of men were busy all day removing the snow nnd wreck. It was Im possible toroport any incoming vessels from the highlands or Sandy Hook , us not only were the wlrns down but a heavy veil of mist huux over the bay. The steamships BretagnoaudAurania came In this morning encrusted in snow and ice. They were duo yesterday , but owing to the severity of the storm wore compelled to slacken speed. As far ns could bo been from the barge oflico today the bay was strewn with vessels with their rlgyiug and canvass coated with ice. The danmgo denote the telegraph nnd tele phone services In Urooklyu is estimated at 150,000. Jersey City's lire alara system was ren dered useless. The Now York stock exchange was com pletely cut off from nil quarters but London , inul bear traders had great fun In hammer ing everything In sight. Advices from Se.i Girt , Asbury Park , Long Brunch and other points report great dainago nlontr the Jersey coast. The surf cut Into the bluff and beach at many points. Houses were unroofed and all the wires blown down. As fur ns can be learned no ves sels v.-ent ashore , although several have been seen in distress onblde. At 10 o'clock tonight the Western Union reported liftceii wires to the west , a gain of twclvo since morning. No communication yet with I'hiliidelphlii , Washington or south ern points. \VircM Demoralized in Rooton. BOSTON , Mass. , Jnn. 2(5. ( The storm in this city yesterday completely demoralized the fire alarm telegraph , and the entire force of firemen patrolled the city all night. Tele graph , telephone and electric light corapa nies also suffered heavy losses. The sumo condition of affairs is reported from several other points In Now England. Fall River reports that sound boats had a hnrd tlmo , but arrived safely.'At Man chester. X H. , the storm lasted * nlno hours , nftccn inches of snow falling. Nashua , N. II. , reports the worst storm of the season , with twelve Inches of snow , obstructing travel. Not j > Iiioli Improved. PIIILADKLPIIW , Pa. , Jan. 'M. Tha. tele graph situation in this state' is not much I in proved over that of last night. The storm wns particularly destructive In that section of country between Philadelphia and Harris burg. Many telegraph poles are down or blown out of position. Very few trains can bo run without wires and these nt a great risk. 1'oiuisylvnnln Sutlers Severely. 'WiLKEsn-uuiE , Pa. , Jan. 26. Yesterday's storm was very severe throughout this seo- t'on of ttio stato. Telegraph , telephone and electric light A'ires are down in nil dlrec-w tlons and communication is Interrupted. In the country much damage was done by snow lu breaking down trees , crushing roofs , etc. In Northern New Jersey. BCLVIDBUE , , N. J. , Jan. : . ( ) . The storm was very severe all through northern New Jersey. All telegraphic nnd telephonic communica tion IK cut oft and rullroail trains are delayed , In some parts of this county the snow fall wns very heavy. TJIK CLEAUAXUK UECOltD. Financial Transactions of tlio Conn try During tlm IjiistVeckr. . DOSTOX , Jan. 20. [ Special Telegram to Tim BEE. ] Tlio following table , Compiled from dispi : cies ! from tlio clearing houses of the citloi named , show the gro changes for last weak , with ratoa per cent of Incraiso or docroMo , as against the several amounts for the corresponding week inlSDO : Not locludcil Intotuli. Two KnnsaH Jtopnbllcaiis UtiHcatcd. KJ , Kan. , Jan. 10. In siilto of vigor ous opposition on the p.irtof the rcpubllcnns , A-edy nnd Maxwell were seated today hy the nlllaiice. alsplnclnir Hoyer nnd Hood , rupub- loans. Hoprcscnlntlvo Shoxvnlter Introduced n petition from the Grand Army of Sunincr county pniyltig for the re-election of InRalls. twusplncei' ' in the journal. A resolution vns ndoptcil providing thnt a ballot on sena tor bo taken IB the house tomorrow. The Ingnlls forces scorn more confident ban over tonight. Thc.r.nro'nll . working Ike bcnvurs , and the city is full of Grand Armv men , nil of whom seem to ho fern n galls. K.AX8A.S ITcfTer Snlil to lie In the I cnd for Sonntiir. * , ICan. , Jnn. 20. Another allinnco caucus wns held tonight , every alliance man icing present. The utmost precautions were akcn to prevent nny news of what was going on reaching outsiders. At 12 : . ' 50 the caucus Is still In session. It s known thnt Judge I'fcffer , editor of the Cnns.19 Farmer , was In the lead up to the tenth ballot , and Sneaker Kldcr running icxt , with \Vlllets \ third I Later IMelffcr wns uoii natcd on the nine teenth hallot. L _ _ SMKIUOH'S H'ATKJl JlOXIitf Decision Aualimt the City hy the I''rdernl Supreme ( 'iiurt , \VASiiiN8To.v , Jan. ' . ' 0. Special TolCRram to Tin : Ben. ] Today Justice Ilrown deliv ered the opinion of the supreme court of the United States In the case of the city of Su perior , Neh. , plaintiff in eWer , vs Klploy & Uronsln , dofondanta in ( irror , nnd nfllrmcd the decision of the court belbw. The city of Superior , Net ) . , Issiicd bonds for the erection of a system ojvatcrworScs and awarded to ono S. K. Wltori & Co. , the con tract to furnish the matorhil und build the plant. So far ns this case Is concerned It was conceded thut Felten & Co. built the water WOI-KS and thnt they were .accepted by the city. They tiurchased material of tnodo- fenunnts und in order" 'to pay them therefor drew au order on the plaintiff , which wus delivered and arcujitcil. Suit was brought hy iho defendants lu the circuit court of the United States .for the district of Nebraska on this order 'and acceptance. Plaintiff demurred to the petition , alleged that the petition did not 3bo\v \ on its face thut thu circuit court of tho'Unltod Stnteslitxs jurisdiction of the subject mittcrof the action , und that the petition did not fttato a cause of notion. The court oven uled tbo demurrer nnd rendered judgment ngnlnst the plulntlff in error for the amount of thu order and In terest. TLo court here has.uflirniod that de cision and charged thO' costs to the appel lants. _ A IlnRQiird-ltdllnu Mtornrv AIIl4uioe. New OiiMiAXi i ) , La. , Jnn. 20.LSpeclnl [ Tele gram to Tin : Bin.l : Papers were signed to day effecting nn literary < iiillanco between II. Kldcr Haggard and W. Hosea Ballon. The contract provides that' in the ovontof a failure to puss the proposed international copyright law , the two authors In question agree to shnro each other's literary labors , to have their iminoi jointly on their future novels , to copyright for each other in England nnd the United Stiitus , nnd to shnro ench others royalties for sales. Messrs. Haggard and Ballon will Join each other in San Francisco on March } , preparatory lo startlni ; on n joint continental' .tour. Should the copy right lawho passed nnd other neces sities io obviated , they propose to write a novel jointly. A Cnlobrntntl MII.-WAUK.EE , .Inn. ! 20.-The celebrated Gun "Wa ( Chinese physician swindle ) case practi cally came to nn end in theitlnitej States court this moruing wnon .f jgiTjenkins fined each of thb'prin"6ip3rdofcUuaute Ar ) A.\Vilt , * C. A. .Tnrnson nnd.Ihn Leo/nllns Gun \Vu fcr > 00 and nolled the cases ngainst the others excepting F. L. M. Smith of Denver , ngamst whom four indictments still stand. The defendants - fondants pleaded guilty to the charge of sending obscene matter through the mails under nn agreement that all the other counts would bo dropped. A Democrat ie Conspiracy. MAIIISOK , Wls. , Jan. 28. . A. story Is current hero In political circles' ' that a combination has been entered into between the democratic members of the legislature of Wisconsin , In- dlaua and other northern states where the democrats uro In the majority to adopt the tactics of some of the southern legislatures nud oppose legislation for world's fair appro priations If the elections bill passes. No Dynamite Searo In Ijomlon. LONDON , Jan. 20. Homo Secretary Mnt- thcws says there Is no truth in the sensa tional reports sent to the United States by n cable agency to the effect that there is great dynamite scare among the authorities hero owing to information received from Ameri can agents. _ Frecdnion'H Aitl rtouii'ty JulHIuo. CINCINNATI , O. , Jan. 20. The PrQcdmcn's ' Aid society of the Methodist Episcopal church , ortranlzcd twenty-live years ngo to promote education and religion among the freedmen of the south , is .holding a jubllco hero , celebrating the work of a quarter of a century. _ Trying to Surround Chilian Itobols. llun.Nos AvniiH , Jan , 2fi. A dispatch from Chill says the rebels bombarded Coronel and several persons were killed and wounded. The government troops nro trying to sur round the Insurgents lu the Coqulmba dis trict. * Inundations in ssKi.s' , Jnn. 20. A thaw has sot in hero nnd inundations nro reported from various places , all attended with immense damage to property. No lives were lost , hut pcoplo were forced to flco from thulr homos. A Texas IJIMI | Iteoclycr Short. AUSTIN , Tex. , Jan. 20. "When the now ad ministration took churgo of the general lund offlce last Tuesday thai accounts of the re- ceivcrof the office , lion. D. II. Ilollingworth , were found short about 31",000. A Broker Cuts Ills Throat. Niw YOUK , Jon. 20-Durlng fit of tern porary Insanity 11. B. Hopklngs , a promincnl \Vidlstrccthrokcr , last niiiht cuthlsthroal In a horrible manner. Hu U still alive but will die. St. IJOIIH | HrlitKQ Tariff. ' ST. Louis , Mo. , Jan. 20. The Jacksonville & Southeastern today put into' effect the first tariff schedule over the Merchants' bridge. It does away with the old brldgo arbitrary rate. _ _ Spain Acccpti thn I'ropomil. MAPIIIH , Jan. CO. Spain has. accepted the proposal of the United States for negotia tions at Washington of n 'reciprocity treaty relating to American trade with Cuba. XcwYork I'.illuo Captains' rtnnqtict. Niw : YOIIK , Jan. 20 , Ex-President Cleve land was the guest of honor at the annual police captains' banquet tonight , responding to the toast , "pur Country.1 Fntal Allnp ICx Cnr , Ind. , Jan. 20. In a mine explosion nt Mill Grove- this morning three men were fatally burned. HUH ) liens' Troubles. EAU CI.AIIIEVis. . , Jan. 20. E. E. Hankin , merchant tnllor , nss'.gnod today. Assets , t 5,000j liabilities , $ .54,000. , ' - ' A Deu'liy Aviihiiioho. ROME , Jan. 0. An avalanche at Florcsta today destroyed cloven houses nud klllet nineteen rcnous. Tlio Ian n\ \ For Omaha and Vicinity - Ftdr ; slightly colder , THE FORCE BILL SHELVED , Wolcott's Motion to Oonsldor the Apportion ment Mcasnro Agreed To. HE VOTE THIRTY-FIVE TO THIRTY-FOUR , ) cmncrntH in ( lie Ilouso OoV1U1 Over tlio News Pnssnsro of tlio Navnl Appropria tion Itill. WASIIIXOTOX , Jan. CO. The sonalo met at 10011 hi continuation of the legislative day of 'hursday ' , the pending question being on the resolution to amend the rules by providing a nethod for closing debate. Mr. Morgan resumed the floor'and con- imicd his argument hi opposition to the pro posed .closure rule nnd the elections Dill. At : ! 20Mr. Morgan yielded for u motion by Mr. .Volcott . to proceed to consideration of the ap portionment bill. Mr. Dolph moved to Iny that motion on the .able and the motion was rejected. A vote was then taken on Mr. Wolcott's notion to take up the apportionment bill nnd t was carried. The following Is the vote in detail on tbo motion to lay Mr. Wolcott's mo- .Ion on the table : Yeas Aldrleli , Allen , Allison , Blair. Cnrr , 3usey , Culloin , Davis , Uuwes , Ulxon , Uolph , Edmunds , Evartn , Harwell. Fryo , Hide. Huw- ey , Illseock , Hoar , MeConncll , McMlilin , SInnderson , Mitchell , Morrlll , Paddock , ? iatt , Power , Quay , Sawyer , Sherman , Spoonor , Stockbrldge , Warren , Wilson of 34. Kays Harbour , Bnrto , Berry. Hlacklmrn , Sutler. Call , Catm-ron , Carlisle , ( Cockrcll , volte , Eustis , Fnlknor , George , Gorman. 3ray , Hampton , Harris , Jones of Arkansas , Jones of Nevada , Kenna. Mct'hcrson , Mor- pan , 1'uyno , 1'ugh , Knnsom , Reagan , Stew art , Teller , Turpio , Vnnco , Vest , Wnlthull , Wnshburn , Wilson of Maryland , Wolcott Thcro wns much confusion nnd Ill-fooling n relation to pairs. Mr. Daniels said ho wus paired with Squire , hut as ho was Informed jy the senator from Nevada ( Stewart ) thnt Stanford was In favor of proceeding with juslnoss he would transfer Squire's pair to Stanford nnd would himself vote. Mr. Aldrich objected , nnd the llnnl result wns thnt the pairs stood as follows : Plorco and Brown , Plumb and Gibson , 1'ettigrow and Pusco , Squire nnd Daniels , Shoup nnd Solquitt , Banders and Ingalls , Chandler and Ulodgett , Moody nnd Hu-irst , Illggins and Voorhces. Stanford stands not paired. The result wns announced yeas 't-l , nays "Jo so the motion to lay on the table was re jected. The announcement was greeted with ipnlauso on tho' democratic side and In the irallcrlos. A vote won then taken on Mr. Wolcott's motion to take up the apportionment bill , and it was carried by a like vote yeas 3 , ) , nays The reading of tbo bill and the report was continued until 3 o'clock und was then laiU asldo till tomorrow. The next question was on Mr. Gorman's motion to amend the Journal of Tuesday last , which was agreed to without dissent , and the journal of Tuesday aud Wednesday was approved. A number of petitions , etc. , were laid before - fore tbo senate-including n large numtcr from western states for nnd against ttio Conger lard bill nnd the Torrey bankruptcy bill. Among tboponslon bills reported and placed on thp.calendar was ono for-Mrs. Mary Ann Doherty , a bill for whoso relief wns vetoed .by.Cloyeland.two years Ugo. Tlio army app roprlatlbn Dill * was"'reported' and Mr. Dolph offered n resolution , which went over , instructing the committee on Judiciary to report as lo tha power of the minority of the senate to compel the attend ance of absentees , Mr. Blair moved to proceed to the consid eration of the house hill to adjust the ac counts of laborers and others under the eight hour law. Pending action the senate ad journed. llnnso. WASIIIXOTO.V , Jan. 'JO. The usual skirmish in the house took place today as to the read ing and approval of the journal. The journal was finally approved , The yeas nnd nays were then ordered on n motion that the house go into committco of the whole on the nnvy appropriation bill , but the call of the roll wus interrupted by Mr. Rodgcrs of Arkansas , that the foreo bill had been de fciited In the senate. Then the democrats gave cheer after cbeer. The speaker's gavel was for some time Ineffectual to check dcnio- eratio enthusiasm. "Another Bull Hun , " ejaculated Brewer of Michigan. The house went into committee of tnc whole on the naval appropriation bill. Mr. ICelly of Kansas , referring to the dem ocratic enthusiasm , said the news from the seriate bo did not doubt was good news to thu assassins of John M. Clayton. Something had been said about betrayal of party pledges. If there was jiny it came from those mon who had been instructed by their state legislatures to vote for n certain bill nnd turned around and voted ngalnstlt. After some further discussion the commit tee rose , the bill passed and the house ad journed. X ov run CHIEFS. \ Party ofDIstliicitlsIicd Slou.v on the Way lo AYaslilngton. Husiivn.i.r , Nob. , Jan. -Special [ Tel egram to Taw Bun. ] At 4 o'clock this after noon General Miles and party arrived hero from the agency uiul left by special tram for Chicago atll o'clock : . The general was not easily accessible and decidedly non-communi cative , but ) our correspondent manazed to learn definitely thnt ho considers the present Indian campaign as being completely finished and all danger of furtuor trouble removed. The distinguished party mentioned Is made up of General Miles and staff , General Carr and Captain J. B. Kcrr of tbo Sixth cavalry , the latter havltg in charge forty-ono of the lately belligerent hostilcs who are on their wnv to confer with the great father at Washington. Two Interpreters , Big But , alias Baptist Pourier , and Lewis Shaugraw , accompanied thoparty on this journey to nrako known to the presi dent the demands of his stalwart words. Of the forty-one Indians aboard there are six teen chief of considerable prominence , besides - sides others of lesser Influence , and their names are hero given as nearly ns can bo ns- ocrtnlned , In the order of their rank. Young- Man-Afrnld-of-Ills-Ilorsos , head chief of the Ogullala Sioux ; American Horse , the ac knowledged silver tongucd orator of the nation ; Standing Soldier , IJIg Head , Ho Dog , Litllo Wound , Spotted Horse , Spotted Elk , Fast Thunder , laro Lightning and Captain Sword , wno by the way. Is chief of the Indian police. Then tbo llrulo chiefs en route ares Two Strike. Short Bull , Kicking Boar , High Hawk and Big Foot No. 8. The special train hearing these representa tives of the two sides of the late unpleasant ness will go via thoiKlkhorn nudNorthwest- crn to Chicago and make the trip with the trip with the greatest possible dispatch. Beyond that point no information could bo obtained. MtMitiMinnt CuKoy's Murderers. CHICAGO , Jnn. 20 , Lieutenant Chamber lain , who arrived today from Pine Ridge , says the slayer of Licutcnnnt Casey Is r graduate of the Carlisle , Pa. , Indian school and the son of n prominent Sioux , No Water. The murderer was aboui to bo turned over to the soldiers for trial when news of tl.o murder of the Indian , I'cw Tails , by the whites was received , The Indians then sou thut they would deliver Casey's murderer wlion the murderer of Few Tails was b rough In and both hanged together. Casey's murderer dorer is still being shloldeu. Assistant Adjutant General Corblu re- . - cclved n , telegram from General Miles „ ' night statlni' that lie would leave tomorr v for Chicago with about thirty Indians , chiding Kicking Bear and Short Bull. Tin Will be kept nt Tort Sheridan , Chlcig ; < This Is not the delegation going to Washing ton. _ All Qalot nt Hosebml. Kosnm'i ) AciKNcr , S , D. , ( via Valentino tine , Neb. ) , Jan. 2(1. ( [ Special Telegram to TIIK DKK. ] II company of the Eighth in fantry , and A , C nnd E"of the Twenty-first loll Rosebud today. This leaves Company B , Eighth Infantry , and (1 , Twenty-first , at Hosobutl. A few stragglers nro coining ionic from Fine Kldgo. Turning Hoar cnmo mek and stole live horaon on his way. Annuity Issues bcnn today. The war is thought to be over at Hosobud nnd the In dians with tlio Sixth cavalry escort nro ex acted homo noon. The school teachers are oturning to the villages and order seems to jo restored. Sovoiuh Cavalry Itnportml Torr.KA , Kim. , Jan. ' . ' 0. News was received nto tonight that the Union 1'acltlc tr.iln coii- vcvlng the Seventh cavalry collided at Irv- ng , Kan. , tonight with another train. Hoth engineers and firemen are reported kllledund several soldiers badly injured , .4 JlllK.lli 1S1CIIT. . It In n Cnno of Continual Dropping In Dakota's LjojjlHlntiiro. Pinnni : , S. D. , Jan. 20. [ Special Telegram .o Tin : BKK. ] If there was consternation in .ho combine's camp this irorning when the republicans carried their point to refer tlio egal points of the Lawrence county contest cnso to the supreme court , It was only a cir cumstance to the surprise the republicans re ceived this afternoon when the tables were turned nnd Bowell ( lud ) , who voted with the republicans , moved a reconsideration , which carried by a vote of 01 to 58. A motion to take up the majority report of the committee In favor of seating .ho remaining contcstnnts from Lawrence , four in number , was then nwde , but after considerable discussion , the previous ques tion being seconded , Xortoif made a call of the house , which was being rigidly held with the prospect of a lengthy night session. He- publicans stated on the lloor of the house that : hey felt justified in resorting to dilatory tac tics , and would oppose nn effort of the oppo sition to force the question to a vote to the uttermost. Those four additional contestants being seated , republicans are forced to seol : another candidate , which they nro now casting around Dfor. Tlio Ulaek Hills section claims the right of selecting such candidate , which will bo hotly contested by other portions of the st.Uc. Lake of liapfd City is being trotted out as a dark horsn. Atoint ballot for United States senator WRO held n noon and attended ns usual. On thu Jlrst ballot Moody received 73 votes ; Preston , 3 ; litirdon , 21 ; Grose , Hi ; Kyle , 14 ; King , -I ; Tripp , t3. ! and Pickler , Kellan , Converse , Howard , Sullivan nnd Howe each 1. The total vote was 10 : ! , Shcafe , Dunham , Jolly and McPnrlano of the sonata nnd IlicKiimn and Wlttinnycr of the house being paired. This vote showed no material changes , although when Preston announced his .vote lor Kellan early In the roll It was supposed to bo a signal for a break. It scorns to becoming gradually. A second ballot being taken , two moro left Moody , Corey going to Bixlcr and Robertson to Preston. Ilnrdcn's vote was raised two , making him next to Moody. King , who re ceived four votes , is a prominent grecnbacker of Hand county. Predictions nro rlfo that tomorrow or next day will see some radleuj changes and probably an election. They do not seem to bo well founded. However , In the went of the Luwrenco county contest ants .bclng-.scntcid thcro Is talk of the Black Hills agreeing on a dark horse to take. Moody's ' place. The call of the house was finally broken at 0 o'clock and the republicans allowed a vote to bo taken on the contest case , Blake vs Fowler , which resulted In the seating of the contestant. Fowler In giving up bis scat made a speech in which ho promised that the now independent party would hoar from It two years hence. Ho'said If they had taken his own personal property in the sanm way ho would have shot the party who did It. By agreement adjournment was taken until 10 o'clock. It will now almost be a miracle if a republican senator is elected. No Change In Illinois. Si-niNOi'iEi.n , 111. , Jan. 2 < ! . In the Joint ses sion tlio iirst ballot was without change from the previous ones. As no one moved to ad journ the oallot ing continued. After the tlurty-llrst ballot of tbo session was taken without result the assembly ad journed until tomorrow. On the ballot In the thirty-first Joint ses sion today there was a decided sensation when Taubcneck , F. M. B. A , , voted for Palmer. Cheer after cheer arose from the democratic side , but It was soon learned that Tnubcncck had ncrecd for a joke to exchange votes with Kowand. The democratic leaders endeavored to pcrsundo Ilownnd not to carry out the trailo , but ho did , nnd when his nnmo was called voted for Strecter amid laughter from the republican side. ' ISI. . H. A. Men Will Confer. ' SriuxoFicLu , 111. , Jan. 20. Mr. Streotor will have a conference with the three Farm ers' Mutual Bcucllt association men , nt which will bo decided the question of drooping btrccter and taking up nnothcr candidate who might be moro acceptable to the other parties. The farmers would not say what other man tlicy had In mind. In nn interview tonight Moore nnd Cockrcll both said llatly that they will not nt any time support General Palmer. Codfroll had an extended conference this evening wlthCliKlrninn Jones of the republican state central committee nnd Senator Fuller of the republican steering committee on the senatorial question. Ho was positively in formed that the republicans would not conio over to Streotor. Cockvoll frankly told the republicans that the Farmers' Mutual Bene fit association men would never vote for Palmer if the republicans would not Join them In ths election of thu farmer candidate. The republicans tliinlly held out hopes to Cockrcll that pcrhapj ultimately some com promise candidate might bo found who would receive the solid republican mid Farmers' Mutuul Benefit association vote. ICIcotliiiiH lilll and World'H Fair. IXPIANAI-OUS , Ind. , Jan. 20. The house today after a long and vigorous debate adopted a resolution to the effect that the passage ol ttie elections 1)111 would render the world's fair a sectional , affair and if that mcusuro becomes n law no npproprin- tlon should bo mndo by Indiana. The democratic members of the senate cnucussed on thu matter tonlcht nnd a motion to make the resolution a party measure was defeated by the vote of the chairman. As there was not a full attendance , another cau cus will bo hold tomorrow , Six Jllln ! Vetoed. Cnr.Tr.SNi : , Wyo. , Jan. 20. [ Special Telegram - gram toTiiB BEII.J Of the bills passed by the state legislature and loft In the hands of Governor Barber at the close of the session six have been vetoed. They nro the bill reg ulating the snln of illuminating oil nnd ap pointing nn oil Inspector , an net providing for stay of execution In district courts ; auth orizing municipal corporations to grant fran chlscs for street railways ; providing for li censing pawn nnd ticket broker ofllccs ; pro viding for stay of executions' before Justices of the pcaco and an act relating to chattel mortgages. Technical defects In most of the bills caused tbo vetoes. Hoycnttlne Ibo World'n Fair. Ciuui.KSTOXY. . Vu. , Jan. SO. The house toda > after an acrimonious discussion passed MO to 20 a resolution that In tbo event ol the passage of the federal elections bill the stnto would mnko no world's fair appro- prlallou , Senator St. Clulr of the world's fair commission Is nuking u vigorous light against it to the senate. r INTERESTING SENATE VOTE , ( t Commits tbo GenMo to Listening to Messngo from Boyd. AN ACTION THE RELIEF MEASURE , Mr. Tnylor'H Uti'lutio IJHI Preparing n Maximum Krcl.nlit Unto Soln'tl- ule Tlu ; State Ijlbrary Mon- tiny'8 Iisrot.v , Neb. , Jnn. M. [ Special Tolo grain to Tin : Hii- : : ] > When the clerk of the senate read the house , resolution providing 'or n Joint conunltteo to wait on Concrat I'hnyur nud ask him to furnish In formation ibout the state affairs , Senator Swltilor ob- lectcd. Ho nixuod that the general was an x-govornor and the tlmo had passed when 10 could properly deliver a messageloltio ogUluturo. Ho suggested tlmt ttu ) word "semi" bo substituted for p rriiTt. " Senator MoorompvefTTvs a substitute that a committco of GvcKbo appointed by the chair / .o confurwlth tha committee of two appointed > y tlio house concerning the Information nnd suggestions to bo offered by ox'-Govcrnoi ; Thaycr. It wns carried , nnd the chair appointed Senators Moore nud Poyntor 113 the commit tee. Senator Swltzlcr thou moved that a com- inittco of two bo appointed to wait on Gov ernor Doyd to uncertain if ho ban a message o deliver and appoint n tlnio to hear It , nnd .hat thu house bo asked to appoint n .similar committee. Yeas- ' . ' , ' ! . Nays Uysurt , Horn , Poyliter , { amlnll , Sunders , Smith , Stevens , Williams 8. Hock and Shea were paired. Senators Switzler nnd Koontz were up- lolntod as such committee. The vote Is In teresting ns showing the division In tlio ranks of the independents on tlio proposition to ( cognize Air , Hoyd ns governor , wlueli they invo so long resisted. On motion of Senator Swltzler the chair appointed Senator Thomas n conunltteo to confer with a house committee , who were .lelegated to correspond with the legislatures of neighboring states relative to coiii'urted action in tlio passage of usury laws. Among the uoiv bills introduced were the following ; liy Poyntor For the Australian ballot system , based on the Massachusetts and Mon tana laws. Hy Coulter To repeal the sugar bounty. lly Shumwiiy To repeal that provision of the liquor law which enables a party Illegally irosccutcd to recover from the probccutor loublo the amount of lii.s costs. lly Stevens Regulating the salaries of wutity attorneys. Hy Handall Providing for a uniform sya- : cm of school books. Kach county is to vote Tor a series of books for a term of llvo years. A series shall bo selected by n committee of school directors and teachers. The books nro o bo bought by the districts and luimed lethe the pupils. After trying to settle which had the least work , in si ht the senate or Its committees , the former adjourned till morning. The HIUIKP. LINCOLN , Neb. , .Tan. SO. [ Speciul to Tim UKK.J At the morning session the following resolution was unanimously adopted : Wht'roas , Wo liavn luanicd with profound sorrow that Hon. O. W. llunnlcu , rcprsuntu- ( tlvo In this lunisu fruiu tlio Forty-ninth dls > trlct , IIIIH tnutwlthttsadloni lu tlio untimely death nf Ma son llnrluy. iiixl. WhcTt'MS , Wo bow In hmiiblo HulinilRslnii to tlie ( I I vine will of nn all ulsu Providence In the n.ldst of ullllrtloii , therefore 1m It Kusolvod. That lo mi r esteemed friend and co-liihoiur anil his family wo KMoml our most ) profound symp.'it liy In tfds t.liolr hour of sorrow row , lie It further Unsolved , That these resolutions bo spread tliir ouon | Iho .loiinmt of tills IIOII-L- , and this clcil ; li ( ! Mini ho U lieruby limtrnutuil to wild a eert I lied copy of these resolutions to tlicsatlilclod family. Bills were Introduced as follows : By Kruso Fixing ihorato for official print ing in the local papers. The rate named Is f > 0 cents per smiro for first insertion and 25 cents for the second , being about one-half the prevailing rates. By Frxon Hequlringu majority vote or pe tition for saloon licenses In townships which do not contain nn incorporated town or vil lage. lage.By Speaker Elder Empowering Iho countr clerk to administer the oath of ofllco to all minor county und township olllcors. By Taylor of Butler To provide for the adoption , purchase , payment and sale of school books. By Cornish To Incorporate the Knights of Pythias. By Cornish To provide for the building of sanitary sewers , for the capital building , insane - sane asylum , state penitentiary , and the homo for the friendless , at Lincoln , and ap propriating fiJU,0iU ( for the samo. The committee on railroads reported In favor of thu bill compelling the railroads to build passageways wburo tlidcmbunicment is llvo feet hirh nnd over ; also thu bill Intro duced by Vandoventor , requiring at least ono farm crossing whore land Is owned on both sides of the railway by one party. The committee on ninrlculluru reported the Kruso bill for the extermination of the Russian thistle , with the rccommonjatloa that It do pass. A rccoss was taken until 3 p. in. Al'TMK.N'OOX SKSilON. The house went into committco of the wholowlth Stevens of Pumas in the chair for the consideration of bills appropriating money fjr tbo relief of the drouth-strlckea buft'erers. Howe opposed the bill drafted by the com mittee appropriating $100,000 direct from the treasury nnd claimed that it was not consti tutional. Ho favored his own bill , house roll 81 , which provides for the issuing of $100,000 bonds , drawing 4 } per cent Interest. Shrnder combattcd the Idea that the com mittee hill Is not constitutional , but said ho was In favor of both measures. Wuldron moved to strikeout of the rollof commission thu names of H. K. Grcer , Louis Meyer , John Fitzgerald , A. J. Sawyer , C. W. Mosher andV. . N. Nasoa and add the name of J. W. Hartley , purchasing agent of the state farmers' idlluncc. \Ynldron thought the commission too Inrgd and \vas supported in this view by Slirader , Nowberry mid others. McKesson moved to add the names nf J. VV. Hartley to the present commission. Lost , -10 to 41. 41.White White moved to to add -tho numo of Johq Fitzgerald to the commission. Carried , Cillllilan moved to nnd the nnmu of A. J , Suwer. Carried. Sicrnsdorlt moved to add the namoof C. Mosler to the list. Oakloy ( rep. ) of Lancaster said that uuither Fitzgerald , nor Suwer , nor Mover would over receive a dollar from this fund of the ( ! i per day coinpensatfon provided in the bill. Voorhces ( Ind. ) thought those men should not bu put back , one nt a time. ! ' 'uxon ( rep. ; of Gtigo said It came with a poor grnco from the other side of the house , and declared It wus nil politics. Sherman ( Ind. ) sulu this committco was perfectly conversant with the business. McKesson moved that the nnmu of JV Hartley bo added to the list. Carried. Several sections of the bill were thca passed without objection. Sodcrmun ( ind. ) moved that the expense * should , not exceed 1 per cent of the appro * priutlon. Klmulcr favored maklnc It \ % per cent. Gardner ( doni , ) favored leaving the mattotf to tlio c-oininissiloii , llolh amendments wcra stricken out. Thu bill wai recommended for passago. The committco then took up house roll 81 , the bill providing for the Issue of $100,000 idl DO n ds , mid tliu proceeds to bo used for tbo rw lief of thu drouth sufferers , ' Tlio bill was amended to conform wlU |