THE OMAHA PAELY BEE ; S&TCJEDAY , JANUARY 24 , 1891. THECITY , Tlirco minor norrnlts , $750 , were linnet ! by the superintendent of building * * j'cstonmy. A special nicotine will bo hold at St. Timothy mission nt 2:30 : today. Kvcry friend of the work undertaken by Mis- blonnry Iteody is respectfully urged to bo present. Mutters of vital Importance will bo discussed. Judge Donno listened to the brief wind-up of tircumont inthoctiBOof IJyron Rood VH Martin Quick and others , in volving the tltlo to property in North Oinnha to which there are ucorot'.ona valued tit $500,000. "Thirty days on the hilt nnd not nn- othurvord'snld Judge Ilolfiloy , inter- ruptlnff n lengthy dlH&ortatlon on hard luck , hard tiinea nnd hard chtiruclera , nnd jilaln , inucH-insilipncd John Brown reluctantly retired to his cornor. A few days npo Mrs. Cormoy arrived ' in this city' from Toxnrknnn , Ant. , look ing for lior diiutfliter , n Mrs. O'lJrlon. The latter has been located by the police. Shoicsidos on the southeast corner of Nineteenth and Iznrd , and Is very mix- IOUH to sco her mother. The Importations Into this country during 1890 show 00,130 cases of 0 , II. Mumin & Co.'s lixtra Dry , fochiB an Incrc.xso of U,000 ouer the pravloui year , evidencing the lil U appreciation In which this vvlno Is held for Its excellent quality. It la recommended by the most eminent physicians In this country for Its putlty , snmll amount of alcohol nutl wholcsomehess , whllo for a fine dry cham pagne , "G. II. Mumm & Co.'s Kxtni Dry" is considered by connoisseurs as unsurpassed. Tonic Kvpry I'riza In Sljjlit. J. Vf. Murphy nnd J. II. Ewlngof Olen- woodIn. , , were In the city , being on their way homo from the Dos Molnes horticultural ex hibit , It was the most largely attended meet ing ever held by the Iowa state society. As usual Mills' county came to the front in the matter of exhibits. Attorney General Stone has a fnrin adjoining Mr. Murphy's nnd has out now 1.1 , 000 apple trees and will put out yO,000 inoro hi the spring. Among other kinds of fruit ho hus seventy acres of raspberries. There was some talk of the Iowa exhibit at the world's ' fair and the general impression was that they should ask for ten acres of ground. _ _ 'Jo NorvcMiH Iclilitiit ) ) < : il Mnn If you will send us vour address wo wll tend you Dr. Dye's Celolmitod Voltaic Helt and Appliances on trial They will quickly rcstoiu you to vi or , manhood and health. Pamphlet free. VOLTAIC HULT Co. , Marshall , Mich. I'OUM ) JHAI ) IN Ilia UK I ) . Buildcu Fatal Termination of a Col ored MIIII'B Illness. Chnrlcs Thompson , a colored maa about llfty years of HKO who has been in the em ploy of Itlloy ft Dillon at 1300 Douglas street , was found dead la his bed at the Travelers' Homo , at the northwest corner of Thirteenth and Dodijostrccts , about 9 o'clock yesterday morning. Tliompson complained Thursday evening that ho did not fuel well , hut nothing was thought of it and ho himself did not seem to think there was anything serious in his Illness. Yesterday ho did not appear at the usual hour , and , after waiting a short time , ono of the attaches of the place went to his room. Ho was and the condition of the body ( ho\vcQ that life had been extinct some tlnio. Tlio body was removed to Ileafoy's , -where an Inquest will bo held this uftcruoou. Drlnlc Nature's tonic and diuretic water * Of Excelsior Springs. Mo. , Would Ito a Iturf-lnr. A would-be burglar attempted to force the door of Mr. Conloy's residence on Horth Six teenth street , between Durt and Cuinlng , at an early hour yesterday morning , but was discovered by Conley , who hurriedly drcsseU and followed the retreating thief. lit ) overtook him at the corner of Seven teenth and Cumhig , but the thief defied I1' > pursuer to arrest him , and the urrest wus n , . u rondo. The thief Is described as being hix feet tall nnd weighs 200 pounds. Ho were a slouch tint , short sad : coat and could bo readily idcntltltd by Mr. Conloy. The fellow also attempted to' force an entrance into a residence on Eighteenth street , but was im- lucccssful. llo\vto HreakUp a Huvcro Cold. From the Virginia City , Mont , , Madlso- nlan : "Whenollnd a medicine % voknow to possess genuine merit , wo consider It a duty , and wo tiuu ) i > lcasuro In tolling the public what It is. Such a medicine we found Cham berlain's Cough Uemcdy. By the use of this syrup wo have relieved , In a few hours , se- voru colds , and In the course of two or three days , entirely broken them up as has several of our friends to whom wehavorccommendcd it. It is nil it is represented to bo by the manufacturers. If you liuvo n cough and want to stop It , Chamberlain's ' Cough Keiu- cdy will do the work. Forsalobyall drug- .gists. Don't Fool yourself ! Notwithstanding nil rumors to the contrary , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul Ily'u no\y steam honted pnlaoo Bleeping cars , with "electric lights in every berth"still leaves the Union do- not , Omaha at C:10 : p. in. daily , arriv ing nt Chicago at 0:30 : n , m. , in ample tlino to nuiko all eastern connections. Ticket olllco , 1001 Farnam st. J. E. PiiKSTON" , F. A. NASH , C. Pass. Agt Gen. Agt. A X.0 I/A C'JBJI EXTS. Sumduy evening the Boston Howard Athcn- Eum specialty company , will open nfour nights' engagement at the Hoyd , and will present a bill surpassing any others. The New York World ot September 23IS'JO ' , con tained the following concerning their opening la the metropolis ; "Tho Boston Howard Athonrcum Star spe cialty company began n two weeks' engage ment at the Bijou theatre last evening , and the house was full to welcome the old favor ites and extend a friendly greeting to now comers. The Poluskl Brothers gave a gro tesque act very funnily. Conroy and Fox are an amusing pair , and the few minutes that Dutch Daly hud to entertain and nmusa the audience was BO well employed that ho had to prolong his time and spin It out with good music. The star of the troupe , how ever , Is Cinquovallinnd ho certainly Is ono ol the most expert and Graceful performers ol the day. It Is not nlouo as na athlete and equilibrist that ho llgures ; ho has now added muslo to his other accomplishments. Tlic Ilolssotte troupe also showed the versatility of their accomplishments and made a coed Im pression. Taken altogether the Boston How ard nntheiueum company furnishes a inngnlll- ccut entertainment. " On Thursday evening next Mr. Joseph Murphy , the legltlmato Irish comedian will open uu engagement of four nights at the lio.vd. On Thursday nnd Friday nights he Will appear In "Sbaun Ithuo , " on Saturday night la "Tho Kerry Cow1 and Siuiduj night the new play "Tho Uonagb. " McICee Ilankla nnd company begin a short engagement at the Grand this after noon , producing ono of the great successes o the season , "Tho Canuck , " The plaj is verv much on tbo order of "Tut Midnight Bell" and "Tho Old Homo Btoud , " the scene in this case bt-lng laic along the Canadian border , the chief charac tcr bcng an old Canadian.Vhilo a very strong ilgure In the play , the Canadian played by McICco Hankln , is not the oulj character around wutcu the story revolves An ola Vcrmontor has quite as much to do , and It is a question whether ho does not beat oft the honors of the performance. Miss Mabel Iurt playi the leadlnf fotnalo role which Is a very strong portraitur of womanhood. The company throughout Is strong nnd th play will bo put on in the same excollcn manner whleu characterized Its Now Yorl run. Sulo of seats now open. Attho Eden Muscn this week the foatur in the Curio hull are the midget cattlo. IJotl Uavo excellent shows. Men's Callnrs nnd CufTd. Saturday mornlm' wo will offer 201 dozen men's -t-ply llnun coltnrs , latest Htylos , Htutidliif , ' nnd turned down , at tlio extraordinary price of 75C A DOHKN , worth $2.75 ; Hold in dozen lots only ; also 100 do/en culls In 3:11110 : quality and Lost styles nt $1./30 A DOZEN , worth $1.50. Saturday , January 24th. Como curly. Man's tinlnundrlod shirts 30c. Men's woolen underwear , fiOc. Men's traveling baps , $1.2o , worth $3.00. llnrgnins in boys' winter overcoats. Unrgains in boys' winter suits. Uargainfc in boys' nil wool kilt suits , 82.75 , worth 85.00 to * 0.00 , BAS12MENT DBPAKTMKNT. Saturday a special sale of house fur nishing goods. Coal hods , 18c , 22c , 20cROc , 35c. 10,000 articles on a 4u table. * C.OOO nrtluluB on a 00 table. All glusHwni'O ut factory prices. Speolal bargains in bird CIIROJ. Carving1 knives and forks , lee to $3.00 ; usual price , 50c to $7,60. Silverware , pocket and table cutlery , piano , banquet and fairy lamps , carved wood bread plates , butter plates and knives. knives.MAONIFICKNT MAONIFICKNT CLOCKS , 20 PKR CBNT DISCOUNT. CUT GLASS 15 PER CENT , and all our brle-a-brac , bronzes , vases , nil on one general Halo tomorrow at m PEH CENT discount from the regular prices. Don't miea this sale. Como and look anyway. THE MOUSE DUV GOODS CO. Slolunt Stolen ! $ lir Howard For the return of the horse and riff. Ilorso and top buggy. Ilorbo llvo years old , weighs about ! )00 ) , color deep bay , bhurt mane and lull , rlfflit hind foot white , scar on both hind Ictfs about mid way between knee and hoof. Scars on riL'ht side of log. Blind bridle on with siilo checks , bit covered with leather. Horse's mouth a little sore on right side. Sidebar top buy y , running gears painted a wino or red color , bed piano box painted blade. A party saw u man about six feet tall , full black board and wcnrlnjr a dark ovorcoatuntio the hortc. Solid information to L. J. Kohrbough or Chief of Police Soavoy , Omaha , Neb. AVnntH the llrd ClotlicH , Anyway. Mrs. Lynch , who Hvos nt OOt South Six- tecntU street , has mot with n siiuall upon the uncertain sea of matrimony and she visited thopolico station yesterday to relate the cause of her misery to the iron-norvoti defenders - fenders of the pence. Mrs. I.vnch had a husband last week and she also hail n quantity of bed clothing. Both the husb.uiil nnd the aforesaid bed clothing have disappeared and Mrs. Lynch Is of tlio opinion that the form or carried away the lat ter. She wishes to have the clothing re turned , with or without the husband pre ferring the clothes alone. I have n cousin who is a printer , says ex- Mayor J. B. Loughrnn of North Dos Moines , la. Some years ago ho was employed in this city xvhero they were printing circulars for Chamberlain. Ho had a deeo seated cold and terrible cough , and whllo setting up copy ho made up his mind to buy a bottle. It cured him nnd that was tlw first I ever know of Chamberlain's Coujjh Homedy. I have been strongly In its favor ever since My own ex perience nnu that of my family convinces ino that this remedy is the best In the world. That may bo strong language but that Is what I think. For sale by all druggists. "Weather Indices. Up to this date our monthly prognosti cations have been fully as reliable as the nrophoslcsof the latoltimoiitcd Wiggins , but at the beginning of a now year wo resolve to do still better. The customary January thaw will bo dispensed with and lassongors who travel in the electric lighted , steam heated , vestibuled nolaco car trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul lly. , between Omaha and Chicago cage , will "bo comfortably cared for re gardless of iho outside atmosphere. City ticket olllco , 1501 Farnara street ( Barker block ) , Omnha , County Court. German D. "Wyatt entered suit In the county court against M. T. Murphy for ? lrst National bank of Weeping Water sues William J. nnd George J. Paul for ? ilK > m a tbrco months' note uintlo September 13 nst. "Wlio breathes must suffer.and who tblnks must mourn , and ho alone Is blessed" vho mows ttmt pnlti nnd suffering cau bo cured by SalviitJou Oil. Although wo hnvo beard persons remnrk : "His worth Us weight In gold , " still Ir. Bull's ' Cough Syrup is to bo had at all drug stores for ao cents. Marriage Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday to the following pirtlos : Name ana address. Ace. AlboitOole , Omaha S5 Nellie ICorr , Oiuuha 18 Joshua It. Nlehson , Carroll , In 43 Kate C'allahan , Omaha \U \ For Dyspepsia Use Ilorsl'ord's Acid Phosphate. Rr. F. II. Wclty , Hamilton , Va. . says : "I have tried It frequently and always -with most satisfactory results. Nothing Is equal to It for treatment of dyspepsia and various complications resulting from disorders or iginating in the stomach. I consider it In valuable. " FEIISOXAL M'.l ItAGJt.lI'JlS. J , E. Blair of Cnlcngo la nt the Murray. C. C. Ltmtz of Lincoln is at the Merchants. Vf. Vf. Turner of Chicago Is nt the Mlllard. II. F. Whltraoro was at the Paxton last night. W. II. Ashton of Dayton , O. , Is at the Casey. Frank P. Ireland of Nebraska City Is nt the Paxton. M. Vf. Bruer of Alaska was at the Casey last night. A. G. Simmons of Scward is in the city , at the Casoy. 11. M. Dickey of Chicago is registered at the Millard. D. S. Clark of Now York is iu the city , at the Millard. E. W. Warren of Worcester , Mass. , Is at the Murray. W. S. Caldwell of Milwaukee U registered at the Casoy. Louts Stem of Massachusetts li registered at the I'axtoa , M. S. Brown of Now York was at the Mur ray last night. J. W. Chappcll of New York Is in the city , at the Murray. George E. Honfoo of Chicago Is registered at the Merchants. II. C. Stewart of DCS Molnes was at the Mlllard last night. E. W. Murphy of North Platte was at the Merchants last night. J. C. Tomnlo of Boulder , Colo. , Is in the city , nt the Merchants. Judge Stevenson of Ynnkton. S. D , , Is it the city , nt the Paxton. J. M. McN'amnra , business manager 01 "Shennndoah , " is iu the city , nt the Mlllard Thomas Brooks nna II. A. Wilson , two o the leading business men of Oto , la. , are it tbo city making extensive purchases. Hero torero they have traded In Sioux City , bu finding Omaha a superior market , they Htati that in the future tholr patronage will b < given to the doa'crs hero. A. II. Marsh , a capitalist of Frcdonla , N Yi. is In the city. Mr. Marsh has bee a mor or lojs Interested In Omaha realty the pas few years , nnd his errand bore this tlmo It for the purpose of securing an acre tract nca the city with a view of Interesting otho capitalists mut locating a largo Industry 01 the property. Bvivr IJ/YKK is NOT HABHFUIJ. She Demands Itndlcal Unto Undue- tlnns oil Oin-ilia Itondfl. The managers of the Union Pacific nnd II. St M. have received u lengthy circular which announces that the board of trade of Salt Lake City has resolved to patronlio no rail road nercaftor except such as la approved by a commutes appointed for that purpose. The resolutions allcgo that Salt Lnko City is dls- .criminated against in regard to both passen ger and freight rates , claiming that the rates now In force are not materially lower ttinn they were twenty years ago , and calling at tention to the file I that the city has dojblod its population and tripled Its trnusiKirtatlon business In the last twenty years. The rail roads are requested to place Salt Lake City upon the basis of terminal rates as ilxed by the Transcontinental association on tin-lit twenty-six and twenty-seven , adopted Juno 18 , Ib'JO ' , and subsequent issues , A demand is made in the circular that tins- sen ger rates from the Missouri river to Salt Lake City and return bo $47.50 , nnd the ono way faro ) . > ; that the rate from Denver for the rounil trip bo $ .10 , nnd for ono way &J2 ; from Lcadvillo fa.5 for the round trip , SHO for ono way ; from Urand Junction , $ .JO for the 1011 nil trip , andIS ono way. The petitioners further nsk that mileage tlelcets bo sold at the rate of " ) o per mlle , good throughout the territory covered by the systems entering that city , Including Utah. Idaho , Montana , Wyoming and Colorado , and that local rates DO readjusted on a basU ad vantageous to Salt Lalto City. . - * - i PontiNylviiiiln Tours , Mr. Colin Studds , tourist npcnt of the Pennsylvania railroad company , has been in the city days on his return from a trip of arrangements for n scries of transcon tinental excursions which the Pennsylvania will soon Inaugurate. The trains for these excursions will bo counterparts of the famous Pennsylvania limited passengers. The flrst excursion , reluming from a trip to the coast , will spend three hours In Omaha on the afternoon of March 18 , and the tourists will bo Riven a carriage drive through the city nt the expense of the railroad company. The second excursion will bo similarly cnter- talnad In Omnha. on April U ; and the third party on May 1. AVIII Continue the Work It is announced that the Union Pacific nnd the Great Northern company will unlto In constructing the proposed line from Port land , Ore. , to Seattle , Wash , , \ipoa which work was stopped some ttmo ago. The grading between Portland and Knliiniu , Was. , thirty- live miles is iip.u-ly finished , and the clearing of the right way between ICalama and Olym- pla , U'ash. , Is practically completed. Notes and Tors .nals. The ElUhorn has put , on a line of refrigera tor cars between Omaha and Deadwood. Oscar Vnndcrollt , travcliaij tuusengoc agent of the Northern Pacific , with head quarters nt St. Paul , is In the city. The Missouri Pucillo has put on through sleeper from Kansas City to lot Springs , Ark. The train which leaves Omaha at 10:10 p. in. will connect at Kansas Vilty with the train to which this sleeper is ittached. "All statements to the contrary notwith- tamllnp , " said a passenger onitlil j-cster- 'ay ' , "tho recent atill-imss agreement Is as eadas the late Alcound of Swat. When a hlpper comes up and shows you a pass over road that has agreed not to issue any passes f the kind , what are you going to do I That's list the position that every second road in lie i-oiintry is In , and they have to look out 'or their own interests. " Vonl , "Vldi , Vicll This is true of Hall's Inlr Ucncwer. lor it Is the great conqueror ) f pray or faded lialr , making It look the iamooyeti color of youth. SOUTH 031A.1IA SEWS. Kimawiiy nt a Funeral. A team ran away Thursday afternoon drawing the buggy in which Mrs. Charles anford was riding , in going to the funeral jf the late Mrs. S. L. Clifton. Mrs. Sanford ivas thrown out of the buggy and received Kiinful bruises. Omaha "Hun Soiililcd. Charles Larson , a tank hand at the paolc- g houses of Swift & Co. , yesterday inorning- fell in n tank of hot grease and ivas badly scalded. Medical assistance was lUmmoned nt onto and all possible lone for the suffering nnd unfortunate man. Mr. Larson resided in Omaha and has been married only about n month. His in juries uro serious , hut it Is hoped may not bo 'atul. _ Dr. DIllnii-Hiiyran'H Lectures. Francis Dlllon-ISugnn , LLi. D. , an emi nent Irish orator , will deliver three addresses on plcturesn.uo Ireland , in Blum's opera : iouso , under the auspices of St. Agnes' ' church Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and Wednesday afternoon next , Arcti- bishop Kyan , of Philadelphia , said that "Dr. Diliou-Eagan is an accomplished scholar and ho really has very remark able nnd unusual oratorical powers. " Preparations have beca made to give Dr. Dillon-IOagan an nudienco worthy of his subject and his ability. Notes About the City. Miss Lu Hunt has gone to Lincoln to visit her bister. \ daughter has been born unto Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wollwebor. Mrs. Edward D , Munshnw has returned from Lincoln , where she has been visiting friends. The needs of Mrs. A. a. Younpof Albright have been supplied by the charity committee of the St. Vincent do Paul society. Dr. M. J. O'Hourko has permanently lo tatcil iu Cnleago , and will remove his famifV lo hU now homo early in February. Do Forest Klchnrds of Chmlron , president of the First National bank of Douglas , Wyo. , nnd vlco president of the bank at Chadron , has been visiting the Magic City. Gcssler's Magic Headache Wafers. Cure all headaches In0 minutes. At nil druggists , Troops Going Ilonin. A largo detachment of troops from the Indian country will leave Uushvlllo today in n sleeper and fivccoaohos forLcavcn worth. The command will include about two hun dred and fifty men and thirty-flvo ofUccrs , Besides tbo passenger coaches there will bo eight cars of baggngo and sixteen cars loaned with horses. The train will arrive In this city Sunday evening on tbo Fremont , Elkhorn - horn & Missouri Valley railroad and will bo sent over the Missouri Pacific as a special train to Leavenworth. No Snfor Itpmody can bo had lor coughs and colds , or any trouble of the throat , that "Brown's Bronchial Troches. " Price Uj can Sold only In boxes. Mr , Miner W. Bruce of Crclghton , whohns spent most of the past year in Juncau. Alaska , left for Washington yesterday , T-Io goes to look after the Interests , of parties who are seeking to extend the pre-emption laws to Alaska. OfedtnlUUionaof Homes The Shaift of Persia Though aihanccil ln.c.iri , has h.ilr of raven hue. Oray halri ICTB stilctly prohibited hi 'uls dominions , andi ln'iico the large ship ments to that coiartij of Ajcr's Hair Vigor , by tlio use of wlilch ( lie Shah's subjects save not only their hair -Imt their he.iiN. Ayer's Hair Vigor restoresulus natural coloi of the hair. U sliouldto-oB every toilet-table. "Sonic timeagnxnyhairlep. n to fndc and to fall nntjobaillfttliat I thought I should be bald ; but the two of Ajci's Hair Vigor has restored tlic original color and niailc my hair strong , abundant , and hcaltliy. U does not fall out any tnor * . " Addle Shaffer , 540 Itncflst.Cmcliiiiatl.OIilo. "My hair ( whlclf lad partly turned gray ) was restored to its youthful color and beauty by Hie me of a few bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor. I shall continue to use It , as there Is no holier dressing for the halr.- ( InldoOapp , Ocorgeana , AU. Ayer's Hair Vigor , DR.J. C. AYER. &CO. , Lowell , Macs. Sold by all Drugglits nn.l IVrfiimcri. Drs.Betts&Betts Pi/slnj , S'jr ' n ? ail Spjclallsts , 14OO DOUGLASS STR.1HE1T OMAHA , NEB. Tlio mont widely nnd f.ivorublr t'nowu spcc- allstsliVttio I'nllol Mutes. Tfie.r lone ex- Dcrtuncc , remarkable skill aiid iimvemr.siic- ci'ss ' in thn treutmunt unil cmonr Nervous , Uironlonnrt Surgical ISOU ) | CH. imtitlo these oiiiliu-iit physicians to the ( nil confidence of tlio ntlllctoil uvorj where. They siuiniiitco : A CIIllTAIN AND I'OSITlVH CUItK fur tliouwliil effect intently vlco nnd the nuiiicr * ousuvlUthntroMoK In Its train. nuvATE. it LOO n AND SKIN DISEASES speedily , conipl.Meh" niul pVrmunPiitly eurcd. NKUVOUS lKllltITY AND SEXUAL IMS- 01(1)121(8 ( ( yield readily to their skillful treat- nent. 1'IhES , FISTULA AND RECTAL ULCT.US sruanuiteeil cured without palu or detention rom binlties ? . IIVnitOC'ni-K AND VARICOCELK pormn- lently nnd successfully cured In oveiy onso , syiMIILIH. UONOKitllKA , OLEET. Sper- imtorrhei. : i-ciulnil : AVeaknesu , Lost Manhuod , ' t. KniJsslons. Decayed Kiicultles , 1'einalo cnkniis anil ull dollc.ito . disorders peculiar orltlicr sox posltlvoly cured , as well us nil uiiftlonal dhordcrs tliat rcsiut fioni jontliful 'ollles or the e\ce s of.inntnro yours. Tlv ITTIIR 1 < ' 'Uiirantcod ponniino n tly oiixiui u i-iouicd , romovnl complete , without cutting , caustic or dlliitiitldn. Curia cIToetod ut lioino by patient without a mo- ncnfspiilnor niiiiiiyiiucc. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. A < \TTkM7 fllNR The awful otTecls of OU1\.L , LU1VL , mry | vlco which lirhiRa irt'iinlo weakness , doatinylni ; both mind unil body , with ull Its dreaded ills , permanently cnrod. hK' < s lU'TI' * ? Address those who have 1m- Lll\O. IJL/ 1O juitifd tlicniischus l > y 1m- iropor Indulx'onco mid sollturv lialilt , which -uln both mind and liwly , uiiUttlng them for jiHlucf.sturtv orimirrlnjjo. MAKHU51) MKN or tlinso entering on that i.ippv life , awatu ul pliyblcttl debility , quIoKly usslsted , OITE SUCCESS Is based upon facts. Tint 1'ructleal experi ence. Second K\ cry ca'ie Is specially studied , tlius startlni ? rlht. ( Tulrd medicines uro nepnied in our laboratory exactly to Hiilt each cui-o , thus eflccMug cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NED. With Double Wire Suspensory. PATENTED AUQ , 16,1587. IMPROVED IDLY 29,1890. ii n'r.v . nn. OWEN'S JKLECTBO-OAL- VANIO IIODV > : HKI.T AND 8US- I'KNSOIIV will euro all Itheu- mntlcComplalnta Lumbago , ( icn- ornl nnd Nervous . Dcblllty.CostlTC- ness , Kldnor D'.feases. ' Nerv ounncsa , Tromb- lint ' , , Heiunl Kz' tlnustlon , Wast- Initof body , Uls- enses ciiuscd by Indlecretlons In Youth , Ago , Alar- rlod or Single Life , oaei ury. BENT TO TlWPONSinijp. PAUTIK1 ? FOH CTH- TAIN COill'LAINXS ON UO DAYS' TRIAL. Alto iin Klcctrlo Truss anil licit Combined. Bend 8c. po'tnKO for rnrB Illustrntert book , 250 panes , which will bohcntjou In pliiluecalcd envel ope. HintlontliU paper. Address Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Go , , 3O6 N. Broadway , St. Louis , Mo. TRADEMARK Tit B On KAT TRADE MARK . _ t * nt tun lv\t r ) . , H" Anunfull- Inif curufor bcm- InalVCAkneit , Hptriuatcrrboc * . IiDpotvncir end all dUeaies that follow fit n o- quenco of Holf- obuio ; ajl.oijof BIFOBimi D. XT0 AFTIP5 TAKIRI. Pnln In the Dock , Dluneii of Vlilon , I'remttar * Old Age , and rcnnr other < JU ses that lead to Uianltr orconsuiupllon nndaprematureiirnTe. IF- Full purlieu Inrs In our piiraplilet , which we cle- elro to > eml free by mill. to srcrr ono. tv'i'bo Hpa- clflo Mcillolnali B < ilj t W per packattt , or ill pack- n ei for 16 , or will bOieiitlreoU mallon receipt of the money , bjaiiilrciitnj THE GOODKIAN DRUG CO. , 1110 PAHNAM STIIEKT , OMAIIA , NED. On nocount of coimUrfelta wo have adopted ti ! wrapper , tbo aalr genuine , D R. FAILEY GRADUATE CENTISr A 1'ull Set of Tooth on Kulibor , for ' A perfect ( It Riiarantoea. .Tuolh cxtruotod without pain or ttoujor. ttnl * 'It ' out ai.iics- tlietics. , Gold andi iver < at lowest . I'ooth with- ratea Bridge nnd'C ' iwn V. outultitos. All wutlf OFFICE PAXTON BUOCK , loril AND FARNAM En trarco , ICtli street elevator Opcnovca- Es until 8 o'clock Auentl to sell the I'lnles * W A NTF D VV/liN X L.LJ - clothes J > lnc : the only line ever Invented that holds the clothes with out pins ; u perfect success ) patent recently Isjufd ; wild only by upcnts , to whom Iho ex clusive right Is given. On receipt of M cents wo will bend a Kiunplo line by mail : til so clicu- larsj ptleo list and twins to iiKOnt. Si'ouro vonr territory at nnco. Address TIIR 1'IN- LKfcS OI.OT1IKS MNB CO. . J7 Hormmi * U , Worcester M-isa r-r n./f Mornhlnr Ilnlilt LJ jMjLmtnrmdia luto2O < Uri. d.Btt.J IIEpat 8I.iUnoii,0. ASTHMA CURED. chlADanji'i&fttbcri Cinnwr/atltite t c _ Dutdnl re/iy la ( bo f rtl cicj | iuturfi cum * [ rbrtiblt iliipi efftcti curei wticra ll < tbcr < M. 4 I trial ranrinru tin nut ibptical. 1'rlc , , COrllBlxl 101.00 , of Urogrtiti or br mall. Baraiil * FUtE for 1 DR. R. BOnirFKANN. BtIPanl. Minn. OUR REGULAR SEMI-ANNUAL SALE OF Kiln ODD SUIT PANTS W.UU Which is now in progress , has proved a HOWLxING SUGOEXSS. We have placed on sale in. four distinct lots several thousand pairs of odd pants , left from broken suits during the past season's business. In the course of each season , we sell a great many coats and vests from suits leav ing us the pants. Instead of putting them into regular stock , a pair at a time as they are left , o and getting full price , we keep them until the O end of the season when we ma ice a D GREAT SPECIAL SALE D of them , at about half price , giving our ; customers a granjjl D benefit , at tlic same time making' a big advertisement for our selves. We desire to call the D PAH.TICUI.A3a . ATTENTION { those of our customers who have bought suits of us during the past season and-whose pants are now ornamented with "fringe P on the bottom , " to the fact that they may be able lo match their coat and vest with a pair of pants P AT ABOUT HALF P3&ICE. A These Pants come in all shades and colors. They come in A all styles of Cassimeres and Worsteds. They come in black Cheviots of every grade. They come in all sizes from 30 to 40 N waists , and from 29 to 34 in length. N LOT f Several hundred pairs pants , every dc- AT < scription , worth not less than three delI - T ONE : I lars and from that to tlllCC Mil a quarter. T LOT Hundreds of pairs of Odd Pantsi n all materials , worth from four fifty to TWO : five dollars s : LOT ( Great piles of Pants of all grades and _ , . , _ _ _ < in all colors , worth from five to six M , THREE : ( dollars LOT Consists of any amount of the finest "j goods found in any clothing store , and > FOUR : worth all tlicvay \ up to seven dollars and a half , "Goods at Our Special Sales Don't Last Long. ' Corner Fourteenth and Douglas. We close at six thirty. Saturdays , open till ten THE BEST IN THE WORLD. ARE MADE BY TFIE Woonsooket & Rhode Island Rubber Go And wo nro their western agents and always carryuliirostoclc. Address , 1204 and 1206 Harney Street A California Herve Foot ) . Mnkcs Now I'resli lllnod and 1'ro- Cures AiLi-inla , ijvriilulii , Ilnd C'irrulallnn and all Impurltlon of the Blood as veil a tlm [ oWowlnff Nerve DlBoason , viz : Nvrintts inl Pliyiloial Delilllty , Vilnl Kiliiiiillon , I'M-- niaturo Decay , 'rrcml > llrir , llyslfil.i , r.Vr- TOU lluiiilnclm , I.IHH ol' l'i\vcr In cltlivr bi-x , N < iroii ncit4 In any I'orin. Cold lliinila nr I'vvt , I'rtln In Hit ) lUck uutl olhcr forma ol . . Ir.JIIobt > 'H Nrrvo Tonic iPllls brine the rofly tint of health to the shallow cheek. Weak , nervous ppdplo iliould take thin creul Life Renewer. Try them , and juunlll Join ttiotlioiraniH of hnpiiy m n mil xioincn vvhu dnllr Ijlcss lr , JotD lor III ! ( Treat work In tlielr bchnlf , 'lliey are cuRar coatixl. & 0 cents a vial , For lalo \ > j UUKISU ( n by mall , Address HDBI'S HUlCINt CO. . HOPS. . tAM rniHCISCO , Oil. roil SALK IN OMAIIA. KKI1 , UV Kuhn fi Co , Cor , ISlli & Douelan Strreli .1. A. Fuller Co. , Cor 14th . Douplun StrcctB. A. I ) . Koiler fe Co. , Council lllua , Iowa. AMO PRINCIPAL r uainTa evtnvwHKni DRJ.C.WESIS NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , HoectBo for nyiterla , Dlnlneii.Ftf.K ur lifla , Wivk * ( ulnMi , Mtntal Utprenlon. Holtonlnitol the ultlnr In Insanity asd leading to misery deottr and death , rrero&ture Old Age , JJairannei * . ioi uf Powwr In cither BOX , Involuntary Lostet , and Bpermatorrbcc4 caui l lir oruMiertloA ol tbo brain , felf-nbuio or orer-lndtiinnce. Xoch t6x contalniond month' ! tr au mcnt (1 ulinx , or ill for 14. rial liy millimpalil. With each order for ill l > oi . will t-vnd punbanor mtar > DU > a to refund mciuy It ttia treatmtnt f Ua M turn. Uu ranUo4l u laiuluintunt iolJoulrLj GOODMAN DUUQ CO. , - - Omthi N.b , DR. ELECTRIC BELT JSL. ' ' * < tA\'L' < = , r . rSs > SJ r r v ? . BEIT AND JUSPEUSORl lr.i. . Ua.le for llilllj > lBl pur- po < t , f r l Gi rillt nnkitMi , llTlDrrf li , lld , oolh. let , Cull o i < m u of KUttrlellr ikrouib all KKAS fiRTS. lu lb.iBloHHl.TII , l + llIUlP ( ( lTKt\U111 Uxlrlt ti > nt > t rill Uiliill ) , or loilcit Jl.uw ) in oiB UKLT tad Hnp t.corl C M.plll 43 , Kn4 ptonl ctir r * llr 4 n4 In tbrt nonlfai. H ftl 4 ranjl.tlil Krtl. o. . nt u u.iiu ' FRENCH SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE : ml pormanenl CUfl E lor all dlieiiefoTlhoURINARY ORGANS. Curet whemothirtreilmenlulls.FiUTdirtctionivtltheach bollle. Price , one dollar. Sea signature oi E. L. STAHL. For Bate By All Drugglsti. & " Qy * < np fiinG JLIlg JDdl g dlllo Arc being offered with the idea of reducing our stock of Men's ' Suits , at $12 and $15. M c are showing suits that would be considered cheap at a much higher price. Do not fail to visit otir Children's Department. It is gaining in favor .each day NO GUR.KI NO 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nob. Beveiitecn joari experience , A regular ( rrni.i tn in niMlclne , a dlplnmti "how , lotlll trontlnj with IlieitrcMcst Dic < ' , nll Nerroui , Clirunlaancl I'rlrnin Ultimo i. A purmanont cnrn KiMr.tntwl for Catarrli , bprriuutorrliiin , I - > i > t .Miniliood , f omlnalVcaknni9 , Muht l/jiioi , limiolvnur , UyphllU , Btrlotiiro , and nil illi- emei oftho IllocxlSkin unit Urloiry ( Jrifnin. N.ll. Jiiiuirantoo IVX ) forovorjr uaio I unJertaka nnJ full t < i euro t'cnaulnlloiilruo. Uouk.Mriterluto ( Ufu ) tout ( roo. uaicuhouri Ur. in. too p. ui. SuoJari ) 14 u , in. tel \ in. Men who arol.icUnff In vl l force nml vlirnr. or are ruU anil nervfiui f nun nnycans1. bcmlut once for ivnlcil tnfnrn utloii , t'ltl'.i : , of the Nriv Caiuinnn Hrnin Hume Cnrr , Nil clrclrln non- noinf. ho RtoiimtliUrnititliiK. Certain cure fur all "Weftkm'i e ol men , An < lre AlblourharnincyCo.IIoxl 4 , Alblon.MleU. GET WELL-STAY WELL lltnnlieilone. It yoii.MA.V , ywiUK or old.hava itiiy Wikiic-M ! , MHllorinulloii.Iiclilllty.Oury.'ji iilli : m-l > l ' .VI. t < . , lliijfnlo , .V , Y. , and In