Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; F11IDAY , JANUARY 23 , 1891.
The rcstnurnnt of FrnncnU In Tim
BIB : building , fucinir' on Seventeenth
street , Is open to patrons today ,
Ton cases of extract of moat from
London for the Richardson drug com
pany passed the custom house yesterday.
The Gilmore oporn company came in
nt H n. m. , from TopcUn , Kna. , In a
npcclal train over the Missouri Pacific.
This afternoon the nnnunl mcotlnp of
the stockholders of the Nebraska Ma
sonic homo will bo hold at Freemasons
hall.Tho temperature- reported by the
local signal service was ns follows : At
7 a. m. . 10 ° ; at 10 a. m. 21 ° and at 1 p.
ra. 26 ® .
A tnnn named C. O. Fisher \vns ar
rested yesterday for working a flim-flam
rrmno upon BOUIO junk shop keepers on
Tenth street.
A benefit ball will bo given this
ovenlnp for the family of Captain John
Anderson of No. 6 hose company , at
"Washington hall.
The annual meeting of the Nebraska
Veteran Freemasons will bo hold tonight
nt Freemasons' hall , on Sixteenth street
and Capitol avcnuo , to bo followed by
the usual banquet.
Yesterday morning flro destroyed
the grocery store oi David Brown at
Fifth and Williams. The loss was about
$1,000 on the stock o.i which there was
an lasuranco of $000.
Mlnnlo Green and Al Dolbrldgo wore
tried iif police court yesterday afternoon
upon a charge of having robbed John
IlnsUncB of Aurora nt Miss Green's place
on Ninth street. They were held to up-
pcrtr in dibtrtet court under bonds of $100
The first bunch of notarial commission
renewals reached County Clerk O'Malloy
yesterday. They arc printed instead
of engraved , as uero those of lastjcar ,
and bear the iiuino of James E. Boyd ,
governor , In big , bold typo twice , and
oncd in the signature.
Wesley M. E. church , corner Fortieth
nil Hamilton streets Revival meetings
4yo held every night until further notice
* dor the leadership of Rev. Kodn-
bough , of Mlndcn , Nob. Great interest
is being manifested. Come friends and
help the , good work to go on.
The special services which have been
in progress at the Castollar street Pres
byterian church for two weeks are in-
crnoalng very inuuli In interest and at
tendance. The chorus singing is ex
ceptionally fine and the Sunday school
children are contributing very largely
to the success of that particular feature.
The * pastor will preach a sermon
tonight directed to man especially.
Custodian Alexander , In behalf of his
cloven tenants on the nostolllco block ,
makes the statement thai they are pay
ing lent ranging from $8 to82o per
month , the prlco depending upon the
promises they occupy. The lessee of the
Cld Planters' house 'is running a cheap
lodging house and receives froml to $10
per month for the rooms , but this in
comes is about to bo cut olT , ns the old
building will bo torn down next month.
How to Ilrcak Up a Severe Cold.
From the Virginia City , Mont. , Madlso-
nltm : When wo find a meulcino wo know to
possess genuine merit , wo consider It a duty ,
mulvo tuna pleasure In tcllliiR the public
what It U. Such n medicine we found Cham
berlain's Conga Itcmcdy. By the use of this
eyiupoliao relieved , in n few hours , se
vere colds , and in tlio course of two or three
days , entirely broken them up ns has several
of our friend * to whomVehnvo recommended
it , It Is nil it is represented to bo by the
manufacturers. If you have n cough and
want to stop it , Chamberlain's COURIJ Uem-
cdy will do the work. For sale by nil drug
Sim's Mncn Collars.
Saturday morning wo will offer 300
dozen men's ' nil Hnncn 4-ply collars ,
latest styles , standing and turned down ,
at the extraordinary price of
worth $2.75 ; they will bo sold in dozen
lots only.
Also , 100 doon cuffs in same quality
nnd best style at
$1.60 A DOZEN ,
worth $4.50 Saturday morning Janu
ary 21.
Men's unlnundricd shirts , S9c.
Men's travelling bags , $1.25.
Men's odd undershirts , 50c.
A. Corn Exhibit fc'ccuretl.
Eight members of the real estate exchange
occupied sixteen chairs at the roeulnr moot
ing yesterday , while Secretary Wilson , In
asteutoilan voice , read a letter from Ilobert
W. Furnas , secretary of the state board of
agriculture , to the effect that the winter corn
exhibit of the board woulu bo turned over to
the exchange. This exhibit will bo arranged
In the rooms of the exchange for the Inspec
tion of visitors.
A number of letters wore road from parties
In Iowa asking fur Information concerning
Omaha. The folder Issued by the exchange
was sent to thcso pooplo.
The listings wcro ns follows :
Lot 0 , block 17 , Bedford Place , 60x12" ,
Lot 5 , block 17 , Bedford Pluco , 50x120.
The following sales wore reported :
LotO , block 14. Hose Hill , SJOO ; 430 acres
unimproved land In Cuminn county , $7,200.
To the proprlotorof Salvation Oil
Thou bast built a living monument ,
A euro for hints \vitb llttlo money spent ,
Salvation Oil , the greatest llnlmcut.
No ono now thinks of a domestic or for
eign trip , without a supply of Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup. 25 cents.
' Mr. McKco Rankln , the well-known and
popular actor , supported by a poweral com'
pany , will open a two nights' engagement al
Iho Graiul on Saturday evening in "The
Canuck. " The character is that of a French
Canadian , a typo of character found along
the southern bonier of Canada. It is an en
tirely now creation and should bo an oxacl
reproduction of a "Canuck , " as the actor's
early Ufa wns spent among that class of pee
Mark Smith , the wonderful baritone wltt
'Tho Sea King , " for years was a Bostoi
oratorio singer , and alterwaril drifted intc
opera. Ho was lioro la 1883 with the Faj
Uemploton opera company , anil shortly nftei
Joined the Casino forces in Now York. TUor <
his magnificent voice * and splendid nrca'onc <
inado him a great favorite. Mark Smith in
herited bis vocal powers , for his fatbor was t
great baritone singer before him.
Commencing Sunday evening next , oni
continuing four nights , the Boston Howan
Atbcntcuiu specialty company will occupy tin
Bingo of the lloyO. Tins season It wit
present tbo great Clnnuovulll , the wonder/u
jupRlcr ; the ilvo Boisattes , horizontal bai
performers ; Miss KotoDavis , imitator , will
Ilvo distinct voices ; Dutch Daly , Fritz am
Webster , the Howard quartette , the I'oluskls
Miss Marion Hnyinnn nnd the Salambos.
On Iho foUr nights following tbo Howard
thonieuin company Mr. Joseph Murphy , tin
legitimate Irish , comedian , will bo the attrac
tloti at the Boyd , presenting the foltowiiif
repertoire i Thursday nnd Friday evenings
' TUo Sbtiun Hhuo ; " Saturday evening , "Thi
Kerry Gow , " and Sunday evening , ' -Thi
Donagu. "
Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday of thl
vreoU WMM tbo tlatos booked by the Emrai
Abbott owru company , and wcro can collet
Bwmg to Vho death of the star.
Special Bale for Friday In All Dopart-
ItcmnnntB Dress CJoortfl 25 Tor Cent
Discount Clocks 0 i'cr Cent
Discount-Unreins In
tlio llitHCincnt.
Tomorrow wo shall oflor two cases
choice now dark calicos nt So a yard
corao early , second floor.
Wo slmll conllnuo our snlo of dross
goods remnants from 2 to 0 yards they
have been' our best Eclllng goods this
EctiEon nnd nro now ranged on ono table
from tlio marked down price on tbo
main floor.
bargains In boys' winter overcoats.
Bargains In boys' winter suits.
liargalns In boys' kilt suits.
bargains for Friday mid Saturday.
$12 fur trimmed overcoats for $5. -
$ I capo overcoats for $1.75.
SO capo wool overcoats for $2 76.
$3 heavy whiter suits for $1.00.
So winter tweed suits for $2.DO.
$7 line wool suits for $4.75.
$10 extra dress suits for $ J.60.
$12 French woistcd suits for $7.75.
All our-boys' clothing is thobestmado
Mnin lloor Farm-m street whiff.
Friday and Saturday a special sale of
house furnish ing goods.
Coul hods , 18c , 22c , i0c ! , SOc , 35c.
10.000 articles on n 'lc tablo.
6,000 articles on a Oo tablo.
All glassware at factory prices.
Special bargains in bird cagoa.
Carving knives and forks , 16o to $3.00 ;
usual pi ice , oOc to $7.50.
Sllvorwarp , pocket nnd table cutlery ,
piano , banquet and fairy lamps , carved
wood bicad plates , butter plates and
and all our bric-a-brac , bronzes , vnfacs ,
all on ono general halo tomorrow at
discount from the regular prices. Don't '
miss this salo. Como and look anywivv.
Mr. Anton lUisdi. from Main ? . Germany ,
ono of tbo largest \vino growers oiithoHhiiio ,
Is ut the Hotel Barker , a guest of Mr. Gcorgo
Krug , general npcnt of tlio Anheuscr-BusLh
Brewing association of St. Louis. Mr.
Anton Uusch Is n brother of Mr. Adolphus
Busch of St. Louis anil lias been to California
iuvcslimiting the great wino iutctests und
possibilities of that state ami speaks of them
with the enthusiasm of nn expert. Ho says
the time Id1 not fur distant when California
will rival both Franco and Germany In this
important industry.
Physicians nf nil ! -olionla "Will Sup
port it Dill for a New tmv.
Leading physicians of the state hnvo pre
pared a bill to establish a state board of
icalth and rcgulnto the practice of tncdlcino.
Ono of their number has requested Tun BEE
o publish the following copy of the proposed
act for the information or physicians of all
schools throughout the state :
iVhillfor an act to establish n state board
of health nnd to regulate the practlccof med
icine in the state of .Nebraska , and to repeal
the act entitled , "An act to regulate the prac
tlco of medicine In the state of Nebraska , "
approved March 8 , 18SI , and sections 1 to 11
inclusive , of chapter r r ot the complied stat
utes of the state of Nebraska.
Ho it enacted by the legislature of the
state of Nebraska ;
Section 1. There shall bo established In the
state of Nebraska a board to bo styled the
State Board of Health. Said board shnll
consist of the governor , attorney general and
superintendent of public Instruction , nnd
the governor shall bo ux-ofllclo chairman of
said board.
See. 13. Said board shall moot upon the call
of the governor within thirty days after the
approval of this act ana shall meet thereafter
as often and at such times as the governor
mny from time to time designate.
Sec. 3. Said board shnll within sixty days
after the approval of this act appoint three
secretaries who shnll bo graduated physicians
of at least seven years consecutive practice ,
and who shall bo at tlio time of
their appointment actually engaged
in practlco In the state or Nebraska ,
Ono of whom shall bo appointed for the
term of two years ; ono for the term of four
years , and ono for the term of six years , and
thereafter it shall bo the duty of said board
to appoint , or ro-anpolnt , ono secretary every
two years , ns the terras of those heretofore
appointed shall expire , but each secretary
shall continue in ofllco until his successor
shall have been so aupointcd. Said appoint
ment shall bo so that ono shall always bo a
physician of the so-called regular school ; ono
of the so-called eclectic school , and ono of the
so-called homeopathic school ; provided , that
no secretary shall bo a member of the faculty
or staff of any medical school or university.
SEC. 4. Said secretaries shall hnvo the
power and It shnll bo their duty to "assist and
advise said board In the performance of Its
duties ns prescribed by this act ; to summon
witnesses and to take testimony in the snmo
manner as witnesses nro summoned and depo
sitions tnken under thocodo of civil proced
ure , and to report said tcstlraonoy to ths
board together with their tinaings of fact ,
nnd recommendations on all matters coming
before snld board requiringovidence for their
determination , cxcent ns hereinafter pro
Sec. 5. It shall bo the duty of said board to
see that all the provisions of this act nro
strictly enforced ; to grant certificates ns
herein provided and to cause to bo prose
cuted all violations of this net. Said board
shall hayo and use a common seal and may
make and adopt all necessary rules , roRUln-
tlonsand by-laws , not inconsistent with tlio
constitution and laws of this state or of the
United States , to enable it to perform and
transact its business under the provisions of
this act.
Sec. 0. A majority of snld board shall con
stitute ' a quorum for the transaction of busi
Sec. 7. It shall bo unlawful for any porsou
to practlco medicine , surgery or obstetrics or
any of the branches thereof in this state
without first having obtained and registered
the certillcato provided for by this act , and
no person shall bo entitled to the certltlcato
herein provided for unless ho shall bo a ,
graduate of a legally chartered medical
school or college , In good standing.
Said qualifications to bo determined bj
ho board : provided , however , that
nothing In this net shall ho construed to pre
vent physicians residing in other states from
visiting patients In consultation with rest-
dent physicians who have compiled with
this act.
Sec. 6. The term medical school or college -
lego iu good standing shall bo dell tied as fol
lows :
A medical school or college requiring n pre
liminary examination for admission tp Its
courses of study , and whicn requires as'rcq-
uUUo for granting the degree of M. D. at
tendance , on nt least thrco courses of lectures
of six months' each ; no two of said courses
to bo held within ono year , and having a full
faculty of professors In all the different
branches of medical education , to wit : anat
omy , physiology , chemistry , toxicology , hy
giene , matcrla mcdlcaand therapeutics , gynecology
cology obstetrics , principles and practlco of
medicine and of surgery ana clinical In
struction in the last , two ni\mcd ; provided ,
that this thrco Year clause shall not apply to
degrees granted prior to July , ibUl.
Sec , 0. It shall bo the dutv of all persons
Intending to practice medicine , surgery or
obstetrics In the state of Nebraska before be
ginning the practice thereof in any branch
thereof to present his diploma to said board ,
together with his aftldavit that ho is the law
ful possessor of the samo. and that ho has at
tended the full courses of study required for
the degree of M. U. , and that ho 1st no person
therein named. Such aftldavit may bo taken
before nny person authorized to administer
oaths and the same shall bo attested under
tbo hand and oQIcIal seal of such ofllclnl , if bo
L vo a icul ; and any person swearing falsely
In such aflldnvlt shall bo guilty of perjury
and subject to the penalty therefor.
Sec. 10. If upon investigation of * altl
diploma and aftldavit the applicant shall bo
found entitled to practlco there shall bo Is
sued to snlil applicant the certificate of said
board under Its scat and signed by Its secre
tary , stating such fact ; end It shall bo the
duty of the applicant before practicing to tile
sucti certillcato or a copy thereof In the ofllco
of the county clerk of the county In which hoer
or she resides , or In which ho or she Intends
to practlco , such certificate or copy shall bo
filed by the county clerk und by him recorded
in a book to bo kept for that nurpoio and
properly indexed , to bo called the "Physi
cians' Hcglitor , " and for such services the
county clerk shall receive from the applicant
the same fcos as are allowed to the register
of deeds for the recording of conveyances.
Sec. 11. All physicians who shall bo en
gaged In the practlco of medicine at the thno
of the passing of this act shall , within six
months thereafter , present to said board tbclr
diplomas nnd affidavits as heroin before pro
vided , or In the case of persons not graduates
who nro entitled to register find practlco
under the provisions of the act entitled : "An
act to regulate the practice of medicine In
the stuto of Nebraska , " approved March ! ) ,
IbSl. An aflldavtt showing them to
linvo been entitled to so register
nnd practice , and a certified , transcript
of their registration under snlo net.
Ami upon their doing so shall bo entitled to
the certillcato herein provided , which they
shall file with the county clerk , as herein
provided. Provided , that no ono having the
qualifications required nnd having compiled
with said act of March It. 1SSI , shall bo liable
to prosecution for failure to comply with this
net until the expiration of said period of six
Bee. 12. It shall bo the duty of said secre
taries to keep u full record of all the nets und
proceedings of said board and of all oortlll-
cntes granted thereby , together \Uth the
proof upon which sucb certificates nro
granted ; but when said proof In any case
shall hnvo been on Ale in the ohlca of said
boaril for ten days said certificates may bo
isiucd by said secretaries without a vote of
the board , if no protest has been lilcd , and If.
in their opinion said proof complies with the
provisions of this act.
Sec. 18. Any person \yho shall have ob
tained the certillcato provided by this net
and shall remove to another county ihall before -
fore entering upon the practlco of hli p4rofos-
slon in such other county cause said certill
cato to ho filed and recorded in the office of
the county clerk of the county to which ho
has removed. The board may refuse ceitificatps
to persons guilty of unprofessional or dishon
orable conduct and it may revoke ccrtlflcatns
for like cause ; provided ulwajs that they
bavo given the person an opportunity to bo
heard In his or her defense.
Sec. 15. No poison shall recover In any
court in this state any sum of inon6y what
ever for any medical , surgical or obstetrical
bcrvicoi unless ho shall hayo complied with
the provisions of this act and is ono of the
persons authorized by this act to bo registered
us a physician.
Sec. 10. Any person not possessing the
aualillcations the practlco of medicine ,
surgery or obstetrics required by the provis
ions of this act or any person who has not
complied with the provisions of this act , who
shall cngngoin the practice of mcdiclno , sur
gery or obstetrics or any of the blanches
thereof in this state ' shall bo deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor nn'd on conviction theicof ! bo lined In any sum not ICMS than $50
nor moio than. S300 and costs of prosecution
for each offcaso ; and shall stand committed
until sucn Hue and costs uro paid.
Section 17. Any person shall bo regarded
as uractlslng medicine within the meaning of
tills act who shall opcrato on , profess to heal ,
or proscribe for or otherwise treat any phjs-
icnl or mental ailment of another. But
nothing hi this act shall prohibit students
from practising under the supervision of u
icgistored preceptor or to prohibit gintuitous
services in case of emergency. This net
shall not apply to commissioned surgeons in
the United States army and navy ; and also
it shall not apply to nurses la their Ictnti-
niato occupation , nor to tlio administration.
of ordinary household remedies.
Sec. IS. Any iterant vender of any drug ,
nostrum , ointment or appliance of any kind
Intended for the treatment of any disease or
injury who shall by writing , printing or any
other method publicly protcss to euro or treat
disease or injury or deformity by any drug
nostrum , manipulation or other expedient
shnll bo guilty of a misdemeanor , and upon
conviction thereof , shall bo fined in any suni
not loss then $00 nor more than $100 , or bo
Imprisoned m the county Jail for a period oi
not less than thirty days nor more than thieo
months , or both , in the discretion of the court
for each offense.
Sec. 10. The secretaries of said board of
health shall receive for their services'the
sum of 85 to be paid by every applicant for a
certificate hercuudcr at the time of making
his" application and for their , scrvipo in
taking of testimony the same fees ns arc pio-
vldecl for notaries public for similar sorvkes
piovldcd that applicants under section 10 of
this act shall pay the sum of 51.00 only.
Sec. 20. The act entitled , "An act to rcgu-
late the practlco of mcdicico In the state of
Nebraska. ! ' Approved March 3 , 1831 , and
section 1 toll inclusive of chapter 55 of the
compiled statutes of the state of Nebraska
and all other nets inconsistent heron 1th nro
hereby repealed.
Sec. 21. Whereas nn emergency exists this
net shnll take effect and bo in force from and
after its passage.
VenI , Vldl , YIcl ! This is true of Hall's
Hair Honcwcr , for it Is the great conqueror
of cray or faded hair , making it look the
same cyan color of youth.
Death ofOolonul fmdlngtr > ti.
Colonel E. II. Ludlngton , late assistant Inspector
specter general , U. S. A. , nnd brother of Dr.
Ludington of this city , died at Unlontown ,
Pa. , Wednesday evening.
Colonel Ludington was born in Somerset
county , Pennsylvania , May 27 , Ib35. He
graduated from Washington college hi 1S53 ,
ami studied law ur.der Secretary of War
Stantoa. Ho was admitted , to practice in
Pittsburg nnd practiced law there until 1601 ,
when ho was appointed captain of a Virginia
coniD.iuy in the war. Ho commanded tbo
battalion in the battle of Gettysburg nnd
was with the troops that suffered such dis
astrous losses in the swamps of Little Hound
Top. Ho was promoted for gallant and meri
torious sen-Ice in this fight on April'0 , 1604 ,
to the position of major and assistant inspec
tor-general. On March 13,1603 , he was made
nontenant-colonel for meritorious service in
the Held , nnd colonel for faithful service in
tbo department of inspector-general ,
At the close of the war ho imulo the trip
as a member of General Thomas' staff to the
Aleutian Islands and afterwards served on
General Crootc's staff in the Department of
Columbia. Ho then wont to New York nnd
served on General Hancock's staff , returning
to Omaha in 1870 as inspcctor-geneial of the
Department of the Platte under General
Crook. Ho retired from active service in
1870 and bns sluco lived at Uniontown , Pa.
Quinsy troubled mo for twenty years.
Since I started uslig Dr. Thomas' Klcctrlo
Oil bavo not had an attack. Tbo Oil cures
sere throat at once. Mrs. Letta Conrad ,
Standish , Mich. , Oct. 24 , 1SSJ.
A. Fllmllnmmcr In Trouble.
C. G , Tlcrmon is awaiting trial for film-
flamming Isaac Levi out of 13 oa a novel envelope -
volopo dodgo. Ho has Just completed a sen
tence In the county Jail for a similar Job in
South Omaha and it was while In jnll thnt ho
was apprehended by Levl. The victim is
positive that ho has the right man.
' ' " '
- - - - - - - - - - -
- '
- - ! , , . . . . - -
. . . . . . - _ . _ ,
Cbntinental Clothing House.
v * *
Overaoats and Ulsters. High Grade Clothing"
A bona fide discount of twenty per cent means more to
the purchaser than some of the absurd offers of goods at half
price and regardless of cost sales. Such clothing as the pub
lic wants can't ' be sold for half price. A discount of twenty per
cent will be allowed at the desk 'on every overcoat sold this
week in the Men's and Boys' ' Department. Every lot is inclu
ded in this sale. We have many more overcoats than we wish
to carry over , and have adopted this method , knowing that
the discount from our already low prices will make this the
most important sale of the season.
Men s Overcoats , 20 per cent discount. Men's Ulsters ,
20 per cent discount. Boys' Overcoats , 20 per cent discount.
Boys' Ulsters , 20 per cent discount. Boys' Cape Overcoats ,
20 per cent discount.
of Pine Wool Underwear.
This week we place on sale the balance of our winter
underwear. In fine grades we have carried a larger stock than
usual this season , and the mild weather has affected the sale
of heavy underwear. We are determined to close out the bal
ance of our high cost grades , and have named prices that ought
to interest every close buyer.
Sar ans and Spacialisls ,
Tno most widely and f avoruMy Vnown spec
ialists In the Unltol Stales. Their IOIIK ex
perience. remirUulilc skill nnd iinr/ofsiu suc
cess lu the treatment and euro or NOMOUS ,
Clironlo and Surgical Diseases , entitle thesu
eminent nhyslclnni to the full confidence of
tlioanilctod ovorvwliore. Tliov Ktiuraiitpo :
the nwf ill effects of early vice und the numer
ous cvllH tlmtfollow In Its trnln.
) op < llly , coinplAtolvnntl pcrmnnpntlv cured ,
NKitvous bnniLiTY AND SEXUAL ins-
OltunitS ylold roadlly to their skillful trout-
etiarnutced cured without pain or detention
from business.
nontly und successfully cured In moiy cusc ,
inntorrlica , fcciulual Weakness I.ost Mnnhnoil ,
Night Emissions , Decayed Kucultles , I'omulo
Wuukneisand all dcllouto disorders pcoullar
to cither BOX posltliely cured , us well ns all
f u notional disorders t hat resn It from youthful
follies or the eiicessof mature years.
TPIfTIIl ? ! * Guaranteed pormun o n tly
O 1111 U l\l * cured , removal complete ,
without cutting , caustto or dilatation. Ourvi
oftcctcd nt homo by patient without a mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
niTPTho awful effects ot
tt. OUKli
UUKlicnrly vlcu whloh brliiRs
oru-anlo woalincss , destroying both mind und
body , with all Its dro.dod ills , permanently
HP's ' I IJTTQ Address those who have 1m-
UIVO. DbllO patted thomsolvcH hy Improper -
proper Indulgence- solitary habits , whlcn
ruin both mind and body , uullttltig them for
uiiilncss. stuily ornmirluso.
MAUUIEU MEN or thcso entering on that
happy life , avaro of physical debility , qulukly
assisted ,
Is based upon facts. 1'lrst Practical cxnorl-
onco. Second Kvery Cisn ! Is apoclully stualud ,
thus starting riglit. Third medicines uro
pruparert In our laboratory exactly to suit
cachciibo , thus eftTectlng cures without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
To euro rtlllousness , Blck noadncho. Constipation.
ilolarln. Liver Complaints , bikn the oifo
and certain Ileniedr , SMITH'S
TJ otho8MALI,8IZE(40 llttlo boons to ( lie bottle -
tlo ) . They nro the toast convenient ; suit all fltfOB.
rrlceot either slsa. K&cenu per boltla.
If IQ&INrV * 717 * 7 ° i I'hoto crnTura
IVIOOHVl.panelelioof Uus picture tori
ecnu ( coppers or stamps ) . >
J F. SMITH ft CO .
Makers of VllJle lieans. " SU Louts. J.Io.
Bpetda for wi.i , ir .n
tulnoii , tltnt& Utpiwuon. Botlenlnif of tlio
ulllnic In Inianltjr sad Itadloir to mlicrj dw r an.t
daithrrrtnuturo Old JB" . Birrennt . Low ot I'qwor
In either 101. Involuntary i.pmonu HvMirmotorrLnn
cauiwl by v-iiUo-\ ot Iho brain , Mirhuio or
QYerliiduiftnce. Kadi box conialiuon jmontta treat
ment. II a bo l , or tit for V > . nt by in Ml | < n [ > al < l
VTIth each order for li tiotrt. will tcnj purcbasor
RuartnUe ta refund ncner If the trealratnt falli W
cvirn. Uuariuitoca UsuiJ andKiotuco luld mlylir
JUOIi'unmia Street. - - Omaha Neb.
A Tull ScfQt Tint1 !
on Kubuer , for-
without danRor.
pain or
thctles. Gold and silver JL" ' 'th
Work Tcotli
rutea. IJrldgo and Crown
outDlatei All work warrunU'U.
Entrance , l th street slevatoi Obunovou-
( i until 8 o'clock
Woonsooket 2 Rhode Island Rubber Go
And wo nro their western agents nnd always carryalarostoolc.
Address ,
Bmeman [ land Sewed Shoe Bo
1204 and 1206 llarney Street
will secure the insertion of one-
half inch 2 times in the
following papers.
Circulation 1,126,000.
Springfield , Farni& Firesideboth ed'ns. . 253,000 ,
Louisville , Home and Farm 60,000
Philadelphia , Farm Jourcal , 200,000
New York , American Ajrilculturlst , 107,000
Springfield , Mass. , 1'arm and Home , 250,000
Cleveland , O , Ohio Farmer , 07,000
Clitchinalj , American Grange Bulletin , . . . 46,000
Chicago , Prairie Farmer , 35,00-1
New York , Kural New Yorker , ' S8.000
Atlanta , Southern Farm , 40,000
66 & 68 W. Third St. , Cincinnati , 0.
Mr PAlnllnK and Paporlinnklng builncu. Kntnb.
oIKIied 1S6U. Una n neil elected muck of Wall
r l > er , Wall Moulding' , I'atati , llrutliei , eta.
610 S. 10th Street , OmtUm.
For piles
use Pond'a Extract.
tm.r-nr. laaae't Periodical I'llli
erencruwBJf. act OQ the mcnitrual ifiteta and
cure lappronlun from wlutorer caim. l'romul
uetutruitlun. ThCfOUllKiUoulUnut bo taken dur-
L,6 pregnancy. Am. I'lU Jo , llciriltr I'rop * . Hpea *
cerClay Co. l.v ( iouuleubr Mliorumn i McConnell ,
Doduait. . ooarl * . O.Ouiabai O. A. Melchar , HoutU
ki M. 1' , KUU , Cvuucll Ulufft. II , or i tot i *
LOT. NO. 1.
We call special attention to a lot of about 50 dozen Nat.
ural Wool Underwear , in regular sizes , full finish goods , sold
season for $1.25. We will offer at 750 each , and repeat that
they cannot be duplicated for less than $1.25. They arc fina
goods , suitable for any gentleman's wear.
LOT NO. 2.
Pine White Australian Wool. Price $1.00.
We place this lot of 75 dozen of the finest quality of Wool
Underwear , such as we liave sold all season for $1,75 , all new ,
fresh goods , in regular sizes , at this sale for Si.oo each , and i (
not found as represented may be returned and money cheer
fully refunded.
Mail orders will be promptly filled on either of these Tots"
this week. Send for a suit of these goods with the understand *
ing that if they ore not found to be just as represented they
may be returned at our expense.
Odd Garments. Prices SOc , 75c and $1.OO
Special attention is called to a quantity of Odd Garments
in Fine Wool Underwear , broken sizes , some lots have shirta
only , and some only drawers. They are all high cost goods ,
sold all season for $1.50 to $3.00. They will be closed at this
sale for 500 , 750 and $1.00. You must come early on this lot.
They won't last long.
THaQTVfeTTl'f'1'nfP TQ
1 fc/IIlp llilg JOdl g dlllb
Are being offered with the idea of reducing our slock of
Men's Suits , at $12 and $15.
We are showing suits that would be considered cheap at
a much higher price.
Do not fail , to visit our Children's Department. It is
gaining'in favor each day
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Eovoulccn rears oxporlcnco. A regular graduate In mcdiclno , ta diplomas ihow , Is Mill trontln ? wltfc
( lie greatest succc.s , nil Nerioiis , ( 'hronlo and 1'rlVQto lUoi.ioi. Apnrmanont euro guiirantood for CaUrili ,
Bpcrtnntorrlurn , l.oxt Munliood , hemlnntWeakneii , Nlxlitl < oi > o > , Impotency , Hyphllls , Btrlcturo , and nil dll >
en'C'softlio lllood , akin and Urlnirr Owns. N.ll. lnunrnntua tJUO fur arerr case I umlortako and full V >
cure. Consultation froo. liook ( Mjritorlet o Llfo ) tout f reo. Ottlcohourii 9o. m. toil p. m. Bundsyi It
a. ni. toi \ in.
It CUM be trlt en In cup of * IYr. ur UM or In r
H.IM of fi > i > < ] , nltboul tbe knawledco of lit * patient ,
U neoMfiiry. It If abaolutaly hurmlMa and will eflot
p.rm.D.nt and > p < 4y our. , whtltur the patlrnt l
AJLM. It operate ! 10 qui.ilr and with tuch e.r-
taloty Hut tbo patient tindtrKoe. no Inconvenience ,
K rrmiMly fur all tlm
unnatuial illiitliarKPi ami
prlvatnillncurranf mm. A
certain cure lor tbt * ilclilll-
tatlne veakmsj peculiar
_ . . , J lire.iorbelt nnd f eel > nfo
THlE NSCKtWiCICO In recnuimcDdliiL-It to
ill sufferer * .
Nol hy DriiKKlfta.
Tr.t. -'i . : Bi.oo.
Tft ill FA IftipDki nuffcrtn * from oi
I II WrAK MrN tllu crtrcta
I U IWInHIm III II youtliful error )
tarly decay. wMtlnit weak now , loit uiaubool , via.
I wfll Kn.l Aialualita tnatlna ( willed ) contalnlnt
full particulars for homo curr , I'llKI ; nt clmrxu
A plenJld inuUlcal work I alimild bo road lij evt-rj
man who 1 ucrrnui an < t drl > llltnt a. AdilrrM
I'rof. F. V , I'OWIilillj Moodu , Cotiu.
"SANATIVO , " tht
Wonderful Hnnnlib
llemid/ ( old wltli a
ta euro all Nertoun Dl -
COiCB , BUCll U Wdk
Memory , Lou of Ilrtla
rower , Headache ,
Wakefalneu , Luit Mia-
liood , NcrrouiDiM , 1M-
iltudc. all drains and
Before < t After Uso. loia u ( power of tti
rhototrraphcd from life. Generative Orgnni , In
either lei , caused vj
over-exerllon , youthful Indoattloni , or the ciceiilr *
use of tobacco , opium , or ttlmulanu , which ultimate/ !
lead to IiiHrmltr , Coniumptlpn and Inmultr , Tut tip
In convenient form to carry In the veil pocket. I'rtof
l a package , or ( for 13. With every 15 order wo KT !
written Knunintro to euro or rnfuiiil tlio
inouoy. Sctu by mall to anjr addreen. Clroular < rt4.
jitentlou thli paper. Adilrcai ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Ilranch Office for U. 8. A.
47Ir.rrH.rn ] Strrf I. riHCAOn , II.I.
ICnlin & < ! o. , Cor , 15th & DotiKlaa 8U.
1. A , Fuller ic Co , Cor. Utli & DouuluSU.
A.U. Toiler & Co. , Council llludi. la.
. . . . . . . Jagnetto Uaau9
Truti. " Ithairurcdthoutand. I If you wanttu *
IIHh'l-iend.oln tamii < orfre r mi > liltt No '
aUUcllo Klutlo 1'ruu Coi Bau t'r ucU < ; i '