THE OMAHA DALLY .BJUIfirPKIDAY , JANUARY 23 , 1891 , HIE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , & Firm Tone in Qrala Throughout th ( JEntiro Session. P/UplDGE CONTROLS Tilt WHEAT PIT , A. Mtxttiro of Ncwi Corn Fnlli ti liulil t'p nil Usual Closes nt tlio Weak Point of tlio Dny. CntCAflO , Jan. 22. [ SpeolnlTnlojram to Tin llrn.l Although the first prices on 'changi were lnirdly on n level with tlio closing fit ? nrrs yesterday there was a firm tone soon do tclopod In thogrnln markotnwhich wnsprott ; well held through the first liotir. 1'rovlslou * on tlio other hand , opened flrtn nnd steady but ut once weakened and pork declined lOc. It was 1'ardrId"o's mnrkcttn wheat most o tlio session. This operator la short ngrcn line. running. It la claimed , Into tlio million ; Ho was credited with buying wlioat tlio firs hour nnd thuro was a rally of M mi this bo.lot In short order. Hull tin I in that liu found tlio market too buoy ant to attempt to cover cxtcnslvol and tint ho a aln turned n seller to get thi flown turn tohulp him out. Tills theory wa In keeping with thn ai'tlon of thu marUol Mny wlicat upuncd nroiiud OI5.o ( and Ol''c touched Ol'io nnd inovod right up to 05 % < from this point tlioro was a hrualc of l'c ' ; t Wj'c nt midday , with a Ilttlo recovery toOI'i at once , During curly trading Hoyden .t Co Mllmliip , Iludinan , Walker & Co , Kcnnott Hopkins , Mitchell nnd Logan & 0o. were a ! good luiyers. When the prlco wns around 95 I'nrdrid30 stopped t'.io ' advauco by Ills olTor \t\K3. \ \ Illoom plunged In and took over00,00 ! bushels at 05o. It was reported that ho r < loldngood part of It to 1'fird rldgo at U4J < a few minutes later. Oiulnhy , S. \ White : Co. nml Italdwln & I'limum wei icllem. The news < if tlio day was soinowhn mixed. I.lviiiiool cables wcro firm and $ i Mlniiuupolls receipts wcro souiowh.i lighter nt 19. ! cms , with 7J cars shipment : 1'ilvato dlspituhes claim that many smal tountry elevators lime been emptied with tli view of closing thorn us the fanner's receipt iru M ) ll lit. Liberal receipts at tcrmln.i markets arc explained lu this way , Tlio fn < Hint country oluv.itor owners will m.iko 11 itntoiuont of stocks nppeais to Justify this In Icrencc. Tlio statement that Olossa wlie.i Itocks were largely Increased over the forme Itutomont nnd nro now calleil nearly 10.0JO.OO bushels was used by the boars , llalllinor Ihowc I of 3iOJ3 bushel * , s il I to b for HonleuuY. Continental crop damage wi liven a rest. The tndlc.itlons were for auoi mil a contlmi itlou ofJio favor.iblo wcathc vcr the wlioit st'itcs. The rceolpts hero \ \ ci under the estimate at OS ems and the cstlmal for totuonow Is small at 41 oars. Tl heaviness In the mnikut was ovc inoro noticeable later In tlio session and at 6'clock.May was ntOKCc. or UioolT from l.i : hljht. The low prlcu.of tlio day for wheat wi reached just b fore the close when M.i touched { , Hlo under the close lust nl h 1'ho eloko w as a shade better at 9iUc. : Januiu was nominally 54'c ; toflo under JIuy. July so t OD\e and OO'io to 00 Vo to SO o to SO o at tl tlosu. Corn fulled to hold upas It has done fora fc Bay past. The market opened ut a slight d tllnoon orfeiliiKhby I'.irdrlilgo. There was nrotty ( joodr.illy on buylnir by receivers I Norton k Worthlnirton and by scalpers tra liiK tifriilnstprlvlloKes. Cables ere llrm ai hlgliir , Hocclpts hero were a llttlfcovor tlioe UniutntitSO'i cars , but cant.ilnediiot a car rontrnct corn. Tlio opening was at Sl.'io f May and , after touching Oljjc , the rally wns lie. There was free selling at this flguro an with tlio weakness In wheat the price decline toMiio before noon. The estimate for I'rlda was " ( JO cars and this helped to break the nm kct toSlua'il'Vcboforol o'clock. Corn closi at the low prlco ot the day nt 51 > io for Mu Janunry wus quoted 3o under May , closing IS c. I'olirunry,4'JJic , off to 48 ? c : July , 52'i off toCl c. Thcro w s no news of any sn Into In the day and little outsldo buslnc : liny corn privileges were nt 51o for puts , 51 ! for calls. Oats sold off ; o from the top prlco of tl morning with corn , but lalllo.l bcforo tl close nnd at the close was but ! io under In nlKht. May ranged uUJ o to 45'Jc1 , closliiK i t5g < &l5tc. ! Not even n nominal llsuro coil hail for January oats and nothing wns defer for June. July was quoted nt41io ! and 40\ closlm ? at 40&C , The best buylncc was I Hutclilnsoii. ' 1 he provision market went opposite to t gram markets all day , with 45uohus ) ) at tl yards. Dispatches reported prices abe llcadv. This did not pro vent an early raid the prices of products In tlio pit. Mess no was told oil quickly at from J10.CO to tlo.l lard , Ji'.lL'Vi to ir > .10 , and rlbn ouuned ut t bottom prices ot thu ilny , nt J5/.5. Tlio low prices caught some outside buying ordois n icalpors and shorts turned In and bo UK o freely as > to bring about .1 rally. Later , t Cutliiliy pucKlng company was given up nrutty liberal purchnses nnd this caused fi thorKcnornl liuyliiK. At thu close- pork \i atmw ) ; Inril. JtUSH ! ribs , J5.2. ' 'Jo. ' J01 the being about the best Hull res ro ached. - i'nici:3 : AT CHICAGO , COM MOIUTVl UPOII , I I Hull , I Low. | ClQ 0. I YCI Wilt. AT Mn . . Juljr. . . b'.W Conx- MU-M OATS I POIIK Mnr. . . . 10 CO I052K 1067 10 ( RIIIH Mnjr , . . . 5 25 & 30 625 5 2T b : LA nn May. . . . 0 124 0 10 0 12H ! Cl IMIICES AT ST. LOUIS. roMMOlUTVlUpon. I Hlgli. | lx v. | Clone. | Yc ; WHEAT Alnr ra July COIINjlnjr jlnjr 46 OATH- OATHMay. . . . . W-W 45M-W Dnnnl NoteH nnil Gossip , ITonvy trading In provisions on cull. Duluth Uecelpts , II carloads of wheat. Estimated hogs at Cho ! igo for Friday , 3fl , ( Minneapolis Hccelpls.10) carlondsof who Bt. Louis sold u good doul of whentat 0 Bt. Louis receipts : Wheat , 0.000 ; corn , 43C oats , 24,000. Illoom hold Pardrldgo In ono of the offices ifhoat at 4i. OlonranccsntNuw York ; Corn , 28,130 : on 1,570 ; Hour. 1U,7U. Bt. I.ouls-Oash wheat , 03'iSOTo ( ; corn , 48' ISHo ; oats , 44o bid. ' llofstoday ; at 0 points 20,000 more than ( laiuuday last year. rstlnintcd rocolpta nt Clilcngo forl'rld : V hciit , 45 ; corn , 2oO ; oats , 125. Bt , Iouls reports that tlio millers bought earn Utah nuil WuhhhiK'ton wheat. St. I'OiilH.-ShliiinoMts : Whont , i.2fllliuslit : ! corn.b.OWbushelB ; oats. 2iUKbusho B. A St. Louli dispatch says inlllora houcht cars of WashliiKtnu wheat consldorably bol the market urleo for No. 2. Total clearances at four ports ycstord Wheat , ; 14Ml ) : corn. ai.'KT ; oats UI.W5 : lie EO.HtJ. This does not Include Helton. It was rcportid ut Chicago that ; t2,000 hn rlsotuJieat were OIIXIIKUCI for shlnniont llordeaux. This pays ua Import duty ol cents per bushel , Receipts at Chicago : Wlntorwhoat , 8 : C ( rado , 4 ; : corn , un ; oats , 140. peeled regular : Winter wheat , none ; Ct rude , nom' ; hprlns. H ; corn , none ; O.IIH , M. Kecolplsat ChlciiROi Wheat , 0,155 husli BKiilust 2SMl lust year ; corn. 44hOO bush iiKalast 1S.,500lust yenr ; oalB, hush calnst 40.000 liiBtyenr. Slilpiuunta. of win 13,1111 bushels ; corn , 7,045 DushcU ; oats. 4t bushels. Kcnnott Hopkins k Co. to Clirlstlo-Lnth Com. Co. As most of the corn holni ; rucel at Chicago l.s the now crop that Is tlio rea for so very llttlooflt tirudlnc contract. ' eorn la too moist. Our No. a will gradu N In Now Yoric. neerbohiu cable : Cargocsoff coast of wh and corn mitut , steady. On pnssaio ; wli Hrinly held , corn rather llnuor. French oo try markets , tone generally firm , weal milder , Mvorpool wheat opoucd llriuor , c quiet and atcndy. Liverpool Cain.Ui SilBhest prlco 7s 0Jd.VallaWnlla7u ! t > Stocks , wheat In Odessa l,2U5OtXuuartor ) . R C. Lou an d Co. to Hen 11. IlrynniVi ) < innrkot opened firm , ( HM , May , local opc.rnl bollovliiKpurohasos of yesterday would followed up today wcro buyers. The out ! biiNlnrsa wus Unlit and the buyers of yesten teoamo sellcra when the market roacho : ! M lolllin ; a uuurter lullllon busheUIn ono Ih'ow.iHdonuln ' thoolllcoof one of the vi uilcalon hinitos. AH noon us known there u ( . ' 1'iiertil fclniniodo lo well nnd lots of 1 I olilliisH were bold. The murket closes W with very little kupport to lu buch rullle : fustcrday ur to bu expected and for c tlmn to com o will follow all docllncsof n cent and orer , Tlio ninrkct will contlniio a sculp- InzmnrKot until moro Isknovfnof thORrowlna crop. Provisions itrnily at the dccllnu. until tlio rocelpts of hosi f all off wo cntinot have hUh prlcoi poriiiancntly. W. O. McCormlck to T. 0. Swnrtr. A Co.-Thq traders In wheat liavo boon a disappointed crowd todny. Ilotli hulls and hours liad looked for u Ilttlo further rally from Mon- diiy'a hro'iW , Instead of which they had aorv dull unl heavy innrkot , The buyhu which win started by u few bulls toilay was not con tinued , Imt on the contrary tfipy Hccincd In a hurry to accept tholr Ilttlo ptollt'S. The nowg was ponor.nlly dlscoiiraidiiK , Ho3rbohm reported - ported the sloe * nt O Icssa 1.23o , quartcr < nlilcli showed nn Increase of ; | .U03OJO lncu tliolr lust icport of Novumbnr i , Added tc this vamu thu news that 'milters In St I.ouls lind lioiuht I2J curs of who-it , Ulnh \Vnshlnston , which shows thu abil ity of thu Piiclllo slope to supplement tlicli Rbort crop from the laritu one of the I'acltlc Kxportswcro finiill from the Atlantic coast The inurltct closes heavy at about hotton prlcei und wo sco nolhliut to lead us to hope for an Improvement , Corn was lower nnd vcr ; dull , showing that the advance of the pas ! two days was entirely caused by tlm cmcrlm o ( shorts. RnceliitSHluinod amiirkcd Impruvo- incnl nnd oath demand Is by no moans urKcnt Wo do not look 'or any further upturn for th < present. 1'iovlsions opened loner on livrk'o 10 o.'lptsof lie ? ! . but tuut wltliK'.od liuylni ; 01 tlio break. Ono or two bear packers- won hiivurs early but resold tholr puicliaius aftei the markut reacted a little. Kcnnett , Hopkins A : Co. to Chrlstlc-Lnthroi Com. Co. Everybody In the wheat pit had i tip todnv tlnit u tlKht was on hutwccn Illoou and Paid rldKo and all eyes Hero centered ot tlio two Kliidl.itori. Pardrtdn was the llrs on the ground ami won the toss for cnrnors IlliiDiii cainoiip snillliu and when I'ardrldKi olTurc'd a UiO.O i lot at Ota took It and bid thn 10J.IOI more , which PardrlilKO sold , and of fercd him thethlid lUO.oOObiitlt wnsnot tiikun I'nr inuio tlmn two hours the nonlllct wacei with noducldod nilvniitnirnon cither side , bu tlien Itwns known that Illoom had sold ou tlio most of Ills wheat In thoolllco down stalls Thurcilpon there wns a rush to Hell thn knocked the prlco down nearly n cent In Ics than Iho minutes. Itlonm has recently mad several pltioky trl.ils to stop the tlounwun tide , ami whlln ho may luivo been u smal ulnneron the last trans ictlon. It Is liardl ; piobnhlo that the Roneral result has cncour uKcd him to stick to tlio IOIIR sldo. With si narrow d market and such heavy loon slocks advantages nro decidedly with th bears under the leadership of I'ardrldRo , whosi success has made him bold and axKnsslvc 'Jlio close wus about at tlio bottom price with a lit'tivy look for the near future. Ther was n bin Kcnnrnl trade In cotu which wa weak most of tlio day In splto of light ro eolpts , small stocks , tuid very poor Kradlnp Considerable of tlio sol line was by cult lev nKalnst cash holdings In tnocoiintiy. Amen tlio sellers were I'ounselinnn. Baxter , llueonnnd Iiwln Qleun. Oil the buyliiK sld were lluteli , J'ltton and Itoss. The mat let cloiod on the bottom after llnctuatlnir. ? . ( c With liirUGt locotpts which may bo expected \\o iiutlulpato louor prices. Pie > lsson opened weak nnd loner but on the dccllnt tlio I'liorinoim demand fiom snorts wns ( level oped , which lifted the market and it close about the siiiuo as yesterday. When the dc maud for May pork nt about $10..V ) Is satlsllc wu think iimoru rapid decline will follow , n Mop lo s orders will uccomumoro numerous a liquidation p CHIVAOO LIVESTOCK. , Jan. 22. [ Special Tolosram to Tn Jlnn.1 CATTLE The general market was uKal slow and prices rrithoron the down turn thai otherwise on nearly cvcrthlii ? in the fat cal tlo line , IcaUntt values a good 25o lower tha a week ago on tlio ordinary run c fat steers and such ns Rr.ulo boloi best are oven lower. Too man cattle arc In sight In both the east and th west. Cow stock continued to sell at fully a low prices a : In midsummer the only c.xcep tlon belli ; ; now nnd again a load of heifer that are utmost equal toHenri ) In quality Thcro Is Ilttlo or nothing now In the stoolcc trade. Two loads of fancy Hereford ? sold n J3.50 ; clclit loads of fancy shortlioriis at $5. ( Ci. > 40. Extra and prime export steers sold a I1.75 < a490 ; $4.0Dl.iO ( ; common. $1.505 3b7W cowsl.l5U2.7. > : stockers , lions There was Ilttlo or no change lu th market as compared with the close yusterdaj funy , the turn was rather better , yet th narUct la 15o lower than at the opening of th veok. UouRh a ml commiiu sold down to 7.1. : M.iB : ; fair to uond packers , $ -l.1.r ) ® 1.55 ; prim loavynnd butuhcr wol ht . $ . ! .033.05 ; Ugh W.45OJ.55 ; light-light , $ . ' .75i.i5. : ! NEwYonK , Jan. 22. [ Special Telesram t TUB HER. ] STOCKS. Tlioro wai little foatui o the stock market during the morning liouri first prices were little chanaoil from the do ; yesterday. Foreign orders were so few tia t mvo little Intlucnco. Silver showed funlit weakness , staitlng nt $1.04 and dropping t 'l.03 ' ! { . This was not mot hy a correspond In niirovcincntin | stocUs , ua on previous day Jhlcui"o Gns received much attention and i once liroKo 3 points and had a tondcncyl Irag tlio other stocks down. Huilln ton sol olTtoDOUSt. ; 1'aul to 53 ? ; Missouri t'uclf oG5 , and Union 1'aolflo to 417. . Luckawnnr lost 'i to * U7 ? $ . Vlllard stocks he ] up nrotty woll. i ho tnurkot bcuamo ovc inoru dull before 1 o'clock and showed no sl of a rally. Late In the dny the sellliu pre sure In Chicago Gas lot up and that stool ; n covered to 4Ji { . This allowed : i inoro nattin fcollni ; lu railroad stocks and there wns u n covcry fioni Uiwost prlei'3. Money was oas and tlio further reduction of the Hank of Kni land rate Indicated an cnsy fueling abroa Atchlson and Lnokawanna wcro each olT and all other stocks about steady , Sales we lii.0ll : shares. The followng wcro the closing quotations : MONRY On call , easy ; closed offered ut per cent. IMtiMi ; JIEHCANTII.T : I'AIT.II C9 per cent. STEUMNO KXCIIANOK Qnlet. stcatly ; blxt day bills. ! 1 SIM ; duniand , * l b7 ; . { . NKV01IK STOCKS. Blocks. Open. | lllgli. I Low. I Clone. I Yea W.AU I-- 87 27 2 Maiilialtnn. 10l'M ' ' ? $ 10 Wiiljiuli pfd 2 Krlo 20 ! ( 2E Cnnncli So. Mat Ill E rnolllc.Mnll. at i IjikoMioro , ' ? 107 1C $ I.XN 77M 7 I.eail Trust. iwj C. O. 0 IKH Norihwost'n 1CIi 5Io. 1'uo Ii Union l' < ic. , HU 4 N. 1'ac. pf.1 71 7h.lV 5 N. 1'flC. toui , 71mi 27VJW 5t 5S C. , II. 4 Q. . . mi W t Itock laluml 7UJ ) WI' , 70) ( St. t'aiil WM H. 1'nnl pfd , Went , Union " 7 ! ) I > , 1 , . & W. . il" 137 } . 13 Ktiunr Trn t ? ow 77 78 5ft 78m Am.Sutt.Kf. owK m ft Jcrapjr Cont. K 11 New K UK 1M Itlcli.Tvnn'l 18 1 Atchlnon. . . , 18SO 1t riilcajo Um t llcntllne 4 llel A IIiul , 1 ! 1'ullraivn 187 187 is ; U No. Am 187m 1(1VI ( n > } * Mich. Cont. . m VI w Mlvcr 101 IOJJ4 111. Cent. . . , L KV. . Wla.Cont. . . Jlojr. Cont. , 2I A. U.OI1. . . , THXIH Teuu C. 41 S7 Wnll Stroot. BtorltnK$1.7. BI.8 , Dank ot Cngland rate reduced to cent. Coffee very stronz. Phlpp'a Illo cable s : available stock , 51,000 bags. Atchlson earnlncs fcr second week of Jai nry Inclusive , (22.1'P. Hun I'ranclsco Inc givefMlX ) . Total InclusUc , t2S,3r. . Kcnnott Hopkins & Co. to Christ Iiiitlirop Commission company : A tl patch from Itlo "Janeiro announces Unit I cabinet has resigned In n body owlnv to u > yorgonco of views between mlnlbtjis a ProHldcnt Da lonsoca with resard to the T rea 1'ort sclicnio. Keimott , Hopkins ft Co. to Chrlstlo-Lathr Com. Co. This has Leon an uiievunt day In thu btock market , and tradl has boon almost exclusively In the haiula room operators. The llr&t disposition wus boll on the iiKuKct , and tills wns aided shari ) pressure brought iiKnliiht Chicago a wlileli really has been the only prominent fi ture In dealings. Thcro are many htor lloatln ? about regarding the affair * of Chlci Qu . Those started by Its friends nro m hopeful , claiming that the company U now accord with thu nftlolals ot the city and tl a11 differences will bo adjusted all tight , I aim being to oruunlto a legal company wh will bo unassailable In thn courts. On tether t other hand gossip reports President lllllh us saying that the next dividend Is so far that ho can't nt'O It , and that the oorpo tlon counsel BIVH that sulu against so | rntu gns companies will not ho dronp that Iho RUN trust IN an outlaw , etc. The fuc bo far us speculation in the stock 1s ei corned , scorn to bo that bomo largo trail who bought heavily at low pricci have , lu I pAit few day * , realized find thnt the broa < Ii dnotothosQ me ! . Prlco rallied soniotlilns over 1 per cent from the lowest point reached. Bllvor cortllcntcf ( ) have again boon wrnk on the rciinrt that thecovcrnmont had bnuilit the full niiotn for this month nnd that ten daysnould ulapso bofnro nny further pur chases would bo mado. In the fast hour prices KGiicrally r.illlod fraotlonnlly on buying by room traders to cover previous stiles. The market closed steady nnd very dull. Money is easy. Total sales , 110,000. The CodVo Mnrkot. Nr.w YOHK , Jon. 22. [ Special TclcRrnm to TIIE HEB , ] CorrnE-Optlous opened steady , uncliangctl to A point ; up. Closed stonily G to 2jpolntsup. Sales ! 32.2oObag ; . Includ ing January , $17.00 ; I'obruary , $ H.45Ttl650 ; March , 113 05aii.- : ; April , $15.00 ; May. HR.V 150.1 ; .tuno , K1VIO ; July , ll.VWj Pcptombor , $ ; Uccuinbor. * i7.i' : Ui7.60 : spot Ute active , flrmor ; fair cargoes , $10.00 ; No. 7 , JI7.M. Sllnlnc Hlinrcn. NEW YOHK , Jan. 2i , [ Special Totojrnm to Tnr. IlUE.l Iho following are th'i mlulng stock quotations ! Allco IM llomo tnko 610 Adftins Con 1iS ! UornBllTor 975 AKpcn ( TO Ontnrlo 3'UO Cotorndo Con 103 blorrn.S'crndn , ICO Con. Cal. , t Vn 375 I'llOIt VVJK31A ItKKT. CnicAno , Jnn. ? 2. Otoso Whoat-Steidyi cash. H7'iC { Mn > , KlVftlni'ic ! July , f" Oorntoady ! cnsli. 4iitstci Mny.SlfXc. Oats I'asyi cash , 4Wci : May. 45 ? < c. I'ork Stuiuly : cash. } | 0.12Vi ; May , JIO.CO. Lurd-Uasli , * 5.75 : Mny.H.19) ) ( . Short Hlbs-Btoady ; cash , $4.85 ; May , $ . " > .27i ! ® 5.10. Hyo Quint at 70o. Hurley riim at'.io. I'lax-Stoady at 51.111. Timothy Steady at 1.25. Whtsky-SI.14. I'loiir Unclmngpd ! winter patent ! ! , li.&O , spring patents , * l.403l.bO | bakers' , . . Hulk Moats Shoulders IIIOfiW.15 ; sliort clear. tlOVittUO ! short ribs , $ ( ,7.vai.M , llutter Unchangodicroanicry.lG ® We : dairy. IW-Mc. Cheese Unclmntred ; full cream Cheddars. n'4ft'Mc ' ) : fluts , OKiOlOo ; Younj Amotlcas , loa 10'jc. Kups-rirmor : fresh. 2IK22Ko. Itldes-Unoliangod ; light and heavy green altod , riiiTjw ! o : green , 4i4lo ; salted bull. He : croon silted oulf , Ho ; dry flint , 80 ; fait till , Mite j dry calf , 839c : deacons , each , 25u. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , Me ; No , 2 , 3c ; cake , 4o. KocolpN. Shipments. 'lour , bbls . 13.030 JO.OO ; Vheat. bn . 21.000 m.OO' Corn , bu . Ci.030 10,103 Oats , bu . „ „ . . . 140,000 119.03C NKW YOHK. Jan. 22. Whoat-Rocplpts. M.OOu nishuls ; exports , none ; sprit 34U c lowori 4o. 2 red , $ l.toln elevator : $ l.0fl'i nlloit ; II.UTi ( ill.dTii f. o. b. ; options dopi osscd nnd elosed I ( iUio lovscr ; No. 2 rod January closing at 1.04 J4. Corn Hccclpts , 14,300 hushels ; exports , S8..r OC bushels ; spot llriuor ; No. 2. Gli'SU'f.u ! in olo- vntor ; Cllo alloat ; nngriided mixed , UHi ® 'o ; opt Inns lowori January closing at fl e. Oats-Uccolpts. 4J.OOO bushels ; exports , UKK lushols ; spot Irregular ; No. 2 white. 52 J52'.Jc : vhlto western , filU'.Oo ; ml.xoJ western , MQ j3c : options weaker ; January closing utsl c. Sugar Raw. hold firmly ; fair rollnlnp. 47 c ) ld ; rcdnod steady ; low grades lower ; 0 , 6H W-lCc : ! ; extra C. 515-1057.e : whltoextra O , idW 0-lCo : yellow A , fijuo ; off A , fii@5jc. ? ( rotroloum-Unltcdolosed. February , 77Uc. K KS Weaker ; western , 27Ho. I'ork Dull. hard Weaker ; western steam , 13.05 ; Jan uary. $ ) OJ nominally. Jluttcr Easv : wcstorndalry , 122Qp ; cream ery. 124J17Jio ; ElKln. 2-f3Mlc. ! Oheoso htrong ; light skims , 5S8',5c. ST. Louis. Jan. 2. . Wheat Lower ; cash , 2V < S'J.ic : May , ftlWJlic. ( Corn Lower ; eiish , JHJic : May , 48' c. Oats Lower ; cash. 4lo ; May , 45Jc. } Pork-Dull at 410.37 . Lard Quiotnt } j.553.CO. Whisky $1.14. Butter Steady ; creamery , 21iJ22o ; cholco to 'ancy dairy , 212Jc. _ MILWAUKEE , Jan. 22. Whoit Kaslor ; No. S spilng. cash. S'GfeOc ; May. 88ic. ! Corn Higher : cash. 491ic. Oats Klrni ; No. 2 white , 458454c. ! Provisions-Quiet ; pork , May , $10.CO. KANSAS GIT ? , Jan. 22. Wheat Steady ; No 2 Inird. cash and January. 81o bid ; No. 2 rod cash , fcSlje bid. Corn Kaslor ; No.2 , cash , 47 0 bid ; January 47K47c. ! { Oats Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , 45o bid : miry , 4HJo bid. _ . Jan. 22. Wheat Cash whoa sold ( inlto readily after business once started ow giadcs rather Inactive. Kccelpts , 20J oars ihlpmonts , 80 cars. Close : No 1 hard , January Kv' ) : on track , OOo ; No. 1 northern , January and February , 880 ; May. OlUc ; No. 2 north cm , January , 8Gc ; on track , bO'/iG37c. CINCINNATI , Jan. 22 , Wheat Nominal ; Nc 2 led , Utic. Corn firm ; No. 2 mixed , 52'553c. Oats-Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , Whisky $1.14. _ 22. Wheat Firm ; domani fair ; holders alTer sparingly : red wcstcrr spring , 7s OVid@7s7d per cental ; red wcsterr winter , 7 Ucl. ! Corn Firm ; demand fair ; mixed western , C } { d per cental. _ _ _ _ _ _ LIVK SfOVK. OIIIOAOO. Jan. 22. Cattle Receipts , 15,00 bead ; market slow and rather lower ; fane heifers and short-horns , J. > .UKO ( > .V50 ; steui : U.5J(34.00 ( : cows , ti.irxft2.7.V stockers $2.153.o : llous Ilecolpts , 45,000 head : market steady rough and common , $ J.'JO.l.a5 ; fair t good packing , $ I4Y&I.50 ; prime heavy am butcher weights , JI.W(15 ( : | ( ; light. $ . ! .ivai50. bhoop Hueolpts , 7OJOf unchanged ; prim westerns. $5.00/55.23 ; fair to good western : $4.50 < S4.7ft ; natives , JJ.7J4.75 ; Texans , { 4.2K 4.50 ; lambs $ o.OOis5.9J. _ . Sr. Louis , Jan 22.-Oattlo-IJocolpts , 1,20 head ; shipments , 200 head ; market stead ) fair to fancy native steers , $ J.70i 5.oo ; stookui and feeders , } J.25Qi.25. : lions Kecclpts , 5.000 head ; snlpnionts,3OC head ; market strong ; heavy , JJ.&J&J.Gj ; mlxc ( W.VOitj.55 ; ; light , $ .l.2.VSa,40. KANSAS CITV , Jan. 22. Oattlo-KocclpU 2,800 head ; shipments , 2.030 head ; we.uc t steady ; steers. HUQOtSO ; cows , 81.501.0 ( stoekers and feeders , J.00 < 3J50. Hogs Uccolpts. 15,050 head : shipments , ,1,21 head ; market lower ; all grades , . ' .8Jii.03. 031 All A. J1AICKB FS. OMAUA. Jan. 22. IR01. OATTI.B Kstlmutea rocoiots of cattle 2,200 i compared with 2.40J yesterday ind 1.0 Thursday of last week , The market wn biroly steady on the best grades of boovi and Tower on common grades. Thu receipt of butcher stock were very poor and prices ui dcnior.tll/cd. Little was d ono In feeders. lions Estimated rooelpts ot hogs 0,10 as compared with 0.537 yesterday and 0,4 Thursday of last week. The market opoiu active and steady , closing very uctlvo an strong. All sold. The rungo of prices wt 11.00 ® 1.55 , tlio bulk selling at $3.M.i.40 : ; pig 11.23(568.50 ( : llght-IUhts , . ' .5082,75 ; light. $ J.HX ( U.jO : : heavy , tJ.U5i.r > 3i mixed. $ .I.205W.4J. Tl averages ot the prices paid wns $ , lKVi as con pared with U31 yesterday and $ J.4l Thursdi of last nuclc , SllKEiKsttmatcd receipts of sheep 010 , ' i compaicd with 0.1 Thursday ot last woe1 Thu market was , NoVt-es , (2.45Q4.50 ; wes orns , $ . ' .00481.20. _ Dtsposltlon ol' Stock. CATTLE. Swlft&Co . 3 The 0. 11. Hammond Co . „ The Cudahy Piichln g Co . 4 Van Hant k Carey . 1 Leo I'.otbsehdd . 1 K. llcckor & Uegan . Nols Morris . . . . . 1 Shippers mid feeders . il lions. The Cudahy Packing Co . . . 3,4 Oiunlul'iieUIng Co . , . 2.7 Snlft.V Co . , . . . . U G. II , Hammond Packing Co . 4 Shippers and feeders . 1,1 HIIEKl' . The Oudahy packing ooniptny . 1 The O. H. Hammond Packing Co . 1 Shippers and feeders , , . , . lleprcgontntivo SixIcB. STEEItS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av , Pr. No. Av. Pr , a . 83J 3 03 10. . 1088 W 50 10..12G.I $ JOO 1 , . 8.10 : i 00 fi , iiiO : 350 10..1284 400 1 , . K-0 3(10 2J..12J1 3 ( iO 15 , . 120) ) 400 14. . OH 3 OJ 15..KU-0 3 U5 6. JIO ! ) 421 2..12UO 325 S1..1IW ) 375 18 , . 1310 4 23 4 . .11JOM : \ 1..11W 375 10. . 1418 4 'M l3..1ltPO ( 325 10. .1120 3 b ( ) 12..12UO 43.1 31. . WI 3 tt 19. . 111 ! U DO 20.1430 4K 3. . DM 3 40 22..12UO 300 20..14C5 450 COWS. 1. . 740 1 00 0. . flTO 1 (15 ( 5. 040 200 J. .1011 125 2 , . UU7 1 tti 2J ,1UU7 200 1. . 810 1 25 8 , . ftK ) 1 7J - 21. . KC ) 201 I. .1000 125 11. Kl ! ) 170 1..1I70 210 21. . C2J 1 M 4..10U 1 75 1H..K2J a fl a . Oil 1 35 22. . K70 1 75 18 , , Urtl - 20 47 . W , ' 1 40 U. . 8 1 75 M. . 0110 220 U. . h77 1 8 , . 04J 1 75 3. . 117.1 225 ) 0 H l 1 75 2'3 31. . 871 14) . 15..IOIJ 1. HID 1 SO 17. . 1071 175 2. 117J ' - 2.1 3 , . Ofl. ) 1 5U 10 . Rll 1 75 21. . Ml 225 10. . h5l 10) ) 18. . 1100 180 1.120 230 1..1180 150 4 .1IIJO 1 KJ 4 , Bl'j 230 2 . CU 1 ( V ) 10. . 311 18) 4A10IJ 2.V ) 21 tX' 150 0. , U.17 IM tl. lll'4 251 ii , WJ.I 150 tl. , IHO 103 1 i-8'J 251 21 . 7C1 1 55 18..10JO 1 1X1 1 , 1050 ' 'M 10. . 00 ICO V.,11IU 200 2. 127i 30J 0. . 68i 1 C5 U. . 081 2 03 4 , 12 0 UUO nui.w. 3 1510 18) 1..12IO 225 1. 1C20 250 1..1TJO 1U 6..1J5J 225 2..1IMI 2 > 0 1. 1WO SOO 2 frn225 1 110 285 8 ISM 210 a. .iinr 225 i KTJJ 2 fa 1 1150 200 2. IIW 2S5 ft 1W 26) 1. 1100 SCO | | 225 2. 10O 21,5 I 1270 U 00 1..1JW 2 . ' 11 1 IBS ) 280 s low 200 3 Tftft 2ai 8..1.W nro 8'.iin 200 * i. ito 2is i HIO : ioo 1. I3M 210 2..JKO 243 4..1VT ? 301 4 .1J75 210 1 , , j $ ) 2W 1. . 19M .315 STOCKKttSllANtl HiUEH3. : I. . ! * ) 225 1I..I7M 86,1 4. . CTO 2 fO i. . r.a sw L.'iro ' sis t. iso 200 3. . " > ) 2M 3.7'J ' ) 27-1 12. . 71J 2 DO 0. . 715 255 10 . KB 2 ? J 11. . 812 2 W 10. . 781 SCO 8. . (170 ( 277JS 19..11M UU5 13. . 710 2C5 4..iX ( ) 200 cUvfcs. 1. 100 2 25 S.'Q ' ) 360 2. . IV ) n 0) 8. . 320 225 1. . 8 3W 1. . 110 a CO 1. . 400 240 l r Mt'xun. fl. . OfO 3 0..1M1 355 0..1061 355 7. . t8 340 iir.trF.iis. 1..1093 360 18..1017 380 OX UN 12..US7 200 Mir.KCIIS ANU SI'IUNOEIIS. 1 milker Ill ) 00 4 cows nnd calves , each 25 CO 1 cow und calf M 00 f \\nSTEIl.N CATTIjB. No. Av. I'r. Thotuns Hell fi cows 020 2 M 0 feeders , 817 280 7 Hirers 1107 315 . . 1 = 70 = M a stccra . iioj aoo itoas. No. Av , Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. I'r. 2 . -"JO 300 C5 . 201 1XH ) ilM 8" . 1117 BO a or. i.i . uss 80 a .11 104 . lf,5 - - 1107'S Kl . 277 83 315 M . 17.1 - - ; u,7M ra . ' . ' 7 ice : IH : 8'i . 170 air. TO . 2M 40 aa : 07 . . . .178 101 15 ? J . 217 SOO a 3.1 Ifl . M2 WI 815 NJ . 2V5 831 71 . 110 8) 315 ( II . 28'J S23 a5 ! 75 . lei so : i ir. 70 . tso OTI : m 70 . U14 S40 315 01 . 275 ! KO a 3.1 75 . LM4 80 1115 ( l . 1104 20J 113.1 ( ! . - > . 210 120 315 SO . 241 33,1 , 73 . aoa 40 320 ; e . 1107 a.v 7(1 . 200 40 320 78 . 215 120 33.1 81 . 200 HIIIL'O 01 . 210 W 3:17 : 4 82 . 201 IfiO 320 G1..2V3 120 33714 Kl . 221 200 320 ffl . 227 340 M . 105 80 32J 00 . If-'O 100 840 0 . . . . 2IW 325 (17 ( . . .28' ) 100 340 15 . . .211 ! 83 325 07 . 302 151 840 4'l . Ulrt 32.- . 62 . 327 40 840 tO . 241 200 .125 120 . . . .270 CCO 840 Oi . 2(15 ( 200 325 77 . 245 340 00 . 201 ICO 825 01 . 32(5 ( SOO 340 00 . 218 240 325 CJ..320 80 840 Ki . 221 210 325 0.1 . 283 40 84U 75 . 218 120 325 Gl . 284 40 340 71 . 217 80 3 25 03 . 814 210 840 10 . : iOO 325 CO . 3)7 ) 1JO 340 81 . 174 40 325 03 . SO , ! 340 OS . . . 'J.V > im 8LM 3J . ! 3JO 340 C' ' ) . . . . 2-Vi 80 32.1 C9 . 3U2 ICO 340 a . tl'JJ ' 32.- . C ) . Mil 120 342' , 8J . ' 'OS ICO 3 27'/ 47 . 375 40 342M 81 . . . . 219 120-327" M . 310 100 342 M ) . 11M ICO 380 M . 1150 bO 845 f > 8 , . . .2 : > 3 40 3LO 42 . 387 40 343 70 . 227 80 3 : > 0 DO . SOU 100 845 CO . . . .218 80 8 JO M . 31)1 ) 120 345 70 . 213 200 3 tO 70 . SOS 100 843 GS . 247 3110 W ) . 378 43 341 53 . 213 80 310 ! bl . 3.B ' 12 > ) 345 34 . 2.12 30 ! Kl . 3,50 100 345 42 . aiO 120 330 W . 312 100 345 CJ . 215 40 8ItO M . 803 80 345 70 . 243 240 3 IK ) M . 34U 350 77 . 217 80330 43 . 355 80 350 CO . 223 8J 330 51 . 383 40 350 70 . 234 280 330 71 . W 1 101) ) 850 67 . 271 ICO 3H2i { CO . I1C4 80 350 CS . 247 IfiO 3 : H'J 40 . 4U7 80 350 72 . 28J 120 3r. : ' , 54. . . . 372 350 C4 . 2fl ! 280 832)i ) 50 . 307 40 350 01 . ' . ' 7J 240 35 : 49 . INI 120 JKi .0 . 2TJ bO 3 35 , 62 . 372 353 nns AND uouaii. 123 . 100 250 " 03 . 143 200 20 . 130 28) * 08. . . ,144 300 09. . . , . .150 80 200 > 77 . 13D 203 No. ' Av. Pr. aowestcrni . 113 5100 C2 westerns . 118 4 ( fl 03 wosturns . 11,1 400 1JO Hi-storiis , uctliuia . W 4.20 110 westerns , wethers ; . U4 4 SO 03IAIIA n'HOLKS.t.LB MARKETS. Grrdcrlcs. CANNED VEnETAiiixs Tomatoo ? 3-lb , Jl.o ; 01.10. Corn Very lino. J1.2.vai.i5 : ; 1-lb suzar , I.U : 2-lb standard western brands. $1.10 , Mushrooms Mb French , extra lino. 2i@'J5u ; 1-lb French , line , iwfti.'o ; 1-lb Trench , ordi nary. lf/iJI8e. I'cas-Wl ) early June. JI.-.5 ; 2-11 Marrow , stnnduid lirunds. $1,10 ; 2-lb saKed 70c. French pens I'or ease oe K > o , tlMy&Jjoo StrltiK bonus 211) high grade , UOuj 2-lb wit > beans , Kc ; 'J-lli string beans. SOc. Lima bean : 2-lb soaked , 85c. llostou bulled bonus : i-lb , 81.tyai.r : > 5. Sweet potatoes 3-lh New Jersey 81.50 ; U-lbokra and tomaloes , $1.05 ; U-lb okrn 8I.GO ; aspuragus , 3-lb , $ ' .8533.75 ; rhubnrd , U-lb * 1.40 ; succotasli , $1.20 ® ! . % COFI-EE Green Klo 21.24c | Java , 27o : Mocha , 28c. Honstcd Arlosa , 25c : Itunolu 25ci Qerman , 21i-Jc ; Ullllworth's , -4'ic ; Lion 25c ; mall pouch. 25o ; Uordovln , 25c ; Mocha aio ! O. 0. Java , 20c. Ootree Essence yt gro boxes. $ l.'J5ai.50 ( ; chicory , 7i' in c. \VOODENWAHE I'er dozen TubH , No. 1,18.00 No. 2. 87.00 ; No. 3 , $ < V5 ! ; kcelor , oak grain. B-ln best , 81.M ; wlilto cedar , 4-ln , best. $1.25 ; palls it-hoop , o.ik srnlniul,61.75 ; hoop , 81.5) ) ; Hyriip 81.81 ; don oil , $1.75 ; paper , metal hoop , i.'SO cedar , a brus- > hoops , No. 1 , all red , $550 ; cedar a brass hoops , No. 'J red , flOO ; cednr. 3 bras ; hoops. No. 1 striped , fl.OJ ; cedar , : ) brass hoops No. 2 striped. $150 ; horse , extra heavy , No. 1 8J.75 ; well buckets. tJ.25. llutterwuru Tubs nsh , 3-Inch , per nest , 70o : nsh , 2-iuoli , 2 large size , per nest , 5o ; buttur ladles , hard wood 70et butter puddles or spiulo4,70c. Wnshbonidi Single , tl.4032,00 ; double , W.5031.25. Ulothcs plus 5 gross boxes , lOo. Si'OAit Grnnuliilcd , 0'i'c ; cubes , 74u ! ; ou lent , 7'5c : pnnderetl , Btandurd. 5Vic ; XXX > powdered , 77.0 : yellow U. 7' < c ; enniiry. nc light oxtr.v 0,5 ? ( JiflJJc ; confectioners , AC ? c CIIACKGUS Soda , tie ; oystor. 5ic ! cioam 85ic ; singer snaps , 6Ho ; 10 porcentoir on bo : lots. lots.DuiGn FituiTS Turkish prunes , less thai liluK 1830 , ( lu ; npnlos , ovnponited , new rlni cholco , 15c : uprlcotB , tiiuoy , lu sacks. 20c Ijlnckberrlos , now , ioj ) raspberries , 25 11)3 ) ti lO.tiot ) eurrnnts , now. 5'/ie ' ; Votlz7lcurrnntE oxtra. In boxes , Oiio ; pouches , Cula. , choice 17Jo ! ; Cnllfor.ila dried ernpes , In bagK,5Vc seedless Sultnnus , Racks , 10'i : muscateh HHc ; now Valencia , Re ; Ondurn layer , Do ; flgt nyers , lHi'J < ) ci eltron. Leghorn , 20o ; lemoi peel , Inc. NUTS Per Ih Almonds , 18c : llraiils , 21o filberts , IJe ; pecans , li' SUc ; walnuts , Ibc ; peu nuts , fancy wlilto. Ho ; roasted , lOc. bAl.T Dairy , 280 Ibs In bbls , bulk. $ .2,10 ; bos crude , 005s , $ .V ; best Krado , 1003s , $ . ' .40 ; bes grndo. 2310s. JiSSj roclc salt , crushed , J-MO. SODA I'aekagos , U ) Ibs to box , 5 e ; UOR : ilAKiNQ Pownun Koynl , dime cans , per do ; PC : U-lb cans , tl.45 ; $ i-ib cans , tj.l5 ! | 1-lb can' 8J.OO ; Price's dime cans , We ; W-lbeans , } l.j > i-lb cans , { 2.50 ; 1-lb cans , $4.73 ; other kind : 1-lb cans , per doz , f 1.03 ® . ! U5. PAi'Eii-l'er 11) . best straw , 15x1 to y.'x44 , 17 'cj dry goods 4 * C ! oxtr.iqu lilt j niunllln , GS-Jc ; inaiillla to.i. 12x18 , Ou ; dark rut linidnuro. JJjo. On.8-150 prlnio white , 0Jc ; 150 water whlt < IJSo ; hoivuliRht. 13a ; Tlcasolliio , lUio. o : nns 1 gul , J.I.OOO3.25 : SBiit , JJ.75OI.SO ; 6gu 350n.tO. " , basket nrod , SOffi.'S'io ; sundrlci ! < ! 4l5oi creon. axjJWo ; giinpomdur , "JO&Mc English ureukf ast , 37Je ; Youuir llynon , 'JuC 50c ; Uolonir , iVt4Vi ( S-lhpiicl > iio dust. 15c. Axr.K OHUASK I'or KIDSS Krazlur's litrs tins , ? y9.X ( ) ; medium tins , * . ' 7.CX ) ; bin.ill , 115,0. other makes , wood. fS.AOiCS.A ' . Ht.ACKiNo 'Idoiln DOX , ltO75o ; ladles' she dressing. 45c@ll.00 | utovo polish , per groa : , . . lt.UKiNl ! Liquid , 4tiilozlnbox,00c(35l.7 : ( ( ! 8oz , Udoz Inbox , Jl.iWti''J ; dry , uniall , 'JT > c SPICES Pepper felncnporo , slftod , ] .7310 < shot. ! X'c : nllst.lcu.tJOct cloves , Kenans , * Icetcd , ITai'le ' ; caulu , China , 4-11) , milts , 0. niittncjis , No. 1 , Tk'iiV"lcas ! ! > or' ° 1" > e'1 P'clUn ' sjilces , 10-1U boxes , 'J5c. CHOCOLATE , ETC. lirlb hoxcs , iHCJ.'i.'So ! Oci limn Hweot , 2 iW4oCOO3a ! , : wiOj ( : llroino , 1C C'OCOANUT 15-llionmjn , | i nnd > } Ibpuokupo per Ib. 'M&aoi bulk , ) 1A-IU pulls , ! . . KxTUAOTH-Lunwn.'S oz. Woffl1.80j 4 oz. ! ! . ( ® .Lr > 0 ; vitnllln , ozftTio3R80 ; 4 oz , Jl.'JJt5.r > i Jiuiialoii Klngcr , 4 ut. il.sX MA1CHR8 Tnrlur.A'Qiinil ' JtOOporbox , ll.CS' l.TO per crosss sulphhf" ll.lMil a . HitusilKS bhoo. titrjlo/ , * lS3iil.nO | cluubor 75otl.0fl ! scruh brufhos. C0c i.00. lliui ) bKKD-Mlxea.Wrtl , 1-lb packages , 5 < canary , 4'4oi hemp , 4'ic ; anise , 15c. , to , t ! ic ; mining , 10i I0 o ; wax , llo. , , ToiiAtco I'lno cift. ner It ) , 2.27e ; pltiK , : tfl'fo ; bnioklii ; ? , fcXii aei fancy bra mm , oc < ( UNnr-JIIxcd , mlb palls. S fflSV'o ; stlol BJJo ; twist stlult. Osi i Jjronch mixed , UVJo : linn ; hound stick , 8 o'jrtf ; ilml ciso ciuidle , 5 I boxuH , liable ; extra line poods , R.x3ttc. ( Hor.AssEs V4 bbl N. 0. fancy , per Kal. 4 < V 48ci oliolco , 40iifil5 jKoocl. JiySJJc ; Uubn. Uukln ; iiWfr'iOc ; blackstrap , ItxltiJu : syrup. 70 Krud bbls , l ! c ; H bbl. J&j 4 gal Ucgs , Jl.'JIi l ! gal kit 07o. 07o.OHEESE P. O , twin lints , per Ib llo ; V. ( YOIIIIK American , HKo ; iloinostla Swiss , l.HJi brlek. llo ; Dhiin. In foil , each 11.01. ViNEfiAii Apple elder , too ; double elder , l i wlilto wlno. Uc ; trhihi Htrongth , ll > u , hTAiicii I'er Ib , fly > c. I'jCKe.ES Mortluii. . bhls , tS.O ) ; sniull , gherkins. tll.OU ; llotUJn mlxur. ir..OO. UiCE-Juva.lio ; choice ) Oo ; fancy , 6c ; lioai ( Ji'liKll-Por bbl , refined , IO..V ) ; Jmlf bbl , M 5 hard older , pure , per bbl , JS.OOtnriinuo cldo half bbl , tU.SU ; puar older , liult bbl. 80.50. Country I'rmluuc. nuTTEii Tlio rucolplsof cholco country rn are light nnd the murkot Him. Choice rol mil at il tl7c , with uii lu'cniluinil H.ilorui > rli up to lie. Koiuui lots ( if fair to good roll in briliRlng l J4llo ut hands of snooulatots ui : paihur ! > . l.o Krndes , aa'e. OAME Tlio market on rabbits IHSOW , Jacl arc gouorully hold-ut i-.OJ , but the demand linltcd ! Cotton tnllflRO nioro freely ntCMZTSc I.onsTlio innrkot Is llrmr-r , und whllo I7o I still the prevailing prlco were nulcsaroro ) ortfd nt I9c. I'oui.Titv The innrkot Is slow nnd price irodlscouraxjiigly low. UoodchlckonsbrouKli nnd every thlnir louglior not unit ip to tlio nlnndnrd 4c. A vcnr n o It aslcr to ncll the game kind or stock at fXAIOc lood lots of cceso nnd ducks broiis'it ' T4ic loinu iindi'SlruliiostocU wont ut 60. TiirUcyi KZelOo. Tlio trade docs not appear to wan loultry. _ Vciotnl lc . ToTATora Doixlora nro a klnir KicAII.00 fo ituall lots of lown and NobrusUn stoc rom the store. Colorado stock U quoted n i7nTTUrn-Cholco slock , 45fl. 1'OTATOKS Tlio supply on thomarkc s iiotlarxoandeonslits offowaand stnnk principally. Quotntloim. il ( XxjJI.rA O.MONS-Dununa fair nl * 1.X ( ) per bu. fo ionic Brown stock. Finn Mi , Jl.rk ) per crato. liniNB-Clinlco navy , IJ.7J ; medium , W.SO Iliinxnrtnn , * . ' .4J. CEI.GIIV Cbolro stock. HMISc- . HurAiiAOAS Choice MIchlKtiu stock , CSo po bu Rhol. I'Altsf.EY-rrcsh stock. r 0o. I'KiisNii' * 1'or hbl. $ , ' .r > 0. HiiBrs 1'or bii'hol. JI..V OADHAQE-ClioIco Oallfomln , 3c per ID. I'FDHll Kl'tlltH. Al'iT.r.s Oood stock IB firm , nnd such vnrlo . Ics us Hen Davis und \Vlncsnps \ nru hold u K > . ( K ) . QuiNcns There nro still a few q\ilnces 01 the market which uro offered ut51c < 2il.tO. OHANCU.S CallfornU Hlroraldcs tier bo M.T5I navels , J.'i.riavS ) ! Wc'-tsboro Mcxlonm ' .Lfiow 1.7.1 ; I'lorUla brlghls , M.TJ < a4.00i russets W.r,0ffi..7r , ! . IJMONS ; torrlnn , per bur , &J.WJJI.50. I'tNKAl'I'MN 1'or ( III/ , $ .lfl ® IOO , IMAI.AOA ( iitAi'iN I'er rx'i-ib bbl , $8 ooftfi.oo. OiiANinniiiin.s-Huppllos nro not heavy , .let soy , pur bill. $11.00 ; Oiipn Cod , Jl-.UO ; func Unpo Cod , bell and bimlo. $1) OUCTH.oo. I'KAlts Seine choice winter Ncllls iirr > stll n the iniirkut nnd mo olTcrud at il UOSUli : Mister llourrc , another variety , uro hold u 1'Motir. n. T. Davis Mill Co. , nlsli patent , No. 1 nni Cream , J2.CO : llluo 1) . full pntunt. W.4'i ' ; lluwlc iyo .half putcnt 12.30 1 special roynl natunl No. 10 , JilO ; Minnesota patont.J.rCi ! Inii , i mrd wheat patent , J..4i ; Nobraskii sprln wheat patent , J-.Vi. S. T. ailiiiiiii's Bold modal.J-.TO ; Snow While } 2il : ; Snow Klnko'lH ) ; low Krado. Jl.ifl. Ilrokonllow roller mills ( 'niuin.f2.TOj Myrtle f..4U ; Olnlui. $ - ' . ' . ' ) ; XXX. $1.8) ) ; ridullty , * A80 Minnesota Chief. . ' .4 ( ) ; 1'iitciit , J..ll1. Osldiatnp'a leady to rnlse buckwliciit floui ' 4.M nor cn'-o of 50 L'-lb ] > nckaics ; buckwhra n bbls , N. y. . M.OO ! i\colsli-r : briind , fcVVJ ; hli luok mual , ( J.T5 per cast ! of , ' > 0 U'-lb packages. Kill's. ItACCOON No. 1 , Inrzo. r,0fl , > 70c ; Xo. t mcdluti' r sioc ; No. 1 umall. : KUt Oe | No. i' , a and 4.M JOo. JOo.MINK No. 1 larsp.fiOttfino ; No. imcdliiin. 405 45o ; Nn. 1 small , STiCiVt c ; No. S , : t nnd 4 , Ott-'io. Music HAT Fall , HSUc ; Kit , 'Ja SKtiNK-lllack. 7.VF4 I.OC ; Striped No. l.TO 4noj Striped No. 2. ISS''Jo ; Slrlpyd No. 3 , 10(3150 ( Striped So , 4. MIOc. Kov Cross , No. i. jno-IBI.03 ; No , 2 , 52.00JW.M rod , No 1. $ l.ocl ' > ; No. a , 60COe ; Rioy , No , 1 4oariOo : NO. 2 , aoawc. \VOLP Mountain. No. 1.Mi03aoni ! No. 2. JI.C Ib. Me. OTTKH No. 1 , largo prime , SilWJT.OO ; No. I modlum , JI.OO@'iOO ; No. 1 , small. J..Ooa'UO ; Nc 2 , : t and 4. Wo l l.50. lit NX No. i. $ j.r > o < 3..oo. WIMI OAT No. 1 , 4oc ; No , 2. OO . Oi'i'ossusi No. 1. cusod. lOffiliic ; No. 1 , open TOlCc. IUuoin-No. : 1 , full furred , 5C(373c ( ; No. 2 , tt-To ! No 3. 5@IOc. WOI.VKIIIM : No. 1 , JLOOffilOO. limit Illauk , No. 1. JHXfttO.OO ; Grlz/ly. No. 1 O ; brown , No 1 , Sj.OOaiOOO ; cub , Sl.O IX Inillan dressed , peril ) , 75c < i ? I.K Di'Bit Snmtnor. porlb. 2VS.'JUc ; fall , 2lKBa5o winter , 20-c ! ; greun salt , pur pleoc , 735JWc ) elk , per 11) ) , 12o ; antelope , l20o. l-'HHKIl-No. I , JTOOQ' 03. MAIITIN-NO. l,75c $ l.W ) : No. 2.2 : W,03. Ground liog. ncasol , rablt and hiiulriol skin in\ono vnluo. llry Oootls. raftsman. 20c : Cosher J2'ic ; Oleir : Lake. SiHc ; Maple Oily , : mHt while Gil No. 2. SlUc ; 0 II No . 2. Jf.2Hc n a No. 2 , U. ' M'c ; n II No. 2 , f , 26ic ! ; Quote No , I. 4.'o ; Quo'jo No. II. > ( . 42 01 Onobuc. ! i No. 4 , as'jo ; ABwan.ll'ic ; Wlnd or XU.21 In 15Jic ; G 1' , ir u ; U A 12Jc ; J U F , y , 27 c 0. V , 29c. DUCK West Point , 28 In , 8 07. lOKo : Wcs Point. Sfl In. 10 o12',4c ' ; Wcat l'olnt,29 In , 1 oz. no ; West Point , 40 In. II oz , 1 ijlo. UATTS Stnnd.iid. So ; Mowhnwk , 105 c ! Snow llakc , lliic ; 1'oper. 12c ; Uco , $4.73 per case. KENTUCKY JEANS Mcniorhil. 15o : Dakotn 22u ; Dunham , 2 'ic ' ; llorculcs , lOc ; Cottswooii 27jo ! ; Mulvlllc , 23o : SurlnKflold , 12 W : llapldnr lOKo ; llorroyn , "ISo ; liumburg , Hc ; Nol Schoolboy , "wj. PitiNia Kancy Eddystonc , OJlc ; Stco River. Cc ; Rntnapo , 4Ho ; St. Ledecr. BJJ ( BhlrtlnK Martlia WiisliltiRton liu ; iMorrliaiu 4 4C. Turkey Ked I'onutnln , Cilc ; Gurnur. 7c Crcnfleld.Slic : Horlln , Hc. PniMTS Indigo llluo Net Martha Wasli Incton , 5V4c ; American , lie ; Arnold , OJieiArnol It , Ion ? cloth. lOc ; Htlllo A , ll'ic ; Mcrrlinai 7-8 , lOc ; Gold Leaf , 8ie ! ; Hamilton , 5'ic ; Allo PlnliK. ( ! Jic ; Allen Ghambruy , Cc ; Glouccstci &Hc ; Ilnrtel , f Uc. COTTON \\Aiti1 IJlbb , 8 , white , 1814c ; coloiot Quotations argo for car lots onboard carsu Omnha : 1J1MKNSIONS 12 , 14 & 1(1 ( ft. 18 ft , 20 ft. 22 ft. 84 f 2x4. . . . $ ! . ) OJ (15 .r > 0 JIO 00 til OJ 818 1 2x0. . . 15 00' 1550 10 OD 1800 18 ( 2.\8 . .1500 15ft ) IB 00 17 .Ml ( 2x10. . . 15 00 15 SO 1003 17 M 18 ( 2X12. . . 10 00 1000 1700 1800 19 < 4X4 to 8x8. . MOO 17 00 1800 18 00 19 ( KENOINQ No. i. 0111,12 unrt 14ft , if , fio.w No. I , 0 In. Hi ft. JIO.OO ; 4 In. tlo.00 ; No. 2. 0 h IS and 14 ft. rf , $14.00 ; 4 In , JI4.00 ; No. Syl In , I ft. ; 4 III. 31000 ; No. II. 0 In , 12 anil 14 f * iUN ; ) ; 4 111 , JKl.OO ; No.U , Gin , 10 ft , 211,00 ; 4li $ ii.OO. ; SiniNO-A , 12. U anil 16 ft , S22.00 ; C. 517.rO ; I 12. 14 and 10 ft , .UMj I ) . SH.M. IlOAUDs No. 1 , coin , JI8.W ; No. 2 , com , $15 ( X No. J , com , JULW ; No. 4 , com , ni.50. n.ooiilNO A , 0 In , while plno , } ! 3.00 ; ( I29.50 ; H. Gin , while plno , &IO.OO ; I ) . f.U50 ; 1 Gin , whlso plno ( sol. fcnulng ) , $17.00 ; dropsk lup.Mc per M extra. fcTOCK \ltus-A. . lUln , sis. $48.00 ; H , 12 tl sis , JIVOO ; 0 , $4000 : 1) ) . ii'i-iM ; No. 1 common. ] In , sis , 10 , 12 and IS ft , $ , ' 1.00i No. 2. HS/fl j No. common , 12 in , sis. 14ft. $ -0.00 ; No. 2 , IM7..M No. 1 common , 12 In. sis. 10 ft. in.vj ; Nn. $17.00 : No. 1 coininon. U In , sis , 20 ft , $ . ' 1.00 ; NI 2 , f I3..W. Hllll'i AP No. 1 plain , fland 10 In , tlO.OO ; Ni 2 , $10.00 ; No. 1. 0. O. , 8 In. $10.00 ; No. 2. $11151 10 In. grooved roof luff. 12. H and 10 ft. SID.JV ) . I'INlsniNO let and 2d cl. , 1 In , s''s , JJ'J.OO ' ; 1' liinnd 2ln'40.00 ; : ttl clcnr , 1 Ins2s , III.OU ; P 1H and 2 In , $47.00 ; A , select , 1 lu , s.'s , $41.00 ; P I1/ und 2 In , $4500 ; II , select , 1 In , sJs , $ .11.1,0 ; 1 > I'/ and 2 In. $10.10 ; U , solcct , 1 In , b2s , 8J7.00 ; 1 < I'.iiinil 2ln , * .00. A. 1) or 0 select , all HI ft , 81.05 oxtrn. HouTHKiwYKMiOW PINK 1st ami 2nd clcr noorln ? , ii-IO : , star , $ JI,03 ; 1U-10 , $ UU'0 ' ; coi lloorlni ; . U-in. Jl.-j.O ) ; rift clear , ii-lG. : $2UU Island Sdcloir , " colllns , IH.V ) : 1st and i clcur. ? { eeIlliiK , $10.51 ; Island 2d clear , col liiK. Ji" > HO ; Nt nnd 2d clear , finish. s2s. f rom lu.l-T.OJ ; 1st nnd 2d clear finish , s2a , fioml In , $ .00 ; 1st and 2d clear , llnlsli , s'.s , ] an'l 2 In , $ .to.0i ! ; 1st and 3d clear , y p casing $ ail.OO ; base. S.iO.00. Pori-Aii IjUJiiibit 8-Inch and up , 1st nnd ! clear , 1 Inch , s''s. 10.00 ; S-lnch and up , 1st ui 2d clear. ! J Inch nnncl. 93) VI. BASIC , Doons , I.TC. Tnr hoard , SI.SOj srtsb , ! per ct ; doors , BO per ct ; blinds , Su per c inouldliiKs. 53 per ct ; tarred felt , purowt , $ : . ! straw bo ird. $1.15. IHTTKNS. WfMj TUIIINO , HTC.-O. O , 2j-IllC ! ( Be i Wxa , sis. : c > o ; Il-lnch well tublns , I ) . &J and hov.lil.00 : iilokCts , D. & II. Hat , J.'O.S'J ; I & II. squaii ! , J.U.0. SiiJNdi.Ert. I/ATH Extra "A , " pine , $ \8 Rtanduril "A , " 12.45 : extra "A , " codnr , J.'l n-iich | clear pine , tl.Oj ; clear redwood , $12 lath , J'-.N' ' . I'osrs-Whltocodar. 0-Inch , ! is , llo ; 0-lni qrs. llo ; whltu cndar..ri > j-lMcli. Us Ite ; S-lm ( irs. Be ; wlilto cedar , 4-Inch round. 15c ; bp : oak , 8c ; Tennessee rea cedar , ripllt. llo. WANTED ToUl liuuci of CITIES I COUNTIES. SCIIOOI WIIV * * DISTRICTS , WATEI COMPANIES , 8T. R.R.COMPANIESel < Correspondence tollcltcd. N.W.HARRIS &GOMPAKY.Bankers 183.163 Dearborn Street , CHICACO , 15 Wall street , NEW YORK. 70 State St..BOSTON. CHRISTIE LHTHROI Commission Co. aOO nnil till South 13th Slrcjl , F.'r Nutioiul Dank RiillJint , * , Grain , Provisions ; Stocks & Bond Orders oxcdutrd for tliopiirchasoorsulo f Iniinedlatoorfuturo delivery In ull the J a Ini iiiurkcls. JV/rnfc ll'/rc. Coi-rvnj > oiulcnl Tp tit. Louis I ) , II. Francis & III OMAHA DIRECTORY. Q. Olatk. CJcnl Woitcrn Anent r > ui > < mt' Bportlnit ( Sun- powiler , All" liliinoM'liH ( lYi'.llluMlnjcaix.IUTiul - - Blreet. run , -WOOL , HIDES , Qoo. Oboraa & Oo. , J. B. Smith 40) , 1118. Ulhitroel 40S-1IU Ornsh * . IRON WORKS. Paxton & Viotlinr Omaha Bafo it Iroa Iron Work * , Works , Vfroiuht nnil cnil Iron biillillnK work , entlnoi , Mnnnf'rs flra nn < 1 bnrilnf hrrm work , Honornl proof * fo , T nU , ' .i' foundry , nnohtno Mil work. Iron hulUtr * ind blnck'niitliwork. U.I' . tire p crej. ( I , An * Itr.nnaiTlhit. drrcn.llth&JaokioniU Aomo Iron and Wire "Wilson & Dralr.9 , Works , M' ( ( tubnlur Hum , flr * Iron , wlro nndbrmi w'k > . box boiler * , unki , el 5UH. ICthntrcot. Vt , Hoclil , - I'roprUtor. ritrro nnl lOtbitreeti. LITHOGRAPHING. Rocs Printing Oo. LHhocrnplitni , Prlntlnl nml illnnk Ilooti. LIQUORS. Ilor & Oo. , William I.tquor Jterclnnti. IVInei , LIQUOM unl CI * lllillnrner street. furs. ' ' Jlnimfnctiir'riKonnoilT'i 1311 rnrnam St. , Omaht E , R. Qrotte , Frank Dollona & Oo , , Imtiortrr nnil Jobber of nnil Oonulno N' \\lrms unit Minor ) Din . Clgan. ettoot. I'tlcolUts on application L. Kireobt & Co.- A. Friok&Oo. , \VholOiMo I.lijuorDtMori WboleinloI.lquotPcaleri 40T ni > < 008. lOthSU Ml - (03 ( B. 10th St. . , 0. A. Stonehill , I , Oborfelder & Oo , , 511111 ncrr , Notions Importer ! nnd Jobber I la Cloaki , 1C to Milliner ; . 208,710 , nnU SU South llth 110-1198. I nth St. , Omnhl ttreot. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , BTO . Max Mayor 4c Bro. Oo , A. Hospe , Jr. , MTuJeirolcri , rtcnlers In Pianos , Orgunt , Artlit * musical Initruracnta , etc , Mntcrlnli , Bto. , Fnrnnm and IClh. 1511 Doiiglnj Btroet OILS. Consolidated Tank Line Oo. Itcflncil nnd lubrlc tln oil1 * , axle crortso , oto. A. U Illsliop , Manaifor , OYBTBR3. A. Booth Packing Oo , , Piatt & Oo. , "Tiger brand , " freih ojt- canned Oiritcri , flxh nnd . lora , Koods. Omilm brunch , 1809 Lonvenworth. EH nnd 817 Iloirnrd. PAPER. | PLATINGr.ts Oarpentor Paper Oo. , WcBtorn Plating Wkj Carry a lull Mock of Quid , Bllrer svnd nick * ) and plntlni ; on all motali , printing , trapping tnblownre , oto.rcplatol writing pnpor , card pa 1'olHlilnj bran A ob n > per , etc. dcllorwork. FBODTJOH , COMMISSION. Kirjbol & Smith , Bohrooder & Oo. , Denlcnln country prod- Cash buren buttar ucc , ( rults , Tcnetable > , em , nn 1 general oem * ( ti. rotation morchtnis , ti.K071IOTr.ini Btrcot 423 South llth itreot RUBBER GOODS. ETO. Omaha BnbberOo. , Manufacturing nnl Job- bora ull klnlirubb.T Ktxxli. lOOSFiirinii straat. 8APQ3. SEBDS. A. L , Deans & Oo , , Emorsoa Seed Oo. , General agonti for Hall1 * Baud xrowors , doilon 11 Safoi. icardan. rui , grain and 821nnd3iJ Month 10th St. , tree pcoji , Onmlia. 411-131 South 15th. SASH , DOOR8 , BLINDS , UTO. M. A , Dishrow & Oo. , Bohn Saih & Door Oo , Manufacturort nf loati , Manufacturer * of moull- door * . blliKls and Innj , blinds , door * . Moulillnk-s. Itranohof- oto. nco , lull anil lEard its. 10th and Clark itroott. BYBUPS. STOVES. Parrell & Oompiay , Dafry-Trowbridsa \Yho1oalo minfoctirori Stova Minurao'g ' Oa , iyruu. | rnolisios and Tlno iri , Mniufaitur'it xtorosaal ntoTO pip ) 217-219 South 8th itroot. 1211-1215 tasronworth it. TE3A , OOPFEB , SPIOB3 , OIQARS. Consolidated OofToo Oomp&ny , lilt and U18 Il-irnsr it. Omaha. Nob. "WATBR SUPPLIB3 U. S. Wind Engine & A.L , String & Bens , Pump Oo , , 1003-1031 Knrnnm itre i Hnllldnr wind tnlllv 9H nnil ilM Jonoi nt. ( J. F , Omaha Mtb. , lion , actlof mun e r. Orane Oompanjr , lloso bolting , pucklnl , ( tuumpuinin , iilufflblnif t'Cli | > . V22-1I Karnn street. TOYS. TYPE. H , Hardy & Oo. < The Omaha Typj Toyd , dolls , albiimifanor Foundry. Kuoih , liouiofurnlshlnj I'rlntori' Hupplloa. Now and ieoond-haat ' . Kotidi , chlldron'i car. ' machinery. ISIJKarnamil. 1119 Howard itrcet. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , LIMITED.