v- THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 21 , 1891. THECITY. _ Henry Vlncprovltch hns filed n peti tion for divorce from his wife , Sarah , til- otrinj , ' dcBortlon , . .Hi/.1 / " E. S. Dundy , jr. , started lust nlpht for Sutherland , Flu. , vln the Missouri I'acific. Ed Fitzgerald mid Ed King , a brace of penniless windercm , were Eont up for thirty days by Judge Hclsloy. Omnhn lodge Wo. 829 , Knlffhtt of lonorhnd un Installation of olllcorsMon- Say evening , with a banquet at Getty's. The toranoraturo as reported by the local Blgtml Borvlco ofllco was n follows : A.t 7 n , in , , aO ° j at 10 u. in. , 38 ° , mid nt 1 p. m. 41 ° . The district court docket for the February term will contain some two hundred cases in ore than that of lust term , which had U,200. Flro Chief Galllgun and his clerk , "Spud" Farrhli , uro occupying the new quarters ut the ppllco station assigned to the head of the flro department. Judge Shields entered two judgments rcHtcrday In the county court.as follows : TzBchuck VB Marshun , $ -ij5.GO , and TzHchuckvs Marshun , 3392,40 , both for plaintiff. Articles of Incorporation have boon filed by the Omaha upholstering com pany , having a capital stock of $10,000 , tO,000 to bo paid upvlion Bubscrlbcu. Harvey A. Slilpmnn , Artnin Lehman , Henry L. Axtator , incorporators. Investigation by exports of the plumbIng - Ing and heating apparatus of the now county hospital is being delayed some what , owing to the fact that Clerk "Webb of the county commissioner board is nick and the commissioners cannot put their hands on the contracts. George 'F. Bubb , aged twenty-five years , of Osccoln , la. , died of consump tion at the homo of his sister , Mrs. O. Spruit , ; in Council BlulTs , yesterday. Ho was a member of Knight of Pythias at his homo , and the remains will betaken thorofor interment. The de ceased had a large number of friends in Omaha. The funeral of the late Edgar Crowe took place yesterday from the resi dence of II. M. Clayton , Gl < > South Twenty-eighth street. A number of the employes of the Pacific express company attended the funeral in a body. The ffor.il tributes wore very beautiful , con spicuous omong thorn being a largo pil low of carnations and roses from the ex press company employes. The union depot is now open for busi ness , the llrst'load of freight having boon delivered there by Paxton & Gallagher vcstordny morning. One of their four-horsjO trucks , piled with groceries pulled unto the magnificent ntnicturo just as the whistles were blowing the hour for beginning work and the goods were received by that old and trusted employe of the Union Pacific , Andrew Tracy. The stockholders of the Paxton & Viorling iron works Monday hold their annual mooting and ro-cloutcd tlru old directors and olllcors : lion.V. . A. Paxton , president ; Robert Viorling , vice president ; Louis ViorlingEocrotary and treasurer , and A. J. Viorllnp man- ngor. These oflicars , together with J. L. Kennedy , constitute the board of directors. The reports of busine&sdono during the year were highly satisfac tory , notwithstanding the depressed condition of finances and trndo. The company contemplates making large and Important Improvements and addi tions to the works during the year. \Vhat I know about tbnt standard remedy Dr. Bull's ' Cough. Syrup : I know that a 2fi-cent bottle cured mo of a bad cough In 12 hours. It is a fact. Myriads of cases of rheumatism and neu ral KW bavo already succumbed to Uintwon- dcrlul remedy , Sulvalion Oil. Price only 25 cents a bottle. AVentlior luitlcos. Up to this date our monthly prognosti cations have been fully us reliable as the prophesies of the 1 a to 1 union ted Wiggins , but at the beginning of a now year we resolve to do Btlll better. The customary January thaw will bo dispensed with and passengers who travel in the olcctrio lighted , steam heated , vcstibuled pnlnco car trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee & Bt. Paul Ky. , between Omaha and Chicago cage , will bo comfortably cared for re gardless of the outside atmosphere. City ticket oillco , 1001 Jftirnum street ( Barker block ) , Omaha TO AVESTKUN MEN. Look Into Tim Fncts About Kettle Fnlln , WASHINGTON. Western men tire familiar with th rapid growth of western towns , when advantageously located. Their atton tlon Is called to the thriving town o Kettle Falls on the Columbia and Col vlllo rivers in Washington. It is prosperous porous beyond the wildest anticipation ! of its founders , and itu business pros norlty is ali-eady phenomenal. ftlnnu mcturlnp , milling and all forms of in flustry are offering unprecedented op portunities for building a homo am paining a competence. For facts abou Kettle Falls address William B. Aris General Mnnncor Rochester and Kettl Falls Land Company , 307 Wilder Build lug , Rochester , N. Y. Don't Font yourself ! Notwithstanding all rumors to the contrary , the Chicago , .Milwaukee & St , Paul Ily's ' now steam heated palace Bleeping cars , with "electric llgnta in every berth , " Btlll loaves , the Union depot - pot , Omaha at 0:10 : p. m. dally , arriv ing at Chicago at OioOa. m.in ample tlmo to make all eastern connections. Ticket otllco , 1501 Furntim st. J. E. PiiESTOir , F. A. NASH , C. Pass. Agt Gen. Agt. A \XO Some fourteen opera companies will claim attention the coming season us having been highly endorsed by the press of New York md other lai-RO cities , but none has received the universal pralso as "Tho Sea Klnp , " ivhlch was Riven during the past season it i'almcr's theater , Now York , and was rotcd by the leading critics as bonir ! the cost it the three then bolni ? given in that city. Out of this larpo number will coma to Doyd's tpcra house on Thursday next , the "William J. Gllmoro opera company , who will present Iho now coralo opera , "Tho Sea King. " Later id vices point to the fact that Manager Gilmore - more , who seems to hnvo cmbarkai in the now enterprise with avast amount of con 11- Ooncoand liberality , 1ms been busy In strength BnliiRa cast wtilch appeared already strong , mid that when U reaches Omaha Itlllbo composed almost entirely ol comlo opera favorites. Clllmoro Is essentially n shrewd as well as an experienced man in the thcatri- rnl business , and the fact that ho purchased Btahl's ' work outright points to his conviction that It contains more lima the average per. rcntupo of the elements of popularity. Gil- inoro has of lute years been identified with kuch spectacular successes as "Tho Dovll's Auction" and "Tho Twclvo Temptations , " but this year ho lias added opera , which is certainly destined to win him faina and for tune , MclCca Rnnldn will OMW a short engage ment at too Grand on Saturday evt-nmpr in his latest success , ' -Tho CanucU. " Mr. Unit- Iciu has Ion ? been known as an actor of front versatility and has mastered the qunlntnoss of both dialect and Oross necessary in the portrayal of tuo French-Canadian cliuractur , ' 'The Canuck" is comical uud u true picture of rural life , and has mot with remarkable ) ucce throughout the season. MOIISIS'B. Special Ilrnmnnt Hnlc. Tomorrow morning wo shall offer n large table of our best dress goods rem nants from 3 to 0 yards nt2 . PERCENT discount from the already marked down prices ; nil ranged on one table , center aislo. SCOTCH GINGHAM SALE , 2d floor. All the now spring ginghams best finality , 32 inches wide , 2oc a yard. NG\V LACES , EMOKOIDERIES , on the 2d floor with the ginghams ; now WHITE GOODS , nainsooks , India lin ens , etc , THE MOUSE DttY GOODS CO. THE STllIKKA. FAILURE. Milwaukee Operators Worsted Other Hall Notes. "Mr.F.A.Nnsh , general western aont of the Milwaukee road , stated that the operators * strike had been a failure. Only a few men had gone out , nearly all of them being on the Council Bluffs division , and their places had been supplied without dlfllculty , so that the road had not suffered by any Interruption of trnflla. Ho had heard of the reported closing of two stations of the Council Bluffs division because - cause of boycotts against now agents , and characterized the story as ridiculous. Tlie St. Joe At Grand Inland , The t press dispatches Monday contained information to the effect that the minority stockholders of the St. Joseph & Grand Isl and division of the Union Paclllo would begin - gin suit to restrain the removal of the general ofllces of that division to this city. Assistant General Manager Holcomb of the Union Paelllc stated that ho had hearil nothing of the move and coulu not sny what the result would be , but ho expressed sur- prlso that such a movement was con- tomnlated. It would bo batter for the stock holders , hi ) said , to hnvo the affairs of the road managed ns economically ns possluloand this could best bo done by dispensing with the numerous headquarters and consolidating the duties of these ofllces. Notes and IVrsntinlfl. General Agent Cheney of the Sioux City & Pacific nt Sioux C'lty , Is In Omaha. Chief of Construction Cameron of the Union Pacific is homo from the Pacific coast. Mr. E. G. Davidson hns been appointed traveling passenger agent of the Erie llacs with headquarters nt Kansas City. The St. LouU express over the \Vabnsh will hereafter leave the Tenth street depot at-1 p. m. , half nn hour earlier than before. The ot AVer's 1'llls great popularity as n cnthnitlcis due no less to their promptness and elllcaoy than to their coating of sugar and freedom from any Injurious effects. Children take them readily. See Aycr's Almanac for the year , just out. * - SOUTH O.TM//.I A'Kira , Accused of * Stealing ; Uoot . i''rank Olevcrlus , n Third ward merchant , hns mndo a complaint before .TudgolCing charging Michael Knrrell with stealing a pair of rubber boots. Ifurroll has been arrested and will have a hearing before Judge King * . Clirlstlan It.ndcavor President J. A. Patterson of the Young Peoples' Society of Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church requests every member to bo present at the meeting this evening. The president of the Omaha society will bo present and make an address. Sunday School filoot'on. At the annual meeting of the Methodist Sunday school for the election of ofUccrshcld Monday night E. M. Uichnrdson was elected uperinteiidcnt , E. II , Button assistant su perintendent , Miss Jcunnotto B. Mullen sec retary , Clarence C. Buck assistant secretary , [ Train ; L , Krion librarian , Miss Luvoua 'ones treasurer and Miss Blanche Glasgow rganist. Street Itnil-way Kr.iiiclilsos. The election on the ordinance granting the Metropolitan street railway the franchise of nj'lng tracks for a street railway on all the trects of the city resulted la a majority of 811 in favor of It. The vote in the First ward was 94 for and 2i : against , the Second ward 101 for and 47 against , the Third ward lliiifor and 5 against , mid the Fourth ward 31 for U against. The otal vote for was 401 and ITS against. The Street Hallway. Superintendent Edward A , Cudaliy , of the Dudahy Packing company , who Is one of the ncorporatora of the Metropolitan street rail , vay company , to whom the franchise was voted Monday , says that "a meeting will ho held this week to decide on what road wil bo constructed at once. AVortc will bo com menced Just as soon as the materials can bo placed on the ground. " His understood that the company will tends its tracks to Albright , and ioup round over both the Land Q street viaducts , and finally extend its line Into Omaha past liana com park , possibly along the boulevard. How to Break Up n. Scvcro Cold , From the Virginia City. Mont. , Madtso- nian : "When wo find a medicine wo know tc possess genuine merit , wo consider it a duty , and wo taico pleasure in telling the public what it is. Such a medicine we found Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. By thousoofthl syiup wo have icllovcd , In a few hours , se vere colds , and in the course of two or three days , entirely broken them up as has several of our friendjs towhom we have recommende It. It is all it is represented to bo by the manufacturers. If you have a cough and want to stop It , Chamberlain's Cough Horn- cdy will do the work. For sale by all drug gists. THE NUW HKHHilO DILL. Senator Miimlcrsou Pleiljjos Ills Slip- port to the Mcaxiire , The following was received yesterday morning : U.sirni ) STATUS SRSITK , Jan. 10,1891. Max Major A Bro. , Dewey & Stone , Samuel Burns , Kllpatrlck-Koch tlry goods company and others , Omaha , Neb. : Dear Sirs your telegram concerning n low brfdgo at ] 2ast Omaha is received. I have introduced a bill fora combined railway and wagon bridge , and the same is now before the committee on commerce , I will do everything In my power to procure Its passnro. Iho dif ficulty is , however , that thu engineering de- pmtment of the army and the Missouri river commission earnestly oppose a low bridge nt that point. It will bodilllcult to pass the bill , bull understand the situation and will do what I can. Yours truly , CIUUUES F. MIXDEIISOX. Never neglect a constipated condition of , the bowels , or serious results surely follow , such as piles , impure blood nud many chronic complaints. Burdock Blood Bitters is the remedy. A Grand Army Enterprise. The combined Grand Army of the Hopub- Ho posts of Omaha bavo arranged to have n grand Grand Army of the Republic fair and enterprise at the coliseum the last week in February. They have engaged Colonel Low Glngor , the most successful worker in the United States , to manage the affair , which Insures a financial success. During the past liveyoars.Mr.Ginger has placed fSO.OOO in the funds of the Grand Army of the Republic in Nebraska , Kansas and Iowa. The receipts for the Lincoln fair were nearly $3,000 , and a few weeks ago nt Plattsmouth the receipts reached nearly 13,000. It Is believed that the coming enterprise hero will net the Grand Army several thousand dollars , which will bo held by a responsible finance committee and used ns a relief fund. Colonel Ginger ar rived in the city Monday and proceeded nt once to got his preliminary work well started , Another Drug Clerk ArrostRU. Wi Wall , wn a room mate of Hobard , th < drug clerk who was found with a lot ot goods belonging to the Richardson drug companj in his possession. Wall has also been ar i-estcd on suspicion of having been Impllcatec In the robbery , THIS COl'l' Y'd ' COST. Treasurer Snj-tlcr Shows U lint He linn Spoilt nud Has I < cft. The semi-annual statement of the county treasurer from July 1,1890 , to December 31 , 1800 , Inclusive , Just completed , shows : nucr.irrs. Amount on hnmlJuljrl. l&90..f.10l,82 ! < U8 Ainoiiiitof tax collected 13a.fiS.VM Amount school Inntl money collected. 2tr > O.M Miscellaneous collections Z.rc'-t.M Miscellaneous fees. . . . . l.OOi.iJ Omaha city tax collected O.i8.51 : llcxpltul InillnliiB fund collected 4.KI5.01 Kcdcmiitlon money collected 38,750.07 HceclvLMl of state for collection of school ! ti > portlonnicnt. . . . , 27tNU ; > 5 Totul ? S3,419l , ! < PISIIUIISF.MCN'TS. Amount ot warrants redeemed flM,510.B3 Amount of hospital warrants re deemed J.1.120.02 Amount paid to stnto treasurer f\iOTO. \ < 9 Amount pulfl to school districts. . , , . 10,740.03 Amount imlcJ to school unportlou mont districts 21,401.01 A moil nt paid bonds nmcoupons. . . , . 355.10 Amount paid city treasurer of Onmlia 3.CG1.C9 Amount paid city trcasurcrof Mor- cnco , 7.8.Hi Amount piiltl vllluuo treasurer Kl.lW Amount redemption money paid. . . , . 37.7J1S.43 Amount salaries paid 4,4i5.00 , Amount supervisor receipts re deemed. . . . . 702.00 Totul 1330,707.31 ON HAND. Stiito funds , .Tnnuary 1,1801 8 IVHfl.02 County general funu CS.OO.'i.m Special school 8,007.00 School apportionment 0,4t4.15 : School Donds 2.M11.83 llullrond county sinking fund C , : | .18 Hililitofund. . . . . 1.402.03 HoaiVfuml ! ' ! ln'ii ! Hospital building fund ? ,4.V > .74 Cltyof Omaha tax CJG4.7b Oltyof I.'loioncotax 282.00 Cltyof South Onmlmtax J.WT.M VlllnKo of Waterloo. 20.80 VillilKcofMlllnrd 4H.10 Village of r.lkhorii 100.42 Village of Valley : t.H7 1'lorenco slilnw\lk tux l.V > . : it 1'oorfarm fund S3.0U2.20 Soldiers'rellut fund . - . 2 < M.41 Kcdemptlon money on hand G,5.v,72 ; Totul $195,741.63 , Vcnl , Vidi , Vlcll This Istruoof Hall's Hair Ilcnowor. lor it is the rcat conoueror of pray or faded hair , making it IOOK tuo same oycn color of youth. IN TUB COURTS * A Number of More or licffi Important SnltH Coinmoncod. There's a certain member of the bar in sere need of indulging in n term or two nt a good night school that makes a specially of classes In spelilnR. The fact developed In a petition that ho nut on illo for Alary Comstoclt , who SCCKS sep.iration from her husband , Chester Comstoclt. The lawyer says that Mary and Chester were married at Slrace , N. Y. , on Match 18 , 1SSX ) , etc. Ho says sbo 'sutured" great "axyety ot mindo" on ac count of her husband's ' "cxtreem" cruelty and was for n "longo1' time "sic" therefrom , and iiniflly was ' 'throne" on her "relltlvs" for "shctor an calr. " The "petition also allcRes that Chester owns SIO.OOO . worth of property in "Slracus , " and that plulutlff wants her dlvy out of It. Lilly Felsinger has entered suit in the dis trict court against O. J. Collman for 510,020. Plaintiff says that on December 22 last de fendant had her arrested and thrown Into jail on the chnr o of having stolen a pray woolen dross valued at $25. The trial , which resulted in her acquittal , cost her $20 , and the amount of damage dauo her reputation she figures at SIO.OOO. Margaret J. Cooper sues Charles \V. ( Conlt Hup for $ , YJ1.S3 , balance claimed on a laud contract. _ Slnud's Monoy. The chief of police has been reques ted hy the authorities of Butte , Mont. , to look up Mrs. Maud Uhlcr , whoso husband recently died at. that place and loft her some money. It is stntcd that she was in Omaha three weeks ago. For colds , croup , asthma , bronchitis and sere throat use Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil , and get the genuine. THE VICTIM OP THE FIUB. Ills Purpose In Coming to Tills City from Chicago. Sam Sterinslty and S. ICartun , a couple of tailors , called at THE BUB ofllco yesterday and stated that Nathan Borcnstoln , the man who was burned to death at Klein &Splo Klo's fire Sunday night , came hero from Chicago cage nt the Instance of Mr. Spioglo , who wag lu Chicago four weeks ago. Said Sterlnsky : "Coronsteln told mo that Snlpglo had § 400 of his money , and proposed to sot him up in business hero in order to square tuo indebtedness. Ho came hero for that purpose , as SplOKlo told him in Chicago that ho could mike a bettor living hero , Ho didn't ' get the money , and ho was not started in business and ho told mo that ho was going to buy a peddler's stock of second hand goods from ono Hinaldo on Sunday ( the day ho was burned UD ) provided ho could got the money from Spleglo. Uchtmnn , the lewder , saw Boronstein and SplcRle out rid- in ? ; together Friday nftnrnoon and walking together Sunday afternoon.V. . Frum saw Borcnstoln and Hasburg , who is a partner of Klein & Spleglo , walking together down Six teenth street toward Cuuiing after dark Suu day evening , "Ueiman , Borenstcln's ' partner , was at his boarding house at Munsky's , Sunday even ing , and Mun sky came homo late with the news that Klein & tiplcglo had burned out. Reimim Immediately asked Muusky if ho had seen Borcnstoin that evening at the dnnca and when Munsky answered In the negative Rolman said , 'Ho must have been burned up.1 ' 'Helrnan left the . ' city Monday 'morning. I think ho took a stock of goods and wcatou' in the coviLtry. " Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothlm ? Syrup for chil dren teething is the family benefactor. 25 cents a bottlo. Tlio rtcnl testate Kxolinnpe. ; The regular mooting of the real estate exchange - change was held yesterday morning , with about the usual attcndanco. Secretary "Wilson called attention to the fact that the folders which had been nrcpared by the exchange and the board oC trade at considerable expense , showing Omaha's in dustries , etc. , were not being circulated by business man and the hanks as largely as thcv should bo. A largo number of these folders , ho said , were on hand anil could bo obtained gratuitously upon application , An auction sale was announced to tnlto nlaconoxt Saturday morning , at which time Iot2 , ' , Oak Hill addition , will bo offered for sulo. sulo.The The following listings were announced : Lot 0 , block 14 , Bedford Place , 49 31x120 , $1,100. Lot 11 , block 7 , Hlllsldo No. 1 B0xl25 , $2.300. South Jf of lot -1 , block 60 , South Omoha , 30x150 , f0,000. Sales were reported as follows , Lot-10 , block 1 , W. L. Selby's ' first addi tion to South Omaha , $ tiOO. Lot 7 , 8 and 9 , block S3 , Benson. $1,200. South 20 20 feet of lot 4 and all of lot B block U , Uoyd's ' addition , $1,100. , Died in UUlloaja ot Home * * n VMM. Cbntinental Clothing House. SPECIAL DISCOUNT SALE OF Overcoats and Ulsters. High Grade Clothin 2O PER , CENT DISCOUNT. A bona fide discount of twenty per cent means more to the purchaser than some of the absurd oilers of goods at half price and regardless of cost sales. Such clothing as the pub lic wants can't be sold for half price. A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed at the desk on every overcoat sold this week in the Men's and Boys' Department. Every lot is inclu ded in this sale. We have many more overcoats , than we wish to carry over , and have adopted this method , knowing that the discount from our already low prices will make this the most important sale of the season. Men's Overcoats , 20 per cent discount. Men's Ulsters , 20 per cent discount. Boys' Overcoats , 20 per cent discount. Boys'Ulsters , 20 per cent discount. Boys' Cape Overcoats , 20 per cent discount. FUBNISHIWODEPARTMEWTSpecial Sale of Fine Wool Underwear. This week we place on sale the balance of our winter underwear. In fine grades we have carried a larger stock than usual this season , and the mild weather has affected the sale of heavy underwear. We are determined to close out the bal ance of our high cost grades , and haye named prices that ought to interest every close buyer. buyer.L COJ Pi/si / us , Salons and Specialists , 34O0DOUGL.AS OMAHA , NEIJ. Tno molt widely and favorably known spec- Inllsts luttio Unftol States. Thor loni.ex perience , romnrkublc skill and universal suc cess in the treatment and euro or Norvoui , Chronic and BurRlcal Diseases..entitle these omlnotit physicians to tlio full conlidonco ot tlio iiflllctod ovorywliero. They giiiirnntnn : A UEKTAIN AND POSITIVE OUHB for thoawfiiloIToctsof early vice and tlio numer ous evilsIhntfollowIn Its train. 1'UIVATB. I1LOOI ) AND 8KIN DISEASES speedlly , comnlotolvnmt permanently cured. NKIIVOUS HEHIUTY AND SEXUAL 1) 19- OKUEItS yield readily to tholr skillful treat ment. PILES , FIBTUfcA AND UEOTAT. UI.CEH8 cuaranteed cured without pain or detention from business , HYDKOOELE AND VARIOOCEI-E porhia- nontly and successfully cured In every case , SYl'IULIS , CONOHRHKA , Ol.KKT , Spor- nintorrhea , Somlunl Weakness , Lost Mimhooil , Night Emissions , Decayed Faculties , I'onKile Woakncsinnd all delicate disorder ! * iipoullar toelUior sox positively cured , na well us nil functional disorders that mult from youthful follies or the excess of mature years. Wl ? Guaranteed pormunon tly l\u cured , removal complete , without cutting , cnusttc or dilatation. Cures effected at homo by putiont without a mo ment's pnln or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. awful effects of 7 niPRTho l LU Kli early vlcu which uriiiRi organic weakness , destroying both mind and body , with all its dreaded ills , permanently cured. cured.RPTTQ Address those who have im- . HL. 1 10 paliod themselves by Im proper Indulgence nnd solitary habits wlilch ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for business , atu'ly or marriage. MAUHIED MEN or these ontcrlnR on that happy life , aware of physical dohllltyqulcKly UBSlStOdi OUR SUCCESS Is based upon facts. First-Practical experi ence. Second Every case Especially studied , thus starting right Third medicines urs prepared In our laboratory exautly to suit each case , thus offectliiK cures without Injury. Drs. Belts & Belts , 1409 DOUG LAS STREET , - OMAHA , NEB. IKRRD ICE CREEPER. ThB39 Adjustable Ice Oreepors tit any shoe. Anyone eau put them on or ofli they nrealwaya in order , and you are ready for anyohanga of weather. AEonta wanted. r"Send outl'ne ' of fore and hind shoo. lrOnly the "Points" wear out : anyone can put In a new set. "Inaispansuble. " Full eel (4) ( ) $3. Points , 8 set , SI , to oneaddress. Potn's. 1 set. ( IB ) SOo. by mail. W . Kent , Sole MTr , , Mifidan , Conn THE BEST I IN THE WORLD. ARE MADE BY THE WoonsookBt & Rhode Island Rubber Go And wo uro their western njjcnts and always carryalaroatoalc. Address , BmeriGanJM Sewed Shoe Go 1204 and 1206 Harney Street DR. J. . . E. THE SPECIALIST. Mora Than Fifteen Years Experience in the Treatment of A euro li Riinran- PRIVATE DISEASES tvcil In from three to Uvo Unyn with out the losn of nn hour's tlmo. " " " "v cured without STRICTURE _ . no cut- hutruraonti ! - Ul I1IU I UIIU tins : no illlntlni ! . Tlio most rcronrkablo remedy known toruodurn science. OVniJII II ? Cured In 30 to fO rtnys. Dr. Jlc- Air HII In flrew'itroalniotit for thU terrible. Ull iiit > iw diood illsonso him bcun . louncocl tlio most powerful rind tucceiifiil remedy for Uli- cuvorucl for thenbsolnto c.ire of this dlsin-o. llli BIICCOSS with this dlseiuo hns never been o < iuallucl. A complete cure OIMIIANTKKM. nml all weakness of LOST MANHOOD l iiruaili.n fitiJ nil nilurnl rtliclmrsci , are absolutely cured. Itullof la iminoitlnto nnd complete. OI/IN fllPriOCO Uhoiiinntl innnilullrlli- olvlll UluCAuLu 018C' * ° ' "uliloid. ller , mnncntl/ cured , FEMALE DISEASES a ? 'snnsv tB , I LIllHuL. UlULrtUbJ stomadi or hhulrtcr cured. Tlio Doctor's Homo Treatment for Uulles Is truly n complete , convenient mill wcimlorcul toincJf , l.AtiiEslroin 2to 1 ONLV. Jlook free , nn IftnOnCUI'P ' nmrvoloui snecosii Imi UK mP.linrVv A wonrorlilmiiroiiutntlun Dili HlbUIIL.ll which li truly niitlunil Inohnrncter. nnd Ills ( treat iirray of putlenU roaches from tlio AtJnnllo to the I'uclrlo. Tlio Doctor Is a Kradiintoof "HEQ11J.AH1 niedlclno nnd hn * had long nmlcitrrful aerluncu | In lioiplrnl pructlco , mulls tlaiBL'd anioiiu Ilia IcnJInii ipcclallst In moilorn cli'iico. Trontmcnt by rorrespondenco. Hook or clrculuri about each of the nbovo dlteaacs , FIIEE. Office , 14th and Farnam Sts. , Oinaha , Kob. Kntrance On cither street. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , Rrkx-lflo for Hjittrla , Plnlneii.FJti , liearalitlii , Wiik * fffiSiu. llentil lwpr nlqn. ollenlniro th , lir lnr - ultma ill ln nltyaaa l a < tlnr to inliery docar an I 5. tlifpr.mature Old Age. liwrannni. I.oi or 1'ower UoltUar tax. InioluntirLoi.ei , nrt S rmtlprrlat SSi S by OT r it illoA ot tli breln , lf < bu eor OT r-lnduif nc4. i-ach box cent ln ona montl'a treat. mVrit. I a.1101 , or li for ( i , untliy nirll | > pald. Wit 11 e ch ordur for lit lioiri , will nnd | urch > r riaranuo to "fund noa.y It the ( r. t meat f all * W . GOODMAN DULTQ CO. , lllOFaraamStreoU - Om lia Neb , 'PILLS OrlgUul mui Onlr flcnulnc. . rc > ! ; rtlltblr. l oit lilt , \ * nJ artitJ la Ittil nj MJL P.I. . . . . . , Ibotr * . il l wIltitliK rlll ; a .Tlkb uutbrr. Ktfu Mm aiU ImUaltoni. AI UIUKi'ii , er . It .t.raii fur i > utleuUtl , t itlmoDl > U nl H "UrlUrrar L > dlr , "l l < fl < rt > ; rrlurl V Mall. lo.tlOll r ilno ul . Aii JMfir. , 'Chlehc.lirt't inl lCe.Un < lli l * < auur , Lotil Drujiliu , 1'klUd * . , 1' * . LOT. NO. 1 , We call special attention to a lot of about 50 dozen Nat ural Wool Underwear , in regular sizes , full finish goods , sold al < season for $1.25 , We will ofTcr at 750 each , and repeat that they cannot be duplicated for less-than $1.25. They are fina goods , suitable for any gentleman's wear. LOT NO. 2. Pine White Australian Wool. Price $1.0O. We place this lot of 75 dozen of the finest quality of Wool Underwear , such as we have sold all season for $1,75 , , all new , fresh goods , in regular sizes , at this sale for $1.00 each , and it * not found as represented may be returned and money cheer fully refunded. MAIL ORDERS. Mail orders will be promptly filled on cither of these lot/ * this week. Send for a suit of these goods with the understand ing that if they ore not found to be just as represented they may be returned at our expense. Odd Garments , Prices 5Oc , 75c and $1.OO Special attention is called to a quantity of Odd Garments in Fine Wool Underwear , broken sizes , some lots have shirts only , and some only drawers. They are all high cost goods , sold all season for $1.50 to $3.00. They will be closed at this sale for 500 , 750 and $1.00. You must come early on this lok They won't last long. .JL. " yAre . . Are being offered with the idea of reducing our stock of Men's ' Sails at $12 and $15- We are showing suits that would be considered cheap at a uncch higher price. Do not Jail to attend our Children's Department. It is gaining in favor each day NO OUREl ! NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. , . . caioa cntitj luoou , DKIR uriu urimry urKan ? ii.u. i vuaranioo t uu lor ovcry cnsu i unnormitu auu la euro * . Consultation . froo. Hook ( Mfiturloio IMo ) unlfroo. Otilcyhour-9n. ta. tutf p. m. bunJar . . a. in * to 12 m. DR. BAIL EY GRADUATE DENTIST A Full Sot of Tooth on HiibUer , fur _ * - , A perfect fit Kimrantoeil. Teeth ° ? trij0ntfs'1 ; ' wltLout unaos- without pain or dancor.am } thetlci Oold onrt cllvor H" KH 'it ' lo u t ratca. llrldgo riml Orown Work , 'icvth with out Dlutcs. All work warranted. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH ANDFARNAM Entrar.oo. 16th street cluvator Open ovon- Eb until 8 o'clock Bathe wounds with Pond's Extract , > IICkC INTHE WORLD WILL O1PC I rcUOOntTAIN ARUPTURE , or KlYBrelief Ilko'Mir. i'lercn'w ifiiKiiello Klullu Trum. " ItliatrurrdtUountniUI If yuu wunttliu | IKh'rien < Uolimt ini > orfreel'aiuiililistiVu. I. ' T liLnillo Tm C .i Kan l'r ucl co ( t t MANHOOD RESTORED. "NAN ATI VO" Ui AVollilcrfut bp n ! l ) Itrincdy , In eolj with 4 AVrltU'rOiiarnnlua to euro all Ncrvoui Dlf caiei , such at Weak Memory , ! / > of llrila ' 1'owtir , llca J ch , , hood , Kcrroutucii , Iji - Kltuclr. ill dralci and loti of power cl tha Clrncratho i . la eltl.er cci , camel . n , youthful Indeccntlotu. er the cxcenlv u o of tobacco , opium , or Hlmulnnu , which ultimately lead tolnnnnlty , CoiiBUiiH'tlon ' nnd Imnnltr. l'ut up i In convenient form to carry In the Yen iwcket. I'rlcs-/ " * " II a puckoRcor 0 for W. With cury tiorclcr we girt > written KUiiranU'O to ourn or refund tli nifiner. Efnt bytn.ll tonny uddreu. Clrculir f rat. Mentlaa till , paper. Addrcei. MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , ranch Odlce for U , S. A. 417penrlMirn Btrfft. CIIICAOO. H.I POU8AI.KIN OMAHA. NKII. , I1V Kunn 4 ( ( ! . , Cur , 18lh & ; " J. A. J uller 4 Co. , Cur. Ulh& A. u. Totter 4 Co. , Council Jllutft , la. l WEAKMEN swsaff ° s" V II LiftD % IVBLill youtliful erran carlraecnr , wiutlnzre knfRs , lo.t mtiihood , o' I will KUIUI a valualilo treulUe ( waled ) eonl&lnL _ fulliiartlculara lor home cure , I'lir.K of charge , A iploii'llil mtKllcal wo tic i nhnulil IM > read breren man who I * nrrrnm ami delilllUtnl. 1'ror. i-.c. i/o\vnutinooau ,