Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , - . , JANUARY 21 , 1891 ,
"A DVEHTISHMKNTB for thf o coluihiwlll
Vhottvkcn until 13 : % p , m. , for thtoTeidnc
edition nnd until 6:30 : p , m. , tor tht morning
edition mil BimiMT IIKM.
mEUMS Cash In sdranco. .
ATES ArlTOrtlnemcntson thlipst * Trill bo
_ _ chanted for nt iho r&lo of IK oont per worrt
V for the llrst Insertion nnd 1 cent per word for
* f rjich subsequent Insertion , nod fl JO per lln
cr month , No Advertisement taken for
IMS than 21 ccntti for the flrst Insertion.
TrflTIALB. figures , symbols , tto. , count esoh
J a one word.
fPHESK ndTertlsemonts rnuit runconiocw-
JLtlTrljr nnd under no circumstances will
they be taken or discontinued by telephone.
"P A. 11T IKS RilvcitldnB In tliMO columns and
4- haying their answers addressed to a num-
tr d lettur" In care of Tun IUn will rccelre
h numbered check to c-nahlu them to got their
letters. Answers will Im delivered onlr on
presentation of this chrck. Knoloso answer *
In envclopui properly addressed.
. advertisements under the head of
AI.Tj Nollecs" nro published In both the
morn Inn nnd nvonlne editions of THE \\ttts. the
circulation of which ngRroKdti's tnnro limn
20,000 papers daily , nnd gives the advertiser
the benefit not only of the larfto circulation of
THE IIKF In Omaha , but also In Council IllufTn ,
Llnnnln nnd other cltli-s ( ind townilnthn wr t
Advertising for these column' will he taken
im the nhoTo conditions , at the followlr i ? bust-
ness houses who nro authorized to tnko special
notice * , at the name rates as can baa nt the
main olHoo.
SOUTH Btroot. Mstor llloclc.
YOUN W. HELL , 1'Imrmaolst,620 South Tenth
V street. *
OIIABB & KDDY , Btfttloncrs nnd PrinUn ,
113 BouthlCtlntroet.
n.'FAKNBWOUTUrimrmacl tJ1100um-
S Ing street.
Trr J. nUOHES.rharmaolst , 624 North 18th
TT street.
GEO. W. I'ARIl , Tharraaolit , 1718 Lonron-
iforth Btrcot.
JTUOHES' PIIAUMAOV. 21th and Farnnm.
Terrain * etc. , tte lop of fitl rnlmnii onttitivage.
EllMAN clrl would llko second work. Ad-
'dross c iao."i Pierce st. M51I-2S *
A position ns nurse. Itofcrenoo
WANTED AtldroM Mrs. , T. A. Clllngwond ,
gird and Giinilng strool. flut 1. 4G.1-'JO'
ANTED-Posltlon as hotel clerk , long ox-
perluneo and boat of references : would
go out of city. Address II 61 , lloo olllco.
ni cook In hotel , Address 1431 S Uth
st. Ml 20 *
. with several years' ox-
AOENTl.KMAN ot flllliiR n responslblo
position , dculrcs such with a mortgaKO com
pany or bank In lown or Nebraska , Omnlia
preferred AddrcsH UK , Heo. 415to :
TATANTCD-Sltuatlotn for pond Klrls ! my
> T wiiltlnK rooms are nl\vnys full from 9 n.
m. to 01) . in. Cnnadlnn Ktnploymcnt office ,
Sl iHlfith. Telephone 684. 1U1
For ratn. tic , , tee fojiofnt column oil thto
. . ; 1 To travel for i _ . .
1 glove and tnltt mnnufactory. Address O.
A , . Lock Kox 11. Oanioron. Mo. M5IO 23 *
I.IVE nconts wanted for \ho Library of
* American Iilteratiiro. For a sutof eleven
volumes c'iill nn or address N , B. J.cauh. ntntn
itgcnt , room 10 , Casey hotel. MM3
AOKNTS-WtoJIOpor dny rolloctlnK small
pictures for us to cony and enlarge : satis
faction Runrantrcil , nnd a $4 outflt froo. A
Dunne it Co. . 50 Heado Bt. . New York. M&B 21 *
" \X7"ANTKP A good Btcnd'y man with about
J'TAVsD ' cnnitnl as partner Inn flrst-clnas
titoher business loeatod Iu bestpart , of city
or will soil out entirely. Address IJ 50 , Her
oflloo. 62 * ) glV
WANTED Vouns man as stoukUropcr In .1
clotlilng store ; ono that understand !
keeping mock. 1309 Furnatn st , K.1-'J (
OKNTS vnntrd Light -work. CaU uftor-
noons. liooinj , No. 103 X. ICth. 524-27' '
WAN'i'KD A ( lrflt-ohiB < ) ndvortlslng sollol.
tor. Cull Topics , IQlii Chlc.iKQ st. 4W-21
5 MEN wanted to solicit for Topics. .Call ni
ICiaUliloaKoat. 103-21
ANTED Flvo barnoBsinnKcn on llbt (
work. Harks Itros. Saddlery Co. 4112 ]
ANTED Mnn with good references a1
tlotropolltan Mfg. Co , , 1C09 Howard fit.
54 K K
"IXT ANTED Men to travel for ourUanadlar
TV nurserU'3.StoiiuAWellington.MudLsoii.Wl !
WANTED Salesman to manufacture am
wholcaulo our now process elder , madi
without upiilct. Kxcollcnt WIIRCS. I'nrtlaulan
in. Iowa elder mfg , Co. , box4S2. licddlii ; , lit
618 Jar
WANTED Salesman who moot the Rrocorj
trade to neil one of the best articles on th
market on commission. Address. XU5 , Uco.
82 :
i'or rcitei , etc. , ttc top of frft column on thin vagi
WANTED A Kind plrl for Ronrral house
work ; small family and good wuccs. r 0i
Georgia avo. Wit *
ANTfiD-Ouo cook at the Olty hotel.63I2C
ANTED-OIrl to do first work for p"rlva ?
family. Inquire 510 South22ud street.Kti23
WANTED-A flrat-olasi girl for genera
housework , good wages. ' SQ Hurt st.
_ KM 21
WANTEU-Lady for drcssmaklnsr. 121 N
llth st. M515-S1
LADIES wanted on salary to secure sub
borlbors for'l'oplos. Call 1012 Chicago at.
' 49J-2
\\T ANTEU-IIolmu Nelson aTrJoi S 20th st.
> 40
_ f . _ . . _
1 -T-H- ! ;
JPrjyJ--- ! ' * ! . " " / _ rit c"l | > n > ontht * \ < igt
- - - - - - - -
WANTED Immcdlritoly two persons to ro
colve Instructions and Ucep book.J. . U
Smith , TOT. Now York Life. MS17-S1
for tennctc.ttetop of Jlnt columu on tfid jxii/c
FOIl KENT House of 8 rooms , N. 25th st
No. 171" . In pood.roDalr , hard and soft watei
collar under house. Also 1 flat of Q room ;
iteuin heat , Llnton block. Imiulro of Job
Ilamlln , 017 Llnton block , South lUth su
. _ MM1
" 17IOH KENT Nice 3- room cottage near con
JUterof city , prlcoJlO. 1710 Webster street
_ m
IT1OU KENT Seven-room cottauo , cor. 2Stl
J. avn and Cap , avo. Inqnlro .1)18 ) Dodgo. M71
TTKW ItKNT Funilsltcil house with all mod
Jern Improvement4. Klnger& Bradley. 151
1T1OK KENT To an intelligent K rdenor 1
J. iieres , IIOIIHO und barn on Military ave
Apply to Tlico. Williams , 1720 Capital uvo.
M 17
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
FOH KENT 3 houses 10 rooms each. 1'nr !
ave and Woolworth Bt.elty wator.f unmet
Ac. t'nll atonoo. MumniiRh & Kltchett , linns
rontliiR ngeiits , S. W. cor. IJth and Howard st
1I1OH KENT 7-room flat , also 2 rooms suit
X1 ablu for light housekeeping. Lange bll
fidii H. lllth st. _ _ 3i7J
FOR HENT-a olozant ll-rcxim houses , Not
Saw and 2110 Douglas st. Knaulre of A. A
Oladfjjono. l.ltu Douglas st. , or CJloho Loan .
TruatCo..UU7a ICth at. _ K
7 ROOM house with nil modern conveniences
rent KS per month , corner Thirtieth an
- Woolworth , facing Hniuconi I'ark. Eunulr
Leo & Nlchol. JMth ana l iivonwurth. nulM7
STEAM heated flats nt 700810th. Thos I <
Hall , ail I'axton block , 70
TjlOR ItENT Jnn. 1 , 0-room cottano. tlrst
i1 el ass In o\ery respect , bath , hot and eel
water ) ou motor line. Cull ut 1331 Sherm an uv <
IK you wish to rent a house or utoro BOO II
E. Cole. Continental block. 71.
MODEKN now 8-room brick house , chole
location , KO per uiontli. 11. K. Cole , Con
tlnontul. 'M :
Fcrrattt , rte. , t int. column onfiU
forcataloguoi and Invcstl
Buto the morlU of the Smith Premier type
writer. Manifestly tiuiicrlor fouturos. 1m
iwrtant oliKiifiea made. Tvpo-wrltera sole
exchanged or rented , 10C9 > 4 Vitrnumst. , r , II
Uayltow , mauaiier , y (
For rate * , ttc. , ttiirt tit flrtenl\mn. on tttb tyg
" 171011 11ENT A nicely furnished frontroom !
- " all conveniences. 1817 Davenport street
) front rooms with or wlthot
boaid. 101 H lltli , cor. Dodge. 627 81 *
T , MtaKni n ny sou Hi room. heat , gas , bath.
JU Kensoniiblo price. SOJOUurt. 481 SI *
N1UIC rooms , steam heat , 1710 Davenport st.
4 IS uQ
"T7IOK RENT LarRo front room , 2015 Cass.
JU private fnrullys references. _ 411)51 ) *
Foil RENT Eu t front alcove room nt the
Mcrrlnm. > li ! 3
TTIOR RENT Two very desirable furnished
JU riomsi all modern conveniences ! l > rlv to
family. ! lft Douslus. WK-50 *
T Altaisouth ; front room.bay window , mod-
JLJ ern convcnlenct1 ! * , for ono or two gotitlo-
iiicn , 110 per month. 1U18 I.cavonworth.
RENT-rurnUlied rooms , KU % u tl
FOIl Bteain. 15IU Howard. 715
, CLAIU European hotel , with dlnlnc
loom , Btoam heat In nil rooms. 111th nnd
Dodge , fcpeclnl rates by week or month. 717
"TTlOlt RENT-rrontroom with nlcovp.curtalns
JU miiiitcl , sto'ini heat , gnsand b.itiioloscti ) ! ,
Hiiltablo for 2pciitlciiion or man and wlfo ,
J1H.OO per month. Also adjoining room with
big closet nnd all conveniences (10.00 per
month. 07 8'4th st. Clp
T > OOM8-Roasouablo rates. 'JOSS St. Mnrv's
JLl avenue , ilSC'J-Jiil *
r10 LET Ucantlful front room Is best part
JL of city , close to good board. Kent reason
able. l ! k ith St. 413
. , MI ti > i > f fnt coltinw ou thtr ings.
room with board , In email family
with pleasant homo : modern conveniences :
reference exchanged , 21M ) Ilarnev. JI5I7-23 *
frontroom with board : refer
JAKOKBOHtli 1'arnntn. M.r > lG-'G *
KOOMamlloird.4.00. : 1712 Douglas street.
Day board , Kl.OO per week.
rilt ) KENT A front 2d story room with flrst
JL class board , _ OI S. STith avenue. 482 Kt *
T3 0OM and Iloard-CIO So. 17 st. _
lin LENNOX , r U and 51(1 ( N. 10th. has n few
dcslrablo and handsomely furnished rooms
with superior board. 486-2.1 *
EIjKGANT furnlHhcd rooms with board , pas ,
heat ami bath. 203 N 17th street. a U-ri5 *
TTIIIRNISIIEI ) front room with board : also
-U table board. 1D2U West Farnuni street.
-OOSI and board J3 week , lf I Farnnm.
JLi JI701-J31 *
> OOMS nnd loard at IDS ) Dodgo.
L 678J25 *
2-or nites , ere. , f et trip n/jliiit column cm ( Af * jaya
, nlco unfurnished rooms , heat. Ras
bath , for light bousokcuplng , Oil NlHth.
K17-M *
O 110OM8 s. w. cor. 10th and Lon > enworth
Ostreets. G : .Mi !
Fartntet , etc. , rctttifiof Jlr > l column nn tM
T710R KENT A store room on Douglas street ,
JJ botvrcon l.Hh nnd 10th streets , for dry
poods , notions or ladles' cloaks iinu biiltM. Ail-
drcHt U 5'i M544 21 *
[ 71011 ItKNT-Ono fitoro and 2 flats , U20 So.
I10th street , and several cottages cheap.
IJ J. Kendall , M llrown bldg. 321-1M3
T AUGE front and back parlor suitable for
JU doctor or dentist. 1U21 Farnam. CoO-Sl *
STOKES at 709 S. ICth. steam heat furnish * ! .
Tlios. V. Hall , : ill I'axton blk. 718
T71011 KENT-Tho 4- tory brick bulldlnp.wlth
Jor without nowor.foriuorlv occupied by the
Bee Publishing Co. , Via Fiiniamst. Tim build
ing has afliepioof cement ( | asomcntcomplete
steam heating llxtuics. water on all the lloors ,
gas , otc. Apply at the ofllco of The Hco. 915
TTtOH IlKNT-lly January 1. 4-story building.
JL' ; ; 8vio ( tqunro feet ; Htiltublo for any kind of
wholesaling , ntl'nntb and .Tone's streets. G.
A. Lludquest , IJlO South Fifteenth street. 710
t crratei , etc. , nt top of flrtt column on thii pam
| 7\OH \ RENTorSalo Fine , heavy brlok flvo-
Jl story corner warehouse with most central
trackage In city ; lloors 1110 KI.IWO hcjuare feet.
btrliiKor& 1'oimy , Darker block , 7JO
"fjlOU IlENT Ilrlck warehouse , txvo stories
J- high , basement , hydraulic elevator , track
age. Host location In thu city. A. U I'owell.
Forratrr. tic. , nt toji u ! frti cnlunrn nnthts
S TOUAOK and trackat'o. David Cole. 815-817
Howard utrcot. 7'il
STORAOBTIm best Inoity cloan.dry , safe ,
and privately stored nt reasonable terms.
Omaha Stove Itcpnlr Wks,1207 Douglas. Tel V'O.
Formf . ttc. , ttt top nf flrtl column on ( nfj vagi.
\\7 ANTED to Itcnt-A room or store about
TT 5x40 feet , with power , steam and light ,
Address 11 47. "Hoe , " M54321"
WANTED lly man nnd wife without chil
dren , furnished rooms for housckoopluff ,
or board lii'prlrato family , Address H 4K Dee
505 20 *
Forr-nres , etc. . ret fop of jlrat cclti/mi cm Ihte
ENTAL ngcnoy. List your property foi
; tent , sale or o.xchaiigo with K. I' . KlnRer ,
B 1'arnaia. JI4Ul-:5 <
,1ST your houses to sell or rent with 0 , P.
Harrison , 01. N. Y , Life , IK
HE , COLE , rental agency .Continental blk ,
Kijr iaf , ttc. , we foil fntenluiiw on thtsvr
$300.00 reward for that thief , Ed. Dickey ,
alias Win. Edward or John Kdward , K
years old , 5 f t , 8 lu. high , weight 140 , brown
hulr clipped close , thin brown mustache ,
Ktnnll round features , has small feet , woart
No. 0 Bhoo niul 0 , ' , ' nat. lie were away light
brown overcoat , soft brown hat , ilurK coat
and vest , striped pants all now. Hud will
hltn yellow dos skin overcoat. Ho drove awuj
n pair of dark Iron gray horses 5 ana 8 years
old. weight , about l.t'OO ' pounds each : gooo
styles hitched to now end spring Mllbuir
buggy , rubber top and leather cushions. He
led away n blue roan mure about 0 years old
blind in ono eye , weight about 1,000 pounds und
line style , Any Infoimatlon of nbovo describ
ed thief or property tend tosherlll of Douglas
Washington or Siuuulors counties. Joscpl
Arnold , Moon &Hursli. 1 > . J. Llnch , Ashland
Nob. 483 !
Fcrratet , ttc. , Kt tup "t flrst column on ( hit
STHAYED From SH2 gownrd street , smal
chestnut mare , white face , near hind lop
white , part of harness on. Owner at T-ll
olcctrlo light Co. , tillL'upltol avenue. 535-21 *
T.OST Irish hotter dog 10 months fild ; rO'
JLJward. Win , Nlmcral , tel. 05 , rooms 221 am
? J First Nut. bank. ' 6Ji
$5.00 Reward lllack Oordbn setter dos aboul
four months old ; when lust seen hud one
wide leather collar with short pleeo of rope at'
tnchcd by snap und ring. The dog hnd a lnnn
back. JAW ) reward will bo paid at mj
residence , UI2 N. Lowe ave. , or wholesale rub
ber store , 1111 Harnoy st. / . T. . 4H5-2I
For rnt < . ttc , , tee ( c p offlnt Kidinin on IA ( > pom
1011 SALE A peed work borso. 36th ani
Karnam streets , Wiley & Williams.M543
M543 1
" 171011 SALE cheap A two horse sleigh. als <
-L. lurgo pulleys and bbaltlnc. UU1 Douglas.
WOHK horse ( CO , two-horse wagon J.M , don
bio work harness ilft. Or will trade fan
peed IlKlit bldo-bur buggy. II. U. Cole , Con
tlnontul block. 70 !
T10II SALE 2RO < xl work toaiat. Inquire n'
OU 1'uxton block. M
J-'ormlM , flc , , rtttitfl of flnl rolumuon
O'OME ' oity'"bank ' stcwk. AVli
TpOIl SALE Complete set of drug store fix
- " } turcs , show cubes , etc , I * . O. Uos 'JJ. 811
For rn ( ' . etc. , tte. top nf flntt nrfumn nn fi
HAVE customer for some vacant lots and
for equity In ( teed tcntnl property. J. 0 ,
Cortelyou , room 45 , Chamber of Cominorro.
Y\7 Khuvott euitomor wbowlll pay all cash
for Orchard Hill lot. must bo cheap.
lltltchhiHon k Wead. 1.121 Douglas. KM a
rANTr.II At oncci merchandise ! all
, klnil'l srmt cnslit must know nt once.
1. T. Newell k Co. , 14111 Douglas. Omaha. 231
ITIUKNITUKE. household poodi , ctc. Hlgbrn
Jenth price. Wells , 1111 rnrnnin. 730
OIISES wunttd at 1331 KIGlhst
K ful
fount' * , ttt , , tte tap nt fni talitm no n thb fxtgj
fVlYoTfois IJnfeTlyTiuiI victT "frrd. Address
JL/Lnwyor.31 Church St. , New York oily.M511J3 *
T\rAii3AOE-Mndaiii IJolzlor. over 010 B. 13ih.
1 > JL 85-r.
-1' HCnlp and hulr treatment , mnnleuro nnd
chiropodist. Mrs. I'osWWJi S ISth.Wlthuell blK
t < U
For tfllt * . etc. , lop of J\r \ t column on Wilj p < i j
L11UST mortsaifo loans wade on outside
JP property : second mortgauo on Inside.
Alex Moorc.UOl bhoolybllc. 471 S5
1 > HIVVTEmoiioy to loan. J. U. Xlttlo. 914
i N.Y. Mfo M3K
nt lowest rate1) . Kctnoveil
Utouit N. Y. Life bldit. J. U. Kniiningcr. 7.U
Kr.YSTONE Mortgnx'0 Oa-Loims of $10 to
81,000 : got ourrntusbaforo borrowing untl
snvo money ! loans on horses , furnlturoornny
pprorod bcourlty without publicity , nolM
oiiKlit ! fornowloansrcnewftl ; ! of old andllow-
: st rates , cull KSOS Shi'oly bll,15tli & Howard.OT
, ! ! 198 15th St. . loans money
Wonchuttolsori'ollatorulat reasonableratoi
P IUST fi second mortgascs on & fm-
proved city prop. County warrants bought.
Money on hand. F. M. Hlchardson.SlS N.Y.LIfo.
MONRY to loan on city and farm , property.
W. M. Harris , U i.-0 , Kreuier blk. , opii. 1' . 0.
loans , 0 to 7 per cent ; noaddl-
tloiutl cliurircs for commission or attorney's
W. 1) ) . Melkle , First National bunk bldE.
Kstato Loans-Ciian on hand. Olobo
Loan & Trust Oo.i07 : a 10th st. No delay ,
no extra charxoa. llouscs for rent , good ll < t.
14 *
Or. & 0. JI. Anthony. : )18 ) N. Y. I Ifo build-
Ing , lend money on farms In choice coun
ties In Nebraska and lowiu also on coed
Otnnha residence property ; lowest rates ; best
terms ! no dolny ; money ready , Titles and
values uasscd on hero. 713
MONEY to loan by.ll. P. Masters on chattel
mid colliiteralbecurltlesfor any tlmo from
1 to 6 months , In tiny uinouiit to suit bor
Loans made on household goods , pianos , or-
g-ins , , mules , houses , lenses , warehouse
irrolpts , etc. , at the lowest iiosstulo rutel
without publicity or removal of property.
My loans are bo nrrmiRud that you can mnke
apaymontof any amount at any tlmo and re
duce both and Intcrost.
If you ewe a balance on your property or
have a loan yon wish changed , 1 will pay It off
and carry It for you. If you find It moro con
venient , call up telephone No. 1621 and your
business will bo arranged tit homo.
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates.
B. P. Masters ,
Room 4. Wlthncll blk , 15th and Harnoy st.s.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property
nt current ruU-s ; funds on hnnd ; no delay ,
Oco. F. Uluut & Co. , M Itiungo bldg. MWS
MONEY 30 , CO or 00 days , on household fur-
iilturceto. 6131'axton falook , J. J. Wilkin
son. MOTO-1'1
for ratat , ttcsee to of Ktnt ta umn on thti j > asr >
771OU SALE At face value for cash enl
J3 llrst nnd only mortgaKO on house and lot in
city , MOO. 5-yoan at 0 per cent straight. Title
perfect , Apply room 4u ) Hco UHlg. MMO-ill *
AOHA.NCK In a life time for men with capi
tal and active men without capital to so-
cuio a very pleasant and profitable business.
No drones or curiosity seekers need apply.
Address with 2-cent stamp , Consolidated Ad
justable Shoo Co. , Salem , Mass. J1K1S-21'
E1OUSALE Furniture nndloasoof 40-room
hotel In line location ; an average business
of JUOnday. Good chance , llest reasons for
soiling. w. S. Cooper , Jlerrlam block. Council
III u Its , ta. W519 F19
TWILL , sell or rent my butter dairy of HO or
J-40 cows to good , responsible party with land
and building. . E. banborn , Sprliigilcld.ftcb.
OAl'AULE uccountant with $5.000 to Invest
can secure'position of treasurer In Incor
porated company in Omaha with paid UD
capital by applying or writing , Security , 819
N. Y. Life. 479 SO *
M EAT nmrkot for sale cheap. Inquire 921S
llltli St. 5CO 21 *
HAHDWAUE. furniture anrt linnloment
stock nnd bnllcllni' for sale cheap for casher
or one-half cash and peed land or Omaha
Dioperty. Address IJox 77. Neoln , la. KJO-IM *
STOCK of books and stationary , now nnd
clean , for sale for cash or In exchange for
unlncumbored real estate. Auply to Sla-
bniiKh. Lano& liimli , attornoyn , rooms 010 and
ICO , New York Life IJldg. Onmha. SI370-30
tniKST class 4-rollor Hour mill , ninnlng
Jiiluht and day , In first class condition , In
good live town ot four thousand Inhabitants
( the only mill there ) for sale or trade for stock
of hard ware anil Implements. Correspondence
solicited. MitmnuKli & FltchottJ503 Howard
St. . Omaha , Nob. , t > ole ugents. 'M
POH 6ALB A stock of clears , tobacco ,
0111109 , pipes , furniture and with lease.
( Reasonable rent ) . Address It ill , lloo olllco.
410 Sl
FOIl SALE or Exchanso Clean stock of dry
goods , clothing , boots , slices , hats , caps , la
dles' nnd Rents' furnishing goods. Address
IJox ya , Krankfort , Ind , 1.70 I'll
FOU RENT Only hotel In a Rood town : n
good onenlnK for a Rood hotel man. For
particulars addruss Ilex I , llurr , Nob. 010 I'i'
POIt 8 ALE Half Interest In a well estab
lished business In this city : will require
f 15.000 casli. AddUHS V 04 , Boo olllco. MSUtt JM
FOll'SALB or Trade-Largo livery and food
stulilo , feed store attached. This Is well
located on paved Htroot nnd doltmtiRood
business. MuinauKii A. Kltchott , real estate
agents , cor. 15th and Howard Bt. ooi
HOTHL For Falo Do you want Rot Into n
ROW ! business ? If vou dobuy the Oommcr
clal at Broken llnw , rieb. I'&i
A N established business for sale or trade ,
txuoi 018 , city. 160
Fprratrt , rtr , , r t r top nf fnt column on this
W ANTK1) Clear town properties
Lands or stock nnd cash
Kor very good
Itontnl property
Oloso to nuslncss center.
Quick deal. Address HH. Ttce.
OIGAUS for piano. Address II A Uco.
FINEST rental block la Omalm
L1 to oJtoliiinno
for clear lands and lots. Wo will
Rlvoyou un
excellent trade. Our houses
nro nil rented ,
nnd nropaylnir good rental
Income. Ito quick.
Address. II 14 , lloo 800
_ _
WANTED Oloar Omaha or town lots for
Inside lots and lands. Address UK ,
lloo. 417 1
_ _ _ _
PAN use lots -within jlmlle limit for Inside
property. Address 11 40. lleo. 6S5gQ
\\TANTED-W,000 Htock general rnerohan-
T dlse , not over two years Did , for clear
western land nnd U. ( 0 In Kood bankable
notes. Hex I , Central City , Nod ana SO
\ \ ' HAT have you to trade for two good loti
' * InMt. I'lousant addition , the future resi
dence portion of Omuhu. filuko offer. AdUrots
II 'M , lloo office. MlA
A NUMUKH of stock ranches tooxchnnirofoi
-tXmcrohauillSL',013 l'nitoiiblk.Caiuercnit Co ,
lurratet. etc. , lee top of fnt column mi
Mlsa Hturdf , L 010 llarney si
Fur ratn , e te. , tee tup of flrst column p tftti page ,
ATENT lawyers oiid solicTto'rs , a7
A : Co.UeobulldlnKOmalm. llranoh odlce al
Uashlngton , D. U Coniultrttlou free. 7U
Fbr m ( , etetet top of jm column nn thl p < W
Oil BALR-CiioaiT. The residence nt ColO
I'lerco street , at al'/nualn fora fcwdnyi
only , rnniilre at the Neb , Steam laundry ,
ICIli and Iloffard lreels. 4 .MMB
iriOIlBAMV-Sevcrtit gfed Improved farms
J.'iilsounimproved Innds.und town proportr
In licst located conntlfjs In Nchrnskn and
lowti ; all nrobarftalimA Xddfcssr. I/.Lo < > inK
Uth and Douglas , Uiiiahn. cb. 53in
TjlOH SA I.E List yoiir'Droporty ' ( for fale or
J-1 oxcliango with E. l.Itlngcr. 1510 rnrnnm.
i , M U-2J
TTlOIl SALE or exellhiiRe for a tsood
X' . fat-m or other prTOcrty n forty-room
lintel. furnlMied nnd noltiK a pinxl buslnp'S ,
One of the lii-it towns V > n the Union I'nclllc
railroad. Address It 41 , Ueo , Ma-ai *
LIST your property for silo or exchange
with J. U. Uortclyou , room 40 , Chamber of
Coiiinien'o. _ M M
- llrst-elnisi rental -
WANTKD-Somo prop-
ortv ; will puy J10.000 or JlS.tHW spot cash ,
nliont r. .OO ) in watcher and dlainonds nnd
nssuine small Incunibrunco It necessary. U
I1.0. Lot 500 , city. U <
iriOHSALEcheap ! orwlll trndo.Smallhoitio
J- ' and baru , Long lea&o ot ground , uill Uhto
st ,
T > lOOKSTbarcaln In Omaha , Only
J- > those eleitant houses on 41th nnd larnnm
loft out of six ; other three occupied by llrst
class parties , llouscs are open all day lor In-
Bppotfan. E ory convcnlomo lu the houses ,
Including Kasandgas fixtures.
Takoalookat them durlngthlaflnu weather ;
buy ono tuultako lite conifoi'.ablo during tlio
Only takes fromKKMto JSOOcash. See them
without fall for they will please you , 1 . V.
bhok-s,2ij ; I'lrst Nat'l bank. 745
KOlINT/i ; Place I still ht o onoO-room
house lo sell on easy payments ; price ,
J.iWX ) ; CiOUcnsli , bal.W5.OU per month ! would
take some eluar proncrty hi oxclmuKO. J. J ,
Ollmon , solo aRcnt KonnUo IMaco , room - \
t'rolaliton . '
" 171OH BAIiK Or trade. Improved farm. 330
Xlucres , InUospcr county , Nob. , clonr. Ad
dress J , U. Shaw , 40th aim Hamilton st.Omnlia.
FOIl SALE or Trade Ono clear lot In Ar
mour I'luoo , South Omaha. Make offer.
Address II ST. llooolllue. ; iol
UnrRaln Larso lot , KlxlKi ft. , 4
h locks f roni Luwo n\e. and CumliiK St. , lays
siloiidld | : ehoan for cash , or will trade for
farm. Address E. U. Merrill , I''nd and Cusssts.
m ?
l-rooiu lion so nnd full corner lot , very cheap
for cash , or will trade for clear farm or Oma
ha lots. Address the owner at 42nd and Ones
sis. . K. 0. Merrill , Ib7
120 ncres dim farm land adjoining good No-
J-bruska town ; nearly clear.
lt > 0 acres llnclv Improved land 2Vi miles from
county sen tin Nebraska ! lightly cnuumLorcd.
1'JO ncres good land In Nehraskn,1 * miles from
county seat ; U.MW Inhabitants.
House nnd lot In town In Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In Rood Nebraska town.
4 room house nnd lot , barn , well and cistern.
10th street. Om.itu ; sllglitly encumbered : will
trade for Omaha property nnd assume encum
brances U. E. Cole , Continental block. UOO
FOH SALE A largo list of choice residence
nnd business property. Houses and lots on
monthly pavments ; tl,2."iO and upwards !
vacant lots & 00 and up. George J. 1'aul , 1W
I'arnum. 3iO
TJ1OK SALE Jly residence. OHO Fnrnum
JHtH'Ot. . Choicest locution nnd best house
In Omahit for tlio money. Hot water nnd
every convenience possible. Ilarn , connected
with sewer , water and gas. I ) . Y , Shales , "U
1st Nat. bunk. " M781
5-ROOM house , lot 31x82 , ' { 1,700 ; also 6-room
house. lotMMxS. , s. o.-jfeiir. llth and Vlnton
st. , J'J.ono. llrlck house hnd American house ,
lot CdxOtt , n. o. cor. lOth'nnd Douglas , 140,000.
Mrs. Kuhlmnnn , 2121 S. llth. 42S
EI/EOANT resldencoi in Kountzo Place ; U
fooms finely finished' ' iinU nil modern con
veniences , Wlrt st near Oth. Can sell on one-
quarter cash payment and balance time to
right party. This Is nophcnparridrof a house ,
but a comfortable home In every sense and
a big snap bargain , IV K. Darling , llurkar
block. i M7
GHAIU/ES Kaufman& ton , real estate
nnd loans. Choice vacant and Improved
residence nnd business property for sale In all
parts of the city and .South Oninlui on easy
terms. List your property with us. Loans nt
lowest rates. Ofllco lid ! Douglas st. Tel. 600.
* ' 481J20
7-ROOM cottage , full lofellanscom Piace.oast
I front , and a great bargain for n f aw days.
Small cash payment and buluuco on long time.
K K. Darling , Barker blo\5k. 743
lorraltt , ttc. , tee tap of fnt column on
MASSAGE-SI udam Dolzler , over 010 S. itth. :
MRS. Naiuilo \Vnrrcn.clalrvoyant trance ,
spcakltig , writing and reliable business
medium , four years in Omaha. 110 M. 10th.
MME.Burrough Palmist tells the pastpres
ent and future from the lines of the band ,
In thuold Gypsy way. F6o. tit ladles only.
1817 Jzard street. Omaha , KM Si *
AKUlVED-Olnlrvoyimt , naturally. Rifted ,
tells past and future , love troiibloa , ab
sent friends , changes , travel , business , satis
faction given. Mrs Wallace , 1BU8 Kurnam st
M 155- * ! '
/errata , etc. ttetopof jlni column on tttli pigs.
TTton SALE Cheap , a nearly now Hallott ,
JL Davis & Co. , uprlxht piano In first-class
condition. Inquire at IOIU Douglas at. J10J
BEFORE buying a piano examine the new
scale Klniball piano. A. JIospo,1511 Douslns.
EO. K. ( Icllcnbcck , toaoher of tbo bun to
with Hosco , 1613 Douglas. 240
For ratu , etc , te fop of cofumnon Witt rxj0 .
TVfASSAOE hath at Shulame Smith's parlors ,
i. iithSt. : . next ll.trkor hotel. K J 21'
TVf AiSAOli Madam Uelzler , over 010 B 13th.
JJL . 085 - FJ
Forrgto , etc , tee ton of wt foliimn nn thti 1x171
FINEST electric and electro thermal bntli
rooms , including Turkish cabinet batha ,
Ladles.ii . to 1 dally & Tuesday & Friday ev'ngs
GtolO. Dr.UIub.ards , rooms818 & 330 , Bee bide. .
Fprrata , etc. , Kt top of fnt. column onthtipagt ,
"OKST line hair goods In west ; hair dressing ,
. < wis ) , switches , banes , hair chains , etc. . o
specialty. Davlos , hair goods and milliner
opposite postofllcc , 111 a 15th street , Omahn.
Tor rntti , ttc , , tec top nf flnt column < rniti / paw
TTlHEl ) Mohlo loans money on diamonds anc
-L wutchesjcwelry.otc.s. e. cor. Farnam& 11 tl
tO' '
For "rait , etc. , , ree tnpnf fffljcolumnon thii page ,
TTl lltS-OLASS table board : 2578 llarnoy.
_ v > i
For rates , etc , ice top of Jlril plumn on tftti
LADIES nnd gentlcinetf'can rent masnuor
ado nulU at C2i N. ICtrt'st. ' ofjja
For rn ( < . etft. tjMtu /pininn on tJiu pag >
TKNSIONS-Tho Cllnzman Pension Agonci
J21 Ii'renzer block. Information freo. T.
pitOl'USAUIFOlt PIliLli SEED3. U. S. IN
J. dian service. ItosobuanAgenoy , South Da
kota.Jaiiuiiry 12 , IMJl.-rS-iialed proposals on.
dorsed "Proposals for Vielil Seeds. ' ' und ad
dressed to the undonjgncd ut Husolnn
Ajroncy , South Dakota , , vi > ll bo received untl
1 o'clock of February 6 , Ih'JVfor furnishing inn
dellvcrlnK the sumo nt , V-ftlcntlno , Nobraka
BOO bushels of bccil oats , 1,000 bu.slioln of seel
potatoes and I.twu bushola of seed corn. Hid
tiers must state the proposed prlco of each nr
tlclo to bo olfered for delivery under a con
tract , OKiiTiriKiJ CIIKCKS. Each bl <
must bo accompanied by n cortl
nod check or draft upon some united Stati-i
Deposllory. made payublo to the order of tin
undersigned , for at least FIVE per cent o
the amount of the proposal , which check n
draft will bo forfeited to the United States ti
casu any bidder or bidders receiving m
award shall fall topromptly execute & con
tract with good and HuUlelontnurltles , other
wljii'to bo rotur'ned to the bidder. J. OEORQ1
WRIGHT. U. a Indian Agent. J-13-d'21-tii
X ' 8 Of THE VOllTltn'JKST.
Tlio Hyaunls brass band Is nuking good
Tlioronro only (33 delinquent tnxos In
Uraut county.
Five tlficr cats were killed last week by
residents of Hymmis.
The Ouster county Toncnors1 association
will bo held at Hrokon Uow January 31 ,
Broken How younp men have orgnnl/ed n
company of lioma guards sixty-two strong.
Revival meetings nro In progress In the
Methodist and Baptist churches tit Dnvld
For the lint tlmo In the history of Frank
lin county , Its llnanclal affairs tire nearly
ut par.
The student nt the Pom normal school
contributed about $30 to the fund in ntd of
the jyestorn drought sufferers.
TlTo Grand Army post of Peru gave n sup
per for the benefit ol the drought sufforcn ,
which was n decided ( hmnelal success.
The Marsland Irrigation and Improvement
company luvs bceu organized nt Marsland.
Daxvcs county , with , a capital stock of
Fivohendof cattle belonging to W. II.
Sturtovaut , a Furaos county furmor , broke
through tlio Ice on the Beaver and were
The stock of poods of W. A. Cbltwood of
Hcpubllcnn City has been nttaclied by crcd-
Many Clergymen ,
Blngcrs , actors , nnd public speakers use
Aycr's Cherry 1'cctoral. It Is the favorlto
remedy for hoarseness and all nflcctlons of
the vecul organs , throat , and lungs. As an
anodyne and expectorant , the effects of
this preparation are promptly realized.
" .Acr's Cherry Pectoral has done me great
good. It Is a splendid remedy ( or nil dis
eases of the throat nnd lungs , and I have
much pleasure In testifying to Its merits. "
( Hev. ) C. N. Nichols , No. Tlshury , Mass.
" In my profession of an auctioneer , any
affection of the mice or Is a serious
matter , hut , at each attack , I have been re
lieved by a few doses of Aycr's ' Cherry
rcctoral. This remedy , wltli ordinary care ,
has worked such a magical cITcct that I liaro
suffered very little Inconvenience. I have
also used U In my family , with very excel
lent icsults , In coughs , colds , &c. " Win. II.
Quartly. Mlnlaton , So. Australia.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
DR. J. O. AYER. & CO. , Lowell , Maes.
Bold by allUrugtUt * . Trice $1 ; eUboUlci , | & .
Beeclvcr's Snlo of Capitftl Hotel Fur
By virtue of an order of the district court ,
In and for Lancaster county , appointing the
undersigned receiver In the Bull of Kalpli
Kitchen vs Kdward ! . ItoRgcn , ot al. . notice la
hereby given that I will on tlio Uth day of
February , A. D. IS'H. ' nt 10 o'clock a. m. of snld
dity , nt thu Capital hotel , at the southwest
corner of Eleventh and I1 streets. In thu city of
Lincoln. In the county of Lancaster , sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash ,
all the personal property , furniture , goods ,
chattels and fixtures In said hotel belonging
to the flrni of ItoKRon k McDonald. The In
ventory and list of the said chattel property
can bo examined at the said hotel bullillnjr and
ntmyotncp. BAM McOLAv ,
Lincoln , January 10 , 1891. Receiver.
rNSTUUMENTSplaooitoii reourd January SO.
Henry Ambler and wife to Oil String-
ham , lot 10 , blk 4 , Eckormiin 1'lnue 731
1'atrlok Desmond and -wife to J M Dauiih-
orty , lot 14 , hlkl , M IJonovan'N sub. . , , oac
A A Egbert nnd wife to V W Wessells ,
lots laud 2 , blk I. Ln Vota Place 4.00C
O A Goas and wlfo to Anna M Uarr , n 21 !
fnet of lot S , blk 10. Omaha 5.40C
A U McCnndllsh. sr , and wlfo to 0 JI
Wondhrldge , Iot3 , blk2 , Isabel add. . . . 1.10C
WEIU'lorcoiindwIfotolt A McEach-
rnn , lot 15 , ulk 2 , Washington Hill , 1.50C
GrorRO F 1'aul to J N Cluiroli , lot 5 ,
1'aul'ssubln Wiikhlugton Hill. . . . . 471
J F Hansom to U V Fouko , lot 4 , blk 112 ,
Florunco 2.0M
Cliirn M VnnDorn und husband to J II
Illtub , lotlO , lilkVnltiutlllll 2.CXX
OL Van Camp and wlfo to It II I'lckard ,
lot 6 , blk C , Cottage I'ark 1XK
United States to Kllzahotb Ilanco , nH
of 80035-10-10 ( patent )
Total amount of transfers , . . . . ,117.40
nnlldlna ; I'ormtti.
The following permits were Issued by tb <
superintendent of buildings yesterday t
Ida M. Drown , repairs , residence , Lowe
avonuu nnd Davenport street I 1GO
ErnoatBtulit , two-story brick addition
to botol. Eleventh and MasonatreeU. , 1,50' '
On * minor permit 1 >
Total I 3,16i
Itors , but nrrnn gcmonts are bolus undo to
adjust the matter ,
U. F , Solbcrt , living near lie aver City , lost
seventeen cows and live stcors tbo other
night by n mysterious disease. The cnttlo
were nnnnrcntlx * well in tbo evening and were
found dead in the morning.
Stromsbun ; bad boys have been aiinovtug
Daniel Uoroff nnd wlYe. tbo former of whom
Is blind nnd the latter dcnf. The other night
they shot Into the lloroff residence with a
slingshot nnd hurt Mrs. lloroft badly , be
sides nearly frightening the old couple to
death ,
John Allen , nn old resident of Snllno county ,
who has bceu living upart from bis family for
several years , was found dead in a house nt
Swnutou where ho bos occn living for the
hut live months all alone. An Inquest was
held nnd a verdict rendered that ho died of
pleurisy of the heart.
PostofllcolnsnectorJcssoT. I\IcCluro met
with qulto n serious necldont between Ausloy
nnd Herwyii. Ha wns standing in tbo back
door of the caboose of n freight train looking
out , when the engine strucic n cow. The Jar
of tbo train throw hltn against the door , drlv
Ing both hands through tlio plass , cutting Ins
loft hnnd very seriously nnd nearly severing
0110 of the tendons la front of the motacorhal
UonestQol It Tumor's was the scene of a
hulr-pulllng struggle between the good Mrs.
Bird Head and Mrs. iCnudscn , both members
of the 1'oiiea trlbo , snys the Niobrarn Pie
neer. Mrs , lllrd Head onmn In tbo store
whllo Mrs. Knudscn wus trading and threat
ened to whip her , and very soon tlio struggle
began , The lady with the feathered up-
pcndngo was much younger than lior op
ponent and came out with her wings Hop-
iiinff. This Is the flrst Indian blood spilled
in our vicinity.
Lucy Moore , near Lohrvlllo , took strych-
ulno nnd died nn agonizing death , She was
eighteen years of ago. Poor health made her
The Increase of communicants of the Epis
copal church of the dloees oflowa during the
past decade wns M per cent. The population
Increase wai 17.03 per cent.
Hishop Perry ot Davenport has Just re
ceived , n llttlo Into for Christmas , an English
ilutn pudding sent from Oxford , l uglaud.
The duty on it was 75 cents.
It is reported that tlio lit. ilt-v. iJlshop
Hennessey will erect before tlio nnd of this
year n magnificent Knlscopnl residence nt
Dubunuo oil property which ho recently pur
chased for $1S , 000.
Ananias Pugh Luso , the well known Chicago
cage typefounder who recently tiled at Los
Angeles , Cal. , was for ncary a score of years
a resident of Davenport , where bo carried on
the job printing business ,
The site for the government building at
Cedar KapIUs has been located on the Kly
corner , oppoiito the Baptist church. John o.
Ely offered the land to the government for
K 1,000. The appropriation for Cedar Hapids
is $100,000. ,
Hon. Charles Aldrich , who has prepared
nnd presented to the state library at the cap
ital the very valuable collection of autograph
letters , manuscripts nnd portraits , bus ap
plied to Bishop Perry to nppolnt n committee
of loading church men throughout the state
to procure by subscriptions of a sum not ex
ceeding $ T > , a portrait in oil ofltho flrst bishop
oflowa , lit. Itov. Henry Washington Lee , D.
D. , LL. D. , Cantab , for preservation In the
state picture gallery. The bishop has com
piled with the request.
N. H. Anders , who Is under indictment for
forgery , made his escape from custody at
Waterloo. Ho was formerly in business nt
Waterloo and foiled , and attorwards disap
peared. It was thou claimed that ho hud
forged four notes , and ho was followed and
recently captured nt York , Pn. When ho
was brought back ho claimed to bo sick , and
the physicians decided that bo had consump
tion. Un tins account ho was released from
Jail and placed in the poorhou&o , but ho did
not seem to improve. Ho climbed out of a
second story window uad made his escape in
tbo night.
The Two Unkotna.
Building Is going on at Grand Forks as In
Tbo demand for houses exceeds the supply
nt Dcadwood.
There is complaint of poor local mall ser
vice in tbo Black Hills.
The railway mall messengers going into
Deadwood have a run of ! MU miles.
D. C. Ackerman. a pioneer of the Black
Hills , is dead at his homo near Piedmont.
The street sprinkler was in service all day
Friday at Bismarck and the weather dis
counted that of Italy.
David Cole of Ethan , Into republican nonil-
nco for sheriff ol Davlson county , died of
heart disease yesterday morning.
Inquiry Is being made in the Black Hills
for Jamas A. Van Emnn , formerly of Can-
nonsburg , Pa. Ho is the heir to a consider-
nblo estate by the death of his parents at tbo
old homo.
The order of Knights of Labor is growing
in North Dakota. It Is claimed that twenty-
flvo members of the order were elected to
the legislature last fall by the labor and
farmer vote.
Bottlncnu had u masquerade ball ono night
last week. Only live days before thu whole
place was expecting to bo pillaged , burned
and massacred by the Indians according to
the newspapers.
South Dakota claims more colonels than
Kentucky in proportion to population. Titles
have been sprinkled Indiscriminately over
Nothing like H
Dr. Pierco's Pavorito
. Prescrip
tion. It's as peculiar in its compo
sition , as in its curutivu effects , in
all the diseases and disorders that
afflict womankind. It's a legitimate
medicine an invigorating , restora
tive tonic , a soothing nnd strength
ening nervine , and a positive rem
edy for female wcaknchsuH and
ailments. All functional disturb
ances , irregularities , and derange
inents are cured by it. Tliuro'a
nothing like it in tlio vay it acts
there's nothing like it in the way
it'a sold. It's ffuarantded to give
satisfaction in every case , or the
money paid for it is promptly re
Read the guarantea on the wrap
per.You lose nothing if it doesn't
help you but it will.
The system is invigorated , tlio
blood enriched , digestion improved ,
melancholy and nervousness dis
pelled. It's a legitimate medicine ,
the onlj one that's' guaranteed to
give satisfaction in the euro of all
To can nillonsnoM. Sick IIc dacbo. Constipation.
Ualtrla. Llv r ComulalnU. Uko the ruf.0
tad cntaln remedy , '
Use the BMAIJ , EIZI3 ( JO little txianl to flie bot.
tie ) . Ther ere tbo moat convenient : Bint all ogea.
i'rlcoof cltberslio. 'J8 conu p r UilUo.
KISSING * ' 717' 70L I'boto.imTuro.
IVIOOIIIVa panel sUe of thU ulcture tor 4
Mats ( ooppenor etampt ) .
J , F. Bit mi A CO. ,
Uaktnof "DlUtlieaiu. ' Bu Louis. Me.
tlio mllltta until it Is satirically snltl tlmt , U
Is a distinction to bo n private.
The UtifTnlo Grip Hcniibltcnti snys Itixpld
City nt ono tlmo Berlously cotitcniphtod
Btrok'lilnir un electric ll - litvlro nrouiul the
town which wns to ho kept "ntlvo" nt (
fur the pttrncna of kcoplni ; oil thu Indian ) .
Hunch Johnson , n farmer on his way lioiuo
from Slotitc Falls with n lonil of Itimhorivs
thrown ilownn 11 ftcen foot cmlmuluncnt. Ho
\vii9 linprlsonod uiulur tlio lo.ulrtnil liulilthoro
twenty-foil r hours until nomnboily cnmonloiiR
ami found lilin. Ho suMnltiod a fniclnroof n
letr unit other tmlnful injurlos niul wna uncott *
srloiiH n luivo iMrtion of thottmoho was
iirlsoner , but Ihoro Is liopo of liU rxvovory.
Hovns iutoxlcntcd whoit thu mlslmp oc
My physician snld I could not llvoj my
liver out of order ; frequently vntnltoil
mucous ; skin yellow ; small dry
humors on face ; Momncii would not intiUtt
food. 11 unlock lllooit Uittors cured mo.
iMrs. AileliiUlo O'Hrlon , 3Ti Kxchnneo street ,
BulT'ilo , N. Y.
Tlio Coroner ICxntnin ,
OMAIH , Jnn. 20.-To the EtHtor of Turn
Chum BKR ! In nn nrtlclo of THU
HUE of Jnnunry 14 , signed by A.
O. , n supcrcllllo , who cnn glvo no
better evidence of bis inomitncntnl Ignor-
nnco than la contained In the nrtlclo bonded ,
"Will the Coroner Hxplnin I" I ordered a
postmortem oxnnilnntton on the hody of
.Aloxnudor ObrlnRto cstnhllsh tbo fact Hint
deoth wns strictly nnd rlomly trncctihlo to
Injuries received by bis fnllliiBfromn sealtold
nt Swift's parkin K house , niul not itcpotulunt
on nny other causo. Upon reachinp the sreno
of the nculdent , nnd uniklng nn oxtornulox *
ninlnntlon of tliu body of the deccnsod. I
failed to Hnd any physical evidence ot In
juries which would result In so sudden a
death as befell the unfortunate Alexander
Obrine. The surgeon to Swift's packing
housu hail been summoned in haste.and when
ho arrived , llfo was not yet extinct , but the
unfortunate Ohriug died a few minutes after
bis arrival. I naked the doctor tlio came of
death , and bo snld lie could not state us there
wns notaulllclent external evidence for him.
to give on opinion , BuhiR possessed of tit
least a limited medical laiowlodito of the
cause ot dentil , ns well ns n slight tninillnrlty
with the legal knowledge of the law of evi
dence , I then proceeded to simply do my duty
ns nn honast scolter for the truth. Tosturt
I Ima the evidence of two of Obrinir's fellow
workmen that they saw him fall from the
scaffold to the protind , n illstanco of thirty-
four t'ect , but they could not testify whether
the man wns alive or dead , cotiselous or uu-
consoloui before ho loft the scnflolil. Belun ;
n medical man , I Imow that either runturoot
the benrt , n bursting of an nncurlsmor a
stroke of npoploxy , inlsht Imvo produced
death before ho fell from the scnlfold. If
either of thcso coudlltons bnd taken plnco ,
then death v.'ould ho duo to n natural cuuso ,
and not the result of the Injuries received by
the fall , The body did not present nny ex
ternal evldouco of having received nny in
juries which would result In such n stuldon
death , by n process of exclusion , I omleav-
nrcd to ascertain In a rational and soientltlo
manner tbo Immediate cause of the death ot
.Alexander Obrlng. The post-mortem estab
lished the fact Hint none of the organs of the
body bad been in any of the diseased condi
tions which might result lu n sudden death.
It also established the fact that there WAS a
rupture of the liver with complete Inrcorn-
tlon of nil Its important vessels , and that
death wns duo to hcmorrhngo nnd shock , the
direct result of tbo injuries received by the
full from the scaffold. Any Intelligent per
son will recognize the value of CbUibllaliliifj-
beyond nil doubt the exact cause of death ,
especially if the deceased carried any acci
dent insurance. The result of the post
mortem examination does not iouvo room fern
n chance of doubt in n court of evidence , 03
to whether the deceased , Obrlng , came to his
death from natural or violent onuses. The
insinuations of tbo insolent and malignant
A. Q. , that sordid and unmanly motives ,
actuate me lu the discharge ot my ofllclul
duties , stamps him as n coward , n liar and a
sueak. C. i' . HAIIIIIOAX ,
_ _
Read Tit IB.
When suffering from malaria , or bilious
fever , don't wreck your general health with
quinine or other nauseous 'drugs. Hum
phreys Specifics Nos. Ten nnd Sixteen cflect
a speedy and permanent cure.
It is announced .that the following prizes
will bo awarded at the masquerade ball to bo
given nt the Coliseum on Friday evening :
Twonty-llvo dollars In cash to the best
group , en mnsquo , not loss than flvo charac
ters.Two pieces of imported statuary to tbobost
represented couple , on masque.
fclepnnt English walking' umbrella to the
handsomest costumed lady.
Fine pair of slippers to the handsomest
costumed gentleman.
Beautiful opera fan to the best represented
fcmnlo cliarncter , ca innsquo.
Silver cup to tbo best represented male
character , on niasquo.
Uicb toilet sot to the best " ( Joadcss of Llb-
ortv. "
( .icnulno meerschaum plpo to the best
"Uncle Sam. "
Cut glass bottle nnd perfumery to the best
"Topsy. "
Half Uo/en silk handkerchiefs to the uost
male comic costume.
Benutlful lump to the best female comio
Lady's red hat to the best "Fairy Queen. "
Valuable cano to the best "clown. "
Uciitloman'R slmvlug sot to bo awarded by
the judges , ona nititiy other beautiful prl/os.
drain ! muitli of character ! ) on masque , 0
o'clock p. m. All miwiicM desiring to com
pete for the prizes , must take part in the
grand march. Dancing promptly at 0:30 : p. m.
I have a cousin who is a printer , snys ex-
Mayor J , B. LotiKhran of North Dos Molnes ,
In. Homo years itgo bo was employed In this
city u-iiero they were printing circulars for
Chamberlain. Ho had n dcon seated cold and
terrible cough , und whila netting up copy ho
made up his mind to buy n bottle. It cured
him nnd that was the first 1 ever know of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I Imvo been
strongly In Its favor over Blnc'o My own ex
perience and that of my family convinces mo
that this remedy is the best In the world.
That may ho strong language but that Is what
I think. For sale by ull druggists.
A Generous Offer.
A rare opportunity to the nlutnul and other
friends of tbo university to rcndor it timely
nld Is now furnished. Dr. .Toshua W. Water
man of Detroit , himself an alumnus of Yale
university , with great generosity proposes to
contribute $ lUOOU ! , toward the erection of a
gymnasium. If tbo graduates and other
friends of the university will give the sjuuo
If a Yale graduate so interests himself to
secure this much needed building may wo not
bopo that the graduates ot our university and
its other friends will , all combined , hasten to
fulfill the conditions of raising Wl.OOO ) if
prompt action is taken the building may bo
completed by next autumn May I afk the
alumni In various cltlui to form commltU'o.i
und endeavor to push this enterprise to early
completion. I shnll bo very plad to rorclvo
and acknowledge nny subscriptions ,
JAM 1-8 H. ANOF.U , .
Prosldont University of Michigan.
Quinsy troubled mo for twenty years.
Since 1 started ushig Dr. Thornm' ' Elcctrlo
Oil have not had im attack. Tbo Oil cures
sera throat at o'ix . Mrs. Lotta C'onrud ,
SUndlah , Mich. , Get , 24 , 1&3.M.
South Dakota Tin.
Mr. F. G. Slortb , who has resided in Ilay-
ward , l'emiliiKtoncouitv , South Dakota , for
the past fourteen years , was In the city yes
terday on huiino i. Mr. Slorth Is en
thusiastic on the subject of the nbundauco of
untnluod tin ere In the vicinity of Hnyward.
Already a wealthy company has bought up n
number of claims , and with the aid of ma
chinery , Is working them with great success.
There are nlso nny amount of claims owned
by private individuals , which will someday
yield u rich harvest , nnd nro only laying Idle
now for the reason that tbo owner * have not
the necessary funds , It requiring somowliat
expensive machinery to work them profita
bly. Mr. Slcrlh exhibited n spcclmtm ot thu
tin ere extracted from Hay ward , which. II a
fair sample , shows that this part of bouth
Dakota is vdry prolific In thin useful metal , u
A Komorkablo Caso. Mr. Walter Wheeler
of the Washington Mills , Lawrence , Muss. ,
for two years aflllcted with varlcoso veins ,
accompanlod by n troublesome eruption , wet
completely cured after taking only eight bob
ties of Aycr's Sanaparilla.