Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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    OMAHA DAILY" BEE : WlibtfESDAY. JANUAKY 21 , 1891.
Moadaj'a Weakness Felt in the Opening of
All the Pits.
Doth nulls ntul Bcnrs In tlio Lurch
llio Olil Hone Does Not Fit
Corn Ijcndn Wheat
Cnttlo mill
L'niCAno , .Inn. 20. [ Predial Telegram to THE
tlnK.1 The weakness In Monday's markets
wni felt on 'change ut tlio opening. This wns
trim of cereals and provisions May wheat
Opened about 'so lower ut Kl'ic. sold lit 030
Mid recovered toO'Mjc. Corn , after starting a
fraction easier ntMiiC.rouqted to WJ.'jc , tlicn
lo 60 < c and MJfo at Uio end of tlio hour. Outi
wcro firm and stniuly. Mess pork sold IJc
lower , touching I10.GO for May delivery. Lard
told 2te [ lowers ribs 5o lowor.
There WIIB dl'appolntmcnt In wheat nil
around today. Tlio bears expected another
decline of I'to ' and the hulls looked for a ro
d/very / of n couple of cents. Tliero wus a goon
big market most of the time , but thu r.mgc ol
prlcci , up to 1 o'clock , was within Ic. with the
price of .May at that liotir nt tlio best point ol
tlio day atolc. The bears liat ! tlio best of It
early In the day and put the prlco of May nt
Bo. Later tlio ilrnior foolInK put the price
back to > lc. This was all tlio action
until half an hour before tlio close. The
mtr ! < et opcnad around Wic , or aboul
Ko off fromjlast night. Mvcrnool cables were
Weak and ( id lower. Wheat on ocean passage
Increased 81(1,000 ( biisheK Receipts ut Minne
apolis wore 251 cars. Receipts here wore ovci
the estimate at'107 cars. The movement horc
yesterday was 31,000 bushels 'receipts , and
(4,000 ( bushels , shipment. * , With this class ol
news tinil 1'ard ridge , B. V , Wlilto&Co. nn < !
I'arkcr leading the Helling , the hcnr pressure
lastly caused a slight decline to Otic. After the
bulge to O.llic , It was s.ild that Mitchell sold
out u Una of wheat and put the prlco bauk tc
WWc. Hero the best buying of the diiy began
llolmholr , llutchlnson. Dunne , Irwht , Green
nd othersbought euriy. They bought agali :
im the second decline. Thn Wourcomtnlsslor
somiviny , W. 1' . Harvey ft Co. , and others also
bought f i eely on the broak. The news also bo >
: amo inoro bullish. The error In Chicane
itocks made a decrease In the vhl
bio supply of 119,00) bushels niori
than nnnouiico/l yesterday. Now York clearei
13,000busltulsof wheat. In that market No , !
red wns quoted IloovorMay.und the cash urlci
I'liO over OhloiiRo. Thcro wcro olTorts made
to buy wheat here and It was rumored about
noon that Dun would probably work 200,00 <
bushels. This was only a guess on Indications
but It helped buying. Later advices from tin
continent Indicated damage fiom the tnrrlblc
tvuathrr prevailing. Knlns were roportculn tin
nest and the danger of u hard freeze Oollowlnt
was a bull argin.H'iit. At 1 o'clock the prlco o
May was attHc. orUc ovortho closolast night
The whcatmarKot rocolvud Its best stiongtt
during the last half hour. The news beoami
tnoro bullish , The working of ( V > ,000 bushels al
Bt. hauls to clear from Now Orleans and roll
tlvo prices of cash wheat horu nud at Mev
York would not bo Ignored. On the Una
bill so the prlco of May went to 04S5c , Die ui
from tlio bottom of Jfoovor last night. Tin
close was nttho top. January w.\s quoted a
S7c up to R3"o : July atSSfo up toOO'icat tin
close. The estimate for this market for Wed
Dcsouy was but 48 cars.
The old song about corn acting In spmpathj
with wheat was not sun ? In the pit this morn
Ing. Corn led wheat In point of strength al
fliiy. When Mjiy wheat was ? So lower early
May corn was Uo up from last night. AVhci
wheat got from 0io ; toOlo or Uo over the olosi
last night , corn was up lo M5 o or lo ovur tli
cloao on Monday. Action In Slay corn wit
opened a fraction lower at MHio , sold at 50i
to 5JJJC to 5t ? o at 1 o'clock. Oommlssloi
houses were among the early buyers. Gable
wcro } IA lower and partly offset by the decrease
crease of 00,030 bushels on ocean passage. Ohl
cage shipments were 109,000 bushuls and At
Untie ports cleared 57,000 bushels. The Ugh
estimate for Wednesday , 12. ) cars , wusonoc
the things whluh made the shorts uneasy. I
was the oversold condition of the market , n
doubt , that gave the strong reaction. Con
hold the lead to the eloso. The covering o
torn so freely by I'urdrldgo yesterday left les
on the market , and thcro was good buying b
longs as well as Hhorts. llutchlnson was
moderate seller nil day , This tended to mal <
the advance slow , but It continued until Ma
( old at 51 ? > c. or l'.io over last night and oloso
atftlUc ; January nominal nt 4Sic ! ; Fcuruur
ISo ? to40o ; July NiXc , to 62KC , toW'io at th
close. May corn puts wcro at Mjc ; call
There was good atrqngth In oats as In othc
grains. The recovery frniu tlio bottom prlc
of the session was le. The range for Jlay wn
44Jtc and 45Jio at tin1 closu ; 45 ? 14" > 1/J or J o u
for the clay. The market was depressed earl
with others when the buy Inn became quit
eoni'ral. llutchlnson and Kgglohton wet
lending holler- * , mid llartlott and l'ra/cr an
Uoiinsolman& Day the best buytiis. Tbo non
Inul prices for January were 42'ii : . 411'io an
< : tVio at the clobo ; July 405c ! to 41eat tl
There was a change of front In provision
but no such icactlon ascamo lo ccroals. Tli
receipts of hogs , while not up to the ostlinau
( voro pretty freeat 3 , wx ) , and paukors woi
igulnst the market from the start. Durlii
the early trading Armour .t Co. and Oudah
wcro sellout of pork midribs , Orr was a solli
of pork thought to bo for Scptcinbor. Lati
In the day the Angle-Amorlcun and otlu
puckers and local operators sjld Iliril jiutl < li
pressed the market. During the last hour tl :
buylnz bpcniiio qultn general and theio wi
less olforlng. The last prices were at the tc
for all products. .May pork ttold at$10.G7M
110.00 early , closing at tlO.75 , or 5o over la
night. May lard brokoDo from W.lTii to(1.12 (
Mid recovered totU7Vi. ( Klbs closed ,
riticF.s AT cuiCAno.
Hoard Notes and
PnrdrldRe was putting out some wheat i
Estlmntod hogs at Chicago tomorrow , 40. '
Hoportoil visible ilcoroaso 1,080 ,
Dnltlmoro cash wheat one cent higher th
yesterd'ty. _
Ilnlttinoro stocks , nil Icltlls of wheat 01
iOO.lKX ) bushels.
Ban 1'ranclseo mcssaeo says market stra
on account of dry weather.
A prlvutocablo to Kaiulo firock reports 1
dainugu to crops by frost ,
llutohlnson has bconsollliiR a big jac of o :
but the crowd tool ; them all tlio wuy to 4.1 ?
Total clearances , 'our ports , yosterdo
Wheat , 40.155 ; com , 57,180 ; oats. 10,415 ; llo
87,222. ,
Wheat from Now Vorle Includes 17,331
Amsterdam und 1,000 hard spring for I
Tlio Inter private Now York cables contl
tlio earlier ones reporting duiuugo to t
growliiK'cropon the continent.
McCormlck & Co. to ! ' . U Swnrtz & Co.
the little wheat spurt Counselmun hus boci
big buyer. Hliorla have also been iniyors.
Consldorablo talk of probable injury
( trowing wheat lu Europe by extreme c <
weather. Foreigners suy such spoils hero
fore huvo caused much uanmKO.
Bt. Louie slilpincnts Wheat. 24,000 btisho
corn. SO.tXW btibhela ; oats. 18,000 bushels.
Louis rtVoIpts Wlioat , 12.ll.VI buslicsl : co :
18.000 bushels ; outs , CO.OSO bubhols.
The corrected visible supply iliows 110 ,
bushel addll'onal , The decreabo In win
owtnir to thuOhlCHKO stocks bolus ? that inn
iiuallcr than wus llfurcd ou , Thu prouili
wldoncn ontittll further todsy between here
and New York inducing considerable buying
hero and o1lltii ? there.
JlcCorinlck ft Oo , to P. 0. Bwnrt * ti Co.
Have reasons tn think Unit Cudnhy. who 1ms
been llio heaviest seller of pork , ft buying
largely today. Wo should have tome upturn
In provisions.
Chlcnzo recoipls Wheat 107 cars , 50 No. Jl
corn 419. 8 No. 3 ; oats 21 , 80 No. 2. Ksthnutcd
tomorrow Wheat. 49 C.IM : corn , Ui | oats , 01 ,
Minneapolis receipts. Sit cars. Duluth ro-
celpls , 10 curs.
Kennott-Hopklns & To. to ChrNtlo-Lnthrnp
Com. Co. Wheat , corn and oats Inclined to bo
better , but provisions possess less rallying
power M they near the line of liquidation.
I/OIIKS are Kcttln ( llscnuragcd.
A Now York report says ! I'rlvato wlicat
cables uro Kenorally wuaker. reduced limits
on u few on * an , freer olTorlnits In the forolim
inarliets. Dull here. Holders of No. 2 red ,
however , arc very linn on small stocks , Some
nillllns ; demutul ,
McCormlck says ! Wheat opens weak on
eonoriil MSlllii t. About the ( inly support the
market has tomes from shorts covering. Can
see no good reason for nny advance , though
the short Hldo of the markut Is becoming dan-
geroutly popular ,
llecrboliin'H cable : Cnreoos on passapto ,
wheat and corn , niilet but steady , Oil coast ,
both quiet. California wheat just shipped , : i3s
lid. OarRots on pussairo Increase SlU.WlO bush
els nt Mvcrpool. Ciillfornlu wheat , prloo 7s
lid : Wallawftlla , 7 < ! 4d | roil winter , 7s ( id.
l0. . 1o aii & Co. to Hen II. Itryan-Tlio
wheat market opened with free sellers at ni'io
and 10'io for May. At this the holders of priv
ileges bccanin buyers and carried the market
up toOl'io. ThoMJllhiSUKiiln beeamo Kcnornl
mil told of to the opening prlco. On this ilo-
illnosoinobuylnit for foielgn account took
laco. This followed by an advancu Inllaltl-
jioreof a cent In cash and dUllcult to buy
ulth a totnl stock under .Vfl.OOJ , broiiitht In u
ot of fri-sli buying orders with Unlit oircrines
istabllshed nnotliur iidvnnco to Die. trcsli
cws of diouglit In California carried
t to OlSiu and closed at 04 ? o Uld.
dine cables locolved hero | ! lvo bad accounta
f tlio continental crops beltri daniagcd by
jard freezing weather , tiullsh cables are
weak and lowor. The looil trade have been
icarlsh for some days and were anxious buy-
rson the udviiiiCH. His the season when the
. .rowing crop is liable to dnnmite , but unless
ivo havu this any advance will bo tcinponiry.
'Jorn was \ory stionR , one house who sold
icavllyafuw cents over the present price
iveru the principal buyers. The market closes
Irons. Provisions b.irely steady ; hotf ro-
'olits ' | too heavy.
W. O. McCormlck .t Co. to I' . O. Swnrtz & Co.
Today's wheat markut hussliown the ctiect
f the excessive short sellliiR which usually
( suits from a continuous bie.ik lasting
hroucli several dayw. fJurlariest short cov-
; red tliobnllf of his vrlieut yesterday and Sat-
irday.buttho smaller ones , who usually bee
.hliiKs after thfv have hupppnctl , wore buyers
"day , und to this Is to bo attributed today's
advance. Tlio nrws was conlllctlng. Cables
tvoro received speaking ot duinago by cold
itoathcr to tlio Kuropcaii crop andth o Ki
iflslblo supply ( Iccrciiscd I , uuo.noo , and yet In
[ lie face of tfieso bullMi ltem the Kn llih
market quotat Ions showed adeullno of X of n
[ icnny. Cargoes ou passage Increased
1IO.OOJ bushels ; receipts In the north.
.vest were SIM curs , which Is considered
iniple. Wbatovor coursu the market may
.ako later on wo think It now decidedly over
sold by smalt traders and ndvlso prudence In
solllim short except on fair bulges. Corn-
rjulto active , stumc and lilghnr on covering
of sharps , iniiny of which were put out on
yesterday's break. The sciiro wn nartly In
sympathy with the bulso In wheat , but more
directly caused by the estl mates cf very small
receipts for tomorrow , Well informed re
ceivers say that thcso small receipts are tluc
Lo the ( lllllcult v In Rottlns cars nnd that they
ivlll be decidedly Increased lator. Provisions
weak early , but hail fair reaction latei
partly In sympathy with the strength In cruln
but more cause traders thought they detected
buying by two prominent paokers who have
been bears.
Kennctt , Hopkins & Co. to Chrlstlo-Lnthroi ;
oin. Co. Wheat opened reak enouzh to
shuko out most of the longs nho did not liqui
date yesterday and the weakness enrouruKcd
olTerlnps from that class of traders who sell
on breaks nnd buy on bulges. There was good
Investment by large commissioners which ab
sorbed tbe ollcrlngs and wlion the lit tie boars
.indertook to cover there was a sharp ad-
wtnnn. In a word , the market was oversold
and offerings ceased , rendering a reaction In
evitable. Tlio news has been ratbor bulllsli
on the ropoits from Europe of damage by cold
weather. It Is bollovcd that the same com
plaints vrlll ho more ficiiucnton examination
There ha been fair Inquiry for export froir
foreign hoses. . and largo lading of wheat and
lour ut Atluntlo potts are reported. The
narket closed strong at ubout the best figures
of the session. It Is not liupiobable we muj
get btlll higher prices tomonow , hut or
any further advance wo ndvlso sales ,
Corn a general rush to cover shorts wuss
conspicuous feature tn the corn pit this morn
ing. The market wus a broad one and Indl
virtual operations wcro lost sight of. The
trade seems to bo pretty well evened up , will
no Important outstanding Interest ou ctthoi
side.S'o look for rallies from time to time
but advlso hales on all such. Oats stiong , uc
tlvo nmt higher. Provisions Wo have ha (
heavy trading and homo liquidation. 1'ackor
wcro prominent sellers of pork , lard and ribs
The market was weak and drooping mosto
thu day , hut rallied .toward the close , whei
wheat advanced on the covering by loca
shorts. Thucoursoof the market at pres-en
Is largely coutiolled by the movement o
NEW YORK , Jan. 20. [ Special Telegram t
THE HBB.I STOCKS. Tlio hears were In con
troloftbu stocks again this morning. Tin
only bull card talked of for the day was Ohl
cage Gas , on thu stron ; th elf its new director ;
and the prospect of reorganization. Tlio firs
prices displayed llttlo strength the lasthou
of yesterday and this was followed b
pronounced weakness lu all leading filmri"
material losses bolng established before t her
was a sign ofn , rally. New England , whll
not the most active stocic , was conspicuous fc
the width of Its fluctuations and before It
downward movement was chocked It ha
reached : ! f > U. The strong Industrials of ye'
tcrday wore especially weak , and Chlcni ;
( las , after onenliu vp a fraction , declined lUi
Sugar locolpts l'o { and I.aolcdo das lii !
whllo the leading railroad stocks all lo-
largo fractions later Including Itoclc Islaiu
lliirllngton , St. Paul nnd Union I'u
clllo. Toward the end of the lion
tlioro was n feeble rally , but I
did not change the temper ot the market. He
fore Chicago ( las recovered to 40'iO and Sngn
Hecolpts from 711'ic to 7758C. Atohlsoii showe
better support at : .OBC ! , North American we
nil to ICc , whllo Northern 1'acltlc , proferrei
hold up flrm at 71'ac. The market \vnsvar
narrow up to 1 o'clock. Tliero was some In
proveincnt la btocks Into In the day. l'rlc (
generally advanced slightly us silver decline
to $1.05 , because thls.was thought to Indlcal
an ail verso action on the frcocolnagoincasur
Among the Industrial shares Uaswns nit I
40 > icwlillu8ugar Uecelpls wcruupUsO toTSii
Now Kiigland oloiCd weak und lower nt :17.4 : (
Atchlson and Union I'nclllo showed the be ;
recovery amoni ; the wcstsrn blocks , the fonm
showing a net gain of ! i and tno the latter 3.
llurllngton atr.l Koolc Island wcro stead ;
Northwestern off H and St. 1'aul up ' 1. Mom
was easy at 3 per cent. Sales were limited 1
12.1. 000 slin res ,
The followng were the closing quotations ;
MONEY On cull , easy ; last loan ut 3 p
I'liiMF. MKUCAJJIILB PArEit-GtiS per cent.
brniiMNO ExcHANOE-Qulet. steady ; slxt
day bills. H8Ui ; demand , 1 67.
S H.
W.Ij. K. . .
HocUlngVnl 2,1
.Manhattan . 10-Uj
NYubaih | ifil 21) SO
21)M 20
Ciumilii So. M ij
1'acltto Mall. n5
Ijiko Slioro , 107U KI
Ij. JtN 77 KIn
l.eml Trust , n
C.O. C ti-t ! ' ; < { ' ,
Northwest' ! ! 10.1 10
Mo. 1'fto 10t
Union I'uc. . 4M 4
N. I'ac. rfit. 7
N , I'ac. coui.
U , II. Jtq.
Hook Inland
ht. 1'aul K >
B. 1'uulpM. K7U
\Vvat , Union 7IV ! { 7U !
11,1. . AW. , 13 , , li t IMJ l
guiinr Trust
Jersey font.
Now Knul'il. B7M a
HIch.Ti'rm'l Ibii 13 i
Atchlaon. . . . 30 s
Chicago Ott % 4
llcaillnir. . , . . 4a
Del A Hud. is
I'ullman 103 in isi
No. Am inVI i
Mich. Cent , . VI VI u
Silver 100 11X1 105
III. Cent , , . .
Mor. Cent. .
A.C. Ull. . . . 21
Teim 151
Tvnn C.A1. 87 97 17
\Vli. Cent. , . 21 17n
Am. Sr. lletl 671
AVnll Stroot.
Keuott , Ilopklnii Co. to Chrlitle-Lathr
Com. Co. Our market at the opening wm af
fected some by the stroll ! ; price * for Ameri
can securities In London , butthli wni not po
tent enoiiRli to affect the whole Hit. but win
confined to such American stocks M nro dealt
In In London , and tbu priori for these did not
respond fully to the ndvnnco In London ,
Western stoofn hoxan to show weakness from
the opening. The failure of the tralllo mali
ngers of the roads In the now western associa
tion to nsreo upon a division of territory and
tno reference of mutter to a board of tommls-
Btoncnmnilo a liad Itnpresilon. This division
of territory Is one of the most dlfllcult points
nnd the w York meeting was referred until
that Is settled , Very llttlo has been done In
the way of forming a now association. Thcro
were strong points bnforo the opening to buy
ChlengaUasfor a material advance today ,
but this sociued lobe matched by the liberal
Belling and consequently' the promised move-
did not tnko place. It la reported that
the ( las company Is negotiating with
the city of Chicago to pay the city the stipu
lated sum yearly and to bo allowed to ohanro
ll.ii'i for pas and" thus ho rid of voxiitlous lltl-
gi'tlon , Themaikot continued dull through
out the hnlnnco of the day but Riaditally
hardened during the afternoon on shorts cov-
ncrlng , Quito n short Interest developed In
two or three stocks as shown by the lomm'4
rate. Tlioro Is a strong disposition to delay in
taking active Interest In the markut until it la
known If any sliver legislation will bo per
fected by this congress. The market closed
firm ut about the hcst prices of the day.
Money Is easy. Total sale ? , H2.0C2.
CincAno , Jan. 00. [ Special Telegram to TUB
ilKC. ] CATTI.B Iluslness was slow and prices
woaic. la some cases lOo to 15o lower on the
ordinary run of fat cattle , with best extra
and export steers only soiling steady. Al
though the receipts are light In Ohlcugo there
are plenty of cattle In sight In the west and nt
HulTulo , which lu tilyi had the effect of shut
ting out the shtppln ? domaiul and limiting
the demand from our local dealers. Cows
wcro more- plentiful than yesterday and the
Inquiry was not quite as active , yet there was
llttlo or no change In values and the hulk are
selling at a decline of ' > o noted last week , or
say a drop sot In on Monday ntul Tuesday of n
week ago. Tliostookoraud feeder trade was
fair and prices steady. The top prices today
wcro J,8 ! > a.o | , and fair to good steers sold at
&I.OOOI.5) ; medium , W.T ai.M : cows , * 1.00(33.83 ( :
stockers , Ji.0033.00.
llo3-luslnes ! ) < . opened steady and a few
gales wcro made early at ycstoraay's closing
prices , but later the general market weakened
and at thu close values were strong 5o lowor.
In some Instances lOc. Kough and common
sold ntH40il.r > ) : prime mixed und packers ,
' ' 'l.iX ) ; urlmo heavy nnd butcher weights ,
, ? S ; fight , $ J.5oaa.COi light-light , U'JO ©
The Wool Slnrkot.
os , Jnn. 25. [ Special TclcRrnm to Tin
HEE. ] There Is a peed stoiidy demand foi
wool , nnd a number of minufacturcrs nit
buyliii ; Ohio and Pennsylvania Iloccs , wlilel
luivu been soiling at 3i < ! } i ! o for X , and HK&Hc
for XX nnd XX and above. Michigan X flccccf
are oirorod ntSOc. Combine nud delaine arc
firm ; No , 1 combing , 40@42c ; Ohio flno delnlno
iliJ&'iTo ! Mlclilfian line delaine , 34V > c. Terri
tory wools are In KOOI ! rccjuost. line soiling al
fD&b'Jc. clean line medium at ! > 8 ® < > 0c , and mod-
iuni at.53.wc. Texas , California and Oregon
wools arc In sternly request at uncliaiiRed
prices. In pulled wools there Is a peed busl-
ness dome with sales of super at 40l5c foi
choice , SO © 60 for fair to peed , and --4J30U foi
extra. Foreign wools are firm.
Ml n I HIT Slrircs.
NEW VOHK , Jan. 20. [ Special Tolosram tc
TUB HER. ] llio following are tbo mining
stock ( ( notations : ;
Adams Cun 170 Aflpcn f > 75
Kurckn SUO Ilumostnko SM
Horn Silver 2W Ophlr 820
Jloxlcnn 2.1) ) I'lrmouth 100
Sierra Normlii 1TO Stnnclnnl 110
Sutler Crcoi 110 UnlonCon ICO
Tlio Colt o Market.
New YOHK. Jan. 20 : [ Special Telegram tc
THE HER. ] COFFKE Options steady and un-
chuii t'd to Spolntsup. Sulea : ItJ.000 bu s , in-
cludliiK January , JIO.80UIG.8ri ; February , J10.2 ;
© lfl.K : | MurcK < ( Muy , $1.145 ; Juno ,
8i : > a5 ; July , $ I5.l.vai5.'ij Decein'Der. $13.50 ; spot
111'i ) easy and quiet ; fair cargoes , $10.00 j No. 7 ,
CiiiCAao. Jan. 23. Oloso Wbeat Firm
iiisb. NJlJo ; Slay , 04 ; e ; July , OOMc.
Oem Mtoady ; ciisli , 4JUo ; Muy. 51o.
Oats-O ah , 4 140 ; May , 45Jaij ( > ic.
Hyo Knsy at 70o.
Hurley iNomlniil ! 7.r ® 73c.
I'rlnioTlinotby Easy ; J1.23.
1'lax-Qulet : 41.15.
I'ork Klrm : cash , S10.153IO.M ! ; May , 110.75.
Lard Stotdy ; easli , j.07i ! ; May , 83,153
'Short Ribs-Steady ; casb. H.OO ; Mny. * U3.
Klour UiichaiiKoil ; steady ; winter patent"
(4.50BH.80 ( ; spring patents , * 4.40a4.80 ; baiters'
Hulk Meats Shoulders , Il.15a4.20 ; shor
clear. y > 05745.10 ; short ribs , $4.7 : > < f&4.lO.
lluttcr Uncbangodcrcamcry.lGGc ; ; : dairy
< ; t24c.
Ciioeso Unchanged ; full oroam choddnrs
J ? c ; lluts.lHiOo ) ; Young Americas. Wu
l.gga TJuchansed : fresh , 21S2-IO.
llldes-Uncliunged : light and heavy greet
salted , 5i } < 354c ! : green , 4Vi4io ! ; s'dtcd bull
4c ! : isrcou salted calf , 80 ; dry Hint , So ; ml
bull , l > O7c ; dry calf , 8Dc : deacons , each , 2oc
Tallow Unchangud ; No. 1 , solid packed
IlMc ; No. 2 , : ) c ; cake , 4c.
Rocoliits. Shipments
Hour , bbla . li > ,0"X > 10,00
Wheat , bu . , . 31,030 21,00
Corn , bu . 107,000 1KVO
Oats , bu . . 2iOSO ) 137,0 :
NewYoiiK. Jan. CO. Wheat-Kecolpts , 4.8C
bushuls ; exports , 3S.10J bushels ; spithlghei
with options ; No. U rol , $1.0514 In clovator
JI.07J4 alloati Jl.HHfflI.r8'4 { f. o. b. ; options ar
higher , closing strong ; No. 2 red Junuur
closed at 81.05K.
Corn HecelptR. lld.a'iO bushels ; exports 49.0C
bushels ; spot higher ; No. 2 , 5,5iiflc ! ) ! In clt
valor ; OOHo nlloat : tineriuled mixed , 5I
OlSJo ; options strong , laijic higher ; Janunr
closing ntO'Jc.
Oats-Uecolpts. 70,000 bushels ; exports , 81
bushels : spot higher No. 2 white. fiUUfiMUic
mixed western , 4 ! > Sl2o white western , 52Tjj : > ! jc
options stronger ; January closed at SI 5o | ,
Sugar Haw. higher ; fair rollnlinr , 4 , ' c ; cen
trlfugnls 1K1 test. 5io ? : O , 5 ® 51l-t c ; yellow
5Jl@5Mc ; olT A.-lll-K/aiKo : mould A , 0 5-10c
standard A , 6i-10c : ; out loaf , O o ; powdered
07-IOo ; granulated , O Jo ,
Potrolluin United closed. February , 73 0.
Eggs Klrmcr ; western , 27iP.
rork-Qulet ; now muss , tlLfiOiill.TS.
Lard Opened weak , closed Uriu ; wester :
steam. $1.071' bid.
Huttor Weak ; westorndulry,1220o ; oroaro
cry. ll > a27VJoi Elgin , Mtfc.
Uheeso Firm ; light skims , &aSKc.
ST. Louis , Jan. 20. Whoatr-Oush , 0O9 (
May. OMi'WJje.
Corn Klriner ; cash , 47jo ? ; : May , 48'ic.
Oata-Hlgher ; cash. He ; Muy. 45itW5 > ic.
1'ork-IIoavy nt$10.i7J' : .
Lard-Dull at $5.00.
Whisky $1.14.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 21O22o : fane
dairy. S0ffi21c. _
KANSAS OITV , Jan. 20. Wheat Qulot ; N
2 hard , llrm ; cash , 80 > } o bid ; January , 80o bit
No. 2 red. cash , nominal ,
Corn-Quiet ; No , 2 , cash , 47obld ; Januar
47Ku hid :
Oats-Stoady ; No. 5 , cash , 44Uo bid ; Jai
uary , 4IJio bid. _
Jnn. 2i. ( Wheat Good d
maud for cash wheat ; late In tlio day at low
prices. Kocolpts , 2SO cars : shipments , 450 cai
Ulo > o : No. 1 hard , cash , b'JHe : on true
Otio : No. 1 northern , January and Fobruar
h71ic ; May , OIWo ; on track , & .va8jc ! : No.
northern. Jummry , Boo ; ou track , b
MILWAUKEE , .Tan. 20. Wheat Firm ; No.
spring , cash , b7 < tS8o ; Muy , fcSTic.
Corn Klriii ; No. 2 , 48e.
O.ita-KIrm ; No. 2 white , 44Hc.
I'rovlslotis-Qulet ; pork , .May , $10.7J. !
CINCINNATI , Jan. 20. Wheat Nominal : K
S red , UCc.
Corn Steady i No. 2 mixed 52c.
Oats-llurely steady ; Mo. 2 mixed , 47Ho.
Whisky _ _ _
Ijivcnrooi , Jan. 20. Wheat Quiet ; hello
offer moderately ; red western , spring , 7s fi'Jtl '
7s 7d per cental ; red western , winter , 7s ( Hid ,
Corn-Lower ; mixed western , Ss 0id ! p
OillCAno. Jan. 2J. Oattlo Receipts , 7C
head ; markotslowand wenkstoers ; , < 5j.75aii (
cows , JIOtt2.Mi ( ) stookers ,'S.'I.OO.
Hogs Uocolpts. VT.nj'j ; markut steady ; roiu
und common. ( . < L40ail.riO | prime mixed ni
puckers , ti5.viiVl.GO ; Drlmo heavy and hutc ;
crs' weights , Jl.ora3.7 , ) ; light , .6 ( i'.00.
Hheop-Kocolpt.s. T.oouji mnrkot steady
stronger ; natlvos. JHn.VjJj.2f > ; webterus , JJ.2C
4.09 ; Tcxiuis , tl.UO < m.75.
ST. Louis , Jan 20. Oattlo-Hocclpts. ii (
head ; shipmentsiOO ; head ; market hlglic
fair to fancy natlvciHtcerd , $ J.73&5.1U ; stocke
nnd feedorn , t > . ' .CO3.35.
lIoas-Uecclpts'J.OOQhoad ' ; shipments , 1,1
head ; markoUtoadyt heavy , W.5 > ii3,70 ; mlxe
uwaau ) ; light , KJ.uoo3.fx ) .
KANSAS OITV. Jan. 20. Outtlo-Rocolpl
6,000 head ; shipments. 1.400 ho'id ; weak
toatnndy ; sti-orH. IJ.ioaili3 ; ; cows , tl.SCKW. :
HtnvkoH and feeders , ti2vaT50.
llogs-lterelpts. KViOO heud ; shipments , U
head ; market weak and lower ; ull graui
IOMAIIA , Jan. 20.1W1.
OATTr.r.-rstlmutcd tobolots of cattle ! l20o an
compared with 1,4'W ' yeitordnr nnd 2tr3
Tnosduvof last week. Tnn market was steady
on the best griuls of stecra and butohcrs' sto.'K
end slow nnd f > cto I0clivoron common stock
Good feeders nctlvo ntiU Mrong.
lloos Estlmntod hloclpH of hogs 0.300
ai comimod wllh 1481 yestonliiy and 7,70'
Tuesday of last weak.Tho market opened
slow and Ro to lOo lower , closing n strong lOo
lower with nearly all sold. The
range of the prices n.ilrt was KUXxn&K ) ,
the bniu soiling at } ; i.UMW.r > o ; pigs , n.Roa
2..V ) ; llght-llihts. $2firtw.OO : Unlit , 8H.OOi.40 : |
heavy. M. : a3.V > ! mixed. ia.8.ViM.tV ) . The nvcr-
nge of the prliw paid was M.'iOVi , as uompurod
with II.42U yciterdui-and W.31 Tuesday of
last week. .
SllKM'-Kstlmated receipts of sheen W)2 ) as
compared with 4 % ) yesterday und A20 Tuesday
of last week. The market Is steady. .Na
tives , 12.534.53 ; wt-siorns. t-.OO .VO.
Dlsposltloti of Stock.
Swlft.V To , 870
ThoO. 11. Hammond Co 8M
7'lioArmour-Uudahy I'aehlii ? Co 307
H. lccl ! > r& Dogen. . 110
Leo Itotlischlld 311
Hnmlltoii < fc Stephen 12.
Van Sant & Oaroy 117
iNols.Morrls. , , M
Shippers nnd feeders 43.1
ThoOudahy I'aoUIng Co n,0 < H
Omaha Packing Co 2,012
O. U , Hammond I'aclilnn Co ( Wl
Shippers and feeders 705
Swift St. Co 230
Kei > rcHcntatlvo sales.
4..1632 250 t
No , Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr.
108. . . . 137 60 WOO 11 S03 335
: 12(1 ( 300 71 224 337 ! <
87 150 200 310 Kl..2(15 ( 100 337J1
28 148 310 ' 40 2S1 100 3 37H
37 103 40 310 C3 243 337j !
100 108 200 310 67 271)10 ) 340
83 101 100 310 01 205 120 II 40
74 1C8 200 310 12 345 340
77 107 120 3 1814 71 271 40 340
81 181 280 312J4 52 .71 43 340
bO 181 40 312 07 291 320 340
72 2(14 4bO 315 55 2.-.U 120 340
82 171 320 7i ( 24. ) 160 340
70 177 120 320 06 29 200 340
70 173 120 320 6 ! ) 2S5 280 340
74 170 100 320 62 277 280 340
02 225 380 320 72 202 120 340
81 107 200 320 04 ftfl 60 310
78 182 400 320 6.1 277 200 340
80 105 160 320 55 Slid 3\0 ! 340
X ) 20 bO 320 60 2.18 120 340
70 IC.7 40 320 70 250 160 340
.15 227 325 60 20 1 200 340
72 200 120 325 71 274 200 3 tO
0 2.W 80 325 07 277 160 310
J2 181 40 325 04 237 40 340
03 214 440 325 05 23.1 340
73 1BI 40"327U 51 30(1 ( uflO 340
84 201 40 330 69..318 400 342'i
05 1 < M 40 330 43 261 80 342 ! ;
15 254 3110 49 337 345
7 ! ) 227 120 330 CO . . . .327 ICO 34i
67 240' 300 310 57 2 40 345
75 101 330 53 22 345
77 220 200 330 53 255 40 345
55 .Ml 120 3324 ! 03 210 bO 345
70 228 3 ! K C5 2'l ( 1GO 345
79 230 ICO 332JJ 70 200 345
57 272 10) 335 5(5. ( . . .2CO 80 345
68 251 40 33.1 55 332 345
57 248 100 335 U ) 274 345
0 208 335 51 300 320 345
72 221) ) 280 33.1 44 3C2 345
02 24(5 ( 80 335 48 345 350
15 22S 335 50 34,1 100 350
21J8(5 ( 120 331 65 325 120 350
68 VOO 60 3 : > 5 61 3111 120 360
55 132 120 235 59 307 . . 350
CO 255 . . 385 61 353 320 360
CJ 234 . . 325 05 23 30) ) 350
74 21o 80 335 00 305 80 360
85 228 120 335 05 303 200 350
61 254 31)0 ) 335 61 350 40 350
70 815 H ) 335 01 310 80 350
G8 205 240 335 Kl 30J 160 350
72 251 521) 335 51 347 120 350
02 2.18 129 331 CO. . . . 415 100 350
70 241 400 335 52 .M 100 360
00 2.19 . . 335 51 Ml . . 350
0 330 80 331 45 35' ) 120 350
50 212 . . 335 01 36 , ' ) 40 352 !
78 223 fflJ 335 51..35J 40 352 !
00 203 380 335 55 347 80 355
0 460 335 63 ' . ! C7 80 355
4..3bO 335 60 2 < v ! 355
4 305 335 140 380 620 O65
I'lflS AND IlOtjmiS.
4 155 160 200 3.1 101 275
3 17(5 ( 225 32 VO 280
5 2,18 265 22 110 283
3 200 60 265 Oi 142 00 2 Si
8IIEEI * .
No. Av. Pr.
220 westerns , wethers 102 M 15
Marlcql Mention.
Sixty-five oars of stock were received froi
A. H. Merchant , Vrctnont , Ellihorn & Mli
sourl Valley frulitlrtlliKuiit. under date of tl
10th , wrote to Manager liubeook that "It lr
been decided to uut ( in a stock train torn
twice a week , leaving Vordlsro about 4 o'elov
In the afternoon , oouncetln. ? with thu train i
Norfolk tn tlio o\onliureachlnK South Omal
early In the morning.- ! This removes nnothi
shipping inconvouliMiro and will largely li
crouso the stock rc'61'fjts at this point.
FitESH MnATS-Frtfili Imins , SOIb. uv. .
Ib. uv. , 7Xc : I''lb. uv , , ' * ! . Slioulders. 4ai < DOI
loins , 014o ; pork tumierlolns , Uo ; leaf luru , in
rinuleri'd , 80 : Mparu ribs , So.
I'oim AND IIUEP , lUimir.En : Now mess per
110.50 : prime mess | > orlc , JIO.OO ; extra prln
pork. $ aofl ; clear haolr pork , houvy , tll.TSi elei
biiuk nork , moUlunl ? ' JU. " ' > ! short out clei
pork , JIO.MJ ulR porV , JI3.M ! now extra mo
lieof , extra iilixtoboaf.Jf..W ; plutubou
S7.I.O ; rolled boneless uoof. tSM ; bonolei
rumps , f-.M ; shoulder olocls , IA50.
On.8 I'uro iieut's foot oil , in bbl. , prrcn !
50o ; pure neut'sfoot oll,0-gul. cans. KOJ Al tn
low , 601 stctirlno , Mtc.
Diiv SALT MKATt-r t backs , GKo ; lun
backs. 51JO ! extra short clears. Olio : bellies ,
to 'JO 11)9. uv. , . ' > ? ; < ! , shoit rlln. n ? 'c : short clear
Sio ; long clears , 5iu } ; shoulders , 4Uc ,
Country I'rodiiuc.
Poni.Titv The weather ycitcrday wn vor
unfiivorublo for tlio murkot. being warm 1111
rainy. The rouelpta vcro tjulto liberal , anil I
aailltton tlieru WIIH etlll BOIHQ Mock-on tl
murkut that Inul boon curried orur from la1
eek. As a result prices were weak mill I
sonio cases lower. Uhlckons hold all the wn
from4o uptoCc. Turkeys did not move \oi
freely und lOa \vaa oonaluorcd n KOOI ! price ft
thorn , A good muuy gocbuautl ducks went i
Kens Ttioro wore no nowdovolonincnts !
thu egg inurkot. Tno ruling prlco Is btlll 1
wit li borne Bales ut We.
GAME Jack rabbits , J2.00 per dozj cottt
UtiTTEii The butter market U firm and tl
receipts of Rood country roll nro llttht. VNuIo
a few ule of selected country rolu nro sola
as hlKh us l.Viddo nnd occasionally up to 17o , a
very lureu proportion of the Imltor liRoInu itt
Iliil'-V. Low Knuli'3 sell down to .Vjifc.
POTATOKS Dealers nro osklnit Wcfftfl.OO for
siimll lots of lonii and Kolirnska stock
from the store , Colorado stock Is quoted ut
LETTUCE Choice stock , 4.V ; .
HWKKT I'OTAior.fl The supply on the mnrkot
Isnot larao and uonsl.sts of Iowa nnd KniiMia
stock prlnplpally. guotntloiii. } ( . ( Xl.r ) > 0.
ONIONS Dciuiuul fair nt JI.CO per bti. for
IIOIIIK pro\\n stock. SpanUli , 21.00 purcrato ,
llr.ANS-Cholco navy , $ . ' .75 : mciilutn , * iM |
Hiinsnrlan , t.MO.
OEI.KHV ciiolco Rtocu. 3.V t.v.
. IturAiiAaAB-Cliolco Michigan stock , Coo per
1'Aiisi.r.r Fresh stock. Nc. )
I'KIISNIIS I'cr tibl , M.dO.
Trt 1'or bushel , tl.'ii.
Clioluo Ciillfornln. 3o per ID.
Arpi.KS Oooil stock Is firm , nnd such varie
ties as Hen Davis and \Vlnesnp4 nro belli ut
QutNcrs Tliero nro still u few quinces on
tlio mnrket wlili-h are offered ntMc@tl.CO.
UIIANIIKH California lllveraldes , per box ,
U.7.V navels. JMRIM.M : Westslioro ,
Jl.50i.Wj : Florida brlghts , W.7J(21.00i ( russets ,
I.KMONS Mcrrlnn , per box. W.W3I.50. .
l'INBAI'1'I.KS l t r ll07. , $ © 100. *
MAI.AIIA UIIAPKS 1'er M-lb Dbl , js. 0030.00.
UHANiiFiiimH Supplies nro not heavy. , Icr
soy , per libl. $11. Wi Capo Cod. { 1S.IJOI funcy
Cnpo Coil , hell anil buckJI3 OjfJll.oo.
ruAtiB-Snnio choice vrlntnr Ncllls nro still
on thoinurkctaiul iiro oU'ered at M-OOWiro.
hnstor lletirrc , iinothor variety , uro hold ut
f > ? .r > o.
TOMATOES California lotnntons nro on the
market , but a good inimy of tlio llrst shipment
nrrlvcil In poor condition. Ooodslool ; Is worth
J1.50iaiOOpurW-lh box.
It. T. ll.ivls Mill Co. , hlKh imlcnt , N'o. 1 nml
Cream , J..CO ; llltio I ) , full patent , & .4'J | Ilawk-
eye , liulf patent , Ji'JJs Bptclal roynl patent ,
No. 10 , Ji.70 ; Mlntipsotii patent , J..mi Knnsas
Kurd wlicat patent , IW.43 ! Kouraska sprlnu
wheat patent , (3.50.
f. R Oilman's sold modal , $2.70 ! Snow White ,
Kill ! Snow Flake , JJ.OO : low KrudiJl.tW. .
llrokcn How rollurmlllsl'reinn2.70 ! Myrtle.
JJ.40 ! Cliiltn.V.0 ! XXX. 41.80 ; I'ldullty , 8-.SOi
Jllnnosota Chief. $3.40j I'atont. $ , ' .0\
Osklitiinp's reaily to raise buckwheat flour ,
JI..V ) | ) or cao of SO ! Mb jiackHKcsj buckwheat
Inbbls , N. V..00 ! ; T.xculslor brand , &r > 9 ; Slap
Jack meal , $ ) .7J per case of 50lb packages.
KACCOON No. 1. largo. C0ffl70c ! No. 1 incillnin ,
a-QIOo ; o. 1 small , ao40o ; No. a , II and 4.6 ®
IWo.MINK No. 1 lurRp.rojtnnc ! No. 1 medium. 40 ®
45os No. 1 small , : . ' .V3.Te ; No. a , : i and 4 , 5So. .
MUSK HAT Kail. n3luc : Kit. ao
SutiNK-lllack. 7Mt JI.OC ! Strltied No. l.n'.a
40o ! Striped No. 2. 153a3o ; Striped No. a , 1015c ;
atrlpod No. 4 , IWilOc.
I'ox Oioss , No. I. } I.MI.OO ) ! No. 2 , K.OOCT.2.M ;
red. No I. Sl.oo ® ! iTi ; No. a , 50 < aGOCi prey , No. 1 ,
No. a - . ' ' - .
40iMOc : -'oia--'c.
Wot.F-Moilntiiln , No. 1. $2.5033.00 ! No. 2. $1.00
Gl.M : prairie , No. 1 , T , * > c@f l.iiO ; No. 2. 40.Vo. )
HKAVKU No. 1. per Ib , $ , ' .5oai.)0 ! No. 2 , per
Hi , $ l.50 < 32.50i No. a , porlb , CO-Sioc ; No. 4. per
Ib , DOc.
OTTKTI-NO. 1 , IUTRO prime , $ 'i.on < it7.0fl ! No. 1 ,
medium , $ I.KX3AOO ; No. 1 , small. $2.50 < 3UO : : No.
2 , a ami 4.Mct1.ri1.
LVNV No. l.UMffl..00.
WIMI OAT No. 1 , 4oc ; No. 2 , 20 < iW > o.
OITOSSUM No. 1. cased. ItKaiilo ; No. 1 , open ,
llADOKn No. 1 , full furred , 5C < S75o ; No. 2 , CO
GOTO ! No. 3. rxaiuc.
WOUVEIIINK No. 1 , $4.000.00.
llEAii Illnek , No. 1. SIOSWO.OO ; Orlz/Iy , No. 1 ,
-.oO15.03 ! brown , No. I , IJ.OOaiO.OO ; cub , $1.00
© . > 00.
HtlCKSKiN Itvllun dressed , peril ) . 7. " > c1.00.
DKKU Snniincr. per Ib. 2" > ® -oc ) ! full , aot
Winter , 202c ; ) ! green salt , i > or piece ,
elk , purlb , 12c ; antelope ,
Quotations nrgo for car lots on board cars at
Omaha :
12.14 &
16ft. 18 ft. 23ft. 22 ft. 24 ft.
2x4..815 00 (1550 (1000 tU 00 SIS 00
2xl. ( . . . 1500 1550 1000 1800 18 CO
2.\8. . . . 1500 1550 1000 1750 1800
210. . . . 15 00 1550 1000 1750 1800
2x12. . . 1600 1000 1700 1850 1000
4x4 to
8xi ) . . 1000 1700 1800 1800 10 CO
FBNCINU No. 1. 6 In , 12 nnd 14 ft , rf , $10.00 ;
No. l , 0 In , in ft. I ID. 00 ; 4 In , JllUO ; No. 2. 0 In ,
12 and 14 ft. rf , J14.00 ; 4 In , $14.00 ; No. 2 , 8 In , III
ft.Jll5.OOi 4 In , $10.00 ; No. 3. G In. 12 and 14 ft ,
miH ) ; 4 la , * 13oo ; No.3 , Gin , 1U ft , 1.1,00 ; 4 In ,
SlWNO-A. 12. H and 15 ft. $22.00 ; 0 , $17.59 ; B ,
12.14 and 10 ft , 120.001 I > . 811.50.
HoAliD ? No. 1 , coin , $18.50 ; No. 2 , com , $15.00 ;
No. 3 , com , $13.50 ; No. 4 , com , $11.50.
II'LOOKINO A. 0 In , whllo plno , $38.00 ; 0 ,
$20.50 ; II. 0 In , white pine , ( .10.00 : I > . 720.50 ; 13 ,
tlm , wliliso plno ( sol , fencing ) , $17.00 ; drop slu-
Ine. 50u : per ai extra.
STOCK lloAims A.I ! ! In' , sis. $48.00 ; B , 12 In ,
sis , 45.00 ! 0 , $40.00 : 1) , f2..OU : No. 1 common. 12
Is , 10,12 and 18 ft , 8J1.00 ; No. 2 , U8.50 ; No. 1
comiuon.'l2iiisls , 14'ft. J.'O.OOr iNa 2. $17.50 ;
No. 1 common , 12 lu. sis. 10 ft , f 10.50 ; No.2 ,
$17.00 : No. 1 common. 12 In , sis , 20 ft , JJI.OO ; No.
a , $18.50.
Hiiii'iiAP No. 1 plain. R and 10 In , $10.00 : No.
2 , $10.00 ; No. 1 , O. G. , 8 In. $10.00 : No. 2. $10.50 ;
10 In , grooved roofinir , 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $10.50.
FINISHING 1st and 2d ol. , 1 In , 62s , J40.00 ; ! ' . .
l'/J nnd 8 III' J40.00 ; 3d clear , 1 lu , s2s 945.00 ; li. !
Hi and 2 In17.00 ; A , select , 1 In , s''s , $41.00 ; Hi ,
l'i and 2 In , $45.00 ; II , select , 1 In , s''s , $ .11.00 ; iy ,
V/i nnd 2 lu , * 40.00 ; C , select , 1 In , s2s , $27.00 ; l .
1 ! ' . anil 21ii.l'.OJ.
A. 11 or 0 select , all 16 ft. $1.03 extra.
SOUTIIEIIN YEM.OW I'INI : 1st and 2nd elcar
flooring , 13-10 , star , $21.00 ; 13-10 , * 10.00 ; com
llooilni. 13-10. $15.00 ; rift clear , 13-10. J20.UO ;
1st and 2d clear , \ enllln ; , ' . $14.50 ; 1st and ; d
clear. ? S ccIlliiBi.r ! > ) ; IbtuudSd clonr. cell-
ins. $25.00 ; 1st and 2il clear , flnlsli. s2s , from 1
In.fJV.OJ ; 1st nnd 2d clour tlnlsh , s2s. from lj !
In , ilO.OO ; 1st and 2d clear , finish , b2s , fnm ly
nnd 2 in , $ ! 0. < u > : 1st and 2d uluar , y p casings ,
$3).dO ; base , J.iO.00.
I'ui'bAH l.UMHKii R-lncli nud up , 1st nnd ! d
clear , 1 inch , s''s , $ . > 0.iit ) ; H-lneh and up , 1st and
2d clear , Vi inch panel , (2UIW.
SASH , unoitit , I.TG Tar board , $1.50 ; sash , 53
per ct : doors , 50 per ct ; blinds , ou per ct ;
mouldInps , 51 tier ct ; taried felt , porcwt , * - . 10 ;
straw board. $1,15.
HATTKNS , WKi.uTunixn , ETC. O.O.aii-lnPh ,
05oix3.slH. : . : c ; it-Inch well tublnt ; , I ) , ft Jl.
and bov. } JI.OO ; pickets , D. & H. Hat , $20.50 ; I ) .
& II. square , J2J.M.
SillNHi.ns , IJATII Extra "A , " pine , $1.80 ;
Btiimlard "A , " $2.41 : ext ra "A. " cedar , $2.51 ;
6-Inch clear pine , $1.0) ; clear redwood , $125 ;
lath , $2.8n.
I'OBTS White cedar , 6Inchit , lie ; 0-Inch
qrs , lie ; white cedar. flK'luoh. ! lsO < i : S-lucI :
( | rs.8c ; whllo cedar. 4-Inch round , 15s ; bplll
oak , 8c ; Tonncssoo roa codar. split. 14o.
Corrcipondcnco nollcitvd.
163-185 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
IS Wall Street , NEW YORK.
7O State St. . BOSTON.
The prosperity of Montana Is not subject to thi
Tlcissltudes of success or tulluro of crops , to drmitl
or Hood , lo financial strlniiencleii or punlo. tie
crop of precious metals Is iHUidont of the crouiu
with hourly regularity and InrreasIngbulk.lnsurlni
business opportunities tubed upon loundutlon
of stability undenduranco.
Tlio mlnei no r opened produce nnpnullj
In Uold , Hllvi-r , < < | i | > er un l I.i-ud. V4 ,
OOU.oou , nlnfty percent of which Is disburse. .
In the State. There ire tltouaniiits miirdoquall :
promlslne , nwaltlna capital ( or dovetopmeul
There Is Iron , Coal , Bulldinrj Slono , Clay am
Timber In Abundance.
Inveilmcndln Cuttle , Ilortet nnd Hheep
with KO < I nJuntiRcment , uveruija a profit of nior
tbun lorty portent. TCur. The va t bands of sto
roam throughout the entire year. In excellent cond
tlun , supported by tbe cured crasses on the KTOUIK
The buslnesa la inanniied by Asaoclntlon * In such
manner that erery person's possessions nro an Bal
on llio ranuo aslf rondned loan Inclosed pasture.
The eliy ufllolenH U tbe political , ttnancla
eoclal , railroad , busUieu , and cCucullcmal cento
of the eutlro Htaio.
For full Information , address ,
L. Q. PKELPS , Scc'y Citizens Comnlllec ,
Helena , Montnnt.
Commission Co.
a09 nnd Ull South liith Stro3t ,
iNatluinl Hunk
Grain , Provisions , Stocks & Honcls
Orders executed for the purchase or sale to
Inimedlntu or future delivery In ull the loud
Ing markets.
H'jJrr. l'orrfi tnnlt'nti
St. LouU. . . . . . . . U. K. Francis i Un
'and 11 ?
The Brunswick-Balko John L. Wilkio ,
Oo.iemior Oo.
RIHUril mrrchindl'p , OmahApnporbox fAdorf ,
Sixloon flxturoj. 1317-1310 IMiixl.ii.
407. 409 S. lOtti itteot ,
Omaha. Ordcrj promptlr nlloJ.
Omaha Ropublicau Printing Oo. ,
LAW brlofi , bank suppltai , fttnl crer/thlng la tha
' ptrntlni lino.
10th nnj Douiil n Mroeti.
Ackormann Broi. & ReintS'.1 ,
Prlnttrm blnJori , cletrotTpeM , blank book tnanu-
fncturpri ,
lll81Ion r.l ( tri'ot , Omihv
Charles A. Ooo & Oo , , KirkcndalltJono3&Oo ,
Manufacturcri And Job- \VIioloilo
bcrs , tenH for Iloilon Iti'b- '
bcrHhueCo. , WI , 1IUI ,
110911owanl trool. nnl HIM llarnor St.
William" , Van Aer- W , V. Morse & Co. ,
nam 4 ; Ilarto , Fhnn Knctorr , Corner llth
nml OouitU * nt . , Onii-
IlIJHnrncr itroct ,
Im. Merchants Invlloj
Omaha , Neb. tacnllantl vxamlns.
Louis Hellor ,
rinlchcrs' nnd 1'nckcrs'
Toob ,1 fiiipplldi. ilcof ,
linir A thuup cailnii.
lllU-lU3.ackion ! St.
Dolumbua Bngpy Oo , , W , T. Seaman ,
Cnrrlngcs , carti tulkloi , Lnritost Variety
Q. T ) . Kilirardi , Maniucr. WAUO.N3 AND
EK1-31J youth 10th. CAURIAflKS
Omaha Oarpot Oo. , Oilmoro & Buhl
Carpets , ol ! cloths , rant- ManufncturoraiVholo -
tlnuB , curtnln nooila.oto. et\\o \ Clothlori ,
till DouKl.ii ttroot.
West 4 ; Pritsohar , Doan , Armstrong &
llanufacturcrs OnoclKara Oo. ,
jobbers of lent tobaccos. IVt N. Idth Stroat.
1011 Karnnm atrcot.
Omaha Ooal , Ooko and Ooutant & Squires ,
Limo Oo. Hard nd soft coal ihlp-
Ilnnl nnil softooM. PCM ,
B. B. Cor , 19th nnd Donz * 1803 Farniun root ,
lai BtrocU. Omnha
Eagle Ooruico Worksi F. 'fineraping
Manufacturer otnnl an. ( alvnntiod Iron cornices ,
Ircdlron Cornice. Dormer windows , dooi
Window caps , metnlle'kr * cnp , flnlnls , etc. Tin
lights oto. llio and 1112 Iron nn < 1 nlnto rnofcr.
UodgoBt. 811 Knrniin St.
M. E. Smith & OD , , Kilpatriok-Zooh Dry
Drj Booda , fiirnlshlaz Goods Oa. ,
coodn , notions. Dry Koodn , notions , KonU'
( urnUhliuvoods.
Cor. tlth and Howard sti. Corner llth and Hnrner
Wolf Electrical Oo.
Illustrated Cutalogu *
1CU Caplto Avenuo.
Parlin , Oreudorff & T. G. North\Yall ,
Martin Oo. , General western nicant
Corner Jones nnd 9th ata. Skandla IMow Co ,
Omuhn , Neb. 1349-1311 Sherman nvo.
Quo. Oborno & 0) . , J , 8. Smith 4i 0) ) ,
H ) B. IJth street , ' 403-1111 I o T aiT3rUiii )
Omih.v Omshi.
Paitou & Viorllng Omaha 8 < ifo & froa i
Iron Worki Works ,
Wrousht unit cn < t Iron f
Mnnufrs flro ami barilla *
bulMIni ; work , cmlnov
work , Ronornl proof afoi , TiuiHi , ) l )
work , Iron ihutterl &
r , nififtilng
biickMnllh work. 0. P. fire MC p . ( I. An *
llj nndnthit. drvcn.liiliAJackioniU
Acme Iron and Wire & Drake ,
Work ? , MTU ttitmlnr fluei , fir *
Iron , wlro ntiilbrA'i if'k . box bolters , tunki , el
MJH. ICth stroot.
\V. llarhl , Proprietor. Plorrt nnil 19th nlr et -
Eccs Printing Oo.
l.UliotrnpliInu ,
nnil Illnnkllooki.
llthin.l Inw ( r.l9ll.
Her & Oo. , William D.xnt ,
I.lquor Merchant ! . Wines , Liquors anil Cl
IIli llnrner struat. ean.
Slnnnfnctur'ri KennoJr'
Knit India llltton. 1)13 Karnnm St. , Omaht
E , R. Grotto , Frauk Dallono & Oo , ,
Importer nnil Jobbar of Liquors nnil OonulnoK' *
\VlniM ami I.liuori Vth
nnd U'avonnorth tits. Tiulfk Clear * .
I'Mco lists on application 1MJ Douglai Street.
L. Kirscbt i Oo , . A , Friok & Oo.
Wholcsala UijuorDealora Wbolosalo I.lquorDcaleri
407 and 40JB. 10th 3U fO.P093 | 10th St.
G. W. Douglft33 & Oo. John A. Wnkofield ,
Imported , ArnerteanPor |
Hardwood Lumber , land Cement , M llwi ukj
llydruullo Cement ai
UIO Northl 6th 8tret. ljulner Whlto Lima.
Oharlos R."L30 , \ 7yattBullard Lumber <
Ilnrilwoml lumber , wool
carpets nnil purquot bor Oo.
. Wth nmllinrJ Streets ,
Dili nnd Douglas.
0. A. Stouohill , L Oborfolder & Oo. ,
Mllllncrjr , Xollnni Importern nnd Jobbers ll n
Cloilcs , ICto Mllllncrr.
' . ' lltt
il''IS South ]
118-118 S. 18th 81 , Omnhix ftrrct.
MaxMoyer & Bro. Oo. A , Hoapo , Jr. ,
tl't'e Jowolen , dealeri In I'lanos , Oreans , A rHits'
musical Instruments ,
etc. , Materlnli , Utc. ,
Farnnnj and Kith , IMS Donglii Etroat
Oonsolidatod Tank
Line Oo.
Kenned and luhrlcittn
oil , axle ifrenao , eto.
A. II. llshoi | , Slnnsgor.
A. Booth Packing Oo , , Piatt & Oo. ,
"Tlucr brand , " fresh 07
OjBtcrs , flsh and canned
tors ,
goods. Omnhnlimnch ,
1506 Lonrennorth. 816 and 817 Howard.
Carpenter Paper Oo. , Western Plating Fid
Cnrrr a full stock of ( lolil. sllror and nloktl
plntlnt on all niowll , ,
printing , wrapping liiljlcwnre , oto.rcplalod ,
writing pnpor , card pa I'ullshln bran A oluru
per , olc. dollor\TOrk. llll
Porter Bros. Oj. , Hobart Pnrvis ,
1217 Howard street
California , Florida and
troplrnl fruits. Write for prides on buU
801.811 .tones struct tcr , cans , poultry uud
0. W. Uutta , - Manager.
spoclaUles. teas , nplcai ,
etc. 417-113 S. tlth St. 1214 Ilnrney ttroot
Omaha Eubbor Oo. ,
Manufacturing and Jot > <
Hood ) .
1003 F.irn tin itroot.
A , L , Deane & Oo , , Emerson SooJ OD , ,
General agents for Hall's Bo9d urowon , do dor In
Hafoi. pirdan , iimss , vralnaaii
821 and a.U Houtu 10th St. , tree nee li ,
Omaha. Id-421 South 19th.
M. A. Dishrow & Co. , Bohn Sash & Door Oo.
Manufacturers of cash , Manufacturers of
dnori , blinds nnd Inzi , blinds , doori.
Mouldings , liranoh of ota.
fice , 12th and UarJ stt. 10th nnd Clark straott.
Parroll & Oompiuy , DuBy-Trowbridga
Wholesale imnf.ictiirori Stova Minufao'g Oa. ,
syrups , molanioi and
vlno.Turi , Maiufatur'K stores nnl
stove plpi
517-210 BoutliSth street. IJ1V12I6 I .iTonw
Consolidated Oofieo
Oomp&ny ,
14U nnd 1418 Turns/
Omarnt , Nob.
U. S. Wiud Engine & A , L , Strang & Sons ,
Furno Oo , ,
llallldur wln'lmllli 913 10UM031 Knrnum
and l' Jonuist. O. IT.
HUSH , uctlnu ninnnuur , Omaha , Neb.
Orane Oompany ,
llnso lioltlnif , packtuj ,
tteitm IIIIMHM , plumbing
922-21 rarnam street.
H. Hardy & Oo. , The Omaha Typj
Toys , dolls , albumsfancy Foundry ,
KOodshouaefurnUhlnK Printers' 8uiiillos. |
Now and niuwnd-hial
Koods , clillilren'a car imclilnerj.
riages. 1.11'J I'arnamiu 1113 llonitrd street