Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Gorious Charges Undo Against tlio School
Board's ' Examining Commission.
flohomcH Mint Wcro Employed , It IB
Cl filmed , to Glvo Positions to In *
competent * An Investi
gation Ordered.
The question of alleged fraud upon the
part of the examining board In Issuing certifi
cates to certain applicant * for positions In the
schools anil withholding tliom from others Is
by no menus settled , and will bo sUtod to the
The committee from the board of educa
tion , consisting of Messrs , Martin , Mc-
' Oonnoll and Smyth , will moot la n few
ilays -which tlino they will Investigate the
\vhclo nlTalr.
Rlr. Bmylh In apoaklni ? of the work of the
examining board , which consists of Prof.
Lewis of < the high , school , Superintendent
Jatnct , Mrs. ICoyior and Dr. Morrlam , snld :
"As yet % vo do not moko nny charges against
miy one Individual oC that coinmlttcc. Their
duty Is nliiln and according to the rules of the
board they shall meet four tiroes n year
us follows : On the first Tuesday
lifter tlio close of the summer term ; on the
last Tuesday hoforo the commencement of the
fall term : during the winter vacation , and on
the first Tuesday after the cloio of the winter -
tor term and at such other times as the bonrd
may order. They shall have power toem-
. ploy nn oxpcrt to assist In examination of ap-
blicantH for positions as tcncliers of special
branches. They shall authorize teachers'
certificates of the following graded : Primary ,
grammar and high school.
"Candidates for a priinary ccrtiflcato shall
posn an examination in orthography , reading ,
writing , nrlthmrtlo , RcoBruphy , grammar ,
English composition , pliysioloi , ' ) ' , and theory
and prnctlco of teaching. Uniididatos for a
grammar school certificate , shall hold , a
primary certillcnto , nndpussaa examination
in United States history , physicul geogra
phy , philosophy and civil govern
ment. Candidates for a high school cer
tificate shall hold a grammar school
rartlflaito and pass on examination in all
branches of the department In which , they
propose to teach , and certiilcatos shall bo Is
sued as follows. First division Mathomatl
caU Higher arithmetic , algebra , ge
ometry , ti'ifronotnotry , astronomy and
rhetoric. Second division Scientif
ic. Physics , ecology , yoolopy , bot-
anv. chemistry , economy and rheto-
rio. Third division Utornry. Rhetoric ,
English literature , English history and gen
eral history. Fourth division Latin. Latin
grammar , Latin literature , Koman history
ana rhetoric. Fifth division Greek. Greek
grammar , Greek literature , ( Jrcelt history
and rhetoric.
' 'Now , in this question a great fraud has
been perpetrated by sorao one , but by whotu
wo cannot say , though Prof. Lewis is in
"Lot us look into this mntter. At the Do-
coinbi-r examination a certain applicant was
asked to give tbo boundaries of Douglas
county. She stilled in her answer that it is
bounded on the north by Ncmnha county ,
wuilo the remainder of the answer was
equally as ridiculous. On this she was
marked 8 out of a possible 10.
' Another lady was asked to doilno the con
stitution of the United States , Tier answer
was correct , though uot worded , as possibly.
It should luivo been. She was marked zero.
By looking over the papers Instances of this
kind are not only frequent , out they arc so
common thnti * in plain to bo scon that somo-
uthtug is wrong. Boino member of the board
U either Incompetent or partial , hut who that
member Is I do not cure to say just now.
"Somo of the members of the
board of education are inclined to ralso a
great howl about rovoklnw these certificate *
where fmud is so apparent , churning it will
work a went injustice to the teachers.
This Is all wrong. It woula work
no Injustice to the teachers , but
it would glvo thorn to understand that if they
expect to teach In Omaha , they must have the
requisite education to obtain a cortiflcato that
Will stand the test.
"One applicant for a high school certificate
wont before the examining hoard mid failed.
She pleaded for a private examination. This
was given and twenty questions submitted
instead of ten , as at the former examination.
This made her chances for success greater
and by some method of calculation she was
granted a certlllcato , when the 11 rat examina
tion showed that she was wholly incom
petent to fill the position of a primary
"This investigation may result In jomo cer
tificates holng revoked , but you will soc that
it will rniso tuo standard of teachers , as now
It is a notorious fact that nny applicant who
stands In ran obtain a cortiflcato entitling ;
him to touch In the Omaha schools. "
Dr. Morrinm of the examining board ,
laid : "I was not at the mooting Monday
night to prove my Innocence and so I will newspeak
speak my mind. I was as fair as a man could
bo in marking the applicants. I had
my sot of questions and nn-
Bwors to look over and the
wordings were in accordance with the
answers. I do not know what the other mem
bers of the board did , hut I have every
reason to bollovo that their acts and motives
wore puro. "
Several years ago Chamberlain & Co. of
Dos Mollies , In. , commenced the manufacture-
of a cough syrup , believing it to ho the most
prompt and reliable preparation yet produced
for coughs , colds and croup ; that the public
appreciate true merit , and in time it was cer
tain to become popular. Their most sanguine
hopes bavo been more than realized. Over
three hundred thousand bottles of Chamber
lain's Cough llerocdy nro now sold caca year ,
and it is recognized as "tho best made"
Wherever known. It will euro a severe cold
in less ti mo than any ether treatment. For
lolo by all druggists.
N 'llonal Cnpltnl Notes.
WASIUNOTOM , Jan. 20 , The house ways
and menus eommittoo today ordered a f nvor-
able report on tbo bill to iinp030 a discrimin
ating duty of 10 per contort all tons imported
from countries which discriminate ) against
the United States.
Senator Mnudorson today Introduced n bill
making nn appropriation of $100,000 for iho
exploration and survey of the interior of
Alaska. A similar bill is now ou the house
In answer to the resolution catling for
copies of the accounts of Davenport as com
missioner o ( the circuit court of tlio United
States for the district of Now York from
1880 to 181K ) , inclusive , tuo secretary of the
treasury today sent a statement showing
that Davenport has rendered no uccouut-s for
luch services.
Tlio Inter Continental railway commission
held nn adjourned mooting today , but trans-
actcdllttlo business , tbo delegates from lira-
tllnndArKcutino not yet bcintr here. Two
leading papers of Venezuela recently printed
articles saying thnt tlio McKluloy bill was
Badly felt in Venezuelan markets and asking
the Kovornmcut to attend to this pravo sub
ject. adding that a remedy consists lu a treaty
of reciprocity ,
Do not tnko any chance of being poisoned or
burned to death with liquid steve ixjUsti ,
paints or cnnmols , lu Dottles. The "IJlslnir
Sun Steve 1'ollsh 'is ' safe , odorless , brilliant ,
the cheapest and best steve polish made nnd
the consumer pays for no exponslro tin or
Class pnoUngo with every purchase ,
to WoHtrrii Invontorn.
WASHINGTON' , Jau. SO.-Spcclnl [ Telegram
to THE BEE. ] Patents was granted today
u follows : James II , Carpenter , Ulysses ,
Nob. , washing machine ; Isaao Q. Lawso ,
Sioux Falls. S. B. , tlmo Indicating dovioo for
musicians ; Frank E. McMullln , Hastlnes.Ia. ,
motalllo box or attachment for cultivator ;
Charles II. Mohland and P. Kcrbor , SlRour-
tioy , lu. , Krubblug macliluo : Sosephlno Uus-
sell , Tabor , la. , ily brush ; William O. Worth ,
Assignor to Chicago bloyclo company. Cedar
Uuplds , la. , bicyclo.
A IMcaNlnj ; Konso
of health and strength renewed and of case
and comfort follows the USD of syrup of tigs ,
as It acts In harmony with nature to cffuctu-
idly cleanse the system when costive or bil
ious. For su'o la Wo and f 1.00 bottles by all
Good NOWN lor Commercial Slon.
ux , Jan. 20. Alter hearing the
rRUmont of Chairman Pickering of the com * traveler's association , the tiouso com-
nlttco ou commerce today ordered a favorable
cport on the bill to purmlt railroads to glvo
educed rntos to commercial travelers and
airy an extra amount of baggage for the in
roe of charge.
Till : CUUNCltj.
\mithor fjlvcljr llnw Over thn ilond-
Inir nl'tlio Journal.
There was n merry war at the council
nootlng lait night.
As soon ns the roll was called President
xwry announced that the reading of com
munications would be in order.
Dr. Donnelly got the floor and moved that
the vote by which Deputy Clerk Olbborson
was elected bo reconsidered. The motion
was seconded.
"That Is not the orilor f business , " re
marked Mr. Dcchcl , ns ho arose to his feet.
'Wo ' want to hcnrtboreadlngof the Journal. "
"Thoro nro two or thrco errors in the Jour
nal that nhould bocorrccted boforoltls read , "
remarked the president.
"Head the Journal , " shouted half a dozen
of the members.
Clerk Groves started to rcAd the proceed
ings of the last meeting and had proceeded
part way down the llrst page when Mr. Mo-
eurty moved that further reading ot thee
o urn ul bo dispensed with.
"Anarchy ! Anarchy ! " yelled Mr. Olson ,
as ho climbed upon his chair and pounded
the table with bis feet.
"Yes , annrcny , " yelled several members In
unison , whllo Mr. Lowry rapped for order.
"Lot us hnvo the Jouinal read , then , " said
After n ( cries of cross fires the rending
wn.s aeain begun.
The clerk rend to the point referring to the
scrgcant-at-arms limiting his all night klr-
mish for the absentees , when Mr. Bcchel
nroso and said the council bad no scrgoant-
at-arms on that night.
"Of course it had none , " chipped in Mr.
"Ho was elected by the same vote as was
the president , " put In Mr. Morearty , as soon
a ? ho got n chance to speak.
Quiet rclguud for a tlmo and the clerk con
tinued to read.
ITor nn hour the dork road , nnd as soon as
tie had concluded , Mr. Dcohclruld : " 1 have
n resolution that I want road , "
The resolution was banded up to the clerk's
"Has any ono any objections to the reading
of this resolution I" asked Mr. Lowry.
"I have , " said Mr. Morenrty.
"Thon It will not bo road , " said Mr.
"Movo the Journal bo approved , " said Mr.
The motion was put nnd declared carried.
"I wunt tuo yeas and naj-ca , " said Mr.
"It is so ordered , " answered Mr. Lowry.
"Tho Journal Is false , and it shows thnt nn
appropriation sheet was passed by loss than a
majority vote , " chimed in Mr. liechel.
"Tho city attorney Is here ana lotus hoar
from hirn , " remarked Mr. Plumer.
City Attorney 1'opplcton ax pressed his opln
Ion that corrections might bo mado.
The roll was called on the approving of the
Journal , and it was defeated by a vote of 8
to 9.
9.Mr. . Bcchol's resolution was brought up
and read. It provided tbnt the mooting of
last Tuesday bo declared illegal and void ,
and that all rofcrouco to it bo expunged from
the Journal ,
Mr. Davis moved the resolution bo adopted.
Mr. Morearty moved to amend by layincou
the table.
The motion to amend was carried by a vote
of 8 too.
The regular order of business was then
Mayor Gushing sent in a communication , in
which ho expressed himself as being ot the
opinion that tbo proposed amendment ro the
city charter , relative to elections , is illegal.
Mr. Chnflce moved to strike out that por-
tiou of the proposed amendment ta the char-
tor.Mr. . Morearty moved the mayor's commu
nication bo placed on fllo.
The motion to place on file was lost , and
the matter was referred.
Tno appointment of Charles S.-McDonald
to succeed Vv. H. Long , deceased , as clerk of
the pollco court , was handed in by the mayor.
Upon a vote to conllrm. the appointment was
rejected by n vote of 8 to 9.
Thomas II. KImball , In behalf of the Union
depot company , asked for nn extension of
time in which to complete the union depot ,
The communication was referred to the tlty
After approving a few bonds and passing
some flnnl estimates the council adjourned
until tonight ,
Chorus Girls Mnko Tholr ICscnpe
l rinn a Iturnlntr Hotel.
BOSTON , Jan. , CO. [ Special Telegram to
TIIK BEE. ] At nn early hour this morning
smoke was soon tolssuo train a window on
the third lloor of the Camden nouso , a fivo-
story hotel ut 5(31 ( Trcmont street. By the
time apparatus arrived windows were raised
in all the upper stories and half-clad women
were leaning over the sills aud screaming nt
the top of their voices. Two women Jumped
from the lower stories and were injured.
The house contained flfty rooms , occupied
mostly by theatrical pcoplo. Most of the
girls roomed on the fourth floor and by tuo
time they were uwuro of the flro , the entire -
tire building was tilled with smoke and pas
sage cut oil for these above the third floor.
Owing to the intense heat some of tbo girls
rushed to tholr windows and others
groped around the corridors clad only
lu their night clothes nnd thoroughly
panic-stricltcn. Ladders were quickly raised
in the rear of the hotel Just ns the girls were
preparing to Jump to the frozen ground
below. District Ohlof Keys was ono of the
llrst to outer the building , and , bursting open
a door loading to a room on the fourth floor ,
rescued Miss Jonnlo Najor , who was over-
coma by smoko. Ho also found Miss Annie.
McFarland overcome by the smoko. They
uro in a precarious condition. A number of
others were assisted to the ground by the
firemen. The poiuplor ladders were used for
the first time ttlnco their adoption by the de
partment , and two womenworo rescued by
their use just ns they were about to Jump
from the fifth story. The tire was ex
tinguished in nn hour. The frightened
chorus girls , shivering in theirsllglitrnimeiit.
were escorted through the gaping crowds of
men and taken to an adjoining houso.
Alliance Itleinhors Show Tlielr
Strength in Joint Convention.
TOI-EKA , Kan. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BKK. ] The combination which
the republicans have all along expressed
great confidence of breaking when the
proper time cnmo refused to fall to pieces In
the joint session of tbo legislature this after
noon , when the selection of state printer was
made. E. II , Snow was selected by the ulll-
nnco caucus Monday night , nnd ho was
elected by the Joint session with nn over
whelming majority. The democrats showed
tnclr baud , voting with the nlllanco , thus
showing hope of n beneficial compromise.
Snow's election Is especially significant from
the fact that bo was strongly opposed by
Speaker Kldcr , both being from the same
county , and that the action today practically
winds up the nlllanco leader's chances
to succeed Senator Ingalls. The solidity
nnd Inseparable unison shown by the
opposition today has cast a gloom over all the
republican camp nnd It Is bard to find a man
In Topcka tonight who has tbo courugo to declare
clare tnot Ingnlls has ovoii a fair show.
Some of his Intiniato friends and most earnest
workers express great doubts , vouchsafing
the information that the senator was losing
strength dully , and that even the republicans
were relapsing into a dlscournglngly npathctio
stato. In the meantime the opposition Is
working night and any.
llco Rtilld Ing Company Olllcors.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of
The Bco Building company was hold yester
day with the following result : President ,
E. Kosowatcr ; secretary and treasurer , N. " .
Foil ; directors , E , Uosowatcr , George W.
Llnlngor. M. IleUmau , llruuo Tzschuck and
N. P. Fell.
To Nervous Dobll Itntott Men.
If you will send us your address wo wll
send you Dr , Dye's Celebrated Voltulo Belt
and Appliances on trial , They will quickly
restore you to vigor , manhood and health.
Pamphlet froo. VUI.TA.IO QUIT Co. , Marshall ,
Ecmo False Impressions Concerning House
Boll No , 450.
The Merit * oT a 13111 Kcportcd Favor
ably In tlio Ijrtst Legislature
to Ilo Ho-
due mod.
PUIKVICW , Nob. , Jan. 17. To the Editor
of Tin : n BE i Before mo lie the resolutions
ndoptnd by tbo Personal Liberty IC.IKUO on
Juno 25 , 1800 , In which prohibition and a cor-
, aln compulsory educational bill were op
posed ,
Wo do not wish to refer to prohibition , for
all had an honest right to oppose what they
'ully believed to ha against their Interests as
: ltizcns ; but wo do wish to correct a false no-
: Ion regarding house roll No. 459 , which re
ceived a favorable report in our lost legisla
The Impression scorns to have prevailed
; hat the bill , if enacted , would restrict re-
Iglous freedom. Nothing could bo farther
'rom ' the intention of the bill. Further , nny
a\v that restricts religion is unconstitutional ,
as section 4 , article 1 , of the constitution of
Nebraska sets forth , viz : "All persons have
a natural and Indefeasible right to worship
Almighty God according to the dictates of
: bolr own consciences. " jo. {
Iglon , morality nun knowledge , however , being -
ing essential to good government , It shall
bo the duty of the legislature to pass suitable
laws to proUict every religious aonominatlon
In the puacoablo enjoyment of Its own rnouo
of public worshln and to encourage schools
imd the means of Instruction. "
Now , bill No. 431) ) , as originally drafted ,
does not violate a single- word of the above
section. The Intention ot the bill was team
am end the present compulsory law In the
following points :
First , the nresent law requires compulsory
attendance fi all the school districts of the
state , three months , each year , from the time
the child , or ward , is eight years old until ho
Is fourteen , inclusive.
Now it can readily bo scon that such n law
is un injustice to the frontier districts of the
state , where many people live far from the
schoolhouse and the district has only three
months school In the year. Each pupil with
in the district must attend every day or bo
subject to a fine of MO for each offense.
On the other hand , in cities mid towns ,
where nine months school Is taught in the
year , the present law la on excuse for
negligent people to keep their children at
House roll No. 439 would remedy this de
fect by requiring attendance for two-thirds
of the time required by law that school shall
bo kept In order to draw tbo state apportion
ment money , viz. i In districts , whore the law
requires three months school , the pupil must
attend two months ; in districts having six
mouths school , the attendance must bo four
mouths , and in districts haviug nine months ,
the attendance must be six.
Second , The present law requires a flno of
$10 $ for each offense and require a suit before .
some Justice. This loads to neighborhood
quarrels , and of ten-times the law is enforced
to havn revenge upon a neighbor. At ether
places it is uot enforced at ail.
House roll No. 459 makes the tax only 50
cents for each half day's absence less than
the time required by the law , imd requires it
to bo collected the same as nny school tax ,
making the flno apply to the oQlcora who fall
o carry out the law.
Third , house roll No. 410 doas not allow
so much looseness In the requirements of the
law , plainly stating who may excuse attend-
an eo ana how It shull bo done.
Fourth , it requires the attendance shall
bo "at some public school or schools , or &t
some private school or schools wboro the
English language Is spoken and taught. "
Now this Is not a thrust nt the parochial
schools teaching some forolgh language , for
in the closest construction , If it applied to
public schools only , would leave each year in
the frontier districts ton months ; in the next
class eight months , and In the largest cities
six months to attend an exclusive foreign
But , happily , the bill does not state publlo
schools only , but accepts the evidence of the
teacher of some private school or schools.
Now , nny ono that will study the bill will
see that the purpose of the hill , In this re
spect , Is simply to require that every child or
ward in the state bo taught to road or write
the English language.
Is this asking too much of the citizens of
n state that does its business la the English
language ?
Last , but not least , house roll No. 450 pro
vides tor the education of the poor. It makes
arraucomcnts to furnish them with both
clothing and books , the same as the poor are
now provided with clothing and provisions.
This Is a wlso provision , for it supplies the
power to obtain allving to the ono most
needing It , and tends to lesson tbo number of
paupers to bo sustained at public expense.
The wealthy will provide for their own ;
but ho has attained the most elevated posi
tion , who , while ho cares for his own family ,
has a deep Interest In the humblest family of
bis community ; us Edward Bellamy has well
put it , "Is a man satisfied merely because ho
is perfumed himself , to minplo with n malod
orous crowdl Could ho take nioro than a very
limited satisfaction , oven in palatial apart
ments , If the windows on all four sides
opened Into stable yards ! " "There nro thrco
main grounds on which our educational sys
tem rests : first , tbo rigtt of every ( person )
to the complotcst education the nation can
give him on his own account , as necessary to
bis enjoyment of himself ; second , the right
of his fellow citizens to have him cducatod ,
as necessary to their enjoyment of his so
ciety ; third , the right of the uuboni to bo
guaranteed an intelligent and refined par-
outage. "
Thcso grounds nro practical , now. It Is
the liberty of the individual we must pro
tect , not the liberty of parents to enslave
their children and neglect their education.
I believe every foreign-born citizen or per
son whoso ancestors vcro foreign-born ( as
my own were ) will seo. after studying this
bill , that the purnoso of it is to assist his
children ( as well as my own ) to cope with
the Kaglish speaking people of the state. It
may not bo many years before , some educa
tional qualification may ho required of voters.
Let us bo prepared for it.
I bcllevo in personal liberty when the per
son does riot talio away the liberty of someone
ono else. I believe in social liberty , whoa
observed according to the best Interests ot
the society In which ttio person moves. I bo
llovo In civil liberty when the person , does the
best ho can for the Interest of his state and
general government.
In conclusion , I would say I know the
origin of house roll No. 4,19 and know Its pur
pose. I flrmly believe that the attack made
upon the bill was on account of not fully un
derstanding it and for the purpose ) of making
political capital out of U during the cam
paign. Honca I did not answer the resolu
tions during the campaign , as I did not wish
to interfere with the richta of any organiza
tion. M. A. CouimiifliiT ,
Principal of Schools , Plalnviow , Neb ,
Btiull TJioso ricduCH Ho Hndceinod ,
FaiKND , Neb ; , Jan. 17.-To the Editor ot
'fur. BEB : Wo have prayed and waited pa
tiently for tbo time when would have the
power to do ourselves justice. It has como at
last. Will wo use it for our benefit ! Or will
wo waste it in Inaction or Indecision ! Shall
It bo said that wo do uot know how to use the
power given us for our benefit ! That wo are
not capable of understanding Us value )
If wo are for reform and progress lot our
acts prove It. Lot us strip for the fray and
throw our whole strength Into the advanc
ing column and storm , capture and destroy
the fortifications of our oppressors and raise
tbo banner of equality and Justice on their
ruins. .
Let us right those wrongs tlut are gnaw
ing at our comfort and prosperity , and force
heartless corporations of every kind to bo
lust In their dealings with us. Wo have
borne those wrongs long enough , and a sense
ot rlgtit to ourselves and u duty wo owe
to humanity demand of us to compel
those grasping monopolies that are fattening
on us at the expense of our comfort to lot go
their avcncious grasp so that wo may enjoy
the fruits of our labor. Lot us not be afruld
of striking too hard a blow. The Impositions
that wa uro subjected to will hour heroic
treatment. Lot us apply It ,
A lower rule of Interest anchored at 0 per
cent , and n lower raid of transportation would
bo substantial roforrn.s far reaching In tholr
beneficial results U ) the entire wealth pro
ducing class of the stntd.
Shall wo obtain thcsp reforms 1 They have
been promised to un. Lot us Insist thnt these
promises borcdccmqa.
Wo hnvo called Intbtoxlstcnco and placed In
power a political party kvhlch owes existence
to the violated pledges of two old rival par
ties. For what purjloio have wo called this
Infant giant Into cxlAWnco t For the purpose
of correcting these Hilevauccs that these old
parties failed to correct and to introduconow
issues into practical { Millies.
ItA continuing In existence rests on being
trub to principle. , ,
Let these who Iinv.o the destiny of the or
ganization In hand see that the people nrouot
alsanpointod In tholr expectations , and their
expectations nro thnt It will redeem Its prom
ises. The people will not accept excuses ,
however plauslbio they may be , for not full-
filling thcso promises. They will say \va
pave you power to correct these wrongs thnt
wo are sultorlnj under. Why did you not
use that power for ourhonofUl
Thcso suggestions nro given to the publlo
for the purpose of arousing the people to a
sense of duty , thnt they might take such nc-
lion as would prevent nny treachery being
Used towards thorn. Tlio reforms that wo
are socking for nro within our gr.isp , but are
not a certainty unless our representatives nro
true to principle. Andjudlnu from the com
position of man and Ills past record as a rep
resentative , ray faith In linn Is somewhat
shaken. CIIAULES W. Cjurrur.
The Situation in lilalno County ,
DC.N.VINO , Nob. , Jan. 15. To the Editor of
Tun Ikn : I wonld respectfully ask space in
your paper to report the condition of the poo-
Bio in this county , I too the memornl that
the legislature of this state sent to congress ,
asking for aid for the western part of the
state , Imraunorales the number of pcoplo
that should rocelvo this aid and names the
counties that they live In , and our county of
Illalnc , Is purposely , or through some error
loft ont. I nm running two general stores
nnd have other extcnsiyo Interests In the
county , and have everything to sell to the
pcoplo and could have no Interest In reportIng -
Ing their needy condition nny worse than it
really Is In the last week I have been en
gaged In malting a correct estimate of the
number of families that will bo nblo to go
through the winter without assistance. Out
of the .00 families In this county there are
not over forty but whnt will have to
bo assisted before April 1 , and quite n largo
per cent of tno forty will not bo nblo to plant
a crop in the spring unless seed is furnished
them. There are families now In the county
that have always been well supplied with
the necessities of llfo that have been living
for several weeks on corn broad , and the
corn was given them by a neighbor and they
ground It on a hand mill. Now this picture
Is not overdrawn. 1 know thcso facts from
absolute investigation. The fact that some
of our farmers have three teams , wagons ,
farming utensils , twenty head of cattle , etc. .
cuts no figure in the matter. They could
not mortgage the whole business for
$100 to keep tholr families from starving.
Men who have money to loan are not loaning
It on chattels In the western part of Ne
It is rumored hero .that the authorities at
Lincoln and the aid societies of the state have
been informed that this county did not need
any help. If this Is true , and they will send
a representative up hero , I will agree to take
him one day's ' drive in the country and if ho
is not thoroughly convinced that tnroo fami
lies out of four need help wo will try to put
up money for his expenses and time.
_ . L. H.HA.KHIS.
In tlio Interest oi" Justice.
QOIDE ROCK , Neh.iJan. . 17. To the Editor
of THE BEE : Tothbcnd that injustice may
not bo clone Innocent people , your correspond
ent would respectfully submit the following !
In n recent Issue ofTHE ; BEE there appears
an article entitled , "Professional Mendi
cancy , " In which certain parties are severely
crltlzlscd. That article was writtoa in the
Interests of this portion of Nebraska , which
was thought to bo receiving injury b'y cer
tain parties soliciting aid that was not
needed. The parties In question have stated
to your correspondent that the aid solicited
was not for this part of the state , and that
it was solicited under authority of the
Churcn of Udited Brethren , to bo used
solely for their benefit , within the presiding
elder's charge , which extends to the wosjeru
part of the state , where the greatest portion
of the aid would bo distributed. Tno presid
ing elder states that the solicitations were
not made nor supplies received for the pcoplo
at largo , but only for tuolr church people ,
and in support of tnls statement presents the
call published in the Conservator , the official
orgon of their church.
These supplies wcro received by three dif
ferent parties. Ono of them , Rov. J. J.
Hasldns , has made statements and submitted
slips from the Conservator that go to show
that ho at least was acting in good faith and
within the bounds of his church rulos.
A Petition Tor .Relief.
BrtATtTox , Jfob. , Jan. 20. [ Special to TnE
BEE. ] A largo meeting of farmers was held
at this place yesterday , their object being to
petition the legislature to appropriate seed to
these who lost their crops by reason of hall
and drouth last spring , as tlioy have no seeder
or money to purchase any for the coming
spring. Thomas liynn was delegated to
present the petition to the legislature and
accordingly went to Lincoln yesterday. The
petition bora about ono hundred and fifty
It b AY 111 Bo Given When Congress
Wants to Ilonr U.
CHICAGO , Jan. 20 , [ Special Telegram to
THE BEB.J J. A. Owonby , whoso name was
brought before the public in the testimony
heard by the "silver pool" investigating com
mittee , was In the city today. Talking with
a reoorter for a local paper Mr. Owonby
said :
' 'Though when I made the declaration I
had no Idea It was to bo published. I am
perfectly willing to stand by It. A silver
pool does exist. It was organized during the
early part of the Fifty-first congress and It
still exists. How largo Is ill It extends from
the Atlantic to the Pacific , and In it nro mem
bers of congress , prominent government oftl-
clals and bankers. It was formed , of course ,
to secure legislation to monetize sliver , and
whllo there nro in It some who bollovo such
legislation would bo n positive benefit to the
country , particularly the western and south
ern men , who are actuated by patriotic mo
tives nnd others ore" "after personal profits
and have no Interest in what would benefit
the masses. "
"Will you ? o hoforertho Investigating com-
mltteoln Washington I"
"For the purpose of 'whitewashing the na
tional representatives I > I shall not. Con
gressional Investigations never amount to
anything. But this I will do : If the pow
ers that bo refer theVSWtlro matter to some
court of justice , where everything can he
carried on according to law and where there
Is power to compel such witnesses as I name
to appear with their books , wnich will show
the accounts of hlRh tirtd mighty personals
who profited or trlodVo iproilt by using their
public positions to thOj urtheranco of their
own ends ; lot this bo.aono , and I will go before
fore such a court aud testify freely. "
In reply to further questions , Mr.
Oweiiby said newt did not tnlnk
everybody la tho..ii , pool had made
money. Sorao are still holding on ; others
lost , Mr. Owenby left this afternoon for
Suit Latto City and ether points in the west.
Ho is uncertain as to when bo will return
but ho declare * that no congressional Investi
gating committeeshull got him in Wasning-
Um if ho knows himself.
Ills Iroiiiooratio Ilecord ,
ATCUISONKan. . , Jan. 30. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB BKE. ] Ablel Cushmau , tbo
father of a prominent citizen of this county ,
and himself prominent in affairs thirty years
ape , died at 1'ardeo , Sunday evening , ut the
advanced ago of ninety-six. Ho was a native
ot Massachusetts ana it was his boast that ho
had lived under the administration of every
president of the United States. Ho rec
ollected every president , except Washington ,
and voted for every democratic candidate
after ho became of voting ago , except Doug
las , In 1300 , wliou bo was u resident of the
territory of Kansas and had uo vofi.
A Division of Territory bytho
'UcotcHi Trafllo Aniooliitlon.
CIIICAOO Jon. 20. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BUE.I Chairman Wulkcrof the Western
trnfllc association will cull n meeting of the
commissioners as early as he can get them to
gether next weolr. Their first work will bo
LO divide the territory over which each shall
liavo jurisdiction , the snino subject upon
which the general trafllo managers disagreed
last Friday and Saturday. The division will
bo n deltcato task , ns some of the roads insist
thnt tnoy have as much right to withdraw
[ Kirtlous of their lines from the operation of
Lho r.grccmcut as had President Huutlngton
to withdraw his Sunset routo. The commit
tee , consisting of President 1'erKins , Ilughltt
and Gould , appointed to induce the Alton ,
: ho Kansas City and the Port Scott roads to
oln the association , hrrs not held a meeting
or made any effort to secure tbo co-operation
of the nbovo roadn. It Is not believed tbo
committee will do anything , the suppo
sition being based on the prao-
, itnl abrogation of the famous
Union I'acltlc-Northwcstern contract by Mr.
There never was n more cast iron agree
ment than that of the western roads to re-
'rain from giving free passes nutl , before Its
collnpso yesterday , evidence had accumulated
showing that nearly every road hud uttcily
dircgnrdcd the provisions. This Is today used
as an argument that the same roads will as
'roely break the much weaker agreement of
the new trafllo association.
A Union Doput Sehcuio Killed.
DM MOINM , la. , Jan. 20. [ Special
to THIS Bisuj The proposition to build a
mlon depot in Dos Moines has received a
) low from the railways which Is rather dis
couraging , Some tlmo asro the city clerk was
ustructcd to address the principal railway
companies doing business in Dos Moines ,
asking their views as to the fcaslblllty'of the
project and the wisdom of the location. This
ic did ana has received replies from several.
The reading of them has much the sumo
.0110 , and there Is a lurking suspicion that
, ho writers had a council before penning
them. General Manager Merrill of the Chicago
cage , Burlington & Qulncy , says ho will bo
glad to meet the committee of the council
any lime ho happens to bo In Dos Molncs ,
which is seldom , "but at the present tlmo ,
when the railroads find It difllcult to meet
their ether financial obligations
wo are not la a position to
spend any money In the way you
propose. " Uoncral Manager Whitman of the
LJhlcago & Northwestern says ho will bo glad
to consider the matter with the council at
any tlmo , but thinks "a matter or this kind ,
Involving as it docs the expenditure of a
largo sum , must bo carefully considered , cs-
Eecially at a tlmo when the prospects for
uslness and revenue therefrom Is narrowed
down and the financial condition of the coun
try at large is In such a strained condition as
at present. " General .Manager St. John of
the Chicago , Kock Island & I'aclilo says ho
would have uo objection to meeting the com
mittee at .my time , but thinks the present
hardly opportune , "especially wuon the pros
pects for business mid revenue therefrom are
narrowed down , as at present , to the mini
mum , and when the railroads have to look in
all directions to llnd sutllclcut revenue to
moot existing obligations. "
Annoyliu ; Humors.
CHICAGO , Jan. 20 , [ Special Telegram to
Tnn BCE.J For several days ugly rumors
hnvo been afloat to the effect that the Louis
ville , Now Albany & Chicago railway is in
financial dlfllcultlcs. Talking about the matter /
ter today , President BroyfogJo said : "Those
reports have been greatly exaggerated. The
company has mot all Its obligations promptly
and there are no suits pending against it.
The Interest on Its bonds has all been paid
up and all Its obligations have boon met on
maturity. The business of the road Is increasing
creasing- a very gratifying rate. There Is.
In fact , no ground for the rumors. I am well
aware of the quarter from which they origin
ate. They nil como from ono person who was
formerly in the employ of the company and
who Is now doing his best to injure the credit
of the company to gratify his mallco. "
The Motion All Itlght.
CHICAGO , Jan. 20. [ Special Telegram to
THB BEE.J President Broyfoglo of the
Monon indignantly denies the tumors circu
lated regarding the financial standing of
his road. Said ho today : "Our earnings
have increased day by day and week by
week , having kept fairly apace with the Im
provements In the track and equipment on
wtlch wo have spent over 81,000,000 , since
last April. This expenditure was necessary
and was entirely for betterments. The floatIng -
Ing debt is less , proportionately than nine
months ago and none of it is pressing us for
settlement. Tnat nnd the interest account
have all been provided for In advance. There
Is absolutely uo ground forttie rumors spread
abroad. They are owing entirely to the
mallco'of our general counsel , who was dis
charged some tluio ago. "
Clot-od Stations.
DM MOISKS , la. , Jan. 20. [ Special Telo-
grnm to Tun DEE. ] The board of railway
commissioners this morning received a tele
gram stating that the stations at Higgs and
Halo bavo been closed by the Chicago , MilwauKee -
wauKeo &St. Paul railway company on ac
count of the strike , aud that the citizens in
the vicinity of the stations will petition the
board to take some action regarding the mat
There is no clanger of a cold resulting In
pneumonia when Chamberlain's Cough Item-
ody li used as directed "for a severe cold. "
It effectually counteracts nnd arrests nny
tendency of a cold to result In pneumonia.
This fact was fully proven In thousands of
cases during the epidemic of Influenza last
winter. For sale by all druggists.
The Supreiii t Court.
DES Aloises , la. , Jan. 3) . [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. ] The supreme court
of the state began the January term this
morning with Judge Book as chief justice.
There are twenty-six candidates for admis
sion to the bar , ono being a negro. The fol
lowing decisions were filed today :
State vs Henry Alooro , appellant ; Wnyno
district , reversed.
William Johnson vs II. Q , Webster , npol-
lant ; Audubon district ; nfllrineil.
II. A. Barton , appellant , vs Mary E. and J.
W. Fuson ; Cass district : afllrraed.
State vs W. T. Hichards , appellant ; Webster -
ster district ; nfllrmed.
State vsS. M. Peck , appellant ; Appanooso
district ; affirmed.
why will You.
Continue torso madiclno containing
msruury and | o a > h , when you know
that it \ \ iinlnjoiirlicft'tli. \ \ . S yftt8 |
ISpeciflo 3.8. S. whllo
S. S. S. It contains no mercury -
cury or polBon of
ary kind , it is the only pcrmanont
euro for conlajlous Wood Taint , or
lull rlt-'d scrofula.
IS 11 o w nro of cheap
PURELY Imltnilonfl and so-
VEGETABLE. called blood ptuifl-
cnpl. Irinstobojustasgood. There
Is ( ill tnjJ ? , H. S. T.ike nothing else.
tOOIC OH BLOW 4tO SKIfl ClSC tCS fj [ [ .
T.ic Swift Specific Co. , At anta , Ga.
rlnB his novcrnl months locution ftncl prartlcaln
Oiunhik. llr. I1IIIIHK9 l > n cnrnoilnn oiirlnblorcpiitn-
lion among tlio hundreds of dllion * nlm ni'pllod lc >
film Almost us n Imlrrsort , nnd foil nil In lilsuklllful
ministrations thu full nmllinttou of hope lon Uo-
Ho l < pemnnentlr Kicatcil nnil hni tlio l > o < t tip *
polntril nnil nuint convciilonlljr locntctl tihjrtlclan'a
vlllro nnil reception rooms in Unmlui.
Thetlck will llnd lu Dr. DlllliiRH n true plijralclin
eiia ainiinllictlo frlpinlnlKl mlvtncr ,
Kor the treatment of tlio follonliiK nunoit illion'O )
Dr. DllllMKi baa ( irorou hliusclt possessed of mui t
unusual nkllL
Lining Goflipanifs
"In Darkest Africa. "
By Pfcnry M. Stanley.
"Tho LIo-
bltf Compa
ny's Evtruct
was of the
choicest. "
"Liobljj and rjnoN
moat soups
had to bo
prepared in
s u 111 o 1 o n t
quantities to
fulf to each weakened man as ho stag
gered in. " Page 80 , Vol 1.
' Ono Madi managed , to crawl near
my tent. * * * Ho was at once
bar uo to a fire nnd laid within a few
inches of it , nnd with the addition of a
pint of hot broth made from the Llobig
Company's Extract of Mtut , wo restor
ed him to his senses. " Vol. 11 , Pugo
For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Dogs , Hogs , j
COOFniroIlnoUen Treatment of Anlmala
uud Chun Scut Free.
A.A.Spinal lUenlnsltlsiUilk I'ovor.
IJ.II , Strfilnnt Lamenting , Itlicuniutlnmr
C.C.-IlHlcnippr , ISntal Discharges.
] > .l ) . Iiotn or Orubii , Wcinun.
K.K. CnualiSi llenvcs , Pneumonia.
J'.l'-Collo or < Irlpr , Ilellyncbo.
( ! .fl , HIiBcarrluto. llcmorrlmucs.
11.11 , Urlnarr nnu Hlilnor IMseascn.
J. J.-.Eruptive UlnrnspH , illungc.
J.K. l > lBcaBC8or lllguutlon , I'aralytls.
Single Bottle ( over 50 aosra ) , - - , OO
Stable Cmo , with Piioclflcs , Manual.
VoUjrlnary Cure Oil ami Mudlcator , 8T.OO
Jar Veterinary Curu Oil , - - l.OO
Sold by BraitBlstii or Sent Prepaid anrwhoro
and in any qnanjltr on Receipt of Price.
Corner William and John Sis. , Mew York. .
SU JO 3 R3 73'
In u > o 3D jtnrs. Tbo only mcccrofnl remedy ( or
Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness ,
nii 1'rostratlon , from over-work or other c u nfl-
01 per viol , or 0 Tills on Jlirt'ovUI powder , for 85.
SOLD BT DimaoisTa , or Bent postpalil on receipt
dor. William and John Sin. . K. Y.
"We should like to give a
new chimney for every one
that breaks in use.
We sell to the \vliolesale
dealer ; he to the retail dealer ;
and he to you.
It is a little awkward to
guarantee our chimneys at
three removes from you.
We'll give : you this hint.
Not one in a hundred breaks
from heat ; there is almost no
risk in guaranteeing them.
Talk with your dealer about it.
It would be a goo > d advertise
ment for him.
4Pearl top'and'pearl glass/
our trade-marks tough glass
IMttsbuie. GEO. A. MACIICTU & Co.
GOLD MEDAL , PAHI3 , 1878.
W. BAKER &Co.'s '
from which the czceM of
oil lias been romovcd , U
and it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
nro used hi 1U preparation. It 1ms
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , and ia tlicrcforo far inoro
economical , coiling leas than one cent
a ctij ) . It is delicious , nourishing ,
strengthening , EASILY DIOKSTF.D ,
and admirably adapted for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Crooers o very whoro.
W. BAKER & CD. , Dorchester , Mass.
FoHUniua ONLY-nr. Uriuo'i I'erlortloM I'llli
Hie ktcnch r ni dr , acton the munitrual yiieni nU
care lupprculou iram wlmuver came , I'romoui
nenilruillon. Tlio o pllU ihould nut \y \ > taken clur-
.mpre n n07. Xra. nil Co. , IKjjrallr I'tniu. , Upon *
r. CUr Co. , Is. Ounulcobr Bliermnn & MoOonnull ,
bodlieit , oearl' . O.,0iuah | O. A. Melchsr , Houtfc
OauiU ill.r. liUU.CguncUUlurt. WgtJfora
0 . .ATltimAlldlfcuircof Ilirool unrt ro * C -
Urrh ImpOTrrHlioi tli MooilonJ nutTO ,
r will ilrollno.
tiit Ml ttio ntiMo * of Indlttttlon
liter trouble , Imporfrct njilmlinllcm nn > l nutrition.
KID.ST.V I > ISItASm-AM mnsl rtocohlna uml In-
rliliinin. Syiniitiinn hunt to rcconnlio t < r thn I'Htlonl
ullcn loud to fain ! brltiliti illsunio or Olnbotoi.
iilSKASf.S UP TIIK IIUK > 1 > - Hlooil ixilionlni ,
fcrolulo , crysli'clni , and dUrnvu tuentlonrd here-
ALT , SKIN IH3HAM:3Koioini. . unit rlioum , Vntl-
oil. u leer J , tnlicrclt" , ncrotuliv , Inpui , nnuMr color
oflhn kln , plranlr.1 , and dliouiei of tba ioalp ar *
cured by Dr. l > HIInK < .
NEIIVOITS ISIASI | : : Ion of Tl or , lent nmn-
liooil , Oolillllj , I'tottntlon , dopoiuloncr. uruptloui
onlhofncc. Ion of moiiinrr. it tend of future , ota.
Anon trcMuient tliatMKVKIl KAU.S.
t ; Dr. Dllltnst when Ml otliorn Imvo fMlod.
ril.M At.K \ VKAICNKSdKSTlio linr h , Irrational
nnil uiintiturnl mothO'M uvmllr omiiUirm ! are ro-
iiponnlblii for full ? throo-foiirllK of thu nufforlnf
HOT cmlurnl by women , lmoitl nto tlio neir ,
Iiorootrontmvntuf Dr. Dlllltw.
PII.ISAi.ti : KKCTAtj - run , n § .
tills. nt cOMc , utrlclt-ru , nnil nil ill oiuc * of icctura
rurml without lli knlfo , router ? or nn liour'i ilolur
from nork or timlneM.
ALT. 11KADAC1IK4 nro qutcklr en toil.
VKNKHKAli niBUASKS Kocenl or long sUndlnjr
pjrMlts , Kuiiorrhivn , Mrlrlurn nml nil roiulllnic nf.
Tpctlon'ivro cimt t in'rmnnpiitljr nnil forvrur wltlioul
0117 mercury or mlncrnl irrHtmcnU
MOUl'IIINU ' I1AU1TJulcUIr ( , t > osltlvolj nnd
rnliilos'ljr oiiro.1.
TAI'K WOHM Tntcnwlth hfml romplotelit ont
null ono tcmiioonf ul i > l | > lei Ant uiwMoliic. No
01'IIKH I)13KASK3-Siicini ! oM ere . nmllunnnl
uliurii , UIIUOM , CAiicer-i , lioatt troubles , aitlitut ,
cpltoi r. HU Vllim ilnnro , milk \tt \ , clironlo conitlp-
tlon nml chronic illnrrluvn fro cuml.
THi : COMI'I.KXIO.V The most unilnhtlr nnd
miulilr oni illation qulckljr fronlionoil mul toi\ulinod.
( OU OKKKSS1VK IIUKATU-A pornmnenl cur
HOllllSl Ui'0 . m. to 5 p. m. ItTonlngs , 7 to 8:30. :
Buinlny ,3to 4 p. in.
_ _ _ _ _
Patients Troitt'il By Corrospondonoo.
Madlclno Sent Evurywhero.
322 South Fifteenth St.
Dr. Dllllnss prepares and dispenses his
own medicines , which are largely selcotod
from nature's healing plants , barks , roots ,
I mU8shrub3 , oto. No mineral drug a Riven
Sacrifice and
Removal Sale
Weinoati Just what wo n\y. Our nriooi
Si.itoll < . ° , \ > entire . stool : ( except P.Uelc
Philippe & Co'a Fine Watohos ) , IS on sMo nt
suoli sacrifice prices , that it ahould Insure
tlio Biio or ororv article.
UUK ART DEPARTMENT wo are slmplr
Belling without nunrd to cost.
ci9ur ' " "count on Watches , Dtnmondi.Solld
Dllror , Fine Jowdrr and nil poods , maltea
JJie prices lower than our people have ever
ioon able to purchase this class of cooda.
This snlo will u last loni.
Douglas and 16th St.
' U nights and
BOYD'S.U Mntlnoo.
t January 22.
The Now Konmntlo Opcru Comlquo ,
W. J. GilmoreOperaCo
With the orlxlimlcnslmnnsnml hcotiory that
rharnctorl7Cil its rimofSO nlBhtsut I'ulmor'l
Theater , Now York.
Dot shoot open \Yail nosduy nioriiln ; . prices
jl.r > ( > . SI. 7&p.6Co nnaSc.
Opening With a Saturday Matinco.
Saturday and Sunday , Jan. 24 & 25
Direct from nijou Theatre. Now York ,
Ina laughing 111nstratlon ot the rural world ,
I'ncua ! 81.00. 75c , MoHI mid -'So.
Will l/uwlor , Manager. Cor. lltii uiul Fnrnam
The Mlilcot CntUu , from the Humon Inlands.
Tin ; smiillcBt oulllo In the world.
The Hhnlnlmrt Uoint'dy Co. , In musical spoo-
lultlus. Thu KollpsoQuurtuttu. In : i-ollui ; inul-
odICB. A prolltrblo liour ot enjoyment at u
nominal price.
X.IQ u on
It van lie given In M < > up of vutiV * t > r tea , ur In ar.
llclu ot rood , without tlio knowlcdKO ot the patient ,
II ntotMurr. It Is atxvolulelr harmleu and will cn cl
permanent and spied/ euro , wbulur thepatli-ni li
iioclor tatlrmnerorauulootiolo r ok. 11 > K\Klt
I AI1.S. It operates BO qmutly with uuoll cer
tainty thai the patient undorcoe * no inoonvenlenoe ,
and ore ho li aware , hla complete rtloro.ntjon la
etroeted. 18 niga bookof partlcuUnfreo. To brnadoi
. ftUouclux. itlttli A : Cumins Ota
KUHM ti CO. . intli ,
Ob" Trade auuplloa by 1J1.AKK. BllUCK & CO , and
* jnj | , HT * o "I'\K \ l'i " > " ' "
lending remi'dy for all thn
minntuinl illatharan and
tirlvntmllioaei'anf mm. A
certain cm 11 for tlii'ddilll-
tiHlntt weakness pttrullar
tnnmi li.
In rernnimvDdlOB It W
Hoi ft I > .V
P'ltHilS 81.00.
Certain UlnnrifiTi of MI'.N make tlieni Illue.
ThAt' hfrninh tlipy lo e tioiio lee soon I
I i ( inallHl Healfil free for
| QUR NEW BOOK | \altmttc \ < mmt } < lwrll > e
elmtlru Jtrllioil * " liuve won un u" SI uiionof u
0/3liror . " BRIE MEDICAL CO. , Buffalo , H. Y.
.Agent * to soil the
yV clothes. Line ; tlio only
line over In vented Unit luililB tlio clothes with.
out nltis ; u in'rfoct RIICCUSS ; ( intent roccitlly
lRt > uodi sola only liy iiKcntH. to wliom tlio ox-
oliiHlvo rltlit ; h Klvcn. On ruuolnt of M cunts wa
will wnd u Mimplo line liy nintl ; ulno ulruu
Inn ; prlcu Hit uiul torinu to ugont. Rpoar
your torrltory at onco. Address TIIK l'IN
Worccstor Mini
UT I'ntntlnit unit I'sporlinnidDK Imiilnen. E Ut > ]
llibixl ISiil linn n null fuluctod stuck of Wall
1'apur , Wall Muulillngi , I'alutu , llnmlioi , oto.
510 8. 10th Street , Oraub * .