THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JANUARY 20 , 1891 , THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Another Bear Day and Great Weakness in the Wheat Pit , PECULIAR EFFECT OF ONE MAN'S BUYING. Pnrdrlil o wan Clroumiifct "Corn Ilrcnks In Byiiipnttiv "XVIt'i Wit-nt The Corn Action Not at All One Bided lilvo Stock. CHICAGO , Jim , lO.HSpcclal Tolcsrnm to Tun OFE ) The board of trnilo opened with the ( train trade nctlvo nml prlcoi lower with Indl- cntlons of n further decline. Provisions itnrtcd higher with the murkot itnsuttloa and not a heavy trade. Till * was another bear day In wheat. Tlio tnurKct showed tnoro weakness tlmnatany time slnco It ( hopped under II. There wcro m tiny thlngnagalnitlt nnd suclilmH nowsor buying ns tlicro was had llttlo ulTcct. Tlio feature uf thooarly IradlnR was tlio buying In ( if from 1,000.000 to 2,000,000 bushels of short by Mr. I'anl ridge , through a do7on or morn brokers. Instead of creating anv cx- ollvmoiit on tlio buying side , or causing a quick bulge In the price , this hlR operator was enabled to cover lilt wheat on a declining imirkct , which tils hlg buflngoiilv served to steady or check. Ho chose tin opportune tlmo for covcrlnj ? his Ills short lino. Mvcrpool onblcs wcro simply stondy , line no help to the market. KecclptH wcro larger tlmn the esti mate. The line weather everywhere had a bearish effect. On the top of all tills clime- the Kans.ii Oily bank failure. The American national of that city lias many Chl- caw stockholders , nnd tno closing of Its doors nnd the run which followed on the Kansas City savings nnd safe deposit company hail nn umhn oITect on the trade nnd the markets lioro. Tim visible stipplycflguros wore uncor- talii up to noon , nnd this ulso enable ; ! coverIng - Ing without nny advance. When tlio "visible" was posted It IMVOH decrease of 5IR.OO ] bushels for the week , against about double that de crease n year ago. Export clearances out no figure , with 40,000 busliulHout of Now York and nothing from other ports. Now Yorlc de creased In stocks 237,00 : ) bushels , Minneapolis Increased 121,000 hiuhoU to the stock of regu lar wheat of 3,012,003 bushels. Chicago stocks Increased to 0,710,401 bushels. Mvorpool stocks wcio lopottcd decrease I CiO.OOO quarters slnco January ! . Asldo fioni the. great buying by Fardrldgc , Orrwas the early buyer and Ar mour & Co. took wheat at OlJic. Piirdrldge turned seller ngaln later In the day. Logan & Co. , llaldwln. I'limum and S. V. Whlto &Co. sold during the early decline. .Much wheat ontno out on spot orders under 95o. Tlio action of the market was : May opened at O'icj scat tering fi.iles aU > 3 > 8Csold toOI Jo to 015 $ toftl' c to flic half nn hour bnfoio the closo. July sold at03 ! c to90oto01'oto89e. ; $ There was noth ing to r.illy the wheat market before the close. Ilaltlinoro reported a llttlo fresh ex port business of V { boat loids , but this counted for nothing against the nrcs- Buro.The price of May was forced down" to ttl'ie and the close was at Ol o or lf.c loss from Saturday. January was quoted Co under May. July sold at OIKo to 89'4 > ' , closing at 89c. ! { The Incrc.isn In loptl stnoks was 15,1,000 , busliols for the week. Oars for tomorrow , l ) . Ourb priced wcto : May wheat , puti. OJ'jo ' ; There was u break of nearly lo in rorn from the close S.UtirJay , Urpcoly In symp.ithy . with the break In whout and the receipts. May corn sold at ! ilo to 31o ! to 5iJc ( to 504'o lit 1 o'clock. There was llttlo news In corn all day. Liverpool cables wcro simply nnn. The visible supply decreased M.ODO bushels. May closed utW'io : January. 4 ? o ; Tobruary , 4So ; July , r > lc. ! { M.iy corn privileges were quoted nt M.'iO.Vl'.io for puts and5)7i > o for calls. onesided is It piovod before tlio closo. Prices went down early with the other markets , the decline for May being loss than ISo from the best point early. Shortly before the close there were sonio buying orders to bo filled and no offerings of Importance. The price was at once bid up to the ! closing figure of Saturday nnd the close was Init We lower , January was quoted as low as 42o and closoil Kto nominal. May was at 4lfUc to 44Vo toJMo to45'o to 44 Vc to the closo. July closed at JOSJc. There was much uiioortalnty about prices In provisions most of tlio ( lay. Lighter re ceipts of hogs started the murkni stiong and prices wore put 5o to lee for ad products , with pork leading. This brought on heavy selling for a tlmo and prices yielded quite as quickly. The oloso of the irmrkotwamiiarkodby n heavy feeling and the lowest prices of the session. The declines from Saturday wore slight , however , at 7Ko forpork and SKo for ribs nnd lard. Mny pork opened at JI0.8J. sold at J10.77K. up to * 1 ( ) s ; , off to 810.70 ut the eloso. January was at 310.10 : February , 10.20. Lard touoho.1 { > -2JJ1i0.2j on the early lmlg and dropped to M.17H at the closo. May ribs were at J3.37K to 13.42S' to 5.-J { , closing nt 8VB seller. vmcis AT CMICAOO. rinues AT si , LOUIS. Hoard Notes nml Gnsulp. Jllnnenpolia receipts 0int ; , 423 ; Biiluth , 2 ; llOBs-Kstlmutod tomorrow , ,000 licud n IlnlUmoro Wheat , May , 11.02'f. Corn , Janu ry , uo i'j. llocitliits of IIOKI nt 0 points 13,000 tnoro tha thcsamo iliiy lust yuar. araliilnapouttonVlicit : , 20 out of 87 ; con Coutof&ili outs , 04 out of ' "Jl. Estlnuitcil cars ut Chicago tomorrow \Vhcnt.Mt corn , 43J ; oats , SIX ) . Evorybodysconisiiiixloiis for wheat to rallj tut so many shorts liuvuiovoiud thoio la llttl Total oloarnnccs , four ports , wlicai ei.l'.T ; corn , TVJ.V ! ; oats , IM.SIS ImsUols ; Ilou 2S.707 pncUnKi's. VUliilovlicat ( loarojiso. 337,000 : corn , dc crcuso.M.OOUjoats , ducroaso , liT.t'OO. St. Louls-liccolpts Wheat , i > 7i4l. : iiRttlii ! B8.20J ; cornO,6CO , iiBiiliiHt 3.KI.1T4 ! ouls 40,00 8t4hliimci'u-wlioat' ' 8-ixl ' - ; cori KonnetU IlopUiu.t Co. to Chrlstlo-I.titliro cniiiiiihsloii company : It i < cliilmoil 1'iirdrlilK co\urcir.ooooiw btiHliols toduy. If sohoiuu" elthur lioloiiKorouto' the market. H hoi lie won't sloop a wltiK tonight. AV. O. McCormlokto 8w rtz& Co-Corn ixd Tleos liullcutu a movement froi first hands. Tomorrow's recolpts uronncv donee that n fruu movomriit laiiboiitto bo li unilor Ihosu circumstances present prices \vl bolianl loliold. Kcnnott , llopUlnsiV Co. to Chrlstlo-Lathro Coin. Oo. I don t fcol stroiiR on wheat. Hpoi ulutlvo posit Inn \voitk. KiinsaaLIIty liniuidi troubles euusliiff bomo solllni , ' this nuiriiliii Z'lio inarkot may rally nftortlioso oluu'Ucleu tip. but tliluk lUo . wheat will bo hero bofur lent ; MeCormlok A. Co. to Swartz &Co. Part ] ride has covered all short corn today. Were It nc for this support we think market would HI IOWIT nml will when ho U llllcd up. 1'arilrlili ; liui boon nil unnrinous buyer of nil kinds i Kriiln today , nil of which was to cover short Armour has nlso been ngood buyer of whet Dcorbohiu's cable : Cargoes on pussaci nhciit , btcudyi corn , quloti olT coast when steady ) corn , quiet ; Hour steady , Prime niurUuts very flnu , Wcathor In KiiRhuid an on continent , very hnrd frost. Uverpot wheat and corn quiet but steady , bhluiiu'ul to United Klnxtlum 75,0m ) quarters , to cent ! ncnt ! tO,000 quarters. P.O. Logon & Oo. ton. K. Ilryon When opened weak at UJa nnd closed utlWU'o , wit little or no local outside buylnx , unless co\oi Ing hliorts or by the lioldcM of prlviiegt bought un Sutnrday ut ICe , The early cable wcro Btcndlcr , but the olinlns ones lower , wit the. Information that 'Indian exports would L lil'Rvy thin week. ThlH , with the now uropi AuHtriilhi , Chill unil tha Argentine repulill Bhlpplng inakci the European * Independent c Auiorloa for kuppllus. Tbon U uuthlux I Msht * t present to ndrnnco prices , nnd about the only hope of Iho few holders Is clumiijto to Iho crowliucrou of winter wliont. This wo art > likely to lm c. but It 11 not near nt hand , nnd meantime ono by ono they * cll out In MIS- rust , with no ono lu"llncd to buy nnd hold. Wo will Inivo feeble rallies. Ono of our ihrowd correspondents In the whiter wheat country wrllo : "It requires pnllencJ to win on the nearside. " and predicts lower prices. I'tirn Is weak nnd dully loslnn the friends It had. The future Is lo'vor prices. Provisions are weak In sympathy with nil olso. There Is now nioro prospect of thurecolptspf itojta lei- tlnjr tip some. Unless they uohlahcr prices for tlio present nru outof the question. W , S. McCorruIck to Swarti ft t'o-Tho wheat market has heonactho and very weak. Our most prominent bear has hccn auuycr to the tmcntof nt leant JJloOJ.OOO.biitotentliosopiior- . inous purchases have not boon Milllclontto sustain prices. Nowscomciof the falturoof a largo western nnd tniublo In another and cables Elvo disquieting rumors In financial circles as tlio reason for a break In stocks and consuls , lleeelpts In Iho northwest wore niilto larse. These thlngsoiusod a seneral ( making ut of long wheat which would easily linto nokcn thoniiirkct a cent further ; xci-pt for iiiylng by nhorts. The market closed very e.ik nt the bottom prleos Liverpool notes a udiictlon In stocks if & ) , OOJ fiunrtoM niul mir flHlbloHiiunly dccrun ud MiW ) , but neither > f these Itenil hnd : inv ulTect an the ' jiiirket. 'Corn weak and lower. An enormous Ino of short corn was covered , but did not ven check the decline. lleeelpts are In- rousing nnd railroad olllclals say that they vlll Incre.iso still further. Thu market chxos vcnknt noir the bottom prices I'rovlslons ere to uly early on lighter receipts of hogs ban were cstliuatoil , but could not stiiml umler the depression In urnln. Outside orders were uniisuilly small. Packer * took but llttlo > art In tlio market and seemed rather jus- > osod to sustain than to linmntcr prices , 'llio course of this market , will depend largely ipoti receipts of hogs. ICennott , Hopkins & Co to Christlo-I/nthrop onunlsslnii company-Wheat The ab indon- nontof tlin Held by bulls IIIIH given another voakday. LOIIBS ha > u lliiitldatcd steady and horts about only buyers. I'ardrldno Is sup- losed to hive covered all his uhcat. nnd some lilnkthnt that lint to him at the close will envo him lous. The news has nit bocn bcar- sh nnd there Is no apparent change , but/bulls ir.volost conlldcnco and money and liavo be come reconciled to the Inevitable at lower irlces. After today's oxtcnsUo liquidation noderate reaction would seem probable , but t should not bo forgotten that short Interest s largely eliminated and It Is not clear win-to ID ! p Istobohad Infringing about a rally. 1'lie market closed at the bottom pi Ice , with i good deal ru.ill/Iiig and Ke.nerul expecta tions of lower prices. On nil fair rallies voould \ fcoll. believing short side ( o bo a Hlnnrr. I'ardridgo undllulch were ho largest buyers , doubtless coveting short0 , [ { ( reivers and room traders wcro the best seller * . The market ulo * > od heavy , with rtown- wnidtomlcnoy , but on weak spots ought to bo a purchafcoon a return. Oats , rather active and steady. PiovlMons , higher early on ilirher ho/s , but the market wnsdull , the sup port merely lojal , nnit Mild oil when uraln vcaKcnod , closing at Insldo llgures. On the ironk lonss cro prlnelpil sellers. With a roe movement ot ho s tomoriow , which Is ev- icctcdo think Ihero will bo lower prices for irovislons. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK , OIIICAOO , .Tan. 19. [ Special Telegram to THE [ 1KB. ] The demand was only fair nnd prices mrely steady on the on the ordinary run of fat cattle , while prlino to extra export and dipping steers sold about like the close on ' 'rlday. There was quite an Indlffcrcnco displayed by buyers. They hold off and ookcd around more than usual , and .mU'ss they were fully suited they iiovcrcamo back after making iinollcr , Cows were not as plentiful as a week ago and such as nulled the shop and butcher trade sold rather stronger , but the low grade and can- ilng stock showed llttlo or no change. The itookor tr.ulo not fairly opened for the week but the chances were that llicro would jo a fair demand and itoady prices. Twcnty- ono car loads of prime nnd extra e.\port steers sold at 3 OOS" .40 : K il to choice. J4.50I.U.V. medium , $4.0001.2. " ) ; common , $ . ) .OJ't.7. " > : cows , bulls and oxen , I103i3,73 ; stockcis , J,8V3 ] | .00. lions Hitsness ! wasacthoand values lK3l3o ( the uxtromu close of Saturday , llotlishlppors and packers were out for their regular number and the sooetilatord helped tc Itoom uloii . Houijli and common. M.r > V l.5r > : iirliuo inlxedn $ J.OO(3i' . ( ; > : prime heavy nnd butchers' weights , $ J.MS3.70 ; light , , JFIA' , . NewYnnK , .Ian. 19. [ Apodal Telegram to Tnn BKE. ] STOCKS. There was much ner vousness at the opening of the stock market. Holders of granger shares wore uneasy ever the dllforcnccs yet unsettled and the room traders were generally bearish In western stocks. It was thought that much must de pend on the London attitude. Attention wai at once drawn from the si-anger group by the shurpdropelbowhoro. Tlugroat feature ot the opening was tha drop ot4K per cent In New England , from 41'i ' to 37 , owing to the contradiction of many of the rumors so widely circulated of latoand the disclosure contract Jobbing frauds. The stock was the most active In the market and fell away 1 per cent loan In early dealings , but there was a reaction sot In. which carried the price to H88 ? at which oolnt It became dull. This drop af foctotl the rest ot the market to the extent of uaklng irregular changes from Saturday's flnul flzuros at the opening , but could not ar rest the Imnioved fooling which becames < prominent a feature ot the market on Saturday and prices , nil along the line , ad vanced from the opening sales except In u fov cases where slight concessions were mnde From the lowest tlKiires so established , howe o 'cr , Northern I'aeltlo preferred rosel'it < 717s to common 1 to 'JS'j : Chicago GaslH ti 4ii'/i ; St. I'iml 1 to r.51 , ' and others fractlona amounts. During tlio succeeding hour llur llngton rose to 1C : Union I'ncllio to 40 and ( Jhl catioQas to47. The boat figures did not lyild Hoforo 1 o'clock there was a ccneral weaken Inp. HurllnKton dropped back to 1)1 ) : Atehlsoi : tuiOi : ! ; Uock Island to 70 ; Hi. I'.iul to & 4V , t loss ot about 1 par cent from the top prices Other stocks yielded % to Jg and the mnrLo' ' became qulot. The early Ktrongth in r.iihui. ' stocks was not recovered late In the dav urn western Htock.s closed with net losses of H U li per eon tall around. OnlcagoUas was well supported and closed close to the Icut price nt40'i. Sugar rocolpts'WOi'O ho.ivy at 77 wltl neatly ! l points loss. Now England closed ? ! better than tlio openhu , bat at a loss of ovoi II points. There was some foreign selling lati In tlio day on the reported unc'isliicss ovei Argcntlno matters , Nilot wore 177.0JJ shares The followii-4 were the closing ( mot.itlons ; MONEY On call , easy ; last loan at U pe cent. I'HIMR MKiiCANTir.BPArEit 6TW per cont. STEIII.INO KxniANdB Quiet , butllrin ; sixty day bills , 0.81 ! ' , ; demand. JI.S7. NKV YOIUC STOCKS. NAME B OP STOCK. P W. A U 1C. , , I locking Vnl SH STH 27H MaMliattun. 2U ! irlo : 2u ; < ' L'uiimtu Ho. 60t ? w I'ncllloMnll 81 Kike Shorn , IU7K 107U 1117 1 , . \.V JIB 77' LuiKlTruat. 77'aij c. ua Norlliwoat'n 1U-.H 107 Mo. I'aa 107ti Uiilnnl'ii . 45 41 ! 1U.Hii ti N. I'nc , pfil , 45TWil 71 ii 70 N. I'ac. com 71JIM 27 (3. , 11 AQ. . . JIM 01 Itock Ulund il 71 Ht. IMill 71U H. 1'illli lifil , West , Union BU T7M 78 73 II. , U.VW 138 ! 138 138 IM Buuar Trust wi T7M 138T7J < IMi'J Jorscr Cent i'J Now Kn r _ . 87 8SJ4 41 Itlcli.Tiirin'l I8K 418b Atchlion. . , , SJl ( | w SO 8b Clili'nto Oni r" 481. 4i llttnillntr 481.ff.'U 4iS.I Del. A llua , 131 I'ulhnsn IM \'ti No. Am. . . . . IMK 17 IBM HA "ii Mich. Cent. , K ) V * " Silver 100 100 "mK \VU.Cont. " K ! MOT , Cent. . "sT SJ ! O. O.OU 21U Toxa 15U 15iJ Tunn C.1. . 15Uml 37)2 ) SS ; Wall Strneu Insiders ore solllnit OlilciiBO gas , roomei bulling uiul trailers buying It. Ilnnk troubles at Kansas City makes trail era buurlsh and bulls nervous. A Now York message says : "Lonclou rnarl ots nml consuls weak on rvnortoil fa I In re. Kennett Hopkins A ; Co. lo OlirUtlo Lutliro coiuniKblon company Tlio stock murki ; toilay has been very Irregular. At the oiiei Inn u breulc In New England of 5 per cent f rot Hatunlny'a close and tlio dlsa | > i > alulrntMit c London udvlcen , reRtinltng Ainerloaiiboeurl tlu , partially oINot tha disposition to bu stocks , wbluli has liuon growlni some tlmi whioU .wan luoroaiuil by a pain In tlio bank rc'orrrs tnst vreok. Orders to buy , liuwo or. wore so Inrso ai to cnu o a temporary rally after first price * , but after tin so were oxc- ciitoil tlio market aimned off , belnit atTcctod ! > /tliu fall uf tlio Aincrlcnii National bank uf hnnsin rity nnd later by n run on a xavliiRS Imnk In tliosituo place. The break In New I.imlnml was ciitiso I by tlio iiiibllenllan In yestorday'gpaticr * of ilcnlnls of the stuto- iiivnt made Inst week tlitit tlio asrcpinciit hnd IIOCH made notwcou that , cominny nnd the New Ynrk , lliiven.t llnrtford forueomolldii- lion nnd that tlio papoii snld to have been nlgned , wlilcli lind been iiubllsbcd resarillni ? It , \\oro forgeries. Such iclieincs for nUllns. inniilpuliitliin In the dtock ninrket created' district undcurtnllod 'leiillnzs. ClilcnKoUat lias been utpcclul feature , iiilvnnclni ? uvor 2 per cent from Saturday's prices. Tlio man- nxciiient ) mi Inspired more confidence tlmt the ulTiilr.m > f tlioeiiinpanv will bo handled Jtl- dlcloiuly. Tlio notice o ( tlio Fidelity trust eoiiip.iny of I'hlladoliililaof Its wish to with draw as tnuteo of tiiu Oas comp.inr liml but smull cITect on tlio price of stouk. The North ern 1'nclllc'n have nitnln been notion lily strong mid oo led considerably lilRhcr than the opened , while many stocks were lower. Money lias been cuiy and cheaper on time. Minim ; BhitrcH. NEW VOHK , Jan , 19.-Sioclal [ ) Tolosram to TUB llKK.-lho ] following are the mining stock quotations : Mlco 17A lomcttnko : K ) Stanilnnl IM ) ilcxlcnn 22A Suttcr Crick 110 nturlo . .SS.'iO UnlunCon 170 phlr . , , 81U Tlio ColT o Market. Nnw YoitK , Jan. 10.-tSpeclal Tolcgrnni to UK IlKi-CoFiT.E Options opened steady , unchanged lo 5 points down. Closed steady , 11 points down to ftpAltita up. Siles : 24.f > 00 bans , Including Janunry , tin.T5tHO.K ? ) ! rolirti- nry , tm.'j ; > ® 10. : ) : Slurcli. JlVOVSI'iTOi May , > -KiniS 45 | July. $15,10015.15 ! December , rLSuailCt ; snot Ulo fnlrlv uotlvc , firm , fair largogs , illOJ ) ; No. 7 , (17.50. Cinoioo. Jan. lO.-Olose-Whoat Steady ; casii , 71i : May , ttJulv. ) : . M > J . Oorn Quiet ; cash , 47"ic : May , a Oatt-Stoady ; cash , 4J ; May , 4I , ' , Hyo-J/Iasy at 70c. Hurley Qulot ; 75TJ785. Prlino Tlinothy-tl.23 , 1'lax-fl.tO. Whliky-Jl.14. 1'ork-null : cash , $10.l2'/i ; MayJI0.70. Lard Dull ; cash , jj.JJi373 ; May , M. 130 Short nilis-Dull ; cash. $1.03 : May , J3.11. I'Uiur Unchanged ; steady : winter patents , l.30i.80 ; spring patents , tl.40S4.80 ; bakers' , bullc' 'Jloats Shoulders , tl.so3i.35 ; short 'l ' nr. * > lOiiV-X ) ; short rib * . $1.800410. Butter Unchanged ; creamcry.lGJ3c ; dairy. Cnoeso UnchnnBod ; full cream Cheddars , lUSW'fo ; flats. UlJiUiOei Young Americas , 103 OWc. . I'Kgs Unchunicd : fresh , 2IQ2'lc. ; Hides Unchanged : light and heavy green salted , fiyi33(4c ( ; itrorn , 4 > 3IKoj silted bull. Hie : green salted oalf , So ; dry flint , 8t" salt bnll.Kt'o ; dry c.ilf , h9c ; deacons , each , U3c. Tallow Unchanged ; No. I , solid packed , l&c ; No. 2,3c ; cake , 4o. Kccclpts. Shipments. "lour , bbls 10,000 0.003 Jats , bu 151,000 130,030 Wheat , bu 20,030 3.1,000 lorn , uu . _ . . . . . . 112,000 00,000 The Visible Supply. OIIICAOO , Jan. 19. The visible supplr of ? raln , as compiled by the secretary of the Chicago board of trade , Is as follows : Bushels. Wheat 24. < ) .UiX)1 ) Corn S,7ii.COC : Oats a,43OOC llyo 410.00C Hurley 3,513,00t NnwYonK. .Tan. 10. Wheat Kccolpts. 23SKJ ( imshcls ; otports , 43fiV ) bushels ; sp it lower : No. I ! red , 51.04 0103 In elovalor : ll.0ll ? alloat : ( l.03 j(3l.071i ( f. o. b. : options are down SOle ! ( Jo ol ( ucrxk ; Mo , 2 red January closlnir at tl.04'4' . Corn nccolpts , Xl,800tusliols ) : exports. 18.00C busliols ; spot weaker ; No. 2 , 693. > 0lac In ele vators G0 > c afloat ; iincradod mixed , f > 8'8 CJKci options doprobsed and lower ; . January closing ut5'Je. ' Oats Kcielpts. 320 bushels : exports , OOOi spot lower : No. 2 white. roiJiS.'ilo ; mlxou western , 4SSi" > 2o : wlilto western. 5l58ci options weaker : January closed at SOWo. Sugar Haw. llrm ; In demand ; rctlncdqulotl fair rotlnlngliC ! centrifugals 0(1 ( test , Clio : 0 , .r > ! { © - - { 1liiiyellow , 53'io ' : elf A,50-1X3 ( 5 c ; mould A , O.l-ino : standard A , n-10c ; con fectioners' A. 5'ie ; granulated , GJiO ! pow dered , (1 ( il-lOo. Petrollum United closed. February , 733c. Esgs Firmer ; western , 27o. Pork Steady ; new mess , II1.50G1I1.73. Lira Weak and quiet ; western steam ilutter Unsy ; western dairy , 1270o ; cream' ' cry. 10@20c : ElKln,282.1c. ! . Ohceso Strong ; ll ht skims , 5SS e. ST. I.ouis. Jan. 10. Wheats-Lower ; cash , Corn l ewer ; cash , 17'J(6l75o ' ( } : May. 48'o. { Oats Irregular ; cash , 4U&C ; Muy. 4t'ic. Pork-Easy at * IO.a7'J ' , Lard Quiet at K > .G21 { . Whisky fl.14. Butter llaroly steady ; creamery , 2122o fancy dairy , 202Ic. _ MINNKAPOMS. Jan. 19. Wheat Good < lo maud for cash wheat ; prices well sustalncc In view of weak condition ot features. He colpts , two days , 430 cnrs ; shipments , U9 can Close : No. 1 hnrd , January , bU c : on track Die ; No. 1 northern , Janunry and February 87c ; May. OlSo ; on track , 87Wib82e : No. 2 northern orn , January , 8. > c ; on tr.ick , 8. > asCc. KANSAS OITV , Jan. 19. Wheat -Qulet ; Nc 2 bavd , cash , 80obld ; No 2 red. cash , MSo bid. Corn Steady ; No.s , cash , 47e bid ; January 43iobld. Oats No. 2 , cash , 43o bid ; January , 4155o bid OINCINNATF , Jan. 19 , Wheat Lower to sell No . 2 red , 9Gc. Corn Lower ; No. 2 mixed 5lVo. Oats Klrm : No 2 mixed , ti'/to. ' \Vhlsky-$1.14. _ MILWAUKEE. Jan. n AVhoatr-Easy ; No. spring , onsn , S7bde ; May.- ) ' < c. Corn Eusy : Jin. 3. 48Ho. Oiits Knsfor ; No. S white , 4l44'c. ' Provisions Quiet ; pork , May , $10.83. . 19. Wheat Steady.'domnn fair : holders oiTer moderatoly. Corn Steady ; demand Improving ; mlxc western , S3 Oiid per cunt. JUIYE STOCK. CniCAOo , Jan. ID. Cattle. Receipts , 18W head : market steady and a fair demand prime steers , io.OOf "UO ; euminon to choice U0034.05 ; cows , hulls ana mixed , S2.00S2.75 stockcrs. tl.8J5tI.00. Ho 't Receipts , 34.000 ; market active nn hlcher ; rouch unil cominon , J3.4.vai.r > 3 ! prim nil xod , ti.ioa.I.OV : prlino heavy and butchers weights , &IIW33.70 ; light , t.l.OO & : i.U5. Sheep Hocolpts , 17,030 ; market active nn < teady ; westerns , J42.'i5.1Ji natives , $ .1.7."i < i 5.25 ; Texans , il.CO i.OJ ; natlvo lambs , W.COi 6.00. _ PT. Louts , Jan. 19-OnttIo Hocolpts , 1K ( head ; BhlpmoiiK 100 head : market stoudj fair to fancy natlvo steers , JJ.bOQ5.UO ; stookei and feeder.- . , li.oaan.35. Hens Hccelpts , 20.000 head : 8nlnmonts.l2OC head ; niiirket higher ; lioavyJ.53uJ.GO ) ; i t3.VOU'l Mj light. { J.23Si.45. ( : KANSAS CITV , Jan. 19. Cattle Rocolpti 3.COU head : bhlpments. : t.9W ho id ; stnady steers. { : i.4U I.UJ ; cows , tl.OJai.23 ; stookcrs au tecdcis , $ ! .75 < aj50. : 11M llecolpts. 7,000 hoatl ! slilnmonts , 2,0 ; head ) murkot strong ; all Kr.ules , U033J.53. 031 A II A JlAJlK irS. OMAHA. Jan. 10. 1891. CATTt.E-r.stlmutcd rocolots of cattle l.IiOO compired with 2.830 Siiturdav nnd 1.71 Monday of last wcolc. Tim market was notlt mid Ro to lOo hlghcron duslrablogr.idcsof hot buovts nnd butchers' stouk , anl steady t strong on others. Feeders are s.'nrcu and 1 demand at steady to strong prices. Hoas Estimated rivolnn of hogs 2.41 us comoarod with 7.J4' ' ) SUunlay and 3 , ' : Monday of last week. The market wns nctU and fie to lOo higher. All sold early. Tli range of the prices paid was 8.l.M't.l ( , thu bulk soiling lit f3.40.50 : ) ; pics , tl.M Z.M ; llglit-ll.'hts , J--.50ai.OO : ; llsli , * I.0 . heavy , * a.40j.GOmlxiil : ! ! , $ .l.Mii.M. ; ! : Thoavui ago of the price * paid was * J 42i { as compaio wIMi W.3S Saturday und J.41)i ) Monday of lai w ok. SIIKEP Estimated receipts of sheen 439 t cotnpired with 215 Saturday and Ml Mondn of last week. The market was steady. Nu lives , t2.50iS4.S5 | westerns , t2.00a2.25. Ulaposltlon of H took. OATTI.K. Swlft&Co . 5- The 0 , II. Hammond Co . t < The Annour-Oudahy 1'uclilns Co , , . 2J H. HecKer & Hogcn . < Uothschild . , S..i . 11 Hamilton & Stephen . j Van Sant ACaroy . ] Nols Morris . y Shippers and feeders . , . „ . . . , , , . . ' lions. , The Oudnhy Packing Oo . , . 1,11 Ornulm Packing Co. . . . , . , . . K SwIft&Co . tr 0. H. Hammond I'aoklng Co . 41 Shippers and feeders . , . li BI1EBI . Rwift iV Co . , . The Q , H. Hammond Packing Co . II Representative Stiles. BTEIILS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. i.ioootaoo i. . 1010 raw 40.n:4tto4 a. , sw a oo a..io3j 3 70 si. usj i 12 rios ANP itouons. 1 70 - IM 20 138 40275 12 ( U - 1 80 BIIEEl * . No. Ar. Pr. 182 westerns , wothcrs 1(10 ( 423 i57 westerns , wothers 101 423 Groceries. OANNKD VEiETAiius-Toniatoo3-3-lb , SI.Oo © 1.10. Corn-Very line. | l.J5UI.3."ii 1-lbsuenr , Sl.r > : 2-lb standard western brands , * I.10. Miishrooins l-lb 1'rPnch , extra lino. 2J& ; l-lli l-'reneb , flno , ISji'-'Jc : 1-11) Krcncb , ordi nary. ICffilSc. l'ons-j-ibuarly : June , 41.V5 ; 2-lh Mai row , staiidaid brands. 11.10 : 2-lbfiilced , 70c. I'rennhpoas-l'ercaso of 100 , $1. )32.KI. ) ( 8lrliiKlicnns-21b high grade. OOc ; 2-lb wux beans , Kio ; 2-lb strliiK be.ins. 8te. ) Lima beans 2-lii so.ikod , S5c. lloston baked beans 3-lb , $1.133)1.5. ) Sweet potatoes 3-lh Now Jersey (150 ; a-lb okra unil foinaloes$1. ( > 5 ; . 'l-lb okrn , $1.10 ; asparagus , a-lb , * . ' .8.va3.75 ; rhubard , 3-lb. 81.40 ; succotash. { 12utC1.25. CitACUEits-Sodn , Cc ; oyster. 5in ! ; eroiitn , 8Jie ; ginger snaps , 6Hc ! 10 per cent olT on box lots. , SuoAii Granulated , C ? c : cube ? , 7cj out lo.if , 7io ! : powdered , standard , 5'io : XXXX powdered , tjic : yellow d. 7o : canary. 5Jic : light extra 0 , WiQMtC' confectioners. A , O'ic. llittKn FntllTS rurklsh prunes , less than liluN. 18X ) , Uo ; upnlu < . cvupoutcd , now ring choice , ir o : apricots funcy , In sack" . 20c ; ulacklorrlosnuw , DC ; riisDUorrles , ' . ' 5 Ibs to uox , XV ; ctirr.ints , uew , 5 > e ; Votlzrl currants , o\tri , In boxes , GUc ; peaches , Cula. , choice , 17iic ; California dried crapes. In baps,53oj scoilloss Sullnnas , sacks , lOSic : muscatels , 8J4o ; now Vnlaiicln , he : Ondura luyor , Oci UKB , HVLTH , 1420c ; citron , Leghorn , 20o ; lemon pi'ol , loc. NUTS-Per Ib Almonds , 18c : Brazils , 21o ; filberts , 13c ; pecans , lltQHc : walnuts , 18ci pea nuts , fancy white , 8c ; ro.istcd , lOc. SAt.T-Ialry , 2sO Ibs In bbls , hulk , 13.10 ! best gr.idc , TO Gs , . ' . : iO ; best srade , 100 3s. $2.40 : best grade , 23 10s. $2.23 ; rock halt , crushed. . * ilO. Soux-PackagcsCO Ibs to box , 5 > ic ; UCRS , 4ic. ! 11AKINO Pownr.n Royal , dime cans , per doz , PC : K-lhcans , J1.45 ; H-ib cans , J2.8S ; l-lbc ns. ? 5.00 ; 1'rlco's dlnio cans , OOo : J4-lbcans , Jl.'Jj H-lb cans , * J 50 ; Mb c.ins. $4.73 ; other kinds , 1-Ih cans , pcriloz , } 1.03iU8j. ( WiiAM'iNO 1'Ai'EK 1'cr 11) , best straw , 15x18 to : fJxH , Iftcj dry coeds , 4Ves extra quality , manllla , CVJcj manllmtcu. 1-xlS , DC ; dark rug , hardware. 2"iP. Un.H-150 nrlmo whiten cj 1 ! > 0 waterwhlto , lUio ; hoailliKht , I3o ; 74 nsollno , Hi4c. Oil nuns lual , J.l.OOiaJ.'J : .2 Rill , W.7&3I.HO ; 5 gal , a 50(315.10. ( TEAB-Junan , basket fired , ® . " ) : sundrlcd , 20ffil.r > c : preen. 2J3J. > Oc ! giiniioinder , 203Uo : EiiRllsh breakfast , 3.V2i7Jo ; Vomit Hyson , 20 ® Me ; Oolon ? , 2. " > 5t4.c ; 2-lh packaco dust. lie. AXM : OHIIASE 1'or RII-S Prnzlor'M largo tins , WDUO ; medium tin , $ -7.00 ; smallI3.0J ) other nukes , wood. Jo.SO'itS."iI. Hr.ACKiNn-lldozlii DOv , : ( OB7. c : ladles' shoo drcsslni ; . 43c1.00 ; stove polish , per grobs , JJ.OOO'i.JiO. ilMJEiNO Iikiuld , 4 ozi : doz In box , OOc < Stl.7i ! 8oidoz : Inbox , } I.5Uiii'.7r > ; dry , biuall , 'Joo ; SIMCES Pcppor-lneaporc , slftrd , 15lCc ; shot. 22o : allspice. lOci cloves , I'cnnng , sc- lictod , l@IHc : casslu , China , 4-lh , mats , ! ( : ; nutmegs. No. 1 , 7Ae ; macabbor , C5c ; pickling spices , 10-lb boxes , 25c. CHOCOLATH , KTC. 12-lh boxes , 3433cj Grr- man sweet,2224c ; ecooa , 3ti@10e : llromo , : t2c. OOCOANUT 13-lb cubes'i null ' / IbpacKuucs , per lb.S ( ® 37e ! bulk , 15-lb palls , 25 ; . EXTIUCTS Lemon , 2 o ; . .VicQJl.fO ; 4 oz , ? 1.00 03.50 ; vanllln , 2 07 , 05ctt.bOj 4 oz , tl.2Jtil5.50i ( Janiulc.i Klngcr , 4 oz , ( I.S5. MA-ICIIKS I'arlor , 200 and 300 per box , H.CoiJ 1,70 pcrgioss ; sulphur , Jl.l.vai M. HitusiiES shoe , per doz , $ > J61.30 ; daubers , 75r@JI.00 : hcrub brushes , tOcflJJ.OO. Him ) biiEU Mixed bird , 1-lu packages , Cc ; canary , 45.Jo : hemp , 4JJc | anise , inc. UANULR3 10 Ibs to box , ( i\la \ ; mining , 10 ® lOVtc ; wax , lie. Toiurco I'lno cut. per Ib , 25 < 327e ; plup , 12 CU8o ; smoking , 2-'auie ; fancy Lranos , OJc ® SI..W. UofFEE Orcon Klo SXKHei Java , 27c ; Mooha , 2 c. Uoasted Ariosa , 25c ; llnnola , 25c ; Gormnn , 2434c : Dllllworth's , :47sc : Lion , 2" > o ; mall pouch. 23e ; Cordovin , S5o ; Mocha , 3lo ; O. G. Java. 29c. Ooireo-fssenco JJ gio. boxes , ( ; chicory. 7M < itn/5e. OANDV Mixed , 30 Hi palls. 8WO6ye ; stick , B So ; twlststleU.Oo ; French mixed , Kl'/ic ; lioar- houiKl stick , BJJu ! Jar and disc candles 5 Ib boxes , ISlWlc : oxtr.i llneeoods , OSQUic. MoiAS8K8-lt bbls M.O. fancy , pur gal. 4CQ 48c : choice , 4xrs45cgooI.2S.IJo ( ; ; Cuba , baking , SM lOc ; liluckstriip , Ifrii'-Mo ; syrup. 70 grade , bbls , 2Coi ; bbl. 2Sc ; 4 gal kegs , ! 1.24 ; 2 kits , 07c. 07c.UIIKESE P. O , twin flat ? , per 11) ) lie ; F. 0 , Young Atncrlcan , lUiC ! domestic Swiss , 15'ici brick , lie : Uluni. In foil , each ? 1.00 ViNEnAH ApplojjIOOr , 10cdoublocldcr,12c ; ; white nino. l.'c : trlpio trength , lOc. STAIICII I'cr Ib.ftaHo. I'lOKi.B.silodluiiv. bbls , JS.O ) : .small , I10.00 | ghorklns. $11.00 : llojton mixer. $12.00. Kici-Java : , Go ; clrotuc , Oe ; fancy , Oo ; head , innBB-Por bbl , refined , M.50 ; half bbl , J153 : hard older , nuro. per . .Lbl , So.OJ : ornnso elder , half bhl , ] .f > u : pear aftfor , hnlf bbl , W.60. WooDKNvrAiiB I'ur.floiun Tul > , No. 1 , $7 1 ; No 2. ti.n : : No. 3-Xw kooler. oukifraln.S-lii , liest. $ I.V ) ; white , 4-ln , ijost. (1.25 ( ; palls , 3-noop , oaksr.ilni'd , il.W : loop | , JI.BO ; syrun , tl,81 ; dowoll , * 1.73t ipiipor. inetnl hoop , 12.50 ! cedar , 3 brass hoops. So , 1. nil red(3.00 ; codur , 3 brass hoops , No. 2 , red , $3.00i cedar , 3 brass hoops. No. 1 strlpedi voa ; eedar.3 brass lioops , No. U striped , tl.50 ; liorso , extra heavy , No. 1 , t.75 ! ; well buckets. fttlS. Iluttorware-Tubs , ash , 3'lnch , per nest , ? 0e : nsh , 2-inch. 2 largo pins 5gross boxes , UOO. I'rovlsl < ni9. FIIEBII JlEATS Vrcslilmnis , SOIb. uv. . 7tfc : 1 Ib. av.,7 > icr.'lb. v. , 6c. tjhouldors. 4Hoi norl loliiH , uiu | ; pork tenderloins , Uo ; leaf lard , no rendered , 801 spare ribsRo. I'OIIK ANI > llBnr , IIAiiiiEDKD-New mess pork I10.V ) : prlino mess pork , flO.CO ; extra prime pork. M.OO : clear back ixirk. hoitvyli.7.1) ) elea back pork , medium. (11.23 ; bhort cut clen pork , J10..V ) ; win pork. ta.5J : ; now extra tnc beof. W.23 ; extra pinto bo.if.ff'rit > plfitD beef 17.10 ; rolled boneless beef. $ ri.20 ; bonoIeB rump * ) . H.V ) ; vhouldor olodtt , feMi. Ou.s-1'uro neat's foot oil , In bbl. , porpnl. 50o ; pure nwat'sfoot oili-gul.cans.i3o ; At tul low. So ; stearlno. Site. IHY SALT MEATB J'at backs , r \ clean \ buckf. 5 > io ; extra short clears. ri ? ci bellies. 1 to 20 Ibs , av.,6ioshortrlb-i. sse : short clears 6io ; long clears , 5)ic ) ; Bhoalders , 4 ! o. Country I'rocluoc. F.oas-Tho market Is weak and wlillo th bulk of thus tlua yesterday wore at 17c , BOIII few ro reported at iCe IIUTTEU 'Iho butter market Is firm and th reoulpti of good country roll are light. Wb.ll i few s'llo * of soloctotl country rolls arc solil asliliflin.s t.vain nii'l occiiilonnlly tip tol'c , n % rry largu proportion of tlio butter U going at llir.l'Jf. l.ovr crudes ell down to fnlSo I'ot ' I.TIIV Yvitcnlny's poultry market urn * slow ni U < | itlto npt to In ) the cniu on Monday , onsldorablo toik wni carried ever from y.iturdny and the ripply wa In excess ol the dnliiiind , Chlvkeimespcoluily wcro Blow and 7i < irns practically the outside for peed tock , with a good inanyMlefliitlic , Turkeys btoiiRht txvfiuA itiuall lot of chotco UIICKS fold in i\'i\i \ ' \ ns IV. Iml TWu Is about all gccso and ducks will boar ( iiiollnt ! , . ( HjiK-Uanio was slow. Jack rabbits , (2.00) ) vctt on ( nils. CO7JO. Vcuctnhlcs. I.r.TTiicn-Oholeo stool ( , 45c. SwKnTl'OTATOEi-Thosunnly on Iho market Is not larso nnd consists of lena nnd Kansai stock principally. Qnotntlons f l.imttl.f * ONIONS Demand fair at ( ! , ( per Int. for hoiuu Rro\vn ttouk. Hp.uilsh , ! l ( M per crate. llnA.NS-rhnloo navy , tJ.7fl | medium , t-.GOl Hungarian. $ . ' .40. CIIKIIV : Cliolco stock. Rva45o. ItuTAiitaAS-GlioIco Mlcliltfan stock , C5o per bushel. I'AU IKV 1'rcsh < tock,50c. l'KUSNii > 4 IVr bbl , J3.M. lliiTs-l'or : bushel , * ! . ' . I'OTATOKs-Tho supply of homo prowiipotii- teen appears to bo larger than uai thought earllerlu tlio winter. A Rood ninny Inquiries nro holii reeolvuil from the country from parties who have Mool < s to ship. 1'liron car loads of Komt Mlnno'-otft stock were offered ynstordny atWc. Dealers aroaskln rOeilll-OO for. small lots of lowu and .Nohr.iskii stock from the store. Colorado stock Is ruiutuil at C'A'IIIUOI : Choice Calltornln , Do per Ib. Krosli Fruits. APiM.r1 * food ! stock I * firm , and such vnrlo- tles as Hen Davis and Wlnesap.nro held at 15 00. QuiNcrs There nro still a few quinces on the market which aru olTurcd at 53cQ31.lO. OIIANHKS California Riverside' , pur box , t1.73s navel < iIA..V3.vri'j ! | Westshoro > luxlcr.m , J3W < a't.7 , > ; riorldubrlyhts , $ J.75S400 ( ! russets , ( .1 XK&I.75. I.KMONB Merrlni , porhox. M.SO3I.50. l'iNhi'i : Perdu$1.5 O400. MArAlA ( aitAi'Ks-l'oriVi-lblll ) , J300SO.OO. CiiANiiiniitiES buppllesaronot heavy. Jersey soy , per bbl , Sll.TO ; Capo Cod. Jl..00 ; fancy Capo Cod. bell and bugle. JIIIO SII ( XI. rKAits-Somo cbolub winter Nellls urn still on tlio market and aio olTcred at * : i.liOll.'I.fiJ. Kaster llourre , iinotlior variety , arc held at To > fATon8-CiUornlatomntoos : ( arc on the market , but a good many of the llrst shipment nrrlvcil In poor condition. Good stock Isnoith 2,00 per20-lb box. Kliilir. R. T. Davis Mill Co. , lilgb pitcnt , No. 1 and Crenm.J..dO ; llluol ) . full piitent , J.J.4J ; Iliwk- oyc , liulf patent. tiS ) ; special royal pitent , No. 10 , ti.'O ; Mlniicsot.iatent..ft.'i | : Kansas liard wheat patent , $ . ' .43 ; ttobr.iska , spring wheat p.iteat , W.5) ) . S , K. Oilman's sold modal , $ : .70 ; Snow White , 12 H ; Snow 1'l.tko. IJ.OO ; low Krndo , tl.tX ) . HroKen How rollcriullls Cream. $2.70 ; Myrtle. * MO ; Clulm. $ .VJO : ; Kldcllty , W.80 | Minnesota Chief. il\d ; I'litent , $ U. < . Oskhiimii's roadt to raise huukwhcat flour , < ISO pcrcaxoof 302-lb p.ieknijcs ; bucUwhrat In hbls , N. Yt 1.00 ; Kxcelslor brand3. . ' > 0 ! Slap Jack meal , $ j,73 percaboot CO 2jlb p.ickiigob. Purs. UACCOON No. 1 , larKO,0070o ; No. 1 medium , .TOIC'c ; No. 1 Email , UO&lOu ; No. 2 , 3 and 4 , 5 ® 20i' . MINK-NO. Harce.rHXaWo ; No. l medium , 40 ® 45o : No. 1 small , 2.-xaiOe : ; No. 2 , 3 and I , 6 23o. MusKHAT-I''all,8aiOC ! KIt,3c. hKtrjfK-Hlack. 75 ® $ I.OC : Striped No. 1 , nVQ lOc : Striped No. 2 , a 3c | Striped No. U , IDOlSoi Striped So. 4,510c. 1'ox-Cross No. I. $ l.r.oai.03 : No. 2 , 52.00lft2.50i red , No I. $ l.ool 21 ; No. 2. ouecoc ; grey , No. 1 , HKWOcsNo. 2ax323c. WOLF Moulitaln , No. t. $2.5033.00 ; No. 2. $1.00 01.30 : prairie , No. 1. 75c@SI.00 ; No. 2. 400 00. HKAVHI No. 1. per It ) , fj.50ft I..10 ; No. S. per Ib , fl.SO2.30 | No. J. porlb , 5xa73c ( ! No. 4. per Ib. 50u. OTTKII No. I. Inrjjo prime , J > .OC < ! 17.00 ; No. 1 , modlum , $4.003.oo ; No. 1 , smull. $ J,50J.rfl ; No. Siaiid4.fiOe$1.60. : 1/VNX-No. I. $3.r)3JM.OO. ) WILD OAT No. l,4uc : No. 2 , 2MWH ! . Oi'i'OSSUM No. 1 , cabed. loffllio ; No. 1 , open , 7 < airc. IIAI > ORU No. 1 , full furred , 5075c ; No , 2 , 20 - ; No. y.5Sinc.No. No. I , $4.XySi.00. ( ! llEAit-lllntk , No 1. SIOSWO.OO : Grizzly , No. 1 , ? 1oOffil5.00 ; brown , No. l$3.00ffllO.OO ; cub , $1.00 ® 3 00. BUCKSKIN Indian dressed , per lb,75c1.00. DiiKK-Sitmmer , per Ib. 255jioc : : fall , .W-'Sc ; winter , 20-r.lci Rreea salt , per piece , 75ffi60c ; elk , per Ib , 12o ; antelope , 1520o. 1'isnnii No. I. $ J.OOdo5 : ( X ) . MARTIN No. 1 , 75c > $ l.r > 0 ; No. S. 2.V310C. Ground bog , weasel , rub It and squirrel skins liavo 110 value. Slctnls. STERI.WJHE NAILS Base , $153 ; stool nails , buso , Si 15. Co I'i'Bii Planished bollor size. 20o per Ib ; cold rolled , 27o per Ib ; shooting , "Ccper Ib ; pit ami Hats , 290 per Ib. Wiiiu-Jap liarb , I3.S3 ; cal. , H.05. ItoOFlNQ Charcoal , 1. 0. , 14\20 , 112 , SO.OO ; I. X. , $7. : > 0. MlEETlHON-No.20 , $ .1.50 ; No. 27 , J1.GO. Sor.uEH Strictly half and half. 15'ic. ' TIN 1'tATE-I. < 3. , 10x21 , 87.59 : I. X. , 10x14 , JO.S5 ; coke , 4xtaO , 112 , $0.75 , COo per Ibj bar 40a per 1 b. UAI..NANI/.EI ) SlItF.T IRON PlsOOllIlt 50-10-5 percent ; pat. plan. Iron , Nos. 24aud27 A , l U , O Mlsccllannoiis. lliiAN Sacked , per ton , Kl.OO ; chopped feed , $21.00. HiCKonv NUTS larse , per bushel , 81.50. CHESTNUTS Largo Italian , 15c perlb. llONia : In car lotsonly Urybnlfalo porton , 91C.OC18.00 ; dry country. ble.ichod , per ton , $1000(31.100 ; dry country.datnpand mcatjMior ton , &MIOOIO.IO. The * > u prices are for bones Meicbcd nnd dollicrcil In Uhlc.iRo. lltms-KiozcnliIilo-i.4BIHcNo.lproensaltod : hides , .Vic ; No 2sreen salted hides , : i'i4o ' ; No 1 Broon suited hides , 25 to 40 Ibs , r > B1'Jo ; No. 2 Kreon salted hides , 23 to10 Ibs , : i'S4o ' : No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 13 HH. 7c ; No. S veal calf. 8 to n Ibs , Be ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , 7o ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , flo ; No 1 dry called hides. i aoo. Sheep polts-Oreen salted , each , : t5e0M.23 ; Kiccn salted bho.irllii ; ; ' ' ( short woolod early skins ) , each , U.Vc ) : dry shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , f > @IOe ; No. 2 , each. Be ; dry Hint Kanans and Nebraska butcherwoolpnlts , per Ib. , actual weight , 1C © 14'ic ' ; dry Hint Kanias nnd Nebraska murrain wool polls , per Ib , actual weight. 612o ; dry Mint Colorado butcher wool poll ? , per Ib , actual welKht. 10312JJo : dry Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , porlb. actual weight , bii lOc ; dry pieces nnd hucks , actual weight 7 Gl'.te. ' Have feet cut off , us It Is useless to pay fielsbton them. . TAr.r.ow ANM > Giu-ASB Tallow No.l , 3j ; < iMJ4C ! tallow No. 2 , IX&l'ic ' : gruasc , wlilto a , J'/ir ; Kieaso , white b , 'Mo ; grouse , yellow , 23ie ; Krcasc. dark,2ie ! ; old biittor,2 ( < J'J'-o ; beeswax , prime , lO&SOct rouiih tallow , l(5I4'c. ( ? LEATIIKII Hemlock slaiiBhtor solo. 262flo per Ib ; hemlock dry hide solo , L'OiJ'-Mc ; oak aolo , : w'Mo ; Vreneib kip skins , UOc@II.10 ; Trench calf skin , tl.25gO.00 ! Aincrlean oak calf , 50cG1.15 : hemlock cilf : , 75o < a $1,10 : American o.ik kip , 3o ! Amcrloan hemlock kip , 00(3)710 ( ) ; slieep skins , McBJI.OO ; goit skins , per foot , " 0'IOo. HpNKV wlilto clover , 1 Ib frames , per Ib , 16e ; Ib frames , 17c. I.I.MK CBMKST , tic. On bo.irdoarsat Omaha 1'er bbl Ash Ciiovo Ilmo , OOc ; Obaniplon lime , 83c : Qulnoy whlto.SOo ; Loulsvllloeomont , JIM ; .Mllwaukoo cement , $1.4.1 ; Utlca ccinont , fl.40 : Knsllsli Portland cement. M.43 ; New York plaster. $2.2.1 ; Michigan plaster , f2.00 ; Tort 1)0(1 ) ( 0 plaster. $1.73 ; wlilto sand , t..OO ; I1. 1' , hair , per hale , H.W ) HIJACK WAr.vuis-l'or bushel. 81.2.1. CocoANUTS'- 100 , sacked , $1.50 ; bulk $4.V5. c , COAI/-OH hoard cars nt Omaha Athralte. , Chestnut , range and mir3.V ) pur ton : Krato N.23. Sof t coal Ohio , J19J ; Soutlicrn llllnoii JI.M : walnut block , tU'5 ; Iowa lump , JJ.15 ; Iowa nut , f3. Marriaijo I.IOOIIBDS. The following tnirriajo llconioa wora Is sued by Judge SUicUs yjjto.-Uy : Namonna address. Ape. 1 1'oter J. Scnmldt. Omaha . 3S I Katharine E. Mitchell , Omaha . ft ! I James H. O'Oorrnan. Omaha . 21 ICcllabhechun. Oniabn . , . ! C JOIof I1. 1'eterhon , Omaha . 3.1 I Augusta l.iriun , Omalia . 2. ' i Itav bliojjioen , Omaha . , . 2f ITiHlo AlKulst. Omaha . jCarl Mueller , Onmhn . ' . . 2 < I KatoUndroy , Oninlm . 19 j Jens Christiansen , Douclas county. . , . " | I'etrllla 1'otorson , Douglas county . ? ! j l.ovl Annls , Culhoun. Neb . ' . " . I Harriet Fairbanks , Calhoun , Neb . A CHRISTIE LHTHROP Commission Co. UOO nml : tll South l.'HIi StroM , F.rsl Natluiiil : Hank Grain , Trovisions , Stocks & Bonds , Orders executed for the purclia oor sale foi liniiieillnuiorftituro delivery tit all the loud- J'r/ivift * ll'/rc. TO bt.Loulj . D. li. FrancU Allro OMAHA DIRECTORY. BILLIARDS. | BOXES. The Brunswlck-Bilko John L , Wilkio , Oollondor Oo. Billiard mcrclunrtlie , Omnh > pnr rbox f olor ; , Snloon Oituroj. I3I7-13U DonnUl. W7. 409H. IDIh streil ! , Omaha. Orders prompt ! ; nllnt BOOK BINDERS fc STATIONERS. Omaha Republican Printing Oo. , Lair brllf * . bunk iuppltof , nml ovorilhlnf , ln th rtlntloi lino. 10th nni Uomln itroatt. Ackormann Bros. &Hointza , Printers , binders , eltctrotrporl , blank book manu- fnrtumj , IHUIowirJ ftroot , Omiri * . " BOOTS AND SHO33. Omaha Ooal,0oko , and Ooutant & Squires , LiniQ 0 } . Unrdandcoft coal hlp. Itnrcl nml sod coat. B. K. Cor. ItUh and Douz * 1303 ( 'nrn ni root , las otrecti. Omaha OORKIOB. Eagle Cornice Works * T , 'fiuemping f Uaoiifacturorief Galran- Oalvnnltoil Iron cornice j. Izcil Iron Cornice. Horoior wtndow0 , door Window caps , metnlloikjr. cnp'.flnlnl ) , ate. Tin lights eto. 1110 Iron and slate roofer. DodKeSt. 811 Knrnntu St. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith &L Oo. , Zilpatriok-Kooh Dry Drj ( roods , ( nrnlshlnj Goods Oo , , CooJs , notloni. Dry poods , notions , gonU' f urnlsliln ; Roodi. Cor. llth and llon-nrcljts. Cornarlltli anil Hurnoj ELE3OTBIOAL SUPPLIE33. Wolf Electrical Oo. lllustrntod Uataloguei froo. 1014 Capita Avonuo. FARM MAOHINBRY , BTO Farlin , Orendorif & T. 0. Northwall , Martin 03 , , General western agent Corner Jonoi and Oth it * . Skandla 1'low Co , . Omuha. Neb. I319-1351 Sherman ara. FLOUR. Broken Bow Eoller E. T. Davis Mill Oo. , ' Milling Oo. . C. 0. Undorvrood , Ofllco and wareliouse , Mnmircr at Omaha , 1012 N. lath Cor. 8th and Jackson ats , 8. F , Oilman , Clemens Oskamp , of ready to ratio 1014 N. 18th street Blnp Jnok 31oal , lluost cakes In the world. C. E. Illnck , - Malinger. 1207-1315 a. 20tli itreot. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. Dewey & Btoaa Fur Ohos , Bliivoriok & Oo , niture Oo. , and Carpatt , Kurnlturo nndcirpoti , 1115-1119 Karnam street , 1I03-IJIO Farnam St. FUH , WOOL , HIDES , Ooo , Oberiu < fe Oo. , J , S. Smith MS. Ulhstrust , Onnhrv. Omthn. IRON WORKS. Prutcn ft Vierlins liroa1 V ° , Ironworks , Works , Wrought ami cnit Iron tnlldlnu work , rnilnni. Mnnurrt flre nndbtmUi trn i work , proof ( ! [ ( ' . T olt , JllJ foundry , tmclilno nn I votk , Iron ahuttor * 63 Mnck < mlthnork. O. f. flro picipai. 0. A ! > f drcniHiliAJ ci oniU Acme Iron and Wira Wilson & Drake , Works , M'f | tubuUr ( lee * . Dt * Iton.'wlro mtbra Wk . boi bollern , tonki , t\ \ .Ma 3. ICtliKtroot , \V. lluohl , Proprlotor. I'lorco nnl loth itro U. Rees Printing Oo. .Illioprjplilnj. 1'rlnttnj anil lllnnk llooki. llthnnilllowarJSts. LIQUORS. Ilor & Oo. , William I.lquor Merchants. \Vlne > , X.lguori tad Cl- lilt llanie ; siren. . ' ' furs. ItBntitncUir'riKi'nnaJr's U.iit India Hitters. 1313 Knrnatn St. , Om h L. Sirscht & Oo.\ A ! Prick & Oo , , Wholcjslo I.lquorDtalart \TboloinlaMquorPcnlerl 407 nnd 098. 10th Bt. Ml - HWMOthSt , 0. A , Stonohill , I. Oborfelder k Oo , , Mllllnorr , Notions Imporlcrnnna Jobbori Iq . npr ; , Clo.iXi , nto 203,2IOruiil3IJ Houth llti 110-113 8. Ifith SU , Omnb-v Btrect. MUSICAL INSTRUME3NTS , BTO , Max Meyer & Bro , Oo. A , Eospo , Jr. , M'f'it Jowolorn , dealers In Pianos , Ormna , Artlity mualcal Instrunieotj , etc , MiitorliU , Ktc. , Fnrnnm and IVth. IMS Ioiilnj EUoot OILS. Oonsolidatocl Tank Line Oo , nnd Inbrlaatln ; s , exlo trunso , oto. A. II. lllahon , Manitfor. Bites & Oo. , Williams & 0:033 , Country produce , frulti. Producoima frulti , vo otrililoj , icrocors * specialties , tcni , splcoi , etc III-11S8. llthHt. 1211 Ilnraey stroot. RUBBER GOODS. ETO. X Omaha Bubber Oo. , Manufacturing anl Jjb- bora all klmli rubber Koodi. 1003 t'irnnni street. BAF03. 8EHD3. A , L , Dcano & Oo. , Emarson Baoi Oo , , General nionti for Hall's Baod Kruvren , d ll rl la Bafin. ( jiirjoa. Rrais , urila tto4 821 and 3.U South 10th St. , trooiooji , U\-n \ > South 15th. SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , HTO. M. A. Dislrov ? & Oo. , BohuSaih&DoorOo , Manufacturer ! of imh , Maniiracturari of mould * cloiim. blinds and lnii , bttali , doorj , Mouldlozs. llranohuf- oto. ttce , llth and UarJ sti. 10th and CUrk itreeti. SYBTJP3. I STOVES. Parroll & Ooinpiny , Duffy-Trowbridga Wbolosale manfacturen Stove Minufao'g OD- , flTrupn.molaiaos aad ' > Tlno < an , Manufaitur'f itovoplpi 217-210Soutli eta street. UH-1215 Loatoowortli si TEA , OOPPEB , SPIOES , Oonsolidated Ooffoo Oomp&ny , 1111 and 1118 n Oniatia. Nub. Orane Oompany , Iloie licltlnx pnckliz , iteam pumpa , plumbing KOUitl. K2-2I tarnninitrett. TOYS. TYPE. H. Hardy & Oo. , The Omaha Typs TOJI , ( toll ) , Bltmmifanor Foundry , loads , liouaodirnliblnx I'rlntora1 Supplier ' Now and leoond-haul Kood > , chllilron'i car- machinery , tlagei. tarjl'urnamit. 1113 ilowara ttrcet. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , LIMITED , LIVE STOCK : COMMISSION. Boycr & Traitt , Martin Bros , , II-W Eichanio Iulldln Cliloavo. 8 Ulrhungd ilulMIn Buutli Omaha. * UuulU Oiuolia , B , J , Ooffman , Smiley Hunter & Qreen , & Oo , , to K acljingw Iulldln | JO ExcbanEO Hulldlnj , Boutb Oualix South Oman * , V Wood Brothers , llullillaf , * utU