Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1891, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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Jjclllnjj DO\VH tlio 1'rloo on Groceries ,
Very good button In rolls frohi the
couhtry , lOc , ] 2Jc , Ific , 17jc. If vou
wnnt ] unt IIH nlco nnd sweet creamery
butter us ever you did or can cut , wo
bell It for 20o , this IB the best tloivl you
over got Jn button 1'Ienlo bams ,
Oc , boneless luuiig , Sc ; sugnr
cured hums , DC , ' lOc ; bologna
BnusnRo , 6c ; head 'checso , Co : Hvor sau
sage , 6c ; Frankfort sausage , 7jc ; dried
beef , Oe , Wo nro solo ngonlB for the
Albany , N. Y. , snusueo. Imported
chow chow , 15o per quurt ; Imported
olives , 25c per quarf , Imported prepared
French mustard , 15c per quart , or Cc per
bottle ; the finest catsup 15o per
quart ; condensed milk , 12c | , 15c. 174c ;
oil sardines , fie ; mustard sardines , 7c ;
salmon , 12je , lee nnd 17ic par can ; this
IB the finest salmon you over ate ; 3-lb
can tomatoes , Oc ; soda crackers by the
box. Co ; brick chee&o. I5c ; full cream
cliccso , Ific ; Young American ehceso ,
15e ; 2'J Ibs sugar , 31.00 ; 9-lb glass jar
lam of nispberrlcH , jam and preserves ,
II.GO per jar : strawberries for the eamo
price ; pall of all kinds of jelly 05c. Wo
boll a peed tea for ICc , 25c ; the ( Inost nil-
colored Japan tea In the city for COc ;
cannot ho bought elsewhere for less than
60c.Snow Flake flour , $1.00 ; Minneapolis ,
boat sup. , $1.3. ) .
Dry Goods and Groceries.
Coal hods , lOc ; coal shovels , Ccjpokora ,
2c ; n few inoro of those flno wringers ,
$1.75 ; wasmtubs , 45c , fi-'ic , C5c ; wasli boil-
era , 40c ; tea kettles , 25o ; a $2.75 sot of
patent llatlrons forl.)5carpotswcopor : ) ; ,
89c ; whips from Cc up ; lamps from 25o
up ; cupn and saucers , 8jc each ; plates ,
8ic caeh ; soup and oyster bowls , 7ic
each ; Boup plates , 7jc each ; wash bowl
and pitcher , 0 jc caeh ; slop palls , 2oc.
For Monday a genuine copper tea kot-
tic , spun bottom , $1.25. This is not an
electric plate , but genuine copper.
Salt and pepper. Cc ; oil bottles , lOc ;
enko tumors , lie ; knives and forks , 2c
oncb ; scales , Cc ; bird cage hooks , 3c ;
wash boards , 8c ; cuspldorcs , Cc ; dinner
palls , lOc ; bread toasters , Cc ; granltolron
kettles , $1.05 ; steve paste , 2o per box ;
iron dish rags. Cc caeh ; putz pomade , 2c
tier box ; nut meg graters , Ic oacli ; bread
knives , Cc ; foot Hcrnpora , Cc ; screw
drivers , 2c : flour dredges , 2c ; fl-cup gem
inns , loc ; heavy pails with iron bales ,
{ Oc ; eolTeo nnd tea strainers , 2c ; 21
clothes pins , lo ; largo milk pans , Oc ;
glass water pitchers , 23C , tumblers , 2Jo
each ; 2 boxes tacks , lc.all ; kinds of lamp
chimneys , 3jc ; fancy toilet bottles , cut
gla&s , 2.C each.
Household nininonin , Sc-por bottle.
"Western washers No. 2 , $1.50.
Glassware and crockery.
"Wo place on sale Monday morning a
soft finished bleached muslin , full yard
wide , mitdo by Lonsdalo Co. and equal in
finish to Loiwdnlo , ut OJc yard. iJ cases
LL soft finished bleached inusliii at Co
ynid. This Is the best bleached muhlln
wo over ofl'crcd at Co yard. Lonbdulo
and fruit bleached muslin 7j < 5 yard.
Masonvlllo muslin , 8c } ; soft finished
bleached cambric , 80 yard. Wo will
also have a full line of brown muslin ,
fine orhcavy , on sale at 4jc , Cc , Oc , 0c ,
7c , 7jc and 80 yard. Wo carry the larg
est stock of double width sheetings and
pillow case muslin in Omahn. Compare
our prices on tlio same. Wo will save
you money. Wo have just received ton
cafaos of Loctcwood sheeting , on sale
42-Inch blenched Lockwood , lie.
45-inch bleached Lockwood , 12c.
fiO-inch blenched Lockwood , ISlc.
7-4 blenched Lockwood , 18c.
8-4 bleached Lockwood , 20c.
0-4 bleached Lockwood , 22c.
10-4 bleached Lockwood , 24c.
Unbleached Loodwoods 2c a yard less
lhan above. Muslins and shootings are
tow at present. Indications are that
they will advance soon.
C2-lnch cream damask at 25c a yard.
CO-inch crcnm damask at 35c a yard.
00-inch cream damask at 4Cc a vard.
CO-inch blenched damask at COo'nyard.
72-inch blenched damask at C8c a yard.
72-Inch blenched damask at 7Cc n yard.
At these prices you will find extra
bargains for Monday only.
Our prices on napkins , towels and bed
spreads will convince you that it pays to
truilo at Iluydon Bros.
"Wo nro offering extra bargains in
remnants of dress goods , table linens ,
flannels , muslins , ginghams , calicoes ,
It will bo to your interest to look ever
the bargains on sale Monday.
Dry goods nnd carpets.
Monday begins our special sale on
absolutely now stvlos in fine embroi
It is impossible to quote prices on
such an oudlobs variety of nigh art
IB attracting well merited attention.
Such prices were never known , before on
highest grade staple notions. Pull
count pins 3 papers for 2c , safety pins lo
dozen , 12 dozen agate buttons 2e , steel
crochet needles lo each , corset clasps So ,
olcctrio hnlrcurlor 7c , silk binding rib
bon lOc , bcstsnoo strings 2o dozen , seam
less dress shields 7o pair , mourning pins
Ic box , drosa stays 2o dozen , hooks and
eyes Ic dozen , turkey rod marking cot
ton Co , whalebone casing 7c , clastic web
o yard , darning cotton 2o dozen , Coats'
nnd Clark's spool cotton 3c , and all other
Btnplo notions proportionately low.
Monday wo plnco on sale a splendid
line of now and doslrublo laces at sur
prisingly low prices.
It will pay you to got our prices be
fore you buy. HAYDEN BROS. ,
Dry goods and carpets.
Low prices on jewelry and sllvorwaro
nro still continued at the Pioneer jewelry
olry house. A. B. nubormaun , 18th and
Douglas ,
The now offices of the Great Rock
Island route , 1002 Sixteenth nnd Fnrnam
streets , Omaha , are the finest in the city.
Call and see them. Tickets to all points
east at lowest rates.
N. I ) . Falconer.
Our importation of embroideries
direct from Switzerland , arrived yester
day , nro being marked off and will bo
placed on sale Monday. They are the
most beautiful lot of goods wo have ever
shown , and us we import direct from the
innkor , wo are able to soil thorn at the
uauio prices us the wholesale people ask
ua. N. B. FALCONER ,
All members of Forest ledge , No. 84 ,
K. of P. . are requested to attend our
next regular mooting , Wednesday , Jan
uary 2i ; 1801. Matters of interest will
claim their attention. 0. A. Olson '
M. 6f E.
Mrs , Ringer has 100 pattern hats loft
ovor. Your choice Monday , $5.00.
Hoyden Ilroa.
All our winter underwear for ladles ,
gouts nnd children to bo closed out at
once nt loss than cost.
jr two slnclo gentlemen In
private family wlioro tlu'ro uro no otlirr
. rooinprs , two nicely furnished rooms , with
vl jtathi licit of rorurouccsfilveu. Address 11 4S ,
Boo oQloo. tbT-lB *
Corner Thirteenth and Howard , Eentcd
MuBt bo Vacated Almost at Ones ,
The 1'npprs HiirneclVo Blmt Get
Out M'lint to Dovltli the Goods ?
Wo Cannot Tlirnw Them
in tlio Street.
This Is positively the last announce
ment that.T. L. Brandcls & Sons will
mako. With the ending of The Fair
comes the most remarkable sale of gen
eral dry goods , clothing and shoes Hint
has over taken pluro.
> Wo do not claim it ns the largest sale ,
but for positive downright bargains im
possible to duplicate It will stand out
in the future nnd go down on record
All our 60 bleached muslin goes nt 2Jc
Our llnoSJo C. island bleached cotton ,
Our finest lOc , yard wide , bleached
muslin Ojc.
Our finest 15c striped and plaid outing
flannel goes nt 6c.
Good heavy unbleached canton flannels
go for 3jc.
Extra heavy white wool shaker flan
nel fie.
Best quality kid .finish cambric lining
for 3c.
Best double fold waist lining Go.
Our extra stock double fold Scotch
plaid buitings 8c.
Our finest grade English cashmeres
reduced from 60c to 22jc.
The finest imported all wool black and
colored dress goods reduced from 75c
nnd $1.00 to 37c.
Best quality table oil cloth 15c.
Good quality all linen toweling 2c } n
Extra wove nil linen crash toweling re
duced from 12jc to 6c
The finest Imported all linen Scotch
glass toweling reduced from ICc lo 7c.
Extra wide all linen cream table
damask 25c ,
Fiuo Gorman nil linen tnblo damask
The finest grade of bleached table
damask reduced from $1.25 to 69c.
Full size white Marseilles bed-spreads
reduced from $1.00 to 55e.
Extra largo Marseilles bed-spreads at
75e , OSc nnd $1.25.
If you want n bed-spread hero isja
great opportunity.
Wo have loft about 200 dozen of the
finest grade of Gorman and Scotch linen
towels , plain and with knotted fringes ,
worth up to 60e , which will be closed out
tomorrow at 18e.
MisFos' all wool , plain and cashmere
ribbed hose reduced from 3oc to 14e ,
Ladles' line cashmere and heavy ribbed
all wool hose reduced from 60c to lOc.
Our finest nil wool imported seamless
cashmere hose go nt 2oc. "
Ladles' good heavy balmornl skirts ,
ChlldronVfino white merino under
wear , Oc.
Misses' fine merino underwear , all
elzos , lOc.
Ladies' flno natural wool gray under
wear , 23c.
Ladies' finest grade scarlet underwear
reduced from $1.00 and $1.25 to 59c.
All odd pairs of line white bed blank
ets go for OSc.
Big lot heavy gray blankets go at
The finest all wool white , scarlet and
colored blankets go at $3.50.
CAPS , 7c.
Men's flno Windsor caps , 25c.
All our bovs' heavy wool knee pants in
two lots , 2oi to6Uc.
Good wool easslmoro pants worth $2.00
go for 65c.
Regular $10 warm winter suits
closed at $3.75.
$12.00 black corkscrew suits go at
Imported Gorman corkscrew suits ,
regular prlco $10.00 , go at $0.85.
Young men's overcoats , sizes 15 to 18
years , worth $8.00. go for $2.25.
One lot baby shoes worth 40c , 5c.
One lot child's shoos worth up to $1,00 ,
Ono lot girls' shoos , 49c.
One lot children's $1.60 patent leather
tip dongoln button shoes , silk worked
button holes , G5c.
Ladies' $ . ' .00 dongola button shoes ,
Ladies' finest patent leather tip dcn-
gola button shoos , worth $3.50 go for
Men's best arctic overshoes , 55c.
Men's flno calf congress $2.50 shoos ,
ST c.
c.Men's fancy slippers , 28c.
Men's felt boots , Me , worth $1.25.
Men's ' finest warm lined $1.00 rubber
sandals , 50c.
This is absolutely the last ridvorttso-
mont of Tlio Fair. The entire block for
merly used by us is rented to other par
ties and possosion gived almost immedi
ately. THE FAIR ,
13th nnd Howard.
ijovely Toques
For $2.60 , $3.00 and $1.00 ; former price ,
$7.00 , $8.00 and $9.00.
111 S. 15th street , opp. P. O.
Winter KxonrHlons South.
The Wabash has placoa on sale roundtrip -
trip tickets , with choice of routes , to all
the winter resorts of the south. Parties
desiring to go direct to Sutherland ,
Omaha's famous winter resort , whore
you have boating , fishing and bathing in
midwinter , should take the Wabash , in
connection with the now fast train on
the L. & N. , with through Blooplntj cars
to Tampa , Fla. , via Jacksonville and
Lachoochco. Only 52 hours to Jackson
ville , 03 to Tampa and 70 to Sutherland ,
12 hours in ndvauco of all other routes.
Reclining chair nnd Pullman buffet
sleeping cars on nil trains. Baggage
checked from hotels and private resi
dences to destination. For tickets ,
sleeping car accommodations nnd full information -
formation in regard to routes east or
south call at the Wabash ofllce , 1602
Farnum street , or write to
Northwestern Pass. Agent , Omaha.
Don't Fool Yourself !
Notwithstanding nil rumors to the
contrary , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St ,
Paul Ry's ' now steam heated palace
stooping cars , with "olcctrio lights In
every berth , still loaves the Union do-
not , Omahn nt 0:10 : p. m. dally , arriv
ing nt Chicago nt 0:30 : nm. , in mnplo
time to make nil eastern connections.
Ticket ofllco , 1501 Farnam st.
J. E. PniiSTOjf , F. A. NASH ,
C. Pass , Agt. Gon. Agt.
Tbo Greatest Sale Ever Known in Omaha
Hold Monday in our Balcony ,
All Job hots Hereafter to Bo on Snlo
llutwcon Our First nnil Second
1'loors Inconceivable llnr- Every Item.
Coats and Clark's thread 8 jc in our
Wo have our balcony between the first
nnd second lloor , nnd on this wo fill all
hold special pales of some kind or other
every day. Everything on this balcony
next to given away. Wo may not have
the goods advertised hero on the first
floor , but you will have only live or six
stops to climb to our balcony , whore you
will find them.
Host velveteen lOc a yard on our bal
A lot of odd colors $1.00 silk velvets at
20c'in our balcony.
Boiled , all colors , 3Jo a skein in our bal
A lot of embroidery wortli up to lOc ,
at Ho a yard in our balcony.
300 gentlemen's ties worth up to 76c ,
nt lOc each In our balcony.
Gentlemen's turn down collars 6c each
in our balcony.
Infant's hose 3c n pair In our balcony.
Misses' hose , worth 20c , for 6c a pair
in our balcony.
A big lot of laces nt 2Jc n yard , worth
up * to 2oc , in our balcony.
A lot of cut steel dress buttons worth
up to $2.00 , at 15c a dozen In our balcony.
All silk black ribbon at 6c a yard ,
worth lOc , hi our balcony.
A lot at 8c , worth 15c ; a lot at lOc ,
worth 20c ; n lot at 16c , worth liOc , and a
lot at 3'Jc , worth $1.00 , in our balcony.
A big lot of children's all wool under
wear at 6c cacli in our balcony.
A lot of 75c fast black lisle hose , the
finest hose you have ever seen , nt 35c n
pair in our balcony.
200 dozen 25o handkerchiefs , hem
stitched border nt 5c In our balcony.
6,000 yards of nil kinds of lace from a
bankrupt stock nt 5o n yard , worth up
to 40c , in our balcony.
3,000 hand-made hoods , wortli up to
75c each , nt lOc each in our balcony.
A lot of mon's genuine camel's hair
undershirts , ro drawers , at 49c , worth
$1 , in our balcony.
All colors of Saxonv yarn ntScaskoln ,
worth 12Jc , in our balcony.
Dross stays , So for a whole dozen in
our balcony.
600 all-linen towels. 3Jc In our balcony.
The greatest bale of black goods to beheld
hold tomorrow at Stonohill's , of the
Stonohlll buys every yard of black
goods of a Now York importer at 60o on
the dollar , and tomorrow this great sale
of black goods begins.
Do not miss this chance.
Wo purchased of n Now York im
porter 100 sample pieces of imported
black dress Goods , including black cashmere -
more , black honriottn. black brlllinntino
Grotna do Alma , brocade black goods ,
stripe black goods , all kinds of black
goods , and wo shall begin to put the
knlfo in them tomorrow , and if possible
got rid of every yard of them , as our
buyer goes to Now York Tuesday night.
Please boar in mind there is no cheap
stuff in this lot. It is all imported goods ,
not a yard mndo on this side of the
Lot 1 , black henriottn worth 85o a yard
at 15c.
Lot 2 , extra flno honriotta worth 50c n
yard , what wo have of it will go at 2oc.
Lot 3 , 42-inch wide brllllantlno , worth
about 05o as a bargain , for this sale wo
oiler it at 89o.
Lot 4 , stripe black goods , a kind of
satin and grosgraln stripe , worth 85c a
ynrd , for this sale wo oiler it at 49c.
Lot 5. extra quality all wool honriotta
42 inches wide , worth about 7oc , and wo
offer it at 40c.
Lot C 40-inch wide briliuntino worth
OOo would bo cheap at this price , wo
oiler it at this sale at 59o.
Lot 7 Now comes the cream of this
whole stock. There is in this stock
about 60 or 75 pieces of extra fine black
goods worth 81.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 nnd $1.75 ,
they are in fact the finest lot of black
goods ever brought to this city. Wo are
not going to put n big price on these ns
wo want to move them tomorrow. Just
think of it , your cluvnco of this whole
lot for 70c. Please appreciate this bar
gain , wo know you will If you will come
in and see it.
"Wo hold tomorrow our last great cloak
sale of the season , and any prlco will
buy n cloak tomorrow morning ;
wo have got about 700 left and wo are
prepared to knife them. The prices will
range from $1.48 up. The plush cloaks
will bo sold for loss than half the regu
lar prices , nnd whore wo only have ono
or two of n kind 4 the actual prico. Wo
have moved all our cloaks on our first
floor for this salo. Wo have a lot of
children's Imported cloaks which will
bo knifed. Mothers please boar this in
If you have to have a clonk for next
season , it will pay you to buy a cloak at
this sale and lay It away until next vcar.
110-118 So. 10th street
25 salesladies and 10 cash boys wanted
Sic nn Just \Vhnt They Sny.
As elsewhere announced in this paper ,
to keep their large force of workmen
employed during Januarv and February ,
Nlcoll'tho tailor , 1409 Douglas , is taking
orders for mado-to-moasuro garments at
uncommonly novel prices.
They have put present prices down , to
the cost of the cloth and. making.
They are entering orders dally for
Overcoats and suits to order. $17.00
and $20.00 , worth $25.00 and $30.00.
Suits and overcoats to order , $25.00 ,
worth $35.00.
Suits and overcoats to order $35.00 ,
worth $10.00 nnd $45.00.
An unusual fontu-o of their present
snlo is that they include every weight
and quality of goods suitable for nny
season and for every purpose ; ollico
wear , street wear , evening wear. There
is money to bo saved at Nicoll's , nnd
shrewd buyers are ordering for future
ns well as present use.
1409 Douglns.
Open evenings during this sale ,
Hat nnd toque slaughter nt
MRS. R. II. DAVIES' , 111 S. 15th
street , opp. P. O. Only ono hat can
ho bought by any ono person. The
greatest bargain ever Boon in * anyone.
111 S. 15th street , opp. P. O.
Ilnydnn Hron.
AU our winter underwear for ladles ,
gents and children to bo closed out at
once at less than cost.
Mrs. Ringer's great millinery bargains
Sherman & McConnell , prescriptionlsts
and family chemists , 1513 Dodge.
Ladles' Muslin Uhderwear Now Goods-
New Shapes Now Prices.
Special Hartal in at Our Great Linen
Snlo for TlilH Week All HnrgnliiB
Advertised Host " \Vcok Con-
tlniio Durinji This Sale.
Night gowns nt 50c , worth 75c.
Night gowns nt 75c , worth $1.00.
Night gowns nt 85c , worth $1.25.
Corset covers nt 25c , worth -10c.
Corset covers nt 40c , worth COc.
Corset coyors at 70c , worth $1.00.
Drawers at 25c , worth 40c ,
Drawers at 40c , worth COc.
Drawers at 70c , worth 95c.
Skirts at COc , worth 7oc.
Skirts at 7oc , worth 11.00.
Skirts at $1.15 , worth 31.60.
Misses' drawers , size 1 to 8 , 18c to 40c.
Misses' ' gowns , slzo 1 to 8 , from 30c to
Full line of Infants wear.
This line of underwear Is uncqualcd in
workmanship fit nnd finish now goods
now shapes.
25 per cent , off on all plush garments.
20 per cent , oil on all cloth garments
and furs.
Bleached table linen 50c , worth G5c.
Bleached table linen 75c , worth OOc.
Extra heavy table linen 80c , worth
Satin dnrnask , very flue , OSc , worth
S napkins $2.371 , regular prlco $3.00.
J napkins $3.00 , worth $3.75.
4 very fine napkins $5.19 , wortli $7.00.
8-4 flno damask cloths at $2.85 , re
duced from $3.25.
8-4 flno damask cloths nt$3.75 , reduced
8-1 double damask cloths nt $1.60 , re
duced from $0.00.
D Extra fine double satin damask cloths ,
size 8x10 , at $0.60 and $7.50 , reduced
from $8.00 and $9.00.
It will pay you to examine the splen
did line of towels wo offer at lOc , 12jc ,
15c , lOjcnnd 19c.
The towel wo offer at 25c are worth
from 35c to 40c.
Cor. Farnam and 15th streets.
New Ginghams , Kmbrotdcrics Will Ho
Monday wo shall pluco on sale our en
tire spring Importations of
plaids , cheeks , stripes nnd plain colors ;
they are the very best goods made , nro
the very widest made , are perfectly fast
colors and nro only 2oc n yard.
"Wo have also received an entirely now
importation of lovely embroideries that
will bo placed on sale with the ging-
hnms. No question about the styles
and prices. They are perfect. Special
bargains In 45 inch black hemstitched
flouncings. Blade embroidered hem
stitched flouncings. White nnd colored
embroidery on black hemstitched nain
seeks ns well as some extreme novelties
In fancy colors on hemstitched beige
All invited to this sale whether wish
ing to purchase or not.
27-inch embroidery 69c.
* . 18-inch Hamburg embroidery 60c.
These are two special bargains for this
sale , worth double.
30-inch eider down 50c.
The finest quality mndo , nil colors-
buy It for evening wraps.
In our boys' and Men's departments
for the past few days is evidence to us
that wo can clear out all this stock.
Beautiful all wool overcoats , trimmed
with genuine beaver and nstrachan ,
sizes 5 to 11 years ; they nro worth $12.00
and $15.00 , and will bo sold at $5.00 each
Boys' knee pants , 47c , COc.
Boys' ' all wool kilt suits reduced from
$5.60 down to $2.75.
Boys' $10.00 suits reduced to ? 5.50.
Boya' $7.00 suits reduced to $4.75.
Boys' $5.00 suits reduced to $2.00.
Boys' $3.00 suits reduced to $1.90.
Boys' $4.00 overcoats reduced to $1.75.
Boys' $0.00 overcoats reduced to $3.75.
On main floor Fnrnam street wing
Men's unlnundricd shirts , 39c.
Men's odd undershirts , 50c.
Men's traveling bngs , $1.25 at $1.60.
Men's kid lined gloves , $1.00.
Men's best seakskin caps , $10.00.
Genuine goods , pur own importation ;
in the man's furnifhlng department wo
have n complete stock , the latest London
Don't fail to see our prices on diamonds
mends , watches , etc. , before you buy. A.
B. Hubormann , Pioneer jewelry house ,
13th nnd Douglas streets.
Iltiytion Hros.
All our winter underwear for ladies ,
gents nnd children to bo closed out nt
once at less tlmn'cost ,
For flno watchircpalrlng call on the
Pioneer jewelry house. A. B. Eubor-
mnnn , 13th and Douglas.
Better St'ok to Oinalm.
But if it's absolutely necessary to go
east then bo sure and travel on the great
Chlengo and Northwestern. Five east
ern trains daily , Tlw two fast trains
leave direct from the U. P. donot ,
Omahn , make a note of this at 4:30 : p.
m. and 0:10 : p. m. daily. They are vostl-
bulcd nnd carry the newest and best
elconors , parlor cars nnd "Northwest
ern" dining cars , City tlckotolllco , 1401
Fnrnam street Bnggngo cheeked from
residences in nny part of the city nnd
sleeping cnr berths secured on all cant
on ) linos. R , It UlTCHlC ,
G. P. WKST , Gen'l Ag't.
City Pass. Ag't.
Flno carriages , Soamnn's repository
Peacock coal. No soot , quick fire ,
white ash. A. J. Meyer & Co. , opp. P. O.
Important Announosment tj the People of
This Oity Only Ono Dnj More ,
Ucforo Invoicing Wo Will Offer the
Greatest , tlm Grandest It.irunlua
That Any Mortal Una Ever
Ijookcil Upon.
All our linen crash go at 2u | per ynrd.
All our Inrgo sl/o knotted , fringed ,
drawn thread 25c and 3oc towels go in
one lot at 15c.
Hero is a world beater. All our 75o
nnd $1.00 satin damask , extra Inrgo slzo
and knotted fringed towels go at 2oc.
GS-lnch half bleached Gorman tnblo
damnsk , plain and fancy border , goes at
33c per ynrd , was 75c.
All the line bleached satin damask
goes at 42c , worth from $1.00 to $1.2-5.
45 nnd 48-inch pillow casing , very best
brand , OIc ,
All the 8-4 and 0-4 blenched nnd un
bleached shooting go nt 17c.
The second quality of Lonsdnlo cam-
brio at 5Jc Is n very rare bargain.
The prices on dress goods ; the last
day ; cost no object ; the stock must bo
cut down ; wo have divided our entire-
dress goods stock into thrco lots.
LOT 1 GOES AT 21o.
Consists of all-wool flannelslino James
town suitings , the finest English cash-
inoro in black and colors , and all goods
that sold up to 75c.
LOT NO. 2 AT 35c.
In this lot you can got our all wool
French suitings In stripes and checks ,
all wool French trlcotlnes nnd snckings ,
fine honi'lottus in black and all shades ;
42-inch wide goods that bold up to $1.00 ,
go nt 35c.
LOT 3 AT 5Sc.
All our finest goods go in this lot. 61-
inch nil wool broadcloth , Amazon cloth ,
the finest French novelties in combina
tions and plain , all wool 48-inch silk ,
finished honriottn , 48-inch silk mohair
nnd 30 different styles in black goods ,
all goat 681 ; per vnrd.
At 81.00 any trimmed hat in the store ;
$ . "i.OO and $10.00 pattern hats , hats of our
own make tlmt cost $0.00 and $7.00 ; hats
with $1.00 mid $5.00 worth of trimming ,
all goat $1.00.
Como cnrlv and got first choice.
114 S. IGtli stroot.
The Storz & Iler's Hrowory.
Ono of the best breweries In Nebraska
is that of Messrs. Storz < fc Her in this
city. The capacity of the brewery is
many thousands of barrels of boor per
year. The beer has bccured a wide and
incrensing popularity with dealers and
consumers , as Its purity , flavor and
health giving properties are recognized
everywhere ns good. Only the Hnest
hops and malt are used , and in the pro
cess of production the full strength of
constituent clement is extruded and re
solved into n union that has found
great favor with connoisseurs. Skilled
men , who thoroughly understand
their business are employed nnd the
greatest pains are taken in every detail
of the work , the Intos * and best methods
employed and such principles applied in
the brewing department as lei ) exper
ience and scientific research have com
manded nnd approved. The policy of
this famous reliable brewery has ever
been to furnish the best in quality ,
wholosonaoness and general excellency.
Dr. Heilmann , an expert in analytical
chemistry , who analyzed the VIENNA
EXPORT BEER a short time ago , says
that this bcor is FREE OF ALL DE-
quality , flavor and strength superior to
nil Imported beers in the city of Omaha.
The following Is the chemical analy
sis :
Storz & Ilor's Lager Beer.
The ro&ult of the analysis expressed in
per contngcs by weight are as follows :
Specific gravity , 10.20.
Alcohol , 4.00. '
Mnlloso , 0,50.
Doxtrino , 3.10.
Albuminoids , 0.43.
Lnctric acid , 0.14.
Ash , 0.22.
Phosphoric acid , 0.03.
Water , 91.43.
The analysis sivos no indication tlmt
in the manufacture of this beer any other
substances have been used than malt ,
hops , yeast and water.
Dr. Mod. Hans Heilmann ,
Analyt. Chemist.
Attention , hlr
Mount Calvary commandory , No. 1 ,
K. T. . will assemble at Its abylum Sun
day , Jan. 18th , at 12 o'clock noon , for escort
cert of remains of Sir John M. Eddy , Kt.
H. P. DUVALON , Commander.
Ilaydcn Tiros.
All our winter underwear for ladles ,
gents and children to bo closed out at
once at less than cost.
Seaman's carriages best and cheapest
Joyce removal salo. Entire stock of
millinery at cost for twenty days.
lrnnmtlc French Ucniliiigi ) .
Nothing could bo more interesting to
these who nro nnxious to famllinrlzo
themselves with the pure Parisian ac
cent than to listen to the readings from
eminent French dramatists , to gratify
such a desire Prof. Etienne Lambert will
read "Lo Gontilhommo Pnuvrs , " n late
Parislim drama , tomorrow at 8 p. m. , at
his rooms , 202 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. To
make the text inoro comprehensive to
those not bulllclontly familiar with con
versational French , the English version
of the lending idioms to bo mot in the
play will bo given. All lovers of French
literature are cordially Invited , as the
readings are "free. " The book of tno
play can bo had at the rooms.
Are You Going Houtli This "Winter ?
Parties contemplating n visit to the
far-famed Sutherland , the favorite re-
bert of Omaha people , or to other points
in Florida , will find that the rates and
time tire the same via The IJurlington ot
Chicago nnd thoneo via Cincinnati or
Louisville , as via St. Louis , with the ad
ditional advantages of the vostlbulo
limited trains nnd elegant dining car
service which are characteristic of this
route. The Burlington also has on sale
round trip tickotK to all southern points
cither via Knnbns City and Memphis , or
via St. Louis , ollorintf a greater variety
of routes than any other lino. For full
information , tickets and sleeping berths
call nt city ticket ollico , 12 ± 5 Furnum
Btreot. W. F. Vnill , agent.
1002. Sixteenth and Farnam streets is
the now Rock Island ticket ollico. Tick
ets to all points east at lowest rates.
W. T. Seaman , wagons and curigngcs.
Llnon Deportment Cntitlntintloii of
OitrOrcnt Annual l.lncii Snlo.
Monday morning wo will offer n few
rnro bargains in homtllchcd lunch
cloths. These goods wo ordered for.our
Christmas trade , but owing to some delay -
lay In connection with the manufacturer ,
they only arrived here yesterday. Wo
must close them out nt onco. Here nro
the prices :
27x27 plain linen , extra fine quality.
Wo bought this cloth to sell nt SI.25 arid
$1.50 each ; our prlco now is See and Doc.
82x32 , plain linen , very flno quality.
These wo bought to soil at $1.60 ; our
price now will bo $1.00 and } 1.15 each.
25 5-4 hom-stltchod lunch cloths , very
elaborate , bought to soil nt$2.00 for this
sale , $1.33 each.
25 0-1 hem stitched lunch cloths , very
flno quality of linen , worth $2.50 each ,
for this sale $1.75 each.
_ _
6018x31 buronu , nil now coloring , nt
30c each.
GO 18x51 bureau , nil now coloring , nt
50c each.
50 18x08 bureau , nil now coloring , at
05c each.
GO 18x08 plain satin dnnmsk , elegant
drnwn work , worth SI.60 each , for this
sale OOc each.
200 dozen knotted fringed damask tow
els , rare nnd hnndsomocolorcd bordered.
This towel wo bought to sell nt33c each ,
for tills sale your choice for 25c each.
The nbovo goods are positively great
bargains and it will pay you to investi
gate our prices.
Our stock of muslins and sheetings is
yet complete , ana remember during this
sale wo are &olling them nt not cost.
Don't dclny , for this chunco will soon
bo gono.
Mail orders filled.
1C. V. McCartney.
So long nnd well known in connection
with the clonk , suit and fur trade of this
city and late of the Elite Cloak and
Suit Co. , 1510 Douglas street , has ac
cepted a position with Moss. B. Allmtm
& Co. , of Nineteenth street nnd Sixth
uvonuo , Now York city , and will bo
pleased to receive orders from patrons
and friends In Omaha nnd vicinity. Miss
McCartney is especially connected with
the department for sealskin cloaks and
furs but will glvo careful personal atten
tion to orders for any department in the
house. Corrcspondonco to , care the
houbo or to private address , No. lOi
Eabt 23d street , Now York city.
Joyce removal sale. Entire stock of
millinery at cost for twenty days.
II lyiluu IlroH.
All our winter underwear for Indlos ,
gents nnd children to bo closed out at
once at less than cost.
A Fox Terrier "Who Travels all Over
the Knst.
Ownoy , ttio fnmous postal car dog ,
reached Norwich , Conn. , for the first
time in his long travel , says the Now
York Sun. After the mail' train from
Palmer , Mats. , had reached the sta
tion of the Now London & Northern
railroad in Norwich at 10:45 : o'clock , ana
Henry Kelley , the veteran mail carrier ,
had backed his wagon up to the postal
car , a dark gray fox terrier leaped from
the car , following the first pouch that
was tossed into the vehicle. Mr. Kelley
wasamnzcdand slightly frightened at the
net , but the mail ncront reassured him :
"Don't1 skenrcd it's '
got , Henry , only
Ownoy , the postal car dog. Ho got
aboard nt Palmer ; came in on the mall
train over the Boston & Albany from
Albany. Just take him along to tlio
postolllcoand Ecndhimup the Norwich &
Worcester road by the next mail. "
It was not at all ditllcult to take
O\vnoy to the postolllco , for ho wouldn't
quit his porch on the mound of mall
pounches. As soon as the pouches were
tossed out on the sidewalk at the ollico
ho followed thorn , and wont with them
into the postollieo. Postmaster Ca-
ruthcrs and nil the postal clorksns soon
as they hoard of the dog's history made
much of him , potted and fed him , and
ho was taken about town to places of in
terest. Ho manifested extreme reluct
ance to go far from the postollico , how
ever , nnd was back there in time to escort
cert the next mail train to the depot of
the Norwich & Worcester railroad. Ho
went north on the 2 o'clock train in the
postal car , sitting on a pllo of pouches
and there was plenty of applause for
him from people on the station platform.
Ownoy belongs in Albany , and for bov-
ernl years .has been traveling in Undo
Sam's postal cars in the middle and
ca&torn states , evidently keeping a
sharp eye on the management of the
postal business. Ho him traveled many
thousand miles , always in the postal cars
Is known to every postal agent In the
the cast , nnd apparently is guided by
caprice by selecting and quitting a route
No ono interferes with his business , nnd
ho is passed along from ono agent to
another. Ho is supposed to bo on his
way to Boston now , and thence may
take the back track for Albany. Ho
wears n wide , handsome collar , on which
is inbcribed ills immo. IIo has the right
of way every whore. For the past thrco
or four'montlis ho has been missing , and
postal ngcntH In all parts of Now Eng
land and Now York state frequently
asked each other , "Any nowa from
Ownoy yotV" It has just boon learned
that ho was inspecting the postal routes
of Canada during his abbonco. IIo was
recently in n bad railway araashup and
lost ono of his eyes.
Seaman's wagons best nnd cheapest.
Cnlll'ortiln JS.
Pullman tourist sleeping car excur
sions to California and Pacillo coiust
points leave Chicago every Thursday ,
Kanbas City every Friday via the Santa
Fo routo. Ticket iMto from Chicago
$17.60 , from Sioux City , Omaha , Lincoln
orKansas City $ .Ti , sleeping cnr rate
from Chicago $4 per double berth , fiom
Kansas City $3 per double berth , Every
thing furnished except meals. These
excursions are personally conducted by
experienced excursion managers who
accompany parties to destination. For
excursion folder containing full particu
lars and map folder nnd time table of
Santa Fo route nnd reserving of sleeping
car berths , address S , M. Osgood , gen
eral ngont , K. L. Pnlmor , freight and
passenger ngont , A.T. & S. F. railroad ,
411 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. , Omnlm , Nebraska.
Tickets nt lowo&i rotes mm su porlor
accommodations via the great Rock
island route Ticket ollico , 1002 Six
teenth uud Furnum btrootu Omaha.
And Walt Until W Mlnosilny , January
21 , nt 0 a. in.
Ono of the largest clothing- houses In
Chicago has failed for $183,000. , Tjio entire - ,
tire stock 1ms boon brought hero by V
order of the court and will bo closed out j _
by a well known Omahn firm. Or. no > - <
count of this great failure the Immonsb / * *
building nt lliOU Fariinui street , between
Twelfth and Thirteenth streets , botwcon
the United States National bank and
IHH & Young's furniture house , hna
been hired by the assignees expressly
for the great bankrupt assignees' solo.
The stock consists of nearly $185,000
worth of line clothing , etc , Tlio enttro
building will remiiin closed until 'Wed
nesday , January 21 , 9 a. m. , when thio .
great sale will begin. Uolow wo quote
a few prices in order to show what ex
traordinary bargains will bo offered.
Men's heavy winter overcoats , $ , ' 1.7-1 ;
positively worth $12.60 ; you may keep
this coat homo during thu snlo. and it
It Is not worth $12.60 return the same ,
and wo hereby ngroo to return tlio $3.7-1.
Men's heavy ulsters , $11.75 ; positively
worth $15 or your money refunded.
Men's Whitney chinchilla overcoats.
$ t i.2. " > ; positively worth$20or your money
will bo returned.
Men's " " standard '
"Uoyal" Koi'suys , slllc
and satin lined , $7.09 ; positively' worth
$23 ; you may keep this coat homo flvo
days , and if not worth $28 return ttio
same and your money will bo refunded.
Men's ribbed diagonal suits , $2,89 ,
worth $16 ; men's English worsted cutu *
way suits , $7.00 , valued at $2U. Ywff
have the snmo privileges on the suits ivs
on above-mentioned garments.
Men's Melton cassimoro pants , worth
$3 , for OSo ; men'sail-wool cheviot pants ,
2.3 styles , $1.49 ; worth ? 5.
Boys' capo overcoats $1 , worth $1 }
boys n.uits 6,000 ut lo ! ) u pair.
Boys' suits S1.25 , wortli $4ISO ; good
woolen socks Oc per pair , worth 4o ( ) ; line
embroidered suspenders ! ) c , worth 00o |
flno heavy red ilannol underwear 37e per4
suit , worth $2.60 ; men's hats J)9c ) , worth
$ . ' $ .75 , all shapes ; boys' hats 16c , worth
$1.60 , and 30,000 dilToront articles wo
cannot mention hero.
It will pay you to come a hundred
miles to visit this great sale. If vou
imluo money don't miss it ; everything1
sold as advertised. Wo mlviso you to
cutlliis out and bring It with youso jou
get exactly the goods mentioned hero.
This sale will positively coinmunco on , r
Wednesday , January 21. >
Thrilled by Muote.
The cry was "On to Richmond ! " in the
early spring of 1802 , and the Army of
the Potomac separated , says the Now
York Press. Some wore.tent to Port
Monroe and other points south. The
Gorman division wont down through tlio
Shcnnmloah , Sumner in command at
firstlhon Fremont nndnftcrwnrds Slgol.
I was with the latter , nnd ninny and
many a long and wearisome unroll wo
had. Finally ono day wo cnino to a
branch of thoShomindonh. There were
no pontoons , and \vo \ waded across , the
water up to our shoulders. Wo kept
matching along , our wet clothing cntcli-
ing and retaining the dust. Wo were
just about getting dry v when wo struck
the siiiiio river and wndod it again , to
our exceeding discomfort.
L'lter on the same day we wor _
sickened with the sifjht of another turn
of the river. Tlio Thh'ty-ninth rogl-
inont , Now York volunteers , were in advance -
vance when the order was given to wadet
across. They kicked nnd'refused , and ,
the roar comlnpr up , a block ensued. A
musician of the Thirty-ninth , nn 13 flat
cornet playerwho was ono of the jolliest
men I ever knew , made a , rush for the
river , waded up until the water reached LY
nearly to his armpits and began playing
an exquisite wait/ .
The sight of that follow playing under
such circumstances was so comical that
the soldiers , forgetting all discomforts ,
cheered him , and when ho had flushed
followed him with a rush , and the dlvl-
bion camped on the other side for the
Homo Fire Ins.Co. Ofllco N.Y.LlfoBld'ff
Through concnes Pullman pntnca
sleepers , dining cars , free reclining chair
curs to Chicago nnd intervening points
via the great Hock Island routo. Ticket
ollico 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnam.
"Tim Glorious Cllmnto or California"
Is hold to answer for pretty much every *
thing which occurs regarding1 politics ,
religion , population and grapes , or any
thing else in the favored Golden Htato ,
And truth to tell , there Is no climate > v
like it in tlio world. \
The California trip of this winter IB
ono of the most charming1 in America ,
The Union and Southern Pacific rail
roads have made vast improvements
upon the line vln Oregon , nnd the jour
ney now to San Francisco is accom
plished with the greatest possible ease
and comfort , without the delay formerly ' \
incident to winter travel.
A University K.xjiort FindM JMiuiy of"
tliaSturlosnr the Iloptllo My I IIH.
S. Gorman , who is in charge of orig
inal researches concerning batrachiiins
and reptiles at Harvard university , hai
just issued a monograph on "Tho Gila
Monster. " This reptile , known to
science as Ilolodorinn susprotuin , is aa
enormous lisuird , and It hna boon a fre
quent toplo of travelers' tales , who
have credited It with u maximum length
of thirty inches , the thickness of a
strong man's hand , a poisonous bluclc
vapor breath , and bite usually filial.
Mr. Gorman has had a specimen
under dally observation for ever n 3 oar.
It Is about twelve Inches long and three
inches broad , striped black and white
on a yellowish background. Ho finds
the poisonous black vapor breath a
myth. Although large worms and In
sects seemed to dlo much moro quickly
when bitten by the monster than when
cut in pieces by the Beisfiors , a kitten
which the reptile had bitten twlco suf
fered no symptoms other than thee
following nny similar incised woundand ,
a post mortem , soon after the second
bite , disclosed no Indications of poison.
Mr. Goriirm , therefore , concludes that
the venomous reputation of the IIolo-
derma is unmerited , and that his black
breath Is Itniiirinary. IIo IB an InterestIng -
Ing subject for study , but no moro harm
ful than other animals of his blzo and
Heal AmnzoiiH ,
Among the numerous nrmy of veter
ans which cnmo to this capital on Sun
day wo observed several women , who ,
shouldering1 their guns , with bolts
girded to their loins , marched , keoplng'
time to the drums , and showing by their
bearing and demeanor ns much disci
pline as the best soldier , says El Monsn-
joro do Salvador. It cannot bo denied
that Salvador , as far as the dofeuso and
the preservation of Us rights Is concerned -
corned , stamis ainoiifr the first nations of
America , since frail woman , thouirh
btrong in these cases , volunteers will
ingly to go into the nuttloliotd , not only
to bo of use in lending tmccor to her
wounded hushand or sou who light for J !
their rights but nlno to their , country IJy. K
Shouldering a rillo and firing on the *
onomy'a cartridges , whloh by nature she v
would fear to touch. There , wo say ,
muHt exist great love of country , profound - / * '
found patriotism and grout roiil lor their'
liberty and Independence for thole lutn-