r 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : -WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 14 , 1891. THE CITY. Frank Rntngo has sccurod judgment against M. S. B\rtlott : in tlio county court for $100 runt. I'lireo cnrs of crockery from Liverpool for Mntiror of Council Bluffs , passed the cuwtoins liouso yesterday. The pollco were notified by telephone to bo on the lookout for n soalnkln sacquo nnd muff stolen In Council BlulTs. The temperature as reported by the local slpnal service olllcowasas follows : At 7n. in. , 21 = " , ut 10 u. m. , 83 = , und lit 1 p. m , 41 * . Mr. Will I/uvlor president of the Eden MuSeo company. IH in S.ilt Lake at- for the establishment 'of ft mu- Eoum at Hint point. Tlio following criminals will bo nv rnigned in Judyo Olnrkson's court thiH morning : William Newton , bii'f'liiry | ; John Johnson , burglary ; Junit'tf ' ItuynoldD , tnurdor ; Bill Nowinun , grand larceny. John William Hnrfreavo writes Chief Souvoy from Scarborough , Hng- land , for Infonmitlon regarding his son , R T. Jlartfreave , who was reported to have died in the Douglas county liospl- tnl December III. Ho wants to know if his KOII'S remains were decently interred nnd whether or not the hospital olllcitils redeemed a watch that had boon pawned Bhortly before his death. KII > Ui : > Til IS IK IIUST I'lUKNl ) . Lieutenant Casey Trained tlio Indians , to Work. The death of Liioutonant Edward \V. Casey , who was shot through the head whllo venturing close to tlio hostile Sioux camp , following clobo upon tlio loss of Captain Wallace and of the many men killed lit Wounded Knee , shows that a costly price has already been paid for the campaign now going on. Lieutenant Casey was an onthusiaston the Biibject of the possibilities of Indian BcouU , and had boon very suceesstur in MB management of thcso iiuxilliarics. A California , ! ! by hlrtli , but appointed from Louisiana to the military academy , ho had served as a subaltern in the Twenty-second infantry more than sev enteen ycara at the time of his death , having been assigned to that regiment as a second lieutenant in ISTIf , and ob taining his promotion to bo first lieuten ant early in 1SSO. A year's detail as senior assistant instructor of infantry and artillery tactics nt West Point in 18Si ; was followed by borvico of more than two years as adjutant of his rogi- mcnt ; but it was his success with Ills company of Cheyenne scouts at Fort Kcngh , in Montana , that made him bettor known outside of military circles , Of this company Mr. Frederic Reming ton recently gave a description in Har per's Weekly : . "When at tlms place I was driven out to the little village of Lieutenant K. W. Casey's Cheyenne scouts. I saw a long line of well-constructed J.0 buildingcor- - . Tills und stauics" , also a Ini'gG gill'don fenced and cultivated. I entered the hout.cs . and saw comfort and cleanliness. I saw smiling faces and laughing chil dren. I saw perfectly kept cavalry arms and accoutrements , and line Indian sol diers , who stood like bron/.o statues , and saluted In the host possible form , while never a muscle of their htern faces twitched and they looked a soldier and folta soldier , and were in fact the finest I bad over scon. I saw them mount and fall In and drill in admirable shape , all by a sign of Lieutenant Casey's right hand , because do not understand Knglish wall enough. I admired the indomit able zeal of Lieutenant Casey and hoped his work would lead to greater things. "Six months before till those monworo down at the Lame Deer agency doing nothing , unless to go out gunning for a ranchman's cattle. Lieutenant Casey brought them up to the mouth of the Tongue river , uniformed and equipped them , and ploughed and made a garden after irrigating the land. lie then took them up the Yellowstone , and it is al most beyond belief ho gave them axes with which they mauled logs , and with the help of their ponies they tugged thcji out to the river and drove them down to lao fort. They then hewed the logs and built cabins as good as any ranchman's in ttio country. Lieutenant Casey and his Interpreter ( tin old Fifth infantry boldior , who has been in battle against the Choycnnos ) were the only white men aloag. Itoypnd doing till this work , they are well-drilled , and all in eix months. Wo keep army recruits four months nt n depot before wo forward them. I should not bo surprised if Lieu tenant Casey had his Indians herding Bheop in course of time , and that is the particular thing that an Indian will not do. " A XO V.VE31 ax Id. Tlie beauty and talent displayed by the en tire cast la the historical production of tho' gorgeous spectacle , "America 1403 , 1SS2 , " has never been surpassed In this city , The costumes are entirely foreign to all Ideas over advanced hero and the ground work of the cut ire spectacle Is rounded on tbo princi pal historical facts of this country. It is tilled with soul stirring music and thrilling battle scenes , anil tlio situations hi both Held nnd forum nro really beautiful. It Is un- douDedly the most instructive production now before the public. A special matinee 1j ! for Indies nail scholars will bo given next j Bnlurdny afternoon , and packed houses will [ be in order during this most Instructive spec tacle. 'i'ho entertainment provided ny the Eden Museo this week Is ono of the strongest over presented at that popular house. Ulla Kwlng , the giantess from Missouri , who liai been such a popular attraction the past week , lias been retained , hls week in order that all may avail themselves of the opportunity of seeing the greatest wonder In modern history , An other freak that lias just been pun on this week Is Nellie May , the Nebraska fat flrl , who weighs -HO pounds and Is but sixteen years old. This girl is a perfect wonder and BO fat tliatslio walks with the greatest dilli- culty. In the HIJou theater the Howard im perial minstrel company of twelve well known blnck face artists holds forth. This company Rives a really enjoyable entertain ment and instead of detaining a person three hours give an hour's porformunco full of wit and humor. "Evangollno , " with Its two score of Acadian maidens , its merry but miserable rulllnns , Its demure heroine , Its ilnshlng hero , Its Dutch cautnln , its Irish policeman , Its lone fisherman , Its cunning notary , Its coquettish chaperon , In fact , "Kvangellno" with all Us glorious halo of Btajjo triumph , ninRiilllcent scenery , superb costumes vjtid dnzxllnp brilliant effects will bo seen at Iloyd's Saturday and Sunday , January 17 and 18. Klohard Harlow will play Catherine anil none other than Joe Harris will till tlio role of the lone tlshermnn. Hen Lodge , the favorite comedian , will play Lo Hlatic , whllo two exceptionally talented and beautiful young ladles. Miss Lillian \Valtors and Miss Cicraldtna McCann , are in tbo parts of Gabriel and Kvangcllno. BoyiVs opera liouso will present for the first tlmo In this city during the last three nights of next week a now comlo opera , which served to plcaso Now Yorkers im mensely last summer at Palmer's theater , dcsmto the almost unbearable torridity , The now opera also Introduces a now opera com. paV Intho tltloof the \VllllamJ. Gllmoro opera company , which has won high pratso for the magnitleent production given 111 "Tho Sea King,11 The score Is said to brim with melodies which are already popular where the opera has been heard. Between the first and second acts of "Odette" nt Iloyd's opera house this evening , tbo orcbestin , under the direction of Mr. ' Salisbury , will play for the lirst tlmo 5 ; transcription of tbo soap , "Only a May Day Crown , " composed by Mr. Eugene Jppion , n member of the couuuuy , anil dedicated to Miss Clara MorrU. N. It.Falconer , Muslin Underwear. Our annual muslin 'underwear sale will cornmcnco on Thursday. Wo will ollor the best assortment of thcso goods wo have over shown , and BOIUO oxtn- ordlrmry bargains ; full particulars to morrow.Vo also on Thursday , nt 0 o'clock , make an extra special sale in our cloak and suit department , for the benefit of domestic help who have no other tirno at thotr disposal , The bar gains will bo the most extraordinary wo have over olTored and will not bo placed on sale till 8 o'clock. N. B. FALCONER HIU' Doouir'H Mill. Probably the largest fee for medical or surgical attendance over paid in Now York was the sum of $100 to Dr.Vlllard Parker , about llfteon years ago , for an operation in a wealthy family resident near Now York , says the Chicago Her ald. The case was one of goitre , a rare allllction in the United States , at least among native Americans , although far from uncommon in Franco and Switzer land. From the aide of the face and neck hung n lleshy sack , hideously disfiguring and making life a burden to the heir of govern ! millions. Ho carried the out growth in a silken bag , which hid it from view , but did not render less con spicuous the fact of its presence. The young man appealo to tlio surgeons of the highest reputation in Franco nnd London ; but they made an examination und concluded that an operation would result fatally. Then ho turned to the well known American surgeon , who con sented. It is said to have been n most arduous task of surgery. But the patient liycd , nnd without the deformity. Muitsii'S. Continue tlio Sale of Roys' Clotlilni ; . 20 boys' overcoats , $5.00 , fur-trimmed with genuine astraehiin and beaver , sizes 4 to 10 years , reduced from $15.00. JO.00 overcoats marked down to $ ; 5.7o. $1.00 overcoats marked down to $1.75. $10.00 .suits marked down to $5.50. $7.00 suits marked down to $4.75 $5.00 suits marked down to $2.)0. ! ) $ . ' ! .00 suits marked down tol.)0. ( ) Boys' heavy knee pants J'e , ( ic ! ) , $1.00. Our extra stock of boys' clothing must bo sold previous to inventory regardless of what it is worth. THE MOKSK DRY GOODS CO. TIIUIU IjKADUUllili 1SI3SIGN. Secretary Debs of the Ilrotlicrhooil of Locomotive Firemen Tlio : ! . Grand Secretary and Treasurer B. V. Debs of the Brotherhood of Locomotive lYomon lias announced that at the con clusion of his present term lie would retire - tire from any olllcial connection with the order , says a Turro Haute dispatch to the Chicago Times. Mr. Debs has been sineo 18bO elected six consecutive times grand secretary und treas urer of the order without , a sin gle dissenting vote , the last being at Sun Francisco last September for a term of two years. Ho is also editor of the Fireman's Maga/ino , the ' otllcial 'publication of the order , and after Grand Master Sargent is the best known man among the firemen. Tlio physical strain and a dcsiro to enter other business are given by Mr. Debs as the reason for his retirement. Mr. Dobs' term will not expire for nearly two years , and his reasons for an nouncing his contemplated retirement now is that tlio order may look about for his successor. Mr. Dobs' an nouncement will bo a great surprise in brotherhood circles and will also bo of interest to all the orders in the Fedora- tlon of Railway Employes. Mr. Debs is a member of tlio supreme council of twelve , and it was ho who last Septem ber ut the conclusion of tlio important mooting hero , which declined to order a strike on the New York Central , wrote the address to the country , setting out the reasons for such action. Muslins and bheotings at net cost. Fal coner's. 1002. Sixteenth and Farnam streets ia the now Rock Ifalaud ticket olllco. Tick ets to all points cast at lowest rates. Our annual linen sale still on. Fal coner's. a - Directors Hlcctoil. About ono hundred of the stockholders of the Driving I'.irlc association met yesterday afternoon at the chamber of commerce In the annual meeting for tbo election of directors. The followitiR pentlemen were elected as di rectors of the association : Thomas Swobe , Joseph Garneau , J. H. Birlret , U. S. Berlin. J. M. Swotnam , William Krug and D. II. Mercer. A resolution was passed recommendliiR to the board of directors that the nmtterof malt ing a loan upon the property of tlio associa tion ho considered and reported upon at the next mcetinR of the association. In case the loan is made the association will doubtless get the park in shape fortho Juno races next spring. The association will meet again soon at the call of the president. The directors of the Nebraska savlnps and exchange Dank hold a meeting yesterday tornoon nnd re-elected the old ofllcors for the ensuing year. Thcso oflicors are as follows John L. Miles , president ; Samuel Cotnor.vlco president ; Dexter L. Thomas , cashier ; W. A. L. Gibbon , cashier of South Omaha branch. The stockholders of the Commercial Na tlonal bank vosterday elected the following directors for the ensuing roar : A. P. Hop kins , Charles Turner , Charles K. Bates , E. M. Morsomnn , Alfred Millnrd , William G. Maul , W. L. May , B. M. Anderson , Edwin S. Itowloy. The oftlcers will b < j elected some time during the conilnp week. Fret not your life aw.iy because your hair is tfniyvbilo youtttf , as you can stop nil urayncss and can beautify the hair with Hall's Hair Hcnowcr and bo happy. Our annual linen sale still on. Fal coner's. Tlio WnralioiiHO Hill. The members of the board of trade commit tee appointed to draft a warehouse bill to pioscnt before the legislature failed to moot in conference yesterday afternoon , on ac count of the fact that several of them were out of the city. Secretary Nason has seen several members of the committee , however , nnd they are agreed upon the provisions of the bill. It will bo practically a duplicate of the Illinois law relating to publlo ware houses. It Is likely that Secretary Nason tmd some other members of the committee will visit Lincoln within a week to confer with several prominent members of the legls- laturo who have written the board of tradu offering their assistance In the furtherance of a bill of this kind , which will insure Omaha and Nebraska a grain market that will not bo owned and controlled by Chicago. Marriage The following marriage licenses were is sued by Judge Shields yesterday ; Name ana address. Ace. JfleorueW. Koowlor. South Omaha 20 I MosKlo Ward , Uniahu 29 j Orion llbthP , Omnha 28 1 Mrs. Clurn. L. McKay , Omaha. 24 I Joseph W , Acton , Omaha 30 1 Marie lilloy , Uinaha yj j David Miihonoy , Omaha , 28 1 r.llovu Duller , Omaha , , 2d ( TrunkJ. Koliimoyor , Omaha. 21 I Kminn Johnson , Omaha , ll ! I Josonh Corny , Omnba , 24 I Mangle llronok , Omaha 21 Owing to the death of J. M. Eddy , a member of Omaha lodge No. 89 , B. P. O. E , the ladies' social has been post- ponod from this evening to next Tuesday ovouiuff , January 20. A imiTISII I'OMIMJll. A Hurled Ili'lto-ltoninn Town Ijnld llnro After 1OOO Vcnra. A British Pompeii has just been dls" covered near Heading in Berkshire , on the grout Strathfoldsay estate of the duke of Wellington , says a London dis patch of the Dunlap cable company. It is n true city , not a more camp , and when fully excavated will throw light upon the domestic llfo of our toinoto an cestors of more than on'o thousand yours ago. Tlio city now being laid bare is the Ilrlto-Homan Sllchostor. Tlio whole area has boon free from all building on- orations over since the Roman occupa tion of iJrltuin ; in fact , the boll ifl vir gin , having been pasture land for cen turies. The excavation committee has already succeeded in revealing to nine teenth century eyes life in a British city that had a long existence In a day of which history is almost silent. The task of excavation is a tremendous ono , but the work is being prosecuted aa funds come in. An exhibition will bo opened at the Burlington liouso , Piccadilly , within a few days , which will present features of extraordinary interest. On the walls will bo hung a hugo plan of the burled city , marking whereabouts the streets , walls , gates , houses , baths , temples , forum and basilica stood The excava tions have brought to view the re mains of an important house , orna mented with mosaic lloors and con taining rooms heated by hopocausto. Among the articles to bo exhibited are potsherds , bones , combs , bron/.o utensils , fragments of good glass vosbols , pieces of ironwork , chiefly tools , including carpenters' planes , chisels , axes , ham mers , gouges , anvils and some edged tools , sharp enough , oven after having lain buried for ton centuries , to work with now. Tito city was lain out with great regularity in squares like Salis bury and Winchester in mcdlraval limes. t Strange footings lira excited by the sight of a piece of tile upon which a baby must have trodden whllo the clay of which it is' formed lay drying in the brieknmkor's vnrd. The prints of the little toes are distinct , and the entire foot is perfectly marked. There are very fair specimens of pottery , from course celtlc ware to delicately moulded vesssls embellished with artistic de signs of human and animal figures and symbolic devices. There arc two sets of human bones , skeletons of immature in fants or dwarfs , as also Heedless and other articles of household use. Among these it Is curious to note a koy-rimr and a safety-pin , with other toilet and table requisites , much resembling the o in present use. There is ono b.inglo almost a fac-sitnilo of those worn in India and seen in our jewellers' shops today. The Cnnuoli'il Contract. Exchange : A couple of twins who were so much alike that their most intimate - mate friends could not distinguish the ono from the other , once played the fol lowing trick upon a hnir-dressor. Ono of thorn wont to the shop and had him- bell" shaved and his hair cut. When this was done ho asked the birbor : t-Dyja co.itiMut with yoir oiutom- s ? "Yes , sir. " ' 'May I have a contract ? " "Why not ? " "How much is it ? " "Half a sovorign. " Tlio man paid the money nnd said : "I thought it advisable to miiko this bargain as my beard and hair-grow with extraordinary rapidity. I shall have to cotno hero a good many times. " "Come as often as you please. " Two hours afterward tlio other twin put in an appearance with long shaggy hair and stubblly chin "Hero I am again ! " ho said. The barber was dumbfounded. "What , back so soouV" As you ECO. " Our barber was thoroughly be wildered , but there was no help for it. Ho cut the hair and shaVcd the beard of his extraordinary customer. "Never saw anything like it in all my life , " ho said , when ho had finished the job. "lean believe you , " replied the cus tomer. "By-tho-by , I am going to the theater tonight and , of course , I shah have to como hero a third time. " "Good heavens , " exclaimed the barber - bor , "tho senor surely doesn't wish to ruin a poor father of a family. Iloro is your half sovereign , and lot mo entreat you by all thp.t is sacrotl not to como hero again. " Thus the two brothers were shaved nnd "polled" gratis. We'll All Hreatho Busier. A device has just been brought out whereby the condition of tlio automatic safety attachments to a passenger or freight elevator will bj audibly mani fested at every reciprocal movement of tht > elevator car. The elevator is ( Ittod with a system of lovers and a spring for controlling them or releasing them when they are required to engage the teeth of the racks running at the side of the olo- valor shaft , and thus instantly stop the car. To prevent accident from an Inop erative or defective spring , an alarm or signal boll is provided , and each time the supporting cable is slackened from any cause the boll is sounded. Should the boll fail to ring on the car reaching the bottom of the shaft , the absence of the signal would bo a defect calling for immediate attention. Xostlehoiino Gives Illiiigair Up. William Nestlehouse , who , in company with W. M. Sawyer , robbed .1 man named Halo of Beatrice , at a road house west of the city last May , nnd who has been a fugitive upon the faca of the earth since that time ; walked into lha police station yesterday afternoon nnd < r.ivo himself up. Ho fur nished n bond for his npnoaranco and was immediately released. Ills trial will bo called next Monday. Krysipclas and salt rheum was driven ont - t truly away from Mrs. J. U. Anderson , Posh URO , Wis. , by Burdock Blood Hitters. No equal us a blood puriller. Ipoke MiH Ann. Ilnrry Talt , a lad about ten years old , fcl whllo trying to get on n passing motor train nt Sixteenth and Corby yesterday afternoon nnd broke his arm. Ho was Indulging In the too common practice among children In the north part of the city of catching rides on tbo motor trains. BtedlnlUllIons of Homes * o XUM tt * Standard. Many Clergymen , SlngcM , ncuirs , ttmt public speakers mo Aycr's Cherry 1'ooU.ral. It Is the favorlto remedy for hoarscnnjs and nil affection * of the vocal org.ins , throat , nml lungs. As an niindyno and cxpcctomnt , tlie eflccts o ( this preparation atf jjromptly realized. "Ajcr's Cherry I'cctoral hasiloneme great good. It H n splendid remedy for nil dis eases of the throat , ami lungs , and 1 liavo much pleasure In tutUylng tolls merits. " ( Itev. ) C. N , Nichols ) No. Tlsbtiry , Mass. " In my profession of an auctioneer , any afTfctlon ( the voleoor throat Is n seiloiis matter , but , nt each attack , I have been re lieved by sfew doses of Ayer's Cherry 1'uctmnl. This remedy , with ordinary care , lias uoikedsuoh a magical effect that I h.i\o sultuicil very little Inconvenience. I have also used It In my family , ltli very excellent - lent icsults.lu coughs , colds , flc.-Win. II. Quarllj , Mlnlatun , So. Australia. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , I'KKFAUKII nV DR. J. C. AYER & CO. , Iowoll , MnuB , Hold by all Uruggi.tn. 1'rlco * lj lx Iottlct5. Drs. Belts $ Belts n /si / iu , S'iru ' ) ns and Specialists , 14OO DOUGUAB S OMAHA , NKB. Tno most wldi-lv and favorably imowiupce- lalK's In tlio t'uilol ' Stales. Tno r lom ; w- ueili'iic'c , romiirUulilo skill nml unr cisul sue- ' POSH In tbo treatment nnd emu or NorvmiM , Clironlonml Surirlc'iil IHsnuM" ) . cntltlo thcso nmliiiMil physician * lo tlio full ooiilklonr'o of the allllclcd uM-rjuhore. Thev Kiiiirnntw : A C'UtTAIN AM ) I'OslTlVi : CUKE for thoiiwlul pffeets ( it early vleo uiul tlio numer ous nvlls thnlfollow in its train. 1'IMVATB. 111,001) AND SKIN DISEASES Hppi'dllv. eonipli-lolv and ppiimmcntly curpd. NKHVOUS lEllllITY ) AIS'I ) SKMJAI , IIIS- OllUnitSylolil loartlly to their skillful treat- incut. incut.IAV \ ' \ , riSTt-I.A AND UKCTAIi ULOiniS cuiirunteed ciiri-d without pain or detention from iHislno i. iivniocrir. : AND vAuicorian pcrmn- nontly nml siicfcs < fiilly cured In OUTV case , SVI'lllMS , UONOUKIIHA. OIr.Vr. ] Spei- iiiiiton liuii. Seminal Weakness Lost Manhood , Night Kmlsslon" , Dcuaycd Faculties , 1'enmlo Weakness and all dellc.ito disorder peculiar tot'Ithur sox positively cured , as well as till fiinc'tloiial disorder tli nl ii'si. it from youthful follies or the oxi-csauC mature yea is , TK ? H'Tl IK'U t'Uurnnteod pornmn c n tly ulixiv l U l\lj i-iirod , removal complete , without ciittfnir. oaiistioor dilatation. Cntes effected at home by patient without u mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND- MIDDLE AGED MEN. A "sTIKM " ? fll VV < The awful oflccts of A JUlVl- U 1Li ouriy vlcu whluh brines organic weakness , dcstroylni ; both mind and body , with all Its die dcd Ills , pciiuanently on rod. nut : RF'ITC Address those wlm huvolm- .L/lVkJ. niello pui Kill themselves l > y Im proper Indulgence and solitary Imblts. wlili'h inlii both in'nd ' und body , unfitting them for llinlnrss. stiidv or marrliiRO. MAIUtinn MHN or tlwso entoiiiiR on that happy llfo , awuio-of physical debility , quickly assisted. OUR SUCCESS Is based upon facts , Vli-gt I'MCtlcM experi ence. Second Kvcry cuso Is snoi'lully studied , thus starting rltllif Tnlrd medicines lire prepared in our laboratory exactly to suit each case , thus ellectingciircswltliout Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , - - OMAHA , NEB. Have you a Pittsburgh , Rochester , Duplex , or a Stu dent Lamp ? Do they work satisfactorily ? Do your Lamp Chimneys break ? You get the wrong sort ! The RIGHT ones are the "PEARL GLASS , " made by Geo. A. Macbeth & Co. , Pitts burgh , makers of the cele brated " " chimney "Pearl-top" lamp ney , which have given univer sal satisfaction. " To euro nilloitsncss. Sick Headache Comtlpntkm. Alularln. Llvor Complnlnts , t.ikn the eafo end curtain remedy , SMITH'S vast little lioanstofliobot- tlo ) . They are tbo tnoat convenient : bull all uses , i'rlcoof either Biro , 25 cenU per Ixittlo. IVECJOKNSLj ° " ' 717. . 70 : Plioto Kravuro. panul glio ottliU picture for 4 cents ( coupon or stumps ) . J K. BMITn&CO , Makers of "Illlo Dcaiu , St. U > ul3. JIo DR. BAILE Y GRADUATE DENTI5F A Full Set of Tooth on Uuuuer , for _ A perfect 'm'siinrftntoed. T oth oxtraotod without pain or dnnKor. nnjl wULotit nnaos- thetlcs. Gold and silver Ullnssftt lowest rntesi. Ilrldpo nnd O'n > wn Vorif. Teeth vdth- OFFICE 'FAXTONWBLOCK ' ) ISTH AND FARNAM Entriicco. ICth street tiluvator Open ovou- Eb until a o'clock GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1878. I.BAKER&CO.'S ' i froni which tlto cxcosi of oil has been removed , Is Absolutely Pure and It is Soluble. No Chemicals tire used in ita preparation. It lias more than three times the strcnyth of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , nnd is thorcforo far inoro economical , costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious , nourishing , strengthening , EASILY DIQKSTKP , and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persona in health. Sold by CrooorsT everywhere. W. DAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass. THE BEST BD IN THE WORLD. ARH MADE I1Y Tllti WoonsockBt & Rhode Island Rubber Co And wo nro their wostorii uRotiU nnJ til way d carryulnrJ i c Address , Sewed Shoe Bo 120' ! and 1206 llarncy Street. C.S.RAYMOND'S Sacrifice and Removal Sale Wo mean just what wo siy. Our nrices yl'.Itell. ' Our entire Ktoolc ( except Patelc ? hillppo fe Go's Fine Watches ) , Is on sale at inch sacrifice prices , that it should Insure , ho ile of overv article. C UK ART DEPARTMENT wo are niraply lOlling without rojnrd to cost. Our discount onWatchos , DiamondsSolid silver , Fine Jewelr/ and all goods , inaltes .no pr ces lower than our poojuu h.lva over Joen able to purchase this class of gools. C. S. RAYMOND. Douglas and 15th St. DR. MOGREW , Is unsurpassed in the treatment of all , forms of PRIVATE DISEASES Strlctuio Syphilis , Lost Manhood , Skin Dis eases unl Koinalo Dlbuusc * . Dr. McOiow's success in the troatinciitof tlioahovoDIsonsoa linsnovor been equaled. Aourolscturtintcocl without the loss of an hours tlino. Write for olrfiilars. IjADIKd. from 2 to 4 only. Olllce , Cor. 14tli nnd Kntnam Sta , Omaha , Nub. Entruncoon either Rtreot. J , M. O. 1'rnctlco llmllolto Dlseusc 01 thu LUNGS Nervous System Including Neuralgia , I'nrnhyala , lipllepsy , CatBlepsy , Ilyetero Kpllooiy , Co n vul- t\un \ < , bnlnul Inlliv- tlon , ItlitiunmUsm , ( hronlo Alciiliollini , Kervous Heartache. Nervoi.s I'lOstrullon consumption nnd nil illsi'useaottlio IUDKH Itoomi316 to3 > J , BEEBUILDINa , O.MA1I.V. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. Bneelflo for Myit'rta , IllitlnenFti ! , Kenrnltla. Wake ) fulnes , Mental Iwpreislon , BortenlnRor the liraln re- eultintr la luoanlty n.lU le&dlni ? to mtHery docar anj claatli , Pr roature Old Acre. Barrenness , l.o p of rower inoitlier BOX , InvoluntAry l.onea , and Hi > erm0toritaja cauiwl by oTcrxoitkT > of the brain , felf-tljuco or overindulgence. Lach hex contalnionjmonth'a troaU xnent tlabox , or * 1 < for 5. rent by mrllirc.nld. | [ With each order for ill lioirt , will tend imrcliui'jr miar&Dtea to refund nc.iry If the truntmint fatUtO cura. uuarftntren U uid anil conujao bold ouly br GOODMAN DUUGCO. , lllOFurnam titreut , - - Umahi Neb , tnu'dy ( ur all the unnatural dlnchawea nmt prlvntulh ( n.anMii'ii A certain cure ( or the ilvhllt- tntlng wtakntbi jiut'tillar toomrn. . lMeaoribeltnndeolBa ( ( In rcc-nmmundlnt ; It to 81. uo. For earache use Pond' B Extract SufTertnc from . the clti'Cti ol H ar H v w rma % uiBioiaJ yuuthful crrort early deCBT , wastlna wcakneRS , lost inauhoo < l , etc. I wnieend avaluaUlo truotUo ( valpdi cuntnlninj fullpartlculnn for homo cure , I'ltlUJ of rhaiga ifcplendld medical workithouldlw n-iabyererj mau who la nervous oml dnlillllat"il. Adilroh * 1'rolV F. C. I'OU'LIill , niuudlli , Conu oii.ililE ( ) Vt.V..nr. I luo'i l-orlo.llcnl . I'llli therrttnchromody. ncton the inonilrunl ijitomantl curt iupprei < loQ irum whiitiivor ouse , 1'romuio monitruallon. Thoiu plllt ihould nut lie Ukon dur- .nspreunnticy. AMI , I'll : Co. , Hoyultr rrcpi. , Hpon- corCUr , Co , la. tionulLuby thorium A. McUonuoll , Ucdgo at- , Dear 1' , O. , U nithas U. A. .Mulclior , Houlti Oaiaha ; M. 1' . UllUt Cuuuctl UluBi. U , ur J ( ur U. OMAHA , NEB. Durlnc lib several months location nnd prnctlco In Omahn. Ir DllllnKs linn euini'il 1111 enviable ri-pnla- tloit nniottK tlio luitidroib of cltlrcn who applied to him iilinosi H8 it Ittil report , nnd foun.l In IIH | akllltul ministrations tliofnlt rtMll/atlon uf liopo lung tlu- frnul Ilols pernmncntly Iwnteil nnd 1m * tlio best np- polnlcd unit must contonli'iitljr located | iualclaii'B ollkcuiul ioci'ition rooms In Urimlm. Tlie sick will tlml In Dr. Dlllintt a true physician nnO a BJ inpithullc filcml nml advhi-r. Kor the trcntmcnt of the folluwinsnnnicd diseases Dr. Dllllntis luta IHOVCU bltuei'lf iiujsuaaod of moat C'ATAHUII Allcll en e > ! of tlirnut and noso. CA tnrrh InipoTorlilivf the blood niu ucrroa , iiruUuclDtf doblllly , doc ivy nml dccllnu. DYMMJI'SIA Ami nil the phones of Imllcostlori , llvur trouble , Iniiicrfc'ctnsalinliatlunnml uutrltlun. KlD.N'HYltlSMASIIS-Aro mo t do'crlvlni ! nml In. cliluoui. yj-Mipt'iim linnl to ri'coxnlin hy tlio imtlcul ot tun leml to nun I brlKhtn illavitao or dlnbcloa. IISIJA81W OF T11K IILO01) ) lllootl iKilnonlne , tfiofuln , iTslieliu | , and diseases mentionedUeru- nfior. AI.I. FKIN mSHASKS-Ko/omn , fnll rlicum , Vnrt- olit , ulcer * , 11liorrli1' . rofulll , lupui , muddy color of tlimkln , plinplc" , nml diseases of tlie nc.Upur * cuicil hy Dr. DllltnKa. NlllUOtlS l > IsiASHS-T.o : of Tluor , lo t innn- hoi l liability. pie < tnitlon , flvupiiiiiliMior , oniitloii | on the race , | II H nf iiiiMiiory , droiid uf ( ilUiro , cto. A nii trviitmonltlint Nl'.Vl'll FAILS. Rlli-.MATISM : | AND NKIJIl AI/1IA - Are Cured by Dr DlllliiKH when iill tlii < rii have failed. rKMATJ ! WUAKN'KSSKS The harnh. Irrntlonnl nnd iiimiitinal tuothoili usiinlly onilu | > cJ nro ro- fl m lblo fur fully threo-lo rth of the nulTerlntf now endured by women. InvoJtlKiitc tlio now , hi inulroatincnt of Dr DIllliiK" . IMI.KSAI.I. . HIirTAl , TIlOtlHUIS I'llcn. Vlf tula. iib cos CK. Htrlrtuie. nnd nil dUeist'i : of rectum tiiH'd w thout the knife , caulery or nn hour'a delay frinn noik or butlncHi. AI.I. HKADAC 1IKS arc quickly cured. VKNI lll.'Al. niSIJASIIS lleconlor long Bt.itullnil typhllh , Koniirrhiin , Ktrlctnro nml rill ro'iiltliiK nf- fcctloni aiocured iierinanenlly and forever without nny nuTouryor nilnoral treatment. MOIIl'IIINU I1A1IIT- Quickly , positively and piilnli'ialy cuiod. \VOHM-Tnko-.iwlth head complete In on * hour with ono tuuspounful uipleisiint : mcdlcluu , N fustlng OTIIKIl DISKASKSSuch ns old sores , malltnnnl tili'eri" " , tnmorM , cancon , hi'nrt troulilci" , ii8thm * cpl'opiy , M. VUtiiilnnie. milk loir , chronicconstlp- tli n mid chronic dlnrrlurii pro cured Till ) rosil'f.lIMON The mij > t nmlnhtly nna V muddy complexion qulikly fri'Hlionedundbuautlllod. l < Olt OPKIIXSIVI ! HHIJATII-A iiernmnont euro i.ow 1'Kusi rur.n CONSUI.TATIONI IIOUIIS : 9 : 0 n m. to 5 p. m. 13\enliiKS , 7 to 8.30. Bumlur8lto ! 4 p in. Patients Trenud ByCorrespomleiico , Medicine Sent Evnrvvflioro. A 322 South "FifteenthStSs , GROUND FLOOR. NO STAIUS. Dr. Dilllnss prepares and dispenses hl own medicines , which are largely selected from nature's healing plants , barks , roots , nmsshrubs , etc. No mineral drugs given Ths First Special HfLer Stock Taking , MEN'S ' PINE TROUSERS Strictly All T .50 , $3.50 3.75 and S5.00 MO OUR.EX ! NO 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Ne"b. . . a. m to l-'in. MANHOOD RE-STORED. \Ss * / * ? CCTk."SANA.T1VO. . " the CS3h is2n'ix ' Womlorliil Spanish _ V am Kcnitd ) , Is wild wllhn \Vrltlt ii ( > iuriiiitro to curcall NcnoiiH Ills CIU-IB , such as Weak Mcinurj , IXJfBof Urnlu I' o w c r , 11 < n d n c li c , fltmli- , all drains' iind OoforoA , After Uso. lots of power of the I'botographed from life. Oenoralhc Oreaui , In either 'x , caused liy over exertion , jouthf ul mdescrf Uons , or the crt l > e usocf lohacco. oiium. | orMlnmlantf.Mhlch ultimately lemlto InUrinlty , Uonsuiiiptlonuua InMiully. I'ut up luconvenlint form to carry In \cilpookt. ( . ITIco Jt n r-icknrc. or fl ( or . With every 15 order wo vc \ wilttrn Bxi'intnteoto fiirti or i i > riiiiil tli inonny. bent hy mall to nny addreu , Clicular tree. Jttentlon this Ii3l ? r. Addrcsn , MADRIDCHEHICAL CO , , Uranrh Offlce forU. S.A. 417lTOil ) rn Mtei-t. r IK AGO , 1I.U FOIt SAIU IM OMAHA. NfcU. , 1JV Kulm , t Co Cor. 19th Si DoiiKlM KM. J. A Fuller & < o. , Cor 14th A DouclaiBU. A. D i'uster i to. , CUULCI ! lilulle. l.i X.IQXJ02rl KCJV131T. IN ALL Tilt WOKLO THERE IS BUT ONI : CURE DR , HAINE3' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It run be felt rn In u ful > if c < iir e or IVN. or In ur. tlclx of Toad , without Ibo knowledge ol thepullonl , Uuegeuaary , It liobuoluloly lurialma end will eneot usrm neat and ipeedy euro , wbethtr the valient u a raodamudrlnker or au alaobolio wrtcU. IT .N K > lit t'A Lf. It oparatott HO quiotlr aud with iueh ccr- talnirtQat lha i ) llent unilcrucra no Incouvtnienco , and ere hn u wire. hli complete reformation I * etfeoud 4Una2f ) book ot particulars free Uobchkdol KUIIN Ac CO. . 15111 Ac Uounlnj.Ci IklUA CuminitUl * . Trada iuupll il bv JJl.AKl ) . DIIUUJU UO , and UUUO UU. . Omnb * of IHIilllt ) luipotrni'Vi ) > akniM , lirrail ( it Mnrrlfti ; * ' bi-cri'lhlua , losi.r , ivll : riirulxidliiKu , JHsiifnuU'iif'y .htuntftldroft Ihs.eto , I Jwrrliiwrft'H IIIHlll'il Itil Ini Illilllfil OUR NEW BOOK 'line iitlilt-l : ; : > HMl , . _ _ _ < > . , llullalii , N. V. 'lliouiunilx u ( ( iiMrunuKl Ifilliiiuinalii Hint "MEM STAY CURED. " N. W. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts ' Omaha , Neb. Mnkma spcclulty of Ohronlo , Nervous ind I'rlMitu ' olscnsos. 1'orinaiu'iitly otirot Hynhl- 1K ( liinorrhoa , Ulnul , Bporimitorrhuii. Humluul Wi''ikncss Nlirht Missus anil Impotoncy. Dr. McCoy euros Ith reiimi kiitilo curtntnty t'liniulo Illieiiniatlsm. I'lles imd othiT llseiisiis nf ln ) Kectuin , nnd tioiitawlth cro.it HIICCM * ull DNoiifceB of tlio Kldnoys nml urciiisy. I'uiluiits aim rnly on rccolvliu hunornbU nml candid opinion 119 Iu what cut ) ' ) u uccoui * pllhhfil In tholr caso. I'ntlunlu at a distance 0:111 : udilrcss DR. McOOY , 13th and Farnam Streets , OMAHA NEB. Ka Chlfhc.tfr' . rnillih IXnraond llrnnd. FEW SYROYAL PILLS Urftftiml unit Only Cfiiulnc * AFC , * l it rHItbic. Loir ik , ilt > u\H \ for ChleHtittrt t'talitk tHo-f | tn > iti. * e ll wlut blue rltboQ , 'J'nto nn other * Atf\mdjnytrout utitiu * V tiomanj imitmlont. At Prujtgltti.ori nlia. tn itituii fur i rttcul4ri , teiilmnatkl * ta4 * 'lflf ( ! fur lflJliv'ae ( ( rIj rrtura Mull. 10.0OO ff.lln.onl.il. , V < i l'artr. > fc " / t1hch- ( * rtIieuiIc M1o..llH 1U < tnHu pet 6oM AlU.ocU Urunlili. lblladu. ( lfW- * INTHC WORLD WILL > . .r . ftlvorelief M IlKo" * Dr. 1'lorc * J a ncllo fllMS / ITIIO.Juriaciirrniiii.UBRK.ls ' . I If yoniTaiittb * ' ll.M'l'Bcnil ! la In nt.iiiipa < or f rtc l'unlilct | No. 1. Muiliidlc KlB.lIcTriui Cu , , Uau 1'raiulico , CM