Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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A vEUTlSEMENTS for those
.tXnotixkcn until 12:30 : p. m. , for theeronlnt
edition anil until 8 : : ) p. in. , ( or the morning
edition inil BuNtur IIKK
rpEHMS-Cash In admnco.
"OATES AaVerthrniPntson thp ! ic wlllbs
JVclmrecd for fit Iho rnto of 1H c nt per word i
tor the first lnortlon nnd Icont per word for
) icli iubseiuont | Insertion , and 11.60 per line
for month , No advertisement taken for
Ifsn than 21 conU for tliu first Insertion.
TNITIAL8 , figures. nymboli , oto. , count each
J nn nno wold.
rpllERE ndrortlnptnonts must run oonsecn-
tlrMy nnd tinder no clreiunitnnceii will
they bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
pAUTIKHartvcrtlsInU In these column * nnfl
4. baring tliolr nuHwcrn nddrosscd to a "nura-
tcr-d lettnr" In cure of TIIK URI will rocclfo
ft numbered check tn tnablo them to get their
letters. Answer * will Iw delivered only on
presentation of this chcplc. Kncloso anmwcr *
in onrolopci properly addressed.
AUj KilvprttsomimM under the heart of
"Special Notices" urn published In Iwth the
morning nnd evening editions of TIIK HER. the
clroulftllon of which nucrointpi inoro than
20,000 papers dally , nnd gives tlio advertiser
the ticnofl tnnt only of the larzo circulation of
2'nn llt.ti InOinnhn , but iilsnln Council lUulTs ,
tliicoln linn * nt her Htlinnil towns In tlm wrst
Advertising for theno column * will b tnVcn
en the nbovu conditions , Rlllmfollowlrn bust-
ness houses who are authorized totakeippelM
notion , nttho same rates ii can bad nt the
main olllro. .
SOUTH Street , Lister lllock.
OlllfvV. DELL , Pharmacist , KU South Tenth
Btrt'Ct. '
OIIASR & EDDY , Otnttoners and PrlnUr ,
113 ' SouthlOthjOrcet.
Q n.'FAIlNSVVOIlTII , Pharmaolit , 3115 Cum-
kj. Ing Btrcut.
_ _ _ _ _
WJ , HUGHES. PharrnaclU. C2 < North 16th
> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
KO. "W. PATIR , Pharmacist , 1718 * L aTCn
\torth utreet.
V PHAHMAI'Y. 71th nnd Farnnm.
, > tc. , rtttuvnf fifl rnliim
ITUATION ashousokfTpcr \vldn\vorby
w'dow ' lady without , children ; 4llh anil
Oill ornddresM. M31JM5 *
-s lady ilo-
slrn.s position , ultlu-r iioriniincnt or by
piece. Address II 17 , Ili-p. M3IO-IJ *
l w ants n iiosltlon ;
J i Rood references. Addres-tllox 147. Ashlniid.
Nob. IIOO-5 *
WANTED Sltnntlnn , rttst oliiis rook , best
references. Address 115 , Ileoolllce.
208 II *
WANTED Position liv thorouglily ootnpe-
tcnt lady stenozrapher with three yrars
expprlenco and good reference. Addri'ss A M ,
lice. *
M 174-10
WANTKD Situations for ponrt girls ; my
waltliiR rooms mo always full from O a.
tn. to r , p. in. Canadian l.'inployniont olllco.
IJtb. TolvphnnotK4. 121
t'nr inlet , tit. , rcetupof filft column on IAU rn1' .
WANTKD Kor a responsible nnd very
profitable position ; now business. An
rnorgi'tli' ' mail of Inrpu nwiiialntanco. Ad
dress , with rofuronces , A , llox 880,01iletizo. I1L
3MKX of Rood addre s and neat nnponrnnco
for iiPrtnnniMit work. Itoom KKJ Pivtton blk.
\ \ . II. TntPlKol. tiaff-lt *
niKAVKMNG Salesmen A line of window
JHhndes nnd shade rollers on commission.
1'or terniH , etc. , address Keystone Jl'f'g Co. .
Olraril , Pa. . 27117
WANTKD Salesmen on salary or commis
sion toliandlo tint new patent chemical
Ink < > rnslnu nenoll. The grmitest selllnt ; nevi -
i rTer " r/iBtlucod. Kraseslnk thorotmhly In
two sncaiiiln ; no abrasion of paper , -00 to MX )
] ior c < > nt prnllu One usent'M sales amoiinled
tn $ (53) ( ) in six days ! another J-U In two hoilis.
\Vi > want onn iK'ncnil nKunt for ouch state nnd
territory. Sample by mall its cents. For terms
nnd full iiartlculara addiess The * ' " - " -
rraHor.Mfg. Co. . La Urosse. Wlt > .
WANTED Man with good references at
Slctropolltnn .Mfg. Co. , 1001) Uowurd st. ,
\\7ANTKD jUen to travel for our Uanadbui
i iinrserles.atono&WellingtonMadison.WIs
\\TANTKD \ SnleHtiiHii to niiuiiifnc-tnrc nnd
TV vfholesalo our now process elder , iniulo
wltbout upuli'S. Kxcollent wages. Particulars
ta. Iowa elder mfg. Co. , box IK. ' , Redding , la.
61H .l.'l'
KCO salesmen wanted to soil onr premium
t'liurtiTy Muuk. The Inrgcst nursery west of
the Ml'-sfhsliipl river. Tim llncht stock. All
the new and old fruits. The lowest prices and
blKpostpuy to iiguntM. Money advanced every
vcnk. Outllt f \Vritoiiiatonce. . The ( I.
J. Putin-liter Co. , I'alrbury. Neb. I.'M JIG
Ti7 AXTKIJ Snlrsmnn \ > lmmoot tlio Rroccry
' ' trade to sell ono of the best articles on tliu
market on cominhslon. Address , X U3 , liee.
f ( > r ralrt. ttc. , rre ' " ) ' " t < Ht inn nn thtt 1x101
\\7 ANTKD Ininicd lately , good strong girl
M to wash and help In kltchcu und guod
wiiiiinn cook , 10KI Ilnrnoy st , ai .i U
\ \ TANTRD-Secoud ghl for iinitnlrs work.
i > Jlrn. J. I * Urandots , 7-tri. 10th st. 'Ml
iG IRliwantcd.aiu . family , 2210 Seward SOS Rt. 15'
\\rANTKI-GIrl ) for general liousowork. ISU
M C'llliilngst. _ ! i7U-ii' :
WAVI'KI first cook. 1 second eook , 1
fllnlng room girl , l ehambermiiid , Olty
hotel. 277-1S *
NTEIi-Oood girl for
W general houso-
\\iifk.gfB Ilnrnoy. W4 H *
V\rANTKI-Olrl ) forgeneriil housowotlc. AnT -
T > ply to TO North I'.Mh st. 27I ( 14 *
W ANTKI-Compotent ) girl for general
housework. Otoiitli ! Sil st. SI-MI !
Ty AIsTniC3ooil > bpcond girl and wultress ;
> Uorman , Dune or Irlhh preferred. Apply
I nrrtilcr. etc. , < > ' rut rnliimii on Utti nit
POll UKS'L' Desirable six HMJin Mount
heated Hat , modern conveniences , $ HOi ) per
month ; references requliril. | nniilro Nether-
ton bull , LM8H ir.thst. , Koom I. JKUT-l'J '
T7KW HKKT IP-room coriuir brick d well Ing ,
J-1 beat loentlon In the cltv : nunlern convon-
iiMices. Iniiulre ftothcrtou hull , ; ' 13 bouth 1. > tli
atltiot , lloom 1. M illB-lii
TjlOUllKNT AtllO pnr month. 7-rootn house
-L In good rcpulron ; ih Kt. 2 blocks north of
liiikc. Inquire Omalm 1'iirnlturo Co. "
lOl'TAGKof Itruonisln ieirof : 1315 Chleitua
J street. ttl.OO per inontli. S.Vl-17 *
) H 11KNT - elegant 11-ioiiin houses , Nos.
! [ KIDS and a.110 Douglas st. Dnuulre of A. A
aindstone. Uli ) Douglas st. , or Ulobo Loan h
Triist l'o.'WS ICth Ht , 278
TjlOUHENT-l Mat. steam boat. Llnton Idockj
JJ 017 S lllth t. . f.m per month , John Hanilln ' ,
URont III thn blocK , 171
7-KOOM house and barn. 3j2d street near
l.davennertb. iis.0iper mo. , or for sale on
cniy tunns. J. O , L'ortelynii , U. 40 , Clumber
ef Ooininercc , MhUl
STKAM bentod Hats nt no a Thos K ,
HullUll 1'aMon block , 703
TUJK KENT To nn Intelllxent itnrdener 15
- ' acnn , linuso [ mil barn on .Military uve ,
Apply toThi'O. NYllllams , 1TVO Capitol live.
M 175
' | jUll ) KENT- Good 8-room houses , convon-
J- lent to U car lines , ? 2J per month. Jno. nII. .
Tate. 11. 15 , Cliainlier of Lfoiiiiiioi-co. 3U Jill *
TI10K ItCNT-a houses JO rooms each. Park
a. ' uvo nndVoolnrtIi sU. cltv wntor.furiuice ' ,
Ao. Cull ut once. Miiuiuugh , V I'ltchelt , heusu
: , S. W. cor. IJth anil llowuia , sot.
t.Xl )
171011 HUNT Nlcoa-room cottuKO iieurcn-
J ? tor of vlly , price flit. 1718 Webster btr etP'JJ
I710H HKNT-Sovon-roiiin cottage , cor. esth
J.1 uvo and Cup. n\e. linpilroil)18 IhHlgo. Mill
rr-ItOOM bouse .with all modern oonvrnlencojj
rent W per month , corner Thirtieth and
AVoolworth , focliiK Hansconi Puik , Kuqulre
Leu A Nlrhol , feth ana l.navciuvorth. > 1701
IP you wish to rent u hoiibo or store II.
K. Cole. Ctintlnrntul blook. 7W
niOll ll-.r ! T-J 10-room noiiM\s. iiougn anil
J , ' Mtbnts. ; modern liupraveincntsU. I , Davis \
Co. . IM l-'urium t. 1M b
. TTIOK IIENT Jan. 1 , frrooui cottage , llrst-
jJL'claKslii otcry reuimet , bnth , hot and cold
water : ou luotorltne. Cult mlWl tliormnnave.
PKNBIONS TlioUlluffiiiau I'OIIM ion Agency
! 1 I'renter bleak , Information fr , > / :
for rnfM. rtt , , t" l j > nl rmt oiinmn on thU
FUIINIHlir.1) front room , housekeeping.
W,01 per month nnd upwards. 419 H. IDtb
st. . third lluor. MiU-10 : *
EIjKOANT suite or front parlor , furnished ,
aw t o. actli street. MBM : : > *
IAHOK south front room , bay window , mcxl-
J cm conveniences , fur one IT two gentle
men , (10 per month , IIH I.u.ivenworth. MSB
trviKST llixir of colt aire. furnished for liotue-
J-1 krcplnir , four blocks from oourt hon .
Addrcu H6. lloe. ' > ' 0l IV
TpUHNlSTlKn roonu (1 ( unfurnished ) with
J-1 board. < W North llltli , 1'iiul llloclt. g.VVM *
TjTuitN ISIIKIJ rooms , steam lieat , MIS l > ' ) i"K " ;
TT1UO.VT rnnm with nn alcove , gus , hot water
J-1 hcit. " SI' ' S gtli .st. Wj
iHoft"iTKNT-FiirnWiPil rooml , gas bntli
j- ' and Hienin. 1'iH' llownnl. 7la
UTTt'LAIlt llnropean liotol. with dining
room , fiteani heat In nl1 rooms , llth and
Special lati-s by euU or month. 717
iriOHKHNT-rrotitroom with iilcovc.curtalns
J inntiti'l. stunin h < > al , cnnnnd bath.ScloacW ,
sultiililo for t ! ( ! cutlinon ! nr man .tnd wlfi ( ,
JI8.M per month. Also adjoining room with
bl r closet nnd nil convonli'iicos $10.1)0 ) per
month. .1)7 ) H 24th st , full botwrcn 9 nnd 1) ) a.
in. orSo'clnuK p.m. C1U
OOOMS-Keasoiiablo rates. SUS2 St. Miirv's
J avenue. M3rj.J34 ( *
rpo LKT lluuutlfiit front room Is best part
l of city , close tn good board , llent rouson-
ablo. nrff. g.-ithnt. 4KI
J-'or talat , tie. , ire loj ) nf frxt rnfnm'i nn thtr piflg.
ANI'.AT furnished room for rent , with nil
modern conveniences ! also a few day
bimiders wanted. Inferences. 1721 Dodco st.
M isii-io *
" 1711UST class bo.ird nnd room for gcntlomiin :
Jhomo comforts. liiKI DoiUo st. M.121-l.i *
N"lOIII.Y fund-died rooms , fr ! t Chun tnlilc
bourdi terms ruasonublu. 9)0 ) N. IRtli t.
O newly furnished rooms , with boanl. 1707
Dodge. ar.TO-ll *
rpo man and wife , a lurito south front alcove
J loonuwllh bath ; lOmlnutes ride from post-
olllce ; with boiid : ; mustgno good references.
Address A 10 , lire. l
31 0SlSfor ( lioiisckenplnR to ninn and wlfn ;
nouhlldron ; rent tnUuii la board. U1U N. 17th
_ _ _ 'M
LA It wiulli front room with board , K14
FKUN'T niiiin , CHS , bath and furnaeo lieat :
board If duslrpd. 8. E. corncrlHh uvc. ami
Harvey. _ 111-14 *
FOH KENT Two or three deslniblo rooms
with board at "Tho Slcrrlam" lath nnd
ML'-ia *
and board io neck , I'-C't ' I'arnntii.
R OOMS nndlward at lira Dodge ,
6T8J25 *
For rate * , ( te. . fee top of first column nn IMa mge.
Foil KENT Ono store and 2 lints , CM ? o.
llith btroi-t , and several cottages eheap.
II J. Kendall. MM ltro > yn bldg. it.'l-l'-U
DESIC room for rent , with privateolllco. .
Uas and steam heat. Telephone ) 104.1 or
address 15 10 , lice. M2)3 IS
FOU KENT Vine light corner basement at
701 S. IClli sticut. OeorwCloiisor. JI-17 *
; iOU KENT Part of store , 703 S. 10th st.
j 10210 *
QTOKHS nt 700 S. Iflth , steam heat furnished.
D Thos. P. IIall , 11 I'q.itonblk. 718
THOU HENT Tlio 4-stot-y brick Imlldlnir.wlth
Jor without power.foiniurlv oceuplcd by the
lleo Publishing Co. , 010 I'nrnnni st. The buildIng -
Ing lull u lltcprnot cement < | usomontcomplete
steam heating fixtures , water on all the lloors ,
K.'IS , etc. Apply at the olllco of The Ilec. 1)15 )
I7IOU RENT lly January 1 , 4-story bulhlliiz.
-L1 : tSrilO sciuuro feet : suitable for any kind nf
wholesaling , nt Tenth and Jones sticcts. ( ! .
A. tiiniluucst , 'IIPSouth li'lfteeulh street. 710
OH HOT The third floor of No. 1307 How
ard street , with steam heat and power If
desired : rent ieasonable. I'estnor 1'rlntlni ;
Co. . 1307 Howaid , .Mill'-
lLrratrii-ftc.feftuiiof Jlnt column nn thti pajt
rnOH KENT orfUlo Kino , heavy brlek flvc-
J- ' story corner naroliotiso with most central
traekuKO In olty ; lloors are KS.MW square feet.
ttrltiRor & Tenny , liurkur block. 720
FOR KENT llrlek warehouse , two stories
high , basement , hydraulic elevator , track
age. Host locution In the city. A. U Powell.
Tor rale * , etc. , nee fpp of first mlnmn nn tMs I
TjlOIJSAIjIlchpap A two liorsu sleigh , also
-L largo pulleys and shafting , ! W1 L'ouglub.
SINOI.K bni'Sy harness , cheap. F. 1) ) . Lowe.
1013 N. 'd street. 2MM7 *
FO1J SAL1I'ulr of draft hor.sra. youtm and
sound. Also wagon and hnincss. Addiess
1115 , lleo. ! tOti-iy
"I7IOH SALE Very cheap , nn olcgant two-
J- seated Uusulan sleigh , nearly iiew. llol-
brook , room 4 , lieu bldf. 103
FOU SAIJ' Eli'irunt two-seatod slolt'h an
two single cutters , all new. Welby , la , Uoard
Trade. 170
WOHK horse K10 , two-horso wneon } M. dou
ble work harness 115. Or will trade for a
peed Hunt side-bar bupgy. H. 11. Cole , Con
tinental block. 700
T71OK SAI.K 2 jipod work teams. Inquire at
J-1 018 I'n.tton block. COO
Fbrrfltt * . ttc. . rectnp nf first column on
FOK SALE 1i < 00,000 feet of hardwood lum-
ber , consisting of red o.ik , butternut , basswood -
wood and ash. Address Uulllvan & Co. , lima.
WIs. U03.10 *
TilOIl SALE A pair nf whlto ferrets , good
X' workers. Address II 1 , Ueo S41-1I *
F OK SALE Complete hot of drug store Ih-
tu res , show cases , etc. P. O. llox . ' 172. blO
IilOKSALE cheap A 10 norse power Now
Yoik snfety steam englno In llrst class
condition , re.stner Printing Co.'M \ Howard
FcrrafM , rtf , , ve ! 'ii | "t Jlitt nuimi'i mi f/ito rT | .
LOST llluck horse , branded F. I ) , on hind
leg ; reward If tuturned to J2a5 S. aith t-t.
LOST Sealskin miilf near Pitxtnn blook or
Falconer's. Flndur Isavo at till Pnxton blk
_ SKI u *
LOST-A led heifer , hud metal tag la left
ear marked No. Onn onnsldo and U. Us-
kamp , Omalm , Neb. , onotherslde. A reward
If returned to No. SilH Webster st. 'M
For tti ( ' * , fir. , ttt ( | > of tint o.Miiiri nn t/it pij
ANThV-A ) fresh milk cow. Call or nd-
dieus J. L. llnmilels , 13th and Howard.
lli"7ANTKII At oncoj nipichnnillooi nil
f ? kinds ; siHJt cnsh : must know nt once.
I. T. Nuwell A. Co. . 1419 DoilKlits. Oninhu. 231
A 1'AHTYwlblilnK to gn Into trade In u wcst-
-ciiirn town will pnrehiisoanestnlillnliod busi
ness for part cash and part clear lands. Ad
dress confidentially , A til Ilec. 172 13'
" ' " "T' " ' : ; " . hnufcchold
Boodseto. Highest
ciihh price. Wells. 1111 l"ariiain. 730
j.I OltSKS wanted at KEI1 N 10th st.
for ratu , rtc , trctiii | uf Jirst column < m 11(1MQ / ( (
WANTKD Kor uUoptlon a healthv three
weoku' old baby. Aililruw 11 10 , lleo otllee.
M : tl5-l
f orrntrt , etp. , tee t ipo' int roliirn'i an elii
TTOItSAI ! < K-fypowrltor"fliiii
aforc.isb. . Hi * , llc-e. 3015
CAliIj or write for uatuln nes nnd Invcstl-
k-atotbo tnorltsof tlioHmltb Premier typewriter -
writer , Manifestly uuporlor features. iia -
portunt ' cliiiiitfi-s ' mudo. T.vpo-writers sold :
xehaiiKod or rented. lOOO j I uruum bt. , K 115
May how , munuxcr , a7 ,
Ferratet , etc. , uetopof fnt tvtiunn on Uili pee *
"OKST line hair Roods In weyt ! hulr dri'salnj ,
. ' \Yltfn , HWltohos , biiuifs , bnlr clmlns , ctcn u
Hueolulty. Dnvlc * . hulr uixxla and milliner ,
opposite poatutHce , til 8 lilb ttrevt , Omaha.
. tic. , t'f tnp of flnt column nn tfitt
K Morneo nt lowest rates.V. . M.
JL llushniiin , Kill I.eavonworth. TK
TOKAOn ami "trackage. iTnvLTcolc. 81S-SI7
llu ward _ street. 7ZI _
S TOHAOK The beit Incity ,
und privately Htorril at reasonable ternu.
Omnhastovo HcpalrVksI2o Douglas. Tel njo.
ttrrntr * , ttf. . rtt topnf flrtl column nn Hit * ) ( / .
LIST your houses te sell or rent with C. K.
Harrison. 01J N. V , Life. 701
T.I' E. COLE , rental iiBcncy.Contliientnl bl k ,
ENN1NGHAVEN& CO. , rental nceiits. ! M7
Omaha Nntlonul bank , M.'U4-.UI ( *
t'ur tatfttle. ,
"IJ OIl SAI < K Two ( list-class huntlni : stoves.
-I ? llifjlllic 17071) < ) dKC. MKll-16 *
OKCOM ) linnd furniture , Hti\i" < , cnn'et' ' nut !
OsinKorsfwIiiK iniii'hlno lit hulf pilcot t-nsy
jmymonls. lluwkoyo Inv. Co. . 'M DouBlus lilk.
f 01 WfM. r If. , rte tup nf flnl cnliliiut on thU jxiQt
KN'n ill cents iioitnuo for a beautiful art
iMiliMidnr , iI'rnnK Wuhb , box ret1. Lincoln.
Ni'h. , stnlo niit'iit Mute Mutual I.lfeVorces -
ti-r. Mns iicliusottt , Cloodi iictlvoiiKonH and
L'oricsponiU'iilsllnilloH mill ucntlcini'iK winitci )
ovcryw hero In iNobruslta. bplviidld eontrnctx.
Write. iMI-li ) '
M ASSAOE Mudani Delzlor , ovortllO
MA9SAOB treatment , electro-thermal baths ,
scalp nnd hair treatment , nianli-ure and
chiropodist. Mrs. Po t.UIUii b IMli\Vltlinull blK
2 ci idles , tic , , itc fop of flrfl column on c/il / <
. . . . for M.OOO ut once.
Ueorgo J. Paul , 1C09 Fnrnam. SIS-l'l
IN aniohnts of $1,000 to J.s.000. Also short tlmo
loans , small amounts. Cash on band. II.
15. licy , iwils'ovr York Ufe. i2Ti-IU
MONKYon first and second mortsiiKCH at
CVifo" ' , , Derccnt. iireiiiliini Included. Ad
dress ut once , 0. 1J. Nelson , GOO S. 10th street.
M 170-1C *
OHATTIH. lonns at lowest rati-s. Hemoved
tnfUl N. V. Life bldg. J. II. KniinliiKcr. TUJ
KnYSTONE Morleucn Co. Ixians of $10 to
11.000s pet our rates before borrowing and
save money ; loans on horses , furniture ornny
approved security without publicity , notes
bought ; for new IoaiisIrenewnl ; of old andllow-
nt rates , call U 20d bhooly blk,13th & Howard.ji
ji :
WANTHD-Apnllcntlon for $4 000 at once.
( leorRO J. Paul , IfXjH 1'ariiaiu. 248-13
"ONKY to lo.m on second mortijasc. W. S ,
-Wynn , room U'M Omaha Xat Ilk , bl'dff ,
/"IIIAT'JT.I , , bank , ill SJ IJtb st. . loans money
v/on chattels or collateral at reahouablerates
ANTKH Application for M.i 000 at once.
OeorKo J. 1'aul ' , 100 ! ) rarnam. glH-13
FIKST k second inortRaRcs on vacant ft Ini-
liroveil city nrop. ( Jounty warrants bought.
Money on hand , F. JI. KIclmrdM > n,818N.Y.Ufe.
_ T.V'i
"il roNHV lo loan on city nnd farm properly
ItLW. M. Harris , It'-U Krenzer bile , , opp. 1' . O.
7:17 :
BUILDING loans , 6 to 7 per cent ; no addi
tional charges for commission or attorney's
fees.V. . II. aicllclc. 1'irst National bunk blilB.
RKALKstato Loans Cash on hand. Olobo
Loan & Trust Co. , 307 S 10th st. No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rent , good list.
WANTHD-Apullrntlon for $4,000 nt once.
OcorRO J. 1'nui , IMfl riirnam. L'4S-ia
0 E. & 0. M. Anthony. 1118 N. V. Ufo build
, ing , lend money on farms In choice comi
ties In Nebraska and Iowa , also on good
Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; best
terms ; no delay ; money ready. Titles nnd
values passed on beni. 743
MONEY-to loan by II. F. Masters on chattel
and collateral securities for any time from
1 to G months. In any amount to suit bor
row or.
Loans made on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse
lecelpts. etc. , at the lowest posslnlo rates ,
without publicity or removal of property.
My loans are so arranged that you can make
a paymentof any amount at any time and re
duce both principal and Interest.
If you owe n balance on your property or
have a loan you wish changed , 1 will pay II oil
and carry II for you. 1 f you find It more con-
tonlcnt , cull up telephone No. MW1 and your
business vlll hunrranccd at home.
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates.
B.F. Masters ,
Koom 4 , Wltlinoll blk. 15th and Harney sts.
" \\TANTKD Application for J4.0CO at once !
> GcorjtoJ. Paul. IGOiU'i arnum. I'lS-lil
MONEY to loan on Improved city pioporly
at em rent rates ; funds on linnil ; no delay ,
Goo. 1" . Illust A Co. , ao Kamgo bldg. ilVJ-J
MONEY 0 , fOorOJdnys , on housuholrt fur
niture , etc. 018Paxton block , J. J. Wilkin
son. MC70-K1
, ttc tee to of/Unit en icnn onf/ifa /
T > KINTINO Olllco For bale , a paying nows-
Jpnpor tn u thriving town In central Nebras
ka. Good opening for n practical printer ;
JsOO. pirt cash and balance on easy terms. A
splendid chance for the right mini. Address
1111. llee. 307-14'
FOH SAIjE llakory doing good business.
Address 1113. Hoe. JKJ1 19 *
AOENTRALMT located drug store doing n
good business will sell cheap If taken
at once. Address 110. Hoe olllco. M2U ! 17 *
ITIOUSAIiK or Exchange-Clean stock of dry
-L goods , clothing , boots , shoes , huts , caps , la-
dUV and gents' furnishing goods. Address
Frankfort. Ind. 27U Fll
V\r ANTKD To purchase nn Interest In some
TT good wholesale business. Address A 71.
lice. 22S-17 *
STOOIC Tor sain ; store for rent. Inquire or
address 310 N.lGth , 233-il :
WANTED A good , sober and Industrious
partner wltn * 2.fOD to engage In n manu
facturing enterprise : 40 to Ml par cent on In-
vestment. Address A 07 , euro Omaha Hoe.
19S-16 *
WANTED A man of small capital to en-
K'l'io ' In good paying olllco business In
Nebraska or Io-i. ; Call on Cook & Acres.hotol
Casey. 11)3 ) u *
rpHEonly exclusive millinery house In ono
X of the most thriving cities of 0.001) In the
state , of Nebraska. Terms reosonablc , big dis
count will be given ; possession ut once , as am
compelled to KO houtli on account of my
health , Address A as. Hee. la 13 *
FOH KENT Only hotel In ngoodlown ; a
good opening for a good hotel man. For
particulars address llox 1. llurr , Nub , 049 F3 *
FOU SALE Half Interest In a well estab
lished business In this city ; will rcqulro
tl.UKip cash. Addro-s YC4 , Iloo ollloo. M50S J'JO
irOU SALE Or trade. . A large II vory.board-
* Ing and feed stable , with food sloro con
nected. ( lood location and doing n line busi
ness. Call at once on Miiimuigli & ritehctt ,
leal estate agents , H. w. cor , 15th and Howard.
FOH SALE or Trade Largo livery nnd feed
stable , feed store attached , Tins ( swell
located on paved utreet and doliu a good
business. JIuinaugli & Fltcbett , real estate
niiPiits , cor , 151 h nnil Howard at. COI
"TTIOItdALnoroxuhangti for stock of general
-L' acres of land l'i ' ! miles
from Ureeley Center , thn county seat of
Orceley county , IO acres In cultlv.Ltliih , a
wells , wind mill , housu undstablo ; blauk loam
soil iipuily level ; every foot of this track
lit for cultivation ; lncumboranol,3.V ) ; rented
foi * net I year AM | > iw ueres unhuprtircd land
6mlli > H from fircoloy ConUir mid 'IV indos
from first track adjoining Aokmlo pustotllro ;
black loam soil , will glvo olojt tltloofthls
tract , or will OYChanco for Omnh > or Counell
lllulls property. Address L ) . J. F. .Lock box
ItS , ( Jreoley Center. Neb , oGSjlO *
UOJ'HL For Sale Do you want got Into aLT
rood business ? If veil do , buy thu Coimner
clul nt llrokcn How. N'el ) . 2 > ij
AN c.stnblUhed business for sale or trade.
llox & 1S. city. m )
For tatri > , tttMflnitntfr ltolumnon fftl * ! < ! ( / .
ASSAaK-Madain Doliler. OVIT COI S 13th.
035IJ *
MASSAORbnth ut Miidumi ) flmlth's parlors.
WS. 13th 8Unuxtll rkor hotel. '
'ITMNESTulectrla und electro tharuial bath
-L rooms. Including Turkish cabinet baths. i
Udlcs.h to 1 dully fc Tuusdar .t Krldny ov'nss
Oto 10. Dr.ItlL-lniriU , room > 31U & 320.1luo bldit.
t'ormtn. tie. , te top < iF"trttolninnnn thu nvn
TmiNJiSTrrentalblook In Oirairn
± ' to exchnnuo
for clour IntuN. Wo will
lve von nn
excellent truile. Our houses
are all rented ,
and are paying good rental
Address , it 14 , lice. SOO IS
HEAT market for sale cheap. Kninilrn P21
South lUth street. M 310-to *
fOlioail marcs anil ono Imported Percheron
J Normnn stallion to exchange for I on'a land
nr good Inside Omnhii properly. Itoom U ,
lloanl of Trade biilldlng.
"VXT'ANTED ' To exchange some clear Omaha
. . property , . for stock of furniture or cloth-
_ . ,
IllR ' Add rc3 Ii 8 , llrwt . Jia 8-l5 *
BXCMANIIK InipniToa " 'lly properly
J. ' for furins In Niorn < kii or lovrn , notl < v > fur
from Uinulni. Aililu-ns l 7 lieu olllm'JSil II'
\\7ASTK1) To oxchniiRo soinu clour Omnlia
i ' prnpcrty mid on h for IniproYt'd business
property on l > otiKlu , rtirnuni or .
stri'iiti ! cull soon. iA. . Spcncor , room 7.
Ohiuubor of . '
Cotiiiiiprco. _ L'47-ia
TIIO THADn New pnnol box dollvury wnunn.
X Hooin I1 ! , Ohiuiilior of Coinmorco. M 178
A NI'MIlKIl of itockrntiehestoexchninrofor
inurchnnilMf.GIS I'nxton blk.Uatnuron A ; Co.
TMJar *
Fur rater , tie. , ree tup of fit si tulumn on f/ito /
G UEATKST IlaVgaln In Omalia-firixJlO feet
_ . on Twentieth nnd Howard streets with a
5-tooMi cot tege anil n 0-room house at a great
sacrlllce. Owner will leave the city In 10 days
nnd property must bo soul within that time ;
f 1,100 will buv It If taken utonre. The grounu
nlouo Is worth ? -\W per foot. The coming vear
Is to bo the best jenr we have hud In Omaha
for four years and property Is sure to advance
within the next ! H ) dujs. Impro\o tliuonpor-
tunlty before It Is too late. JIliiO-lG
SO acres clear land In Warren county , lown.
H ) acres clear Innd In . ' ehuyler county. JIo.
100 acres clear land In Uock countv. Neb , ,
two miles from county seat.
ICO acre highly Improved farm In Webster
county. Nob.
Will exchange any of the above for stock of
merchandise or good Improxed farm Insouth-
wiMtern lowu , or Insldu Omaha property.
SI2sU-15 Koom l.'l , Hoard of Trade bldg.
SI'KCIAh llursaln-LurKO lot , C.'I.\IC. " > ft. . 4
blocks from Lone iiM1. and Ciimlng si. , lays
splendid ; choiip for cash , or will trade for
farm. Address K. O. Merrill , 42nd and Cuss sis.
> -room house anil f uU corner lot , very cheap
for cash , or will trade for clear farm or Oma
ha lots. Address the owner at 4''nd und Cass
sts. , E. 0. Merrill , Is7
rpHE best corner on upper Knrnani street ,
J- frontage on three streets ; splendid corner
on Km mi in street , close to court house , a bar
gain ; corner with trackage in H. R part of
city ; good residences and low-priced cottages ,
good lots for building , homo as low as 1100 , In
side acres , farms and unimproved land ,
Wo will sell any of this property of which wo
have entire control , at pi lees way below what
you can buy at elsewhere.
Htrlniior & Penny , llarkcr block , 15th and
Karnain. 747
1 21) ) acres line fnrm land adjoining good
-Lbraska tonn ; nearly clear.
ICO acres ilnolv Improved Innd 2H miles from
county seat In Nebraska ; lightly cncinnl oreil.
U1) acre.s good laud la Nebraska , ! ) miles from
county seat ; 2,301) ) Inhabitants.
House and lot In town In Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In good Nobr.iska town.
4 room house and lot. barn , well and cistern.
Iflth Bticot , Omaha ; sllKlitly encumbered ; will
trade for Omaha propeity and iihsumo encum-
br.mces. U. R. Cole. Conllncntal block. ICO
TTOR SALE A largo list of choice residence
JL' and business property. Houbes and lots on
monthly payments ; (1 , ! 0 and upwards ;
vacant lots foOO nnd up. OeorgoJ. Paul , WO
Farnam. . 'gg
K OUNTXK Place 1 have sold fc'oO.OOO worth
of this property. When you see ono of my
adds you can bet Itt \ a bargain. 1 have no
money to throw away on luhcrtlslng. Hero Is
a bargain L will guarantee the purchaser J.100
nut In six months ; U-mom house on paved
street. KiOU ! ; * . " > 00 cash , balance easy.
AlsoII Uno dwellings , same ndd , from t.r , f > ( XJ
to J'S.WJO , $500 cash , bnldnce S.'i5 per month.
Would take some clear property In exchange.
Alsu U-room house , full lot , Ilniiscom 1'laee ,
toexelian-jo for Kmmtro Place property. .
J , .1. ( Jlbson. solo agent Kountzo Place , Koom
3. Crolchton block. \ TO
AUGH i Wosterfleldrcnl , cstato.S.Omalm.
n f
"lYIOtt SALE My residence , 3B20 Itanium
A. street. Choicest locution and best house
In Oiuiihu for the money. Hot water and
every convenience possible. Uarn , connected
with MJ or , water and gas. D. V. Bholes. 211
1st Nat. bank. M7S1
5 : -UOOM house , lot 3.1x82 , SI.700 ; also fi-room
house , Iot345ix8i , s. e. cor. llth and Vlnton
Ht. , 12,000 , llrlclc house nnd American house ,
lot GTixI'iii , n. o. cor. 10th and Douglas , 140,000.
Mrs. ICuhlniunn , 2121 S. llth. 428
ELEGANT residence In Kountzo Place ; U
rooms finely finished and all modern con-
venlenees , Wlrt st. m-urSOtn. Can .soil on one-
quarter ensh payment and balaneo time to
right party. Thls'ls noclieiipalTalrof a house ,
but a comfortable homo In every sense and
n big snap barzaln , F , K. Darling , llnrkor
block. M749
CIIAltLES Kaufman .t ton , real estate
and loans. Uholco vacant and Improved
residence and business property for sale In all
parts of the city and fouth Omaha on easy
terms. List your pi uperty with us. Loans at
lowest rates. Olllco ltt ! Douglas st. Tel. 500.
4R1 J20
'T-ltOOM cottage , full lot.llanscom Piuco.oust
' front , and a great bargain for u few iluys.
Small cash payment and balance on long time.
V. K. Purling. Marker Dloek. 749
1OGKST barenln In Omaha. Only three of
those eleKant houses on 44th and t'lirnani
leftnutof six ; other three occupied by llrst
class parties. Homes are open all day lor In
spection. Every convenience lu the houses ,
Including gas and gns fixtures.
Tnke u lee lent them during this flnu weather :
buy one and take llfu comfortable during the
Only takes from IT01 to $ .VXcash. ) See them
without fall for they will plcuso you , It. V.
SholcH. 213 Klrst Nut'l bank. 1H
tfrratr * , etc , , eeetnpi'f Jtnt column un ( Abptji.
MKS. STEVriU Is-glvhu bes-t success of any
fortune teller In thu city , Shu docs not
dual In any fraud. Her terms are the lowest.
400 N. Kith st , 3d floor. 282-13 *
MUS. Nnnnln V. Warien. clairvoyant trance ,
speaking , writing nnd reliable business
medium , fouryeurn In Omaha , lit ) N. IClli.fXJ
MMK. lliirrough I'almlst tells the past , pres
ent nnd future from thu lines ot the hand.
In tliuold Gypsy way. Too. tl ; ladles only.
1H1 ? Iran ) street , Omuhii. ( M III *
AHltlVED-Olnlrvoynnr. naturally Rifted ,
tells past and future , love troubles , ab
sent friends , dmnnes travel , business , Sntis-
fHctlon given. Mrs Wallace , 1318 Knrnnm st.
M 1.VMS'
tcetoiiof nulutilamii out/id ) > jj.
-L Da vis , t Co. , upright pluuo In first-clani
condition. Inquire ut 11)10 ) Douglas st. 1XX1
> KKOlin buying a pllino exatnlno the new
'buule Klmball piano-'AHospo,1511 Uouglns ,
G KO. F. Gellcnbeck , tcaohor of the bnnlo
lth llosue , 1MII Douglas. L'W
1 -
Fnrtnte.i. ttc , . tre ( nn f frit roliimn nil ( 'if paa *
JHItSKY cows Fresh young cow , choice ,
ImmlJOiMO. thoroiigly broken.
Also gi xl milker , will bo fresh next spring ,
cheap. F , 11. I.owo. IfllSJi. ISdstreoU wo-17 *
tnrtvtr * , ttf. , ftetopor ffft rtiiunui mi
T7 NOAOKMENTritodtillresstunkliiz In faml-
-l llcs bolloltod. MUs'Murdy ' , IM1U Hurney st.
2SI-JI4 *
ic r < il , etc. , see to ) > of Jliit column irti thtf jinye.
"I'JATKNT lawyers and Hollcllors. 0. W. Hues
1. , VC'o.llee liiillilliik'.Onnilia. llruiicliollk'o at
Washington , I ) . C. I'onMiltatIon free.
, ttf. , fee fop uf flat column nn ( h/i / p it
FHKt ) Jlohlo loans money on diamonds nnd
nutchci.jowelryttcs.e.cor.Farnam ! & till
Vhriott , itc. , tee top of Jlwt rulumimn thU
TpIHS-OLASS table board. U578 Ilarnoy.
For rater , ttc. stt to of flnt column on thu
LADlRSandgontloDiencan rent masquer
udo suits ut ST. .N. lUth at. tTJJ.-s
ttf , fte M n'r t fnlu'ii'i on
It , Lcrmn , room II , Hiiihinan block.
cor. inth nnd Douglnn .sts , cures nil ( ho slok
by mesmeric power. Sure cure or no pay.
rN3TUUMENT3 plaaaaoa record January 13.
H A lleuonn to Snmuot Mortrnson , lot 0 ,
blk IR ) , 11 en so n . * ( IK )
Jacob Durst and wlfo to ( Iroi-ge M Olb-
bens und 2-Ti lot' ' blk if Omaha.
, 3. . . . . 2,000
Jiuiics Don.illy , Jr. and vli'o to Ueorgo
Hammond , u Jl'i ft lot ' . ' , blk H , Ko.ster'
add . 1
Sarah J and S F Illgglns to N II Ajiple.
lotMilKK , I'lalnvlow add . 3,50fl
0 W Ixigan nnd lf to KOHume lot
14. blkft. rllfton Hill . BOO
1'rodcrlck Mums nnd nlfo to Otto \\'i\a-
nor. lots 1 and 2 , and o H lot a In''d add
to IledMrd 1'lnee . 1
Max Mcyc-ret nl to Jl O Utiliol , lots SI
and 21 , bl K' ' , Manhnttnn Kfl
\ \ ' l.S'clby. trustee , to JohnTiinberg , lot
I , blk 2.V \ I , Selby's 1st add to South -
Omaha . 400
A I * Tukey nt nl to F V Troll , lot 10 , blk
II ) . I'llfton ' Hill . 5,150
I'nloii stockyards eeninny to Michael
t'udahy , ll.l.'i acres and 2.01 ! ) acres In
R \'t \ sw 4-14-13 . 1
Union Stockyards eompaiiv to , Io < of
Holub , lot 13 , blk 13 , 1st udd to South
Omaha . 3T < 0
Hoynl Wilson to A. I' . Tnkey ct til , CO
acres In ta.x lot 4 , lu ai-is-in . l
Mlehael Oudaliy and wlfo to Union
dockyards company. und..rll ( of 8.0)7 )
aero * and 2.S07 acres In a 'S ' sw 4-14-13. . 1
13 A Ondahy and wlfo to Utlon stock
yards aonipnny , und ? of 8.047 norcs
and 2.807 acres In s ' { sw 4-14-13 . 1
State nf Nebraska to Adam Stongloln , w
Y , nwl-15-10 ( . COO
Total J 10.I.W
J. illuii Service , 1'lno Uldge Agency , South
Dakota , DecembcrSnth , Ih'.O : Sealed proposals ,
endorsed "Proposal" for Field Seeds. " nnd ad
dressed to the undersigned at 1'lno Itldtc
Agency. Shannon Co , South Dakota , will bo
received nt this agency until one o'clock of
January 'M. Ml , for furnishing for this
agency und delivering the same at Kushvlllu ,
Nebraska , about WH ) bushels of seeil wheat ,
COO bushels of seed pot.itOf.s,4U ) hii'iliclsof Hi-oil
outs nnd IKi bushels of seed corn , lllddois
iniiststato the proposed price of each article
toboofTored for unllvery under u contract.
Certified ChocKs.
Each bid must bo accompanied by n cert ( fled
cheek ut- ill aft upon some L'nlled States depos
itory , made payable to theordorof the utiiler-
slgned , foriit least five portenlof the amount
of the proposal , which check or draft will ho
foi felted to the United States In case any bid
der or bidders receiving nn award shall fall to
piomptly execute a contract with good and
Niilnolont sureties , otherwise to bo returned to
the bidder , D. F. UOVIHC , U. S. Indian Agent.
J. dlnn service. Hosubud Agency , South Da
kota. January 12 , 1MI. ) Sealed pripo-tals en
dorsed "I'ropn iiis for Field Seeds. ' and ad
dressed to the undoislgned nt Koselnid
Agency , bouth D.ikotii , will bo received until
1 o'clock of February MM1I. for furnishing and
delivering the same at Valentino. Nrbrnka :
8CO bushels of M-eil oats , 1,000 bushels of seed
potatots and 1,000 bu.shuls of seed corn. Ilid-
lers must state the proposed price of each ar
ticle to bo offered for delivery under a con
tract. C'K11TIK1KI > CIIKCKS. Klicll bill
must bo accompanied bv a cortl-
llcd check or draft uiion some United States
Depository , made payable to thn order of the
undersigned , for nt least 1'IVK per cunt of
the amount of the proposal , which check or
draft will bo forfeited to the United States In
case any bidder or bidders locetvlng nn
lUurcI 3 > nll fall to promptly execute a con
tract with good siut ! Hiilllcleiit surltU's. other
wise to bo returned to the bidder. J. GHOUli ! ' ,
WKIGI1T U. S. Indian
, Agent. J-lU-d-Sl-tm
Lenroi CUIOAOO. HUKMNOTON A Q. j Arrive !
Omnhn. Depot Mn. on atrot'ts. | Om.ha.
ISO p ni Clilcnga KrproJl SCO a m
9J a in i Cblcnuo Rxpren C.20 p m
S.10 p mi Clilcaeo Kxpren lUOi n ai
.Mp nii-jL-jjiu-fj"1SW" l ocal. . I21W
- - - " " < _ _ „ . m
Oujnlm I Dcnoi loth und.Minon utruoti. i Oiniiha.
10.25 n m Denier 11.17 Kipross
10:6 n 111 JH'nvor Kiprcn
7.10 p in Denvur N'lgUt < xpre
5.00pm Lincoln Limited
8.15i m . . . . .Lincoln Local
Lenv.ui | K. C. , S'lTJ. A C. H.
Dapot IQUi unit Miuon atroeti.
"SCO nm . . . .KaniatCltjr Day Eiprai I 8.10 p m
9(5 ( p in 1C C' . Night tCxp. via U. 1 > . Tram ! C 4jkj m
i Arrlroi
Papot IQtli nnil Mnrcy alruoti I Omali.v
! M p ml OTurlnml Kljror UO. ' ) p m
7.30 p ml i ' 1'aclflo Uipru 11.15 n m
in IHnvur Kxpren. . . , 3 W p m
507 tt raj . . .j KnuBWCHr Kipmj. . 12 05 n m
"Lcavei" | cTiI7Aia ( It l. lTACIf-'To. . j TrrtvoT
Uoinhn. | U. P. depot , Iglli nnd Marey Hti. I Omaha.
6.10 p mi r..7TNlKn tlSTpr iri il0.05 a m
Dili n raj Atlantic Express G40 p m
4.3U p mj Voitlbnle Lltnltpii , JL ! . . , .J IO 15 n m
I Arrira
Omnlm | U. 1 * . diipot. lUth nnrt Mnroy 8U. | Oroaln
7.16 iTral . BlooT CUT I'Mionner. . . . I
4.30 D ml . . . .HI. Paul Kipren 110.10 n a
" * vei i SlOu" < CI'i A I'AOfl 1C ! TXrTivoi"
Oinuha. J Depot 15th nnd Wcbitor till. I Umnhn
CUD p m . . . .Ht. I'nul l.lmlteil. . .
j.onvot ] L'llllJAni .NORI'llWKMThll.1 ! I Arrival
Onmha. | U. I * , depot , IQtli and Murcr 8ti. | Om lii > ,
9.1i n ui Chicago Einrou. 8'JU p m
430 p ra Voitlbulo I.lmltaJ 8W a m
6.15 p m Iowa Accommodation ( Kxc. Sun ) 703 p m
V.10 p ra Eaitarn Flyer 24) p m
11.15 n m ( exeSunlKnnt Hunt Kx.Bxc.Mon ( ) 7.10 a m
l/earm | iiiiuAUi ; , MIu , A SI' . I'AUu | Arrwo
Omnlift. I IT. I' , dppot. 10th nnil Murcr Sti. I OmMia.
t,10 p ml ClilciiKO Kxprost I 341 a m
11..U u ml Chicago Kiuren. . . I 6. 0 D m
L * roi | OMAlI.t * 'Sl' . UJllia , I'ArrTvei
OnmtiK. | O. P. depot , 10th iinrl MnrcrSti. I Omaha.
lu y UH , , . , , u louU , Canimn Hall. . . 1
t. , K. * MO. VAl.l/iSV. I Arrliroi
Onmha. | Depot ISlli nnJ Wubnar riti. I Oinilii.
90U a m lllack Illlli Bxprum 6.3U p m
SOO a in . . .Haittniti Kip. ( Kz. Sundnyl. . . 6SO p m
610 p m \Vnlioo\l.lncoln I'M ( Kr.Hiinil' ; ) 1IA > a m
110 p nr NorfolMKi. Snnilnrl
Lcarui I O..H1.1' . , M AO Arftr
Omalm. I UopQt I5tli iinjl Wwhitar . jHi. . _ Ornah
B.TTa m . .Hloiiz CllAcciiiumndallon. . 905 p m
1.00 p ra . .blouz Ctt ; xprei > ( Er. Sun. ) . . li. < 0 p m
S/IO p in HUl'nul Llmlloit 9 25 a m
SIS D m llnncoft I'aouiiifer ( Kt ,
Missoirar loromr :
COmaha. Depot litli nnil Watntor St
lOlfl il . .St. Ixiult A K. a Kjpron" . . . .
JUS il .Hl Louli A K. C. Kzpre i..J l 0j ± 5
Lvarei i OltlUAUU , 'IT. I A"I'AOliiU. | Arrfror
Trnniferl Union liepot. Oniinun Hliigi ITronsfor
6(6 p m
1030 a m
Trainifarl"Union"lrpot , ( joiincll llhilti. I'rnnMet
Chlcnun Krproii. . . 6IW p m
> . ( JO p m M'mlteil I pan B m
JO.OO p a , Ea tern Klrer SOD p m
1.30 p in Atlnntlo Mnll 7.10 ra
jO.p jn nJS2i < " 't'11"1 ' ( Kiq.PmOl fi.iO p in
_ _ . . .in. . A sir Uui A
Trnnifor Union lieooU Council lIHiffUui ' iTi 'runs ' fur
( ISO p ni rhtciwo"Krpra . I Ulinni
10d ! " ml . .KaniRj Cllj bar Kipreji . . ' 5.4J p m
10J5 p ml.j.Jyinyvi City NIxlU Kipj-oo A f.W _ m
Tr iiB ° Br ! _ Union IXpot. rouncll Illugi n'rainf r
6jfl"l > inT "JSt. Uiuli ' ininJiauT . . . US.IJ p ta
"r w . IClllC"ATfO. lIUHL'Jf "A TjlirKbtrArriToT
Tramfefl Union Depot , Council UliirN , 'Trunifer '
840 a m , . .Chlcnuo Krpresi. . . . . . p m
10U ) p m Chlcnxo Bipreii Vina ni
T,05 _ pjn . . .Ortnlon local 'II.M ' n m
Union Depot , Council Hlutfi. I'lTanifor
T.I4 a nn 8lour CUT Aocommodntlon. . . | H.KI nm
OOi p m flt. Paul Kipr llO.UOti m
"Oamlllo'1 WAS the Dill last ovonlnc at the
DoyU , thedrnmn bclntf Rlvcti to a much larger
nudloneo than on thoopotilti nlk'ht of Miss
Clarn Morris' engagement.
It 1 $ really surprlstni ? the hold "Camilla"
has upon the thoiitor-L'olng public , niul
nic- from last night's nudloiico Its puimlitrlty
Is diwtlnoil to cuntlnuo for tnatiy years to
But wliv docs tlio publli ) wish to sco Ml s
Morris ) That Is nn Intereslltic ; qtiestUni , and
an niiproprlntu reply would liullcntu Hint suf
fering und sorrow ndoiil a di'll ht to the
imtrons of the ilratiu. Some pcoplu KO to
tlio theater to laugh. othiiM to cry , nnd those
who go to listen to Miss Morris iwuilitly go
to or ) ' . Whca the ncti-css plays Oamllle It
Is no c.xaKgonitlou to state that foui'-Iifthi of
the lulillonco always slieil tears , lot them bo
men or women. Till * Is In itself u tribute
which Ronliis ulono can oxnct.
At other pcrforiiinnci's you may notice some
weak-minded iniiti or woman using n hanker- '
chief , but it is a mm uxception. With the
Morns audiences tuurs are the rule , not the
l..ust night Miss Morris was nt her best ,
nnil slio rem led her ntullciu'o tliraugh the
trials nnd tribulation ? of "Ontnlllo" by the
consummate art ofblcli she alone , of all thu
lOnellsh spt\illtig actresses. Is nmttor.
Where an actress obtains such mtonso
realism and emotional power us Miss Morris
in fact where genius itself spcnks - It scorns
something llko audacity to criticise , Her
prommclntloti anil enunciation hnvo been
found inult with. Her givsttircs have been
nniilytically dissected. She has boon declared
to bo crude lu certain elements ot the dra
matic art. Hut you forpot every criticism
that 1ms been inailo In the iiretoncoof thu
woinnti who from obscurity has risen to the
front rank of the world's grtat nrtlstes ,
Thcro is not a self- and
more selfpossessed nat
ural actress now before tlio footlights , She
never loses her equipoise , nnd her attention
to detail is something mnvvclou ? . All those
in In ul In ; which elaborate ami torul tomuke
up u llnishod picture are ob'orvable.
It is for thuso reasons tbat , next to Horn-
Imrclt , slio is the strongest "Uanilllo" upon
the stage , either In this or any other country.
Mr. .1 M. Colvlllo agreeably disappointed
the luidionco by his very llnlshcd perform
ance of Armnnd , Jn Iho earlier scenes ho
gave Httlo promise of fullllling the exacting
requirements of the roll1 , but Ri-.uluiilly his
best tnilmiig was brought to upon the
part and carricJ the play to a close with
much credit to himself.
Mr. Howard Covenoy is nn exceedingly
capable actor , ono of the best scon in liuht
comedy parts on the local stage for several
Ho played Kaston last night and from the
beginning made a strong impression upon thu
Miss Mittens Willott made n charming
Olympe , which may nlso ho said of Miss
Abulono IJnrrison in the part of Nichetto.
Hero is n young woman with tnlent which ,
If wisely directed , will bring a fair measure
of fame to the pretty ingonuo.
Miidamo Prudence was in the nnnils or
Mrs. Grace Oaylor , ami it was played with
excellent tact and judgment.
Mr. Upson as IJtivnl , peer , Mr. ICclloy as
the Count ( In Vnrvillo , nnd Miss Lnng as
Nnnnino wore very tfood indeed.
With his thumb a boy is said to have saved
ho Netherlands from Inundation. Many
people have been saved from the invasion of
disease bv a bottle of Aycr's Sarsaparillu.
This mcdicino imparts tone to the system
nun strengthens every organ and llbro of th
Muslins and shootings at not cost. Fill-
Nebraska and lown. I'onslons.
WASHINOTO.V. Jan. W. ( Special Telcpram ;
to THE UIH. : ] 1'onsions wcro gr.mtoa today
to the following Nebraskntis : Original
William R. Wilcox , Arborvlllo ; Hiu-voy L.
Doxsco , Cnllaway ; Sylvester C. Wurriner ,
Lincoln , incrcuso Hlijiih J. Summers , Hub-
Iowa : Orisinaj Joseph B. Avnrncr , Cale
donia ; John U. Watt , Cedar Uapids ; Bordnn
T. Whipplo. Miles ; David H. Hudson , Kddv-
vlllo ; David H. Laslsell , Marshulltown ; Martin -
tin Cade , Council Blurts ; Henry \Vosterman ,
Cones ; Francis Hill , Edgowooil ; Charles
Dan forth , lioono ; David U. Thompson ,
Mulvcrn ; Leroy Waldo , Marshnlltown ;
David A. Garlock , Clear Lnko ; John Will
iamson , Diagonal ; Leonard Wolf , Uassnoy.
Increase Dacro U. Frcotnau , Circcno ; How-
nrd S. Sutton , Quasqueton ; James T. Hull ,
Peru ; Oliver Ferry , urroti ; Kdpar S. Loat ,
Miinson ; Charles C. Younff , Maquoketa ;
James McQuado , Fort Madison ; Amos M.
Uausorman , Alurengo ; James H , Chosloy ,
Lamonl ; Jamca H. Lnnu , Columbus Junc
tion ; James M. Swinnoy , Bclknap. Hcissuo
Ucnjamln J. Stcphonsoii ,
Forrhouniatlsin , ItimbnKo , ncuralcin. cramp
and cello there is no remedv supcriof to the
gonuiuo Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil.
Tickets nt lowest rates nndsti porlor
accommodations via the great Rock
Island route Tiokot olllco , 1002 Si *
tconth and Farnam streets Omaha.
Our annual linen sale still on. Fal
Con ncu t leu t's Legislature.
IlAHTFonn , Conn. , Jan , 13. In the sonnto
this afternoon a resolution was passed in
strutting the democratic candidates to coino
to the senate ntul bo Inaugurated. A com
initteo was then appointed to escort Gov
ernor Dulkley to tlio inauguration of his
successor. Ho told the committee ho shouli
not recognize tlio authority of ono branch o
tlio assembly to act In this nmttor nut
warned them that they did so nt their indi
vldunl peril. The dcinocmtie candidates
were sworn In and the senate adjourned.
Accidentally Mint Himself.
Missoi'iti VAM.EV , la , Jan. 13 , [ Spocia
Telegram to Tin : BiiE.l John LMx of Hivor
Sioux was instantly killed this morning 1
the accidental discharge of his guti. Tliinlc
n raid was being made on his chickens , he
crnspcil his gun and in his baste to reach the
thieves the gun became tangled in some
clothing , exploded and buried the contents li „
liis heart.
A Fire /Viarin.
WASIIIXOTOX , Jan. Ifl This evening
alarm from a box located In the white nous *
brought out tno entire fire department. Tin
alarm , It is thought , was sent in by a flro do
partmcnt wire becoming crossed by an olce
trio light wiro.
As A Rule
Your own feelings will tell
you , when you are in need
of a tonic or Blood purifier.
A lack of energy , a tired
feeling , depressed spirits are
good indications that the
blood is sluggish and your
system is out of order.
Itonk * on Illixxl nnd Skin ill"cane free ,
Tinsv'iiTsrrnnrrn. : , ATLANTA. < u.
.miry . , B iuAOury ot
ulr HI 115 } IS r * < tlnry t Jn Vd pcnn&netillx to fiO Any * .
cllintuitt * all polon
from the > y tniii , ta tint tlinra can inrer bo a return uf
tli itl < u > * In any form. I'artloi ran l , trolnl att
lioine u well fuller * , ( for tli * lama ( irlra And under
tlio taint | ruai > nteo , ) but wllli Ikoie who | > rf r to
corns here , wo will contract lo cure Ui m or mfunrt all
monijr and far cntlr * ip niu of comlnf , illul
/'iru jiiul lialel till * .
OUR MAGIC III Flr Ifevri" ( / yf faltnl ami tin ill
to eur t'ae mutt ob llu lo * . Wa rhalrnua tliu
orld fur a cut fu can not euro. Blnco tlio ) > UU > rjr nf
woo dneatruotpoHflofur Srt'hllli liai trn ( out-Ill
for blulnt Fr found until our tlairlo Itcmtd/ dl > -
corerrd. Xone olhrrc ii ln , Wilto for iffeitnrft.
CUOIC ltK3Iit > Y CO. , Oinahn , .Verrt. ( / .
10VTJI MtAKOT.i'H Ji : <
VcHtordny'H I'l-noi'iidlnc * III Ilotli tlio
Sonnto nnil lloimo ,
iitniiK , S , D. , .Inn. 13.Special [ Telegram
o TIIK Hr.K.1 In the senate today Klttrtilgo
it reduced ntvsolutlon authorizing tlio cleo-
ions committee to iiup.ilro into the Drown
"onnty contort cases , with power to send for
sons und papers so far 0.1 they refer to tliu
allillty of the scats of Ilia senators. ThU
i in nccordanco with the roiwt whlcli hoi
implied here that .hid o Campbell luw or
ered n rehearing In the contest cases In
Irown county , which may effect tlio scuts of
II the leinsliitlvo members froni that county
xcept one.
Hy Kylo-AbolUlilng the preparatory do-
lartmcnt of tlio stnto university nnd the
ppoliitment ef touchers only for colleglnto
ml sclonulllo coursiM.
Hy Crawford - Repealing the oflleo of pnl >
in examiner.
Hy Steward Abolishing the ofllco of com *
nlsstoiwr of immigration.
\\'iislmlmuih of Lawrence ntul Shcafo of
Jodlngton were nomlimtod for president , prrt
em. U'nslnibaugli was elected by vote of
I to 41.
The house mot nt 10 o'clock this morning
mil spent the whole day In consideration of
ho Drown county content case * , most of the
line boliiB consumed In rending the eighty
Ight page journal of yesterday , which con-
nlns all the testimony In tliu easej. Tlio
xwiblno nfter various 'futile attempts to
irlnir the question to n vote it wni made a
pcclnl order for 111 o'clock , ( Interest
s felt In the outcome of these cases , as 11
vlll hnvo no small Inlliicnco on the election
f senators. Tlio republicans , who nro in u
nlnorlty , nsk Unit the case bo do <
slileil upon Its merits anil 'for n full
icarlug. The combine has nttompteu to rusu
t through without duo conslitor.ition. Tliu
-olo will be very close nnd the chance * ur
nnro favorable to the republicans thnn they
\crponthevotofor speaker. The combiuo
ulinits that those uro their strongest cases ,
and if they lose them the control of the house
vlll bo in the bniuls of the republicans.
Illinois Iji'
St'iiisorini.i ) , ill. , Jan. 12In the sonnto
his morning Senator Shoots prascntcd u
olnl rosolutlon tu-oviilliiB for action by Did
looplo at the next cloutlon on the
luestlon of calling a constitutional
convention. KoforroJ to tlio JuJicN
iry commlttoo. Tlio following bills
voro Intt-oJuced : Kxtciulliif ; mechanic * '
tens to any permanent Improvements on real
estulo ; to protect persons giving promissory
lotcs for p.itmit rights nuil llghtniiiR rods :
0 release probate fees on estates of less thnn
' 1,1)00 ) and guardianships of loss than $ .VH1 } to
( impel all .school boohs and supplies to bu
'ni-iiihhcd ] > uplli > free of charge ; to give miir-
Icd wumou tno .samo i > owoi-i In dlvorco suits
that inarried muii have ; mailing olglit hour. *
1 legal day's work. Adjourned.
in the honsu today the following bills
among others weio introduced : To rcdttco
tlio maximum rate of Interest to (1 ( per coat ;
several to regulate stockyards charges ;
several providing for the' adoption of the
Australian ballot system ; nlso bills regu
lating express comp.iulus . , uuildlng uoclutics
.mil other corporations. A resolution was
introduced endorsing the free coinage of sil
ver nnil insttucting the Illinois senators to
veto for the bill on tbat subject now piMiding
In tlio UnUiHl Ktutcs senate. A member
caused laughter on the republican ldo by
objecting to its passage o'n tlio ground that
it was.i tli rust nt G rover Ctevclund. Jtwus
adopted nyuvoto of 77 yeas to.'i niiysT Uio"
republicans generally refraining from
voting and tlio farmers voting with the
democrats. The speaker announced Unit the
house had received petitions and depositions
in the contested election case of Htitzow vs
Hamilton. They were referred to the com
mittee ' on elections ,
1011,1 A airs.
Convention Aocl ; nt. Den MoincB.
Dis : MOIXKS , In. , .Tan. HI. [ Spociul Tele
gram to TUB Hin.l Thcro wcro n considera
ble number of state meetings in DCS Mollies
today. About one hundred und fifty Modern
Woodmen nru in attendance upon the state
convention of that order , wtilch moots , as in
othbr states , to select delegates lo the head
camp. L. P. Allen of Clinton is chutruiau ,
nnd August Smith of DCS Moiiics secretary.
iVftcr routine business and the appointment
of working committees Head Counsel
Northcot made iiu exhaustive address ,
on the benefits and stability of the order. In
the course ot his talk ho said the membership
is now increusliiR no the r.ito of sixty-five per
day and that the present membership is us
follows : Illinois. 2J,7S7 ; Iowa , 0'JOI ; Kan
sas , 5,872 ; Nebraska , o..HlS ' ; Wisconsin , (1,21)115 ( )
Michigan , 1KU ( ; Minnesota , 10-j ; South Da
kota , JI'Jl ' ; North D.ikotn , 7-1 , or n grand total
of-S,737. )
The board of directors of the stnto uirri-
cullurnl society begun their annual moutliig
yesterday and will continue all week olo'iing
up thu business of the year and ttioolu board ,
half of whose members will go out with this
i'ho secretaries of county fairs throughout
the state are holding n state convention , with
u large attendance , Papers uro presented
nnil questions discussed of interest to county
fair associations.
The association of farmers' institutes met
this morn Ing. It is composed of delegates
from ttio farmers' alliance , State Agricultural
society , State Dairymen's association ,
Draft Horse nnd Kindred associations. The
following olllcors wore elected today : K. O ,
Sherman , president , ; Juincs Wilson , vice
piesident ; George Van Hartcn , secretary ; J ,
U. Shaffer , treasurer. A resolution was
adopted demanding an endowment
from the legislature. The object of
the association is to further the
work In the state of oiyiinl/nUim
nnd holding farmers' institutes or conven
tions , habt year there were about flfly of
these nicotines , but because of luck of help
from the suite them will not bo t > o many held
this year.
The llfth annual meeting of Iho state Draft
HofhU association is also in scoMon and ia
w'll attended , President W. H. ( Jordon do-
llvered his annual address , and routine busi-
\vas trnusacteil , eloaniK this evening with a
number of papers und discussions on special
teilcs. |
A number of members of the Iowa nssocia-
tion for the protection of llsh aim game nro
In attendance at the annual mooting this
evening. May li ) , i ) nnd 21 next la Ilxod
upon for the next annual Htnto shoot in this
The second annual meeting of the Iowa
agents of the Northwestern mutual life lu
surimce company of Milwaukee ti being held
in tlio Savory club' rooms. Thurearo about
forty ago i its in this state , and thli conven
tion Is u combination of business and plons-
u re.
ll a II 7 u Icon lo.V
MAiifUiAi.i/rowN , la. , .Tan. 1 ! ! . | SpccIulTolo-
grum toTitK HKH. ] T. K. Hall , the alleged
patent right swindler over whom there has
been such u legal scramble hero , left for Mis
souri this evening , handcuffed and In
charge of Sheriff Moran of Nodawny county ,
with Constabln Worloy of Ilonklns and Will-
lam Denny , Hall's alleged victim of Mary-
villc , keeping him close company. Hairs at
torneys waived habeas corpus prorcoJmgs
last night after the prisoner had given thnin
a mortgage on property hero to souuro tlalr |
fees , and ho was accordingly turned over to
the Missouri sheriff on u requisition upon
Governor Holes.
Clinractl with Bribery.
Sioux Cm' , la. , Jan. ill. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin' HIK. | A sensation tins boon
cnuso < l by filing with the city council charges
of boodling against Inspectors of public con
tract work. The attorney of Hviiun & How
ard , dealers In sewer pipe , cnnrgoi Hint In-
8 ] > octor H. C. Johnson demanded a bribe of
of XX ) , which being refused , a large amount
of pipe was rejected. H U charge.d that con
tractors for paving nnd other publlu works
have to pay extravagant fous and "illvy"
with city olllcials. Inspector Johnson donleu
the charge against him and an Invintlgatlon
will be umilu.
For DlNpoHlni : of Morttfirjoil property.
MIHSOUHI VAU.HV , In. , Jan , ii. : [ Special
Telognitn to TIIK HKB. ] TJ. Denis was ar
rested at Montlamln today on the charge of
disposing of mortgaged property In connoe-
tlou with the recent urrest nfV111U \ on u
similar charge. The urrcit Iiai cauaod nn In
to n so excitement ,
Our nnuual linen sulo atlll oa L'al-