HI THE OMAHA DAILY BEE' ' WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 14 , 1891. . 8 THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFIOB , NO. 12 PEARL ST. , . rellvrrnl by Carrier In uny pnrtof tlioCltjr II.V. . a Ii.TuN. JIANAOKU Tr.I.El'HONWl Biislnrm Office. No. 1 1. Night Editor , No 23. K. Y 1 > . Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. cont. 'Iho Iloynl Neighbor * will gl\o nn enter- taliiinent and social in Woodman boll tblt bACIllllg. The Uoyol Arcnnum will give another of Its popular socials this evening at Us ball In tbo Uciio block. A mnrnago Hccnso was Issued jcstcrdav to .Tames H. McDonald of Omaha nnd Miss Liirn A , Brennoiniin of this city. The ca e of Vaughn vs O'Neill bus been continued until tomorrow evening , whc-n the trial will be icsumcd hcfoie Judge McGco. Another attachment of § . " 00 wus levied jcs- tcrdny In the district court on the stock nnd lixturct of D. W. Whitney , lho bankrupt Ncolrx tncrehant. "Prof , " L C. Str.iver , n magician , who spends his days \llmitlng between the Juils of Council HluIts anil Oniahi , was given a thlity iliu.s' sentence } cstciday morning in police court. Anna Hammerinc-lslcr , iiged thveo ycnrs , died lust evening of diphtheria croup The fiiiioiul will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock fioin tlio residence , No. 117 Washing ton nvcnuo. City bonds to the amount of ? 2OCO were coined \cstcrdny bv Troisutcr Klimehnti Uho bonds were held In rsow York city and were icelccinod thiough the 1'arlc iiitional bank of tnut pluco. Two cases of diphtheria were reported jes- tcrdny In thn family of J. Olson nt 1810 Sixth nvenuo. A cnso of dlphthcretlo croup was also reported , Annn Iltimnicrineistcr , 417 Washington avenue , being the victim. Miirslnil Tctnpleton is exhibiting with con siderable ptldo thu remains of a large wild cat \\blcb wa's killed by a farmer jcstcrdov near Cut Off lake. It is to bo transformed into an oinimeiital rug for tbo inaisbull's ofllcc. A pint bns been Illed with the county re- cotdorof 1'iospcct 1'laco , a now addition In the eastern pat I of the city , near the corner oflMeieo strei-t nnd North nunuo J. K Itlcoand W. W. Dearborn me the owners of the land. Mr. tmcl Mis. J. M. Matthews and Mr. and Mis. John Uoughc'ity wore ticated to a sur prise piuty in Odd-relloHs hall Monday night , the occasion being the tenth umilvets- nry of their mnniages A pleasant time was had by nil who weio present. The Klotias society hud n surpiiso party last con I n Ron MissMny Holllsnt 811 A\o- nuc U. A laigo number of the member" of the society weio present , nnd olthouirh Miss Hollis wus not taken altogether by Mirpilso tbo confusion nf thn event was enough to render It piquant nnd cnjoj able A light took pliico last evening in n house near the Noithwestoin depot , between Mrs. I { , II Hoblnson , n white \voman , and Mag Johnson , colored , both of whom nro well linown diameters In police circles The Johnson woman was nucstcd and will answer to tha that go ot assault nnd battotj before Judge McOeo this inoinlng Sbeuff Melton of Fremont , Neb. , was In thu citj jiHteiday fos the purpose of taking Into LUX tody the foul ciooks who weio i.ip- tured by the Council lllufTs police lust week on suspicion of being the parties who hail hurglnrt/cd a Picmont stoto There Is but llttlo doubt that tlicsuuro the gulltj patties , \s \ , 'Ai.w veiwfound with somoof the stolen articles in tholr possession Judge Mcjco ( wus busy yesterday after noon with the til il of tbo case of William . ( iiiihnm vs the Cliicniro A : Noithw estcia tail- way company. Uinhnin was nsv Itilimatifor the company until Match 1 lust , when be was ought between two curs while In the net of coupling nnd hud his right arm fiaetuicil llo Is trying to got a Judgment for $ . ' ,000 dain- ages. ages.Amended Amended nrtlelos of incorporation were Hied with the county recorder jestordny by the Omaha & Council Bluffs tallwity coin- piny. The articles were adopted nnd ack nowledged before u notary March 1 , IhVJ , out have idently boon in some one's pocket for nearly two ycins. 'Ihe two main amend ments are those by which the capital stock of the company was increased from $ " > 0,00 ( ) to JMO.OOO and the number of directors from live to six. Governor Boise lias commuted the sentence of Thomas P. AVlndom , who pleaded guilty to the charge of robbery In the district court hero nnd was sentenced to u two ycais' teim hi the penitentiary a year ngo. Winuom pleaded guilty on condition that the je.ir which he li.icl already spent in the count } jnll while waiting for bis til id should ho applied on his sentence. Ho bus served out the other j car nnd Is now released on recom mond.itioii of Judge rlhome 11. A Jury awntdcd John Montgomery $17 for thu cnre of the hounds owned hj the Council lilulTscoursing club after the eibo was tiled In Justice Cone's ' court jcsleiday ufteinoon. The suit was forf'J' ) , but the members of the club bad pild pait of the bill since it was in stituted. Judgment for the amount , together w Itb the costs of the case and interest from the 10th of last August was rendered against the ofllcrrs of the club The organisation has disbanded but the individual uieinbeis will bo held for the judgment. Gloat success. Hellnblo goods. Pali dealing. IloUom prices. At C. B. Jncqucniln & Co. , No 27 Main street I'JKHS0\A t. r.i HA < 3U AM'llS. Judge Walter I. Smith has goneto Cl ariuda to hold court. Miss .lesslo Ollbott has gone to Stan bury. Mo , to visit frienels. Miss Carrie Wreck has fiono on a tea divs' visit with friends In M HI Ion nnd lowuCity. O. C. Oaston , court reporter for Judge Thornoll , is in tbo city attending district court. _ The Boston store , Council Bluffs , Is show ing special value iu blankets und comforters for this week. Solid Miisonlc ItiHiiranco. The state laws of Iowa are very rigid In re gard to Insurance companies , nnd the state ofllctala nro becoming more and moro exact ing in tholr examinations. Public sentiment Is strongly endorsing such a course , and com panies who are are doing a straight business and who Unow that they are sound linnn- cinlly , readily comply with all ivquiiomoiits \Vltbin the past few days the state auditor has had his experts catefully examining the boobs , funds nnd tnodo of business of iho United States Masnnlo Hcno\olent as soclatlon of Council Hlu Us. Tbo exami nation was very thorough , ocupylng several days , and extending intooverj detail of the business. The result was Just what all ex pected , the showing being one \ciy com- mcndabloto the company. The association has not only complied with every require ment of the laws , but its tlnanclnl showing Is such ns to give It rank among the leading In- Bunmco companies of thu land. The auditor found nothing to criticise and much to nniUe , thu association being solid as a rock , its funds being bundled honestly , and Its methods being business-Hue and wise. Tbu members of the association have reason to bo gratllled nt this double assurance that they have made a safe and sure proUIou for thulr families. Tbo ho t U5o boso In tbo country is to bo found at the HoMon Store , Council niuflH , either In gents half hose , in wool cr cotton , In ladies' nil wool or cotton. In mlssos nil wool or cotton , Boston Store , Council HlatTs. Old 'IronblcH Renewed. Among the cises which uro to bo tried In district cour. are three which buvo been taken up from ex-Justice Heudricks' couit on appeal. The Luke Muuuw a railway company Is the plaintiff und J. K. Uarknoss , 1O. . , Gle.ison nnd John Clausen are the defend ants. The suits uro to recover sums which were aubscrlbul to assist in the building of the LukoManuwa railway smcrnl jeuni ago , and which tbo defendants In common with numerous other cltltous who were Induced to subscribe to the sanio fund , huvo steadily re- fUBOd to iwy. THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , Strange Devalopmants Said to Hnvo Been Made iu the Oolthard ( toso , SCHEMING ON SOME SWAMP LANDS. i ) . ti. Sliiiguil'H HcHliloncc Ititrclar- Izcd Onciiln ; : the District Court I'or Hulhvnj Sub- Interest in theColthard case still continues unabated. The friends of the accused man are vehement in their denunciations of his at outers , and thivuten to make It cxtiomcly warm for somebody when It comes to the lln- Ish. On the other hand , the ankers u ho at a woi king the case cliltuthat they tire dally securing mote damaging cUdcnca agilnsttho Hni rlson county farmer. The latest was an nounced yesterday. Tlio facts have been In the possession of the oflloors foi several days , but no Intimation has teachcd the pablio bu- foie. It h to bo remembered that Colthard tlalmcd In justification ot his rourso In con nection with the Miny Dennis deed , which has pi oven a forgery , that it wus procured by "Wills nnd inido ever to Colthard's wife , without any knowledge on the part of L'olUi nit himself as to its nilgln , and that if It was fraudulent ho was entirely innocent of the fact. This aiscitlou h apparently dls- pioven by the stiUMncnt of u i.car relative of one of the police ofllcers who Is engaged In working up the caso. This man boirdolnt tbo Metropolitan hotel where Wills had been stopping while developing the consphaoy. Ho his known Wills since his Infancy , and went to school with him when the two vu'ioboys , To this man Wills dot illud the stoiyot the cloud that was supposed to rest upon the title tothe DotuiU lands and then gradually and cautlouslv acquainted him with the hchcmo th it oilginntcd the great consphncy. He fruiuentiy quoted ronmiks Colthaid had made and iutimited that Col - thard know thcto were none of the Dennis heirs living who could bo induced to .make a deed , quit claim or otherwise , to the ptopeilv. Wills endeavotcd con stantly to inteiest this man in tbo scheme , but ns Wills was almost continuously intoxicated the man paid little or no attention to him. Ho often itigotl him to go to Mis- Valley for the puiposo of meotlng Colthaid , and offeied to p.ij nil of his ex penses it he would go Ono afternoon ho suddenly biought tnattcis to n crisis by tell ing this man that he wanted to use him for a purpose and that he could make a cool 1UU in a few minutes When the ulntivo of the ofllc'ernskcd for an cxphnatlon Willis told him ho wanted him to act as a law ) or. He icfusid and told him he know nothing about the li\v and advised him to employ Judge Hhodabcclt , vbu was bonding at tuo hotel nnd wis in the loom at the time. "No , I want jou ; I want j on to bo Law j or Hard ) of Monmouth , 111 , and If vou 'will do It C'olthard will imj jou SIOO for it , " Wills earnestly uiged him to go to Mis souri Valley and meet CJolth.ird , nnd he linullv consented to do so. Wills paid all ex- pense-i and nrtangcd thu meeting. Theolll- ccr's relative siys ho supposed It to bo merely ; \ drunken whim oi Wills , nnd not having nnv thing in puticular to do con sented to go with him. At Missouil Vnllov they mot Collh.ml , and Wills Introduced his Council IJlufts friend us Judiro Ilntdy. Tbo man still thought it was a hiumlcbs soit of a Joke until Culthard , after alluding to the mutters discussed so much by Wills , ilnnlly oflcied him the SIOO pictured bj Wills lie then 10- nlizod that thcievas sciious business con templated nnd Infoimed Colthaid tint hcwas not Liiwjcr Haidy nnd th.u bo would have nothing niou ! to do with thorn Colthard's fiieucU claim that the old imn honcstlv believed the Council llluffs man was Judge Hardy , onq of the most prominent nt- torncjs of Illinois , and that this was only another instnnco wherein Wills deceived him. The plans dotiiilcd by Willis to this man seem to huvo been not a doslro to cloud the title to Ilias1 Kinds , but to make him trouble in another way. After the Dennis deed was put on recoid an Injunction was to bo ob tained in the federal cotuts in Illinois , alleg ing the proprietorship of the lands and 10- sti alningHuss from tbo use of the premises or In any w ay inteifering with Colthard and crowd. They reasoned that Htm would have to go to Illinois to answtr and fight the injunction , and duilng his absence they vv ould nut a gang of w/oodchoppcrs at work and cut and haul nwny all the wood on the timbered portions ot the Hans property. This is the scheme detailed bv Willis , the subsequent transactions appaicntly having been icsolved upon after tbo Council Bluffs man refused to Impersonate the gieat Illinois lawj cr. 'iho most complete line of blankets and coinfoiters , hosiery nnd underwear In the city 11 at the Boston Store , whoio good goods , lov\ prices , cash and one pri i o to nil is their lulo , Boston Store , Council Bluffs. The best Fiench cook in western low u Is at tbo HotPl Goidon , Council BluiTs. HITO'H ' Your Man H-ll. . Hull , the gieat lonfldence man , whohiu achieved such vvnlo popjhuity In tnls part of the state and has given iranv farmers occasion to make forttmos by hj cst- Ing In his numoious patent light schemes , is In the state .igiln. Ho has audaciously kept TUB HKK Informed of hh whcicabouts while engaged In bis perambulations around the country. Until yestei day the last communi cation fioin him announced his hoadquaitcrs to bo in Salt Lake City , where ho was engaged - gaged in looking after some of his numerous mining schemes. Tin : Hi i.'e. special telegram from Mursbnlltown , la , vosterday an nounced his arrival at that plnco iu custody of the sheriff , nnd stated that "n hot light was being made by the ofllcers of Iowa and Mlssouii for possession of his bodv. It is snid that about lifty charges have been made airainst tbo man since bis anival in Marshnllaovvn , but that ho was still Micno and making a hot tight for liberty. Hall left Council Bluffs without much cere mony nnd escaped from tbo clutches of a small regiment of his creditors , vv ho were Hocking In from all directions when they heard of his imest Hols following tlio sumo tactics in Alnrshiilltown , and If there uru any people in western Iowa who would lluo to have a conversation with him it will bo nec essary to net promptly. The ne xt letter ho wiltcs toTm : Ilii : may bo dated in some obscure town in Old Mexico. Bargains In blankets and comforters at the Boston store , Council Bluffs , this week. J.C. Ulxtir , steam no.uln ? , sanitary en gineer , ( f ) iMotiiatn block. Council BluRs Buy jour coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co , Db'J Broadway. Telephone UtJ. Kclioinliii ; on hwamp A few days ago County Auditor Ilendilcks received u letter fioin an eastern party In ITJ- gnrd to the swamp land funds. The writer of the letter ptoposod to look up whatever amounts were duo from the government to this county on account of swamp lands nrd recov er the same for one-third of wlutover amount that was thus socured. Mr. Hond- ricks presented tha mutter to the county boird nnd it was decided to look the situation up with n vlow to further action. The senti ment of the members of the board seemed to twin favor of employing home talent rather than funilsb fat fves for outsiders , nnd if ern \ estlgatlon show- , that thuro la any prospect of recovering any amount the woui of secur ing it w 111 doubtless be given to local talent , The swamp hind sauoino soims to ba a new foi m of speculation , which Is having qultoa mil. It appears tliut about forty year4 ago the government granted txi dilTeront stntos largo tracts of land , w hlcli vvc.ro known JSas swamp lands , they being dotimod of llttlo value when the goveniment suivoys wora mailt ) . Some of these linds worn subject to yearly overflow. Iowa divided units swamp lands among the several lomittca in vvhlcn such lands were located , and this county \\as j awarded c ulto u pot Uou. Some of tuU lauii has proved lo bo valuable , and some ol It hml j been sottlol upon or embodied In rights of way given to rnllvva)1 * . The government provided thit such suiunp lands n.s hid thus been located upon shouIJ bo paid for by the government. It Is claimed that there Is duo some coun ties quite a sum of money on this contract , the countiM . . hud . . , set - having ncoinpleto tuu luuu ni- > never ii.ivit.K uuv4 iivui.il' ' * v o\.i- tlerncnt with the Rovernment. Shnrp law- J jcra and keen nosers ntnoiiKdusty records claim to ha\o discovered the poj < lulllty of se curing some of those claims nnd are entering Into arrangements with dltlerent counties to do the hunting nnd the rceovoiltig onsharci , The gentleman who his lately written the county auditor proposes to inikosurveys , look up rccorels ami oiav oil the expanse nnd do all the \\otk , pro\lcled this county uid glvohlin one-third of what Is rcall/ed , and ho encloses contracts , to bo signed In duplicate In.Mills county there Is quite nn excite ment , us tmi rated in the telegraphic columns lately It Is elnlmod that a Chicago nttotnoy wasctnplojed bj tbo board , on recommend i- tlonof the county auditor , and that the nut-cement was to pay tbo attorney onc-hnlf of the amount recovered. Ho succeeded In getting $1,000 , nnd turned SJ.OOO into the county. It Is said that it Is now discovered that the county auditor was himself inter ested with the Chicago attoinoy and out of the attorney's M nor cent was to receive JO pet * cent personally. County Auditor Henorlcks Is not of the kind to get Into any suehschemons this nnd on receipt of the ptopositlon from the east promptly turned o\cr the pipurs to the county board. Thciowas no sugKostlon In this proposition of any division with the county attorney , nnd a * it cuno from a differ ent pirty thvi the ono concerned In Mills county no suspicion can arise. Tbo auditor will imostlgato the matter suf ficiently to determine whether the board ought to pay nny attention to the matter , nnd will report at tbo April meeting. If this county Is to seek any recovery , the develop ment and se'cuiing of theiliilm will ptobably bo put into thu bunds of some otto here , as the cltv nnd county can furnish tbo needed talent to look after the business fully as suc cessfully as It can bo cared for by those who reside farther east. The Council Bluffs I'aint and Oil Co. his opened up under supervision of assignee. Cash patioungo solicited. Special pi ices on ladies and gents under wear this week at the Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Alnro Eor sov oral dav s past the cnng of housebreakers - breakers which has been accustomed to ply their trade In this city hive been In a state of ictironient. Night before , last , however , they came to the front once moro , the scene of their opciatlons this time being1 the resi dence of K. Li Shugnrt , at the corner of Tiist avenue nnd Sixth street. Mr. bhu- gart wont home at about midnight , and it Is supposed that the imuauders were In the house nt that time , ns a number of articles weio lying untouched which arc commonly supposed to bo dear to burglars' hearts. As it was , a sealskin cloak and muff of Mrs. Sliugnrt's ' , u watch and chain and an ovcicoat were taken. A dozen silver dessert knivrscto also missing , but one of them was found just outsldo the backdoor , where it had evidently been dropped while the thieves wcie lliug. How the entrance was effected is not posi tively known , as there nro no minks of vlo- loneonnj where to show that forcible entiy had been made. The doois were nil fnsteneel when the fam ily retired for the night , and it is thought that the bui'Kluis got in thiough a woodbox which opens iuto both the woodsticd and the kitchen. _ _ Pomona Brand Honrhound tablets will re llevo your cough. I'omoua stamped on each tablet. Ask jour diuggist or candy dealer for them , Iho Veteran's ' Unmn-F'lre. Grand Army hall was filled last night with a llcbt-bearted and happy crowd of old veter ans w Ith their w ives , daughters and friends. The occasion was the Installation of the newly elected ofllcers of Union Veteran Legion No. 8. The ofllcers installed were : W. H. Spera , cloncl ; Scott Rico , lieutenant colonel ; Henry Grenncmycr , lieutenant major ; Hi Sherwood , adjutant ; George Crisp , quartermaster ; sergeat major , George L. Miller : sergeant , John Fox : chaplain , John W. Gilmore ; ofllcor of the day , J. B. Hoit ; oQlcor of . the guaid , H. N. Mcrriani ; sentinel , T. B. Heacock , The Installation services worosolcinn luulltu- piesblve , nnd after they wore concluded the real en jov mont of the evening begun. Short ana happy addresses were deliveied by Uov. Dr. 1'hctps , Colonel D. B Dniloy , Hov. G. W. Crofts and others. Colonel Dailey made a characteristic speech that wrought up the old veterans in a degree of fen or that made them forget the perils of the past. The I/idics1 Relief corps provided a bounti ful supper and nobly performed their part towuid making the occasion pleasant to all. The eamptlros were not extinguished until a late hour , and when the old veterans filed out of the hall they each felt ten years younger. Lost HlH Horsn lUnnkct. There Is a gang of sneak thieves in the western part of the city that has for some time past been annoying the better classes of tnat vicinity by their lawless actions. The chuichcsot that ptrt of the city nro "among their favoiito cam plug giounds , .Last Friday night Kov. John B > eis , an I > aiigolist , who Is holding n series of meetings at Oveilon's mission , wis victimized. Ho left his horse and buggy hitched outside dur ing the sei vice. When ho returned he found his horse blanket had disappeared Yester day afternoon ho was walking clown Bioad- wny when he saw his lost propeity exposed foi sale In fiont of n junk shop Ho Invoked the aid of the police and finally succeeded in recov orlng his blanket. A number of similar cases have been reported In that vicinity , and the victims aio thinking of taking stringent meisurcs to ptovent their occurenco in the futuio. _ IheAmcilcnn Dlsttict Telegraph Co has been reorganized nnd is now prepared to give prompt service. Special attention to express and parcel dellvciy. A Penconblu Settlement. The saloon war which was foretold with so much certainty by many who claimed they had a sure tip upon the cvants of the future , has , for tbo present nt least , became as haitn- loss an affair as nny ouo could wish. Sixty- two men have taken out permits to deal out budge in parcels to suit the purchaser , and have pild out their § . ' 0 apleco iu most cases without shedding n tear. The police have made the round-up and report that all others of the eighty-four who were doing business up to a week ago have retiiod from the Held , borne disappointment is felt , both in the ranks and out , at tbo compara tively small tminbci vvhobavo been compelled l > \ the rise in pi ices to quit , hut nil announce themselves willing to tiy thouo-.v scheme fern n month uny way and then see what they bhdll SCO. Why pay $1. CO when you can get jnst as good fare and beds at the ) Scott house for A HcckloHS Itnrbcr. Charles Carty , a barber , whoso place of business Is ut a 10 Broadway , was arrested j esterday on an Information filed In Justice ration's court by Alice Mllledgo , charging him with committing an assault and battery on her twelve i ear-old brothet's ribs wltli his foot. Curty w.is ut a loss to explain the af- folr , us ho claimed that ho had gene to din ner at the tlmo the offence was alleged to have been committed and hncl taken his foot with bun. 'Iho case will como up for trial this morning at 10 o'clock. Horse blankets and lap roocs nt cost at Taeo. Bookman's , ' "J7 Main iticet. Opening of Court. District co nt convened yesterday morning with Judge Thorncll on the wool sack. The da > was entirely taken up with the rending of the docket and the nuking of assignments - ments , ITor this morning the following cases nro set for trial : \VIlllim \ N , Johnson vsJuhtiMcICochnlootalj \ \ , S , Itynnvsll , Grahl ; J. A. Liuidstrom vs I ) . MoAdnms ct all J. A. Lnndstrom vs P. Becks Lnndstrom SsUrayvs Kd Shorlocn utnlj David CJruy vs 1'rnuk Uomlneo etal ; Hlchurd roxloyvsL. W. Cuuithey et ul. The ( -raud Jury did not bo0'lu it. grind as usual from the fact thntn ml ko Imil been made In the drawing nnu two iof the pane hid to bo thrown out. The idryvvlng of the' ' Jury will bo completed this , , Tlio AKslgiifO KcpaiU. S. I' . McConncIl finished M-r labors as us- stgncoof tlio bankrupt nrm o 11. Klsotnan & Co. jrsterday , nnd undo out' ' In tabulated form the results of the examination which ho made Into the affairs of the linn. The in ventor } is as follows : ' AHTT9. Cash on hand . . . . . . . . . f fit ) 0 Council llluffs tlUC'K. . . ; . ' . ' . . Missouri Valley tK'K ( . . . ' - ' . . B7.M3 03 Hook iiccoiinli and bills receIved un Council Illiltrs stock . . ji 20,513 03 T o sh ires driving p.irlf . . 1IJ ) 00 too shnruH t'entril I'ailllu co-il and eoko eotnpiny 77 , 0 00 2.V ) uliires Sllx ur Mountain mining compiny . 2. > ,000 00 Oiuiilin stock . 10KK1 00 Hook accounts and bills . 1,113 Mi tlnlnnilunotstock . . . . , 10J ( H ) llulf Interest 40 acres land in Monuna county . WO 00 Tno lots In Kxlri la . SW 00 Lot nnd storu Lulldlng In Council BlUITs . IgQOOO 00 Totil . IJ.17,515 71 IIAIHIITIKI. Chattel inortgago to Oflleor A , 1'usey Mortgages on store building to ICim- bull & Chami ) . 45XX.00 ( ) To Simon Ihmbcrger . . . . 11,70.07 , Mortgage on Missouri Vnllovitoclt UO.JO'J.W 'I hird mortgage on Council Blulls stock . 8or .7B Attachment on Omaha stoe-k . . . . afiUO.OO , Vmouiit of unsecured claims . . . . 19 ,755.11 ! Total . f0o,3i3.70 Some of the itcirs In this statotncnt are icce sarily Incoriect from the fart tint In erne of his noilc ho was bindeicd by cre-dlt- irs who tiad , or thought thej had , a cinch on nrts of tbo stock which would give them nn .dvnntngo ov or tlio others. One firm , for In- itiince. refused to allow him to Invoke the took In the Omaha btore. ttiev having seized t under an attachment. Air. McConnell laics that ho Im * been advised by his counsel that their attichinent Is illegal and , vlll not hold to the clisidvantagoof thoother ireditors. The icport on the whole is , how- iver , substantially correct and nmy bo con- Idcicd as ait Indication of how thoiirm lands with thn world. The next thing on the programmes will bo tlIT ho appraisement of the stock , which will bo made , according to law , hv thieo disinter ested ! freeholder ' 'Iho Iciral forms hiving "icon ) thus far followed out , It is thought that n irnngomcnts will bo mucto by which the took will bo opened for business again hortly. STATJB A'JUHS. A Suspicious I'lrc * . Munsov , Nob. , Jan. 13. [ Speclil to Tiir Bun. ] This morning , about 0:45 : o'clock , Carl Muller discovered smoke coming from .he half open door of the old Neldlg bulldlmr , low occupied by O. 0 Windhorst , clothiei , ud at once gave the cry of "lire. " As soon as the Ilio In the floor was ox- lnj ulshed the crowd rushed In. Cishicr Douglas of the Union Valley bank fell .hrough the floor , and thougn considerably ruised and frightened , wan not seriously in ured. Tin" BEE correspondent upon Inquiry .earned that Druirgist Brlrickman , who lives in the rear of the drug store , next dooi to the lire , heard some ono in thO .building at 11 'clock lust night , but thinking it was tbo vvner , paid no attention to It. A pile of kindling , situr.UOd with kcroslne , ivas toundon each side of thd building under the counters. A candle [ nuked in cotton satutatod with kerospnoV.H also found undei ono of the tables ISh Wlnahurst claims the loss to be about W.OOO The total amount of insurance U ? 1)00 , and the insurance agents state that the goods were welUnsuredpiobi- bly for all they were wortb A subscription isbjlng raised by businessmen to emuloy a nifjht watch. Crete llhmiinntc'I , CiiEin , Neb , Jan. la.i-fSpocinl to Tnc Our nowclectrle ) lll'ht phut , consist- nprof twenty 2,000-candIo power are lights for street lighting aad and fifteen arc lights 'or stores , had Its first trial yesterday oven- ng. The now system was erected by tbo Brush electric light company of Cleveland.O Bick Brotheis Quinoy brewing compiny of Quincy , 111 , is erecting n largo storage ware house on the tracks of tbo B. &M. railroad In tbls city. Installation of ofllcers of Select Knights , Ancient Order of United Workmen , Grand Hecordor Douglas of Lincoln oftlclating , took place yestcrdav evening. The now olllcers are : J. II Becker , P. ; C W. Kimball , O. : H. Schmidt , V. C. ; W. L Lowell. Lt. C. ; W. Try , S B. ; G. L Abbott , U ; H. Speed- ling. T. ; K Eckert , H T. ; A. SovolkoO.O. ; W. Hollman , S. This eider has a laigo nnd growing mem bership In this city. Nclirnnkn City Notes. Cur , Neb. , Jan. 13. [ Special Telegram to TUB HUB.J The license of Cnatles Neihaus wus revoked by the city council last evening , ho hiving been found guilty of selling lltxuoi lo talnou The Budget-Times , the weekly farmers' al- Manco paper , has suspended. L E. Soweis , the editor , gives as the toason n lack of pat ronage. The police have been working on the case of illke Pork , w hose residence was burglar ized and $ i50 taken lust week. Albert Mnleo , u brother In-law of Ford's was arrested on suspicion today and confessed. Ford refused to prosecute on condition that Malco would rot urn the money , which bo did. SlIttOll'H I.OHH , SUTTON , Neb , Jaa. 13 [ Special Tele gram to Tun BKE. ] John Grosshans died this morning of inflamatory rheumatism , aged 72 jeiis. Ho enmo to Ameilca and settled at Sutton , Nob. , in 187U. Ho was born In south Russia and in that country was a school teacher , bijt always a leader among his people and a very devout , nn exemplary Christian and a genial and com- nunlonaolo man His loss will bo felt keenly by his many friends , hero nna elsevvhcro , wherever ho was known. A Xew I'apcr. HEN-DEMON , NebJan. , 13. The Hender son Advertiser has made Its appearance at this place , and "has como to stay. " The nanioof C. T. Kuwait , well known In news paper circles In this county , appears at the head of the column The local innttor Is printed in both the English and Qorumn lan guage. Plenty ofloe. CiMiutiDOB , Nob. , Jan. II ) . [ Spsclal Tclo- gram to Tin : HPB. ] Icoc ( utting bos been commenced hero in content. Hankln Bros , huvo a largo force of men at work , and are putting out fioin thirty Wiforty cars per day. It now measuics twelve Inches nnd continues. Prospects are good for nit Ice harvest at this placo. "Jf Caught. In tjip , I'rosw. NOHTH BUND , Neb , J 18. [ Special Tel egram to Tun BKU. ] Upssto Jameson , an em ploye in the Star ofllco ar/t'hls place , caught tm right hand In the CORE on the lingo wheel of the job press this afturnoou and hud two lingers , taken off. Ni > Itcvoliitlifii'in Chill. LONDOV , Jan. la. Tha CnllIan minister said today there was no ° rfcvolutlonaiy move ment in Chili and that rttib present disturb ances were only a protest against the illegal collection of taxes. A Furmor'N Sudden Dnnth. ItEiiiinv , Nob. , Jan. 13. [ Special Tele- ram to TUB Bur. ] K. A Stevens , n well to- do farmer , living within four miles of this citj , died from apoplexy at 4 o'clock this ' mornl ng Kim Down hyn 'Iriin. IKAmoo : > , S. D. , Jan. la.-fjSpcclal Tflo- Krain to Tim BBK. ! John Jcaso , a Kinlan- fler , was run ever and killed by a freight train on the Illa-lc Hills ft fort Pierre rail road nt Kile Crook , slxtoon mlle from Dcad- vvood , at 11 o'clock last night. DrNtrtiotlve Smrmn la Hindi. MAI > ] III > , Jan. K ) . Itoporu of great storms and hoivv damage throughout Spain are beluc ; n-colvcj. GENERAL HltESS LENIENT , rnov rni'iT i-Anr.j vntlon on their annual hunt. Tlioy boilK'ht sonio ublilcvfrom whtto men and bcvntno drunk nnd bllariotu , which give rUe to the report of an outbreak. They have recovered nnd all Is now quiet , The Olllul.nl lloport. Wisnisorov , Jan in Ooncrnl Schoflold this morning received the follow Ing telegram from General Miles at 1'Ino lildgo , dated last night : 1 General Brooke's command is now camped live miles distant on White Clay ireok and the en tire bojy of the indlnns It between the two commands. General Hrooko has coin- niandod his force with considoMblo skill nnd excellent Judgment. Tbu greatest dlfllculty now is to restore conlldcnco The Indlnns luuo great four that tholr arms will bo taken away and then all trcitcd llkothosoou Woutidod Knee. They have n largo number of wounded women nnd chil dren , u bleb creates a most depressing feelIng - Ing among the families and a desperate dis position among them. The military meas ures and movements have been successful. Control and government now becomes the problem , yet no serious embarrassment is apptehendcd at present. " A U'a4hlti ! > toit lull lun Si'nro. Coi'Lr Cm , Wash , Jan. 13 There Is tro- nicndous excitement In the Okanogan region , it being repotted that the joung Indians have putcu war paint nnd are preparing to go marauding rive cltUens of Ukanogan telegraphed the commander nt Fort Spokane today demanding tioops. Ijlmitcnnnt CQHUV Ijnlil to Kent. PittninEvcr , It. I.-Jan. 13 The body of Lieutenant Casov , who \vus snot by Indians Avlillo scouting in the Had lands , has been burled bosldo the other inembcis of the fam ily near Wickford. THE iiMLito.ut 3trs i > ji : < tsii . They Are KxtiltliiK Over tlio I\eport of tlio Sonnto Coinniittop. Cmcwo , Jan 13 [ Special Telegram to Tin : BLC.I "No news could have been re ceived with gronter satisfaction by Chicago ur railroad moil than the report of the senate committee on interstate commerce , favoring nn amendment favoring pooling , " said Presi dent Blackstone of the Alton , " .My theory is i that the ratlroids will never bo m ungcd to the complete satisfaction of the public and the security holders until they are all under one management. As tbls cannot coma to pass , nn amendment to the Interstate com merce act , allowing pooling under tlio super vision of the interstate commerce commis sion , Avlll DO morositisfactory than anything else. The Alton has always taken this posi tion since the interstate commerce act went into effect. It is the only practicable means to stop the manipulation of rates. Every shipper would get the lowest possible rate and would bo guaranteed that his com petitor in buslines u.is getting exactly tbo ! > aino late The iat s could all bo reduced profitably , owing to the consequent economy in operating the roads and the public would ba gununtoed ngiinst exorbitant rates , for the r.ito making power would practically ho In the bands of the Interstate commerce commissioners Such an amendment to the aut would bo an unquali fied good. " Other railroad men oxpiessod themselves to the satno effect Kobert Law , one of Chicago's largest coal dealots said "If under the , : pooling jurisdic tion of the interstate commerce commission is legali/ed. it will bo the host possible thing for the public. Had I accepted thocutiatcs offered mo by i.illrouds i could have sold 40,000 tons moro of coal this winter to retail customcis. I wouldn't ' accept the illegal rates , and competitors have in some cases been able to sell coal at n lower llguro than I could laud it In Chicago. " The Grand .Miry Mill nt AVorlc. Ciiictnn , Jan. 13. t PoeM Telegram to Tim BEC.I The United States grand jury mill is again at work on western railroad officials Beginning tomorrow the grand Jury at St. Paul will tnko up the question of manipulated passenger rates. The first witness subpoenaed was Chair- min rinloyof tlio western pissenger associa tion. Ho left for St. Paul this evening. The interstate commerce commission Is pushing the cases and its agents make no secret of their chim that they hive a do < : on odlclals of St. Paul roads in the toils. Tlioy claim that the testimony on which Chairman Tinloy has authorized reduced tales is enough in every case to convict from one to live lallioad oniciale It Is thought Chairman Pinlry will follow the example of Broker Counsclinan nnd "Vico Piesldent Peasloyof the Burlington and refuse to testify. Tlio interstate com merce commission has completed a chain of caics , including evidence against i all road ofliciaU in Omabi , Kansas City , St. Louis , Cincinnati nnd New York. They will all be called bofoto their respective grand juries. Theatrical Combine. ST. PAUI , Minn. , Jan. 13 [ Special Telegram gram toTiin Bn'.J A preliminary mooting was held at the Hotel llyan this aftcmoon , looking to the consolidation of the foi\es of Frank Mavo , Louis AlUrich and Mcivce Han- kin. The latter Is hero , plujing a weeks en gagement nt thu Grand , and is enthusiastic over the plans ananged. The idea Is to keep the plavs , "Tho Canuk , " "My Paitnei" nnd "Iavj Crockett" In the repertoire , but to so revise them us to give each of the three stars nn opportunity to appear and shine to ad vantage. * Violated tlio Interstate Law. CIIICAOO , Jan. 13. It is learned that the federal gand jury ot St Paul has begin nn investigation into an alleged violation of the Interstate commerce law , charges being directed a number of roads , including tha Chicago , St Paul & Kansas City , Minneapo lis & St. Louis , Northwester , St. Paul , Wis consin Central , and Burlington. The charges are for celling job lots of tickets to scalpers , discriminating in rebates , otc. II. I. Gets Itnok nttlio U. P , HUTCHINSOV , Kan. , Jan. 13. Hv the same arrangpinent by which the Hock Island used tha Union Pacific bridge at Omaha the Union Pacific used the Hock Island track from Mcl'horson to this city. Tonluhta notice was received hero that no moro Union Pacitlc trains could como into the city. G , A. II. IiiRttilbittoim. Gcortro A. Custor Post No. 7 , Grand Army of the Kopubllc , held the annual Installation of ofllcors last night at the post headquiuters on Fifteenth street. The following ofllcers wore Installed by the post ; Commander , Charles ! L. Thomas , senior vice , TriU Wirth ; junior vice , Gcoigo II. Hhoadcs ; uartcrmastcr , John P. Henderson ; sergeant , ? lenry Van Glosen : chaplain , O. G. Decker ; ofllccr of tbo day , Charles Hcnn ; ofllcer ol the guard , Frak Oarrity ; adjutant , \V. P. Browl. The Women's Hollof Corps Installed the following otllccrs : President , Mrs. Alice L Henderson ; senior vice , Mrs. Uoru Green ; Junior vlco , Mattlo Hhondcs ; chaplain , Mrs. Sophia Howitzer ; trcasuiur , Airs. Louisa Klrby ; secretary , Mrs AtigelinaWhitmarib , conductor , Amanda , Crawfoul ; guard , Mary McKcuna. At the close of the Installation ceremonies Adjutant General John li. Haw hill , who ofllciatod as Installing ofllu-r , presented the post w 1th a new gavel made f rein u currying lioiso used In a tannery by General Grant at Galena , III , bofoio the war. U S. Grant post , No , 110 , hold tholr an- nuul Installation of ofllcers last night. Past Post Commander M. U. Klsdon acted as Installing - stalling ofllccr. Following are thu ofllccrs Installed ; Commander , Colonel Cbnnt- plon S. Chase : senior vice , Robert S.Vilfoxj \ Junior vlco , N , C. llenson ; ( junnerniuster , D. M. Itaverly ; adjutant , John Joffeoto ; ofllcorof the day , Lafayette Anderson : chaplain , Kov. Q. 1) , Shlnn ; olll- cor of the guard , S. L. McMahon ; sergeant , Simeon Bloom. Fi nnk Craw ford , wlio cicmtoil n dls- turbnnuo ut a hoarding hoiihu on Tenth Htrcot Monday night and thrciitonuel to fahoot tovonil parties , wnt , hold for trial in dlutriot couit under bonds of $500. To Soft Coal Consumers. GOING LUCE HOT CAKES. What is ? Our Celebrated Jackson , Illinois , COAL AT $450. Best in the market. Nothing like it. Order o early and avoid the rush. A. T. Thatcher , Telephone 48. - 114 Main Street XU SKI AMt l.V Until oTtlic Snippets CoiifddiMril nt n Cnllnc ( .Tmi lit It is understood thnt the cabinet conslderol the Hcluing son contiovorsy and the Indhu ipiestlon nt the regular meeting todiy , but it is I in possible to obtain any ofllcial information on the sub ject. Attorney General Miller does not ap pear distutbcd o\cr the tuin affairs luuo taken. It is leirned through perfectly com petent nuthor.ty tint this apparent com placency Is duo to the fuettliuttlio ease is not nctuilly before the suptemo court for ilnal action. "You sco , " said this olllehl , "tho petitioners inotcd an injunction , or rather prohibition , as it Is termed In admiralty cases. The attorney general objected to the Intioductlon of the motion on su\eral grounds. Honssoited that tuosuptemo court had no Juilsdlctlon in the case at Issue , which origi nated in the district couit of Alaska Then ho argued briefly th it the c.vso In tiolnt wns a political one , without log il aspects , aud had no place In thesupiemc court , llonlso took the ground that It was unconstitutional for the supreme court to ad minister upon mutters belonging to tbo executive department There were soicral other minoi points in his argument , The discussion , which will take place In two weeks , and the decision rondeied will iu no wuj uflect tbo inouts of the case. " Drninauo Onii il. Ciiioioo , Jan. 13 Chief 1'ntcinoer War- tben nnd Consulting Unglncor Newton totliy submitted a icnort to the ttnstces of the Chl- c.igodrnhmKO district , recommending n dcll- nite route for the nnln portion of the gioat xvatcrviav. 'Iho report was iKloptecl and immediate proceedings for condonuution or- deivd. 'ilio cost of the water \\.iy is esti mated in the onginoei's repott at tri.TOO.OJO , thochannel beltiff 1M ) foot wide and eighteen feet deep , \ \ ltherticle sides of united rubble musoni'i * . The ronto selctteil is uljne the Otfden ditch line to Jcs- ) plnluus vallcj , dossing the liver 110.11" bdimnitund following the vtcat side of the river to Jollct The grnio piovidcd for is fQUi-tcnths foot per mllo. If put of the channel is cxcuvntod with .1 depttis of four teen feet the test is estimated nt SU,7'JOXh ( ) . The constiaction of tbu Immense unilciuk- inp. thuiupoitsivys , will eonsuino four jcars Air. Cooloy. Iho reLontly deposed chief en gineer , in an interview tonight shut ply cilti- ciscs thu icport. Ho s.ijs , in p irt , that not n chop of nntci should no down tlio Illinois valley until cotnploto snnit.iiy investigation has been made. Not n dollar should bo spent on the coustiuetion until plans tire prepuce ! in detail. _ . From th Vn'lcnn. ROMF , Jan. in. The Tribune says the po"o \ has submitted the pioofef bis oncyclopaiUn on the social question to sovetal eminent Eu ropean savants. This Journal also says the pipil ndvlsors are still discussing the advisa bility of the \atican advocating stnto intor- vcntion m disputes between capital and labor. It Is alleged that the English clergy advocate such intonention , while the Fieneh nRilnstit. lho pope bus appointed n com mission to study the uligtous situation of the South Ainuilean republics with a view of reorganizing the Kplscopuls on a system sim ilar to that piovalllng in lira/11 , which is based on common law and religious liueity. Above ovori thing the pope wishes the cletgv to bo in line with both politic il and social In- stitutisons of their respective commies. Von Schlozcr. represcntativo of Prussia at the Vatican , In an audience with the pope an nounccd that while Geimanv was unable to accede to the reUlin of the Jesuits , all other icllgious bodies were tree to return. Not Intended lor I'libliunt'on. IHi.TiMonr , Md , Jan. 1 ! ) . Cardinal Gib bons'attention wa called ted ly to Informa tion cabled from Homo to the effect that ho had written an important letter to the pope on the political bearings of the school ques tion In the United States in answer to the pope's desiio for the < udinal's opinion , a number of communications having been sent to the \ itieatt roffauling the famous educa- tlonal discourse- Illshop licl.uid Cuiillnal ( Jlbbons admits th it bo wrote such a letter , uut states that it la not for publication. A Ijlght HontcMcc. HAiiTroiti ) , Conn. , Jan. 1J Ocorgo Bar tholomew , formally president of the Chit tor Oak lilo insurance company , who lied to Canadasomojcars ago , ietutnedoluntaiily tollnitford today and appeared before Judge Fenn in the superior court and pleaded utility of embez/loment of ; ? 10,0)0 ( Bartholomew , who is past seventy joars and In feeble health , was sentenced to one year in the state ptison. Duo to Tliolr Oun OnrelosflaesH. Toi.rno , O , Jan. 1 ! $ . Pour farmers , Milt ( jilmoro , Grant Steillng , Heuben Babcock and Charles Ucain , attempted tonight to cross tboLtko Shoio tracks In a sleigh ahead of the fast express tialn. The engineer did all possible to stop , but could not. The four men v\ere instantly Icllled. WKKTERN AllT ASSOCIATION. Annual Meeting nnd TOIeetion ol' Olllucrx. Tno annual meeting of the Western Art association was hold last night at the Unln- tcr art gallery , corner of eighteenth and Davenport. About tbirtyof the members \vcio present Tlio report of the seciotary ( .bowed that sixty-nino motnbcts had pild their dues In full up to the llrst of the picsent jenr The initiation lee had been pild by 178 mem' bers , of which number llfteen had paid In money and tbo balance Iu pictures The report of the treasurer showed the as sociation to bo out of detit , with $ ! , ' , ! . " > .id In the treasury. Mr. Miilngcr stated that the association came out'about even on its lust annual ox blblt. Mr. r.lnlngor advised renting a room down town , whoie ttio 1W ) or moio pictures now owned bv thp association could buoflercd for sale , and where members could ulso offer any work that they desired to sell. Ho snid thai the association's pictures were woith at least 1,0JO , nnd bo was of the opinion thai such u ventuio ns suggested would bo self- sustaining. No action was taken In the matter. A resolution was adopted reducing thoduos of resident members tofl n jeiir , and amend ing the by-laws so us to exempt non-residents from assessment. The latter clause was sug gested by Mr. hinlnger , who hoped by tbls moans to piovcnt the contemplated with drawal of several non-resident members. Ho maintained thnt it wns desirable to have them retain their membership , and unjust to assess them , The election of ofllcers resulted as follows ) Mr , ( ieoigu W. Liininger , president ; Mr. C. S. Elguttiir , llrst Ueo president ; Mr. L. it. J , Bourgeois , second vlco president ; Mr , SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ' WANTr.P-rrom ' 8 to 18 bonn power cnxln ami liollor In cnod ninnliic eider , fo easli. Addreni 11 1' IS Ui-e oflleo , Omaha. WANTKJ ) To oornspoml \ \ Wpinles" \ iiipsiblo of innklnupnlltt bur shoes for crlpphil feet. None but the best. Addrcsi X , coio Hro. A N rni-Mnii ) for lirani'li onlie' Salary J'l per month and a laiimilsilon.M se curity rtMiulrc'd. No. dUiWlllnn avenue , Coun cil lllutrs. TO\\A farms foi MI hi also ohoioi' gaidi-n nnd fruit land neii founc'll Illults .lohnston A. Van I'littun , Mrrott block , BAltOAlNSIn fruit mil xpgpt.iblo lands. 1 or s.ilo , , * > 7 crt" , si roils north of ( ' ) i.m- IIUKIII i KiotmilM , c i stern * dniic" . tlnu spring , line spring lirooKlandery rich , will sell In IJ or 10 ne11 o lots it inO pot aure , or Ki pur ncro for nholeti tot f ! il acres nn < 7rmd n\oniiO ! line orchird wind mill , line cio\i > , sltuitnd on Mjnstor | iinpoi > cd motor line ; price fU ) | H > riicri1. 10 acres adjoining city limits , two story liou'-e | .rood b irn , line orcliuil and niiull ( riilts Price , fi.UOO. 0 acres undrand a\e'iiup , l' ' { miles from I' . 0 fW ) an aure. llOaorcs , three mlles from elty limits , good Dii'-e- , barn and out buildings S ) boirluj aiplntre > e-iiinil sm ill fruits l'i len , tl.OOJ , block f mn. 4V ) acres lint ) Improvements , wpll waterel , enl ) nun mlle fiom st.itlon , tJ3 an aero It t iKeu soon. I ! isy Irrin" Parin and i-lty proportv for > d - W. O. Stncjroom4. Open lioiiio ulk , dmne'tl lllulTs. FOIl SALK or Itunt-Qirlim Hull , with houses , by J , It llloa. lUJMUu it , Oouaoll Ulutr. Electric Trusses , elts , Chest Protectors , Etc AGENTSWAXfED , DUGII. JODD. OO6 Broadway , ConnoU Bluffs , la TIJIjl2 ! > I10Ms. ornon. 97. isi-.iinNJE. ) i COUSCIL BLUFFS STEAJI DYE WORKS Allhlndiof Dylns nnd Clcaiiln ? dnno In tin Ugliest btyln of tlui Art , I'.idud and btiilnod 'nhrlcs iniiilo to looltus wood us now WorW iro'nptly donound dellvcieil la nil pirts ot ho country buid for in k'u list. U. A. MAC'IIAV. Prop 01J Uroadwav. No.ir Nortliwosluni UdUSCIli III.UIM. IA 27 MAIN STUIJET. Over O. II. Jueniiamln & Cos Jinvclry Star CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Oluffs. CAPITAL STOCK 8150,000 , SURPLUSAND PROFITS 65,00j , ( TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . . . 215.000 mBrjTOii * I. A. Millar , I' . O Glo iiun. R. U Sluuurt , I ! K. II irt , J. D. DhimmU m. Uharlet O. llunn in Trunsact Kouoril buiklnt bml * no > Liir est c.iplt.il und suriilus of any .lanklu Soiithwojtorn lena INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , Attorneys nt hivr I'rno- Hue in thu stuto nnd fodcr.d courts KnaniH I , 4 and 0 bhuxuri llunobloclc , Council lllulV-t lovvu Finloy Burke.Oso. W , Hewitt.Tlios. E. Oasady Kurkc , IIc\vitt&.Ctisadv \ , Attorneys-at-Law IMIACTICK IN rilKSl'A'IK AND riililA& : ) ( roirit'ifi. i Onieos : J. J. Iliown Ilulldlng , Coiuiull IHufTs , Iowa i OFFICER & PUSEV , \ BANKERS. Corner Main and Ilro idway , , / COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 1 Oc.ilorg In foreign nnd dornoUlo xolmilT * Collneitlon niadu und liiloroat paid on tliii * deposits. I , D. H. McDancld & Co. , Butchers' ' aid Packers' Sup.il'm , Mark3t Fixtures , Casing , Spiers und Sans iR < > MulcnrV Miiuhlnory. K-"h H'Jj Miilnst. . ( Jotinull HlulTs , Iu. Albu doaloii n llldi.'s und I'nr.-i _ - I K 0. Utownleo , sccrotaiy , Mr. II , A. Smith , t roai u tor , Kxcc'utlvo coinmlttco IJyron Stnnborry , Mm J.S HrlKRS , Mr. ( } W Held. Mlsrf Mellutm Buttcrllold. Jlss Hchult/o , Mr. A bcrt Itothurv. M-a. PraniiM Mumuuih ? , Mr , Dr i : . M. 1'urk , Mm. C. Outllu , Mils Tleait Unoweion. House Conunlttco-Mr. Clnirloi S. KlKuU tor , Mis. U. T. Untllii. Mr , II. A Smith , Mr. Albert Hotnor ) und Mrs. I ) . U. Ilrownleu. Coininlttcu on Kntottnlntimnt-.Mr. O. 9. EUruttcr , MM. J. S. Hrl ; s und MH. O. L\ Catlln. Coiniiiltteo on MoinbJrshlp-Tho ontlr * board of directors , The iippolntmcntor un exhibition conunlb * tcowus iio4tK | > nucl until ] u it boforu tbo nc'xl uniiuul exhibit