8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY ; JANUARY 13 , 181)1. ) THE CITY , Clmncoy Heed IIIIB fixed upon January 20 nn the dnto for opening the llotol Dollono. Tlio gospel meetings nt the Cnstollnr Btrcot church , will continue this \veok. Ton conversions ! were reported lust week. The funornl of J. 0. Sponnimn will tnko plnco tit 2 o'clock Wednesday nftor- noori from Ills Into residence at Surlng- flold In Sixrpy county. John Johnson nnd William Newton , both chnrycd with burglary , will bo ar raigned in Judge Clnrkbon's court on "Wednesday morning. At the meeting of the stockholders of the Union depot company held jostorduy afternoon the old hoard of directors was roloctcU for the onsulnjr year. The rctftilur mooting of tbo Ancient Order of lllbcrlnns will ho liuld tonight. A full attendance of mem bers isilculrcd as important matters tire to bo considered. The members of the Omnha letter- carriers' association have rented the Coliseum and will fjio their fourth an nual ball at that place on Tuesday oven- Inp , February 4. The three-year-old son of ox-Council man Mlle Leo died of diphtheria Sunday night. Tbo funeral was hold nt3 o'clock yesterday iiftornoon from the residence , Thirtieth and "SVoohvortli. The stockholders of the Nebraska Sav ings bank hold Hip annual election of di rectors yesterday nnd the followlnp gem- tlcmon were chosen to fill that position : D. L. Thomas , J. L. Miles , Samuel Cott- nor , A. Rosewater . A. L. Gibbon , C. Orcutt nnd Henry Elclco. All were reelected - elected except tno hist two , who were chosen to 111 ! vacancies caused by resig nation. The directors will moot at 2 o'clock today to elect olllocrs for the en suing year. The opinion scorns to pre vail among the directors that no changes will bo made in the oflleors. With his thumb a boy is snlil to have saved ho Netherlnmls from inundation. Many people have been saved from tbo Invasion of disease by a bottle of Aycr's ' Sarsnparlllu. This mcdlclno imparts tone to the system unu strengthens every organ and Ilbro of tbt body. _ _ FOP hnlo. A clear stock of hnrdwaro and stoves , Invoicing about $3,600. in the best town In the central part of the stato. Will take part cash and the balance in good paper. Address , O. J. SMITH , Grand Island , Neb. SOVTIl 031 A II A'I ll'S. TJnlte < l Prcsbyccrlnn ServlocH. ' The Hcv. J. II. Henderson of Omnba and the Uev. J. D , Hanklti of Denver , Colo. , will bold religious meetings ovcry evening this week. In tbo United Presbyterian chapel , Twonty-soventh and M streets. South Oumliii Club Pnrty. The next social by the South Omaha club will bo hold Thursday evening1 , January 15. Hlgh-flvo nnd n musical entertainment will bo tbo order of the ovontnjr. Efforts are bcliiK made to nrrango for n pleasant social evening aim ovcry meinbor isurgedto attend. Hard I lines lloiicIU null. Messrs. Gary & Looslor , proprietors of Gcrmnnln ball , Twenty-fourth and J streets , will give a hard times ball next Saturday oven Inc. The ontlro receipts will bo donated to tbo sufiTo.'ors In tbo stricken districts la the western imrt of the state. Admission , 05 cents. _ Bnhcminti TiiriiiM's" Masqucrnclo. The Doboralan Turners \vlll glvo a mas- quorndo ball , Saturday evening the 24th , In National hall , Twenty-fourth and L streets. Messrs. Joseph Toshnolodclr , John Mulac , Mlclmcl Subcrt anil Joseph Parcloh have been appointed a committco on arrange- meuts. Public Instnltntlnn , A Joint public Installation of the ofllcors- elect of Robert II. Livingston post , No. 234 , Grand Army of the IJcpublic , and Camp B. K. Wells , No 72 , Sons of Tcterans , will beheld held this evening in ICniRhts of Pythias hall. The public Is cordially Invited to at tend. A social and dnnco will entertain mem bers and friends after tbo installation ser vices. Third Annual Jlolioinlnn Ball. Olive Branch lodge , No. 35 , J. 0. D , , the Bohemian ladles lodge , gave Its third annual ball In Blum's ball Saturday evening. The ladles uoro favored with a flno attendance nnd In turn pave their friends a very pleasant social nnd danco. Mesdames J. M. Tobias , Joseph IIurush and John Pranolc , the commit tee , were all attention and nora inoro than successful in serving friends and entertaining guests. NotcH \boiic the City. Mrs. A. G. Begyand daughter have gone to Chicago to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Young of Chicago , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Uoorgo C. Burlc. Patrick Breslcrno , while trimming hides at tbo Cudahy packing houses , trimmed bis left band. Tbo Hlgh-rivo club will moot tonight at "W. B. Clark's residence , Seventeenth street near Missouri avenue. Charles 13. Morris has commenced to build n residence oa J street , between Twenty- third and Twenty-fourth struts. Mr. A. D. Cbnmberlln of Douglas , WVo. , Is visiting her brother , J. P. McKoynolds , nnd Postmaster and Mrs. Glasgow. Tlio Bohemian building association will hold a meeting Sunday afternoon next at a o'clock at Twenty-sixth and M streets. Tbo annual mooting of the Nebraska Hvo Block shlpucrs for tbo election of ofllccrs will bo held at the exchange Wednesday af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Councilman Kdward J. Connelly Is thobap- plcst man in tbe Magic City. Saturday a pair of twins cnmo to his household a tioy and a clrl. A family of nine sous and one daughter gladden the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Connelly. Hon. Joseph J. Breen , member of the as- ecinbly , cnmo homo from Uncoln to spend Sunday , Ilcproscntatlvo Eicon Is delighted over the seating of Governor Boyd , Thomas West , In his cavorting around tbo city Saturday night , vlsltflU the Now York cigar store and on leaving went to tbo pollco headquarters and complained that Acmes Bclmont bad robbed him of $10. They will bo given n chance to explain this $10 transac tion before Judge King , A A'A O VXCKM RXT3. The beauty and talent displayed by the entire - tire cast in the historical production of the gorgeous spectacle , "America HO : ! , ISS1 } , " has never bcon surpassed In this city. The costumes nro entirely foreign to all Ideas over ndvnrceil hcioand the ground work of the ontlro spectacle Is founded on tbo princi pal historical facts of this country. It is tilled with soul stirring muslo nnd thrilling battle scenes , and the situations In both Hold and forum are really beautiful. It Is un- douDcdly the most Instructive production how before tbo public. A special matlnco for ladles nnd scholars will bo given next Saturday afternoon , nnd packed houses will bo In order during this most instructive spec- Inclo. The entertainment provided dy the Eden Musco this week Is one of the strongest over presented at that popular house. Kiln Kwlng , the giantess from AlUsouil , who has been * > tuch a popular attraction the past week , has boon retained .his week In order that all may avail themselves of tbo opportunity of seeing the greatest wonder in modern history. An other freak that has Just bcon put on this toook Is Nellie May , the Nebraska fat girl , \\lio \ \ weighs 410 pounds and la but sixteen years old. This plrl n a perfect wonder and 10 fat that Bho walks with the greatest dim- cully. In the BIJou theater the Howard 1m- liorlal minstrel company of twelve well uuown black face artists holds forth. This company gives a really utijoyablo entertain- ineni and Instead of detaining a person Ihrco hours glva an bour'a performance- full tf wit and humor , „ OVEH A. IJOY. Criminal Ilcoklcflsncss of n Ilonrt- ICHIS Ton nut cr. John Schar. a teamster in the employ of Dairy man Bocich , is under arrest on a charpro of wilfully driving over a boy named Will- am Daniels with intent to "kill , malm and disfigure" him. The accident , or whatever it was , occurred Saturday at the corner of Seventeenth and Qurt streets. Daniels was riding on bis sled , tbo ropoof which was attached to the rear end of n wagon. Schnr drove up behind him with thrco horses nnd a heavy load of malt , llo gradu ally drove closer to the boy. who pulled him self as close to tbo wagon in front as bo possible - siblo could nnd nhoutcd to Schar to hold baclf. his horses. Sev eral i > coplo on tbo sidewalk , who noticed the peril that the little fellow wai in also shouted to Sclmr nnd told him not to run over the boy. These witnesses state that Scbar paid no attention , but drove carelessly along , looking at the boy , whom lip was ap parently trying to scare. Tbo spectators held Uielr breath as tbo horses nnirowly missed trampling the boy two or three times , ana their hearts rose In their throats when ono of Lbo heavy animals finally stopped upon tbo boy's ' coat which was trailing behind him. An agonized scrcum nnd the burriblo crunching of human bones were the only sounds borne to the cars of the on-lookcrs , nnd tbo awful affair was over. Schardrovo carelessly on until compelled to stop , and tbo Inanimate , form of bis victim was taken to his home , at 1515 Burt street , whcro a physician was hastily summoned to attend the sufleror. It was found that both logs and ono nrm were broken. Tbo bone of the leg just above the nnltlo was ground almost to powder , nnd It is doubtful whether the limb can bo saved , al though the leg was cut open ana atubo In serted. Schnr Is a German nnd cannot understand English , but is a sharp , shrewd fellow , and would say nothing until ho consulted bis at torney. The case was continued. Hcbnr has not yet secured ball and Is confined at the city Jail , PliCilUINO KOU UEY'NOIjDS. Tor n Now Trial fortlio Accused Sluyor of Clerk Matte. For the first tune since his serious Illness Judge Baldwin was able to attend court yes terday morning. In Judge Clarltson's ' court ho argued a motion for a now trial in the James Uojnolds murder caso. Early in December Reynolds wiw convicted of manslaughter , bis victim being Fred Nlstlo , a clerk In Uam- borgor's store at Thirteenth and Harnoy streets. Some ono had stolen o txilr of shoos , and wbllo escaping was pursued by Niatle. Tlio thief had a pal and ono of the two men turned and IIred on Nlstlc , fatally wounding him. lloynolds was nrrcstcd on suspicion nnd on trial was found guilty of man slaughter. The defendant's attorney questions the le gality of what the state called in testimony "Nistie's dying statement , " claiming thai the victim lived four days after tbo statement was mado. Ho will also present art afildavlt from ono of the Jurors that convicted Uoy- nolds to the effect that ho had tnado up his mind of tbo defendant's guilt before any evi dence had been Introduced. .ludgoCInrkson tool ; the matter under ad visement until Wednesday. After the court was all ready to proceed , Mr , Smith , the slonographor who reported the last trial , asked permission to make a statement. It was to the effect that ho and Mr. Wheeler had presented a bill of $00 for stenographic work performed , but the coun ty commissioners refused to allow it. Ho therefore Mfusod to report tno matter any further unless ho had a guarantee that ho would bo paid. Mr. Muhonoy wont , before the county board to ascertain why the bill bad not been allowed. Ho was told by Mr. Berlin that the commissioners did not propose to lot stenographers ring In any bills on them ; that the stnto auditor was the proper person to go to. Tbo first honnnu of the Reynolds case was before Judge Tiffany , who had no stenographer , consequently Wheeler and Smith wcro appointed to do the work. Judge Baldwin paid Smith witness fees to read nls notes , and after the county attorney had guaranteed Smith pay for what work bo bad done , the case proceeded. HIE COUNTY BOAIID. Applicants Tor Positions Under tlic Ni.w Organization. The newly elected members of the board of county commissioners put in an appearance at the hoard rooms jostorday. VanCamp was buttonholed by a raft of applicants for ap pointive offices , as was Dick Berlin and Dick O'ICcoffo , both of whom spend considerable time at t ho ofllco. Some of the applicants for the ofllco of county physician have laid tholr claims before fore the board. They are Dr. ICcogb , Dr. Connell , Dr. Taggart and Dr. Coulter. J. H. Spafford is a candidate for county druggist. There Is a host of applicants for the posl- tloa of cleric of the beard , out A. J. 'Webb , the present incumbent , will probably suc ceed himself. The term of W. J. Mount as ono of tbo members of the soldiers' relief commission expires and the now board will appoint his successor. Mr. Mount Is a candidate for another term nnd may bo roapnolntod. The other members of the commission are J. II. IlOngato and Dr. B. M. Stono. The position is not a salaried ono. The board handles nbout $ S,000 , a year for the relief of indigent soldiers and their families. The now board will organize today. O'lfpeffo will undoubtedly bochahman. SAFE : BLOW 12 us AT WORK. They Force n. Grocer's Safe and Se cure Some ftonty. Safe blowers vlsltod the grocery store of J. Lcvi , corner of Thirteenth and Lravomvorth Sunday night nnd secured the contents of tbo safe. safe.They They forced open the back door with a crow bar , and once Inslda turned their atten tion to the safo. They drilled a hole near tbo combination knob , and then with a punch succeeded in knocking off tbo combination. They secured 0 in money , a watch and gold ring , the whole valued at ? to. Tno craoksmon loft a heavy sledge , brace , drill , punch and chisel oa the floor bcsldo tbo safo. None of the articles have boon identl- Jlcd , but wcro probably stolen. The burglars did not molest anything but the safo. Tbclr work was rather bungling and apparently dona by novices. Thcro is no clue to tbo thieves. niul Hoarseness. The Irrlto- tlon which Induces coughing immediately ra. Hovcd by use of "Brown's Bronchial Tro ches. " Sold only in boxes. A Coltl Wnvp. A telegram was received at the signal ser vice ofllco about noon from Washington an nouncing that the touipcraturo would fall to nbout zero by 8 a. in. today , and direct ing that tbo cold wave Hag bo hoisted. Baking CMil tn VlUtonti of Bomee 49 Xevt the BtinduA. Each. Season Has lit own peculiar malady ) but with the blood maintained In a state of uniform vigor and purity , by tbo use of Ayer's Samparllla. the system readily adapts Itself to changed conditions. Comimsud of the best alteratives nnd tonics , and being highly concentrated. Aycr's 8arsa | > arlllals the most effective anil economical of all blood medicines. "For some years , at the return of spring , 1 had serious trouble with my kidneys. I was -unable to sleep nights , and suffered greatly with pains lu the small of my back. 1 was also nflllctcd with headache , loss of appetite , nnd Indigestion. These sjtnptoms ucro much \\orso last spring , especially the trouble with my back. A friend persuaded me to use Aycr's Sarsaparllla. 1 began taking It , nnd my troubles all disappeared. " Mrs. Ucncvra llclangcr , 24 Bridge St. . Springfield , Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla DR. J. 0. AYKE & CO , Xowoll , Mass. BoldbyDrugk'its. ] DrsBettsBBtts Pii/sl / in ? , Sur eo ns anil Specialists , 140Q DOUGUAS STRE1BT OMAHA , NEB. Tno most Idely nnd fuvorahly Ifnownspcc- lullsls intlio Ueiftol States. Tlior : lone ex perience , remarkable skill nnd ntmersiilsiu'- cusa In the treatment anil cmo or Is'orvoun. Chronlonnd Surgical Diseases , entitle these omlnont physicians to the full confidence of tlionllllctod o\prywhnro. Thar Riiarnnti > : A OKUTATN AND 1'OSlTlVE ( JUKE foi the aw ful effects otoarly vloo and the niiuiL'r- ousovllsthutrollowln Its train. I'lUVATK. 111.001) AND SKIN DISEASES sppocllly. completely and permanently cured. NUItVOUS IlKIIIUTY AND SK.\UAIil > l - OKUEHSyloldroaaily to their skillful treat ment. PILES , FISTULA AND RECTAL ULCEKS ciiar.intccd cured without pain or detention from business. ItVDHOUELE AND VARICOCELE perma nently and Rucccssfullv cured In ovcirycaso , SYl'IIILIS , aONOKUIIKA. GLEET. Spor- matorrhoa , fc-oinlunl Weakness , Lost Manhood , Night Emissions. Decayed Kuoultles , Female Weakness and nil dellc.ito disorders neoullai to cither sox positively cured , us well as nil functional disorders Unit result from youthful follies orthooxcossof mature years. TUIfTITPl ? Guaranteed permanently o IR1V1jiLi cured , removal complete' , without cuttlni ; , caustic or dilatation. Cures effected at homo by patient without a mo ment's p-Un orannoyatico. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. riITRTll ° awful oiTocts of Ul\Li onriy vlco which organic weakness , dcstroylnc both mind ami body , with all Its dreaded ills , permanently cured. cured.RFTT < \ Address those who have 1m- . JJL.11G palrod themselves by Im proper Indulgence and solitary habits , which ruin both mind and body , unfitting thorn for bmlnosi. Bturtv or marriage. MARHIiU : MKN or those entering on that happy life , aw are of physloa ! debility , quioUly assisted. * OUR SUCCESS Is based upon facts. First Practical experi ence. Second Every cnse Is specially studied , thus starting right- Third medicines are prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit each case , thus effecting curosvrlthout injury , Drs. Betts & Belts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , - - OMAHA , NEB. DR.OWEIM'S ELECTRIC BEO With Double Wire Suspensory. PATENTED AUG. 16,1837. IMPROVED IDLY 29,1890. , * -T V" \iY/-/J fettlhsMtfJl 11 Dtt OWEN'8 W7.rKr.KTtlO-OAf. ( ! . . ' * JJ& cure'nil , I'KNSOIIY will * - 2 > nil Ilhou matlcCoraplalnts r TIoracSZ.IjiirabnKO Oen eral anil Nervous - S A-.s-r Debility , Costive ness. Kid nor SraV3T * - = . I > l"care8. Norv oustioej. Trorabrxvkerfvjrv * H"B. Sexual K * haaftlon , WnstsyVZlwi ln of bod7 , DIs ease * caused by < 'Vi77i'eInOUcretlons ' Ir YouthAgoMar- _ rled or Hlnel < .Life. Baspontory. BENT TO nE PCTNBIllM : PAIITIKS FOU TKR TAIN COJll'J VlNTS ON SO DAYS' TllIAU Also nnIClcctrlc Triim and llolt Oomblnocl. Eondgc. postnco for FHEE Illustrated book. 224 pages , which nlll bo cent rou In plain tealeacnvul ope. Mention this paper. Address Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Co. , 306 N. Broadway , St. Louis , Mo. 826 Broadway , Now York City. TRADEMARK TUB ORXAT THADC MARK K.NQL13K 11 EM- HI ) V. An unfail ing curu for Bern- Inal Wenkncai , a pcrmntcrrhoet. Iinpotoncr nnd all dlienios that follow si a ie- qucnco of Bolt- abuse ; a Loss of Alemory , Uulver * * BHOREUKIM , i La.'iitude AntR TAKIMO. Tain In ( he Hack , Dlmneo of Vision , Prematur * Old Age , and mnnjr ether dlseasci tliat load to Liianltj or consumption and a premature urivva. r * Kull partlculari In our pamphlet , whlcli we de- lire to tend free by mail to ererj one. | F The Bpo- clBo Medicine It sold at fl per package , or < lz pnck- sei for IS , or wilt be sent free by mull on receipt of thimonor , by addrcnlnif THE GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 FAHNAM STHBET , OJIAIIA , NED. Oa account of counterfeit ! we hare adopteil tbi yellow wrapper , tbe only ecnulnt , BE SURE YOUR -SIN U known I II you havn Evil Drrnmn , L < mci , are Impotent , full of 1'eura , Undcveloprd or btuntcil , Victim ol ixcess or ContoRioua Uls. , ease , you cm eieaie all Conitqiienfct by our tircluilia and Aucccttfut Mel/ioili Jar Jfome OUR NEW BOOK . . . . . . . V/ILL FIND YOU OUT ! For sunburn uae Pond'0 Extract , WINTER RESORTS. HUNTSVILLE , ALABAMA. Charming Winter Resort in tlic Higblands. HaDtsylllcHotcl.Substantlal.Elcgant.Kcw . . . 1IAIIVK.V 8 , DKNISON , BV110N K. DENISON , AiaUtnot. DR. MOGREW , Is unsurpassed In the treatment of nil forms of PRIVATE DISEASES Stricture. Syphilis , Lost Manhood , Skhi Ills- ' eases and Fumnlo llsua ) cs. jr. McGruw's success in tliotreitmciiti : > r tlinnbovoUlso-iso" 1ms never been cnunlcd. A cure Is au.irn.iitcod without tno 'loss ot un hours tlinp , AVrlto for circulars. LAIIiS. ) from 3 td 4 only. ) lllco , Cor. llth urnl I'umiun Sta , Omaha , Nub. Entrance on cithnr street. IIOHU'S AlTTlE VEGETABLE PILLS CURB \ lcU IleiKlnrlir , Coi.ntliiatlon , > BILIOUSNESS , W t > All . Slomach WComplalnts. s ° { i ' _ ot vegetables In- ll' Allgvnous to Caliroin'a. ' 'try thtro. 4tt pllh la / > acb vl l Siqlc , Headache by U absolutely cured .HolhLlllleVegthtlePilli on ) , 83 centra vlall B for 85 vtU \ , /or 0 forfl , Knriilo bjrdruBgliir , 'or bj mall. Acldrcis 'KOBE'S ' MEDICINE N. PWS. S43 rRAUISCO ( U , TOR SALK IN OMAHA , NKI5. . U\ Kuhn ft Co. . Cor. 16th > t Douglas streets. J. A. Fuller 4 Co , Cur. Mtli & Dorplas btrcctt. A. U. Foster A Co . Council III u Ha. Iowa. / nn "niNctPM nRitan'ftrn cvrn wHrn1 * ( I M. O. I'rnctlco limited to Discuses of tbo LUNGS Nervous System nchnlll I'nrnlysls , Kplleiny , ' -ntnlcpur , llynteru Epllopsy , Convul sions , bolnul Inltn- : lon , Hlictiinatlsm , 'lironlc AlcohollMii , S'.TTHU3 IlPllllncllC. Ntrvoua I'rostrallon consumption nml nil ill cnsosottho lunt'i KooinstIO to3Al , BEEBUILDINa , OMAHA. REMEMBER HflT LINCH IS THE NAME OF THAT | M Wonderful Remedy That Cures CATARRH'HAY-FEVER.UOLD . in . tbe HEAD , SORE THROAT , CANKER , For Sale by leading Druggists. T Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Go , 82 JACKSON ST. , CHICAGO , ILL. Blake. Bruce & Co. NERVE AND mm TREHTMENL Bpoelflo for Hriterla , DliilnMi.riti , KeurolRla. . WiJto tulne a. Ilintal l preillon. Boltenlngnf. tbe Itraln.re- pultln In Insanity and leading to mlsorr decay anil UaAth. Prcmattiro Old Age , li&irenncss. Lose oC Powar lactthof sex. Involuntary L.OIBCI. anl Huerm0torrhcxuA cauied br overxerllov of the brain , ( lf.abuio or orer > lnunif9nce ) A.uchbox contalnionamontb'i treat- ruont. | l a boi , or ill for t > . nt l > y mall iirepald. Vfllh earn order for ilx lie > , will rend parcbasor puar&nteo to refund nonuy if tno ( ro&traent fallita cu . uuaranteoal utdandKenuiD9iioliloalrbr GOODMAN DRUG CO. , UlOIi'amumStrcot. - Omaha Nib , ELECTRIC BELT crRKKUMii : xi 7mi\i , Hud. ror tMitp lDipur. fcit , Curi ol Ott.r.tl.o IT.itiirn , lvln ( Frerl ; , lllld , foolh. U | , loml.uoui ( in-tall or KlKlrlcllr Ihrouib ill WEAK PAUTR.r < ituriurih.niHillKLril n.l l.OItni ( STIIIMiTH ! Elftlrlc Inrnnl Nil In.lKll ) , or w r rf lt JJCOO In cub I1KLT anddaspKiorv CoiuplrlMi * audtip. Wont caicil'cr * g . "j"f [ rtjnlhr monlhi. s lfj r oiphl i Free. CHICAQO. ) ! ' . JAMEANS'$3 SilOO , I * the bpftt mailc , an I Is rolj/ cvor > nlirre. Dili Is the orlf- In.lltJShoe. llc aroof Iml- ' latloni. Positively llono/ eriiiiinu iinlrsi atampc on the nolcs DR. BA ILET GRADUATE DENTIST A lull Set of Tooth on Rubber , fur _ 1'1VK 110M.AU3. A porfoot fit Kimrnntoea. TcotU cxtraotod . without pain or danisor. nna wlUout nnaos. thotloa Gold anil silver fill ngs at lowest rates. Bridge nnd Grown Work. Tcothwlth- nutnUtm. AH vnrk wnrrantcu. OFFICE PAXTON B1IOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Entracco , 16th street elevator Ouonovou- cs until 8 o'cloulf FOR SALE SIT Pnlnttna and PaperlinnElnB business. l ! tnb- liiliuil ISiU. Una a well reloi.te > t nock or Wall I'niierVull Mouldlnifs , I'alnU , Uruilioi , etc. P. WINDHEIM , 610 S. 10th Street , Omnlm. TO WEAK MEN Battering youthful tie c/Ii'cta errort front ol * arly deenT , wa.itliiir weaknetw , lost maulioo.1 . , etc. I wfllicnaovoluaBlo treotl ei < > nl M ) contalnlni . ' tull'rartioultri for lioino'cure , I'llKI3 ol' ' fliarga A , ilcnUd medical work i UoulJ bo rfad byerufi man who U nenrnm ixl delillllutca. Ailtlraaa l rof. V , U. K'OWXUK , Jlloodu * , Cotlix iu JuUfiuuUlMjf.SBflCXJX TRA. \ The month of January , from a purely business standpoint , is far different in the prescn day from that of a few years ago , Before the day of the elegant "vestibule train" which rio enables the merchant to reach his market in a few short hours , the average storekeeper went to "the city" wherever that might be , but twice a year ; once in the early spring and once in tha early fall , each time buying goods enough to last him a full season of six months. He did Httlo replenishing of stock in those days. When anything sold out , he was "out of it , " that was all. When the first day of January came , business came to a standstill "no use trying to sell' any thing. " He'd just get in the back end of the store by the old box stove , and sit , and soak in hea.t and wait lor the customer that never came. The enterprising : merchant of to-day has qhanged all'that. Instead of letting his business run him , he runs his business. He rolls up his sleeves and pitches in , determined to make January's SALES good , even if he don't "lay up " a cent. . TO-DAY , We , the afore-mentioned enterprising merchant , begin our annual January Sale of When we will put on sale in one grand lot between five and six hundred Overcoats and Ulsters" that have formerly been sold at twelve , thirteen fifty , fourteen , fifteen and even sixteen dollar- all at the one uniform price of TEN DOLLARS. M Splendid all wool Chinchilla Overcoats , in blue or black , in all sizes , with Italian , Serge or Cassimere linings , with handsome fancy satin sleeve linings. Goods that are worth from two to six dollars more AT TEN DOLLARS. Great big Heavy Chinchilla Ulsters , goods that are right in every way , lined with splen did plaid cassimere. Coats that have sold for- five dollars more all the season. They go in , at the TEN DOLLAR rate too. Great big piles of Irish Frieze Ulsters in Stylish Plaids , with splendid linings , with ex cellent sleeve linings ; coats that ought to wear a man three or four years with any decent serb of handling. They go in under the TEN DOLLAR banner too. When you take into consideration tbe fact that these garments at the original prices weroj the cheapest coats sold in Omaha , you can readily understand that at the present reducedl price of TEN DOLLARS , there won't be many left at the end of the SIX DAYS which we in * ; tend to devote to this great JANUARY OVERCOAT SALE. Nebraska Clothin Co , " \ \ \ \ Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , ' We Close at 6:3O P. M. : - - - - Open Saturdays Till Tefl THE BEST M R \ IN THE WORLD. ARE MADE BY THE IrVoonsookBt & Rhode Island Rubber Go And wo are their western agents and always carryalara i , ) ! c . ,0 Address , BraericanJfendSBwedSlioeBo 1204 and-1206 Harney Street. r C.S.RAYMOND'S Sacrifice and Removal Sale We mean just what wu sxy. Our nrlces will tell. Our entire fitoolc ( except Patelc Philippe & Go's Fine Watches ) , Is on sale at such sacrifice prices , that it should insure thesilo of everv article. CUR ART DEPARTMENT wo are simply Belling without regard to cost. Our discount on watchoj , DiamondsSolid Silver , Tine Jewelry nnd all goods , makes the prices lower than our people have ever been able to purchase this class of gopds. This sale will n last long. C. S. RAYMOND. Douglas and 16th St. W. S , ROBINSON' Chemist and Assajer. Formerly In Cheinl ilkaboratory * oftlie Union 1'aclllo Hallway Company , peclal Attention Given to Ores , Waters and Oils. msDodge St. , OnVii , M eb TOST POWER. .Nprrelleani euro all aoinal eaknc In olllm 01 , actlnif on nvrrei , brain , iciunl urvani. Aijuo I.UIBCUIIE for Impotcnoy nlulitlr oinl"lon . lus niomorr. ! ' " < > "Ireanif. nrorsloii to oi'lety "box , .1,1 SIX boxes h NhllViUBANio.lluB lo Hold br Uooduiaa I > ruK Co , llll ) rarn tu at , The First Special Hfter Stock Taking , I MEN'S FINE TROUSERS I Strictly All Wool , : .50 , S3.50 3.75 and $5.00 NO GUREU NO FA.Y. OWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. 1 * m Seventeen yean experience , A rejular < tra < 1ii t In medicine , as diplomat tliow , Ii fttlll treating wltl tlio urcateit mcccti , nil Xorvuiii , Cliruiila anil I'rlvala | ) | OMIOI. Aporinaniint euro uunrantood for Catarrh , BncrDiitorrliiru , Ix > it Munhoncl. SocnlnalVoaknp < , Nlnht IJ > MOI. Imixitonor , Urplillli , atrlcturu , anil all < ll > canoiof iho llloocl. Bkln ami Urlnirr Oritana. NII. 1 yiiarnnteo iou forerorjr caio I undertake and fall to euro. C jn ult tlon Jruu. Jooklly ( tcirl i o Ufo ) lout free. Ottlcoliouri 'Ji. m. ton p. m. Uuadai 1 . . . a. w. to U10. FRENCH SPECIFIC , A POSITIV andperminint CURE lor all URINARY ORGANS. Cure * where olliortreal lain , FulTairoclionswIlh each botlle. Prlc , oni dollir. Set ( laniluro ol E. U STAHL For Sale By All Druggist * . f * Un par 1111 cand , DE J T > Hm iL li m ,0 --BEANSV kit , luuly lulliUo , pvrfrot r ufevmo t powerful uttleltut , A < llii ( * > s LION 1 beta tor QOOL