Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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cxho taken until 12:110 : p. in. , for the evening
edition nnd until 8n : < ) p.m. , ( or th * morning
edition and BUNiur Due ,
'i W * , rr > EIlMS Cash lu advance.
RATHS Adrcrtlvcmcntson thisp rwill b
charged for at ( ho rate of IH cent per word
tor tlio first Incertlon and 1 cent per word for
( Jch lutacqucnt Insertion , knd 11.60 per line
vrnr month. No advertisement taken for
' less than 21 ccnti for tin ) first-Insertion.
INITIALS , figures , symbols , etc. , count each
a * ono word.
THESE advertisements must run oonieco-
tlrely and under no circumstances will
they bo fakon or discontinued by telephone.
PAHTIES advertising In thcso columns and
having their answers addressed to a ' 'nurn-
bor-d lottnr" In care of TUB HEH will rccelva
R numbered check to enable thorn to ( jet their
letters. Answers will bo delivered only on
presentation of thin chr-ck. Enclose answon
In envelopes properly addressed.
AIJj i Tcrthcmonts under the bead of
"Special Nolle ? * " nro published In liolti the
rnornlnjc and ovenlng editions of TUB HEK. the
circulation of which aggregates more than
20,000 papers dally , and Rives the advertiser
the benont not only of the larse circulation of
Tun HEK In Omalia , but nlsn In Council IllulTs ,
Lincoln and other cities and towns In tlmwpit
Advertlilntt for these columns will hs tnkon
on the above conditions , at the followlr * busl-
nes houses who nro authorltod to Iriko special
notices , at the same rates as can naa at tna
/naln otTlro. _
SOUTH Street. Lister lllock.
* TOIIN W. BELL , Pharmacist , 820 South Tenth
tl glrcet. .
O ! IIA RE & EDDY. Dtatloncrs and Printer ! ,
113 South IClh street.
.s ir.FAllNSWOHTH , 1'harmacllt , 3115 Oum-
. . t Ing street.
J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , C2I North 1Mb
GEO. W. PA nil , Pharmaolit , 1718 Leaven *
worth street.
PHARMACY. 21th nnd Farnam.
Tcrralet , etc. , ttf t < n > of frtt f ! umn on thlt jxr < 7&
\X7ANTED-Sltuntlon , first class cook , best
V references. Address 7J5 , Bcoofllco.
WANTED Position bv thoronghly compe
tent lady stcnosrnphor with throe years
experience and good reference. Addn-ssA ( Vlj
WANTEO-Sltnatlons for peed Rlrls ; ny
waiting rooms nro always full from 0 a.
m. to n p. m. Canadian Employment olllco ,
314KB 15th. Tclophonn P8t. 121
For , . tectopof frtl column on thlt
O MEN of Rood address and nrmt appearance
'forporinanentworlc. Uoom fiXI 1'axtnn bile.
W. It. Trachsol. M2OT-U *
WANTED A flrit class engineer ; no other
need apply. The Paxton. ] M287-I3
AN elderly ccntloman wanted for a perma
nent position In our liunlnoss ; former olty
business man nreft'rrrd. JI5 weekly salary.
Call after 13 Wednesday. A. N. Bhldelor. 12
Crolghton bloolf. M2C-13 *
ANTED 20 mon to distribute circulars.
Apply at 2 p. in. at 1200 Farnam. M281-13
VK7ANTEO-A slnplo man. 25 to33 years of
YT ago.- that has at least 5 years' experience
In dry Roods , notions and furnishing goods.
Can make himself agreeable , known how to
soli goods , coed penman nnd willing to do
anv kind of work In a gnnoral storo. State
salary wanted. Host kind of references from
Rood rollabto firms required. No others need
apply , Address with stamp , box GO , Blair.
Nob. 281 12 *
fUNNEU ii/i'levstamllm * shop nnd ontsldo
. _ LjTfovlwho can furnish good reference cnn
, obtain steady employment year round by addressing -
* dressing P , J. Sharp & Ilro. . Aurora , Nebraska.
Married man and ono understanding plumbIng -
Ing preferred. 272 13
rpKAVKLlNO Salesmen A line of window
JL shades und shndo rollers on commission.
Kor terms , qto. , address Keystone M'l'p Co. ,
Olrard. Pa. 271 IT
WANTED Agents to take orders for en
larging crayon pictures on onsy pay
ments ; pay Rood commission. Tlio Omaha
Novelty coup Si 1'loturo Co. , 1700 St. Mary's avo.
TXT ANTED Salesmen on salary or pommU-
TT slon tohUndlo the now patent chomloul
Ink erasing pencil. ThoRrnatcst selling nov
elty over pro'liicod. Era-tot Ink thoroughly In
two soconuV no abrasion of pupcr , 200 to MX )
percent profit. Ono ngont'n sales amounted
to J020 In six days ; nnothor $33 In two hours.
"Wo want ono xonoral aeont for each stntu nnd
territory. Sample ny mall " > cent1" . For terms
nna full particulars address The Monroe
Krasor Mfg. Co' ' , , La Orosso , WIs. 212-13 *
"XXTANTEO A first-class salesman for Dn-
TT kota tdsoll groeor'H nnd dnmgoit's sun
dries. Must be nJlvo man nnd have Hrst-class
IUIUI CIILU1 . * . Please say < wlioro yon were last
employed ! itlva references nnd _ siilnry ox-
peeled. Address F. F.Jaqucs & Co. , Kn Xas
Olty. 214-12
WANTED Jinn with good references ate
Metropolitan Mfg. Co. , 1GOO Howard st.
V 5MF10
.A GENTS tire maUIna $ . > tolls per day Intro-
Jtduolng our goods. 1'artlculara ut o110
Dodge stroct'room 8,3d floor. 213-12 *
WANTED A good general blacksmith on
plows nnd horseshoeing ; steady works
write O.F , Cox , Defiance. la. J 7 12 *
< WANTED Mon to travel for our Uanadlnn
nil rseries-StonoA ; Wellington , MudUoii.AVU
W \NTED Salesman to manufacture and
wholesale our now process older , made
without apples. Excellent waces. Particulars
4o. Iowa older mfg. Co. , box 482 , Hcddlns , la.
_ 618 J21
500 salesmen wanted to sell our premium
niireory stool ; . The largest nursery west of
the Mississippi river. The finest stock. All
the new aim old fruits. Tbo lowest prices and
hlRgcst pay to agents. Money advanced every
wook. Outfit froo. Write us at once. The II
J. Carpcntr r Co. , Kalrbury , Neb. 854 JI8
WANTED Salc-smnii whomoottho grocery
trade to sell ono of the best articles nn tno
market on commission. Address. X US , lleo.
_ 821
For rate * , etc. , rr * i < n > "f fret oituinn nn rnl * nag * .
ANTElaooii grl ; smnli family j at.SQ
( leorgla avo. , tow doors south of Leaven
Wortli street. M183-12 *
WANTED Girl for general housework. 1814
( Junitnir st. 279-13'
, _ first cook , 1 Bocond cook. 1
( lining room girl , i chambermaid. Olty
hotel. 277-18 *
T\rANTEp-Good girl for general bouso-
worlc,2433 Hnrnoy , 274 14 *
WANTED Girl forgonorul housowork. An -
ply to300 North 23th st. 2TJ 14 *
TSTANTED Competent girl for general
> housowork. 720South 22d st. 2J2-I3
WANTED A girl to assist at housework or
to take care of children at Oil N , 17th.
M103-13 *
WANTED Good second girl nnd waitress ;
German. Dane or Irish preferred. Apply
at 22IU Dodge st. y $ 1J
Fcrmtra , etc. . t'tlap f .ffrsl coiuniiinii Uifui
MKS. STEVKIl Is Rlvlnir best success of any
fortune teller hi the city , Hio docs not
deal In any fraud. Her terms arc the lowest.
400 N. ICth st. 3d lloor. 20S-13 *
MASHAQK Madam Ualzlor , over 1CM18 liltlu
C83vy *
MltS. Nnnnln V. Warron. clairvoyant trnncZ
speaking , wrltlnc und rollablo business
medium , four years In Omaha. 119 N , IGth.
MME. Ilurrough Palmist tolls the past , pres
ent and future from the lines of t ha baud.
In the old Gypsy way. Foe , * 1 : ladles only.
1817 UnrU street , Omaha. CM ai
AlWlVEU-Olatrvoynnt. naturally gifted ' ,
tclli past and future , love troubles , ab
sent friend * , chnnups , travel , bumnnsa. Hutis-
factlon given. JIr Wallace , 1UC8 L'anmni st-
M li'--2t
For rates , ttf , tee ton of frtl folitmnon ( All IXJQJ.
jl/TABSAQE / bath at Mndamo Smith's parlon ,
' " " "
- Murker hotel. IBS 18 *
TTUNEST eleotrlo and electro thermal | mth -rr
JU rooms. Including Turkish cnbtuot baths. !
Laulo * , & to 1 dully & Tuesday & I'rlduy ev'nus
UolOl Dr. Richards , rooms U18 & : c , Uco bid * .
Itf A8SAXI&-Madiiui Dclzior. over CIO H th"
I > KNBION&-ThoCllQL'uiau Pension .
1 Proazvr block. Informatlou froo.
tnrrnitf. tte. , m In nr r > t folitmrt on fill
TflOH RENT At JlOpor month , 7-room house
JL' In Knod repair on 27th st. 2 blocks north of
Lmko. .Inquire Omnha Furniture Co.
/HOTTAOK ofa rooms In rcnr of 1315 Chlr-aco
\J street , 18. to | ior month. " 53-17 *
"ITOUKKNT Sctocnnt It-room home * , Noi.
JL1 KK and 31lft Dnimhis st , Knn.niro of A. A.
nimUtono. iilO : Douglas st , , orUlohoLoan k
Trust co , , : M a ir-th - t sro
Foil HUNT Now 7-rooni homo , mantel ,
liatli , water I'losot , sink , liot and cola
water , cor. 8th and Hickory. 10-roam brick ,
" .101 lniirln | , nil modern cunv. J. II. Evntn.
303 N. Y. life. 1MB 12
"T710H KENT Furnished house , modern 1m-
JU pro > uincnt , to rrsponilblo partlqi ! locu
tion Insulo nml first class. Kmiulro of jllnirpr
& llrudlcy , 1519 l-'arnnni st. 16012 *
TOH HF.NT-1 Hut , Meiimhent , Union block ,
J3 01" 8 13th : ! i > or mouth. John liamlin ,
agent In the block. JJ
17HHST lloorofcottnpo. furnished for house-
JU kcoplnf , four blocks from oourt house.
Address 11C. lloe. 'Mi 18 *
7-ItOOM house and bnrn. 2i'd street near
I.eavonworth. J18.0D jior mo. , or for Halo on
ons.v terms. J. O. Cortolyan , II. 40 , Chamber
of Commerce. Mb.11
OTRAM honied nnls at 700 S 10th. Thos V.
Ollall. illl I'qxlon hlock. 705
T710U KENT To nn Intelligent unrdcncrlS
JL' acres , house und burn on Military avo.
Apply to Thco. Williams , It20 Capitol avo.
avo.M ITS
"I71OH IIENT Good B-room homes , conven-
-U lent to a car lines , S20 per month. Jno. II.
Tatc , II. 15 , Chamber of Commerce. 312 J10 *
THOU KENT II bouses 10 rooms cnch. 1'nrk
JU ave nnd Woohvorth st.clty ntor.furnaco.
Ac. Call nt once. MiiniauRb & Kllcbott , house
rcntliiK agents , S. W. cor. 13th nnd Howard st ,
OR IlENT NIce 3-room cottnso nonr en
ter of city , price JIB. 1716 Webster street.
IJIOH RENT Seven-room cottage , cor. 23th
JU avn and Cap , avc. Inquire MI8 lodgo..M714
rr-KOOM house with all modern conveniences ;
I rent JJ" ' per month , corner Thirtieth and
Woolworth , fnclns ? Hnnscom Park. Enqitlro
Leo it Nlcbol , 23th ana Lcavouwortli. aliill
IK you wish to rout a house or store see II.
E. Colo. Continental block. 700
T71OII HENT-2 10-room houses , Poilfio nnd
JJ 20th sts. ; inodorn Improvements. O F. Davis
Co. . 16051'ltrnam st. 153 18
T71OR KENT Jan. 1 , C-room cottage , llrst-
J2 class In every respect , bath , hot and cold
water ; on motor line. Cull utl52lShorinnnnvo.
M ( XV )
Farrata , fir. , rrc tint af Imt ciiiiii/in / nn till *
T AUGK south front room , bay window , mod-
JU ern convenloncus , for ono or two gentlemen -
men , 810 per month. 2318 Loavcnwortli. M2IM
IjTOUNISHEI ) rooms (1 ( unfurnished ) with
-P board. 4U7 North lUtli. I'uul lllook. 250-U *
rpO RENT I'lirnlshed rooms , also rooms for
housekeeping , or will sell furniture cheapen
on time , and rent flat. 1324 Capitol avo.
257-18 *
TJlUUNISHElrooms ) , steam beat. 2J15 Douz-
JElas. 189-16 *
T7HIONT room with an alcove , gas , hot water
JU heat. 212 8 ijth st. 103
TTIRONT room furnished , modern convcn-
-13 Icnces. C31M 8.10th st. 104 13 *
TTIOU KENT Furnished rooms , gas , bath
JL' and stoam. l.'ilO Howard. 715
ST. ' OLAIR European hotel , with dining
room , staain heat In all rooms , tilth nnd
Dodge. rates by week or month. 717
TT10K JlENT-Krontroom with alcovo.curtnlns
JL1 mantel , steam heat , Ras and bath , 2 closets ,
Rtiltablo for 2 gentlemen or man .mil wlfo ,
$18.00 per month. Also adjoining room with
bis closet and nil conveniences $10.00 per
month. 207 a 24th at. Cull between 8 and 0 a.
m. or 8 o'clock p. in. ( UP
T30OMS Reasonable rates. 2023 St. Mnrv's
JU avenue. M3G9-J24 *
TO LET Beautiful front room Is bolt part
of city , close to good board. Rout reason
able. 183 K 25th St. 413
Fortatci , etc. , tte top nf flnt foium'l on thtr
O newly furnished rooms , w.lth .board. 1707
Dodge. Ma15
TERYdosIrnBlo front nnd south rooms at
the Fronzor. Nicely furnished two on
second floor , ono having stationary washstand ,
Could accommodato20 table boarders. 110 N.
25th street , 20S-12 *
rPO man and wlfo , a larpo south front alcove
-I , with bath lOmtnntosrldo
- room ; frorupost-
olllco ; with board ; must give good references.
Address A10. Hoe. 224
3 ROOMS for housekeeping to man and wlfo ;
uo children ; rent taken In board. U10 N. 17th
T A HGE south front room with board , 2214
JUKarnaiu. 233-17 *
TTIRONT room , Kas , hath Und furnace heat :
JL' hoard 11 desired. S. K. coruor2jth avo. and
Ilarney. 111-U
T710H RENT Two or tbrco dcslrablo rooms
JU with board at " 1'ho Jlorrlam" 25th and
Dod go. 802-U *
) OO5t and board $ j week , 1WI I'umnni.M701J31
M701-J31 !
"O OOMS und board at 1023 Dodge ,
5 *
Farraten , rtc. . xt toji of ftnt column nrt f/iti /
D IESK room for rcut , with prlvato olllco.
Gas nnd steam beat. Telephone 104:1 :
address B 10. lice. M203 IS
pOR. RENT Fliiollsht corner basement at
' 701 8.10th street. Qcorgo Clousor. 231-17 *
inOR KENT Part of store. 705 S. 10th s. .
- 10316 *
STOKKS at 709 8. ICtb , Btcam bent f urulshid. >
Titos. K Hall. : ill Paxton blk. 718 [
TC10R RENT-Tho 4-story brick bulldlnir.wltli
JL1 or without powor.formorly occupied by the
Hco Publishing Co. , 010 Farnnmst. Thobulld-
IIIR has a llroproof cement qusomentcomplete
Hteum heatliiK fixtures , water on all the toS
KOS , etc. Apply at the olllco ot The Ceo. ) S
I710U RENT lly January 1 , 4-story bulldlnz.
JL1 3n,5IO square feet ; stiltiiblo for any kind of
wholesaling , atTcnth and Jnuos streets. ofO.
A. Llndnuust , 310 South Fifteenth street. 710 [
TT1OU RENT-Tho third lloor of No. 1307 How-
JL1 ard street , with stoum heat and power trir
desired ; rent reasonable. Fostnor 1'rlntlne
Co , , 1 07 Howard. M3I2
> trratcittc. , Hrtopof Jlrtt rnlumii on ( Ad vagi
| ? ' OR RENT orSalo Flno , heavy brick flvo-
JL'story corner warehouse with most control
trnckaKO In city ; Hours nro 13,500 square feet.
30btrltiBorit Penny , llarkor blouk , 720
TTIOK RENT Drlck warehouse , two stories
J- high , basement , hydraulic ulovntor , truok-
ago. Uest location In the city. A. U Powt-ll.
i. rtc. . tee top of ftrtt column nn thtt
mil ACICACJE storasro nt lowest rates. W. M.
JLllUbliiiian , 1311 Loavcnwortli. m
S 1TORAOE and trackago. UavW Cole , 815-S17
Howard street. . R17Wl
STOHAOE The best In city cleandry , safe ,
and privately stored at reasonable terms.
Omahutitovo liepalr WkslS07 Douglas. Tel OW.
Fcrra < , ett. , rre Input flrrtciiltimn OH ( hit 0 *
Agent Ocorfio .1. Vaul. 1000 Far-
Houses and stores for rout. Kent *
collected. _ 713
TiIST y ° "r houses to sell or rent with O. IT.
JJUur"S0' ' . < N. Y. Life. WJ
HE. COLE , rental ngoney.Contlnontal blk.
_ _ _ _ nn
ENNINOHAVEN & CO. , rental agents , 207
Omaha National hank. SIOI4-J10 *
forratette. , tcttoitnf frit culuinnnn ( AM
"C10U SALI ! Two nrstoass'hontlia "
- hontlia : "stovc.
J inqulrol707Io < 1gc.
nnmNITUUElnO-room ' flat. 14UUucksonst.
JL' must bo sold by Tuesday night. saa i-j *
TTlOIt SALE The furniture ami lease of ad-
a.1 room cottage also the
; furniture and
I aso ota S-rooni cottage. Inqulro of O. ndH.
Rloore' " " 3 North 10th. gil-is *
CJECONP bund furniture , itovcs. carpets and
k JJIngtirtowluKmuchlno at half price ; easy
payuiouU. llawkeye lav. Douglas blK.
" ?
PHOF. U. Lormn. . room 11 , Hushman bloolt ,
cor. 10th and Douglas fits , cures all the nick
by mpsmorlo powir ; , tiuru uuro or uo par.
IS *
For rate * , eU. , tte tpp ofjlnt column on ( ftU
two horse sleigh , also
largo pulleys and shafting. (011'ouglns. (
TTlon SAI E Very alionp. an olcitant two
JL' scaled Ilimlnn slclgb , nearly new. Ilol-
brook , room < , Uccblilg. 1C3
TT1OU SALE EloRnn't two'-scnted slolijti nnrt
JO t wo sliiRlo cutters , all now , bolby , 13 , Hoard
Trade. J70
' \AroHK horse $00 , two-horse wnc on $20. dotl-
> hlo work harness m Or will trade for a
coed light sldo-unr buggy. U. II. Cole. Uon-
tluentnl block. * 709
"TOOK PAI/E 2 Rood work teams. Inquire nt
JL1 018 I'axton block. 509
Fbrmtti , etc. . rtc fop nf fnt column on l/us / ) xto .
"I71ORSALE 6 horse power Phlpman anto-
JO mntlo enstlmi. coal oil burner ! Just the
thliiR for prmtlngnlllcc. 2 horix ) power up
right engine nnd bnllor. AUtoOliorso power
pulley foe < l mill. An 800 Ib Victor scalp ; Just
what a farmer wunts. ( ) r wlll exchange for
hay or feed. 1012 N. 27th avenue , Omaha.
FOU BALE A ptur of white ferrets , : oed
workers. Address IJ1 , Hco Sfl-U' '
S arness , cheap. I'.U. I.owo.
10K N. gd street.arness
FOR SALH ElKlit-liorso uprljht cnelnonndj
bollor with steam fitting complete , In
splendid order. Used about 8 months. Ad-
ilrcsi Current , North I'lattc. Neb. 217-12 *
TTIOII SA I < E Coniploto sot of drtiR store llx-
J-1 tares , Bhow eiisus. ulc. 1 * . O. llox a ? ' . 810
TjlOK SALK cheap A 10 norse power Now
-L York Biifety Btonm oiiKlno In 11 rat
condition , I'catnor Printing Co. , 1307 Howard
T71OR BALE-Stolnwny piano but llttlo used
JL1 at a sacrifice. Inquire at 2410 Oaldwoll
street coo
fcrrate * , etc. , nee jnp < > t flrtt orfiinm nnthtt mat.
LOST Purse containing hetwqon J300 ami
J-IOU , butwoon ( J. a bank nnd Council
IHiifTu. Finder will bo rewarded li.v leaving
same at Keith's elpar store or l'erooy ( tc
Moorq's , Council lllulla. ai JO 18 *
LOST A small open faced silver watch
with small chain and bangle. Howard If
returned to Ulty Steam Laundry. 09 12 *
T OST Sealskin mitlT near 1'axton block or
XJFnlconer's. finder leave at 311 Paxton blk.
LOST A. red heifer , had metal tag In loft
cur marked No. Don ono sldo and O. Os-
kntnp , Omaha , Neb. , on other sldo. A reward
If returned to No. 2215 Wobstorst. 280
Forralft , etc. , tec tnpirf tiisi annum nniMx
WANTED To buy printing oITlco In good
live town within too miles of Omahn. Ad
dress box SrtB , Llvermoic. la. 28'J12 *
WANTED-A fresh milk cow. Call or ad
dress J. L. llnitulois , 13th nnd Howard ,
\v 17ILL pay all cash for lot In Amos Place :
must bo bargain. Alex Moore , tfll Shcoly
blook. 235-U ! >
WANTED At once ; merchandise ; nil
kinds ; snot cash : must know at once.
I. T. Newell & Co. . 1410 Douglas , Omnha. 231
$5,000 cash to Invest In a legitimate paying
business ; no chcstnutsconslderod. Address
A 55. lleo. 114 12 *
A PAKTY wishing to go Into trade In a wcst-
-ciorn townwlll purchnsoancstabllshod busi
ness for part cash nnd part clear lauds. Address -
dress conUdontlally , A (11 ( Hoc.- m 15 *
I7IURNITURE , household KOods.otc. Highest
JL1 ciiah price. Wells , 1111 Fnrnam. 730
TT OK9EH wanted at 1331 N 10th st.
Forrattt , etc. , tec top of fnt. column onits ( jiayt
M IAS3AGE Madam Delzlor , over UlO S. 13th.
83-K2 *
" \fASSAOE treatment.olcotro-thormal baths ,
J-U-scnlp and hair treatment , manicure and
chiropodist. Mrs. ! > ost,319i } S IDth VItbuellblK
Fcrrattt , etc. , tec top of jlrit column nn Uiis
WANTED-Appllcatlon for W.OOO at once.
Ucorgo J. Paul. 1609 I'tii-nam. 248-it :
I N amohnts of SI.OOO to 19,000. Also short time
loans , small amounts. Cash ou band. II.
II. Irey. WG ) Now York Life. 223-ia
MONEY on first and second mortgages at
G'/iQi7H per cent , premium Included. Ad
dress at once , O. U. Nelsou , COG H. 10th street.
Ma7-iO ( ] *
/CHATTEL loans at lowest rates. Rcmovod
\JtoKi N. Y. Llfo bldg. J. H. Emmmgor. 733
EYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of $10 to
$1,000 : not our rates before borrowloK and
save money ; loans on horses , furniture orany
approved security without publicity , notes
bouRht ; for now Ioansronuwnl ; ; of old undllow-
cst rates , call H 208 Slioely blk,15th & Howard.
WANTED Application for $1 000 at once.
George J. 1'jiul , 1COO Farnam. 243-1IJ
MONEY to loan on second mortgage. W. S.
Wynu. room 3' > 4 Omaha Nut. IJk. bl'ds.
piATTEL bank , 1110 S 13th St. . loans money
i.Joii chattels or collateral at reasonable rates
WANTED-Applicatlon for .W.OOO atonco.
TV George J. 1'aul , 1000 Farnam. 248-13
T71IHST te second mortgages on vnrant Aclrn-
J- ' proved city prop. County warrants bought.
Money on baud. F. M. lUchnrdson,818N.Y.LIfo.
MONEY to loan on city nnd farm property.
W. M. Harris , It 20 , Freuzor blk. , opp. P. 6.
. 737
TDUILDINQ loans , fi to 7 per cent ; no nildT-
Jtlonnl charges for corn in Isslon or attorney's
fees. W. U. Molkle , First National bank btdi ; .
REAL Estate Loans Cash on hand. Globe
Loan & Trust Co. , 307 8 18th st. No delay ,
uo extra charges. Houses for rent , good list.
WANTED-Applloatloii for W.OOO at once.
George J. I'aul , 1509 Ftirnam. 243-1U
0.E. . & O. M. Anthony. U18 N. Y. Llfo bullil-
. riK. lend money on farms In choice coun
ties in Nebraska and Iowa , also on coed
Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; best
terms ; no delay ; money ready. Titles and
values passed on hero. 71. !
" \fOSEY to loan by II. F. Masters on chattel
* U.iind collateral securities for any time from
1 to C months , in any amount to suit bor
Loans made on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse
receipts , etc. , at the lowest nossllilo rules ,
without publicity or removal of property.
My loans nro so nrrnnxod that you can make
n payment of nny amount at any tlmo nud re
duce both principal and Interest.
If yon owe a balance on your property or
have u loan you wish changed , 1 will pay It off
und carry It for you. If you find It moro con
venient , call up telephone No. 1031 and your
business will bo arranged at homo.
Money always on hand. No dolay. No pub-
Hclty. Lowest rates.
B. F. Masters ,
Hoom4 , WUlmoll blk. 15th nnd llarney sts.
\SrANTED-ApplloatIon for W.OCO at once.
IT George J. 1'aul. 11103Farnnm. 248-13
MONEY to loan on Improved olty property
at current rates ; tunils on band ; uo delay ,
Geo. F. < llluat i Co. , 203 1tnmin lililir. . Mfci
MONEY GO , CO or 00 days , on liousohnlci fur
niture. cto. 0131'uxton block , J. J. Wilkin
son. SIU70-K1
ftttiipiif Jlrtl column on Ml
rpOUTESl personncs nut ont sulvlTTcoiirs
-Ldo lecons du Krunoalsdu 1'rofosseur IlodKo
Bout prices do s' addresser au No. Utl'i llnrncy
btroot. Tormcs Uoux hourcs do lecon 50 cants.
Lcs I'rofessours bugntft ct Hortimann. lCfl ! 13
BEFORE buying n pluno oxamliio the new
scale Klmball piano. A.llospo,1511 Dougins.
GEO. F. Geltenbcck , teacher of the banjo
with Hospe , 1613 Douglas. 240
lorratti , etc , , tee Mp of inl column on Cil * ] > ayi
CALL or write for catalogues Hnd Invcstl-
Kutothe merits of tliutimlth Premier
writer. Manifestly superior features. flrt. fli
portant changes inudu. Typo-writers sold ,
exchanged or rented. lOOOJi I'urnum it. , fc , rt.IS
Muyhew , mnnttKer. 37.
Forrattt , etc. , Kt top of Jlnt column on ( Ah jxig .
"DEST line hair goods In west ) hair dressing ,
. " 'wlca , switches , bangs , hair chains , etc. , a
specialty. Davlos , hulr cooUs and mlllluor ,
oppoalto postonieo. 111 B 16th street , Omaha.
FnrrnlM. tltite tt of Mr t mUTin onttitt
F6il8ALE-Or rent. . The Star stables.cor-
- iiorof Hh and Iinrd streets ; well ar
ranged for llvory , boardluK nnd sale stables ;
W'll accommodate fifty horses. Apply to 0. H.
Ilrunor. corner ot 15th and Farnamilrcetn.
lirA AliMI 13
A OIINTHALLY located drug store doing a
ItooU business will sell cheap If tnkcn
at once. i Address 0 , line olllco. M U 1' '
Foil SALE or ExchntiBo Clonn sloclc of drjr
Roods , clothing , boots , shoes , hats , ontu , In
dies' nnil Rents' furnlihliiK goods , Aildrnss
lloxMH. Frankfort. Inrt. S7I ) t'll
Ho.V _
V 7ANTKD Topurcliaso nnliHoront In foino
T > good wholcsjilo business. Address ATI.
STOOIC Tor sale : store for rent. Inquire or
address illON , HUh. SS-13
; r--
WANTED A good , sober and Industrious
V partncrwltlr J-M/OJto engage In n manu
facturing enterprise ! 40to80por cent on In
vestment. Address A 07 , euro Omaha Her.
11W-1G *
WANTED A man of small capital to cn-
gaso In good paying ofllco Business In
Nebraska or Iowa , dull on Cook SL Acros.liotol
Casey. 1U9 H *
rpHE only exclusive millinery liouso In ono
a. of thn most thriving cities of 0,000 In the
state of Nebraska. Terms reasonable , bltfdls-
rount > will bo given : possession atonco , as am
compelled to go south on account of my
health.Address A OS , lice. 13 ii ; *
FOlt RENT Only hotel In a good town : a
good aliening for n good hotel man. For
particulars address Box I. Iliirr , Nob. < M9 1'5 *
Foil SALE Half Interest In a well estab
lished business In tills city ; will romilro
J15.000cash. ! Address Y 04 , lleoonico. MSB J20
FOH SALE Or trade. A largo HVcry.board
ing and feed stable , with feed store con
nected < , ( iood location and dolns a IIno busi
ness. Call at once onMiiinnugh Ic Fltcliett ,
roul estate agents , a. w , cor , 19th and Howard.
Fi 1OH SALK or Trade ImrRO livery and ( cod
stable , fopd store nttaeliod. This Is well
loontca on puvcd street nnd doltu ; a Rood
buHlncsi. MutnuiiRh &Fltchctt , real ostnto
cor. 15th and Howard st , CO I
TTIOKdALEor oxchanso for stock of general
JL merchandise 240 acres of land 2VJ miles
from Qrooloy Center , the county sent of
Orecley county , 00 acres In cultivation , t !
wells , wind mill , house and sUhlo : blaok loam
soil ndarly lovoli every foot of this track
( It for cultivation ; Incmnucrnne $ l,2oO ; rented
for next year Also IGOacres unimproved hind
B miles from Orcoloy Center and 2',4 miles
from first track adjoining Ackmlo postonieo ;
bluck lenin soli , will glvo clan tltluofthln
tract , or will oxohanco for Omah tor Council
lllufTs property. Addrpss I ) . J , F. .Lock box
IBS , Greoloy Center. Nob. bG3Jl < r
HOTEL For Sale Do you want got Into a
coed business ? If vou do , buy the Conimor
clal at Uroken Bow , Nob. 288
A IN : established business for sale or Undo ,
llox 518. city. 1(50 (
Forratet , ctc.'reetnpof Jii'nt column rmf/itit
t o head marcs and ono Imported I'oreboron
Norman stallion to o.xcbango for Iowa lander
or good Insldo Omnha property , Jtoom 11 ! ,
Hoard of Trade building. M2MM5
WANTED To exchange some clear Omaha
property forstookof furniture or cloth
ing. Address B 8 , Ilee. M238-1G *
l\ ANTED Small stocks of gen. mdsc. or
1 groceries for hind , horses orclty property
nnd cash , or short time paper. Want to deal
with owners. Address llox 070 , Onmlm. Nob.
M2S3-13 *
Foil EXCHANGE Ira'provod olty property
for farms In Nebraska or Iowa , not too far
from Oin uhn. Address B 7 lleo ofllco. 283 H *
TTTE have flno rental property , all clear , for
TV block of stores or Hats la Omaha. Will
nssuino blp mortgage aiM put In cash. Alex
Mooic , : i01. Shcoly block. 235 13 *
VT7ANTED To exchange bomo clear Omaha
* property and cash for Improved huslnesu
property on Douglns lfnrnam or Sixteenth
streets ! call soon. WtkA. Spencer , room 7.
Chamber of Commerce. " 47-1U
nno TIIADE Now pau'dlbox ' delivery rnpon.
JRoom. . 13 , Chamber qtC.ominorco. M17B
milKEE flno Ipts 50xl3tf 'each on ' So. 1Mb St. ,
JL clear , for clear houl < i nnd lot In Omaha.
AloxMooro,301 Shtoly lifgpk. 235-12 *
. A NDMBERof stookrAnchcatocxchanffo'fbr
'jC3.mUrcUandi9cC18 ' PuXtqu blk.Cjiqicron lCd.
* ! ' 75JJ29 *
WANTED Horse and buggy 1n exchange
for Omaha caultlps or railway lands.
Address W. J. Paul , 1C09 Farnam Bt. 443JU1
\f KHOHANTS-If you wart to dispose of
lliyoiir imas or surplus stock , wo will glvo
you a bin dcul In lota , nouses , lands and mort
gages. This must bo dune quickly. Addicsn
Y 01 , Ueo ofllco. 6SMT38
"OUSINESSloton Laavonworth stfootanda
JL > lot at 28th and llurdetto , both clear , for
lot and cottuco not furout. . Will assume.
Alex Moore , 301 Shcoly block. 11-12 *
WAN TED- Personal property of. all kinds ,
euch as horses and buggies , furniture and
pianos , machinery , cto. Also all kinds of
stocks of merchandise , cto. , clear lots and
lands for equities , or as first payment , In
Omaha property and railway lands. Wo have
a place forsuc-li property and will glvo nn ex
ceptional trade If made Immediately. Ad
dress Y 43 Hoc. 443J31
For ratet , etc. , tec lop of fnt column onits ( ixio&
80 acres clear land In Warren county. Iowa.
v 80 acres clear land InSchuylor county. Mo.
ICO acres clear land In Hock county , Neb. .
two I miles from county seat.
ICO aero highly Improved farm In Webster
county. Neb. rf
Will exchange any of the above for stock of
merchandise or good Improved farm In south
western Iowa , or Inside Omnha property.
M2s9-15 Itoom 13 , Hoard of Trade bldg.
SPECIAL Bargain LarRo lot , G3xlG5 ft , , 4
blockn from Lowa uvo. nnd Uumlng St. , lays
splendid : cheap for 'cash , or will trade for
farm. Address E. 0. Merrill , 42nd and Uusssts.
FOR BALE A now nnd flno cottage , cast
front , InUanscom Place , only $ J,000
Another , with bath , wutor closets , etc. , "it-
rooms 3,500
Another , with 0 rooms 4,0)0 )
Hovcral genuine bargains. Evans , 308 N. Y.
Life. 18812
vyo-room liouso and f ullcorncrlot , very cheap
for cash , or will trade for oloar farm or Oma
ha lots. Address the owner at 42udund Onss
Bis. . E. O. Merrill. 1ST
rpHK best corner on unnorFanmm street ,
X frontage on three streets ; splendid cornur
on Kurnain street , clo-so to court house , a bar
gain ; corner with traoltugo in 8. R. part of
city ; good residences and low-priced cnttuges ,
good lota for building , mine as low as S100 , In
sldo acres , farms and unimproved land.
\VovrllI sell nny of this property of which wo
havecntlrocontrol , atprlcesway balow what
you can buy at elsewhere.
Stringer & Penny , llarlcor block , 15th and
I'ltrnnm. ' 747
12U acres flno farm land adjoining good Ne-
JLhrnska town ; nearly clear.
160 acres flnolv Improved land 2Vi miles from
county seat In Nebraska ; llKhtly encumbered.
120 acres good land In Nebraska , 5 miles from
county so at ; 2,500 Inhabitants.
liouso and lot In town M Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In good Nebraska town.
4 room house und lot."barn , well and cistern.
10th street , Omaha ; slightly encumbered ; will
trade for Umaha property and assume encum
brances. H. E. Cole , Continental block. ItiO
FOH SALE A largo lljtrof choice residence
und business property/ Houses and lots on
monthly payments ; nftH ) and upwards ;
vacant lots fcOOiind u/'aooreo ( J. 1'aul , luoo
Farnum. 730
T7"OUNTXEPInco-IhJVo solaj250COO worth
Xvof this properly. Wlrun you see ono ot my
adds you can bet U Is t J bargain. I have no
money to throw nwny on advertising. Hero la
a bargain I will guarantee the purchaser IMC
not In six mon tin ! D-roum house on paved
street. $3,500 ; t > 00cajli , balance easy.
Also3 UnadwollliigH , Itittno add. from 15,500
to * l.KO , 8.VJO cash , balduee Ka per month.
Would take somocleurJm-opurty Inoxcliumio.
AlsuO-room home , f ulbjot , llnusconi Place ,
to oxchanizo for KountzR 1'luee ) erty.
J. J. ( IlbHon. solo agonclCountzo Plui . Room
3. Orolghton block.
\TTAUQ II & Wostorneld.roal % . c3tato,3.Omaha
TjlOIl SALE lly residence , OU20 Kurnam
JRtrcet. . Choicest locution and best house
In Onmhu , for the jnonuy. Hot water ant
every convenience pOHslbli ) . Ilarn , connoctec
with sewer , water unO. gus. D , V. bholus. 21 : .
1st Mat. bantr. M7H1
"I71IVE acre tract west of Dundee , excellent
-L for gardening , for lots Insldo of licit llnu.
Alex llooro , 3U1 tilifcly blook , 'J33.13 *
5-UOOM house , lot SixfH , tl,700i also f.-rooiu
hoiifcc. lotMVix&is. o. cor. Dili and Vlnton
st. , rJ,000. Urtck bonso and American house
lot OtliOU , n. c. cor. 10th and Douglas. (40,000
tin. Kuhlmann. 211 H llth.
ELEGANT rcsldonoo In Konntzo Place ; 0
rooms finely finished ana all modem cou-
voulencea , Wlrt st. noartOtn. ( Jan sell on ono
quurtrr cash payment nnd balance time t
right party , Thlalt nochoapafrulrof a house ,
but n comfortable home In every scn o ant
a bl snap barsatn , K , K. Ditrllnj , llurker
Hook. M7W
For rater , itc. . net tiiynt tntnmn on thw
No. B7. 0 room house nnd bnrn on Ilur-
dctto near XUth , tMO cash or good va
cant lot for onulty. prleo. , . , . (3,000
No. W. On 2(1 street , north , a good B
room homo. f2cO cash , balance Ii5 per
month , price , 1,700
Nos. K , 51. 4 room house In Central Park
and 4 room bouse In Hitchcock's 1st
udd. JJCOcitsh , bnlnnco $10 per month ,
ulthorplaco , 1,200
No. 41. Good 4 room house with barn ,
Iliirdotta near 25th strccl , J200 cash ,
balance (1.1 per month , price 1,100
No. 30. Ituulutta near 27th street , good B
room house 1,030
No. 113. 23d street , north , full lot for
only 1,000
No. 110. Kult lot In Plnlnvlcw , the chonu-
est lot In the add , and a decided bar
gain at , . . , , . , 1,100
Nos. 2. > . 2fl. n or 10 acre tract suitable ,
for gardening , very cheap ; also 20 norus
suitable for plnttlng. at t 1,203
per acre. Joining property sells at a
much higher IhMiro.
No. fij. 04 acres InVcst \ Albright to trade
for house and lot.
Nu. 1U ai acres In South Omaha. Itnllroad
Koestlirouih property.
No : U. 10 acres joining South Omaha on
arlllln road.
No. 8 , Thu handsomest acre In Dolvldoro
at 600
No. 4.25 acres suitable for platting I north
No. 4fl 22ffot on Hnrnoy between Ninth
and Tenth streets.
No. 43i 45 feet on Howard between Thlr-
teontnand fourteenth streets ,
Ames Place
IIus two motor UUCP , Is In the best manufac
turing part of the town nnd surrounded by a
good residence neighborhood , Is today the
cheapest and 'jest property In Omaha uttho
prices asked and forms given.
HrlRgs Place
fw lots In Ilrlggs ulnce , po ltlvoly the cream
of the addition , that wo will Mill for less money
per lot and upon easier terms than any other
owner In Urlirps place can olTor.
Olson's Addition.
HI lots , not a poor ono unions them , well lo
cated on military road at reasonable prices
and easy terms.
Harlem Lnno.
Surrounded by ilrst-class Improvements ,
reached by motor oars , mire to advance In
vnlue , sold at low prices and on oiisy terms ,
will pay a sure and speedy profit If bought
15U7 Fanianisticct ,
222 _ Solo Agents.
/ 1HAULE9 Kaufman & .ion. real estate
v > / and loans. Choice vacant and Improved
residence and business property for sale In all
parts of the city and South Omaha on easy
terms. List your property with us. * Loans at
lowest rates. Ofllco 130- Douglas st. Tel. 500.
481 J20
Houses and lots ,
monthly ,
quarterly or yearly
Vacant lots In all
parts of the city.
Business property and
5 acre tracts.
Seymour's addition lota are
selling at only
KM ,
on very easy terms. Call for plat.
Jlonoy to loan. . .
Gco. J. Paul. lf 9 Fnrtinm st. 654
rr-HOOSI cottage , full lot , Hanscom Placc.oast
front , and a great bargain for a few days.
mail cash payment ami balance on long time.
\ K. Darling , Marker block. 740
UnnESTbarealn In Omnha. ily tl
those ulcgant houses on 44th anu I < 'arnam
oftoutof six ; other throe occupied by Urst
lass parties. Houses are open all day lor In-
pcctlon. Every convenience In the houses ,
Deluding gas and gas fixtures.
Take iv look at them during this flnu weather :
uy one and take life comfortable during the
Only takes from 8300 to $500 cash. See them
without fall for they will please you , D. V.
holes , 2131'lrst Nat'l bank. 745
For rates , etc , , rre top ofnt column on ( htt jxioe.
JERSEY cows-Fresh young cow , choice ,
handsome , thorougly broken.
Also good milker , will no fresh next spring ,
cheap. F. I ) . Lowe. 1012 N. 22d street. 220-17 *
For rota , etc. , fee top ot flrft column i > n
ENGAGEMENTS to do dressmnklne In fami
lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 2010 Harney st.
Forralrs , etc. , see top of first column anihtt paoe.
P ATENT lawyers and solicitors. 0. W. Sues
i Co. , Hco tmlldlnK.Omnha. Ii ranch olllco at
Washington , D. G Consultation free. 75U
Formtr * , elf , , fre ( op of fnt column on tltto po < Jf
PRED Mohlo loans money on diamonds and
watchesJowclryotcs. e. cor. Farnatu & llth
For rate , etc. , pet top of frst calumnonthtt ; .
FIHS-OLAS3 table board. 2378 llarnoy.
M816-F1 *
For ratal , etc. sec toy of first column on t/ifa / page
LADIES and gentlemen can rent masnuor-
ade Hulls at 022 N. llitli st 07JJ28 *
I NBTUUMENT3 placed on reoord January 12.
A J Ashmcad and wife to II H Smith , n
H lots H and t ) , blk 3 , 0 E Mayno's 1st
add I 700
George E linker and wlfu to John Hlavka
otnl , lot 7 , Marker's Allotment 1,200 ,
George E Darker and wife to HO Arnold ,
lots 17 and 18. blk 14.Orchard Ulll . . . . 1,250 ,
I K llurdlck to Mary O Itloh. lot 0 , nlkOO , .
KaunUo I'laco 11,000
JI A Durner nnd wife to Anna M Hax-
woll. lot ! , HuckeyePlaco 400
W U Ellis and wife to Mary 0 HIch , s 25
ft lot 10 and n 10 ft lot 1ft. Fulnuouut
I'laco 4.500
Joseph Hotub and wife to Joseph Ifnvan ,
lotuo , J Mllloy's sub 1000 ;
W K Hamilton and wlfo to Gee A Rohr-
bnugh , Iot7 , blk 0 , In sub of J lltod-
lok's ddd 65,000
LIuwood Park Land company to John
BchulaK , lot S. blk 0 , Llnwood Park. . . . 300
B L Magco and wife to John Casey , lots
7 nnd 8 , blkSO , Houth Omnha COO
E II Uatokln anil wife to O J Plokard.lot
! ! , blk 1 , sub of blk 2 , Albright's Choice 500
South Omnha land company lo Charles
Singer , lot 15. blk iiu. South Omaha. . . . 67C
W 1 , Sclby and wlfo to Oust oiid Alfred
Matscn. lot 7 , blk 2Rush & iiolby's add
to South Omana v C2S
W I Waitoncr and wlfo to LP Peterson ,
lots , blk 4 , Sixteenth street and 400
City of Omaha toWm Solmrnwobor , lots
6 aud 0 , blk D , Omaha 1
Adam Snyder , county treasurer , to Fred
Lemon , no no 17-15-12
Total , 1285,100
dian Service , Pine Rldgo Aucnoy , South
Dakota , Ioeombor20th , 18UO : Healed proposals ,
endorsed "Proposals for Field feeeds , " and ad
dressed to the undersigned at Pine Rldgp
Agency , Shannon Co. , Houth Dakota , will be
received at this agency until one o'clock of
January 23d , 1891 , for furnishing for this
agency and delivering thn same at Uushvlllo ,
Nobniskn , about 600 Lusholn of need wheat.
000 bushels of seed potatoes , 4i 0 u.nshels of seed
oats nnd l.V > bushels of seed corn. Itlddars
mu.staliito the proi > osed price of each article
to boufTurud for aell very under a contract.
Cortliled Chooks.
Each bid must bo accompanied by a certified
check or draft upon HOIIID United States depos
itory , m ado payable to the ardor ot the nml
signed , for ut least live per cent of thiiamo ifnt
of the proposal , which ehockor draft will ho
forfeited to the United States In ease any hin
der or bidders receiving nu award shall fall to
promptly execute a contract with good and
sutllolent sureties , otherwise to bo returned to
the bidder , I > . F. ROYCR , U. S. Indian Agent/
JL Ulan service. Rosebud Agency , South Da
kota. January 12 , 1891. Scaled proposal1) ender -
dor od "I'roposnU for Field Seeds. " and ad-
( Irebscil to tbi ) undersigned nt Itosobud
Agency , Houtli Dakotu , will ho received until
1 o'clock of February 5 , Wll , forfurnl-shlng nnd
dollverliiK the same at Valcntlnn , Niihraka :
600 bushels of seed oats , 1,000 bushels of seed
potatoes und 1,000 biiblielsuf seed corn , llul-
uummiistBtato the proposed price of each iir-
tlolo to bo ofTorcd for delivery under a con
tract , CKKTICICD CIIKCKB. Each bid
iniiHt bo accompanied by a ccrtl-
llod check or draft ui > on no mo United ( j talcs
Depository , madopayable to Iho order of the
undersigned , for at lunst F1VH pur eont of
the amount of thQ proposal , which cheek or
draft will bo forfeited to the United Htatea In
cane any bidder or bidders receiving nn
award slinll full to promptly execute a.cou-
traot with coed anu sulUalont aurikiui. othor-
wlso lo bo relumed to tbo bidder. .1 , GEO HOE
WUIUUT , U , & IndlauAgcut. J-13-d-i.'Mui
Both the method and results
Syrup of Figs is tnkcn ; it isplcnsnnt
aud refreshing to the tnsto , aiul nets
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver nnd Eowcls , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches ami fevers nnd cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind over pro
duced , pleasing to the taste nnd ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its notion aud truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and ngrccahlo substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil nnd hnvo made it the most
popular remedy known.
Byrup of Figs is for snlo in 50c
and $1 bottles by nil leading drug
gists. Any reliahlo druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it Do not accept nny
CHICAGO. nUIlUNaTOtf A Q. I Arrlfei
Depot 10th and Mason alroots. | Omalix
' .30 p ml Chicago Kiprosi . . 8.00 it m
tM i ) ft niI ChlcaKO Ktprun 0.30 p m
9.10p ml Clilcngo Kipron HJ.UJ am m | . . . . . . . .liiwa _ lx > c l. .it..j.Ll2tD m
LenTeTTlJUilQrfflTON" . UtVKUrArrTtor |
Omaha. | Depot loth and Mmon lront < . I Omnli.v
Omaha. | C pot 10th nnd Mnroy ilroeU. I Omaha.
- ;
Jn Ji J i
J/eavei aiouX'ci'r A I j Arrttoi
Omaha. Depot Uth nnd Web ter an. I Omaha
O.UU p m | at.l'nul Llmlleil I H.M am
Lenvet iCUIUAUU a Noltfli KS l'KjliS' |
Omaha. | U. P. dupot , 10th and Marcy Sti. | Omah % .
i :
ii i i
lj av i I OMAUA A ST. rrivoi
Omaha. | U. P. depot. 10th and MaroyHti. Omaha.
Loavoi t. , K. it MO. VA.I.IJBY. I Arrlroi
Omaha. I Depot lith nnil WobUer f Omahi.
KcavcT C , , St. f. . M A O. ArriT
Omaha. Depot 15lh unit Wubitor BH. OMU'.I
MiBaUUKl I'AUU'IU. Arrivoi
COmaha. I Depot 15th und WuBator 3tt. I Omaha.
lO.HOixml. . .St.Louli A ICC. Kipre . , . . | 4.511 p
.15 p mil. .St. LuuU A K.O. Kipre . . . . | . . : a
' 1-onVoi I ClIlUAUU , II. 1. A I'AUii'iU | ArrlTB
Trnnifor | Union Depotrnunmi Illugi. ITrnuifor
L0ftvo . ,
Trimiterl Union inpot. Council ITranifor
Stockholders Moctlnir. .
OMAHA. Nebraska. PccomborSI. 1800. ,
Notlco Is hereby given that the annual meet
ing of the fetockholdora of the Union Land
Company for the election of flvo dlrectois ,
nnd such other Im.sliiesi tia may properly como
before the mL'otlng , will bo Held in the com
pany's ulllco at Onmlm , Nebraska , on Monday.
the l''th day of January , IBlll. at 10 o'olouk
a. m. AY. J , CUwiOLt , , Assistant Secretary ,
MllnnO of KxprrsH Ciiiupnnlus.
The joint trnfllo commlttco of the various
express companies bos just Issued Its annual
report showing ' .ho milage of the dlfToreut
companies to date as follows :
Adams . 2U10
American . , . WTM
National . ] ,3X ( >
Northern 1'uclUo . WM
1'uciflo . 2I.04U )
Houthorn . < . , , . . . 21,740
United Ktntes . , . . , , . . . '
Woiu , Funso < fc oo , ! . . . . , . . . . . ! . . ! ! . ,
Total. . . . L , . , . , . 150,415
Throuprh coaches Pullmnn pnlnco
Bloopers , dining care , ( roe redlining clwir
cars to Chicago and inturvonlnt ; polnls
via the ffroat Rock Island route. Ticket
olllco 1C02 , Sixteenth nnd
I'lio too Dealers nro Oottliifj Alto *
KOttior too At null of It.
Tlio Ice dealers of tbo city nro on the anx
ious scat nt the prospect of a short crop and
many of them hnvo been doing some Indus
trious figuring with the Idea of shipping ice
from the north to supply the trndo.
At the opening of the winter season nyonr
n 0 there wcro nbout Uvo tliousnud tons of
Ice on hntitl In tlio various lee houses winch
hnd boon carried over from the previous ycnr.
This your , however , thn houses of nil dealers
In the city nro entirely empty and It Is till *
fact which CIUISM anxiety on the [ nrt of donl *
ore in congealed nqun | niri.
Some dcnfars have boon supplying tbolt
winter customers with Ice olitalucil from ilonl-
ors In Council Bhiffa whllo others have boon
cotnpcllod to cut Ice from tlio reservoirs ntul
liikca. U'lils latter Is not suitable for atorhif- ,
being only four Inches In thickness.
All the Ice uood lust yonrvos \ cut from the
reservoirs , Florence lnko nml Cut-Oft lake.
Tlio season for cutting aid not open until
January 15 , hut with the amount on hand
thorownsno dilllcuHyln storlnK cnotigU to
supply the trndo.
Local dealers have been hnuntlng the ofllco
of thn slRiiol sorvlco observer looking for sta
tistics of previous years nnd endeavoring to
forecast the wenthwr.
Ono of thcso pcnUornon remarked to a ro-
portcrforTiiK lUi : that ho hail boon noRo-
tlntlng with parties in MlunosbUi for Ice , but
lintl licoii unable to make terms which would
enable him to compote with the homo product -
duct , providing nuy of the latter material
"If tt-o do not have 'cutting'voathorprotty
soon , " snld ho , "all doutors will bo compelled
to ship Ice or quit the bushiest , and that
menus that the [ irlco of ice \vill Lo higher
thnn over. "
Observer Welch , the dork of the weather ,
wnj of the opinion yesterday Unit tlio Indi
cations were very Rood for a cold snap sufll-
clout to uinko ice , with but llttlo snow. The
reports from signal service stations In the \vost \
and northwest showed a largo area of low
totnporaturo , ranging from 5 ° to 10 = nbovo
zero , accompanied by light Hurries of snow.
A ii area ot hlRh barometer was central in
Idaho and movlnf ? eastward , the barometer
nt tbo local signal ofllco sliowlug u ourlcod
Thobostanodrno nnd o.xixjctorant for the
euro of colds und coughs anu all throat , limit
nud bronchial troubles Is undoubtedly Ayor'a
Cherry Pectoral. Ask your druggist for It ,
nnd at tbo snmo tlmo for Ayor'a almanac ,
which Is frco to nil.
Up to this dnto our monthly prognosti
cations hnvo boon fully as reliable us the
prophesies of the Intoltuiumtod Wiggins ,
but nt the beginning of a now year wo
resolve to do still bolter. The customary
January thaw will bo dispensed withnnd
nussongara who trnvol in the oloctrlo
lighted , Btcain honied , vcsttbuled nnltico
car trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Pnul Ry. , between Omahn itrUl Chicago
cage , will bo comfortably eared for ro-
gnrdlosB of the outsldo atmosphere. City ,
tlekol olllco , 15U1 Furnaiu struct ( Barker
block ) , Omaha.
Tlicy Enter n Vigorous Klok-AunliiHt
Itcduccd .Train Service.
The change in the passenger train scrvlco
on the Bolt line has caused n howl botb long
and loud all along tbo lino. As matters now
stand the dummy train mnlces but two round
tripi per day. The train leaves the Webster
street depot about 7 a. in. and returns ut 8
o'clock ; lu tbo evening U leaves Webster
street at 5:20 : o'clock nnd returns at 0:30. :
This arrangement has caused n great deal
of Inconvenience to residents of outlying
districts who hnvo depended ou the Bolt llnu
( or reaching tbclr bomo In the morning and
returning homo in tbo evening.
A gentleman who lives in ono of the suburban -
ban districts adjacent to the Bolt line stated
yesterday that this last move on the part
of the Belt lit'o ' management had caused
great dissatisfaction.
"Thero are a great many people living in
the suburbs , " said bo , "who bought homes
there with the understanding tnnt ample
transportation would bo furnished by tbo
Belt line , nud. to ba tbus deprived of this ac
commodation at ono fell swoop Is discourag
ing , to say the least. It appears to mate
to bo a peculiar move , in view of tbo
fact that better sorvlco has been given
for the past two years. It can
only result In a dccroaso in patronage , ns the
majority of tboso wbo have used the Hue are
required to bo at the ofllce or store by 8
o'clock. This they could easily do by the old
arrangement , but now they will bo obliged to
patronize the motor lines. The Bolt line
scrvho is more expeditious than tlio motor , '
there being a difference of at least twenty
minutes in favor of the former. Moreover ,
the motor lines are not as accessible as the
Belt line. "
Several other gentlemen wore noon In tbo
matter and nil wcro of tlio opinion tbat the
cliango was a vciy unpopular" and was
being vigorously protested against by subur
Ono gentleman was of tbo opinion tbat the
Bolt line management was violutingthb terms
of its charter and v i not providing the train
sorvlco requlrcu by that Instrument.
Many of the would-bu patrons of thn
dummy trains nro required to bo nt work' by
7a.m. , and these nro left entirely without
service with tbo exception of tbo motor.
Iforsford's Acid 1'hnnptmte
relieves indigestion , dyspepsia , etc.
Don't Fool yourself !
Notwithstanding' nil rumors to the (
contrary , the Chicago , .Milwaukee &St ,
Paul Ry's now Btoam heated pulacd
sleeping cars , with "electric llfrhts in
every berth , " still loaves the Union do-
not , Omaha nt 6:10 : p. m. dally , arriv
ing : at Chicago at 0:30 : a , m. , In ample
tlmo to inako all eastern connections.
Ticket oillco , 1501 Farnam Bt.
C. Pass. Agt. Gon. Apt.
Burlon'H Itnd Brotik.
J. Burton , tbo 1) ) . & M. newsboy who was
brought back from Lincoln for confldenclnff
Koscland Gaston , a young fanner's lad , out
of a watch and $3 in mouoy , was arraigned
before Judge Hclsloy and had his case cqn-
tlnucd. Gastnn gave up his wealth to Hur-
ton , who was to get him a place as newsboy.
Burton acknowledged receiving the property ,
but said that the crinio was committed in
Iowa , and hence ontsldo tlio jurisdiction of
the Omaha court Ho llnnlly acknowledged
to Sergeant Whalen that the watch was
.given to him thU sldo of P.iciilo Junction ,
and bo received the ? J after ho reached tbo
union depot in this city. When the depot
policeman attempted to plnco Burton under
arrest , bo was concealed on the train until it
hnd started. The conductor received a tolo-
irrani hofora ho reached Lincoln , and when
Iho train arrived there , bo locked Burton in
the bapgago car and held him until an ofllcor
A Challenge The proprietors ol Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup hereby challenge the faculty to
proscribe n remedy moro effective thnn theirs.
I cordially recommend Salvation OU to all
suffering with rheumatism. Jos. 8. Fox , cut
tle dealer , 117 North Broad wayUnHlmoro.Md.
The only railroad train out of Omaha ,
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council Bluffs , Dos Molnos aud
Chicago business is the Rock Island vea-
tlbulou limited , leavingOmahn at 4:30 :
p. in. daily , Ticket oflieo , 1002 Sixteenth
and Farnam sts. , Omaha.
Tnlkini ; About Onmlm.
Tbo next annual convcntlonof the National
association of stationary engineers will-bo
bold in Omaha in November of the present
year. A member of the local association has
received a letter from a member of ono at tlio
Now York associations In which tlio writer
states that tlio engineers of the association in
tbo metropolis were already making arrange
ments for Bonding a big delegation to tbo
convention In Omaha. There will bo flftoon
Now York delegate * .
Mrs. Window's Booth I UK Syrup la an un
excelled modlclno for children whllo tooth-
lag. 35 cents a bottle ,
1002. Sixteenth and Farnam etroots If
the now Itoclc Island ticket otuco , Tloki
otB to all points coat at lowest ratoa.