J . . I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY ; JANUARY 11 , 1891.-SIXTEEN PAtflGS. 15 T11E CONDITION OF TRADE. Omaha Banka nro Not Anxious to Make Loans , ( . THEY THINK THE STRINGENCY OVER , BcTcrnl Ilcnsons Why "Money In Kept OloHo In the Went A Symp tom of Hemming . Confidence. Whatever may hnvo been the changes In business nnd financial circles , at moro ro- nioto points , there Imvo been no very Im portant developments of n purely locnl na ture. The Omaha banks remain In nbout the Bnmo attitude ns a week ngo nnd whllo they predict that the present month will sco the rotnovnl of tlio last vcatlgo of n money strin gency they nro not ivs yet disposed to bo much moro liberal In the matter of loans. The truth Is that the demands mnilo upon the banks nro heavier thnn usual , n.s has been pointed out before. Companies representing eastern capitalist ! ! , who hnva formerly loaned vast sums In Nebraska huvo shut down nnd bor rowers hnvo boon forced to look elsewhere , thnt l.s , to the local banks. Another cnuso Is nlso hclpitiR to keep money close lu tbo west , nnd though it is of annual occurrence , it Is felt more tlina usual at times c the present , nnd thnt la the withdrawn ! of Inrgo nmounts of money from local circulation nnd the sending of it to eastern rnonoy centers , In payment of the interest On bonds , mortgages , etc. But this very fnct , whllo It keeps money closer hero , Is nITordltiR relief In the cast. In this connection n Wml Btrcot authority remarks thnt the happiest iiromlso of the near future is tiotshown alone by the condition of the eastern banks , but rnther by the Inrpo nmounts of money which nro sure to How Into Wnll strcot and into the business markets of every commercial city through the payments of Interest upon hoiido'd debts nncl dividends by corporations which , nt the end of the year , incut their obligations. If nny fact Is necessary to show thnt no re turn of stringent conditions Is likely , the tes timony of this ouo would sooin to bo over whelming. The fact that the country banks in some localities are calling for commercial paper is regarded ns. a very favorable symptom of re turning confluence. In the extreme east , if tlio reports of the ilnauvlul press are to be ro lled upon , n feeling of uncertainty prevails , duo to the ilnancinl measures now before congress - \-4 \ gross , or thnt mny como up before the close of the present session. The sooner tlieso measures tire disposed of the sooner the way will bo ptu-ed for tlio return of confidence. Ills true , however , that the financial situa tion is steadily Improving in the cost and that money Is easier. The Omaha clearings for the past week show n gain over the previous week , but n do- ercnso as compared with the corresponding week of last yonr. Among the wholesalers trade is not so brisk ns many would hko to sco it , but it has boon fully ns peed as was anticipated for the early part of January. The mild weather prevail ing nil ovur the stnto hns made the movement of winter t'oods slow nud that together with the shortage of crops in many sections bus mndn the rotall dealers very cnutlous about lending up with heavy stocks of goods. For the sumo reasons the wholo- mjrs liavo not worked so hard to force their odsjipon the retail trade ns they might ftdor different circumstances. The war the northwestern border of the state has boon detrimental to trade In that section nnd seine Omaha houses that have been soiling - -ing larco bills of - frontier supplies have ex perienced a decided fnllhifr oil. Collections In the country are In many raises not reported so ROOU ns before the flrst of Jnnunry. Durlnir the fnll nnd early part of the winter country collections were gener ally very fair. Country produce brought ( rood prices nnd' the fanners sold what they had nnd used the money for ibo payment o'f store accounts and for the cash purchase of goods thus making money plenty in the coun try at n thno when it was close In the largo * cities. In the matter of business failures Omaha continues to bo remarkably fortunate nail no city of the snmo slzo can show as clean a record In that1 respect. No great failures hnvo occurred to shako public eonllJcnco nnd tboro have been few of any kind. In the stnta nt largo there hnvo been more , hut mostly In localities wbcro there wns n loss of crops , causing the farmers to fall In meeting tholr obligations , thus forcing the local deal ers to suspend. j'.s the matter now stands no very Impor tant chances are looked for In llnnnclal or business circles for u few weeks to como , but it Is likely that nffalrs will drift along vorv much ns at present until the noarcr apnroach of spring makes it possible to prgdict tn seine degree of cortaluty what the firing's trade will be. VJIAJIA JI.llCKETS. > * OMAHA , Jnn. 10 , 1891. if CATTLE Estimated rocolnts of onttlo 2.ioo : ns compared with 1.KJ7 vestcrdnv aml"2OK ] > itatunlny of last wook. Market about steady on the best desirable beeves and slow and mi- oven on unileslriiDlo grades , generally lOo iBlower. \ . With largo reculpta of butohor stock , * Ctio market wns slow and oaslor. Feeders are moving ntstondy prices. lloos Kstlmatud rtvnlpts of hogs fi.OOO , R8 compared with O.UI3 yesterday and 5.CH Bntnrilay of hist week. M.irkut steady on heavy ho s und strong und f > o higher on light niul mixed : nil sold. Thu range of the prices paid wasfcl. mitao.- . . the bulk sBlllnir at fcu.va B.M. PlKH , Jl.Wia2.7.'i ' : lljht. Kl.inai.M ; ! honvyi Kl.SOQ3.lir > ! mixed , KUOfc'I.S.'i. The uvoniHO of the prices paid was } 'UI ) . as compared with yesterday and Saturday of last neck. SIIEKP Estimated receipts of ulieep § 84 , tin compared iKl ) yesterday. Natives , fcJ.MXa4.35 ; westerns. I3.00al.20. Dlnposltlon or Stock. Showing the numbnr of hand of stock pur chased on thli market as reported by the wnlghtnimtorof the Stockyards company for January 10 : CATTI.B. Iliiyors. No. Bttlft&Uo . 78.-1 TnoO. II. Hiiinmoncl paoklng company. . . 7 : ) Tha Oudatiy paoklni ; company . 091 Van Hant& Claroy . 0:1 : Jee Itothsohlld . 103 Hamilton & Stephen . 41 It. Hooker & DoRan . ffi NolsMorrls . 81 Bhlpporiuud feeders . 243 lions. ' The OudnhF paoklnn company ' . 1.811 Oninhn pnuklna company . l..YiU Bwlft.tOo . 1,200 'XheO. II. Hammond ' packing company. . 'Ml S1IKKI- . Hwlft&Po . . . . . . 2Ifl ThoO. H. HnmmondCo . 2i',8 Bhlppors and feeders . 201 UoprcHOiitatlvo Halos. BTUKIIS. No. AT. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No AT , Pr. 4. . 077 SOO 41. 1023 370 17. , ,1171 , 415 1..11I3 300 20. . OM1 370 ,1104 , 420 4. . U25 800 ' 375 S : : lilt 420 18. . KM BOO KK'lOoil 375 Kl. . .1244 425 2..1225 325 2..US * ) 380 20. .1315 4:10 : 0 hiW 825 380 20. 43. > 8. . U17 HM ) 435 1..1IIM 3 M > M. . 1070 3 1)5 ! 15 .1237 . 4sn 1) ) . 1U73 3 no 4 OJ 15aa. . . .1149 435 4. . 810 a GO 10..1115 4 00 3J. , .U-J1 460 37. . 70 ajM 17..1iU : 4 15 460 2..1070 3fi5 1..1IKO 4 15 20. ! 1:175 : 403 E1..10G3 370 18..1272 3 15 40. ,1123 510 SIKHS AND 1IEII-KU8. 39..1077 460 COWS. J ll T I nu i.i.s. . . . 1. . 600 170 1KHO 201 1. CM 240 I..IIM 170 I..KKW 210 i. law 200 . IMS 175 2 I.VM 215 2 , . 1650 2 60 1..1320 1 75 l..lm : 3 1ft 2 1170 363 3.1310 175 2..1141 215 1..10JO 2 CO I..1509 170 1 .1(570 ( M ) 1..17M 200 1..IS90 100 1..IKM 225 1..1740 175 1..I28 * 190 1..1(170 ( 22ft 1..17CO 260 S.li75 : 200 11.1410 2 : ] 1..14W : iOO 1..1420 200 2..1445 333 1..MV ) 300 1..139Q 200 1. USD 2 40 1..SUIO 325 1..1370 2 00 CAI.VBS. 3. . 573 2 00 1. . 170 3 00 1. . 80 425 2. . 4R5 2 23 ] . . 410 3 00 2. . 209 4 25 2. . 325 2 00 1 , . 2CO 4 00 1. . ISO 460 1. . 60 3 00 1. . 100 4 UO iirirnus. 3. . C07 1 75 I. . 010 285 3. . 708 300 2. . C75 2 10 COWS AJfll IIKIFERB. 3. . 700 2 00 7 , . 821 2 35 HTOCKEKS AM ) FKKOBIIS. B. . 808 2 BO 6. . CCO 2 CO 7. . 731 275 1. . 400 2 CO . . WH 2 CO 13. . .853 2 83 1. . AM 2 CO 1. . 7IW 2 C5 IS. . 850 285 11. . 715 255 1. . ( VtO 270 JK..1013 II00 0. . CI5 2 00 4. 7B2 2 70 20. . 6SQ 300 Mir.KKM AND SI'IU.VOEP.9. Icow and calf J2. 00 1 mllkur 14 CO OXKtf. 1..15SO 3 00 1..1IBO 3 7S 11008. No. Ar. Sh. 1'r. No. Av. Bh. Pr. 3 110 WOO G3 2ir3 IMU-'ISO 4 : no so : i oo ra 2)7 ! ) 120 3 no 87 100 80 3'JO Kl .f9 120 3 SO no 172 2M 4 : w r > j CM a no 70 175 HO 3 ; H 7. . SM 281 351 01 192 120 : i a : . 71 s - : irv ) 88 IKI 40 3 as. n 2:0 : lit ) aw ) 71 212 120 am no IMS ice : iKSi ! Kl 1W - 3 IV > 51 not 120 3B2i ! HI 1W 200 3K ! 42 277 - 3MK IB KM SOU 340 ( VI VIM 30 3 KM 74 217 - II JO 00 S60 40 3M'i ' no 213 two : i jo ri ; 7i ice 3m 87 1M - 3 JO 3S 4.TJ 40 H M 82 219 120 3 JO 07 2S3 IfiO 35.1 84 2ir > SOO 3 JO 01 2711 80 365 : i 2:10 : - 3 JO f.0 2S4 80 355 74 210 340 5H 2. 40 353 III SH 1GO 3 JO Kl 270 . . 35.1 70 24S X ) 3 J''li 51 ICCI 280 355 77 214 200 34.1 47 3M . . 355 70 2J8 . . 34.1 42 321 80 35,1 El 2J1 320 341 50 313 320 3C5 111 KB ISO 3 J'i 0.1 S74 200 355 7i ! 104 KM 34.1 00 21 40 35.1 82 2X1 4SO 341 f)4. 3)7 ) 1(10 ( 355 SO 1110 . . 343 IV.IJS5 100.351 50 22S IfiO 3 Jl 70 SM HW 35.1 7J 2B3 410 34.1 M 273 120 3. ' } 51 ! J7 IfiO 3 47S ! 70 273 1M 357ii 51 ; il.l 330 347 ! % IX ) 3M 120 IKK ) no 217 aw a 4JK 50 ; ca 120 300 01 23U 3 GO 47 : UO 60 3(10 ( 73 2W 40 3 flO M 201 300 300 51 BU 3 CO 55 307 80 Ii BO M 2fi3 .fO 350 4.1 3S5 3IWi ! 51 IKS 3 M 53 3h4 'I'M ' (11 ( 2M 80 3 5U CO 1151 3CO CO 219 - 3 M rin * AMinocaii. 20 60 2 10 55 123 60 200 10 83 2 25 SHEEP. No. Ar. I r. 03 westerns , owoi 102 $1 00 W westerns , twos 103 4 00 201 westerns , ml.\od 10.1 300 ' 30 westerns 125 II 00 80 westerns ' VI 4 00 219 westerns 01 4 00 Provisions. FRESH-HEEF QITTS Kolls. 80 ; boot tender- lolus. IJo ; slrlntn butts. 7'/ia ' ; boneless strips , To ; strip loins , fie ; rounds ( rump off ) , tic ; rounds ( ruinpon ) . Ac ; louuds ( shark off ) . 5'oj bonolcai rounds , 4 > ie ; chucks. 3e ; plates , 2iiC ! hack halves , -le ; shoulder clodx. 4'/ici ' beef loins , No. 1. ( steer ) , IJJfSlle ; boot loin * . No. 2 , 10 ( ijlle ; beef loins , No. 3. bos beuf rlbsX ( < So ; brut ribs , No. 1 , llX3llo ; sweet breads , per do ? . 7. > ej kldnoytt , oncli , 'Jo : ox tails , each , . .Hc ; livers , each , iSo ; beef hearts , each , 4oj boot tongues , eiic'li , 40o. MUTTON Oholco dressed mutton. 54c- racks of mutton. 14c ; saddles of mutton , lloj breasts of mutton. : uj ; leu of mutton , U'e. ' FIICSII 1'oiiK I'ork loins , flj c ; tenderloins , lie : spnro ribs. fici sbouldors. fie ; boeks , : io ; trimmings. 5o ; back bones , lie ; dressed bolts , 4Jo { ; cleaned pins'fuel ( pur do/en ) , 'Mo ; rough unuioiuii'd plus1 feet ( pordo/.cn ) . 'Me. SMOKED MKATS Sugar Cured Hums , Ute 10 Ib avorniro , 84c ? ; liiims , 20 to ' "J Ib iivorn c.H'.iOj ] iiimsl21u average , Oe ; skinned limns , D'.iCi sliouldnrs , Ciio : clear breakfast bacon , 7'ie ; bonolehs breakfast bacon baoka. I'.yc ; boned bum , 7c ; Cnllfnrnla , or picnic hams , 5 u ; boneless bum , 7 > o : dried beef bi > ms (3ots ( ) , 7Jics dried bco'elods , ( ic ; sliort spiced roflsor liuin roulolte , 0aO | smoked beef tongues ( per dozen ) , M.50 ; epeulal hams 12 to 15 Ib IIVITUKO. 10o ; spoclal , bonelc s breakfast baeon , lUo : selected dried beef hams. Insider anil Knuckles , Oo ; selected wide clear. brealcfuM. bacon , DUc. UnvSAi.rSlEATS-rancy lieht vrolKlitsliort clears , Oo ! IOIIK clears. 5o ; ; snort clears , AHu ; snort ribs , 5 ? c : sbouldcrs. J.'ic ; clear bellies , 3J < u ; clear bucks , 5Wc. HMOKF.I ) SIHATH liiv ) SALT CiniEn Fancy llslitwul bt bacon short clearsBo ( ; short , ribs , OushortcloarsG'ic ; ; lon < { cleirsfie ! ; clear bauka , OHo ! olenrbolllus , ( t'fc ; shoulders , Ijjc. dwiSET 1'iCKi.nn MKATS Hams , tlcreoi , 8'4c ; Rboulilera. ( N. V. cut ) tierces , fie ; bellies , tierces , UHo ; California hum , tlercus , 5Uc ; beef hams , barrels , JH'.UU ; 1'ICKLEU HKKP ToNUiiUKS-barrels , 820.00 : half barrels. IUO Us. J1U.M ; eighth barrels , 25 Ib9 , KI.50. LAUD I'tiro leaf , per Ib , tierce basis , CJ o ; compound , peril ) , tlorco basis,5o ; pure lard , porlb , tlurcu basis , lie ; kettle rendered leaf lard , peril ) , tlcrco bi : t , filic. llAiiitKMti > Point AND llKKj.1 Moss pork ( now ) , J10.75 ; f'linlly pork , il .75 : back nork , $11.25 ; short cut clear mirk. J0.7.V5J11.50 ; bonolcsq nig pork ( fanny ) . tl.'LWI ; extra mess beef , $ .1.75 ; Plata beef. J7.00 ; extra plato beef , 18.00 : extra family beef ( bonele.is ) . &s UO ; rolled hoof ( bone- lesa ) , IS.M ; rump liutts , $3.5' ) , OILS 1'rlnio lard oil ( whiter strained ) , 47o ; extra lard oil ( winter strained ) , -J5o ! ; extra No. 1 lard oil , 41ut No. 1 lanl oil , ttlc ; No. 2 lard oil , 30o ; extra neat's foot oil. 45a ; tallow oil , 40o. SAUSAnn Smoked sausapo , 7o ; blood sau- flaRe , 4Hc : liver sausage , 4io ! ; head elioc.su. 4Mc : fresh pork sansaco , links , Go ; fresh pork Hausnuo , bulk , 5io ; ; smoked pork sausaBO. 80 ; Frankfurt suusaKO,7ci smoked bead cheeso.Oe ; polish fiausime , 7u ; Knuulauch sausaKc , 7c ; tonRiio sausage. So ; hiimiiier sausage , iio. ; The ubovo prices are for loin of 50 pounds nud up * wards ; a less quantity a ! io moro. Groceries CANNED FIIUITH California Apricots. J2.30 O2.40 ; pouches. SJ.73&2.0) ) ; pears , $2.5ll2.7l ! ) : tempos. J1.8. > < ai.K ! ) ; cherries , white , 3CJ SOI3a.ni 1 cherries , bluett. j2.2.V3.r : ; > 0 ; iiunu-os , ti.GO ; blackberries. t2.2ii 5 nisnborrles , JCluoj straw- borrlcs , fc-.lh ) ; curranln , * ' . ' .2tlj eoosoborrlos. $2.23 ; Dlmns. CKX. ( I.ST4J1.D3J plums , groin enges. tl.Mftl.liO. Kastern ciinned fruit Poaches , g > ncunds , iJ.'i > ife.JO : ; apples , 3-lb , tl.lU ; gnl , H doz In cuso. ( .1.41) ) ; giio-i-borrles , Ilaltl- moro standard , 2-lb , $1.10 ; strawberries , il.25 ; raspberries , i 1.40 ; blueberries , ji.au ; red rasp berries , $1.5' ) ; blnuklwrrlcs , if 1.10 ; cherries , $1.2.1 (0)1.05 ( ) ; iilminnples. sliced , tl.S5U2.tO. OUVKS QuartH. per doIt.OJ ; pints , nor doz. i50 ; bulk , per Kill , $ I.2J. Ullvooll. y pints , 'J doi per cnsu. JI.50G2 50. TWINUS , foiiDAiiK. ETC. Cotton twlno "Illbb , " very line , W-lb bales , 2'o cotton twlno XX brand , Ki-.b ' bulus , If a ; hetul ) twlno , U-lh bali-s , ISo ; salt twine. 20o ; oanillo wick , _ o ; 40-foot cotton clothus line , il. < u ; i.O-foot cotton olothe.s line , il.CJ ; CD-foot sisal lines. $1.76 ; CO-foot Into , ffia ; wool twines.8 > } c. Ma- nlllii rope All sl7.cs from 7-1(1 ( to 1 In , 14o ; sisal rope , allsl/.os from 7-10 to 1 In. SVJo ; "now pro- eosses.1' nil Hlzos from 7-10to l In , 7 0 ; cotton rope , H In. Itic. bOAi1 Castllo , mottled , per Hi , lOi'i do white , perlb. lie ; laundry soup , pur 100 bars , ! .l.Vld o.OO ; sliavliiR soup. fO"ri75upor doz : tollotsoap , 3 cakoa pur bnx , uurdoz , 5iji ( { - . ' - " HAUSOUA Kcir.s , ISo per Hi ; bbls , iKoj gran- ulntod , GO Ib boxos. ; 'c pur Ib. I'AitiNArKOiTM OQOIIS llnrloy , 4o ; fnrlna , kegs , ( O.OU ; split | > eas. ; ki ; i reea puns , "c ; oat infill , tlK. ) ) I0.:06.25 : half bbls , { O.ixrt3.2 ; > ; nincnronl , 12o ; vermicelli , 12o ; simoiuul tapl- ocn , lUMJie : l.miti beans , A. o ; ccruullno , 1.21 ; tUUnd hominy , 3KtV. ToiiACCO tfluootit , DCr lb , 2ia7."io : nluc. 22 567So ; ainokliij22tXio ; fiiuoy brands , 00c(3 ( OoVrEr-Grcen Klo. SSJMlc ; Java. 27o ; Mochu , 28o. Itoasted Aro.slii , 2.V ; llunola , 25o ; Ocrman , 24Jci Dlllwoith's , 31\c ; Lion , 25o | Mallpouch , 3o ; Conlovlii , M ; Moc-hu. aio0. ; O. Java. 2l > o. ColTeo Kssonco V gro. boxes. $ l.ivrai.M : ; ciloory,7 ] > . , ® s c OA.MIV Mixed , 30 lb palls , t iWS'ic ; stick , 8Ho ; twist stick , Dei Froncli nilxed.MWc ; hour- hound stick , 8Hc : jar and cnsn candies , 5 lb bxxoj , 16 < iUlo : extra line goods.5.Y3 i' . \VOOUKN\VAIIK Per cloz Tubs , No , 1. JAS5 ; No. 2 , t . : f > ; No. it. gtUV koelor , oak grain , 5-1 n , best , J1.50 ; whlio cedar , 4-ln. best , $125 ; palls 3-hoop , oak K rained , (1.75 ; 2-hoon , Jl.M ; syrup , II.M ; ilowcll. $1.75 : paper , metal liooiis , 12.5-15 cedar , a brass hoops. > a I , nil red. &V60 ; cedar. 'I brass hoops. No , 2 red , li.00 ; cedar , 3 brass hoops. No. 1 strlpeil , (5.00 ; cedar , 3 brass hoops. No. 2 striped , 11.50 ! horse , extra heavy , No. 1 , { 2.76 ; well buokuts , 13.25. liuttorwaro Tubs , ash , 3-ln , per nest. TOc ; aah , 2-ln. 3 largo alzo. uor nest , 45oi Imttor ladles , hard wiMxl , 70o : butter padilles or spudcs , 70c. Washboards Single , fl.4oft2.00 ; double , JJ.KCS 3.25. Clothofliilns 5 gross boxes. Wo. MOI.ASSES HblH N. O. fancy , per ( fa ) . 4C ® 48a | choice , 40@45o ; pooil , 2saUDd ; Cubu , bak- tiiff , 25O30o ; blackstrap , li' < W.'c ; lyrup. 70 urnde , bbls. 2Co ; Si bbl , 2cj 4-gal kegs , 11.24 ; 2-gnl kltts. 07o. 6tiaAti-aranulntcl ( , 0ic ? : cubes. 0)U'o ) : out loaf , 7UO ! liowdon'd. standard , OTio ; XXXX powdorcd , 7VSo ; yellow O , 601 uiumry. 6Ho ; light extra O , S Gi'-ei confectioners' A , tiM 1- CIIKKSK V. 0. twin finu. per Ib , llo ; F. O. Young America , lllioi domestlo bwUs , IS ot brU-k. 1401 Kdaiu. In foil , each il.OO. VINKHAII Anula clJor. 10edonblocldcr ; , Hoi whlto wine , I2o ; triple Htrongth , 1W. ! STAiicil-l'or lb. tJafc. PlC'Ki.rs Mpaluni.bbls , 18.00 ; small , 110.00) ) Bhorklns. 111.00 ; lloston mixed , (12.CO. HICE Java , Cc ; choice , 60 ; fancy , ( Sot head , OiDKii-Per bbl , r Dnc4tC.50i half bbl. W.W ; hard cider , pure , per bbl , $5.COi oMngooldcr. hnlf bbl , IO.M ; pear cider , half bbl , t-l.so. - litiEU l-'nuiTS Turkish prunes. less thnn lihds , 1S5-0 , Pol apiilcfl , ovoporatcd , now ring choloo. 14Wc | apricots , fancy. In sacks , 10 > icl blaokbcrrlen , now , Oo | ranpnorrlcs , 25lbs to box. Met currants , nowMiat VotUza currants , t'llra , In boxes , GHoi peaches. Cola. . choice , 1'Hci California drlo'l grapes , In bags , Co : eoetllesi Hiilinnas , tttaltit , lOliol tnu catolK , 8Hc ; new Vnlencln. 80 , ' Ondura layer , PC ; llgi. Inyon. 14 < a'.ic ) ; citron , Leghorn , 20v , Inmou Per Ib 5o cnl < o < ,3ViliboXf < i. 13oi lOocnkM.lb : boxes. 12Ho ; 1-lb bricks , S3 Ibs In box , pure , lie. llnoo.MH-5-tIe , parlor. J3.COJ 4-tlo , (2.7S ; 3-tl rJ.2.1 ; il-tlo. plain , $ I.M ) ; warchuuse , KiO 0 ; to 11.2.1 ; whUkl.KXiit.2.1. ( NUTH 1'er Ib Almonds , 18o ; Ilriizlli , Clo ; fllliortd. llict pecans , llxaiJc ; walnuts , 18c , pea- uiit , fancy white , 8c ; roasted. lOc , HAi.T-Dalrv. 280 Ibs In bbls , hulk , $2.10 ; best grade , fie 5s , f ± : iOj best grade , 100 3s , f..JO ; best grade , 28 10 , $2.2.1 ; rock salt , crushed , JJ. 10. HODA 1'nckages , CO Ibs to box , 5 ? e ; kcga 4'c.OAN.NF.D ' { OAN.NF.D VEnr.TAJir.r.s Tonmtocs 3-lb , $1.00 (511.10 ( , Corn Very line , tl.Stft 1.351 2-lb suenr , JI.I5 : 2-lb Btiindiiril western brands , $1,10. Mushiooms l-lb rretieh. extra line. 22&v.ci Mb Freneh , line , IWi--'o ; l-lb Tri-neli. ordi nary. KXU'l c. l'eas-2-lb early June. $1.2.1 : s-lb Marrow , standard brands , JI.IOHi ; Ronkoil , 0c. I'reneh pens-rer case of 100 , Hlrlngbonin-U'-lb high x-railn. We : 2-lb wax bciiii . Me ; 2-11) string beans , We. Lima beans 2-lb soaked. 6.1c. lloston baked beans ; t-lb , Il3.vai.55Sweet potatoes a-lb New .lersey , tl.50 ; ; H1 > okra anil tomatoes , $1.0.1 ; 11-11) olirn , Jl.BO ; asparagus. : i-lb. J-.sVW.75 ! ! ihubarb , 3-lb , I.JO ; HiiceoluHli , Jl..iKTll.a'i. HAKINO I'OWIIKK Itoyal , dlmr cnns. pnrdoz. 8clbcans. : . $1.45 ; > i-il omiMt' W.Gl : l-lb cans , $ . 'i.oo : Price's dlmoeiins.Wc : > i-lb cans , $ i.i5 : ; -lb ciins , $ i50 ; l-lb cans. $ l.i.l ; other kinds , i lb cans , per do/ , $ l.XKiit.K ( ; > . WiiAi-i'iNd 1'Ai'Eit Per Ib. best straw , 15x13 to.'rj.vJI , l' ei diy goods , 43.ie ; extra ciuullty , manllla , 0"c ; nianllla tea , l.'xlS , IK.- , dark rug. hardware , 2 c. * OILS I.VJnrlmo white. OHo ; ir,0 water while , lUio ; headlight. iie : ; 71 Knsollne. lltic. Oil eans 1 gal , } . ) .00 < 33.252Kal ; , W.7.vai.SO ; 5 Rul. $ ii.5Kil5.oo. : ( Ti : AS Japan , basket fired , IWKiV ; sundrlrd , COQJ.lc ; Kreen , 20iii."iOc : Kunpowdor , 2ia,5 c : KiiKllsii breakfast , : ) .VQ7.'c ; Youns Hyson , 20 ® Me : Uolonc , iVTM.lc : 2-lb package dust , Me. AXI.K GIIKASK Per gross-l'rnrler's largo tins. W'l.OO ' ; medium this. 7.l)0 ) ; small , J15.W ; other makes , wood , f.'iXrit.r ( > ( ) . ' Hl.ACKlNii lldozln box , . ' ' . ( We ; ladles' shoo ilrasHlng , 4. > c { $1.00 ; stuvo jiollhli. per gross K.OW&1..MI. HI.UBISO Liquid , ! ( ,3flnz 111 box. OV ? I.7.1 ; Soz. 3 doi 111 box , $1.3002.7.1 ; dry , small , " . "u ; largo , 4. > c. S-i'icKS 1'cpppr-Slngapore. sifted , t\y&\Ce\ \ \ \ shot , 2S " 5 iillsplce , ll'c ' ; cloves , 1'enaiiz. se lected , 17lie ! ; cassln , China , 4-lb. mats , ! ) ( ; nutmegs , No. 1. 75n ; macasuir , Die ; pickling spice , I0-lli boxes , 2'e. .s Sodii , Oo ; oyster , Blic ; cream , S'io : ginger SnaiiNS'ie. CtiocoLATi' . Kic. 12-lb limp ? , niffaii's Oer man sweet. i.'iiT.J.'lu ; cocoa , IJlKrillli1 : Itromo , ; > 2c' . CoroAM'T 15-lb eases,1 ! and ' Ib packages per Ib , SivaS7e : bulk. l.Vlb pails , ' . ' . -.e. lIXTiiAtTS-Leiuon. 2oz. .Vu'OM.sO : I m. $1.00 Ci3..V ) ; vanilla , 2 oG.V > l2.M ) ; 4 $1.2335.50 ; Jamaica glnt'er , 4 oz , ? IS5. MATCIIKM Parlor , -1)0 ) and ,10,1 , ncrbox , ILKS ® 1.70 pur gross ; Milphur JM.VQ.I.RO. lltianis-Shoi ! . per doifl.i l.OO ; daubers , ' .Ic'iMll.UO ' ; scrub Iiriishes. OOentitO. lliiilSKiiMlxed ) : bird , l-lb packages , 5c ; canary , W-ti ; liernp. 4'/ic ; anise. le , OANUI.BS JO Ibs to box , o'Jc ' ; mining , 10O wax. lie. Country Produce. GAME Heci'lptsof rabbit * very light. Jacks , J2.02.CO ( : cotton tails. MlcOl.Ol ) . Eons The sales nro mostly at 13o for fresh stnek. I'oin/rnv About the outside prlco ycstor- day on chickens was ! < c. Turkeys , geese and ducks worn j-elling at 10@12c. lim-rKU Shippers are paying f.Cjr.V for round lots of country buttor. Selected eonn- try rolls are quoted at l.V77iI7e ; fair to Kood country ll'ffillie ' ; coininon , SHiTc. Vi'jiot.-ibli-s. CAIIIIAOK Per crate , J.T.2.1. I'OTATOES Homo Blown stock , $1.00I.10 ; Colorado , fl.20. ONIONS Choice stock , Sh.'O ; f-'panlili , SI.GO per crate. IlunnARn SQUASH Per doJl.fiO. . MVIKT : POTATOES Choice stock , $1.50 per bbl. bbl.1'nr.KHV 1'nr.KHV Choice stock , : ; > © ir > e. HUTAIIAOAS Some choice Michigan stock Is selling at ( Be nor bnshui. I.KTTUCI : Choice stock.lOc. . I'AIISI.KV I'rosh stock , Me. I'miHNH'S 1'ur hbl. W.50. DKUTS Per bushel , Jl 23. Froh PKli. Iiiiko Silver horrlnp , Oc : perch , round. Oo ; perch , dressed and scaled. 8c ; pickled , round , bo ; steak trout. He ; trout , choice. ! ) c : perfect wlilto llsh. Ik ) ; pike , round , tie : stripped bass , lie ; cropulo , 13o ; black bass , Kie. S > ea Cod. market , t-c : haddook , Hu ; smelts. lOc ; llotiml- ers , llio ; rod snanpur. He : blue llsh , 2Uo ; lr ll- but , 17c : lobster , ! 3u ; eels. 18o : Columbia river aalnion , 18i : ; mackcnil. larKc , eaeh , 30c ; shrimps , per gal. JUWs scallops , porgul , $1,00. Fresh l-i-iiils. TANOKIUNKS Per box , II.CO. CiiANiiKiiniES Kancy Capo Cod , J1J.CO. Ai'i'wss I'or bbl. } 4.i0200. ! > . ( iiiAi'iis Concords , held lu eold storage , OOo per M-lh baskets. Malasa , * . < ) X H. < M. IKMNS ( Cbolco slock. jt.7r < il3.UO. OHANIIBS Mexicans boxes. fl.OO ; t'lorldas , bright , il.:54..Vj ) russets , if 1.00. Dry ( innilH. KI.ANNKI.S 1'lald , raflsninn. Cfle ; Goshon. : &Yai Clear Lake , : t2'/c ' : Jlaplo City , IMVic ; white O H No. 2. 2ll'/.c ; G II No. 2 , * i.27" c : H H No. 2 , ? ( . 2lHo ; It II No. 2 , ii. 2iHc ( : liuobou No. 1. 42o ; ijuoliec No. 3 , is. J2'2C ; Qiiobee , Vt , No. 4 , U2'/o ' ; A wnn. iaj o ; Windsor X O , 21 In , IMc ; 0 f , l.o : 11 A K , Ji. 2..CJ U 1i , 27Vjo ; ' ' 'lu'rK-\Vesi ) Point , 28 In. 8 oz , lOlio : West Point. 28 In , 10 o/ , U/e ! ' ; West 1'olnt , 20 In. 12 oz. 15es West I'olnt , 4D In. 11 07,154c. ! IIATTS Standard. 8c : Mohawk. lOUc : beauty , IR o ; Booiie , 14o ; If , cased , $3UI ; Kce. $1.73 pur case. KusTirnitY JHANJ Memorial , I5o ; Dakota , 22o : Diinhani.Mlio ; Hercules. lOo : Cottswaod. 27ro ; Melville. 2fo. I'IIIMS fancy Kddystone , f > ! 5o ; Steel River. ( Jo : Haninjjo. 41ic : St. Ledpor. 5ic. ! ShlrtliiR Martha Washington,4' > cMcrrlimic : , 4ie : Turkey Ited l-'oiintaln , 0io ! ; Garner , 7o : Crc-nllolil , M-o ! ; Berlin , 0-e. ! I'IIINTS IndlKo lllue Not Martha Wash- Iiik-lon , f > 4o ; American. O'ie : Arnold. RMe ; Ar nold It , lonu/clutli , lOc : Stlllo A. lUic ; Murrl- mao , 7-8 , lOe ; Uolil Loaf. Si-ic ; Hamilton'i'tu ' ; Allen I'lnlis , ( iSiel Allen Chambray , Co ; Ulou- coster. AHe : llnrtel.riMe , Siiiir.TiNH AND I'tr.i.ow CASINOS Rrown Net Pejipcrell. 45 In. IL'c ; Peppordll , 8-4. 1S < - ; I'opporoll. 0-1,2Uc ; Popperoll. 10-4 , 22'Sc ' : L'tlcu , 4Hin , 15u : Utlea. ! Wlu , I7 o : Ullpii. 23 in. 24c : 1'tlcn. 84 In. 20u ; Utlca , Oil In. 2Sic. ! lileaehed Net Pepfierell , 42 In. lOVH'i IVpperell. 4 ! In , ll'io : l'enporell.fi-4. 14'.ic ; I'L-pperell. 8-4 , 20o ; Pepporrll. U-l. 22u ; 1'oiineroll. IU-I , 2.u ; Utlua , 6-4,24o ; Ut Icn. 0-4. 26os Utlca. 10-1. 2Sc. COTTON U'Aiti1 Illbb , H , white , IWie ; colored , " T'I'CKM ' Vork.as In , 12'/ie ' : Swift lllvor. 74c : Tlioriulyko , OO , 8Je ! : 'I'liorndyko , RE , 8'/4c ' ; Thorndyke. 120. Olio : Thorndyke. XX , Ho ; Cordl.sXo. 4 , Oo : Cordls , No.4 , luc. CiibCits Uuledonlu X , O'.Se ; Caledonia XX , lOiJo ; Keonomy. ne ; Oils. SJlc. COITON Ki.ASNiii Ounrdlnii M.I , 5Vc , not ; On liiianl CO , iiie ( : B > . 7 ( e : HE , 8 ? c : GO.DHo : XX , mio ; t)0 , HUe ; UN , 12 o : AA , lie ; 1)1) . 13Mos TT. HIHcs VV. 18e ; 111) ) , I'Jo : blenched , No. 20. 84c : Mo. ( U ) , 10Wo ; No.M ) , 1214e ; brown umlHlntu. NO..V ) . Uo ; No. 70 , ] 2SJe ; No. ! XI , lOc ; eoloroil Missouri vulloy , 121Je , HI.VACIIKI > COTTON llorkeloy Cambric No. 00 , o io ; llest Yet. i5c ! ! : llnttoreloth.XX. 44o : Cabot. 734'c ; Klrst Onll.flVios Fruit of the l.coni , t'u ' ; 11111 Miinper Idem , So ; Houxokeener. 8-5u ! ; KlnK Phillip cambric , lOc ; ] , nnedonO llIH'o : Lon dale , Uo ; Lnnsilnlo canibilc , lUiio ; New York mills. He : Oak I-iiwn. 7e. Coi.oiiKn UASIIIIIICS Crown , 4V5c : Itod Star. 4' Jc ; Clover. 5o ; Smter Uolled , 5 o : high col ors , le oxtra. ( JiNniiAiis I'mnket cheeks , fiUc ; Whltlcn- ton , BJic : York , O'/c ; Normandl dress , fa ; Cal- outla dress. 74o ! : Wlilttcuton dress , 80 llOd- fonl drwss , Sl-idil-'e. UINOIIAM Amoskoap ; , 7e ; Amoskeaedres , 8JJc ; Hates. ? 4j ( ; Warwick dross , 8cil.anea.s- tor , OUe : Glenalro , die ; Whlttendoa dress , Be. I'INB HnowNCOTTOSt * Atlantic Mi. fie ; Au rora H , fi'io : Aurora It. 0 > io : Atlns , ONU , 7jo ! ; ohet'so cloth , le ; Clinton , l'l54o ! ; 1'epperell IMfiJiV ! Laiiifdon OH , 7o. COTTO.NADE.S York , nankin , in'/Jc ; Everntt ; 8ozl8c ; LuwUton , 10 ozHo ; WorkliiKmuii. He. He.HEAVY HEAVY HIIOWN COTTONS Atlantic , 7 ! o : , At- lantlo II , 7e : Atlantic I ) , fl'o ; Atlantic P. Co ; Aurora 0 , 4Jjo ; huek'.s head , 7Uo : Cabot \V. HHe ; DnrlliiKton , CJU'o ; I'armerV No. 1 , 4 ? , © 4fio ; ludlan head , 7io } ; I.uwreneo LL , 6)o { ; Henrietta 1,1. , , 5 > io. IIESIUS Net AnioskoaK , 0 oz , ISVSc , York camlet. I2e ; I.verctt , standard , al-iic ; liar makers' , 7V o ; Old York , XX , lOVJo ; liiiwrencc. 220,13'jo : Lawrence , U olUiio ; fancy atrlpcs and checks , Iliie. WIOANS Net Thistle , Cllo ; KC.U Cross , 7Ke. CKASII Slovens' 11 , in-lneli. 5He : Steven's' 1) . 18-lnoli. OMo ; Slovens' A , 10-hu'h,7Ko ; Htoyens' 1' , IS-lneli.Ho ; Stevens' Jl , lo-lnch , l c ; Slovens , N. 20-Inch , Do ; Stevens'- N , 2Mneh. I0o 5 Slo vens' bHT , 20-Inch , l-o ; bleached , lo extra , Quinine , j.oroz , 1' . It W , 4lo ; Oormttii , 37o ; ndlgo , per lb,76o ; luseot powder 21o : opium , I2.7J ; morphine , per oz. (2.iO ; hops , per Ib.UOo ; glycerine , ISu ; dextrine , lOu ; cuttlobnno5c ' ! ! ; cream tartnrpure , ! CJo ; commcrolal , 18o ; cam phor , 50c : nin. carb. . llo ; blue vitro ) , 7K ; onr- balla aoldWWlo ; cltrlo , Mi4fo ; turtarlc , ; it tOa ; sulphuric , porlb. 2c ; epurni oil , (1,10 ; tur pentine. 4.So ; Tonka beans , $ I.M2.00 ; balsam toln , 4l(3l5u ( ; saloiucl , ll.o.'ai.W ; cuntlmradlcs. f3.1WW.H ; cassia buds. 2022o ; chloroform , K < & too ; i-rsot , 474tX'o ; Kum arable , 6V > oil.05 ; lyeo- l > odlum , 4Udi4io : ! mercury , bSa ; sulphur , KSo , alum , 2 ie ; copperas , IHa ; epsuni suit , li o : eluuber suit , lie ! ; antlpyrlne , (1.40 pur oz ; nniatol , I1.MO per on ttntlkiuna. UI.OO porozi cryst. 8tryohlna,81.0&31.15 per 01 : llrorlco root , ner , lb , IGe ; oil cassia , II..10 per Ib : oil cloves. tl.U per ID : oil ausle , ( 2.00ioll | lemon , $1.05 ; oil borgauiotttt.Xiperlbi balsam copablu. Clo per lh | sub. nit bismuth. KM far Ibi Iodide potns- slnm , 13.70 nor lb | bromlHo.hptu lum , iif < o rer Ibl salicylic aold. ll.aiijBor lb | bonrolo aold , CSo per 10. y. "YKr , Raccoon No. l.larff jXViOo : No. l.inodluai , .WlOcj No. 1 , small , W340 jNo3. 2 , 3 and 4. Mink No. 1 , Inrso. R05MOoNo. | I , medium , < 0 ' No. 1 , small , isa 'oj ' Nos. 2 , a and 4 , 404150C ! No. 2. WX325C. i i , MountBln Wolf-No. 1. . $2.50 13.00 1 No. 2. 11.00 ai.50 ; nrulrlo wolf , No.'i ' , WcUtl.OO ; No. 2 , 40 J W ) ( * * llcavcr-No. 1. per ! b. 8J.M33.50 ; No. ! , $1.553 2.M : No. 3. 50ffl75e : No. 4vfV. Otter No. 1 , largn primp. $ rW ( 7.00 : No. I. madlum , $4.00 < it5.iO ( ; 2 , 3 and 4. 50c ( < 6l.r > 0. Wild Cat-No. 1 , 40c ; No. 2 , C Opossutn No. 1 , cased , I0ai2o : No. 1 , open , 751 IDc. lladgcr No. 1 , full furrocl , 50:3o ; No , 2 , 20 SIP ; No. 3. 551tOc. llnnr-lllnck , No. 1. $10.CKXilM.OO : grizzley. No. l.f.l.OK ( I5.CK ) | brown , No. 1 , $ j.OtxaiO.OO ; cub , tl.WX35.00. lluckskln-Indlnn dressed , per lb , 7lc < l,00 deer , summer , per lb , v.Vi.'l.Vj ? fall , peril ) 2'ic ; winter , per lb , iSCiSTc : ttreen salt , per inoee , 7.va0o ; antelope , pur lb , I&3t20c ; elk , per Others FWier. No. 1. $ n.005J.1.00 ; marten. No. I , 7ficl-10 ; No. 2. 2OT.VH' : lynx , No. I , $3.50 ® 0.00 ; wolverine , No. 1. $ I.OOO.UO. 1 Metal * . i STEEL Winn NAILS llasc , K.asi steel nails huso. fVI5. Coi'i'KH Planished boiler sire. 20e per lb ! cold rolled , 27c uerlb ; sheeting , 2iio per lb ; pit and lints. Stic per Ib. WiiiK-.Iap. barb. I-I.M ; pal. , $ .1.0.1. toijKiNG-Churcotil , I. C. . ll.x'U 112 , $0.00 ; I " ' SII'KKT Inox No. 20. Jl/fl : No. 27 , $ n.OO. SOMIKII Strictly half ami b'llf. b"c. TIN Pl.ATK-1. C. . 10.\3J. $7.50 ; I. X , , 10x11 , $0.25 ; coke. 4x1191.112 , $0.75. PlIKKT/.ISO Sc. HI.OCK TIN Small pig , i We per lb ; bar , ! ,0o per lb. OAI.VAKIZBDSIIEKT IRON Discount 50-10 per rent ; nut. plan , Iron , Nos. 24 und 27 A , lO jc ; II , 0 c , _ Quotations arc for car lotson board cars at Omaha : DIMENSIONS 1U ft II ft 10 ft 18 ft 2J ft 22 ft 24 ft 2xJ. .81.1 1)0 ) 815 00 $15 W ) $15 50 } IO 00 $17 ft ) $18 W SMI. . 1.1 OJ 1500 1.100 1550 10 ( K ) IS 00 18 CO 2xS. . 1501) 1.1 ( X ) 1503 1550 1000 17 fiO 180.1 . 2.\10. 1,1 00 15 00 1.1 00 I.I 50 10 00 17 50 18 00 J\12. ! 1G CO 10 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 IS 50 10 00 4X4 to 8x8 1C , 00 1(1 ( 00 10 00 17 00 IS 00 10 00 10 00 FKXCINO No. I. ( I In. 12 and H ft. rf. $ lt.OD : No. l.ij In. Hi ft. $ l ! > .00 ; 4 111. m < )0 ) ; No. 2 , 0 In. 12 and U ft. rf. $ IJ.U. ) ; 4-ln. $11.00 ; No. 2 , 0 In. Ill ft , $10.00 ; 4 In. JIO.OT No. 3 , 0 iii. 12 and 11 ft. ii.oO : ; Jin , $13.005 No. yCln , 10ft. fia.OJ ; 4 In , $1:1.00. : SIDINIJ A. 12. 14 and 10 ft. $ J2.00 ; 0 , $17.50 ; II , 12. 14 nml Hi ft. $20.50 : I ) . J14..10. HOAIIKS No. l. com. $14.50 ; No. 2 , com , $15.0J ; Nit. II. com. $1.'LM ) ; No. J , com , H\J \ > 1. I'r.oortiNO A. c-ln , wlilto pine , $ ns.OO ; 0 , KW.M ; II. 0-ln. white pine , tKi.nO ; I > , J20.50 ; K , ( ! -ln , whlto jilne ( sel. fencing ) , $17.UO ; drop sid ing. 50c per M extra. hxorK HoAHDrt-A. 12-ln. sli. $43.00 ; U. 12-ln , sis. $45.1(1 ( ; O , $10.00 ; I ) . $ . ' .1.00 ; No. 1 eomnion , 12- ln. sis. 10 , 12 and Ifft , WI.CO : No. 2. $18.50 ; No. 1 common , 12-ln , sis , 14 ft , 820.005 No. 2 , $17.50 ; No. 1 common , 12-ln. sis. Ji ( ft. tll.50 ! ; No. 2 , 8i7.C ( ) ; No. 1 common , 12-ln , sis , 2J ft , } 21 00 : No. 2. 813/ . Sliii-i/.ti' No. 1 plain. 8 and l ! ) in , $19.00 ; No. 2 , JIO.IKI ; No. j , O. U. , 8 In. $ li.fiO ! ; No. 2. $10.50:10 : In. grooved roofing , 12 , 14 und 10 ft. $1'.V ' ) ) . J'iNisiiiNd 1st and 2del. , I In. sUs , $ I'J.UO ; li ! 1i ! aiidilii.lti.003d ; clear. 1 In. s2s. $45.00 ; 1'i 1'i and 2 In , SJ7.0II ; A. select' 1 In , sis , $ ll.(0 ( : I'l IV . and 2 In. $4.1.0,1 . , ; II , selecud In. s"s , $11.01 ; 1'i ' li ! and l ! In , $4-UOi ! C , sefeot , 1 In s2s , $27.00 ; 1U lit andiln. $ : r > .0t ) . j A. H or C select , all 1(1 ( ft l.DO extra. . . . . . . . "YKi.mw PIN 1st iinil 2d clour lliorln ( , lIMfi. star. l.tMii'M-lR. SIll.O'i : com lldorlnc. 13-10. $ ir > . ( X ) : rlft.cloar. 1in. . fSi.oo : 1st and 2d eloar. "A cclllnir. SM.rJl ; Kt and 2(1 ( clear , "pC-elllnK. Jl'.t.rx ' ) ; lstnnd2d fli > : ir.ci > llliur.(2. ' > Cii ; 1st and I'd clear , linlsli , ' . ' < . ( nun 1 In , > 27. < H ) ; 1st and 2d clear , finish , s-X froin l'i In. JIIO.OO ; 1st and 2d eloar. llnlihssr from lHand2 In VlOOO ; 1st a ml-M clear , y p1 oiislnxs , fW,00 ; ; base : w.OJ. | , . . I'oi-r.Aii l.UMiiEit-S-lm'H and up. 1st and 2nd clear. 1 Inch s-'s. $ .TU > 0HJncli ; | und up , 1st und 2nd clear , Ii Inch . . HASH , Dooits , KTU Tur-jio.ird. $1.50 ; sash , 55 porct : doors. 50 per ct ; blinds , 50 per et ; mouldings. 50 per ct ; tarrcd'fi-it.per owt , $2.10 ; straw board , $1.1,1. i . IIATTKNH. WKI.nTlJUINl.J ( > TC. O. O. 2lncll , Ooc ; ! Jxi. : sis. Il5o : 3-lncli wHl tubing. D. k M. and bo v , $ ! .M ; pickets. D. & If. . Hat. $20.505 I ) & II. . sq , H HniNirK8. ( I.ATiiir'Extti , . "A , " plno , $5.SO ; standard "A , " $ -.J.l ; extra "A , "cedar , JU'.M ; 0 Inch clear pine , $1.00 ; clear redwood , $4.25 ; intli. i80 ' I'OSTS White cedar. (1 ( Inch , HS , llo ; 0 Inch iirs , lie ; white cedar. 5'j ' Inoli , Ks Oo8incli. ; iirs , 80 ; white cedar , 4 Inch , round , lo ; split oak , 8c ; Tennessee red cedar , split , llo. Mlsoellnncous. HIDKS Frozen hldesJffi4fCNo.l ! ; green salted 8 to i.l lb . , So"No. ; 1 dry illrit h'lde.s , 7c : No. 2ilfy Hint hides' 5o ; No. 1 dry sailed hlaes , safio. Sheen nelts Green suited , eien. : 3. > cl.til ! Xrcen salted .sheurlliiRs. ( short \\noled euny skins ) ouch , 10 ® * > e ; dry sliciuline's ishort wooled early skins ) No. 1 , each , MlOe ; No. 2 , ouch. 5c : dry Hint ICnnsus and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per pound , actual weight , lOiiJHHc : dry flint Kansas and Ntibrusku mur rain wool pelts , perpoiind , actual wolglit. t > @ 12o : dry Hint Colorado butcher wool polls , per pound , actual weight , H fM'-ic ! ; dry Illnt Colorado rado niiirriilu wool pelts , jier pound , actual weicht , SP.lOc . ; dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 7G1IC. HICKOIIY NUTS Large , perbushel , $1.50. Pop COIIN Choice stock , liiOi'c. IiKATllBll Hemlock slniighter sole. 2C@29o per lb : bemhiok dry hide sole , 20Mc : : ouk solo. : tu@iJu : ; French kip skins , uocSJl.1 ! Kieuch calf skin , $ l.2.V&.OOi American oak calf SclJAM.l.l ; American hemlock ctili , 75c ® $1.10 Ai'nerlcun OHK nip , 7'irf(8. > o ; American hem ook kip , Wi < 2,7 : > c ; sin-op skins , 60e < a$1.00 ; gout skins , per foot , 20 © : o. IliiAN iiaulied , per ton , J'JO.CO ; chopped feed , $21.00. lloNKV Whlto elovor , 1 lb frnmcs , per lb , 18e ; 2Hi frames , I7e. Ii MI : , C'r.jir.N'r , Ktc , On board curs at Omaha Per bbl. Ash Giovo lime , 03e ; Champion lime , S.lcO.iilioy : ! wlilte.Srt : IxiuNvlllecement. $1.5) ; Mllwiiuken ceiiieiit$1.4."i ; Ftlca cement , $1.10 ; U'ngllsh Piirtland .cement , ftl.4.1 ; Now York nlastor. $3.2.1 ; Allvhhrnn plaster , $2.10 ; I'ort Doilge plaster. $1.75 ; white sand , K2.CIO ; P. P. hair , ncrbulc.il.ua TAM.OW AM > OiiKASK Tallow No , 1 , ; i ' ® ; tullow No. 2 , ! ® : ! e ; iireuse , whlto n. J56JHo ; grease , whlto b. 'I'l ' lSe ; ieise. : yellow. L'o ; grease , dark , 2tu ! : old butter , IKWi-ic ; beeswax , prime. l ( > ii-le ; rough tallow , H'ia2o. llONKtf In car lots only Dry bnlTalo , per ton , $10.00(61800 ; dry country , bleached , ] > er ton , $ IO.X@MOO ( ! : dry country , damp unit meaty , pelton. . j8.XX2i ( 10.00. These prices are for bones weighed and dellveied inCliiougt , . Ili.ACK WALNUTS Per bushel. $1.25. CocoAMJTS Per 100 , sacked , $1.50 ; bulk , $1.25. COAL On board cars at Omaha Anthracite Chestnut , range and egg , $8.50 per ton ; grate , $ x.S5. Soft coul Ohio. $ .1.1)0 ) ; Southern llllnoU , ? I..W | walnut blooK , $3. i ; Iowa lump , Iowa nut , $2.75. CIIUSTNUTS Largo Italian. 15o per lb. Are You n Trnvnllor ? The completion of the- standard ( jnugo of the Denver & Hlo Orando railroad from Don- vcr to Ogilon is , jxjrhaiM , one of the most hu- portant Improvements In railroad facilities that has yet boon inado in Colorado. The now line U via Loadvill'oj nil traveling by this route oao has nu opportunity to behold tl o mugiiltlccnt Eagle river cauon and the marvelous beauty and ggajujcur of the cauon of the Grande. .J _ tttio combination mnl qx ress and baggage car Is especially coustruotjji foe the apcoily nnd convenient transact lop of business. The regular ba gugo car huBiiiiliny improvements. tor expediting the liandlini ; of ba guKO. Tlio smoker 1s fully the Qqu VjOf any lli-st-cla-si conch in pcnoral use. TJH rar will scat fifty. six pccplo and Is Huhled ; by four double IMutfscti lumps and iajYunued by a llakor liontor. The seconil-classr-oacUus ui-o lliilsbcd in antique oak and thottidlP seats upholstered in crimson plush. w\ . The tlrst-class conch i .rflio climax of ole j'u'nco. It resembles ittlHilhnau palacocur , but with the objections tp i l'ullniaii nu n day car removed , The windows are inruo , so as to afford a peed view of tbo scenery nnd no pains has boon spared to render traveling inoue ouo of these coaches a perfect luxury. There is a smoking compartment elegantly fitted un and , lavatories and tollot rooms supplied with nil the modern conveniences. All the curs are lighted by a hrllllaant illuminator. These cars will bo hauled by brand now engines , which are perfect giants , having cylinders 18x24 Inches. There nro six 51-inch drlvo wheels , and the total weight of each locomotive is 107,000 with a weight of 81,000 ) pounds on the drivers. Through Pullman palara sleepers aud first-class dining ; cars are attached and the passenger need not clmiigo can from Denver to San Francisco , Tom Kelt is booming his track In the twin cities , Minneapolis und St. Paul , Prlnco > is "working" Denver , nnd the other member isa > a ouco famous trio , "Senator" Morgan , { g a I shining light in Portland , Ore , THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Narrowucsi at the Opening in All the Spec ulative Pit * A REPORT WHICH LOOKS BOTH WAYS , Liverpool Cables Firm nt the Close Corn Quiet AH Day Nothing Unusual In Oats Cnttlo nnd Hogg , i , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram to THK IIEK. ] The board of trade mnrkots showed ilgns of narrowness nt the opening. The great drawback to trading generally was the ox- pectcil Kovernmcnt crop report announced for 4 p. in , today. lulnK thu Mr-it hour wheat nnil corn showed soinestrcnzth. while hog products declined. Mav sales were ns follows : Wheat , 07io ! toD7 ? oto07ic ! ; corn. Wjo ami ( n ? o ; oat * . 4Mio nnd 4Mc ; pork , (11.10 ( aud IH.lT'Ji lard , fO.40 nnd JC.II5 ; ribs jr , . ( > 7'i and $ .VGO < 3 > 5.K'J. ' Thcro was not much news In wheat early , and It would have inado llttlo dllTorcnco If there had been. The expected crop report , duo at4 p. in. , overshadowed nllelso. Theiohavo hecn so many rumors nnd so ninny denials re garding final crop ( Inures that thotrade knows llttlo ofwhat to expect , llnsldes , the ronort will trcatof bothlMW totals and the conditions of the growing crop. The Hgures are llkoly to bo mixed , to bo misinterpreted , and n violent action of markets may follow. Thin caused waiting - during the day. Up to noon May wheat had but a JiOSo rnngo Knd that Kenenilly above the close yesterday , with the prleo between 07'jO nnd 07-WJ7HC. At tlio sumo time July sold at 0.1'ic aud at ( U/ii'i with January 7c under May tiomiimlly. Liverpool cables wore simply llriu nt the close. Thcro wore serious reports of drouth from southern Illinois , which were olTsot by tlio fresh snow which fell lu p-irts of Iowa , Mis souri. Nebraska nnd Kansas. St. Louis re ported nbont 1(00,000 ( bushels of No. 1 wheat , marked for export to go by Hio river. New York and llaltlmoro cleared no wheat nnd llt tlo ( lour. The four ports for the week Cleared 17i,000 ) bushels of wheat nnd 23J.010 barrels nnd sacks of Hour. On both coasts , wheat and Hour were 2n70oi)0 bushels against 1.031,00'J for last week. The Uhlcago wheat movement Istt-.GOJInisliols receipts , to Ul.OJO bushels ship ments , Minneapolis Is estimated to Inercaso In stocks IIWMO for the week. In the early trading , S. Y. Whitohoiise , Kennett , Hopkins and Mitchell led the buying. I'ardrhlgo , Clif ford nnd Ilntchlnson sold. Wheat was raided slightly before the close , when the support was jMinr , May was sold down to PUffc. closing at lXiC ! January was ouoted at ( M'jc toOj'.jo to Wo ut tlio close ; 'July at lc ! to 0.1'ie toft'lo at the closo. Tanners' deliveries In Knglund were free at 05,000 quarters , with the prlco Id up at II.-tGd. There was nn extremely quiet trade In corn nil day. The ramo up t < > 1 o'clock was but ? o for May. The prlco .started nt S.'I'-Jo ' ; touched KlJic ; rose , by slow degrees , to .Vt'.Je , and shortly before the close was 5llj53'o ? ' seller. The receipts were over the estimate at I'M ' cars i , and for Monday the estimate was 170 cars. i Early miylng wns encouraged some by bettor 1 cables. Later the selling was led by Ilntchlnson and the crowd sold on moro liberal estimated ! receipts. Corn exports from At- lantlo ' ports were 4sOOOJ bushels for the week. Corn i closed at the bottom for the day. with .May atomic , exactly the same as yesterday. January wns iiuotcd at 40i ! to4'.lio to 49'ic to 43 ? o : February at M'io to & 0 ? > o to 601io to There win nothing unumi.il In oats. The prlco of May started at4Bjje , touched 40TJO and closed ! ( o under last night nt 4tiHc. January was iiudted al > 411'nC and 4UJo ! at the close ; Juno was 4Ce and 45 0 to close. The market acted closely with jvhont nnd corn all day. HOK receipts for the week were oven larger than the estimates and reached 251,000 lions. The estimate for Monday Is 40,000 and for thu next week 210,030. The provision market felt the effect of tho. conditions at the yards and also the olTect of the pressure from manufac turers of products. Arrtiour&Co. sold through various brokers and Cudaliy'a sold freely. I.iaiiy local hulls In pork gave up bidding prices up and sold out Ion stuir. Thosiip- jmrt was feehlo and came from outsiders. May pork opened at tll.i > 2Ji and sales were claimed on a Iniluo nt $11.40. From tills the prlco went down to 811.17'i , reacted $11.2214. went before the elosu to Jll.io and closud at fH.I2i. ! Lard sold at ffl.40 and $ 'l.i. ' : " > . May sho.it ribs were at 35.i7'i ( ' to $ . " > . ri7'.j ' toif. > . ( lo. Other niontln declined In a llko manner. The market elosi-d heavy at about the bottom prices all around , CHJVAfSO JLIVK STOCK. Cnic.vno. Jan 10. ISpeclal Telegram to TnB HIE. : ] CATTI.K Unslness was again about like any other Saturday. I'artles that had orders went out and bought what they wanted , when they found such as suited ; ethers , not anx ious had to bo urged to go out and look at the stock , yet about everything useful was sold nnd the general iiiarketclosod steady. Native butchers' stock sold at strong prices nnd a few stoukorson snlo mudo high prices. The top prices for the week were $ i.OO3.CO ; fair to good , $ . ' > SOQj4.8. > ; medium , > ) . ? . " > 3I.OJ ; noTexans or rangers were on salu ; butchers' stock , $3.00 a.'l.S.'i ; stookeri. $ J..WSi.)1. ; lions lluMncss was active for Saturday with the demand ennlerlng on light medium grades , which sold steady to. stroll' , ' ; on the other hand heavv. coar.Mlots were almoit un saleable , no matter what prlco or what the weights , the best of MICH averaging 401 and upwards , not maolng over tutyyuw , whllo thu same averages In solcc'tod barrows sold at * . ' .7li.W' ! , and extra a.s high as US , " . . The spread was wider than for any day this week , and prices were loworon these big , course , nut fat sous. Hough and common light inlvncl sold at * ! . < kKrt- ) ; , " > ; prime mixed , i.l.o/i.7. ; ) > ; prime selected heavy and hiitchur weights at an.7.1i : Ml ; a r > ow atJ.i.85 ; light sorts at 3.70 ; light-light , SJ.2Ja.TM. Nr.w YonK , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin : IlBK.l The utook market opened strong and notlvo and closed Htlll stron or and moro active. Such reports as coniu from the rail road meeting only helped to add conlldiMieo and Rive strength. The business of the llrst hour wns not romurkabh ) . however. . The llrst prices were almost Invariably higher than these of last filing , the only marked execu tion being Jersey Central which was down M percent , In early dealings tlioro were further .sharp advances in a fuw stocks , Including North American , St. Paul , Itlchinond und YVcst Point and Sugar Iteflnorlcs. The rlso In the latter was continued with vigor and after opening 'i per t-out higher at ( i7V . It rose 2 per cent further toGO'-i. ' Oregon Improvement , In the meantime , advanced li ; Colorado coal , 15J ; Lake Shore. Ji , and the remainder of the list smaller fractions. The sharp demand then fell away and the market became moro quiet , while thu recession la everything followed. Sugar roll rod to GS'/i ' and Colorado coal lost ? per cent , but the others showed only slight concessions and thontrvMKlonoof the market quickly reas serted Itself and in most of thu list still higher prices were reached hit or In thu hour. Chicago cage < b Illinois preferred rose ! pur cent , but the movement In the ro.it of the Hit wn.s very moderate. It wiusresurvcd for the lust hour of the week to glvo the climax to thu advance of the wcok. The bank statement showed nearly JTi.OJO.ooo , added to the nlroady llherul reserves of the banks. Silver was up to 10ij. Tliuclliiiu | nt work In sugar receipts r.in the prk'o tin to-7U ( , II vo points over lust night and ion points up lu two days. Louisville closed IVi up wltn Liiku Shore steady. Northern I'liulfla preferred rose to fi)3 ! ) ; , closing 7i up with North America ! l.S liL'hor. Atchfson rose to3i ; llurllnu'ton toltiU ; Itouk Island ttt 7IH ; St. Paul to.V > 7i ; MUwurll'aolllotoUl ; Union I'uclllo nnd Northwestern only > { UD. tit. I'aul , llurllngton and Atehbou were loaders with a net train for half day of 1 percent each. Tlio followlnz were the closing quotations : IJ , H. in ri'vnlnr . ,1-iJ .Northern r.tclHo . . . . f. " < U U. H , l couKm | . IJO do prufurreO . I'/JW II. H. 4MiJrc'Kiilnr . Itt ! ' < C. AN. W.i . IU7K U. H. 4V cnui > nni..lU ( ! { Uo prefcrro < I . . . 1JS > J rucltto I'M ot 'M . liu Now VorkCuntrsl. . . Wi Central I'aclllo . W ! . , . 4 K . I5 C'lilrnuoA Alton . 127 Hock lilan.l CIilciKO , Hurllngton . A K. I' . . & Vjulncy. . n do profurroti. . . IJ..U * W . . . . | 36 St. rauKVUmah . . . . Illinois Central dnprpfcrrud 01 Ii , HAV. . . Union I'aclHo. UH I 1 Knninn A Tejtui : \V. . Ht. I. . A I1 Vit Ijiknhboru , . . , It dopreforroit IU MldiU-nn Cunlral , , . . I \Yt' torn Union 7VM | MUiuurl 1'ncltlo I The CofTuu .Market. NEW YonK , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram to THE HEE. ] ColTco-Optlons opened ntcruly 10 points down to 5 points up ) closing flrm. < points down to 10 points up. Halos I.1.7.VI lings , Incliidlmc January , $ lfl.5i > Itt.53 ( ) | rebrunry , ; March , $ 1 3.00 ® t ; T..TO i Mny. $ IM.v l.V i JUIIP. tU.VOt July , MI.7Xil4. ( ( 751 August. September. lll..U Unot Itliv. quiet and stoadyi , 19.00 | No. 7 , $17a iil7.W. Weekly Itnuk 9tnt"iiioiit. YORK , Jnn. 10. [ Special Telegram to Tim BEE. ] The weekly bank statement J shows the following changes ! Kcservo , Increase $ 4SOT , 105 Loans , decrease I .TIM , too Specie , Increase 'J.re.sx ) ) ) Legal tenders , liu'foaso H.'iiO.SDi ) Deposits. IncrcHso , , . . . . . , , . . . . . . . yo02UX ) Circulation , Incronso 01,100 The banks now hold $13.rt31.000 In execs * of the reiulrctm'iitsof | the 25 per cent rulo. , The exports of specie from the port of Now York last week amounted to * L'tsof which tii4.07l : ) was In gold and JIM',81 ' ! ) In silver. The Imports I of specie for the week nmounted to S | * : L2I # . of which j.113,313 was In gold and } 1W- OJ5 In silver. Tlio Dry Oooils .Market. NKW YOIIK. Jnn. 10. IPpoolal Telegram to TUB HtE.-Tho : ] dry KOOU market was rela tively ( inlet. biH'uusu of the seml-lmllilny oharacternf the day. tint therawoiocontinuod good sales of the bleached shirtings , lately re duced In prices , and the movement of stocks have already been pretty well completed. It M not unlikely that there may bo a reaction In values In the neiir future. The general market Is verv Btnady mid In e < H > d shniio. I'rluls woio selling moro freely ami wash fab rics are being duplicated. There U a good feeling throughout the tnnrkot. Mining Hlmrc.i. ' NEW YOIIK , Jnn. 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB Urn. ] The following uro the mlnlnj stock quotations : Mt JIAJtKKT , NEW Yonu. Jan. 10. Wheat Hooolpts , (1.000 ( binlmls ; cxport-s , none : spot , generally firm ; No. S , red , Jl.OIH In elevator ; $ l..v.i ( ' alloat ; $1.0.Vitl.o : > ? , f. o. b ; options closed steady ; No. a red , January , closing at $ l,0.l'i. Oiirn Keeelpts. 7NOOO bushels ; exports , l.IRX ) bushels ; spot tinner ; No. ' , ' . ( JO's'ZiliO'.iO ' ' In elevator - vator : fillic nllont ; uueraded. mixed , KUiQBA ; ; options. strong ; Jnniiai-y closing atl c. Dnts lieoolpts. $ , ( brtshels : ovports , S. M bushels ; spot stronger ; .No. 'J while , fi'J'ifl.T'cs ' mlved western , MVEt.'ilc : white western , f > ® ' ' ! ) ; options ( Inner. January closing at Bl'ie. Sugar Haw. llrm. riulnt ; refined , dull , easy. I'otroloum United closed for l-'obruary at TJ'iC. l.girsSteady ; western , 'M'tQSJc. ' 1'ork Steady ; now mess , ill. 5 1312.00. J.aril Kasy , dull ; western stoam. $3.'i"i\ ( lliltterfteady ; western dairy , UiMOo ; creamery , IDit' c ; Klgln , Llic. C'housu ' Strong ; wanted ; light skims , CIIICAOO , Jan. 10. 1 D. m. close-Wheat Kasy ; cash. twaflOSio ; May , OliiSiUlSio ; July , Corn Steady ; onMi , 4fl Je : May , KJJio. Oats Kasy ; casli.4Hioi : May , IGVio. Hye Steady at 70e. llarlov-Stoady nt ? J.TiSOc Timothy -atcndy at $1,20 , Klnx Steady at fl.23. Whlsky-Jl.14. 1'oru Iull ) ; cash. tlO. ! > 0 | May. iil.IO. Lard Dull ; cash. JJ.87H ; Mny , Short Itlbs Ki.lu.Vl.p . l-'lour - rirm ; springpatnntn. Jl.fiO'ii.'i.OO ; win ter patents. ! fl.7ili. " > . ' > .OJ : bakers' , JfUlflfM.OO. Hulk Mimts-shoulders , $1.20Tdl.iO : ; short clear , } ' > . : w3..r.i. : ' > : short rlb-t. J. > .ir > ffr."i.r i. llultor Unchanged ; creamery , lB28e : dalrv. HSiic. Cherso Uncha ngrd : full c-rcnni choddars. n < ii.u4cIlits ! ( ? ; ! , ti ' < iIOo ; Young Americas , 10 ® 10'4e. ' Kis.s Unehangcd ; fresh , 22.1ilc. llldns Kirinnr : light anrl heavy salted , rivi0 , " > 'io : Kreon. 4 > i@t'ic ' ; salted bull , 4M > crcen salted calf , SLdry : Hint , 8e : salt bull. 0'37c ; dry calf. sa9e ; deaeons , oaeh 2. " > M. Tallow Steady ; No. 1 , solid packed , ilUo ; No. 2 , Ilu ; cake , 4c. Uocelnts. Shlpmonts. Flour , bbls I2.0W 14,003 Wheat , bu X'.OOO 4,019 ! ) Corn , bu 101,000 102.003 Oats , bu 00,003 112,000 ST. LODIS. Jan. 10.Vhoat Irregular ; cash , Krt)5Sc ! ) ; May , lUK ) < 39CV. Corn Illghor ; cash.JOo : Mny.SOS59 o. Oats I'lrni : cash , J.'ic ; May , 40 ! < o. Pork Easy at $ l".f > 0. Lard Lower at * , " ) .0j'3r ' > .70. Whlsky-l.l4. llnttor Kasy and inichnn god ; creamery , 21 ; dairy , 2l3-'c. n. 10. Wheat Demand for spot wheat good. Itecolpts10 cars : ship ments. HO cars. Closlnc : No. 1 hard , Janu ary , 01 c ; on track. U''o : No. I northern , Janu ary. Mo ; l-'obruarv. SliVie ; May , Dil'ic ; on traolt , OO'ic : No. 'J northern , January. bfl4c ! ; on track , ' MILWAUKEE. Jan. 10. Wheat Qulot ; No. 2 spring , cash , 87 < iSHo : May , 00 ? o. Corn Finns No. ; i , 50'iUMlc. Oats StBiidy : No. 2 wlilttr , 47QI74c * , Provisions Qnlots pork , May , $11.15. KANSAS OITV. Jnn. 10. Wheat-Steady ; No. Shard , cash , Hlo bid ; January , 8lo bid. Corn Steady ; cash , 48 ? > o ; January , J8V4o bid. Oats Steady ; No. - ' , cash and January , 4Uio bid. _ I.lVEitrooi * Jan. 10 , Wheat Firm ; demand fair ; holders nITrr spnrlnaly ; rod west ern spring. 7s 8d : rod western winter. 7s ld. ! Corn Strong ; demand fair ; mixed western , 5s 7d per cental. LIVE srorit. OniCAao. Jan. 10. Oattln Kocolpti. ! M30 head ; market steady ; stoor.i. $ > t.7.'i ® . " > . ! iO ; no Tcxnns or rangnrs on sale ; butchers Htock.KUXxa.'Ui'i ; stookors. $ J.r'J'l.rD , Ilo s Uocolpts. "r.OD ) head : market aotlvo and stea ly to strong : rough and common light ml.xod. $ ! . < > ' } & ! . > : prlmo ml.voi ; , $ .1.709 : i.7.r > ; prime , selected heavy and butcher welKhts. JI.7.r > iti.SS : ; Hsht. t.UO&'l.m. Hheop Hcoolnts. S,50Jhoad ; ninrlcnt steady ; westerns , * I. ' . ' ) ' 14.)0 ! ) ; nntlvoi. $4.lK'tfl.U ) : ; Texans - ans , fed. I4. : 8I.0 ! : lambs , $ J.5'J ' < SO.a. , ST. Loum. Jan. 11. Oiittlo Kooolpti , ? 00 head ; shipments. 401 head : market strong : lair to fancy natlvo stours , $ .l.7.r > 5i' > .10j stoukers and fenders.V07J'l.4J. . llog.s Itneolpls , 1,70) head ; shipments. 3.5TO head ; murketstoady ; heavy. $ . ! . . ' > Kii.'l.(13 ( ; ml.xod grades , $ J.WBi..V : ) ; light. Jl.'iiaa 43. KANBASC'lTV , Jan. 10. Cattle Hecolpts. 3.000 head ; shipments , I.ILV ) head ; market weak ; steers , $ I..M > iV .lM ; eows , tl."ZtiKI3Qi stookors ami foodors. t t.-.ViTi in : llo s Itoaolpts. 0,300 hoait ; shipments. 800 head ; market higher ; nil gradcs&J.UQi.70. ) : The linprovnient Uocord. Business has boon fairly nctlvo hi real estate nud improvement matters during the past week. The following figures show the totals of real cstntg transfers , uulldliif ; per mits and bank clearings for the wcelc : KEAI. KSTATK TIIA.VSFKIIS. Monday t 47,470 Tuesday 'J.l.DI ! ) Wednesday Oli : 7 Thursday 17,1 : ! ! ) I'rlday D7.1KJ Saturday Total Monday $ 1,403 Tuesday y,7UO Wednesday Thursday 2f. 0 I'rlday CO. ) Saturday , , Total $ 8,200 HANK Cf.KAUI.NO8. Monday $ OI ! ) . : W.6lJ Tuesday , 771,007.18 Wednesday US',4'-1.5't Thursday fii' : , C..7i ; l-'rhlay ( ; 'ft.r > 70i'j ; Saturday CautU > .01 Total $ , OI 1.07X83 A decrease of 4.1 per cent from the corresponding spending week of lubl veiir. Dr. Blrnoy , nose mid throat , IJco bldg. WA.NTUI ) . 1'lans Tor Noiv ItiilldiiigH to 1)0 Krcotoil This Venn The prospects for nseasou of uulntorruptod prosperity In the public schools of Oniuhii nro very llattoriut' , accorillng to the opinion of H. U. Coryell , n member of the school board. In spunking of the outlook ho said : "It la surprising to coimldcr the Rreat uumbor of children of school age In the city , and the rapid rate nt which Unit number Is increasing. The In- crotuo la so great that the ijuastlon now agi tating us Is how shiill wo tnko ejiro of the youn stcrsl Last year \vo built a uumbor of Kinnli buildings , thus hoping to rollovo the overcrowded condition of the bi'hoolv Ttu-so buildlnirs hnvo been occupied nnd the demand for moro room Is utmost as Kiti.it as before thu now build' Ink's were erected , so that It Is evident that seine plan must lx ) adopted , and that era long , to afford Dottcrcchool facilities tlinmvo hnvo at this time. "Tbo now building on the Paul slta h nssurod. Thcro U enough money In the sits nud building fund to erect this building nud hnvo It ready for occupancy by the beginning of the unxt school your. As to this building , It will undoubtedly bo a two-story brick , containing sixtc n rooms , similar to the Lake school building , which Is regarded as ono of the most convenient school houses In the country. Work upon ttil building will eommcuco with the evening of spring. When this U ilo\vn our sklt-l * nro" clour , ns wo will hnvo carried out the pledges inndo nnd broken by n former bo.ml of education , Should wo then go before tlio people and .iMc them to veto tiiwn n proposition to Issue lionds , thcro will bo no reason why they should refuse. "Thoro Is n pressing demand for the erec tion of the Paul school , na It will rellovo tha Long , the Lake nnd tlio Itiinl schools , nil of which nro now lUlod to overflowing. The probable cost of the building will not exceed $10,000. The Inko building cost fMtX)0 ) , but since then tilings tmvo changed nnd t building cqmilly ns good cnn now l > o ctwted for itiuoh loss. The Control school Is lu a torrlulo condition , uuJ nt the hut mcotlni ; w thought wo would l > o nblo to furnish soiuo re lief. Wo had raited n store room at Twenty- fourth street ntul Capitol avenue nud ordered It for the beginning1 of this term , thus hoping to tnko euro of the ovorllovv , but since then wo hnvo loanioil thnt ivi-asnof diphtheria , existed In the rooms nhove ami have ordered the superintcmlunt not to open the school. llosluVs this , the plumhlng Is hail and the cellar t.s n death trap , so it Is doubtful If the room will bo used ut nil. This pluecs the matter lu n position where there Is but ono thine to do , and that Is to rout n lot lor ii term of years nnd put up u tompornrv build ing , lu this we meet with ono obstacle. The location Is iu the IIro limits , hut I think wo might Induce the council to glvo us per mission to put up such a building. "Out hi Clifton Hill a whole city has been built up during the past year , ami something must bo done there ns Mio Increased popula tion has erowdeil the Walnut Hill school to such nu extent that wo huvo been oollgcd to partition oft n hall and u ° o It for school purposes , Clifton Hill will undoubtedly have to hnvo n four-room building before the end of the present year , "Lake , Omaha View , Ki-mllin and Lntlirop nro nil crowded , so Unit room Is becoming u serious quest Ion nnd now build ings may l.avo to bo erected in all of these districts. In fact , the only schools that nro not crowded nro the Cass iiiul Dodge , anil they hold their Own , notwithstanding the fnet that business is crowding out many of the resi dents. "Tho whole mutter simmers down to ouo fnot , mid thtit fart is thnt the population of Omaha Is Ineivnolng ut u rapid r.ito , nud tint onlv solution of the problem Is that we must huvd moro school houses Iu order to iii'toiu- modnto thosehtol children. " S. 1C. Bpuldlnc , iu speaking upon school mattiys , said : "Wo built six school buildings - ings lust year , two at Central I'nrk , two nt Saratoga , two nt Hlelcory anil two nt U.uvu- port the previous yonr , and now wo Hml our selves confronted by the serious question of what shiill ivo do with the children. This of coin-so has relieved some of the outlying di s- tricts , but thcro Is still n crviug do- maud for moro room nt Shornv.iu , Lnthrop , Amber nnd several other loc.illtlos. Dttpont Is oversowing , whllo Walnut Hill , Omnha View , Long and Lnlto liavo us mimy pupils ns they can nccmnmoilato. "Tho Paul school will bo built early tins season , nnd this will help matters nt the Loup school to some extent , but it will not glvo any too much room , as wo will hnvo to ro-district that portion of the city , and by so doing all of the nuildings will be Illlcd. The I'nul location is not ns good us I wish it was , but ns it was bought by u former board 1 suppose - pose we will huvo to accept It. "It Is only n question of tiino whou wo will linve to n bit nd on the Izuril school , ns the building is unsafe and ought to bo con * detuned. Wo ought to hnvo an other brick builiiing on the Long school site , as now wo nro using ; seven frame buildings for school purposes , but it is doubtful If wo cnn reach this this season. The Central school is proving a serious question aud how to relieve the overlloiv is n stndy.Vo can rent a building , hut I am op posed to renting. The bonrd owns plenty of sites scattered throughout the city , nnd it certainly Is economy to build and stop rents. The school population Is increasing at a most rapid rate , all of which bus a tcndencv to convince thu members of the board that wo must provide moro room , nnil that very soon. " C. E. Baucocksnld : "Tho Paul school will ho built. I favor sixteen rooms , a low buildIng - Ing , not to exceed two stones In hclghth. Such a building cnn bo completed for $ . ' 10,000 , not to exceed SW.OOO , It Is true thnt the Lnko school cost $ .11,000 , hut I know what I nm saying when I say that wo cnn duplicate the building for § miH , ( ) ) . Wo expect to open the September terin In the new building. The money Is now In the treasury nnd thcro Is no reason why it should not bo completed nt mi e.u-ly diito. This will relieve the other schools to some extent , ns wo shall change the bounda ries of the district , but It will not solve the problem. Wo have got to hnvo moro room nud I see no other wuv than to build a number of cheap buildings. Wo ought to hnvo at least six two-room school houso.s , ono at the Lntlu'op school , OIHI nt Clifton Hill and the others In the southern part of the city. Wo must do something for Windsor I'lntie , ns there nro a gr.'at many children in thut portion of the city who uro almost without school facilities. "I think tlio 1'nul school Is the only Inrpo building that will bo built this season , but from present itiulcalloim wo shall he com pelled to spend several thousand dollars lu the erection of cheaper buildings. " The limb \Vli-d .Monopoly. "t don't think there is nny truth in the statement , " said C. E. Ilurtnrlstor , secretary of the Omaha barbed wlro works , yesterday nftornoon , when ho was shown the telegram announcing ( hot most of the b.u-bod wlro manufacturers In the Unltud States had sur rendered to the Wiishhurii & Moon uini . "It true " continual hu " pauy. is , , "that the company has brought up and pretends tinau trol nil of thu patents , but notwithstanding tills , there nro today nearly forty llrm.s and companies manufacturing barbed wiro. "Last fall the Wnshburn ft Moen combina tion brought suit mriunst our company Iu the United Status court alleging that wo had been infringing upon tlio ( Hidden patent , which they claim to own. The casu was called nnd dismissed fur want of proso- cutlou. SIneo _ then another suit has boon brought , hut our works wiltconUnuo toruu until wo are forced out of the Held , and I un derstand that all of thu other umuufiii-turcni tnko the sumo vlow of the cn-iO. Ono thin ; : Is almost certain , and tlr.it is , the Individual companies will never tin up with the Wash- bum monopoly ns long us they huvo nny money to defend lawsuits. There is no doubt but thnt nt the conven tion now being held In ( . 'hlcaito the Wash- burn people liavo made propositions of some kind , but 1 um Hiiro they uro not of such u , nature thut they would bo ncccntoil. Our company will innlto moro wire no.xt yonr tluiu over before , but I think It will Do done nt i\ slight udvmici ) of eost to the consumer , as It Is known that lust your the competition was so .strong that wlro was sold at less than actual cost. This question is ono that , will ivcelvo serious consideration at the convention , nnd I think nu ngrcotnent will bo iwichcd by which nn nuvoiicu In prices will bo mudo. " Winter ICiirsiunn South. The \Vabanh Ims placed on null ) rounil- trip tlulfuts , with uhok'u of i-outoH , to nil tlio wintoi' resorts of thu boutli. Pai'tic-H desiring to go direct to .Sutherland , Onmhu'rt Ininous winter ntxort , whom you tuivo boating , fishing ntul butlilng in nildwlntur , should ttilto tlioViibush , In , cuunoi'tioa with thu now fast train on the Li. & N. , with through nlooplugciu'rt to Tampa , Fliv. , via .lai.'kaouvlllo nnd Liiiohoot'heu. Duly 6- hours to Jncktiou- vlllo , ( M lo Tampa mid 70 tofiuthorlmul. 11 ! lioiit'H In lulviincu o ( till other rouUw. Kecliaing chair and 1'iillinmi InilTot bleujiiag curs on all tralim. Hagi/ago checked from lioteln nud private re.si- donees to destination. Fur thikatn , Hluoplng car aciumimodutloiiH and full In formation In regard to roilton east or wouth call at the Wabas.li olllco , 150U Fiirnuui strcot , or wrlto lo c ; . N , CLAYTON , Northwestern Faun , Agent , Oinahiu Arthur Zimmerman has rognlnod his ama teur standing ami thu eharh'in ) iiguIiiHthltn h.ivo boon proven croundliMs , llo will sail for ICurbpo HOOII and will rldo Ml lucky "Star" to fiimo In this year's races on tlio ICnglish path. It Is to bo hoped that the other suspundoil mombui-H of the luuguo will comi out with us clean a record as Mr. .