Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1891, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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Reminiscences of the Mexican War by an
Old Veteran.
A aiirllllni ; fitory of it Grcnt linttlo
Told In a JMoilcflt Wny by n , I'nrtlc'
Ipnnt Victorious Aenlnst
Grant Odds.
Mr. C. II Keillor , familiarly known as the
"Futhor of Grant post , Grand Army of the
Ucpuhllc , " has removed lo Chicago. From
there ho has written several Interesting let
ters to tlio mctnhcrs of the post , recallliiR old
times nnd reciting events In which ho took
part many j cars ago Ur. It M Stonohns re
ceived ono of the letters , nnd has allowed ex
tracts to ho inaao from It Mr. Kcttlcrdc-
llrcd that a correction ho made' lo the history
Of Grant post , which appctrcd In Tin : Bit :
loveral weeks a o whoio It was stated that
Mr. Kottlcr had hecr. engaged In the Indian
Wars of the frontier.
After requesting the correction the Idler
Continues /ollovvs !
" 1 served my adopted fatherland , airivlng
In America May 5 , 18.11 , in thrco wars , bull
novcrenllstcd In the regular army , and was
novcr In an Indian war on the frontier. I
am proud , my dear comrades , of my imstllfe ,
In war us In peace , proud that I nmonoof
Jlioso who tnado Texas a f rco state , after
wards a state of the union , proud to ho ono
of the 7b < ) who defeated the : ) , ( WO Mexicans
on April SI , l&Mat San Juclnto , innklnir Gen
eral Ban Antonio Lopedo bmtn Anne a
prisoner. As nn old soldier , voursclf , jou
n 111 undoubtedly rend with pltasutotho'dc-
icrlpllon of a bittlo fought nearly llfty-llvo
ynnis ago , jut clear heforo injejes. .
"Alamo and Golllad wno tidtcn n few
ivccks bofoio the battle , ItsKiuilson eiuvllv
massiered and shot. 'Iho To\ns con-
truss put General Sun Houston nt the
bond of its forces , and ho linmedlatclj
organized nn nimy of i.ivv militia , poorlv
irtncd , equipped nnd provisioned , but biavo
iiul determined A. few dnvs bcfoio the bat-
llo , Oenernl Houston ictlred bohlnd the Huf-
nio bijou , about twenty miles fiom vvhcru
Iho cllv of Houston now stands. Santa
Anna , with his foi cos of about four thousand
mon , occupied the little village of Huiris-
X , on the south bank of the IJulTulo bnj-ou
"On Apill 18 , Houston , havinglcuincd that
Bantn Anim nad loft the village and moved
toward Gulveston bay. crossed the oavou and
followed the enemy. 'Iho next dav General
Houston addressed his nimy , his Cojs , In a
warm speech , saving thnt wo should renieni-
lor Alamo and Golllad anel give the Mexicans
'h land d nation. '
" \Vo niaichcd about twelve miles In the
rear of the Mexican arin.v , nnd by a line
Btingctla movcincnt cut off Santa Anna
and hh advance from the main boclv , which
was coming up from the ntn/os , and thereby
enclosed Santa Anna between Gulveston bav.
the DulTalo bnou , and a small stream called
' the "Vlnt'os '
il' "On the 20th our command encamped on a
firm spot on Itult.ilo b.ijou In sight of the en
emy. In our fiont was nn eminence , ou the
right was Colonel Uuiloson , Colonel Slier- '
man was on Iho left ; the cavalrycoinm.mdcd
by Mliabenu L.nmnr , was lu the center Our
artillery , consisting of two pieces vv hit h wo
called the 'Twin Sisters'was '
, undei com
niund of Colonel Noill
L ' -Tho Mexican army , occnp.v Ing the open
il's .prairie In front of us , hud thrown up hicast
Vvorksnnd In the evening flicd s-oveial shots
Lit juVvvhtih did no injury.
"ThoiMstof April opened clear and bright ,
no clouds helnir visible At noon n council o t
war was held. Mlllard , Sherman , Bmlc'.on ,
_ Bominervilo ] and Bennett wore present. It
was resolved to attack the army iustantor ,
nnd the celebrated 'Deaf Smith was sent to
bum the bridge actoss Vince hajoulu the
s icar of both armies.
"Tho Mexicans , as was their custom , wcro
enjoj'lng their siesta and were not aware of
our appioach.
General Houston formed his Texans into
line under cover of the forest , so that the
Mexicans would not discover our movements
Moving to the finntour artillery was under
command of Colonel Hockley ; Colonels
llurlcsoii nnd Shcimnn and Mi Hard wcro in
command of the Infantiy and Colonel Mira-
' > J beau Lamar ot the cavnlry. 'Iho 'i'wln
n Bisters'opened ' on thoMcxlcnns with grape
nnd cannistcr with the most deadly effect ,
nnd vvo footmen , charging at a double-quick ,
gnvo the Mexicans , as Houston hail told , us ,
'h-llandd nation , ' dealing their bieast-
wet ks and pom ing a terrible volloj intothcir
ranks. The battle was turned into a perfect
rout , the csicmv's artlllcrv captmed , his touts
and equipage rilled , while the Mexicans How
In all dltoetlons , into the timber , over the
praltib and into the bayou , whcro they
"Our loss was verjr small , only about forty
being killed and woiiiideci , while the enemy
lost about seven hundied killed , three him
vJrcd wounded and eight hundred tukou pris
"Tho lljing Mexicans wcro uuisuod
Ono squad uiscovoied what the } thought
was n common toldicr , who , upon
their approach , fell down In iho glass , cover
ing himself vvltli a blanket. Our boys sits-
pei ted something nsholiiul u clean shirt on
made of IIno material , nnd ho was ordered to
ui'lso. When questioned ho said ho was an
aide on Santa Anna's staff. Ho was escoitcd
to General Houstoii's tent , which was sur-
founded by Mexican piisoncrs. When our
men appioaihctl with their ptisonrr the Mex
icans , who had been lying in the grass , arose ,
doffed ttwir soinuretos and shoutcu , 'El 1'iesl-
dcnto I'
"It has often been said that Santa Anna
was sovciely wounded ut this battle , but this
Is n mistiko. While ho was president , be
tween tno j-car lb.10 nnd 1647 , ho visited tno
fortress of San Juan d'Ulloa , ncarVera Cruz ,
nnd by the explosion of n cannon , lost his log.
When vvo defeated him at nuena Vista , 1'eb-
ruury 17 , ho deserted his cairiugo and
followed his nrmv on norsobnck to Han I.ouis
do I'otosl.but loft his coik leg In the carriage.
kl It is now In the memorial hall at Spiinglleld ,
'i'ho letter then goes on to relnto several
other incidents In the writer'sporsonnl expe
rience. Among them is the following :
"Whon vvo were discharged , Ibollovo InJiinc
or July , 1830 , llvo us , two Germans and three
Auiurie'iius , concluded tosoo a little menu of
Texas before vvo leturned to tlio states , so vvo
mounted our mustangs , which vvo had cap
tured In thu baltlo of Sun Jiiclnto.nnd started
out , provided with plent ) of im-uiiltiou and
other tntlcles. ToKlvonhUtoiy of our Irip
would take up too much llino. Lost on the
blgprahio , I hellcvobotwecu the HloGrnndo
nnd Colorado livers , often misled
und fooled by the 'futa morgana' ,
110 roads , nothing to shoot , i o water , nothing
to cat except tlio cuw-iishes vvhloh came out
of thogiound ovcry morning , wo and our
mustangs grew so weak thnt vvo concluded
to surrender to the Indians , whom vvo had
scon forfcoveial daju camping u few miles
eouth of us. Thu Conmncties , numbciing
ubout eight bundled in nil i-ccclvcd us very
Idmily.Vo lived with them about ten
months la Texas and Now Mexico , and dur
ing the winter months of lb.)0-7 ) In the moun
tain cuvis of Arizona , during which tlmo vvo
Idlle'd about three hundred buffaloes.V'o
retui tied In the spring of 1N17 to Texas , and
when about a hundred miles from Han An
tonio wo loft thoin , ran uvvaj In the night ,
nnd an hod next day about 4 p. in. at San
Antonio. "
'Ihosltoof the old Atidersonvillo pilson
lias been purchased by the grand army post
of iMncon , Gu. About eighty acres are com
prised in the Kite , which contains the stock
ade , fortlllcntlons nnd rille-pits or tha historlo
prison. Kurly In the spring the work of con
verting the place into a national grand iirmy
jwik will bo begun. The entire men will bo
burroundcd by a 100-foot driveway and n
wide avenue will lead to tlio railroad sta
tion ; walks , drives , fountains nml beds of
flowers and rare bhruhs and berries will bo
plentiful , and In the center on nn elevation
will bo erected n.v elegant club house for the
use of members of the Grand Army of the
Hopubllo and their guests. Kach point of
ppcclal Interest will bo marked hy n suitable
monument or public building , and nt I'rovl-
dcneospilng n largo amphitheater will bo
erected for holding Memorial d y exercises.
The 1-Jlks.
Ills generally understood that the Audi
torium of Louisville will bo selected as the
plnco of holding the social session at the iicxt
It is reported that tbo grand secretary ,
Allen 0. Myers of Cincinnati , Is having an
"infernal machine" constructed for work In
the second that will knock the tar out of any
order In tbo world.
The Old Hickory quartette , which accom
panied Loulsvlllo lodge to Cleveland ai the
last reunion Is contemplating a tour on the
rend this season. Several nattering offers
have boon rnndo by theatrical managers , Dut
none have yet been accented. All of the
members belong to Loulsvlllo lodge No. 8.
Matters In nikdom at Loulsvlllo are boom
ing. So writes Uyron W , Orr , esteemed
leading knight of Louljvlllo lodge , No. 8. As
the tlmo for the annual reunion nnd grand
ledge mooting approaches the various com
mittees who hnvotho arrangements Inchnrgo
are holding weekly meetings and getting
cv cry detail of Iho arrangements In shape for
a grand demonstration.
W C. Dudley , grand csqulro of the grand
lodge and secretary of Golden Onto lodge
No. 0 nf San I'uuicisco , Is credited with a
number of very complimentary notices In the
Trlsco papers for his efforts nnd energy in
making a succcssof the Klks'carnival ' , which
took place recently In that citv , It being re
ported ns ono of the grandest nifulrs that has
cv er taken place m Klkdom m any part of the
United States.
The Indications are that the reunion will
bo the largest gathering of the Klks known
slnco the existence of the order. licunlon
clubs nro being formed In various I21U lodges
lluoughout the entire country for the purpose
of going to Loulsvilla In May. San Francis
co , Itoston , 1'ulliulclnhta. Portland , Ore ,
Ilaltlmore , Chlcngo , Ulooklyn , UulTulo , Koch-
esler , New Haven , Atlanta , Cm. . Kvausvlllc ,
Ind. , Portsmouth , O. , Cincinnati nnd letioit )
Increasing every day.
K. of I * .
The ofllccrs of Park lodge No C9 wcro pub
licly Installed last Monday evening.
Nebraska lodge No 1 will hold a public
memorial service nt I'jthian hall , on Fnrnatn
street , Wednesday nlglit. in commemoration
of the Into Dr. ( J M Ulnsinoor , an honored
member of the loelgo An Interesting nnd
Appropriate programme has been prepared.
Minneapolis is out with a bid for the bien
nial session of the siipieino lodge In lb'J4. '
Hut with the memory of Milwaukee still
fivsh in the minds of thousands , of members
of the order , It is not likely they will want to
run tliotisk of starving or freezing in any
111019 boom cities of thonorthwcstduringthis
Ono of the most tnjovable nnd entertaining
cvcnUof the season was the banquet and
public installation given Palhs ledge No lit )
of Sehujler on. Tuesday evening. A largo
numbei who had been Invited assembled at
the ICnlghU of I'v thins hall about 8 o'elock
nnd vveio entertained with some vurv beau
tiful and inipiusalvo ceienionies Tito ser-
viees woio opened bj Kcv. Kniiu with
prajcr , followed hj nn nddie s hv Hetlrlng
Chancellor K II Pliclps and a beautiful lOntr
ba ( juui tctte composed of Misses Longand
Miles and .Messrs. ' helps ' andJcnldns , ntter
which came thu installation of oniccrs by
Deputy Grand Chancellor A. U Hughes ,
assisted by George Svvecsy. III. . Kohn. II.
M Trulmer and C. W. Vance. As Chan
cellor elect Chai les L. Towlo had been tailed
to the seat of thu Indian trouble that morn
ing , installation was postponed and the other
ofllecis were duly installed in their older.
'Jho installation was interspersed witli
speeches and singing After the ceremonies
ttio guests were Invited by Past Chanecllor
Phelps , In n neat speoch. to accompany the
Knights and partake of tno good things there
prepared In honor of the event , and to give
the Sir Knights nnd the ones who had the
snpiKjr in charge tho. credit duo them would
bedilllciilt , for the guests found the tablus
heivilv laden with a sumptuous lepastof all
the delicacies of the season. The hall had
been handsomely decorated with Ihgs , ( low
ers nnd o.nblems of the order. The oflleeis
installed wtio U II. Phelps , V. C.V. ; . S
Jenkins , prelate ; C J. Ltifnrik , K. of H nnel
S ; C. S T. Payne , M. of E ; C. H. Jenkins ,
M.of l\j T. E. Molacek , M. at A. ; E. Klein ,
i. o. o. p.
Grand Master John Hvans , assisted by
past jjinnds N. li. Kioni , J. W. Dlsbro , S J.
Larson , C. J. Johnson and John Lewis , Mon
day evening publicly installed the following
oftleers of stnto ledge No. 10 : John AI.
Heach , noble grand ; John T. Yatcs , vice
grand ; P. Vuisuand , s > eeietary ; II. Jackson ,
tivismcr ; W. H. Uobortson. warden , A A.
Blekel , conductor ; Oeotgo C. Vnlien , rignt
suppoiter to noble grand ; George L.
Kilwauh , left suppoiter to coblo giand ;
Jneob Marks , outslcto guardian ; John S.
Wood , inside guardian ; llemy Miller , right
scene supporter ; Elmer Mntscn , loft scene
suppoiter , .1. ICcndlsh , right suppoit to vice
grand ; Charles Watts , loft suppoit to vice
grand. After installation the following pro-
L'lummo Una canted out'
Address Orand Master John Hvans
Cornutsulo Iplnnonecoiiiptnlmnil )
U. laoksoii and Miss Xettlooods
Address Past < ! rand Master John lliinillii
Hesitation 'Iho Moneyless Man .1. W. DNbro
JteiltiitloiH ( uTlio ) Dreamo ( l.ugcnu Arnni
( ID IMcr SuiKlinm In l/ovo . . ( t. M. I"r.i/cr
IMano duet MIs > csNcttIo and K.itluoods
"ho recitations of Mr. Praz r were well
rcndortd nnd were highly nppiceiated bj nil
piuscnt Canton l > ia Millaid was present
In full unlfoun , as were a number of mem-
bcis of other lodges , besides several of the
piofune The altalr was a piouounced suc
cess in everj icspeet.
SuotliHli Kite.
The new ly elected olllcers of the council of
pilnccs and the council of Kndosh of the
Omahn Scottish rile bodies were InstalleJ.
Friday evening oy Illustrious Brother A.
Atkinson , deputy for Nebraska There was
a very largo attendinco , including qttito a
number of Scottish Hito Masons from ailTor-
cnt parts of the state. Alter installation re
fresh incuts were seived.
o. n. s.
The first of n scries of sochls to bo gvcn
by the Eastern Star , was held nt the rcsl-
denco of Mr. Ihomas Todhunlor , on Twenty-
llrstnndSt. Mar > 'savenue , Wcdncsd.iv cvo.
IIich-llvovvasindnlKCd in to the satisfaction
of all presonl , lifter which a sumptuous
lunch was solved. The company then du-
piuted for their homos , being wall pleased
with the llrst of their soelals.
Alwa\sat cross purposes ocoin stoimers.
Ahurnlngllrebtand is a sort of an Illumi l-
nated missal.
The lawyer bolloves In "millions for do-
fensu" and the sumo amount for prosecution.
Theyoung man who was "unable to ex
press his joy" saved money by sending it by
If Diogenes had lived today ho would have-
solud tbo honest-man problem by buying aIn
In sporting nirlnnca the man who pollutes
the outer nlr with a donated cigar is a rank
There is ono very pleasant feature about n
sleighrido on a cold night and that Is the ur-
If j ou do a man n favor do not let him know
It , or the chances are ho will como back for
another lift.
Ho I feel completely prostrated ; I wish I
wore dead , tfbo Well , why don't jou Jot
mo send lor u doctor )
" \Yhatarochcrchosortof an affliction you
have , " said Goodvvord to the man withu boll.
"Such a swell gathering I"
Maul Mr. Small couldn't ' call tonight , nnd
ho sends his regrets nnd this llltlo present.
Miss Little Thanks for both.
No , Angclino , the members of the binding
twine trust are criminals to a certain extent ,
but they are scarcely highbinders.
Disappointment llrst comes In life to the
baby who has a horn given him for a present -
sent urd then finds ho hasn't ' wind enough to
ulovv it.
Now Ueporter What do the editors mcnn
by this word "fnko" that they use all the
time ! Old Hoportcr That refers to tbo lies )
In the other paper 1
"I will bet that woman's a terror holding
her own , " was remarked at the reception.
"What makes you think sol" "I never saw
ouo sbo\v more backbone , "
"O , I'm so disappointed I Henry promised
mo a sealskin this winter ; but bo didn't ot
It , " "I don't wonder you fool bad. Hope do-
furred mnkotU the heart sick. "
Mrs. Younghusband Now that U Is the
nowjcar , John , I bopo you will bo able to
suy no ; and , by the way , John , won't you let
mo have ullttlo money ( Johu ( heroically )
"Your nnmo Is Jullal" "Yes , your honor. "
"Tell mo bow old you are. " "Twenty-live ,
your honor. " "Sol Well , now that you have
given your aga we will administer the
oath. "
A Story of the Present Indian Upris
"Auhl can It bo possible I'vo ' thrown them
off my track at lost I"
The speaker was a man ibout forty years
of ago , of tbo class of common ranchers ,
with the unmistakable : air of a man accus
tomed to thrilling SCOUC3 and wearing the
peculiar serb of a cowboy.
It was upon a balmy afternoon , Just six
weeks ago , in among the stcrllo sandhills of
the northwestern pirt of this state , when
Plorro Uaptisto , the government scout , thus
dubiously Interrogated himself.
An original was this Uaptisto , worthy of a
word or moro of description. In his physical
nud moral man ho was a complot character.
A big , bioud-shouldercd fellow , Imvlng In his
veins nt least three soparalo streams of
blood European , Indian and Mexican with
n dash of the devil to glvo snlco to the com
pound. Tor all , a splendid man nt bottom ,
fearing God after a fashion , but without the
slightest fear of man.
Tor a mouth or moro ho had been ranging
the Indian country roundabout Pine Hidgo
nud in South Dakota. It was his duty to
maintain nn unremitting survelllanco upon
the movements of the followers of Dig Foot ,
Short Dull , Two Strike , Sitting Hull nnd
other suspected Sioux. It had been re
ported at the different agencies alon the
Nebraska mid Dakota boulor that thcso In
dians had nlrindy assembled In the hideous
ghost dance , which , If found tiue ,
portended nothinir moro or less
than a foray of devastation unit murder
against the white setllerstmdiaiichcis , who
in suuh nn event would bo found in a lament
ably defenseless condition , Indeed.
Daptisto had been scut out by Gcnci il
Brooke nnd had found tbo reports of prob
able hostilities among the hloux nn.v thing
but groundless. . A sav.igo nimy was In-
dubllnbl ) massing For the uast sovei il
dajs the Indomitable government scout hid
been In their very midst Dig Toot mil
Shoit Dull Ind liken advantage of the
peculiar condition of nffaiis and move I
among their c-ountrjman Inciting them with
Insuuocllontil liio by Insidious stoiies of
the coming of the Messiah , a invttilcd
who was to restoiu the iviliium to their
pristine power and again popul ito the
jdnlns nnd interminable forests with the
bulTiilo , the ell : and the wapiti
'Iho fair stuto of Nebraska , or nt least the
exposed wi stern portion of it , scomol about
to be drenched In blood. At nUht tie | cnmu
llresof the assembling bloux lit up the dark
valleys and tbo hill-tops ai if nt iicainival
Troui ovci v direction was heaul the bnlstoi-
ous shout , the deep guttural lau 'k
and song which aw aliened the slnmbci-
ing echoes for miles Here and there , w hcr-
over their erratic fancy dletntul , vveio pci-
tlons of the Indian nrmy encamped , and as
Baptlste , ft om his hiding plnco in tno sand
hills or canon , noted theh dark , sullen and
vindiLtlv e looks , no was convinced tint the
iufutiutod hordes would soon bc > ; in their
murderous woik and that a actei mined raid
upon the exposed vvhlto scUlcis was shoitlv
to occur The evening before the day on
which my nariallvo opjns Unptisto hid been
a spectator of the ghost dance in all Its hid
myimidoms of Big Toot all dny.nt labt locat
ing them In nn unfrequented canon nboutslx-
teen miles not thwest or I'uio Uidge.
The itivmo or gulch in iv tilth the savage
ilutailiincnt was bivouacked was about one
bundled jaids In length , and vvnllrd up on
both sides with wasMvo locks and houlelris ,
vvhleh arose to the height of twenty ortwcn
tv-llvo feet , along \'hoso summit , in the
masses of fertile soil , washed llieio iiy the
tains of centuries , grow u oeeuliailv lu\-
urimtsoitof sluubbory , which alToidoJ an
effectual screen fiom those below , Steilthil }
I'iorro crept nlong the top of the lockv
escaipmcnt unlil lie reached this tindct-
growth , when ho ciouchcd low , and , pirtlnp
the interwoven oranches , gazed upon the
wild scene below. There vvew two
hundred Indians gathcied In the gulcli ;
some of them were lolling indolently upon
the grounder , lay in a hal f-iceii inbon t position ,
'vlillo a hugo number weio gathered about
thu llros in diflcrent attitmle.s. In the center
of tlie open space the most rcno w ned w ari iors ,
ono after another , add raised the throng.
After thcso had been heard Hig Toot took his
stand amidst his OUCH cling nnd admiring
braves striking a majestic attitude ho Hung
the llaming blanket limn his colossal fona
and stood eiuctin all his bubirlcloftlncsu be
fore his now eager subjects und began
spealung with the native eloquence nnd im-
prcislvcness of an Indian sovcicign The
lirst words that fell fiom his lips , tho'igh low
nnd mild , caused his lolling auditors to
stiighton themselves up in uttituilet. of respectful -
spectful attention , but as ho wont on and Ins
language ptovv less t dm and dellbciatu , and
his face gicw black with the batted within
his breast and his eyes glowed with the fero
cious gleam of n wild beast , the dusky forms
of those saingo boiniis wcro as silent nnd mo
tionless ns it they had been caived fiom
so ninny blocks of bionzc , but tlicn
llorcooycs wcro riveted upon the demon ! ic
countenance of their subtle leader wltn an
lutonscncss that nothing short of the pioin-
Iscd delights of the coming of the Messiah
and a butchery of the whites could tieate ,
Tlio rankling pu.slon m his bosom had its
countetpart in theirs For nn hour or moro
ttio big , Impassioned Sioux harangued his
wariiors , eloquently depicting their past
wrongs , their uialticattncnt by thu govom-
montuiidtho wrongs they had suffered at
the hands of unpiinclpled Indian accntstoro
telling their Inuvitablo fnto if the ghostly
warning brought in by the wailing Chinook
was not heeded and preparation made for the
advent of thu Messiah
The bitter words with which Big Toot
closed his speech hail struck icboul that
nuvei fails to thrill in the heart of an In
dian , nnd the whole dark body of revengeful
fiends sprang to their feut ns ono man , iloui-
Ishing their weapons fronzioJly and slniok-
ing out their licuo delight in the wildest and
most unearthly jells.
This accomplished , nnd Big Foot with that
piercing vvirscnma of his tiibe , brandished
his war club and cominouccd the blood curd
ling ghostdancol
Bravo after br.wo fell into the shilling
multitude , until the entire war party was
numbered in the di/yy imi/es. The spectacle
was onu of the wildest Unror ; tbo llendiah
countenances of these maJdened beings tc-
ceiving additional ferocity from the nppdling
discord in which they mingled their inhu
man voices
That lonely spot , way off thoto , in n gulch
of the turgid Porcupine , appeared like some
ungodly arena or pandemonium , vvhera the
unholy attendants of satan had assembled to
to enact their wicked and infernal rites I
This was sufllciont for Daptisto , and ho
felt positive if ho would fulfill hiscrnmtol
mercy , not n single moment was to bo lo-.t ,
and arising cautiously lie stele back from the
blutf , nnd then assuming nn upright position ,
started oft nt a brisk pace toward the enU.
It was his intention to visit the ranches ol
the most isolatea farmers , notify thorn of tbo
state of affahs , nnd ndviso them to make in
stant Illirhttosomo town or the nearest In
ilhm agenc ) .
Carl ) in the afternoon on which this history
begins , ns the naidy scout was descending u
small hill , ho discovered Immediately ut Its
base , on the open plain , in full warpaint ,
thicc jounf bucks lounging lazily upon tbo
Uaptisto wheeled In his tracks , nnd in the
hope of escaping observation , leaped away
with the tlcetnc-ss of nn antclopo.
Hut before ho had traversed ono
hundred jards , a shrill whoop in his
rear announced that the watchful ejcs of the
Sioux nad discovered him. This accelerated
his gait to a speed ono would hardly have
thought him capable ; but as ho
run ho glanced cursorily behind him and
behold the foremost of tholndlans coming
like the wind upon bU track. The hopooi
eluding such a pursuer was not to bo in
dulged. Pisrro realized Unit ho must cscapo
by flcctness of ( loot or not at all , and the
arrow leaving the bow was scarce swifter
than his gait Yet the Sioux In chase were
lltho and Indurated wariiors , and tboy belt1
their ground with the pcitlnaclty of so many
It Instantly partook of all the exciting
Incidents and Ingenious expedients of an
Indian choso. Miles of hill and plain , of ra
vine , of rocks , of river , gully and morass.
were traversed , and still the rugged scoui
held on bis way , unbroken In spirit and
scarce wearied in limb. TUo merit of a man ,
in such aa exigency rcsU moroupon his stay
ing powers than hU speed , but notwithstand
ing the hie half-brood's stock of both en
durance and speed , the foremost of bis pur
suers , a neat llmbod and agllo young buck ,
wan cradually but lurelv
the space sopirntlnc him and his ln-
tended victim. Observing this , the
dated Sioux gave nn .cxultnnt w boon nnd
redpublcd his efforts to bring the arduous
race to n speedy close.
rab.i Thcso extraordinary .exertions vvoro noted
b.i the scout , and with sucll men In such
emergencies thought takes the character of
Instinct , nnd Plcrro's plan of escaping the
emulous joung warrior v as quickly con
ceived. '
Slackening tils pace at A point where ho
was m full vlovv of his pursuer , ho suddenly
pitched forward hcadldug ( o the earth , ns if
tripped hysotno unseen obstacle , and there
lay perfectly motionless lu an apparent
state of unconsciousness.
This unexpected m'shap ' cilled foitti a tor
rent of wild shrieks from the murderous
Sioux , who whirled nlot ( hi ? ugly lomahavvk
nnd catno bounding blindly on. However ,
within a few paces of the , nrostrato form of
the scout ho cu mo to n dead halt , for the wary
Daptisto had suddenly leaped to his feet , and
cro the astonished redskin had tlmo to com
prehend his frightful jeopardy , \Vlnehcster \
bullet burled lUclf In bis dark chest.
With hardly a glance nt his fallen fee the
scout resumed his precipitous flight oil In the
direction of his oilginnl destination.
When the two rein lining Sioux retched
Iho spot where Ihclr lifeless comrade lay ,
( hey filled the still niiluinn air with lugubri
ous and lengthened howls , Ihen quiet held
sway again , and Iho lelieatltig scout heard
no moie from them.
ciiArnit n.
tin : ivimv ut NNFU.
Upon the Dakota line , in the center of an
artificial grove , about twenty miles nortti-
westof Pine llld.'C , nt the tlmo of Iho com-
mencc.nonlof this stoiv , stood n somewhat
Imposing faim house. Itussupcilor toany
other Imbltatlon lo bo found In that remote
locality , showing that Its proprietor must
htvo bu"ii u man of snpciior tistu nnd abund
ant mcani. l.'otwithstandint ; the stiiking
appear inco of thU frontier mansion , it was
built of plain lumber , though neatly painted
and othet vviso embellished It had but two
cntriiices , ono in front nnd the other in the
rear of the building , constructed of such
stout and substantial timber us would lender
It n dinicult matter to feme an cntianco.
Numerous small. t > luittcn > d windows were
visible In the upper stoiv and n gluico
vv mud have show n an v Dfr-oii that the hind
which hud cii'cted this dwe-lli in had not Leen
Insensible to the dingcrsw tin h might menace
it Thoto liad b un additions and IIIIDIOVO-
ments mudc to it , off a-id on , vvli'lo ' the
pii'inlscs und outbuildings hat kept pic-c
witli the growth of the luuise Itself
Tills wits fie i .inch ofliohtit Buriettwho
Hid icmoved from Om ilia to this distant
( lolnt four j cars ngo mid pcrimnonlly rstab-
.Ishoil . hero In tbo stock ntUln business Al-
: hough n irood nimy mileinteivcned ho-
.uec'ii Iho ranchu's nbolennd thoneaiest
nijoiicj , ho aiinrehondeJ no dingerlioin the
Indians , who still oceiinled a portion of
: lmt countr.v , but for hid been ou the
nest iuviol iblo teiins of good will with the
fanneu aloiu : the border Notwithstanding
: ho iinpiob.ibllity of trouble fiom this source ,
the farmer hid provided u number of tiusty
sci vaiits for the piotectlo i of Ills fitmllv vv hcti
business noccssitutcd trips to Chlcigo or this
On the iiftcnionn when my story his com
mencement wo vv 111 drop In on the Barrett fnn-
ilv nnd make the acquaintance of the family ,
nt'jollist place , it included llvo members ,
dr. Banottimd nls coinelj vvlfo.twogiilsono
an adopted d iiighter , a lovelj u-irl named Nell
Uiovv mm. , ana Hob , the only son , an exem
plary ) oun ( ? mm of Uvo-amMwenty.
liio heur wus Just subscqiiont to the noonday
meal , and tbo entile fnmilj hml scited thcni-
selves on the long , sh.uly poich , and vveio
engaged in converutlon on a topic which had
ncuntlv become of the mo t absorbing inter
est to all , nnd on which I sh ill deseint moro
cxplicltlv ns soon as through with the intio-
diction of clmi attcrs. YOUIIR Hobeit llar-
itit bid Just llnlshcd his second teim nt
Hiu vmd.and ou hisioluia homo for the lioli-
divs bio ight with him an old collegiate
confieicono CJeoigo Cimeionhoso visit
lm < l nliculy uicupled a week or more , nud a
pet led of greater felicity to the vouni' Now
YoHicr foi his ho no wis in Gothtin had
puibnbly never oecmred.
Naucj Bnnx'tt eoald hardly bo called a
woman , except in the ( grace und dignity of
hei fhauietci She was probibly sixteen or
seventeen . -vcn-s of age.butentirely fieo Irom
the icjtriiints the conventionalities of lifo arc
apt to impose upon thqso of her age. She
was , and is jet foi that matter , a moio than
onlinaiily pretty girl , vvltii' brown hilr and
c\piessi\o brown cj es. She was the babv of
the family and consequently the pet nnd Idol
of nil the rest.
Of course Ueorgo Cameron found her nt
that c'ellclousugo ' when the feminine mind is
most suseoptiblo to the greatest passion of
our natuie. In its most exasrgeiated and ru-
intntio phase His Ingenuous bearing , gcn-
tlcmanlj demeanor , and mote than all the
countless encomiums lavished upon him by
IJob , Jr , couspiiodlo immediately enlist the
wltcning Kail in his favor
Thev had scnic'elv been thrown into each
other's Eociety , before thn natural , thouch
soinutim s tiudy , losiilts of the virtues I have
mentioned vveio seen , nud it soon hccamo a
pilpablo fact that thov were n very compiti-
ble couple and u vast deal moio than meioly
pleisi-d with eiiuh othor.
Tlio deep-drawn sigh Iho tell-tale blush
the unconsciously modulitod voice the ten-
del glances , the thousand nnd ono nets , little
nhy not'iings ' , and Iho inexpressible content
ment a id hapninois bea-niiur In their fines
when uoai oiih otherbore Iriefiagablo tosti-
monv tint Cupid had begun uu assault upon
thtlr bent- ,
Tlio convolution to which I alluded In the
opening of this chapter , in which
the llarit'tts wcro cnnnpcd , and
\\hicli had suddenly bc'ioiuo so in
tensely interesting to them , related to the
rumors of trouble among the Sioux.
Moro than ono report of n oiobablo out
break hud reached the fanner aid his family
dliectly and indlrectlj. during the past few
weeks , ciusing them an endless amount of
uncislnois and niipiohciislon. However ,
their fcaiful forebodings vveio to nn extent
nllajcd by I'loiio liaptiste , the govcinmcnt
scout , who b ul called upon them some two 5
\vee1ts previous , and disclosed to them his
plans for visiling the Indian country and
nscettninlng the foundation for these reports.
Ho promised to rotuiii ntu. aid them if neces-
sarand this had dhsipated inueli of the fear
that would liavo othei vviso posscssou thorn.
"Do jou re illy ihlnk , father , " pursued
Bob , Jr , "that theio Is reillj- any truth
in thcso Hn iting ropoits of an outbieakamong
the SIouxl"
" 1 should bo glad to think differently , mv
son , could I have reusonablo fauso for so
( loinc , but the stories that nro coining lu so
frequently cannot bo w holly erroneous ,
and if the Inulnns are really nt their ghost
dnnco again -wo can prcpiro for the
worst. What alarms mo moro than all is our
isohtod ( situation , mid I Ihlnk wo had better
adopt some means for waidlng off any possi
ble danger witliout further delay , Tor the
last thrcoor four dnvs things have worn a
suspicious look , and Sciplo-you know hols
no lool. Deb Informed mo this morning that
ho saw u strange Indian , ono ho bad never
seen in this neighborhood before , lurking
back of the cornfield last night. Yes. my
chlldion , I think thcro is good cause to appro-
hc'tul danger. "
"Hut , pipa , " interjected Nan , with wldo
open nnd wondering ejes , "will not the kind
and generous treatment vvo have invariably
shown the rod people'proro ' a guaranty for
our safety I"
"Well , jes , it may to some extent ; butyou
must recollect , little Daughter , that in the
up-country tbero nro hui.dreds of savages
who have never seen or hoard of us , and in
case of an uprising would not hesitate to
tomahawk nnd scalp us no moro thnn they
would uny other while people. If they onto
take to the warpath , -which I feel al
most convinced that thpy will , our situa
tion will bo perilous indeed , " nnd the
old rancher looked solicitously upon tbo little
group ubout him.
"Mr. Ilarrett , " ventured young Cameron ,
removing for a slngla moment his admiring
gaze from Nan's sweet face , "I know that I
am little conversant with Hho characteristics
of the 'noblo red man1 ! but I must say that I
do not share , In any degree , the fcollucs you
entertain. The day of merciless , blood loving
Indians , I believe , has been gone for n quar
ter of a century ; the Idea of n massacre oc
curring in Nebraska , wilh Jim Bojd Just
elected governor and prohibition smashed ;
In Nebraska , I sny , ono of the Immovable
states of the union , scorns to mo like an im
possible absurdity , at least with Captain
Mulford and the Omaha guards so near at
band. However , It may bo fortunate that I
brought my Winchester nlong ; I may have n
chance tousolton olpgor gamothau cither
coyote or antclopo. "
"Indeed , ! am Badly afraid you will , George ,
II jou eel buck to New York without hear
ing a genuine- war whoop , I will admit that
you have drawn u finer conception
of ( bo vagabonds than I have ;
but I do wish Pierre Uaptisto
would como , Ula prolonged absence , I fear , Is
only to verify my worst forebodings , " con
tinued Mr. Barrett.
"There look thcro comes some ono this
very moment. Speak of nn nngel nnd but ,
bless tno , what a strange looking biped l-a
friend of JOUM , Nnnl" exclaimed Cameron ,
tbo llrst to discover the figure of n human
being approaching the mansion from the
farthest end of the grove.
Turning their ojos In the direction Indi
cated by the j-oung Now Yoiucr , the HarrotUs
descried the slrongor advancing ou n rapid
run ,
The tone , sidling , loping trot and n peculiar
motion of the arms , Imparted nloncoto their
experienced gaze that ho wus nn Indian.
The speed nt which ho advanced stiRgestcd
unquestionably that ho bow important
[ ro lie continual Suml iy next , }
Tlio fancy sliver picture frames for photo
graphs nro simply fascinating Of coin-so
this season the heart shaped ones nro the
s\vcllcst. and jou should have ono for jour
dearest friend and keep it on jour dressing
If ever the women of this country start on
a crusade alliilnst the men their lines will bo
formed in ICansis. 'Iherocverj town has Its
equal suftiago local soclotj- , and there nro
over a hundred women's clubs In the stato.
II is a pciilous condition.
Alimyoftlio watches which nro now sold
for women's use aio cxtccdinglv small nnd
Intv o gold faces It Is qullo dlftlcult to tell
time j horn them , but they co ns a novelty
Women now weir the watch ntttcticd to the
cors'ige when not carrj-lng it inn card case
or umbrcll i handle.
With some of the cloth costumes nro worn
bousniadoof tho' cloth and lined with nhonvj
shadoof silk. Tlio hat and muff mo also
made to correspond , nnd although thcso nio
not as becoming ns these of furor fcathois ,
Uicyaio- becoming ( mite popular , giving nn
air of elite to the gown.
The ladies of England hnvo Just tiad
brought to thch notlco a now svstcmof lin-
paiting a rosj- tint to their checks It Is
called the "hypodermic blush , " nnd Is pro
duced by Iho Insei tlou of a coloring Iluld un
der the sKin by means of u minute sj lingo
Tno blush thus given is said to last about
two hours
The broth sets in Mintou Chlnt In some of
the sliops nro very prett ) and the choicest
device ot serving bioth to nn Invalid At
tached to a smill china tiay mo n coveied
bioth cup , n salt cc'llnr and a stand foi a pep
per box. On the other side of the tiav is a
smnll toast rack , M > jou can imagine what a
compie-t little device the bioth set Is.
Among the joungcr women there Is evi
dently udcsho to bluish mulls and warm
Iho hands In the Jnekct pockets. This gives
aver ) peculiar clToct A gill hurtjlng up
the aventio on a v\Indy dav , with lierlight-
ilttiui ? skirt blowing back , her mini akimbo
nnd bauds in her pockets , ocitainlj has a
vorviimnnlsh or bo.vlsh npuoai inco. She
achieves success if this is her object.
It is surprising how women do
the shopping lor Iho men of tbeir families
All of tbo largo dry goods shopi have fiir-
nishinir departments , wlicro mo found the
best lines of goods It Is the exception to see
a man at any of these counters , hut they aio
cousttntlj thiongcd bj" women. Tueii the
regular furnishing stoics now do n laiiro part
of their business with women , who cm un
doubtedly bujto hotter advantage th m men
One of the most absorbing , nitcrcstliiR nnd
useful collections which u woman can make-
is that of coftoe or tea cups. A filcnd Ins on
herteitabloaorcn \ cups from ns many
count ! ics , which she his collected dining her
extensive liavels. Of course , most ol the
celebrated po'tencs aio loprcscnted nud each
cup is av ork of m ts. Another collector has
paix based a cup in various cities of her own
countij" , wliieb she his visited and piizcs
them not onlj' because of Iheir vnluo and
beaut ) but as mementoes of numetous pleas
ure tiips.
One of the most pleasing actresses oft ns
well ns on the stage is .lauo Stovvart , the
oiigimil joung school girl of The Senator
compiny. Seen on thesticet she impiosscs
ouo us a few ycais older than the character
she represented for so long n time Hir
nicsslon is vcrv winning , but when her face
isiiiropnsoa little sail She dresses know'
Inglj- and In good taste At a recent mttiiiro
she woio agraj cloth ( 'ovvn , made in the pre
vailing mode , tlio sleeves being hnivily
bi aided In black and tlio bodice Irimmc-d to
The latest fans are composed of gnu70and
flowers and some of them nro vcrv striking.
Duo was covered bja black britlio gum anil
putly covered with full blown popples of a
neb deep sludo of red The other half had
Iho creen le ivos of the poppy and some buds
Hailing gracefully over it. Another handsome -
some fan for a matron hud a foundation of
white enure , on which was appllnuod black
point l.ico butterflies and biids. Young gills
still ptofcrto cairj the simple fans of gaura
or feathers In color to match the gown.
Ono is mueh tic tied nt the readiness of the
public to bo amused oven hi Now York ,
vvhoio one has n chance to become sated vv ith
amusements A musical top is often the
center of nn admiring crowd grown people ,
and musical boxes , tojs und 13d-
Ison Miking dolls are sure of a good audience
whenever exhibited. Thcio seems to bo
lendcncv among the picsent gcncintion to
foi get they aio giovvuup whenever oppoi-
tumty offers , and so gctatlcistn moment' '
relief fiom the cares which they aio obligei
to cairy ,
Light blue , \vhito nnd gold are n fnvorito
conibin ition for tea gowns this season A
dalntv one sent homo from n Droadvvnj she ]
this wcuk , nnd which isle bo worn during tin
holidnjs at acounlrj- house a shoit dislmco
ft am ton n combined these colors. Tlicskii
of light blue ciepo falls in fullstiaight folds
over an unde'r pettlcott of white cashmeru
embroidered about the foot in gold. Tbo
slcovcswcio of white cashmere , very long
nnd wcro nUo trimmend with gold embrolu
cry. A glnllo was to bo worn about the
vvalstto couflno tbo loose folds of the locker.
The devil has caused moro good sermons to
bo preached than ever tUo good St. Paul 1m-
Church union Is the easiest thing Imaglnn-
bln if ovorjbody will only unite upon our
"What did Moss say when ho saw the
piomlsed land from the dlstincoj" "I don't
know. 'I'm not In it,1 I guess "
There Is a WaUst toot suspicion that when
the while swallowed Jonah ho was manipu
lating an iiibido dcil In futures ou watered
"What's the matter ? What nro jou laugh-
mi : atl" "Why , it Just occurred to mo that
the iiuvo of a church Is the right bower for a
repentant sinner , "
Overheard in the Ne ct Povv Mrs , B :
"Don't you think the Lutheian service
sweet ) " Mrs. X. ( absently ) : "I don't know.
All mine Is Dresden. "
Tlio contiibution box was pissed around
The actor on the side aisle shook his hem ;
"Thopun > on is an old friend I have found ,
Anu I should bo on his free list , " ho said.
An cceoatiio divine once said to his audi
cnco : "My hearers , thoto Is a great deal of
ordinary work to bo done in this vvoild ; and ,
thank tno Lord , tbero are a great many ordl-
narj' people to do It , "
"What was the matter with you this morn-
inc , John ! " asked the minister's \vlfo. "You
trembled all over when jou stepped into the
pulpit. " "H was only nn attack of stage
flight. " returned Iho cleigymau.
"Urolhrcn , " said the minister , "when Insk
you to chip In for the heathen I do not wish
v ou to take my words literally , as jou have
nerotoforo doiio. The chips nio not legal
tender In extiomo heathen circles. "
"You may tell me. Willie , " said the Sun
day school teacher , "how tlio prophet came
to bo swallowed by the whalo. " "I don't
know , " replied the precocious devotee to
slang , "unless that's ' \vhat ho got for being
'Jonah. ' "
First Preacher How much Is your salary }
Second I'reathor ( sorrowfullj ) Four hun
dred dollars , but I don't ' get it nil. How
much Is yours ? Iflrst Preacher ( sadly )
Four donations ; but I'm vvorso oft than jou
nio I get them nil.
Minister Yes , my dear friends , St. Paul
was , Indeed , n wonderful man. When vvo
consider his culture nnd learning , his intlnllo
tact , ready nnd eloquent power of speech , vvo
feel almost lustltlod in styhnif him "tho
Chauncey M. Uopovv of the blhlo. "
Not long ago in London a prctchcr Indulg
ed In n little hit of sarcasm over a small col
lection nnd ho Ulel it very neatly. "When I
look at the coiiKreiratlon , " said he , "I uMc
\vhcrn nio the poor ; anil when I look at the
collection I ask vvhcio nro the ilchl"
"It is easier for a camel to pass through :
thooyo of a nccdlo than for nrlch man to
cuter the kingdom of heaven. " \ Vow 111 vcu-
uro to say thnt IlarnumN prbo camel
h rough a needle's eye , II ho only humps him
elf : and \vokiio\vof many niich man vUio
vouldllko to cnlertho Kingdom of heaven
n his hooks , vvhero ho already has enlcied
iho earth.
lo nreaehed about thelrjpot ilcllchti ,
And trod upon thclt1 corned opinions ;
to roused n hundred slumbering spites
Within his pastoral dominions ;
Anil so ono morn thov locked him out ,
Dcsplto the cold anil wintry weather ,
\.ncl vvhllo IIP. freezing , prowled nhout ,
Bang "ilold the i-'ort" with Joy together.
First Old l'i lend- Well , old boy , you nro
looking much moio prosperous than when I
last met you Are jou still cnpnRcd In Iry
hip to arouse the jioor to tnUomvay the
properly of tlm tlihi Second Olil I'liond-O
10 ! I'm pivichliiK now to ntleli couKr > > L'a-
: lon and ttylnt ; to persuade them to illvldo
their Roods vvltli the poor I think 1 have
struck a lob to lust a lifetime.
UnuloVllllniii'ri I'leturo.
Jamririntenirili \ IHI < n In the Centum
Undo \VlllInin , last .Inly ,
Had his plctum took ,
"HavoIt ilone , of lonrso , " snjs I ,
"Jos the vviij j ou look' "
( "All dressed up , lie \\as. \ fcr the
Bin hocuo and the lubllco
The Old Settlers he-It. ) So ho-
Last ho luui It took'
Lido Mie'd coaxed and hogged nnd pie id
Scnco her niothor went ,
But he'd cougli nnd sluilto liU head
At all nrRyincnt :
Mehhy , clear his tiiroit and ay ,
" \ \ hiit's my likeness 'mount to , hov ,
Troni us , like she wontl"
But vvo'd piojlclc'd lounil , toll 1110
( .lot it ilKpoicd down
How we'd tit him , Udo nnd me ,
Uilvln * Into town ;
Br.ipgcd how well ho looked , nnd fleshed
Un in omul the face , and ficshod
With the morning ulr , and bicshed
His coat collar down.
AlHo provUlctitl il 1 U'hv ,
Now ho 's dead nnd ione ,
Picluio "penis " so lilellko 1
Want to stait hi in ou
Them old Ink's ho ust to tell
And old talks , so soel ihlo ,
jnd old solids he siniR so well
Toio his VOICP vvustjonoi
l nco is sid to Lido , nnd thej's
Soiiovvlu the eyes
Kisses it sometimes , anil lajs
It away anil cries ;
I smooth dovv n her hair , and 'lovr
Ho is happy , mi ) hem ,
Beir. " thcio vvith mother noiv
Smile and vvipo my e > os.
California 10\oursioiiH.
Pullman tourist sleoiiij ] ) ( cnr oxcur-
sious to Callfoi-nhi juul I'aeillo co.tst
jxilnts lonvo Uhic.ijro ovoiy 'riiuivtluy ,
Knnsus City oyoi y Ki-iilny % la the Sjint i
l'route. > . Ticket r.itu from Cln'eii o
$47.50 , from Sioux Citv , Oinalin. Lincoln
oiKiiiisis ( Jity $ , ! > , Mu'ipliiff car r.ito
fioin Clile'itjio ii i ] ) or diuiblo berth , from
KniibasCity $ : t per double bot-th. Hvory-
thingfiifiil"liecl except ine.ils. Thcso
excursions aio personally conducted by
experienced exclusion inatia < < : oid wh'o
nceoinjuny ] iat'tieH to tU'stinntion , Kor
o.xent-sidii foliloieoiitainliifj full ptrtieu-
Inis nnd map f elder and time table of
S mtii Fo route and re orvlujfof
car bct-tlis , addiosa 3. M.
eial iifjent , U. TJ Palmer , freight nnd
pnsseiifrcr nRoiil , A.'Jfc S. R railroad ,
411 N. Y Lifo Bldff.jjOmuhii , Nobiasku.
Dr. Ltirnoy , nose and tin oat , Bee bldg'
Mine I'attl Xicollnl , now that her Kimian
ontranement Is ufl temporarily nt leist hm
iniule up her inlml to icllie to tlio slimes of
the Mediterranean for a tlmo. She has left
oide-rs for hulhtlni ; extensive additions to
Cialjj-y-Nos Ctistlodiiiinif her aboiiLU 1'hei
matter is in the hands of a lotcd London
architect , who has c.irto-blnncho in the matter -
tor of cost ho IOHK ns ho retains the ponoral
diameter of thu pie-sent beautiful stiucluiu
Mrs. John Straupolnter. . who wrote
"Ilootlcs1 Bnbj , ' Is veo stout , very popular ,
nnd voiy fond of society She has a stroiiR
face , wcais her hair short , and is without
doubt Iho licit iiutliuiily ou giurison lifo In
lilciatmo She wus hoin In n little imlitaiy
town in Kngland , wheio she Kniiicd hyr in-
cointiaiahlo knowledge. In the last few
yc us she has made considerable money from
Dr. Blrney , nose und throat , Bco bltlf.
Clmrlottcsville , Va , has n council whoso
dieains should ho haunted hy the shades of
nil ilcpaited Unit nnvo been con-
siRiicd to the tender morcics of Morciiilui for
object inn to such laws as men. of their caliber
foiinulntc. At a iccont mooting of that
august hody Ihoy piohihitcd the use of
bicic-los on the stroct-s and Impose u line of ? 1
to &i on nil olTcndois
Prof. C. F. PFAU
Late Principal of tlio Chicago School
of Cookery.
Will Give n Course of Twelve
Lessons in the
All of Cpolrii mid Baling
In tlio near future tlmo nnd place later on.
Letter Files ,
Burr's Standard Indexes , Mimeographs and
Supplies ,
To 318 South 15th St.
Tel. 63O. Omaha.
btreot. Omaha Neb.
bottle. Price , one dollar , Sea signature ol E , U
srAHL For Solo By All Drugglsti.
Suffering from
tl.e uTccti ol
yoiitliful crmn
early decnf , uaAtln ? wcakncKH , loot uiuiUKNxl , ito ,
1 Mfllvuil : avaluablu titatloo Kal d ) coatalnlnt
fullrartlruldni for liomo cure , VUKK of olmru (
AfplcndUl mc < llcalworki | > li iildliu rea/1 hy tvcrj
man who It iirrrnuH nnl drtilllluu d Aildnxa
1'rof. 1' . C' ' . I'OVJLim , lUoodin , Couil.
For Sale Real Estate.
-UxllJ foot , ImproTCil linlf lilocx f roiu coiirl IIOMJB ,
IInt r-'imn2- torr ) hoii o wr lirgo lot fnrps thrr *
ttooti , imja 1U per cunt nut uii hiunlnicnt , nonr
IiiKli chuul
hirr lO-rooni lieu o nnlbnrn hinlwoiul flnMi nil moil *
crn lni | > rinem Wi iM-t ( runt pared Mroet muit
ilKlitlr mitt l ( t rmlitemoloc illlIn thocltjr
l ' > -room n > tlFM > iiml I urn toutli front | > nt > il it reel ,
nnil , mnr2llli Klroi t motor pa-ay tmu * l.'lio
" -room luiiin' full lot pnTiuI alrvet , Jl t near Top *
Pi > t ( in\o mo 11 , ill
ii.ruuni < ottIKO. AH iioirl'linrlc * MO ) )
fi-rooui cotltuo. l.owo iivintio nn t II imllton f * ( XX ]
7-rno n collnKO. 2 > uulli front lota , cor nor Atli nnd
7-rooui J-Mnry lioiiro moilorn Improvements , 2tli
lil'nrM Mary atomic , fl Mm
Knit fmnl 131 mnr I'opplolon H VW
Kn t fronttil ( IIP ir I'uppl" ton M MO
( > 0 tout lot , 'Itli oppoalto Iliimllton will toll or
( nulc
loiith front Jttli nnd llnrdutlc , nocm'i required
If | inrilm or I lli | H HI
Houth Iront"uli niul Hamilton , term * unmo
ntm e , f t.OJO
T d Ion , niriur north nml cnM front , pared
Mrwt oni'lilftxo near V nli'V roMdomo. f ( > , uOu
U\IIMoot lot C IM nt-nr hW fi * U
Notlli Onmliuiiilillllin Iot truknxi1 , f A ) I'ncll
l.nrKO U\r ) Mnlilo for milo or trade for larin
rnin li In lunn or ru-dcrii NO tr.uku
llo t 4 nt-ri'i In ItfllnlriuMlllon ! . ' )
l'i ncrM nt'ir ' ( Irunnurcy I'nrk , " lKlitlr nnl
le\ l dooil for iildl\ldliu
'I wo lot * nonr ltlMtroit motor 11 OVloioli
I.HW ll t of In u n nml lots In nil parts of th
city OIIOIMJ tmin
) or Irmlo ( Httnil Purm Property
1 ntttirn UKno > Itloin nt low rite *
II. B. licy & llro. , 206 X , Y. Life B'ld'g. '
Sacrifice and
Removal Sale
' '
'W'omean Jut what vvo siy. Our mlcoi
vlll tell. Our out ro stock ( except Pitolc
Phllippo it Go's Kino Watches ) , IB on silo nt
biieh s lerltbo prices , that It should Insure
tuoHilool ovorv article.
i UH AHT DEPARTMENT wo are simply
sellinj without le nrd to cost.
Our dls-count oiiWatcho ? , Dlainonds.Solld
fcllver , Uno Jowolr/ and all goods , mikes
the pr ces lovvor thin our people have ever
Douglas and 15th SU
Drs.Betts $ Belts
Pi/sin ? , Sir ! 3n3 and Spscidlists ,
Tno most widely and favorably known speo-
Inllsls In the Unltol htntci. Tlio.r IOIIR CX-
1 erlcncc. rcmarU.ihlu skill nnd universal suc
cess In tlm trrntinmit and cuio of Xorvous ,
< lirnnlcnml Surgical Ilsca os ciilltlo thefo
oinlnorit idijslulaiis to tlm full cnnlldoncuof
tliontlllctod o\crv vvhnro. Thov cu.iiniitpn :
A UMtl'AIN 'AM ) I'Obl'llVi ; t'l'HE fo
thonvvlul cifTei IR of early vice und the nunior-
ous llrttliut follow In Its triln
I'HIVATi : . 111,001) AM ) bKIN DIHKASE9
spot ( Illy , poruplotiilv and poriniinnntly curod.
NllltVOUS iiilllITY ) : AND hi\UAI : < DIH-
OltDHItS yield readily to their skillful treat
eu ir.intpcd c-nrcd without pain or detention
from busliip'.f
nvnnuciin : AND VAUICOCHM ; pornm-
npnt'y ' and nm'cps fiilly cured In o > ( nyciso ,
hVl'IllMiHONOUltlll , A. Of.KKT. Hper-
iniilorilie i , Scnilnitluaknohif , Lost Manliuod.
Mbt ( ! imlHsloni : > , I'ccaycd Knciiltlcs , 1'unnlo
VScikiu fiS nml ull ( Ullciito UKoidci.s pe > oiilliip
t > cltiei ) ROposltlvnly cured , IIH well us nil
functional disorders that rcsiutfiom jonthfal
follies or thn ( ixetmsof inntiiro y ( nrn.
v : ' | ' | > ir'ntUIJ OuuninUo I jicrnmno n tly
. } I 1\1V 1 U l\lj onrod , loinoviil complete ,
without cu I tin ; caustic or dilatation. OIUPI
oinctcd nt homo by imliunt without u ino-
iiiciit'.s | nln 01 annoyance
A miNF rilk'1'1'0 ! ' nwfltl nffoct * of
UUlVLoarly vice which brings
orunnlo wpaknrss , dcRtroylnu both mind nnd
body , vvlib all HH dro dod ills pcrinanrntly
llk' ' Rl'TTQ Addn-ss those who 1mvolm-
IJI\ . 1)1 I IL )
pulled tbc'iii
lvi >
( H hy Im-
prnper Imlulccncn and solitary hnhlK whleh
mill both in nil and bodj , unllUliig tliuiu fo
liiiilncsK utiiilvnr iniirrliiKe.
MAUUIin ) MHN or ontorhiK on thnt
h tpiy | life , uwuru of phjslcal ( Jelilllty.ijulcldy
IH based upon facts , rint I'rurtlcil nxrerl-
oncc , Heinnd i\eryciisolnpo : lully Kindled ,
thus still lint ; right Third mcdlulncu uro
prciiurcd In our laboiatory oxaelly to suit
c'ucheai-o , thus directing cures without Injury.
Drs. Bctts & Betts ,
Mr I'nlnllnn and I'nporlmncInK tiuiliifon K > tnb <
Ilihdil ISjil. linn wull imliutt-rt ntnrk of VYftll
1'upur , Wall Muuldliui , I'alnli , llruilioaetc.
CIO S. lUth Htroot , Omahn.
YTunn I UT cute I da not mem rneiely tottnp them
for * time in J ( lien Into tin m return ln. 1 mean a
rtdlcil cute. I Into inidu tUa dluate ur I'll H , lil'l.
tHrSYorl'AI.IINO '
warrant rnjr Kmod/ euro tlm wont cmn , Ileoautn
othrra h > Ta ( ullwl li no reaton fur nut now rrctlrlnc *
curt , tfcmd at ( MICO fur a treatise and a l'rn liuttle of
HiylnfalliLlariimodr. ( lira I iiirou And I'urtOfllo * .
u. u. HOOT. oi. u. , m rcuri ut. , ti. v.