10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY , JA1STCJARY 11 , 1891.-SIXTEEN PAGES. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. U V Itl 1OA01 IVi * i a fOr the e kiJluulB r < . . --.he tnken until 12:110 : p. m. , for the eronlnj edition and until 8S : > p. m. , for the morning trillion and BuHWr lilt fTIERMB Oaah la adranco. RATES-AdTertlxemcnUon this pair * will b charged for at the rate of Hi c nt per word tor the flnt Intertlon and 1 cent per word for ( inch BUbtoquent Innertlon , and 11.60 per line er month. No advertisement taken for I * i than 21 cent * for thu tint Insertion. INITIALS , figure * . symboU , eto. , count each mono worn. rpllESK ftdrertlsornontn mint run oonsc t - JLtlrely nnd under no clrcumstancrii will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. In these column ! and PAIlTIKSndYertlilnK nrtdrcmnd to a "num- bcrtd lotMr" lncre of THE lien will receive n. numbered check ui enable thorn to ipt their Jotters. Aniwers will bo dollverid only on prosontntlon of this check. Kneloso nuswon In tnrolopoi properly nddresjod. * aiUertlsemonts under thfl head of AM Notlei-V nro ptibllsheilln lioth the ninrnlnK nnd ovcnlne editions of TllK Ilnr. the clroulntlon of which affRretfntrs nioro than SO.rjoo paperi dally , nml Rlvps the nilVBrtlsur the bent-Jit not only of llio larso olrculntlpn of Tiir. HKK In Omaha , but iilin In Council IllulTd , Lincoln nnd othi-roltlfs and umrimln thn wi-st ' ' " B RANG H OF'FlCES' Advertising for thpsocolumnis will hetakon ou the nbore conditions , nttho following buil- ness housci who nro nilthorl/cd totakospcclnl notice * , nttho > amo rates as can hod at the mnlnofllco. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1OIITH OMAHA 1IUANOH omOE-No. s 2C23 N Street , Muter Illock rOHN W. BELL , 1'niirmaclst , 820 South Tenth street. . IIIABE & EDDY. Btntlonors nnd Printer ! , O 113 Bouth leth iitrcet. " " " "in""FAUNBWOIlTII , I'harmaclit , 2115Cum- S i Ing street. J. nnaiIK8Pharmaolit , 024 North 10th street. . . W. I'AKIt , I'hnrmaolit , 1713 Lo&ven- GF.O. worth itrcet fJI'onKS'J'HAHMAOV 21th nnd Piirnnm SITUATIONS WANTED. FcTtattt , tte.Krtoit nf frxt cnlii " " tli ( _ > xw V\ 7ANTKI1 Situation tit iiur'slnsr. plnlniow- Ins or cooking. Address 1015 , LaKes , * ! > -11 \\TANTEI ) Ily man and wlfo fficrmnn ) > > position to mauniro farm , either stock. ( lalrv.KnrdonorRPtier.il eioiis. Addiess 1 r 'il K'orlT , IS09H.mthatr > 'Pt. Omalia. 210-11 * WANTED A Bltuntlcm byi first class mill er or engineer. Address It J , Heo olliee. 1 > 11 t A N experienced clt'rk wants ovpnlnj ern- -'V ployinent , any kind of clerical work. .Ad dress A fiTI , UPO. M 177-11 TATANTRD Position bv thoroughly coinpo- T ? tent lady stPiiojziapher with three years Ptpcrlencoanrt coo l reference. Address A f > t , Iteo. M 171-16 * S IITHATION nn foreman to cut and store li-o. Address A 57 , Hoc. MH.I-11 * WANTED Situations for peed clrls : my walthiR rooms are always full from ! > a. m. to n p. m. Canadian rmployment oDIcp. l)14 ) H intli. Telephone KS4. I''l WANTED MALE HELP. For iatfgtte. , tteni ( > nf flmtcolumn T\7 ANTED Salesmen on salary or commls- T Blon tolmtidlo the now patent chemical Ink cr.isln ? pencil. The greatest sell Ins no\- olty ever proJucod. Eraseslalc thoroughly In two seconds : no abrasion of p'iper.1)0 ) to SO ) per eont profit. Onu nsent's sales amounted In tea ) In lx days ; another K In tun hours. Wo want ono general anent for each stale nnd territory. Sample l > y mall n. > cents. Tor terms ami full partlpulnrt iiddipss The Vnnron Krasor MfR. Co. . La C'lQsse , WIs. 212-la * WANTED Man of character , capacity and flomo flanolul ability to conduct \Mstorn business for us : romuiiciatlon 3100 pop month at start. Address V U , care Lord & Thomas , Chicago. 2J2-11 * WANTED TravolhiK salesman. CnnmaUo J50.00ior ) wenk permanently. Aibeitls- liiB specialties. Tabor , i U Dourl-orn sticet. Chicago. 207-11 * GENT9S.OOto tlO.OI ) per ( lay colloctliiR small pictures for us to copy and enlarge ; latlsfuotlon ( fiianinteeil. and a $4 00 on till 'roe. A. DunneJc Co. , 50 Kendo street. New York. 208-11 * WANTED Two peed machinists. Apply to Jo90ph20arnabyenglncor Woodman oil works. 2IU-11 * WANTED A first-class salesman for Da kota to Boll grocer's and druszest's sun dries. Must I to a Ilvo man and have tlrst-clnss references. Please say whore you were last employed1 Ktvo re > feri mos and salary ox- pocteil. Address V. V Jaijties & Co. , Kansas City , Jlo. . 214-12 AYOUNO man. experienced stocKkcopcr In a clothing btoru. Apply at 1TO9 rarnam street. 2111-11 WANTED Mini with peed rcforcnces at MctropoIIUn Mff. Co. , 1000 Howard st. 2M K 10 A GENTS aromaklnir Jl toll ) per day Intro- xduclnn our Roods. 1 > irlluuli.rs at 1419 Hedge street , rocm H , I'd I'ojr. 2J3-12 * AN OTporlencod plumber of poo.l habits with rccoinmonilations from former or present omplover can sccuro place In coed town. Mint understand the plumbliu busi ness In nil Its branches , and If a tiunar'as wull would bo more desirable. To the right nnrtv n permanent Dlace Is open. Address , with ref erences , statins wanes. I < \ J , Bharp \ Itro. . Aurora. Nob. 204-11 * WANTED A Rood hnrn s < imakcr. Ad- droisUlysscH. Neb , , I' . O , box 140. 218-11 * T ETEOTIVES wanted to net In the secret - -'serviceunder Instructlonsof Capt. Ornn- nan.oxchief of dot cell VPS of Ulnclnniit. Expo- rlonoo not necessary. I'.irtlculars free. ( Iran- nan Dotuctlvo Iluroati Co , . 41 Arcade , Clucln- iiatl. Ohio. WANTED A Rood eoneral bluoicsmlth on plows and horsohoolng ; Htoady work ; write O. P. Cox , Dollance. la. 107 12 * WANTED Klrst clnss salesmen \ > lie am vlsltlnir ti hnidwaro and agricultural Implement dealers , to sell a staple artlelo as a side line on commission. Address with full particulars. "Staple , " I' O. box G72. New York City. M18J-11 * W'ATTED A nrst-claiHsnddlorv hanhvaro talesman for northern Iowa. . Only an < i.x- porlpncon man with first-class references need apply. Address , A fiO. lice. 125 11 tailors wantod-Tho Cluvo- v land CuttlnKFclmol , now In the 12th year , liad a larger attendance for 1SPO than over lui- foroand Indtoatloim point loltHbelneurnwded during the enttro winter of 1SOI. "What In tlm reason ? " BImply tills , euttprs produce better results with the A. 1) . Undo Now Method thnn by any other principle of cutting taught. MIO.V11 * _ _ _ " \\TANTKD Men to travel for our Uanadltin < T uursorlofi.Stoiin&Wolllngton.MadUon.'WIi TUO _ _ _ _ WANTED SaU'sinnn to manufacture and wholrsalo our new process rider , nmilu without apples. Kxeelleut waues. Particular ! to. Iowa elder infi ; . fo. , box 483 , ICcddfn ? . la. _ _ _ _ MS JSP FCCO salesmen wniilcd to Foil our premium ' 'miriory stock. The largest nursery west of the Mississippi rlvor. The llnest stock. All the now and old fruits. Tlio lowest prices ami blRftcst pay to ncimts. Money udvnncod every week. Outfit f run. Wntii u at once , The O. J. Carpenter Co. , I'ulrbury , Nob. tw JIO " \X7ANTED SaleHtnan who moot the grocery ' trade to soil ono of the best articles on the market ontommlhslon. Address , X 33 , lice. _ _ 821 CLAIRVOYANT. , < fc. , ftetiifi < > / jlrtt tniuinnun 1/1(111171. ( AfcfSAaBMadum Doizior , over 010 i""s 13th b5B-P. _ MH8. NannloV. Warren , clairvoyant trance , speaking , writing nnd reliable business medium , four years In Omaha. I1U N , llith. _ _ 7M MME. DurrouRli Palmist tells tha pnit.nrci- ent and future from the lines of the hnnd. In tlioold Gypsy way. Koo , ( it ladles only. 1817 liarU urcct , Omnlin. CM ai1 'A ltltTVKD6raTroynnt. . imturally xxtella past anil future , love tmunlo * . all eont frlonila. ohnnitof , travel , bUKlnoss , b'ntis- faction gUeru Mm Wallace , 1 8 Karnam st , M 1KWS MANICURE. Ftirrata , tf < v , ne fop o//li t rolumn on T ADIKHdcHlrlng the ndvantago of hiivlng JLJ thulr baiulsutid ualU troatnd by a compe tent artiste after tlio "London Toilet iluznar" motliod , ami their tmnjB out and dressed m the most rornx t form , would do well to call on MIsg Allen of Now York city , who will bo In Omaha n few i trksonly ntNo.22U5 Douglai ( treot. Hours from U a. in. to & p. in , 214-11 * PENSION AGENCIRS. Forratt * . tte , teitauof r t rolum'i OH "PENSIONS The OlIiiBinan Ponslou Agency ( - - 21 Franser block , lufornmtlon free. Ta WANTED FEMALE HELP Farratrt. ttc ntM > fiiit tulninn nn Ihteoagt , Anursoglrl Unil at 410 North ard street. gJI-11 _ "WANTED A girl for ( jcnornl housework. VV Inqulro atSlO S. g.'rt glroot. S42 11 * \\7ANTED-Competpnt Rlrl for general V > homowork. 720HoiUli22d9t. at.-13 \\7AMTii : ) A woman past 25 or no years of V i ago , widow preferred , to do housework for family of three , no children : wanes Tla week and a permanent homo for a Rood woman ; house fintill with all modern convcn- enccs. ( Jail at No. 1522 North r.'d street 210-11 * [ ATANTIID Laundrr-si , niirso plrl. pecond i Rlrl. cooks in fumlnlox , Xi Rlrls for bouse- vork. Now Km ploy men t llurcau , ICth and ) OIRC. ! ' . ' 15-ll WI MJpay ladles n anility of III ) per wpek -to work fo * mo In thulr locality tit home , iRht work.gocdimy for part time , wrllo with tamp , .Mrs. 11.1. I'nrrlngtnn. box 703 C'lilcngo \\TANTnb-Oood girl ; smalf"fnnillyi B3S Georgia a\e. , few doors south of I.cuven- vorth streoU MI85-12' 7 ANTED A Rood drl for Koneriil house- work. Call ut 1 J Soulli 20th street. street.Ml 40-11 * w ANTEO An otnorlencod laundress. 1'or- cst Hill , 12J7 S. lUlh at. NX ) 11 * A nil no trlrlj Rood wages to right party9. . K , corner : atli and Jones trcet. M ISO-ll * IT ANTED A M to nsslst nt honsmvnrk or > to take care of child remit Oil N. 17th. Jl 103-13' ITANTED Oood second Rlrl and waitress ! norman , Dime or Irish preferred. Apply it ' . -'I' ' . ' - Dodge ) st. I''H ' U' FOR RENT HOUSES. . tte. , tt t < > n rat rolumn nn tlli nqt EIjKOANTS floor house ! all modern 1m- proveiuciitsj cornur2.1d ana UhlutiKo. Ap ply at UWPnrnmu st. KM-ll T70H KENT At $10 | cr month , 7-rooni liouso JL1 In Kdoil rciuili-on rtli st 'J blocks north of lio. Iiiiiitri)0iiinlia | ) Kurnltiira Co.l'1l.l OOTTAOK of ; i looms In icar of 1LMO Chlcairn street , J8.cOjor ) niuntli , " .Vi-17 * TOU 11KNT Now T-rooin house , mantel. 1 bath , w liter t'lntot. ( Ink , hot and cold water , cor Satli and Ilk-Lory. Id-room tirluk , 'JliOl Douulns , all model n vuiiv. J. II. Kviins. 1103 N. V. 1,1 fo. IN ) 12 "IjlOK KENT I'lirnlshoil lioi c , modern Itn- - " iirovcincnti , to rcs7 > oiisililu pan IPS ! loca tion inside and 111 st eliiss. Knnulic of Uliiuer & llraillvy , l.'iio rarnam st. ISO 12 * "iron Itl.NT t lint , McaniliPMt. Mntim block , JU 1)17 ) S 1.1th st.J. ) per niuath. .lolni Ihiinlin , igcnt in the block. 171 fT-UOOM houm and burn. 22d street near I.cavenworth. I1H.O ) pormo. , or for I'alt1 on casv terms. J , U. Cortolyan , 11. 4G , Chainlirr of ( . 'oinincrco. Als'll STEAM Merited Hals at TCO S ICth. 'llios 1' . Hull. 1111 I'nxlim blook. 70J FOR RENT HOUSES. J''ort rTnjcfc.,8 ( ( > 3) nfint column nn this j > nue. FOR KENT To an IntelllKont caiduncr 1.1 acres , hoifo and barn on Military avo. Apply toTheo. Wllllunis , 1720 Capitol au > . M 175 "IT10U KENT flood S-room luni'-ps. eotiM'n- JL lent tolloar lint's $2" per month. Jno. II. Tale , U. 15 , Chamber of Coininorce. 1 JI6 * "ITIOH KENT H houses 10 rooms each. Park X1 ave \Voolworlh St..cityMitirfiimace , &c. Call at once. MuniaiiKh 1'lk-licll , house ntltiK agents , if.V , cor. IHli and llo'.Miril st. 101 o Conductors and Eiujlneon Wo olTer tboso leu iion nnd complete Hats with all modern coin cnlciiut < s , situated two blocks from the now Tenth sttcct lUpnt : tlioy liavo he\eial new and commendable features and rent for only t' > per month.fiaml 7 loomseauh with lurRn bath and cnnvpidont closets. Call nnd see tliem. The Me.id liivestniuaL Co. room 41211CO buildInj ; , 711 LTiOIt KENT NIooD-room cottauo near enter - tor of city , nrleo $ i5. 171G Webster street. HOB KENT Seven-room eottaze , cor. 2 th ' avn nnd Cap. live. liKinlro i..il8 DodRO. SI714 f7-UOOM house with all nioderiMonvrnlencesj rent4" > per month , coiner Thirtieth nnd Hanscom Park. Enqiilra aim I.eatonworth. M701 rv you wish to rent a house or store see II. IE. Cole. Continental block. 70 ! ) "El KENT 2 10-rooin houses , Dodso nnd JL ! 20th i sts. ; modern Improvements. O 1' . DnvH Co. . 150.ri riirnnni st. 1M It FOIl RENT Six-room steam-heated Hat , modern eonvcnienco. Itcforences required. Inquire , Notliorton Hall , 218 S. 15th st. , room I. li0 11 T710R KENT Jan. 1 , C-room cottacc. Hist- JL1 class In every respo < t , bath , hot and cold water ; on motor Hue. Call ut 1K.1 Shorniun live. M : ! ( , . - > FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Formtrn , dr. . > ' " "IMIII < ii tMi 7x135 " I , DrtNIslEJ ) irooins JboirJ , 41)7 ) NIII th IDtli , I'liul Hlo-k. o KENT Furnls'ied looms , also rooms for housekeeping , or will soil fumlturo cheap on time , and ici.t Hat. iu'4 : Uapltol avo. 257-12 * | TOK KENT East front alcove room at the C Morrlani. 230-11 * SUITE of rooms nil tmprovemonts , xouthorn oxnosuro. rent modorato. furnished or un furnished ; ! ? ' 20 Hurt st. 252-11 * ) UIlNlSHEn rooms , steam heat. 2HI5 Done- las. 180-K * "I71RONT room with an alcove , gas , hot water JU hoat. 21i ! S SJtU i t. 103 TTIUONT room furnished , modern con von- * -K lonoes , El'/Jti. 10th Rt. 10(12 ( * TTtOIt KENT ruriiMiod A large , ele-gant JL1 front room , with all modern conveniences. Itcforoncca. 1721 Dodge st. M 151-11 * . "ITlUHNISIIEDroom fj r rent , new house , all JL ) modern Improvements , WO North IHli st. ow n T710K HENT-NIcoly furnlshud front room. JL. ' well heated , 1817 livcnport street. M04U-U TT OH KENT Two outside connecting rooms , JL1 partially furnished , for light housekeep ing ; rent reasonable. Cor. 24th and Soward. ovordrug storo. O.7-ll TjlOR KENT rnrnlahcd rooms , cas , biith JL ! and Etoani. 1511) ) llownnl. 715 ST. OLAIK European hotel , with dining loom , steam heat In al ! ido-us Kitli und Douge. Bpeolal rates by wcolt or month. 717 "IT10U ItENT-rrontroom with alcove.curtnlns - - mantel , steim boat , uasnuil bith , iclosets , Riiltablo for 2gentlomon or man and wife , 818.00 per month. Also adjoining room with big closet and all conveniences 310.00 per month. 207 S 24th Ht , Onll between 8 and 0 a. m. or 8 o'clock p. m. . C1D TJOOMS-Koasonablo rates. 2022 St. Marv'n JU avenue. MSOO-Ji'4 * _ T110 LET Hoatitlful front room Is best part JUof city , close to good bonrd. Kent roahon- ablo. liSKiatliBt. 413 _ FUR N ISlTEb o6MS AiTD" lOARDJ Fvriatti , rtr. , rtt tnp nf frfl rnliimu nn thlr print. " " " a private family , to gentleman , with llrst clusi reference , Inquire ' "B17 i'opploton avo- nuo. 217 11 _ YEIIY desirable front nnd south rooms at the 1'roiuer. Nicely fin nlshod two on second floor , one having stationary unslistiinu , Could iicoom mod 111020 table boarders. Ill ) N. SMIi Btrcet , rilO man nnd wlfo , nlar/o south front nlcovn J room , with bnth ; lOmlniitosrhlo from post- olllco ; with board ; must give good references. , Address A10 , Ilco. SKI O KUOMS for boiisolvooplni ; to man nndvtfci cJuoohllilrcn ; rent tiilcun In board. Ul'JN. 17th 5 LAUGKsouth front rconi % vlth board , ' 11 ' ' I'lirnaiu , utSI-17 * T71HONT room , ens , nnth and furnnco hoiitt J- ' board if dcklrcd. 8 , K , cortiorlttth uvo. nnd Ilarnoy. 111-11 * TT1UHNISllKnroomswIthtotinl12210I.pavim- JU worth. M102 If 3 ELEGANT front roonn for rent.v"l t h board. 1713Jiipllal ( a\-oiiuo. _ M101 11 IjlllUMSUKl ) rooms liiid table board , ItttJ JL _ rarnam Ht. tcilll' KOOMlind board. II.W. DIM Douglas tit red Hay bonrd Kl.OO per week M071 lj TfTOK HUNT Two or three < lcsi-ablo | rooms JL1 with board at "Iho Jlcrrlum" sath nml DoUpo. hff..lj * "I JOOS1 and board K week , I'Ml ' I'arunm. JlV J1701-J31 * "l OOMa und board at 11CJ Dodgo. BOARDING. T7\IES-CLA.S8 \ table board. 8378 Ilarnoy. JL1 H816-F1 * FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. , tte. , Ht fop nf flnt ttrfumn nn thtt xw . "IJIOK ItHNT-Klnollcht corner bascmpiit nt JJ 701 f. 10th itreet. Ocor/o Olousor. 23M7 * TMOU ItnNT-l'arToTstoro , 703 sTlOth st. STOHF.9 nt Too 8.1Cth , Monm heat f urnlshsdT Tlios. V. Hall , ail I'uxton blk. 718 FOU KKNT-Tho 4-storybrick Imllrtlnp.wlth or without powor.forniorlv occupied by the Ilco Publishing Co. , 910 rarnam st. The utilW- Inu has n II reproof ccniant qaBcment.comploto steam heating fixtures , water on all Iho HOOM. pas , etc , Apply at Iho olllco of The Ilco. J15 IJ10U fiKNT-lIv January 1 , 4-story bulldlnir. JL' Iis.r.lO scin.iro fpoti suit iblo for nny kind of wlioloinllnR , ntTonth nml Jones streets. O , A. - lilntlqnc.stjjrin South fifteenth street. 710 T710U IinNT-Tho third floor of No. 1307 llow- JL1 nrel strpot , with stouin heat and power If desired ; runt reasonable. I'ostnor I'rlntlne Co. , JIM Howard. JU12 POR RENT WAREHOUSES. „ ltrrati , tc.Kcti > i > of tnt cnlwnn OH thtt ptiyt J OH HKM'or Mile Fine , hctivy brick flvo- 4- ' story corner warehouse wllli mostcontml truclciiKO In ult.r ; iliiois uru Kl.wO square fcot. htrlngt-rA I'ciiny. llnrUor block , KO FOU 1IKNT llrlck wnrchouw , two ttorlos lil li. biiscnu'iit , hyclraullc oloviitor , traok- ugo. Dost locution In the olty. A. U Powell. STORAGb. Forratrt. cf < % , tee ( op of first column nn ( Alt ' rpHAOICAOi : slorapo ntlo ort rules. AV. M. Ilushinun , 1311 I.eavcnnorth. 7L J STOHAGEnnd truokuRO. IJavld Cole. 813-817 Howard btieot , W3 STOKAGK The best Incity cloan.clry , safe. nnd prlvnloly Htori'd at roneoruililo terms. Onmliatitovo HopalrVkt,1207 UiniKlua. Tel 9X > . 724 RENTAL AGtNCY. For rato. rtr. .tee townt fir * ! rnnimii on l/n / > UHNTAI < AKunt-OcorRo J.l'aul. ' 1000 Tnr- J i mi m. Houses unil stores ( or rent. lientt collected. 7U ! _ _ 1 , 1ST your houses to sell or rent with 0. V. Harrison. 01S X. V. Life. "I.I" 1) ) . COM ! , ruutnl agunty , Continental 1)1U. ) B 1 NNFNO lTXViN : It CO. , rental nirotits OT Omaha Tsntmiiul Imnk. MltH-Jlfi * FOR SALt FURNITURE bTC. Furr < ite > , clc. , rcr l i > nt JtrA /iimii ' > u I'll ' * j > < it. ; rOK SA M'-Thi furnlturo and loasn of a 0- looni eottnitoj nl wj tlio furnltitro nnd li'nii * of n 5-ioom cottage. Imiulro ot O. II. Mooio , CHS North llilh. 331-18 * "irOU tALi : I'm nlttiie. by the jih-co or In J hulk , Northt\ corner ISth and Daven port. M'J.iO-12 * SKCOXD hand furniture , s > to\c' ! . carpi-ta and Singer si'WhiR niiiiliino at h.ilf pilco ; c.isy payments , llawheyc Inv. ( JeW Ooiiglus blk. FOR tAUE-HORoLS WAUONS EIC. I'or rales , dr. , o lr > i > of ttitl uilunri ' n l/it / ( p w 1 Wild/soil a bull-hoi's cart V ! wlicols ) to- Kvthur with u , ieluli suitable for market purposes , for.U both In jrojdoidui. Oharles i' , Ilcnjiiiiiln , : ilO S. l.Hh > lrcut. i.10-ll * HOUSK for Hiilu cheap. Bta 1'nrlc u\e. W. I' . Shear. 147-11' 'IJIOUHAI.1 * cheap A two lior-e slc'l h , also Jlur e iulli's ) .mil shultin , HUl 1'ou lus. "TT1OK SAI r Very cheap , nn oil-Rant two- JL1 scntcil Hutilnn slolKh , neiil : > new. llol- brook , loom 4 , Iti-i1 bldjr. 1CI EOll SAjl > nit > iiint tKo-seali-d .li'lah anit two slnslu cutters , all new. bolby. Ill , lloanl Tiadu. 17U WOltK lioiso f V ) . ttto-liorso wason WO , doii- liloworlc linriii"5Sr > . Or will trulo for it Rood light side-bar IjtiKBy- " " lolc , Con tinental block. 701) ) " 1J1OH SAI.K 'Rooil work teams. Inquire at -L1Ol8l'ax1oiibliK-l , . 80U FOR SALt MlaCEULANCOUS , rwrnlM , etc. . ire tun nf fr < t r ? tiMii on Ciw TTIOllSAIjK-5 hor-,0 power Plilpiuan auto- JL1 inntlo engine , eoal oil burner ; Just the tiling for prlntlngolUco. - huise jioirur up- rljiht engine and holler. A 2 toilhorsit power pulley feed mill. An BOO II ) Victor scale ; just what a farmer wants. Or n 1)1 ) e\elinngo for hay or feed. IOPJ N. L7th avenue , Umaha.S0312 S03-12 * 17OU SALE-Vory tlno Stewart banlo with -I-1 Ipathefci S1. ' : will soil alia bargain ; leavlnit city this woek. Aildirss I ! ' . ' . Hee. : i : Ml * 171OK SAIjE A pair of nhlto fencts , good JL1 workors.Addiess 111 , lleo .Ml-U * SINOIiK burtry luunubS cheap. 1' . II. Lowe. ini3 N. l M i eel. ayj-17 * "IJIOK SALT. Kluht-lioiMi uprljiht cii-'lno and -L1 bollur with stcatu littlni comiilotc. In splendhl ordur. I'sed nbout 8 months. Address - dross Wuricnt , Notth IMatle. Neb. 'Jlii * $800 1st moitgaRp , notesbcnruiK 10 per rout Int. si'CUH'il nn Improved iiirinnity , four tlmns Its viiliiu. No sharks need aiiiwur. Ad dress A. 7S. Hie. li.TO-11 * PIIYS fo IANS Attontlon-A uorfoctoii -L Arc'hor , WINon k Ohirk opcrathiR chair In Rood order. Cheap for cash Address A. 08 , Ilco. iMO-11 * ITlOItSAI'K-Coiiiploto tot of ( IniK store llx- JL1 turcH , Hhon cases , etc , P. O. o)7i. ) . 610 TrtORSjAl.E chuni > A 10 nor > o power Now -L Vork safety steam engine ) In first clus condition , Tcstncr 1'rlntlng Co. , 1IW7 Howard M720 EOU SAI K Htoltnviiy piano but little used at n sacilflce. liiijulro ut " 41U Cut < h\oll street UiO WAN rhD TO BUY. For rcilff , rtr. , > er. lop nf t , > n'c. MM i oil 1'ilt ' 7117 ; \\r I I'll pay nil cash for'ot ' In Amos IMaco ; ' tiiust bo bnrgjin. Alex > looro. < OI Hhooly block , Jj-li ; * ANTHD-At once ; inerchnnillso ; aH kind" ; snot cusli : must know at onoo. I. T. Newell A Co. , llll ) DoiiRlnx , Unialui. 231 AHOLIjKK lop desk , must ho In Rood order anil elu-iip for cash. AduiusHtnthiR prlco. A CO. Hee. ' . ' 10-11 * ANIoniooklnKyouna horse botwcon 1,000 nnd ISCO pounds ; black or nhlto profcrud ; iiitiHt bo sound and Rontle. Athliuss , statin ; \m\cat \ coat price , A ( A lite. 'JlC-ll * "VyANTlvD A Mtoolc of jfiocortes , will par ii S60J cash , lil ; unco Rood real estate , ( 'nil or address 1) . J. Wilson , &ri N. Y. Mfo. 2ii-ll : * $5,000 cash to Invest In u levdtlianln puvliiR LiiKlnus * ; no chcalnutsconsIUerod. Addii'SH ASS , Ilco. Ill 12 * A PAKTY wlshln ? to go Into tradelna west- -iiurn towinvlll pur hasuantistabllsliml busi ness for purl mull and part eloir laiuLs. Ad- drosaconlUleiitlally. A lil lle > - . 173J5 * " \\7"K have a party who wants to buy n. good i' sound horse , \\elght from I.llKl to I..OO IKiuads , hlauk preferred ; aUo good bugg } ; tuo nice counters and show cases suitable for a book store. Call orwrlteto IH Immedi ately. Mmuaugh & ritchett , 1M1 Howard st. lbfl-11 * ITIUKNITUKi : . household jcdils.oW. Highest -i-1 cash price. Wells , llll Tarnum. pJ HOitsr.s wiinted at iaai N iotiTsu 674 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS , For nifM , co , Cf fji / /Jr t enlunvinn thtu yauc " \\7"ANTKD Information and adihess of Opo. II II. htcphons , who forinoily lived In this plaec. I'lo.is-o andress I'runk 1 * . Stephens. TIC ! llroadway , Now Yoik City , N. Y. MKS1-I1 MISCtLLANcOUd. rcTrnto , etc. , tte fop nf fin : commit UiU jag * ADIES vTilT ocorvir'freo proo ? TprTva , Ion's iiu'dlented monthly holt. Address Medicated licit to. , llo.v 174 ! > Xu r Yorkclt , tflf-ll * _ IF you want to mnrry , Join tio"KansasClty ) Matrimonial Ilureau"lS I Oraml uvonuo Kansas City , Mo. Nuu plan ; beat known. Bend stamp for catalogue and lists , "IC-ll * ino 11 SALE-EDO tons of choice baled hay In -L1 oar load lots. Address Jilonroo & Jonos. rroiuonu Neb. 07JI1 * " \\rANTKD-A roommate. Call or address ii IQ.SI Kuruam. aioii * _ MASSAGE-Maduiu Uelzlor , in or UIO S. 13th. - ' * _ _ B5-1- MASSAGK treatment , elect ro-tliorinal baths , Hcalpuml hair treutinent , maiilciiru uud I chlropoqlst. Mrs. I'Oit. lUi ) fa 1MbVithnoll blK 731 FOR SALTED-COWS Tor rait . etc , , ite fnp nflrtl column nn thli in 3d TEHSEY cows I'resh young cow , choice , W bundsome. thorougly broken. Also good uillkur , will uo fresh next spring , cheap , ff. 11. Lowe , IBIS N. i2d ! street. i.-O-l ? * . LOST TcrratM , rt& , tt top nf flnt eolumn m thtt pao& T oaT-I.adVij 'i-dlh ' watch , open face , stem J- ' winding , c fl number 40,10 , ni okcl move' mont , number Trah A sulUblo toward will bo paid fur IU retura to lloo ollloa. ! U8 11 * LOST llay cell whlto spot ou back. Hcturn to2833 Harncy ttKcct-gct rownrd. MlW-ll' UP , Forratt > , etc , , tre ti ) ) Af ( Int co/imw / on thtt jxigai fHAKKN Ul' Itrd .cow , whllo spot In foro- J- head ! nliort tall ; 3years old. Jlarluim , near ' float nnd . It * < tttte ( ot ) > / jirtt column on "i'i ' j > no lIlltOM t o thouiand up toclglit tliousniul on llrst-clasi real ' nimtgocoon cstute. Apply atiaOiU'tirnamst. SJI-11 \\7ANTKI- ) A nnllcntlon for W.OOO nt onco. i T UcorgpJ. I'atil , um Kitrnaiu. 2IS-1' ) IN nmohntsof 51,000 lo&.OOO. Alsoshort time loans , small iiimmnK C'ash on haml. 11. II. liey. WWNow York Mfo. ' S25-1U MONM on first unil soionrt inert sages nt GlSGtTh per cent , premium Included. Address - dross at once , O. R. Nelson. COOi * . Will stii'ct. , Krtimvcd Wtottil M. V. I.lto lildg. .1 . II , KnimliiBtT. T.ti Kr.VHTONnlMortKiiso Oo-Lonnl of JIO to $1,01)0 ) : pot ourr.itesbofoiC liorrnxvlin und siivo nionoyi loii us on horni's , furniture or tiny approved ( security wllliout pulillrity. notes bought : fornow loinHrtreuownl of old iiiulllow- cst rates , c.Ul ICMblioely blk,15th& Howard. 73J T7ANTiiArpllciitlon : ) for * J 000 nt onco. TT ( IcorgaJ. I'nul , icmKurnaiu. "OM..Y to loiin on second morUaRe. \ \ ' , 3 , -\\yiin \ , loom a.4 Omaha Nat. Ilk. bl'dR.MTIil MTIil OHAlTUIilmnk , : uo H 15th st. , loins money on chattels or eel lateral at reasonable rates , TO WANTED Application for 4,0)0 ) rUnnce. Georjio.l. Paul. 1COO Ktiumni. 548-U FIHS1' Jb spcfind mortituucsnii vacant A , l.ii- provc.l city pnin. ( Bounty wiiriiints boiiiilit. Money on hnnd. 1' . M. Uk'lumUon.SH N.V.I. If e. 73 > ) MOXl'Y to loan on oily nnd farm property. W. M. IIin rls , I ! ' . ' 0 , 1'renzcr lill , , , opj ) . 1' . O. m _ _ Bl'ILDINO loans , 0 to 7 per cent ! nonilcll- llon-il c'linrcrsTof rommls loii or'itlonio.V'.s feos.V. . II , Mi-IKIe. Plrst National ban ) , bldir. 741 KEAfi Kstnto Lnaim t'lishnn hnnd. Olobo l.o.iii .V Trust Co. , : ! 07S ICIh st. No delay , no uxlni charges. Mouses for runt , good list. WANTED Apnllcntlon for 1,000 at once. ( Ji'orRoJ. I'nul. 150-Jl'arnam. SIS-1,1 OK. .1 O. M. AntUony. yiS N. Y. I.lfo biiild- hiK , lend iniiiiey on farms In e'liolcc-coun ties In Ni'bnisliii and lown , nlsn on food Omaha re a'di'iii-o property ; lowest rites ) best terms ! ne ) ilrlny ; money really. 'Titles and vuluos lilihstd mi hun1 , 74.1 Y loloan by II. Mnstoison eluttel nnil cdll'itof.ilsL'oiirltlesfiir any 11 mo fioni I to ( i months. In any amount to suit bor rower. Koans mailo on lieu eliolil ( 'oods , pianos , or gans. lioi > es , mules , houses , leases , warehouse lecolpts. etc. , ut t5ie lowest posnlnlo lates , without publlc.it } or removal of pioperly My loans mi-Miaininu'ecl Hint youean uiaUo a paympiit of aiiv auiount , at any tlmo nnd re duce both pilnclpil nnd lutuieot. If you o o a' lifilahi'O on your propertv or hnvo a loan ) ou wl n VliniiKcn. 1 will piiy It elf and cairy Itforyftil. If you flnil It'inoroi'on- \ciih'nt. cull up tuleplume No. Ili.'l ' and your buslines vill htvurrauued at home. Money always pa Jinnd. Kodolay. Jso pub licity. Lowest rxitejj- r ' I ! . F. Masters , Itoom4 , Wltlini'lllilk. l.Hh and WANTKD-Applluatlnn for M.OCO at once. OeoivoJ. raul.lfriKarniim. ; ( ) SJ8-1.I M ONHY to lunn on Improved city property atcurient nile : funds on hand ; no delay , MONEY tn , COorOD'days ' , on hous holil fur niture , etc. CWl'axlon block. J.J. Wllldn- son. . . MOTO-Fl CHANCES. Forrntet. eifite'tf ' of 'T - c nn on f/ilj pan ? WANTKD Topiircb.it.0 anlntorrst Insomo good ivliolcs.ilo busliiCHS. Address A 71 , lieu. 228-17 * WANTED A partner In a group of three mining claims Write for patlleiilais to Joseph Willlum biniMi.l'hitoiiCanjos ) count- , Colorado. ! i.7-ll * "n OHSAIiIJ My harness shop , business , etc. J- Splendid eliam'o for good man.Villofor paruciilais. George D.llonjamln , Tdtjur. Nob. 200-11 * STCI\ ( ) Per sale ; store for rent. Inniilru or luldres'j IJIO N. Will. 2.V.-11 1'nyliiB Investments ; orange sro\es ; nlntei linmis In well seltloil coun try ; wiltd fur partlculaiH. Stllli & Jaclt on , Maltlimd , 1'la. i.OJ-11' WANTED A sood. sober nnd Industrious partnorwlth S.VODto OIUIIKO In a inanu- factutlnu entfrpiise : 4J to HO per cent on In vestment. Addiiss Ad" , catuOmaha Hee. Hee.1US1G 1US-1G * WANTED Anmn of small capital to 011- gu.'e In good Drying olllco business In Nobiasl.-a.or Iowa. ( Jail on C'ook & Acre.s.hotel C'atoy. IU 14 * W ANTED-Ono stock of hard wa 10 for al out $ .1,00 , ) . ! 0 ; twostocksof General merchan dise. Will tiade hind ami part cash. Inq , Malmt'ien .V I.ovgien , room 11 , DurKor block. MISJ-1. ' BIOUSAhr-'Siilcoii and lonrcllni ; house In C'ou no 11 BhitTs iH'.ir the depot ; sjilundld loenllty and doliiKgood business. Adi'ie ' sWl Main street. Council lllull's. I.I. 1MW7-12 * rpllKonlr exclusive millinery liouso la ono JL of the most Ihrlvln ; cities of HOO ) In t ho state of Nebraska. Terms reii oniilile. bliscHs- fount , will bo given : ptsse.ssioii at once , as am compelled to go south on account of mv health. Address A 5S , lloo. 122 lj ! * POH KENT Only hotel In .1 good town : a good opening for a coed hotel man. Kor particulars address Hex I , Ifurr , Neb. 019 l 'S * FOUSAU'-lIiilf Interest In a ell estab lished business In this city ; will renulro fir > .OJUeaHh. Addio'o YO ) , Ileoolllce. 313IM J2G FOUSAl.r Ortrado. A laigollxery.bnard- Inj : nnd feed stable , with feed stoic con nected , ( iood location and I'otne ' ik line busl- ncrts. Oall at oncit on jMumaugli & , I'ltohott , real estate ugonts , s. w. cor. 13th and llowuril. 57 , ' FOIt bAIiK or Trade Larrc , livery nndfeed stable , feed ( .lore attached. Tins Is wull located on pa\ed street and doing a peed business. Miiinaiub & ritchett , real estate agents cor , 15th mid Howard st. CO I ' ' forstoclc of FOlij'AliKoroxchaiit'ij Rcaorul nii'rchiindlso ' 10 acres of liiiul 2JJ miles from ( Jrciiloy Center , the countv heat of Urooley county , it ) acres In cultivation , s wolK wind mill , hou o and Mlahleti bluok loam soil nearly level ; mrry foot eif thl.s Into I ; ( it forcuUhatlon ; Ineumbor.mo 4I.VO ; routed for next year AlsoJjOiicrc ( iiulninrovedlanil fi miles from OjMe-y Center ami L"i milo-i from llrst triietc iwrlDliiliiR Ackmlc postolllco ; black loiim soil , 'Htlliflvo i'lo > i titloofthts tract , or will o\o > M'ico for Oinab in Council llluITs propct ty. Adclicss I ) , J. V , .Lock box It5 , Ureoley Cen CT | yob , JilJlO * HOJEti Tor falil-A-Do you want uotjato a teed buslni > ssHr-\ouOoluy tlio Commor clal ut llrol > ca 15W * ) , T eb. - AN estnbllshcfl Tbtifelnoss fur sale or trade. Hov MS. cltyja - ) 10J BATHS ETC. For in'rs , etc , KffttlJ-ot int etuumn nn tlili i not. \rABSAOi : batUai.ilnilnnioSinUh'H . parlors. 1 > 1 IWTe. lath st.Vx ? Ihirkcr hotel. ttt ! li * electro tliormal bath -U ruoiiiH. IiifhiilliiRiTiirlilsli cahlnot baths. Ladles , ! ) to 1 dallyt ffuusday k Kilday ov'nga 0 to ia tr. UlehftJbyooiii93W ( ft KM.Heo bldg , UcUiur. over010 813th HAIR GOODS-WIGS , hTC. For rntff , tte.t rretup nf Jint tuliirnnfm Mill | Ho . PAWNBROKERS. . for cnlf , ftf. , ire top < > f Ant column an tlitt pi HDD Molilu louns money on dlamonih am ; vrulclies.jowclryetC | . c. cor , Faruuiu li lltl DRESSMAKING. 17 < NOAaKMKNTstoiIoilru4iiiuklnit Jn faml- lIettbollultod , Mlasbturdy , 'JUlDHurney bt ftil-Jll' FOR EXCHANGE. Forratft , tte. , ne top of lint column on Ihts \\TEhavo fine-rental property , nllclonr.for TI blook of stores or Hats In Omaha. Will nosutnotilfr mortgniro and put In c.isli. Alex Moore , 001 Sliccly block. za 12 * \\TANTED-To oxchnnco some clear Omnha ' ' property and cash for Improved tinslness property on Douglim. Knruam or Sixteenth ntri'oUt call Boon. W. A. Spencer , room 7 , Chamber of Commerce. 247-lil TMI'IIOVEI ) residence property tocxoh , for J stock melsp. In coed tottii.jiiwclry proforrod. Atldrejssln confidence , 1311 S. i'Sth Ht. olty. 1W11. \yiIAT hnvo you to trade for nbout7.000 T acrnof aooel laud , clcnr of Incuiiihrnnco ? \vantcltyproncrty. Inej. Mnlmervn & Ixv- BIOII. room 14 , llnrkct block. M130-12 n OTHADE New panel box elclHcry WIIKOII. -t Kexuii 1 , Clmmbcr of Commerce' . M 178 \\TANTKD-To trade apoou farm for piano. i hoti'pliold Roods nnd her o Rnd lilinrton. A ( jreat hiirRnln onn bo bud If di'iil Is closed soon. Inrj. Malmpren & J.ovRron , room 14 , Darker block , MHMS r nil Uit : ; line lnti Wi 150 each on Ho. IMhst , JL oluar , for i'lcnrliui o nnd lot In Uniiiliru Alex Muoru , "M frlii/oly / bloJk. Eivn : ' \\rANTEI > To tnulo ft stock of liuidwaio ' ' and fiirnlturo for farm and cash. IIKI. Alnltngrcn fe l.ovgrcn , loom H , llnikor block. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ai 180-1 ! ! 1pI.iXCHAXfJE-Koulestiitflnwl : Jl.fiOO to JJOJO $ uusli ; or stock inilsc. Ulsoloy , Shcn- midouli , In. Q7711 * _ "V\rANTEO To trade two Rood fnrms In No- ' ' braikii , two Kond hoimos In Unuilia for stock of tnoraliiimll'ip. ( 'ockroll , Hunt fs Ciirpy liter , Koiitb Omnlin , N'i'b. 1X3 11 AN U.MHKH of ntork rtinclics to cxeliansrofor niercliandlu',01-ra.\tonblKl'aiiieroiiAo. ! , ( and buggy In \uhniiRO i " for Omibii equities orrnliuay land . Adrtross W J. I'nul. IIAIJ rarnnni st. 44IJU1 TTl r.Iiril A ISTs' If you wunt to dispose of i'LyoiirXinnsor surpliu stock , wu will RVO ! yon n liledoal In lots , nnuous , lands and niort- traces. ThK iniibt to tlono oulcUly. Aildn-ss Y Cl Ilco olllco. 681-r.M I.pavcnwoith stic-ot nnd n lot at ystli and Itunlotto , both clour , for lot nml c'ottsiK" not ftr out. Will asinine. Alex Alooro , Ml Shei'ly block. Zlj-lL" liroporty of nil kinds. ' i MICI ! ns lioi" ' < 's nml btiRKli1 * , fuinlturiMiiul pianos , miicliliii'ry otc. Alfo nil kinds of Htui'ks of increliiindlsu , etc. , I'loar lotsanil Iiinds for oiiiltiior | as llt > t iiayiiu > nl , In Onmliu projicitv nnd tullniiy liinils. Wo hnvo a plaoo for Midi pioi | > ity mill will R\C | mn"c- L'optlonal tiuilu if iiiudo lintiR'dluU'ly. Ail- < ltosi Y 4) ) Hoc. 4UJ31 FOR SALE REAL cSTATE : , Far wtcf. i tr. . ire tnji y 1. 1 1 > ( i , > lu m 11 > ui till * OlilooUsfioni I.OVM'.IVC. und C'lltnliiR st. , lays spli ndlili cliuaii for uusli , or will tnulo for farm. AddrUbS i' . U , Murrillr'ml and Uiisssts. 1S7 _ l OH SALE A new anil line cottiiKo , east Jl fiont , In llmisoom I'liice , onlv . $ .1,000 Anolliur , with but li , water closets , etc. , 7- IDOIIIH . , . .T.'iOO Anolliur , with 0 rooms . 4,030 ! -uvoriil KiMiuhiu bargains. KMUIS , IMS N. Y. I-lfe. 183 12 GMKTON HH.IJ ) room liomo and full oorncrlot , verv cheap roreiish.or trade forclunr farm or Onin- Iiulots. Address the ounorat 4.'nd and Caas hts. , i : . G. Merrill. Ife" plin best coiner on upper I'lirnnin stieet , JL frantic on tin t-c streets ; Nplendld oornor. on Tutnum Htiei't. cluiu to court IIOIIKP , u tuir- puln ; corner nlth tincka 'o in h. R part of c'ltys sooil ruslili'iicediind low-jirlcud nittaRCS , lotbfor butldlnir. MIIIIO aslow astlOO , In- i'K's farms anil unimproved land. \Vu will soil any of thK piuperty of which wo IIMI tMitlru fontiol , at jiilcud way bi-low what you can buy at elsonhoro. Sli Inner & I'eiiny ' , llarkor block , l.ltli nnd 1'ui mini. 747 Sutures flno farm land ndjoliilns good Xo- bMHka tow n : nearly < Iciir. li > 0 aures llnulv IniDiovcd land 2'i ' miles from county scat In Nct > uilca ; llRhtlv encutnlorcd. I'M aurus ootl land In Nebraska , 5 mile * from county seat : 2'OJ Inlialiitnnts. llouso und hit In town In Kansas ; clear. C'lear lot In ; : oocl Nebraska town. 4 loom house find Int. barn , well anil cistern. 10th m rcit , Oinnlia ; sIlRlitly onciinibered ; will trailo forOiniilri property nnd nsiiinio cnuuin- br.inccs U. II Cole , Continental blonk. VOJ BARGAINS In Aercs A beautiful trnctof iicrcs for salu that will Nitlidlvklo Into 5'J Hpk'iuild lots. KvorythliiK platted mound this pioj.orty , nenroleotrlo car Iliii'i. sfhoul liouso , liiid hydrants. You can double vour inuncy Inslilu of a year. Hl.xiv resident1 ! ) lots In .leromo pail : tt prices that will nstnnlsli you. Call und see me. ( J. J.C'ollnmn. 411 lli-duu block. lilO-Jl * " ? OIl SAMA : large list of clmli-u ii'sldcncu JL1 nail lnistne i priicrty | , Ilousos and lotnoii nionllilv ptiviiiuiitM ; 1"V ) nad upwards ; vnriinb lots (39) ) find up. Hoer o .1. 1'aul , IM ) rainain , TM \ l.KIiAT snap } llOU orth of well untlonal li.niU stoelyJn a. line nro Inu' city of Nvliraskii tiilriulv for Oiniilm reiil estate , ui'ii'iiRO prefuncd. Tills li llio bos t thins over olft'iea luOiniiliii. Ow nor wishes to move to this eltv. Addifss lln10 , City. M H'J-11 ' * . on hnvo 4IOio Imosl buy u lot In Omnhn'.s latest iidilltloii , lylnc between Omaha and the new Tort Omahi. rcndollam Is full B.iymont ; a warranty deed , abstract nml lltbnjraiiliid plat plvon nltb each lot sold. Tlit'so lots are suarnnteuil nlco Invol hulldliii ; lot-s. covoicd with trots and only u Hhoit walk from Umnha 01 Soulli Oniiilin work. StUii all this et-lc ut . ' 110 fc. ITilli St. 1'or pints and Information call on or send lia postnao to C'lms. I1. Itonjuniln , bolo ftRont , : iIO s. l.Mli st. , Om.ilm. 10-11 * KUUNlV-Kl'laco-Iliavo solil JiWOM worth of this property , NVhon you ( , eo ono of my adds you can bet It Is a baiRiiln. Ihavoao money totbrow mviy on udvuillsliiR , liero U u b.irjriiln I will Riinrantco the purchaser t50i ) nut In Mix months : I'-room ' house on paved atrit't. &VWO ; fi-O eiu-h. b.ilancoensy. Also : i line dwi'llliu's , s nun add , from 15,500 to Jil.5 0 , $ .V)0 c.-isli , hu Id nee Sti nor month. \\onld tnko some clear nropeitv In oxcliiiniie , Alsu tl-room liniisc , full lot. Hanscom 1'lacu , to o\oluiipo for Koiint/i ) I'luue property. I..I. ( illison. Milu iiKcntlCountzo 1'lacc , Kooni U. CiolRhtou block. 7.r > 5 5-KOOM hoiiH' . lot , ' 13x62 , Jl.TOO ; also ( i-nioin house , lot 'll'SNhi ' , 8 e. vni. llth anil Yliiton St. , J..OOO. Hiklv lieu u tintl Ainerlciin liouso , Int IXIxOl , n. e. cor 101 hum ! Douglas , ; 40OiX ) . Mr < . ICuliliiinini-M'JIS. llth. 4L 8 G10 Iluy a lot for ten ilolluiu In Diniih.i's P latest audition , lyjna ti-tween Omuliaantl the new 1'ort Omaha , Tlio II. AM K ) . pmsos just west < if the ndd'n and tlio extension of the South Omaha motor line In the pilnu will 1)1 Iru thusii Jots In tlm market at iioj to # 200 with a tiisli. lieiiieiuber ton dollars Is full payment , A'Miact ' , lltho iapheil plat uud win runty dcuil given with each lot soli ) . Every lot dry , love ! , mi ur.uleand suaranteo 1 n nlco build I IU lot. You will niNi tills chancu t D tct toii-ioliiu-lots ! all are sold. S.ilo all week nt Ulfli-o. IMIi street. C'has. I' . IJonJa- niln sole agent , : )10 ) ho , l.'itli btrect , Umaha. OIIAHI.ES Kniifiiian k Son , real estate and loans , Uholco v.icnnt anil hiiprood residence nnd business propnrly for silo hi nil parts of thi ! city and ouih Omahu ou u.wv turniK. List your pioporty witlius. Loans at lowest rates. OnicolUOJ UouglaJ St. Tol. 500 , lil J20 ANT lot ; none better , llarnuy street iioar L1)tli ) < for oush nr eluilcu nlear land In or near Omaha , 11. S. Jayncs , Webster -trout depot , Omaha. IKO-ll * POll SJALE- Hotiscs and lots , monthly , quarterly or yearly imrniciits. Vacant lots In all parts of the city. Dullness | iioorty | und 5 acio tr.tvts. Seymour's addition lots ara bellliiir ntonly f.ViO , on very easy tciiiiH. Call for plat. Money to loan. Gee , J , 1'aul. JCOl ) I'uruaiii st. BM irslclcnoo In Kountzo 1'lacoj I ) rooius llnoly linUhcd and all nioiliu n con veniences , Wlrt st. nearWIii. Can sell on onu- ( linulur I'Uhh ; .iiyintnt anil lulanco tlmo to rlsht partv. This Is no cheap ntralr of a liouso , lint a oomfortablo homo In every hcnao and n bl > iiap'barzaln , K , K. Darllnif , llarUor Ijlock. .M7JU rr-UOOM cottage , full lot.Hansconi Placo.onst front , and a ureat bargain for a fuw diiyn. Hiuiill cnih paymontaiiil biduncuonloiig thno. K. K , Durlliii , ' . llarkcr ulock. 740 'IJlGGifiTbur/alnln : Oinnlia. Only llircoof J 'thosodleKant liompson 41th und Varmint loft out of Hlxiother tliici ) occupied by llrst oliifcs parties. Houses uro open all i ay lur In spection. Kvcry convenience In tlm housca , liicliiillni ; HHS und KUS tUturns. Tukoulookiittbfiiidtirhii ; thlfl llnuwontlior ; Ijuy ono and take Ufa comfortable during the winter. Only talcos from ! 100 to tMO cash. See them without fall for they will pleusu you , U V. faholes , ' 'U First Nat'l bank. 7i3 $10 You can buy lots for 110 uiteli la Oinalm's lutebt addition nil this weuk. C'liu * . 1 > . Dcnjaiiilii , boSo ugunt , UIO bo. 13th street. iroai cttato,5.Ouaha. 710 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Kor ) af , rtc. . tte tuvur f iliim/i on Ihw A MES HEAL ESTATE. No. f > 7 , 0 room liouso nnd 1mrn on Ilur * dctlo tirar SUth. t.VX ) ca h orkoeid va- emit lot for rniilty , prloo $3,090 , So. 60. On Kit street , north , a Rood B room homo , } OO onsh , bulanco ! 15 per monthprlco li'OO ioi. W , 61. 4 room house In Central Park and 4 room liouso In Hitchcock's 1st adit , WOO cash , balance JIO per mouth , either plnco 1,500 No. 41. flood 1 roam house with burn , llu.rdotto.jionr VStli.Htrect. . . iax ) cash , balaurotl.f per month , price S.100 So. aft. IHirdetto ncar Tth street , goods room liouso No. HJ. ! Hd street" " nyrtlV , full Tot' for only l.WO No. llO. 1'ull lot In I'lalnvlcw. the cheap est lot In the aild , nml a decided bai- enlu at 1,100 No * SV , 2H. 5 or 10 aero tract sultnblo for Kardi'iiItiRerychenipi also 'JO acres sultiiblo for platting , at 1,500 per aero. Joining property sells at a much lilplior lhtim > . Ne > .M. ( | iincii > \VestAlbrlKhttdtr.-ulo for house unil lot. No. 11) ) tt ) acre's In SouthOniahn. KOIthniintli ) property. Ne : D. 10 acres juhilnu South Onmlinon arlllln road. No. 8. Thu handsomest acre In Ilclvldoro ut { 00 N n. I.p ucies suitable for platting ; norlli- ' No.4 's3feot on Unrnoy between Ninth iindTi'iitlihtii'tts. No. 41 4r > feiit on Howard between Thlr- tuuntti and rourti'iinili streetB. Ante's 1'lncii linn two motor llne-o. Is In the host inanufne- turlns part e > f the town nnd xiirroundcd by a good roshletice , nalRlikorhooel , Is todav tlio cheapest and host pioporty In Ouinhu at the prices asked unilteMins Klven. llrlccs I'laco Ki lots In BrlRps jilace , positively the cream of the additiontlint\\o\v Illsull for Iwniioney per Int and upon einslcr terms than any other owner In llrlgRsplncocrin oiler. O/siiii's / Addition. ni lots , not a poor ono ituioatt tbt > mwolllo- cutraim military road at reasonable prices anil easy tetins. Harlem I.nno. Surrouniled by first-class Improvements , ronchoet by motor cars , sure to nelvancoln viiine. hold nt low prices nnd on onsy terms , will pay usuro anil npiM'dy prollt If bought now. AMES KEAI < KsrA-ri ! AOK.NCV. 1DU7 rnrnain wttcut. hole $ lo-Onlyonoiilapo In the tTnlted S-t'ites to buy an Omaha lot forj'0 ' , flee fioni mort- ea > : o ; nlslraotanit llthouraphed plat Rhen with each Int. Ten dollars Is full payment re member. Every lot a bulldlnn lot anil will bearekisest Imcstlgallon. Von nuxerean KOt a start as a free holder , land onner orient es tate dealer for loss money If ymi Ilvo to bo one hundred years old. only one place to buy these lota. Clius. 1' . llvnjtiiulu , U1U & . IMIi st. . ' - * . feAIiK-My resldcncp , 9120 rarnam street. Ulioliost location and best house In Omahu for the money. Hot water and every eoiiM'iilenco possible. Itarn , connoctcd w 1th ewer , water aiid gas. D. V. Sholcs , 2I.t 1st Nat. bank. M781 VACANT lots , lleautl fill borne ? , bmall payment Long- tune or monthly payments. Will build to suit puich.iser. blar Iand ft Loan Co. , I'lntncxjrN. V. Ufa. 1W11 FIVE acre tract west of Thmdco. excellent for Kardonlnz , for lots Inslduof Iteit llnu Alex Moore , 301 sheely block. U35-C * SHORTHAND AND TYPfcYVRITING. f cnattt , tic. , seetiiaf ) irst rolumn oil fill pees CAM * or wrlto for catalogues nnd Invcstl- iate the merits of the Smith I'lcmlcr t vpc- wrlter. Manifestly suporlor features. 'lm- poit.mt ehansjcs made. lie-writers sold , ext'liniiKcd or tented. IGOOii Fariuni at. , K , II. .Mayhcvv , inanajier. U7 , * > MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. ferrate * , cte , trf.tap of rrttoilimi ont'ili ' 1117) , BEFOHnbuylnc a piano examine tlio now hcalo Klmball piano. A.IIospul514 IJouglns. 751 GHO. V. Oollonbeck , teacher of tbo banjo with 11 osue , W.Doiislus. \ . 2VJ MEDlCAU. t'orrate' , etc. , fet InjJ of fltst column on tliti REVEIjATlONto Indies : Morton's Safety pills relieve Irrocularltlei ; Inimedlato nnd effectual : nrlco Jl. Jlorton Co. , 4'J ' I'eck court. Chlcazo , III. 201-11 * PATENT SOLICITORS. For fiita , etc. , ace tit ) ) at flrtl column an this PATKNT lawyers nnd sullcltois , G. W. Sues X C'o.Ilu > biilldliiv.Oiiinha. Hranch olllco at. \Vashluston , r > . 0. Consultation fice. 71 cosTUrvits. Innate * , tte , ret toiiof fiat column on thU jvicc T ADIES nnd sriitlcinen can rout iiiasnucr- JLJadc suits at 1)22 N. Idtli st. OT.IJSb1 Tilt ; NSTKUMENTJplaooaon rooorJ January 10. DEEDS. Charles Anderson and wlfo to J II Km- inliiK'tir , lot 10 and s ft lot 11 , bile 7 , Kouiit70's4thadd . 81,100 B A llenson anil wlfo toV I ! I'lcreo , lot 2.1 ! and CT , blk.S llrlss's I'hico . 4,000 n A Ilunsou and wife to G K l.uliiuli , .s 70 Ttof n Itiaft lotl. blkS. HrlKK's I'lace. . 14,030 K A llonsoaand nlfo to I'hoiio IjabaKli , lota U and 7 , blk ID , tot 4 , blk 8 , llri g'9 I'lnco . 0,000 Lottlo HeiiMin anil husband to 1'hobu Lab.iuh , lot 12 , blk 1,1 , llrljrt's placo. . , . 2,009 0 II HrlKRilo K'.IHiIir , no sw aw22-lr 5,000 Louis Unimhlo toO O fpottswood , lot IX1 , lilkil , Mehoso Illll. . . COO Charles Durr and wife to.lotonh Kooi- ner. lots , bll 4 , Albrlslit's Annex . . . . 1,025 0 A Dunham to A K White , B acres In 3 > 't se a-ll-IS. . 1,509 O J I'oand wlfo to C'lara Mesamcr , w 'i ' lot II , blU' ' , Uupont I'l.ico . , . 1,509 C I' Tabs to O 1' O'llara , n H lot 5 , blk W , Ssoulli Oin , ilia . J.OJ5 VV tlrny nml wlfo toN'ettloJ Duiinoy , lotll. blktl , ICoimt/e I'lnco M. . 7,509 Wllll.iiu J.atey and \V V Henton to.lohu Mueklov , nJCJfU lots IU and 11 , blk 7 , Drako'build . 2,800 I'hobii S 'Ijiibugh ' nnd linsband to K A Ilen'on , lot I ! , JoluiMm's mid . 4,000 H T' Maxwell anil wlfo to ,1 M Taylor , lot 4 , Maxwell's hub . . 609 Alex Moore and wife to Kranols Ooodall , lot''l. blk5. Ames I'lilPO . 500 1' L' Olson and wlt to K li .Mert-Ill , lot 4 , blk 1 , Ixiimeckea'H adil . l.WO \V K II I'leifoand wife to li I' ' I < abuRh , lotsSU and 27 , blk H. Hi I K'S I'lueo . . . . 4,000 Alinu Kluxer to riillllp ll.irrutt , wii w'i ' ne.U-14-lJ . . 1,800 C C Hpottswood to H II Haldrldgc , trustee , lot -0. lilk 'I , Molnmi Illll 1 1'Tilkey et al to O K Abbott , lot It ) , blkH. ( Jllflun Illll 3,000 Dim Trimmer and wife to Christ Koch , lot 14 , bll.0Vlleox'siidl ( 1,015 Union .stock yards company to Mary Costello , lot 5 , blk.I , M add toSuiith Omaha COO QUIT CLAIM 1IECDH. Mrs Jane Thomas et al ted A Headland , out Iot2.'i8 , Florence 1 Total IMMft ! 13Uoi'osAis rou vir.i.n bicr.s-u. ! ) H. in- J. illiin Service , I'lne lUdifo Atenoy , South Dakota , DeeemberL'Uth , ! ' ) : Healeil proposals. uiidmsed "I'roiiosals for 1'leld fct'eds , " anil ad- drt'sscd to the underslKiied at 1'lno Hliluo AKunuy. Shannon C < ) . , South Dakota , will be. received at this agency until 0110 o'elook of January 'M , 1SI ) , for furnishing for this agency and doIlMirliii ; the siiinii at ICiishvllIn , NtiliMhkn , about aoii mihhuls of seed wheat , GOO bushels of seed potatoes , IK ) Inisliolsof seed oats nnd 1V > busliLls of seed corn. Illddora mnststato the proposed jirlio of uiuh artlelo to bootleiid foruellxeiy under u contiact. CertllledC'heckH. rach bid must hi ) accompanied by a certified check or ihaf t upon homo I 'nltcMl fctutes dcpos- Itoiy , inadepiiyiilili' totheorderof the under- iid , fdrntlrmt il\i ) per lent of thr anioinit of thopioposal , which uhcekor draft will hu forfu ted to the I'liltnl Stalls In C.IHD any bid der or bidders reeolvliiK an award sbnll fall to promptly execute u contract with uoud and KUlllulont Hurnllci. otherwise ) U > ho rolurniul to the bidder. U. 1' , UUVlUt , U. H. Indian Au'ont , il'J7(18llM rpo the ( stockholders of NebruiKu Savings JL nnd cxehiinxobank , Vou are huroliy notlllud that them will bo at mooting hold for the olei'tlon of Ilvo ( ft ) dlruc- tois for bald baiiK. for the porlodof throe (3) ( ) years , ono the 12th day of January , A. D.,1S'JI , at - o'clook p.m. , at the binklnx' rooms of > ald bank , ut suntlmesl corner of llith and rarnaiu HtreotH , city of Omaha , r > iib. ' Omahu , Nob. , Janiiury Oth , JHUI , DtJCTKIl L. THOMAS , Oiualcr. .ICilCt Mnliuo to The annual niocllng of the HtocUholdors ot Thu lloo Iliilldhi ) . ' i'liiiiiiany Hill he held at the olllco of'niK OMAHA HLK , Heo llulluiu , Omuha , Neb.at 4o'clock p. niTiiedny , Janu ary , 2Ul9'JlforthflpurH | > s ofi'lectliiinl > oaidot dlrcvtorii for llioensuhiK yiar nml the trans action of ouch other htislne4 nt may come tie- fore the niootlnx. liy order of the president. OmahaUic.n , IbU ) . N. I1 , l'iiLbuoretiiry. JAY'S V0ti\0r U Hojults In ft Further Itciliiollotior Union Tnulllo Korci-s. Another reduction Is to bo mndo In the foroout tlio Union 1'ncincshops. AVout tttonty-uvo mouwlll bo discharged ImraeulaU'ly. 'Ihcso will bo taken from tlio variousdtpartmonts \vhcro \ they can boat bo spared. The object of tlio reduction ur5l/l ? bring the pay roll down to the llgurq _ rcncueil last mouth , when the men r'orhcd r only twenty-three days of eight hours It U claimed that tlio aiiiountof work has dccrcaseel conslilcrnoly ot Into nnd that the ream-oil force will bosufUcletit to dispose or nil the woilc in hntnl , The shops at this point have unbilled a great ilcnl of worlcvhlch properly belonged to the shops on the ether divisions , nml thesu hove been compelled to nttcnil to their o\vt work , thus admitting of reductions nt thl point. The excellent wentlior Hint lias prevailed nlonc the ontlro Union I'acilU1 system lias saved tlio damage to mil I us .stock that is In cident to storms nnd blockades , nnd the ro- alr work In the shops hns been coricspoinl- ' light. IleMI Ijlno Service ) HcelttuiMl , Gould's rotronchmpnt policy h.is also hcca extended < to the operation of the licit Imu. .After today nil trains on thoUolt lluoox- copt < the ono which nrrivos at S a , in. ntiJ leaves 1 at fills p. in. will ho abatnlonoil. This cuts oft thooarly nnd late trains. The citi zens In thostiuutbs nro ellss.itlsfloilvlththo clmtiRO anil will petition the company to inaltotip a now sehcdulo which will tire them the present or bolter accommodation * . JiielRinont. Tlio prout explorer on his recent visit to Omaha traveled via the Hurl Ing ton , nnd was loud In his praises of the MM'- vlco nnd equipment of the lino. The Hnrlington No , 2 , n hnndsoino vostlbulwl train of I'tillmiui pulaco sleeping CHIN , reclining ohnlr cura and dining can , leaving1 Oinnlia dully nt1:30 : p. in. for Chicago , Is perhaps the best known of the thrco elnlly trains for ( Jlilcni > o , Poorln St. Louis and ' , the onst. 11 u Burlington also runs three iltiily train to Dcnvor and the west , nnd two to t Joseph , .Atcliison , Kansas City and the poutli. Its locnl soi'vleo Is utiriviilleil. Kino fast passenger trains daily betweoa Omnlin and Lincoln. Ticket olllco , iau Farnniu street , " \V. P. Vaill , agent , und Union dopot. OMAHA , Nohrnskn. IVcoinborSI , 18X1. Notion IH horuliy KlM'ii that thuimnu.ilincet- nu of tin ) stockholders of the Union J.ninl Company fur the oleutlon of Ilio itlrecturs , nnd such other business us may piopcrly coma before the nicutliiK , will ho liohl In the cnni- pany'solllco at Omalin , Nohmslci , on Monday , the 12th elay eif January , 191)1 , nt 10 o'clock in. W. J. UAIIIIOLL , Abslstunt Secretary. Dissolution Notice. The flrm of Halo fc Nroly , nianaors of the Dquttahlo 1.1 fo. mis ellisolveil Jnn. 1st. HOI , bjr mutual consent , 11. D. Ne-cly retiring nml Jninus HaloiiiiterliiK. Mr. Neuly will oimtlnua as solicitor fur the Jviultiihle. Tlio ni.iniiKO- mi'iit will ho conducted hereafter unilor the llrni names of llule linn. , olllco 'JOflund ' . ' 04 lloo bids. O. II. U. HAI.K. Jll-el3t II. U. NFU.Y. "VTOTICK Is herohy Rlvon that the annml A > meet I nc of the nlookliolilc'r-.of the I'eim- mcrclal National haul , of Omnha for the oleo- tlon of elliectursand the transaction of such Inislnp" ! as may propi'rly i-orno Iioforo tha NieiMlnjr. will boiiolel nt UietolHecot said bank on Tui'seluy , January 13 , 1S01. at 1 p. u Alfred Mlllnnl , Uiithlur. . JUdf ( Niitlcr. The roptnlar nnniuil mootlns of the stook- holdorsof the Omaha Driving nnd 1'nrk imso- cbitlon will bo hold In the exchange ) room of the board of trade bulldim ; .liinuary l.lth , a am. IJ. S. Ilnitl.iN , secretary .111,136 , /