Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1891, Part One, Image 1

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nnoTii ip CTTil fllTT
Opinio'a Bividccl at Pine Bitlga an to VThat
Will Happen ,
Miles llns niton Illn Ultimatum and
noAloio I'lirlcjliic Will Ho In-
in The Disarma
PINB UinoE AnFVC * . , S. D ( via Ilushvlllc ,
Nob. ) , Jaiii 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin :
Dir.l : At this wrilingno word has been re
ceived nt headquarters tegaidingthc starting
of the Indians toward the agency , ns re
ferred to In the te'lcgrams of yesterday nnd
this morning They were to have stnrtcd
inriy in the day , and , In fact that
they have not done so Is considered
u disappointment to many people hcio when
n posed confidence in the piom'so ' so relig
iously inido. The Indian is rend ) almost at
TiiTliines in cases of this Kind to promise to
come In , but ho is piovcibially slow in
( Oinlng. Ho wnnta lo lalk and hold con-
fcienccs mi libitum and then come in wllh
Ihu honor , ho thinks , of a man who has dic
tated terms lo his conquerors ,
With repaid , however , to further talk on
the subject theio is likely to bo none
.A4 General Miles has given his ultimatum.
. Just what it is , that gentleman
will not divulge. It Is said , however , ns
considerate as co.'ld bo expected under tha
circumstances. This fact was attested by the
pleased cxpiossion which mantled the fea
tures ol the Indians ns they left the
conference ) a couple of dujs ago. It
is dtnieiilt , however , for people bete to bc-
lievo tint the conditions will bu icspcclcd If
the latter do not stipulate the suirendcr of
* nXs , then the Iroopcrs of the Seventh
cavnliy will have died in vain , be
cause when they rounded up Big
1 oot'a bund they were under orders to
- tl arni thulr prisoners. Why the host.les
now looked for should bo exempt from the re
strictions placed upon Big Foot cannot bo un
derstood. It is hold by some that Cicueial
Miles will not divulge the conditions ho In
tends to insist upon until the hostiles shall
linvo come Into the agency. Thcio Is
little ground , however , upon which to base
this belief. If the Indians should refuse to
deliver up their arms hcio the refusal would
Yo attended uIth much greater loss gf life
nnd property than could otherwise bo
experienced Such a design would lend to the
selection of lhu agency as iho bait lo giound
\Vhilo more troops cauld in this way bo
bioughtto Iho woik of disuniting at thosame
time . the force of the Indians , it
" fcaicd , would bo augmented by
its of "fiioi.dllcs" on the
/s\ many of whom are not to
t/ffail. Yoimg-Miin-Alraid-of-IIls-
"Miirvifri/biio of the chiefs who is to bo cred
ited with the last effort to induce the hostlles
to ri'Unn , loft this morning to meet them on
3)Q ) ) way. Ho- expected before leaving to
ineot them about five miles from this
place , but at last accounts had uot
come up with them. Thu distance which the
hostiles are expected to travel to reach the
agency Is not moro than fourteen miles , n
distance which they could easllj have trav
el-bed before nightfall had they been in
the humor so to do. As soon ns the
Indians leivo , the commands elsewhere
spoken of iu those dispatches will form In a
crescent ind move simultaneously fiom
White rivet ; and act ns circumstances may
dictate. Should the Indians continue
j < u this direction and show a pur
pose to buuendor , the troops will
not attack them They will , however ,
attack any ciidcnvoilng to make their escape
or pursue any that may succeed In getting
thiough iho lines Every measure is being
taken bj the military to force the Indians to
submission and * ovoid seilous trouble to the
< ttlomcnt.
* V'lio cordon of tioops In the sev-
oiul commands of Hrookc. Cnrr , Wheaton ,
lllsloy , San ford and Henry is drawing closer
aicund llio hostllos , General Miles today
having Issued eiders for an advance on nil
Ics of from thieo lo six miles. This move
being made with euro , the
! ii being lo keep Iho Indians moving
toward the reserve ana at the saino time al
low them to halt on no spot on which they
might have an ad vantage over llio uoops.
A courier from iho hosilles lo General
Miles at 10:30 : tonight announced that they
had rcncht" , ! Iho mission , about the miles ho-
Hond this city ; uuo that they would inch
hero tomorrow. The greatest uncertainty
picvnils here as to the outcome of tomonow. Ktixn : AdPNci , S 1) . ( via Hush-
\illo , Neb. ) , .Tan. 10. [ Special Telegram io
Tiih Hi'V. I All the greatest precaution has
-been taken to proIdo against an emergency.
The bicastworks have been stronglhcned ,
the artillery bus been placed on a silo which
ominously commands llio fi loudly camp and
M'veial of llio loads over Iho hills.
Tbo Hotchldss guns cover iho other
approaches , while detachments of Die
Seventh cavalry and Fust Infantry aio sla-
ttoned upon Iho most advantageous points.
This afteinoon pickets were sent out ijulto a
distance from the npcncy nnd the Indian
force mound Iho same has beeu slrengthencd
bv tlio addition of a number of white soldiers.
U'ho latter mensmo bus been cm lied out
instead of ( ho retirement of the Indian police ,
which was thought Ul-udvtsed.
General Miles and soend staff ofllcers in
spected the rifle pils , the approaches to Iho
agency mid the ground bej end , on which it
is not improbable n struggle may tnku place.
Ho expressed himself ns satisfied with every
thing , and nothing now remains save to wnit
nnd bco what a day will bring forth.
It hns later been learned that ( Joueral
Miles does not at present coiitomplale dis
arming the Indians , and it bos been Intimated
that that dlsagieeablo work will be loft to
leaders of the several bands , notwithstand
ing the disappointment which settlers along
the line of the agency would experience I ?
the arms should not be taken away from the
Indians. There nro nmny onicers hero who ;
hold thai if the savages should bo disarmed
the latter would bu robbed by unscrupu
lous people on the border , from whom they
coulo not , defend thi'mselves.
The wialherls cold hut bracing. Thcro Is
llttlo comfort sleeping in teals , but the
EOldlcrs have by this time become Inured to ,
It , and but few complaints have been heard
and fevvci sick pcoplu can bo fo ind ,
Couriers came In today from Brooke's
command on While Clay crook ; bringing
word from several of the leading oftlcers.
Kvorybody was well , enduring tlio cold with
patience , and considering the prospect of a
light with the courugo of veterans.
Late this afternoon another woman who
was wounded on Wounded Knee died
at the hospital , where ten other )
women nnd children survive her. Shu was
burled In the cemetery cm the lull. Whllo
the boll of the llttlo church was tolling for
the ob oqules there were brought to the
. agency two mlsnrablo squaws. They had
A also been wounded on Wounded
j7 Ku& * , having each sustained sev j
eral \vounds. They said they bad
drugged themselves oft through the rnvlnu
nficr the battle and sheltered themselves us
best they could duiing the blizzard , Since
, that time they baa been crawling to the :
* T gcr ; < jy.They said that four women aud
freemen who hnd stated out with thorn
iuddlcd.ou the road ,
Colonel ICent ami Captain Baldwin , who
nro takinc tesllniouy regarding the baltlo of
Wounded ICnet > , will have completed their
iWork by tomorrow ulght. They will submit
tt to General Allies aud through him thq tes
timony will bo forwarded to iho
president. There Is nobody hero
who has aught to sny against General
I'oravlho's conduct of that bnttlo To the
Associated press representative one of the
olllcnrs of the Seventh said :
"Tho story that wo shot dawn women nnd
children Is u lie. 'Ihe fact Is there was noth
ing loft undona to save them I heard
many a mm cry out , 'Don't shoot ;
tint's nwoinnn. " In this way Iho squaws
nnd children wore allowed to get away out of
the ravine atboth ends utibuit. Thu people
who killed the women nnd children vvcro the
Indians themselves"
' 1 lie gentleman Ihon showed a imp of tUo
battlefield , nnd this scorned lo bear out
the statement. In front of the tents from
which the hidden arms were brought wu *
held the council. Behind the council stood
K compiny of the Seventh , nnd behind that
were more tepees. Before theconfeionco hud
cecseil neailv nil the tepees behind 1C
computi } had been taken down by
the squaws. ' 1 hen iho Indians tuincd on the
tioops , shooting them ibwn. and vol'it ' ? of
their shots pciictialed to the
fled Irom behind the troops to the ravine.
Many of the i > q\iaivs fell from thco volleys ,
and before the regiment had fired
n single shot With respect to
thcchniKO that the Seventh wns avenging
Ouster , the same olllcor snldthnt that was
ridiculous. At the tlmo of tlio light thoio
\vcro fewer than ton men In the leglment
who had been in It when Custer
commanded It. Only one of these
hail been nt the light of
the UosLbnd , and that wits Serneant ICorn.
Tint ollicor was ono of the Hist to die on
Wounded Knee. Kern , by the wnj , escipcd
fiotu the massnctoit liosooud afar ( Justcr
hid HiiHl his llrst volley on the In
dian \illneo ttnoiigh his hoi so stam
ped in p. "Wo weio not nt Wounded
Knee , " s-iid the ofllcer , "toavengo Custer ,
but to disarm the Indians "
"Thcio is but one bind of mutlc at the
agency. It belongs to the Tiist infnntiy of
San Iin imcisio , and will inspire the torn-
bat nits tomoriow or Monday with Its mar
tial muslu if n battle should take place.
Tower Indians hive come In today thin on
any day during the piescnt weoit All the
stragglers have been squaws ( Jcneral Allies
has decided to sepaiato the Ogullalas fiom
tlio Briilo Sioux \\lien they shall come Into
the agency. The former * are said to bo
stroiiglv inclined towards peace. 'Iho latter
nioopposed to It , The Urules belong to
Hoscbud They hnvc several times fought the
Ogillnlas , and if trouble should come from
them it Is not at all improhiblo Unit tlio
former * maj allj themselves with the troops
tosecuio ro\engo.
Colonel Uachc , the medical director of the
dcpirtmuit of the I'luttc , nnd acting medical
director of the division of the Missouri lit the
Held , has bctn tendered the use of tvvo-thlids
of tlio Boldieis' homo at Hot Spiings ns a
hospital. It will accommodate UU patients.
Tlio oiler has been made by the
bond of control of the insti
tution. A medical oflicer has been
despatched to examine the structure and re-
port what would bo necessary to equip it.
The springs me about seventy-live iHcifiom
this plnco.
Ciptiiin Pleice , Past infantry , who suc
ceeds Agent Hojerou this reservation , has
not jctiepoited During the temporary ab
sence'of Air. Kover Captain lowers acts ns
.IT Tin : 'Ait < > mcK.
Keiuirts tlio I'ri'Hpects rn.or-
nblo lor Peace.
WASHINGTON , Jnu 10 Secretary Proctor
today received a tclcgiam fiom General
Miles dnled Pine Hidgo , Jnnuur * , 0 , ns fol-
lows ; "Tlio commission appointed to con-
sidcr the condition of the Cheyenne Indians nt
this place and in Montana unanimously ice/-
oinmend the removal of these Indians to tlio
Foit ICeogh icscrvation. Thcro aie m ready
2oO at Tort Keogh und the men enlist us
scouts. These scents cam * southeast under
Lieutenant Casey nnd were Joined by nearly
all the aolo-bodlcd men from the agency. To-
gcther they have done most valuable and
hazaidous seivico Infighting and harassing
the hostile bloux. They have killed and
wounded their warriors and captured their
horses. TLeso aio now In danger fiom the
Sioux , nnd if them is no objection I will ,
when this affair closes , at once transfer
them to Foil ICeogh , as nu act of Justice
ami good policy and In aceordnuco with the
recommendation of the ( Jhcjuino commis
sion "
The follov\lng telegrams vvero received
fiom General Gibbon , commanding the de
partment of California , "Tolloniug. has
Just been received irom the commanding olll-
cer at Boise buracks , Idaho , 'I have Just
received tollable Infoimatloa tint tlicic is no
oulhicak among Idaho Indians and I do not
apprehend any tioublo. The former stoiics
weie told by a part ) whocamo from Poca-
telloyestciday. The rumor was slatted by
General Schofleld hns recehcd the follow
ing telegram from Ueueuil Alilei , dated Pine
Kidgo jostorday : "Quito a number of In
dians came in today in small parties , nnd
gave assurances tint a laigo body will
movnin this dliection tomorrow for the purpose -
pose of surrendering , and the troops have
been directed to follow. The piospects at
present look favoinblo so far as I can Judge
from Indications. "
MIlfoid'H Cm airy Company.
Mil roiin , Neb , Jan. 10 [ Special to Tar.
Bri. ] Tiooo A , Nebraska national girnrds
forty men strong , is assembled at the armory
in Oils place awaiting oideis to go to the
front. The company Is equipped -with
biibers , unlfoiins , saddles nnd biidles. An
order wns sent in a few days ago by tele-
grapli to the sccietar ) of war for tbo latest
Improved caibines , which aie expected to ur-
rlvoshortly , 'iho ' tioop Is oniceiod by .T. H.
Culver , captain , U. Woyant. llr < t lieutenant ;
W. J Josburgh , second lieutenant. The two
lieutenants nro blight , intelligent voimg men
nnd appear to have thu essential quatlllci-
tlons for good , enicient ortiicrb. Captain
Culver cnteied the United States service In
Ibdl ut the uge of sKteen , serving tlneo
years and two months in active ; service , stait-
Ingos n diummcr and reluiiiiiig as a color
beiuor. Ho wns > cdttuutoil after the war at
the state utilveislty of Wisconsin , migrating
to Nebraska In 1SOI , Ho Is careful nnd coolheaded -
headed , thoroughly convusant with militaiy
tactics , and Is ono who knows duty and will
do it under un > and all chcumsUuicc ! > . The
men , likn their ollicers. are of good habits
and me lopiesentatlves. of thq be-t element
of tlio farming community hereabouts. The
troop will furnish their ov.n horses.
Cniiiphig Near ItiiKhv'lIo.
I OAMI-TWUI.M : Nontn orUcsu- , Neb , Jan. lp.-Speciul [ to Tin : HIE. ]
'iito now camping iu u beautiful valley
only twelve miles from the Indian agency
Compmlos A and II mo togctner nnd farther
to tLu front than any other companj In the
National guard , Only two or tbicoot com-v
panyA'sboys are at all sick , and those
amount to nothiii ) * moiv than a severe cold.
The tiluh hill to our north Is covered with
pines , so wo hn\o a good supply of fuel. Thu
comforts v , u take around our warm camp fires
aio exceeding ! } homc-llko. KIllo pits are
being dug on the summit of a hill near us.
, Wo will have nn excellent position to make
anv defense necessaiv. Our company has
just hold an election of the commissioned ortl-
cor's. These elected vvoro 1T. . Osborno ,
captain ; W. L. Trow , first lleutonant ; O. L.
Llneh , second lleutcn.iut. Dlumris Just over.
It consisted of beef , bonus , bread und coffco ,
( 'omrado Uowcrsock Is our cook. The sky is
clear. Our spirits nro light , our couugo inv -
v Inciblo.
_ Another Indian bonrc.
PIEIIHB , B. D. , Jnu. 10. [ Special Telegram
to TUL BEE. ] Colonel Tasiln und others
who ArrUcd from Novvlln and the Had river
countiy this morning report that a hostile
baud of Indians hu\e been committing vari
ous dcprcilatloni , but all the reinninlng settlers
tlors luckily escaped w ith. their lives. The
party wns besieged under Tussln , but the
Indians withdraw with their plunder. Tussln
will renoruto Allies nt once and recommend
the stationing of troops through I lie country ,
The ludlans , n seems , hnd Just received rn-
Parisian Visitors Fascinated by the Oerclo
des Fatinours.
I'rliioo Murnt Ari'cpM tlio 1'rosldoney
nml lias Two Vlirorous Support-
cw An Argument on the
Duration or tlio I rost.
( fopi/i/HJit / Wt liil Jtttnei flortlnn eiinf/t.l
Pvni , Jim 10. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tim IlDR.I-Onlv a fcvy davs
more anil society will betjln Icovinp Paris.
Mnny who would have gone cio this , have
rennlncd on account of the skating at the
Coiclo lies 1'atlncurs , who ctowdcd , on
Wcdncsdiv , the llrst days regular skating
since the thnvv on Now Year's. ' On the
stiolto of 0 , In the morning , I'rhico Schocn-
bourg Ilartensti'ln , an attache to the .Aus-
tiian oinbissy , arrived. Ho is always the
llrst member.
At 11 o'dock the hdlos bepin to flock In.
wearing their warmest fur-lined jackets nnd
cloaks , the wind being very cold. There was
a K0 ° d deal of talk on the , co concerning the
new polo club on on' the other side of the
pond In the grounds
The cerclo ostabllihod Iho ground , which
is ratlior narrow , though there Is plenty of
Prince Alurat has accepted the picsidency
and , with two such supports ns the Vlcomlo
dik .lanzo and Henry llldgovvny , both so well
known In Iho United States , the club Is al
ready strong Polo flouilshed in Paris In
1870 to 1678 ami then dlsappcaicd. There
will bo fifty members lo this club , thiity of
whom are already elected. The'commltlco
Viscomto do UochofouoaulUe , Duo do Luynes ,
M. Mnnucl Escaudon , Duo do Moray , M.
Alnurice , Kniioul Duval , M. Emll Dclagrado
nnd Viscomto do .Tniuo.
Thcro was a good deal of talk as to how
long the frost would last , the argument endIng -
Ing with ono man wagering another a con
siderable sum that ho would cross the Seine
with a horse anil cabriolet between January
1 ! > and 18.
AtNudly the names of those skat in ? would
take columns. I will mention n few of
Iho ladles : Lady Ljlton , Ladles Constance
jurd Emily Lytton , Almo. rernaux-Coinpans ,
"one of the best lady skaters in Pin is , who
learned wlien she was In St. Petersburg.
Beauty was also ropiesented bv Airs. Deacon ,
Mine , do nscamlon , Comlesso do Sollgnnlo
Tendon , Mrs Jay Comtosso do Beam , Mar
quise do Saint Savour , Mllo. Ilottinguer and
AIllo. Bcu'lasgo.
There vvero also present , Comto o do
Barln , Comtesso Zichy , Duchcsso do Gar-
mont and Comtesso do Calaber tl.
Kight bundled caitos do fancur have boon
distributed to ladies since the frost began
and . the cashier has taken TOO golden Louis
from visitors.
On Thursday took plnco. at the
Madeline , , the funoril of Makenzio
Grieves , ono of the best known figures
in i Paris. Many Americans will remember
seeing htmcantcrlng about , In thoearly morn
ing , In the Bois do Boulogne , nnd will have
observed his splendid seat on horseback iu
the strictest haute d'ccolo ' style , In his daj
ho wns a line steeplechase rider and the great
est turf authority in Franco. lie had few
relatives , but a host of friends , who adorned
his bier w ith hugo wreaths nnd crosses of
violet nnd roses , beaded by Lord and Lndj
Lvtlon and suite. Prineo do Sogau , Due do
Biogho , DucdoNoillis , in fact the entire
membership of the Jockv club and the pick of
Iho English colony conlribuled flowers to his
A ten iblo blow Is the death of the Due do
Leuchtemhorg. The French government ,
keenly anxious to pay compllmonts to Hussin ,
requested that the service which was to ha\e
taken place jestcrday In the Uus'ian church
In the Hue do Dai n , should bo postponed to
today that military honors miglit bo accorded
him. Four regiments of artillery defiled be
fore the bier this morning nt half past 9. The
coflln was draped with the Hags of Franco
nnd Kussin and placed on a gun carriage nud
taken from the grand duk'cs residence , in the
Kuo Pierre Chnrron , to the church , accom
panied by the military staff of the president
and diplomatic corps.
Tbo grand chancellor of the legion of honor
and the piesldonts of the law courts.
Over three bundled telegrams were re
ceived on the day of his death , Including a
message from the cznr and czarina and royal
houses related to tlie grand duke , not only iu
the fashlonablo world , but also in scientific
and political circles , but the grand duke had
mnny friends.
The cnllois Included the Princess Mnthildo ,
Al. Pasteur , M do Projclnot , AI. lllbot ,
Colonel Lcahtenstein.iopresontine President
Carnet , and M. Floquot.
An extrnordinary suicide caused a panic in
the church of St. Michael at Havre. A man
entered the building with his clothes soaked
In petroleum and a rope around his nock and
kindling w oed bound to his body. Ho poured
a quantity of petroleum on the ground , be
neath his feet , sot lira lo it and iu nn Instant
wis completely enveloped In flames. The
pi lost who lushed to tils assistance was badlj
burned. The unfortunate man fell down
dead , his body being burned beyond recogni
tion. There was the wildest excitement
among Iho worshippers In the church.
, Captain Scliloy commander of the cruiser
Baltimore , sailed today from Havre on the
Dourpoyno for New York to bo present at the
marriage of his daughter in Baltimoro.
From the Klvicra comes the echoes of so
cial doings. The season Is a bit late , but In a
few days the residents will bo strongly rein
forced by n Parisian throng ,
The sensation of tbo moment is that Paul
Is going to Nice to sing. Sbo is billed for
February 11 ,
| The lalcst anivuls are Iho princes and
princess nnd Mrs. Lorillnrd of Now York ,
molhcr of Iho princess , the Allsses Dana , Mr.
and Airs. Amos Little , Miss Now hall
of Philadelphia , Air. and Mrs.
James Wright , Mrs. Waller Crossloy
of Now York , Airs , II , Smllh ,
Airs. Hose of Chicago ; Air. nnd Mrs. Thomas
Itlch of Boston : Airs. Edward Strong , Airs.
Banks , Miss Banks and Miss Little Herbert
of Now York.
Thu remains of Mrs. Julia Maglll of Chicago
cage have been deposited iu ttio crypt of the
American church , prior to removal to tbo
United states.
Tbo marriage of Andrew Thompson , osq. ,
nit englishman , and Miss Emily
w 01 Ih of Philadelphia has taken place.
I'arncU's Send-Off.
ISOl bu Jamtt (7onlon Ibnnctt. ]
Dfimv , Jan. 10. [ Now York Herald
Cable Si > cclal to THE Bur. ] Parnell , no-
companlcd by Harrington , Scully and J , Red
mend , loft hero today for LlmerlcK. There
was a crowd of sympathizers at the platform ,
who cheered loudly. Cheers vvero also given
for Scully and groans for Healy. Before the
mixed Irnln stnrtcd , In rcsporisb to loud calls
for n speech , Parnell came to a window of
the . carriage nnd said i
th.Tl "Citizens I of Dublin , I thank you sincerely.
Tills splondld scud-off shows rae that since I
was with jou last you have carried my flap ,
and that you nro confident , as I' am confident
with jou , that the cause of Ireland Is sifo In
our keeping ; that 1 will d $ nothing ; to im
peril ) the future of ourraco ; that I will stand
by the position I took In the committee
room on November 15 While there I was
wllllng to sacrifice myself'ns ' I am today.
Ireland shall be safe , and shall bo free from
all danger. " j
There were cheers ntlCjtldnro nnd n considerable
" "
erable crowd assembled "on"tho platform and
cheered for Mr. Paincll. At Monastrovano
thoio was o crowd headed by Father Hughes
who cheered for O'Brtan nna Kronucu for
Parnell. Paincll had mnny friends iu the
Hound fur tlio Wild "West.
ICopurioM IKit bu .famcx Ooninn llenn'M
LONDON , .Tun. 10. | Now York Herald
Inblo-Spcclid to TUB Biis.1 : Two wlldoyed
jo.vs mined Davis and Abclson sailed today
in thoOallla , bound for the "wild west. "
'hoy ' carry a complete nvscnnl of bowlo
: nlves nnd other Implements of war. Thuir
'iroutsorc ' wealthy pconlo who , after uso-
css entreaty , have concluded to lot their
toys go on their adventurous tour. They
ave no Idea where they .arc going , but I in-
iglno they will strike Indians nnd cowboys
in Bioidway , and Now Yorlc had bettor look
iutfora wild whoop when1 the Gnllta ar-
Ivos. It Is needless to say that as soon as
.hoy arrive nt Pine Ridge Agency , where
.hoy will probably go , they wlll end the In-
linn war atone fell swoop and give General
Slllos enough points to last for a dozen cam-
l-o\on Hundred Tickets at Ten Dollars
lars 12 toll Alrnndy Sold.
NKvvOiu.tAvs , La. , JMI. lo. Already 700
, lckets nt $10 each have been sold for the
tanpsoy-FltzItnmons prl/o flght and nppllcn-
Jens by teloginph for scats are con-
.Inunllv coming In. The arrangements for
.ho accommodation of spectators hno been
Inishcd nnd tbo fighting ring and arena
aio tlio most complete over erected In this
country Dempsey will arrive from Gnlves-
on on .Monday : yul Fitzsimnions from Bay
bt. Louis Tuesday. "
JlEITEte AXSWMSna ! TJttAC\ ' .
Ho Demands n Trl tBchre a Naval
W VSIIIN-OTOV , Jan. 10. Tb.jjfollowing loiter
: iis been directed to the secretary of the navy
by Commander IJeiterof ttid United State *
navy , who was severely Censured by tlio
secrotniy for his conduct in the Barruudin
aftnir : -
"PiTTsnunn , Pa , Jan. 8.-iSlr : I have to
acknowledge the receipt of tnA department's
Idler J of December ai , 1890. , 'Tho letter was
milled in Washington January ! ) nnd lecolvod
by j mo on the 7th. It was foreshowed by the
press t of the United States January 1 and 3 ,
and i : nn extract from it , , containing a
most ' severe censure of th.qopnrtinont } { , ap
pears in the press of the country today. The
letter then became lo the general public , un
familiar with the true t acts , pf the cnso , n
severe "public rcprlrriaud1' ' to mo.the punish
ment of which can only bolrjrally inllictcdby
the sciiteuco of n naval peuornl court martial.
I was detached from couflnajf of the Kanger
by department order "JW.'lKpteinber il , and
jour letter Is the flrtt vflffin statement of
the department's groun&i Jfetlotf , extracts
having been given to the press for
publication hofoio I could possibly
rep.y to It. I now content myself
by simply declaring that when command of
the Hanger on the occasion in question I was
In no way culpable , but discharged my whole
duty ; that I hnd no deslro. nor did I endeavor
to escape any responsibility attaching to mv
position , and I do not now fcnr the most
searching inquiry In regard to my action. As
I regard your letter ns unjust , undeserved
nnd unwarranted , I have to rwspectfully de
mand what is clearly my right , namely , trial
before a naval couit. "
A Committee Appointed to Investi
gate the Destitution.
PIEIUIE , S. D , , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram
to Tnu BKI : . ] The house Ihla afternoon ac
cepted the ropoitof the committee on mllo-
ago. The largest amounts paid wore to Sny-
dcrof Buttcaud Gregg of Lawrence $170
each. 'Iho total amounts to over * 0,000. The
papers In the ClarkVandorllnden contest
case from Douglas were referred to a com
Bills Introduced By Potter to prevent the
counting of illegal votes provides for
numbcis on llio backs of all
ballots to correspond with the poll
books ; by Stcarno , repealing the railroad
commission nnd onlce of commissioner of
labor and statistics ; by Dlxon , that nttor-
nejs" fees in nil evidences of indebtedness
sbill be void ; bv Alutthews , providing for
the forfeiture of the principal in cases of
usury ; by Stearns , abolishing tbo ofllco of oil
iiispecior ,
lllndman's resolution for nn Investigation
of the destitution of the people of the state
came up and was discussed at length , Sena
tors f i om sov ci id parts of the state said that
assistance would bo needed before long or
there would Co sutlei ing. A resolution ap
pointing a committee of Ilvo to act with the
bouse committee passed.
The president announced thlrty-tbrco
standing committees. Kltredgo of Minno-
halm Is chairman of the .judiciary ; Alelvlllo
of Bcadlo , Initiation ; Hointz of Aurora ,
railroads , Thcio uro only two farmers on
this committee of seven , and five nro repub
licans. Warner of Sanborn is chairman of
appropriations ; Mclvlllo of Ccadlo , cduca
tlon ; Kcnch of Ynnkton , clectloii3 ; O'Brlen
of Lawrence , mines and minerals ; Preston of
Davison , apportionment * ; Washington of
Lawrence , banks and banldng. No demo
crat is appointed to a chairmanship , and the
republicans have n lar a majority ou all com
mittees. There are no chattges in the sena
torial situation. All parties thluk they have
a flghtiug chaucc.
Tlio Uoathcr Pot-ccast ,
For Omaha and vicinity Fdlr ; stationary
temperature. *
Per Nebraska > Fair ; northerly t winds ;
warmer In southern , stationary temperature
in northern portion.
Per Iowa Pair , except , local snows In
southeast portion ; northerly winds ; station
ary temiwraturo.
Per South Dakota Fair. ; colder In west
ern , stationary tomporalufo in eastern por-
Uon ; northwesterly winds. '
Dors Nut Itollovo It.
Mtnnin , Jan. 10. The po'vornor of Manila ,
the capital of the Phlllipluo ' islands , cables
he docs not believe the news published In
connection with the troubles in the Caroline
Islands. Thcro is a Spaimh man-of-war per
manently stationed at the Caroline Islands
and ho would have J\cu'd from the com
mander If the trouble was us serious as iiovv
reported ,
A Pastor's 'Accident
GEVEVI , Neb , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram
loTiin BLF. ] Hev. L. T. Firhcr , pastor of
the Baptist church of this place , and chaplain
of Iho Third regiment Uniformed Uank
Knights of Pthlas , met with a serious acci
dent Thursday evening when loavlnc his
church , llo slipped arid fell and Injured his
spine In such a manner us will lav him up for '
some time ,
Amclin lUvcs Scr cusly 111.
PAHIH , Jan. 10. Amelia Hives , the Amer
ican authoress , is scrlo isly 111.
The Conflict Still On Bjtweon. the Con
servatives and tbo Government ,
Kmpcror ; William Heads Hismnrok
Out , ol Pollt os An Attempt .Mutlo
to Jlcori'aiils.o the Old
Cartel Putty.
ICosiirtoM IV)1 tin thcXcto YarK AswMetlPc ]
. Hi iii.ix , Jan. 10 The landing resumed
business , yesterday without n sign of any
alleviation of the conflict bo * w eon the con
servative majotlty and the government , and
practically legislation Is in a state of
suspense. The commuml loform bill
Is still m the hands of the com
mission , Discussions of the mcisuro In
plenary sitting has boon postponed until It
shall have hnd u second reading Ch mcellor
von Cnpilvl hns personal attempted to lessen
Ilorrfurtli , minister of the Interior. In the
course of a conversation on Thursday with
several members of the right the chancellor
appealed lo their scntlincut of fidelity to
the tbrono nnd promised concessions
in favor of the ugilcnltural Interests
of the country Iu oilier pending government
inossngcsi In loturn for their acquiescence
in locnl reforms. Ho warned them tint per
sistent opposition would create serious dial-
cullies for the monarchy. After tbo Intel-
view several pipers predicted that a com
promise would bo effected which would avert
a dissolution of the lundtig. Nothing semi-
ofllclal or definite , however , is
known legaidlug the matter. Heir
Miguel , the minister of finance ,
was privately nslol his opinion of the
chances of nn agreement being nriivcd nt ,
but ho declined to say mote than that the
dissolution was Improbable
A number of members of the old cartel
party recently held a moollug to arrange for
the formation of a Bismarck gioup In the
rclchslag and landlag. The cartels
sent a communication to Friedrleho
mho asking tbo formal sanction of
Prince Bismarck for the movement. To this
the prince sent n verbil reply through a con
servative member of the reichstag to the
effect that ho would not prevent member
from following his know n policy or fiom claim
ing the authority of his name so long ns they
upheld his opinions. This qualified sanction
of the carteler's movement Is iiuerpietcd ns
meaning- that the pilnco will not
nt present seek publicly to lead the
pnrtj- , although he Is willing to direct their
parliamentary operations , 'llio Volk Xeitung ,
Frclslnnnlgo Zeitung and liberal organs gen
erally see In the conservatives' nivoptinco of
Bismirck's ' leadership the certainty of an
early dissolution of parliament.
Under the influencoof unfavorable opinions
from Prof. Virchovv and oilier prom
inent pbjslclaus icgardlnir the ICoch
remedy the government has coino
to a pause over the proposed
bill making the lymph the propelj' of thcr
state. Minister von dossier has postponed
tna Introduction of the bill , and this leads to
slder the arrangement made with Ifoch. The
Klein Journal afllrms that It is doubtful if
the ministry will now adhere to the agree
ment. The ICoch circle , on the other hand ,
states that the relations between Koch and
Minister von Gosslor are unchanged and that
the Introduction of the bill is delayed because
cause the apparatus for state production
of the lymph is still incomplete. Prof
Koch found necessary Ibis week some hun
dred additional breeding chambers for tbo
fnctcria , the preparing of which , including
tlio growth of tbo facllla. takes much time ,
prolonged watching and constant testing before -
fore Prof. Koch or his - assistants
will pronounce the lymph relia
ble. The reports received from the
Gorman hospitals uro favorabo to
the remedy. Dr. Konigehafer of Stuttgart
has applied the lymnh with success in the
treatment of diseases of the eye lids and
cornea. Piof. Zlcmsscn of Munich declares
that by the use of the lymph ho has effected
the complete cuio of three patients In the
early stages of phthisis , and thirty patients
suffering from phthisis Iu tlio hospitals who
are undergoing the- Koch treatment
are reported to bo progressing favor-
ably. On tho' other hand Dr. Schroettor
of Vienna declared that thcro was no im
provement in the cases of tuberculosis of the
larynx which were being treated there by
tlio ICoch method und that the results of [
such treatment iu cases of phthisis * were !
very doubtful. Prof. Crocg of Belgium I
denies that thcro Is any curative action In II I
the Koch " "remedy. Ho asserts that
ho has seen an intense reaction i
after injections of the Ivmph In i
the case of patients suffering from i
phthisis and n similar reaction in the case of f
others suffering from pleurisy who wuro )
without trace of tuberculoses affection. But t
notwithstanding these hostile criticisms the i
coniidenco of the medical profession in the
cfllcacy of tlio ICoch treatment is unabated.
Tbo Koch institute , which the government is
now erecting , will Consist of nn Immense
Horary with a cllnlo having 150 beds.
IgCourt talks turn upon the emperor's ro-
roarks to high dlgnatirlos of the court con
cerning Bismarkr The emperor said : "It is
desirable that ho ho made to understand that
his tlmo for politics has passed. Her ought
not to attempt to pluy any role , especially
that of opposition. Everybody knowing
tiini immediately can sco that ho docs not
comprehend the needs of our time. " The
emperor's words referred directly to the en
couragement being given by Bismarck
to the conservative opposition. The
latest Interview accorded to Bis
marck , which wns given to Journalist Alnx
Bower , exhibits him us ubsorbed In tno 011-
Jojirent of domestic life. On the subject of
Trance , Bismarck's ' most Incisive utterance
was as follows : "It Is impossible to exter
minate tbo French. Germany will never
wage a merely prophlnctlo war. Whatever
enemy of ours gets the best powder first will
glvo the bignal for attack. As to iho notion
that after the next war eternal piweo will
reign In Europe , I cannot think it. "
I > tllHt > nrr Street Cur . \ooldimt.
PiTTsnuno , Pa. , Jan. 10. An electric sticet
car crowded with passengers Jumped the
track on the Second avenue road tonight and
went over u trcstl about fifteen feet high.
Alagglo Dolhanty ns probably fatally in
jured , Thomas McClelland hnd a
leg broken and ncaily all the
other passengers were painfully bruised
and cut none , except Miss Dclhanty ,
however , were seriously Injured. The acci
dent \ > as caused by a piece of timber Inj Ing
cm tbo track.
NOVVH from t'io
NKMT YOIIK , Jan. 10 , [ Special Telegram to
Tim BEE , ] The British steamship , Tliane-
moro , of the Johnston line , which sailed from
Baltimore ou November 1C , for London , with
ncargo of cattle , has been towcn rnto Bnhlu ,
Brazil , by the British steamship Alliance' ,
IIn Tliancmore was bulletined at the
maritime exchange as missing w hen she h ul
been out foitj dujs ,
How tlie V. .tr. II. A. Men Stand on the
Si'itiNnrii ID , III , Jan It ) . The stntidlngof
the three farmer inembon of the lower house
of Iho tfciipral assembly In the coming scni-
torlal light Is no longer ono of unieitatnty.
While ills not yet known who their riuidl-
date will be , It is certain that It will not ho
John AI I'nlmer Representative Coclcrcll ,
In an Interview this evening , nld tint under
iioelrcumstnnces would ho or his colleagues
support Palmer. They hnd no ob
jection to Palmer pitllculnrly , except
tint ho _ stands on the old demo
crutio doctrliio that the government
can mnko nothing legal tender but gold nnd
silver "Wo say , " added Cockrell , "Unit
gold nnd stiver na n circulating medium for
the development of our eoutitiv is Inadequate
Wiiut * wo deslro is a per capita circulation ,
nnd wo want an American system of finance
AVe have como to the conclusion that money
Is neither silvct nor gold nor nnv other nn-
leilal. If Palmer wa-s elected ho would
spend his six jcnrsln Washington fighting
InrilT mcasuieshilo the money trust Is
squeezing our values and piollts into their
incomes and robbing us all of our
homed. This old democratic idea about
money , which lias nlio been endorsed by the
rcnublunn piity , is fr.iud " Cockrell further
said that when their candidito was undo
known if they did not slick to him to thu
cloao of the light they would bilng up another
man of the same kind. It Is their inevocublo
decision not to support nnj' caucus nominee
of the old parties or any mini It thov have
any doubt us to his views on the question of
money. "Wowill elect our man to forte
the republican or democratic flirty to
adopt our policy If the democrats
mo able to get a republican
vote and elect a senator without them that
will siniplj- boa republican funeral "
Hcpiosentatlvo Toubencclc endorsed Mr
Cockrcll's ' views. Ho said Unit se\end men
had been discussed as candidates mid thcj
wcio neither Palmer , Ltndloj' , Kaiwell or
Oglcsby It has been rumored that David
Hunter will bo their candidate.
a , i's
A Onuo Prominent HiiKsInn Suluitles
In KaiimiM Citj ,
KVVSAS Cm , Mo , Jan. 10. | Speciul Tele
giam to Tin * li ! i' . ] Nicholas IlrokovltcbsUl
.shot himself in a miserable hovel on Holmes
street today Ho died instantly. Thlrtj
years ngo Brolioviuhskl wns a goneinl in the
Itusslnn nrinj' . He fell In love with
tJewess and ho slipped nwav
nnd mmilcd her It was soon dlscovoicd
ana the genoial was deposed and put upon
trial under some pretense Ho was found
guilty nna sentenced to Siberia. Justus ho
i cached Iho frontier ho escaped nnd Joined
the vnst armv of Irodynas that infest the
woods Ho got away with his Ufa and es
caped fiom Odessa and sailed to tliKroimtrj.
and after ho got heieho bcuuno n'pronouncc'd
nihilist and has all the while been in ionium
nicition with tlio secret aiithoiltics in Kus
bia , as letters and books In his room showed
Ho hnd numberless works ou and
social economy , ono or two volumes of Tel
stoi's ' woiks , nnd a gioup pliotoguph of
Spies , Parsons , L'ngcl , Fischer and
Llngg , the executed Chicago iinnchist , en
titled "Martyrs tx > Libortj' . " The dead man
iu llfo * . , ns' a splendid specimen of phjsical
manhood. Ho must have stood sifcot in
height nnd wns broad in proportion. He had
an intelligent looking face , heavily bcuided
Ills frame was gaunt nnd greatly attenuated ,
however , as if by long absllneiicu from , food.
Ho hnd no relatives in Amerirn , but thieo of
his sisters live In Russia. At the time ho was
deposed by Kusslnri authorllles ho was worth
S-'iO.OOO. .
An j1rraiiicm'nt Appnrcnlly Satis-
liictory to All Parties Conuorncil.
Nrw YORK , Jan. 10 [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Biu.l Noidhoff , n hamlet on the estate
of William Walter Phelps , a inllo south of
aristocratic Knglowood , N J. , hasnsonsa
lion. Anna i < 'lnkon , a comely German , six
years ago married Charles J. J. Witt n
builder. Anna had some money. Witt wns
devoted while the money lasted and occa
slonnlly made picture frames. When the
money was gone ho soon becama dissipated
nnd treated Ills wife cuielly. A short time ,
ago Ferdinand Thorns , a steady .voting car
penter , went to boaul with the Witt's and
pal d the household expenses for a long time.
He frequently denounced Witt for his treat
ment of his wife.
Two weeks ago Witt told Thorns ho was
tired of his wife and wanted to get rid of her.
Thorns snld thcro wns nothing the matter
vvithhornnd that ho would tnko her. Witt
olTeicd to sell her for&O nnd Thorns closed
the , bargain , The men w out to llobokeii on
Tuesday , drew up a paper of sepiratlou and
Witt Insisted that Thorns and his cx-vvifo
should bo married at once and on Wednesday
thov came to Now York and were man led bj
llov. Dr. Schneider. The wife holloves tbo
marrlagtiislognl and says shu is glad to get
lid of her husband. Thorns sujsho niniricd
her out of pity. Witt has gene off to spend
the S0.
Ho Says tbo Irish Parly Has Yin 11-
onteit Itsplf by DaiioHliiKr rarnoll.
LONUOV , Jan. 10. Gladstone has written a
letter to Furncss , liboial candidate forllar
tlopool , in which ho sajsin pait : "Tno Irish
prrliamontary paity has vindicated itself by
putting nn end to the leadership of Parnoll
and loft itself prepared to puruo as hereto-
fore our duty In denouncing unequal laws
and Iho odious system of coercion. The
liberal gains during the lost four joars meant
more than moro success. They meant that ,
the party has declared that a union hns for
the first time been effected between
the British nnd the Irish and shows
that the people aim to close the
controversy our opponenta seek to Indefinitely
prolong at tno cost of niilloual reputation and
imperial treasure and amid Inextinguishable
discord. Tbo people of Ireland have put their
trust In tbo people of Great Britain to deliver
them from had lavva made worse by a harsh ,
InsultingudminUlratlon. . It rests on each
constituency , as occasion offers , for us to
show that her confidence ! Is not reposed in
Prnnce nnd tlio World'H Fair.
PAWS , Jan. 10. A question of much Inter
est now is how tno Invitation of the United
States , asking France to be ropiesontod at
the world's fair In Chicago , will bo iccelvcd.
The matter will necessarily tome be
fore the ministry first. Undoubtedly
Iho McKlnloy bill will bo brought up
A piondncnt member of the governnientsnld ,
however , that they know the AIoKlnloy tariff
does not treat Franco so severely as other
countries tiermany , for instance. This may
tend lo give a more friendly reception to the
Invitation than would otherwise bo the caso.
Furthermore , the recent elections in the
United States lead us to bopo for a change
In thocour-ioof the next congress Then , it
would be bad policy for Franco to decline to
bo upruscnted nt the fair , and bearing in
mind how liberally Americans patronl/cd tlio'
Paris exposition , ho said ho thoughl the in
vitation would meet with good will ,
Tlio Wyoming IjogUlnturo.
CIIEVKNM : , Wjo , Jan. 10-lSreclal Tolo ;
gram to Tun HRB , ] The last session of Iho
llrst Wyoming legislature Is being hold this
evening. No business remains to ho tniim-
acled except the uouMdnratlon of tit/ * Appor
tionment bills , Tbo iifslon hns bteo
of nxrlteuivut.
\ \ ucliincry of Stole Butming Without
\ the Least Friction ,
After mi iii : ht-Iloiit ) * Vl > ; ll llo DIs-
COVCr-H TJlJlt Mojll JlllN Loll tl 0
Cilj uml So Concludes
to Take n Itpttt.
LINCOLN , Neb , Jim. 10 [ Special Tclcgnm
to Tin Ilni J Alter Icunlni ; that Oovetnor
lloyd Ilia gone to Oinuhito piss Sunday , ex-
( lovurnor Thivor for the llrst tlmo In eighty
hours left the hit" ovecuttvo oflleo this even
ing nnd went luuno.
The pro-omptory vorbnl dismissal or Adju-
tiut GuieralUolo vcstctdiy for refusing to
obey theordiru of ( lovc'inor Bo.vd meets with
general approval Adjutant ( luncral Vlf-
quuln , who vis \ selected -succeed Cole , ar-
ilved at tlio btitohouso ntlO.AS andenteioil
nt once upon the dutioof his olllco. Ho was
duly sworn In list nlgnt and Ids bond illod
mid approved Five inlnutos after entering
upon the Unties of Ids oftleo uppliettloii wu
undo hv i : W. llarnoy and 12d Clark of
Valentino to form n compmy of militia nnd
the request was giuutod
Cap ! mi Rhode * , the commmdnnt of tlio
militialompiny tint , boon patrolling tlio
coriidors of the state house niter being1
ordered to disperse , at lint boat nn
Unoinlnlous ratrent without obeying ordeis ,
but finally hoeaiiiosiiouldng- the st.ito
bouso about ll:4r : > , and In onion moio hur >
lied tli.ui impiosslvo mm died his umipauy
lX-AJut4int ] Genual Cole has not sltlppod ,
as UHS iniiioted , but Is linked Inside his nllko
nnd refuses to smieiulur thomsteiof the
stite militia to Adjutant ( Virquain
Adjutnnt ( icnoinl Vlfquniu sirs theie Is
need of this comp.ui ) on tlio fiontlorand will
send it there nt once insteid of allowing it to
leif about tliOLorililort oftlioMato house
Colonel IIiuiv Hutchlilss , inspvtorgenm il
anil nitlnir loininlssiii v goncial , nulved at
the stnto liouw ubout iinonand acknowledged
and saluted Govoinor HOM ! as the oouunand-
orln-iliief of ihostiitoinilltl.i. ColonUlIotch-
kiss bus Jiifct iL'tiu ncil fiomliushville , whuro
bo been looking after the loinnilssary In-
teiestsuf tlicinilltli
Captain 11 Ii I'.ilmer his hid repented
consultations ivith CJuiieial Thiijor , and his
mged him toquiutly vtuiito hlsiipaitments
Tlio ciptain is loud iu his denuiirlatlon of
tin ) men w ho have advised the ex gnv LI nor to
assume that ho lb bllll Uefucto governor of
On tho.othcr bnnd Cnntiiln Palmer Is no-
cilsod o ( dlslovalt ) to Tha\er , and to tills
elm-go the captain pinions thai in his mind
His imply nquostlou of l\vv and order ver
sus ntinitliy , hois leallthu most loyal
friend the Koveraorlns.
All the state executives wore nt their nests
this inoiiilng and tlmmuihliioi.v of the ht.itu
Is running iw smoothly as though there never
had been an v diction All the in ill nddiosscd
to the governor Is btlni ? tuiiiod over to Uovd
nnd betiveun hand sh.ililng and congiiitula-
tious liols bus } dealing his dusk of mail \vith
tlie aid of 11 stenoK'iiphur.
The bennte hi'ld a brief session and nil.
Journed until Mondaj at ' 1 p. m. without
doiiifj anj thing of Importance ) .
Tin : HOUSE. * * *
A 111I Iiitroituund for tin : Adoption of
tlin Aiistmlfiiu IJullot Sjfltcni.
It was nearly It before Speaker Uldcr np-
pearett ' ana called thohousoto outer.
The speaker announced the following com
mittee ) :
On einplojcs Messrs Hoi man , Lomnx ,
Dobson I , Stewart , IVlelvesson , Wilson , Giiroid ,
Capek nnd Whlto.
On motion of IIovvo , the consldoratlon of
tlio question pending at adjournment \ester-
d.i.v to send ncouimlttco > to the governor to
notify lilm that the house Is dulj orKunUed
was liulellnitely postponed , and bills on first
reading vvoro taken up.
Iho follow ing bills wore Intiodiacd by
IIowo :
A bill nrovlillnff for the punishment of
locnl assessors and state board of equalisa
tion for miiloi valuation of propei ty , and for
the taxation of mortgages.
A bill to prohibit bucket shops and specu
lating in options.
A-Joint resolution proposing1 nn amendment
to the atato constitution , to thd effect that nil
tines and liconscs paid to the county or
municipalities shall bo paid Into the county
treasury for the bcnolit of the pciniaucnt
school funil.
Watson intioduced a bill providing for tlio
ndontton of tlio Australian system of voting ,
The conturtcnt resolution ilxlng Tuosdny.
Jrtnuar.v''O , as the dnj for the usseinblliiK of
tliejoiutcoiu'ontlon to hoar the election con
test tases was lend the sotond lime.
'llio committee on employes made a partial
report , and in accoidanto with its iccom-
mendntion the fnllovvhif ; uuditlonal olllccrs
were elected : Timektopor , J. C. Sv\nitsloy ;
third assUtantilorK , Jl. M. Ilulleck ; uisto-
iilnti of the clonk room , \V. It. Taii-ott ; Jani
tor , A. O Watson ; tjpowrltcr , G R Iv'ano ;
llieimiii , i'orrv Wilt/ , pages , Alvln Knisoly ,
B. ti Pinks and.losepli Ilatth.
H > uiianiinous consent Johnson of Vallpy
withdrew the resolution i > rovidlngfor the ap
pointment of n committee ol two to act with
a similar committee fioiu the senate to wait
upon tlio ROVOInor nnd notify him that the
legislature is oifanlzed and read ) for busi
ness ,
Communications from the state auditor and
secretary of slate , asking for the appoint
ment of a messenger for each ollii.o , were laid
on the speakoi's desk
Ilowo sild ho was opposed to furnishing
nn state ofllcor with any mere clerical help ,
and on his motion tlio mutter was loferred to
tbccoinmlttoe on employes.
Newbeiry moved that the sec/rotary of
state furnlbh ten 'J-cent and ten I-cunt stain pi
to members , but no dally papers , The motion
wns tabled.
Drcnuuu Introduced a resolution instruct
ing the fjovornui to icquest the picsidont to
plnco the Indians In the cam of the military
ilejnitiiicnt of thu government.
Iinwoukod "Wbluh'OoveinoH" and the
icsolution was tabled ,
1'cndlng n motion to adjourn , Speaker
Hlilu arose aiuUpolteus follovvn.
"Wo are about to nUJourn now. nnd I hope
to sco every member roino back hero and go
to work , not to sccum any patllsan ml van
tage but to ociiro thu cnatlmunt nf laws
that will ii'd'jjnd to the honullt of all the
pcoplu. 'Iho ussombllnir of this UigUlatura
marKs an urn In human advancement , and
our constituents oxpcct of us Unit w o will do
our duty Ilka roui and patilots , Wo hope
and believe thai the I.UVM that will bo en
act oil bv I hi n leglslaturo will bring pcnco ,
prosperity and happiness to our bilovod
statg and servo as a landmark to thu pujplo
for nil time , Wo have passed through trj Ing
si-ones Mils week , lot us rnjolco that the
p.itleaio mid forbearance of the people have
been equal to thaoincrffcncy. I-'or the good
will and courtesy you have shown mo you
have my silicon ) thanks. " [ Applause.J
The house then adJourned till -1 a in. Mon
: t > if n.i TV/at < s H i 'jitxoit ,
A Chief i\coutlvu : Whose Boat HIM
J uvor lloan ContCHted ,
The following Circular No. 1 has been
Issunj by Hqtiattof Governor Ponrman :
ICxKCuriVK Omen. Tin nil Hot'sr , LINCOIJJ ,
Neb , , Jan , 10. Article I , section 2 , town 5 ,
north of rnngo 4.1 , vvcsl , provides among other
tiling tbal ihu sijunlter governor shall , lire-
vlousio ills inauguration , appoint certain
n'ni dim ; cnniiiliicuH , wliosii terra of ofllco
i > \ ( < ii u' ' . 11 ' /i thu t\lll \ of the appolntii'- *