Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Qotloll ) Btor/ will Boon tnnko oxton-
elvo rojmlfH to hio building nt GOT South
Tenlli Htrcot.
The olllco of HID chief of the flro do-
pnrtmont IH to bo removed from No. 3
online house to tbu police station.
The tcmnuraluro IIH ruporlcil by tlio
local BlL'iml HiTVlco olllco was IIH follows :
/U7fi. / in. , UP ; ut 10 n. m. , 27 , undat
1 p. in. ii"0 .
A. W. Squires 1ms been appointed a
rnllwny postal clerk on the Oinabii and
Ojrdon dlvlBlon , vleo Willluui .S. GalT ,
Poor CommlcHlonor Malionov'i ofllco
WIIB well patronized yesterday , the BIIUW
Btorm ili-lvlng In u Itirtfo number of ap
plicants for liulp.
John Dlilain yuslonlay took out iv per
mit to btilhl a two-Htory fninio store and
Hal at the corner of Twonty-nlnth ami
Klco HtruotH , to cost W/XK ) .
A iimi'i'liiyo lleen ( < o was KrantoiJ yes
terday to Henry lluiiiiln ioii of Omaha ,
tif { d twoaty-llvo , and In obrony Ncllson
of Oiniilia , iijjod twenty-four.
William Hall , a clerk In the railway
poBtiil Horvleo iMiiiiilnj , ' between MlHsomi
Valley and Lony I'ino , WIIB uiiitetl in
mniTliifro ThiirHiJny to MHH ! Itauiculiii
"Wychlo. " IJoth purllcs resldo In thia
The rofjular annual meeting of the
Western Art association for the election
of ollleers and board of directors for lbl ! ) ,
will bo held at the IJninjjor gallery ,
Tuesday , January lit , 1&U1 , at U o'clock
p. in.
TliofollowlnifHlilpmonts passed the cus
toms IIOUBO yesterday : Two cases of books
from I'nifruu for Itlngmnulhof Schuylor ,
two biirrelH of whiuky from Hroinon
for Charles Nobor , and three barrels of
whlfiky from Hroinon for SchaolTer.
The annual election of olllcora of the
Union stoclcyards bank wiw held Thur.s-
day with the following losult : President ,
John A. AlcShano ; " vlco president ,
Thonias Mcl'lioi-bon , formerly of the
bank of Arapnliou , and M 13. Hranuh ,
en wlii or.
Articles incorporating the I'rospcot
Hill Cemetery asbociatlon of Klkhorn
wore lilcd with the county clerk yester
day. The interested persons are "Will-
lam Hopper , IJ , A. Nolle , A. Jtlurbach ,
J. ( i. IlciinliiKtoii and Itiuuu Noyes , all
of Klkhorn city.
The Mohemian ladici , members of the
VlnHtlliiva No. IS ) , J. U. I ) . , will
their first unnivorbary ball , tills
ovealnir , January 10 , lbl ! ) , at Na
tional hall , corner Thirteenth and Will-
lams HtveotH. As usual they will ap.iro
no pains to make the entertainment a
( rnii id succohs. They cordially invite all
tholr old friends and assure to all a
pleasant evening. A supper will bo
( riven. Ticket for gentleman and liuly
Fpcclal nintikrt mid Comfort Halo
\Vo Bhall have a lot of BR1) ) COM-
FOHTS on 2d lloor at leas than cost to
lied comforts fiOc , worth 7fic.
] ! cd comforts So ! ) , worth 91. iM.
lied comforts Doc , worth Sl.fiO.
Had comforts $1.10 , worth * 1.7/5. /
Ued comforts 81.SW , worth $2.00.
bed comforts SM.fiO , worth JiUiO.
Thin is an opportunity for hotels and
board ! n f , ' IIOUKCH to lit up.
11-1 whllo "Santa Rosa" blankets
$ G.M ) . ThuBO blankets are made from a
line California wool , and nro extra nlx.o
and very cheap at S.50 ( ! a pair.
11-1 white "Santa Hita" blankets
87.00. Our blankets are all sold from
cedar bins , the best preventive against
moths. Tills blanket wo olfor tomorrow
was made by the Mission mills company
to our order during the summer , and if
bought today could not bo bold under
& 0.00 a pair.
White California blankets $8.00. Wo
Inaugurate this grand sale of blankets to
clear our surplus block. This 0 } lb Cali
fornia blanket wo offer at $8.00 ; wo
bought to sell at $10.00 a pair.
Finn colored blankets iBaOO.
These como in fawn , drab and olcclric
bluo. are an extra largo ni/o , much
used for hoiibo wrappers as well as blan
kets. Theho are blighlly damaged.
Similar blankets nro sola in the city for
$1C,00 a pair , Komembor our own are
85.00 a pair.
Ilorso blankets \Vo nro milking a
special Halo of our horse blankets. Call
and got our prlcon before purchasing
clsowhoro ; wo can nave you money.
At the MorsoDry GooilBCompany Is now
taking place. Wo ollor boys' heavy fast
black school hose , IHc a pair , sizes' ? , 7J ,
0 , 01. Inches. Heavy LYonoh ribbed
lioso , all pl/.es , sultablo for L'irls and
boys , at l5e ! a pair , loduccd from 05o
and 7Go.
lJaeger's \ Bole ngoncy , also Bomo
special good things in boys' all wool
heavy bchool hose " 5c.
Boys' knitted Scoleh caps 50c , our
own Importation , worth $1.00a piece ;
boino new styles In boys' overcoats and
knee pauta. Clothiiiff department , lirtit
Special sale tomorrow of men's ' u tutor-
ehirjls , drawers , BOX and all warm winter
goods la our men's furnishing depart
ment. It is not a qucntlon of actual
value ; wo will cut prices to cosl ; in the
eiuno wing of our store wo keen boys'
clothing , advertised elsewhere ; heavy
capo ovorcoitla to 11 yearn , $1.75 , and
Bulls at $1.1)0 ) , worth double.
l' ' ir Sale.
, A clear stock of hardware and stoves ,
Invoicing about $ ; iGOu. in the host lown
In the central part of the state. Will
take part cash and the balance In good
1 paper. Address , O. J. SMITH ,
, Grand Island , Neb.
Art Kx'/iltiltlon Upon Frre.
2 toI and 8 to 10 p. m. . today , today
I nnd tomorrow. Special sales ol
curios , antiquities and paintings , 18th
and IJarnoy.
Colib'H KxeilliiK HlolRli Ulclo.
Silas Cobb Indulged In n sleigh rldo that
WM brio ! but extremely exciting yestcruny
afternoon. In company with Miss. Purcell ,
while } driving nloiiK Hnraoy street near
Twenty-fourtn , the horses bocnino fright
ened and slnrtcd to ran. In his oJTorts to
stop the unhiml Mr. Cobb was thrown from
the sleigh and at the snaio time the brkllo
broke , leaving tlio horse to pursue liU own
frnntlocouroo. Ho crossed over to Furnam
mid toro down the street to Sixteenth , where
bo ran against n telegraph polo , throwing
Miss 1'urccll to the imvomcat. As strange
as It may seem neither of the parties sus
tallied nay injuries other than souio slight
bruises ,
A School House in DlNputo.
Robert Patrick ns attorney for the direc
tors of school district No. Kt , yesterday coin
tncncod a suit In the distinct court to recover
t > W,27 from the directors of school dlstrlc
No. 40 , In his jioiltion lie allo os that the
ilofondimUi appropriated tux money from the
1-Mty.Uilnl district to erect a school building
In district No. 40.
J. U. Buchanan , general ticket nRcnt of the
Klkhorn , rcluincd Thursday from a trip to
U o Bluck Hills.
Tlio Hock FHlntid Hrourc * n Kcstrixln-
INK Order from Julian Donnr.
Judge Doano yesterday l ucd another ro-
ttrainlng order enjoining the Union I'aclllo
railway company nnil the Otnahnft Hcpuhllcaa
Valley railway company frotp intcrforini }
Wltb the trnlllc o the Hock Islnnd comjiany
lictwccn Council lllulfa , Omaha , bouta
Umalia , Lincoln , liealilce and all Inlervca-
The application for the order wa * made
Thursdiiv. The proper p.ipoM wcro served
on the Union I'acillo ollldals yesterday at
.liicoln aad IJcalrlco last night und la
Omalm this inornlnK.
' 1'ho order hohU jjood until January If ! nnil
ostrahm the ilorondnnts from Interfering
vlth the Hock Island on all switches , side-
racks and stations.
In South Omaha thn contract readi that
ho itoel < Island Isontltltd to 11,000 , feet of
racUiii o , 'I he fieilit ) traekaj'o In Omnlm Is
ot limited , but extends to dlrcet connection
vlth the stockynrds.
The order also restrains the Union 1'nclflo
rota Interfering with the use of tracks and
mllilliiK la Lincoln and from Lincoln to the
onncetioii of tlio ( Jhlcaio , Kansas & No-
rasUa at Deutrlcc , Ineludlni ; the rail-
vay nnil appertennnt property between Lin-
oln and lleatrli'o , but excludes the yards and
opolut the latter place. In nnef , the order
leans that the Hock Islnnd , according teen
on tract , must bo pcrmltteil to run its trains
rom Council Ulna's across the bridge ,
hrouRti Omaha and Lincoln to lloatrlco.
Tlio contnict betwt'Pii tlio Hock Island and
Jnlon I'aclllo Is almost Identically the saino
s the one betwcon the Milwaukee and the
Union I'aclllc.
The Hock Islnnd made no tnovo to bring
ver any of tln'lr tnilns or to prollt In any
. ay hy the Injunction It wan Riven out hy
lie local ollk'lnb of the road that nothing
vould bo iiono before today , and even
boa no physical demonstration will bo made ,
IthoiiKh Kiino formal move tnny bo made
lie same as heretofore. This HtteiiBthens the
lelloftliatascttlcnicnt will ho nmdo between
lie presidents of the roads , and that tlio
mil solution of the existing dlfllcully lies
vith them rather than with the courts.
Adjustment \VRHIOPII
Clmlrman Mldgloy of the Western Irclght
ssocl.itlon has UsucuaclrcularglvliiRtho ro
ll Us of recent meetings to adjust rates oa
vestcrn business. As regards west-bound
atos ho says tlicro was littlu dllllculty la
nuking the necessary advances January 1 ,
nil this w.xs done both as to rates from Clil-
KO and Mississippi river points to Missouri
Ivor points proper anil to the points la the
Vans-Missouri association. la tlio matter of
aHt-botind rates tlioro was some delay and In
a few instances the new rates could not bo
nade olTectivo until January 15. This grew
urgcly out of the differunco maintained be-
.wcea tbo rates oa the various kinds of grain.
Oarly In 1SIK ) , before the cincrgcncv rates
veio adopted , the differences maintained be-
wocn rates on wheat and other fjraln from
lolnts in western Kansas and Nebraska
vcro thought to bo too great la
mmy cases , and that situation was
aggravated when the omcrpcney r.itcs
vcro put In force , because the reductions
hen made applied only to shipments of corn.
A strict conformity with the rule to approxl-
nato tbo difference la effect prior to tbo
uloptlon of the emergency tariff involved
omo lines In bcrious reductions frojn points
a Nebraska , hence the delay oxneriencod In
reconciling the conflicting views hold by man-
agors. The check In the main was oa the
> asis desired bv the Burlington & Missouri
tlvc.i. It provided for the emergency corn
rate to bo approximately the basis tor the now
atcs , and that the differentials formerly in of-
'ect should bo applied. These r.itos , ft was
decided , should go intoclToet January 15 , Ib'Jl.
Milwaukee Wafjo IVnrkur * .
Ilio engineers of the Milwaukee have
nado u domaud for nn increase of
vagns and tlio domaud la being
onsldercd bytho ofllclals. The en
gineers have been receiving $ ) .70 per 100
nilcs on eight-wheel engines and t.S.j on
on-whcelers , whllo the llrcinon have been
getting f''M on elglit-whcelera and W.-10 on
en-wheel rn lncs. Oa an average the men
vork twelve houri a day , out are not allowed
extra pay unless they work thirteen hours
md thirty-live minutes ns a minimum. The
nen's ' demand la J.'i.70 and f i.'JO rospcctfully
or engineers and , firemen for ten hour's
vork , with a corresponding increase for nil
vork over thno. Tlio St. Paul otlleials say
hero Is no danger of a st rikc and they expect
m amicable settlement.
Viva hundred agents and telegraph opera-
ors of the road have petitioned the
o restore the Ifi per coat reduction on their
vagct recently made. If this Is not done all
ivlll resign their positions.
\Varon tbo Scalpers.
John AV. Scott , assistant general pissengor
agent of the Union I'aellic , and John Francis ,
; cnenil passenger agent of tlio Burlington ,
returned yesterday from Chicago , where
hey have been attending a called meeting of
tbo Western passenger association.
One of the principal objects of the meeting
was the consideration of a plan of warfare
igalnst the scalpers. A committee , appointed
some time ago to present a plan to the meet-
ng reported in favor of the discontinuance of
nil unlimited tickets. While this plan met
with general favor the ion was not
satisfied wltti the details and recommitted
the matter for some moulllcatioas to bo re
ported at an early meeting.
The association agreed to an advance of $2
3n tbo passenger rate between Chicago and
I'oitland , making the r.ito HJ.50 , tbo saino as
from St. Louis to Portland.
Notes ami Person nix.
W. II. Heed , superintendent of the Pull
man car company , Chicago , was in the city
Thomas Tborpoof the Pennsylvania , L. S.
Sessions of the Motion and M. S. Giles of
the LaUu Shore , are among the traveling pas
senger agents In tbo cltv.
Tea men wcro let out nt the transfer In
Council llluffs Thursday. This makes a total
of seventy-llvo men , platform workers ,
clerks , etc , , discharged within the past mouth.
A dropping off of business is the cause
Eighteen now Pullman cars of the latest
pattern have been put on the Hurllngton
system. Thursday's llycr had thrco of thorn ,
one from Omaha and two from Denver. They
are llaishcd in mahogany aad satin and sup
plied with all the latest conveniences and ac
commodations known to car builders.
John Sobasthm , general passenger agent of
the Kock Island , announces the following
appointments nnd changes : C. A. Huthcr-
ford to bo city passenger agent nt Lincoln ,
Neb. : \ \ \ II. Wishnrt , to bo city ticket agent
at Wichita , Kas. , to succeed U. A. Huthcr-
ford , transferred ; Sum Charles to bo travel
ing passenger agent to succeed W , II. Wls-
hurt , promoted.
Smashed tlic Gutter.
Dr. Harrlgan took lulvnntapoof the Hin
ted supply of snow supplied by the elements
yesterday and drove down town in a line ,
now cutter. Ho hitched his horse in front of
his oftlco on Sixteenth street and ton minutes
later some careless driver ran Into the sleigli
anil demolished it. The fellow escaped be
fore Dr. Harngaa could loaru his name.
Several members of the Doatonlans are at
the Darker.
C M In Million * of nemos-
* o YUM tbo luoduu.
Each Season
Has Its own malady ; hut with the
blood inalntaliifd In n state of uniform vigor
and 1'iirlty ' , by the use ol Ayer'sSnmparllLj.
the system readily adnjits Itself tochniiRJit
conditions. Composed of tlio licstulieir.tlvcs
nnd tonlci , and living highly concentrated.
Ajcr'j Samimllla Is the most effective nnd
economical of all blood medicines.
" 1'orsome ycais , at the return of spring ,
I had serious troiilije with my kidneys. I
was nnnhlo to slecfi nights , and atilTcicd
greatly with pnlns la the small of my back.
1 was also allllctcd with hc.idachc , loss ot
nppctlte , anil Inill pstlon. Ttiesu sjfnptoms
Wcro miichworso last spring , especially the
trouble with my back. A friend persuaded
mo to use Aycr's Sarsnparllla. I begun
taking It , and my troubles all disappeared. "
Mrs. ( JuiicMii ItelaiiKcr , 21 Itrldgo at. .
Springfield , Muss.
Ayei-'s ' Sarsaparilla
DR. J. O. AVER & CO. , Lowell , MIXBB.
Bold liy L > ruKl lH. tl , lii. Worlh ( J'i
Drs.Betts Betts
pj/5lM5 / , Sif3 : { ] IH and SpjcUlists ,
Tno most wliloly and fnvornhlv known spue-
Inllsls In tlio Uriltol Stales Thc.r ion < u.- >
perk-nee , rcinnrkiihlo skill and utnvi-tmil HIK--
Ciss In thu trouliiieiit and cnriMir Nurvon- .
I'lironlc mid SnrRlcal ll-oa ) cs. cntltlo thusi
physlelans to thu full conllclpwo of
the nflllctcd nvcrj whcro. Tliev ciiurant" " !
A CKIITAIN AM ) I'Ofal I'lVi : ( Till : foi
the awlul riTcctinf onrly vice nnd the mnnoi-
ous ovlli tliul follow In Its train.
Biiccdllv. cnmnlDtpIv niul nprniiincnllv ruruil.
NKItVOUH l > l-illl : < ITV AND SMXUAI , Dli--
OUUKUS yield ro.idlly to their sldllful lieat-
pii.ns. ribrui/A AND nrcTAT , ui.cnns
Triiiirnntccd cured without pain or detention
from Imslriosq.
IIYIKOCii ) : < R AND VAIHCOCr.I.K pomin-
oiit'y ' : uid snccpssfiilly ourcd In OM'ryoiiso.
SVI'lllhlH , UUNUItnllKA , OIirT. : Spui-
iiuitoriliea , Sumltial Weaknpss Lost Mnnliood ,
Slgbt Knilnsloiis Decayed Kiteultlcs , Tomato
iVcaliiii.Hs and ull di'llp.ilu dividers peculiar
.0 ulthor sot positively cured , us wull ns all
iiiu'tlonal disorders that result from youthful
'olllcs or the nxcuss cif unit uro years ,
sTUMf'TI iKM ? Oiiiirantccd porinunon tly
J 1 1\1V I U 1ly enroll , removal coninlutc.
without cuttlni ; , caustic or dllatntlon. Curia
! lVecteil ut homo by p.itient wltlioul a mo-
iiciit's pain nr luinoyuni'c.
( \ llk'P nilP Tll ° awful nlTccts of
'V OUIXl. , UUlVb
early vk- which brliiRs
iriaiilo weakni'ss , ( loslioylne both mind und
iody. with ull Us dro dod Ills , pciniancntly
1 WIT'S ' Address those who have Im-
\Jl\J. \ liijl U paired tlienisclves by Irn-
prnpor IridiilRonco und solltaiy habits , which
ruin bolb mind nnd body , unfitting them fur
ii-lnpii. Htudv or iiinrrliiKo.
MAKKIKl ) Mior : tlnmo ontorliiB on Unit
i.ippy llfo , uwutu of iihynlanl debility , quickly
8 linscd tipon fncts. I'lrst I'rai'tlcal exporl-
'iico. Heconil K\ery case Is ipoolnlly htudled ,
IIIIH startbiK rliihl. Third medicines uro
. > ropaiid In our laboratory cxiiclly to suit
each , thus ulluctliiK cures without Injury ,
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
In. HUMriuiEYs'brKciFics nroBeletitdlcnlljrniuI
cnrcfiillv prcpnri'd iiri-strlptloiis ; uinl for many
> oarHliitirluitoirac ) tlcowltliBuccosHaiilf ( < > ro\L > r
tlilrlyyoarsUHi-ahytliorooplp. r.\ery flriKloHpo-
clllu H u euro fur thu illsrasu imniid.
TIniso hpoclllcH euro without < lriiKiliiK ; , linrB-
InKorrcducInK the BJ nlciii , nnd nro In fma nml
UST or rmvcipAt. NO ? . cuiiEi" .
I IN-vorH , CoiiKt'Httnn , lullammotlon . . .U.I
it WonnH , Warm i'uUTiirin Colic .JiS
'I Crylni CnIlrnr'lictlilnKoriiifnuta , 'i.5
4 lllurrliiMi , of Children or Ailnln . . . , U5
rt DrHPiitprii Orlplng , Unions Cullc. . . . ' , [ 5
II Cuolcru , Vomlllng . Virt
7 CouuliH , Cohl , llroiirliltln . 7.1
N Nuuritlcln. Toolhnclio , larcnilmtl
llcudiU'hcH , KIckllt-nclaclH' , Vtrllgo .V'5
10 ll > HpoiHtnUllli | > iH HtiiiriBcli . . . , 'J5
1 1 hiiuureHHudor I'nlntiil 1'crlailH. , 'JH
IVt WhlK'N , too 1'rnduo I'lrlmlH . J.'S
ii : Croup , CoiiKh , Dinii'iiItllrontliliiR . . . , 'J5
1 1 Hiilt Rliiiiiiii , Erji'irclas.llriiiitloiia. . %
1.5 ifuniiillMii , llhcunmtlc Tnins . 5
111 I'c vcr nrul A L-UO , Clilllg , Malaria . .1(1
17 I'lleH , JillnilorlllccilliiK . AO
111 Camrrli , liillucnrn , C < illlntliollcnil ( , XO
! \VUuaplnv CuiiKlii Vlolrnt Couglig. . , ! (
'J I ( Ipiicrnl lli'lilllU.rbyslCBlVrakncfcS .A <
27 KhlnpyDlNCiiHr . . . . . . < >
JS Nervous llrbmiy . 1. < U >
: il llrlniiryVriiUnpsH , WotlliiRHcil. .511
UV ! D'
Sold liy DrugKUts , or dent postpaid on receipt
OflirlCO. Nil. IIUMI-IIIIMS' JlANUAr , (141 ( H"K'H )
richly hound In elnth nnd KoHl , inalluil free.
Cor. William and John Slrccte , Mew York.
KMiLisu HKM-
EDY. An linfnll-
\ag \ cututorticm-
Innl Weakness ,
HpiTiimturrboea ,
Inipotoiicr i > nd
nil illsL'iisos llmt
follow IVB a no-
quunco of Bclf-
nlM'U [ ns I .Of > of
" " " " '
I'nln In tlie lluck , Dlmnm of Vision , l'rom tur Old
AKC , nd raiinr other diseases tlmt load to 1-nnnltj
or coniumptlon nnd n ( ironmturo frnve.
fVFull pnrtlciilam In our pnniplilct , which we do-
lira to lend free bj mail t every onu. IV'i'ho 8pc-
clllo.Mcdlclnol sold nt II per pncknu-e , or ilx pni.k-
IEU for tS , or will bo ncnt free bj uunll on receipt of
tlio money , by ndJresslnj
On account of counterfeits wo have adopted thi
rellow vfracpor , tlio on/ ! genuine ,
J. REED WHIPPLE & : CO. , Proprietors
J. UEED WHIPPLE & CO. , Proprietors.
Cooking nnd BeiTlca excelled by nnnn. Cnmpleto
n nllappolntinanti Iloit location In tlioclly.
Tno llimton Tr.iiiBcrlpt enyii " .Mr.Vlilp : > ln lin
jirlnra of landlordi , niul pntrom of rarkers" may
Innllclpnto n return t tlio need old tlmoi uf Hi
foiiniler , llnrTnyll. 1'arkiT.
Mr. WHM'l'I.K will cuiittnuo the management o
Vounu'H " ' liorctuioru.
My Tainting and I'aporlmnKlnK nuilnem , - .
Hiked IXM. linn a nt-ll rolectrd utork ot Wall
1'upcrV > I1 Muuldlnt ! ) , faints , IJriulioa , vie.
CIO S. 10th Street , Omuha.
WANTED Anenta to boll thn 1'lnloss
VV/V1N L l.i- ---C0tnea | Line : the only
line ever Invuntod tlmt holds thn clotlics wltli-
out ijltisi u perfect ucocssi patent recently
Issued ; sola only by aRoiits , to whom the ex-
olimlvo rlnlit U nl > I'll. On rvcolut of M conU wo
wlllsotul usuinplo line hy mull ! ulso flren-
lursti urh'o list und terms to njjent. Souure
yoiiriorrltory ut onco. Address THE I'lN-
I.KhS CI.OT1IFJ LI. Mi CU. . 17 Huriuiin kU ,
Worcester Maw
Is unsurpassed In the treatment of all
forms of
Strlctuic. Syphilis , Lost M.inhood , Skin Ills-
oaics nnd I'uinalu Dlsoases. Dr. JlcUruw'a
HUCCUSH In tbu truiitinuntof thoabovo Dlsuiisof
Iminuvcr borncfiuiilcd. Auiirolsirunranteoil
without the lo'.s Df an IIOIIN time , \Vrllo
fcir clruillars. I.AIIIKS , from 2 to 4 only.
Olllrc , Cor. Htli nnd Knrnani Sts. ,
Neb. I.ntrancuon cither street.
At a Bargain.
In ordnr to reduce my stock nt once ,
I will sell bomo line yearling and two-
ycar-oW hoiferd at a' great reduction ;
albo three line bulls , ono two und three
years old , nnd three cows , which are all
llnnly bred and registered. Cows and
heifers duo to calf in spring to my prize
bull , worth $1,000.00. Now is your
liino to start a line Jersey herd atii very
low price. Write for prices nt onco.
My herd has won ever two hundred
prizes in last live years.
Proprietor Jerseyvillo Stock Parm ,
1' . 0. Drawer No. 4. OMAHA , NEU.
M. D.
I'rnctlco limited to
Xcrvous System
IncliulliiK Nuurnlxln ,
I'.inily.iK lilk' ; | |
Cntnli ! | > /i lljrdoro
Kplleuy , Cnnvul-
Muns , Holniil Irill.i-
tlon , lUieumatlsm.
Chronic Alcoliollini ,
Ni'mma llciiilnchc.
Norrous I'rostrutloo
cun iunptlon nn < l nit
discuses of the lunKa
Houliis3ll |
Wonderful Remedy
I'rlco 81.00. Pint Hollies.
For Sale by leading Druggists.
Klinch Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Go.
Blnke , Bruce < & Co.
Specific for MTitrlftf Plxsineafl.Ft , Ii"teurolplft. WftkO
ulno * * , Mental Uopreiilon , Koflenliitfor thoHraln.nv .
ltinn In 1 inanity aad leadintr to mUory d cav jn I
tloMh. Premature Old Ape , Harrennrss , Los * of I'owef
laollhor ex * iMvoluntirj Losses , ami SpermstorcfctiM
cause * ! hv ovtritoi tluof iho hraln. f > eir-abu-o or
over-lndulyenco. Each IJOT contain * on j month's treat
ment. (1 atioi. or lx for O , tent br prc [ < ld.
WJth oncb order tltr itz lioi.-s. will kend jmrrbaaor
fnmrantt-a to refund ncney U Ilia treatment Taiikto
cure , uuarnnteeu lasueU andirvnujno eoltl untr br
lUOFuraamStrooU - - Omaha Nob.
' Chlphf.tor' Ennllih Diamond Tirana.
> rUnl ) ami Only Genuine.
r , lftji rrlltbu. LADIES tik t
( rglit for CMcA ( r piialltb Dta-A
ptAnJjtnntt In licit &nd CoU mrlAlllo\
boifi , urtled wltb blue rlMioo. Tnlte
nit other. Jlefutt J&ngtroui mbttitu *
lion * and imltathnt At Uruc lili.or <
to utatnp * for rirtloulari , tritlmoal&U tin !
Krlttf for I sillfii. " in letter , by ri-turn
Mull. 1U.OOO rottiuouUU. Mam * J'aptr ,
BoU ty ftU LOCK ) Uruc , 1'a.
It eanhnlone. Jf ) o\l , M.lyouiiR or olil.lmvo
any wriiknpn , JdalformullonDebllUy.Our Ax-
ioUR EWBODr' ' ' " ' " . , " ' ' " "
jiut. : AII.IHCAL , co. , jttijfdin. .v. r. , and uo
SnfTcrlnR from
the rrvct * ol
. , youthful orron
early deonr , wasting wenlmcsi , lost manliood , etc.
I will eond araluablo treiitlw ( waloili contnlnlnj
rullimrllctilan for homo cure , I'll i : I ; of clmrgu
Afjilc'iilld inodlcal orki tluiuM bo readbyoiurj
iniu > ha H nprvnut ntnl diMtllllnUM ) . Address
1'rof. V. c. I'OU'LUIt , flloodui , Conu
Ii tie lieftt madeand U told/ /
overtnliric. 'I his Is'the ' orlc-
| MH | ) .Shot. lo\\jrQof ! lull-j
latloin. IVtllltcl/ none
RunuliKi unless lUmpi-
utl tllQ soles , " , JUIHiM |
J. MEANS & CO. ,
41 llnrala Slrrtt. JISSSSs *
IllHa , Hill ,
A 1'ull Set of Touth
on Rubber , ( or
1 > 'IVK DlH.HIIS.
Apprfoct flt RiinTantoeil. „ .Teotli extracted
vithoiitunln or duiiKor. nnd wltLout iinaei-
thotlci Onltl niid isllvor Oil B at lowest
ratei Bridge nnd drown Work. Tcuth with-
nut Dliili'i. All \ vnrUwarranted. .
Entrnnco , IGth stroat elevator Upunovuu-
Kb until 8 o'clock
No other preparation
io "as good ao"
Pond's Extract.
Chemist and Assajcr.
rorinorly InChonilcnl Laboratory of the Unlo
1'uclllu Hullw.iy Coiiiiiuny ,
pcclal Attention Given to Ores ,
Waters and Oils.
uisDodge St. , Omaha , Neb
6V" HTT ? A
L Jk , _ JL _ JL _ V L JL.
The month of January , from a purely business standpoint , is far different in the present
day from that of a few years ago. Before the day of the elegant "vestibule train" which no\y (
enables the merchant to reach his market in a few short hours , the average storekeeper went t6
"the city" wherever that might be-but twice a year ; once in the early spring and once in the
early fall , each time buying goods enough to last him a full season of six months. He did little' '
replenishing of stock in those days. When anything sold out , he was "out of it , " that was all-
When the first day of January came , business came to a standstill "no use try'ing to sell any * '
thing. " He'd just get in the back end of the store by the old box stove , and sit , and soak \ \ \
heat and wait lor the customer that never came. The enterprising- merchant of to-day hag
changed all that. Instead of letting his business run him , he runs his business. He rolls up lu < J
sleeves and pitches in , determined to make January's SALES good , even if he don't "lay uj [
a cent. "
We , the afore-mentioned enterprising merchant , begin our annual January
When we will put on sale in one grand lot between five and six hundred Overcoats and Ulster
that have formerly been sold at twelve , thirteen fifty , fourteen , fifteen and even sixteen dollars
all at the one uniform price of
Splendid all wool Chinchilla Overcoats , in blue or black , in all sizes , vvith Italian , Scrgq
or Cassimere linings , with handsome fancy satin sleeve linings. Goods that are worth from t\v $
to six dollars more AT TEN DOLLARS.
Great big Heavy Chinchilla Ulsters , goods that arc right in every way , lined with splen
did plaid cassimere. Coats that have sold for five dollars more all the season. They go iq
at the TEN DOLLAR rate too.
Great big piles of Irish Frieze Ulsters in Stylish Plaids , with splendid linings , * vith ex
cellent sleeve linings ; coats that ought tt > wear a man three or four years with any decent sorl
of handling. They go in under the TEN DOLLAR banner too. k
When you take into consideration the fact that these garments at the original prices werq - * ' >
the chcipest coats sold in Omaha , you can readily understand that at the present reduced
price of TEN DOLLARS , there won't be many left at the end of the SIX DAYS which we in * '
tend to devote to tins great JANUARY OVERCOAT SALE.
i\eDrasKa uomm
Fourteenth and Douglas Streets.
We Close at 6:3O : P. M. Open Saturdays Till
WoonsookBt & Rhode Island Rubber Go
Aud wo nro their western ugonta and always carryularo. . ) : c
Address ,
Smerican Jiaflil Sewed Shoe Bo
1204 and 1206 Ilaruey Street.
Sacrifice and
Eemoval Sale
Wamean just what -wo aiy. Our micos
willtall. Our entire Rtook ( except P.itolt
PJitllnpa 4c Go's Fine Watches ) , is oil sale at
Buchsacrtftco prices , that U shoulU inbiiro
the silo of overv article.
f UR AIIT DKPAUTMENT wo are simply
selling without rojarct to cost.
Ourlllscount on Watchoi , Diamonds , Solid
Silver. Flno Jewoliv and all pooils , jnalies
the prices lower than our pooplu have over
bean able to pUTCliaso this class ol goods.
This sale will u last loiiR.
Douglas and 10th St.
x > r-t. s Ann as w si
twiri iirmi r U U.unlj. r w htft
KKLT . .4 . ) . . ! > i r > C. . IH f * . ' Jv. . . . . .
la tbret mooltai. H al d rku tut rr f.
ntntallt I ureJ
" '
5"ypSHEl.gOTBIlCO. . ie u .iUb'u.CHIf.A 'n.l' |
At $1B.OO
STILL CONTINUES. ( Taking stock this week ) . Watch
for the bargains we will offer in a few days.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Setimtron jeat > experience A r ulnr graduate In medicine , R rtlnlomu how , Is Mill trottlni irltl )
the irrratoit incceii , nil .Vervain. I'lirunln nnd 1'rlvato Dl-iouot. A permanent ciiroitiinnintoud fur Oitarrb ,
hDi'riintorrlin"i. I .oil Manhood. Foul I rial Wiukm > 5 , Nlulit Ixiiiut , liiipolonuy , Hyplilll * . rllrlclnrj , und nil Ull-
cane * uflli mood , Skin und Urinary UrKmii. N. II 1 uunrnntoo > WO foruTorjr caio I undertake niul full W
cure Cuniultatloufruo. Hue tMy torlo ot l.lfo ) unt roo. OOlcoUourSo. . ui , Ut p , la BunUyJ U
a. m. to 12 m.
' InnsnoUblatorto mr liouicwnrk for li fi-ntt ,
fi\r ll' " NUholin\Mlnnii.T JD Illvlnlunrit Iliirmlo.
N V. ' Doclotod vrltli iimnf phxnli'l'iii'i ' for fumiila
wuukUf < , und iufdniany ti'incdlui wltnuiiltcnullt i
iHixuiM.HYKllKAM ) cured mot Uni ilrunmn nvorj
du nil my i ) n work " II par l > o HI ; i\ ifo ;
AdOrr 'NKKVK HKAN CO , III 1't'AI.O , N >
Bold l ) | UuoiluiunlJrun U > lllOtnrutoi ft , Uwuua
U. uV.l (
v. . r ( n ur dlm.tav hofd b/il I
'l i rj. IleAUtllulllloiU.ted. ) .
crlpUin t | oiu. wit
i V'-V 'V'K VHllC
i wn -