Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Briofa of Important Evonta in Nebraska ,
Iowa and tbo Dakota * .
.5tnlo From ft Poor Widow's Hancli
lYhrn She Was Ponrcd Awrnjr Uy
Indiana Crimes mid Casualties
Progress and Hopes or It.
Springfield needs Jlro protection.
Blue Springs' ' uow Iron bridge la nearly
Weeping \Vatcr Methodists nro holding ro-
vlval meetings.
Near Burr In Otoo county Is a camp of In
dians who beg dally.
Over f 2,000 hai been subscribed for o Cntho-
Ho college nt Falls City.
Madlfon complains of the mail service be
tween thnt plnco and Omnha.
Ono now company nnd two old ones are
willing to harvest ice at Hnitlngs.
William Loncrijnti , on old-timer , died at
Frcinoiit , six days after his nltiotiuth birth-
Thayar county farmers sowed moro wheat
lint fall than any previous season for twenty
years ,
J. W. Worl has been appointed receiver for
Lewis hardware ana Implement company of
Loals Wcltz had Ills right hip broken by
the overturning of his carriage whllo driving
linjna from church at Green Garden , Madison
Johnson county farmers will moot shortly
to orgnnl/o a mutual homo farm Insurance
The pinning mill at Kearney , which was
burnecl , will bo rebuilt and rofltted with now
machinery ,
A committee from Perkins county went to
Denver to IntcrcJt capital In the proposed ir-
Hnstlnps citizens weighed the coal boimht
of n local dealer and found that ha had been
Bcllint : 1 ,000 for n ton.
Bentrico ministers pnssod resolutions call-
In on tlio council to icmovo show bills with
pictures of girls in abroviated skirts.
Schuylor citizens petitioned the council to
order u special election to vote & 5,000 bonds
for n water system. The election will bo held
William Davenport's house , south of
Crelnhton , was totally destroyed by firo.
Insurance in the Phojnix company covered
the loss.
. , shipped eighty-five car loads of
stoclr , hay nnd grain in December. Ship
ments would have been larger had not prices
gene down.
Blue Springs' council nsks for proposals
till February 2 for SSJOO of waterworks
bonds which run for twenty years and bear 0
per cent interest.
The Hastings gun club appointed a com
mittee to see nbout building a club house nnd
establishing permanent grounds. It wants
to locate on the driving park if it can.
Mndlson sclicol children had their vacation
extended another week on account of the
prevnlcnco of diphtheria. This wns merely a
precautionary measure as the disease seems
to have run its course.
Next Sunday the United Presbyterians of
Kearney will clcdlrato their new church.
Uov. .T. A. Duff of MIndcn will preach nt the
morning service nnd in the afternoon the
pastors of other churches la Kearney will
' Edwnrd Hiinoy of Syracuse wns elected
superintendent of the Otoo county poor farm.
Ho offered to tnko the Job for STUO n year ,
which Is flOO less than was paid last voar.
Ono of the numerous candidates was willing
to work for $550.
OiilyyiO votes were cast nt the special
election held In Norfolk on Wednesday on
the question of issuing $15,000 bonus. The
proposition was defeated , n majority voting
for the bonds , but not the requisite two-
thirds being secured.
Peter .f. Voego , n plasterer , was taken
back to Howard from Craw ford county , Iowa ,
for forging William '
WorUinmn's name to a
cheek for fMT.OO on the First National bank
there Inst month. Ho was remanded to Jail
In default of $500 ball.
Walter Herring's son , Arthur , fifteen years
old , of Hose Valley , Custor county , was
thrown to the ground and his horse fell on
him whllo herding cattlo. Ono arm was
broken nnd n shoulder dislocated. The boy
was unconscious eight hours.
WhctuMrs. Henry Illntz nwoko the ether
morning at her homo nenrTecumsoh she
found her slx-month's-oUl boy dead by her
side. Arousing her husband , no startc'd 1m- '
mediately for his mother's on horseback.
The horse slipped nnd fell on a brldgo and
Mr , Illntz' loft leg was broken.
Frank Clark , n laborer , was slugged nnd
robDod of $0.50 by two men at Seventh and O
streets in Lincoln , Wednesday , afternoon.
Ho wns found unconscious with his face cov
ered with blood. Two follows who had been
seen In his companv were arrostea. Ono
giving the nnmo of Charles II. Smith hnd
throe- watches nnd four silk handkerchiefs in
his possession.
Grand Island people are Indignant at the
low amount of bail $ r > 00 llxed in the cnso 10n
Hczckinh Bedford , who wns held for trial on
the chnrh-o of Incest. At the examination of
Bedford his wlfo nnd fourteen-year-old
daughter-tho victim testified apalnst him.
If the prisoner gets bonds it is supposed i.o
will skip , ns the penalty for the crime of
which ho Is accused Is twenty years' Impris
Hosolnml is said to bo ono of the toughest
places in Adams county. A young farmer :
living near there wont to Hasting to try to
liavo Roma of his neighbors nVrostcd for
mobbing liltn. Ho irn
was chosen stakeholder in
n horse race nnd $3 put in his hands. When
it cnina to turning the
over money the win
ner deinnmlod ? ! nnd said that amount was
lint up. When the stakeholder rofusca topnv
ho was Jumped on nnd $7 , nil the inouoy ho
hnd , taken from him.
Great curiosity was excited by a secret
council at the German Evangelical church nt
Fremont. It was attended by twenty min
isters nnd prominent lay members from dif
ferent parts of the stato. A clergyman whoso
nnmo Is withheld Is snld to have been tried
for "immoral actions towards members of his
congregation. " Commenting on It ono of the
local papers snys that a minister who gave ,
this information refused to state as to whotnor
the members referred to were rnalo or female.
It Is hinted that the accused was disciplined :
In some way.
Doon organized an Odufellows' lodge Wed
nesday night.
The State Savings bank nt DCS Molnos has
doubled Its capital to f 100,000.
The Wels paper box factory Is to bo niovod
from Burlington to Waterloo.
The Iowa Hortloulturnl society will hold
1U twonty-flf th annual meeting at the capltol
In DCS Monies January il ! and 23.
There nro.'too miles of tlio laid In Story
county. There nro also 125 windmills nnd
from twenty to ihhty flowing wells In beef
The Farmers'loan and trust company of
Sioux City will bo reorganized ns the State
Bank of Iowa , with a capital of 100,000 and
tmrpms of $300,000.
Mrs. Mary F. ICnIacnagcd ninety-six years
and sixteen days , is dcud at Burlington , of
which city she Is suld to have been the oldest
woman. She bad lived In Burlington many
years , and had been a domestic In the family
of Huv. Mr. Baird thlrty-ono yours.
Mrs. C. J. Ivos , wlfo of tlio nrosldont of the
Burlliigton , Cedur Itnpliti & Northern road.
bad a narrow escape in a runaway accident >
at Coiiar Haplds. The hor&cs attached to nta
cutter Ijceaiua unmanageable and tlirmv out
Mrs.Jvcs and the driver , who suffered only ,
Blight bruises.
City Marshal Miller nnd Deputy William *
got Into a tight on tha street In Marshall-
town. A night watchman separated them
nnd they went before the maror. whcro the
'light was renewed. Miller , who u the larger ,
wa-i knocked dawn nnd badly scarred. Both
- , , oftlccn were suspended for three months.
s Barlow ifLawronce , who hnvo boon doing
f business at Thornton on a small scale , have
bought live elevators built oy Granger &
Son along tbo line of the Mason City & Fort
Dodge rond. Tbo purchase Includes these at
\ Lohign. Vincent , Mescrvoy and Clarion ,
Possession will bo taken at ouco and Uarlow
& Lnwronco will Irnmedintoly begin buying
grain nnd cattlo.
Natural pns has boon struck In Louhn
county , near Lottsville. Four RM wclla
tmvo been struck within about a rollo of
each other , nt depths varying from 110 to
120 fcot. If the supply prouilsos to bo per
manent steps will 1)0 taken to plpo the RM
to Muscntlno nnd Columbus Junction. The
pressure nt the wells Is twelve pounds to tbo
square Inch.
Prank Shulto , head clerk for J. II. Axt &
Co. , drutf dealers nt. Fort Madison , took n ,
liinteru with him when ho went to the cellar
to < lra r sorno wood alcohol. The lluld Ig
nited nnd nn expiation followed. YOUMR
Khult's clothing wns nearly uurneil off nnd
his body from the waist down frightfully
burned. Finally nsibtnnco saved bis Ufa
and prevented a conflagration ,
The DiikmnH.
Kapld crcclc was never before known o
have as llttlo water In It as now.
Some men -havo relocated the famous
Northwestern company's ground within the
town limits of Carbonate and nro doing work
on It.
Then. & M. track wns laid to within
twenty miles of Deadwood Monday night.
Iron Is being laid at the rate of a mlle n day
nml It Is expected thnt uy February 1 trains
will run into Deadwood.
Nearly a ton nnd a quarter of powder was
used lu a blast Tuesday on the Klkhorn
grade , on Doudwoud gulch. It did very
cffoctivo work , In loosening up- thousands of
yards of rock , gravel and earth.
The Honnosn Pilot says there Is a rumor
nllont that the Ilnrncy Peak company pro
poses to nt once build a narrow guago rail
road from Hill City to Hcrmoia , and that the
surveyors are now In the Held mailing tbo
The Sioux Falls Press says an old German
has discovered that n plant cultivated in
Germany nnd used In tanning grows wild In
the vicinity of Sioux Fulls. There is talk of
n tannery nnd shoo factory iu Sioux Falls in
Machinists are overhauling the Richmond
mill with a view to starting It up In the
spring. This will greatly benefit Galena , ns
there is n largo amount of milling ere on the
dumps there that Is too low grade to pay the
expenses of snipping nnd smelting.
All the saloons In Rochford nro closed In
consequence of nn Intimation of a B. &M. de
tective thnt unless they did so tnoy would bo
prosecuted. The tracklayers' boarding cars
are still at Uochford , and it was to Insure the
sobriety of the iron gang that the action was
Ranchers In the vicinity of Vnlo and Em
pire nro seriously alarmed by the movements
of Indians In the vicinity , and the section Is
nearly depopulated of women nnd children.
The men will remain to defend themselves
from loss of property , nnd are preparing to
light If a conlllct becomes necessary.
Bank Examiner Blanchard has reported on
the condition of the sixty-five Incorporated
banks in South Dakota. Ho shows their ag
gregates for the state : Total nsssots , $ , ) ,9SO ,
yiO.UO ; cash on hand , $291,131.83 ; capital
stock paid in , $ lTCo,3SS.U5 ; surplus , $77-
( Wfi.81 ; deposits subject to check , $977,001.bO ;
certificate deposit , $703,333.53. ,
Thomas Nclco , n pioneer In the Black
Hills , was found dead in his room nt n hotel
in Deadwood on Tuesday. Ho was an old
soldier nnd suffered from rlicumatism nnd
had just implied for admission to the soldiers'
homo at Hot Springs. Nolco worked as nn
engineer and machinist , was fifty years old
and leaves a son who Is in the marine corps.
In Deadwood on Monday n blast on the B.
& M. prude throw a rock weighing over fifty
pounds about QUO hundred fcot In the nir. It
came down through the roof of a house on
Sherman street , passed through the second
nnd ground floor to the ground underneath ,
leaving a hole through the roof and floors
largo enough to put a man through. The
house Is occupied by Mr. Samuels as a boardIng -
Ing houso. A dozen people wcro In the build
ing at the time , but fortunately no one was
A poor widow with six children and an
ngcd mother lived on n ranch on the Box
Elder , twenty-five miles from Rapid City.
At the beginning of the Indian troubles they
all went to Rapid , leaving llf ty tons of hay
which the mother nnd her eldest daughter ,
fourteen years of ago , had cut nnd stacked
for their winter's supply. On returning last
Sunday for n load they failed to find enough
for a feed for their team , and found a neigh
bor In the act of hauling off their last load of
wood ,
Nebraska. Iowa and Dakota
WASHINGTON- . 9. [ Special Telegram
to Tins BF.K. ] Pensions were granted to the
following Nebraskans : Original George W.
Cooper , Nebraska City ; John P. Gordon ,
Wabash ; Jnmos W. Ilerter , Blair ; John1
Aherton , Tekamah ; Samuel H. Corlls , Vict
ory : Additional Harry B. Shepherd ,
Omaha ; Thomas Keod , Waterloo ; John
Matthews , Grand Island. Increase Alex
II. Hogers , Omaha ; Charles D. Cramer , In-
dianoln. Reissue James Mullarkev , Shel-
ton. Original widows Anna , widow of
Nathan Horn , Lincoln ; Lydia A. , widow of
Solomon Snyder , Kdgar ; Ellzaboth J. Cooper ,
former widow of J. L. Brown , Plattsmouth ;
Mary Z. , mother of Nye Thompson , Argus.
Iowa ; Origlnnl Eugcno Chilson , Octodon ;
Henry M. Grant , Horton ; Frank M. Dovol ,
deceased , Kcokulc ; Kollln IJovors , Corning ;
Arnold Cassclborry , Belle Plalno ; Reuben
Gross , Cherokee ; George W. Hosgo , East
DCS Molnes ; Levi S. Goddard , Harlan ; Will-
lam II. Hnrdman , Glcnwood ; John W. Don
nelly , Mount Auburn ; Lewis D. Brown ,
Orient. Increase Hiram Hnncr , Icon him ;
Walter Brown , Kcokuk ; Georpo M. Martin ,
West Point : William AI. Parker , Earlvlllo :
Thomas U. McCouncll , Grlswold : Edward E.
Edmunds , Dowar ; DewittC. Fields , Gaza ;
William H. Iliifffinbothnm , Sioux City ; John
McNamnra , Cresco ; Daniel L. Scnnlon ,
Akron ; Wllli.un B. Ott , Dawd's station ;
Sbelton L. Gulp , Muscatino ; Joseph A.
Savlta , Ontario ; IlitirhmanEnglo , Linovlllo ;
Luke Half nlll , Allorton ; Basil Wig
gins , Tipton ; William II. Spencer ,
Walnut ; Jonathan Scott , Border Plains ' ;
Reissue Thomas Jefferson Stnftord , is
Mollies. Reissua nnd Increase IS
Men celv , Fan Held. Original widows Mercy
A. , widow of Joshua Harrison , Nevada ;
Orvllla M , , widow of J , Nelson Lester , Cher j.
okee ; Elizabeth C. , widow of Frank M ,
Deull , Keokuk ; Caroline , widow of Waldlng
Young , Deep River.
South Dakota : Original , special act
John R. Petrlo , Tyndnll. Increase Henry
C. Spencer , Kaspor ; John McClurg , Stovor.
Mexican survivors Thomas Sicrcs , DoSmot.
Cnpturo of Counterfeiters.
DETIIOIT , Mich. , Jan. 9. Government offi
cials in this country and Canada
have nrrestcd a number of counter
feiters and secured n largo quantity
of counterfeit coin and paraphernalia lor
making the sumo. John Stlnson , William ord
James , his sons , Mr. Doodley and Thomas
Goddard were arrested near St. Clnlr Siding f ,
eighteen miles from Windsor , with n largo
amount of counterfeit United States coins ,
with moulds and tools. The oftlcors then :
came to Detroit nnd arrested Alfred Fisher
and Albert Stinson. The last two will bo
tried Jhore , the others will bo brought up
before Canadian courts.
To Nervous Juuilltatoil ] Moti
If you will soml us your address wo vvll
send you Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltnlo Belt !
and Appliances on trial , They will quickly
restore you to vigor , manhood and health.
Pamphlet free. YOI.TAIO BKLT Co. , Mai-shall ,
Alny Soil the Furs.
Judge Clarkson issued an order yesterday
afternoon granting E. S. Jeffrey & Co. per
mission to sell the attached stock of furs be
longing to Henry Elsman & Co. The petition
was granted on the ground that unless the
stock was disposed of nt this season of the
year it would have to bo carried over for an
other ooasou nt a great expense.
"I have been occasionally troubled with
coughs , and in each case have used Krowii's
HriHiuliiiil Trouiics , which have never
failed , and I must say they are second to
nouo la tbo world. " Felix A. May , cashier ,
St. Paul , Minn.
The funeral of Mr. Benjamin A. Hall ? 1'
who dlod on Thursday night , will tiiko
plnco from the family residence , 2010
California strcot , this afternoon at 2
Vho only railroad tram out of Omnlm
run expressly for the accommodntion o (
Oinnliu , Council Bluffs , Dos Molnoa and
Chicago business IB the Rock Island ves-
tlbulod llmltod , leaving Omaha at 4:30 :
p. m. dally , Tlckotofflco , 1002 Sixteenth
and Farnum sts. , Omaha.
Ho ia Crushed by a Freight Train In the
Emoltor Yards.
Disastrous jjmnalmp nt Gllmoro
lion. Joliti A. IMcSlmno About to
tlio Erection of
Dlngnlfloont llotol.
Garl Kncovlscky , a Qoaomlnn laborer cm
ployed In the retort works at the smcltor ,
was rtn over and killed by a freight train nt
10:30 : o'clock yoatcrdny morning1.
The body was terribly mangled , the head
being entirely severed from the trunk , both
lees cut oft below the Imoos , the trunk
divided almost In twain and every bono In
the body broken.
At the place of the accident a railroad
track run1 * between the roasters nnd the
retorts with a narrow passtigo way on ono
sldo of the track. Near the north end of tbo
two buildings this space widens to about
titty feet on either nldo of the track , and the
trnbic Itself ascends n sharp Rriitlo on a tres
tle , bringing the track on a level with the
upper story of the retort works.
Thorn wcro no eye witnesses of the affair ,
but the evidence of all who know anything
about the matter , and the indications In the
snow under the cars before they had been
moved , toll the story.
Zacorlscky. who , in his capacity as Inboror ,
was required to supply coke with i wheel
barrow to the retorts , went to a shod near
the roaster nnd , Inking1 a wheelbarrow ,
started for the retort , walking up the track
with the wheelbarrow in front of him. The
passage alongside the track was wlilo enough
for him to have taken that way , but ho did
not do so. Ho wns very deaf nnd
were a heavy woolen cap which
was pulled down over bis eara.
A long Union Pacific freight train wns
backing up the track , going In the same direc
tion as wns Zncovlscky , with several cars
loaded with coal for the smelter. This train
was In charge of II , L. Cassldy , who wns
standing on tlio second car from the rear of
the train , tbo first car being a coal car. In
the inldillo of the train was Brakeman Steve
Mnlonoy , nnd the engineer was M. Weir.
Before Ziiccvlscky had gone twenty feet ho
was struck by the train mid pushed nlong
several feet , whoa he fell down and was
shouod along in front of the train.
Ho screamed for help nnd his cries attracted
the attention of 13. K. McDhirmlil , a llroman
In the retort works , who rushed out and sig
nalled to the brakeman In tbo middle of the
train to stop. The train was pushed four car
lengths up the trestle before It cama to a
standstill , nnd in the meantime two cars
Waded with coal had passed over the unfortunate -
fortunate man , dragging him about , ono hun
dred feet nnd mangling him horribly.
The wheelbarrow was pushed along
In front of the train nnd wns
mashed and broken. The brakebeam of
the rear car wns splintered nnd the brake
shoo had several locks of hair on It.
Conductor Cassldy stated to a reporter for
TIIK BIB : that ho was standing on top of the
first box car from the rear of the tram , look
ing'tho direction the train was going , but did
not see the victim.
/Caccviscky was about forty-five years old ,
nnd lived with his wife In the vi
cinity of Boyd's packing house.
As far as could bo learned they have
no small children , but have a married daugh
ter living soinawhoro in Kansas. Ho had
been employed nt the smelter about two
The coroner wns called ana dlreuted the re
mains to bo removed to Burkot's undertak
ing rooms , whcra an inquest will bo hold at
10 a. in. today.
J. A. M1 SHANE'S li
Will lie Shown In tlio Kreotion of n
ninRtiillcont lintel.
Walker & Best , the architects , have nt last
completed the plans and specitlcatlons for the
now McSlmno hotel , that will bo erected on
the corner of Fifteenth and Harnoy streets
this season.
From a glance It can bo seen that the build
ing will not only bo ono of the
finest In the city. bjit ono of the most com
plete hotel buildings in the country. It will
lo ) 133 foot square , seven stories high with a
high basement. The first , and second stories
will bo of granlto and the others of pressed
in construction it will bo something lilto
the New York Lifo building , with
an nrea way from the first story.
The basement will bo used for storage pur
poses ; tbo first story for offices , Including
the hotel otllco , billiard rooms and ticket ofll-
ces. The second floor will be occupied by
the hotel parlors and rooms on suito. The
third , fourth , fifth nnd sixth floors will con
tain the sleeping apartments , of which
there will bo ! 200. On the top floor
the kitchen and dining rooms will bo located ,
to bo reached by double elevators running
from the basement.
The finishing will bo In raarblo nnd hard
wood , the whole building being absolutely
flro-proof. The affair will bo a thing of
beauty , ns the floors will bo of tiled marble ,
with a grand staircase reaching to tbo second
The cost of the structure will bo something
In excess of $750,000 , nnd work upon the
foundation will begin as soon as the contract
is lot , which will bo the last of this month.
It Results in n Disastrous Sinnsli Up
at Gllinorc.
An emigrant wagon containing a young
woman and three boys wns struck by a Unioa
I'aciUo passenger train at Ullmoro at 0:15 :
o'clock Thursday evening with somewhat
disastrous results.
Two emigrant wagons , owned by John
O'Dell , were waiting for a freight train ,
which blocked the crossing , to pull out. As
the train left , Mr. O'Doll ' , who was In the
front wagon , drove across the track and dis
covered the approaching passenger train.
His three boys and a daughter were In the
roar wagon nnd Mr. O'Dcll ' called to thorn to
stop. The boy who was driving says
ho saw the approaching train nna heard
the engine bell ringing , but thought
ho could get across of it. Ho mudo a
mistake. The engine struck the wagon nnd
completely demolished it , throwing Its oc
cupants into the ditch. The boys , with boys'
proverbial luck , escaped unhurt , but Miss
Mary O'Dell , the younc lady , struck on her
face nnd was severely brused. Dr. Gnlbrnlth ,
the Union Pncillo physician , attended her ,
Mr. O'Dell was moving with his family from
Florence to Nebraska City , Ills team wns
not hurt.
"Now is the winter of our discontent mndo
glorious summer" by Aycr's Sarsnparilln.
This wonderful medicine so Invigorates the
system nnd enriches the blood that
cold wcathor becomes positively enjoyable ,
Arctic explorers would do well to muko a
note of this ,
Aurcoahlo Surprise.
John Foster caused the arrest of Bella
Brandon , Larry Casey nnd Jor'ry Canan ,
whom bo accused of robbing him
of f 100. The prisoners were searched with
out llndlng a trace of tbo money , and Chief
Detective Haze then concluded to search the
complainant , who said the money had been
stolen from his shoo. Ho was positive that tbo
money wns gene and was as much surprised
as anyone when the missing bills were found
where ho had put them. Ho was drunk
when ho made up his mind that ho had been
robbed , nnd had put on bis shoo fn his excite
ment without discovery that bis roll wan
still there.
The Dramlon woman was discharged , and
the other two defendants were Jicld us vag
rants. '
Bo sure- and use Mr * Wlnslow's ' Soothing
Syrup for your children xvbllo teething , 25
cents a bottlo.
The Iiluonsn Hoard.
The board of fire and police commissioners
mot yesterday as a Hcouso board and granted
licenses to the following saloonkoaporo :
Fritz Muollur , 17M ; Vlntort street ; A. Rob
inson , 1201 Douglas street ; Charles Nobor ' ,
123 North Tenth street ; U. U. Grotto , 1020 ,
10 i nnd NW4 Farnam street ; Amos Jos tor > ,
.153 Leavoiworth street ; J , C. McMabon ,
Faruam street ; Matt Heulaod , 1318
Loavonvrorth street $ lrs. I'ctar Uculantl ,
80Ti North Sixteenth street ; John A.
Tuthlll , 1513 FM'tmm strcot ; Rich
ard Wlldo. 1134Farnam strcot ;
Edward \Vlttljr \ , H1G Farnam street ; J , H.
Burgess , 1409 Douglas street ; Nat llrown ,
inni Farnam street ; > l > i H. ISrccti , 1513 How-
nrd street ; P. O. Ha on , 1335 North Twen
ty-fourth street ; Martin Hcndnckson , Soli )
Cjumlng street ; Edrab Hothery , J ! l South
Eleventh street ; A. .Spleolu. ! Mi2 and 8021
Ginning street ; Michael wnlcni , 1330 IMorco
street ; Illgglns Vnte ? , llui Farnam street ;
Henry Anderson. 724 Boutb Sixteenth street ;
.Tames II. Borland UUSoutli Sixteenth street ;
Christian Christoftursen , 414 South Tenth
strcot ; Anton F , i'okcfny , 1301 South Thir
teenth strcot ; Charles L. Hill , 1201 South
Eleventh street ; Mathlns New , S03 South
Thirteenth street ; KosulaKopald , (52-J ( South
Tenth strcot ; Charles Mores , v 3 South Elev
enth street ; James O'Conncll , 113 South
Tenth street ; Jmnos Harold , 2103 Leaven-
worth street ; Una Jonas , 314 South Tenth
street : Henry J , Paulson , 001 Jackson street j
tleorpo Slob , 510 North Sixteenth street.
C5o There was n vigorous protest In the case
of Henry Hohlu , who proposes to open a
saloon nt tbo southeast corner of Twenty-
third nnd Lcavonworth streets. Severn !
prominent property owners who llvo In the
immediate neighborhood appeared before the
board nud stated that they objected to the
opening of a saloon nt that place for the rea
son thut they have families of children who
are likely to bo corrupted by the presence of
the saloon , and for the reason nho that school
children who have to pass tbo door of the
place where thn saloon is to bo opened will bo
exposed to vile Influences.
The board nlso heard the 'protest In the
case of Strnthmnn & McCormlck ,
who wish to open n saloon nt l > 15
.Inckson strcot , Tlio witness stated that
these men had boon selling beer on Sunday
tlv on last election day. Ono colored woman
who lives next door to the saloon created
quite 1 a sensation nnd a vast amount of merri
ment in the session by relating nor export-
once ns a purchaser of beer nt the snloon In
question during the past year. Several other
protest cases were taken up and will bo con
sldcred at executive session.
Kldnry anil Itlnddrr Troubles
Are promptly cured by the
Famous tonic nnd diuretic
Waters of Excelsior Springs , Mo.
Mon'n UmlcrsrilrlH , Hoys' Clothing ,
On our first floor , in Fnrnnm street
wing , tomorrow wo shall offer odds and
ends men's undershirts and drawers ,
worth double ; 42c.
Sealskin caps , very best quality , fjonu-
Ino London dvod , worth $15.00 to JliO.OO ;
Boys' capo overcoats , slzo 4 to 14 years ,
worth $4.00 ; at $1.75 ; Morse's tomorrow.
Boys' extra heavy overcoats , nil sizes ,
worth S5.00 to $0.00 at $2.75 Morse's to
morrow. Boys' warm suits ronlly worth
$3.00 for $1.90 , Morso's tomorrow. Bur-
gum boys' knee pants worth $1.00 , down
to C'Jc. Our ontivo stock of boys' nnd
children's winter clothing and men's
underwear will bo sold out regardless of
actual value.
Tlirouph coaches Pullman palnco
Bloopers , dining cars , free reclining chair
cars to Chicago nnd intervening points
via the great Itoclc Island route. Ticket
olllco 1002 , Sixteenth and Furnam.
George Whitloclc , * n painter In the Union
Pacific shops , died 'Wednesday morning nt
his late residence , 31111'lnknoy street. Tbo
funeral was held yesterday afternoon at 3
o'clock from the housa Interment at ijrospoot
Constance Geraldlita , the ten-months-old
daughter o ! Mr. nnd Mrs. E. L. Palmer , died
Thursday evening at their nome , 320:3 : Popple-
ton avenue. The remains will bo forwarded to
Nebraska City for Interment.
Benjamin A. Hall , one of the oldest citi
zens of Omaha , died Thursday night at his
residence , iilOO California street , ngcd eichty-
four Yuan. Only a' few weeks niro'Matthow '
C. Wilbor , another old and well known resi
dent , nnd son-in-law of the do-
censed , died nt the residence of Mr. Hall.
The deceased carao to Omaha In lb5S from
Now Lebanon , Columbia county , N. Y. , and
engaged in the livery business with his son-
in-law , M. C. "Wilbur. During the grc.itor
part of his life in this city until ho retired
from active llfo n few years ago ho was engaged -
gaged in the livery and stock business. He
leaves a wife and ono daughter , Mrs. M. C.
Wllber. Mrs. Hall comes of n long lived
family , her mother , Mrs. Douglas ,
having died two years ago nt
the advanced ago of 103 years.
Shortly before her death , nt a family gather
ing at the Hull household , flvo generations
were assembled under ono roof. The time of
the funeral has not yet been announce ! ! .
The Infant daughter of Mr , and Mrs. E , F.
Rutherford died at their homo , 3029 Burdotto
street , Thursday and was burled at Forest
Lawn yesterday afternoon.
Story of a Woman Who Lived Near
the Hncl hands.
"My husband was scalped by the Indians , "
was n preface to n story told by Mrs. Robert
Burke to PoorCommisstonerMahonoy yester
day morning , whom she asked for transport
atlon to TOpcka , Kan.
Mrs , Burke appears to bo In very destitute
circumstances nnd has a daughter fourteen
years of ago with her who has barely clothing
enough to cover her.
The two sat in tbo union depot all night
Mrs. Burko's story is that about six
months ago her husband was killed
and scalped by the Indians up In tbo bad
lands in South Dakota. She was left in a
destitute condition and , having relatives at
Tope'ia , Kan , , started for that place.
She says that her llttlo homo was
destroyed by the savages and that
she and her daughter escaped with only
the clothing they wcro wearing at the time.
The commissioners furnished them with
transportation to Topeka.
The row whicn Is said to bo existing In the
ranks of the Bostonlans proves to bo , llko :
many other rumors , wholly untrue.
As will bo soon in Tun BEE'S telegraphic
columns It is alleged that Mr. Ferdin and
Schuetz , the now tenor of the Bostonlans , and
Mr. W. H. McDonald , ono of tno managers of
the organization , had hot words in Sioux
City Wednesday over n criticism in a Sioux
City paper reflecting on Mr. Schuotz's
Mr. McDonald characterizes the report as
unworthy of credonco.nnd as for Mr.Sch.uetz ,
ho denies In oxtonsoinnt the meeting took
placo. .
In speaking of tlia affair Mr , Schuetz
stated that his reputation abroad was sufll-
cicnt guarantee that ) ho could sing all the
roles required of him , Jjjitho spolio the En
glish language with considerable of nn ac
cent , as until two yeWago ho had no thought
of learning tbo language. Ho was in Omaha
with the Marie GcljUngor company , whoso
work Is still romomWred by many theater
goers , nnd It was through the medium of that (
company that uomn < ] ahu ; debut on American
" Ho
Thursday nftornoou a newsboy was hawkIng -
Ing TUB HKE extra In.tjlio rotunda of the Now
York llfo building. A party , well dressed
man , attracted by the uolso the boy was mak
ing , stepped up and said :
"What's ' the matter now , sonnyl"
'They bad a scrap down at Llnkun , " was
the prom mt : rejoinder , "Havo a paper ! "
"Who do you roeanl"
g"Why , thorn Ulanco fullers , and ono of "era
got slugged to beat h 1. Hero's your BBES
all about the scrap ! "
For nornngcmeiitH or tlio Urnla
UHO Hornliml's Acltl PliDsplintc.
Dr. O. P. IlouUter , Augusta , Mo. , says :
"In functional derangements of tbo brain
and nervous system , I nave prescribed It with
gratifying results. "
The now ofllcos ot tno Oront Rock
Island route , lu'OU Sixteenth and Farnam ,
Btroota , Onmlw , are tliollnoat in the city.
Cull and see thorn. Tickets to all points
east at lowoat rates.
Ho lias n ItorrcsliliiRly Urlelnnl Way
nP I'oNlitiK Thorn.
The war nt Lincoln dooj not trouble the
plumbing inspector hnlf so much as the faot
that his books will not halnnco with these in
the office of the comptroller.
It leaked out sotno tlmo upo that the major's
books did not shoxr the exact statemontof the
cash receipts of the oftlce , buttho comptroller
thinking that everything was In proper shape
failed to check up nnd strike n balance.
There Is an ordinance In force lu the city
providing that when a house Is erected , If
tbcro U any plumbing to go in , the plans and
spec-mentions for the same shall bo turned
over to the plumbing inspector for his inspec
tion nnd approval. For doing this
ho Is entitled to charge n
fee. and on the first of the
following month the foes pass Into the city
treasury , by way of the comptroller , who
receives n duplicate receipt from the plumbIng -
Ing inspector un each inspection ,
Several wcoks ago the duplicate receipts
failed to put In nn nppo.iranco at the comp
troller's ofllco , nud upon nn Investigation it
develops that wbllo the stubs In the Inspec
tor's book nro properly filled out , there iiro
any number of duplicates thnt have never
shown up.
On Soptcmbor 1 Froolnnd & Loomls com
menced the erection of the threo-story addi
tion to the Continental block and had It well
under way when the Inspector appeared upon
the scene nnd after explaining bis ofllclal po
sition the Inspector wns shown the plans and
specifications , .After nn examination ho de
manded a fco of $10 winch was palj on tno
spot nnd a receipt given.
No place In the major's books does the city
have nny credit for this amount , nor docs
Comptiollor Ooodrlch Imvo nuy document In
his ofllco to show that ho contributed the sum
toward the support of the city.
On October 7 S. J. Bodden , bookkeeper In
the . Omnhn National bank , mot tie ] plumbing
inspector. Hodden was building n cottage ,
and after the inspection was mndo bo re
ceived a letter from the major asking for tbo
rcmittmico of $1.50 as an inspection fco. In
duo time a receipt properly signed reached
Mr. Boildon , but nothing in the inspector's
ofllco shows thnt ho ever had the money ,
though his nnnio attached to the receipt in-
dlcatci that ho got it , as docs the check that
ha had cashed ut the bank.
On September 1 Leo Buroch , who was
erecting a dwelling tor Frank Swoboda , met
the major who , after explaining thnt ho was
a city oWclal and In what capacity ho served ,
demanded S2.f > 0. Burooh asked why the demand -
mand was made mm was Informed thnt it was
for the Inspection of plumbing. The money
was paid nud a receipt taken , out nothing In
the Inspector's ofllco shows that the money
over passed through his hands.
The McCncuo building nt Fifteenth nnd
Dodge streets was inspected in the early part
of November ; T. Sinliold's ' building on No
vember 14 , and John L. Wilkio's uulldlng on
the 1 1 th of the same month , but not n scratch
of a pen In the ofllco shows that McCaguo
paid fir.50 and Wllttlo 3.50 , though
the parties all hold receipts bearing the
maor'H ] familiar autograph.
A few days ago a call was mndo at the in
spector's olllco and in response to the ques
tion ns to whether or not the foregoing
amounts hnd been paid , the major ropllcd :
"Certainly , nnd I have the vouchers hero. "
Ho then began a search through u lot of en
velopes , hut falling to find nny record , stated
Mint the plans and specifications hnd not been
returned , but wns positive that the amounts
had nil been settled.
Thursdav a second visit was paid the inspector
specter , with n request to examine bis books.
The gentleman arose with his usual dignity
nnd said , "with pleasure ; I am glad to ac
commodate the public. "
In conjunction with the major the ex
amination was made , but as none
of the nbovo amounts wcro
found credited to the city ,
the inspector settled back lu his chair and In
a confidential manner said : "I will tell vou
how this is. There are my books. They do
not show the payment of any of the amounts ,
but I will explain how it is. When I am out
In the city I frequently meet men who nro
owing inspection fees , and when they pay mo
I give them my personal receipt , intending to
credit the amount to the city when I reach
the ofllco , but in thcso instances tbo matter
of crediting must have slipped my memory. "
Almost with the same breath the major
switched off and said : "This trouble all
comes about on account of an inspector , John
Bolan , who was discharged about the first of
lost December. As you know , i keep a record
of my Inspections on these envelopes
and when tbo foes nro paid
I mark tbo date of payment
and the amount on the face of ; a slip and then
when I got tlmo I make the entry in my
book , sending n receipt to the owner of the
buildinp , the dunlicatnto the comptroller and
the original is retained in my olllco.
"Dolun was mad nt mo and I know that ho
took this course to malco mo trouble. Ilocamo
to the oOlcu and deliberately stole these
records , hoping to show mo up ns an cmboz- '
zler. I have Known this for some tlmo , nnd
as ho had access to myofllce , what surprises
mo is that ho did not do moro of this dirty
work wbilo ho had n chance. "
For some time the major vented his wrath
upon poor Bolan , nnd then quieting down ,
said : "I will straighten this all out , ns I am
nt work on my annual statement nt this mo
ment , and If there Is any shortage I propose
to make it good , as I know the money has
been paid. "
Comptroller Goodrich , in spcaidngupon the
subjcctof the plumbing inspector's fees , said :
"I have boon trying lor some tima to get a
chnnco to check up and settle with the major ,
but each time on the first of tbo month ho
pleads that ho is very busy and thus the mat
ter goes over. Yesterday I got a look at bis
books and chocked up for September , Octo
ber and November , and In no place does his
books show that any money was paid him by
Frceland & Loomis , S. J. Boaden , Franlc
Swoboda , John L. Wllkle , Siuhold or Mc
"When these fees nro paid to him ho should
at ouco send mo n duplicate receipt , but in
these cases ho has absolutely failed to comply
with the ordinances governing bis olllco.
"I spoke to him about these fees being
short and ho said they had been paid but had
boon overlooked.
"In one place in his receipt book there Is a
place where eight receipts and the same num
ber of duplicates nro torn out without any
record appearing upon the stubs.
"I have no doubt about bis honesty , but I
confess ho has n peculiar style of conducting
the affairs of his ofllco. "
llcwUdors tlio French Ooctors.
1'Aius , Jon. 0. The committee of French
physicians appointed to Inquire into the Koch
system of Inoculation as a euro for consump
tion reported today that the remedy was be
wildering to the cleverest physicians and that
It would bo better to await furtherperfectlng
of the system before adopting it.
1-Alt.UlUAVltS ,
I. F. Craig of Bostoa is at the Mlllard.
L. A. Darrlngtoa of Chadroa Is at the
Judge Crawford of West Point Is nt tbo
C. D. Platt of Fort Dodge , la. , is at the
C. G. Whlpplo of Chicago Is In the city , at
the Casoy.
W. n. Taylor of Toledo , O. , Is nt the
F. S. Henry of Now York ls registered at
the Paxton.
F. C. Marshall of Chicago was at the Mur
ray last night.
John S. Barney of Now York is registered
nt the Mlllard.
George D. Cord of Colrldgo Is in the city ,
at the Paxton ,
John Campbell of Auburn Is In the city , at
the Merchants.
John A. MacMurpuy of Dubuque , la. , U at
tha Merchants ,
Charles Lane of Grand Island was nt tbo
Casey last night.
W. C. Phltlpps of Kansas City was nt the
Millard lust night.
Dr. George Dillard of Rod Cloud Is in the
clty.-nttho Murray.
P. A , Harris of Curtis was In the city last
night , nt the Murray.
John Mover of Dayton , O. , was at the
Merchants last night.
F. L. Taylor of St. Louis was In the city
last night , ut the Paxton.
H. J. Hough of Dos Molncs , la. , was In the
city lost night , ut the Casey.
Mr. 0. M. Darrow of Darrow it Logan
lott yesterday afternoon for Glovcrsvliln ,
H. H. O'Mcaraof Cedar Ilaplds , la. , is at
the Mlllard , Mr , O'Moara ' is traveling
freight agent for the Chicago , Milwaukee &
i St , Paul.
An Iowa Youth I jo nr n u Something of
n Confidence Gaiui ; .
Itosolnud Goslon of Davis county , Iowa , Is
n young farmer who teen his ilrst lesson In
the confidence man's game yesterday morn
ing on the way to Omaha. Young Gnston
was socking work nnd bo was not ashamed
to lot people know It , Ha unbosomed the
bunion nml nmbltlon of his llfo to the newsboy -
boy on the train ana found consolation nnd
ndvlco immediately. The newsboy nsked
GaMon If ho would t ko n job on the road as
train boy , Gnston was only too nnxlous
to jump into something , nnd rupllod that ho
would. Tlio newsboy Informed CSaston that
ho would hnvo lo pay J."i to get the Job.
Gaston had but ? Jam ! a silver watch. The
newsboy ngrocd to tuko the W nnd the watch
nnd pot Giwton thu situation. The money
and the wntch wore dellvorod , nnd ns the
train pulled Into Om.iha the newsboy disap
peared ho had successfully worked his vio-
tlinon tlioi-onllJonco plan. Young Uaston
reported the matter to Officers Fleming and
Nlrzard nt the depot , and they searched the
train , but failed to Hnd thn newsboy. Ho was
arrested at Lincoln two hours later on the
snmu train. Ho will ho brought to Omaha
and prosecuted.
AV1I1 Not Give Out News.
NEW Youtc , Jan 0. As the sub-committee
of the advisory board of western railroads
will not bo ready to report today , the full
board will not hold their meeting until
tomorrow morning. It Is announced that no
information ns to the procecdlncs of the com
mittee will bo given until adjournment for
the day is taken , if then.
With Double Wire Suspensory.
PATEHTED AUG. 16,1887. , IHPMED IDLY 29,1890 , ,
VANio"iioiY : _ - IIHI.TANDSUH-
PKNSOIIY will euro nil llliou
mntlcComplalnW I.umbnRO. ( Inn
crnl nnd Nerroua IJiiblllty.CostlTO-
11089 , Kill nor Dlseiu.08. Nory.
ousncns , Trorab- Unit , Sexual Kx-
liuiistlon , Wiwt- ItiROf body , 1)19-
ensoa cnusod by Indiscretions In
YOIHU.ABO.MUT- . - - rlcd or SlncU
Llfo. Snspcniory.
Also an Klcctrlo Truss nml 1 Jolt Combined.
BondSc. postBKO for rHEB lllnslrntcd book. 224
rnKos , which will bo sent you In plnln sealed envoi-
opu. Montlou tills paper. Address
Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Go , ,
3O6 N , Broadway , St. Louis , Mo.
826 Broadway , New York City.
A Day.
Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda
Mr. Henry M. Stanley's '
article upon "The Pigmies of
the Great African Forest , "
appears in the January Num-
of Scribner's. 25 cents.
A POSITIVE andparmanent CURE for all
diseasesofiho URINARY ORGANS. Cures
where other Ireatmontlalls. Full directions with each
bottle. Price , one dollar. See signature o ) E , U
STAHL For Solo By All Druggists.
I'osltlvrly cured
' by
these Mltla Mils.
They also rolttno His-
tress from Dj-jpcpsla , In
ITTU digestion nnd Too Hearty
Eatlnp. A perfect rein1
cdy for Dlizlncss , Nausea ,
Drowsiness , Had Taste
In Uio Mouth , coated
ToiiK'ie ' , rain In thoSldo ,
rcgulato tlio Bowels. Purely Veectnblo.
Tor Improved mill
oconoinlo cooki'ry ,
LiBbij UHU It for AUIIJIN ,
A' in < ( and Jlmln
Illxhi'n. Idatiio ,
Fish , ote.l 1 ho pur-
c f inunt prvparn-
' lion. Contains no
COfffl'S lidded salt III
chi'iipor nnd of llnor
llinnr tlitvn utijr
IJno pniliid r < | ltnl
to forty poiitula of
lean hfotut tlia vnl-
OF m. uuuf alumt ! TW.
Oonulnconly with
37 mwi :
Thursday , Jan. 8. | Satur ytmo0.
In the folio wing repertoire :
Thursday Kvcnlng , ' 'llnliln Ifiinit. "
1'rlday Uvuiilng. "On'Mii'ti. "
Saturday Mntlnco. "Itotiln itiioil. "
Saturday livening , "Hum-tic. "
Chorus of 40. Orchestra of 20
Fa'o ' of scats opens Wednesday morning a
0 o'clocic ,
% * Sunday. January 11. * *
A Cyclonic Disturber of Illslbllltloa.
Comedy Company
UuilertlioMnnncementor Mil rilAIU.KSK. IUCI3 ,
wlllConviil'n Aiiilleiicoi with iJiuillilor lu
Tliolr Uproarious Comicality t > r
llil4C.USOK ,
A Symphony In Laughs.
Barney TorguBoa as Daunis MoOarthy ,
Usual Prices.
Saturday and Sunday , Januray 10 imd 11.
Opening With a Saturday Matiuoe.
Great Dude Ton's
A pnrk of fnroclous hlnoil hounds , S onmlrnl Marki
_ ' , bent Undo Tom over coon , llinfiinnloitof Topiys ,
Wiilt form , wonrooomltnc , nteh tiir Kvii nml lici
pet r ny. win oh for MnrkR nnJ hlailonkcy , wiilch foi
tliu llooil Imunils , wutch for Uio bnml nnd pnrmlo.
Tlio Inat Undo Tom Company tlmt will visit Onulu
thli teason
Iteserrcil ncnts , 22o , 35c nnd Wo. Halo upani Snt-
unlay inornltiK.
Monday , Jan. 12
Under Uio ManaRcmont of Kilnln II. I'rlco.
Saloofscnts begins Saturday morning nt 9 o'clocic
Will Lawlor , Manager. Oor. llth and Fnrnura
That Illu.MlHto irl Ulrl. I'rotty Kiln Kwlnx , 8 foot
tall , IB years old , wulglii 23. potindi.
A Fntlrlcalhltof tlio < lnr , Introducing tlio fnnnloil
tpuclitlllca of tlio iliijr. Kun , Wit , Murrlmcnt.
"SANATIVO. " tha
Wonderful bpnnWi
Hcinrtly , U nolil with a
to cure all Ncnoim uii.
cose * , luch ai Wcnk
Memory , Ixisa of Ilrnla
1'owor , Headache ,
IVulu'fiilncfS , Lost Man-
liood , NcrvomncKH , las-
( Ituilc , oil dralufl and
Before & After Uso. Inn of power of Urn
Photographed from life. ( ioncrutUo Orraua , In
cither tcx. cmihcil Lj
orcr ficrtlon , youthful indcMrotlonf , or the rxcf h
uio of tobaccn , opium , or rtlmulanta. wiiltn jliimuttlr
lead to Infirmity , Cousiiinptloa nml Insanity. J'lu "i
In convenient form to rarry In the vctt pocket. 1'rlco
SI a package , or for * 5. With every IJ onler wo irlvo
a \vrlttoa ciinrantooto euro or refund Uio
innnny. Bent by mall to any addrcea. Circular free.
Mention this piper. Address.
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Ofllco forU. B. A.
417 IVirborn KtrA CHICAOO. ILL ,
Kuhn & Co. , Cor , ISth A DoiiKlm Ktx.
i. A. Fuller & Co. , Cor , 14th & DouulaiSU.
A , D. 1'Odtcr A Co. , Counul Dluffn , la.
rww < w w vjw\fr4w * * * w vwvf
Tea and coffee cheer but do not nourish. They even
leave an injurious effect upon the nervous system. Indeed
there is no beverage like
I9 <
It stimulates and nourishes as none other , leaves no bad
effects and is a flesh-former of the most approved type.
nrVAN IIOCTiN'l COCOA , ( "oneo triedalways nml" ) . Tlio.lrnncrmny tnko
It with pleasure nnd Iliavciik with Impunity. Tha cxelltnic rfTucU "t ton
itiid ciiffoo nroobvtntvil ly lt ateudy uiofiuiit uvrToua dl < irilertiiir r
lleved and provxntnd. Ilullclnui tu the t * to. " I.umtut ule 111 the world. "
5Vv ,
VRfti .
Cure * nil ( UnnrdirH or thn htoiunoh , Idvcr , Ituwnl' , IClilnoya , llln < ldnrN rv-
ous IMnnaNOH , IJOHS of AppullKt , lloiulnuhr , Cnnxtlpntlnn , < yoitlvoiiin4 , liulliri'1-
tlou , IltlliniHiiRHs , FOTIT , 1'lloH , Kto. , mill ruiulitrs tint wyatoiu lon llublo to 0011-
traot illaunMO.
ItADWAY'S PILLS are a cum for tills complaint. Tlmy tuna up thn Internal Hccrutlrms to
healthy action , restore strength to the stuniuuli , mill onublu It to mirforni lt f unutloii I
. I'rlco 25o n hoi. Bola by till Urugiljts , or mulluU Uy HAD WAY fc OO. , W Wiirrou Street , Nu
York , on. locolptot prlca.