8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; , FRIDAY , JANUARY 0 , 1801. ' 4V THE CITY , There will bo nn Important mooting ot tlio Sixth ward republican club this evening , Two ciiscc of books from Ilninburfr , for Shonflcltl , IIUHSCI ! through the custom hotiHo yustcrduy. The tcmiioraturo as reported by tlio local slpntil Bcrvlco olllco was IIH follows : At 7 n. in. , 21 ° ; tit 10 a. m. , 20s , nhd ut 1 p. m .KO0. The only btilldlnp permit issued yes terday was for Arthur Walsh , wlto vlll erect a one-story framodwollltitf ut Nine teenth street and Coatcs tivunuo to cost 8000. 8000.Tho The comptroller's ofllco waq ycstordity by nnrtlcfl after warrants for clnlins allo od at thu council meeting on Monday night. They were tils- appointed , as the mayor has not yet signed tbo appropriation ordinance ) . Collector Alexander has taken up. quartern in tbo room on the third lloor of the government build Ing formerly oc cupied by Ilio postal Inspector , and will tiso it IIH a private olllco. The clerks of tbo olllco will occupy tlio old room , and tbo bulk of tbo business of tbo olllco will bo transacted there. In honor of the Misses Vigil of St. Joseph , Mo. , Mrs. T. J. Foley RIIVO u re ception Wednesday at her homo , 2U18 Douglas street. Tbo company numbered about seventy and wore pleasantly enter tained by music and dancing. A sump tuous lunohron wim served at 12I0. ; ! The Misses Vigil will carry pleasant recol lections of the occasion with them to their homo , and llioy themselves will bo vloiisnntly rommoburcd by the guests. Cure for Croup Use Dr. Thomas' electric oil according to directions. It is the best remedy lor nil sudden nttneks of colds , pain and inllnmiiiiition nnd Injuries. Kml > rnUI ry Sale. Don't mif-s this silc : ; you will find em broideries mid torchon luces exactly as cheap us advertibed. A thousand pieces torchon lace lOo , 15e , 20c , 2uc , worth double , all real linen , hand tnndo. Wo luivo lots o ( King's millings from 2o up , just hulf price ; embroidering at le ( ) , lee , iMc , GOonnd 7oe , worth three to four times that much ; 2d lloor , llitli street front. front.SWISS SWISS EDGINGS. 40 different patterns up to 3j inches wide lOc , worth 17jc. CO different puttorns Ific , worth 20c and 2oc. 8 ! ) dilferent patterns up to 4 inches wide 2" > c , worth up to Wo. 20 different patterns 157 0 , worth 50c. 10 dllTcront patterns 48e , worth GOe to 2-1-iNCII NAINSOOK FLOUNCINGS. 2-1 inches \vido , " . ! ) ( . , worth GOc. 20 pieces , -lc ! ) , worth 7."e. 10 pieces , CDC , worth ! )0c. ) CO pieces , DSo , worth $1.25 to S1.G5. 40 pieces , $1.2o , worth $1.76. 26 pieces , $1.-I7 , worth $2.23. 45-INCH NAINSOOK FLOUNCING. C pieces , OPc , worth $1.35 to $1.50. 10 pieces , Sl.oT , worth 81.05 to $1.85. 5 pieces , $ U)8 ) , worth $2.50 to $ IU)0. ) 5 pieces , $2.08 , worth $3.75 to Sl.OO. A great profusion of line narrow cambric edges ut 121e , 15c , ISc , 2oa , 37c , worth double. Guinbrlo inbortlon nt Sk , lOc , 12c } , ICc. IDc and 2oc , worth double. All over embroideries , $1.37 , $1.57 , $2.08ind ! $1.87 , worth double. THE MOUSH BUY GOODS CO. Throuph coaches Pullman palace Bloopers , dining carp , free reclining : chuir cnrs to Chicnjjo and Intervening points via the proat Uock Island route. Ticket olllco 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnam. A DouicNtiu Oilllciilty. WhcnJ. AV. Hull Informoa JudRO Holsloy yesterday that P. II. Burroughs was liv ing with a woman named Sulllo Yaskoy , in the vicinity Jof Twentieth street and Pop- ploton avcntio , thcro was no outbreak or seri ous demonstration , although Burroughs was nn Intcrcstca nuJttor , yet Hall ulloged that whoa ho inatlo a slmllnr nssortiou iu Bur- roiiRhs1 hearing on the preceding evening the latter picked up nn Iron rod and pounded him all over a ton aero lot. That wns why no and Burroughs arrested for assault nnd battery. The two told entirely different storros con- ccrnlng the fracas. Burroughs saltl that Hnll wns drunk nnd tried to pick a quarrel with him , nnd finally begun to throw brides nt him , so that in order to save his life ho was oblltrcd to stand Mr. Hull on his head. Ho denied the woman story in toto. Hall claimed that nfter ho escaped from Burroughs nnd the Iron roil , ho went homo , but Bun oiigbs followed him with n shotgun nnd invited him to como outside and bo per forated. Ho declined to accept the invita tion , but slipped out tlio bick door lustenil nnd called a policeman. In the meantime Burroughs had gone homo nnd when the olllcer visited the place the woman aforesaid declared that ho wns not there , but rather than have the bouse searched Burroughs ciuno outuud gave him self up. The case wns continued until necessary witnesses could bo subpoenaed. Wallilnrj advertisements. Every man , womnn nnd child who has once tried Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cannot say enouirh In Its praise. The wonderful euro by Salvation Oil of Mr. M. S. Gulp , a chronic rheumatic , " ' 9 George street , Baltimore , Md. , 1ms awakened widespread interest. TllO now officer ol the Great Rock Island route , 1GU ( Sixteenth and Farnam streets , Omaha , are the llnost in the city. Call and see them. Tickets to all points oust ut lowest rates. Kotleral Court Notes. The petit jury in the United States court was discharged yesterday , there being no tuoro cases for trial tub term. The January term opens at Lincoln on Monday next nnd Judge Dundy will lenvo for that place Monday morning , accompanied by the clerks mm marshal , i Judge Dundy stated yesterday that he could not say when ho would render hU do > cislon in the Milwaukee-Union Pacific case , os the attorneys had not submitted their an- tliorltlesofor his consideration. Ho was ol the opinion that ho would not bo prepared tc give nn opinion on the case for tome time , anil stated that ho would probably como ur from Lincoln some tlmo Saturday and decide tbo uitttter. ,1 A'A OVA VKJl K\TS > Tlio ndvanco sale of seats for Clara Morrt : begins at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. Tin plays for the Omaha engagement an "Odetto" ami "Camtllo. " As Miss Morris i : entirely recovered in health and strength tbi performances she is giving this season an the best slio has over given. Her last on gngcmont lit Omaha was three years agi when "Article 47" and "Miss Million" won given , Miss Morris gives us better playi this year and a bettor company , and wluli tier last engagement was a brilliant one , tin present promises to clip-so the former. Alls ; Morris has mot with tremendous success 01 tbo coast , her performances rcsoniblim ; ova Uons both in attendance and enthusiasm , Tito Harcrly's Undo Tom's Cubln com pany that will appear at the Grand on SiUut day and Sunday next at popular prices opening with n Saturday matinee , will , will ] out doubt bo the only opportunity that wll bo offered in this city for the remainder o the season to witness this most popular o the oldest dramas that are so familiar t theater patrons. The troubles of Uucl Toui , the antics of Topsy , tbo familiar chat nctcra of Klizu , Marks , Lcgrco and others the bloodhounds , Eva's pony , In short , al that lias mntio this play so famous , will b iccu at the U mud on tbo days above uauicO THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO , leaks All Latest Style Wo Have Done an Elegant Eusinesi , Left Must Go i'rlco no Object Sco 1'rloei Quoted Ilolowon Jnekets anil Ncvvnmrkets. $10 achols or nowimirkots now $5. Slo aekots or nowniarkets now $10. $20 aokots or nowmarkets now $15. 82o aekots or nowmnrktits now $18. S.'IO , tickets or nownmrkcts now $20. $ . ' ! . ) plush or cloth cloaks now $25. 850 plush or cloth cloaks now $ . ' 55. SCO plush or cloth cloaks now 8-10. 87fi plush or cloth cloaks now SoO. $100 pltHh or cloth cloaks now SOo. CHILDREN'S CLOAKS ml In the ( 'oncral reduction ; It will pay ou to buy for next winter. Buttorlck's lattorn agency on this lloor. UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. Friday and Saturday only. 30 pairs all chenille curtains , 3 yards eng , 60 Inches wide , plain colored tops , andsoniely figured borders , all colors , 1.50 a pair , worth 60.75 to $7.60. 25 pairs Inco curtains , a perfect imita- lon of real lace , 31 yards long by CO ncbes wide , regular price $1.00 ti pair , omorrow and Saturday $2.i5 ; A PAIR , 20 per cent discount on till decorative able spreads , rich velour , tltian , derby atin , velvet and other styles , all sizes rein 3-4 yard square to 2 yard wide by 3 ards long. CURTAIN POLKS , 200. A few left for tomorrow and next day , complete , all kinds of wood , cherry , ma- logony , black walnut , ebony , maple , an- iquc , oak and asli , 20c complete. TIIE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. For Sale. A clear stock of hardware nnd stoves , nvoicing about $ ofiOO , in the best town n tbo central part of the state. Will tike part cash and the balance in good ) apor. Address , O. J. SMITH , Grand Island , Neb. Art Exhibition Opoi Free. 2 to 4 and 8 to 10 p. m. , today , tomor- ow and Saturday. Special bales of urios , antiquities and paintings. 13th tnd Ilarney. 'mr : GUANO. The Rvpnnltlnn Association Tires of Maintaining it Losing V. ntiire. The Grand opera house will probably bo losed as an amusement teinplo after Sunday veiling next. The house has been a losing venture for n ear of more , and the directors o [ the build- ng association have decided to call a halt and to oloso up the place unless some deal can 10 made to stop the losses. Under the arrangement for the east year \lr. Miner , the manager ot the opera house , las had a percentage of the net earnings nd all ho could tniiko from the programme irivilcgcs. The net earnings , according to , he directors of the association , have been on , ho wrong side ot the ledger. "Tho association owes Mr. Poppleton , " said one of the directors , "just $ l , ! > 00 tor rent for the last quarter. Wo will incut on satnrday nieht and endeavor to clear up the business , settle the shortages nil arouml.shut ip ilie opera house and got out of the deal as as wo can. Wo have cancelled the latcs of all of the attractions except some of lie leading ones , and will eltncr sell the building or rent it. It lias lost money enough 'or the association already. " . Manager Miner stated yesterday that he md been literally swamped by Inquiries about tko second entertainment lu the Stan dard business college lecture course. Ho advised the parties holding tickets to call at he business college and endeavor to effect a settlement , All the tickets bore the stamp of the college and Mr. Miner was of tbo opiu * on that the college could bo hold respon sible. The engagement of the Ovlde Musin con cert company was cancelled by the agent of ho company , who was In the city a day or two ago and satisfied himself that the college people were not la a position to fulllll their contract. The largo audience which gathered to hear .ho Stanley lecture waited In .blissful ignor- inco for tlio lecturer to appear. No ono sus- looted that the lecture came very near being lostponea. The college people had contracted with Major Pond to pay him f > , neO for the ecturo and It became very evident early in the evening that the house would not yield that amount. Major Pond refused to allow , ho lecture lo proceed until it was agreed .hat all the receipts should be turned over to 'm. 'm.With With tills understanding the lecture was given , out the receipts only amounted to about § 1,200. Major Pond also 1ms the management of : ho Gcorgo Konnan lecture tour , and after his cxpciicnco in the Stnnloy matter ho nt once cancelled the Ketmaa date , so that hold ers of tickets may rest assured that none of the entertainments ere likely to materialize. ADVK11TISIXO OMAHA. The Kffiirts of the Itoul Estate Exchange - change In Time Direction. Secretary S\7ilson of the real estate exchange - change has just issued a very neat and In structive folder , advertising Omahn and the exchange. It Is full of Information , having been carefully compiled by Mr. Wilson. Too secretary has also made arrangements to bulletin the daily weather report In the exchange - change rooms , lie has also hung a few more pictures on the walls , ana proposes to keen on adorning the room In ono way nr an other until ho succeeds in making a perfect art gallery of public buildings In tbo placo. In the future tbo exchange proposes to Issue a now folder every sixty days and dis tribute them all over the country. A propo sition to ralso the fees for listing property will bo considered nt the next meeting , Tlio morning calt was fairly well attended. In the absence of President Hartmnn , Secre tary Wilson acted in his stead. Thcro was but ono sale reported. It was by Potter , George company , lot iiO , block 3 , Stcelo & Woods' subdivision , Hast Omaha , $4 > 00 , The listings were as follows : Lot 21 , block 8 , Hawthorne addition , 50x130 feet , $1,400 , S100. Lot IS , blocks , Briggs place , Mx.123 , $3,000 , $5)0 ( ) cash. Lot 11 , block 15 , Hanscom place , 50x150 , fJ-room houno , all modern improvements , SI.NW . , 51,000 cash. Ask for % 7on Ilouten's Cocoa. Take no other. Council IlluUN Accepts. Couxcit. BLUFFS , In. , Jan , 0. To the Sport ing of THE BKD : The challenge Issued byF. A. Fuller In TUB 13EH January 1 , to shoot o match with any member of the Council Bluffs rillo club , bos this dty been accepted by tha covering of your forfeit of $10 In the hands of the sporting editor of TUB OM.UU BKC , Wo natuo Friday , January 10 , at 3 o'clock p. m. , for said match to commence , at tlio Joint rillo ranga of Council Bluffs ana Omaha rifle clubs in Council Bluffs. The match to be thirty shots each , llrcd alternately , for 10 a bide. 200 yards off-hand , National Klllo asso ciation rules pt America ta govern. J , G. Tirrojf , President. F. Li. SiCitETT , Secretary , Council Uluns Killoclub. 1G02. Sixteenth and Farnam streets U the now Uock Island ticket olllco. Tick ets to all points cost at lowest rutoa. IHUVfcS. The Sntntisct Warriors I'ostprmo 'i'lielr Inaugural Progriiinliis. Tlio Samosets concluded not to go to Lin coln yesterday to witness the inaugural ccrcmonlca , as they had provlovsly planned to Jo. Tlio reason for the change wiw the uncer tainty ns to whether the anticipated exercises would come oft at the advertised time , Nat Drown , Frank Morrissey and n few others went down Wednesday evening as nn aavanco guard and Mr. Drown telegraphed back advising the club to delay starting until they hoard from him again. They didn't hear nnd didn't start. A few of these wlio hail not heard of the change in the programme assembled nt the appointed trvstlng place yesterday , but It wu'ii't long before their handsome badges found their way Into the deepest recesses ot the wearer's vest pockets , Although Uamoset did not go as Snmosct , many of the members went ns individuals and took their friends along , but they left their band and bages behind them. Among these who boarded the Silfi train over the B. & M. for the capital city were JciT Mcgcath , Andy Moynlhnn , C. V. Galla gher , T. J. Mnliouoy aud J. J. Mahoiiey. Whooping cough , croup , sere throat , sud den colds , and lung troubles peculiar to chil dren , aio easily controlled by promptly ad ministering Aycr's Cherry Pectoral , This remedy is sn fo to take , certain in its action , and adapted to till constitutions , SOUTH O. .i/M A'r.tm. lict tor- Parr iors' South Omaha division of Branch No. 5 of the National letter-carriers' association has been organized and ofllccrs as follows elected : President , F. II. Monroe ; vleo president , C. W , Miller , secretary J. Collins , Illgli-rivo 1'nrty. Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Householder , Twcnty- flfth , north of J street , entertained friends nt a hlith-ilvo party Wednesday evening. Mr. Howard Meyers and Mrs. A. J. Caughoy took the first honors by winning six out of seven games. After the conclusion of the gumos a palatable luuch was served , Letter Carriers' flail. The South Omaha division of branch No. 15 , National letter carriers' association , will give its flrst annual ball in Rowley's hall Monday evening , February 0 , 1831. The proceeds will go Into the sick fund nnd to pay the expenses of the national labor com mittee on legislation. Messrs. G. W. Miller , M. M. Martin , Marie Boukal and "William Mangan have been ap pointed a general committee oa arrange ments. Notes \botiG iim City. An infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald , Albright , died Wednesday , Mrs. Nettie Wellman of Ottumwa , In. , is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Babcock. Lucy , aged six weeks , daughter of Daniel and Kuto Dyer , died at it o'clock Wednesday. Mrs. Bcsrloy , the venerable wife of James Begley , Twenty-fourth , between I aud J streets , is seriously ill. A young daughter , aged eight years , of Mr. and Mrs. William Kirrash10'J ' Twenty-sixth street , is sick with diphtheria. Union stockyards Idcomotivo No. 4 and a freight ear jumped the track yesterday mom- ing in the western part of the yards. Crusader encampment , No. ! I7 , 1. 0. O. F. , will hold a public installation ot oflirors In Oddfellows' hall , South Omaha National bank builuing , this evening. 'Jho Viaduct TOT. The Injunction suit brought by Augustus Kountzo and others to restrain the city from collecting the tax to pay the damages awarded to property owners by the construction of the Tenth stieet viaduct , was taken up by Judge > oano in the district court. The amount of the tax is 837,530. The petitioners asked for the Injunction on the ground tbat the viaduct was a public improvement and that the assessments therefore should not bo .made on individual property owners within that district. lu the lirst place the citizens had not asked for the viaduct originally. It was the Union depot company ; also that when the city borrowed the ? 37,530 from the Union depot company it did it illegally ; and that the money should bo paid Back by a general tax ou all city property. Cflei In Millions ot Borneo to Y arn thn Standard. Macbeth's " pearl top" and "pearl glass" lamp-chimneys do not break from heat , not one in a hundred ; they break from accidents. They are made of clear glass as well as tough , as clear as crystal. They fit the lamps they are made for. Shape controls the draft ; they are shaped right , Draft con tributes to proper combustion ; that makes light ; they im prove the light of a lamp. But they cost a dealer three times as much as common chimneys , and , as they do not break , he is apt to be anxious lest they stop his trade. Di minished sales and less profit are not agreeable to him. , There are two sides to the question. Haveatalkwithhim. I'ltUburg. Oto. A. MACIIETII & Co , 0. L , . ErlcUsonLocal Agent , OGN.lllth DR. BAILEY GRADUATE' DENTIST A Full Sot ot Tooth on Itubber , ( or five DOM.AHS. A perfect nt KHixrantoea. .T oth extracted without pain o ? dancor. aud wlttout unaoa- thetloa. dold and silver , llussnt lowest rules. Ilrldgo nrul Crown Work. TeetU wlth- mitnlntn * All work -warranted. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Entrarco , ICtli street elevator Open o ou- KB until 8 o'clock Each Season Has Its own twcuIUr malady ( but with tlio blood inalntnliiKjiltinstntool uniform vigor nml purity , by tli uteo ( Aycr's ' Sars.irnrllla. the system rca < lily { i.iis ! itself to changed conditions. Composed of the test alleiT.thcs mid tonics , nnd being hlglily concentrated. Aycr's Snuapiitllla ta the most cllcctlvo and economical ol nil blood medicines. Tor some yearvnt the return of spring , 1 hail serious trouble with my kidneys. I was unnblo to uluep nights , nnd suffered greatly \\ltli pains h , ( lie small of my back. I V.M also nnilctcdllli headache , loss o ( nppctlto , nnd Indigestion. Tlicso symptoms \\cie iiuicli woiso hist sprliiE , especially the trouble wltli my book. A fileiul persuaded mo to use Ajcr's Sarsup.ullla. 1 began taking It , and my troubles nil disappeared. " Mis. Ocnevra Uelanger , 24 llrldgo St. . Springfield , Muss. Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla DIl. J. 0. AVER & CO , Lowell , Mixsu. Holdby IJrugsisU. fl.alifcl. WurlU < j-i tulle. DPS , B6tts $ Belts Tnc most widely and favorably kno\vnepce- lallsls In the Untie I Stutct , Tlu-lr long ex perience. teinnrkublu skill nnd tinni'isnl suc cess In the tri'alineiit and euro of Nerious ( Jlironlo and Burdcul lKoiise ) < * . cntltlo these eminent physicians to tlio full confidence o ( the allllotptl V ( rywheip. Thcv "u.irantoc : A CHUTAIN AND 1'OSI'llVE ClUIE for the invlul effects of o.irly vice and the numer ous evils t list follow In Its tr.iln. I'UIVATE. 111.001) AXDJJICIN DTSKAPRS pollly. completely and permanently mod. NRIIVOUS I > EIIIUTY AND SIv.NUA 1 , 1)IS- ) 01UiiS.yIeld : ; ioullly to their skillful treat ment. IMIjES. riSTVIA AND RrcTAIULCF.HS cimrnntcod cured without pain or detention 'roin lmslnps . HYimOUUljE AND VAIUCOCian perma nently nnd Rucccisfiilly cured In every case , SYPHILIS. GONOKl'lllKA , OLKKT. Sper- natorilioa , tciuiual Weakness Lost Mnnliuod , S'lRlit Emissions , Heoayed Kuoultlcs , Kcmulo Weakness and all dollc.ito disorders peeiillur : o either so\ positively cured , us null as all tunctlontil disorders that lusiut from youthful 'olllcsor the oxc'ctgnt mature years. CT | . > I ( " "TIT L > I Uttiiiantcoil perina n o n 1 1 y u l IMU i u lYLCUiol , removal complete , without outline , caustioor illlatsitlon. Cures effected at hoinu by p.ttient . without a mo ment's palu or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. A 9TlttI < fllK'R Tl' ' ° nvful fleets of tl OUl\.Ly UUKL , Ulrly ! vlcovhleli brings iruanle weakness , doMioyliis both riilndand body , with all its dro.ded Ills , iicimauuitly Cllleil. Cllleil.W ] \ \ HFTT < Address those who have hn- \ m\O. 1.1 1. . 1 1O puwd | themselves by im proper Indulgence tuitl solitary habit- ! , which iiiln both mind and body , unlitthig them for jnlnt'ss. . study nriimrrluKo.Ta MAIllUEl ) MiN : or these entering on that uppv life , u w aio uf physical debility , quickly assisted. OUR SUCCESS ts based upon /nets. First Practical experi ence. Second Every cno Is specially studied , thus starting rlslit. Third medicines uro ironaied In our laboratory exnctly to suit each case , thus cflccting ctiies without Injury. Drs. Betts & Belts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , - - OMAHA , NEB. N. AY. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts Omaha , Neb. Makes a specialty of Chronic , Nervous-nid 1'rlvato Diseases. Permanently euros Syphl- K Gonorrhea. Qlcot , Spormntorrhea. Seminal Weakness , Nlsht Losses and Iinpoteney. Dr. McCoy cures Mth 10111:11 : kablo certainty 3hronlo Uheumiitlstn. Piles and other Jlscases of t ) o Hcutinn , and treats with ureat success all Diseases of the Kidneys and Uropyy. Patients can rely on rceolvln ? honorable nnd cancild opinion as to what can ' ) o accom plished In tholr case. 1'utleuts ul a distance can address DR. MCCOY , 13th and Farnam Streets , OMAHA , KBB. MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO. " the "Wonderful Spanish Remedy , li fold \\ltha Writtenfiuarnntco to cure all Ncrous Dis eases , smcli as Wcnlt Memory , Loss of llraln I'ovai.Iloadachc , \Vjkcf ulnceo. Lost Man hood , XcnoueneBB , Las- Bltucle. oil drains and Before & After Uso. IOEI of power ot the rhotographcil from life. Generative Orpan" , in eltl.er BCI , caused by over-exertion , youthful Imlescretlons , or the excessive ueo of tobacco , opium , or stimulants , which ultimately lead to Inflrmity , Consumption and Insanity. 1'ut up In couvenlent form to carry In the vest pocket. 1'rlce U a package , or 6 for W. Wth eury 3 order we clvo a written Kuarnntooto euro or irluiul tlio money. Sent by mall to any addrcEB. Circular free. Mention this paper. Address , MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , Branch Office for U.S. A. 417 Dearborn fitroel. PIIICAr.O. ILK FOB BALE IN OMAHA. NEB. , UY Kuhn & Co. , Cor , lth * DouRlas Bts. 1. A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. 14th * Douglas fits. A. 1) . 1'oalcr & Co. , Council llluflJ , la. rrtmary , Secondary or To r 11 a ry permanently _ cuiod in 90 to to dnyi. DDR MAGIC BHEDYSS" to euro the most olistbnto cases. We chalcnso tlio world for aca o Aor&n. > iot cuic. Blncotho hUtory ot moil clnoatrueBptclllc-for Syphilis hut brrn OURI ) | for lilutnercr fouml until our Jlaitlo Hcmedy was Uls- coTercJ. None otlu'rirmulno. Vilte for references. COOK ItKMKDYiCU. , Vmalia , AV6ni / . - . Bathe core feet in Pond'a Extract. FOR SALE Mr I'nlntlni ! and ruporlmnElnj business. Kstnb llsbed Itvti. Han u well mlcUeit ttuck ofVal raj > \VuIlSlouiaiiiiJS , 1'nlnti , Jlru lie , cto. P. WINDHE1M , 510 S. Iflth Street , Omnlm. K'ltTering fron 1'0 ' ' t'ni'cts < ; . jaiitliful error i w u---- early deca y , viaMlnn neakiicM , lor.tmonlioul.clc. I wrtl wild n-va'unlilc truutl o < ( ; 1 < ? ! ! c""tiilnlii | fullnartlc ulars for Uomo cure , I'ltl.N of clmrm A tpVSi'lW iTiVjlcal wurlt t fh < ) JM bu r.oU ; by ovr-fj mnn who U n rvnm an.l deliilllaldl. / ' Wn-tt 1'roi ; I' , C. \VHJHMooUu , t'oiiu THE BEST R IN THE WORLD. ARE MADB BY TIIE WoonsookBt & Rhode Island Riibbsr Go And Address wo are , their western agents and always carrya lar o stock. JtaBricaii flaiul Sewed Shoe Bo 1204 and 1206 Ilarney Street. AMUSISMLvNTQ , BOYD'S. TltltEE MOUTH. . CO.MMiXCINO : Thursday , Jan. 8. Satitrtlay Matineo. In the followins repertoire : TliuisclayHvonlng.fobfn Jloinl. " Friday Ironing. "t' riiii'U. " Saturduy Matinee , "Jtvtttnfood. . " Saturday Kvimliig , ' 'Hinette , " toorusoHO. Orchestra of 20 Sale of scats opens Wednesday morning at 0 o'clock , "RO'VllVSS SIM50IAU * Jvft. . ju > tj , ni > icijouxrim > iT. NIGHTS , /l//i///rii 7/n 1Q 3 UEQINNING li VHlHiyIII. . \ S- THE &BEAT CLARA Under the Management ol din In II 1'rlcu. MONDAY SAHDOtT'9 ODBYTTEX TUESDAY QAM I LA KB , Sale of scats begins Saturday morning nt 9 o'clock BQ1TD''S. ' ONE NIGHT ONLYT V Sunday.January 11. V A Cyclonic Dlbturbcr of legibilities. Comedy Com p an y UudorthoMnnneemontof .Mil rjIAIU.TCSK. KICK. will Conviilio Audience with laughter In Thulr U | > ronrlous Comicality by FlillGUSON , ] VlSHAPS7 [ A1 Symphony In Laughs. Barney Perguson as Djnnis McCarthy , Usual 1'rlces. THE GRAND Saturday and Sunday , Januray 10 and 11. Opeuiug With a Saturday Matiuee. Great ( Me Tom's Apnck of ferocious blood lionnd ,2 coralcnt Slnrks 2 , best Lnclo Tom over scon , Ilio runniest ol Top ya. Walt for us , wo mo comlnr , watch for Hvn anil her pet pony , wutch for MarkB iimlhlBilonkey , utcli for the blood hounds , wiitth lor Ilio band unJ pnrnde. Tlio liitt Unclu Tom Company that Kill visit Omaha this iciibon. POPULAR PRICES. Itoservcd scuts , lilo , Sic nnd 60c. Sale ojon Sat urday uiornlutr. This Famous EoxtDtto from Stockholm , Swed en , will bo ut WASHINGTON HRLL , FRIDAY NIGHT , JAN. 9TH. They nro considered tlio finest oxponentiof MnloQunrtetlnHlngliiB In Huropo , ami uioeii- aorsucl liy nil the leading musical authorities of bwetlcn , Donnuvrk , ltu,5lu ! , Ooriniiuy , Swit zerland and Italy. They arc accompanied by the greatest Ilunnjilst of to-day MR , EDWARD G. ELLIOTT. Only Ono N'sM Friday , Jan. 0th , at Wnchhigton Hall , Corner 10-b. aud Harnsy. Gcnornl A.dmisslon , 50c. Hesorvoa Scats , tl.OO EDEKT MTTSEE. \Ylllliawlor.Miinagor. Cor. lllli iinO Fnrnam WKKK W JASUAUV 4TII Tlint Ille Mlsioiirt ( ilrl. 1'iotty Klli : KwlnB , 8 foot till , 18)cnr old , dslu % ) j pound ) . IVTJK IN A CiROOl'UlV. APatlrlcnlbltof the day. Inlroiluilni : thu funniest > | if lnltip ul tlio day run \M1 , .Miirrlin' lit n ovf.v-nr. U 11101 ivrlolH-al I'llli Iher'ri'acbro.iieJy , nctuii tb munitruiil ifitomanU cure ouiircon ) | ! from whiUver cuiiio , I'rumuta rucnitruatloii. Tliono i < llli sliauKI nut u * t-ituu dur. nifpru noiioy. Am. I'll Co , liny illy 1'rups. , Hpun. cer.Clar Co. , la l.enulr.o lit Slic-num McL'onnell , IKij e l , . no ir I1 O.UilMiai U. A Mulchur , Hguttl Omaliui M. X * . Ulu. Cuuucil Dluili. ti , ur J fur U THEX © AL.R OF At $1.OO STILL. CONTINUES. ( Taking stock this week ) . Watch for the bargains we will offer in a few days. [ Plows aiicl Markers , WITH LIFTING CAMS. MARI LEJEIS A full line of Everything used by Ice Qathorora Send for Catalogue and Prices. HIMEBAUG-H & TA.YLOR , 1405 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA. NO OTJRR ! NO PA.Y. 1316 Douglas Street , Omatia , Nelb. Sooutcen Tonrs experience. A rcsnlar graduate In medicine , at dlplom.u ( how , Is still trontln ? wltk the creates ! BiiccesMil ! Nervous , Chronlo anil I'rlvnic l > l oi m , Apurnmiont euro Kiinrniitooa for Cuturrti , Snennnlorrlitra , Lost MnnhonilemliinlWeakliest , NUlitl jfiat , liupotcncy , SyiihllH , htrlctiire , nnJ iill clU ( coses of the Illood , Skin nnd Urlniry Owans. N.l 1 nuarniiluo J'lOO tor every raio 1 unclurlaku nnd fail M cure. Consultation froo. Uuok ( Myatorlua of UfeJ aout freu. OIllcohouM Oa. ru. toU p. in. Bundnyi 11 a. ni , to 12 ui. DB , MOGREW , Is unsurpassed In tlio tieutiiicnt of all forms of PRIVATE DISEASES Stricture. Syphilis U > st Manhood , Slcln ON- oiihcs nnd I'oiimlo DUonsc" . llr. McdrowN MICCCVI In the tio.itinentof thoabovo Dlsoasos bus never liuon equaled. Acurolseuaruntoiiil without tlio low of an hours tlmo. Wr tu for circulars. hMKIIS. from 2 to 4 only Olllce , Cor. 14th ami I'iuiiam Sts. , Umiilui , Neb. Entruncoon oltlinr htroot. I'mdlco lliuHml to Ulccaaoauf the LUNGS Nervous System Including Xcurnli'ln , rnrnlyalt , ipllui : | r , Cntiilcpur , llyatcru Epllupsy , Con v ill- rluni , Holnol Irrlu- tlori , HIiounKitlsm , Chronlo Alcoholism , Nurvuns lleiiducho , Nervous I'roitrntlon run > utuiloniin | | < l nil illnbiuciioftlio lunui llooms 310 to 3-.V , BEEBDILDINO , OMAHA. Borne m ur tlirorlly , bvrnuia tuty utm-rll nml full ol li/f , ( itlicrs HUlKrliiK from .MH ; > ' . 411'M liill : I.IT V. C'.r. . answer Kloouillx I I OUR NEW BOOK „ . . . . „ , , 1 < llllulll | | > u < , MKIHt'.lti rw.lluliilu ! , N.Y Uuru "WHAT AILS YOU ? " C.S.RAYMOND'S Sacrifice and Eenioval Sale We mean just - whatwe say. Our nrlcou will tell. Our outlro stock ( except Pate * Philippe fc Go's Flno Watches ) , H oil sale at Huch siicrlflco prices , that it should insun theRileofovorv article. f UR ART DEPARTMENT we are simply soiling with jut ro ; arl to cost. Our discount on Watchoi , Diamonds.Solla Hlvor , Iflno Jewelry nnd all Koods , makei the pr ces lower than our poopla have ovaj boon nlila to pnrchasu tins clas'i of gooda. This aala will not last Ions. C , S. RAYMOND. Douglas and 16th St NERVE AND BMIfl TREATMENT ; Ppoclflo for Mfitfrla. ninlncii.F'.to , ! ; urAjli'Wiiki ! lulnttn , > l nt < tl Iwpiculon , KarirnloKof the Uraln.rf tultlni ; In ln Bnity u.id iBadlnir to iniaorr il cav ftDj dcilli. I'rtranluro Old Ago. liirronncei , l.ottot Powij liioltlior ui. Intoluntury Louts , nml Huurrnitorrlw * _ _ ui < l liy oy M eitloi of ilia lircdn , eolfibute nr IT oinr-lndulKune * . iachbo * cent ln oiijmonih' trttb fl ment. tl a t > oi , or ill for It , sanity iiillir | > p l4 _ F VTllli aacli ordtr for ili hoin , will itn.l purcl'nr m > ranuo to lurund npnry If Ilia trtatmtnt fallitn euro. Uurajiteuiil ui , > l ajiU KHUujno uld uuljrbx GOODMAN DUUG CO. , HlOFariiamStrcaU - Nab , rmvdy ( nr ni dlnchargpH i. * , cotuin cure lor tbe dvhlii ; talliifr vseskucu | > eculltt 11 rtBcrll'elt nnit feel ' 11(4 ( f V 'I In rtcoinineudlDK " m > w > \l J liy'l" [ ! * \