fi THE OMAHA DAII/Y BEE * FRIDAY. JANUARY 9 , 1891. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Bears Have Their Hands Full Keeping Down Maj Wheat , BUYERS HOLD THE WINNING HANDS. Bttll Ilnriilng on DodRO Tlio Usual Hull ItiiinorN Tlio Crowd Bli ) ori'nrdrlilac nnd Ilia Hear Tnotlcs. OnirAno , Jnn 8 [ Special Tolosrnm to TUB nr.n j-Tlioro xva1) notliliu rcm irknblo ubout llio optiiln of tlio bo ir < l of tnulo innrkots tod.iy I'rlcpi wcro llttlu uliniuucl , nnd tlioro wnsnoiinutunl ncvti iitlruiil to Indlciito liny gn-nt rlituuo In prlcci. After HOIIIO routine busliii < H tliu firstliilf hour , nil tlio markets dpvclnpo I consldcMblostroiutli. Miy wheat ohl from OJ'io to 07Ho ; co-n from fi2Vo to K'tvi oils from ( Vie to Wic. 1'onc startoil tit lll.rj'i : ' anil advanced to 111.I' Lurd anil ribs wcru IIrin mill H simile lilt'hcr. It iippciiM' ( > Im inoro tlnn tlio boars tire able to do lo keep tlio prlco of Muy who it below - low 07o lor uny length of tltno. Hy a raid tlio price was foruucl to OO''o nt tlio close of yesterday , nftor ncllInK up to071 o twlco durliiK tlio seislon Tlio nrlcostnrtud lit tlio closing Ilifiiro , and on some local liiiiinncrliu' tonclioil ( Wl'iC , with n bulRoiit once on ordinary buying to 07'Jc ' Onconr twlcu , Inter llio prlco rtsted ittOTo , but tlio bulk of tlio t null UK was nbovo Unit figure. Ucforo noon tliu nmrkut moved up to 07'/jo nnd sailed bnok to 07'Jo nctil" before 1 o'clock. Tlio news of tlio dny , both local and foreign , wisionnictlnff , but buyers had tlio bestoflt. r. irly Liverpool ciblcs ueroflrm , with prkcs unchanged. I'rlvato cables ro- porlid u 'id adMinco at the closo. Snows In tlio fioutliHLst were fmoralil for tlio irow- ; Ing crop. Tlio Hliitoincnt went around with no nuthnrlty ( jiiotud , tlmt tliu Dodiro llgurcs would 1 o 409 00KK ( ) ( ) bushels Hutliois iilnuys inil-o : tlie > luld larso i iionsh tolmo aliull- Isb elTi ct. An o islur fielln In money centers Imltcitod by tlio return of tlio 11 ink of KIIR- lunil rate to 4 pur cunt and fulr export clcar- niRC , prlnLlp illy In Hour , helped bujers No Vniknnd Now Orlo ins e.ioh cleared . "OO bnslitls of wheat ; Now Yoik , 8,000 burcls of flour Hid llnUlinoru " 8 000 barrels ( if Hour Tlio best buy lint tit tlio day ns by I.o nn , V Co , J.ainsons. i-chuartz. Mitchell , Tiittlo .ind Jliitililiison. billors no re llalduln , Ail'uns , lluxttr iinU 1'iinlrldKo. Tlieio was a disposi tion iinumR tlio crowd not to follow t'ardrldio to nnyprr.iteMcnt In Ids bear tiicllcs. Half an hour liufuro the oloto tlio pi leu of May wns iiKaln forced down to OO'ic. Tliciu a pictty good support In corn for a dull market. II understood th it llutch- Inson IMIStnklnscorn In u smtill nay. 'llio receipts were SdCc.'irsoi 81 c.ira o\er tlioestl- tnulc nnd on tbN llio nun kit opened at ! > ° 3c Muy touched K\a for a feu tradvsnnd atonco bcciiine flini with and moved up to &JJ.JC , Most of tlio business was between VJ'8o tmd.M'uf. 'lho o who nro bcnrlsh are nfrnid l > to Mil shoit nnd the hull homos have all they oaro fur until tliu crop ie\lo\v Is out of the wuy mid HiinetMiiK nioie dcllnlln Isknoun nbuiit rt'ccljits. The estimate for 1'rlilay wu 17L'cirs nnd uuisul some selllntr.ith noth- 1ns tnkiMi fiom sloro , Clilcueo shipments were 1II.WH ) busliplx. At 1 o'clock the prlco of Muy TUIS litlil Mi.tdy around We. 1 licio wasllttlo cluuiKoof kellnsln corn at the close. Tlio last nileo for Maj was MJaO or 'to over last Ulclit. Jiiiiunrj wawnuotod at 4d'iO and 40 iC , olohlni ; at 4y'Bc ; rubiuary wntut u and 60t ; clo hiK lit wye. 1'uta on May corn sold nt O , culls nt M'ic. ' Tlindny stnrtid with a lario crowd In oats and the pinspod of a contest for tlio control Of llio nuirkct ultli llntc-hlnsoii on the bull Bldo nnd I'unlrldeu and otliur shorts a ulust buy ndMincc. .Vothliv \ oo unusual do\cl- opul Ilulcliliison boiuht oirly. but on the BdMincu sold us much as ho lieu lit. Baldwin nml Tnruum bought for somebody. I'anlrld u boiiRlit some , lint not cnoiiph to st irt the olhci slioils. The inirkct acted ultli the othus. It opened a Irll'o ' eisler , sold off a f ruction nnd uchanced to tlio best price Just bofdre the close and closed oloso to the top at a ( rood nd\nncu. Muy was at45 ] o to 4V0 to 4Hc ( ; to 4n'n to the close January wns nt 42'4o to4JJio to4l'o ' to 4tar , or nominally Uo dlHL-ount Juno i limed nt 4Vc. 'Jlio receipts of hogs \veroiiRaln o er the estlniatoat 40.000 , nnd thn market at the yards wns easy it unchanged prices This w is * ( ? aliist tlio mnrkot for products. 1'ork opened sllslitly lower nt Jll W for .May and nominally $10.75 for January. ItcKitrdless of conditions nt the } ards , the scalpers bid pork up lOo the first liour to $11I2'J. ' Tlicro was a low market the rest of the day nnd the < lose wasnt a loss of 5o finni ycstorduy utll.0 : ! Lunl was stendv early and o\un mndn a llttlo advnnco toJ0.4i for May , but closed licavy And lowernt ( I 4WUr > 4J'j : .Ianunry.J5.00 ; 1 ebru- ftrv. } noo. Itlbs closed 2Wo lower. The pack- Ini ? HKUres for tlio viestwcro 4U" > ,000 bogs for the week pnst nualnst 1180,000 a year ago : date , S.25000 against : iOS,000 In 1600. YOIIK , Jan 8 [ Spcelil Tolosrim to THE HBP.I Uoporls sent broadcast Instnlzlit roKardliiK stocks were vcrvconlldont In tone and very cncouraslnr to the hulls Thuhisls of this was the Rood buying traced to those In the confidence of a number of n cstorn railway niarmsorslioio to attend the mueli talked of meeting. Tliu faith th it Is In the ropicseuta tlvoineinlicrs of the advisory board Is boln ; . elowlj acccptoI by the street , and it will bo a blow tn tlio market If the results of the meet- In do not Justify thU fueling. Iteducllon of the Hank of Kiuluml rate to 4 per cent this morning and a much easier feeling abroad certainly li id an assuring effect. The in irkot opined hiioytint In a few stocks. First Drlcis , as eonipircd with the llual tlruScs , of hist evening , nearly all show advances ol from ' to "n per cent , although Lake bhoio was a marked exception , ultli a loss of 'i , Ii early dealings St. I'.iul and Louisville A Nasliv llio led In ttio active hours , but the In dustrials nero inoro pronilnont than usual , late , and Sugar lellnorles became the one BtrotiK feattitodf the market , rising rapidly f roiu f > ! ) to 01 , Afturthls tlio list dls pluid iiioio activity and stronth.and Licka- wanna rose Hi per cent to 1K)14 ) , though ad vnncps In others \voro confined to the sm lilts tractions feugar nt the MIIIIO tlmo reactec Bbarply to My , but among the luictlvostocks TcnneaseoCo.ilto o Hi toMatul Delaware am Hudson ltd 131 , There was llttloor no foatun on the remainder of the market and atl o'clocklilloa firm tone prevailed , prices vrero hut tdlghtly changed. The succecdlnt , hour brought no now feature , except a furtho advance In a fins lending stook-s , North Atnar lea moved up lo 111 , Northern 1'aciflo profcrici toO'Ji : Hock Ihlnnd to 70Vr. St. I'.iul to.MU Missouri 1'aelllo to ai4' ; Union I'aclllo to 4 , nnd I.ackanaiiiui to 1.17. SOIIID slitht dicllno f rom tbc-o IlKiires oceurrcd lioforo 1 o'clock 1'luro wire no ilevi'lopiiionts at the nllroni meeting bcfoiu the ehiso of tl.e stock market Teeru v\as some Milllni ; of loni ; stocks h many bt.indiud piopertlts which vaiiBei closing prices to drop back t ubout iestuidiv's fUures. Tlio o\ceptloi to this \\.is Iaekiiw1111111 where tbo shoits wcro cniiKht by a few hujersiind thopr'cc put up to A orll't " points higher. Simarals points but did not ulTect tliu re inalmlct of thuhhaies , Northern I'aclllo pie f erred moved up to 1.8 mid closed 'i upati'7V Union I'nclllc nud Missouri I'aclllu each lostl besides nit the early advance , tales roachci 217Vilt.iiiro8. ) | Tlio following wcro the closing quotations : U. H ( riuuliir l-'U .Surthom I'lcltlo . . . IM' U.fl , 4 < eoiipuiu I'M < lo iiri'fcrrml tT U. H 4i rettnlnr 10.l' ' < C. * N. W 1W ) U. 4 n coupon lUI'J ' ilopreferred . . . .1 IT 1'aclllo i a of'VIS lot Ncw\ork Central . , 10-J Central racltto 28 i1. , i ) * i : ii ChliakO A Alton l.'S tlock Island -MI Chlcnko , IliirlUulon O. . 51 , A r < t. I * li ? A gul nor WH do preferreil lUi D.U.tu ! H7fJ St. I'nul ,1 Oliialm . . . " . ! Illlnola ( entrnl lib'j iloiri | > fericil 7'J I , HJtW Union l > nclflc 4S Kaniaa A Tuzai I'/ \ UA 1' ' l koHliore K7H doprtferreil Allchliinn ( entrnl , , . . W Western Uulon 771 Mlnoiirl 1-nclllo tar < MONEY On cull , easy ; closed offered at per cent. I'ltiuu MeunANTiiB PAVJII "OtSJ per cent 6TEHI.1M1 Kxc-iiANOE Actlvo and itrong lilj-Uuy bills , ( I K.'V ; demund , tl bO. CHIC.U1U I.IVK HTOCK. OniCAno , Jan. 8. [ Spoclal Tulezram to Tit DEE. ] OATTLB The bualness mis fairly no tlvo ut tlio opening nnd earlier Btilexshovvec llttloor no olian o In prices as comparedwltl y esterdny , but after bhlppliiK nnd other ur gent orders were 111 led uethlty wis less up parent , and ut the extreme aloio values , al < thouxb Dsscntlnliy lower , ruled rattier weak Butchers' stock and stockora were quotoi steady ull day. Tbo top prices wore ; (5C B.50 ( or prlmo to extra siecM ; others , M 251 4.8) ) | batclicrs' t > tocl ; , fl MM. ' ; atocUors , ti.OC linns Tlio bU run Is beginning to to I on the prices , and tlioro was a decided v < oiiknos at tbo oloso with some prlmo bogs sclllut ; _ . oed nlcklfl lower thnn nt Iho oponlnp. anrt omoiindcilrablcxtocklOo lower. Koufthaiul iirninnli Unlit Holil ut HVifiOi prlmo hcivy ndbutohuruhihtx. . J 1.7044.1 0 : light , l-COa J.70I ll8lit-llglitI.OJ@3.W. IMlnliig H/iarcs. / NRW VOIIK , Jnn , 8 -l poaKl Toloram to HE llEK-Tho ] folloirlu ; arj the mlnlnj tockriuotntlonsl > mailer , . , lun AM > rn ' " * A < lam Con \M \ tholhr Jl-i Con.Cal. A a . . . 00 Penilwonrt 100 lotueUako KX ) Horn "liver 3W Irnicuth 100 sierra Nevada IjO UT HBO IM Slandaril HO JnlonCon 160 Tlio ColTeo ainrkot. NEW YOIIK , Jnn S.-tSpoclnl Telegram to Tin : Iln5.1-CoHeo Options opened stoidy points up to 5 points downs closlnn stcidy , . , . , . ( lo , nctlvo nnd easy ; fulr cargoes (1900 ( ! No. 7 , ' ! MtHKJKTt _ Nrw VOIIK , .Tim 8 Whc it Receipts , " . 00 nlslicls ; exports 7.r > 03 bushels ! snot , stronger ; Vo. 2 , nd , $1.04'ifn elevator ; SIM'S afloat ; l.OYll.Od'i f. o. b ; options early nero easy , loeaine strong ; No. - red , January , closing ut Corn Itccolpt' , 72.ROO bushels ; exports. 3,0 , " > 0 jushuls : spot firm ; > 'o. 2. iW'lSW'So ' ' In elu- ator ; GO'jo ' afloat ; ungraded mixed , fkS'ii&Me ; ) ptloii3 closed higher. Jniiu irv'oloslng ntWJo. O its ItccelHIs. 70,000 bushels * exports , 1,400 nisbels ; spot firmer ; No 2 white , > l".i < fi.'i'5c ! ! ; nixed western , ts&YJeivhllo western , f'3J7o ; options llrtncr. January closing at Mi-Jc. y UK ir Haw. uncliiinpi d : fair rollnlns. 40-lfoi out rlfiiu-aK. I'll ' tost. OVc ; sales. ceiilrlfiiK ils , 0 test , 2Sfic ( : , and rcllned llmer : C , . " > ' , e ; vbltoevtra C , r > Ue ! jellnw. 45ii ! off A , 5'lC ! A. D-lGc , stiimlnid A , 0 Ij-loo ; uoMdcrod.C'ic ' ; rotrolcuin United closed for 1'ebruary at 4'ic. J.ijRs VVCIK ; western , ITiiJftSic. l'orl ( Dull ; now mess. $11 'KX3 > IJOO. ! Lard Opened weak ; closed llrm ; wosterrl toun ,'je. ' Hlittor I'lrin ; western dairy , 11320o ; creamery - ory ' , 1932'-c-iiiKlii ! : , 29c ; _ _ . . . . . . . . C'becso I'lriiicr ! light skims. CnirAoo ' Ian P. 1 o. m close Wheat to idy ; c'asii. OO'Jffi'JoSc ' ' ; Jlaj6f' c. Corn rt " Pic tdy ; cisli , i * ii < tigu ' , . Mav . . . , . fhTi . . H v ; > O its rirm ; cnsh , 4ia ; Ma > , iO - ffllfi'Jc. I'oru M cadvscish. ( lObJ'i ' ; Mnv.JM.'iO 1 < ird fete id v : e ish. $ . " > 00 ; May , 1(1 ( tO' I2'4. Miort Klbs Me idy ; cash , 1320 ; May , IJO 1A < 3J " ) . It ) c Firm at ( M'c. $ 11 irlov Clrni at "V7S3c , I'liix rirm ut { 1 1111' . \\lilskv-JI.H I'loiirblow , ( iiiietjsprlngpitonts $1 ( WfMOD ; \lntor patents , iH 71X3.1 W ; bikurs' , { I tS4tiO. ) Hulk Muataliouhhrs , JI'JOtJMO ; short lu ir. { " > .IW > 40. shoi t illn. > lOW. JJ. lluttur blow , cieameri , lixSJOiic , dairy. 14 © Cheese Stead ) , full cream Cheddars. O'i ® 3J4Cillats < ) ® ! ; Young Americas 104iHc. K.vs rirm at : X"i < 32lc. Hides I'neliuiucd ; lUht and hoivy grcon xltl,4'ie ( ; green , 4341,0 * : silted hull , 4llo ; rrei n salted calf , bet drv Mint , Bo ; drysiltoJ ildcN , ( > Ji7ci : drycilf. SrJOc ; do icons , o.ich , 2oc. TallovT tJnc'h uiKcd ; No. 1 , solid packed , 43 S > c ; No. SJc ; cake , 4c. Uecclpts. Shipment * ) . 'lour ' , bbls 'JI.OJO 17,1100 U'heit , bu 40,000 JJ.OOO Corn , bu U'r.OOO 111,000 Oats , hu 1.0.00J 111.000 ST. fjotlis. Jan. 8.boat \ \ Illghcr ; casb , 0" e ; May , HGJic. Com I Inner ; casb , ISo ; May , fXHic. Oits-lllRiicr ; cash , Jl5c ! ; .May , 4jo. } I'ork Hi m nttlP.7" - Jnrd fatroiigcr ut * > SO. Mhlsky-ll.ll. liuttcr Dcinund Unlit and values wcakj creamery , 21c ; dairy , 2ixa22e' . KANSAS OITV. Jnn 8. Wheat Qulot ; No. Hi ird. cash , Wo bid ; Januar ) , S-'o bid ; No. 2 rod , cash. dS'to ' bid. Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 477 o ; Junuiry , 8c. Outs-Qulot ; No 2 , cash , 41o bid ; Janu- nry,4IJJcbld. MiNNCArnr.iH , Jan. 8 Wheat Cash wlicat n good demand. Itccelnts , 2.V > cars ; shlp- uents , 80 cars. Closhu : No. 1 hird , Janu- iriUlc ; on track , 02o ; No. 1 northern , Jiuiu- iry , f8c ; Mnv , 'He ; on tiaok , sn'jc ' : No 1 ! north ern , January. fc5c ; on track , boiiSS'c. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 8Vheit Quiet ; No. 2 spring , cash , KVilS'e ; .May , UO'Sc. ' Corn rirm ; No .1,4UHe. Oats Ste idy ; No. 2 whlto , 40IO'e. ' { 1'rovlslous Qulot ; poilf , May , Jll.IGM CINCINNATI , Jnn. 8. Wheat-Stronger ; No. 2 red , 03o. Corn No 2 rod , 54o Oils In good demand ; No. 2 mixed , 4Gio. ! \\hlslcy-H.14. J.ivFHi'oof. . Jim P. Wheat rirm ; demand fair ; red western spring , 7s 6d ; red western ivlnter. 7 Cd. Corn rirm ; demand fair ; mixed western , Cs O'id. ' 12 STOCK. CIIICAOO Jnn. 8.-Cattle Receipts. 13.000 head ; market fairly active and steady : steers , iM ' . ' © n.M ) ; liutcliora'stock , J1.75Ji > ; btockers , 8. < UJ.20 Hois Hocolpts , 48.003 hoid ; inirket lower ; rough and common light , > 0MU ) : prime niUcil and packers , J.t.uVIi-170 ; prlmo heavy and butehurolghts , * J.70fflJtO ; light , t. ) 30 © 11.70 Snoop Receipts. U.OODhoid ; market steady ; natlvoj , ll'va1" ! ! ; westoins. W.40S300 ; Texans - ans , W/JOia. ! 55 ; lambs , JJ.75iitO.2J. ST. T..OUIS. Jan. 8-Oattlo Receipts , 2,000 head ; shipments , 103 ; iiuukot. steady to stiong ; lair to fancy n Ulvo steers ,'M ; btockers , and feeders $ JOO'5J.I40. Hogs llecolpts , l > ,700 head ; -Uilnmciils 4,800 bead ; inarki t easier ; heavy , JJ.iWiini.70 ; mixed , if 1. 33.051 light , . ! HOB I .W. KAVS\s CITV , Jnn. 8 C.ittlo Kecelpti , 3,010 head ; shipments. I.'M head ; market stioiu. hUher ; steers , $ l.5ri.IO ; cows , JI.7VaJ.50 ; stockcis and > ® .12. " > Hogs Itocolpts , 11,800 ho id ; shipments 4,159 bead ; maikct higher ; all grades , JJ002J.20. OMAHA Jl.lltKETS. OMAHA. Jan. 8,1391. OArrr.r-nstlnuitod rceolols of c.utlo 1,400 ns eoinp ired with I , ! > s7 yesterdiy and 71S Thursdii ) of last week , 'llio cattle nmrUot was actlvo and higher. Desirable hooves ad vanced da to lOe , with otheis stronger , Dutchor slock and feeders nctlv oiind stronger. Feeders are Indcm ind. homo tlno cow a bring ing } ! " .r > ttcroiii the market. lloah 1 stlnmtcd rooelpts of hogs 5SOO ; us compared with 8010 yesterday nnd 0,1 in 'llinrsdiy of lust nook , The m irkot opened slow and uneven with market about bto idy , close 1 actlvonnd a sh.idoto'iq hUlior.AUiold. _ Tlio range of prices pnld XMIS IJ.'XHt-IG'i ; the bulk sollliiK at JJJ.VW.10. 1'lss , * 1.1lias.7'i ( : lUlit , . ! 00 ® . ! . 10 , bo.ivy. f L40J.rwlj inlxi il , $ J 25 3 M. The avor- npcof the prices p Ud uasJUKl. ns u'omu ircd with * > 17 yesterday iinci W.4.r > li Ihursday of last wee 1. . biiFEi'-Kstlnutcd rocolpti of shocp 221 as com pa rod filJ yesterday nnd 1,0'S Thurslay of last week. Tlio mutton market remains iinchnnjod Natives , t.50(31.10 ( : westerns. .1.001.2J. Disposition of Stock. Showing thonnmhor of hold of stock pur- chiM'd on this market aj reported by the welihtmiistorof tbo btookyurds company for January 7 : CATTLE. lluyors. pfo 8\vlftA.o ) 4M ! TnoO. II. Hammond picking company. . , 245 Tlio Cudaliy picking comp my ai ; It , lloc'kor.C Ocgon 42 llnmllton.V Stephen 17 Van ' -ant & . Carey T9 Nels Morris. 241 bhlppoisand feeders 10J lions. TlioOudahv picking company 2,001 .Uin ilia picUiiu company 1M ( fiwIft VCo 1,01:1 : Tlio ( i. II Ilummond picking compiny. . 759 Shlpporuaucl feeders 1'J12 SIIERl * . Ewlft&Co SlJ ThoCudaliV' I'aoklucCo BO The G. 11. Hammond Co W KoprcHuntntlvo Saloi. 8TKKIIS. No.Av , Pr. No Av. I'r No Av. I r. . 1 . 70 (2 tO 1..12IO M 12. 1110 14 10 23 IU5 a 15 5 1110 .1G3 5.1IIW 415 2. 10W 3 23 8 1110 3 70 6 , . 125.1 4 H 8 .1013 .12" 7.1004 375 19..1 JOS 420 7. UI7 335 10 057 3 W 7..1IV ) 4'.0 8. . f'K ) J 50 7. 1SOO 4 W ) 8 , . 1171 420 SI. 0.10 JSO 20..1JU1 405'l 4 CO 40..1CHU J & 5 cows. It.1030 115 1. . 4W 200 3. 1003 S BO 2. . WO 125 ! > . . 7V ) 200 17.874 S M 1. . 0-0 130 10 , . F41 200 10.0' * SO ) 1..1000 140 a. . 070 200 U .11M ! S ( A 2..10W ) 140 IS , ( fM 2W 10. . 748 SM 2. . f > UT 1 W 14.1005 225 18.1041 2 ft711 1 . 730 1 W H ( OS 225 G .1115 2 ( iO 1..10W ) 150 27. . 8.CJ 2M 1..1IM 2 LO 1. . MX ) 160 1.10110 2 M 8 , . 1225 2 CO 3 , . 00(1 I CO 18. 10h7 2 00 12. . 045 S 05 2 , . NW 1 ( a 8 , . 757 240 7. 10U7 2 iVS 2. . 608 1 dl 2..UM 240 0. . 7M 2 fi5 3..10.CI 1 M 14 .lO-B 240 SI. . 017 2M 17,10.ii : 2&5 18 , . 0.14 240 8. . 807 2 05 3 , . DIM 1(15 ( 18 , . VO 240 0 , . 740 2 05 4 , . 010 170 I . 1XW41 10..1U75 225 1 , , 810 175 II . ( X 240 6. . Onl 275 4.IICJ 1 75 3(1. ( . 0"0 2 45 12. 1037 2 75 0 , , KM 175 31. . KM 315 14 tvl.5 260 3 , . 1)10 ) 17 % 17. , WO 245 14.1101 2 BO 1 ,1181) 1 7 % &U .10.10 2 45 1. 1210 2 85 1 , . 721 175 23 , , M 245 8. . 071 300 1..1100 1 75 1. . WO 2 M 18..11M 3 10 2 IOM 1 tO 27 . 001 S 50 7. . 001 315 0. . BOO 180 K , .1017 250 2. 1423 3S5 3. .115) 1 DO HULLS. 1 1300 1 50 1 .i I 7.1 1 1300 5M Z .1000 160 1 1870 180 2..IW ) 2M i .I5to i no i rriO i oo i uw 2i 1 1145 1 73 3 .119) 1 { M 1. 1470 221 1..1JJO 1 7J 3 1 J IPO 2. . I57S 240 1..1IIO 175 1 1550 200 3. Ifllfl 200 ! J. . 1 150 175 1.152) 210 1. 1MO 271 1..12IO 1 75 1 11W 2 10 2 IKA 2W 1..1000 175 1. 121)0 ) 2 tO 1 11.70 21K ) 1..1530 1 75 1 1570 2 10 1 11JO 300 8TOCKEHS AM ) IEEOEH3. 1. . 8M 200 2 . ( M3 . ' 10.1 1 4'-0 273 1. . 610 S 10 I 1010 2 IVi 7. . H * > ) 280 B. . COO 240 9 . 6 < tl 270 17. 7V. 28.1 5. . Ml 260 7 V47 270 23. . U52 200 0. . Ml 200 1 KM 2 70 1 . . 270 1 50 1 . 400 3 51 2 . 170 4 BO 1. . 400 300 2. 185 4 15 1. 100 475 1. . 110 3 OJ COWS AS.D STCEHS. 4. .1070 325 cows AND HEirritg. S3 m 240 14 .1QOO 3 25 1. ] . 010 1 75 1. . CJO 2 80 1..1HO 280 10. j 7TO 2 05 STAGS. 1..1210 310 1.1370 283 1..1003 300 S..1C 5 3 40 BTUKIIS AND HUKCIIS. CO . 813 2 30 STEEiis , vEuibt.vaa. 14. 001 SCO SCOMir Mir < KEII3 AND BPItlNQE IIS. 1 springer . ! . ' " ! > 0 1 sprhucr . 2403 Icownndcilf . 'r > TO 1 caw nud calf . 27 50 iions. No. Av. Sh. I'r No. Av Sli. I'r. 1.1 l. J 40 IJOO (11 ( . . .2:0 : 120 $ .140 I.J IrWl 80 100 ( K'r ! > S .OJ .143 7 10J a 00 00 2C8 41) ) 3 40 07 1G.I 200 305 fiS . . .1.0 1 240 340 77 ir.i 40 .10.1 r.4 . am i-'o .14) ) 7H 18J 210 .110 LV4 . . . . : U1 40 34" ) 72 Ml IbO 310 6.1 . SK ) 80 .I4r ) 72 . 1U1 3 15 70. . 217 I-'O ,14r > 78 107 ICO 3M C' ) 240 lliO 1143 j 08 200 ICO 320 C2 . . 2 240 341 81 . .1S7 500 32.1 02 . . . ,2X ) 100 .141 84 200 80 J.'l Ul 2" I 100 J II | 80 f 201 IJO Ji'l M i. > 7 l.'O 341 7.1 211 200 32.1 07 .2r)0 ) 80 341 71 . . . 210 280 1.1.1 70 . 2-0 120 341 07 . . . .207 JOO 32.1 04 SCO 30 J41 8It 1ICJ 80 .123 52 . . . .Illtt 120 . , ' 41 (10 ( 21" 321 01 . . . .2i3 ( IfiO 3474 .11 218 210 J B ) r.O . . .2S" 40 31) 81 .203 210 3.10 5.1 .270 1W JW ) 7" ! .208 40 3M 47 . . .IWI 400 3 BO 51 .1H ! ) 210 ,1.0 58 . . I1J2 120 3fiO 0' ' ) 221 40 , i 10 on . . . : ios 240 310 67 . .2-8 SO J.IO hi ) . . . .32 3- ' < ! 3 VI 77 22 * KIT ao ; r > i . : ioo .so aw 81 SIO LOO .110 57 . : U9 : i' > J f.1 247 23J a 15 51 . Ill I 60 310 70 240 3J5 21 IB ) 80 JBO 70 . .2.1S ISO 3.11 00 .240 210 .IBO 0.1 211 31.1 01 ItS 2fO 3r > J'-S 8.1 . , 200 2SO .1 11 52 . . . .IIoS 80 .IIJ'J n . 241 210 ,1.11 52 . 1111" 3M 01 . .221 l.'O 3 LI 55 . .yif ) 203 3B.1 N ) . . . .2.14 200 340 57 . 1117 l.'O 315 47 . .2.13 24J .140 57 . . 300 210 355 77 .240 IHO f > 2 . . . .1110 210 IIM 7J , .2)7 ( 2CO 340 55 . 1174 l.'O 300 CO . . . 4 200 343 54 . . . .3B3 JfO 00 271 2SO ,140 57 . ! 1 200 JOO M 231 243 340 58 . .1117 1HO 3fiO 70 . 272 3bO 340 38 . . 3U7 80 3C.1 CO . 278 200 340 44 . .410 3lo pias AMiinouaii. 2.1 . Ri 40 200 70 . 113 ICO 2M 15 . 1)8 ) 223 15 141 40 2M 5 . 1J3 250 3 . . . .210 W 275 6III.CI- . No. Av. Tr. 00 owes , westerns . 102 J4 01 0(5 ( ewc"v wcstorns . 101 401 W nnth es , mixed . 103 410 Market Mention. Tbo regular annual oloetlon of officers of tlio Union block Yard bank of bouth ( Jmiha was held on Wednesday at 4 p in. T ho result was as follows : President. John A.MiShine ; \ Ice president. Thorn as II. Mcl'lierson ; caslih'r. E. U liranch , Jlr. Mcl'liorson was formerly president of the binkot At.ipihou , No . The otlivr oltlcors elected hu : o ho d the s imo ] iosl- tlons9lncothu b.iuk was organized anil arc all w oil know n. _ OJIAMf.l n'llOLKi.lIE MAUKETS. Provisions. TiiFSii Brrp CUTS Hells , 8ci beef tcndor- lolns llcj sirloin butts 7'/Jc : boneless strips , 7c ; .strip Joins , Co ; rounds ( rump oil ) , do ; rounds ( rump on ) . 5c ; rounds ( shark oil ) . 5'Jo ' ; boneless rounds , 4'jo ; ; plates , 2JJc : hack haUcs , 4c ; sliouldeir clods. 4 > { c : bcuf loins , No. I. ( steer ) , IdSUc ; beef loins. No. 2 , Id CfcllC ! hoof loins , No. 3 , Ecj licet rlua , C8o ; beef ribs , No. li I0 2 > llc : sw cot breads , pi r dor , 73c ; kidneys , oioh. Jo ; ox tails , each , .lc ; liters , each , He ; bcof hearts , cacli , 4c ; beef tongues , each , 40c. MUTTON Oholco dressed mutton , SKcs racks of mutton , He : saddles of mutton , Oc ; breasts of mutton , Jo ; IPof mutton , lOc. 1 ittsii I'oiiK ' 1'ork loins , 5'ip ; tenderloins , He ; spnrorlbs , 5c ; shouldors. 5c ; hocks , 3c ; t rlniinliiK" , .r > o ; biuk bones , 2c ; dressed ho s , 4n c ! cleaned pigs' foot ( per do/on ) . Mo ; rough uncjcaiied tiles' feet ( per dozen ) . 20c. bMOkii ) MI.ATS faiiRiir Cured Hams , 14 to 10 Ib a\oiaco , 81ic ! bams , 20 to221ba\craxc.814c ; linms 12 Ib a\criRO , Oc ; Bklnncd buns , Uc ; hliuiilders. BVJo : clear breakfast bacon , 7'tO ! ; boneless breakfast bacon bicKs. C'ic ; bound ham , 7c ; California , or plcnlo bums , fi o ; boneless burn , 7l o ; dried beef hr ms ( sets ) , 7JiCi dried bee' clods , Oc ; short spiced rolls or ham roulette , O o ; smoked beef tongueslpor do/cn ) , SOW : hpeclul bams 11 to 15 Ib average , lOo ; special , boneless breakfast btcon , lOc ; hcloctud dried beef hams , InsUloa and Knuckles , DC ; selected wide clear , breakfast , bacon , l ) c. Diiv SALT MEATS Fancy licht wolcht short cleirs , Co ; long clears , a c ; short clears , 5Ko ; snoit ribs , B e ; shouldcis , 4'ic ; clear bellies , 6ic ; clear backs . MhAi8 UHV SALT Cunm Tuncy lightweight bacon short clears , Il' c ; .short ribs , Ocssliortclears.C'ac ' ; longclears.Oc ; clear backs , tiJac : elo irbojllcs , HMo , shoulders , 4 c. nKBLTl'ICKLUI Ml-ATn HlllllS , tlclCOS , fi'iOJ eliouldoM ( N V. tut ) tierces , Bos hcllle-s , tierces. O'Jo ' ; Oillforala hum , tierces , S'io ; beef hams , barrels , { I.'OO ; 1'icki.vit Hi LI ToNuouhS barrels , fJOOO : half liurrels HO Ibs $10.50 ; eighth buircls , 2.1 Ih8l.50. leaf , per Ib , tlcrcc basis , C'ie ; compound , pcrlb. tlereo basis , ! > c ; puio lard , icrlh. tli ice bisls. be ; kettle rendered loaf aid , peril ) , tierce b isK O'Jo llAu'itiitn 1'oiiK ANI > UBLI Mess pork ( now ) , $1071 : fimlly pork. S97.1 ; Uu-lc pork , 111.23 : Khort cut clear pork , iO 7.VICI1 50 ; uonolo s pig pork ( fnncx ) . ( UOO ; extra uiess bcof , J175 ; plato be'of. S7.00 ; extruiilatobeof , $800 : extra family bicf ( bonolesM. Js UOj rolled beef ( bone' Icvs ) , J8 Vj , rump liutts , $8 5' ' . OILS 1'rlmo lard oil ( winter Htnlned ) , 47o ; extra lard oil ( wlntur sti. lined ) . JMio ; o\tia No 1 laid oil , 4Io ; No 1 lard oil , .Uu ; No. 2 lard oil , uOo ; extra neat's foot oil. 45e ; tallow oil , 4 ( > c. Smoked siusupe , 7c ; blood sau- , 4 > Joi ll\cr sausase , 4ljcj head chceso , 4iic ; fiesh porksaus-igi1. links , flo ; fresh pork f-niisntro , bulk , SJiu : sinoltcd pork sails IRC , 80 ; Frnnkfnrt saus ige,7c ; smoked head ehecso.dei polish saiisauc , To ; knoblaiich s insane , 7c ; toiiKtio S1U8IIKO 80 ; summeir sails IKO , Uc. The abo\o prices are for lots of 60 pounds und up wards ; a less quantity a Ho more. Groceries , CiiEEsr r C. twin flats , per Ib , lie ; P.O. YotmK Amnrlci , Mi > o ; donustlo SwKs , 15tfc ; brick , 14c ; ndnin. In foil , ouch $1.00. ViNidAii Apple elder. lOci double elder , 12c ; whlto wine , 12u ; triplestiongth , lUc. hTAiicii 1'i'r lb , Wttec. Ouvm Qunrts. per doz. II00 ; pints , per doz , J.'Wl bulk , per mil. 12U. UIlvuoll , li pints , L elo ? per ease , jl in iisi. I'll Klls .Mrdliini , bhls , JSOO ; fimall , (1000 ; Khorkinstu.u ) , llostun mixed , tl2lO. llciJiivu , Cc ; choice , Co ; fancy , Cc ; head , Uinr.n-Porbbl , icflnrd. MIOj half bbl , Jl 50 ; hard clihr , pure , pei hbl , $ iOO : orancocldor , haft bbl , in 50 ; pear older , half M. IniiKD I'uuiTh Turkish prunes. less than lilids , ISSi. Hciapnhs evaporated , new ring c'holco. HHo ; apricots , fainIn sacks , 10401 blackberries , now , Uu ; iiispburrleslibs to boy , ; i2c ; currants , nown'/ic ; Votlzzaciirriiiits , extra. In boxes , el'ic ' ; peaches. Calu..cliolce , 17'io ; California dried umpes , la b IKS , ( > c ; soulless bulimias , sacks , lu o ; nuiHiitulH , b'ie ' ; new S'lilencla. 8e ; Ondura lajer. le ) ; ( IKS , lajcrs. 14Q20o ; cltiou , Leghorn , 20c ! lemon pi el , l" > c. MAIT.E SuoAii-1'cr lb 5o cakes , 30-lb boxes , IJei lOo cakes. JO-lb boxes , 12JJu ; Mb bricks , Iln In box , pure , He , I1IIOOM8 5-tle , parlor , 8.100 : 4-tle , $2.T53-tlc. ; f."J.'i ; 3-tlc. plain , * I.M ) ; warehouse , t.1.00 ; toy Sli't ; whisk. II00061 'JJ. b < ) Ai Castile , moulded , porlb.lOe ; do white , per lb. Ho ; laundry soup , per 100 bars , { .I.I.VQ 000 ; shnvlni ; soap. MKt'Scpbrdozi toilet coup , a cukes per box , pur dor , SOcSt- ! NUTS 1'or lb Almonds , itfo ; llruzlls , 21o ; Jlllerts. Uoi iK'Cuns , UttUci walnuts , I8o , pua- nnts , fancy nlflte , c | roasted , lOc. t-Al.T Hairy , ISO Ibs In bbls , bulk , . ' .10 ; host Krade , 005s. f. U : best tirade , 100 3s , * . ' .4Ui beht crude. 28 10s. I.11 ; rock salt , crushed , J-'IO. . OIIA l'aekuies ; , CO Ibs to box , S e ; Uegs 4ii' ! . bAi.soui Keys , 1'io per lb ; bbls , l'ci gran nlati-d. 1UO11) boxes. 2c. UANNID ViotTAiiHs Tomatoes 3-lb , 11.03 (3110. ( Corn Very Hue , SlAnSLUS ; 2-lb stiuar 11.15 ; 2-lb Htandard western brands , $1.10. Mushrooms Mb 1'renoli , extra tine , -'viJno ; 1-lb French , fine , 18 < 322o ; 1-lb Trench , ordi nary , loaifo. Teas Mb early June , SI.23 ; 2-lb JlarroH , standard brands , (1,10 ; y lb soaked 70o. French pois 1'er ouso of 100 , Jl a&u.ou fetrliitf beans J-lb high pradu. OOo ; 2-lb wax beans. 85ci 2-lb strlni ; bouns , MkIJmu beans 2-lb Roaked , 65o. lloston baked beans 3-11) ) il.iViilVS , Sweet potatoob-J-lb Nuw Jer oy IIM ; y-lldkra ) nun tomatoes , fl M ; y-lb okrn II M ; asr ragus. ll-lli. U.NVaj.75 ; rhubarb. 1Mb , 1.401 HlK'eotllfli , (1.21X21 5. lUKi.sarotttL.u-Itoyul , dlmocnns , per doz , Wo ; U-lb ' cnn ? . * l.MTflbinns. f..W ! Mb enn , .oo : l'rlcu' dlinocuuii,61ci i-lb CMUH , * l J5 : i-ll > Mils , JJJJ ; Mbjtnns. $475 ; other Ulmls , tticaiK pcrdozdiivyi IPS. WiiAPi'i.M ) PA Peril ) , besf traw , 1U18 a 'xll , ficl dty KotnlR , 4 > ( c ! cvtru uuallty , natillln , il'ici inaiilllii ten , UxlB , IK ; ; dark MR. ardware , 2'ic. t , i 4cfnrlnn. \ . CKS'I OOi split pens. Sol giecn pei . ' 'et oil iieal , bbls. I02.vair ( l | 1ml f bbK $ I.2.ta ! ; iiaearnnl , \ Wormlcelll ; , 12c ? siiKoaitd tnpl- en , ( xttd'iei ' I.nna bi'li'ifs , 5Vc | ceroalliic , U.'li iikcdlioinlny , use. Oiis-uoiirhno wlilM. 0'c ' ; IV ) wntcr while. 1'ie ; licaclIlKht. IK" 74 gasoline , ll'ie. ' Oil ' .ins-lKivl , } JOt 3AMl 3 BUI , .l.7'i4 80 ; 5 Rnl. ToiHCCO-norntjUor lb , 5ift7."icl pluo. K ITHc : smokliip , 22fttf.c ; fancy brands , nocfii Co'nrn-arcen-Ulo , ' J224c | Jn\a. S7c : ilochaSc. . KoaBted Arosla , 2. " > o ! llunoln , ' > c ; ( lerinnn , 24 ci Illl\roitn' \ , 2l'ic ; Lion , JSc ; Mall pouch , J.V ; Coriluvln , 2lc : Mocha , llejO O. Ja\a. sac. Colfco I enco-i ! gro. boxes. ILXiOLfiO : tlilckory , 7Wic. ! { 'Ll-AU J tip in , basket Hied. Wtf-Vlo ; siindrlcil , < a4V | Krecn. SOdWcs itiiiinondor , soft We : iiKllsli breakfast , J.VAf-,01 VOUIIB Hjson , ' 'Ott We : Oolonp.JlSMV ! 2-4bpackaKodiist , r > c. MIV Mixed , . lb pulls. M'fGSVc ' ! stick , twist stick , Oci Titiith mixed , 1 Die ; hoir- lound stick , Sl-io : Jar and ease candles , 6 lb boxes , l.VIUMc ; u\tra HnoKOOds. 8" > aoJo. AMK GiiMSb Per uro s I'rurlcr's larfio tins , WJ 00 ; niodlum tins , $ . ' 7.00 ! small , $15 HO : other linikc" ) , wood , $5 wiiji 5a ' lit.ACKiMi-lclorlu lox.ioa"V ) ; ladles' shoo Irosslnf , 4rcail.OO , sto\o polish , per BTOSS HI.IH INCI Llnttlil.4 07,1 doz In box. 00cfll 7'i ; I o/ . : i doz " In box , $ l.rX3J75i ( dry , small , 2lc : urxe , 4" > o. Si'iciv Pciincr-SlnK.iporc. slftpd , $ IV31fc ; hot , 22o ; allspice , lue : clove' , runatiR. sc- coted , ITtM'ic ' ; c issla , t'lilna , 4-lb , mats , Oc1 ! No 1 , 7"u ; in.icassor , Wo ; plaklliiK splee , 10-lb bo\es , avj. Sodn , Oo : ojstcr , 5Jc ! ; , onups , S > n > . r. KTC.-is-lb boxes , i M-Hlc ; Ocr- ntin sweet , IT.'iiJ''le ; eocoi , .I'KilWc : llronio , , Cc. CocoAMiT-in-lbiascs ' 1 and ' { lb packages , er lb , .WJTc ; bulk , n-ib p ills. 2.5c. K\TltAUTH-li > iiiun. Hot. rrieOH.bO : 4oz. $1.00 ft.t not x anllla , 2 nciJ.bOi 1 of , $1 2525 50 ; Iain ilt'n KhiKer , 4 < j7 , Jl 85 M tTciu.s-l'arlor , 200 and SCO ncr box , $1,05 ® .70 pur gross ) bulpliur $1 lr > iiM 30. HUHIH8 fchoo. pcrdoH.'ivaJOO ; dnubers , e < SIU ) ; scrub brushes. COeftfUlO. HutufaKU > Mixed bird , 1-lb packages , 5c ; ctinnrj , 4'4c' ! hump 4'icsunlso ' , IV. Wontl ) SMVAIIK 1'er ' dor Tubs , No 1. | % 33j No. 2 , t7. ) . " > ; No. U. Jfi L5 ; kcelcr , oik grain , fi-ln , best. 11.50 ; wlilto cedar. 4-ln. best. Jl 25 ; palls hoop , oak grained , $ l 75 ; 2-hoou , II.M ; s , > rup 1 8.5 ; clew ell , JI.75 ; paper , metal hoops , JJIVi ; edttr , I brass hoops No. l.nll led , J550 ; cedar , ll > iass hoops , ? < i > .2 icd.i'iOO ; cedar , .1 briisa loops , No. 1 Htilped , { 500 ; cedar , 3 brass mops No 2strlpcd , fl r > 0 ; horse , o\tn heavy , vo. 1. $ i.7fij v\oll buckets , } J 2.5. llutterw are Tubs sash , Il-ln. per nost. 70c ; nsh , S-ln , 2 aiKosl/e , per nist , 45c ! butter ladies , hard vood , 70c ; butter paddles or sp ides. 7lc. ( WaMibo.uds-.SIngle. " # 1.400.2.00 ; double , J-.O , ® 2" . Olothesiilns 5gusi UOMM C5e C\MM.h ) 10 Ibs to box , O'ic ' ; mining , 10 ® 0ic ! ; H.ix. lie. Cc mitry Produce. i Ycstei day's receipts were very largo and tlio market w is H eak. A good ininy eggs iiu selling at ISc , and some idea of tlio feeling nay bo Rallied from the remark of a be ivy peculator that ho would not niy ovcrlUBl.c \ 1th llio piiM'iit outlook. Mill the market Is ilKhcr hero than at many other points fehlp- HTS are only offering l.'olu Lincoln and 12 > o n rrcmont , with tliu How York quotation it - ' jc I'OUI.TUY The market on chickens wns eas ier jestciday , to being considered .1 good irlee for cholco stock , with boiuo sales of uotty fair stock nt 7c. Turke\s are not ilonty at llfll'-'c , and goc'.o mil ducks tire caicoand Indeniind at 10lie. GAvu Verv little game was nfforcd on the narkct. Jack rabbits vvint at00 nnd cotton .all at CO < SJc. The demand is not 1 irgo and ' receipts would bo likely to btlng about ewer prices. IJUTibit fclilppcrs nro pajlnc fCJI2o for ound lots of country button fcolected couu- ly rolls are quoted a.t lV517c ! ; fair to good country luQIJc ; eonimqn , 5ic7c. Vesctnbles. CAIIIIAOK 1'or onto , S3 S3. POTATOES Homo KIOWII stock , $1.00,10 ! ; Color ulo , Jl 21) ) . OMONb Choicestoclr.Jl 59 ; Spanish$1.00 per erate. ' HumiAiin SQUASH 17er doz , JI 50. bwihT 1'OTATots Choice stock , $150 per bbl. bbl.CLr.ruv CLr.ruv ChoJco stock.3r > a4' ' > c. KirrtHAfUS fcomo cholco Michigan stock Is at We pot htishoi. A -1TUCI Cholco stock , 40c. l'Ait iKv I'rosh stock. Me. itsxirs-1'or bbl , SJ-M. UtLis 1'er bushel , 81JU. -5 Frc h Fish. Lake Silver hcrrlnp , Cc ; pcrob , rmmd.Oc ; jorch , dressed und scaled , Be ; pickled , round , c : steak trout , 8c ; trout , choice. Uc ; perfect vliltoUsli. 9o ; ilkc , round. Oc ; stripped hiss. lo ; ciopple , llc ! ; black bass , lc. ( ! fcea Cod. narkct. He ; haddock , Oe ; binults , 10o ; Iloiind- crM , Uoj rod snapper , 14c ; blue llsh , "Uc ; hill- but , 17o ; lobste'S , ISo ; eels , 18o : Columbia rlvorsihnon , 18c ; mackoicl , laigc , each , .lOe ; hrlmps , per gul , $150 ; scallops , per gal , Jl.CO. Fresh I rules. T \MIEIUNES 1'or box , $1 00. CiiAMiKitniis 1'aiicy Capo Cod , $1250. Arms-1'or ' bbl J4.50O3.oo. OitAi'l s Concords , held In cold storage , 60c per 10-11) baskotH. Malaga , JCOI8 00. I FMO.VS Choice stock , JI.75S3 00. OiiANdts Mexicans bovcs , 84.00 ; I lorldas , bright , W.2&24.5J ; russets , 11.00. Dry Go His. Fr.ASNKis Plaid , raftsman. 20c ; Ooshen. _ 2Ho ; Olear I ako , : KSo ; ilaplo City , . i'Sc ' ; wlilto O 11 No A 2.l'4c ; G 11 No. 2 , y. 27Wc ; H 11 No 2 , a. , , 21Ue ; n 11 No. 2 , 'i.VSc ; Queboo No. 1 4.V ; yuohcc No. J , 'j , 4J'c ; Quebec , } „ ' No. 4aJ'ie ; Anwan , 11'ic ! \\lnd--ui X U , 21 ( n , 15-5c ! ; O 1' , 15o ; 1IAT , Jj,2jc ; J It I'4 , 27'ic ' ; O , 3i , Vc. DUCK West Point. 28 In. 8 oz , lO o : West Point , 2S In , 10 07 , IJ io ; West I'oint , 2 ! ) In , 12 oz. T > cest ; I'olnt. 40 In , 11 oIVic. . JIATrh btindard. Sc ; .Mohawk , 10'Jciboauty ' , IR'io ; lloouc , 14c ; II , cased , $ JUJ ; llee. J4.73 per caso. KEMUCkV JnA\s Memorial , l e ; Dakota , 2u'c ; Dunham , 2S' ' cj Hercules. 10c ; Cottsnuod. 27'/ Molvllle. ' . ' o ; . L''o. PIUNT.S I'lincj rdilvstone , fiijc ; Steel Illver , Oc ; liuinnno. 4Hc : fct. I.cdcor , 5'ic. ' bblitliiK Murtb i WabhliiK'toii,4'c : Morrlnine , 4J c ! rurUoy Ked-rountiln.Olic ; Garner , 7c : Urenllold , bl.c ; llerlln.C'iC. ' PHINTB IndlKO llhic-Nct Mtirthn AVash- InKtoti , f'Hc ; Ainerlean. C'ic ; Arnold , OUc ; Ar nold It , long cloth , lOc ; btlllo A. ll'ie : Merrl- inuc > 7-H , 10i ; Gold Lc.if , SliC ; Hamilton , fi'Jo : Allen Pinks , t.Jic ! Allen Cbamhray.eo ; Olou- cosier. D'/ic ; Hartel. 5 ti. AM ) 1'n.iow CASINOS II rown Nct-PoiipeiPll.4'ilii ' , lUc ; Peppcroll. 8-4. Ibe : Poiiporoll.lM , 20c ; Popporoll. 1U-4 , 23'io ' : Utlca. 48 In , r > o ; Utlu.i. .Mln , 17'iu ' : Utlca , 22 In. 24c : Utlea. 84 In. ' . ( .e ; Utlca , OJ In , Ssiio. llleachcd Net-Peppcicll , 42 In , lOlio ; Peppoioll , 41 In. IHic ; l'uppeioll.0-4. 14'Jc ' ; Pcppeiell. 8-4 , 20o ; Pepncrell.0-4 , 22o ; Poppcroll. 10-1 , 23CJ TJtlca. 8-4 , 24o ; Utlca. 028c ) ; Utlca , 10-4. 2 CotroM WAIIIlllbb , b , vv hue , ISVic ; colored , TlCKS-Yoik.32 In , 12Wc : Snlft Klver. 7'o ' : Thorndvke , OO , 8iic : Thorndyko , KIZ , b'/Jc ' ; Thorndyke , IJO , OUc : Thorndyko , XX , 14c ; Cordls.No. 4 , Uc ; tordls , No. I. lOc. UiucKS-Ciilcdonlii X , UKc ; Caledonia XX , lO'jei ' Keonoiny fcijo ; Otis. 8ic. ! COTTON 1 I.AVNEIJ Guardian LL , 5'4c , net ; On Guard CC. 0 4c ; Ss. 7 > ( c : KH , 8'4c : OG.Ii'lo ' ; XX , 104e ; OO , llUe ; NN , 12'Jc ' : AA. 14c ; DO. IMjc ; TT , IG'/ic : Vy. Itc ; HIl.lOc : bleached , No ; o , Slid No. CO , I0"o ; No to , 12'oj ' brown and slute. No. 50.Uc ; No 70 , JSJii'S No. 00 , lOc ; colored .Missouri Millev , U"/ic , Hi.VACiiti ) foiioN llurKeloy Cambric-No. 00 , ! ) > je ; Ilcst Y t , b ! i' { llutteiclotli , XX. 4' ' c : Cabot , 7Jie ; 1'list CalWic ; I'rultoftho l.roni , Oo ; Hill Hempor Itloni.lSc ; Housekeeper. KIngPlilllliicambilc , lnc ; Jjiuicdonu K. 1. oil-dale. Dc < ; Liiiisdiilo etimbilc , Uio ! ; Now Voik mills , lie : Oak t/nwn. 7e. t'oioiiliiUAMliiacsM-Urown.J'ic ' ; Ited Star. 4Sc ; Clover , 5c ; Slater Itolled , 0J4.e : high col- ois , lc o.x li a. t GINOIIAVIS Plunkct checks , C' c ; Whltlcn- ton.uuc ; lork.O'al'i'Noiiuandldiess.Rc , Cil- ontta dress. 7 c ; Wlllttenton dres > s , 80 ; Iled- foid dress , SiSfttlJcV ' " ( JisniiAM AmoskP 1ft , 7o ; AmosUciic dress , 8Hc ; Hates , B' u : Will-wink oreis , fc , Lancaster - tor , 0 4c : ( llunalio. b'-ib ; \ \ hlttendon dress , He. 1 m. IlitowN COT'T NS Atlantic 1,1. ( lc ; Au rora 11 , d'4e ; Auioill It , C'i ' : : Atlas , O.N'II , 7 e ; ohct > .o clotb , 4e : ( 'Union , 1 < T , 5 > 4c | Popptrell icojc ( : Limedoii OW\c. \ UorroNADf a Yoik , 'niinUIn ' , lO'tc ; Kvorott ; noz , ISo : LowlBton , 10 'oz. ' 22JieorklnKiniin. ; . 14e. lUAWlliiovvNCOTlfoNS Atlantic. 7ic } ; At lantic II , 7o ; AtlHiitli'U.nVo ; Atlantic P , te ; Aurora C , 4Ji'c ; buek's head , 7'4e : Cabot VV. diic ; parllngtoii , U lM riirmtrNo 1 , 4S ® 4Hu ; Indian liu.ul , 7c { ; Luwrenco LL. 5\o ; HiiirlcttnLL. ALo. Jnsivis-Net Anioskois , 0 oz , 16jc. ! York cuinlet , 12o ; r.vert-tt , standard. 12ie ! : llii } - makirs' , 7'io ' ; Old York , XX , lO'Jo ; l.avvrcnce. 220 , Jjijoi Lawrence , Dor , ao' ' c ; fancy strlpe" anil checks. \ \ lOANS-Net-'I hlstlc , o ic ; lied Cross , 7'o CIIASII Stevens' U. lO-Inun.SVo : btovuiih1 I ) . a-lncli , fl' o ; btuxons'A , 10-lnili. 7' < c ; stiums' 1 * . Ih-lnch. (01 tjtuvcns' M , Ib-lneli , He ; btn\i IIH. N , 20-Inch , Oo ; Mm ens' NX ' 'Much , lOo : Slo vens' HHT,20-lncli , , 12o ; bleached , lo extra. Quinine , peroP. . A , W. 4loi German , 27o ; ndlRo. pcrlb , 75c ; Insect powder 2lei opium (2.75 ; morphine , per ciz , ! . ' ,0 ; hops. IK r lli , LUc gljci line , 18o ; dextrine , lOc ; cuttlobono. 33e cream turtai , pure , lUo ; commerulal , ISeeaui ; - uhoi.Mo ; u m. carb . 14ci blue vltrol , 7 > o ; car- belle acid , JjftXlPi citric , 4V < tco ) ; turtarle , 'J > ia e ; sulphuric , perlb.'c ; sperm nil , il.iui tur pentine * . 4Vj | Tonka beans. $ I.KVL(200 | baUun toln , 4lttl5c ( ! Jiilomol , $102 ® ! 05) ) eantharadleti M lma.l.lW ; ca > slu liuds. eixiiw.'c ! chloioformf)7c4 ( lOo : i-rcot , 47ta.Vcj KUIII arable , i5e4il.05 : jyco- podlum , 4ftaiJo ; mercury , b8c ; Hiilplnir , J'iO ulum , 2ci copperas , IMc ; epsoia salt , cliitibcr Rnlt , 1'icl ntitlpjrlnf , (1,10 per or ; inlstol , tl.MO per n ! iititlkiiiiiiit. ( lOOppra/t cr\st. slri olilim , ! ! ( ' .VI41r > per or llrorlco root , irr. It ) , Hie ; oil c-iisiln , f I 'N | inr lb ; oil clench , I.V.'i | > cr lt > ! oil Hiislc , J-1 00 ; oil lciuontl.Violl ( | icrKiuiiot.Jl St peril ) : Imlsiin cupabln. Olc per lit null nit. uliniiitli , } . ' IM per II ) : lodlilu potiiH- sliini. IJ.T5 per Hit brnmUlo potHs lunt , a ctar li ; Hnlli'j llu uclu. ll.Uj per Ibj bnnrolu ucld , Pur * , Itaccoon No. l.lnrRe.lXrilTOc : No. I , medium. LVff40 | No. 1 , sn.till , ; tO3tOo ; Nos. 2 , 3 and 4. Mink No 1 , luree , 50rtWOo ! No. I. inedlnin , 40 7.45cj No. 1 , Biniill , " . 'xU-Lo ; Noa. 2 , J and 4 , MuskUat-rnll , ® IOc : kit. 3c. bkunk llliie'k , 7'e( ( W ; striped. No l.Tltt lOc : Ns.2 , l % J.5c ; No. .1 , lUftlSci No. 4 IWtlOc. . l'ro i I'ox No I. { . ( .Wai 00 : No 2 , $ iOiKctJ' > ) ; rulvNo I , $1 OOfffcl J.5 ; No 2.50 < BOOe ; giey , No 1 , Mountain \Volf-0 \ < o 1 , WMXfMOO ; No. 2. fl < K > a\.W \ ; pralrlo wolf , No 1,75oBHOO , ; No 2,40 ® 60c. 60c.Heaver Heaver No 1. perlb. $ . " > } & . ) 50 ; No 2 , II 50 ® 2.10 : No : i. ' > oa7 : > c ! No. 1.1)0. ) Otter No , tt lurim prime. j.5flol700 ; No. ] , iicdlum4 007 ? . * ) uoi No. l,8mnlllif ! > ( > &J Y ) : Noa. . ' , : iaiid4. BOiSMLfiO. Wild Cat-No. I , 40c ; No 2. 20il5c. Opossum No 1 , cased , lOcit.'c ; No. 1 , open , No I , full furred , 60-3730 ; No. 2 , 203 " ' ifun - . . 1.110 00850 MI crlr/loy. No. . $5 ooflsn U ) ; brown , No 1 , JiOOiMOOO ; cub , 1 OCXS-i on. lluckskin Indiandres-od , perlb. 7" > o < ! UI.OO : leer , siiiumcr , Per Ib , 25.L5cl ; fill , per 11) ) 10 ® 2" > c ; vvlntur. pur lb , aOio ; reeu fc.ilt , per iicco. 73S80C ; antelope , pur lb , US.'Oci elk , per b , I2o Others riihcr. No I , M 00515 CO ; marten , No. , 'SctSlfiO ; No. 2. AVct'iOC ! I Mix , No I , 4J50 © 00 ; wolverine , No 1. Sl.ooaooo. 'Iiuiiibcr. Quotations are fur car lots on board cars nt Omaha UIMINXIONS U ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 2J ft Si ft 24 ft 'x4 ' $15 00 $15 00 $13 (10 ( $15 5) ) 810 CO tl" ( H ) $ IS 00 IxO 150) 15 OJ 1500 1550 III CO IS 10 IS (10 ( IxS 15 Ol ) 15 00 15 OJ lr > 50 10 OJ 17 Ml 18 0) 'xIO. ' 1500 lr > 00 1500 r > BO lli OJ 17 r > 0 1800 'x 12. 10 CO 10 CO 1000 1000 1700 13 5J 1000 x4to HXS 10 00 Hi 00 10 00 17 00 Ifl 00 10 00 10 00 I'liNCiNO No. l.dln , unnd 14 ft. rf. JIUGO : No. 1,4 III , 10ft JIOOOl 4 III , $ ltlJO ( ; No 2 , C III , 2 and 14 ft , tf. $14 OJ ; 4-ln , tu.uo ; No 2 , c In. HI 't ' , $10.00 ; 4 In , til ! n i , No. J , 0 In , U and 14 ft. I LOO ; 4 In. $1JOO ; No ; .t , Gill , 10ft , J1JOO ; 4 In , IIOJ. biDiNO A , 12. 14 and 10 ft , J22 00 ; O , $17.50 ; H , 12. 11 ami 10 f I , $20' ) ) ; I ) , 114 V ) . HoAiius No J.iom. ( bfiO : No 2. com , S1303 : No y. com. JU5I ) ; No. 4 , com , $11 51. rr.oouiMi A , 0-ln , whlto pine , $100 ; 0 , .11 SO ; H. 0-ln. vvhllo plnn , J'OM ) ; I ) , .Mno , ] " . , l-ln , whlto plno ( scl. fcnclnR ) , $1".00 ; dioli sld- ns. Mo per M exit i. .STOCK UOMIIK-A. 12-ln sla , J49.00 ; II. 12-ln , sis. $45.10 ; U $40 00 ; I ) . t500 | No. 1 common , 12- n. ls 10 , l j and is ft. $ J1 CO ; No. 2 , Jl" rfl ; No 1 oiniiioii , 12-ln , Ms , 14 ft , t0.l(0j ( No. 2 , $1750 ; So 1 common. 12-ln. his , 10 ft , WO ; No 2 , 117.10 , No. 1 common , iMn , sis , 2J ft , i2l03 : No. 2 , JIS-50. 8iiii'iu No 1 pliln.Snnd HI In , JinoO ; No. 2 , $1000 , No. 1 , O. U,8 In , Jl'ioo ' ; No. 2 , JIG 501 10 n , crooved roofliiR , 12 , Unnd 10ft , Ji'i50. ' riMSiiiNd 1st nnd2dcl , l In , S'M , } ! ' ' OD ; I14 IK and Jin , HI 00 ; M clear , Hit , < Xa.t00 \ ; I'i I'i and 2 in , $47.00 ; A. select , 1 In , s2s , JII.IO ; I'i I't ' nmlJIn , ! 4 > 00i II , select , 1 In. , s$11.01 ; 1U 'i ' and 2 In. JW.OO ; C , select , 1 hi , s2s , J27.00 ; 1J4 lli and 2 In , H" > 03 , A , 11 ore select , nil 10 ft Jl.OOcxtri. „ Yhl.row I'm 1st and 2d clear flooring , t.J-10. star. $2100 ; 1.1-10 , $11)01) ) ) : com loorlni ; . Kl-10 $ lr > 00 ; rift clear , 110. . J3 ! 00 : 1st ind 2d clear , ? cellhifr , J'4 ' 10 ; 1st nnd 2d clear , ni celllnc. $1950 ; 1st and -'d i' > lllnir.$2)0u ; stand 2d clear , finish , s2s fioml In , J.7.0J ; 1st mil 2 < 1 clour , finish. s2s , from I'i lii.5W.on ; 1st ind 2d clcir , ilnlsh. sJs , from I'i and 2 In ! X ) ( )0 ) ; 1st and 2d clear , y p casings , KJO 00 ; b iso \K ) 00. I'OPIAK I.tnitinu-8-lnrhnnd up. 1st nnd 2nd clear. 1 Inch s.'s. $ .1000 ; H-mcli and up , 1st and 2nd clear , ' , Inch p tnel $ "JOO. faAMi , Dooits , board. ? l.r > 0 ; sash , 55 leret : doors , 50 per et : blinds , 50 per ct : mmldlnRs Wperet ; tarred felt.poi cwt , $210 ; straw bo ird.ilIf. HATIISS. Hi-L TirniNO , HTC. O. 0 2'5-Inch ' , C5o ; ij\l. slo.Bo : l-lnth well tubing. I ) . A. M. and bev.JilOO ; pickets. U. & H . Hat. $ J0.5u ; I ) " II. , sq , ( KM 10. .Siu > nri8. LATH E\tri "A , " plno , $1M > ; standard "A , " $ J.J5 ; extra "A"codai , f2V > ; I Inch clear pine , $1.90 ; clear redwood. $125 ; POSTS Wlilto cedar. 0 Inch. Ms , lie ; 0 Inch iis , lie ; whlto cod ir. .1' ' , Inch , 'a- ? , Oc ; S Inch , jis , be ; white cedar , 1 Inch , lound , 15c ; split oak , So ; Tennessee red cedar , split , Uc. Metals. STI rWniE NAILS Uasc , $253 ; steel nails base , > -15. Uoi'i'iii I'hnlshed boiler size. 29c per lb ; cold rolled. 27o ner lb ; sheeting , 2uo per lb ; pit ind Hats , 28opcr lb. Wnu Jnp barb , $ .125 ; gal. , $ .105 , ItootiNG , 1. C. , Ux.'O. ' 112 , Jfl.OO ; I X. $710. bllttT IltON No. 2C. $ .1 W ; No 27 , $3 CO. SOI.DHI htrlctlv half and hulf. loo. TlNl'l.ATl-I. 0.10x24. J7.M ; I. X. , 10x14 , $925 ; col.c , 4x110. 11. , $075. . Ili.ocic TIN btnall plff.SOo per 5b ; bar , 1.0o | ior lb. GALVANizinSillFT InoN Discount r > 0-10 per cent ; plan. Iron , Nos. 24 aud 27 A , lO ie ; H , OHO. _ nilsucl laticous. Krrf/en hldes.lSliJpjNo 1 preen s illcd hides , 4iJffirili < " , No 2 Krcen salted hides , .I24o ; No. 1 green silted hides , 2.1 to 4U Ihs . 4'1 ' < it > 'ic : No. 'J giocn salted hides. L'1 to 40 Ibs , . ! ® lc : No. l > calcilf. 8 tolr. ll > q,7e : No Scil ealf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , So ! No. 1 dry Hint hldns. 7e : No 2diy Hint bides' 5o ; No. 1 dry salted hides. 52 ( > o. bhoen oells Green billed , c ieli .l > ® - > : Kreen salted she irllnj. . ( short \\oolcd eiuy skins ) each , I0 ® ' > ; irsr ] Hliciilhus isiiort \vooled o.irl ) sklnsl No 1 , each , MJlOe ; No 2 , each. Sc ; dry Hint K.ins.ts and Nebraska buteber wool jiolts , per pound netu d wel.-ht. 1014'ic" ' dry flint Uansis and Nebraska mur rain eel pelts , pcrpoiinil. tictuil woleht. t fa 1'Jo : dry Hint Colorado butehoi wool pe-lts. jier pound , actuil weU'ht. 10 fil24cdi ; > Hint C'olo- indo nun r iln noel polls , jior poiinil , aotiinl ncieht , H5 10c ; dry pieces und bucks , actual HiCKOitvNUTS Ijar c , per bushel , J1.50 Poi'UoiiN ( Jliolco stock , I'.Si.V. hi ATin u Hemlock slaiiKhter solo. 2u per lb ; hemlock ilrv Iildo bole , 2UdJ4 ( > ; oik sole , . , ® .l4i ! : rionih kip hl.lns , 'PUtGifJ.IO ' ; I'lpncli calf skin , $ I.S7g.2 00 , American oik calf 5c@fl ! " > ! Amu lean hemlock tali' . Tic © $1 I 10 American oiic kip , 7r > cQ.Mo : Amerlcin lietn ock kip. ( Wic ; slue ] ) skins , 50c@l GO ; KOiit skins , per foot , 200..0C' . . HIHN SacKoel , per ton , $ JO 00 ; chopped feed , IJ1.00. HONKVlilto clover , 1 lb frames , per lb , 18o ; 211) frames. 17e. IjiMK , Oi MINT , KiC. Onboirdenrsat Omaha 1'er bhl Ash Oroto lime , OJc : < lianiplon lliuo , fvtc ; Qulnoy white , 81(5 : I.oulsv Illueemilit , JI.TiJl Milwaukee cement , $1.45 ; Utlea ccnii nt. $1.40 ; l.nKllsh 1'ortland eemrnt , $ .l4'i ; New York plaster. S.'il ; AIlchlKan plabtii , $ . . ' 10 ; I'ortDodKO plaster. SI ? ' > ; uhlto hind , J..IO ; 1' . 1' . balr. pur b ile. $1.00 TAIIOW AMI I.IU.ASI. Tallow No. 1 , : i4ffi4o ; tallow No 2 , , lU.lio ) ; ere ise , wlilto a , 4ffiie | ; crease , wlilto b. .I'.ai'tc ' ; Krenco. ycllou. , c ; grease , dnrk , 2MO ; old butler , 25ii'ic ; beosv ix , prlmo , lMi2.V > ; tonsil tallow , I'iffi2e. ' 11ONJ.B Ino ir lots only Dry buffalo , per ton , $1000441800 : div country , bleached , per ton , $10 Outfit L.OO ; dry country , damp nd meaty , pel Ion. } S CO ® 10 00 'I lie-e pi lees are for bones \vuUhcd and dclhercd In ( lilcaco riA On track ut Onmlm rplnnd. Nu I. (050 ( per ton ; coirsu blue elein , to 00 ; oats straw , M in per ton Ml.AGK WAi.Miru 1'er bushel. J1.21 CotOAMJTb 1'or 10J , bucked , 44 W ; bulk , 14.2.5. Co tiOn board cnrs nt Omiilm Anthracite Chestnut , range and eir ? . * s W per Inn : crito , 18.25. fcoftc-oal-Ohlo S 'K ) ; Mm thorn Illinois , $4 M ; niilnnt blouK , $ J2 > ; lonn lump , Ul' > ; lo aiiut. ! J7" . CIILSTNUTS I.argo Italian. 15o pcrlb. WANTED Total Uaues of CITIES , COUNTIES. SCHOOL DISTRICTS. WATER COMPANIES , ST. R.R.COMPANIES.clc. Corre ponclciu o tuilfcitcil N.W.HARRIS &COMPANYBankers . . , , 163-105 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. IS Wall Street , NEW YORK. 70 Stoto St..BOSTON. CHRISTIE LMTHROP Commission Co. itOO nnd 'Ml .South lii'li Stiwlj T rst Nation il ItnuK llulliHnt ; . Grain , Provisions , Stocks & Bond0. Orders executed for tlio iiirclui o < ir salu for IniiiHilliitcior fnturo dcllvury In all tlio Je.ul- ItM nmrUula. 1'rlnito II/ ! < . 10 i I * W i or MI t * * * * * l IConnf ) 11 lvtnnutl' ( Jhluiiso f ' bt. Louis. . I ) . H. Tram-Is & Ilro , FOR MEN ONLY MAGIC CURE VOl'S ' DCIIIMTV. . Wuiikntim of lUul" Kill Mind ; KlTt'ctn of I rnnsur llxio-.sts In OM or VOIIIIK. Jtobust. .Soblu MAMIOul ) ttilly rJ- Htorcit. WuKUurniittn oxory C.IHH 01 inonuy rvfiiiiiloil. h > iiiuilu | uiuio' ' ' . IIU ) III | > H' imit- ; full cimrir , i > co'tiruly K .iltil fioin bservutlon. Cook liunuily Co , Oiuuli .Nub. , Hieo Cor , Uth uucl Taruatu btrcuts. Ti Dl „ , FUR , WOOL , HIDES , TALLP\Y . . - * s. A oU * Goo. Oborno & Oj JS.SmUh ( IJ 3. Uth street , H03-UU r.oirtnirorltiil Omaha. IRON WORKS. Paiton ( c Vicrling Omaha 8afo it Iron V Iron Workf , Works \\rounht anil caU Iron , bulldlnuTfnrk , enitnai. nmif'M flrn nod burglar ' bni work , Ronoral proof nf , raulll , jall f' foundry , miclilaa nnt work , Iron ihutltra ita bl ck nillhiTork U 1 * tire oioapo * . 0. Au lir and ITUi U Acme Iron and Wire Wilson & Drake , Works , M'fR tubular HUM , an i Iron wlro and bran ir'ki box bollcti , unki , t .M. 8 icth ntruet. \V lloehl , 1'roprlotor I'lerronnl 19th itrteti LITHOORAPHINQ. Eocs Printing Oo , l.lthoernnlilnz , I'rlnllaj mid Hook ! LIQUORS. Ilor & Oo. ! William Dint , Mquor Mcroh nti Wlno , l.lqnon and Cl- 11IJ llnrnoj ntreot . llnnufuctiir ' snrs. r Kunnuilj'i Knit Imlli Ulller * 1313 K.irnim St. , Omnbt R. R , Grotto , Frank Dollono 4 Oo. , Importer BD < ! Jobber of K Liquor nnd Oonulna - \ \ Inn ami Uqiion 9tli and Ttidit Cliati. 1'rlco lists on application IMS Douslu Stieot , L. Kirsoht & Co. , A , Prick i Oo , , WboloialdMUotDckl ( ri < OTnml < W8 10th SL 804 - M3 9 10th St. LUMBER 0 , W. Douglass & 0o. John A. Wakeflold , Impnrlod Amcrlfin.rorl llsrclrrooJ Lumber , lonil Cement , Mll uk lldrnnllo Connnl m 1310 North ! Oth Stron. ( Julncjhlto \ Urn * Oh-\rlo3 R. Lee , Wyatt-Dullard Lumber Hnrdirood Inmbpr , wool carputs nnd parquet ber Oa. flooring , till nud Dough * IOIU nndltird Streets , Prod W. Gray , Louis Bradford , I.I mo , Comcnt , Kin , Rta Lumber , llrao , comoat.oto Cor Dthnnl V3 Douglrv itraot. MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 0. A. Btonoliill , I. Oborfclder & Oo. , Millinery , Notloni Importer * nd Jobbers la Clcijk ) , Kto Millinery 108,510 nnd ! U South lltt 11C-1I3B. ICth St , Omaha ilroct MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , ETO . MniMoyor & Bro. Oo. A. Ilospe , Jr. , M'fj Jeweler , dcnlori In ' I'lano' , Organs , Artist muslcnl Instruiuenti , etc , Matcrlali , Etc , Farnntn and ICIh 1513 Ioul i Btr * t. OILS. Consolidated Tank Line Oo. Hoflnod nmt lubrlcttlni oils axle Krensi' , eto A II Illihup , .Man.ijor | OYSTERS. A. Booth Packing Oo. | Platt k Oo , Oyitirs , flih nnd cnnnod "Tlucr brnnd , " tresa oj EuOd9 ters , Onmlmbranrh , 1303 I.civonworth. SlSondU" Jtowi H-- PAPER. | PLATING. Oarpontor Paper Oo. , Western Plating W'kl ' Carry a full clock of Gold , 'liver knd ntoktl printing , trapping and Plating on all raeUU , Uitilownrc aU3.replatod > writing paper , card pa Pollshliubrivii .t oban < per , etc duller work PBODUOB , COMMISSION. RUBBER , GOODS. CTO. Omaha Rubber Oo. , Slnnufnctiuliik' nnl Job- beraull kin li rubber Kaa 11 1003 I'arniiu 'treot. SAFES. I SEDDS. A. L , Deano & Oo , , Emerson Seed Oo. , General necntf for Hall's Seed Krimorj , dtilart In Hufos Kardun ijr.iii , uralanaii JiSoiitli lOtbSt , tree neo 11 , Omalio. (21-421 Soutli 15th. SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , BTO. M. A , Disbrow & Oo. , Boha Sash & Door Oo , Maiiufnclurern of lasb , Uiinufnctiirori o ( moult- doom , bllnils and Inj ) , bllnJ ) . doorj , Moiildlnm llnnohof- oto dco , Utli and ItirJ § ti 10th and Llark itreoti. BYRUPS. I STOVES. Farrell & Oompiny , DttfTy-Trowbridja Wbolesnlo mtinfactureri Btovo Miaufao'g Oa , jrups , molanei aad vinegars , Mmufa-tjrn itoreianl 217-219 South 6th ittnrd pip ) - itruat 1211-1212 Ixmronirorthik TEA , OOFPEH , SPIOH3 , OIGARS , Consolidated Ooffeo Oomp&ny , KlUnd llld Iiiirnor 't. Omaha , Neb 3TQA.MAND WATER SUPPLIES Q. S. Wind Engine & A. L. Btranj & Pump Oo. , Ilalllilajr wind mllli OIS 1003-lOOt Kirn am llro > , nnd 'J' * ) JonuJ "U ( > V HOSR , acting manager Omaha , Neb Orano Company , Hoio bolting , packing > team pumps , plumbing kcodi fftt 2i r-iunam BtreoU TOYS. I TYPE. H , Hardy & Co. , The Omaha Typi Toys , dolli , albumfancy Foundry , EOOdil > ouicifurnUliln { Pflnters' Buppllet. Koods , children ! car * New nnd ieoon < J-n a4 rlaic > . 1313 Farnnimt. 1113 tuacblnory Howard ( treek SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , LIMITED , LIVE Sl'OOK COMMISSION. f