TTTTTJ nittATTA TiATTrV KlflK ? TAttTT/VRV , THE OMAHA IIEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PI'.AKL . ST. . rpllTtrtrt ti } Carrier In any pnrtof thoClty L > V * > - II. W. T1LTON. - HANACIKU c. No. II * -NJsht Editor. No. 21 JIJAOIC JlKATtttX. K. Y. 1 . Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal. Permit to wed wns yesterday given Han * P. .lacobson and Ollvn Jorgcnsen , both of this city. Tbo motor men dread sleet and Ice on the wires more limn snow on Ihc rails. They have not been bothered greatly with cither BO far this season , The now ofllcers of the board of trade nro U. W. Hart , president ! O. B. Watte , treas urer ; H. O , McOeo , M , R Hohrcrnnd W. . . ' . . Moore , finance committee. The Catholic Mutual Benevolent associa tion has nrrnngpil for nn entertainment In Hughes' hall this ovonlnif. music and recita tions being on the programme. County Clerk Chambers h putting the fin ishing louches onto his last icport. As soon as it IR completed ho will make arrangements to engage actively In the practice of law. Some of the evangelists engaged In the re vival nt Overtoil's ' mission nio strong believ ers in divine healing , nnd numerous cases are cited ns proofs that the days of miracles nro not past. \V , Cassady , Harry Bowman. Harry Hans , Charles Haas , John MrWllllann , Cvrus Herd and James liowinan have arranged for "TTNoW Year patty in the Uoynl Arcanum parlors this evening. The Kiel hotel Is undergoing some Improve- men Is. The basement is being fitted up fern n barber shop , and the room on the first floor formerly occupied for this purpose is being tonvertcd Into n reading room. There will bo n special meeting of Harmony chapter No. 'W. Order of the Eastern Star , Saturday evening , January 10 , In Mnsnnlo hall , for the purpose of Installation , followed iiy a soriiiblc , to which nil members of the order nt homo and aliimid nro cordially iu- Vllcd. By order of llio worthy matron. A party wai given to Eleanor Stewart Montay ) evening in honor of her thirteenth birthday. Tlio guests were , Ulnmho Archer , Jcssio Alwortb , Helen Baldwin , Ucncviovo Baldwin , Franklo Dalloy , Warren Dalloy , Kobort Baldwin , Clinton Spooner , Ben Grahl , Dell Smith , Miss Davenport and Mr. Slinins. "Squire Hcndricks , In retiring from ofllco , wastes no time In idleness. Ho has already cntcicd into business with his son nnd M. 1. Sears , the linn name being chanced to Hcn dricks , Sears & Co. The firm will continue to occupy the onico , but will Improve its in terior , in addition to the insurance business they will engage In the loan business. Mrs. Mary Bennett , who resides on Myns- tcr strees , received a telegram yesterday that her sister's husnand , Andruw Miller , a resi dent of Oelwein , In. , had committed suicide. Mrs. Miller's health has been very poor for sometime , and owing to his Inability to prop erly provide for her nnd the family ho became very despondent and this is supposed to have been the cause of his act. Mrs. Bennett left for Oelwoln lust evening. Mrs. Ben Long died lu Grand Island Wednesday afternoon anil tbo body was brought to this city for Interment yesterday evening. Mrs. Long was well known in this city , where she lived nearly all of her Hfo and wliero her parents still reside. As Miss Ma Autcnrclth she will bo remembered by niahy people. Her death followed a brief klllnCss from Ulilney troubles , and she was ' July twenty-two years old when bho ille'd , The funeral will occur on tomorrow after noon at i ! o'clock from the residence of her father , liWHUgh street. Ono of the nuisances that has oft been complained of and thocomplaintuevcr heeded Is the alleyway in the rear of Ofllcer & Pu- soy's ban Icon North Mam street. Thnnllov makes an ugly interruption In the sidewalk and leaves n space ten feet wide that is n serious inconvcnlcnco to people who have to pass along the slilownlk. The public has commenced to complain to the news papers after signally falling in getting its erfovanco listened to when made to the streets and alloys committee of the council , The nuisance is ono of long standing und should be abated nt onco. For Sale 415 acres , ono mile from market ; finest grain or stock farm In Pottnwatamlo county. Very cheap. Most ofground has boon In tame gross from flvo to ton vcara. For particulars ECO Ohio Kuox , 0 Alain street , Council Bluffs , la. Buy your coal nnd wood of C. D. Fuel Co. , 6SU Broadway. Tele-phono 13'J. ' A. T. Fllcidnger is planning n trip to Vlr- flniu , starting next week. ' Miss.Tonnlo Claroy , formerly of this city , ' 'Is seriously 111 at her home In Omaha. ti. M. ICerney , n brother of W. I. ICerney o f : the Cattlemen's bank , Is visiting hero. J.V , Dnvls of Avocn , the well known banker of that place , was in the city ycstcr day.Mrs. Mrs. It. O. Wells of St. Lous ! h In the city visiting her parents , Air. and Mrs. II. F , Hat- tenhaucr. Judge Houlton has returned to the city after a month's absence in Charles City , In , The famous H re-sea case , in which ho icpre Rents the defendant , will bo decided lu tl.o supreme court in a few days , Bargains In blankets and comforters nt tin Boston store , Council Bluffs , this week. Special prices on ladies nnd cents under- wenr this week at the Boston Store , Councl' Uluffs. Ucnt on a Patent The preliminary examination of 0. D , Covell , charged with obtaining money under false pretenses , was begun before Judge Me Cleo yesterday afternoon , nnd will bo re. Binned this morning. The prosecuting wit licss Is Q. A. Schocdsnck , proprietor of thi dye works hero , Covoll had an nrratiKomon by which ho claimed to bo able to furnish light by electricity nt wonderfully llttlo ex pcnso. He fitted up a scries of these llghte In a little building on Broadway , nnd thoi commenced the work of getting- capital Inter' estod , Ho showed the lights to several wol known citizens , and several meetings were held with a view of Investigating and organ IzIiifT a company to handle the right for th state of [ own. It seems that in the shulll. SchordsacK was the only ono who put In any money , Ho Invested f.H ( ) , supposing'tha' the others who bad been talking about It won already paying In their shares. The Invest I gallon led to tbo belief that the light was fraud , It being so expensive and impractlca. that ills useless. Then Schoedsaek , finding that he was out fiOO , had Covell arrested. The host SSo hose In the country is to found nt the Boston Store , Council muffs , cither In gents half hose , in wool or cotton In Indies' ull wool or cotton , in misses ni : wool or cotton , lioston Store , Council Uluffs Why pay (1.50 when you can get jnst a : oed fare and beds at the Scott housa fo tl.OOl Held to the Grnnd Jury. B. O , Ensloy , the young mulatto who fired eovcrul shots at another negio named Me- Faddcn durtnfr a row ou WashliiRtou avenue Sunday afternoon , had a hearing In the po lice court yesterday morning , The evidence was clear that iio shot with tLo Intention of doing some mlsehlof , and Judge JIcGeo con cluded that the case justiiled nn Inquiry by the irnind Jury. I to wiu taken to the county jail to await such luiiulrr in default of $300 ball. ball.Ensloy has always borne n pretty peed rep. ututlou , and the shooting was indulged in while ho was what Is claimed by his friends to be his first drunk. > Horse blankets nnd lap robes at cost at TbfOr llcckinan's , 'ii Main street. Tha most complete line of blankets and \ comforters , hosiery and underwear In the city is nt the Boston Storewhore good goods , low prices , rash nnd ono prlco to all 13 their jrult. Boatou Store , Council Bluffs. THE NE\YS \ IN THE BLUFFS , A Bold and Original Schema Discovered in a Lot of Fraudulent Mortgage s. THE CONFIDENCE MEN UNDER ARREST. Dent on nil JSIcutrio hlcht II clil u > tlio Grnnd .Inry Dcoomlior CHy FinnnuCH Mliinr Mention mid Personal. Yesterday afternoon Ofllccr Mutphy ar rested n limn \ > y the iitxino of John Wubbor nnd took him to tlio police headquarters , where ho was asked to occupy an easy chair In tlio private oflloo or Chlof C.iroy. Tlio scat ww soft nnd comfortable at the start but It became very hard in the oIllcUl screw was diligently pressed down upon him. Before ho WAS permitted to lenvo it ho would have been willing to have exchanged It for the hardest kind of an old fashioned r.ill If the rail had borne him out of town. When ho was Invited to vacate It It was ut > on the invi tation to accompany Qfilccr .Murphy to the city jtul , where he was booked without any charKO being placed against him and turned over to the manual with the request to lock him up In ono of the upp.-r rooms nnd deny every person tlio privilege of talking to him. This Interdiction , which Is quite advisable under the clrcunistaucos , proven ted the re porters getting nil of the Inside facts of a very smooth and cntliely original confidence pamo which Webber has assisted In working. The developments made last night Indicate that a lurgo number of real estate owners have hint mortgages executed against their property bv woblvr and his confederates which will Involve extensive litigation and inalte tioilblu all around. A few days ago two men entered the ofllco of a well I ? nown real estate man on Bro.yi- way and Inquired for a notary. One of them was Introduced as George Colthard of Harri son county , Iowa , ulio is well known as a heavy ical estate owner. The other man in troduced himself as John Webber. Their business was to procure tha acknowledg ment of u mortgairo on Colthatd's prop erty In favcr of Webber. The Identlll- cation of Colthard was deemed sulllelcnt and the mortgage was acknowledged. Immedi ately after getting the mortgage the men left the oBlco and ten minutes later were in the ofllco of a well known chattel loan agent and real estate broker , to whom they sold the mortKago at a liberal discount. When the tnortirngo was put on record it attracted at- tcntlon In Hairlson countv. and the real owner of the property Jumped on the train and came down to see about It. Ho pro nounced It fraudulent , und went from the olllco of the real estate trail to that of the chief of police , where ho tol.d his story. AVebbcr was still In town , nnd In u few moments after the Missouri Valley man reached the police headquarters O nicer Mur phy was dispatched to bring the fellow In. Whllo closeted with the chief of police ho gave away the whole story , and confessed that ho and his partner , whom ho introduced 0.1 Colthard , had been dolnp an extensive business In fraudulent mortfrnges. The Information resulted in the prompt arrest at Missouri Valley of the part ner. who impersonated Colthard , but whojo name is P. M. Wills , well known in the village , lie \vas brought down by a AIls- souri Valley olllccr last evening and taken to the county jail. Some remarkable revelations are prom ised which will show that those fellows have succeeded in plastering1 mortgages upon real estate scattered throughout I'ottawnttninio and Harrison counties , and have succeeded in disposing of many of them to Innocent purchasers. The developments In the Webber-Colthard conlldenco case that caino to light after 8 o'clock last night show the operations of these men to bo a moat gigantic swindle that In volves several thousand acres of land , lo cated chiefly In Harrison county. Ono of the men most interested in this city is Ma. Samuel Haas. The deeds and mortgages given cover about 1,000 , acres of 2,000-ucro farm in Harrison county , lie returned from Missouri Valley last evening accompanied by "Willis , the fellow who has impersonated Col thard. On January ! 1 Mr. Haas received a telegram from Logan , the county scat of Harrison county , acquainting him with the fact that deeds to n large part of his land had been placed upon record. lie went at once to Investigate it nnd found that quit claims , warranty deeds and mortgages had been put upon the record covering live sections of land in Hairison county. The fraudulent transfers covered sections 2' . ' , L'3 , ! ' ( , 27 and S3 , range 70-15. The ilrst was a mortgage given by the alleged Colthard to Webber. Then eamo a quit claim deed to the property from Mary Dennis of U.ilosburg , 111. , convoying It to Webber , who In turn conveycs it by warranty deed to the wife of George Colthard , the uona ildo liar- rfoon man , The mortgage was drawn by F. J. Schnorr , a real estate dealer in tills elty , who has an ofllco over the Corner book store on Broad way. Ho claims that the work was done upon the request of the two men represent ing themselves to he Colthard and Webber. It was taken to Walter Stlllman , a young no tary , and acknowledged , The deeds were acknowledged by a notary named Ituthor- fonl , in thu P.ixto'i block , Omahii. Two women were picked up In the city , whom Webber now says were prostitutes , and taken before the Onrihii notary , one to impersonate Mary Dennis ana the other to assUt la iden tifying her. In all the transfers and the mortgage the consideration was il/iOO. After the mortgage was executed Webber and Wil lis , thu impersonator of Colthard , went to Sehnorr's olllco and negotiated it. They claim that Schnorr gave them $100 for It. The lands involved , upon which there is not a shadow of defect in title , are owned by Mr. Haas of this city and the following named Harrison countv people : Joe Hross , Mr. Evans , Cal r ougnlin , Marv E. Lee , S. S. Peters , Mr. tjbaclchmd and W. II. Sharp- ncck. The mortgage covers u part of bcctioa SJS , nnd the tltlo Is represented to bo in Elinor Stewart , who Is claimed to bo the only living relative of William Galoy , deceased - ceased , wli 11 o hi fact Mr , Ciuloy Is alive uud well. well.Tho The object of nil the transfers seems to bo only a desire to throw a cloud upon thu titles to Ilia lands , pet the fraudulent deeds and mortgages in the hands of Innocent pur chasers and then bleed the owners for nny amount to be obtained to clear up the do feels. The strangest of the transfers is the ono convoying all the 3'JlX ) aciea of land to the wife of George Colthard , thu bona lido Mis souri Valley man. Air. Haas held an ani mated conversation wl'.h him yesterday , and ho promptly offered to rwonvoy the whole back to the rightful owners. There are some things la this connection that cannot bo spoUon of at the present time , but Itisclaitnci that the real Mr. Colthnrd will ho able to explain - plain away bis connection with this last transaction. Doth Wills and Webber made a full con fession to Chief Carey h\st night hi thu pres ence of Mr. Haas. Just what it Is Cannot ho known for some tlmo. Both admit that the Mary Dennis Is a nivlli and was imperson ated by the women alluded to whoso names they will not disclose , saying merely that they were engaged for the purpose. Webber Is a Council Blulls man and for a month or mure has been running a. llttlo butcher shop on Broadway , n ear the North western depot. Ho has evidently been ropoi in by Willis and others solely for the purpose of assisting in procuring the acknowledge ments in Council Bluffs , of which tticro uro several. Willis Is a resident of Missouri Valley am bus relatives near Mondatuln , Ho formerly lived near Jacksonville1 , 111 , Schnorr , who figures quite prominently In the deal , has been n resident of the city for several months. A fact that Is looked upoi ns being somewhat significant by thuoniccrs was the discovery in the pocket of Wcbuer of n card aimoundnt , ' that "K J. Schnorr" was thu cashlorof the Bank of Qulutcr of Quln ter , ICiiu , Three or four reporters called at the real dcnco of Schnorr at 'M Stutsman street las night at 10 o'oloclc. Ho had retired , out no corded the reporters an Interview through the closed door. It was not very satisfac tory. Ho professed to believe the deal was all right and to bcllovo there was nothing fraudulent about It. Ho scorned consldornblj surprised whoa the newspaper men ques tiouod him about' his banking business h Oulntcr , Kuu. When told that Webber tint Wills were in the city aad utiaer arrest h was still more surprised. Importaut developments are eipcctet n the case today. HM believed that the rnnsnctlons of these fellows wilt cloud the I lira to a great deal more land than hat been llscovored to bo effected. Prompt steps hnvo been taken to clear the Itlcs to lands involved. J.C. Blxnv , steam tioatln ? , sanitary en gineer , UOJ Mo rriatn block. Council Blulls. Finances. City Auditor Kinnchan completed his count cstcrday of the amount of cash left on hand it the end of the year and available at the present tlmo to meet the obligations of the nunlclpallty. The following Is the statement hat will bo presented to the council nt the ueetltiR next Monday night : 0\er- , On Hand , drawn. fund . ( lf.2ur > loud nnd loan fund . W > , T.3 : uter < eetlim paving and trading . ISC.OM iitvriectluiiHQwcr sinking. 4 : tvu indKiiicnt fund. , . . . . 7AVI Water fund . KUI9 ' 'iirk fund . G'.YtfU library fund . 15W(1 ( 'tirhlnir ami sidewalk fund 24r > ,7ll 'ollee fund . . 7I2.MB Intersection sewers . l,4)7.iS ! ) ( ! < i > eclal assessment grading 14t > , ? Gl tcdetnptlun fund . 4..WJ "o\vi > rdlstrlct No. L' . 4. > . < ViO Hty lirldiro fund . ixs. " > 'muled debt ' Cicneral honcr . . . 1-.VJ I Total peclal assessment pnvlng. i 1MMfll i > po lal assessment su er. . " 0T"t ! Total oven ) raft . I 1.IW7.1M Hal , on hand Jan , I , 1SJ1 , . & , l. > lC/.ij Clrcat success. Reliable goods. Fair dealing. Bottom prices. At C. D. Jacquemln & Co. , No. 27 Main street Crumbs from Court. The jury In the case of Day vs Smith re- .urned a verdict yesterday giving the plain tiff the amount of his claim , ? 474 , It being for rent for land near Mamuvn. F. J. Uay yesterday sued out a writ of nt- achment against Prank Cook to secure pay ment of n note of il.V ) . Gideon Maynoyesterday took out aland- ord's writ of attachment to secure S1UU rent now duo on Nos. OI5 ami l > 17 Ilroadwuy , occu pied by W. A. ( Jlbbs as a fruit store. The members of the linn of Thomas Green & Sons have Goon ordered to appear in court icxt Saturday to answer certain Interroga tories concerning their business , and espe cially their assignments. The American District Telegraph Co. has boon reorganized nnd is now prepared to give prompt service. Special attentiou to express und parcel delivery. Ilrmly to K | < jht Nebraska. City Engineer Tostevln has been engaged in the work of making the surveys of tbo dis puted lines on Cut-off island nnd has completed the work sufficiently to enable him to fur nish the attorneys the desired material for the great light of the state of Iowa against Nebraska In the federal supreme court. The attorneys have completed their answer , but the pleadings are yet to bo drawn , and when this is completed tno supreme court will de cide how the case shall bo tried. It Is thought likely that n commission will bo appointed to whom the case will bo referred for the talc ing of the testimony In the case and tbo mak ing of a report to the court thereon. Firjt-class fresh candy made for the holi day trade , t A. C. Dempsoy's , 105 Main st. I'nlille Instillation. The installation of the ottlcers-clect of en campment No. b , Union Veteran Legion , for the ensuing year will bo public und will take place In Grand Army hall , on Pearl street , on Tuesday evening , January 11 ! , IS'.ll. Abe Lincoln post. No. i. ' , the Woman's relief corps and all old soldiers in this city und Omaha are fraternally invited to attend. A camp- llro will follow the Installation ceremonies and a general good tlmo is promised to all. K. C. Iluiiiuiti ) , O. Axe fix , Col. Commander. Adjutant. The Boston store , Council Bluffs , Is showIng - Ing special value lu blankets and comforters for this week. _ _ Insurance Companies Sue for Ijlbcl. MILWAUKEE , "Wls. , Jan. 8. The Wisconsin fire insurance company and Its ally , the Mil waukee Mutual lire Insurance company , are In the hands of a receiver. At the same time Phil Creek , the late insurance commissioner , and the Milwaukee Sentinel company are de fendants in libel suits in which the two com panies , as plaintiffs , ask $25,000 damages In each case. Ofllcers of the company claim the collapse was duo to the report in the Sentinel alleged to have been made by Creek , reflecting In a damaging way on the linnnciil standing of the companies , and causing a wholesale cancellation of policies. The Wisconsin Mu tual company hns $18,000 liabilities nnd $60,000 assets , and the Mutual places its assets at S5.,000 and the liabilities at $0,000. The as sets of both consist of unpaid premium notes. _ "Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer" by Aycr's Saroaparill This wonderful medicine s > o Invigorates the system nnd enriches the blood that cold weather becomes positively enjoyable. Arctic explorers would do well to make a note of this. _ Severe St-irnis in Colorado. HoM'OKE , Colo. , Jan. 8 , [ SpecialTelegram to Tnc BEI : . ! A terrifllc snow storm has bcou raging hero for the past twenty- four hours nnd continues without signs of cessation. Should the storm continue fortho next twenty-four hours much suffering wll bo experienced by the settlers In eastern Colorado and western Nebraska , as many ol them are entirely destitute of fuel except buffalo ctiips. The snow covers tbo ground now to the depth of ten inchesanu , unless it melts elf in a fo\v days so as to enable the settlers' stock and range cattle to get nt the grass they are certain to parish for want ol feed. Most of the settlers have but food enough tor their stock for a few days and some have none at all. A Pleasing Scn < < o of health and strength renewed nnd of cnso and comfort follows the use of syrup of figs , ns it nets in harmony with nature to effcctu- nlly cleanse the system when costive or bil ious. For s.i'.o ' in 50c und 1.00 bottles by all lending druggists. Want the lU-iluclion ItcHtorcil. CHICAGO , Jan. 8. The wages of 100 agents and telegraph operators of the Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul railroad were recently re duced 15 percent. ThofiOO men in that class nn thu un lira system signed n petition asking that , the wages bo restored , The company demanded the withdrawal of the men's names from the petition or their resigna tions. The opcratorH and agents say llio > are thoroughly organized ana that unless their committee , which .will cotno to Chicago toconfer.wlth thoonleials , succeed In getting the wages restored they will all resign. The committee of engineers and firemen Is still lu session. There Is nothing like Dr. Thomas' electric oil to quickly euro a cold or rellovo hoarse ness. Written by Mrs. M. J. fellows , Burr Oak , St. Joseph county , Michigan. A Ij < m < ; CliiiHO , DnAinvoon , S. D. , Jm. 8. | Special Tele gram to Tun Bun.j Sheriff Joseph Hamil ton of Cascade county , Montana , who arrived from Great Falls a few days ago in search o : horse thieves , Isfl by this evening's train for homo , taking with him as prisoners , William Hauton nnd W. S. Davis. The former was captured In Wyoming. They stoW a num her of horses ; lu Cascade county last sprint , and n lurgo reward was offered for their capture. Sheriff Hamilton had been trailing , thuiu for two months , during which ho trav clcd over three thousand miles. Ho sure ami use Airs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for your children while teething. U5 cents u bottle. A. Foreign IK-iullouk Aniioiino-d , LONIIO.V , Jnu , 8. [ Special Cablegram to KE. ] Publlo Irritation over the dead lock In the Scotch railway traftlu is In creasing , Tno Glasgow presbytery has np pointed a strong committee to endeavor to secure a coinurouiUo , tiOUTll It.tllOTA'ti Nil Understanding Yobma to How the Committees U'lll Itc 'blvideil. ' PiEiinr , S. O. , Jan. 8. IJ-ifteclal Telegram to Tim Unn.-Cmicusas ) weijo , held by the democrats nnd Independent i of the house separately last night for tlustohsuloratlon of committees. Nothing Important transpired , t nmt It Is reported that no uhdcritniullng has i yet been reached M to division whether I ninong three parties or twa , , ' Tbo republicans nro making a strong olTort for equal representation , , Tnoy had their ' caucus this mcrnlnp. Notjdng except purlla- nicutarv niles were considered. Kepubllcan members nro sending word nlonp the line that from this tlmo on every effort Is to bo made for party success , rather than that of any man. The house met nt 2 o'clock this nftcrnoon. S. H. Orinio of Faulk , democrat , was notnl- tinted for journal clerk by I'ratt of Hughes nnd Converse of Jcrauld nominated W. W. Instnutn of lieadlo , Independent , who was defeated at the opening of the csslon for chief clerk , Ills nomination vas eagerly caught up by the republicans , vlio saw a chance to disrupt thu combine. Many independents first voted for Eastman , but after the first vote was taken and It was seen that Eastman had n majority the Lend 2lty celebrated Independents clianged heir vote to elect Orinie. The vote .tood . C3 o 01 , At this point Converno , who Is n well known Independent i-oni Gcrauld , nnd who was talked of lor speaker , rose ton question of privilege and stated that In order to make the defeat of the republican organization of the house possible 10 had voted as ho thouglit for the > est Interests of the stnto with , lie Independents. Now they deserted lis candidate. Speaker Buchanan icreupon went over and congratulated Con verse. This was tbo first break In the com- > lno so far , and this was a small ono. The strongest test of its solidity was made when \V. S. Carpenter of Pierre was elected chap- nln. nln.The The sneaker pave notice that ho will an- lounco the standing committees tomorrow. In tlio senate n resolution was offered Admitting J. J. Fletcher , elected 'rom Stanley county , not in nny district , to the lloor. Tbo resolution was re- 'erred. Wlokham of Hanson Introduced a resolu- Ion to tbo cflect that the Interests of the state would bo better subserved by the pres ence nnd attention of our United States sena- ; ors and representatives nt the national capi tal at this time. It was referred to the com- : nttteo on stnto affairs. A resolution by Wnshnbnugh of Lnwrenco.llxlng February 14 as the time when the legislature Is to adjourn , o go Into effect us soon as passed by both louses was referred to tlio committee on state affairs. This was senate bill number one ; bill number two , by Potter of Sturgls , ibklnp the senators nnd representatives lu congress to use their influence for the en- urgement nnd extension of FortMcado was. referred to tbo military allairs committee iMcFnrlano of Day Introduced a resolution calling upon Congressman Pickler to exert its influence to hnvo the control of Indian ilTuIrs changed to tbo war department. Preston of Davisou county introduced bill Mo. S , providing for thb Australian ballot system. Sheaf of Coddlugton Introduced a similar bill. Tlio bill of Ilcintz of Aurora , amending sec tions 10 , 'M und'Jl of article 5 of the constitu tion , abolishing county roUitsand trnnsfering the probate business to the circuit court , was referred to tbo judiciary committee. It was voted as Irregular to refer bills to committees before they have been handed down. The Illinois LicjjMutiiro. SruiNflriHf.n , 111. , Jan. 8. The senate , after ineettnp this morning received n reso lution from the house providing for a Joint assembly this nftcrnoon to canvass the vote of the last general eleotldn. A Joint resolu tion providing that when the two tiouscs adjourn today they do so until Tuesday morning , was adopted. Among the measures Introduced were bills providing for the Australian ballot system , a uniform system of text books nnd ono In fuvor of anti-monopoly. They were referred to committees. A recess was taken until 11 o'clock , when the governor's message was re ceived nnd read. A recess was then taken until 1:4.r : > p. m. At 2 o'clock the joint session of the house and senate began. Returns of thu vote for state treasurer and superintendent of public instruction were announced and Messrs. Wil son and Hnab declared duly elected. The Joint assembly adjourned. The senate received a message from the governor announcing the appointment of James A. Koso as penitentiary commissioner , vice Clements , resigned , and Homer H. Green a member of the stnto board of phar macy , vlco Day. Action on the appointment was deferred. A committee on election was deferred. Adjourned. Immediately after tno house mot this mornIng - Ing a communication was received from the secretary of state reciting the districts and tbo names of the members in cases wliero notices of contest had been signed. A reso lution introduced providing that the commu nication be referred to n committee of fifteen members , to bo appointed by the speaker , was adopted. A message was received from the scnnto announcing that it had organized and report ing a concurrent resolution for u joint session , which was adopted. Tbo governor's message was then communicated to the assembly. A concurrent resolution providing for separate ballots by tlio two houses for United States senator on January UO , and for meeting in Joint assembly the day following to compare the result. The drawing for scats then took place. The senate elections committee mot this nf- tornoou. listened to charges in .various contest - test cases and adjourned. It Is thought that no more meetings will bo held until it Is' seen what action the house Is to t.iko in Its contest. George C. McCrono , republican representa tive elect from Adams county , tbo Thirty- Ilrst district , will bo unseated tomorrow by the democrats on the ground of ineliglblllty. This was decided upon tonight by the demo cratic steering committee. It was decided that ns the full democratic strength of seventy-seven members is now lu the city no time should bo lost in disposing of the contested election cases , and that Me- Crone , being one wherein' the evidence was brief , should bo acted upon at onco. Ho was u resident of the state of Kansas in 18b7 and in nn application for appointment as n notary public there stated that ho was a citizen of that stato. This , tbo democrats Insist , ren ders him ineligible as lacking the necessary live years citizenship In Illinois prior to the election. The committee on elections will bo an nounced by Speaker 'Crafts tomorrow morning. The plan Is to have the liouso adjourn' till U p. m. . 'during which tlmo the committee on clectlons > wlll meet and con sider McCrono's cnso. If the report can bo prepared by the afternoon the committee will report at once In favor df'unseating ' him , and this will probably bo done. In case the com mittee Is unable to ropoi % an adjournment will bo taken until Saturday and every dem ocratic member commanded to rcmnln In the city until McCrono's 'easu ' Is acted upon. These plans were perinnturely disclosed tonight and caused H. . much excitement lu tlio republican camp. John H. Tan ner said , however , that ho docs not think the democrats can conunand their soventv- sovcn votes on the unsealing question. Ho thinks the democratic Vejrrescntntlves from senatorial districts wherd ccnntors' seat * are contested will vote ngidnst unseatintr repub licans so as to protect lh < J. senators from re taliation. The republicans have arriiuged nn obstructive programme for tomorrow. Tbo democratic senatorial caucus tonight drafted a bill for an amendment to the coin pulsory school law to provide that the clo mentary branches must bo taught In English , but that history , mathematics , nlpobrn nm1 the other branches may bo taught In foreign tongues in parochial schools without placing them outside of recognition of the law. It cases where local boards are believed to bo swayed by prejudipo an appeal is afforded to the circuit court. Other IlAitTFOiin , Conn. , Jan. 8. In the house th Joint resolutions passed yesterday afternoon by tbo senate were received. They dcclarcc each democratic state oQlccr elected , A reso lution creating a special committee of th house to canvass the state oftlcers , referring the returns to then and directing them to in vestluato the allegations of Inaccuracies ii the count , was adopted. A recess to January . ' 0 was then taken. The senate mndo no effort to transact business todav. 1111.1.1(111 , N. C. , .Tail , S.-fho legislature has organized. U Is largely composed of members of tbo fnrmcn1 alliance , but they are conservative democrats ns well , Coxcoiin , N H. , Jail. 8. Herman A. Tuttle was sworn lu as governor this morning. Ho then delivered his message. Both brunches of thu legislature adjourned ns soou ns the governor had finished. ST. PA ft , Minn , , Jan. 8. The house met ngnin this morning nnd cast three ballots for < pcaker without result. A recess was taken , both sides hnldlng caucuses. At the afternoon session Stiver * , the demo cratic candidate for speaker , withdrew in favor of Champlln , the alliance candidate , nnd the latter was elected over Scarle. the republican. The house adjourned without choosing other ofllcers. Jtrriu : : oN Cm , Mo , , Jan. 8. The Icpliln lure was permanently organized today and adjourned until tomorrow , when the governor will send in his message. Arovf > TMe. . , Jim. S. Both branches of thu state legislature met todav , The oath of ofllco was administered to Governor Burlclgh nnd ho proceeded to read his Inaugural. Ho sa > s tlio time has come for Miilno to adopt thi ) Australian system of voting and urges citizens to renew their efforts to keep Mumo In the van of temperance state ? . IxniAXM'oi.ts , Ind.j .luii.8. The legislature net this morning ami the oniccrs chosen by , ho democratic caucus last night were sworn n In etch houso. The governor's message will bo delivered tomorrow morning. A Jl VNIMIKXTS. "Tho Boston inns" won n notable success nst evening at the Boyd by their excellent nterpretatlon of Do Kovcn and Smith's new comic opera , "Hobin Hood. " The house was crowded with tlio admirers of these capable singers nnd us each of the irluclpals appeared the applause which fol- owed testlllcd to the loyalty the public has 'or those who arc faithful to them. And the scogidtlon Tom Karl , H. C. llarabro , Marie Stone , W. H. McDonald , George B. Frothing- inm received at tbo hands of those In front must have been a rare pleasure indeed. But of the opera ! Mr. Smith has succeeded In weaving from thu material of the Hobln Hood legends a very quaint little story , sulllclently involved to merit close interest In Its dcvolpiuciit mil marked by n considerable cleverness In ; boexecution of Its detail. It deals with the schemes of the sheriff of Nottingham , a comic villain unite a Jit suggestive of the Koko typo to wrest Irom Kobcrt of Huntlngtonhls birth right and his bride , Marion , by betting up he loutish Guy of CJlsborno as a pretender. For a time the sheriff succeeds , but , as In all Ilrst class comic operas. , the third net brings consternation to the plotters and peace nnd concord to the people who have suffered through the machinations of the villain and hU henchmen. Kobort , for something better to do , Joins the outlaws of Sherwood forest ns their com- minder and assumes the name of Hobln Eiood. Like all licioes In drama and opera , 10 bides bis tune which , of course , comes round to his liking. The uniler-plot treats of the loves of Allan- n-Dalo and Dame Durdcn's ' wlnsomo duugb- tcr Anuabco. The author of the book hns shown a wise discretion In Introducidgjust enough archaic forms to give piquancy nnd local color to the opera without eclipsing his text. Now nnd then his humor Is very suggestive of Gilbeit , nnd then again It quite lapses Into broad farce , but throughout it Is always what it Is aimed to bo , entertaining und amusing. Much could , with entire jubilee , be written In prulso of Mr. DoKovcn's scoro. It Is clothed in n musical garb , the colors of which are bright , crisp and delicately blinded. There Is hardly a single bar , much less a number , thut is not musical to a degree mid erected upon a musical plane. Ho has adapted himself to the tlmo In which the opera Is located and his madrigals , roundelays , part songs and glees uro gems of dainty setting. The instrumentation is clear ami remark ably well balanced , much more than you would look for in the American composer , who , until now , has had a sorry time making the public at largo believe ho understood the ethics of his profession. From the firstborn notes of the overture , which so pleasantly suggests the Hobm Hood tradition , to the ilnal curtain , there is nothing to offend the most conservative car. But of the company. Mr. Karl was In excellent voice nnd sang the role of Robin Hood with line effect. Now and then ho showed a disposition to slight tno taking of notes , however , which de tracted just a trifle from his otherwise pleas ing performance. Mr. Barnaoco , who is ono of the most unctuous comedians on the lyric stage , easily extracted all the humor that was to bo gotten out of the part of the Sheriff nna deservedly made the hit of the evening. Miss Marie Stone made a dashing Maid Marlon , who gives up fame and fortune to follow her outlaw lover to the glades. She sang well and throughout was pleasingly artistic. Mr. Eugene Cowlos has a fine futuo before him. Ho has a rich bass voice which lilted the part of Will Scarlet like ft glorio , and In In his solo , "Tho Armorer's Song , " a gem in its way made n deserved hit , Georu-o B. Frothtngbam , tbo low comedian " of tho" company , played Friar Tuck nnd played It with a rare artistic toush. As for the singing ho can always bo ro lled upon nnd is ono of the most serviceable men In the organization. Messrs. W. H. McDonald as Llttlo John and Pctor Lang as Sir Guy were imito safisfac- tory.Miss Miss Flora Finlnyson , who was substituted for Miss Jessie Bartlctt Davis , played Allen- a-Dalo. a dashing , romantic part , quite charmingly. Miss Finlaysoa sang the part very acceptably , but her acting was very still nnd stagey. This will probably wear off as the lady becomes more familiar with her rolo. Miss Grace Bcals , quito n pretty girl by the way , and the one newcomer In the company , pluyod Annabel acceptably , MUs Bartlett being vigorous n Dnmo Dunden. Itevival Meetings. Roy. S. M. Ware of the Second Presby terian church Is being assisted In a revival meeting by Key. Chess Birch , the "Singing Evangelist" of St. Louts , Uov. Birch is an excellent talker , u sweet singer and a first class player on tno cornet. Ho plays on a gold-lined cornet which was presented to him by the St. Louis Young Men's Christian association. Great interest Is manifested and manv are being porsuudcd to turn In with the church and embrace Christianity , Hov. Birch leads the singing with his cot-net , which seems to fill the whole house with do- llclous music. Qev. Charles \V. Savldgo Is engaged In n very interesting scries of revival meetings at the Newman Methodist cburub. A largo number have already boon persuaded to start In n new und hotter way of living and uidto with the church. The meetings will bo con tinued insellnltelv , and will bo hold every night in the week. November's Immigration Uooord. DEIII.IX , Jan. 8. [ Special Cablegram to TUB BEE. ] The number of emigrants who mailed from German ports to America during November last was higher than the emigra tion statistics show for the sumo mouth lu live years past The Itching of the scalp , falling off of the hair , resulting In baldness , uro often caused by dandruff , which may bo cured by using : Iiall's Hair Hcnuwcr , Tickets nt lowest rules tind su perlor accommodations via the great Rock Island route Ticket ollico , 1002 Six tecnth and Farimin strcotu Oirmlia. "Wonthor Indices. Up to tills date our monthly prognosti cations have boon fully its reliable as the prophesies of the Into fumontoil Wiggins , hut at the beginning1 of a no\v year wo rcbolvo to dobtlll better. The oubtoumry January thaw will bo dispensed with and passengers who travel In the electric lighted , Btcam heated , vcstllmled poluco car trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee St. Paul Hy. , between Omaha and C'hl- cage , will bo comfortably cured for ro- k'ardlesH of ihu oiitsldoatniosplioro. Oil } tlckot olllco , 1601 Parimin Btrcot ( Uurket block ) , Omaha. Cliiiriiutcrl/.t'il a Hhaiu. LONDON' , Jan. -Special [ Cablegram to Tun Br.n.1 The Standard , In an odltorla this morning , says : "Tho present reticence To Soft Coal Consumers O\ving to large receipts and continued warm weather , Commencing Monday , January 5 , I \yiil offer the Celebrated Jackson , 111. , Lump at $4.60 Per Ton. This is mined in Southern Illinois and is the very bent coal rom that State. Sample can be seen at my office. Thatcher . , Telephone 4S. - 114 Main Street. PEERLESS BLACK PEERLESS , Is in every respect the best Conl for domestic purposes in the riarket. It lasts lonfjor. produces more hent and burns up clonnor than any other lovvn conl. One ton will go nsfnrnsnton nnd n ImlCo he ordinary stuff , and It costs no more than thochenp , unsulislno tor grades commonly sold. Try it for cooking and hooting. Sold on lyb L. G. KNOTTS , FUEL MERCHANT , All kinds of r Wood and Conl. Cobs n specialty. Full weight and prompt delivery. South Main St. Telephone SOS. f the two Irish parties Is a sign that nn ner etio nttnmpt Is being maitis to patch up ho q'urrol , both sides realizing the dinicuUy of moving a national train with nn engine nt achciid. The probable result of tins confer- nco of the Irish leaders will bo a icncwal of 'nrnoll regime after a short , sham retire ment. " P..c1m' | Opinion of the Multlnlcy lU'.l. LONDON' , Jan. 8. Cablegram to Tin : BiiE.J-Tho Berlin correspondent of the Chronicle telegraphs that United States Min ister Phelps says that ho Is of the opinion that there Is no prospects of a repeal of the McKlnley bill In two years'llino , when con gress could ileal with the question. Minister Phelps' correspondent adds : Ho Is also re ported to have said that ho believes the j American people will have grown so rieU ' through the bill that no majority dare repeal 1 tlio measure. I Hundreds of weavers in Thurlugla are , ( migrating to America In expectation of ob- .nlnlnj ; oiuplovment In .New York mills , vhero they will be well paid for their serv- cos. How. Among tlin liostoiiinnn. Siot'x ' CITV , In. .Ian. S. [ Special Tele- ram to Tun UiiJ : : Before the Boatonims eft for Omaha there was a lively scene In the obby of the hotel Boogo between Ferdinand shutz , the tenor In "Carmen , " nnd W. H. MncDonald. An evening paper severely crltl- : iscd ShuU' work , and ho loudly proclaimed that MuoDonnld Had set the newspapers against him. This was denlcdbut after Mac- Donuld bad red the artlclo ho told Shut ? ilainly thut he coincided with the opinion cx- irossed , which was , in short , that Shutz could not slug. An angry dialogue took ilac-c , and It In said the outcome will be that i'om Karl will soon takoShutz' place as Jose n "Carmen. " _ Itlinc Owners Halkcil , ST. Lpt'is , Mo. , Jan. 8. Under the protec tion of'two deputy sheriff's ' , the owners of the Uugby mines near Casoyvlllo , 111. , tried to resume work today , but were not suc cessful. The striking miners persuaded the now men not to work. Irish Poor Fund. DuiiUN' , Jan. 8. A fund for the relief of the suffering poor of Ireland , started by the Earl of Gotland nnd Bnlfour , generally known as tlio Balfour fund , now amounts to 11,000. Hank of l titIuid : DlHcoiuits Ilcilncntl. LOXIIOV , Jan. 8. f Special Cablogr-un to Tim ) : ; . - directors of the Uaiilt of England today reduced discounts from G to1 per cent. Lon Shepherd , who baa been at the night clerk's desk nt tbo Murray during the past year , 1ms resigned his position to ciiBngo In the employ of the 1'acllle hotel company nt Green Uivcr. Joe A. Hughston , a. cousin of Ira Hlgbv , has been duly Installed as night clerk at the Murray. Joseph D. Welsh of Cincinnati was lu the city last night , at the Mlllard. EMPEROR C1IARLBS II. Accompanied by half the nobility of Anstila. went to the Carlsbad Springs for tbo recovery of Ids health. SU thousand , six hundred horses , su tbo town recoids way , were neces sary to convey the company to the place. Tlio virtue of the water Is as meat at tlio mcBuniduy us It was In the tlmo of Charles H. , and although the expense attached to a journey thither Is not a * 1:1 : cat now as It wilt , tbon , wo uii ) not ull wealthy onouxh to iinilurtauo It. I'or&uch thu virtue of tlui Carls bad Spthig Is extracted , The Uiulsliiid hpru- dnl SaiU obtained by evaporation , containing all the solid constituents of thu water , can bo olitulmul at every ilriiK More at n t rill I ncost. . It 1 tlio liest tomeily for eat arrh of tlio stem ach. constipation , llvur and kldnoy troubles , so ut. rheumatism , etc. llu MHO to ontnln the cumlni ) Imported article , whloli must have thd signal ill u of "KlHiiur Ac Mendulnon Uo. , Solo AKents , Mow York , " on every p.iukuxo , BLIZZARD ICE CREEPER Tucsa Adjustable Ice Creepers tit any shoe. Anyone can put thorn on or oil } they are always in order , and you nro ruauy lor anyehiniJ'JOfwe.UhHr. AEISUW Wanted. 14T Ssnd outl ne of fore and hind shoe. { VOnly tno "Points" wear out ! nnyono can put In a now set. "fiul speiiBable. " Full eel ( I ) $3. Points , set , $1 , to oneaddrfss. Points' 1 Bet , (10) ( ) UOc. by nm 1. S. W , Kent , Sole MTr. , Mcridan , Conn. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main aeil Ilrovlwuy , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dealer * In foreign un I do-iioitlo xohangt. Collortlon tuudu und lutoruit paid ou tluia SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BJ.UFFS. AVANTKD To correspond with partloi enpulilo of mnKIng easy llttliift shoes fur crlppli-d feut. Nonu but thu best , Address X , care lice. A \ 7ANTiiMnn : for branch ofllct. S'nlary ' $ rr > per month and a commission. f.r > 0 so- cnrlty requited. No. GO * Willow a\onue , Coun cil Itlntls. A VANTIID-A flrl to lit liersolf as u trained > nurse at the \V. 0. A. liospltul. . . _ . _ . I.nily or gent willing to world ( lood salary from start. l.Mierlunoo not ntcessaryi K. 0. S. , < \Vlllow avenue. FlJltMSllKf ? rooms with hJatT ll ht and liath , No. IUO Klrst avenno. TOW A farms for sale , also choice garden und L ( nilt land near Council Hlulls Jolmntou & Vun I'alten , Kverett block , 1DAKOAINS In fruit iiiuluigutablo laiuK JJ I'orsale , r > 7 Kotos , 8) ) roils north of I'luui- tiuiiUi ] : groumls ; oiislL'i'n alone , line HiirlnKH , tine sprlnit brciok. land vury rloh : will sell In ID or 10 aero lot s utfeiO per acre , or J7i pur acre for whole tract. 1 acres on Grand avenue ; fine oichard wind mill , line grove , Hltirited on .Mynator proposed motor line ; prleo J.I.V ) pur uuru. 10 actcs adjoining city limits , twn stor/ bou e. pn , l linrti , line oicliurd und Hiuull trulls , I'lleo , JsOUU. Uncrus mi ( jrand avenue , 1H miles from P. O. J.WJ mi auie , HOaeros , three miles from elty limits , good house , barn and out buildings , 8' ) bearing apple trees and small fruits. I'rliT , J.1,001) ) , Stouk farm , \-ft acres , line Improvements , wull watered , only one mlle from station , Jil an auro If taken soon. Kasy turnis. Kami nnil ulty property for s.ilo.V. . . 01 Btney , room 4. Upora hoii- blk , ( 'oiitielllUufrs. FOR SAMS or Hunt Oarilon land , wltb homes , by J. U. Uloa. 101 Muln lU. Oounoll Bluffi Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc AGENTS WANTED , DR.CJ , JUDD. 6O6 Broadway , Oounoll Bluffs , la , 07. UESIDKNOn. I COUNCIL.BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dying and Gleaning clnno In tha Highest Hty lo of the Art , Faded and Htalnoi ) I'alnlcs inuilu to look us good as now. Work promptly done and delivered lu ull purls at the country. Send for-prlco list. U. A. MAUIIAN , I'rop. , 101J Uroiulwuv , Near Northwosturu UOU.NCII , lli.ufirf. IA. 27 MAIN STHKKT. Over 0. II. Jncmiemln ft Co a Jewelry Stor CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Dluffs. CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 65,000 , TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . . . 215.000 numerous I. / . Mlllnr , K. O. Oloaton , n. I * SliiK'iirt , K. K. Hart. J , I ) . ( ZdmtiiidsDii , Ulmrloj U. llannan. Tr.msaot luukliu Lm l- iifSH. J.ur.'osi ( Mpltul and siirplui of uny bunkln Southwestern lotvu. INTEREST UN TIME DEPOSITS , Ihnc Xf Hinilfirc Attorneys nt I/aw. Prao. Olllb OilllllUlIb tleo in thi ) Htuto unit federal courts. Rooms II , 4 anil 5 buugart lleiio block , Council lllulfs. Iowa. D. H. McDaneld & Co. , Butchers' ' aid Packers' Supplies , Market Fixtures , Casing , Fplces and SutisaKo Makers' Muohlnury. 820. hi ! Muln s > t. , Counell Hluira , la. Also doalon u Hide * und Kurd. rinloyBurke.GcO.W. Hewitt-Thos. B. Oamd/ Uurke , Hewitt &Casady , Attorneys-Qt-Law ritACTlCi : IN THIS STATI ! AND rUDKUAI. C'OUHTS , OIllcuS : J , J , llrowu llulldhif , Council llluff Iowa ,