Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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"A nVTuT llKMKNTS for th'iisV coium * will
J.\\xi \ takt-n until UM : p. m. , for th renln |
edition and ttntll 8:30 : p. in. , tot h mornlnj
edition ted HUKOAY HBE.
rPEUMS-Caih lu adranco. .
TATK9 AdTertlntmontiion thlipatiwllltft
JLlcburRpd forat ( lie rat oof IK cent per word
tor tbo Unit ! n ortlon nnd Icent pnr word for
OiCh aubMjqurnt Insertion , and ll O per line
er month. No ailvortlicmont taken for
xlfu thnnZl cent * for the first Insertion.
TfNlTIAIiS. figures , yiiibolJ , cto. , count ench
J-m one word.
rrWKSE ftdvcrtlHcmontn must run consccn-
JLtlTolj nnd undur no clrcurnttancfa will
they botnkunordlscontlnuod by telephone.
* rAHTlEH advertising in these column ! and
.L Imvlim their answers nddrnsscd to a "num-
toer d lottnr" In care of Tnr. IJEEwlll rccolr *
n nnmborM chfok tocnnblo tlicm to get their
letters. Answers will lx ) delivered only on
eruuntntlon of this check. Kncloso answort
Iii envelopes prnporl ; addreisod ,
ALIj advpkrthomrnU under the heart of
"Special Notices" are inihllshcdln lioth the
mornlnsnnd I'vonttie editions ot THE Her. the
circulation of which nKSro' atM moro than
0,000 pnpprn dally , and Rhus tbo advertiser
the benefit not only nf thubreo circulation of
2'ni ! llEK In Omaha , but also In Council tllufli ,
lilcrnln anil otlior cities nml tonnsln thn wn t
Advertising for these columns will bfr tivkcn
on the nbovo conditions , nttbo followirt uuil ;
neii bousts wbonro authorized totaUespcclal
notlccB. nt tlio snmo rates as can had at the
main olllco. _ _ _ , _
WiZl N Btrccl , Lister niock.
' 'TOIIN W.nEM. , Phurnmclst , 820 South Tenth
J street.
CHASE ft EDDY , Btatlonors and Prlntcra ,
113 Houtli IQtli street ,
SriViFAUNSWOUTII , 1'liarmaclst , ailSOum-
< Ing street. _
r-Tir j. liuailES , Pharmacist. C34 North 16th
YY street.
/ tEO.V. . PAUU , Pharmacist. 1713 Leaven-
U worth street.
TOUCHES' PHARMACY. 21th and Fnrnain.
J errata , lie. , itt tnr > nf frl column on f/it jvioi
"VITANTEI ) Work of any kind , by wllllnff
T > young man. Apply. J.I' . . 3114 CnssHtreot
J1103 10
SITUATION-IlookkPopIni ? or nfllco work ,
work. Voiir price Is tnlno. Addrcs' Hce ,
A. . 41 MMO-8'
"WJANTKn Onod nnd permanent employ-
IT nientfornllmitudnuiiitiorlndlfs andKCii-
tlarnnn. Cfill nn or address Cook & Arrei.
Hotel Casey , Omaha. OCO 8'
Waslilm ? or any nny work. Ad-
drcsi or call IJOS I'lno ' street , Mrs. Itoud-
"V\7ANTfr , ) lly a young man , position as
> ? chilli I n hotel. In or nenr Omnlin , lour
years' experience ; good references. Addrp <
A 40 , lice ollieo. im 7 *
" \70tIrxQ Rontlnwomnn wishes wnslilns and
J Ironliu In the liouso. 1X.2 Webster ' . ,
bnbcnient , corner lltli. 02C-7
\A7ANTRO Situation by watrhmaUor in
W finish trudo. Address A : , lice. , B71 O *
WANTED Situation bv lady stenographer :
experienced. Address A 21 , Hoe. 878-7 *
t'nr tnfr . flc. , ttttnpnf fintt column nn Vilt vane.
r-IIITTKUS and tailors -wiintod-Tlio Clovc-
v lnnd Cuttlnir School , now In tbo llith year ,
liad n larscr attendance for 18X ! ) than ever l > n-
fornand IndlcatloiiH point loltsbolnc crowded
clur us the ontlru winter of 1891. "What Is the
loason ? " Simply this , cutters produce hotter
rcsiiltH with tbo A. I ) . Itiidn No\v Method than
by any otbi : prlnulplo of cutting tuutfnt.M .
M 103-11 *
WA NTED A man to Iiittodnco now nrtlelo
In p-ilJolnliiR town ! good uay. 1419 Hodso
street , room 8 , ild lloor. MIW1-8 *
\\7ANTIU ) Man and wlfo for furnished
-IT room with board. 023 North 17th street.
City. M9S-U' ! )
WANTIID To correspond with builder or
contractor who dfslres aonrtnnr nblo to
.takofiill clinrgo. Address , T , ij011'lirnum. :
- 001 0
WANTED Llvo. oxporloncod flre Iiifliirnnco
solicitor oncnmmKsInn ; liorsoandbinrRy
furnls-lied. Address A : : iO llcoofllco. . P05-10
TTTANTKD Jlcn to travel for ourOanadlixn
T T nurscrIt'8.Htono&\Velllngton.MudlsonWls \
, > 700
W ANTIU ) Salesmaa to niiinufucturo and
wliolosulo our now process cldor. made
-without apnles. Kxcollent wa ; ca Particulars
to. Iowa cider nifB. Co. , boT4tti , Uetldlnir , la.
518 J21'
_ _ _ _
5 CO salesmen wanted to sell our premium
nursery Block. Tlia largest nursery west of
tbo Mississippi river. The finest stock. All
tbo ni-w und old fruits. Tliolowcstprlccs and
hlKgFNtpay to uRcnts. Money advniiBod every
\vonk. Outfit free.Vrito us at once. The a.
J. Onrpontor Co , , Kalrbury. Nob. 1M ! Jlfl
\\7ANTKD Salesman who moot the Rrocory
I T trade to neil 0110 of tbo best articles outdo
marliot on commission , Address. XU5 , llco.
Fortattx. rtc. , trcn > i > r nine uilumiinn tlitnvage.
W ANTED A Klrl to assist at houso-.vork or
to tuko cure of cblldren at Oil N , 17th.
M108-1U *
_ _
A OIKL forRcneral housework. Innulro at
. /X1703 N. S7th street. MH85-0
WANTED -Gill for gonornl liousowork ;
family of three : Gorman or Irish pre
ferred ; reference required. 50J Ho. Slst avu.
WANTED Good Hccond girl und waitress ;
( ionium , Danu or Irish preferred. Apply
at L-1'J ' Uodgo Bt.
WANTKI ) A good clrl forKonoral houso-
worlc. IiuiiilroatfilOSo.IHiKl st. UOi ) 0 *
W ANTED Glrlto do conoral housework.
Family of three. Enqutro llXil S. aist
Et. Gtf-7 *
WANTED-VlihSolass plrl for poneral
huusuwnrk. 1109 S.'M st. between I'nelllo
and l'uploton. | OSI8 *
WANTKD-Olrl to work In Kitchen. Doran
house , 422 S. IStb st , 1 block south of court
liousu. DUO
ANTKD-A Rood girl to do housework
nnd nsslst Indy In store. Mrs. Court , 17JJI
Bt. Mary 'a avonuo. _ _ un-s *
tlj Wanted ill 1'urk avo. , cor. Jackson.
W' ANTKD-airlforgonorc.1 housework
1'ark qyunuo. _
W ANTKU-Comuotunt irlrl to do Kcncr'il
liousowork. SI8 S. Slit b nvo. 8)1 ! )
Jor ml * > . < < r. , r 3 ta > a nt column on fi/s i ays
nwmniso ami bo1rii. d Btrcot near
I.eavenwortb. IIS.ODpcr mo. , or for sulo on
cany terms , J. O. Cortelyan , K. 40 , Chamber
ofOommorco , Msai
"ITiOH KKNT Nlco3-room cottano nearcon-
i ? torof city , price $15. 1710 Webster street.
: AM'lu < atod tlutnat 701) ) 910th. Thos F.
Hall , atll'axtou block. 705
KENT 3-room liouso , city , . .elstorii
wntor , tlO , to fliiinll faintly ! rofercnco ro-
qulrodi cor. ISlli and PuclIIo nt. K. K , Uop > nn.
UM 8 *
7-KOOM house wltli all modern conveniences ;
rentes per month , corner Thirtieth aod
Wool worth , faoliis Hiinscoin Park. Knnnlro
l.oo .t N'lcbol , IMh luui Leavonwortb , M701
IK you wUh to roi\t a house or store sou H.
K. Cole , Continental bloolc. 709
mO diiiduotoni and Knulnoors Wo olTor
JL ttiojo tonnow nnd complete flats wltli all
inodurn goinenli'iicos , altuutod two blocks
Iron * the new Tontli Btrcnt depot : Iboy bavo
novoral now and coiumcndablu features and
rent foronlvfi" periiiontli. a und 7 rooms each
i < * lth larco bath and convenient closets. Call
and hoot hem. Tlio Mend Invoitmont Cp. niom
4)WHi ) _ > ObulhlliiK. r 711
ITIOU KRNT Sovcn-mom eottnso , cor. 28th
J qvnand Uqp. live. luqnlroiMia Dodge. M714
T7IOU HUNT 7-room house. IStii und Vlnion
JJ fl\f l-rixnn ! liuiiso. atb and Corby. tlo.OO
6-rooin house , artli and Wool worth. 18.00. H- '
room bouse , 'JUtli and Cnldwcll , f.'S.W. J , II ,
.t- Johnson , B1U I'nxton block , Kit
TTJOll HKN11 Good S-rooia houses , conven-
J.1 lent to U cur lines , tpur month. Jiio , H.
Taio , 11.13. t'lminlicr of Cuniniorco. aij Jlti *
TilOK HKNT-3 lioiiKOH 10 rooms ouch. Park
Ji } uvonnd Woolworth st.cltr water.fumace ,
& 0. Call atoneo. Mumnuzh & Fltchott. house
_ _ rcntinx agouu , S. W , cor. lith and llownra t.
MODKHN now brlok 8-room house , nlculy
juiporod , obnleo location , only fjs iior
iiioiitli. II. E. Cole , Continental block. 410
IpOU ItKNT-Jun , 1 , C-ro iii cottcio. tlnt-
JU'cluMln ovary rospecl , bath , hot and cold
water ) ou motor line. Cull ul IX'I ' Shuriuuii nvo.
Forratti , tie. , ttt tnjt nf find cnrtimn on thl * po0
ELEOANT front room orsulto. F.vorylhliiff
now , modern ana llrst class. 1130 9. SGtli
street. MIDI B'
"VflOEIiY furnished south front room with
-L > hontbath unit gnu. Inquire at3.110 Hurt
at. , between 7 nnd 8 o'clock p. in. 031-10
O LOWEavp. lots , nbnvo Rrndc.atn great sac-
Prince.V. . M , ICelso , Star Land i Loan Co ,
1st floor -V.l.lfc. . 0517
T7\URNISIIKIrcom \ ) for rent , new liouio. all
J- modem Improvement * , 60 ! ) I > ortli 16th st.
O UOOMS forlioupokneplns tomnn nnd wlfp !
Onoohlldren ; lent taken Inboard , Ill'JN. ' ITtliJ
iU : rooms , : ilO N. 0th stT
"filOll HPNT A very doslr.iblo front room on
JL1 second llonr , furnished or unfurnished ,
with board. 18JI Ouiillnl avenue. 04
"I71 0U KENT Nicely t urnlshud front room.
JL1 well beuti'd , 1817 livonioit ) | struct , MOIO-12
TT'OU ' I1HNT Two outside connecting rootni ,
JL1 partially furnished , for Unlit housoKoop-
InKi rent reasonable. Cor. 24th uud Sowiird ,
ovcrflriig store. 1C"11
furnished rooms with
1 board , 2011) ) California st , 6T > 1 '
T AUor room with tilcovo ; modern con-
JUvuiilciiccV. W > S.aitli'stT " MM.-iU ( *
TpOli ItHNT-rurnWied rooms , gas bath
f"dttclt"l'lu ' Howard. 715
ST. OI/A1H Kuropean liotol , with
loom , steam Iiuatln nil rooms. Jilli : anil
Podge. Special rates \\cckorinonth. . _ 717
" 171011 UKNT-I'ront room with nlcnvo.eurtalns
JL1 mantel. Hteini bent , gasnud b.ilb , Sclosots ,
Hiillitlo ; -pcntlcmoti or man .tiid wlfp ,
SIAOO per month. AUo ndjolnliig room with
big closet mill all conveniences iflO.OO per
month. Hi" S i'lth at , Call betwoou 8 ulul.O n.
in. or 8 o'clock p.m. _ CtO
TJOOMS-ltcaaonablo rates. Wi ! St. Mary's
J nvonuc.
IAKOn front room , private family. Hnfor-
-iunocg. 2015 Unss. 601-J8 *
rjlO LKT Ilcnutif til front room Is best part
-I ot city , olo'oto good board. Itont raason-
alilo. IggK gStlist. 413
J'oi tatff , ttc. . we tnp nf Jlnt tntumn nn tlilr paat.
T71UUNISUElroomswIth board , . ' 101.eavcn-
JL1 worth. W102 12
j front rooms for rent , with
board. 1712 Capital avenue. MI01 11 *
SOUTH front parlor -with board for two !
t'l.Otfpor week each. 1816 Karnnni. JIOJ9-7 *
TfTltJUNIbllKD rooms and table board , 1031
JL 1'ariiani St. Kit 11 *
TJOOJI amTlioard. $100. 1713 Douglas street
JLl Day board JU.OO per week. J1071 12 *
POK Itl'NT Two or thrro desirable rooms
with board at "Iho Merrlum" Vith and
Uodgo 8U2-n *
TOO.MSto -flrstclais table board-terms
JLireubonablo : apply 209 N ISth bt. 8 : > 28 *
KOOM nnd board S3 week , lOil
COM3 and board at 1SKS ) DodRO.
fiT812.- .
For rata , ttc. , rreliip < > t first c iiirui4 ) i
UNFUItNiSUED oems * OJ1 boutOOti
street. JIOSJ-'J *
riTIIKE 'larffo ' unfurtilsliod rooms for llfilit
-L housekeeping ; uiodcru conveaiuccs ; Oil N.
18th. K < S 8
3 UOOMS , 8. W. corner Ifitli and Leavcnworth
sis. m 8
Forratr * . ttc. , tcetni ) nf column nn thl.i
STOUKS nt 7008. ICtli , steam heat famished.
Tlios. V , Hidl , ail 1'axtonblk. 718
TjlOH IlKNT The 4-story brick bullrtlnir.wlth
Jj or wlthnnt pownr.formorlv occuplo < l uy the
lieu l'ulUlsliln Co. , 1)10 ) Karnam Ht. The bullcl-
IIIR has a fireproof cement ( | asemcntcomploto
steam healing lixturos , water on all the lloors ,
gas , etc. Apply at the ollieo of Tlio lice. 1)15
IT10IJ KENT llr January 1.4-story bidullna.
JL ? U,5)0 squiiro feet ; stiltublo for any kind of
wholesaling , ntTmith and Jones streets. G.
A. Mndqucst , : ilCSouth Fiflcoiitli street. 71U
Oil KENT The third floor of No. W07 llow-
ard .strict , with stoum heitt and ] > owcr if
desired : rent reasonable. I'cstnor Printing
Co. , W07 Howard. JI312
fir tote * , tic. , rec tup of first cnttmm uu this
FOU KENT orsalo 1'Inc , heavy brick flvo-
story corner warehouse with most central
trackiiKO In city ; floors are 13,500 Biiuarofeet.
htrlngor Sc Penny , Barker block. 73) )
FOU IlENT Ililek warehouse , two stories
high , basement , liydiaulleulovulor , track
age , liest location In the city. A. U I'owoll.
Ferrate * , dr. . we lop of fnS column nn tfiti
rpUAOKAOE storaso at lowest rates. W. M.
-L llushmiin , 1llll.oa\cnMortli ! , 7VJ
QTOKAOEand truckage. David Cole. 815-817
Ollowurd btreet. 7ZJ
S The host In eity-clcan.dry. safe ,
and privately stored ut reasonable turrns.
OmabaStovo Uepair Wks,1207Douglas. TclO > 0.
Vorratts. ctt. , rre ( up nf frst column on this page.
RENTAL Agent Gcorgo J , Paul , 1COO Kur-
11:1111 : , Houses and stoics for rent. Itcnts
collucted. 71:2
T 1ST your Jionses _ tft .soil or rout with V.V.
JlIurrNon , Oia J ( . Y. Life. 7UO
1 E , COLE , rental ugcuuy.Coiitlucntalblk.
RKNNINOI1AVEN & CO. , rental unonts,207
JDUmuhnNutlonul bank. ACUI-JlfS *
For rate * , tic , , a fop of fret column nn till *
table board. io78 llarnoy.
MSlfl-Fl *
For rate * , ttc. , sec ton of first column on tid pr
WAMTT ! ) To ront-3 or 4 boatml rooms
furulslii-d or unfiirnlsliod for
, llglit liousu-
kcoplng. Address , with full piirtteularH , euro
of lite , A 4(1. ( JUOu tt *
WAN TKD Nicely furnished room mid
board tor gentleman and wlfo In private
family ; pleasant location. A 47 l > ue. Ill" 9 *
" \\TANTEO In private family for two nmr-
TT rled conplos. hod room nnd sitting rivim
for each , wltb board , or 0-rooni furnished
bouso. Address ACT , lleo. 857-8 *
JVr ratcctc. , fee t i > of flnl o > 'n ' nn thlt pnjs.
FUKN1TUHK for n 7-room flat tor sulo
cheap. Must bo sold by the litn , 1401
Jackson street , "d lloor , MDSJ-0 *
FOH SA LK Kurnlturo , by the plcc'o or la
bulk. Northwest corner 16th and Davun-
SKCONUlund fnrnlturo , stoves , carpota and
SlnKur suwliiR inuchlno utluilf price ; nusy
payments , lluwkeyo Inv. Co. . 'Si Douglas bile.
forratt , _ ete , , eeti > fofjlnt column on I/it *
FOH BALE Phaeton at greatly reduced
price , almost now. Inqulro at Hainan's
barn. < I3 S. 131h st. ute 10
\A7OIII horse $ ( W , twn-liorso wnccon KM. deuT -
T i lilo work harness J15 , Or will trade for a
peed IlKlit sldo-bar buggy. H. 11. Cole , Con-
tluontal block. 700
FOH SALE 2 Rood worlc toama. Inquire at
0181'axtun block. sea
Tor rata , etc , , rre tnV ° t f"j''j' ' ! ' > 0 > ? ft j" rxKM.
rOR HALE-IloKlstorod Jersey cows. One
young , cholco animal , frosb ( with or vrllh-
out calf ) , pcrfootly broken , kind und peed
color , cicollcnt iiillVor. Ouu good uillkor will
lie frvih uoit spring. F , II. Lone , 1012 N. 23d
Itroot. 691-10 *
Torratutte.rtet l\af \ Jli l
T > EST line Imlr gooU * la went ; hulr dtf aalnj ,
. ' "wlgi , sxvltclius , unties , Imlr olialni , uto. . a
specially. Davius , lialr Roods and milliner ,
ouposltu poaUiOIco , 111 a IMU utrcot , Oiuahn.
Titrate * , tle tu tt > o nf Jlrnt roliiran nn thit pdtM ,
"fjlOKHAl.K-Coinplolosct of drujt Htoro fl -
J-1 til res , show CUSPS , utc. I' . O. 110x372.810
T/UiKHAliE clicn-A | 10 norse power New
JL1 York safety stcnni ciiRlno In first clnM
condition , 1'cstncr Printing Co. , iao" Hownril
, , . , . . SALK Stoluwny tilano but llttlo used
at a sucrlflec. Inquire at 2410 Culdwell
street. UA
Formtr * . ttr , , rrt Input first oMimn nn i/il ivt/7
( TA"MEU-loo ( < l"acriii tract. " llutchltison &
1MI Douglas. IWJ-l )
Two good pool tables wanted )
inuitbechoau for cash. Address A "ill.
Dee. * BUT- " *
filUHNlTUHE , household poodscte. Hlghoit
--cajili prlco.Vollsllllrariiain \ , TJO
H OltSEH wanted nt 1331 N 10th Bt.
litraten , tie. , rt top nf ftm column on thit jxigt
TlOlt SALE MO toni of rluilco baled hay In
. car load lots , Address Monroe & Jnnps ,
"ri'inont , Neb , W" > II *
1A1LOHS wIshliiR to loarnaRood rcllablo
' system to cut gentlemen's giirincnti , can
I ccolvo Instruction at 151U How ird Bt. , city ,
818-10 *
A roommato. Call of iil(1ri ( ( < s4
U.K ) 11 *
MASSAan-Madain Uolr.lor. over 010 S. 13th.
"IIIASSAOB treattnonUcloctro-thoriiinlbath1 ! ,
-i'lscilmid : | ) hair trnatnient. tninlcurn and
chlroiiodlst. Ati-s. Post.'JlUli S Ijtli.Wltlinull 1)11 ) ;
> rI''Oltn ' buying a piano cxnmlno tbo now
'scale Klmball piano. A.IIosiie,1514 Douglas.
tor tatet , ttc. , tee lop nf first column on Will
CHATTKh loans nt lowest rates. Ilcmovod
to021 M. V. Llfo bldB. J. H. Kmniliiger. ? > .
K SKV8TOXE Mortguco Co.-Loans of J10 to
SI.OOOi got our ratcw before borrowing and
save money : lonns on horses , furniture orany
npprovt'd security without publloity , notes
bouKbt ; for iio.w loansi'.rencwul of old andio\v- ;
cst rates , call H20S Sliooly blk.isth & Howard
fONEY to loan on second mortgage. W. S
LWynn , roomSM Omaha Nut. Ilk. ul'dg ,
1IIATTCI. bank , IllOS 15th St. . loans money
on chattelsurcollatoral at rensonabloratot
71IUST & second iiiortga cB on vacant fc Ini
JL ! proved city prop. County warrants boupbt
Money on hand. F. M.lUelmrdson.SISN.Y.Mfo
ONEY to loan on city nnd farm propert )
W. M. Harris , K'M , I'reuzer blk , , opp. P. CO
* O
) UILTINO ) loans , IS to 7 nc'r cent ; noaddl
'tlonal charges for com mission or attorney's
re03.V. . 11. .Mclklc , First National bunk bide.
"OEAL Estate Loans-Cash on band. Olobo
JLlLoun & Trust Co. , M7 S ICtli st. No delay ,
no extra charges. Ileuses for rcut , good list.
CE. & 0. M. Anthony. aiS N. Y. Llfo build-
IiiK , lend money on f iirms In choice coun
ties In Nebraska and Iowa , also on cooil
Omaha nslilanco property ; lowest rates ; l >
terms ; no delay ; money ready. Titles and
values posted on her ' . 741 !
MONEY to lo in by II. Musters ' on chattel
and collateral securities for tiy tln'.o from
1 to'G montlis , In any amount to suit bor
Loans made on household Roods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse
receipts , etc. . at the lowest possible rates ,
without publicity or removal or property.
Aly loans are so arranged that you can make
a payment of any.uinount at any time and ru-
diicobotb iirlnclnal and Interest.
If you ono n balance on your property or
have a loan you changed , I will pay It oil
and carry It for you. If you find It jnoro con
venient , call up telephone No. IttJI and your
business will bu arranged at homo.
Money always on band. No delay. Nopub *
liclty. Lowest rates.
II , K. Masters ,
Room 4 , Wltlincll blk , 15th and llarney sts.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property
: it current rntcs ; funds on bund ; no delay ,
Geo. V. lllnst & : Co. , 'J0i : UIUIIKO bldi ? . Miiti
M : ON'EY 'JO , COorOO days , oa houwlinld fnr-
ulturo. etc. CIS 1'uxtou block. J. J. Wllkln-
Formttx , tic sec tc , of nt t coltnn onttiU po-u
CllOO OoodnotodrawliiR 8 per cent , duo In
'Pten montlis , forsaloitso. Address A 48 Itce.
JI107-H *
FOHSALi : Saloon and boarding house In
Council UIiilTs , nuar the depot : nplcndld
locality und doing uood business. AddroHsliul
Main strcot. Council lllutTs , lu. MlU7-ia *
NKHUASKA DniR f\ohniiKO : HriiK stores
dolriK n good business for siln : on o.isy
terms ; several clerks wuntlni ; positions. Gco
1) . HiitoliLson , inunaKer , Umahn , Neb. 1)74-8 ) *
POn RKXT Only hotel In a peed town : a
Rood opening for u good hotel man. Kor
particulars address Uov 1 , llurr. Nob. 010 1'j *
FOU SALE A stock of olgars , tobacco.plpcs.
c nn us , etc. . with lease ; moderate rent.
Address A t'i. Hoc , Jlu.W-10 *
FOU8ALH' Small crocory store , Rood loca
tion , corner btoro. cheap lease , with
horse and waRon. for sale cheap. Ituason for
nclllns. polng out of liuslnnss. 1'rlco J80U cash ,
without hoiso und wagon $ GOO. Address A 1M.
Hoe. Sbl-10 ( *
DO You Want Money ? Merchants who are
overstocked and must realize , address. In
conflilenco , 1 , T. N'owell & Co. , 1419 Dougln.H
Etreet.Omaha , Neb , . f iw
FOH SAI.K Ilandsomo store , nicely fur-
nlshod , well stocked clKars and novelties ;
best location In cltyrortsnns for helling , tlmo
taken up with other business. Address J. .r.
I'ulvuy , fjenfcral delivery , Omaha , Neb K15
"ITlOH SALII ITalf Interest in a well ostab-
-t ? llsbed bnslno-sln this city ; will rcqulro
J1S.UJO cash. Addro s Y 0 1 Jeu olllco. MMW J2rt
UKSAl Rlacksinlth shop ana toolsonly
Kllop In town ; splendid location. Address
Oalvln' I.elimcr. NIckorsun , Neb. U7U10 *
WANTEO-A splendid opportunity for a
man of flmn.ll capital. Hood paying ImsK
ness for state of Nebraska , dill on or address
Cook & Aoios , Casey hotel , Omaha. 1 > . " )3 ) a *
F Oil SALK-Or trade. A larRolIvcry.board-
Ing and feed stable , with feed storu vnn-
ncotod. ( iood location and doing a flnu busi
ness. Call at once on Munmueh ft KItcliott.
real estate agents , B. w. cor , 15th and Howur.1.
FOH BALEor Trade I-argo livery and food
stable , feed store attached. Tins Is well
located on pavud street and dolnx a Kood
business. Mumauh & Fltchott , real ubtato
ngt'iils , cor. 15th and Howard at. cot
FOUfjALKoreYChangbroBstocIc of gnnrnil
merehiindlso ' . ' 10 acres ot land ! 'y mlles
from ( ireoloy Center , the county scat of
Hreolfy county , 00 acres In cultivation , 'J
wells , wind mill , house and stable ; lilaolc loam
soil nearly level ; every foot of this track
lit for cultivation ; Inoiimboranu Jl.-W ; routed
for next yi'ur' Also ICO acres unlin proved land
Sinllt'h from Grceloy Center and SK miles
from llrst traok adlolnlng Aokmlo postolllco ;
black Innm soil , will gl\o cloji title of this
tract , or will exchange for Omnb i or Council
IlluITs property. Address 1) . J. p. .Look box
led , Orceloy Center. Nob. ocajio *
HOTHL For Sain Uo you want cot Into a
coed business ? If voudo , buy tbo Coiunmr
clul nt llroken Itow , Neb. 'J83
AN rstnbllshed busluesb forsalo or trndo.
Hoi 018. city. 100
Tor rflttt , etc , tee top of fnl column on thin rng ; .
"AfASSAGB bath at Mndaino Smith's parlors.
I'lCUTH. lathsUjicxt Unrkor liotol. Itt.1 It *
1711 NEST electric and electro thermal bath
-L1 rooms , including Turkish cabinet bathi.
Lndloi,8 to 1 dally A Tuesday & Friday c v'nijs
0 to 10. Dr. RIchHnll , rooms 3lS & U20lloo blilr.
llfABSAOn--Mudaia Dclzlcr , over CIO d13th _
Fvr rata , ere. , * > e tnptifjlrtt foJiimuon ithl * rage ,
TTINGAOEMENTdtododrcasniaUtnirln fa ml-
Jlllles tollclud. lll a Sturdy , 2010 llarnoy st.
iai *
forratct , etr , Mtntnf jlrtt rotum'i on ( Alt pan
pENSlONS-Tho ClliiBnun Poailon Aaency.
J21 li'riiuxor block , lutoriuatloa rrca. la
t'mratf * . ctf. . trf t p nf flit fofumn nn ( All
U EXOIUNOE-UiyO ftstato and lUWO to
-I-1 H.O jo cash for stock indue. KUoloy , Hhen-
undouh , In. \tJt UT7 11 *
\\7ANTKD-To irai6 ! tVoitood farms In No-
IT bnnkn , two Roodlou | < n < i In Omaha tot
stock of inorchandl c. Cockroll , Hunt It
Carpenter , South Unmytx. Kob. wail
FOU SADE or oxcWrhgo-KJ.riCO stock dry
goods for clour Omnbn lots or live stock
nnd cash. II. Thorp Homo , Nebraska Ulty.
Neb. fiT.1 8s
rpOTKAPE-A clcBEJutltMor80illrowii' (
J-adilforagood frew.cbw. Trco , 1KO Capitol
tel avo. . . -
o KXCHANOE roFulcnr city property , a
X t20OOJ Imiidsomo IS-ruoni nodurn resi
dence , nlco barn , crounn luitlfxftvct , on motor
HIIP , In finest re < lilc < mo part of city. Addrusi
owner , 1' . O. IloxTVO. 1)11 ) 10
\\rANTnn-Cloar InnUi and cash In c.x-
11 ehanKo forlluo Oiiiulm lontiil property.
Address A 33. lieu. 8C4 10
A NOMllKHof stockmnclios top\chanjro for
-ciniorcliaiillle,018 l'uxtoublk.CameronA : Co ,
ANTKD Clour vacant lots In
' for Umahn Insldo property. Address A
.11 , Hue. bQl 10
" \VANTin : Horse and buuRy In u.xcmiiRO
' for Oinnlia equities or rallwuy lands ,
Address W. J. 1'aul. liiTO 1'nriKtin si , 413.131
l ICKcllivNTS-If you wnnt to dlsimso of
J. lyourXiiinsor surplus clock , wo will glvo
youii bUdeal In lots , liouses , Iniidnund mort-
uiises. Tbls must bo done quickly. Address
Y Cl , llco olllco. 681-1'Vi
"V\7 ANTED I'ersonnl iiroimrtyof nil kinds.
> i Kiicli ns horses und bupiilo.s , furnlturoiind
plnnos , mneblncry. etu. Also nil kinds ot
Mocks of merchandise , etc. , clear lots and
lands for equities , or ns llrst nnyinvnt. In
Omaha property mid railway InnilS. Weliavo
a plnco for sueb property nnd will Rive nn > \ -
ccptlotml trndo if made tmiiicdlately , Ad-
iircBs v 4i lice. Jiun : ;
Fur rciitx , r < c , . ff tunnf fitninn nn tJm jjctgi
AllIG'donl for some ono !
An 80-iuro : fiirin In Iowa clear.
Good rental property luTokunia , Hurt Co. ,
Choice lots In Blair , Washington Co , , clear.
' . ' 40-auro farm In Hurt Co. , clour.
\Ml : oAdbanxo tbcss for rentnl property In
.Omnhn , will assunio big mortgage und put In
sumo casli If necessary.
Alexander ilooio , IlJl Sbcely block. M031-8 *
f\ \ room bouso In 1'ortlitnd place ; 7-rootn liouso
vJ unit good burn. jd street near I.ouvon-
wortli ; lioiiHOof 4 larpo rooms on S. 18th street ,
north of Vlnton ; house nnd burn , with larjio
Krounds , In Ooiincll IIlulls. In. ; G-roum bouso
and 4-room bouse on H. 10th street , near Uor-
cnsstroot. Small payinunt down or will luke lot nnd easy terms on balnnee. J. G ,
Cortolyou , U. 40 , Uhambcr of Commerce.
Kuufiunn & Son , real estate
and loans. Choice vacant and Improved
residence and business property for sale In all
parts of the city and South Omalm on easy
terms. List your property with us. Loans nt
lowest rates. OfUco liltU Douglas st. Tel. 500.
481 J20
"VyAUOlI & Wostcrflold.real ostnto.S.Omaha
1 2u acres liny farm land adjoining good No-
JLhr.iskii tnu n ; nearly clear.
1U ) acres llnclv Itnjirovcd land 2W miles from
county .sent In Nobra ka ; llgbtlv encutnlcrud.
" 120icrtsKond : land In Nebr.iska.Smilcsfrom
county seat ; 2,50) ) Inhabitants.
llniiBo and lot In towuiln Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In good Nuhtuskatown.
4 mom house und lot , burn , well and cistern.
iCth street , Omnlia ; sllclitlycncumbercd ; will
-rado for Omaha property und assiimo oncum-
branccs. H. K. Cole , Continental block. UOO
IjMjKUAM'J ? ic&ldenco In Kountzo 1'laco : 0
JUJrooms flnoly llnlshml and all modern con
veniences , Wlrtst. nestrSOtn. Can sell onono-
quurtur cash pijvmtilU''nd : ualnin'O ttino to
right purtv. Tills Is nochcupatflil7nr i house ,
butncunifnrtablo home inovery sense and
a bin snap bargain , U' , ' K. DaTllng , liarkor
block. - M740
rr-HOOJl cottage , fuUlot , llnnscom Place.cast
* front , and a Kreat barenlu for a few daj-3.
null cash payment and balance onlonztlmo.
K. Iarllng.HarkcrWock. 749
"OlOOESTbarealn InjPmnlia. Only throoof
JJthosoolOKant houses on 4Uh und l''arniun
loft out of six ; nthor throe occupied by llrst
. class parties , llousus iru open lUI day lor In-
Rpuctlon. Kvcrv convenience In the houses ,
Including BUS and gas < llxturcs.
Take a look at them flurlns this Sine weather :
buy one undtakolifo comfortable during tlio
Only takes from $301 le $500 cash , See them
without full for they will pleuso you , D. V.
Sholcs , 2ia I'lrst Nat'l bank. 740
KOUNTZE Place I liivo sold 8250,000 worth
of this property.Vhon you scoono of my
adds you can bet It la a bargain. Iliu\ono
iiioni-y totbrow away on advertising. Here Is
a bargain I will guarantee the purdiuscr { 500
net In six inontli.i : U-room hatii-e on paved
stroot. * , " > ,500 : * 3JO cash , Balance easy.
AlsoU line ( Iwulllng'same ' add , from 1,1.500
to M.5JO , $ . " > 00 cash , bnlilnco $ lu per month.
Would takosomo clear property 1n exchange.
AleoU-room house , full lot , llanscom 1'Iace ,
to cxchnnso for Konntro IMaco property.
J.,1 , Olbson , solo agent Kountzo Place , Itoom
3. Crelphton block. . 7Ki
TMlfi best corner on upper Karimm street ,
frontngoou three htieots ; splendid corner
on I'urnnin street , close to court house , a uar-
Kiilii ! corner with trnekapo in S. R part of
city : Rood residences and low-priced cottages ,
ZooU lotd for building , seine us low as $100 , In-
sldeauros , farms and unimproved land.
Wo will soil any of thU property of wblch wo
havocntlrocontrol , at prices way below what
you em buy ut elsewhere ,
Stringer & Penny , U.irkor block , 15th and
1'u mam. 747
Houses nnd lots ,
quarterly or yearly
Vacant lots In all
purls of tbo city.
Business property and
ft aero tracts.
Seymour's addition lots are
fit only
on very easy tornn. Call for plat.
Money to loan.
Goo. J. Paul. 1000 Karnam st. 8M
Special llnrgulnV
No. 01. 9-room houho nnd burn , nil modern
conveniences , In best portion of West Omalm
for less tliuii house cost or lot Is worth. Ono
ot tlio nicest homes In tlio city. Call and get
price ,
No. 4 < < . House and lot In Prospect I'Uico.onsy
terms , fcoo.00.
No. ft ! . Ucstcornorl T Orchard 11111,81.200.00.
No. II ! ) . Lot In I'Umvlew , 22d street , for
NoS. Oroam of rtolvedoro acres , 830000.
No. 3. 10 acres across street from l/afayetto
park.whoro W-foot lota are soiling for 1410. Tor
uero , $ .150.00 ,
No. 1-0. SliorUlun Place , on Leavenwoith
struct , $1.550.110.
No. IK ) . 10J font In Iloyd's addition , corner on
tOth street , rJ&OO.UO.Amen
Amen 1'laco
has two motor lines und Is situated just west
uf the mnnufacturlnt ; center and In that portion
tion of Omaha wliero the most Improvements
nro golne. You cannot make a niUtako by
buying a lot lu Ami's 1'lucu at 11,053 , (1,150 and
15U7 I'iirimm fitieot.
o > ' Solo ugonts.
; A 1000 0
FOR SALE MonthlArlnstallmcnts , two now
7-icxini houses or wOl'ixchitiiKo sfi.MO equity
fur stock hardware. 1012 N.Ttli avunuu.
nc MOS3-3 *
rilHEonly lot on L , < i . o nvo. that can bo
JLhouiht for * 7.V ) , lo < * i ( Iiuii actual cash val
uc. ( Jail ut once , \\/M. / Kclso , see'y Star
Lund A. LounCo. . 1st H6orN. Y. Life. TO17
FOHSALE-A Inrgifllitof choice icsldi-nco
and business propuctv. Houses and lots on
monthly payments1 * n < l,2. > 0 and upwards ;
vacant lota to ) and pp. Georio J. Paul , lliOO
5-UOOM bouso , lot Six ® . $1,700 ; also d- room
house. lotWKxS. , . o.J'tor. llth and Yin ton
EU , Ki,000. llrlck housn and Amorlcnn house ,
lot ( XJxCfl , u. e. cor. IflMlnnd Douglas , WO.OJO.
Mrs. Kuhlinann. 31JI S ljtli. _ 423
l/IOll SAl-K-My rl'ifdencc , 3020 rurnnni
Jmrcct. . OholCett > ) o < latlon and l > c t house
In Onmhu for tbo nwuJuy , Hot water nnd
every convenience postlllle , llarn , connected
with bower , wutur and gat. U. V. Slioles , 21.1
1st Nat , bunk. i79l !
KANUIIK8 nnd I'artnsVo \ uro solo ixsents
for some elegant ranch and farm proper
ties , of luuumbruiioe , that we can sell
on onsjr tnrmft or trade for good Income prop
erty. r > ,280 ucnig In lloouo countr , Noli. , fifteen
houses on It , tluoly Improved , prlco HM.noi ) ;
4.1W acres In vernon county. Ma , nlno housci ,
and other excellent. Improvements , ;
l 0 acres In Uolfoy county , Kan. , very Onoly
Improved 830.000 ; 5,000 acres In Wichita coun
ty , Kau. , every nucossury Improvement for a
iim-dut ? weitern itonk ranch , abundance at
wator. Address ? .l. A , Upton Co , Omalm.
1)0.5 JB
lontttft , tie. , ite Vtfior "itt coluni'i niitfiU IKIIX
\\rEtruHtyou vrllT JnvMtlWaU i The Bmiui
IT premier tjrpwrltor before puroliasln ? any
other , unit ha many valuable ImprovemciiU
01 or all otherwrltlnii machines. Compotlton
must Iniprovn In order to equal. Olllco 11JODH
larnuwiu li II. iluvhow , ia .nagor. B13
tirratft , rte. , tit tnpif Jlrtl column on tfiltn-m
TV 1ASSAOK Madam Dohlor. over 010 8 Mthj
"IlfHS. Nnnnln V. Warrcti.blrtlrvoy ant trance.
iURpenkliiK , wrltlnl nnd reliable business
medium , fouryours In Omaha. I1U N , IGth.
\TME. Ilurrough Palmist tolls tbo past , mci-
I'ipnt and future from the line * of tbo hand ,
In thooldllyrny wnjf. Foe. til ladles only.
1817 Ian til street. Oiiinbn. KBB *
A KRtVKD CInlrtovnnt , nnturallv Rifted ,
tV tolls past and fntiirr , love troubles , nb-
sent friends , change * , travel , Imilnosa. Satis
faction given. Mrs. Wallace , IMS t'arnain U
MttM b
Far ratt , ttc. , MC tini nf flrsl coltmm < m this
"lilKBD Motile loans money on diamonds nnd
A. vratcbos.Jowolryctcs.c.por. raruunut llth
i'Vr rat n , ttc. , m toi ) nf flni codnnii on thl *
13ATKST lawyers and solloltnn , O. W. Sues
J. iVCo.Hoo lmlUllniOiiiiilia. llianchC-Ulcont
Wavhlngtoii , 1) . O. Consultation free. TM
, ttc. fee tnvnfflrxt citluinHontMt
LADliS.indtontlcmoncan : rent ina < uiiior-
ado suits ut GTJ N. ICth .st. fiT.I.liS1
formtr.i , tie , n'tiiji nf Jiral oilum'i on till ptji.
GEO. I' . Ocllcnhcek , tpnchor of the banjo
with Hosur , 151II Duuglai. SI ! )
TNSTKUMBNTJ plaooU on rooorJ January 7.
O n Anderson and vrlfo to B U Perfect.
wK lots and oH lotG , blk21 , Orchard
nm ; . . . . . . . i.eoo
Comrol Security loan and trusteompnny
to IUiOcsl , Ulv iln ! lot : . ' , blk lu.
West , uinnlin 20,000
1'oter Lauiesh and -wlfo to Fritz Jluullcr ,
Iptn , linkers' subof lot I , llascall.V
liogurs'sub lnS K Itogois'Okliihoma. , 1,000
JIaxMeyeret nl to TranU llrlght , lots ,
lillcl' , jlanhrttUm 403
Ilvron Itci'd ot id to John Here , s K o ) S
lotG. : : lilk I , Cainplioll's add 350
8 .1 Ithi'oin and wlfo to M li Ubecm , 11 ! (
lotsl and" , licdlck's-nd aild 1
W 11 Halnoy nnd wlfo to M V 1) Kalney ,
Intli. blk 7 , Omalm 11,030
JW West to Comrol Security loan nnd
trust company , lot 2 , blk 10 , West
Omaha 30.000
Total IM.351
dian Service , 1'lno Hldgo Aeoacy , Boiith
Dakota , DoeuinbcrSOtli , IH'.rO ' : Sou led jiroposals ,
undorsi'd "Proposal * for 1'leld fcceds , " and ad
dressed to tlio nndcr-lgnril at I'lno U ! < l o
Agency , bhaunnn Co. , South Dakota , will bo
received at tills agency until one o'clock of
January ! Ud. IKI ) , for furnishing for thli
tmency anil dollvurlriff the same at Kiisuvillo ,
Nvbraskn , about ! > 00 bushels of seed vhunt.
COO bushtils of stud potatoes,4i 0 bushelsnf Rued
oats nnd ! . " > liushels of sued corn. Hidden
iiiuststntt-tho proposed prleo of each nrtlclo
to bootl'ered fornullvrry under a contract.
Ortlllocl Uhocks.
Kncli bid must bo accompanied by a certified
check ordiaft upon sumo United States depos
itory , made payable to the oiderof the unuur-
slRiiiMl , forat five l > orii'ntof tlio amount
of flio proposal , which check or draft will 1m
forfeited to tlio United States hi caau liny bid
der or bidders reeulvlnean award shall full to
promptly execute u contract with Rood and
biilllclcnt sureties , otherwise u > 1)0 returned to
the bidder. D. r. ItOVER , U. S. Indian Apent.
Omaha. | Depot 10th nnit ilniiio iruet . Omaha.
1.30 p m Chlcnso Krpron I 8Xln ( in
B.6I am . . . .Clilcaxo Kxpresi. . . J C.20 p a
11.10 p in Chicago Kipron I1U.U5 a ui
C.Mp m Iowa l.ocnl .I13.UO in
I Depot lUtli mid ] Mason struati. I Omah .
K. U , S'lTJ. * C. U. I Arrivoj
Dapot 10th nndMa on tre ti. I Omiihn.
"B.SO am.KnniiuCUr | liar Kipre . . . .f 0.10 p ra
B.4S 11 ml K. C. Nlitlit Kxp. Tin U. 1' . Tram. I Mi a ra
UMON rAClMU Arrlros
Omaha. ll pot 101I > nnd Marcy ttroati. I Omaha.
S.60 p m . . . .Ororlnnd t'lyor. . . . 'J.Oi p m
7.30 p m . . .I'acltlo KxpruM. . . . 11.43 n i
10.HJ a in . . .Denrer ISxpreii. . . 3&5p ta
507 am .Knu M City K | iren. 12.08 u in
, en | HHlCATlO. H. LA 1'AUIKIU I Arl ei
Omnlia. I U. I' , depot , 10th and .Mtrcy 9ti. I Omalin.
C.10 p m .NlKhtKiprm , . 1UU5 n m
90S am . .Atlantic Kxpron 8.30 p m
4.30 p in .Veitlbula Limited 10 45 a in
i nvei i siLiorcrfTa F . . . . . . . .
Oniahn. | U. I' , ilopot. lUtli and Maror Sit. | Ouali i
7.15 nm I Slum Cltr I'aiiunrftjr.
4.30 pm | ul | 1010 .m
env I sjlOU.X O1T * 1'ACIk'RI j > rrlre
Omaha. I Depot 15th nnaWobalor 3ti. I Omaha
6.00 p nil . Hll'mil LlinUal . I
Leavet lOUIUAUO * r oUl'HW Wl'fcUfi Arnrdi
Omaha. | U. 1' . Jo pot. 10th and Maror Sl . I Oraah * .
. i Arruei
Omnha. [ U. 1' . ilopol , lUth anit MarerSti. I Omaha.
liUP ! _ .m | . . . . .St. j/uuj - Cnnni > iillall _ . „ _ . , , . | lyjuj ja
l nvei I K , K. * MOTVATlTlTK f. TArrlTO i
Oniiitm. | Depot IJtli nn I Wolmor rfti.
Lenvtu I U , , SI1 * . . M A O. | , AmFU
Omnha. I Dapot litn nnil Watxtor ( Hi. I
lOmnliii. | repot 15th oml Welntar 3t < .
lO.SOnral. . .St. Jxjull A K. C. K
JUS p niU. , Ht , Ixmli A K. 0. K
' " "
Trnn afcrl Union llcpot. rniimm Illlilli.
' 8.SO p ml . Nlibt Kiprao
9 SO a ml . Atlantis Kiproi.
. ( W p ml . Vmllbula I. Imltml. . . . .
"LeiiVeT I Ol tlUAOcTJt N 0 HTl I W KsTSBSt Airlrea
Trnn fer | Union Deimt. Cimncll UlnHi. Trnnjfur
9.4U n m ChlciiKH Kt | > ruis , , , . . p m
600 p m Veitlbulo Uiultail. , 0.3U t ra
KM p m Eutern Flyer. . . , 3.00 p ra
1.10 p raMp Atlantic UMI. . . . . . . . 7.U ) a m
Mp p jn liiwa Arcomrngc1 tlon ( Kif.Hnn _ ) in
CllTCXITor M IT S"5T7 TXT ] irj"A rrTt < >
Irninft'rl Union Depot. Coiinoll DUilT . I'l'runifor
7 0 p ml. C'liicnuo Kiprott I a in
l bO p ro | , . . .Chicago ji'prci . ; jL. . J fi.OUpjn
" ' " "
l"in''ifl lTr"n"iir
. .
8T7XOfJl3 .
Tran t r Union luiot. | nmnr.ll llliiffi iTraniror
.Hi. Ixml * ftnnn Jlall. . . . . . 5-IOj
IllttH * TjIllNCTTArriM
Tninsfer Union Depot , Coimctl Hlun . ITrnr.ifar
" 81U n ra .Chicago Kiproii aisirp'm
10 U ) p n . .Chloxo Iiprei > U. < n a ru
TJ05 pra . . .Ort'iton Uical _ ll.aOara
SioUACITlf A PAUIMU. Arrlrei
Tiansfer _ _ Unlon Daput. Council llluffi. Tranifur
T.U m.Sloui | Clti AcoommoJatlon. . . H.40 am
JoJ p ml. .at. I'ml Kipren , , 10.00 p m
am n.ln a m t P ni am. p.m.
WobsUrSt 6.10 < ' .W J.W B.M : ho
Oik Cliothnm. , , , . . 5.63 U . .03 B.42 IJ.S7
bruld Hill .ID 4.01 4.U 8.45 i.w
Lite Htr < t l T.M S.U7 I.M ( 8.48 1,01 ,
WtlDUt Illll 7.05 i.Oi 1.10 H.W 1.05
Dunnue I'lxee 7.08 S.ll 1.13 B.i3 1.0)
\Voil SW . 8.M T.IO 8.15 4.15 8.M l.u
Ijiwn " " H.IH I.IS t.ta 1.11
Mucol. , , , . I.II U.UJ 1.17
Herman il'art I.W .0lt I.Jl
1'ortal t IS I.JO
Knltnard. I
Portal 8,35 4.4t
Bejiuour 1'ark. , , , , . l.iS 4.U
Muool , , . , . . , , . , , , 1,10 ( .M l.n
Ltwn ' 4. V.3S ,50
VVMt SldD 7lii I'M 0.0) ) ( .40 ,50u
lAindua 1'Uoa. , , , , , 7.18 8.67 H.1I 9.43 . .n
Wtlnut Hill O.M 7.71 V.4S 30)
Ikt Bun t. . . , . , , . . 6,11 o.a t.48
firum Hilt. ' -W J.Ui 5,15 0.25 t.ta
Ok Chatham. . , , , , . . . . . 7.M 9.0S ,11 e , it t.ta.M 1M
O.W 7.15 iiw ) la.w a.ij
It Cut * a Piguro in tbo Union Paciflo Brldgo
Embargo Case ,
Argument of .Tiiduo U'oolworthm the
federal Court Jud o Dutuly
KcservcB Ills Decision Tlio
Contempt Cnaos.
. When the United Stntos court opened yester
day morning Mr. ThuratoncombiittciUomo of
the arguments of Mr. I'ojiplcton In tho. Mil-
waulceo-Unlon Pnclllo C.HO. Ho argued at
length tlmt the net of con rest of IS W nnd
the Union Pndllc bridge nut of 1871 UU1 not
npply to the brlil KI ) In the manner In which
Mr. Poppleton said It did. Tlio Inttor net
dtdiioVcoiiforuDon the brklgo company tliu
pmver of consvructlon , iw the brldso was
lulf completed nt the tlmo the . act was
At the conclusion of Mr. Thurstou's re
marks Mr. Woolworth counncncod ttio clos
ing argument for thoplalntltt.
Ho plunged at ouco Itito the question of the
corporate powers of the Union Pacllloto
make the contract In dispute.
When the contract was entered Into , ho
said , it contained , not only the signature of
the chief executive ofllcers of the company ,
but Its corporate seal , nwl It contained tlioso
by vlrtuo of tbe express nuthority of the
chief legislative iwwor of the company ,
The c ompnny thorouy committed Itself to the
contract so tlmt there was uvery presumption
in favor of its validity.
The contract In question was Just such a
contract as was common among railroad coin-
panics , and ainoiiK companies operating with'
out the aid of statutory provisions.
The speaker claimed that the statements of
the Interstate commerce commission proved
that contracts of that kind were common ;
that there \va& not a state In tlio
union In which somn company docs
not run over the line of another.
ThU was true in every Inrfio city , and
the speaker cited several Instances to provo
this. . Ho charged that the defendant com
pany had Just suon an arrangement with ttio
Kansas City , Council mutts & St. Joe road ,
which permits the latter to run over the
former's road to this city. The Omaha &
licpubllcau Valley vims over twenty miles of
ho tracks of the Union 1'aclllc , Contracts
of this kind were so common , ho argued , that
there wns every pnnutnnllon In favor of
their validity. Ho would not say that rail-
roids tlld not often do what was wiong , but
custom oitablished the validity of the law.
Mr.Voolworth then made the point that
such contracts were to the advantage of the
companies nnd the public , according to the
decision of the Interstate commerce commis
sion. Kunnlng privileges existed in mauy
parts of the country and it had never been
shown that such proceedings Injured any ono.
The other side , ho said , hud claimed that
sucn arrangement was contrary to public
policy , yet It had been shown that such
contracts operated to the advantage of the
company and the public.
The construction of bridges nnd parallel
lines in competition , whou a single ono was
suftlcicnt , were wastes of public wealth that
brought distress upon thocouutry and should
bo forbidden.
Coming to the question nt Issue Mr. Woolworth -
worth held that all presumptions were in
favor of the validity of the contract unless ,
ns claimed by the other side , the inexorable
rule of law vitiates the contract.
Ho did not care , ho said , whether it was
called a icasu or a contract the question
was , what was the F l nature of the instru-
mentl If it was a Rriilt JJt .certain rights and
subject to certain restrictions , llC" ! It wivs a
lease and so , conversely , whether it bt3 called
a lease or not the nature of the Instrument"
must dceldo what Itwos.
According to Justice Miller , a lease meant
the le-islng of possession. All the rules
of law contemplated the possession of
the leased property. But Judge Thurston
had said there was no possession ; that when
the Milwaukee was out the Union Paciflo had
locked the door airaiust it. Ho aborted that
the instrument wns an cnscment or license
with an entire absence of all tlio character
istics of n lease. Tt gave the Union Pacillo
entire care nnd custody of the property ana
provided that all trains were to bo treated the
same as though they were the property of
the Union Pacific.
Mr. Woolworth then agreed at length that
the contract , interfered in no wise with the
Union Pacific in the discharge of its duties to
the government. There were tracks enough
between Council Bluffs and South Omaha to
accommodate a dozen companies , and the plea
that the contr.igt would Interfere with the
public functions of the Union Pacific wns of
no effect. All the authorities quoted by the
other side , ho held , referred to cusei of a dif
Ho then quoted numerous cases in whku it
had been held that a corporation had the
right to dispose of a Dart of the privilopca of
Its franchise when such action did not Inter
fere with the proper discharge of its duties.
Kcforring to o number of similar cases per
taining to contracts In tlio English courts
where , ho said , the law of ultra virus was
much more utronply administered than in
this country , Mr. Woolworth claimed that it
was an established law that contracts of the
nature of the ono In dispute were within the
province oft * railroad company to make.
Coming to the legality of tlio contract , in
reply to the demand of Mr , Thurston to , , be
shown any part of the Union Pncillc charter
which empowered It to enter into any con
tract of the nature of the ono in contest , Mr.
Woolworth demanded by what right the
JJnion Pacific or any other road made con
tracts for the transportation of freight DO
yond its lines ; by want right did the Union
Pacific allow Pullman sleeping aits to run
over Its lines ; by what right did the Union
Pactllo Icaao the line of tlio Hepubllcun
Valley road and operate ItJ
Mr. Thurston denied that the Union 1'a-
clllo hud leased tlio Uopubllcan Valley and
asserted that the latter road was operated by
Its own otllcors.
Mr. Woolworth produced the lease of the
Republican Valley to tto Union I'nclflo , at
tested by the corporate seal of the latter and
signed by its president Ho quoted the clos
ing clause of the agreement , which stated
that the president and boant of directors
\voro \ authorized to make the contract.
Mr. Thurston Insisted on his denial , and
stated that the clause quoted had been in
serted at the special request of Mr. .Withrow
and was without forco.
Mr. Woolworth insinuated that his friend
was trillinc with the truth , and stated that
ho would prefer the calm statement of a
man in writing when ho was In u qulot frame
of mind rather than the oral statement of
the gentleman In the heat of a discussion
such us the ono In hand.
Referring then to the statement of Mr.
Thurston that the Union Pacific had no right
by Its charter to make connections with any
other road , Mr. Woolworth turned to the
original act of 1SD2 providing for thoconstnic-
tlon of the road of whllch the Union Piidllc
Is now the head , to connect with what
is now the Missouri Pacitlc. ( Jongiess had
been very careful , ho said , to provide for the
connection of tlioPuulllu roads with othoi
roads from the cast running to them.
Ho argued that the authority did not mean
simply a physiclal connection , but contem
plated a continuous operation and uuotod
numerous authorities In support of this
The hour for the noon adjournment hav-
Ine arrived court was adjourned until 2
o'clock ,
At the afternoon session Mr. Woolwortl :
resumed the argument , taking up the bridge
toll argument made by Mr. Thurston , which
was to the effect that the charter gave up to j
the Union Pacific tlio exclusive right to col
lect tolls on the bridge , and as the contract
with Milwaukee virtually abrogated that
right , the contract was void. Air. Woolworth -
worth argued that the annual rental to bo
paid the Union Pacillo under the contract
was in Ruhstauce the amount of tolls for traf
fic over tha bridge bandied by the plaintiff ,
though It Included , also , other considerations.
In support of this statement hocltcd the foot
that when freight pnbscs over the Union
Pacific , destined to points oa the other roadi ,
the tolls are collected by the iwmti of such
roads and repaid to the Union Pacific.
After arguing at some length on this nnd
kindred points , Mr. Woolworth reviewed the
situation and claimed that a case WOT made
which left no doubt but that the Union Pa-
dllo had full authority to make just sucli a
roatrnat aa the ono In dispute.
Speaking of the remuneration , ho claimed
bat the amount fixed was ample , and In ac-
cordniico with tlio usual practices between
In dosing , Mr. Woolworth took up the
tntomcnt tlmt the case was not within the
lty Jurlvllctlon of the court , and held
hat It was manifestly within Its Juris-
let Ion ,
Referring to the question of damages , ho
icld tlmt no court could decide what tlio
mount of damage * to the plnintlil actually
HXS , therefore tuo remedy of the Milwaukee
lid not Ho In thn direction of a damage tult.
Ho nrirnodtlmt the Injunction .should Lo
ontlnutxl lu force , ns It had been entered
nto bv both sides and hiul bcca carried out ,
lartlmly. The contract itself specifically
irovlded that In case of difference the con-
net should bo continued until the dlfler-
'ncea had boon settled by arbitration or by
ho courts , If It became necessary to go into
This concluded the argument nnd Judge
) iuuly announced that ho would not say
vhcn ho could bo able to render a decision in
.ho case , and asked the attorneys to submit
heir nuthorllloa for his rmmtilDrntlon.
This leaves the case In the same condition
us when It wns removed to the United States
ourt. The order of the lower court has not
) ccn enforced , nnd uo Argument 1ms been
nul on the chaiyo of vonUnnpt of the United
States court.
In compliance wltli this order of the court
.0 show cnuso why they should not IK ) held In
ontcmpt , the Union Pnclilc placed on lllo a
Icmurter denying the power of the court to
lunlsh for disobedience of the order of the
ewer court. .
Whooping rough , croup , -soro throat , ami-
len colds , and lung Irouhloft peculiar to clill-
Iron , nro cosily controlled Uv promptly ad-
nlnistcrlng Ayer's ' Cherrv Pectoral. This
cmcdy Is snfo to take , certain in lu action ,
tnd adapted to all constitutions.
Wcnthor Indlcon.
Up to this date our monthly prognosti
cations have boon fully ns reliable us the
phubiesof the Intolitmuntotl Wiggins ,
but at the liufjinnhif * of n now your wo
rcsolvoto doHtill batter. Tlio ciistoiiuiry
January thaw will bo dltmunsod with nnd
mssonuoi-s who travel in the olocttic
lighted , steam heated , vcstlhulcd pohico
car trains of tlio Chicapo , Milwaukee &
St Paul Hy. , balwcon Om.ihu nnd. Chicago
cage , will IMS comfortably cured for ro-
; nrdloB8 of iho outsidoatinosphoro. City
ticket olllco , 1501 Furntuii street ( Barker
block ) , Omaha.
Throujrh coaehes Pullman pntnco
sleepers , dining-carsfroo reclining ohair
cars to Chicago and Intervening points
via the groatItock Island route. Tlckot
ollieo 1002. Sixteenth nnd Famam.
They will Itnorganlzo nnd Offer to
rijjht Iiiilliitis.
The Crcighton fjuards , which , up to n year
ago , was ono of the crack military organlra-
.ions of the state , will probibly bo icorgnn-
zed In a few days and wllloITortlieirservIccs
in the Indian war.
The guards disbanded n llttlo over a j'car
ago and since that time no effort has been
made to keep up an organization , Tlio pros-
cut danger to the settlers of the frontier coun
ties has aroused the unthuslaam of the old
members and a meeting'lll bo culled for a
reorganization of the company.
"The reglninit of Iowa national guards
with headquarters nt Sioux City has boon or
lored to hold itself in readiness to go to the
front , " said a member of the old guards
company , "and wo feel a llttlo bit .small to
think voluntoois must bo brought from Iowa
to protect Nebraska sottlcrs. We will meet
porno time during the wcolc , and will at once
offer our services to the governor. "
At the time of the disbanding of the
puanle C. J. Smyth was captain , Gcorgo J.
LJaul llrst lieutenant , IS. J. MoVann second
lieutenant mid John Mullen Jlrat sergeant.
There were llfty-threo men in the company ,
and most of them nro now in tbo oily ready
and anxious to roorRnnlyo the company.
liQLUJWtial spirit gained possession of a
meeting o7sixtlf-Ward republicans Tuesday
night , and a voluntcec conipany of fifty men
aifreod to go to the frontal there should bo
mi ) [ cell for further aid. John GVSy t was choion
captain of the volunteers , nnd AVIIS Tlii' ' Jjlid } : - '
to notify tiovcruor Thayer of'tho formation
of the company , and Its willingness totuko a
tiand in the light.
Exoohior Springs , Mo.
It ono of the most charming
All-year round hotels hi Amorioa
Don't KNxil Yoiir.solf !
Notwithstanding all rumors to the
contrary , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St ,
Paul lly's ' now hteam heated luilnco
sleeping cars , \vith ' 'olectrie lights In
ovoiy berth , " still loaves tlio Union depot -
pot , Omaha nt 0:10 : p. in. dully , arriv
ing at Chicago at ! ) : : JOu. m. , in ample
time to make all eastern connections.
Ticket olllco , 1601 Fiu-num st ,
C. Pass. Afft. Gen. AJt. [
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council Bluffs , Dos Moines and
Chicago business is the Rook Island vos-
tibulod limited , leaving Omaha at 4:30
p. in. daily. Ticket ollieo , 1002 Sixteenth
anclFarnum sts. , Omiiha ,
niondny Kvonlng's Flntie Soiree.
Of all the Interesting lights on bcforo the
various , athletic clubs of tbo country there Is
probably but ono exciting moro comment
nnd speculation than the ono between Jimmy
Lindsay , the local lightweight champion , 'and
Harry Gllnioro , the Canadian champion , and
that is the Dompsoy-Fltzslminons mill which
takes ulaco at Now Orleans next Wednesday
evening. The Lindiay-Gllmoro battle is
fixed for next Momluv night before the
Magic City club , and will undoubtedly provo
the llstlc nvtractlon of local pugilistic history ,
Tlieso two redoubtable pugs have been aching
to got. at each otbur for over a year , and the
chance is at lost to bo presented them. Tlio
club hangsup n purse ol $000 , $500 to the win
ner and ? 100 to the loser , nnd the contest Is
to bo governed by Quccnsbury rules , the
smallest gloves allowable , the men to outer
the ring at catch weights. This means that
Linds.iy will light at about one hundred and
forty pounds and Ullmoro probably four
pounds less , Uotlj men nro training dili
gently and report has them both already In
linost lighting tig. As an axpoiumt of
Dolsarto Harry Oil more stands the peer of
any man In the world , whllo as a hard ,
vicious , determined fighter Lindsay has no
superiors In his cluss. Ullmoro will ho esijulred
by Frank Glover and Tommy Whttn and
Lindsay by a cuuplo of local friends. It will
bo a eame buttle.
For DcrniigniiienlM nf tlio Hrnln
UHO IlorHlbrd'H\ot < i i'liohp'uilo.
Dr. D. P. Boulstcr , Augusta , Mo. , says i
"In functional derangements of the brain
nnd nervous system , I have prescribed it with
gratifying results , "
Tickets nt lowest rutos andsti porior
iccomtnodationa via the grout Hook
Island route Ticket ollieo , 1002 Six
teenth und Farnnm streets Oiimhu.
llnllnvpfl of a Horl < iii ! ( Clmr o.
District Attorney I3aicor rrturnod Tueiday
Irom Lincoln , wliero ho went to ask for the
pardon of W , G , Wllloy , n commissioner of
Jefferson county , who hud been tried and
convicted on the charge ot agreeing to receive
abriuoin connection with the construction
of the court house. On trial Mr. Wllley
plead guilty and Was fined fWO , which flno
has boon bunging over him < ivor since. T-ho
district at torn oy proscntod the matter to the
governor , showing that there was a larlr of
suniclont evidence on which to uoavlctiiud
rccommondod that the line bo remitted.
After considering the matter tlio governor
grunted the request of the district attorney
and ordered the line remitted.
Be sure and use Mrs. Wlnslow't Soothing
Byrup for your children wbllu tootliing , i5 !
cents a bottle.
The now ofilcea ol the Great Rock
Island route , lOft ! Slxtoonth und f''urnam
Btrcoti , Oiimhn , nro the II nod t In the city.
Call nnd ecu thorn. Tlukoti to ( ill iwluts
oust ut lowest rates.