0 THE OIVIAHA DAILY BEE : iHUKSDAY , JANTJAKY 8 , 1891. WE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Harrow and Largely Subject to Local Influence ! . RUSSIAN CROP PROSPECTS INJURED. A Sninll Market for Corn Mont of the Session Firmness In the Corn I'll Cnttlo niul CiiicAno , Jan. 7. [ Special Telegram to TUB HKIC. ] Mitrcmely light rccolpti of i ? l of nil klmli for this mnrkut KIVO : seine force to tlio markets on 'cli.in o curly , anil prices ruled higher for n fuw minutes , followed by n decline nil nroimd , and this by n fulrlj- Rood rally licforo the oiut of tlio Urst bour. Ho. ! produotH ivuroliolil ( Inn , oven with vary Iftrxo ruculnts , nnd lower prices At tlio yards. Tlio curly action In prices was us follows' May rlicat,07io ! tolff ? o toOfi.'o to or'l ' : corn for tliuRainoiuontli , "iJJJo tod.Vjo to K ? o to KM outs -I.V ; < J nnd 4.sa to 4isc ) ; prtrk. tll.2. > to lll.Otoeil.37Hlo III.'JO to $ II.2J | lard , $ a.4Ji ! and W.IO ; rl'.B , r..C71' and & > .TO. The wlicat innrkctwna coniparatlvoly nar row today nnd nubjuct lurgoly to local In- flurncus , It stnrtud steady at U7o ! for May , made nlmlKoof yo to OT.Uc on loual biiylne , led by Ciidaby , llii.rtor , Logan & Co. , and t < otiio nald Armour , I/owur cables and an Increase In tlio available stocks oust of tlio tnountultis encouraged hollltiK by tlio bears mill a few bulls sold out IOMK' wlioatoa tlio first advance. Tlio selling was led by I'ardrhlKO though half a dozen or morn brokers nnd Mitchell wcro selling long wlio.it. Ilaldwlu St Farnum unit Bcliwurtz-Oiipco wcro also early seller * , On the down turn the prlco of May touched OOTic. At tli s point tin ) bulls' news of the day wa felt and , thuro being a lar o short Interestthe recovery was easily made. Export clearances amounted to 49,0)0 bushels of wheat and 1,000 packages of ( lour from Atlantic ports. Now York reported Importer ! ) at work on good round lots. Ilcorbolun and Dor-bush both quoted tlio Russian crop prospects Injured. In addition to thesu bull points , I'ar.lrldga was credited with buying some ) wh at fm-u the bottom up , nnd In this ho w.is followed by the scalping crowd , The reaction w.is justociual to the dcclliio and aa.ln put the prlco at the lilRliest flKitro of tlio morning atOTii'o. At 1 o'clock May wheat was at Bi'io bid , nnd tlKipIt was thodullost of the day. Tiiocstl- mate for Thursday was * .X3cars. What trading thcro was In other months w.is about4io under May for July and about " ' . { c discount for January , % Thoru wu.s a raid In wheat at the lust inlnulo wlion the prlco of May was forced down toOOaC ? , closln ? at 91ic ? , or Uc oft" from last nl ht. January was quoted at Die nnd off to 8aC ! , nominal at the close. July was at Mo toKMic toWJJout tlio close. Tlioro wcro sales of 10,1100 bu hols or inoro of winter wheat , No. S red to local millers on private terms. On the curb privileges on May wheat werociuotod ut OGJiOWJio for'puts iiiulOTSi ® D7 ? ; < : for calls. Tlioro w.is a small market for corn inoit of the session. There wassoni ) activity and strength early on very light rccolp s whl h wore 100 cars , lliiylnif iras entirely local , and after the opening , May was a fraction higher at Mlic. The prlco was advanced to KsO ) ? or ! ! a over lust nlKlit. This brought on soiling by ; tlm sculplni ; tratio and the prlco wont back to the opening fig ure , 62Jio. After a second rally to.We , the m..rlot nt , 1 o'clock hold steady at .VJ.'ic or Ue up for the day. Tlio report that the cox-urn- in cut was paying f > e ever tlio market foreash corn ut Omalia for the trxijw was promplly corrected by dlspatchis ! to MoUnrinuok fc Co , , Kcnnett-lliipklns and others , llrokers In corn oxpresscil tlu belief that the snbborn- IIOSB of the Hhorls ulono prevented an advance of lo today. Tlio iircssuro from shorts lioltl prices down. Slimmonts were 155,000 bushels ami tlio estlmato ror Thursday was but 1 > ears. May closed steady at tajioi January was quoted at 48'io to 498o. ! cloilns at48a IOo ; Kobrnnry 4n8o to RjJSc to 4'J8c3 ' 60c. May corn privileges sold at KIKe for puts and n.1'gc for culls. It. was surprising that onls hold firm today with receipts of 70 cars , an estimate forThurii- dny of 0.1 ears and practically no local stocks. The market could easily liavo teen a play- thins fur big a operator- but Ilutchlnson niiuln lilsnlTuisto buy and sell In such largo lots that the trade let them alone. The mar ket acted much the sumo nscornnnd formiicli the saino reasons. JIaysold at 4-iJio and 45Sc early on the light receipts , yielded Uo to45fo nnd closed at 4 , " > yo. January was quoted at 4' ' > io nnd 4ioo and closed at 4'J5c. ! Juno was quoted at4 , * > c and us low as4o nnd closed at 44ic. ! Sonio trading for July was also ro- renortcd at .TSc. The provision trade l cnt scalpers 'guessing nil day. The usual run of lioss and lower prices for the llvo article caused a heavy feel ing curly. Thoprlcnof pork went to Jll.i.'O , 5o under the low point Tuesday , both before and after the call. 1/utor In the day there was good speculative buying by grain houses and this started tlio price of May pork up < c from the low IInili-o to ill.4.1. Home houses sold at (11.20 and bought ntitl.4.1. Tlio murknt hold remarkably llrni totliooloso at Jll.Iti , or 7tfo up for the day , I.ard and ribs had a narrow day , but were also llrm and higher , with a gain of ajjo In lard and ; < & > o In ribs. CHICAGO I.IVHHTOVK. OniOAno , Jan. 7. ( Special Tolcjrram to Tin ? Dnr..J UATTI.C An Increased run furnished a few inoro cattle than was wanted , bunco there was an easier feeling all around , and In soiuo Instances lower prices on oven good to choice steers. Second class stock sold a good lOo owcr. Natlvo butchers' stock showed no particular change and the stoclcor trade pre sented no now features. 1'rlces are yet luw , though there lias bean a slight advance the iiast week or BO. The top prices were I4.NMJ 6.40 for prime to oxtra. 17UJ to steers ; Jl.lTiJI.7j forgoocltooholco ; KI.2JEi.Tj ; for common na tive sloelS ; 8I..W3j.5Q : for stookors. 1IOO8 Iluslness was again brisk , with little or no change In values , as compared with yesterday , and , considering that tlierj hnsbeen neatly luo.ooOon ni'irkotln two days and that the break was only about lOo It Is a circumstance worth noting and shows the ex traordinary btrongth of this market. Hough end common mixed light sold at l.5xrci.U ( ) ; prlmo mixed and packing grades , at fi.G.ft : > : i.7A ; tirlnio heavy and butcher weights at ja.73SU.83 ; light , * J.WOt.70. : FXX.IXVIA.L. NEW YOUK , Jan. 7. [ Special Telegram to THE HEE. ] The stoolt market opened with firmness hi the Ooalurs , a good inquiry for North American and Northern 1'aolllc , pre ferred , and some London buying of the Union Pixc111 o. There was on the wliolo an active business and prices wcro gcuoraly fractions higher than lust evening's figures. The declaration of a dividend 1 I of 24 ! per cent In cash on Louisville made that stock tlio favorite In early trading , nnd not only more uctlvo , but the strongest on tlio Hsu It rose 1 per cent to T.V e , and although all the loading stocks were actively traded In , their gains over the opening palms were eon- lined to small fractions only. Among the In- aotlvo list , Manhattan was the feature , ris ing from 10n , to Ml. Itlo Urando Western ii. Outside of Louisville , New Kngland showed the most advance , gaining Sf , but the prices were not maintained , about half the Improve ment being lest. The dullness In all but a few Htooks marked the hour to 12 o'clock. Louisville , Union Pud II o nnd Atrhlnon and Sugar ltetlnorlo.s continued active. The last named was the feature of the trading and on an Increased business It rose toWJfi from Mil at thoopening. Tlio Ken- oral list maintained Its Ilrm to strong tone , but the lluulimtlons were slight ntul-nogrout advance was made anywhere , although Atch- IROII was up to Mi ? , Hock Island to Wi , St. I'nul toS''V .Mlssoml I'aclllo to ! ) . Union I'.iclllo to 4.V.I , The feeling In Htooks remained conlldent iinii strong to the close. Tlioro Is nemo holding back until the meeting nf tlio presidents tomorrow. ICasler luonoy abroad had no Hlllo Inlluenco on buyers. Louisville. ' elosoit 1 point up nt 7.V * ' . Lake Slioni and Atchlson olosod steady , St. I'aul. .Missouri X'uctllo and Union I'uclllo each showed a nlco uetgaln. Sales woro2lXISOO shares. The following were tlio closing quotations ; IJ.H. 4i regular I'M Norlhorn 1'acltlo : MH II. H. 4 > coupons Id ) do profi'rrod. . . . . . . . U7H U.S. 4HsrouUr ltm ( C. AN , W 10 ' ( U.S. 4M couponi..lu. ! > j do mufmed..A..U7 rnrlnutaof 'W..10J New York Central. . . ItrJ Central I'aclflo VJ l . , l > . A K ! < ! { Chicago A Alton 128 Hock Island k-J Clilcaup , llurllniitoti a , M..vft. i- J2U & ( jnlncjr Kfli ilorrofutrjd loti.'i D.uXw , , . .1:111 : Ht. l'nill A Omaha . . . 23 Illinois Central V7 doproferrtxl 81 U , lift W Union 1'avlOa. 45M Kenias & Texas. . . . . 11 Ukotihoro , . . . , . , . . .lci ( doproforrod ITU UKhlicnn Conlral , , . . 01 Wuituru Uoloa 7TM Missouri 1'aoltln lUH Mo.Ncr On call , easy ; closed oirorod at 2i ! per cent I'niuK MKitnANTtLE PArsti 78H per cent. BTKKI.INII " Kii'iiANUE-Actlvo and itroug ; "ay bllU , H.KJVji Uomaita , ' Ilio Co ( Too fllnrkot. New YOHK , Jan. 7. [ Special Telegram to Dee. ] ColToe-ODtloni opened steady 5 points up to S point * down ! closing steady , anil unchanged to 10 point * up. Hnlc * . 10.2.K ) bag * . Including January , IllV'.vaiO.'i'ii March , , . .May. IIXlMi Hoplctnbor , tM.M Itlo , ( inlet and steady t ( air cnrgoei ilaWj No. 7 , (17,50 , Kliarcn. Nr.w YOIIK , Jan. 7ISpcalal Telegram to THE 11 IE. ] The followlnf uro tbo mlnlnj stock quotations ! 1'JWl ) VCK .Tf.l ItKKT. Nr.w VoiiK.Jnn. 7-Whoat Hecolpt" . 15.000 biuholsi exports. 31,400 , buihelst spot , lower ! weak No. S , red , It.oaai.Oll'i ' In clova- tori ll.O.Vi1.0J tilloat ! I.OIaI.OIM f. o. b | options Irregular ; No. 2 red , January , closing titfl.OJ ? , ' . Corn-Hccolpts , 70,300 binlielsj exports , 2.,000 buMioU ; spot Irregular ; closing easy ) No. 8. Rx Vjitaln olovatortfioaoOUo alloat : ungraded mixed , r 'ittfilf ' options unchangedl easy ) January closhu at . . UatH Itccclptf. M.IWO bushels ! exports. 223 bushels ; spot Htrotucr ; No. ! ! while , 61 vu > ' 'c ) mUed western , 48.'i.Ve ! ; mixed wcstorn , while , filj7o ; options llriuer. January closing at Sugar-Uaw. flrini-r ! fair refining , 40-1CO ! pentrlfugals. 14 tost. 6 ? c | snlci , eentrlfUKiils , DO test , -'SO-'lc , and rollned llrmor ; O , fi'io ! whlto extra ( . ' , BUc yellow. 4aBCj oir A.6iot ! A. 0-ICc ; Btiindnid A , 6 15-15C ! powdered , UUc ; granulated. OiVIOc. . . . . Petroleum United closed for I ebruary at 74ie. ! Kggs-Woaki western , © 27c. I'ork I'nohangod ; now mess. tll.50U12.00. Lard Opened easy ; closed steady ; western stniim. JO.'T'-ic ntdccdi January , ti.'M asked. lluttor Dreamery , weak ; state dairy , llrm ; wpstorn dairy , Utt'-'Oo ; creamery , lUS cj Kl- gln , IKa''Oc. Choeso-Strong ; light skims. OIIICAOO , Jan. 7. 1 p. in. close Whont- SteaUy ; cash. OOo ; iltiy , MJiitUG.'o ! July , "iJorn-Cnsli. 43 ? 'ci May , Mi ! < a.Vlo. Oats Kloady ; ciish,4 ? { e : May , Wtf l'ori < I'lrnticasli. ! I0.7J ; Maytll.U. ! hard-l'lrni ; cash , j. . ' ! i ; May , tfl.42 ! ' , ® C Ci. Short Ulbs-rirm ; cash , $3.20 ; May , J5.72M. llye I'lrin nt CTWiVc. llarlov I'Mrm n 1 7.V3SOC. Klax I'lrni at JI.16. Tlinolliy Steady at 81.2S31.2I. Klotir Unchangedjsprlng patents , JI.MiM.OT ; winter patents , JI.7iXiP.Ou ; bakers' , * 1.W34.00. : Hulk Meats-Shoulders , SI.'JOSI.M ; short cloar. * . 'l.r.rn,43 ; short ribs. f. ' > . lOSa.23. lluttcr-Kaay ; oieatnory , livaJUc ; dairy. H ® 24 c. c.UhcpscKlrin ; full cream choddars. OWc : Hats. UHGlOo ; Yous Americas , ' KWR I'lrni at XV&Zc. llldes-L'nchanged ; light and heavy 'green ' salted , 4'ic ; green , 4Q.4UC ! salted bull , 4liot green salted calf , c ; dry lllnt , So ; dry salted hides , oa'c : dry calf. Sffi'Jo ; deacons , each. W : . Tallow-Uiiclianged ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4j ; (35c ( ; No. 2aocake ; , 4c. Kccclpts. Shlimients. Flour , bhls . 17.0JO K > ,003 Wlieat.hu . 4'J,000 C',000 Corn , bu . 121,000 1M.00.1 Oats , bu . 6D.UOJ 207,000 KANSAS CITV , Jan. 7. Wheat-Steady ; No. 2 hard , cash and January b-'JJo bid ; No. 2 red , no bids. Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 47jo ! bid ; Janu ary , 47HJ72iC. * Oats-Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 44o ! bid ; Janu ary , 44'ic. ST. Louis. Jan. 7. Wheat Unsettled ! cash , OlH&e & : May , OCXc. Corn I'lrni ' ; cash , 47 ? (34 ( o ; May , f 0c. Oats Klnn ; cash , 44Hc ; May , 45&0. I'ork-yteady ' . . - at * II'.tKM. Ijir ; < l Steady at J."i.7. > . Whisky-Steady at $1.14. Iluttcr Unchanged. MINNEAPOLIS , Jan. 7. Wheat Good demand for spot wheat and prices higher ; futures llrm. Kccelpts , 50 cars ; shipments , 43 cars. Uluslng ; No. 1 hard , January , ulc ; on track , ir.'c ; No , 1 northern , January. ti7ie ! ; May , fMc ; on track , 6Ue ; No. 2 nortborn , January , 80c ; on track , MJc. ! _ MIMVAUKEE , Jan. 7. Wheat Easier ; No. 2 rud.'cusli , P.ViiSTe ; May , OOJJo. Corn I'lrni ; No. y , 4'Jlic. ' Oats-l-'lrtn ; No. 2 white , 4VOe. ! . 1'rovUlons Qtilut ; pork. May , 111,21. CINCINNATI , Jan. 7. Wheat Firm ; ' No. 2 red. Jannary,074 ! . Corn Steady ; No. 2 red , 5Tc. Oats Klrnii No. 2 mixed , 20i4 Whlsky-Jl.H. I.iVKitroou Jan. 7. Wheat , steady ; demand fallen olfjliolders offer moderately ; red west ern spring. 7s 8d ; red western whiter. 7s UU. Corn Steady ; demand fair ; mixed western. ' Lll'K STOt'.H. . CntCAOO. Jan. 7. Cattle Ilocolpts. 15,000 head ; marlcet steady to easy ; the top prlco for stcors , i-l.60 < ftrIO ; good to choice steers , S4.V3 © l.7.'i ; butchers' stock , Jl.rjOOI.ajjstockcrs , 81.W ) . . Hogs Ilocolpts , G0.003 head ; market about steady ; rough and common mixed , light , f.l.WTM.iW : prlmo mixed and puclclng , KirvVifcl.lOj prime heavy and butchers' weights , U7.VSa.83 ; light , Ji.Gixa.-J.70. : Sheep Kecolpts. 8,000 head ; market strong and higher ; natlvoJ , $4. 155/4.25 ; westerns. $4.iO : < tU.OO ; light Tuxuns , U.8J&4.UU ; lambs , $1.50 ® 0.23. _ ST. Louis. Jan. 7. Cattle Receipts , 2,500 head ; shipments , - head ; market steady ; fair to fanuv native steers , tiI.bOGo.lU ; sleeken. and feeders , . ' .001W.23. Hogs Hccelpts , 14,300 hoau : shipments. - head ; market hlu'hcr ; heavyJ.G'J4ty.70 ' ; mixed , KANSAS CITV , Jan. 7. Oattlo Kocolpts. 3.203 licail ; shipments , 2,1110 head ; market about steady ; atuurs , * 'I.50.5.00 ; cows , J1.7J&3.50 ; stot'hers and feeders , S2.2ViKi.l3. HOKS Hocolpls , I.ri00lieil ; : ; Hhlpmcnts , 2,150 ; market lower , all grades , JI.uOaJ.70. OMAHA JIAltKEIS. OMAUA. Jan. 7 , IRni. CATTLE Estimated rocoluta of cuttle 1,000 as compared with 2,980 yesterday and CiJ Wednesday of last week. The market on the best grades of beeves was slow nnil easier on common urudus. Tlio bust butcher slock was slow and savins nnd tlio poorer crudes steady to .strong. Feeders moving at steady prices. Hous Estimated receipts of ho s 8,000 , as comiiarort with 10,510 yesterday and 0,271 Wednesday of last week. The market opened lOo lower but bocanio llrniur , closing ut US ® lOo decline. The ratmo of the prices paid was & 1.00 < & 'I. < V ) , the hulk soiling at $ .l.li.vio3.4. > . Pics. ji.w@2.flO ; iiizhtM.otxs.'i.as ! houvy , RUG ® 'J.Ki ; mixed , t3.3C@3.M ) . Tlio tivuntKu of the prieca paid was Ki.38 as coinparud with J3.45 yesterday and J4. : Wooncstlay of lust week. * SHEEP l stlimited receipts of sheep 519. us compared with 040 yostcmuy and 0 Wednes day of last wcnk. Tlio mutton murkut wont oir a shade. Natives , fi.503l.40i westerns. $2.00 OI.25. Deposition oT Stock. ShowInK the number of head of stock pur chased on this market as reported by the WHlKlitmaatorof the Stockyards corny any for January 7 : CATTr.E. Buyer * . No. an lib & "u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . KM The O. II. Iliinimond packlnK compiiny. . . . The Uuilaliy packing company The Oinaliu packing company . , 4 } I.eo Rothschild i.v , Ilumllton& Sloplicn 33 Van Sunt& Oarey , 47 Nels Slorrls yj Shlpporsatul feeders , 501 itoos. The Otidahy packing company 6,221 Uniahu pacKlns company 1,4U Kwlft&l'o 8X1 Tlio U , II , Hammond packing company , , . 6.YI Shippers and feeders 1'JJl SlIKEt' . 6 lft&Co 612 ItcprcHontnttvo Snlcs. STEKIIS. No.Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No Av. Pr. 1. . POO | J 00 15..1037 Kl 40 22. ,1015 JJ 70 10. . 007 2UJ 24. . MM a 45 40..Hull ! 1 70 y. . 070 a oo I..IWM .1 ao 22..10 a 75 1. , S90 310 21..10.T1 : iffl 20.12211 II80 24..104. ! a 25 14.liW : a M 23.1217 lift's 11. , KM 32.5 18..100.5 a 55 20..121)0 ) 'IW 11. . ttll 32.5 II. . 0X1 3 CO 15.1-MS U 0.5 1..1370 3iO : 2-- . . 1KCI : iCO . 1..1210 400 7..10.51 330 U..iXVi ( 3 CO 20..124S 410 6..10 II 335 10. . 1M 305 10.111 410 6.,1210 340 G..I1S5 305 17..140' ' 425 2..11.V ) 340 & 3..1UO 370 8..1UO 4 U ) 20. . 679 3 40 COWS. S..1050 100 3..10.V1 200 2.1030 2 M 1 , . 700 1 00 17. . 081 2 15 21. . ID ! ) L'50 I. , t > 00 1 S3 0..112S 220 17. . 031 2 SO 2. . 775 140 . ' . . U.V5 i'aj : I.11SO 2 W 2.1000 150 10 . IW3 22:1 : 20.iaW 'JAX 1. . 700 150 18. . U.V ) 22J 0. . iut3 SCO 2..10.V5 IN ) S2. . 7M 225 4 , . 020 1CO ! 3. , 005 1 BO S3 , . KH 2 ZHi 5..10SS 2 CO 1. . l 0 15) 23 . teS 227)s ) )0.lfW ) 200 7. . K.18 169 2U. . HO 230 25..1033 a & 5 5 , . 783 1 50 17. . 784 23) II. . 014 2fl5 3..1073 160 37. . 004 241 10..1WJI ) 270 1 , , 7CO 160 10. . KH 240 4 .1017 270 2. , O.'B 1 GO 1. . U2tl 235 18..1080 273 2. . 8S.5 1 CO 27 , . 778 235 10..1140 2M 4..1r.\S 17.5 25. .1001 235 II.1151 285 1..1100 175 4'J. . 847 24 } 17..1103 000 2.13'S 180 BO. . WO 24) 1..1340 310 1..1270 200 13. . 040 240 20. . 1043 U 10 10. . 8.58 200 87. . 1033 245 . .11(5 310 2..10W ) 200 2..U'40 SAO V..1125 825 4.,1080 200 IB.1071 2W 1..1COO 400 1..1260 S 00 4. . KM 2 M 1.1 00 12S 1..U40 210 1..1UO 260 1..1310 1 75 t. 1700 ! 23 4..1317 3M i.12fiO 1 73 J 1(110 ( 2 2.5 i 1:00 : 251 1..1280 1 75 1 1(150 ( 2 2.5 1 1340 2 DO 1. 1470 S 00 1. 153) 22.5 1 2030 3 00 1..1200 2 00 1..1510 235 1..1530 300 AND 2. . 373 200 1. 220 400 1. . 110 42. , 1. . fWO 200 3. . 120 4 00 1. , 140 400 4. , 240 a 73 & . , 02 4 00 CALVES. 1. . 400 2 25 18. . 7SJ 2 SO n. . Ml 275 01. . 778 2.'I5 0. , 8ii : 26.5 23. . 71U 273 2. , 745 260 0. . EOO 2 70 I1GIFEII3. 1..1000 3 00 2 .1120 3 3 1IOOS. No. Av. Sh. I r. No. A v. Ph. Pr. & > . mi icoi380 41 . . . . .240 TJO M40 7 . 1 2 00 CO . , , ,250 200 340 74 . U1 3 00 ( VI . 205 M ) 340 100 . . . .150 120 3 00 CO . .270 ISO 340 77 . . . . 1M 320 10 07 . . . . .241 IM 3 40 1C ! . 107 40 U 10 01. . . . .210 2-0 340 70 . . . .1IH 40 a 10 CO . .317 200 340 W . 170 40 3 13 03 . .271 40 340 81 . 1U7 'ICO 3 13 71 . .214 80 340 87 . ir.l ' 120 a 13 247 2-0 3 40 M . 174 M a 15 .205 200 340 70 . IM ) 120 3 13 M . : 'S 200 310 OJ . 173 IM a in 01 . .27(1 ( 210 340 83 . 107 40 a 15 08 . .2.V1 200 3M 01 . 197 . . 2 SO 60. , .2113 200 340 87 . 1U3 . . ! 1 ' . ' 0 02. , , .287 ICO 340 81 . 177 220 3 20 40. , .281 80 811 . ISO 40 3 iU 04. , .258 KiO 77 . 'JUJ 210.323 03. . .2 ! > 7 120 345 70 . ' . ' 10 120 3 23 01. . .271 K'O 345 70 . 813 200 3 25 21 . 335 210 345 72 . 20 ! ) 120 3 23 65. . .2117 100 3 43 33 . 218 240 il 23 07. . 270 400 3 45 70 . 218 120 3 23 01 . ice 3 45 70 . 230 3 25 60 . . : LV > lee 34' 70 . . . 2-.il 80 3 25 65. . . . 343 77 200 3 2'i 01. . . . 270 son 343 711 213 40 3 23 G8 . .233 200 3 45 CO 210 80 3 SO Cfl . .2liO 3 45 C , " . 233 120 3 HO 03 . " 78 345 72 . 227 240 a : : o CO . . - 04 210 3 4. ' > M . 205 - a : io 69 . .320 bO 315 73. . . .mi PO a ; io 4'J . . . , , .211 345 70 . 8J1 80 a J10 57 . , .310 tQ 345 73 . 114 120 3 ISO 87 . . . . , . : KIO 120 71 . 2.,9 120 3 30 5" . . , .310 120 , ft } . 228 200 3 ! ! 0 62 . , .345 120 350 70 . 281 41'0 ' . ' 1 ! 0 68 . . . , , .300 100 350 70 . 215 - a : ul ! Kl. . . . , , .2911 350 C.S . 2T)0 Mi 3 115 72 . , .218 350 CO . VIW f > 0 3 35 49 . , .308 410 351 78 . 118 3 115 59 . . . . , .307 40 ; uo 59 . 202 ICO 3 33 52. . . . 314 210 a no o . am 80 3 : i5 01. . . . , , .325 200 a .vj CO . 210 120 3 33 61. . . . . .2MJ 40 350 7(1 ( . 227 ISO 3 ! 13 53. . . . , , .2B ! ICO 350 03 . 8.V ) 40 3 35 45. . . . . .401 350 01 . 271 2sO 33.3 107 . , .2115 200 350 C9 . 2.12 200 3 35 01. . . . , , .2111 350 S7 . 29) 200 3 33 38. . . . , . .275 210 350 CS . 270 28) 8 3.1 4 ! ) . . . . . 370 40J 3521J 70 . 2tl ; ICO 3 3.3 53 . . . , .33S 352 OJ . 213 ICO 3 35 50. . . . , , .3(15 300 3.Vi 40 . 210 120 a : w 62. . . . , , . : cu 80 353 H ) . SI2 60 3 33 40. . . . . .307 35.3 07 . 223 3 35 61. . . . . .343 ; i.v GO . 2li9 240 3 33 CO . . . . .345 230 3.V. 51 . . . .2115 W 3 35 41. . . . . .4110 N ) 355 f > 9 . 2GO 3 40 4 ! ) . . . .3T > 3 bO 353 59 . 2S7 ICO 3 40 5(1. ( . . . . .340 SSO 3 CO 71 210 40 3 40 4(5. ( . . . . .3TS 300 G7 201 40 3 40 48. . . . . .353 200 3(0 ( 63 ail tO 3 40 55. . . . . .373 3GO i-ins ANUitouau , 151. ' . . . 74 40 I 80 38. . . . .103 240 n M 2 00 7. . . . . 173 223 15 83 2 00 SHEEP. No. Av. Pr. 102ewcs , westerns . .105 4 05 llll natives , mixed . 07 4 25 219 westerns , wethers . 105 4 85 lOOowcs , westerns . .103 4 10 Q3IAHA WHOLESALE 3IAUKETS. Or 'CirlcB. OANNED FHUITS Cnllfornla Apricots , K.30 ® 2.40j peacho ! ) , JJ..vat..O'J ; pears , & .fiO2.7n ; grapes. J1.8 ( ifc'.lK ) ; cherries , white , $ -.f > U2.75 : cherries , blaulc , f2.23(3'.50 ( : quinces , # . ' .00 ; blackberries , (2.25 ; raspberries , KJ.oo ; straw berries , $ -.lK ) ; currants , $ -.2o ; cooicborrles. $2.23 ; plums , egg , JI.S.ViM..ij ; ' plums , green gages , fl.POl.l)0. ) Eastern canned fiult reaches , seconds , $ ' . ' .20a2'JO ; nplilesM-lb , 8.10 ! ; gal , VJ doz In case. JX40 ; gooseberries , Ilaltl- moro standard , 2-lb , SI. 10 ; strawberries , $1.25 ; raspberries. $1,40 ; blueberries , tl.30 : red rasp berries , $1.50 ; uluclcnurrlcs , fi.10 : cherries , JI.25 OI.05 ; pineapples , sliced , JI.25Q2.40. MOLASSKS llbls-M. O. fancy , per gal , 40 ® 4Sc ; uholco , 40343c ; good , 283iic ; Cuhu. bak ing , 2iS.o ) ) ; blackstrap , lbft ! c ; syrup. 70 grade , bbls.2Co ; ! ibbl,26c ; 4-gal kegs , $1.24 ; 2-gal kills. 07c. builAii Oranulatcd , fl ? < c ; cubes. CJe : cut loaf , 7Sc ! ; powdeied. standard , G. c ; XXXX powdered. 7'/ic ; yellow 0. So I canary , 5ic ! ; light extra , O , & > ( & 0c ; eonfcctkmors' A , Gic. ! OI.IVKS Quarls. per doz , $4.0J ; plntB. per doz. S130 ; bulk , per iral. $1.20. Olive oil. y pints , a doz per case , Jl.5x252) ( . TWINKS , COItUAd ! ' ! . KTC. Cotton twlno "Illbb. " very line , M-lb bales , 22os cotton twine XX brand , U-.b ' bales , Ibc ; hemp twine , U-lb bales , Iho ; salt twine. 20c ; ennulo wick' . irJo ; 40-foot cotton clothes line , $ l.4u ; 40-foot cotton clothes line. $1.G3 ; 00-foot sisal lines , $1.75 ; 00-foot Into , $1.85 ; wool twines. 8Jo. ! Ma nilla rope All sizes from 7-1G to 1 In , 14c ; sis. rope , all sizes from 7-1G to 1 In. Oc ; "now pro cesses. " all sizes from 7-10 to 1 In , 7 c ; cotton rope , U In. Hie. UIIKKSE R 0. twin flats , per Ib , lie ; P.O. Young America , IHio ; domestic Swiss , 15Jc ! ; brick , lie ; Kdam. In foil , each $1.00. VINKOAU Apple elder. lOc ; double cider , lo : whlto wine , 12u ; triple strength , lUc. KTAIICII 1'i'r Ib , CWi-c. I'lCKLEB Medium , bbls , $ S.OO ; small , 110.00 ; gherkins , 4I1.00 ; Huston mixed , $12.CO. HICK Java , Oc ; choice , Cc ; fancy , Cc ; head , ' ' 'OI'DKU Porbbl , rofliipd , JO.M ; half bbl , $ .1.50 ; hard cider , pure , per bbl , $3.00 : orange older , half 1)1)1 ) , JO.M ; pcarcldor. half bbl , $1.50. DIIIEU KltutTS Turkish prunes , less than lilids , IbSil , 8c ; apples , evaporated , new ring choice , 14lic ; apricots , fancy , In sacks , lMic ! : blackberries , new , Oo ; raspberries , 25 Ibs to box. 12c ; currants , now , SJe ! ; VotUzacurranls , extra. In boxes , ( J'io ' ; poaches , Cain. , choice. 17'/ao : California dried grapes. In bags , Cc ; seedless Hullanas , sacks , 10ic ! : muscatels , 8ic ! ; iicw ' Valencia. Bu ; Ond urn layer , Co ; flgs. laers' . 1420c ; citron , Leghorn , 20c ; lemon peul , 13c. MAi-r.ESuaAit 1'crll ) 5o cakos. 30-lb boxes. iic : ; lOo cakes , 30-lb boxes , 12io } ; 1-lb bricks , 31 Ihs In box , pure. He. ItnooMH 5-tIo , parlor , & 1.CO ; 4-tle , $2,753-lle ; , K.23 ; 3-llc. plain , $ l.f-0 ; warehouse. UOO ; loy 81.33 ; whisk , J1.OOOI.23. Castile , moulded , peril ) , 10edo ; white , per Ib. lie ; laundry soap , per 1W ) bars , { CI.15Q A.UO ; shaving son p. lOJrD'Jo per doz ; toilet soap , 3 cakes pur box , per doz , . ' > 0@t2.2 > . NUTS I'or Hi Almonds. Ibo ; Ilrazlls , 2lo ; fllL'urts , l.oi peouin , i@Hu : ; walnuts. IHc , pea nuts , fancy white , 8e ; rousted. lOc. SALT lulrv.2bO Ibs In bbls , bulk , IJ.IO ; best 1'radc , fiOTH. fe3o ; best Rrado , 1011 3s $ , ' .40 ! test grade. 28 10s , J3.23 : rock suit , crushed , $2.10 , SODA 1'ackugos , CO Ibs to box , 5.iu ? ; kcxs rUi.sonA Kejrs , 1'i'c perlb ; bbls , IJfo ; gran- ulattid. 100 Ib boxes , So. OANNKD VKOKTAIIMS : Tomatoes 3-i ; > , $1.00 01.10. Corn Vurv lino. tl.2.5l.t3 : ; 2-lb susur , $1.15 ; 2-11) standard western brands , { 1.10. Mushrooms Mb French , extra line , 22(2250 ( ; Mb French , line , lWt22e ; 1-lb French , ordi nary. l&iSlSc. l'eas-2-lh curly JuneU.S. ' ! ; 2-11. Marrow , standard brands , Ji.iO ; 2-lb soaked , 70c. French peas 1'er ' case of 100 , JI.Mia2.Oi ) . String beans 2-11) ) high irrailo , OOo ; 2-lb wax beans , b3o : 2-lb slrlni ; beans. fcOe. Lima beany 2-ll > soaked , 85o. Hoston ImUcd beans 3-lb II 'I.V31..V ) . Swcot potatoes 3-lh New Jersey , fl.SO ; 3-lbokrauml tomatoes , ll.CS ; 3-lb okra , JI.CO ; aspurtiims. 3-lh , f2.KVtt3.73 ; rhubarb , 3-lb , 1.40 ; succotash , fl.2u1.25. HAKINQ L'ownr.it Hoyal , cUmc cans per doz OSc ; U-lhcnna.tl.45 ; ! i-llcan , I2.U5 ; l-ll > caiiH , K > M ; Price's dime eanst.UJc ; y-lb cans , ifl.3.5 ; ! i-lb cans , $2.5J ; 1-lb cans , W.75 ! other kinds , 1-lh c.lns. PIT doz. * 1.00'l.t > 5. \Vli.\i'i'lNO I'Al'EH I'or Ib. best straw , ] 5xl ! to3\44,17io : ; dry Roods , 4 ? . o ; extra ( nullity manllla , ( J'je ; manlllu tea , 12x18 , Uc ; dark rag , hardwsiri' , 2ic ? , FAIIINACKOUS GOODS llnrlcy , 4c ; farlnnt kcj-s , > .00 ; split pnas , 3c ; i recn peas , L'c ; oat meal , bbls. (0.20 0.5. ' ; half hbl.s , M.'Xiffcl.M macaroni , 12e ; vermicelli , 12c ; sago and tapl- OPII , ? ( liu ! ; I.tmii beans , 5Jie ; ccroalUio , J3.2I- 11 nkid hominy , 3Uc. Ou.s-UO prime white. 0)ic ) ; 150 water white lllic ; hoiKlllKht. 13o ; 74 L-asollno. ll'.io. Oil onus 1 Kill. * 3.00 < a3.25 ; 2 fal , S3.7.Vi4.bO ; 5 gal TOIIACCO Fine cut , per Hi , 2\VU75c : jilus. 2V , fl'So ; smoklnc , 22.3c ; fancy brands , OOc © J.M. | Coi'fEE Green Rio , 22S24o ; Java. 27c Moclisi , 2Sc. ItoaRted Aro&la , 2.5o ; lluiuiln " 'H ; ; Uuriiinn , 24 ci Ulllworth's , -M'ic ; l < lon 25c ; Mallpouch , Jio ; C'ordovla , : > c ; Mocliu 3lc ; O , 0 , Java. Uo. ColTeo Ksoncu y gro boxes. | | . : ivai.50 : chlokory , 7H < sjto. TUAS Julian , basket llrcd , 2lK&V > o ; uiuidrlcd 20(34.50 ( ; green , SOWMe ; gunpowder , SOQAOO KiiKllsli liretilifaRl , 3.r7.5oi Vouni ; HyMolXi ) ] M3c ; Uolonp.Jj.a45o ! 2-lb package ilnsl , I5c. OANIIV Mixed , 30 11) palla. HK'R'.Mio ' ; sllok , 8)io ) ; twist stick , Oc ! French mixedMSje ; hoar hoiiiid stick8)iu ) ; Jar and casn. candles , 5 Ib boxes , IWfcMc ; extra line Koode. 5V3U3o. AXI.K QKKASK I'or cross I'ruzlur's large tins. WJ.OO ; medium tins , (27.00i small , * 15.00 other makes , wood , t5.30g.8.50. ( lli.ACKisa ; idoz In box , 30S7Sot ladles' shot dressing , 45ctttl.OO ; steve polUh. per gross " ' "ill.UK'iNa Ltanlil.l oz.Hdoz In box. OOofflf 1.75 8oz. 3 dor In box , l.503.75j dry , small , 25o lurjjo , 45a. r-i'lcKS reppcr Slncaporc , sifted , shot , 22o ; ulUplce , 10c ; cloves , FcnatiR. bo leetcd , 17ltKj cassia , China , 4-1 b , mals , no nutmt'Kd , No. 1 , 75o ; mucassor , Wo ; plcklhu spice , IO-1U boxes , aso. OuACKEits SoUn , Oo ; oyster , 5So } ; cream Siio ; KhiKCr snajis , iic. CIIOCOI.ATK. KTC. 12-lb boxes. ! U5U5o : Oor man sweet. 22 < ii24ci cocoa. 3U34'Jo : Itromo , 32c COCOANOT 15-lb cases.U and ! J Ib packages per Ib , 2&327ct bulk. 15-lbpa < l8.2.to. KXTIUCT8 Lotnon. 2 oz. 55c < JJ1.80 ; 4 OT. II.OT CTX501 vanlllii , 2 oz , R5c < 3J2.bOj 4 oz , tl.25Q5.GO Jamaica Elm-'er , 4 oz , ( I.K5. MATCHES I'arlor , 200 and 300 per box , 11.65 ® 1.70 per gross ; sulphur tl.l.vSl.M. 1IU8HI8 tilioo. penloz , tl.3.V33.03 ; daubers 75c4& 1.00 ; Bcruh brushes. OOc@13.CO. Hum SEKD-Mlxeil bird , 1-lb pnekagcs , 5o canury , 4)4c ) | lieinp.4HcunlKo ; , I5a WOODEHWAIIB I'er ttoz Tubs , No. 1.1&35 No 2,17.35 ; No. 3. K3.35 ; kooler , oak ( train , S-ln best , tl.M | white cedar , 4-lu. best , tl.25j paliu -hoop , oak Rralnc < V-flr75 | 2'hoop.tl.fiOi syruji , 1.83 | dowcll , II.7SI iioopi ' . 'W uisni-H Vltlill War , motnl IIUIIIIB , $ x'.60 | ctlar. a brass hoops , -jto. f , all red. 15.501 codur , brass lioops. No. y too. 15.00 ; cedar , 3brnis oops , No. 1 MrliMl , > 16.001 ccdur. 8 brass pop * , No.2 striped , fi.M ; horse , extra liouvy , ' 0.1. I3.7M well buctcjs , t3.25. lluttcrware 'libs , snali , IMn , tic ? , licit. 70c | n"h. 8-ln. t nrgo size , per nestVikt butter Iadle , hard iKxI , 70ci unllor cAudlcs or spade. ' . 70o. \ushhoaril9-ainBlpi'll.4002.001 double. J2.53O 2ft. Olothcsnlns-S KtrAsboxos. C5c. CUNI ) .KS-40 Ibj ttT ox. 8 ol hilnlnff , 10O OHci wax. llo. ,1 , Country Produce. Poni.Tnv-Tho mhrkot was about | patly , oed chickens Kolntfat SSOcI turkeys , ll13o | coso and ducks , HI I.O. KOIIS A largo proportion of the sales ycs- erday were ut life. , , ( iAME The snpplv wits light yesterday nnd few sales wore- reported us hlRii as f..oo for tok and ( XXftSOc for cotton tatlH. The dcinand , onoycr. IsllKlit and much luritur receipts utilil tutid tci knock prices down to the. but- otu notch niriiln. HtiTTKii Tliuqiinltly of tlio butter cotnlnB o market avoniKus poor nt.d I1QI3u buys a ery largo proportlun of It , UcciiHlonnlly a acKtigo of country butter brings KniKc. Ilr.V ( lonilH. Ciir.cKR-Cnlcdonla X , niic ; Caledonia XX , O'jc ' ; Kconuiny. Siiui oils. ( < ! Jc. KI.ANNKI.S IMald , riiftsiiiiin. 2ic ; Ooslien , J. COTTON 1'r.ASNKi , Guardian Mr > ! jc , net ; . , olored Missouri valley , 12Vlc. Ill.KAUMKli t'OTTON 'Ilerkeloy Cambric No. 0 , tlo ! : Host Yrt , ( l'5cs Hultorclolli. XX , 4'ict Cabot. 7ci ( First Cull.CVlc ; Krult of the Loom. c ; lllll Semper Idem , 80 ; Housekeeper , H'Set vlng Phillip eamhrlc , He ; Lanudon ( ! 11 , IM4c : .onsdale , Ou ; l.onstlalo cambric , lOVJci New V'ork mills , lie ; Oak Lawn.7c. Cot.oitii : ) OAMtiitics-Orown , 4',4c : lied Star , ! } e ; Clover , Ooi Slater Kollcd , OJiCi high col ors. Ic ox ti a. GiMiiiAMS Pnmkot checks , 6'lai Whlttcn- on , eye ; York , GJ/P / : Norniantll dress , fe ; Cnl- culladre s , 7c ! ; Whlttonlon dress , 8c ; lied- ord tires' * . BH < LUV'u. DUCK West I'olnt , IS In. 8 oz , 105c ! : West l'olnt.28In , 10 o/ , 12'/c ; West 1'olnt , so In , 12 oz , I5c ; West I'olnt , 40 In , il oz , lf > ! ic. HATIH Standard. Bel Mohawk , lollc ; bnautyr He ; lloono , 14a ; 11 , cased , IJ.0.1 ; lice , 81,75 per 8 p. IvKXTUruv JKANS Memorial , ISuj Dakota , 2Jo ; Dunham , 2S'jc ' ; llornuli's. loa ; honilngton , Hci ( 'ottsw < iod,27V5ci Molvlllo , 2'o , GisriiiAM iVnumkoag , 7o ; Anioskeag dress , 8ic ! ; aes. OJ.ic ; Warwick ( iross , 8e ; Lancas- or , Cfie : Olenalio , ( [ { Whlttendon dress , he. PIIINTK I'ancy Kddystonc , CJc ! ; Stool Ulver. Co : Hnmatio. 4ic ! : . t. Ledger. 6io ! , hlrlliiK Martha \Vnshlngton,4ic ! : Morrlmac , life : Turkey Kcdl'iuntaln , OVJei Garner , 7c : Orcnlldd,8ic ! ; Ilorlln.OWo. PitiNTS Indigo Illuo Ncl Martha Wash- ngton , fiiici American , oj ci Arnold , GUc ; Ar- lold It , long cloth , loci Stltlo A. ll'.ic ' ; Merrl- mac , 7-S , lOc ; Gold Leaf , H'.Jc ; Hamilton , r > 'Jc ; Allen Pinks , U'.ic ' ! Allen Olmmbray , Oc ; Ulou- cesleO. Mic : Iliutel , nuc. I'lsu HIIOWN COTTONS Atlantic LL , Oc ; Au rora it , OVic : Aurora 1C , 0ec ! : Atlas , UNII , 7Hc : cliei'f.o cloth , 4e ; Clinton , FF , OUct Peppcrell H , G4'c ; ; LnnudoiiOII , 7c. OOTTONADES York , nankin , 10',5c ' : Everett ; doz , I8c ; Lowlston , 10 oz. 22Sc ! ; Workingman. 14e. 14e.SlIKKTINO SlIKKTINO AND PllfOW OASINOS IlrOWn N'ot-l'oiiperell , 43 In , lOc ; Pepporell , 8-4. IS I'eppoiell.lM , 2Jc : Popi'roll. , ) 10-4 , SJljoi "iJtich ; 18 in , 15c ; Utlca. ( is In , I7'o ' : Utica , 22 In. 24c : Ullca , 81 ln.2CLUtlca. ; . W In , 2Sc. ) { lllcachcd Not 1'upparell , 42 In. lOUci Pepporoll. 41 In , IHicil'opperell.n-l. l4Jc } ; I'eppcrell. 8-1 , 20o ; I'opporell.U-l. 22c : Pepporoll , 10-1 , 2.C ; Utlca. 8-4 , 21c ; Utlca , -'Ofl'lJtlo. . ! , 10-4. 2 , < c. Corr uWAui1 Ulbb.S , white , isyjc ; colored , 'HKAVV llnowN COTTONS Atlantic. 7i5c ; At- antic 11.7o ; Atlantic 1) . 01 o ; Atlanllo 1' , Cc ; Aurora O , 4 ? e ; buok'-j head , 7Uc ; OubotV , ( l5c ! ; Darllnxton , O. ' cl Farmers' Xo. 1 , 4na ® ( iu ; Indian huad , 7Hc ; Lawrence LL. 5.ic ; Ih'iiilcttu lili , fiMo. , i IJUNIXIS Net AinosUo.ifr , 0 oz , Id' c , York ctuulel , 12c ; KviTdlt , standard , 12 , c ; Hay- linkers , 7'/c } ; Old York , XX , 10Jej ! Lawrence. J20 , l/c ! ! ' { ; Lawrence , uoz , IJJJc ; fancy stripes ind chucks , 1 1 lie. TICKS Yolk. 32 In.ilJl'ic : Swift Klvcr. 7'4c : ThorndyUc , OO , 8i-5c : Thormlyke , KK. S'/ie ; riiorndykc , l-'O , 0'4c ' : Thorndykc , XX , 14c ; ( Jordls , No. 4 , Oc ; L'orrtls , No. 1 , Inc. WIOANS Not ThHtlir , GUoj Hud Cross , 7'/c. ' CIIASII Slovens1 II. iin-lnuii. 5 ? . e : Stevens' 1) , IS-lncn , OJi'c ; Slovens' A , 10-Inch , 7)40 ) ; Hlevcns , I' , 18-Inch. 8c : Htevl-iis'M. 18-Inch , 'Jc ; Stovons' N. 20-Inch , do ; Stevens' NN,2.-inch. lOc : Ste vens' BUT , 20-Inch , UVi bleached , lo oxlru. Rnccoon No. 1 , large , COJ70o : No.1 , medium , vaiOo : No. 1 , smull , 30340c ; No * . 2 , 3 and 4. Mink No. 1 , largo , MXftdOo : No. 1 , medium , 40 Q45e ; No. 1 , Htnall , 2MJ > : ) 'Jc ; Nos. 2 , 3 and 4 , lS33c. Music not-Full , Finc : kit , 3c. Skunk lllack , 7Su ® l.ro ; striped , No. 1. 33 ® 40o ; Ns. S , ir/iW5c ; No.3 , Imijl.'io ; No. 4. 5@IOo. i Cross Fox-No. I. $3.5'J4.00 ' ; No. 2 , $2.00-.r)0 ; red. No. 1 , J1.00O1.2.5 ; No. S. SOiSCOcj grey , No. 1 , 4T ( ( Oc ; No. 2. 8ll2.5o. Mountain Wolf-No. 1 , J2.50UM.OO ; No. 2. $1.00 W1.50 ! pralrlo wolf , No. 1 , 7Jo35t.03 ; No. 2 , 40 ® 500. Hoover No. 1 , per Ib. ! 2..r > > aj.OT : ; No. 2 , J1.50 ® 2.M ; No. 3 , .va7 : > e : No. 4 , 5Jo. Otler No. 1 , lurso prime. $ .5.0007.00 ; No. 1 , medium. St.00it3.00 ; No. 1 , sinallt2.0&U.G9 : Nos. 2 , 3 and 4. 50cfflf 1.50. Wild Cut No. 1 , 40c ; No. 2,20aC)0. : Opossum No. 1 , cased , loar.'u ; No. 1 , open , 751 Inc. Iladgor No. 1 , full furred , r OS75c ; No. 2 , 20& 30o ; No. 3. ftttlOc. Hear llhiolc. No. 1. JIO.OOft20.03 ; grlzzley. No. I..5.0i2il.5.ti0 ( ; brown , No. 1 , S3.00O10.CO ; oub , tl.tiOQ5.00. Huekskln Indian dressed , per Ih , 7 ? > e(71.00 ( ? ) ! door , summer , per 11) , ' Aft'lSc ; full , per Ih "U ® 2.10 ; winter , per Ib , V'tfS''lc ' ; irecn frail , per piece , 7.5S.Ne ) : antelope , per Ib , l.VjJ'JOo ; oik , per Ib , I''c. Others Fisher. No. l.fl.000.5.00 ; marten. No. 1 , 7.5cl.r > 0 ; No. 2. 2. % .Vc ) ; lynx , No. 1 , J3.5D ® 5.00 ; wolverine , No. 1 , $ I.004M.JO. ( Qulnlno , ] , croz , P. & W. 4lo : German , 27c : ndlgo , per Ib , 75c ; Insert powder 21c ; 'opium. } 2.7"i ; morphine , per 02 , $2.,0 ; hops , per Ib. 30u ; glycerine , ISc ; dextrine , lOu : ciiUlobono. 33c { cream tartar , pure , X'c : commerelal , 18c ; cuin- phor , .We ; am. carl ) . , He ; blue vltrol , 7iu ! ; car- liollo acid , 2t > aiji : : ( ! eltrlc , 45Qlfo ; tartarlc , IK ! ® ; : ilo ; sulphuric , perlb. 2c ; spi-rm oil , $1.10 ; tur- punlliio. 43o ; Tonka h > ans. $ I.S32.00 ; balsam tolu. 4lftl3c : aiilomvl , $ l.02 < 31.05 ; e.uitharadles t.'l.lOi.i3 : : ; cassia buds. 20'i.'c ; chloroform , fi7 ® tOe : ergot , 4i fi52a ; gum arable , 55cOtl.05j jyco- podlum. 40ic : ; ; mercury , kSc ; sulphur , i ? c ; alum , 2 0 ; copperas , IMc ; epsom sail , l4'c ; elauhcr salt , Use : antlpyrlne , $1.40 jier oz : uniMol , $ l.w ) per oiintikamu. : . $1.00 per ozj cr.vst , slrychlnaJl.o : > ® l.l5 pcroz : licorice mot , per , Ih , Hie : oil cnsMn. $ l.u : ) per lli ; oil doves , 11.25 per lln oil nnslo , $2.00 ; oil lemon , $1.03 ; o ! liorgaiiiot.- ! . ' ) peril ) ; balsam copalila. lilo pur Ib : sub. nil. bismuth , $2.00 per Ib ; Iodide potas- slu m. $2.75 per Ib ; bromldo potassium , : t c | .cr Ib ; sallcyllo acid. 91.33 per Ib ; bmizolo uuld. . C2opcrlu. ' _ ' TJI nilicr. Quotations are for car lots on board cars at Omaha : DIMENSIONS 12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 2) ft 22 ft 24 ft 2x1. . $15 00 $13 00 115 (10 $15 5J $1(1 ( DO $17 ( U $18 00 2.VU..150U 1500 1500 1550 II ! (10 ( IH CO 18 HO 2x3. . 15 Ofl 1500 150) ) 15 M Hi 00 17 M 180' ) 2x10. 15 00 15 DO 13 00 15 M 111 Oj 17 50 18 00 2x12. 10 (10 10 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 18 5) ) 10 00 4x4 to sxs 10 oo in oo 10 n ) n oo is oo 10 no 10 oc KK.NCiNii-Nn. l.liln. 12and 14 ft. rf. $10.00 No. 1 , 0 In. 15 ft. $19.00 ; 4 In. $13.00 ; No. 2 , 0 In 12 and 14 ft , rf , $11.0) ; -l-ln , 811.00 ; No. 2 , tin. n ft. * IUOO ( 4 in. * IB.Olt'Ni ' > . 3. (1 ( in. 13 nud 14 ft 11X00 : 4 in , $ W.OOj NU.'SJU ' In , 10 f t , Jlil.OJ ; 4 in $13.0) . - ; :1 : HDAHDS No. 1 , corn. $18. 50 : No. 2. com , $15.0) No. 3. com , HXfto ; No. 4 , com. ( ll.ftl. SluiNn A. 12.14 hfttHO ft , 13.00 ; 0 , * 17.50 ; 11 12. II end 10ft , $20.507 1) , $14.W. ! Ki.ooitiMi A , I'-lii. : while pine , $ as.cp ; q $20.50 : It. 0ln.vhltoMplnn. . $10.00 : 0 , . . . . . ' 0-ln , while pine | scl. ' > fencing ) , $17.00 | drop Id' Ing. 50opcr.Mo.xtr.i'L STOCK lIOAitns-A.'rMii. ' sis. f I3.CO ; II. 12-ln sis. $43.iu : ; C , t40.007)ir ! > .l)0i ) No. 1 common , 12 In. sl , 10 , 12 and IS fY'fcl..0 ' ( : No. 2. $18.50 : ND. common , 12-ln , sIs .U. ft , t2J.IK ) ; No. 2 , $17.50 No. 1 common , 12-ln , . ; ! s , 10 ft , $10.50 ; No. 2 $ )7.ro ) ; No. 1 coimnunj ) U-lu , sis , 2J ft , . (21 ( 00 No. 2. $18.V ) , j j , Kllll'i.Ai'-No. Intivlii. 8 and I ! ) In , $10.00 ; No 2 , $10.00 ; No. I , O. li > ( ( iin , $111.00 : No. 2. $10.50 ; 1 In. grooved roofing , 1214 and 10 ft.tm.fiO. KlNiaillNO 1st mid ad el. , 1 In , b2srIU.OO ; 1 ! US and 2 In , tlHOOUdolt'ar. lln , b2s13.00 ; U Ii ! nd21n , $7.00 /Ww.-lcct , 1 In , s2s , $41.10 ; 1 ! Hi imd2 In , $45.00 ll.jaoloct , lln. ss , J.II.O ) ; 1' lli and 2 In , Jlli.fO 0 , soloct. I In , b2j , $27.00 ; 1 ! IK and 2 In , $ 3.00 , A , II or O holoct , nil 10 ft $1.00 oxtrn. SOUTIIKII.V YHM.OW t'lNi : 1st and 2d clon flooring. U-in , 2.100 star. 13-iniaoo : com Iloor Ing. U-in , 1..W rift clear , 13-16 , $20.00 : 1st and 2i clear , ? i culling , t\t.M \ ; 1st and 2d cluur. 'i cell Ing. $10.50 ; Island 2d clear , celling , $2 uu ; IH anil 2d clean finish , R''S from 1 In , $27.00 ; Is and 2d clear , llulsli. h2s , from IH In , $30.00 ; Is and 2d clear. Mulsh , s''s , from 1 U and 2 Ii ( ; iO 00 ; lnt and 2d clear , v p cahlngs , ( uu.OO ; bat . . Porr.AU I.UMliEn-fi-lnnh and up. 1st nnd 2m clear. 1 Inch H''S. | : n.oa8-inch ; and up , Ut am 2nd clear , ii Inch puni-li.HJ.OO. HASH , Dooits , KTC. Tar board. 11,50 ; sash , 55 pert-It doors , 50 per et ; blinds , 50 per ct mouldings , 50 perci ; tarred foltporowt , (2.10 straw board. 11.20. H ATT EN \Vii.iiTiriiiN'n \ , ETC. 0. 0. 2l'lnch ! C5o ; } ' , * : ) , nls , 35o : 3-Inch well tubing. 1) ) . fc > l and 1)0 ) v , $21.00 ; pickets , I ) , t * 11. . Hat , t20.50 ; 1 & II , , sq , $20.50. SIIINIII.KS. LATH Extra "A , " pine , $5.RO sturidard "A , " $2.43 ; extra "A , " cedar , $2.53 t Inch clour pine , tl.OOl clear redwood , 11.23 lath , 12.80 POSTS Whlto cedur , 0 Inch , HS , Hot 0 luch qrs , Hot whlto codnr. S' ( Inch , < { . fVtSlnoh , qr , 8ci whlto cedar , 4 Inch , round , 15c | ipllt uak , 8c | Tctinesseo red cedar , tpllt , o. Motnln. STERtj Wine NAILS llase , $2.55s $ steel nails bd'O , $2,13. . UorrKic Plnnlolird boiler olre. 29o per lb | cold rolled , 27o Dor II ) : sheellng , 2do per lb | pit and tlats , 28o per Ib , WlliE-Jnp. barb , W.23j gal. , 13.03. KooKlNa-Charcoal , 1 , 0. , 11x20 , IU , $0.00) ) I V , $7.50 , FIIKF.T Iimx-No.M. n.W ; No. 27 , M.CO. rJOUicit Strictly half and li'ilf. tto. TIN PI.ATK-I. O..10x24.J7.COi I. X.,10xllt9.25l coke. 4xim. : 112 , $0.73. SlIKKT/.tNC-SO. HI.OCK TiN-Small pig , Mo per Ib ! bar , i.0o per Ib. UAi.vANizr.pSitKr.T Inov Discount 50-10 per cent ; uat. plan. Iron , Nos. 21 and 27 A , lOJiet I.IMic. IliCKoitv NUT ? Large , per bushel , $1.60. I'oi' CoilN-l'holcc slock , ! ! { & ! < ! . LKATHKit llemlock slaughti-r solo. 20ffi2fk ) icr Ib : hemlock dry hide sole , .W.34c : oak dlo , 3o634c ; 1'rriich kip skins , IKidJifl.Id : 'icneh calf skin , $ I.25&2.X ( ) : Amerh'an oak calf 5c(3'H.I. ( ' > i Aincrlciiii hi'inlock call' . ? .r > c © 1.10 American oalt Kip , 7r > cK85ci ( Amrrlcnn it in lock kip , O'.K ' . 'ic ; slicop skins , 50o(3tl.tO ( ! goat skins , jicr fool , 20XL : ) > . HIIAX Sacked , per ton , $20.00 ; chopped feed , ' 21.00. IIONKV Whlto clover , 1 Ib frames , per Ib , If 01 2 Ib frames , 17c. IIMI.CIMI.NT : : : , KTI' . Onboard ciirsnt Omaha I'or libl. Ash drove lime , OJc : Cliuinplnn line , 8. " > cQulncy : whlto.SDc : Louisville cement , 11.50 ; Mllwiitikcu ccnii'iit , Jl.-t.'i ! Utlca t'enii-nt , ' 1.40 ; English Portland cement. $ . ' 1.15 ; Now York plaster , $ -.23 : Jllchlsnn ptaslcr , fi.nO : I'ort Dodgu plnHtcr. 81.75 ; wlilto sunn , 12.00 ; P. I1 , hair , tier bale , $1.00. Hints ITozi'n hides , .TsNo : No. 1 green salted ilden , 4 < iiJ5ci ( No.2grei'nsaltcd hhk'S. 3 jio ; ! { ; No. 1 green salted hides , 2'i to 40 His. , 4'.r'Uc ' : S'o. 2 gtcen sailed hides. 25 to 40 Ibs. , : : iii.'lie ! : S'o. 1 veal ealf. 8 to 13 Ibs. , 7e : No. 2 M al i-nlf , 8 ! o 15 Ibs. , 5e ; No. 1 dry lllnt hides , 7o : No. 2 dry lint hides' 5ci No. I drv salted hides. lift lie. Sheen noils OrciMi salted , each , ! l5c < itl.23 : green salted sliearllngs , ( short \voolctl cat iy Hklns ) each , lOIiiio ; dr.v shearlings ishort wooled early skins ) No. 1 , each. ( VaiOo ; No , 2 , each , 5c ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska liutchur wool pelts , per pound , actual weight , : dry flint Kiinsan and Nebraska mur rain wool pelts , pur pound , actual weight 12c : dry Hint Colorado butcher wool polls , per iiouiid , actual weight , 10 > Tl2lic ! dry lllnt Colorado rado murrain wool pelts per pound , actual wuisht.MtlUo : dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 7ROo. TAr.i.ow ANI > OIIKABI : Tallow No. 1. : i ( t4o ; tallow No. 2 , y'O Hic : grease , white n , 4dilSf ! : grease , whlto b , Illidi-'Psc : crease , yellow. : ; c : { reuse , dark , 2ito : old butter , 2'JfC ( ! beeswax , [ irlinc , IMWiol rough tallow , KiG'-V. HONKS In oir : lots only Dry bulTalo. per ton , ilG.iM1800 ; dry rountry , bleached , per ton , flO.OJjij.Ol ; ( ; dry countrv , damp and meaty , pel- ton , ja.OOtoIO.00. Those prices are for bones weighed and delivered InChlcaio. HAV On track at Omnha Upland , No. 1. [ G.50 per ton ; coarse blue hleni , (0.00 ; oats straw , { fl.0 per ton , IU.ACK WALNUTSI'cr bushel. * 1.23. CocoANUTS-Per 10) , sacked , S4.50 ; bulk , COAir-Oti board cars ut Omaha Anthracite Chestnut , range nud e g , J8..V ) per ton : grate , $ . . ' : . " > . Soft coal Ohio. J5.K ! ) : Southern Illinois , f4.50 ; walnut bloc I ; , $3.23 ; Iowa lump , SX 15 ; Iowa nut. 82.7 , ' . CHHSTMJTS Largo Italian. 15c per Ib. Jlnrkct Mention. Nearly a fourth of the receipts Tuesday came from Iowa , consisting of 42 cars of hogs mil 24 cars of cattle. I'or the first so von days of January , 18fll , the receipts , 8,050 cattle , 34.00U hogs , 2,88ii sheep , show a considerable Increase over tlio corresponding spending days In IS'.K ' ) , when 8,4'.i. " > untllf , 17,782 lioxs and 3,31)7 ) sheep were received. The re ceipts of hogs just about doubled. Ncl > rnsui ! , Iowa anil Dakota PoiiHloiiH. WASHINGTON' , Jan. 7. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BKE.J Pensions wcro granted to the following Nobmskans : Original Joseph W. Gidnmn , Mlndcu ; John M. Chuftln , Guido Rock ; Jacob J. Davis , Ilynniiis ; Juinej G. Clove-land , . , Madison ; David C. Con tiling , Fulls City ; Winthrop Hubbanl , Silver Creek ; Charles n. DoWitt , Gaudy ; William H. Coleman - man , Omaha ; Joseph E. Morgan , Lebanon ; Justus Lillie , Cedar Creek ; William Alcln- tosh , Arcadln ; Hiram Eloy , West Hill. Ail- dltionnl-Churlcs Hibbard , York ; William Hulchmon , Pawnco City. Increase -Silas Colcman , IJncoln : Jacob Statlcr , Omaha ; Homer Culiotv , Omaha ; Pawkratz Stlcgol , Alexander. Oriprinal widows Hurrlct , widow of Edtvitrd Ball. Stlllo ; Susan A. , widow of Amzel O. Gossp.rd , Central City. lown : Origlnul Cassius M. Grlflln , Mnn- chcster ; Shepherd M. Unston , Ccntorvlllo ; Alvin II. Chrso , Humcstono ; Jacob Fletcher , Blancoo ; John T. Lincoln , Afton ; John Gra ham , Manchester ; Adam Hnrvcr , Cedar Ilapids ; Andrew J. Mctz , Mnrslnilltown ; Alvin II. Hall , Marietta ; Jonn II. Hlte , GH- man ; Orlando L. Gibson , Blunchnrd : Andrew S. Johnson , Gravity ; James K. P. McGowen , Es > cx ; Ftinnan Norris , Cnrson ; John Dodds , Crabbc ( Mill ; Thornton Marble , Vinton ; Alex D. Gibson , Hnmpton ; Georfo Freics , Mallard. Increase Jasper W. Shoemaker , Clnrinda : Henry S. Miller , Gordon Grove ; David S. Day , Huinboldt ; William Bacon , Grant ; Thotnus S. Barton , Oskuloosa ; Charles J. Wliitacll , Evans ; Nathan Snow , Strawberry Point. Hcissuo Ivory Lambert , Beaver ; James II. Willis , Oskaloosa : James Quick , Clear Lake ; James C. Hopkins , Unionvillo ; William O. Mncliio , ICeokuk ; Gcoiyo Bar rows , Oskaloosa ; William II , lluties , Pralrio City. OriKhial widows , etc.- Cynthia A. , willow of Avnllon J. Belles , Miii'shalltown ; Malinda , widow of Miles II. Colcman , Ilarlaiti Nancy J. , former widow of Gustnvus Washburn , Ues Moltuis. South Dakota : OrlKhml Jncob Huugh , Frankfort. Hcissuo Unvln M. Stonnont , Irorinots. Original widows , etc. Samuel C. , father cf Stacy J. Punly , Fuulkton ; Lucy A. , mother of James C. Koberts , Flandrcau ; Clinrlottp , mother of Timothy L. Carpenter , Mitchell. The Striking Kn liHh Mill LONDON' , Jan. 7. [ Special Cablegram to Tnu Br.i : . I The trouble among plush weav ers and other mill hands employed by Lester & Co. of Bradford , who recently struck for an advance in their wages , is extending. Tlio firm fears the strikers may make an at tack upon the mills and has applied to the authorities for protection. In response to this request the authorities have detailed a strong force of police to guard the linn's property and to prevent any overt act on the part of the strikers. Honorn ! j Dr. Kolillr.inun. ATIIKXS , Jan. 7. [ Special Cablceram to TUB Bii.j : : Charles Walustoln , president of thn American school of nrchiuology hero , yesterday delivered his inaugural address. Ho prefaced his remarks by a touching refer ence to the Into Dr. Schilcmann. King George and Queen Olgn and the duke and dutcliess of Sparta wcro among Dr. Wuld stein's auditors. Ferry Hol'onils IllniNclf. PAHIS , Jan. 7. [ Special Cablegram to Tin Bnn.J Jules Ferry , In an Interview pub' libhed in I'Evenemcnt today , denies that ho ever advocated u pro-Gcrnmn policy and defends - fends his conduct when promlcr. M. Ferry siis ho always served Fr.inco as u pious Frenchman should servo his country. To UHO the Iliirllngton Traokp. KANSAS Cm' , Mo. , Jan. 7. The ofllcials o tie ] Chiauro , St. Paul & Kunsiw City railway announce that an agreement has beet reached with the Burlington whereby trains will within a few days bo running over that roaa Into Kansas city. 009 and 811 S. 13th St. IstNat'l Bank B'l'd'g Grain , Provisions , Stocks & Bonds Orders executed for the piirclmfionr sale foi Immediate or future delivery In all the lead In ; ; markets. PRIVATE WlltCS an Coiinr.si'ONiinNTS. OhlJncSrlf'f Kpnnott' " "I'kln ' Ht. Louis. I ) . H. Francis & Ilro. BLAKE , BOISSEVAIN & CO. , London , England. ADOLPH BOISSEVAIN & CO. , Amsterdam , Holland. BANKERS. Bar * nd tell American iccurltlei on eommlnlom in'Loniiua and on all Contlu oU l mirkdti. MeoU lloaj of DOW louu i { e lltf ,