Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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for these colum * will
ADVEHTISKMENTS : p.m. . for tueerenhn
edition nnd until BiSi p.m. , ( or the morning
edition and BuwnAT HER ,
rpEUHS Cash In ftdranco. .
"OATHS Ao'Torttspmentaon this p | will bo
JLVchareed for at the rntoof 1H com per word
tor the first Insertion nnd 1 cent per word for
( Well subsequent Insertion , nnd I1.Mper Una
car month. No Advertisement taken for
IMS ttinn 21 crntH for thn first insertion.
TNITIAL9. figures , symbols , etc. , count &ch
J n one word.
advertisement * mint runeonsow
T1IIEBE and under no clrcumstnncps will
they bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
pAHTIESnilvortlsInK In thc'o columns and
J- having their answers luldrnsipd to a "num-
ler-d lottnr'Mn rare of Tup. IUR vr111 rccclrs
ft numlored check to oimblo thorn to got their
letters. Answers will bu dollTered only on
jircscntntlonof thli check. Enclose answers
In envelopes properly addressed ,
advertisements under thn head of
Alili Notices" nrn puhllslu'd In both the
morning nnd evening editions of THE 1IRE. the
circulation of which njfjreaatcs more thnn
20.000 ptpersilnlly , r.nd elves the advertiser
the bcni'llt not only "f thn larso circulation of
5'nn HFK In Oinnbn , but also In Council III ull ,
Lincoln and other cities and towns In thn wctt
Afl vcrtlslnj for these columns will bs taken
en the above conditions , nt the followlri ? busi
ness housesho nroaiithorUedtotakospeolil
rotlcts. nt the snmo rates as can b a ut tha
main olllco.
SOUTH Street , I.lsler Block.
v7llEIt , , I'narmnulst , 823 South Tenth
IIA8R ft KDDY , Btatloncrs and Printer ! ,
0 lia South 10th street.
0s IT. KAIINSWOUTII , 1'harmaolst , 2115 CumIn -
s , ' In ; street.
WJ. HUGHES , I'harmaclst , (24 ( North 16th
* ttrout-
GEO. W. VAUU , rimrinaelst , 1718 LenTCn-
vorth street.
Jtrratn. 'te. , ire tnji nf flrtl roliimn c i iftti rx
- or olllcn work.
work. Your prlco Is mine. Addre" Itec.
a. , 41 JIMO-6'
W ANTI'D flood nnd piTiiiniiPnt enililoy-
men ! fornllinlti'd iiiiiiiherladleH nnd sen-
tleniiMi. Ciill on or nddrcsB Oook & Ai-rci.
Ilott-1 Ua-Hiy. Oinaliu. 1HM 8 *
\\7AN rRJJ-WnshliiB or : mv nay work. Ad-
drcs orcidl aosl'lno Btreot , Mrs , Bond-
rcau. > l tKCI-S *
" \\7ANTF.D lly n young nmn , position as
l < -lork In hotel , In or near Oinaliu. V'our
vcars" oxnorlcncu ; good references. Addre'S
, Heoonhic. 021 " '
" \7"OU.Nl ( contlowomiui wishes washing and
. Ironing In the house . 1333 Wobslor st ,
hnspinont , corner 14th , " -O-T
TirANTKO-Mtuntlon by wntohmnkor to
tlnlsh trutlo. Address A 33 , Hoe. 8710 *
W A NTF2P Situation livUdystnnosraphpr :
experienced. Add ress A 24 , lloo. H78- " '
ANTnn-Tublo or bcil linen tohom.or
any plain sowing , by widow ludy , Ad-
Oiess A sVlleo. 889-0 *
OCCHJNTANT T onty years oxpcrlon"c ,
will post or biil.mco books ) Bt-itoineiits
rendered ! terms roatonahle. Mark M. Partner
nrltiitlibnn'ci lluslnesl college , or address box
I7i M703-7
Fur tatct , etc. , tee tupvf flat column , on t/iU
WANTKO A man to introduce now artlclo
In adjoining town : Kood DUV. 1410 Dodpo
itrcct , TOO in _ 8jfil floor. _ MlKH-8 *
.n Mnn nnd wlfo for furnished
room with board. C2J North 17th stioet ,
tlty. MOSO-'J *
/AT TKU Mun of ehuriicter , capacity nnd
sonm llnanolal nblllty to comliiet n n est-
-orn business for us ! remuneration JlCfl per
month ut the start. Address U a , care Lord &
Thomas , Ulilcngo. JUI57-7 *
\l7iANTHI ) A mnn to sell or .ms and BOW-
T < Insiiiiicliliu-H. Must , hosobor nml como
well rceoniniendrd. A peed mini cnn cut stonily
fninloyinciit , nnd good salary , J , N. Collier ,
Ifnlrlmry. Nub. U71-C *
"V\7"ANTKD Drue clcrlf. nnpl.v M. Klersnu.ln
TT person ureforred , IJiehardsonUriigCo.
OB3C *
' \I\7ANTKO A cabinet in aUor or bust ness in an
l with Roinnnionuylo work nnd takenn In
terest in an established business. 1810 Kar-
' : . KarG *
, 1 To correspond with builder or
contractor \\liodfslrcnawirtnor nblo to
lake full charge. Address , T , 1301 Turnum.U01
U01 0
TXTANTED An cncruotlc and rollablomnn
TT tonpon abrnncli lmuH < . ftlusthavofroin
KiflO to fflWcnsh. Salnry $ ! X ) per month and In-
tiuoit hi business. AUdre&9 box No. 401. Htl
Louls. Slo. 1170-0 *
"VVANTHU I'h-Ht clnsa mi'at cutter to take
chariroof market. Address with rofer-
onccs. A 41. Hen olllce. j jMOC.-7
rANTnn An InlclllKcnt yoiine man at
1411) ) bodxo street , room 8 , third lloor.
_ _
DIlAUGinSMAN or-arcbltoct IiavliiR
iuocan hear of a job by addressIng -
Ing Uuo. Adnlr , jr. , South Omaha. U-'H-O *
) Kxporlenced fire Insurnnco so-
* 7 Ilcllor on coniiulshlon. llorsonnd biiRixy
f urnlslit'd. Addiess AIW , IHoolllce. U13 C
" \X7ANTR1) Live , experienced flro liiBuranco
V T solicitor oneoinmKslon ; horsoandbucfry
furnished. Adiliesa A. IK ) llco olllce. 005-10
"V\7 ANTED Salesmen on silury or cominls-
T T Klonto hnndlo the new patent ohi'inlonl
Ink eraHliu pencil. The jro itost sollliiK novelty -
olty overproduced , llr.ises ink thorouxhly in
twoseconds ; no abrasion of p.iper. 20uto500
percent profit. Ono agent's siilnsamounted
to $ (1W ( In sK days : another JICJ In two hours.
\\'o want ono enoriiotlo general nsent for each
Btnto nnd territory , biniplohy mall . " cents ,
l-'or lot ins and full ii.irtloul.irs , address Tlie
Monroe I > aser Mfir. Co. , La C'rosso , WIs. fc"5 ii
" 717ANTE1) Men totravol for oiirOanaillnn
\\TANTK1' ' Salesman lo nniniifaoturo and
v wholesale our now process chief , iiuulo
without upDles , Kxeellont. wnpes. I'artlcnlnrs
4c. lo\va elder mfg. Co , bo\4i < 2 , Hoildln ; , In.
( TIO salesmen wanted to sell our preinluin
t nursery Htook , The birijest nursery west of
t lie MlislHslnpl river. Thu llnrst slock. All
the now mm old fmlts. The lowest iirlees and
tilKliest piy to nRcntrt. Money nil vnnced o\ery
weel , . Uuillt f roc , Write ut at onto. The Q.
J. Carpenter Co. , 1'alrbiiry. Nob. _ 85 > J10
WANTED Salesman w bo meet the Rrocory
trade lo soil ono of the host art Iclos on the on commission. Address.X35 , llco.SSI
For rale * , tie. , rrt ln ) or fnt f < lii ut oil f/ifn mg9.
A ( Hit l < for general liotihowork. Innulro at
17VVS N. 27th street. aiftO-U
\V ANTK11 OooVa. nurse girls , liuimltcss ,
i lee ! < l M'coiul Btrls , second cook , out of
town , lu Klrlt lor Ronpral hnu onnrk. llo-u
wnifen. NewKinployiiient ABcnoy , bank bulld-
IIIK , ISlh anil DodKc. Mlft-7 ) *
\\rANTRD-A nrst-olnss ( irossmnUor In u
T lively town. i\lnst bo llrst-chiss. Address -
dress LOCK Hex ( n , liiinlup , la. OT.-B ' *
\\7ANTKD fllrl to do Koncral housework.
TT I'unilly of three. Enquire ioai S. aist
Bt. n/n n
V\rANTii-l-'lrst.olasi : Rlrl for Koneral
TT housework. 1100 S. Sid st. between I'aclflo
and 1'opplelon.
work In Kltehen. Horaii
house , 432 S. IStu Mt.,1 block bouth of court
house. 00 ! )
WANTKI ) A good girl to do housework
nnd assist lady In store. Mrs. Court. 17 l
6U Mury'a a\onuo. W.V8 *
W AKTI ll Qlrlfor gcnoaal housework nt
I'll' * Unea st. lbOJ (
GIULVtuitoa541 l urk avo. , cor. Jaeksun. MOII-h *
WANTED-Olrlfor Ecnorr.l houeonork at
IB31'nrk avenue. b8-8 |
WANTIHComiotoiit ) itlrl to do goncral
housework. BIS B. SUth ave , SOI
WANTED-Oooa girl for ueuoral houso-
work at L--M8 l.eavenworth. M-W3
Illl Oil tttit JH < )5 )
f'TTlltKl ) Mohlo loans money on dtamonda and
\rutchos.joKolryctc.s.e , cor. Kanuim < & llth
T A I ) UCS nnd Kentlomen can rtut mosnucr-
JUudoiulUat ttMN. luthit. c < JJV
torraltf. etc. , tea tn i of rtt column nn Ihta
7-IIOOM house and burn. Kd street near
Lenvcnnortli. } ll.OO per mo. , or for Bale nn
ensv terms. J. O.Oortclyan , It. 40 , Chamber
of Commerce , MS.11
" "
THAM "iieaFed flats nt 7008 10th. Thoa V.
Hall. ail I'axton ' block. 705
n-room lionso , city , cistern
J.1 wntor , * IO , to small fninllyl reference re
quired ! cor. IJtli and PacWc st. 1C. H. COP OIK
7-UOOM house with nil modern csoimnlences ;
I n-ntti'i per month , corner Thirtieth and
Woolwnrtli , fiiolnn llnnscont 1'ark. ' hnqillro
Leo A.XIchul.atli ana I.eaveimorth. MiUl
IP you wNbti ) rrntn hoii o or store see H.
J K. Colo. ConllncnUl block. 700
fPO Conductors nnd I.nclncers-tto plfcr
J those ten new nnd coin'ili'to lints with nil
inoilern coinenleiucs , sltuntcil two blocks
from tha iiuvr Tunth Htrcnt driot | : ihuy ha\o
te\ end now nnd comtncndablo features and
rent foronlv J-T > per month. Onml 7 rooms rnch
with largo bath nml uon\cnlont closuls. Call
and PCO them. The Mead lavestmont Co. ronni
412 lice bullillnit. Til
ciittaco , cor. SWi
J.1 n vn and Cap. a\o. Inipilro MIS loJgo. M7I4
TTIOK lUCNT-7-rooni house , IStu nnd Vlnton-
J.1 * in.OO tl-room house , 2.1th nnd Corhy , $10.00
8-rootn house , Will and \Vi ) lworth. $18.00. R- *
room house , ' .lith nnd Caldwell , { 5.00. J. 11.
Johnson , 010 I'.ixton block. _ ( MI
lilOK HHNT-Oixxl R-rooni bouses , comcn-
J-1 lent to a car linen , &W per month. Jno. II.
Tale , 11. 15. C'luimber ' of t'onimeiee. ! U2 JIG *
ljlOlllinNT-3 bouses 10 rooms oach. 1'nrk
J ? avonntlVool orth st.olty water.furnnco ,
Ac. Call nt once. Mutnau h & ritehell. bouse
renting agents , a.V. . eor. IJtli nnd lloffarU Bt.W)4
W)4 )
ff\Z \ Cat ) , nve. . 6-rooni cottage. Wcstlmlf S3II
lliiicnp. Ht.uc'ms ; , Kiui , aia t'ui ) . ave bUKij
ODL11N now brick F-room house , nicely
M pnperen , eholen location , only $23 per
month. If. n Cole , Continental block. 410
fnoil ItHNT-Jiin , 1. C-room cottnire. llist-
-L1 class In e ery respect , bath , hot nnd cold
water ; on motor line. Uallatl5-'lSheimntia\o.
for rates , etc. , tec tnnnf .first column nn this
OLOWKuvn. lots , above n , great sac-
ridco. W.M. ICols.0. . Star I tiiid & Loan Co ,
1st floor ff. Y.Mfo. OT > 17
TOUltNISIir.Drcom for runt , now house , all
J ? modern Improvements , CO ! ) North 18lh st.
OHOOMH forliousotiPopIng toman nnd wife :
Onoclilldrt-n ; rent taken In board , 311)N. ) 17th ?
UGI-10' '
] jlUUMSIlii : > rooms , aiflN.'Othst. .
TTlOli lU'NT A very rtoslrubla front room on
J soeiNid floor , fiirnislicil or unfurnished ,
with board , lb2J Capitol aumuo. 0177 *
"IJIOH HKNT-Nlccly furnished front room.
JL1 wull lioutcd , 1S17 IJavcnport btroct.
rp\VO \ Ko&nis for rent , ono small room and a
-I lurco parlor ; gus , heat und bath 1711
DodRo slrout. M034-7'
T71011 lir.N'T Two outslilocoiincctlnK rooms
JPpiirli.illy furnlshi'd. for llulit housoKeep-
liiXi rontrunoonublo. Uor. i'4th uud bovvnrd ,
o\er < lr n store. OU7-11
rootiis furnlshi-d forlionso
kocpliiKi centrally locutcii. Aililicss A 117 ,
Ilcc. U09-C
131011 UKNT-Noatly furnished rooms with
-C iMjur < l,2010 California st. & 511) ) '
LA11GK room \vltli alcovu ; moclurn con
vetilcnct's. i-25 S. iDth 8t , M &i : > 0' '
"TjlOlS I1ENT furnished looms , gas , bnth
JL : and btoam. 1310 Howard. 715
ST. OLA1U lluropoaii betel , with dlnlnR
room , stouin heat In nil looms , l.lth anil
Dcidgo. fepeulal rates by wcclc ormontli. 717
NIOEIiY furnished rooms rent ronsonahlo ,
bv ' n widow laclj : elgtirmakers pretcrrid
IStil'ltirnoy. 7UO C' '
"T710H linNT-rrontroont with nlcovocurtaln <
J-1 mantul , ste'im heat , Riiauml luth , Sclubets ,
siiltiiblu for L'Kcntlomon or man .uiil wlfo
$1800 per month. Also udjolntiu room will
blR closet nnd all coiivunloncrs * 100 < ) pe
moii h. W17 b i.4th st. Call between 8 anil 0 n.
m. or 8 o'clock p. in. Cl
EOOSIP-Keasonnblo rates. 202 ! St. Mnrv'
avenue. „ Jl.V/-J.i ) !
AIIOK front room , nrl > ate family. Itofcr
ri OTjTT lic.iutlf til front mom Is best par
J. of city. clo o to Koocl board. Kent rcut > on
able. IK ! . 28th st. 41
Fonates , etc. . ret ti > i > of flrvt coltim > i un thir paae.
fiont imrlor with board for t\vc
KS.OOpor WOCK oach. 1818 rnrnain. M9JO-71
TfTllIRNISIlKr ) rooms and table bourd. 192
JL Tarnam st KH 11' '
TfJIOIl UKNT-Nlot'Jy f mulshed room wit
JL ? board with ull mudcin conveniences. 101
"OOOMnnd board. $400. 1'13 IJouglas slrcot
JLV JJuy board f J.OO per eelc. > 1071 1U
T710II IIEXT Two or tbroo doslrablo rooms
JL ? with board at "Iho Jlerrlnru" Sotb and
Podgo. 602-ii : *
TTUUST-OIiASS room and board at 4LU S. lltb
J at' , restaurant. SiXMi *
EOOMS3 to rent flrstclasstubluboard-terms
reubomiblo : apply 200 N ISth ht. 8528'
11 North 10th street , handsomely furnished
rooms with board , Mrs , II. A. Churchllls
ilsoi-7 *
"IDOOJI und board JJweoIc , IDiJ Fiirnam.W701J31
W701-J31 *
T500MS iitul board nt 102.1 DodBO.
l rrate * , ttc. , rceti' ; > of fivt roliipiii ml
SUNFlJltMriHKI ) rooms , 031 bouth 20th
street.- H03J-D *
riTHEK clnr o unfurnished rooms for Unlit
JL housukceijliic : modern coiivuulucea ; Oil N
IStli. KWI S
3UOOMS , S. W. corner Kith nnd I > c von nrth
st.s > U34 8
For rates , ttc. , tee ( u | > uf jrst culuriin on tttd
B\ S nt TOD S. ICJth , Hteam hent ( urnlshid.
Tims. I' , Hall , 11 1'iixton blk. 718
TTIOIl UKNT Offlco. Party liavlnu d
Jv olllco. with ti'lopliono. etc. , who Is out of
the city frequently , wants ti'iiant at nominal
rent to be In otllco during his absence. Ad
dress A-4 5 , lloo. ( ft ) il
FOIt Itl'.NT The 4-Htory brick bulhlliik'.wlth
orwitliout powor.formorly occupied hytho
Dee 1'iiblWilni- ' . , UIO rnrmini Ht , The bulld-
Inir has u llruproot conical ( insoment.completo
Btenm licatlni ; flMurei. water on all the lloors
( ! as , etc. Apply at the otlleo of The Hoe. U15
FOH KEM' Jly January 1,4-story bullillni ; .
U-i.MU square foot ; bultubln for any kind of
wholcsnJintr , at Tontb and Jones street ! ! , O ,
A. Llndunei ) ! , alOSouth c'lf U-cuth slreot. 710
1710R IlENT The third Hcxirof No. 11107 How-
JU1 nnl street , with Htt'am boat and power If
ileslicd ; rent reasonable. Toatuor I'rlntlnc
Co. , 1OT Iluwnrd. JI3l2
f errata , tie. , rrxfonoJlr t r/ihiuin untliU j
FOH UKNT orsile I'liie , heavy briok five
Htnry corner iireliouo with most cenlral
traeku e Inelty ; lloomaru L'1,500 aquaro feet.
ttrlntror & 1'i'iiny , Ituikcr block. TM
_ . UKNTllilek wnrehouso , two stories
bluli. basement , hydraulic elevator , truck
age. Heat lucullon lu tlio city , A. U , I'owull.
c , , tte top of frK roltimii nn thti
rpHAOKAlli : storapo nt lowest rates. W. M.
-L Huiliiiuui , lllll U'a > enworth. Wa
TOUAOK nnd trackage. JJaWd Cole. 815-817
etrcet. 7 1
S TORAGlTlio best liiolty-cloan.ilry. safe ,
and prl > ntciy stored nt icnsuiinhlo forms.
Umababtoto Itepalr Wks,12u7 Houglaa. Tel DA ) .
Fcirrntn , < tt.rt tfipi > f frtt column onlhC *
Houses and stores for rent , llenU
collected. TU
T 1ST your houses tu sell or rent with C , I\
JJUurrUon.lU ) N. Y. Lite , WJ
HE , COLE , rental ugcuey.Coiitlucntul bllr.
ENNINHIIA YEN & CO. , rental BgcnW , 307
Omaha National bunk.
Prrrntn > , rtt , , ft flop of Jlmt colimiri wn fftti t io .
TjlIUSOLASS table board. 8378 llarnoy.
frrrrntrt. rtt , , rcetnnnf fr t culuinn nntht * M7S.
LOST A white hull doj. cars clipped , lie-
ward If returned toCIl North IGth street.
M fllO-7
1'or talc * , ttc , , rcetnn nf firtt cntiiiiili on IM > pr
' : ; ) - itiprfvalnfTunily for "
rk'd counloH , betl room and slttlnt ? room
for each , with board , or C-rooiu furnished
house. Address A ' . ' 7. llco. 837-8 *
I'or nittfcte. , tee tail oflnl colit on tliLi
PUliNlTUKU for n 7-room Hat for sale
cheap. Must ho sold by the llth , 1101
Jackson street , M lloor. M08i0
IjlOKSAMI-Kurnlturo , by the piece or In
U bulk. l\orth\ust corner 18tb and Daven
port. MO.M-12 *
SKCOND Inml furniture , stoics , carpets and
Slnscr sewliiR miioblno uthalf price ; eimy
llawkeyo Inv , Co. . 1KJ Douglas hlk.
FOHSAiin-A flnolotof nearly new hou o-
bohl furniture. clienp , by the piece or all.
II. II. Iroy , .MO New Vork Uf c. &M-0
I'or ratt , ctr , , etc Vpp oImt / eoliiiinv nn f/ita /
\A70HIC horse $ < V ) , two-horse vaROii$20 , dou-
li lilo work harness J15. Or will tr.ulo for u
Kood light side-bar buggy. II , II. Cole , Coa- block. 700
inoil PAI.K 2 uood work teams. Inijulro at
JL1 018 I'nxton block , 601) )
Forrntt .rtetretnpnf fnt column nnthti vitit.
171OH bALB HcKlstered Jersey cows. One
- 1younp , choice nnltnal , fresh twlth or with
out calf ) , perfectly broken , kind nnd jrood
colorexcellent milker. One good inllkornill
bo fresh next Hprlng. lU. . Lowe , 1C1' ' N. 2d !
street. Ml-10 *
lwrate , etc. . tee topnf frtl column on this r > < i3 .
TTlOUSAMVComplotosot ofdriiR store Ih-
J-1 turcs , show casts , etc. P. 0. Hex 372. 810
IitOIt&AliE cheap A 10 norse power New
York safety steam ciiBlno In first class
condition. 1'cstucr I'rluthig Co. , 1U07 HoiMiid
FOll SAIiH-Stclnway piano but little used
at a uacrlllcu. Inquire at 241'J ' Ualdncll
Forratff , > tr. , ire tit\i \ f fin' column on tfih
KD-A roller ton desk. Address N.
U. T. bU3 and 8UO , N. V. Life bldg 0070'
V\TANTKI ) Twouooil pool tables wantedj
I' mustbocheaD for cash. Address A lit.
llco. H07-7 *
iJIUliNlTUIli : . housoholil poods.eto. Highest
J ? cash price. Wells , 1111 Karnam. 730
OltSHS wuntcd at 1331N IGlh Bt.
I errata , etc. , arc top of Jlnl column on lAte
! llrondway
"T71OK 8AI < K COO tons of choice baled hay la
-I ? car load lota. Address Monroe & Jones
rrcmont , Neb. . 1)73 ) 11 *
VFNOTI/.nU wanted. Address by letter.
N. Hers van. JO---'Nicholas. OJ7 0
\yllOLC daj's palchliiBand niondhiB clone
II In DO minutes ; ladles wild o > cr it ; bells In
every house ; in.ilo and female iiEOnts wanted ;
sample nnd outfit 20 cts. E. K. Hunker , Sioux
Fulls , ti. 1) ) . UT80'
rilAILOUSvMdiiK to learn agood reliable
.1 system to cut KentlemtMi's Karinents , can
receive Instruction at 1511) ) How ird Bt. , city.
TjirANTniJ A roommnto. Cull or address
YV ma I'm nmn. 0iuil >
"TirASSAOE JIadam Delilor , over U10 S. ISth.
"ilfASSAGK treatnicnt.olcctro-thormal baths ,
-ITlscalpand hair Irentmcnt , uianleuro and
chiropodist. Jlrs. I'ost.'JlOJi S 15th\Vlthncll , blK
BKFOKE buyhiR a piano oxamlno the new
scale Klmball piano. A.Ilospe,151i Douglas.
I'criatetetc. , tettopofflrst rulumiian
CIIATTKfj loins nt lowest rntcs. liemoved
to 021 H. Y. I.lfo bldK. J. 11. nmminger. WJ
KHVfaTONK JIorlRaco Ca Loins of J10 to
$1,000 : cot our rates before borrowing and
HUM ) money ; loims on horses , furniture ornny
approved security without publicity , notes
bought ; for nnwloansrenuwal ; ; of old umlllou-
cst rates , call U'-US Shooly blk,15th & Ho ard.
MONKY to loan on second mortaBC. W. S.
Wynn , room ITU Omaha Nat. Ilk. bl'dg.
/111ATTUL bank. : ilOS 13th bt. . loans money
VAiu chattels or collateral at reasonable rat es
ijlIUST ft second mortgages oil vacant & 1m-
-iJ proved city prop. County warrants umtpht.
Money on hand. F. Al. Rlchardsoii,81SN.Y.Llfe.
MONEY to loin on city nnd form property.
W. M. Harris , H ! , Frciuor blU. , opp. 1 . 0.
" "OTANTED Kirat-clasa Inside loans. Lowest
TT rates. Call and see ua. Mutual Invest
ment Oo , , 1501 rnruam. 740
BUILDING loans , 0 to 7 nor cent ; no midI-
tlon al charges for rom in Isslon or nttnrnoy's
fees. W. II. Jileiklo. Wist National bank blau.
OIIAti Estate Loans-Cash on hand. Olobo
JL\ Loan & Trust Co. , ,107 H ICth st , No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rent , good list.
OB. & U , M. Anthony. : ili > N. Y. Llfohullif-
Invr. lend monuy on farms In choice coun
ties In NibnisKa and Town , also on coed
Omaha risldenco property ; lowest ratcst best
turmst no delay ; money ready. Titles and
values passed on horn. 743
ONEY to loan by II. K. JInstorson chattel
and collateral securities for any time fiotn
1 to u months , in uny amount to uult bor
Loans made on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , house * * , leases , warehouse
receipts , etc. , ut thu lowest possible rates ,
without publicity or removal of property ,
My loans nrn so arranged that youcan make
a payment of any amount ntngy time und re
duce both principal nml Interest.
If you o o a balance on your property or
ha > ea loan you wish cluiiiKod , I will pay It elf
and carry it for jou. If you llnd it more con
venient , call up telephone No. Ifiil and your
business will ho arranged at home.
Money always on hnnd. Nodolay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates.
II. F. Masters.
Kooui \Vlthncll blk , 15th and llarnoy sis.
MONEY to loan on Improicd oily property
nt current raits ; fnnus on handi no delay ,
Oeo. 1' . Il-hut & Co. , aiJ Itamgo bldg. SHir.
O.VEY-S ) . CO or 00 days , on honscholil fur-
nllurccto. 6191'axton block. J.J. WllUln-
on. J1070-K1
Forntn , ttc. , we lop ofrtt column on thtopvit.
MAbH AUK Madam Dolrlor , over 010 S13th.
- *
_ _
MltS. Niinnlo V. Warren , clairvoyant trance.
bpoaklmi , writing nnd reliable business
medium , fouryoara In Oniuha. . 110 N. ICtb.
MMK. lluriough I'ulmlst tolls the past , pres
ent and fut tire from the lines of the hand.
in theold Gypsy way. Too. II : ladles only.
1817 liartl street. Omaha , cjo U *
HltlVEn-clnlrvoynnt , natiirallr Rifted.
tells pa t nnd future , line trouble * , ab
sent friends , chungcs , travel , business. Katls-
faotlou given , llrs.Vullucc , W08 1'urnumHt
For rate * , etc , tee top of fint column mi iM fage
PATKNT lawyers and soIIollorH. 0. W. Sues
& Co. , lieu luilliIlnjj.Omahu. llritncli olllco at
, 1) . U Consultation five. 753
for rait * , etc M ton nf jmt oilumi on ( All
_ - . . - - teacher of the banjo
r\vlth Itospe , liU LloUElivs. 'Jl'J '
Ferrates , ete tee tot ° tiffi' < t folmn onthlt
FOH SAM' Saloon ft Mil boarding house In
Council HlulTs , near the depot ; siiUmdltl
ocnllty nnd doing Rood business. Address Wl
iliiln street , Council Uit ) < Ta , la. _ MKI7-15 *
"Vrr.IUtASICA HHIK Hicluinio-DniR stores
J-i doliiK a peed business for sale on easy
lernis ! several clrrksttantlnit positions. Ore
I ) . Hutchison , inannpoir. Uiiialm. Nob. 071-8 *
T > HYSH'IAN'3prnctlc ' forxnlot Roodroun-
L try town ill ttio opposition lUorniansponklnit
doctor preferred ) Rood reasons tor Rolling !
successor Introduced , Address Hex 2TU , 1'latto
( 'enter. Neb. U70C *
OU UKNT Only hr ol tn a Rood town ; n
K < iod oticninKfnr a food hotel man. lor
particulars address Hey I. llurr , Neb. 1U9 1'5 *
IjlOUSAbE A stook pt cigars , tobucco.plpcs ,
JL ? canes , etc. . with loasot moderato rent.
Address A 4. . Hoc. MHM-10 *
FOU SAM. ' Pmall procory store , Roodloi-a-
tlon. corner store , cheap lease , with
horse and wagon , for sale cheap. li ( > a on for
Bolllnir , Relnii out of bu ltipss. rrlco JsuOcash ,
without hoiso ar.d wtigon tUX ) . Address A 1 .
llee. feO-10 *
DO Yon \Vnnt Mpnoj 7 Merchants who nro
overstocked und must teallzo , address , In
confidence , 1. T. iNowell & Co. , 1110 Douglas
Btreet.Omahn , Neb. G3J
"IJfOHSAIii : A well patronized hakory with
JLJ grocery store connii'ted. Kor further In
formation apply to J , Kecnlgstcln , Norfolk' .
Nob. . M700-7 *
FOU SAI.n Hnndsomo slore , nicely fur
nished , well stocked clears and no\elties !
best location In city : reasons for soiling , time
taken up with other business. Address J-J.
TaUey , Konoral dollvory , Omaha , Neb fi.13
TPOUSA Mi-Half Interest In n well pstab-
A. INhed business In this city : will require
. - > .OJUensli. Address YC4. llee olllco. BIMH 380
1310USAI/T ! HlnukHiiillh shop ami tooKotily
4 shop In town : splendid location. Address
O.ilvln I.ehnicr , Nlekeison , Nob. UTil 10 *
WANTED A splendid opportunity for a
man of small capital , ( lood piylup busi
ness forHtntoof Nebraska. Oall oner nddiess
CooCr A. AcieB , Casey hotel , Onmh.i. W > 0 8 *
FOHSAljH Ortrnde. A InrRellvery.board-
ing und feed btnblc , with feed store con
nected , ( looil location and doliiK a line busi
ness. Oall ut once on Miinmiigh & Kltclictt ,
real estate agentss. w.cor , 15th and Houanl.
Foil HALHor Truclo I.urco livery iindfeod
stable , feed store attached. This Is well
located on paved street and dolm ? a good
buwlncss. MiimnuRli & ritehitt. real estate
, eor. 15th und Ilowatd st. IX
"Ij OH HATiK or etcbansn for sleek of Rcneral
- luerohnndlso " 10 acres of land ! "i miles
from ( Ireoley Center , the county seat of
( Iroeley county , W ncres In cultivation ,
uells , wind mill , bouse and stable ; black loam
soil nearly level ; every foot of this track
fit for cultivation ! Inciiinborano $1V ) ; rented
for next year Also Itx ) ncres unimproved land
Smiles from Grcoloy Center and Wi miles
fiotu first track ndlolnhiK Ackmle postolllee ;
black loam soil , will gho clou title of this
tract , or will oxcbanco for Oninh i or Council
llluira proppity. Address 1) ) . J. R.hock box
1U > , Grcoloy Center , Nob. *
HOTKfj Tor Hale Do you want ot Inlo a
coed business ? If veil do , buy the Coiiiiuer
clal nt llrokcn How , Nob. 2J
A N established business for sale or trade.
Itox 518. city. KM
Fortntef. etc. . rcr tup of Jirsl column nnttiln
TT'OKEXOIIANaE Hcnl estate and Sl. ' OO to
J S2ODOPasb for stoclcindsc. Ulseloy , Mien-
iiidoiili , In. U77 *
[ /"OK " BXOHANOn A No 1 mill property In
L southwest Iowa fonOnuihii properly. Also
nUlydo stallion for South Omabii lots , fi.ll
I'axtonbllf. , IBS 0 *
\\7"ANTni-To ) trad * ) IHO good farms In NoV -
\ V hruslca , two good houses In Uniaha for
slock of nicioluuiillsc. Cockroll , Hunt %
I'nrpuntcr , South Oinajuv , N'eb. 903 11
H1ORSArjR or oxclMingu 11500 stock dry
I Roods for clear Omaha Iot or live slock
and cash. II. Thorp llouse , Nebraska City ,
Neb. . U7U S >
mo TKA1 > I-A elearlot It Jlorso A , Itroun's
J-add for a good fresh cow. Tree , 10'U Capitol
tel avo. ' 044-8
mo KXClIANGE-ropclear city nropoity , a
J. ! dOW handsome 12-room modern resi
dence , nleo barn , crouhd 10i\150feot ) , on motor
line. In finest icslilcnco fart of city. Address
owner , 1' . 0.110x703. fill JO
"V\7"AiSTnn Ulenr lands and cnsll In ex
it change for flue Omaha- rental proiicrty.
Address A. 35. lloo. . U 10
A NUMUnilof stock ranches to exchanpofor
-cl.inorcliandlseGlS Paxton blk.Cameron & Co.
734J20 *
WANTKD Olonr vacant lots In oxchaiiRo
for Omaha lusldu property. Address A
'M , Hoc. bOI 10
WANTED Horse and buggy In cxohniiffo
for Omaha emiltles or railway lands
Address W. J. Paul , ita ) Karnnin Ht 44.UU :
MniiCHANTS If you want to dispose o _
yourXnmsor surplus stock , wo will give
you a blgdeulln lots , nouses , lands and niort
f-'nues. This miiHt bo done quickly. AdilriHi
VC1 , lleo OlllCO. & 81-PJ
properly of nil kinds
Kiicli as borses and uugules , furnllureunil
planosr machinery , etc. Also all kinds ol
stocks of merchandise , etc. , clear lots unc !
hinds for equities , or us ilist payment , li
Omaha property and railway hums. Wo have
a place for such property und will gl\o nn ox
ccptlonal trade If iiuulo Immcdlutcly. Ad
for rote * , etc. . fee tun or column oji i/iu / ings
A DIG deal for Rome onol
1An 60-acro farm In Iowa clear.
Good rental property In Teltama , Hurt Co.
Choice lots In liUUr , Washington Co , , clear.
-I0-iicro farm In Hurt Co. , clear.
AVI11 exchan o tboss for rental property In
Omaha , will assume big mortgage and put In
some eiisli If necessary.
Alexander ilooro , 3Jl Sheely block. M031-81
Crooni house In I'orllaud place ; 7-room housi
and good' , barn , -.M struct near l.cavon
worth ; house of 4 largo rooms on H.lStli street
north of Vlnton ; house nnd barn , with lurj
grounds , In Council HlulT.s. la.-G-room ; houi
and 4-rooni hoiibo on t > . loth sticot , near Uor-
cas street. Small payment down or will tnki lot and easy terms on balance. J , G ,
Cortolyou , H. 40 , Chamber of Commerce.
CUAULE3 Kuiifmau Hon. real cstat
and loans. Choice vacant nnd lmpro\ei
re lilcneo and business property for sale In al
putts of the city and r-outh Omaha on oasi
leims. Mst your property with us. Loans a
lowest nitos. Olllco liO. ! Oouglus st. Tol. GOO ,
1 LXi acres line farm land adjoining good No
J brnska towns nearly clear ,
1W acres tlnelv linprm cd land "Y miles fron in Nebraska ; lightly encumlorcif
ISO acres good land In Nobruska.5 inilcsfroii.
county scat ; -r > 0) ) Inbabltants.
House and lot In toun In Knnsasi clear.
Clear lot In wood Nebraska town ,
4 room boiiio und lot , barn , well and cistern.
Kith street , Omaha ; slightly encumbered ; will
trade for Omaha property und assume enoum-
hr.inceH. II. U Cole , ( fautlncntal block. 100
rT7 < liUANT : resldencn. in Konnt7o I'liico ; 0
-A-JrooiiiH llnoly llnlslUHi nnd ull modern con
veniences , \VIit \ st. iiuw-'Otn. Can sell on one-
nunrter rnsh paymenv itml hnlanco time to
rlht party. This Is no'chciipnfTulrof ' a house ,
but aooinfortablo hobife in every BCIISQ nnd
a bli ; biiup hurualii , > ' , K , Darling , llurUer
block. ' M749
iT-ItOOM cottnKO , f uUlot.Uftnscom Plaee.onst
* front , nnd a great Iwri'Mn for a few diiys.
BmuH cash pjiyment uiul Imlanco oa long time ,
K. K. Darlliii ; , barker block. 7411
I IOOKST barsiiiln In Qinahi. Only three of
JJtliosoolounnt houses jn llth anil Karnain
loft out of six ; otbor thrno occupied by Unit
class parties. Houses an ) open all day lor In-
xpeotfoiL Kvery conveienco in the bousos ,
Inelndliiff K.IS and gas llxtures.
Take n look nt them during thia fine weather ;
buy one and take Ufa cauifortuble during ttio
wlntur. v
Only takes from J300 lof.V)0 n , ) cash , Sco thorn
without full for they will plcu u you , U , V.
Hliolcs , U1J First Nixt'l Diinlf. 745
TTOUNTZK Place I Invo sold tiiO.OOO worth
-LVof this property , \yiion you see one of my
uddsyou can uet It Is a lurKuln. I have no
money to throw uway on uUcrtItln ( . llero Is
a bargain I will Eimranteo the purchaser f.VH )
nethiHlx months ! u-n > om house on paved
Btreet. * 5,500 ; * - > XcnHli ) , bulanco easy.
Also.1) ) line dwellings , same ndd , frnml5,50U
to IW.5X ) . KM ca b , biildncd tJft per month ,
Would take some clear property In exchange.
AKoO-room house , full lot , Hanicom Place ,
to oxclinnco for Kountzo Place property.
J. J. Olbson. solo agent Kountzo 1'luce , Room
3. Crelghton block. TM
rpHK boat corner on upper I'nnmui Rtreet ,
-L frontage ou three strootu ; splendid corner
on t urniim street , close to court house , a Uar-
Kitlnioorner with trackauo m 8. K. part of
city ; peed rmldenconuncl low-priced cottages ,
peed iota for bulldlnit. fcoiuo us low as 8100 , la-
Bid A acres , farms and unimproved land.
\Vo will sell uny ot this property of which wo
1m vo entire control , at price * way below what
you can buy ut oUovrhore.
Stringer i Penny , llarkor block , 15th and
lurnaia. T17
for rtilfttete topofjlnt column on tht
TflA IIMS PorSilo
JL' l.soo-ncro farm In Ca s Co. , Nob.
SX ) acres In S irpy , liO In Sarpy.
80 acres nnd XX ) acres In Polk Co.
100 acres In Mtidlson Co.
16t ncros In Iliirliin Uo.
330 no res nnd SO ncros In Douglas Co. , All Im
proved , lincst your money In good broad
acres. Wrlto
Waterman & Iloall. C31 1'axton blk. 054 6 *
Houses nnd lots ,
monthly ,
quarterly or yearly
Vacant lots In nil
parts of tlio city.
Business proortyand |
f > acre IraetB.
Boymotir's addition lots art
scllltiir.nt . only
on very easy terms. Call for plat.
Money to loan ,
Oco. J. 1'aul. 1000 Karnam st. W4
IJ1OH HALK Monthly Installments , two now
JL 7-rooin housusorwill cxehniiKO * J.VX ) equity
for stock hnrdttaro. 11)12 ) N. 27th avenue.
avenue.MOS28 *
riMIKonly lot on Lowe nve. th'it cnn bo
JL bought for J7.W , less limit netuaU'asli val
ue. Oall at once. W. M. Ivelso. sce'yStar
Land A lioun Co. . 1st lloor N. Y. Life. OH 7
"ITOll 8AI..K A largo list of choloc residence
JL' and business pioperly. Houses und lets on
monthly payments ; tlS.V > and upwards ;
vacant lots (530 ( und up. Uuotto J. I'aul , 1IW )
I'nrnaiii. VM
5-HOOM house , lot 3JS. . * l.700 [ also n-rootn
house , lot Ill'ixftJ ' , s. o. cur. llth and Vlnton
st.t2.000. llrlck house and American house ,
lot CfixWi , u. e. cor. 10th and DoiiBlas , MO.fti ) ,
JMrs. Kiililninnn. aiiiia. lltli. 4SS
TJIOU PALl'-My residence , 'IG'.I ) I'
JL ; Btreet. Choicest location and best house
in Omaha for the money. Hot \satcr ami
evciy com enlenco possible. Ham , eniinei'tocl
with sewer , water nud BBS. I ) . \ . Sholes , 2ii :
1st Nat. bink. M781
17ANOIIES and Knrms-Wo nio sole
JLVfor some eh-Bant ranch and farm proper-
tics , clear of Inuiiinhranee , that o 0:111 : cell
on easy iiTmsor trndo forKood Iiicoino ) irop-
orly. 5,280 acres In lloonotounlv. Neb. , fifteen
houses on It , finely Improved , price S12uMt ) ) :
4iOi ) ncies lu Vi'riioii county , Mo. , nine houses ,
and other excellent iniproxeinoiits , ( HOO.OOOj
1KXJ acres In OolTey county , Kan , very flnoly
Improved J 10.000 ; 5,000 acre" In Wichita coun
ty , Kan. , every necessary linpiovenicnt fora
first-class western slonk ranch , abundance of
water. Address M. A , Upton Co. , Omnha.un.
For latca , etc , tec 'on of Irtl fornmn on Mf i no ! .
1\ASSAOR bath nt Madame Smith's parlors.
l'JX)7 ( ) S. Mtb St. , next llnrKer hotel. IttMl *
"ITlINKSToloetrlo nnd electro thermal bath
JL' rooms. Incluillnu Turkish cabinet baths.
I < ndlesb to 1 dally & Tuesday & Krlday ov'mjs
G to 10. Dr. Illcbaids , rooms 18 & 320llco bids.
1)30 )
MASSAGE--Madam Debler. over G10 S 1,1th
KW-Pi *
, e re. , tee f p f flt > t cilumiion Uift
T\ltisSJIAKING : iii families by thoroughly
JL/ experienced and competent dressmaker
Address A 40 , llee. MU84-7'
ENOAGHMKNTStododiessmaklnc In fami
lies solicited. SUsD Sturdy , MO llarnoy st.
1W4-JH *
1 oi Kid * , etc. , ret lilt n > irst column OH t'iu ' page
WE trust you will Investigate The Smith
premier typwrltcr before ] > nrcliaslnp any
other , as It has many valuable ! mpro\omonts
overall otlior writing miiulilaes. Competitors
must , Improve hi order to eimnl. Olllco 1001'i
Furtinmsl. K. II. Mayhow , mannscr. a7. >
Forrate * , ete. , fee tup nf fliiit column on thti page.
"ID EST line hair goods In west ; hair dressing ,
. "wilts , dwltohcs banjs , hair chains , elc. , a
spccl.uty. Davlcs , hair Roods nnd milliner ,
opposlle poatolltcc , 111 H IDtb street , Omaha.
For rate * , etc , nectf > i > of r.Mt . colum i it Milnni
T > ENSIONS The Cllncnmn Pension Agency.
JL 211'ren/er block. Information free. 7i" >
"N3TRUMENT3plaooaon roooril January B.
nn Casey and wlfo toltlll'euison , lot
U ! , blk ; t , bhorldau 1'laco . i COO
1'eter rreii7or and wife to , I II and Jcn-
nlol'lat ? , lot : i , blk : i , Denises' nd . 2,300
11 iltbns. letter and wife to J A Doe , lot
111. blk 4. Jettor's ad to South Omaha. . 200
M A MattluntH to Esther S tin buuk.lot ,
blk "It. " liedfonl nil . 2.r > 00 Itlce and husband to Hasmiis
I'oterson , lot IS , blk 1" , ICttchuu .V
WuuKli'Hsul ) . 400
Althnroso llleo and hiibUnnd lo O 1) ) Hlb-
blns , lots 15 , IGand 17 , blU 12 , Kitchen
AcWaiiKh'risub . 1.000
J K Saunders and wlfo lo I.ovy Goldlng ,
107x'J4l f t In o cor lot : i in : ! 4-lr-ll . 3,500
South Omnh.i Land company to Frank
Petellta , lot li. blkOJ , houtli Omaha. . . . 273
Clms Timbers to MU Holt , lot 2 , blk 3 ,
Cle > eland rlaco . O.OCO
SS Van Ueuren and wife to Itacbcl IIo-
in mi , lota 15 to 1H , blk X' , Lafayette
Pnrk . -H30
J W Wrlghtand wife to Comcrclal Secur
ity , Loan and Trust company , w 'Mil
and o 1-Ott lot 0 , blk 3 , South Omaha. . . 2,000
Jacob Voting and wlfo to Louis Young ,
lot 8 , blk 14 , Myers * H. & T's ad , lot 10 ,
blk 1. Hurr Place . 1,500
Anna Corngnn ot al to M O Wear , lots 2
to U , ' ) , lu and 11 , blk 10 , lots 1 to f ) , blk : t ,
lots 17 to 20 , blk 7 , lots II to 12 , blk 14 ,
lots.17 to 1M , blk ( J , lots 9 to 12 , blk 15 ,
corrlsan Place , lots 1 to .1 , blk a ) , lots
18 to'i ! . bllcii. ; lots 0 tu U , blkx'l , lol7
to 12. blk ! ? J. lots 1 to II , blk 2S. lotslll to
24. blk 24 , lots 7 to 12 , blk M , lots I to tl.
blk Hi , lots ID to 24 , blk : u , lots 7 and 8 ,
blk2S , 1st add to I'orrljran 1'laco . 1
0 H Johnston et al to A P TuUoy , lot H ,
lilkB , Clifton Hill . 1
A P Nichols to ritllrowii , 5 norca lu s.
sldonw noO-15-1,1 . 1
W O Thomas nnd wlfo to Mrs Jane
Thomas out Iot258 , Florence . 1
J II Molkle , special iidiiilnlstintor , to O
K K A. T Uo , lotH. blk 4baundors& ll's ,
Mt. I'luiiHiint add . 33 , ' .
Same Insiuue , lots 31 and 22 , Haunders &
IPs , Highland Park . 'JX >
Total . $ ! WOI1) )
Omaha , Neb. , January 3 , 1801. Denied
propos.ils. In tilpllc.ito , will bo received here
until two o'clock p. m. , Jauuniy llth , ib'H ' , und
then nnonnd , for furnlshliiK 400x ( pounds of
good clean oats. In new , htroin : burlaps toks ,
well sewed , and MW.GOO pounds of bay
( hi bales of not more than IIUllis each ) . dull\-
tired nt ltusb\llle , Nob. , or Pine KlditeAgoney ,
f. 1) ) . , or other pornls named by bidder , llida
will bo retched by teluuraph , nnd enlei-
talned for the whole or less ( uniutltlefl. lllds
will also bo reeet\ed for tliu hanio or loss
quantity of loose hay delivered nt I'lno ' Hldgo
AKOIICV. Delivery lo commence linmcdliileiy
upon notlllcatlon II. ri. reserves the light to
reject nnv or all bids and to accept any portion
tion of any bid. Preference given to nttUMos
of iloiiiestlu pnxliictlon , conditions nf quality
and prleo [ .Including In the price of forolsrn
production the duty thereonl iielngeiiuul , All
Information furnished on application here , or
to UaptHln U , K. Humphrey , A. O. M. , I'lno
Hldge Aeuncy , or Captain ( leoigu Jtiihleii , A.
Q. M. , U. r . A. , Uushvllle , Neb. l.nvelopi-svon-
talnlng proposals to I.e marked "Proposals for
oats and liny , " nnd addrcxscd to tills olllce.
WM. II , inilli.s ! ( , Lieutenant Colonel nnd
Deputy Quartermaster Cienural , U.K. A. . Chief
Quartermaster. J.rxl4tM
iKhD sunns-us. i .
illun Service , I'lnii Itlilgu Agency , South
Dakota , Iecember20th ) , "O : Scaled iiro | > o-.als ,
endorsed "Proposals for 1'Iold heeds. " and ad
dressed to thii undersigned nt Pine Itldeo
AKcncy. bhnnnon Co. . South Dakota , will be
received at this agency until one o'clock of
January 2tld , 1MH , for furnlsbliig for this
ngpiiey and ( Hllverli the same aLKushvIlle ,
Nebraska , iiboiit WU bushels of need wheat.
Clio bushels of seed potatoes , 4i 0 bushels of seed
outs nnd l. > 3 bushels of soud corn. Bidders
mnststato the pioposcd pilce of each article
to bo offered for mdlvury under a contract.
Certified ( 'hecks.
Kach hid must be nccomn.inled by acortlfled
check or draft upon some Cnlted Status depos
itory , made piiyubloto thu order ot the niuler-
fiixned , for nt least five per cent of thn amount
of thn proposal , which check or draft will lie
forfoltetl to the ( 'lilted Mutes In casu any bid
der or bidders receiving an award shall fall to
piomptly ovccuto n contract with good and
Hiifllolent sureties , otherwise to Im returned tu
the bidder. 1) . llOVIiK , U. 8. Indl'in Anent.
Jl isn't done
by others Unit's ' why the gnnrantoo
of Dr. Pierco'a ' F.ivonlu Pix'sciition | )
should coinnuuul attention. It's u
guiirntiteo thnt means boinctliing.
If the medicine doesn't gvo uatis-
faction , in every C3.10 for whii'h it's
recommended , the money is prompt
ly lofundod , llomnrknulo terms
but it's a romnrl < ablc medicine. All
the functional irregularities ami
.weaknesses peculiar to womankind
nro cured by it. For loueorihea ,
periodical pains , weak back , prolap
sus and other displacements , bearing-
down sensations , anil all " femnlo
complaints , " it's an unfailing rem
edy. It is a. powerful , restora
tive tonio and nervine , imparting
strength and vigor to the \rholo
Try it , if you're an ailing woman.
it doesn't have
If help you , you
your money bauk.
As n regulator and promoter of
functional action , at that ciitical
period of change from girlhood to
womanhood " Favorite
, Prescrip
tion " is ft perfectly safe remedial
agent , and can. pro'duco only good
resulto ,
C. L. ErlcksonLocal Agent , 06 N.lOtli
To euro Illlloosnets. Sick nendactio. Constipation.
Malaria. Liver Coraplnlnta , tnko tlio tiufo
and certain remedy , SMITH'S
n otlieSllALTSlZT.10 : ( llttto twnnntofliotiot-
tlo ) . They nro the most convenient : sultallagea.
1'rtcoof cltlior Blzo. I5 ! conU per bottle ,
RfBCSfagRilg nt 7. 17. 70s Photo crovuro ,
rtvOvJOOaV panel bUoof thla picture lor 4
cents ( coppcre or stamps ) .
Makers of "Ullo llcuns. t. Ixjuls. Mtv
Omaha. I Uapot lutu anil Mmun ttrueti. Oni&ha.
(30 p m .ChlcnRO Ktproii I 8110 a m
951 n m Chlcnxo Kiprusi 070 p m
BlOp ra Cblcii o Kiiiros * 111.03 it in
C.Wp in lowu l iont JI2Um )
"I.eiiTe ON A MO.
Qualm. Depot luth unit Mnaun iitraot . I Omiliiu
lO.'i a m Denver IJiy Kipro" ra
10'i-i n nj . . . . . . . . .Honvcr Kxproiri. . . . fi.15 p m
7.10 p m UonvorNight Uzpriaiii. 1135 a m
& 01) ) I > in Lincoln Limited. . . 11.111 urn
_ 81S _ I.lnciihi Ix.i'M . . . . 1100 p m
1C. U , S'l' ' . J. O. Jl" I Arrlvoi
DupollOth ami Mnion ulrootl. I Omnhn.
. . . .Kansas Cltr IMr Kinross. , . | ClOp'ra
K. < X Night jiip. vl U. 1' Tram I fi 4 m
Omaha. I Papal luth and Marcy itroots
J.60 p in ] Omlaml Hjror. ,
T.30 p m Pacific Kxpru3 , . . * .
10 'Al n m Denver Uiproii. , . .
S 07 a raj Knuiisnt/ L2 W IH
l nvos I . . ! Xf riveT
Omahn. ] U. P. depot , lOlh and Marcy ata.l Omaha.
8 10 P m Nlk'ht Kipross. . , . to 05 a m
90 } n m . . .Atlantlo liipreai. . 0.30 p m
4.30Pm _ _ , Vo > tlbule I.iinlleil. 10.15 a m
Omahn. | U. 1' . dfp'ot , JO'.h rmil Marcr Sti | Omalit
7,15 K nil . blouz Cllr 1'nifUnKcr. .
i1 ! ? P tnl . . . .Ht. i'niil KIITOH
lavui j SIOUX"Ttiri A l-'AOTtlU | ArrirbT
Oinatin. | l ) put lHli and Wcb tor Hta. I Uumlm
Oronlm. U. 1' . Uopot. llUi ) anil M rcy Ht < . | Om lii.
IS a ra . . Ktpron. . . R.3U p in
< t ) p ra . .Vustlbule Umlteit. U..V ) a m
C.IJ p m Iowa Aceoinaioilntlnn ( Kxo , Sun ) 7.0J p m
V ID p m ICMlarn Klor 2. 5 p m
1J. n in ( nxc BunKnit ) Kayt 7.40 a m
! X > avo4 ICIIILAIIU , Mlu , It BT. I'AfnV Arriie *
Omahn | u. I' , depot. 10th nml Mnrey St , OmnTia.
6.11) ) p nil Clilcnifo Biprou TiTa m
1165 n inj C'lilciiiKi > Cipre . . , . , . . , . I UP D mm
jjunYui I OMAliA.x til : LOUIS. Arnvoi
UniHhn. | 0. P. depot. IQtli nnd Murerflti. Omaha.
Cnnnnn llall I
Heavei I t. , K. A MO. VAM < Kt.
Oinfiha. | Depot 15th mill Webitur Hti.
PfW n m . . . . . .Illftck Hills ISipren. 6 J p ra
910 a ra .lliotlmn Kip. ( Ki. Bund 17) ) . . & .2U p m
610 p m Wnhoo&Uncoln l'a ( Kx.Sund'y ) 1I..T > a m
6 10 p m . .Nurfolk ( Ki. Hundiirl. . . .
U , , hi. I1. . M * O.
Depot 15th mill Weimar 9t .
Slum City Acuuniaindatlun.
.bloux City Kiprusi ( Kr. Hun. ) .
Ht. 1'ftul l.lmltoil
fi.5 p m .llnncott 1'imiminir ( Br , Snnl . n lu
COinahn. pot 15lli anrt Wetistof 8t
Ifl.llOa ni .Ht. I/onH A K. 0 , Kxpmn.
-A .jHliJiOUJlAJ iJliPriliii ?
l , nrbT \ clllOXJo ; , 1C I , "S I'AOT * ili i ArrlTn
Trnnifor Union Dupot. rnunuii Illutri. iTrjinifor
e.DOp ml . Nlitfct Uipruo .T'JJU a m
9.30 a ra . Atlantis Kiprni * CM p m
600 p m lo lJinlUi1lii. , . . .JlO > W ajra
Trnniiforl Union Dopot. Council iTrnntrer
V.tU A ra Clilcnito Kipru ( Tdu p m
6X0 p m . . . .VunlbulH l.liultua IKW ra
IOIXI p m Kniturn Klrt'r 1 00 p in
! . p m Atlnntto Mull T.3U n m
( l/ p in li lO p in
L.OHTU . * | CirRTAil ? r 5iiri. A riT. I'AUi. I ArrlT
l riin forl Union l > epot. Council llli.lT . ITrnnifer
fxjp : ml Clilcnxa Kxp'ei M
12:0ji : tnl Clilcnifo KJtpross.ijj . . (
1f.e TB [ K'CT.Tr ; ( JOBl Cni. i m riTvi
Trnnter | Union Depot c.'finnell lll'ilT I Trail i fur
1001 u m.r | KnniH ( JUr lnr Kipren . , TT p m
l hnniRi.CUjNlBliLKiprut , I fi ! M ft ra
oM/cifA.vHT / noutfi. T Arrivin
lliuT" flJ15j > ra
Trnnifarl _ Uiilonjicpnt , Council J > l'j ' i. _ lTrnn3 "
9 W a m ' 821 i
10 00 p in Uhlcaiio Kipreni. Oil ) a m
7 jQ5 p m . . .Cfo tonj < ieal. l\'Ml \ aja
BlOUt CITf Af I'AUI t HI. ArilvoT
Trnnifar Union Dopol. Council Ilium. iTmniror
Trnnifarra | . . . CUT Arrommoilatlon. .1 HID nn
PHl l'jaHC pre i . .llOUU u 11
Tin : niorosKi )
It ( n Fully Coimldorrd liy t ie Charter
Ainniiilment Cotnmltteo.
Two hours worocxhnustctl yostordny nflor-
noon by Mayor Gushing in his attempt to
eonwno n quomra of the members of the
charter amendment committee.
It was 4 o'clock wlicn tlio body got down to
work. The nnu'tidmcnU ns heretofore BUR-
pestedvcro roml nnn luioptcd. The much
talked of health law \viis taken up nnd the
draft of the bill read ami discussed In nil of
Its particulars.
The proposed plan contemplates placing
the mnimKi'inoiit ot the sanitary dcpurtniunt
In the bands of tlio board of health , In the
mutter of ordinances lurtnlnliiK to honltli ,
thu board nd the council nto to hnvo concur
rent jurlMdlctlon , but tlio board sluill have the
power to make Its own rules nnd rogulut Ions.
The act provides that the Karlmgu master ,
tlio inspector of pliunbnii ; nnd the iKHiml
master shall bo under tlio direction of the do-
Tlio board slmll bo composoil of the com
missioner of health , who slnll bo the execu
tive ollltor of the Iwnrd , the nmyor , the chief
of police , thu elmh mini of the council committee -
tee on fovvt'iapo nnd tlio chairman of the
committee on Rtroots nnd nlloys.
SnlnilcH shnll boas follows i Tlio commis
sioner , who shall bo the city physician , ? - , 100 ;
nn assistant pby.slclnn , $ lf , > WJ ; u clerk of the
board , $1,000 ; a sanitary inspector , ? S5l ) , and
slv Inspectors at $ * 00 per nnitum each.
For tlio sumioit of this departincut the
low of n li inill lax will bo mnilo.
The terms during which the olllcors ot the
department nro to hold their respective of-
HITS were llxcd nt two yeai-s ,
Tlio revised p.jrk law ns formtilutod was
adopted. This law provides that the park
oniuinisslon shall have controlof nil p.irkn nnd
inako tule.s rrKUlnllng thu KOMirnini ; of the
sanio. The mnj or mul council shall hnvo power ,
upon the recommendation of the coininittio ,
to call elections fur the purpose of Issuing
parlc bonds to purchase lands for parlts.
Lands may bo purchased at any point within
nrndhis of six miles from thn court house1.
The bonds may bo voted as follows : Not to
exceed $ .100,000 within the period of ono year
from tlio taking elTcct of tills liuv , and not to
exceed S , " > 0QO ( ) durinir anyonejear thcivuftcr.
In nil matters pertalulng to the purchase of
lands the commission and the council shall
have concurrent jurisdiction. .
A provision was adopted by which tlio city
comptroller shall have authority to nppolnt
ono of his clerics who shall hnvo the power
to administer oaths.
This completed theworlf of the commlttoo ,
and either Fiiday or Saturday tlio coiumlttco
nnd the members of tlio IoiiKlns comity dolo-
gallon will meet lu the council chamber to
consider finally the proposed amendments.
Whooping cough , croun , sere throat , Btul-
len colds , und lung troubles peculiar to chil
dren , nro easily controlled by promptly ad
ministering Ayor'a Cherry Pectoral. This
remedy Is sufo to tnlte , certain In its action ,
und adapted to nil constitutions.
Army OlHuialfl lloHiojjod by n Horilo of
AHplrliii : Indiiin KiKbtcrsi.
If the hostile chiefs could only have been
nt .department headquarters yesterday and
witnessed incidents there transpiring thov
would undoubtedly have- dislocated their
shoulders in their haste to throw down their
It is reasonably cottaln that tlio
hostllos huvcn't the slightest Idea
of how many white lolks thcio
nra In and about Omaha who nro just
nchtng to boost a few do/on Indians over the
'enco into the happy hunting grounds , and
hat n fair icpresentatlon of them hnvu
ilrvndy applied to the otllcurs nt army head-
itiartefs to bo givou an opportunity to 10-
A p.itrlotlo horde of this description raided
ieadouarters , yesterday , and were voclfer-
ms In their dcshes to be sent to I'lno llldgo ,
luslivillo or kingdom como as vol.
untccrs in defense of the danger
.hrcatencd settlers In the northern p.trt of
the state.
Homo of the aspirants for military renown
: md come from the central and western portions
tions of the state , nnd others called Oiiiuhi )
heir home , but each and all had the tmmu
cquost to mnko. They were em enraged by
the ofllcurs in their Inudablo doslrus and
were advised to make application
nt Fort Omahn , where they wcro
told recruits were occasionally received.
This rather cooled the ardor of the enthusi
asts who were In search of temporary rather
Minn permanent glory nnd had no yearning
whatever for live veins' experience in the
regular army , lu every case they concluded.
Mint they didn't want to go so badly after nil ,
nnd the Indians will bo spared for a wlillo
Do not take nny chance of being poisoned or
mnieil to dentil with liquid stove polish ,
paints or cnnuiclS'In ' bottles. The "Klsing
JunStovo I'ollsh "islsafe , odorless , brilliant ,
ho cheapest und best steve polish mndo and
the coniuincr pays for no expensive tin or
glass package with every purchaso.
AVcatlior IndliMiH.
Up to this ( Into our monthly prognosti-
iivtions have boon fully us rolSiiblo as the
prophesies of tlio livtoltunontod Wiggins ,
but nt the boffltitiiiif , ' of n now yonr wo
resolve todoHllll hotter. The ruatonmry
Jiinuary tluiw will bo dispoiibcd with and
ptissonKors wlio travel in tlio olcctrlo.
lifjhted , stctiiii hontcd , vostiljulcd polnco
car trnlnfl of tlio Chicago , Mihvnukoo tSs
St. Pnul Hy. , botwcon Omnha and Chl-
cago. will bo comforttibly cured for ro-
prnrdloss of tlio outside utmoHphoro. City
tlekot olllco , 1501 Fnrmim strcot ( Barlcor
block ) , Omahu.
Army Notcx.
Lioutonnnt Aborcromblo , Second Infantry ,
has been granted n four mouths' extension oJ
his sick leave.
Lieutenant Lockwood , Seventeenth in
fantry , Fort D. A , Hussoll , has boon ordered
to join hU company in the Hold.
Sergeant Koeukcr , Company 1C , Elovcnt
infantry , stationed nt fort Niagara , N. Y.
has been tr.insfoirod to the corps ns
a private mul ordered to I'iuo Kldgu ,
Sergeant Anthony , onlnnnco department ,
has been discharged from thu army to oimblo
him to accept a clerkship in Iho olllco of the
chief ordnance ofllcer , Dopirtmonl of the
Captain Halo , Sixteenth infantry , sta
tioned nt Fort Douglas , has boon placed upon
tlio retired list. Lieutenant Woodbury will
succeed to the command of Captain Halo's
company ,
Hospltnl Steward Gooriro M. Wright.
United States army , Fort , Omaha , Nob. , has
boon ordered discharged from the army when
Ins services can bo spared in the Hold , to en-
nblo him to accept n clor'.ishlp ' In the olllco ot
tha assistant nt uoadijuar-
ters , Uuiinitinontnf thol'lutto.
Cnptnln Catoly , Second Infantry , has been
ordered by General Miles tu proceed from
Pine H-ldgo to Fort Omaha , to await further
orders. Captain Cutely was utmblo , on ac
count of sickness , to accompany tha Second
Infantry whoa it loft the agency ou January
1 for the bad lands.
Ho sure anil use Mrs , Window's Soothing
Syrup for your children while toothing. J5
ccnUt a bottlo.
OMAHA , Nob. . Ioc. ) S7th , ivjo. Notlco Is
hereby Rlvc-n that the nnnnal iniiiitliii ; of the
htocKholders of the Omaha & Itnpiitillcan
Valley railway company , for the ulePtlnu of
fceven directors and such other business ns
may properly foinn hoforn tno irlootlng. will
Im held at the ollli-e of John M. Tliurstnn ,
Union P.iclllu hulldlng , Omaha. Nub. , upon
Wednesday , the 7th day of January , IHfll , he-
tueuii theliouiHoC lOo'clnuk 11,111 , mid 4 o'clock
p , in , W. J. OAIIUOM. , AsNlHtant.heoretary ,
OMAHA , N'ubniHka. DoccmhoriH , IBOn.
Kotlciils lioruby clven tbatthuaijnnnlmeut-
IMK of Ilin Htockholdor4 of the union I.unil
I'oiniiaiiy for thu h < ctlon of live director * ,
und Midi other InmlneHi in may iiinpurly come
bcforo the mi ollnx , will be lii'ld In tlio eniii-
liany'M ollli'u at Uiualia , Nebraska , mi Monday ,
thu Itlth day of January , IMU , ut 10 o'elouk
W. J. OAIUIOI.I , , Assistant Sitcrotary.
Mind ! KlfeetKOf KrrnrK or Kxcnssrx In uhl or
Young. Kohust. Noble MANHOOD fully reMind -
nturml. WoKuariinteo every cnne or. money
riifiiiidi (1. ( r'ninplu ( OIIIHO , flvn ilujs tni.ii-
inont. Jll full course , # > . hu Mirely no. i led fioni
olist'rviillon. I'ook Komudy Co. , UiiuUiu , Nob. ,
Olllco Cor. Ititli und li'urnuni Htreutu.