6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : \EDNESDAY , JA UAEY 7 , 1891. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , A. Drop in Wheat Obaraotorizos Trading Dur ing the First Hour , PARDR1DGE LEADS IN THE SELLING , Little Support to Ilio Corn Market Jlaavy Soiling Itilliicii6cH tlio Market Cuttlu nnti Flnnnoliit. CiiH'Ano , .Tnii. 6. ISpcolnl Telegram to Tli [ IEK. ] l''irst Ijnslncss on cliaiiRO rovcnlcd a heavy fcolln In nil months. UnrliiK tlio tlr t hour May wheat sold from OdlicnlT to I'7c ' ? and recovered lie. Corn Hold atftlUc unil elf to.W.e. rccovorlnjj to opcnliiK ( Inure. Onls holdtto.idy. Porksjldoirslnirjily iirtcropon- ln lOc lower , nlnl Mnytlccllnud tull.2.'i , Ulbs and hril sold So louur. Tlio wheat inurkct was iullsuointiuciitlolny. | ) | Thcru wnthoii.o lirutty Kooil bull now * K'olriK ( iroiind , but local trailukoiitinurkct : and licavy tnustot thu kur.Hlon. ThcrovH ; un alisonco of oittsldo biiHliic s wldoh tnado tlio mtirktt easy to control on hcir ; tide. Tliuro wn.s iniiro tlinii Hiisplclon tliat certain cllquosothousrs , sere over tlio result of tlio ( 'liM'llon. did all that was jiosslblu whli lafuty to depress prices to cioutc an Iniprcs- lion Dint lliu vcnllct of tlio voters was not up proved by the country. Tlio country hud ilttlu to do with tlio murUets tod.iy , nnd the notion of local IKIIISUS was very short sUhtud , The niiirkut opcnud at a u'lght dudluo , uvun In Iho fucu of I.ROO.OOJ busliuls deuroaso In wheat on uccan Itassa o. anil higher Liverpool cibloi. : I'nrdrldKO let thu soiling. llo was followutl by thu crowd , who paid no hcod to the news hut wore OURDT for ft < lopressod market , lltitvlilnson lioiuht tiuletly. Lo an A : Co , and Mitchell bought Irooly. The price of May went froinOslio to 97iu ! tofiS14ot ( > or-lc ; , n clccline ( it I'-ic fiorn the closn Monday , There was a rally to OSc on cleurnncuH , 10,000 bushoh of wheat mid 21,000 piclaos : of Hour from Now York ; 31,010 bancls of Hour from llnltl- nioruanil " . ' ,030 biislii'ls of wheat from Now Orleans. The snnio early sullers took their wheat back on tliu iiiturn. ] The hlroiiKth clld not huld , ami , iillhouili ; tlio foreign advices worn poiior.illy bullish , tlio local trade sold rlKht and left , v.'lil'.o . many ot Iho trading biiilHWlthurow from the inurkct , Thoprlco wentiilV sharply asi-cond tlinu tolff'ao. Theio was allltlo rally to 97J o. hut at I o'clock the market wns close to thu bottom of thoday. There wiisu llttlo support to the corn mar ket , except at tlio tlino cars for tomorrow - were niado known , when an up turn of ! io oc curred , The action of May up to 1 o'clock wus us follows : Opened at f 3lc. ! sold ntSi.'ao to KHic and olT to 62'ic , the low prleo up tc that hour. The llr.it wulclit foil by the corn market - kot today was the largo receipts of 441 uart. This encouraged sollliiK , which carried the market down with wheat. The weakest point of thoday was shortly before the close , when May was deprc'Bed toB2 < QJ3 cur justlo tin- flor the hlRh prlco of the session. Tlio close was nn a sllslit rally ti > 53ijc , luuvlng the prlco Jic olT for thu day. January was quoted at 49 > 4C. on" to48ac , closing at 43'Je ! Kubrtiiiry , 60HcolV to4'.lic , Miiy oornnulHHultl utiUUc ; culls at f.1c. 'I'hcoutsiiiarkot licld up letter than other ccicals. It oprnod steady at l."i'ac , han-ly touched ICofor.May , and after foiling tu4rsc , , closed ut 46S)0. or # c under last iiluht , The prices for olhur inonllis vero relatively tlio ( iiiiiuunil noinliial .lanuary 481iai''o ( to 42'sCl I'oVirnary , 4i'io : toI3o lo 43Hc. Cash oats wcra quoted lu uii and cuvuu llnnnossto the speculative - ulativo trauluB. Coiinsoliiinu led the buying and llutclilnson Ilio sellliiK. Tholirlcsat Iho Htoclcyaids wcro off from tctullic. This emitted mess pork to open 7'/Jo oil around (11.48 ( for .May : pacUurs priced the jiolnt and forced consltlciablo pioduct on a Bciillerlnir huyliiK tradu. 'lliu prleo touuhed tll.i.'O , rallied totl.i.r : > , lut lalur went to J1I.2.V , nnd after 111 rulllwl to the close atll.27'ir ' 20o oil' for thoday. Jaimarv was iiuoted aslow ns llO.di , closbiK at DIO.IKV ) . Atllii ) eloso lard was dn\n just 5o all around , at 9f > JKVii January KI.02VS for robruary nnil $ 'i.42'i ' for May. The bottom prices vrero 21Sc under the i-loso and thu best iirlcuH were 2io [ over the closo. Kiln lost lOo from the close Monday to if.r > .l7ii for January an I 95.70 for Muy. The estlinato was for4.\OJJ IIIKS on WudnoHdny. In addition to the selling liy p'icki'rs oarlv there wan coiiBld- srablclonshtulV told out byHyaiut Co. and others. _ ClllC.ltltt Llt'JKHTOVK. OniCAOO , Jan. 6 , [ Special Tolcsratn to TIIR IlCK.-nATlM-Tho ] demand was again autlvo tiitl prices were fully as stroni ; as yesterday on anything at a 1 Rood or useful In the beef line. Shippingoidora were liberal nnd the local trade were rather free buyers. Hutch- crt. ' stoi k , also canning stock nnil the low grades were centrally selling bolter than for toino time past , yet prices are extremely low , and such shoulu bo bought carefully la the country In order to innko moaoy In Chicago. Btoekors were scarce and are selling higher than List week. I'or steers , the top prices uro W.SO to 4..10 : medium J4.oo1.60i coivs , Sl.SJ C2.75. lions The nrstcstlnmtes place the run at H" > , < > OJ , and IhH , with the crispy inornliii , ' , caused an active demand , the goner tl market opening string and some sales at n slight ad vance , but later on receipts showed up at Ioast44.0i ( , and perhaps more , bunco the sharp down turn of 5o to 10c. the ti > tnl decline. There was a brisk doin.ind , both on packing and ( shipping account , tlio market closing steady ut thu dfollne. KoiiKh and common light ml.xedbohlat WAI toM.G."ij prlmo packets and peed nil.M'dat St.70 toi.7. : > ; prime heavy and butcher weights ut SI.&O to Kl.tulight \ { 3.500 U.'JOi pigs. t2.1XQ > 'l.4U. NEW YOIIK , Jan. 0. [ Special Telegram to Tin : llRK.l-Tho stock niaricot opened with tolling forces in control. It was u continu ation of the realizing .uhlch sot In before the close Monday. Thuro was , In addition , some disposition of shares for the European ac count , There was also soiling of Ylllurd properties hy Cuiniiiack Interests. Thoulloet of these Influences was un opening at slight fractions below the 11 mil llgurcs of lust even ing nnd the. ostubllshmcntof further fractional decline ! ) lu early dealing. I.ntur , how ever , them was a marked Improve ment In temper ot the speculation und some material gains were scored , Itock Island was the weak point In the list and le the early decline , loiliig ijj per cent ftfter tlio opening , down ? u , but the only other ipcolally weak spat was Colorado Coal , which lost 1 per cent , the declines In others bolus generally to small fractions. In thu rally , which occurred Into , ninny stocks recovered the Ions \vltli additions lu some cases , but nmoiiE the lending fdiaros , whliih Ineludod St , I'unl , Louisville it Naihx-llle , Northern I'aelllo lirefi'rrrd. North Aineiloa , and Hook Island , the mnuiid movement \VIIH f ruble. Iho hour to noon brouitht iiothlm ; new ami the prices simply held linn , whllu silver vrns litghor at il.li.Mi. The weakness In stocks , eurly , isuvo way to a much lirmer feolhiK bofoto the eluso. The expressions of western innnupers to the olTcet that the presi dents' ugreoment will surely l > o curried out , caused homo good Kiipporl. Kock Inland ro- eoveied to C ! , St. Paul to WAi , Union 1'uclUo 4I ? . while many othersloeks niado fiilrnulns , The close was ut the Lest llgurcs. Sales teauhed ir.-.iKO shares. Tlio following were the closing quotations ! II. H. 4t regular r.li Norlliorn 1'nclilo , . , . U. H , ( i coupon * KM ilo 1'roferrcJ U. K < H rt'KUlnr lo.il c. AK \ \ - : . ; . : U. H. < H coupon.liw ; . ilo i rt fcrrM. . . , . , , . I'nclllcOH of 'W 1W Now York Contrnl , , , Cenlrill'aelCo ' "J I * . , I ) . * K CliU-nso \ Allou ll'S Itock Inland I'lilmiio , llurllutlon C. , M. & M. I1 & ( julnrjr W > i rtopruferroil St. raul.vuiimlm , , , ' ' lliinoli Cc'nl'mi ! ! ! . ! ! 1.7 itorrxfurrcil U. 11A\V Union rui'ino , , . KnniK A Texas 12 \V.fct , 1. . * I' Lake Shore K'7 doprofurml illchlgnn Contra ! , , , . 1)1 ) Wetleru Uulon Mlmuurl I'tclUc uiH Moxcv On call , easy ; closed offered ot 3 per cent. TiiiMK MniOAMTii.E PAVKII 7O8Vi per cunt , STCIIMNO KxciiAhnu ijtrong : uuty-day tlllv , M.f.'i demand , I4 > 5ii , Tlio CutTce Market. Nrw YOHK , Jan. 0. [ Special Tolesrum leTHE THE HBK.-ColTce Outlom opened steady and unclmnpetl to 10 points down [ closing ntcady , 5 & 20 points down , Sales. C.230 hugs , Including JanuiiryH0.2K3ll.a5 ( : February , W.75 ; March , JI5,4Xjir > .45 | April , tl.Ml ) ; May , ( I4.015.10 : August , ili.35 ; December. tii,103ia.lS. : bpnl jtlo , sloudy and quiet ; fair cargoes , tlO.25 : No. 7,117.WJ , Tlio Wool Blnrkot. BOSTON , Mass. , Jan. 6. [ SptolalTelcgrftm to THK HEE.J There IIUB been a good , steady do- * ud aud a Urtumarket for uiott grudcu of wool. In Olilo wool tlicro liuvn been sales of XX nnd nbovo til'JCKl. lie. Michigan X sclli ut Hie , nnd : o H nuked for. No. 01 combing wools nro Hrnint40ai'.V. Ohio line dolalno ut ill ® ; iHc , nnd MIclilKnn line dolnlno ut : iluc { : , Tor- rltory wool ( IMS liccn In fnlr clviniinil , with silk's of fliia ; it CuftCuV , of line inodliini ul.V'iTJ r.Jc , nnd of incdluin ( it r.iavic. Clean Toxa .Cnl- Ifornlu mid On-ffon wools liavo bci-n In steady l. Inn sliow tin chungo In iirlco * . bi-st "lllti nlfa'r.c ! ; and iivcruno nt K l,2c. ( In inillL'il wools thori ! lint boon n steady tradr , nnd snlM liavc noun ninde of cnolco supers nt 40Uinct of fnlrtoKnml supers at : n@ : { Ci and of cxl runt 2.@aoc. Foreign wools liuvo Icon quiet but firm , Mining Shares. NKW VOHK , .Inn. 0 [ Spoclal Tulogram to TUB Iltt : . ] Tlio fullowlu : uro the mlnlu.j stock qiiotfttlons ; i : .1IA ItliKT , NKW YOIIK , , Jnn. n. Whciit-Uocelpts , 13.000 buslieli ! cAportx , l.,7.'fl busliclq ; snot , 2 < - ! { lower : No. ' . ' , rwl tl.OlWI.ot'.i In olovn- tor ; ai.CjTtl.fi. ' ) , ' . ulloiiti Liri'iftLOfi7 ' ; f. o. b ; options closed weak : li < si\i \ lower ; No. 'J red , .lumuiry. closing uUl.U.I.'i. Corn Itecellits , llilU : bilslicls : exports. iWIO ) liiisliclsi Npotlowori No.S , Mi'iVnWo In olovii- tor : OOUdiUo nlloiiti tuiRradotl mixed , KXiMIUcj opt Ions closed WIJIIK : .Jniiiiiirycloslnx utMii * . Oats-KucclliU. 11,100 bushels ! ox ports. IJJOO busluMsisitotlrrciriilari No.Uwliltc , 51UQ.'il ? c | mlvc-d western , 4.VQ.Vje : ml.M.'d western , white , M35Go ; options weaker , .liuiuury closlu : ; ut Wic. SitRnr Unw , firms MtiscovnOfl test.4ic ! ! oon- trlfii nls. ini lust , UcUUITo ; ruflnud llrin , good deinnnd. I'utroleuin United closed for Kcbrunry at 2Jc. 2Jc.E psKrusn und weaker : western , S7Q3o. I'ork ITncliniiRcdi now inett. Jll.S07tl-.00. Lurd-WualitTj westeni steam , } CJO nbliod : Jniumry , closed at W.'S. llutter Crcainerv. weak ; western dairy , 11 QJOc ; creamery , intoe : Eluln , ! o. Cliuesu Strung ; light Bklins. IViU Cincxno , Jan. 0. 1 p , in. close Wheat StpiKlyi casli.ooo ! May , OTHoi January , 02 ? ( 'orn-I'asy ! cash , 4Sic ! ; May , 52.1j'3.'J2Vc. ' Oats-Sloady ; cash , 4iU < 342ic ! ; jiuy , 45iO ! 43ic. ! Ityc-Flrmat G2 ! ' , < ? . llarlev firm n t 7ifi.7. : > o. I'rliiiuTlinoth.v-Qijlot at 11.53. I'lax Firm at 8I.1S. Whisky $1.14. l'oru-lullcnsli. ) ; $ IO.MUJ10.G2'i ! ! Mar. $11.5714. Lard Steady ; cash , $ . " > .irJi ! ! May. W.42IJ. Short Itlbs-uullj cash , fj.loa5.itOi Muy , 13.70 l'lour-IJnchaiiKedsprlns ; patents , ! l.fWJ.'i.OO ' ; wlntor patents * 4."Oft. . . Oil ! bakers' . J.1.HOIS4.UO. Hulk MeaH-Shoulders , JI.20BI.iO : ; short clear , { . 'I.lit4.JO ; short rlh-i. ? U07sl.2J. llutter Ksay ; creamery , llXtWUc ! dairy. 14 © 2lc. 2lc.Chcoso Slcadvi full cream Cheddars , 9iO Hides lTiicliaiKilu ) ; light and heavy preen sailed , 4'ic ' ; jtreon , 42 > 4lie : salted bull , 4'Jo ; Krrr > ; i xnltudciilf , dot dry Mint , He ; dry salto.l hlile.s , l > Be : dry calf. SB'.lc ' ; deacons , eu''h , 2. " > > . ' . Tullow Uni'iiaiiKOtl ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4Ji < 3'io ; No. 2 , ; ioi cake , 4c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bills li.Oai ) 16,003 Wliout.hu 42,000 X'.OOO Corn , bu 112,0'JO 14J.OOO Oals.hu 127,003 14U.OOO &T. Lnuis. Jan. 0. Wheat HIgher ; cash , ( H'ilM/u ' { ! / ; Muy. Ii0jc. ! t'orn [ ' 'Inner ; cash , 47i@48o ? ! options lower ; May. 49Vc. OatH-lllgtier ; cash , 44c ! 5Iay , 45JJO. I'ork-Klrmer ul f 1C.70 , Lard St ronerat * . " > .7j. Whisky Sleady at J1.14. llutter AVeak und unchanged. KANSAS CITV. Jan. a Wheat Steady ; No. 2 hard , cash , 82e bid ; January 2u bid ; No. 2 red , cash , 880 hid. Corn-Steady ; No. 2 cash , 4"3aCj January , 47i47ii' ! ? . Oats-Stongor ; No. 2 , cash , 44 < 4o hid. s , Jnn. 0. Wheat Good conoral deiiinnil for wheat today. Ilecoluts , IlOOeitrs ; shipments , 00 ears. Closing : No. 1 hard , Jun- iiirWiu ; on track , Oliio ; No. 1 nortliorn. tlo ! ; May , WHo ; ontrnok , 68 i90o : No. 2 northern , January , 85c ; on traek. Me. MII-WAUKEE. ' Jan. 0. Wheat-Lower ; No. 2 cash , fcMtfm. ' : May , ODJ o. Corn-l-'lrm : No. a , ! ) ! ! . Oats-Stuadv. No.L' white , 4'e. 1'ros-lsloiis Kusler ; pork , January , 811.5754. LlvnuTOor * Jan. C. Wheat , llrm : demand Improving ; red western spring , 7s 8d ; red \\cstnrn winter. 7s ( kl. Corn Finn ! fair demand ; mixed western , CsCUd , _ CINCINNATI , Jan. 0. Wheat-Stronger ; No. 2 red. l)7'/c. ' Corn Fulr demand : No. 2 mixed , Mo. Uats Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 4J@43Kc. Whisky $1.14. _ LIVE STOVH. CiitCAflO. Jap. n. Cattlo-Uecolpti , O.COO head ; market active und strong : steers , $1.00 ® 5.10 ; eows. $1 aVEW.VJ. Hogs UucolptH. 4l.000llicad ; market steady atdeollnu ; rough and coinmoa llRht. mixed , * .I.Y > T'U" > : prlmo packers and good inlxoil , ' " ; prlmo heavy and butchors' weights. * . ' > oiia.s-i ; ii ht , * uaai.TO. : Sheop-ItecolptM. lo.onahoad : market steady tostronif. natlvo.l.7JB. > .2o ! westerns. W.TO ® 0.00 ; Texans , J3.2.va4.aO ; lambs , $4.7.Vi0.2o. ! KANSAS OITV , Jan. 0. Cattle Tccclpts,4SOQ head ; slilprneiitsKiO \ head ; market steady for best , others hlcher ; steers , $1.5035.00 ; eows , } l.7j.00 ) ; btockera and feeders , KI.2J Hogs Itocclpts. 1,705 head ; shipments. 800 ; market higher , strong , ; all grades , K.'JO3.70. ST. I.ouia. Jan. 0. Cattlo-Kccelpts , 1,900 head ; shipments. UO head : market strong ; fair to fancy native steers , * J.U4.10 ) ; muckers and feeders , J2.10S'l"j. llogs-Ueeelpts , II.WO head ; shipments. COO head : marketsteady : heavy , & ) . ( W4iU.i > 0 ; mixed , w.'ia.40 : ) ; light , $ ; i.UUi ( : so. 031A1I.I MAttKEIS. OMAHA. Tan. 0. 1S91. CATTLE Kstlrnuted rocolnts of cattle : inx : ) as compared with 2,013 yesterday aiul yWJ Tuesday of last week. Doovos were slow nnd lOc lower. The best grades of butcher stock was about sleady with others slow and sag ging or lower. Clood-foedcrsaro In demand at fcloudy prlees. lloos Kstlmatcd receipts of hois 10.SOO as computed with fi.011 yesterday and 2,1:17 : Tues day of last week , Tlio market opened rm lower and eloscti Solo lOu lower. The ran'io of the prices was .lKXTj.'i.ir > , the hulk soiling ut * : uo ® 1.50. 1'lgs. $ l.VXa'-.0) ; ) ; light-lights. $1.00 ® : UO ; light { awxaiUl ) ; heavy , .I..VXjfci. < n : mixed , $ 'iK : > 1ti.AD. : The average of th prices nuid was W.43 iiseompnrt'd wltli 815'JJi ycsteiduv and W.4U Tuesday of Inst week. Hlir.Ei' Estimated receipts of sheep 040. The mutton market remains sleady. Natives , $2. xa4.W ; westerns , * 2.00ffl4.M. Dlonnsltlon of Stock. Showing the number of head of stock pur chased on this market us reported by the wnlshtniustorof the Stookyurds company for January 0 : ' CAxrLE. Iluyers. NO SwIft&Oo 1,05 ; Tliu U. 11. llumnionil packing company. . . , 520 Tlio Cudiihy paokliis company aa. Tliu Unialiii iiackhiK coniiiany 2J I.eu Uolhsehlld 81 Hamilton & Stephen u It. , Hooker X-DOKOII Nels Morris 34 ! Shippers und feeders 211 Van Sum & Oaroy IK non . The Ciidahy packing company 4net DniuhapacKliiK company l.ffiK SwIft.tUo 1.S4J The U , U , Htimiiioiul packliiKcompany. . . 811 SUKKI * . Shippers and feeders &l ( llcprcHontatlvo Sales. 8TEKIISI. No , Av , Pr. No. Av. I'r. No Av. Pr. 1. . ( WO 2 03 20. . 007 J3 CO 22..10fiO 4 10 20. . IW 250 211..1103 350 17. I'M * 4 12H 3. . Ittl U 00 20..11M 3 ( n EO..12111 415 3.1075 U 00 SI , 1020 3 fi2'i ! T2..12im 420 17. . 010 II 10 17..10UO ; t T5 IW. 1207 420 4.1007 U 25 12..1WV5 II 75 20..1210 425 2.1010 a 25 18..12SS 375 10..1378 425 5. , 087 2.1 O.-IIICI 3 N ) a8.llh7 425 5 , , Cm 3 US fie , llirj a M 7..12U5 4UO 20,1059 a ao H ) , 1151 3 Ki 3..12K ) 4 ao 12 , . OCfl 3 35 40,1'47 3 K5 21..1207 41)5 ) 11.,1101) ) .140 UO , 012 3 IK ) 10..1205 4113 13,1071 340 7,1144 3 HO iO II''IO 43.1 2. . 015 340 20 , . 1147 300 101..13CU 440 0 , , 002 345 20 , . 1014 305 1H..I40A 440 2.V.1C05 a 50 18.1115 3 1C 18..1371 445 3 , . lira 360 20. . 1173 400 SO..132:1 : 445 34 , US I 350 10..124S 405 20 , .1413 450 B..1038 3 50 2S Polled Aliens. . . . . 1155 J5 3 ! 321)urhuui llerefords , 1527 53 : cows. , , BTO 1 S5 21.10W fXi 13.,10(12 ( 550 iiav ) i 50 i , , u-o 2 : n io.iou 250 25 , . Till 1 M 1 , , 1 CO 2 : iS 3. . T43 2W ) I..11TO 1 05 12 , , 7tv ) 2 145 2..12OO 250 1..1110 1 75 13..1041 2 35 1..1030 250 4 , . hT7 175 10.1011 235 17..1001 250 1..1000 1 75 20 , . 782 2 U5 21.1037 250 3.1153 175 10. . WE ! 2 l 3..10K1 2W 2..1000 200 8..10W 2 37 4.10U.201 3,10at 2 ( X ) 24. . UI5 2 37 } | 1 , 1220 2CO 4 , , 10(12 ( 200 31 , . Old 240 20. , 870 2GO 1..1070 200 3.10i3 240 18,1050 20.5 1. , fVW 2 00 17 1007 2 40 11..10.-C. 2C5 15 , , U20 2 10 0 , 075 240 12 , , 1)24 ) 265 11. , 840 2 15 10,1017 245 10..1044 205 17. . tfc3 215 23. , ttoS 245 17 , . Ite2 270 OJIAItA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Groceries. CANNED FHUITS Cnllfornln Apricots , K.'M < S'-MOj peaches , S'.7.'ia.90i pears , SJ.r.O'fM.TO ; urapcs. Jl.8 © -.V.O : cliorrlcs. white , $ . ' . ; XK J : . ' . ? : > ; cherrliis blue ! ; , Ji TXii-.riO ; quinces , JJ.dO ; blnckburrles , 5'- . " ) ; raspbcrrlos , W.OU ; strmv- borrlcB..iK ) ; currants , $ ? .2C : Rooscborrles. ? - . ' . ' , " > ; oliiniH , VKK > ! l. 5tQl.'J. ' > ; phinis , ( ; rccu piiges , 5I.N1.1K ) ) . Eastern cnnnod fruit rouches , seconds , f.SU2jo : ; npules , a-lb , $1.10 ; Kal , ' / dor. In cnso. KAO ; pnosL'borrles , llultl- inoroHtandiird , U-lb , tl.10 ; strnwlierrles , $1,25 ; raspberries. $1,10 ; blueberries , Jl.IiO ; ml rasp berries , SI..VJ ; blaoklicrrlcs. tl.lO ; cherries , $ I.L'3 © l.Ki ; plneapjiles , sliced , | l.2.-iffJS.40. JIor.A sKS llbls N. O. fancy , per Kal , JC ® JPc ; ebolee , 40QIr > c ; good , -JSttllUc ; Cubu , bak- IHK , ' . ' .VJWOo ; bluekstrnp , is ® ' 'u ; syrup. 70 Krailp , bills , 2001s lbl ) , 28oi 4-gal kegs , il.54 ; 2-anl kills. 07c. Bll loaf , . . nowdori'il llBlitexlr ; . . _ . . . _ _ OLIVES Quarts , per < loz. $4.00 ; plntn , pordoz , JS.KOi bulk , nor uul. II.8U. Olive oil. pints , a do ? per case , $ l.f > o.ri2J. TWINES , COHIIAOK , ETC. Cotton twlno "lllbb , " very Hue. U-lb bales , aacs cotton twlno XX brand , U-.b ' balet , IBc ; hemp twine , Vi-lb bales , ISc ; Bait twine , -"Oe ; canuluvlck , Ko ; 40-foot cotton clothes line , $ l.4UO-foot | cotton clothes line. } I.U5 ; OO-fout , Hlsnl MUCH. $1.7 : > ; ( W-foot jute , Jl.M ; wnol twines.c. \ . Jla- nllla ropuAll sl/.os fnini7-10 tolln , 14c ; Bis. rope , all sizes from 7-1G to 1 In. llo : "now pio- cowes. " nil sizes from 7-10 to 1 In , T c ; cotton rope , U In. ICc. UIIIESI ! ' . 0. twin flats , per Ib , lie ; ! ' , 0. YOIIIIK Anierlea , Hiioj ( lonn-stle Swiss , 13iu ! ; brick , 14c ; Kilniu. In foil , each $1.00. ViNr.OAlt Apple elder. lOc ; ( loublocldcr , lie ; white wine , I-.1 ! triple strength , 1'Jc. ' STAHCII Ivr Ib , 0i'c. I'ICKI.IS : Medium , bbis , (3.03 ( ; small , J10.00 ; orUlns.tll.tH ) ! Huston inlxeil , JIS.CO. KiUi : Java , Gc ; choice , Go ; fancy , Cc ; head , ' ' 'ci'iiKii-Por 1)1)1 ) , rcflnrd. MM ; lialf bbl. $3.50 : lianl elder , pure , per bbl , { , " > .CO : ornneo older. hulf bbl , .r.u ; pearcUler. liair bbl , $ I.M. lniii ) ) 1'nuiTS Turkish prunes , less tlian lilids , IbsO , 8c ; apples , evaporated , new rliiK choice , 14'te ; apricots , fancy. In sacks , luije : hlackherrlos , now , Oo ; raspberries , " % His to bov.itic : enrrauts , now , 5'Jc ' ; Vdtl/.x.aciirraiits , extra. In boxes , 0c ! { ; puaches , ( Jalu. . choice. IViic : California dried irapes , lu bags , Gc ; souilless Hullanas , sacks , lU'/ic ' ; muscatels , 8ic ! ; new Valencia. So ; UuiUira layer , He ; URS , layers. llffi'-'Oo ; cltion , LcuhornOc ; lemon " Perlb So cakes , M-lb boxes. Hie ; lOo cakes , 1)0-11) ) boxes , liSic ; 1-lb brleks. U3 Ibs In box , pure , 14e. lliioo.MS 3-tle , parlor , J.1.COltlo : , $2,75a-tlo ; , tS.ffil ; Il-tlo. plain , Sl.SO ; warehouse , UOU ; toy SLTi ; wblsk , JLOOOIAI. SoM' Castile , moulded , peril ) , lOo ; dp wlilto , per ib. 14o ; luundry snup.iior 1UO bars , M.l.VQk & .UO ; shavhiK soap , W7.C ) per dor ; tollut fcoap , per box , pordoz , ' . " NUTS 1'ur Ib Ahnonrls , 18c ; Jlrazlls , 2lo ; filberts. Mo ; pecans , 13jiUc ( ; walnuts , 18c , poti- 11111 ! " , fancy white , 8c ; roasted , lOc. HALT lilry.2 ) 0 Ibs In bbls , bulk , $2.10 ; best grade , tW.ris. fa.110 ; best grade , 100 Us , J2.4U : best grade. 28 10s. 9SS.M rock salt , oiushod , W.10. SODA 1'aekagus , GO Ibs to but , 5lio ; Kozs , I'ioporlb ; bbls , IJjo : gran- ulntod , 100 Ib boxes , ' . 'c. UANNF.II VKHBTAHLES Tonmtoes Mb , $1.00 ( ( Jl.lU. Corn Verv lino. $ l.ST > < ai.'l.Ib ; snitar , ? l.l.Fi ; -lb stiuidard weiteru brands , $1.10. Musli rooms l-lb Kreuoh , extra lino. Si&Soi 1-lb l-'rench. line , lWU"'o ; 1-Ib Kronch. ordl- imry. HMilt'o. I'eas .Mb early , lunpjl.2."i-lb ; Mairow , btandard brands , $1.10 : 1Mb sonKod , 7lc. 1'reiich I'er of . ' . ) peas ease 100 , JI.MKiiv'.OO. Slrlni ; beans u'-lb lil h irrado , WeIb wax beans. Kk > ; 2-11) strliu ; heans. Me. Lima beans ' , ' -lli soaked , Kic. llostou baked beans ; i-lb , $1 'jy3 > l. ! & Sweet potatoes a-lb New .lersoy , $1.50 ! IHbokni and totnutocs , JLIKlb ; : ; okra , Oj aspanisus.i-lb : , f2K > aa.7. ) ! rhuburb , J-lb , 1.40 | Hiieeotasli , f l.Stxiil.S.1. HAKIMI l'o WIIKII Hoyal , dlmo can , pnr doz. OSe ; 'i-lb cans , 11.15 ; ii-lbcaus , JiiK ; 1-lb eaus , $ , " > . ( xi ; 1'rlco's dlmo ranstc ) ) ! H-lu cans , Jl.85 ; ' /a-llicans , Ji3) ) ; 1-lbeans , J4.7J ; other kluils , 1-Ibeans. pordoz. * lOtxaiKl. : WiiAi'iMNfl I'Al'Ult-l'urlb , best straw , 15\18 to44 , l'o ? ; diy Roods , 4Uo ; extra nuallly , inniillla , Oijc ; inaiillla tea , UxlB , Oo ; dark rag. linrdware , 2J4C. I'AitiNACuous Ooona Ilarley , 4o ; farlnn , KOR * , * " > . 0 : split peas , lie ; grocn peas , -Jo ; oat meal. bbls. JO.'wao.S. ' ' ; bait bills. U2.vaj.SO ; macaroni , 12c ; voriulcelll , 12c ; KiKoaml tniil- oca , txatilio ; Lima beans. 5lfc ; cerealliio , $ J.11 ! : linked linmlny , : ifc. Oii.a UOnnnio white , OJio : IM water wlilto. ll'io ; headllclit , lUu ; 74 gasullno. llljo. Ull cans-1 cal , W.00a3.25i ( 8 gal , W.7WS4.80 ; 5 gal. TOIIACCO Flnoout , nor Ib , 2JWc ; plun , 23 ttiTfc ; smoking , yyjjfUo ; fancy brunds , OOc ® CoFFKE-Greon Klo , 2S3.24c ; Java. J7o : Moclia , 2Sc. Hoasted Arosla. 25o ; llunnln , 250 ; ( lurmnn , S4J o : Dlllwnitli's .M'ic ; l.lori. STici Mallpoucli , LMo ; Cordovln , 2.tc ; Moeliu , IllojO. O , Java , 2 ! > o. Coltvo K nnvo U gro. bnxos , * UVai.Nj ) chlekiry,7M tSio. ! OANDY Mixed , : K ) Hi palli , hi ! ? { o ; stlek. RSioi twist stick , Ooi 1'roucli mlxed.ii'c : ' ( : luiir- ; hound htlck , 8Hc : jar and oiihii cnnilles , 51b box us. IMi''le ; uvtra line KMds. UQ-'V e. AXI.K ( iiiKASi : 1'or eruss li'nizlur'8 IIUKO tins , iKW.CO ; medium tins , liT.OO ; siiiull. 115.10 ; other makes , wood , tV.Y/us..r > u. HLACKINO 11 doz In box , SwaT'.oi Indies' shoo drosslni ; , 45cl.00i ( btovo pollsii. per trois , . Ill.UKlNO Uqiild.4oz.ndoc In box , 80c < ill.75 : 801 , a doz In box , tl.Owaift ; dry , bi lar.'e , 45c. BUCKS 1'oppcr Slngtx pore , sifted , shot , 22ci nllBplce. I3a ; . ctOTc < . Ton Icctol , liuMdot cassTa.Ch'nti. 4-Ib , iiutinrcs. No. 1 , 7.ojiuiea | or. i)5c ) : spier , U-lbboxo ) < ,8 > V > . , C-lK | < KKHS--iodi : , Cu'o.V8tor. ; , fijjo : cronin , K.XTiucis Lemon , an * . Sk bfl.so ; 4 o ? . $1.00 ( tf.'UiO ! vanilla , 8 ox , ftvfi'.y > t 4 or , $1.85311.601 Jamaica Kinder , 4 nf l.tC > . MATCiiKS-l'arior , 2JO and 800 per box , $1.0.73 $ 1.70 per Kro s ; .sulphur Jl.l.ViM.30. IlliKlll s-i-hoc. | ior lira , Jl.'iVfW.OOl dauber ? , 75e < ilfl.O ) ; scruh brushes. COeJWiCO. " 11-Mixed hlnl. Mb packages , 601 fi.MI uowc'ii , 91,7.1) ) paper , metal hoops I- . . * ) ) cedar. a brass hoops. No. l , all red , J5.50 ! cedar , 8 brass houps , Nn. a red. M.09) ) cwlnr , llbriisi hoop" , No. 1 slrlpocl. $5,001 cedar. 3 hrass hoopi. No. 2 striped , $1.59 ; horse , extra heavy , No. l.t'.T.'ij well hileliels , { 3.25. llntttirwaro Tuha , Bash , a-ln , pur nest. TOcj ash. 8-ln. 2 largo l7o , per ne t , 4.V : butter ladles hard wood. TOO ! biiltripaddlM or spadei , TOO. Washboard * Single. } I.40 < R2.00 ; double,82.5CO 3.85. Olothc.snlns 5 KIOSS boxes. UV. OAMiKS-4o Ibs to lo.x. QJo ! ; mining , ICO 10 ! icvtix | \ , lie. Country Produce. I'oui.Titv The poultry market Is strong withthu receipts li ht and Ihoprlcrsobtained very satisfactory , chickens , choice. Kft.Pe : KCCSO and dnelcs , loaiJe ; turkeyi ) , UQ,12c | coarse heavy chickens sell as low as oafo OAMI : The old slock IH pretly well cleared up mid the present ofl'erliiKs uro not large , hut prices have not yet recovered from the recent K ! nt. Jack rubldts still sell In many cases us low as Jl.oo per doz. , i > nd cotton tails n "j 53(3 ( GOc. K fl * Tlio market Is weak and lOc Is catch ing tlio bulk of tlio sales. lJUTTiii-ThoUiilllyof : ] the butler coming to inaikelavoranes poor ntd lliiJ13o ( buys a very him' proportion of It. Occasionally a package of country butler brings l&itl'c. Dry RoodH. Ontcics-Calcdonla X , OMci Caledonia XX , 10iu ! ! Kconoiny.Hio ; Otis. 8'Jc. ' Ki.AN.vits : IMald , raflsiiian. 2c ! ) ; Cosher , 'BJicl Clear I ako , 32"c ; Maple City. 8 < ! ' /c : white O 11X0.8.2:1110 : ; Gil No.2 , y,27 ,4C ) It H No. 2 , U. 21ic ! ; H II No , 2 , K.SOlJc ; gnubeo No. 1,480 ; ( jnobeo No. 3 , ? jc , 421JC ! Quebec , ! $ , No. 4,32'So ! AKMIIII. la oVhuUnr ; X 0 , 21 In , K'W.oiJ1'150' ! ' II A K , , Sic ; JHVKSHct 5V5c , net ! unil male. , iu. nv , yv.xiU. . i\ > t . colored Missouri vallov , 12'/ic. HI.KACIIHII CoTTov-'iiorkcloy Cambric No. W ) , ll'ic ' ! Hi'st Yd. il'ic : llnttereloth. XX , 4'/ac ; Cabot , 7ai i Klr-tC.iII,0ic ) ! ; Fruit of the hcom , Ou ; lllll tamper Idoni , 8u ; lluubukeeper , Siio ! Kliijt Phillip cambric , lnc ; haimdon U II , li'ics l.onsdale , lie ; Lonsdulo cambric , loHc ; Now York mills , lie : O.iU Lawn. 7c. Coi.nitiiiCAMiniicH-Oro\vn,4Uc : Hctl Star , 4ic ! ! Clover , Be ; Sinter Kolled , 5Jie ! high col ors , le extra. GiNdiiAMS Pmnkol chocks , C'j'c ; Whltton- tonCc ? ( ; York.e'if ; Xoriiiniull diesq , fc ; Ual- ctitla druss , 7'/iC ! ( Vlilttciitou dress , 6e | Hud- ford dress , 8'i ' < iM2c , . DUCK Wcsi Point , 28 In. 8 oz , 10'Se ' : West Point,88 In , 10 or.'Hcj West 1'olnt , 21) ) In , 12 oz. I5c ; West 1'olnt , 40 In , II oz , 15VSC. HATTH Stniitliiid. 8e : Mohawk. 10'johcauty ' ; , I'tv Boone , 14c ; 11 , cased , $1.0,1 ; lice , $1,75 pur 18 e. e.KK.MiTCKr JKANS Memorial , I3c ; Dakota , 22c ; Diinhain , 28'ie ' ; Hercules. I0c : Lunilligton , 5-Jc ! l'ottswiod,27'io ! Molvllle , 8'o , OINOIIAM AinoskeaR , 7c ; Anioskoaa dress , 84cj ! Hates.0ycVarwlolc ; dross , So ; Lancns- lor. CJ4'e ; Ulcnalic , Oiioi Whlttcndon dress , 8e. I'IIINTS Kuney Kddystone. Co | ; Steel Itlver , Cc : Itmnniio. 4Hc ; Pt. I.eilKer , 5V4c. Shlrtlnj ; Martha WnslilnKton,4iic ; Meirlniae , 4ic : Turkey Ked Fountain,04e ! ; Garner , 7c : 0 renlicld , h'/ju ' ; Ilcrlin , Oi f. I'ltlMB IndlKu liluo Net Marthn Wnsh- ln : loii , r iiOi Ainerh'an.CHc : Arnold , ( i'lfj Ar nold 11 , long olotli , lee ; Stlllo A. llHc ; Morrl- nine. 7-8. lOc ; Qold henf , 8V < c : Hamilton , . " > Hc : Allen I'lnks , O'c ! Allen Chambray , Cc ; Glou- coslcO. f./H' ! llaitcl. 5'cl { 1'iM ! HIIOWN COTTONS Atlantic LL , ( lej Au rora It , liyp ; Aiuora ILtfijc : Atlas , ONII , THc : eheeto cloth , 4c ; ( 'Iintoh , ! < ' ! ' , 5Jiej I'otipcrull H , OMC ! I.anu'donOl ! , 7e. CorroNAiux Vork , minUIn , 10'c ; Everett ! floz , 18u ; Lewlstoii , 10 oz. 22iu ! ; VorklnKiaan. Sl'lEF.TINn AND Plt.t.OW CASINOS HrOWn Kut roiiporull.45tii. lllc ; 1'eppcroll. 8-4. repperoIl.l-4 ! , JJcs 1'oppcroll. 10-1 , 22"jc ; L'tlca , 48liil5o ; Uticu.iM In , iio ! : Utlea. 22 In , 24c : Utlca.84 In.ak-s Ullon , DO in , 2-HHc. llleachcd Not-lVpporcll , 42 In. WKu : 1'opporell , 41 in , imoil'eplicroll.K-4. 14 o : I'epperell. 8-4 , 20o ; I'opiieroll , 0-4 , Jos roppurcll , 10-4 , 2ju ; Utlua , 8-4 , 24c ; Utlca , IW.SOtfi Utlc.l , 10-4 , ! Sc. COTTOK WAKP lllbb , , S , white , ISiic ; colored , ifuAvvDnoww COTTONS Atlantic , 7e ; At lantic II , 7oi Atlantic 1) ) , (14C ( ! Atlantic 1' , do ; Aurora C , 4Jie : buck's head , 7Hc ; Cabot W , G ! O ; Darlington , ( i ? o ! KarmcrV No. 1 , 43 ; ® 4lic ; Indinn head , "lie ; .Lawrence LL , 5 ? o ; Henrietta bL , Wie. DENIMS Not Ainoslvoag , 0 oz , Id'-So , York camlcl , 12oi Everett , standard , 12Vc ; Hay- niakera' , 7'/ic ' ; Old York , XX , loijc ; Lawrence. If.'O , lulio ; Lawrence , 'JoU'ic ' ; fancy stripes and checks , lliie. TICKS York , 112 In , U5e ! : Swift River. 7'o ; ThorndyUc , OO , 81ic ; Thormlyko , Elv , 8i-ic ; Thoradykc , 120 , OHO : Thorntlyko , XX , 14c ; Cordls , Mo. 4 , lu ; UordU , No. 4 , inc. WiOANS-Not Thistle , OUo : Hud Cross 7ic. ! CHASII Stevens' II , in-lncli , fiUo ; Slovens' 1) , IS-lncli , (5ic ; Stevens' A , 10-Inch. 7Uo ; Stevens , 1' , 18-lnch.ee ; Stevens' M , 18-Inch , He ; Stovons' N , 20-lueh , DC ; StovenV N N,2-inch. lOc ; Ste vens' BUT , SO-invli , 12c ; bleached , lo oxtra. Hnccoon-No. 1 , largpW70o ) ; No. 1 , incdluin , Xo. 1 , small , aoSJOc ; N'os. 2 , a and 4. Mink No. 1 , largo , .lOSGOo ! N'o. 1 , medium , 40 U.'io : No. 1 , aniull , 2jIWo ; Nog. i ! , a and 4 , 1.VS2.V. MnskUat-KallS < aiOi' : kit , HP. Skunk IllacK , TScUJLOOs striped , No. 1 , 33 ® 40o ; Ns. a , l"i2r.c : No. : i , ID-Wl.V : No. 4. rn310o. f Cro < .s Kox-No. I. KJ.5.K3J.OO ; No. 2 , fclOixa > . ! .50j red. No. 1 , jl.OOCM.l ! : . ; No. 8. 300u : grcy.Xo.l , 40VOC ( ! No. 2. 2l ( < a'5o. Mountain Wolf-No. 1 , } 2.W5i.OO : ; No. 2. $1.00 ( rftl.M : pralrlo wolf , No. 1 , 7JcaH.OO ; No , 2 , 40O We. Heaver No. 1. per Ib. I2.5WJ.50 : No. 2 , tl.SOQ 2.W ) ; No. a , .v7 : > c : NO. i. r ) . Otter No. 1 , largo prime , $5.00 < a7.00 : No. 1 , modlilin. SJ.WVrr S.Ks ( ) No. 1 , Btuallf2.rOaa.DO : Nos. 2 , It ami 4. Mefftf 1.50. Wild Cat-No. 1 , 40c ; No. 2. 20i. : ' > e. Opossum No. 1 , eased , 103I.es No. 1 , open , 7C.1UC. llnd0r ! No. 1 , full fuvrod , 5075c ; No. 2 , 203 IlOo ; No. II. r > atOe. Hear Illaek , No. 1. J10.00R20.00 ; Rrl/.y.lcy , No , 1 , J , " > . ( wair > .oO ; brown. No. 1 , $ : > .00@10.00j cub , " . Hiickskln Indian dressed , per Ib , 7. > eiM1.00 ( ; deer , summer , per Ib , 2.V3 'l. > e : fall , per II ) 20Q 2'ios winter , per Ib , 'JKcf'-L'o ; ifieea salt , pur niece , 75SOe ; antelope , pur Ib , 15'Ho ; elk , per Ib , r.'o. Others 1'lsher. N'o. 1HOO.VOOs marten. No. 1 , 7. > c(3I.50 ( ; No. 2. ! VtiOus ) lyax , No. 5.00 ; wolverine , No. 1 , $1.00(30.00. ( Quinine , per oz , I * . & W. 4o ( ; German , 27c ; ndlRO , peril ) , 75e ; Insect powder 2lc : opium , f2.7.r ) ; morphine , per oz , 12.70 ; hops , per Ib , : ! 0c ; Rlyeerlne , l o ; dextrine , 10e : cuttlobono. 'JZc ; cream tartnr , pure , : i2e ; commerolal , ISe ; cam- iihor , We : am. carb. , 14ei blun vltrol , 7'/ie ; car bolic acldaKlW : ! < ! ; citric , -J.Vitll'o ; tartarle , I1C ® ll'Jc ' ; sulpliurli- . per 11) . 2i ; sperm oil , { 1.10 ; tur pentine. 4.'ic ; Tonka beans. SI.S.V&.OOs balsam tolu , 4l564Jo : siilomol. } l.i)2OI,0.cantharadles ) ; , J.l.lO < ai.y. ; > s cassia biids.axa--'c : chloroform , r > 7 < alOe lOo ; urRot , 4TTC.V.1oi ( guni arable , B5eQI.O."i [ lyco- podium , 4ix2iio : ; mercury , Sc ; sulphur , 2'ac ; alum , S ceoniorns ; ) , Uic ; epsom salt , l o ; plauhur salt , Ijc ! ; nntlpyrlne , il.H ) per oz ; nnistol , $1.SQ per OA ; iintlkainn , $1.00 pur oz ; cryststryclilnal..VJ5l.l.'i ( ) pero : lleorleo root , per. 11) ) , ific ; oil cassia , JLIIO per Ib ; oil eloves. Jl.-Ti per In : oil anslo. tlfiO ; oil lemon , ll.li'i ; oil borKaiuotll.2."i per lui-liaUiini copabla , Glo per Ib : sill ) , n It. bismuth , HIKJ peril ) ; lodldo pntas- Kluin , K.7S per Hi : lroiildii ) | potassium , : ! sa per Ibs salloylfo acid , il.'St per Ib ; bon/olc uulJ , C2o per Ib. _ _ _ _ Quotations are for'cur ' lots oa board cars at Omaha : ' < DlMKNSIONB I'.1 ft 14 ft in ft'18 ft 2) ft 22 ft 21 ft 2x4.13 00 } 15 00 t5 ! 00 J1.1 51 tll > ( K ) $17 00 $18 00 2x0. . 15 OJ 15 OJ 15 00 ' 15 53 PI (10 ( 18 (0 ( 18 00 8x8. . 15 00 1500 1503 155) ) 111 0) 17 M 180) 2x10. 15 00 15 00 15 00 ' 15 50 111 0) 17 50 18 UO 2x18. 15 CO 10 00 16 00' ' I UO 17 03 18 50 10 00 4x4 to ' ' ' 8X8 10 00 1(1 ( 00 10 00"17 00 18 00 10 00 10 00 FIIXCINO-NO. 1.BinI'.1 and 14 ft. rf. flO.OOs No. 1,0 In. W ft. 119.00/1 In. J19.00 ; No. 8 , (5 ( In , 18 and 14 fl , rf. ill.OM-ln ) : ; , ill.ixij No. 2 , C In , 10 ft. tidoo : 4 in. * l0.mi ; Nbfii. ( I In. 12 and 14 ft , KlXOOi 4 In , N3.00 ; No. 3 , Oln , 10ft , $13.00 ; 4 In , iioAiins-N'o. 1 , com. I19.BO | Xo. 2 , coin , $15.0) ) ; No. 8 , coin. (1X50 ; Ko. 4 , coin , (11.50 , tilDINO A. 12.14 and 10 fl , $ . " 2.03 ; 0 , $17.50 ; II , 12. llund 10ft , $20.5' ) ; 1) ) , 111.50. I''iooiilNn ' A , C-ln , wlilto plno , JHS.OO ; O , $20.50' , 11. 0-lu. wlnto plni ) , Jin.OO ; 1) , $20.50 ; K , li-ln , white | ilnosel. ( fencing ) , $ l7.00j drop ld- Ini ; , fiOo per M extr.i. .STOCK lloAinis-A. 12-ln. sis. $ I3.CO ; 11 , 12-ln , sis , $4\1'0 ; ( J , flO.OOj D , I.Ti-tHl ; No. 1 eoinmon. 12- ln. uls 10 , 13 and IS ft. $ ; 'l.tOs ' No. 2. $18.fiO ; No. 1 common , 12-ln , Hlf , 14 fl , i-'O.DOj No. 2. 117.50 ; No. 1 coinmnn. 12-ln. bis , 1C ft. $111.50 ; Nu. 2 , $ l7.rO | No. 1 common , IS-ln , sis , 2J ft , 121 09 ; No. 2 , $ I8.W ! , Hlill'i.Ai-No. 1 plain. 8 and tl In , $10.00 ; No. 8 , 10.W ) ; No. 1 , O. U. , H In. tlllDO ; No. 2. JIH.50 ; 10 ' ? aiid''lii.'fi.'iioj ji'Miie-'t'iiiii K'a , Jiiioli i'J , und L In , ( | , i.iOU , suleut. 1 ID , b2f , Wr.UOi 1U i ; und 2 In , 15.00 , A. II or O Mili-ct. all 10 ft JI.OO oxtra. HoL'Tiir.ii.N VEI.IXIW PINK 1st and 2d clour flooring , 18-10 , 2,100 star , 1U-IO , SlO.Wi com lloor- Ins. tri-lC. t.'O ) rift clear , 1-in , J.UOOi 1st nnd C < 1 clear , Hrelllnj : , JII.Mi ; I t nniU'd clear , i cell- li . M'.i..vit Island 2d clear , celling , IS'i m ; 1st nnd 2d clear , llnNh , s2- , from 1 In , KT.OO ; 1st nnd 2d clear. flnlnli , s2 * , front 1'i in. cn.OUi 1st and Vd rionr , llnWi , s''s , frnm I'iuiHl''ln ' la ) 00 ; 1st aml'.M clear , v p casings , ( LV.CO ; bnso 1'nPi.An I.t.'Miuii--liioli ' : ! ! and up , 1st andSnd clear. I Inch v.v. ? : UOS H-ineh iiiitt up , 1st nnd 2nd elear. ' ,4 Inch p.mel I Si 00. SASH , Doom , Kra-Tiir board. Jl.M ; sash , 63 perot ! doors , f > 0 per ell blinds. 50 per et ; immhllmjs , roper etj tarred felt.porcwt , J3.1&5 straw biar ( < l , 11.20. lUTTr-NS" . \Viii. : TtiniNd , F.TC.-O. 0.2'4-lnch. C5ct4Ml.nts.iVt ; : } Il-lnch well tublmr. I ) . A ; M. inn | uuv , 2J.oO | pickets. I ) . & II , , Hat. tV0.60 | 1 > . .V II , , MI , t.'U.M , SIII.MII.KP. lATii-n.\tra "A , " pine , KM ; slamlanl "A , " J2.4M extra "A , " cedar , I2.v ) ; C Incl clear pine , JI.PO ; elear redwood. JI.25 : 1'o'sTS-WliHo ' cedar , n Inch , ! js. llci n Inch , qrs , lie : wbltocoslar , 5'ilnuh ' , 'is. ' IV : S Inch. qis , So : white cednr , 4 Inch , round , lie : split oak , 8e ; Tcnnes'-uo red cedar , split , Ho. M otals. STT.nt\ViiuNAiLS-Ha : > o , 12.53 ; steel nails bn < u , * 2 IS. Ooi'i'iiii I'lanlshcd boiler sle. 20o per Ib : cold rolled. 27u per Ib ; sheeting , 2oo per lb ; pit and Hats. 2t < o per Ib. WuiK-Jap. burbt.S3j : ! pil. . $ .1.63. .Itoofisc Charcoal , I.U. . 14.V.U 113.ja.00 ; I X , $7.50. SIIDHT IltON-No , 2I5. ! M.SO | No. 27 , $ ! ) . COMIKII Strictly half and li'ilf. ifie. TIN I'l.ATiClOx'.M.fi.0 ! | I.X. , 10x11 , J9.555 coke , 4xiiO. : 112 , SJ.73. SIIKKT7.INC-8C. HI.OCK TjiN-Sniall plg,50e per lb | bar , lOo perlb. ( lAl.VANlKltSlIKKT : IltON PlsCOIlIlt .VT-10 per cent ; nut. plan , Iron , Nos. 24 and 2A / , 10ic ! ; IliCKonv NI'TH Larpc. per hushcl , $1.50. I'oi" ' COIIN Choice stock , lJ'o. ! Lt'ATllKlt Hemlock slaughter sole , COS-- per lb ! hemlock drv hldo sole , 20 V4o ! oak sole. 3u@84c ; rrunch kip skins , Wctflll.Ui ; French ealf nkln , tl.S5W.00 ! ; Ainerlciin oak calf ftefflfl.l , " ) ; American homlook call' , 7. > c ( & SI.10 ! American OIIK Iclp , T.'icQKic ; Amorlcan hemlock kip , ( XKS'Jc ; Hliecp sldns , 50C3JI.IO ; K < > at skins , per foot , -WO.'iOc. lliiAN-SauKed , per ton , $20.00 $ ; chopped feed , lloNKV White clover , 1 lb frames , per lb , 18c ; 2 lb frames , 17c. LI.MKCKMINT : , Kir. On board dnrs at Omaha I'er bbl. Ash tirovo Ilino , OJc ; chainploii lime , 83cQiihioy ; white.ftV ; l oulsvllloeonient , 31.50 ; Alllwaukeii cement , il. 15 ; lit lea eeinent , 91.40 ; KiiRlisli Portland cement , 1.45 ; New York plaster. J'J.Sj ; Michigan plaster , $2.liO ; J'ort DoilRO plaster , J1.75 ; white sunu , $2.00 ; 1' . P. hair , per bale , II.UO. lliiis-rro/en : hhles , 3le ; No. lprecii : salted hides , 4'iia3c ' ! No. 2 wreen salted hides , : ! ® ; iie ! ; No. 1 Krecn salted hides , 23 to 40 Ibs. , 4',4ri-c : No. 2 trrocn salted hides. 23 lo 40 lb < . , 8 < lic ! ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 15 lls. , 7o ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , Tic ; Nn. 1 dry Hint hides. To ; No. 2dry Hint hides' 5c ! No. 1 dry salted hides. SflOc. SliecD mills Owen hulled , each. ; t3cl.2. > ; ftrecu sailed shparlliiRs. ( short woolod onny skins ) each , loa'i'ioi dry slicarlliics iHhorb wooled early Bkliihl No. 1 , cacli , WaiOo ; No. 2 , each , 5e ; dry Hint , Kansas and * Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per pound , actual w l&314lic : dry mat Kansas and Nebraska mur rain wool polls , perppund , actual weight , 8 ® lies dry flint Colorado Imtehurwool pelt-s , per pound , actual weight , 10Q12JJC ; dry lllnt Colorado rado nuirra In wool polls , per pound , actual vvcicht , WilOe ; dry pieces and bucks , actual wclBlit , 7S'Jc. ( TAt.i.ow AND OniiAsn Tallow No. 1 , ll i4c ; tallow No. a , nuf&i'fr ' : crease , wluto a , 4ijlie ( ! : Krease , white b , Uii 'Uic ; iirensc. yellow. : io ; Kreaso , dark , 25Se : old butter. 22lic ; beeswax , prime , lfi < 32r > e : roujjh tallow , ! Ha2c. ( HONKS In oar lots only Dry bulTalo , per ton , flO.OOlSUO ; dry country , bleached , per ton , $10.oa < ailOJ : ( frv country , damp und meaty , per ton , tR.OO&lO.OU. These prices are for bones weighed and delivered In Chlcniro. HAY On track at Omalia Upland , No. 1. Sfl.M per ton ; coarse blue stem , $0.00 ; oats straw. $0.00 per ton , HI.ACK WALNUTS I'er bushel. $1.25. C'OCOANUTS I'ur 10a. sacked , 44,53 ; bulk , ? 4,2. ) . COAT. On board cars at Omaha Arithmetic Chestnut , ranjo nnd OBB , JS.no per Ion : tiralo , $ S.5R. Soft coal-Ohio. S.VJO ; Southern Illinois , $4.rO ; walnut block , $3.23 ; Iowa lump , 1.13 ; Iowa mil , 82.73. CIIKST.MJTH Largo Italian. IScpcr lb. DVANTED Total 1B8UC3 of CITIES. COUNTIES , SCHOOL DISTRICTS , WATER COMPANIES , ST. R.R. COMPANIES , etc. Correspondence solicited. N.W.HARRIS 6COMPAHY.Bankers , IO3-I65 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. 15 Wall Street , NEW YORK. 70 State St. . BOSTON. lianlclni ; in Japan. "No , the banking system of Japan is not exactly like that of America , but my bank , the Bank of Jnpan , is munngcd something ; similar to the Bank of Eng land , " said G. Nagasaki , n Japanese financier who was registered tit tlio Pal mer house , to a reporter for the Chicago Tribune. The visitor ia lioro looking over the banking system of the United States. . "Tho Bank of Japan novcr lends money direct to the individual , " contin ued Mr. Nagasaki. "Boforo any loans are made tlio notes must first bo en dorsed by some private banking con cern. The interest charged by our es tablishment is 6 per cent , but the small er concerns chnrGT.0 from" to 10 per cent. Tlio national debt is $20,000,000 , and the bonds that are issued for thin amount pay from 5 to 7 per cent. It is the pen sions of the ox-militarvinonof the feudal times and their fimiltlod that keep the country in debt. " The Japanese banker said the recent stringency in the inonoy market was felt in liis country , and there were also a few failures. "But the failures are not so frequent as in America , " ho said , ' 'because wo do not speculate so much. " Mr. Nagasaki also said the only money in circulation in Japan was silver coin and silver cortillcatcs. Gold , ho explained - plained , wus only used for foreign ex change. The capital stock of the Bank of Japan is $20,000,000 , but the concern has the privilege , the visitor said , of issuing $8o,000UOO in bonds. All the revenues of the government are paid into this bank. There Is nothing like Dr. Thomas' ' electric oil to quickly euro a' cold or relieve hoarse ness. Written by Mrs. M. J. Follows , Burr Oak , St. Joseph county , Michigan. Through coaches Pullman palnco Bloopers , dining cars , free reclining chair cars to Chicago and intervening points via the great Kock Island route. Ticket otllco 1C02. Sixteenth and Fariiam. The now offices of the Great Rock Island route , 1002 Sixteenth and Fttrnam streets , Omaha , are tlio finest in the city. Call and see thoin. Tickets to all points onst at lowest rates. Helena , ionlana , The prosperity of Montana Is not inbject to lha TlrlstltuilCB of ( uccesior failure of cropn. lo drouth orttood , to llnanclul nrliiuencleB or iianlca. Her crop of precloui mutals la lilted out of th Kround with hourly renularltr und IncrcuHniibulk.lnBurlnn builnoss oiiportiiultlea buBcil upon loundutlona of BtabllltT und endurance. Tli mlnei now opened produce nnnunlly In < i lil , HIlTnr , Cupper unil Lend , S41- oild.ooo , nlnclf percent of whlcli l dlnbuitcd In the State. Theroure tliou unili iiiurccquali ; as promUlDg , awuHlng capital for aovclopmcut. There Is Iron , Coal , Buildlno Sluno , Clay and Timber In Abundance. InvritmrnK In rattle , Honei nnd with uoo < l nittu iieracnt , iiTfriiKO a proflt of more than icrlr per cent , n jour. The v t bunds of ( lock roam throuuhout tboontlreycttr.lncxcellent condi tion , > upporttdtir the cured | [ ru Bt' on tlio icround , Tlio builnoti U inunaifed br Ai-Roclutloniln aucli ' eiilon are us afo manner that overjr peraon'ii po , on the ranuo ai If conflned to un Inclosed pasture Tim rliy nrilelenik U the political , dnunelal , loclul. railroad , bui'jivaa , ona educational cooler ol tbu cntlro titale. For lull Information , address , L. Q. PHELPS , Scc'y Citizens Committee , Helena , Montana LAD8ES ONLY ttAniP FEMALE REGULATOR , Baft RiflUlb and Ccrlalii tot il J or money If lundeil. Tlv mall tl. Scouraly scaled from ot > UJTHtlon. 'COUK UKJIKIHT CO. , Omaha. NO. OOlio , cor. 13th uud Furnam Bin. OMAHA and DIRECTORY. BILLIARDS. BOXES. The Bmnsmok-Balko John L , Wilkls , , , , Oollomlor Oo. nilllard merfhanillio , Omnhnpnperbox ftctor/i H.iloon mturoj. . 1317-13U DodRbi. 407.109 S. loth Mroet , Omaha. OrJcrs jironiptlj niloJ. BOOK BINDERS Ss STATIONERS. Omaha Eepublican Printing Oo. , Law brlof , bank luppllci , nn.l orcr/thlns In the printing line , . lOttianJ DouiiU ttrooti. Ackermann Bros. & Hointzo , Printer * , blnJors , cleotrotrpors , blank book manu- focturori. Hid IlotrnrJ itreot , Ormhi. BOOTS AND SIIO33. Charles A. Ooo & Oo. , KirkendallJonQi&Oo , Mauufacturcrs nn4 Job- Wholesale Ma'iufaclur'.i Aitonli for Ilo'ton Hub- t > crSh u Co. . 1101 , 11U4 , stroct. juullltw llnrnuy St. William ? , Van Aor- W. V. Morao & Oo. , nam & Harts , Phoo Knctory , Cornrrllth . . llDIlnrncr street , Im. Merclunla Intltud Omnlia , Nob. toc.ill an t cAiimlno. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. OIQARS. FUR , WOOL , HlDfeS , , . . . . . . . . . Goo , Obarao & Oo. , J , S. Smith 4 113 8.1.1th atrom Omaha. Oraiht IRON wbnics. Pditon & Vierlinjc Omahn Safe & Iron Iron Worki , Works Wrouitht mil rait Iron , building work , cngluei , MnnufM ( Ire nndburglir trios work , ifonornl proof Rsfei , T Ult ) , J.ill foundry , umclilne nml work , Ironihuiuri d l MickMiillh work. U. 1 * . lire oKcfcro * . ( I. An * Hr. nnillUli U action. > ti Acme Iron and Wira Wilson & Drake , Works , M'f'g tiitintiir flues , nr Iron , wlrn mill hrixi Wk . boi boilers , tanki , et MS. IIHi street. \V. noohl , Proprietor. 1'lerro nn.1 ItOi ilr t > . L , Kireoht & Co. , ' A , Friok fit Oo. , Wholesale UquorPimlori Wboleinlo MquorDttlerl (07 nndW8. 10th St. BOI WH 9. 10th St. 0. A. Stonohill , I. Oberfeldor < fe Oo. , Millinery , Notions Importer ! ) nnd Jobbtrt la Cloaks , Eto .Millinery. SOS.SIOnnU'JIl Honth lltb 1HM1SS. ICtli St. , Otnnlm Urcct. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , BTO . Max Meyer & Bro. Oo. A , Hospo , Jr. , MTgJcwolem , rtenloM In I'lanoJ , Orjitnn , Artlit * musical Inttrumouta , etc. , MntorlnU , ICtc. , Furnnni nnd ICth. 1513 Douglas Btrett. OILS. Consolidated Tank Line Oo. Ileflneil nnj liibrlc.-vtlnj oil ! , nxlo Kronen , cto. A. 11. lllshup , Manager. OYSTERS. A. Booth Packing Oo. , Eatt & Oo , , "Tl brnnil , " fresh * . er oy Oyaturs , fluh nntl canned . tcr > , KOOdl. Omalm branch , 1303 I.cavonworlli. PAPER. | PLATING. Onrpontor Paper Oo. , Western Plating W'kt ' Carrf n full stock of Gold , silver nnd nickel wrapplns and jilntlnif on all matnlf , prlntlnit , tubewnrooto.r ! pliUil wrltlnic paper , card pa Poll'lilnithrikii .tctian- per , cto. dcllcrwork. HltUodgk. PRODtJOB , COMMISSION. Omaha Rubber Oo , , Manufartnrln : un > l Job- bcmill klnli rubb.v Kuivli. 19031'.irmn ntrujt. SAPS3. I SEEDS. A. L. Deano & Oo. , Emsrsoa Sjoi Oo , , GenerauK.'iiti ! for Hall's Sooil grownr ) , ( loilori In rt.ifuv Karduii. r.kti , uraluaui HI und 32,1 .Suiitli 10th St. , trou scoJ i , OiniilKi. 4-.M-I2I tiuutti 15th , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , BTO. M. A , Dishrow & Oo. , Bohn Saih & Door Oo. MrinufiirUiron of saili , Manufai'turon of moall- doors bllnili un < l Ingi , Limit , doju , Moiililliim , llranoliof- oto , ncc , Utli unil ItarJiU. 10th onil Clark llroetl. SYRUPS. | STOVES. Farrell ot Oompiay , Dufly-Trowbridgj Wholesale minfnct iran M.inufao'g OD. , nyrupM , innl&iioi anJ vln0iiri , , torei l stnro plp9. : iT-i9Siiitli8tb Btroot. 1Z1.1-12I5 I/oiTonwortlnt. TEA , COFFEE , SPIOB3 , OIGrARS. Oonsolidated OofTao Oomptny , h.lrn r Jt. Omnlia. Nub. 3T3.VM AND WATER SUPPElB3 U. S. Wind Engine & A , L , Btrang & Sons , Pump Oo , , rinlllil.ijr wind inlllt. OU 10U2-100I Karnitn Ue l. iinil WJ .loiioi at. (1. ( V. Oinuha , Nob. Host , uctliix muinigor. Orane Company , HOBO luiltlnz , imckliz , btuampuiuiii , pluiublnii KOJ < l4. ti:2-l rurnui Htroot. TOYS. TYPE. H. Hardy & Co. , The Omaha Typi Toy * , Uollx , ntbuinsfsnof Foundry. I'rlnturV Suppllev Now and necondbaaA * Kooili , chllilritu' * car- rlaiici. 131'J Kurnamit. 1113 Howard street SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK Y4niD3 CO. , LIMITED. LIVE SrOOK COMMISSION. Boyer & Truitt , Martin Bros. , Kiclniniio Ilullilloz , llullJIns , i8-M Kxcliaiita Ch louii u. KnhHiinB llnll.llni Boutll Uinaha. Huutli Omaha. S. J.OofTnnn , Smiley Euutur & Oreon , Ac Co , , tOI ! Jcliooge llullillai 2U lliclmnjo llulldlny , buuth Oiuiiliii. Buu tli Omatia. TTood Brothers , liitbunao llulldlm , toulU