THE OiUAHA DAILY MONDAY , JANUARY 5 , 1891. Interesting Pharos of Unman Natnro as Ex hibited in Great Cities. GALLANT BROKERS OF NEW YORK , Tlicy Throw Klisrn nt Iinily Specta tor * In tilt ; Onllcrj Iho i lo AflVtitcil Hnr fetaiiiaoli A Iluno Trailer's CoiiBulciiue , Now York World : An old Umo broker of the slock exchange waxed indignant over his breakfast tit Doltnonlco'ti the other morning about thoubudo which has been Hliowcrcil upon faomo of the inoinbers of the board by the papers on account of their boisterous gulhuitry to u Indy In the gallery. "If thny throw her kisses , " the elderly broker Enid , "and wn cd their hands , I did not too it , and I was on the floor at the time. Even If they did , I full to FCO what theio was of such ( in Insulting na ture about It all. The trading is lax nnd times are not particularly bright. If the hoj'H can yet a , little fun out of life it should bo allowed to pass as a holiday larlc and not talked of as a tragedy. The whole bulrlt of the board has changed during Iho pint fifteen years. The now order of brokers liavo adopted the quiet , InloiiMj , stnllolci-s and thoughtless man- neis of professional gamblers , and they RO about their business in a cold-blooded nnd tiiiuqull way that suygcbts the dctilur at a faro table. There nro a few good-natured , uhole-soulcd and jolly brokers loft , nnd the bet > t thing that the povernor.s of the block exchange ean do IH to encourage them. A little nonscn&o now and thun can do no posslhlo harm. " New York Times : The elevators in Bonio of Now York's tall buildings are run tit a speed calculated to disquiet the nerves of pcoplonho are not accustomed to them , Ono of the cars In the F.quitu- blo building the other day wan front down , us the conductor expiossad it , "for all nho was worth. " There were Bovornl Indies among the'-engors , nnd onoof them , a gontlo-fucud , sihor.\- liaired "grnndina , " was particularly dis turbed. She liad given a half-smothered cry ns the ear d topped story after story , nnd when &ho stopped -with the others out upon the stone lloor of the rotunda her face \ \ covered with tears and eobs shook her slender form. The young man who accompanied the old lucl\ endeavored tocalm hurwith % reassuring words , but for some minutes they were qulto unavailing. At length the tears cciibod , and she was able to mi- B\ver , thonqii in a voice that was btill fulnt sind trembling1 , the an.xious ques tionings of her companion. "No , John , I ain't sick , " the sympa thetic group that had gathered mound heard her bay , "and t wasn't very much ecart. " "Then what makes you cry so ? " Hiked the man. "I know It's foolish , " she ansvercd , * 'but when that thing went down BO awful fast it gftvotnoa feeling right hero , " nnd Bho placed a thin hand just below her heart , "exactly llko I had the day your father died. Oh , John , John , it's ' brought it all bade againl" Detroit Free Press : The owner of a boarding stable in the northern part of tlio city advertised ti liorso for sale. Etirly ono morning u man appeared and asked to see the equine. "Hco hoio , " said the owner ns ho Bquared oft"nt him , "I like to linvo a fair understanding about things. Now then , la it for you or some ono cl&oV" f "Soino ono else. " "Do you know all about a liorso or nothing at all ? " "I know every crook and turn about a horso. sir. " "Oh , you do ? All right. Wo now understand each oilier , nnd I'll show you the beast. " In tui minutes a sale had been effected nnd the horse was being led away. "Why did you euro whether ho was preen or posted ? " inquiied a man who had stood by. "Made a great deal of dilTercnco tome mo , " replied the late owner. * "Tho liorbo is t-pavlned , pigeon-toed and weak In the back. Had ho been an amateur I should have felt bound to tell him. " "But ho know all about the horso. " "Exactly , and therefore knew noth ing. Easiest sale I ever inado to any one. " New York Tribune : George Scrib bler had saved up SIM with which ho in tended to buy a nice Christmas present for his wife and some toys and candies for the babies , Tlo took the money from his writing desk the dayboforo ( Jhribt- mas nnd started out to malto his pur chases. So engrossed was ho with thqughtH of whut ho intended to buy that hodid notobbervo two "light-fin gered" gentlemen , ono of whom jostled against him in the crowded street , while the other ono neatly extracted his purse from his pocket with the $20 which ho had pinched himself so much to suvo. IIo wont into 0110 of the largo stores In Twenty-third street , selected the goods ho wanted and foil for the money to pay for them. The pocket- hook , of course , was gono. Ho foil hurrlculy in every pocket , but there was no truce of the wallet. Llko a Hash ho remembered the man who had jostled against him and re called how queerly ho acted. His nockot had been picked. Visions Hashed'before him of the disappointed faces of his wife nnd two little girls when they got up in the inorning to learn that Santa Glaus " had" forgotten them entirely. Ho felt for his watch. Lxicklly the pickpockets had not secured that , "Put those things on the shelf for a lljtlo while , " ho said , "and I will return for thorn. " That wlfo and the llttlo ones got their Chribtmas presents that year and a pawnbroker in Sixth tuonuo hail this entry on hib books : "Georgo Scribbler , gold watch , $20. " Now York Star : I have noticed re cently that a great many inoro pipes are bolng smoked on the streets by well dressed men than used to bo. "While in nn up-town tobncconiht's store I asked what in his opinion hud led to the mani fest increase in the number of pipe einokora. ' There are two reasons , " ho said. "In the llrst place the McKlnloy bill has so appreciably increased tlio cost of good cigars that a good many men , especially young ones , have taken to pipes as a matter of economy. In the second place. l > lpo-smokliig is 'English , you know , ' and the English crtisco has struck this town pretty heavily. Now Yorkers who Co to London find the public places crowded with men who smoke pipes and when they coitfo homo they at once npo the easygoingLondoner. . " Now York Star : I was talking with a salesman whom 1 know In ono of the big Ilroadwny clothing houses the other day , when n keen-eyed , smartly dressed younp man , with the general air of a Kow Yorker , entered , lie was followed by fifteen newly landed Spalnards , to whom ho commenced allowing' various wilts. "Tlioro is n innn wlio makes moro inoiioy tliun tiny other salesman in the , Btoro1 snid my friend. "IIo only sells on commission trots 10 per cent and drums up his own trmlc. IIo speaks Spanish and French llucnlly , and hits nil ncfiiminlnnco with every purser of a Spanish-American or French ship that runs into New York , 't'licso ho moots they land , gola iicqualntcd with the wants of as many of the pnssongord ns ho cnn rcnch , und steers tliom urouiul to business houses with which ho has rnado connection. Tlie. o .Spaniards whom ho has it ) tow nro not dressed suitably for the cllmat" hero , and nearly every ono of them will until a nu\v \ suit and an j ovoreoat. Miiybo they want shoos j and undorelothltifj nnd other articles , i Tlioy spenk llttlo or no English and are very K\i\H \ \ to secure Ills berviccs , cs l > edally IIH lie w.-is rccoiiimcntlcd by the purser , with whom they had formuil of an acqualnttincc. IIo will also llml them u hotel or rooms as they wish , introduuo them into s > omo fe'ood rcbtuuiiuit and put thoin into the way of onjojintf IhomsclvoH in comfort dur ing their Now Your visit. This looks 111(0 ( a wealthy lot of voting men tlmt ho 1ms in tow now , aim I have no doubt that ho will maho fully SoO to $75 in cmntnibsion from thorn today and to- nieht. " _ Chicngo Trihimo : "D'cssmoif ' I think Chicago has many pretty women. ' ' said S. Uaripini , a merchant from 13uigiuni , who has sjiont homo tlino in London. "I walked along ono of your ptincipal thorough faros today , " ho continued , "find althoujfh 1 saw many women out shopping 1 fulled to see many who could claim beauty. The clear , white , delicate - cato complexion was lucking. I taw lots of red notCH , and bonto with pimples on thorn. Then ngulti the majority of the women powder soolabonttoly tlmt it isdibgustitif , ' . They do not appear to umloi stand how to apply cosmetics Then , again , the ladies \\oar \ diamonds uhon out shopping. Why , tlmt is aim- Pi ly ; atrocious. I observed u handbomely dn = aed woman stop out of her carriage in front of ono of your largo retail dry goods shops tho' other day. Two big diamond earring ! probably worth $2,000 or Jli.UOO , were in her cars , and as her sealskin cloak was not tight at the throat I also noticed a largo diamond brooch. Another largo diamond prob ably a three-carat stone t > urroundeil with pearls , was thoro. Such a display of bad tustoyou never would fco among the women of London or Madrid. Not oven the women who have no respect for themsohos would attempt to at- tiact attention by such n lavish display of jewelry. I cannot understand how a woman of good breeding1 can maho such a display of herself. In London and Jdadrid tlio women do their shop ping in the most modest altiroand never dream of wearing jewelrv. I not only noticed this indecent display of'finory in Chicago , but in Now Yorlc. In Uoston the majority of women I observed were no jewels while on their shopping ex cursions. Take it altogether tlio women of Chicago impress mo as being : lavishly dressed , and fec\oral women especially , who had ugly fneos were bcarlot hats , abif to attract attention to thoirugli- noss. " Now York World : In n show window on Twenty-second street a Singhalese hello sits for several hour.- , every duv fill ing sample boxes with some kind of tea , for which the maiden from Ceylon is a sort of auxiliary advertisement. She is young and very good looking , judged from a Caucasian stand point and may not bo nioro than twenty-two or twenty-thrco years of ago. Short of btaturo and well rounded , she deserves the extensive at tention she receives , though she might receive moro if she did not supplement her native coatumo of dark calico with a red and while striped shirt that covers several iiu ! of her plump arms and conceals the ieft breast , which under the tropical sun is alwajs exposed to public ga,5e. Ilor dress comes ever the left shoulder only , being draped to the right side in the manner of a snsli. Her hair is jot blaclc , and her complexion that lemon-tinted shade which a shoo assumes after the polish is faded from it for several weeks. On her wrifatsaro numerous brass and silver bracelets , in her ears hugo umbrella- shaped pendants of gold and turquoise , and in the loft side of hot1 nose a gold collar button. She smiles graciously upon the women who stand to look at her , and is witlml as complacent in her consuicuous position as a Ilcstor street hello In a dlmo museum beauty contest. N M _ _ H _ _ _ Now York Times : A friendly little dog that lives in a comfortable homo in - street woat of Ninth Ninety-fifth , avenue - nuo , has a master with a resourceful mind. The lact that the aforesaid master , when not too busy arranging in vestments for his surplus cash , does a little newspaper work , perhaps accounts for the resourceful mind. Late the other forenoon this gentleman opened the front door of his rosidedco Dropared for his customary saunter to the elevated station. A bnow drift from two to three fcot deep completely covered his door stop. Ills wife at his elbow suggested that ho go down stairs and got the snow shovel , but ho treated the sug gestion as n playful jest. After contemplating the snowbank a few seconds ends , ho whistled for his dog. An ani mated bundle of hair came tumbling into the "Oolah ! " hallway , spoke the master , ' 'do you want to RO for a walk ? " With a quick bark of delight the little dog plunged out of the door and rolled down the stons to the sidewalk. Then , after a good deal of kicking and rolling about , tlio animal regained his fcot , and , obeying his master's call , sc ambled up the stops and back Into the house. Again ho was sent out and called back with the same snow-scattering result , and , as ho scorned to enjoy it , the act was repeated for oven a third time. Thus was an open path down the stops made for the man with the resourceful mind. Oolah's "walk" was postponed until a plcastvntor day. Chicago Tribune : Your real , genuine , first class detective seldom opens his nlouth to toll you Ills theory or opinion , for the reason that the genuinoarti clo detective , especially In a private gen cy , is boldom known as such except to the head of the concern. The writer was whore ho obtained the opinion of a gen1 ulno detective about "mysterious disap poaranoes , " ' 'They may bo mystoriou1. for while " ho bald "but a , , they nearly all come out alike : Woman , whlbky , cash ono of the three , euro as you live , It is the rarest thing in the world thai a mibslng man never returns. Unless ho is murdered and the body well sccrotet the missing man will either return to the place from which ho disappeared 01 squeal from his hiding place. Expo- rlenco and observation with this class warrant mo in this assertion. " Chicago Tribune : Doctors do not like to talk to newspaper men , for good rea sons. Doctors are custodians of the best stories in existence , nnd when n news paper man can worm ono of these stories nom such a source it is too good to keep. But of course the physician must bo kept In the dark. Even then the physi cian does not llko to talk , because lie is afraid his name might corno out , Ono of those specialists was talking In his reception room the other day , und ho inndo this statement : "There is nothing now in the proposi tlon that we nro all mad. That'a n stori as old us the hills uud is true. Wu cat the Insanity that Is at largo Intent In sanity. If It doesn't come in contact \ , with n shock or some disease Itinny remain - main latent until tlcnlh stops Iho ma chinery. I know men In business who nro Hnbly lo go to pieces , mentally , If the unexpected happens. I once known a mnn whoin a cashier of n bank , and I had it from those who know his wdrk that no moro compo- I tent nnd accurate man ever held a plnee. But I hud been his physician and his . father's before him and 1 knew that the imin \ \ < i3 mud. Ills Insanity was only . nslcop. So well did I know him that I ' warned him to keep himself free from such excitement as would result from a certain dibcnse. As I htul feared , thnt dlscnbo finally mndo its appearance in the country , and the mnn blow out his brains as soon ns ho heard of Italthough the cnso was 12,000 miles nwny. " New York World : There is a picture of perfect contentment furnished In the nttltudo of the "L * ' toiul locomotive on- .Incur as ho lolls back in his seat with ilb foot extended towards the front win dow of the cab , nnd apparently , without wlsting n mtibclo of his body , but sim- ily b.v the moro stretching forth of ono mud , controls the speed and direction of ils iron horso. Ills euso and comfort ire the rewards of the years ho spent in 'alnlng bis oxporlonco and attaining ila bldll. The tlromau Is always busy , vlth Ilia-ing torch and handful of waste cotton or long-billed oil can , nirninhing or lubricating the machinery , ind it is only occasionally that ho can Ind time to swing out of the locomotive cab and help the engineer to flirt with the coquettes in the second or third btory windows. Rut the llrcirmn will bo in engineer himself some day. and then somebody else will bo oiling and rub- jing the machinery. The picture , visl- jlo a hundred times a day on the Third nnd Sixth nvonuo rends , exemplifies an evolutionary process that exists in every walk of modern life. Now York Tribune : "Sny , boss , give mo u few pennies to buy something to eat , will you ? " bald a ragged urchin to a mm hurrying through Mail street at 0 o'clock Christmas ove. Now the ono appealed to had just been juying Christmas presents for n score of sisters , cousins and aunts , to say noth- nif about the numerous rattles , dolls , etc. , which ho had bought for the mom- ) ors of his own Immediate family , and consequently ho was Icoling rather ) oor. "Can't do it , sonny , " ho &ald rather ji nllly , as ho hurried on. The boy assumed u tone half sorrow- 'ul ' , with a touch of Independence In it , ind said to the retreating llguro : "Boss , I hope you 1mvo a merry liristmas. " The man stopped , turned round , dug ii ? hand into his pocket and handed the urchin a quarter. Thun ho hurried on igain. Ten minutes later the same urchin entered a hallway whore half a do/ton street arabs were assembled. "Hi , Jimmy ! " ho yelled , ushoontcrud , 'seo ' what do bloke give mo. ( Showing the quarter. ) Lot's play 'craps.1 " The senior proprietor of this paper has been subject to frequent colds forsomoyoars \ \ hiuherosuro to lay him up if not doc- toted ntonco. Ilollnds that Chamberlain's cough remedy is reliublo. It opens the secre tions , leliovcs the IUIIKS , and restores the system to a Iicnltny condition. If frcoly used , is soon as the cold has been contracted , and before it has become settled in the system , it greatly lessens tlio attack and often cures In a single day what would otherwise have been n sovcro cold. Notthwestern Hotel Re porter , Dos Molucs , In Mining in Mc\lur > . Mouval Los Tanps of Chihuahua , Mexico ice , has been visiting friends in this city " recently , sajs the Kansas City Times" . ! Mr. Los Tonas is a Mexican mining en gineer. IIo told of his descent into the crater of Popocatepetl , the volcano which is now practically extinct. "I went down into the crater of the mountain farther probably than any other man to examine the sulphur mines , " said the young Spaniard , "very few persons of the United States have oven made the ascent of this mountain. It is worse than climbing the Matter- horn. It costs about $50 in the first place , takes several days and is very ex hausting. I was lot down into the crater the sumo way as the Mexican minors who dig sulphur at this elevation of 18,000 feet by means of a windlass nnd n ropo. The mouth of the crater is inoro than half a milo across. The mine is owned by General Ochon , who lives in the City of Mexico. I saw there and examined carefully thousands of tons of the purest sulphur ever mined. When Cortez and his soldiers visited that country they needed faiilphur for gunpowder arid ascended the mountain lor the first time in its history , the natives said. I tell you it must have taken a vast amount of nerve to go up nn unknown mountain like Popoeatlpctl nnd then descend into the mouth of that volcano. I think , everything considered , it beats anything I over heard of in his tory or fiction. The natives who gather the sulphur now only secure small pack ages of it , which thov fasten to their backs. They then slide down the snow- on the mountain after the manner of tlio woodcutter of Franco For this venture some work they get about 20 cents pot- da j' . " find drainage causes much sickness , nnd bail blood and Improper action of the liver and kidneys is bad ilruiiiifu ; to the human system , which Burdock Blood Hitters rem edy. 1'ookn in Uluiliis. In Europe , long before the days of printing , books were fastened to shelves or desks in libraries and churches to guard against their being stolen and also to prevent ono student's gaining an unfair advantage ever another by secur ing the loan of a book from n too amia ble librarian , says the Globe-Democrat. Tlio libraries of the English universi ties wore chained until the latter part of the eighteenth century , when , on account of the incon- vonicnco of using them , the chains were removed. It is recorded that at King's college a man was paid 1 7s , in 1777 , for nine days labor in taking the fetters off the college books. According to The Antiquarian , there are , however , a few chained libraries still remaining In England. The largest of those Is at the cathedral church of Hereford , and Is the ono genuine survival of an old mo nastic library. It consists of about two thousand volumes , of which 1,500 are chained. There are five book-cases , and the remains of two others. The catalogue , which is also chained , classifies the books , many of which are in manuscript , In eight divisions. Each chain Is from three to four foot long , ac cording to Us position , EO that every volume can bo placed on the reading desk. In the center of these chains are swivels , which are useful in preventing their entanglement. Hereford possesses the latest , ns well ns the oldest collection of chained books in the kingdom , the library of 285 volumes umos , which wits bequeathed to All Saints' church as late as 171. A lloman Mnnto Carlo A project has been submitted to the Italian government for establishing n casino on the Monte Carlo line at Frcs call , which Is within a drive of Homo , snys London Truth , The tables wouh bo open only to members of a "club , " to walulf , of course , everybody with monoj to lese would obtain easy admission. NU HODMKIl. IIo Invaded tlmlHncrctl I'rcclnuts of a Club nntlflj Tnkou lit Hnnil. Ono of thosatyonng men who servo ns \aonts and touts for certain brands of cliuinpagno aiul who use their social connection ! * toihfclp them out has made himself so obnoxious nt ono of the best clubs up town says the Now York Even- ng Sun , that ho lias been called before , ho house committee , who threatened tlin with expulsion. The waiters were called up nt the same time ns partiel- laiits In the crime , and were told that they could remain only on probation. It Hcoins that formomo timu past a number of the younger members , who have hardly enough money with which to pay thor club dues , have been giving a scries of expen sive dinners in tlio main dining room of , ho club , und have occupied the center table conspicuously and with a great deal of noise and laughter , and a most objectionable advertisement of tlio fact that they had more champagne than was good for them , It was their custom to offer a bottle to .ho other members who came In to dine , is though thov wanted to hhow a , 'deadly feeling and to have othoiH slmro n tholr joy. But it was noticed that the champagne which they so gener ously had passed about was always of ono particular brand the brand for which the club member was the agent. Not only was it offered frcoly In this way , but the members have been greatly uinoyod by having it forced upon them > y the waiters , whether they or dered that brand or not. and with a persistency that showed intention and not u mibtako. The members finally begun to complain and the house com- nltteo grow suspicious and Investi ated the matter , only to find that every .vaitor . in the employ of the club had jccn tampered with and was receiving pny to servo and push and recommend ho wine agent's brand of champagne. 1'hoy were accordingly brought up bo- 'oio tlio committee and told that they .vould . bo discharged if they attempted , o tout for the wine again , and the inutn- > or himself had to beg for his member ship , which he came near losing. Now tlio Imnocunioas youths go thirsty and content themselves with reading the atl- vortlbomonts for champagne in the > apers , and tlio wine agent drinks boor ind sayb ho likes it. HEIl PATiilill'S HOOT. It Gave Hint IIIw Plrst hilt In tlio AVorlil. "It was ono Thanksgiving day about fifteen yearn ago tlmt I got my start in the world , ' ' said a well-dressed , comfort- iblo looking man at the Griswold house to a Detroit Free Press man. How was thair1" uskod ono of the party. l lived with my parents in a small town in Ohio. When about eighteen years old I became smitten with the pretty daughter of ono of our neighbors. iMy case was a desperate one , ami I am willing to admit that I made a fool of mjself. I haunted her homo like a ghost ; I was there every day , barely pjoing homo long enough'for my meals. After graduating from the high school my father secured for mo business oppor tunities in Cleveland , but I could not slay away from the village in which lived my chnrmor , and in less than a month I was back , worshinintr at her shrine. "Matters , ran along in this way for a year" and I gave promise of never amounting to enough to earn tlio salt I ato. I rpmcmbor that Thanksgiving day of which I speak I spout the after noon at my inamorata's homo , and lin gered in the evening until , an unusual hour. "Tho clock had just struck 12 when the girl's father walked into the parlor with determination stamped on every lineament of his countenance. For bearance had ceased to bo a virtue with him , und ho had rebolvcd to resort to heroic treatment. Without speaking a work ho seized mo by the coat collar , and before I know it I was on the front stop. Hero ho paused long enough to give mo the hardest kick that ever a mortal man re ceived. I have ridden bucking broncos and taken headers from bicycles since that day , hut I hsvo never experienced another sensation like it. "I left the place that night vowing vengeance. At first I thought I would burn the house , but the next day my feelings had modified and I started for Cleveland , whore I worked in a whole sale house. I succeeded from the llrst , and ton years later I went back and married the girl , receiving her father's blessing. I will always maintain that my father-in-law ga\o mo my firbt lift. " Gcorpo Campbell , Hoplilnsvlllo , Ky. , says : Burdock Blood Bitters is the bust prepara tion for the blood and stomach ever manu factured. Don't Fool Yoiirself ! Notwithstanding all rumors to the contrary , the Chicago , Milwiu no & St , Paul Hy'a now steam boated palace sleeping cars , with "electric lights in every berth , " still leaves the Union depot - pot , Omaha at 6:10 : p. m. daily , arriv ing at Chicago at 9I0 : ! a. m. , in ample tlmo to maho all eastern connections. Ticket olllco , 1501 Farnam st. J. E. PKUSTOX , F. A. NASH , C. Pass. Agt. Gen. Agt. Tickets at lowest rates and su pcrlor Qccommodatloqs via , tlio great Rock Island route Ticket ollico , 1G02 Six teenth and Farnam streets Omaluu Picture of Knctniy Children. PresidentGompors of tlio Federation of Labor says : "Our centers of industry with their mills , factories nnd work shops are tcoining with young and inno cent children , bonding their weary form with long hours of dainly drudgery , with pinched and wan cheeks , and emaciated frames , dwarfed botlt physi cally nnd mentally , and frequently driv ing them to premature decay and death. The innocontmmilo of youthful happi ness Is soon'transformod fnto wrinkles nnd other evidence of early decay. The life's blood of the young of our land is too frequently sapped at the foundation. The hope of > \ perpetuity of frco institu tions is endangered when the rising gen eration is robbed of the opportunity to enjoy the healthful recreations of the play-grounds , or the mental Improve ments of the ichool houso. Cwd tn Million * ot 49 Yoari Iho SUDdard. THE BEST RDMTHE IN THE WORLD. ARK MADE BY THE WoonsookeL & RhoclB Island Rubber Go WC9t01' " nK ° ta ll a nlwnys carry n laivo stock. Jraerican [ land Sewed Shoe Bo 12M ( and 1206 llarney Street. DraBette&Betts Physicians , Surrjcons and Specialists. MOO DOUGLAS STKLE1E1T OMAHA , The moi widely and favorably knowm spo lallstsln the tlnltotl Stiitcn Their Ion : ; ex perience , remarkable skill and universal suc cess In the treatment and euro of Nervous , Chronic and Diseases , entitle these eminent physicians to tlio full confidence of tlio anllctod nvory whvrp. Tlioy guarantee : A OEIITAIN AND I'USITIVE CURE for tno awful effects of carlv vlco and the numer ous evils tlmt follow In its train. riUVATE. III.UOD AND SKIN DISEASES spoprtlly , completely nnil porm.incntly cured , NEIlf 6UB fEHIIITY A.NU aEXUAL O13- OKDEKH yield ruadlly to tbolr skillful troat- IUi'lbE9. FISTULA AND RECTAL ULCEU3 Ruiir.intcod cured without pain or detention from lJUBlni'iij. HVimOUELE AND VAHIOOOELE perraa- nuntly anil successfully cured In v ry caso. BYl'HILIS. OONOUItHEA , GLEET , Spor- mntorrhon. Seminal \Yeikn : < 1s3 , Lost Uftntiood , Night Kmlsslnni. Deenyed Facultlon , 1'euinlo Wuiilcnesi and all dollu.ito illsordera peculiar to either lex positively cured , ns well lui nil functional disorders that result from youth ful follies or the excess of m itttra yoarf , STRICTIIRF du rnnteei > permanently o l l\iv/i u i\Li ourod , removal ooinnloto , wltliou. duttlng , caustlo or dilatation. Ouroa anVcted at home by patluat without a mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MbN. A9IIPP riIRI7 The awful effects of OURD UUR1early - early vlco which brings prKanlo wealtness , dostroylns tjoth mlnil and body , vrlth all Its dreaded Ills , pornmnonty cured. DHS RFTTS Address those who have Im. US\O. ULiL 1O paired tliomselvos by Im proper Indulgence and solitary IiiblU , which ruin both mind and body , unfitting thoin fo business , study or rnirrliiKe. MAKUIGL ) MEN or those cntorln ? on thai happy llfe.awaroof puyslcaldebllity , qulokly OUR BUCOBS3 la bad upon facts. First I'raottoal expert- one * . Heoond Every case li specially itudled , thB tjrtlna right. Third MtdlolnM are prepared In our laboratory exactly to lull achotse , thus cffocthiK euro wltliout Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , t409 DOUGLA3 STREET. - OMAHA. NEB. To euro Biliousness. Sick Headache , Constlpitloa. Alalarln. Liver Complaints , tnko ttio safe and certain remedy , SMITH'S BEANS Use tlio BMAT.TjSIZE (40 ( llltlo twnna to the bot. tlo ) . They nro the most convenient , cult nil HKC3. 1'rlcoof eltlier olio , 25 cenu per bottlo. KISSIMCnt 7' \ 770 : J'l'Olo-Rrnvuro ' , panelsUooltills plcturo for 4 eonw ( coppers or Btamps ) . J F. SMITH &CO. . Makers of "lillo Uuiitu , St. Louli Mo. 'C. L. ErlcksonLocal Agent , EOON.lUth DR. BAILEY GRADUATE DENTISr A I'uU Sot of Toot'i on Uuhbor , for _ _ 1'ivn lor.i.\its. ) A perfect fit Rimrantoed. , T oth oxtraoloa without pain or dittiKor. und wltLout atiacs- thctlcs. QdUl and sllvor , IlljiiB * nt lowcn rates. Hrldpo and Crown Worlt. Tooth without - out nlntf * A11 work warranted. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Entrance , 16th htroot elevator Openo\cu- cs until B o'clock 111 ? n Isth IcuitUltr mindly fur nil thn unnaluinl tllnc horses nna prlBle illsf uses nfim-n A rcrtnln eure for thn ilclilll- to women. . , Iirejeriloltnn'lccl5af8 | ( THEtV NSClltMlC lCo In teeoinmcudlDf it lo B" niintsrtTH. J STOKER , ! , Nolil I > .V l > i nCil lV J'Rlt'K gl.UU. FOR SALE Mv 1'iilntlnB nnil rnpoilmnulnif busings. KutMj- II.lied I&M llun u eil KIMted | Hick of Wall I'til'iT.Vull Moulding * , 1'alnU , llrmlios , clo. P. WINDHEIM , 610 S. 10th Street , Omaha. loHliAUICl OVbY'-nr- Logics I'erloillcU 1'lllt therri < nchrunuiil7ucton the uienitrunt tjnam and cure lupprenlon ( torn nlutover canta , I'romolii lueniirualluii Tlie u | illl iliuiiUI nut In takim Our- nufiannnnef Am , I'll. Cti , Ituy.iltr I'rupi , Hpen- eer , Clur Co , lit dimulr.oUjr A .MtCoiuull , Uoduoit.nojr I * U.Uaialiii , U. A Mulcher , Moultt ii M. 1 * . Ultu. Cuuncil UluHt. l .ur J ( ur Ji- IER ICE TOOL. 111 ct Mnrlvors , WITH LIFTINGCAMS. . H DOUBLE ! MAR.KEXRS. S A full line of Everything used , by Icdt3athoror3 Send for Catalogue and Prices. O HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , 1405 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA. NO OTJRKr NO 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Pctciiteonjrenrs experience A reRiilnr gruluato In modlclno , in dlplomn showH ' * KTftttruHt lliOKrcnto t HIKCOSS , nil Nervous , riironlenml I'rhato ll oi 04 Apunmnont curoRniiraiucil for Oami-n Sperniatorrlicrn , I.o't .Manhood. * > cmnnl ! Woikna < * , Mtfht loiso . ImpotentSrjilillh btrloluro , nndnlKH en-os . ol lliulllood , Skin unit Urlniry OritiiH. N II 1 cuirantco Jj)0 ( ) for ciery taio 1 uml.irt.iSio uud fatjXj euro. a 111. to Coniulutloii U m. frco. llook iMystcrlea of Life ) aont fico onicohoura 9a. m. toK p. m. BuiUiiri Jk * 20F THE SEASON ! 0 facilitate matters , we have divided our immense stock of fine custom m ado ! | SUITS AND OVERCOATS | | into four [ 4 ] lots andj marked them at prices j that will insure a speedy sale E want to call your attention to the SUITS AND OVERCOATS we are offering1 at the above named price. Look iin our window ; come in ! and we will show them , to you. Remember the price , $15.00. IN AU Tilt WOULD THERE IS OUT ONE CURE DR. MINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC , It ran IIP ollrn In u iui tif cuftvo ur Irn , or In ur. llclc at fuoJ , without tha knowlcJfo ol Ihe patient , llneociaary. It is abiolutely harroltHa and will ( fleet a p.ruiio.m and ipeedy euro , whether the patient l. ainoderalodrlnkeroraaaloohollevireek. IfJSMKU FA I l.t. It operate ! to quietly and witn > ucb cvr- tamtythat tlie patlont tiudencoei no Inoonventenco. ana em ha u uw ro , hii complete relormatlou 11 crfrcted mp.ue bookof partlcillarHtrflo lobctiadu ! KUI1N tt CO. , JOth ftUouKUii.dMMhAtUunilngiila. 01r do itiplillcd by HI.AKi ) , DUUCi : & CO , an J ) l/nitAltrHON DI1UI1 CO. , Otnha FOR MEN ONLY MMri'lll' / Tor I.ObPor I'AIMNfi MAN- ill WLUIj HOOD : Ornural und M-K- VOI'H Iir.lllMTV. Wonkncss of llody mill Mlml ; Kili'its ofTi roisor KM esses In Old ur VtnuiK. linbtist.NuUlu MAMIUOI ) fully ro- Hoic'd. Wou'litiriinlt'O uviny cnso or money lofundrd , Suinplu ronino , lire ( | IIJH' inutit , il ; full eiiurio.o ' ! - punluil fioin ( ibierMitlon. Cool. Itoiucdy Co , Onialiti , Nub. , Ultlco CotUt i and 1'urnniu hliouta. Ul vswy 13 n HC J a tn csacs R9 tfft IT ES I I CJO INTHCWORLDWILL t\fl Vy I ln U OOptTMM A.nupTunt orKl\orelief llliu"lir. I'lurue a MuKiiitlo 1 U 'ia ' Irn > > . " Itli nrurrdtliiiiinaiiiliil If > ou wnnttim llltH I'.ecnil Ic In fl.nilin < ui'frtul' ' > ni'l | ' > lvt An. t , Mnk'mllc Iluntlc'Iru Cu , , Han I'roiulicu , t at DR. MOGREW , THU1 SPROlAIilBT , Is isurpuMbud In tlio ticatinont ot aU forms of PRIVATE DISEASES etrlctuio , Syiihllls. l.o < it M uiliood , 81dn Dll. eases and lY'inalo Dlsuuseo. Dr. McUrovtrf success In t Iiu Iro.itnient of tlio abuvo Dlsoassi has never boon equaled. A euro is guaranteed without the IIISM of an hours time. Writs for circular * . LADIES , from 2 to 4 onl/ . Olllco , Tor. 14th and Kariutm Sts. , Omaha , IScb. l.ruraneoon either utrcut. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , Hwelflo for 'IJittrfa.P Mlntui fitl.l.V.- , , . . tu n n. Uuntal l > pr islon , Horienlnif of the liraln , Fultlnir In Insanity iiacl Uartloe to mlterr d raj iuux ( lealli , I'ninaturo Old Aif * . ilmr iincn , l.oir of I'qwu/ ( Itiollhur lox , Iiiroluntarj Lone. , anil I'ljtriinlorrtV/ ' . aaviwl lir OTerieitlo - \ of the liriln , lr t < uie of' OKI tndulj { nc . JCach Lo conialn oii monlh' ' tr f { < 2'"t. tl a t'oi. or ill for 8i , , .nt bjr in lliire-ifi ( Vriih each order for ill IIOIM , will nil iilrrliiHl tniaraot.e to refunil mr-ier If the treatment faW N rui" . Uuara-nteciliiuxl iulirtnujneiolU oulr GOODMAN DUUG CO. , HlOl'urnaui itreoU - . Omabt Nr IO WEA.K MEI ; otcny , waning wenkneti. lo t iiianlimnl. ilc , I will fiil ( a taluabla trtatlMi ( mni.-cli containing full rartlriil - ni for linino euro , rillili of cl into. < i rli-iulliliniidlralxtnrkiiihoiilfl tie rrad if mff tnim nbn I. afrvona nn.l iKl.llltatid. Xddr f ( | 1'rof. I' . C.l'OAVLr.KMooau , t