Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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    T TTTn fW AHA T ) A TTV T F.TT . T\rON \ n A V. J A KIT A T ? V 1R01
" "
"lVnUTlSE > 1FNT3 tor thn o colutniwtlt
b tnk < * n until 12'n p. in. , tor the evening
tdltlon and until 8:3O : p.m. , ( or tht morning
edition ftndBtmiur IlM.
rpElM3 ! Cash lu adranco. ,
"P ATE8 AdTOrtlnomcntB on this pite will bo
JAcharKnd for at Iho rut-o at 1H oonl per word
for tlis first hiportlon tnd 1 cent per word for
( yxch iuh ca.uont Insertion. and I1JO per line
tor month , No advertisement taken ( or
Ins tli mi VI contfl for tlm first Insertion.
TNITIALS , figures , symbols , etc , , count each
4-iia ono word.
rTMlf.SB ndvertlupmcntsj mtiit run con eet -
J-tlroly nnil under no clrcutn t nc - will
tliey bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
TDAKTIKS advertising In the o column * and
JL LmtliiK tliclr answer * addressed to a "num.
i lcr d lettnr" In cum of Tiir. HEX will rocelvo
f , numbered chock to enable them to Ret their
Icttcii. Answers will hu dpllvercd only on
presentation of lids check. Knclobo auswcri
iV- In onvclopcs properly addressed.
Alili r.i1vcrt > MtiiPnti ) under the hosrt of
"Special Notices" nr published In both the
rnornliiK and livening editions of TIIR HKK. the
circulation of which nfKrc ? < att's moro than
20,000 papers dallr , nnd Klves the advertiser
Iho licni-Ilt not only of lliii l.irun circulation of
TUB llt : > : InOinnlm , butnlsoln Conncll tlluir * ,
Lincoln n ud other cltlrn anil towns In thn * p t
AflvcrtMng for tlresn column * will ha taken
on the abovii condition * , ut thofollowlrt ? busi
ness | IOUS < M who are authorized to take special
notlcis. at the name rates in can had at tlio
/nnln olllc , _
VCZ ) N Street. Mster Illock.
Von W , IIEL-Ll'nunrtaol3t,820 South Tenth
tit S .
OTfAHC . & . EDDY , Btfttloncn and Printers ,
113 Bon tli 10th street.
m m . "rA nNSWOHTH , Pharmacist , 2113 Cum-
\ag \ Btreut.
.A\7 J. llUOtinS , Pharmacist , C24 North 18th
. itroot ,
GEO. W. 1'AUU , I'harinaolit , 1718 Loaven-
worth street.
S' 1'HAUM AOY. 21th and Parnam.
Jet tflffH , rtc.t tee top nf.rtt . r >
\\rAN'TKn-Sltiwtlons for tjootl Blrlsj mv
if wiiltliu rooritsarofnll from n n , m. to . Nonoed of holngout nf help u day.
llreitn. 3I H S. 1Mb. Tel. KM.tSBJI
A VPKO-Slttiatlon by watr-hmixkrr to
finish trade. Addtcs-i A in , Uce. 871 0
" \TirANTI3n-Sltiiatlonhylnily Hi pnosraiilinr :
VV experienced. Address A 21. lloo , H78-7 *
\\rANTRD-Tnblo or 1 > fd linen to hem. or
TT any jilnln sowing , by widow lady. Ad-
< 1 1 ess A 29. lleo. feO-0 *
AN Intorostlnif widow wishes a position as
HUperlntendi'nthouscki'i'per ; centlnman s
hiinio pn'fi-rrcd ' or hoUj. Jlrs. A. , Omaha.
' 4-5 ! ) *
" \VANTKD Ily rompetpnt younff man , PO
TT slllon ns bnokKi'i'piir , assistant c rimy
Itlnd of ollleowork. nest of reference" . Address -
dross U 1 ! ) Kce.
AYO1TNO man bavins exceptionally peed
city references and business training will
bo qpen for a position January 1. Am a Rood
accountant nnd can (111 ( any oillco position.
J'.xppctatlons as to silary are reasonable. Ad
dress Y 71. lleo oillco. IH1
Fur intn , ttf , , tee topof fitt rulumii > m//ih / / rviije.
"VyANTHD-Man of character , capacity and
TT somii ilnanclal ability , to conduct a
wcstetn business for ns : remuneration * ,100
per niontjiiit the start. Address V'J , care Lord
| .t , ChluiiKO. iCM-i *
TAlVirn An nctlve.reliableman salary
' * J70 to T.-'O monthly , with increase , to rep
resent In his own section , a responsible New
| York house. Itcfnrences. Manufacturer
box iriW , New York.
WANTKD Kxporlrnced fire Insurance so
licitor on commission , Ilniso and biiKsv
furnlfihed. Address A . ' 18 , Ilee olllce. UI3 0
rASl'KD'-I.tvpexperienced fire hisiiraneo
solicitor on commission ; norsoandbui-'jiv
fiirnliliPd. Address A. t Iteo oillco. 1'O.VIO
"XVANTED 3men for light work at coed
V > pay. yall 1410 Dodge st , Itoom 8 d floor.
-y 803-D *
"VVANTKD Sali'sinen on salary orcommls-
TT slim to handle the now patent cbotnlcal
Inknrasliig pencil. The creates ! Helling nov-
clty over jiroduced. Kruses ink thoroughly In
twosncondK : no abrasion of paper. DttOto.ViO
per cunt pro lit. One nKent'.s sues amounted
ioW-0 Insix days ; nnollicr } : U In two hours.
AVc want one entTKetlc Renoral aeent for each
state and territory. Siimiilo by mail 115 cents.
l < 'or toinis and full iinitlcnlnrs , address The
Jilonioo KriiHtT Mfg. Co. . La Crosse , AVIs. 875 ti
\\7ANTlin-Omco boy about Ifi.
'i tolllKiint and como well recommended.
Artilie s stntliiR aiewlth roforcncu and specl-
jiien of hand wrltlnpdrawer No. 22 , postotllcc.
Omalia. 817-5
\\7ANTED -Ily rnnnufactiirer.strlellv flrst-
' class sali'-snien to sell llavorlni ; extractfl ,
_ . . : powder and other Roods of similar na-
turp , botlnvlth and without Bchemcs. Ad-
oross , with icfurcnceH , K'M , care Lord &
'Thnmh.s , ( JlilriiKO , 111. J184-5' : )
* V\J ANTii ; > A emits , male or female , to soil
TT LCD'S patent huekskln ( chamois ) uur-
menW for ladles and gentlemen. The best
innde , I'or Illustrated pilco list and terms
address i'hllo II , Leu J : Co. , lllngbamton. N. Y.
M KM S *
* V\7ANTr.D Oiocery clerk immodlatelv at
W io4 : : uiiiciiRo st , Ji 842 n *
OIITTKHS and tailors wanted The Cleve
land Cutting School , now In the 12th year ,
hart a 1 tutor attendance { or 1900 than ever be
fore and indications point to Us liulnccrowd-
od dnrliiR the entire winter of lr > 91. "What Is
the reason ? " Simply this , eiitl ors produce bet-
-terrcMiilts with the A. I > . Unde Now Method
than by any other prlnolploof uuUInKtaucht.
TV / Men to travel forour ( Janadlan
iiurscrh > .s.Stonc&Wclllngtoi.MndIson.AVls )
Vl/ANTED A rellahlo limn to Introduce a
T T now household Invention that Is having
a blghnlewhurmor Introduced , salary oreom-
JUlsslon. Tor terms. et . , address M. II. Tvlor
A Co , , aiuiiolc Ind. M7'.i7-i ( *
\A7"AN.'rr.I > A good linker to take part of
TT btoro at 115 North IGth street. MOlB-S
WANTKI ) I-'lrst class piano player. 103 N.
V > nth utretit. K13
\\rAXTEH Salesman to manufacture and
T T < wholesale our now process elder , made
without apple- ) , l.xeollent wages. I'arlluulnrs
4o. town olclor lufg. Co. , box 482 , Itcddlntr. In.
613 J21'
_ _ _ _
( TOO snlesmeii wanted to soil our premium
Vniirscry block , The largest nursery west of
the Mississippi river. Tlm lliu-ht stwk , All
the new nnd old fruits. The lowest prices and
biggest jiay to ncents. Money advanced every
wool ; , outfit free. Wuto us at once. The ( I.
J. Caipenter Co. , 1'alrbury , Neb , KVI JIG
\\7ANTii : ) Salesman whomeottho giocery
T T triulo 10 soil HMO of the best urtleli'H (111 ( tlio
UuirKct on tonimlbslon. Address. X 35 , lice.
Forratff. rtt. , "Fli"t nJimuum
. "WANTI ; ! ) Olrl for cenorr.l housework nt
IT iU2I'ark avenue. KS4-8
17AN"IT.I ) A Klrl ( o cook , wash nnd Iron ,
T good waccs , at 221J r.irnaiu street. h'JO
\\7ANTKD Coiiipoti'iit clrl to do general
T lioiiseworlc. RIS S. ictli ave. bUI
WANTED 1'ln.t-cliiss Rlrl for conenil
liotisenork ; hiiuill family. Inniilro Mrs.
II. 1) . Xi'fly. 4IUlliuiiiltoii st. , one block from
I11U motor. .M M I u
7ANTM ) One Uliilni ; room girl. Olt
r-A gooJ0111:111 : to do work , 10 $ .N.
Vtli Hu'i > u fvlS
W ANTED Good girl for concral honso-
\\orl ; at b l.eavenvvortK. MMX )
tt > r rates , ete , tee ( ou offnl rnlnmiinn tli
FINKSTelectrlo and eloetro thermal bath
rooms. Inohidlnr Turkish cabinet baths ,
l.adlcs.h to 1 dally A : Tuesday & Friday ev'iuts
0 to 10. lr. Itlcliurils. rooms
MAS.SAGK--M ilam Ueliler , over CIO H lllth
, rte , tee top of frtl column on fid \ivji. \
ir , vocal Instructloa. btudloAO&Kheoly
M TUT Ji *
GEO.K. Oellonbeek. teacher of the banjo !
rvllh llosue , 1413 Douglas. 219
tnrrnlef , etc. , tnltt > o' rst column nn fit ( r < W
1T10H IuNT : | .rooin houses. 2011 Centre st ,
J 21'i-ncro farm. 200 acres cultivated , a rooms.
cun B.wjf.jjiuijt. . 7so : t *
iroil HKNT 10-room modem brick liouso.
J SMI Doiifflnsiit. T-room new house , bath ,
w. c. . etc. J. It. Kvans. 3.M ) X. Y. l.ltc. 802-5
JL ? Small cottnzc , ! TOlh nnd Vlnton , W.
Six-room eottnso and barn , 118.
Throe-rcxim cntliice , I * .
AIII take trirt rout Itr painting and work.
Hicks N. V. l.lfo building. MO 8
fT-HOOM house mid barn. 22 < 1 street ncur
Ix-avennorth. tlM.nflppr mo. , or for ale on
CHIP lorm * . J. 0. Cortclyati , K. 40 , Chaniiier
of Commerce. Mb.ll
OH Iir.NT Iteautlfiil new brlok ami stone
hnuscsuts-w cor. ll'th ' nnd California sis. ,
all modem cotnuuvoticea.i \ Mid 14 rooms.
Hpcclal crms for winter months , llrcmiaii Ac
Co . G.'N. y. Lite building. 7.'ii 5
OTHAM iloTitnl llnlsnt TWSlClh. Thoa V.
Dllull. 'Ill I'nxtoti block. T05
rr-ltOOM house with all modern convpiilcnccs :
I lentSiiper tnonlh. riiinrr Thirtieth Mid
\Voolivnrth , faclnir IInii com I'ark. llnqulrn
Ioo .V Nlchol. L'stli ntnt I.cavenworlh. MfOl
371OK UKNT 1 Ittts 4 rooms oneli. city water
1 nnd sewer connections. 0. It. I. , tttid T. lo. !
4 lice Dldg.
I I' you wish to rent a house or store see 11.
K. Cole , Continental block. 700
rpo Conductors und Kinrlneern Wo olfcr
JL these ton now and cnmpli'to Hats with nil
modern conveniences , sltuntfd two blocks
from the new Tenth street depot ; they have
several new nnd commendable features and
rent for only * ' - ' . " > per month , ( land 7 lonmseach
with IIURO bath and convenient elosuts. ( Jail
nnd "ce thorn. The Mead Investment Co. room
412 Hvo building. Til
F'OUllKNT 'Sovon-rooni cottnnc , cor. 2 th
11 vo and Cap. ave. Imnlro2D18 | DoiJBQ. Mi 14
171OH HKNT T-room house , Hth and Vlnton
JMlS.00 li-rooin house , STilh nnd Curlly. 110.00
R-room house , -Tth and Woolworth , tlO.OO. -
room lion so. IMlth and Caldwcll , * Jj.W. J. H.
Johnson , fill ) ration block. fl
] 7UU KHNT flood 8-room houses , conven-
- lent to Hear lines , J20 per month. Jno. II.
Tnte , It. 15 , Chaiuber of Commerce. ft ! . ! J1IV
IJrtOlt KENT H houses 10 rooms each. I'ark
JJ ave and Woolworth St. , city watcr.f nrnaee ,
Ac. Tall atoncrMumaiiKh Arituhett , liouso
renting agents , S. W. cor. 13th and Howard st.
012 Cap. nvo. . f-room cottiuc. West half STitt
DaM'iip. ht.IU'nu. ! ' , rug.LTilsOiUl. avo. bill-JO *
MODKHN niiw brick 8-room house , nicely
pnpoiod. choleo location , only * per
innntli. 11. E. Cole , Continental block. 4 < 0
T71OU UKNT Jan. 1 , C-room eottaRO. llrst-
.1 ? class In every respoet , bath , hot and cold
water ; on motor line. Call at 1521 Sherman nve.
61 un
I'or tnlfic , etc. , ree. fop of fi l culuinn unthta ) xifl
if\OU \ Iir.NT Nicely furnished room with all
modern conveiilcncoi. 212J Callfonila
btrcet , Uin-5 *
A/"RUY / pleasant rooms furnished for house
T Uecplnjf , centrally located. Address A ; I7 ,
] lee. U09-G *
irOU KENT Neatly furnished rooms with
i' board. 2011) ) California st. 851 U *
IA1KIK room with alcove ; modern con-
-I vcnlcnces. t-2.1 S. M 845 U *
IJIOlMinNT-Kiirnlshcd rooms , gas , bath
J.1 and steam. ISIO Howard. 715
D KSlHAllhn room , modern conveniences.
701 Capitol avo. 715
ST. CLAIM European hotel , with dinlnft
room , stuam heat In all rooms , lllth und
DodRC. Special rnte.s by week or month. 717
N'lCHIjY fmnlshcd rooms , rent reasonable ,
by a widow ladj : clsar makers preferred.
1514 llainey. 7UO fi *
ITinHNiailEI ) rooms , 190S Capitol avenue.
J.1 M771-C *
TjlOUUKNT-rrontroom wlthalcovr.curtalns
J- mantel , steam heat , RIIS and bath,2closets ,
suitable for 2 gentlemen or man nnd wife ,
$13.00 pur month. Also adjoining room with
bill closet and ull conveiiluuces 910.00 per
month , ' . ' 07 y 24th st. Call between 8 and U a.
m. orBo'eloen p.m. 019
1JOOMS Itcasonablo rates. 2022 St.
LAltGTC front room , private family. JJefer-
ctict'8. iail5 Onus , 601-J8 *
rPO LV.T Hoautlful front room Is best part
Xof elty , c.lo o to good board. Kent reasou-
ablo. 122 y. sathst. 4K1
t'arrnta , rtr. , ice tnpnf riiwt cnhttitn on thlr page.
TTIOll ItKNT Nicely furnished room with
-L1 board with all modern convenience ? . Kill
Douglas. 014 C *
OOJI and board. $4.00. 1712 Douglas street
board iKl.UO per celt J1G71 12 *
"IJ1OK UKNT Two or three doslniblo rooms
J-1 with board at "The Jlorrlnm" 25th nnd
802-ia *
TT1IUST-OLA5S room and board at 421 S. llth
JJ st : restaurant , 8KHJ ! *
"OOOMS to rent first class table boaicl-terms
JlVroasonablo : apply 2olt N IBthtt. KJ2 8 *
411 North Ifllli street , handsomely furnished
rooms with board. Airs. U. A. Churohltls
.MB01-7 *
) OOM and board 15 week , 1031 rarnnm.MJlJil
MJl-Jil : *
1JOOMS and board at 1023 Dodge.
"VTE\V liouhe. large , liiindsonicly furnished
-L > room suitable for U ; 1 smaller room for
1 ; excellent board , heat , gas , bath ; first-class
private family. Terms $ > eucli per month.
Address X C4. lice ollico. ISO
"TjlOK good board , nleo rooms ; , modern conven-
-L Icnccs , rates and location , tlio 1'ullinan
house , 1310 Uodgo St. . cannot bo excelled.
611 J r.
Furratri , ttc , , nctcuof flirt r lur > in > in l/il / pa9&
3 UOOMS for light housekeeping,2312 llarnoy.
Jl 147
Forrnf'H , rto. , tee top nf Jlitt niiionn on thli
STOlir.S at 700 S. . , steam heat furnished.
TJios. l\ Hall , Ull 1'nxton blk. 718
TT10H Iir.NT The 4-story hrlck bnllrilnc.wltli
- * - or without power.formeriy occnjiled by the
lleo I'ubllshliKjro. , 1)10 ) I'liriuiiiist. Tliobulld-
IiiK has a llroprnof cement ( | asementcomplete
steam heat Inn fixtures , water on all Uiolloors
gas , etc. Apply at. the ollico of The lice , 1)15 )
TT10K KENT Hr January 1 , 4-story "bulldliig .
J.MO Miuuro feet : sultublu for any kind of
wholesaling , nt Tenth and Jones streets. O.
A. Madiaicst , U1G South Fifteenth street. 719
"T710K irVT-Pnrt : of storeroom at 113 North
J0t" alrctt" ! M603-5
AliSIHAIirIC ) : Ktoro room to rent In ttio
best dry Roods or clothlne location In Ho-
atrlee. Address Harris & 1'rledman , llcatrlce '
Neb. 431
1OU HKST The third lloorof No. iw7IIow- :
Jnrd street , with steam heat and power If
desired ; wit teasouable. Festuer I'rlntltiK
Uo. , IIP' Howard. M313
terrain , 'lc. . tee top oJlrxt oilmnu u tliii ;
fj OR llKtNT orfinlo Fine , heavy brlokflvo-
Jbtory corner warehouse with most central
truckage In city ; lloou are. RWX ) squuiu feet.
stringer & 1'euny , Itarkor block. 7.M
OH KENT llrlck warehouse , two stories
high , basement , hydrnullo elevator , traclc-
uge. liest locution in the city. A. U Powell.
Forratft , elf. , ift ti > t > * " fittt rotimiu on thtt mo
rpHACKAOE storago"atiorfi'st rates ? W. M. .
_ L lliisliniiin , Kill li'ii\en\\oith. T *
STOUAGi : and truckage. Duvld Cole. 815-817
Howard mieeU 723
S ITOUAOK The best In city cleandry , safoj
and prlvntely stored nt reusoimblo termn.
Omalm'dtovo ItepalrVksi207 DouBlas. Tel 0 6 !
Forratex , ittn see fop of Jlmt column on thtt paga.
KKNTAIj Agent Ocorgo J. Paul , 1009 Kur-
iinro. Houses and Mores for rcuU Items
collected. 712
LIST your houtos to soli or runt with 0 , K.
Harrison , UU' N. Y. Life. 720
HE. COI.U , rental ujouoy.ContlneuUl blk.
_ ENNINQH AVEN & CO. , rental necnti , 207
> Omahu Nutloaal bank.
Fcr . rate * , etc. , nt lop of fivt column on Uit rape-
"nilHS-OLASS table board. 8578 llarnoy.
Fnrn\tetrreln\ \ ( \ tlrft column nnthtir" " '
OST A white hull do . cnrs clipped. He-
K returned to614 North IGth.street.
Al U18-7 *
LOSTor Stolen-l'liyslclnii'ssiitchclcontnln- '
Ing Instriiinents. medlelnes. occ , Suitable
reward If left aiding store , 4018 Hamilton st.
No questions asked. fSt U *
F rratct.cle. , tcelouof flm < v > fii on Mil * pus.
I71OH SAfjK Cheap 1'urnlturo of aS-room
t liouso at MB H. Iftth st. iOa a *
" 1710H SALK I'liriilturuof fi-room cottnio ! n
- barBahi ! must lea\u. Address A ; iti. lice.
P03-5 *
Sr.COXl ) hand furniture , Hto\cs , carpets and
riliiKor howlng iiinelilnu nt half julcpi I'wsy
payments. Hnwkoye luv. Co. , U3 Douglas bH ; .
1710H PAlr-A line lot of nearly new liuusu-
J-1 hold furniture , cheap , by tbo pleco or all.
II. 11. iroy , 200 New Yoi < Life. tk .l-0
For roles , ett. , fee fnp o/ tint column on tlttu
V\roilK horse $ iV ) . two-horse wagon $20. deuT -
T > bio work harness fli Or will trade for a
good light side-bar buggy. II. II. Cole , Con
tinental block. 7o9
SALH 2 good ivork teams. Inrjulro at
Giel'axton block. BOU
For rate * , tte , , tee tnji of fnt c < ilii in on l/if /
BAM ! Keglstarcil Jersey cows. One
young , choice imtmal , fresh ( with or wlth-
uut calf ) , perfectly broken , Kind nnd good
color , excellent milker , OHM good milker will
he fresh next spring. I' . It. Lowe , 1012 N. 22d
street. Ml-10 *
rurrate.1 , tte. , tec top of frsl column on IfiM
FOHSALi : ComplotoHot of drug store llx-
turcs , show cases , etc. 1 * . 0. Hex 372. 810
1 poll SALTS ehcnp A 10 horse power New
York safety ttcam ciiKlno in llrst elais
condition. 1'estncr 1'rlntlng Co. , I'M Howard M
FOK BALD Two Iron safes. Koom20S N. - -
Idfo bunding. 7C45
FOU SALE Ktclnway piano but llttlo used
at a sacrifice. Imjufro at 2410 Ualdwcll
Formtrt , etc. , trc tnpnf column nc/iU /
WANTED-To buy high oak oillco desk.
Address P. O. box KV > . IKI4-5 *
\\7ANTE1) ) Two good pool tables wanted ;
TT must bo cheap for cash. Address A : il.
lleo. bQ7-7
ITlUIiNITUUE , household poodsetc. Highest
JL1 cash price. U'clls , 1111 rarnaiu. 730
WANTED To buy claims of all Kinds
against railroad employes. Sums o\or
120 preferred. Write Win. Ulcliardson , Sioux
City , la. , L. 11. MS. KJ7-J5 *
1.TOUSES wanted at I'M N ICth st.
rorrata , etc. , tte tap nf first column on tl\U \ pags
a AILOHSvlshlns to learn ngood reliable to cut gentlemen's garments , can
receive Instruction at ITil'J ' Howird st. , city.
b4s-r *
- >
MASSAGE-Madam Delzlcr , ever t10 ! S. 18th.
M-1'2 *
MASSAOEtreatmciit.electro-theriiialbalbs ,
sculp and hair treatment , nmnlcure and
chlroiiodlst. Mrs. Post.IllUii a ISth.Witlinoll hilt
BEFOItE buying a pluno e.\nmlno the new
scale Kimball piano. A.Hospe,1514 , DotiKlafi.
lorratet , etc. , tec top of flrtl column on Will i > ngt
/CHATTEL lonns nt lowest rates. RomovoA
\J\.o 024 IS. Y. Llfo blrtg. J. U : L'mnnnger. TS1
T7T2YSTONE Mortgage Co. Lonns of $10 to
JV.$1,000 ; pet our rules before borrowing and
fcavo money ; loans on horBcSi , furniture or nny
approved bccurlty without publicity , notes
houghr ; for now Ionnsionewal ; ; of old nndllou-
cst rates , call H OiiSheoly bllc,15th & Howard.
MONEY to loan on second mortgage. W. S ,
Wyiin , room a4 Omaha Nut. Ilk. bl'dg ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ M734
pIIATTETyhank , S19S 1Mb St. , loans money
VA > n clmttelborcollatoral at rensouablorutcs
"T71IUST & second iiiortKaBes on vnctunt k Ini-
-1- proved olty prop. County wnrrntits Imiiphl.
Jlouoy on hund. P. .M.Jilcliurdsoti.SlsN.V.Llfo.
HONKY to loan onclty'and farm property.
W. M. Harris , U20 , Freiuor blk. , opp. 1' . O.
IANTITD-rirst-class Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call und boo us. Mutuiil Invest
ment Co. , 1" > OI rarnam. 740
BUILDING loans. 0 to 7 per cent ; no addi
tional oharccs for commission or attorney's
fees. W. U. Jlclkle. First National bank bldg.
"TEAL Estate T/oans Push on himd. Globe
dIV ' > Y LTIISI ' wo. " , < - iui - n - luin - - si , I\o nciay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rent , good list.
CE. & 0. M. Anthony. 318 N. Y. Llfobulld-
Ing , lend money en farms In choice coun
ties In Nebraska nnd Iowa , nlso on good
Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; best
terms ; no delay : money ready. Htlos und
values passed on hero. 74'l
" ] \I ONEV to loan by II. P. Masters on chat tel
Jillml collateral becurltlosfor any time from
1 to ( i months , In any amount to milt bor
Loans made on household goods , pianos , or-
Kans , horses , mules , bouses , leases , warehouse
-receipts , etc. . at the lowest posslblo rates ,
without publicity or removal of property.
Jly loans are so arranged that , you can make
n payment of any amount at nny time and fu-
duee both principal nnd Interest.
If you owe n balance en your property or
lime a loan you wish changed. T will pay It on"
and carry It for you. If you find It more con
venient , call up telephone No. 1C21 and your
business will ho arranged at homo.
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates.
n. F. Masters ,
Itoom 4 , Wlthncll blk , 15th and Ilurnoy its.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property
at current rates ; funds on hand ; no delay.
Goo. F. lllust & Co. , 203 Kamgo bids. Mu > 2
- , COorOOdays , household
MONEY-no on fur
niture , etc. 0181'tmoii block , J. J.Vllkln -
Forrntfs , etr. , reetop vf firxt column 01
ASSAai'Mndani Dolzler , over Glb's'm'h.
M1HSK3 Eddys , slstern , trance mediums ;
maHsuBo a bpcclalty , ISlOOupltol ave.
ave.7tS S *
LT.ll , CLAYTON can by liorwondorful will
power grant any roquost. 424 North ICth
htroct. JISJ8-D *
MHS. Nnnnlo V. Warren , clairvoyant trance ,
speaking , wilting nnd reliable business
uieutuin , fourycurs liiUinalm. 119 N. IClli.
MME. Ilnrrousli Palmist tells the past , pres
ent and futiiio from thu lines of the hand.
In tlionld Gypsy wny. Too , II : ludlea only.
1817 Izard street , Omaha , Uio U *
AHUI VKD Clairvoyant , naturallv gifted ,
tells past and future , love troubles , ab
sent friends , changes , travel , business. Hulls-
faction given. Mrs. Wallace , 1UU I'arnnm st.
formtr * . tte. , neti'ifof Int column nntltlx
\ \ TEtruhtyou will Investigate The Smith
premier typwrlter before purchasing miy
Other , IIH It has inany valuahlo Itnprovoinent.s
ever nil other writing machines. OomputlUir-i
must Imurovn In onlor til pquul , ODlco
Tarnam at. E. 11 , Mayhow , mamiKur ,
I or rnte * . rtf , tee Inn itt ' titt column on
SI 1'ronze block. Inforniatlou free.
LADIKii and pcntlcmen can rout innsquor-
ade aults at KS K. ICth st. tiJJ'b'
for mtet , eteief tot of Bl'tr rnlmii onthl * } KJJ
FOIlSAIit' SmMI crocety store. Rood loca
tion , corner utoro. 'vliwip lease , with
ior'i and wftRoiv , for siilo cheap. IteiiHOn for
Bi'lllns , pnlng out of liuslnebs. 1'rlco I-SOO cash ,
w-lthout lioiso uLd , wnguuJXXX Address A ; .
Ice. feN > ia *
_ _
DO You Want Jlnncyl Mrrehiints who are
overstocked nnd inusOronllio. nddress. In
onfiilcncc , 1. T. .Ne\voll & Co. , U19 Uou liis
Uroot.Uiiialia. Neb. &sO
-ir OUSAIi-A ; well patronized bakery with
J grocery etore coijiK'iit-od. t'or further lu-
'ormutlon ' apply to J. hbonlestcln , Norfnlic.
Sub. 'H' ' ai7iV7 *
SALE llnndsoWw'storo , tilcolv fur-
JU tilshod , well stockod.Kars { | and novoltles ;
nest location In olty } roMons for Bclllnu. time
taken up with other buMncsj. Address J. J.
I'alvey , general delivery , Umalm. Neb CAT
\\'ANTKD-Actlvo or silent pnrtnrr or the
. l mo of ll.WK ) for ono y nr to extend niy
business ' ; will K'vo ' real cstato noeurlty and
pay n good bonus. Address Y 70 , Uco ollico ,
J OUSAIr-llnlf Interest In n well estab
JHf lished business In this city : will reqiilro
J15.0JO cash. Address V6I , Hooolllec. M31W J0
rroHSAMOr trade. A InruollTcry.board-
JL1 his und feed Btablo , with feed Moro con
nected , tlood location and clolni ; a line busi
ness. Call at once on Muninugli & 1'ltchctt ,
real"cstato agents , s. w. cor , 15th and Howard.
FOU SA.LKor Trade I.arRo livery and feed
stable , feed store nttnchcd. This Is veil
located on paved street and cloliut a Rood
business. MuipiiuiRli > V I'ttclictt , real cstato
agunts cor. Kith and 1 toward st GOI
171OH dA LIj or e.xclmnzt ) for stock of ROtieral
JJ merchiindlse ' . ' 10 uurcs of laud UVJ miles
from Orccley Center , the coiintv seat of
Uroeley county , tw ncrcs In oultlvatlon , U
wells , wind mill , house nndstable : Muck loam
foil nearly level ; every foot of this track
lit forcultlvatloii ! liicnmliornno JU'-TiO ) routed
for neitycar Also 100acres unlmimneU. lund
n miles from Oieoley Center and Wt miles
from first track adjoining ; Ackmlo postotllcu ;
black loam Mill , will K o clou tltloofthls
tract , or will cxchanco for Omah i or Council
lllufl ! ) property. Address D. J , l . .Iockm \ \
lur > , OreolcyConter , Nob.
H Tor Sale Iio you want pet Into a
seed business ? If voudo , buy the Coimncr
HA nt llroken How , Neb. ss *
A N established business , forsulo or trade.
Hoi MS. city. 100
forratn , etc. , ne top oJit itcolumn nnthto _
rilO TIIADE Twobonutlful nsldo residence
JL lots In Oinuhii for tiroporty In Denver or
nny pnrt of Colorado. See John. Stcul , room
4W , , Heo bullillliK. G79J
rpO EXOHANOK-For clear city property , a
X $ -'i.OOJ ) liaiHlscini ) J2-iioiii ) modern icsl-
( lence , nleo bain , giound IWKlWHeot , on motor
lino. In llnust residence i art o ( city. Address
OH nor , 1' . O. llox 7UO. Oil 10
" \\7"ANTI3P-01oar landi and cash In cx-
IT chaiiRO for line Omaha lental pronorty ,
Addre&sA y , lluo. bJ4 ( 10
"TTiniST cln s rciiltv clear to exchanco for
Jliotol furiilturp , nlso Rood furms for horses
and bujjKlus. Address A 20 , lieu , 8015 *
ANUMHKKof Rtock'rnnchostOQXclinnfrofnr
inerchiiiiUlse.ClS 1'axtou blkUaineiun . * c Co.
\ \ 7 ANTED-Olonr vacant lots In
TT forOuialia Inshlo pruperty , Address A
M14 10
" \\7 ANTElJ-IIorsO and buRKyln
TT for Omaha enitlflcs orrnllvruylands.
Address W. J. 1'uul , WJ t'nrnnm st , 44ilai :
M15UOHANTS If you \\ant \ to dKnose of
yourXniasor surpltH stock , wo will nhe
you a bit : dual In lots linnVcs , lands nnd inoit-
iraFC' ! . This must bo ( iuiie quickly. Address
Ylll. HcoonU-o. , 6S1-PJS
WANTED-I'crsonur TiToporty of all kinds ,
hiich us liorses und bupples , furnlturo and
pltinos , muehlnejry. c\c \ , , . Also all kinds of
stocks of mereliiinillso , etc. , clear lots and
Innds for etiultlcs. or1 Jnfi IIrst payment. In
Omaha property and rivi ) ny lands. Via hnvo
a place for Mieh ] > iopcity ; jiml will trlvouu ex
ceptional tiado if niauo Immediately. Ad
dress Y4315oe. ' " 44IUai
For rat ( , etc. , t-cc IDJI < { r'n column i i OM
. .
Lot on N. i'Sth street ; llodford I'lacb , 50x120
to alloy , $ ri3.
Alexander Moore , 301 Shcoly block.
T71OU SALT3 A "den'dlJurRaln" In Carthaso.
J2 InvcstlRntc , Evans , 30S N , Y. Llfo. 8ua-3
G loom house In Portland plauo ; 7-roorn liouso
aim peed barn. 2-'d street near Lcavon-
wflrthj lion so of 4 } nrfo rooms on S. 18th street ,
north of Vlnton ; liouso and burn , with largo
Kioiinds , lu Council lllulls , la. ; C-room IIOIIRO
nnd 4-ioom house on S. ICth stieet , near Dor-
cnistreet. Small pnymcntticnvnnr will take
vacant lot and easy terms on balance. J. 0.
Corlolyou , U. 40 , Cliuuibor o ( Coiiuuorco.
CIIAHLUS Kaufman .t Son. real estate
and loans. Choice vacant and impiovod
i-i'tldunco and business property for Halo In all
purls of the city anil south Omnua on
terms. List your property with us , .Loans at
loweht rates. Onico J302 JJouglas st. Tol. 50f. .
481 J20
Houses and lots ,
monthly ,
quarterly i > r yearly
I > a.vniuiits.
Vacant lots In all
parts of the city.
Business property and
5 aero tracts , -
Seymour's addition lots are
BDlllnr nt only
on very easy terms. Call for plat.
Money to loan.
Oeo. J. I'nul , VM Karnamst.
5-ROOM house , lot tthtcj , } l,700 ; alsoR-room
linuso. lot 34Wx82 , s. o. cor. llth and Vlnton
Ht.J-.000. Itrlck liousu and American liouso ,
lot Oixfifi , n. e. cor. 10th and Douglas. IHO.OiH ) .
Airs. Kuhhnnnn , 21 1 S. lltli. 42tt
TT OH SALE Ono of Ilio iiuest stock farms In
JL1 the west , Clmllos touthwc6t of Kansas
City , In tlm garden part nf Kimbus. The furia
consists of TOO acres , nil first class land , fenced
nnd crosfl.fcnccd. An clo nnt 12-rooni liouso
and other line liniirinuiiicnls. A 12-aoro
orelmrtl , urtlflclal lake , etc. , oto. To any one
wnnlinii a clltcdso stock nnd uraln farm
nothing can no found that will entirely Illl the
bill hotter than this ; 1100 head of cattle. ,100
tonsof har.can bo i > urcliased with the fum If
desired , \ve \ wlllholl for cash or part cash
and notes. Olltedpto Income property would
bo consldi'iitd hi exchange , Address 11 , A.
Upton Co. . Omaha. IS'eb. ' 732.1 : i
TDiOIl SALK-Jly residence , 3020 l-'iirnum
JL' htront. ( Jliokest location and bpst liouso
In Omaha for the iiionuy. Hot nutcr nnd
lively convenience posslblo. liarn , connected
with sever , wutcr aud gas. D , V. Sholes , 2K1
1st Nat. bank. MTril
FOH PALK A Inrgo list of choice residence
nnd ljuslness property. Houses and lots on
monthly payments ; llt.'iU and upwards :
vacant lots (500 and up , George J , 1'uul , liun )
Farnam. 2UU
KOUNTXE Place I Invo sold * 2.W,000 worth
of this property. Wlmo you scoono of my
adds you can bet It Is a bargain. I have no
money totlimw away co'alvcrllslnz. ' Hern la
a bargain I will guarautifO the purchaser f.viu
not In six months : 9-roain house ou paved
street. JTi.SOOi * . " > ( cash , b.ilrlnco easy.
A Iso a line dwellings , Vrtimo add , from J.'i.MO.
to fi,5JO , $ .ViO oash. lm | < lnco $ .13 per month.
Would take some clear property lnoxohamo.
AlsuO-room house , full lot , Ilanscoin I'lucc ,
to e\chiuio for Kount7a PJaco propirty.
J. J. Olhson. solo aguiit KouuUo I'lucc. Room
3 , Crolphton block , it 7S5
$40,000.00 business property for vacant lots.
$32.000.00 biislncaa property for residence
property and kits. Y
1.120 acres Nob. land clejr for Omaha prop
erty. . „ .
240 acres In Knox Oo. for.rosidonco property.
J17.000.CO lilook of lots fiVVlowa farm.
75 feet onlMartlia atHlu one block south J
Uaiiscom park. J'ouru omall cottages villl
rent for * "i04.00. l > rleo\.OX ) ) . Incum-
braiico at 7 per cent : uctlnf-onio yearly * 424.0J ;
owiicr'b equity fa.500.00. ' Wfuit Rood , efiiar lots.
. 'Cro , N. lllokn ,
K 4 N. V. Llfo Hlilg.
- | 20 acres line farm land iidjolulns good No-
Xlir.isku town : nearly clear.
100 ucros llni'l v Improved lund 2'-4 nillus from
county sent In Nebraska ; llslitly onciiiiiLeud.
1-0 acres jjood lund In Noliraiika , 5 miles from
county hoat2,5Oi | ) Inliaultants.
House und lot In town In Kunsns ; clour.
Clear lot lu peed Nnliruoka town.
4 room lioimo und loU tarn , well and cistern.
slrc'et , Omiiliat sllpiitly encumbered i
trade for Omaha ] ironirty | mid atsaunio ououm-
bnuicca. 11. K. ColtContlnuivlal block. 100
ELEGANT residence la Kountzo I'liicoj P
rooms tlncly tlnlsliod nnU ull iiioilern con-
voiilcncesVlrt u noariotn. Can sell oil ono-
quurtvr ousli piiytuent nnd baluiicotline to
right party. This la no clieup affair o ( a house ,
but u comfortable homo lu every sense anil
able snap bariculn , K , JC. Darllnx , Harkor
tie. tee fop of , lint column on thtt i < a < je
tiSTTiircnliirin ( ;
tlio O t'lritnnt liousesontttli nnil ! iirniim
Iff Lout of l\j other tlitoe oeotiplcd by flwt
ii.irtlPH. Hunt's are < > IHMI all liny lorln-
fpt'Otfon. Ktorv coiivi-nlonco lu tlio house.- * ,
Including cai iindRaH nxturi .
lukenlookaMliem Ourliietlili flnowciUlior :
Imy ( mo iindtakollfu coinfortablo ilurlng Ilio
Only tnkM from f.100 to * .VX > cnsh , Boo tlioni
wit liuut fall for tlicy will pleiuu you , U V.
' Uiink. 715
Ivcst corner on upncr rarnam street ,
JL frontiiKuon three Ntreetn : splendid corner
on Vurimin street , close to court home , a bur-
Itnltii corner with inicknia in t * . K. pnrtot
cltyj Rood residences unU low-priced cot tiiRes.
peed lots for building , tumia as low nsJIOU , In-
kldo acres , farms and iniliiiprou'd land.
\Vo will Hell nnv ol till * property of which wo
havi-entire control , ut prices way below
Strlneer A I'onnyi Darker block , 15th and
1 ariiain , 717
" \i7AUGH&\VostorUcldtoalcslateS.Oniahn. ,
KANUIIES and rarms-Wc aio solo iiKcnts
for KHIIO dopant ranch nnd farm iiroper
ties , clear of Incumbrancc , that wo can sell
imunsy titnnsor trndu for Kood Income piop-
crty. S..W ucres In lloone.county , Neb. , llfteeit
houses on It , finely linproviul , price il-'O.OUO :
4,100 uercs In Vcrnon county. .Mo. , iilms houses ,
and oilier excellent Improvements , ilWMMi ) ;
IW acres In CofToy county , Kan.ety llnely
Improved $ . ' ) ; 0,000 ncteIn ' Wichita coun
ty. Ivnn. , cvuiv neccssaiy ImpiovtMiient fur a
llrst-elass vestern Mo k ranch , aliunilaiicoof
water. Addie.sH M. A. Upton Co. , Oiiiahn.
I'or ratrt , rrt. , trc J | i nf hut column oil IliU
ENtAOK\liNT.Stodoilressmaklnir ; In fami
lies solicited.Ml.s.H Sturdy , AIO Hartley st ,
Jhl-JU *
Fur iiilCK. rtf. , tec ( op nflot ro/umii / on l/i / ( ;
l ' lfKHMcihlo loans money on diamonds anil
-L' watclios.Jottolry , tes.c. cor. 1'ariiaiu & lllli
r < > r mid , etc. , tee ti > ) > nf finl coIuuJihnii I lite page
> fc Co.lloo , Imlldlir..OiiKilia. llnuiclietllecat
n , I ) . O. Consultation free. 7XJ
Forrcitf , etc. , tec ti > i > of flnl totumn tinthli
"OnsTlInu hair Roods In west ; lialrdri'SsliiK ,
. ' "wlcs , swltclms hair clialm .
, bangH , , ett1. , a
ppcclulty. Davlus , hair Roods and milliner ,
opposite postollioo , 111 S 15th btreut , Oinahu.
-1. dlan Sorxlco , I'lno ItlilRo Ajioiicy , Soutli
Dakota , Duc-emljcraitli , IvW : Sraled propo ali ,
endorsed " 1'roposal' for 1'lold beeds , " and ad-
dresicd to thu uuder&lKned at I'lno ItlclKD
. Hlitiiinoij Co. , youth D.ikotu , will bo
received at tills ngpney until nno o'clock of
Jnniifiry "M , , for fumlbhlnK for this
iiKonoy und dellverlns the same at Hiishvlllc ,
Nobraskn , nliout WX ) Inislicls of seed wlient ,
COO bnshc'lH of seed potatoes , IHO liusheNof seed
oats nnd l.Vi bushch nf M'ed corn , lllddora
iniiststiite tliopropo'-ed ' jirleo of ouch article
to bo olleied for delivery under a contract.
Ccrtlllod C'liecl.s.
Tacli bid Tiinstbo acconipinU'd by n cert I fled
clieuk or draft uiioiiHonu ) Cnl ted Ht ut es depos
itory , miido payable to thoordot of thoiintlcr-
slRiiutl , fur ut leaHt fl\o per i en tot the amount
of the proposal , which olicck or draft will lie
forfeited to thu United States in ca o any bin
der or bidders receiving nniuvsud shall fall to
promptly e.\ecuto a contract with K < > d and
sulllciont sureties , otlierwltn to bo roturiu'il to
tlio bidder. U. 1 < \ HOVElt , U. S. Indlnn Apuut.
OMAHA. Noliraska. Dooctnbor 21 , isno.
Notice Is hereby Kit on that UionimuMiiieot-
InB of tlm .stockholders of the Union I , anil
Company for the election of live dlrcetois ,
nnd such other business : ianmy properly como
before tlio inectliii ; , will lie licld In tliu com
pany's oillco atOniiilia , Nulira ka.oii Monilay ,
the Uth iluv of January , Is'.U ' , nt 10 o'clock
a. ra. W. J. OAHnoLL , AsslstJint Socrctary ,
OMAHA , Nob. . Hoc. 2th , 1SOO. Notlco Is
hereby plvcri that the animal meeting of the
stocKholders of the Oinnlia & Kopubllcan
Vallov railway company , for the olccilon of
seven directors and -such othlsr business as
may properly cotno before the moot Ins. will
1)8 ) hold at the ollleo of .lohn M , Thiirston ,
Union Faolfle building , Omaha , Nob. , upon
"Wednesday , the 7th day of January. IS'JI ' , bo-
twovn tliolioitrsof lOo'elooka. in. and 4 o'clock
D. in. \ \ . J. CAIIIIOLL , Asslatanttocrctarr.
Matter of application of It , R. Koblinou for
liquor llccnso.
Notice Is hereby given T ? . I ! . Tlouliison
did , upon the 2v th day of Docoiiinrr , A ,
I ) , IKttO , llle his application with tlio
board of flro and police commissioners of
Omaha , for llcenso to sell malt , .spirituous and
vinous liquors at No. fjObiputli Thirteenth
street. Thud ward. Omaha , Nob. , fioni the 1st
day of January , 1801 , to the 1st day of Janu
ary , lsCi !
If thcio bo no objo-tlon , romonstrnnce or filed within two \vooks from IJcceinbur
UO , A. I ) . 1800 , the said llccnso will be
granted. It K. IIom.NgON , Applicant.
Blatter of application of Fred Monllcr uad
Wm. Stoltotihcrir , partners us Mooller i
StoltcnbcrR for liquor license.
Notice Isliiiieby plven that Krod Mooller nnd
Wm. Stoltenberg did upon tlio UOth nay of
Docembor. A. 1) ) . IfaHO , ( lie their application
with tlio Ixmrd of llro und police rommls-
Hloni'rs of Oinnlia , for llccnsa to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors , under the
lirinnanioof Mooller it Stollc'iiherp , at No.
41)08 ) lioiivcnwortli street. K InthVaid. . Oniahu ,
Nob. , from the 1st day f January , 1S1 1 , to the
1st. clay of January , iwi
If tliiilr bo nn objection , roniomtrnnco or
protest filed within two wcoLs from tlio aoth
day of December , A. I ) . 181X ) , the hald HCOMMO
willbo granted. FHED Koii.uii. : :
dtOJ5 : Partners und Applicants.
Matter of application of Max Beclit for por-
inlt to sell liquor an a druwlst ,
Notlco la hereby Klvt'ii that .Max Docet
did iiiion tlio IlOth day of IJcccmber , A. D. , 1SOO ,
lllnhls nppllgatlon to the board of llro uucl
pollcocoimnlHHloncrs of Umaliii for permit to
Bell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors us a
druggist , for medicinal , nicchunlciiland cliein-
Ical inirposes only , at INO , 'I-i : South Kith
htreet , Third ward. Omaha , Nob. , from the
1st day of January , IH'JI ' , to the 1st day of Jan
uary , Ibiu. .
If thorn bn no objection , remonstrance or
protest filed within two weeks from December
'M , IR'JO , thu said penult will licKranlcd.
1KWJJ MAX HKCIIT , Applicant.
Matter of application of Christ Woyinuller ,
for liquor llrunso ,
Notice IsherobyclvcntliatClirlstWcyinullor
did upon thoIIOthday of Doccmber , A. I ) . Ib'JO ' ,
tllu Ids application with the board of fire und
pollen eoinmliHioiiers of Omaha for license to
.sell malt , spirituous and vinous I ( quins lit Nn.
ict3 : ? outli Tlilrteunth ktroet. Second ward.
Oinah.i , Nob. , from the Istduvof January Is9l
to the 1st day of January , 1KI2.
If thoio bo no objoctlon. lemonstranco or
protest Hied within two weolcsfiom Dect'tubor
.10. A.I ) . 18W ! , thos'ilil lleensnwjll lie urantud.
d.'iOj5 Onnisr WMUULMEII , AppllcunU
Matter of application of August Portz , for
liquor license.
Notice Is hereby Klvon that August 1'prtz ,
did upon the : ir < l day of .litiiuary A. D. isn. :
Ilio his application with the bu.ird of lire aud
pollceconimlssloni'rs of Omaha forlleen'-p to
sell malt , siililtiiout und vinous liquors at .Vo.
l.'vtl South inli ; ( N.V. \ . OornorlJth and Center )
street , Second waid , Omaha , Nob. , from the
1st dav of January , IbOl , to thollrst day of
January. IhK ! .
If there bo 110 objection. rcmoiistriLncoor
protest lllfd within two weol s from January
3. A.D. Ihyl , the bald llccnso will ho minted.
J3-10 Aunusi 1'Kiijy. . Applicant.
Matterof Application of Goorso M. Nattlnsor
forpuriult toM'll liquor lisa druggist.
Notlcti IB hcicby glwn tliutdi'orKoM. Nat-
tlnzerdld upon tlioiTth day nl Ooccmbcr.A.
I ) . 181D , lite his application with thu board of
lire and ixillcu commlhs'onr-r-i ' of Orauhii for
penult to sell nult. spliltiious and vlnbus
liquors n n drusplst for medicinal , incohiin-
Ical piirpoM-s onb'i nt Xo. taioulh Tldr-
locntli street. Third wrd , Oniuha , Nen. ,
from the Ut day of'Jl , to the 1st
dav of January. lt > 'U. '
If them bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest died \vahlnt\vo wcoU.s fiotu IKniutuuer
. * , A. I ) , 1MK ) , thu said ntirmlt will be ( 'ranted ,
aa-J.'i ) GKOHOE M. NAinxoKii. Appllcunt.
Mat tcr of application of lleckcr HIcrbiich for
lliiuor llcunso ,
Notlco Is hereby given that Decker nierbarh
did , upon thoVTtn day of December , A , I > , IhlO.
llle hU iipjitlcntlon with the iMiard of llro and
police commissioners of Oninlia , for llcenso to
koll malt , aplrltuoui and vinous liquors ut No.
4I1 South 14th street. Third ward , Ouiah\ ,
Neb..from the 1st day of January , It'OI , tuthu
l t day of January , IK' ) ' , ' .
If tiicro be no objection , remonstrance or
protest Illod within two weeks from Dceomber
Jj , A. II. 1MX1 , thusuld license willbo Kratitcd ,
Matter of application of Chin. S. Torbltt for
pormlt to ell liquor n drtmelst.
Notlco Is lioroliyel von I hat l"ha . S. Torbltt
din upon thtTill day of DiH-enibcr , A. I ) , IRIX ) ,
Ilio his nppllcntlon to the r-onrdof lire nnd
police o < ) iiiiiilwsloiii > rsiif Umnliii for pormlt to
toll mult , KplrltuniiH and VIIIUIIH liquors , IIH u
driicelst , fur lueUlclnal , mcchauk'iil and
chiMiiical purposes only , at No. SI 10 rnrmttn
Mrccl.Jth wnrtl , Oiniilin , Neb. , from the 1st
day of January. 1SJI. tolhu Istduy of Jiint'ary ' ,
IM .
If llirrclic no objection , rpmon tnineo or
prottKt filed within two weeks from Di-comhor
.s. A. D. IbUO , thonnlil iiermlt will bo tniintod.
D2-.1-J5 CIIAS. r1. Toiuiirr , a | ) | > UcaulH
Mnttor of nppllcatton of John Murphy
for liquor license.
Notlco Is hereby given that John Murph
dlil upon thol-thday of DocembonA. H. IMK ) ,
Bin lifsnppllcntIonlththo board of ( Ireand
pollcc.rniiiinl'04'oiict * of Omalia forlict'ii'-o to
rail malt , xplrltuous and vinous liquors nt No.
111:1 i : N , LMtli street. Mb wind , Umahti.Ncb. ,
from the 1st day of Jiinuu > y , 1SU1 , to thu 1st
day of January , ivr. .
If them bfl no objection , romon trancn or
protest filed within 1 wowiH'ksfrom Poccinbor
l" . A. U. 181KI , the said lli'cnsiMvlII ' lie urnnled.
tl ) ! JOHN Muui'iiv , Applicant.
Mat'tcr of application of Win. Hotelier for
liquor license ,
Notlco Is horohv jrlu'n that Win , llctchnr
did , inon llio XVth clay of Pecemlier. A , I ) .
ISIN ) . hie his application with the ho.itd ot llro
and police commissioners of Omalia , for 11-
eciiM ) to tell mall , spirituous anil vinous
liquors 1 at No. 1MU Miilli l.lth Htioct , Second
ward. Oiniilin , Neb , , from the M ( lay of Jauti-
ary , lwil. to tlio 1st day of J unitary. IW.
If Iheio bo no oblcctlou. ieiiion lrauco or
pi o test filed within \\coksftom IVc'eiubor
IS ) . A. I ) . IblK ) . the said license will be eriinted.
dutij. ' ! \V.M. \ llKTi'iiut , ApiilIcanU
Matter of application of John W. Iloll for
permit to sell liquor us adrnflHt ,
Notlco Is hereby plven that John \V. Hell
did upon tlioWtli day of December , A. 1) . 1MW ,
lile Ills Ion to thoboaidof Ilio and po
lice commissioners of Onuihii for pcrmll to
sell malt , splrltous and vinous liquors as a
driipKUt , foriiiedicliial.tncehiitih'alaiid chem
ical pui posts only , at No. 10LM Mnsun street ,
I'lrat Hard. Omaha , Neb. , from the 1 1 day of
Jaiiunty IS" ! to the 1st day of Januniy Is'.U.
If there bo no object Ion. rcmonsinmeu or
piotest Hied nllhlnhvoeoUHfiom December
y ) , A. D. , Ib'JO ' , the said permit will Im pr.inted.
d 2101 Jim N W. Itiii.u Applleant
Matter of application of J. W. Clarlf , for
permit to sellllquoras iiilmsKht.
N'otlco Is hereby ulvi'ti tliat J. W. Clark ,
did upon the'.Ml h iluv of Dcccmlinr. A. I ) . , HO ,
flit1 his application to the boat d of Hie anil po
lice comml.sslonersof Omaha for penult tos-rll
malt , spirituous and vinous liquors as a < lniR-
Rlst for mcdlclnnl , meclnnlcnl nnd chemical
) iurpo-es only , at Nn. 1I1UI South y.nAvemic. \ \ .
Soventluvard.Omaha. Neb. , fiom tholst flnyof
Jiiniinry. IhOl.lo . the 1st day of January. Ib'tt. '
If theio hu no abjection , reiiionstiaiiceor
nrotcstllicd within two \\eul\s from December
' "I. A. 1) ) . , Ism the bald penult will bo uranted.
1) ) : J5 J. W.Ui.AitK. Applicant.
Lenvui C1JII Atlo. JIUItljIMiTU.V * < J.
Oman n. | jJopollOtu nnd Alawin on
( .30 p Di ( 'lilcsRO Kxiru | s
U5J a ra , Chicago "
DlOp m Clilcnco J .
0 < 0p nil. , . . . . Iiiwa Jxcal I. 00 m
Ixnvu * ilHJltl.lVlT'roN ' A .Mo. ItlVKU Arrlroi
Qualm. I Depot lutli nnil-Mn'im ntruuts. I Omnliv
10.25 n m Llniver ll.iy * : ipruss 4.0J p m
10.25 n. m DonviT C.l.'i p m
71.0 p ni . . . . .lenvu ) 11 ; )5 ) u m
ft UU | i tu . .Lincoln Il.i0im : |
815n in . . . l.tncoln H OO p m
l * vo l K cC , At .1. AC. it I Arrival
Oinalia. | DopollOth and Miuon ntreeti. [ Omuha.
" ' ' '
"tta'n. nil . . .Knns'isTitf'lSiiTTtJcprm . . .I 0.10 p m
815 ptnJC. | C. Njjfht Kin. via I' 1 * . Tr.m | M5 R ui
TxmtoTi" "U.NToN I'ACIUli "jAnlTiir
Omatia. I Iapot 1'JUi ' and Mnrcy Mlroeti. I Oinulia.
2.50 p ml. , Overland Klynr I DU. > p m
1JO p m\ \ I'ncincKrpreM 11.45 n m
10.20 a in Denver Kxpreis Hft6 p m
Jiltn * ml Knnsaicur Etprust. . _ . _ . , ; UIO urn
Umnhn. III. lp. depot , iuth nmt MnrcjSts.11
8.10 p'nT . . . . . , .NIkiriISTpro . .TToOj n m
O.UJ n m . Atlantic Kxprms . C.BO p m
4.'I3 p | , , . . . . . , ttliula l.lmllncj . | 104l n m
Laavus'i SlOlJ.fTrfT A I'AClFiil I ArrTv
Oinnhii. III. lilnpoU 10th and Mnrcy Sti. | Oiunlu
iit l _ Hepot " jiUi _ nd Woliilur Sli. _ _
1 j" . -j..1 ! ! ! , 'iHL J lSlL'Sl'tiiii' ' ' - * " * B'S '
ion u < jCliTL.Aii ( ) * SollITtSBiS'l't.'Kj'S'TArriviir
Omaha. | L ) . 1 * . depot , mill and ilnrcr Hu. | Onmln ,
Blin ni Clilcnuo IHpreiu. C.'JU p a
nim Vcsttbulo IjIniltBrt. . . . . . ll.W a a
e.U p ni loira Aa'umiiiod.itton ( Uxc. Sun ) 7.UJ p in
U.lOp m Custom Klyer 2 15 p m
( PIP BiinlKiiHt K it lr ) 'xcMoiil ) 7 10 n ra
Jjcurui lliicAOU , Atlu , A ffr. 1'ALl * i Arrivoi
Omshn. i U 1 * . ilcpot , lOlh jiiml Marer Sta I Oiniilin.
6.11) p in , Chlcimo Uiprnu I li a m
ll.Mntnl . .flilcnBQ Hxuri-n I fill ) D ra
Taiao * i OJTATTA , t 'rTiAJular i Arnvoi
Omiihrt. JjJ , I' , rtcjot , lOlh nnd MnroySti.
4 M p7m | . . , . . .ht. loum rnmuin lii U _ , . . . | IS .lu
iTFnvO" I . , t. it MO VAI.I SY ! i Arrival
Onifili . I Depot Htli nni yVybnor 3ti
( M l n ml Blnck UIN Kxprens.
000 m | . .IlnitlnKi Kip. { Hi. Sundnf ) . . .
6.10 p nii\VnlHoAl.lncolnl'H ilir.Su " "
610pm ! . . .Norfolk ( Ei. Snnduv ) ,
_ _ _
H.10 a liij..Bloiii City Acooniuiinl tlon. . . | 906 p ra
l.OU p m . .hlouiCHy fiiprosi ( Er. bun ) . . l.rt p m
SJUp ru 81. I'mul Llmlt a 1 U a m
. | 5 p m.inncMltl'ii | : * eiiiier ( Kr , Sunl.l ) 8 5 rn
fTtoTiir I MTSsoUirri'Awt'TC : I ArrTJiir
COmaliv I Depot 151U Mil Weliilor i < U. | Omolit.
1 0.80 III I. .St. l/Ul AK. O. Klprun. . . . I 4W p ra p mil. .St. lout * AK. C. Kiprmi , . . . ! rj(0 ( a m
l7enTeTTi''I'l ' < JAKr ( H. l lt l'AtJl > iU. " I ArrlTef
Tranifur I Hilton Ilopot. rpijnoii lUijBj. ITrantfef
Night Kxpron I il.U n in
0.20 a 11 Atlnnllo Kzjirtu I 6S5 p TO
" .00 p m . . . . . . .VeUlbiile 1/Jmjled . . . 11030 n rn
ijeKrin ' ' - . . Airlvui
Trmiifer I Union Depot. ( Jmi ncll Illiini I Trn ni rer
"i > .40 in " KXIKUIM. . . I fiJiu p ro
6.00 p m . . , , . . . .Vtiillbulo Miullna li.'JI m
IO.U ) p .n . .Ki3t6ra ( Klycr. . 210 p m
. . ! ! ! . . . .Atlnntlo Mull . .
injnwit Xrcommoiiilloii jB r. Sun ) I flO p lu
. ST. I'AUit i Atrir i
Trnnifer ! I'nlon Depot. Council niiilTi | Tranif r
"ff.30 p ml . ClilcaKO KrvroniT I V.13 n m
12.KO Pjn . . . . .CMcnita Frirei | . . . . , ; _ . . I f.Wpln
T.enT 7 T TfriiTriTrjOE A C. iC"
Tramtur' ' Pnlon Diipou Coiiiicll lll'iffi
10 07 ml .T..Tfun § i l.'ity liny Kipro'i . .
10.JJ p m " " . % 5JJ"MniJ'Li'li4. ' ! IlI 5'i. .
Iuve7" | Tj lAllA'j'STn.OUPj. * "I Arnroj
Tmnijor ' Union Dopol. Coil nHllltiii _ ffi _ J 'rran for
6.00 p m" Jt t , Uiulijjnnn jtolj. . 1 12 IS p in
Ixjftve. | CJUeAoTtlintWK ! A tJlTfNOr | ArHro.
Tmniferj Unlojj IKpot , Coiiiicll Hlugi I'l'inr.nfur
f.40lini . Chlonuo Etroii | . [ fi.3) ) p ra
T.46 m . . .Sioux CUr Accoinrao.lMlou. . lui ) u in
0.05 pm1 flt. I'&ul Elprcii IIUUDiim
Wtitn-nrl l- -
. .niliiniip
Webster St . . . . . . M'j.80 ' 5.451 H. : IJ.45 |
Oak Cluitlinm. . s.wi < ; si H w . H.4-J l.-.r.7
Druid Hill i.04i4.0.'i H.OO fi. 43 1.00
Lake Btreut. . . . 5.W,7.ffl , H.07 4.0S I1.IB F.41 1.03
Wnlnut Hill. . . u.oi ) 7. < a s.ov 110 * ! .o.t h.aii i.o >
IHiniH'8 l'lico. . liOJ,7.W 8. llil.l.'l I8.W1 H..VI1 I.OH
West SMo O.Oi 7.10 S.15 4 1ft .10 K.5.V 1.10
l.nwn 8. IS 4.ll . . . . B.W 1.14
Mnscot 8.3)I.M1. | . . . U.OJ 1.17
' " ' "
Bey mo iar'iiI" ! ! ! ! ! . ! ! ! .24 ! ' | ! ! - 1.31
1'urtivt. . . _ S : M'4.S5 | . . . . u IS l.ilQ
n.iu'p ' ni , p.ui n.m.'pm. '
Portal . O.WI I.S3
heynunir I'aik. , MHilibJ U.Xil' ' 1.41
8.0 ; 4/ ; 11.1n 1.47
JIWH . . . . . . . 8. 9 44.49 0.35 '
Wust BMo . . ! & T.118.SS 10i , M.I5 11.40 I'M !
Dundue I'litro , . l..lT . .67 SOT , .17 11.41 1.7
Walnut Hill. . . . 0.20 . 7.VI , UU S.10 ti.SJ 11.45 8.00
Luke Street . .01 ' 2.03
Druid Hill . .05 J.I. ' . KM V'.M '
Oak Cbattmm. . . i.lS ti.24 2.'oj
! Vob lor3tri ) H. luiui
A htory with a 1'iiiiit.
Jny Gould tolls the following Httlo
story , which ia not without a moralsnys '
the Commercial .Advertiser : Darnel
Draw once wont Into lubornuclovlioro
sinners wcro confcsslne' Iholr crimes.
There was one man thumping his cheat
find ncousinfr hlmsolf of so many mvful
otlonses that Drew became horrlllod.
Turning to the man next to him ho In
quired :
"My friend , who ifi this mnii who has
done these awful thin ( , ' ? "
" 1 ilon't know who ho IB , " the stranger
said to drew. " but I guess from his ac
count of himself ho must bo IJanlol
Urow. "
A Now loinrlur ) In ICtporltucnts
the Itninctly ,
Now that the troattnont of liisliiloiit
consumption with the Koch lynipli id
well under way in Now YorK , with
fnvorublo auspices , the niodlcul profoa-
wlon is turning its attention to ctuicor ,
thnt ether tin'i-lblo dlsoaso of which
humanity hns long heon almost n holp-
Uw victim , with Iho purpose of lonrnliitf
whothoflt , too , can bo cured with the
now remedy , nays the Now VorkTimus.
Althotigli ounoor has boon a subject of
polentillc favoftlgaiion font long time ,
it was only roconlly that the ullogoil
hacilll o ( caneor wore dssrovotvil -
dootl , the fact of the oxldtonoo of the
bacilli is not generally oonoodoil. The
nxporiincnts which have boon bogtin nt
thtvo hospilnls with the lymph mid
opllholemna , therefore , are of jjroat liu-
portnnco taicon In connection with
simlKir cxporinuMits aliroatl. Hpltholl-
oniti , or I'uncor of the wkiti , is ono of the
most inallgnnnt of the caanor sixicioH. It
wasopitliolioitia that killed Goncral U.
S. Grant. The dltnoaso Is invariably
fatal and runs its usually In about
tWO J-Ollfit.
Of the three cases of oplthcliouin
under tfcatniont in this olty otto is at
Mount Sinai lio-spllal , ono at Itullovuq ,
and ono nl St. LIIUO'H hospital. The pv
tiontnt Mount Biiml has caneor on tlm
right siilo of the mw , throo-quartorsot
nn inch of thn Inttor hoi tig Involved.
Tliotirst injection of lympth was uuulo
Tuesday mid there wait a strong reac
tion , To a Times ro per tor yostordtiy
Dr. Iloinumanof Mount Sinai lioapltal
said : "Already the akin at the caneor
sooius to hnvo begun to bo orustod ovor.
Tlioiv in not thu bcaliag soon in lupus.
This is eoi'taitily a very Intorostilig fact.
\Vlmt it leads to is an open ( | ue.ilit n. t
sliall bo dolightiMl if wo find ininrove-
inoulat the end of t\\o \ \ woolcs. Thu
reaction is not an Infallible indication of
Iho prosonro of bacilli , but It poinlu in
that direction. "
Of thocasoof onitholioma at Hello vim
Dr. 1'opo , the liouso surgeon , waid yos-
tordny thnt the inouiilatlon Tiiesdny has
resulted In a reaction , and a local cuVo
of the lymph was obsorvod. Tl < o prot ,
gross of tlio o three cases will bo
watched with great Intercut.
At the founililni ; asylum , where there
are four children under treatment for
supposed tuberculosis , there has boon a
reaction in the ca o of only ono pallont.
The twonly-ono caso.s at the Gorman
hospital are progressing favorably. At
[ iplloruo there is ono now case , a patient
with hasty consumption. An injection
of one-half milli tain was made as an
experiment. At St. Luko's hospital
there are two now cases , ono of opllnoli-
oina and oao of lupus. There was an
injection of lymph in both patients , but
there has not boon time for symptoms to
The patient nt Mount Sinai hospital ,
whoso tonmcraturo roe > to lOfl-1-100
after the last injection of four niilli-
frams of lymph , was not roinociilntul
yesterday. Today she will receive only
three and one-half milligrams. Ono of
the lupus patients at Mount Sinai wai
yesterday rnlnoculalod with two ! vo mill
igrams of lymph , the lartrest dose yet
adtninlstered in New York. Dr. Shrady
inoculated seven patients yobiorday at
St. Francis hospital. Ho intomlH to begin -
gin inoculation with the lymph at tlio
can for hospital in a day or two.
Theio wcro roinoculatlons at most of
the other hospitals whore the lymph Is
buiiifr tibud nnd no bad symptoms have
heon reported. There was ono inocula
tion all bo Now York hospital , but Su
perintendent Ludlain said there would
probably not bo a roinoculatlou owing
to a lacif of lymph.
Tlir < mii friiui -Ciniiirilnr , It 1'uivolg
( l.itnO.MilrN in ' 111 roe Vcnrw.
Particular attention has for several
years boon paid to the nubjoetof oroan
currenlH , and various devices have boea
employed for ascertaining the Rot and
drift of the great rivers of the ocean ,
says the Now York Tiiims. The Into
Prince of Monaco was especially inter
ested in the matter , and had a special
kind of botllo prepared to be u-ed : by
vessels all ever the world where current
observations wcro required. The hy-
droffrapbic oillco in this country' has
niado btronuouH efforts to obtain infor-
iimtion in relation to ocean currents , and
its "bottlo papors' ' are well-known fo. . i-
turos of the outfit of the trans-Atlantio
httainjrH. Of the many excellent ro-
suits and some of them have been extremely -
tromoly satisfactory obtained by thcso
variotih methods , it is extremely doubt
ful if nnv of the "olllelal bottles" overtook
took a longer trip than ono recently
picked up on Amhorgris key , a binal'l
island in the Caribbean sea , eloso to the
coast of Yucatan.
A bark that recently returned from
the tropics brought a Hat bottle of about
half a iilnt capacity , picked up on the
beach the 38lh of last month. In this
bolllo was a small rectangular piecoof
paper , somewhat stained and very much
crumpled * , on which was written in pen
cil :
"This botllo was thrown from the S.S.
Cophnlonia of the ( Junard line on No
vember 21 , 1SS7 , by\V. C. Lippard ,
iibout four hundred miles from Hoslon.
Anybody finding this will pluasosond it
to the lioston now.spapors.
The records show that the Coplmlonia ,
nn her \oyago from Liverpool reached
Boston November , two days after the
bottle was thrown overboard , In the
three years' voyage that the bottle took
it traveled about MX thousand mlles , IIH
far as ran bo estimated , and judging1
from what is already known of ocean
currents. It would not have been pohsl-
blo for it to have floated down the coast ,
around the southern part of Florida ,
through the Gulf of Muxico and so on by
tbo west onil of Cuba to tbo Yucatun
coast. Thu currents ai o not favorable
to that course , FO that the only roulolc't
in to make the ciiuuit of tlio Atlantic
and follow the streams as they run cast
toward the A/ores , then taking a turn
to the feoitthward , and when nome 1,5.00
miles south of out latitude , and whrn in
about 25 ° or ISO0 west longitude , make
another turn to thu west and south.
From this point the cow-no would be I' -
cllned toward the northern coiibt of
South America , and would follow that
coast until the Central Americtn ecast
was reached , where it would turn to the
north and cross to Yucatan. Instead of
going qulto as far houth as the South
American const its journey could ho
shortened bv branching oil'nnd passing
botwcenCuhiumd Hayti , and ho north
of Jamaica to the Yucatan coast
It would ho of great interest If tlio
mystery of the bottle's course could bo
solved and the whys and wherefores for
selecting the coui-hO could bo known.
The speed mmlo was not far from nn av
erage of six mlioH per day , which , al
though not that of Iho ocean greyhound.
enabled it to "got there all the hiiino. "
Onrlnc the llun.
Detroit Free Press : "Is the man driy
Ins ? "
* 'Vos. IIo Is driving on tlio snow. "
"Does ho go fusty"
"JiiHt six miles an hour. "
"Hut lie think ? lie pees faster. "
" 0 , yos. Uo thinks bo goes * at a 2:10 :
gait. " .
"And won't ' ho ever find out hit nils-
"Uo la certain to. It will bo when
botno Hlx-minulo hoi'tio comoi luontf utij
throws snow nil ever him. "