Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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How One Man IM nn Indian War All
to Himself.
They Killed Kour of His Knmtly , Out
Ho Hlcw Over Ono Hun-
drrcl mid I-'llly
of Tliunu
In Juno , 1802 , n nmn named Saundor-
fen packed Ills fmmly iind a few household -
hold fjoods Into n wagon and liomloil duo
weal from Omalm to find n location to
. plcnso him somewhere along the Pintle ,
enyn u writer in the Sun Francisco Kx-
nmlnt-r. Ho hud with him his wlfo , n
boy fourteen years of nj'o , a frirl of ton ,
nnd a boy of twelve whom ho hud picked
up nnd adopted.
At tlio date named one passed Into the
Indian country very quickly from any
point on the upper Missouri. The lone
emigrant family kept going and
nvoldlng the Indians by BOIIIO
luck , and Jltmlly brought upon thoLoup
Fork of the ljlutto river , near tlio cen
ter of the then territory of Nebraska ,
The family wore living In a wagon
placed near u small clump of trees ,
while a hut was being built for a per
manent I'OHlilonca. Ono night the horfcos
broke away nnd In the morning Saun-
derHon started out to recover them.
They led him a chase of nlno or ton
miles , end , owing to his losing his way ,
it was mid-afternoon before ho returned ,
Bays n writer In the New York Sun. An
awful discovery awaited him. Indian- )
had attacked the camp , and every mem
ber of his family had been killed and
scalped. The buz/arils wore gathering
when he arrived.Vhon ho had buried
the bodies ho took a solemn oath to de
vote the rc&t of his life to revenge , and
how that oath was kept is a familiar
history to many of the Indian fighters
nnd scouts.
Luckily for Saundcrson ho was soon
Joined by a strong party of hunters who
were bound for the Lnramio mountains ,
and lie was with them for three weeks
before reaching Fort Laramie. They
gave him all tlio pointers on Indian Ufo
they could , and when ho had traded
about his arnnmont consisted of a heavy
rlllo , two Colt's revolvers and a hunting
knife. I was then attached to the fort
as a scout , and when I found that no
argument could move him from his pur
pose I gave him nil aid and advice.
1 got him a suit of buckskin , helped
him to mold ftOO bullets , furnished him
with a reliable compass and rode with
him for two days to the south , into the
Cheyenne country. This tribe had done
him no wrong , but it was hostile , and
one Indian was the snrao as another. I
found the man moody and uncommuni
cative , but I know the torture ho was
Buffering and could excuse his demeanor.
It was three months before ho returned
to the fort , and ho then had the scalps
ol twenty-one Indians to prove that ho
had not been wasting time. lie was
in n more cheerful mood now , and I
managed to secure the particulars of
Borne of his adventures.
Soon after I left him ho discovered the
trail of a village on the move. This ho
followed until ho found the Indians on a
creek in a long nnd narrow valley. He
hid his horns and spare baggtigo away
In a cave , and prowled away in search of
proy. The herd of ponies was pastured
above the village , and the white man's
first victim was tin old man who was act
ing as one of the herders. Ho was dig
ging roots with a stick when Saunder-
Bon cront up to him and hit him such a
blow with a club that ho foil down dead.
Ho carried the body half a milo on his
back and dumped it into a dark ravine ,
but not till after ho had secured the
ecalp lock. Ho then made a half circuit
to the other end of tlio vnlloy whore ho
found a boy border about bl.xtccn years
old lying at full length on the grabs
asleep. This tribe of Indians had no
more fear of the presence of a white
man there than of an olophant. Only
the warriors had ever boon one , unless it
was some poor prisoner brought in to bo
tortured. Saunderson crawled upon the
Bleeping Mmtlnol and killed him with a
stone and his body was carried to the
same ravine.
The two Indians wore killed before
noon. The ponies fed to the south , and
it was not until they wore a long way up
the valley that anyone in camp took tlio
iilarm. Then four or live squaws and
boys started out to turn the herd bick :
nnd Saundorfeon followed them , having
the cover of the thickets along the foot
hills. The Indians scattered consider
ably in surrounding the herdwhich was
now full of frolic , and as the white
man pressed forward through a
dense thicket , across which wild
Ciuno had niado a beaten path
ho suddenly came fni'o to face
with a squaw. On the impulse of the
moment nnd scarce realizing what lie
did , ho struck her with his list. The
boy probably broke her jaw , as she did
not cry out. She was knocked down ,
but she scrambled up and nmdo a deter
mined attack on lior foe. She had no
weapons of any sort , but she seized
Baundorson and downed him and got
Eiich a grip on his throat that he had to
exert nil his strength to break it. lie
flung her off and In turn got the same
grip , but she bit nnd clawed him in n
ferocious manner and when he had
choked the Ufo out of her she still had
her fingers in his hair.
This body wont to keep company with
the others , nnd then Saunderson" with
drew to a safei * position. Tlio myster
ious disappearance of thrco people from
the village kicked upa great excitement
before evening , but nlthotigh a hundred
Indians scattered about to search for
Ihem they found no clew to the mystery.
Next dny Saundorson secured the scalp
of a warrior and then loft the neighbor
hood. During the next month he lived
among the foothills of the Larnmio
mountains and among bis stirring ad
ventures ho relates this.
Ho was stalking a door nnd was in the
net of leveling his rillo toshoot , when he
espied six Indians advancing along a
trail. A moment later ono of them shot
the same deer and the party at once pro
ceeded to build a tire and cookn portion
of the moat. They wore all full grown
men , but felt so safe in their own terri
tory that no precautions were taken.
Every rillo in the party was placed
atrainst iv contra ! tree , fifteen foot from
the llro and as the Indians toasted their
meat they sang , laughed and joked each
other , like bo many boyn. Saundorson
had cover to the tree spoken of , or with
in a few feet of It , and when the redskins
got to outing ho crept forward nnd got
position behind a largo rock. He was
above them , with the tree at his left.
The largest Indian in the party sat fac
ing him- and Siumdorson shot him stone
( load , Ho had his revolvers out before
any of the Indiims wore on their foot ,
nnd as they sprang un he killed a second
nnd wounded ono. The survivors bolted
through the forest without attempting
to secure tliolr guru , nnd the nvcngor
Btiw no more of them. Ho seal pod the
dead , cocked the rllles and started off to
look for other victim * . If I had had the
slightest doubt of the truth of this ad
venture u queer turn of affairs would
have more than satisfied mo.
Whim Saunderson came into the fort
It was Into in October and snow had
already fallen. Ho announced his in
tention of lying up somewhere along the
south fork of the Larnmio for the winter -
tor , and as the raiding season of the hostiles -
tiles was about over I got leave of lib-
fence for sixty da vs and decided to re
turn with him. My mission was to pros
pect for gold and silver among the moun
tains , but I was well armed and equipped
and on this trip wo took our thirty steel
traps to captiuo fur. Wo had been en
camped for three weeks before we had
nn adventure with the Indians. Snuti-
tlorson left camp ono dny without notice
to me , and made a scout of eighteen
miles and discovered an Indian village.
There had boon a thaw and the ground
wns now clear of snow. Ho found some
squaws and boys gathering wood in the
foothills , and ho killed and scalped a
squaw and a boy of sixteen. An alarm
was raised and ho retreated to a strong
position , and in a Unlit at long rnniro ho
Idlloda svnrrior , but could not sccuro his
When night came the avenger re
treated , but a light snow fell and the
Indians pressed him closely. In his re
turn toward camp Saundorson made for
the snot where ho had cached the rilles ,
which was a mlle and a half from the
spot whore I was waiting for him. At
noon on the third day ol his absence I
hoard rillo firing to the west of mo , and
on going forward I was led to believe
that a party of tivo or six white mon
were surrounded on the crest of a rocky
hill. I worked forward until I could
draw a bead on an Indian , and as I
opened fire tlio entire force , numbering
about thirty , broke away in a panic.
Then I found that Saundorson had killed
one , wounded two , and had been holding
his o\vn \ with the spare rifles.
By January , ISO ! ! , Saunderson had
thirty-nine Indian scalps. During all
that year ho came into the fort but once.
In January , JbGl , his scalps numbered
over seventy. Ho then procured im
proved firearm- , and fixed ammunition ,
ana on setting out for now adventures
ho said to mo :
"Before I come in again I shall bring
the nnumbor up to tin even hundred. "
"And you will quit IhenV"
"No ; I shall have only begun ? "
IIo had niado war on the Choyennes
alone , and by this time the entire tribe
was in state of excitement and terror.
1 heard of his doings oceasionly through
half-breeds and trappers. Ho came nnd
wont like a shadow. Sometimes ho left
a trail , but if it was followed ono or
more of his pursuers would bo killed.
IIo killed old and young and knew no
mercy. Ptirtles were made up to hunt
him down , but they dould not Iind him.
Assoon as ho got the reputation of being - ,
ing "a white spirit" his work was easier
: ii there was no ardor in the puivuit of
him. The Choyennes felt themselves
accursed , and two or three dilTorent
medicine men who tried to charm the
sprit and failed were banished or pat ta
The greatest slaughter Saundorson
over indicted at ono time was on a band
of a sub-chief called "Swift Horse. "
This was in July , 1801. A camp of
about sixty lodges was driven out of a
valley in the Lnrumio mountains by a
cloudburst , Everybody and everything
had to run before the coining flood for
about ono mile , when people and ponies
dcllccted to the left and found safety in
a gorge. The walls of this was almobt
perpendicular , and their crests covered
with shrubbery. While penned in hero
Saunderfaon opened lire on them from
above , and also rolled great rocks upon
their heads. Many of the Indians were
unarmed , and those who had tholr rillos
could not use them against him. They
reported that ho had killed twelve people
ple and injured in my others. I after
wards mot with ti Cheyenne whoso loft
shoulder wns badly "lopped , " and ho
tuld mo that it was crushed by ono of the
stones flung into the gorge that day.
Saundcrson had now become such a
terror that the tribe , instead of splitting
up into five or six bands , consolidated
into ono for protection , and a largo num
ber of youncr men were always scouting
and on guard. If a war party left the
village it was dogged and harassed , or
the avenger took advantage to attack
the village. Ono night in the spring of
1800 , while a war party of sixtv-four
Choyonncs were camped on the North
Fork of the Pintle , in Nebraska , Saun-
dorson got imiong their horses during a
furious snow squall and killed twenty-
eight of them with ills knife. Ono of
tlio guards who was called "Hear on the
Hill , " whom 1 saw at Fort Laramie dur
ing a truce , ran upon tlio white man as
ho was doing his work and was killed
nnd scalped. The war party at once re
turned homo.
On July 15 , ISOo , Saundorson appeared
at the fort for the last ttmo. IIo mid an
Indian pony , nnd brought in five Indian
rillos and fourteen scalps. IIo had at
this time upward of ono hundred scalps
and had killed at least 110 Indiands and
sfxty or seventy ponies. IIo was In the
best of health , but wanted a now suit of
buckskin and tv supply of ammunition.
IIo had no idea of abandoning his quest
for revenge , but on the contrary , was
more determined than over. Ho rn-
mained with us eight days , and then left
the fort ono midnight , saying ho should
probably como in again about the Arst of
November. Ho was not seen or heard of
again by any white man , nor yet any of
the Indians. What his fate was no ono
will over know. Had ho fallen into the
hands of the red mon they would have
boasted of it and had
, any white man en
countered him , word would have been
passed along to us. It Is likely that hemet
met some fatal accident in the moun
Tlio druggists of this cltyscll the most suc
cessful preparation that has yet bcca pro
duced for coughs , colds mid croup. It will
loosen and relieve u cold in less time than
any other treatment. The article referred to
is Ulmmbcrlalu's cout'li remedy. It Is n med
icine Uiut 1ms won fume nnd popularity on its
merits nnd ono that am always bo depended
on. It Is the only Unown remedy that will
prevent croup. It must bo tried to bo nn.
prcciutcd. It Is put up in 50o and $1.00 bet
tles. .
The now oflicos of the Great Rook
Island route , 1002 Sixteenth and Farnam
streets , Omaha , tire the finest in the city.
Call and see thorn. Tickets to all points
oust at lowest rates.
Mcilicnl Students.
Medical students in London are com
pelled to go through a course of four
years' study , hospital attendance , and
lectures , before being qualified to ap
pear for final examination. By an order
of the general medical council of Eng
land the term of preparation has been
extended to live years.
Wontlior Indices.
Up to this date our monthly prognosti
cations have been fully as reliable as the
prophesies of the late lamented Wiggins ,
but at the beginning of a now year wo
resolve to do still better. The customary
January thaw will bo dispensed with and
passengers who travel in the electric
lighted , steam heated , vcstibulcd polaco
car trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul Ry. , between Omaha and Chicago
cage , will bo comfortably cared for re
gardless of the outside atmosphere. City
ticket olllco , 1501 Farnain street ( IJurker
block ) , Omaha.
A Lawyer Made an Innocent Partner to a
Testamentary Fraud ,
When Did Old Mr. Husoli Die , nntl
Did Ills Grow After
Dcatli c'lcver Huso
of Ills Nephew.
"Tho first will I over mndo was for a
ghost , " says a writer In the Boston
Olobo. "I had just received news that
Mr. Husch , a wealthy old gentleman ,
was dead , when In ho walked. "
" 'Can you make mo a short will that
will utnnd'j" ho asked in a husky voice.
" 'I can , I said.
"Well , I want to leave everything I
possess to Allen Uusch , my s'ster ' Ada
only child. Go to work , for I must re
turn to the house , " sinking Into a chair.
"I don't ' want my other nephew , Potter ,
to have a cent. "
I hurried through the will and then
called in my noghbor , the barber , and
his apprentice , to witness It. They
signed with trembling lingers , for they
hna the news , too , of tlio old man's
death. I watched him go across the
Holds to his house , not fur behind.
The porch lay white in the moonlight ,
and , as the old man was about to open
the tloor , someone pulled It from the in
side and out walked Potter , with n grin
upon his weazen face. It changed as ho
saw the old man to a look of abject ter
ror. IIo shrunk aside , clasped both
hands over his eyes , uttered a terrible
cry and How down the path , stumbling
in his confusion and falling Hut upon his
face among the petunias. I looked back
again toward old Mr. Bubdi. IIo was
The next morning wo nil heard the
nows. Old Mr. Btisch hail breathed his
last at 7 o'clock. 1 confess I was startled ,
but that was no ghostly arm that leaned
on mine when 1 walked up the path with
Mr. Busoh the night before , and I could
not ngreo with my neighbor , the hair-
drcsborwho declared that it might have
been nn "apnearanco. "
Lawyer Thursby had a will in his
keeping that loft everything to Potter ,
but the date of mine wsis its safeguard.
They tried to urovo the old gentleman
of unsound mind , but were merely
laughed at. My neighbor , confessing
that ho was not sure but that Mr.
Buseh's ghost made the will that ho
signed , but swearing to the nightcap
and dressing gown as facts in silk and
linen , caused much laughter , but the
property went to the nephew.
IIo was generous , and made a present
to Potter which prevented him from
suffering anything , and ho was a bettor
heir to the old man's property than Potter -
tor would have been. IIo made rno
legal manager of his estate , and wo be
came great friends. My friend , the
hairdresser , however , had a certain
trouble on hla mind which ho confided to
"It did not como up in court , " said ho ,
'but did you notice Air. Buseh's face
when ho signed that will that night ?
Close shaved , not a spot on it , not even
blue. "
"Yes , " said I , " 1 did. "
"I shaved him after ho was dead , Mr.
Van Buskirk , " said the hairdresser in a
hollow voice. "I was called in to do it
about midnight and ho had a beard
about an inch long. It had been grow
ing over since ho was taken down. "
"If I were you , Mr. Fan-on , " I said ,
"I would not mention that to any ono , or
permit Samuel to do so. I know it to bo
a fact , but it is not fashionable to believe
in ghosts. "
A year ago Allen Busch died. IIo lived
too high a gay , wild life though ho
was a good follow to the last. IIo never
married. The day before ho passed away
ho sent for mo.
"I shan't bo alive tomorrow , " ho said ,
"and I want you to know the truth.
"My Undo Busch died nt GitlO. I came
down to see him on the 5 o'clock train ,
and wont up to his room without being
seen. No ono was there. IIo was awake
and going fast.
" 'Allan , ' said ho , 'you have como to
see me. '
" 'Yes , uncle , ' said I. 'I only hoard
you were ill yesterday. '
" 'If you had only como sooner , Allan , '
said lie. 'I've been a fool. I want to
change my will. Potter is a sneak. He's
anxious to have mo die. I want you to
have my money now , Ada's only t > on.
" 'No matter about the will , ' said I.
'No matter about the money ; I can live
by my profession. '
" 'I've been a prisoner , ' said the old
man. 'I have not been allowed to see
my friends. The doctor is a tool of Pot-
tor's. I I nm neglected. Allan , I've
been alone two hours , and I want some
water dreadfully. '
"I gave him the water and ho put his
hand on my arm and kissed mo. lie died
that way. Nobody came near us , and I
kissed him again and crept down stairs ,
but as I passed the dining-room I saw
Potter nnd the doctor stulling thorn-
solves and laughing , nnd then and
there , what with contempt of them and
a wish to see my uncle's last wish car
ried out , as wollCas the natural longing
for money that boomed mine by right , I
hit upon a plan , I was nn actor , as you
know , and my line was old men. More
over I tun very like my uncle. I went
back to his room , gave him ono more
kiss ho was already cold took his gown
and cap nntl slippers from the wardrobe ,
made myself up and came to you. You
know the rest. I've nobody to leave my
money to. Potter Is dead. I'd have
been the heir In course of time , proba
bly , at any rate. Suppose wo give this
money to the orphans at the asylum.
Nobody has tv legal right to It. "
"I'll make a will for you to that ef
fect , " said I , and so I did.
'Van Husklrk. " said ho , after the
will was executed , "you don't ewe mo a
But ho died , and the orphans have got
the property , and Mr. larrcn still bo-
llovcs that ho nnd his apprentice wit
nessed Mr. Buseh's ghost.
Mr. Wllllnm T. Price , n Justice of the
peace at Kiclilnnd , Neb , , was con lined to his
bed. last winter with n severe attack of him-
bago , hut n thorough application of Chamber
lain's I'alu Halm enabled him to get up nnd
go to work , Mr , Price says : "Tho remedy
cannot bo recommended too bihly , " Let
nnyouo troubled with rhciinmtism , neuralgia
or lama back KVO ! it a trial and they will beef
of the same opinion.
Orleans in Captivity.
The Due (1'Orleans wns not more glad
to leave Clulrvnux than M. Arnnud , the
governor , was to see him sot at Liberty ,
enys the Chicago Herald. That func
tionary Is what Zola would call nn boa
zlg. Ho Is a clover , scholarly innn and
n thorough Bohemian , prizing moat intellectual -
tolloctual freedom and independence of
the comforts and elegances of civilized
life. Lounging in public libraries , cafes
and newspaper ollices were his great
pleasures bo fore ho was sent to govern
Clairvaux. There is a sub-governor
Bookson B'cod
and Stln dis
eases free.
Swift's fpco'flcs. S. S. curd no-
little b y of rcri'fub ' , from which lie
had suffered a long time. 1 had ti led
the lcsL phy. icl.iris and pic.nt nunnll
tics of medic new without n\MI. A
few lott'cs of S. S. S. did the wo.k
Ho lsnowinjo > lngtho bist of health
and has i ot had any symptom * of the
! ' ' for o\ora > cir.
W. A. Clayton , Addie , N. 0.
TlioSwl't ro lflc lo. HI n'n ' < ? a
there who innnngcs the prison so well in
his absence that , until tlio Duo d'Orlcans
became a prisoner , the governor was
often ublo to run to Paris. Hut nftor
that event ho was himself virtually a
prisoner. The duo's letters ami these
ho received had to bo read. Orders
were sent down from Paris to make
things as pleasant us might bo without
scandalous disregard of the rulos.
What the governor was constantly fear
ing was the due fulling ill from Indiges
tion. The hillsides round Clalrvuu.x nro
rich in tluwo nlimeiiUiry snails that
fatten on the vines. As the captive was
never tired of eating them , and they are
hard to digest , M. Arnatid was in con
stant fear of being charged with trying
to poison the illustrious prisoner , and so
to counteract the effects of a too richly
furnished table , ho was always urging
him to take exercises. The due's rela
tives did tholr best not to lot him de
rive moral boneiit from his ordeal. IIo
wns pampered by thorn to nn inconceiva
ble degree. Hampers wore constantly
arriving with alimentary luxuries. Ho
bud nn impatient temper , and on his
nmno-da.y got into a tantrum on coming
out of his bed-room and seeing bis big
sitting-room filled with llowoi'H. "Taut
do Hours , ct si pen do libortol" ho said ,
nntl kicked the bouquets about. Every
thing that could bo done was done to
keep him on a bed of roses. At the outset -
sot lie rather enjoyed the pedestal on
which , ho conceived , being in prison sot
him. But ho ended , as well ho might ,
by getting sick of confinement , nnd
turned pale as , on tlio hundredth day of
his captivity , the governor reminded
him that no had only undergone an
eighth part of the time to which ho was
Beware of Frauds Ho sure you pet the
genuine Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. It cures
cokls , croup , asthma , deafness and rheuma
Through coaches Pullman palace
sleepers , dining ears , free reclining chair
cars to Chicago and intervening points
via the great Rock Island route. Ticket
otllco 1C02 , Sixteenth and Farnam.
Ncnt Trick of a Fnker.
A wandering bleight-of-liand man was
entertaining the loungura at the Gibion
in Cincinnati the other afternoon with
an exhibition of his tricks , says tlio
Times-Star. After showing them a good
number of them lib said : "Bull have
ono good thing that I call tlio dlmo
trick. " Of course they all wanted to see
them , so bo instructed a good number of
them to give him a dime after , having
marked it and carefully noted tjio date.
About a dozen of the bystanders did so ,
nnd ho took them nil.shook them upand
then showed ouch man another dime
than the ono ho had marked , nccom-
panving each dime with the question :
"Is that yours ? " Each man of course
said "No"nnd ho turned away , saying :
"Then they must all bo mine. " The
crowd was too much sold to "kick" ex
cept themselves , for having bitten so.
M. TJ. Blair , nlilennnn 5th ward , Scranton ,
Pa. , stated Nov. 0 , ' & ) : Ho hail used Dr.
Thomas' Electrical Oil for sprains , burns ,
cuts , bruises und rheumatism. Cured every
1602. Sixteenth nnd Farnam streets is
the now Rock Island ticket ollico. Tick
ets to all points cast nt lowest rules.
In the nig Sandy Kr lon.
"In the sorghum region of the Big
Sandy river , " .said a wholesale merchant
to a reporter for the Cincinnati Times-
Star , "aro some of the most abject people
ple that can bo found upon the face of
the earth. In many instances they al
low the pigs to run under tholr houses
and while the family is eating , the pigs
may bo scon boat-clung under the floor
for crumbs or such bits of food as should
escape. In many places the boards com
posing the floor are half an Inch apart
and you can easily imagine she odors
that rise from thence and permeate all
parts of the houso. The household fur
niture Is very meagre and seldom ex
tends beyond a plain pine table , a broken
chair and a cracked stove. The cloth
ing these pconlo wear lias the appcar-
anco of having been mildewed years ago
and has lost till traces of original color. "
Whooping cough , croun , sere throat , sud
den colds , nnd lung troubles peculiar to chil
dren , nro easily controlled bv promptly ad
ministering Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. This
remedy is safe to take , certain in its action ,
uud adapted to all constitutions.
I'ho only railroad tram out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council Bluffs , Dos Molnos and
Chicago business is the Rock Island ves-
tibuled limited , leaving Omaha at 4:150 :
p. m. daily. Ticket ollico , 1002 Sixteenth
and Furnuni sis. , Omaha ,
Inspection of Factories.
A woman factory inspector in Phila
delphia has made 400 Inspections during
her service of six fiionths. In nlno cases
out of ton she found that the operatives
did not know whore the flro-oscapcs
Mine. Puttl nnd (5iidstono ( ] wrro both In Ed
inburgh a few dnys nxo , nnd the jjroitt status-
man called upon tlio famous singer. Thntoplo
of conversation , wiuh | | heoined to bo of Inter
est to both , was tliijj relutlvo merits ot tlio
Sodun Mineral Puatlllea ( troches ) they wcio
each obliged to use , although oueh ono fur it
different nurpcso ,
Tin-so wonderful Soden Mineral Pastilles
nro of itrcnt service , not only to publlo speak
ers uml singers , but to tlio vast army of suf
ferers ( rum Coughs , Colds , Tlirout ana lauiK
Obtain tlio genuine- Imported article , nhlch
must havu the HlKiiaturo and testimonial o'
Sir Morroll Mackenzie with each bo * .
CorreHondcnio BolluteU ,
183-109 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
IB Wall Street , NEW YORK.
70 State St. , BOSTON.
unnin t iytALE KEOULATORs u
MfiUlU 4 Certain to ( Inor money r <
luuuecl. lljr nmll t ) . Srcurnly tealed from ot > -
Mmtloo. COUJC ttBUKUX CO. , Om h , N * .
Worth of Goods ,
From Our Store , is
Thos.Scanlan ,
2116 California St.
But They
Can't ' Beat Us.
There lias never
been such a sale in
the city of Omaha as
we have had on our
overcoats since the
prices _ . have been re-
1 „ i
Will continue the
sale at the past phe
nomenally low pri
ces , as we determ
ined to make the big
gest record in an
overcoat sale in this
section of the coun
You supplied with a
cheap coat , with a
fine coat , with a
rnedium-priced coat ?
if not come tous and
we will save you 26
per cent on your
Our underwear de
partment we have
been way below any
other house in
the city for the qual
ity of wear we have
given. And
Is a well established
fact by this time that
Hellman will not be
undersold. We shall
make another cut in
our underwear de
partment which will
be so marked as to
close out even the
last undershirt and
drawe rs in our
Our $8 , $6 , $7 , $8
and $1O overcoats
will be cut 1O per
cent more.
That will make them at
prices less than they can
be bought at wholesale.
"We are in it with
all our might. "
Cor. I3lli ami
UlAlll'ffi' ' (111(1 ( (
The Brunswick-Balko Mil L. Wilkli ,
Oollender Oo.
llllllAra mrrolmndl , Otnnlmp.iporbOT factorf ,
Ciloonnituroi. 1S1M.1I0 .
107. tt luthntroct , Dauxlti.
Umnha. Orders promptly flllJl.
Omaha Republican Printiug Oo. ,
Law brlofi , bank supplier nml crorjrthltu In ttia
printing Una
IQIh nnd Douglti strcoK
Ackormann Eros. & Hcintza ,
Printer. , binders , floMrotrpors , blank book tnanu-
ItlCIIorrorJ tro2t , Omthv
Oharlcs A. Ooo & Oo. , KirkemlnllJones&Uoi ,
Manufacture and Job- WholoMlo MunufucturM
ben. Axcntu for notion ltul > -
llt llownrd itroot. IwrShoo Co , lltH , 1101 ,
iiul 1HW llnrncr St.
William ? , Van Aer-
nam k Harto , Phon Pnetory , Cornerllth
1112 Ilnrnoy itrcot , fin-l IKlllRllt 9t , OOll.
MiTuhonti InTltod
Omaha , Neb , to call niul einmlti ! ! .
Louis lleller ,
Iliitclicrj' nnd Tackort1
Tools A Pupplle * . Hoof ,
ant , \ Hiean cnsln/i.
lIlr.-IIIS.InckMHi St.
i , BUQGIE3 , ETO.
OclnmbiH BtiTCy Cb , , W , T , Seaman ,
CnrrlriKcs , cnrti enlkloi , '
Onmlm's I
I'lO. arrest Vnrlity
O. 1) ) . IMward * . Matm r. WAGONS A.ND
Omaha Oarpot Oo. , Oilmoro & Ruhl.
Carpets , oil cloths , mat Miimifnctiirors , C Wholo-
ting , curtnlriKoo < I < ! , oto. nnlo Clothlcn ,
1511 Dousliu utreot. 1IO1 ! llnrnoy St.
West & Fritsoher , Doan , Armstrong &
MnimfnctnroM flnoclgari Oo , ,
Jobbers of leaf tobnccoi , J V. I0lh
1011 Knrnnm itroet. "Ilellol"U39.
Omaha Ooal,0oko , and Ooutant & Squires ,
Lima Oo.
Eagle Cornice Worksi F. Huemping
Manufacturers of Oalvan- flalrnnlred Iron cornleoi ,
lieillron Corntre. Dormer windows
, ilnur
\\lndowcaps.uietnlloky- cnpi , ( Intnl ) , etc. Tin
ll lit clo. 1110 nnd 1113 Iron nnd pinto roofer.
811 Kurmm St.
M. E. Smith & Co. , Zilpatriok-Kooh Dry
Dry coeds , furnishing Goods Oo. ,
Kood > , notions. Dry Rood * , notions , gents'
Cor. lltu and Howard t * . Cornerllth furnishing nnl goods. llnrnoy
Wolf Electrical , Oo.
Illustrate. . ! Catalogue
1CU Cnplto Avenue.
Purlin , Oreudorff & T. G , Northvrall ,
Martin Oa. , General western ntcctit
Corner Jones end 9th sts. Sknndla I'luw Co ,
Omaha , Neb. 15I9-1JJ1 Slierinnn nro.
Qeo. Oborno & Oj , , J , 8. Smith ) ,
113 S. Uth slreot.
' 403-UIJ r,3 r niTOrttill
Paxton k Yierling Omaha Bafo & Iroa
Iron Workj , Works ,
Wrought nnd oi't Iron
biilldlnitwork , cnclno , Jlnnuf'rs flro nnd bnrito
br s work , inuiornl rronf nifo , f uUvV }
foundry , nriehlno ail work , Iron shutters atv
MflckMnlth work. U. I' . Urn r < oipei. I ) , Ant
It ; . andlHliat. drcvn.llth A Jac omt
Acme Iron nnd Wlro Wilson & Drake ,
Works , M'tg Unas , Or *
Iron , wr | < > nnd t > rn i ir'ki , box bolter * , links , ol
M''S Kthslrcot.
\V. Iloulil , I'roprlBtor , 1''flrcennl 10th straitl.
Heos Printing Oo.
LllhOKrnphlnir , I'rlntlnj
anil illank Hooks.
Illh nnd Howard Sti.
Her & Oo , , William Durst ,
Minor Mi'rclnnti. \Vlncs , Minors unj Cl *
1112 llnrnor street. .
Mnnufnctiir'M KenneJr's Rnrs.
Kntl India Illttori. 1313 Knrmni St. , Omah >
R. E , Grotto , Frank Dcllono & Oo , ,
Importer nnd .lobbor of .
Ocniilno N -
Wlno nnd I.tijuor Jith t.lquoMnmt
nnd I.eareitn orth SM. vncU Clgan.
I'llcc , ' lists on ni'pllcntlun IMS Douglas Street.
L. Kirsobt& Oo. , A. Friok&Oo. ,
Wholesale I.IquorDoaleriVholcsalo Uqviorl > c l rl
< 07 nnd 109 8. 10th SI. 601 - F03 S 10th St.
G.W.Dougltun&Oo. John A. Wnkefleld.
Imported , AmorKnn.Pori
Ilnrdwood Lumber , hnilOmorH.MIlwsuM
llydrnullo foment in
1310 Northl Oth Btron. ( Julncr Wlilto Llmo.
Obarles R. Leo , Wyatt-Bullard Lumber
Hnrdwood lumber , wood
carpets nnd piniuut ber Oo.
Oth nml DauKli' . Wtli nndlznril Street ! ,
Fred W. Gray , Louis Bradford ,
l.lmo. Cement , I'.tn , Klo. Lumber , time , coment.cW
Cor. Oth nn 1 llrmuliM 9Vi : Douglas street
0. A , Stonohill , I. Oberfelder & Co. ,
Millinery , Notions Importers nnd Jobberi If )
Clcnki , r.'o Millinery.
: W,2IOKtHiiJ South lltft
110-118 S. ICth St. , Onnhs Urcct.
Max Meyer & Bro. Oo. A. Hospe , Jr. ,
M'f'c Jeweler , dealers In I'lnnos , Organs , Artists'
Instruments ,
etc. , Materials , Kto. ,
Fnrnnm and ICth. IMft Douglas Street
Consolidated Tnuk
Line Oo ,
Ilcflned nnd lubrlcntln ;
oil" , axle k'nvno , eta
A. 11. UMiop , .Mnnazer.
A , Booth Packing Oo. , Pintt & Oo. ,
Oysters , 0 h nnd canned "Tiger brnnd , " fresh oy
Koods. lers ,
Oiiajia branch ,
I30S Lcavennorth. 615 and HIT
\ \
Oarpeutor Paper Oo. , I Western Plating W'ki '
Carry n full flock of Gold , nllror and nl"t l"
printing , wrapping nd iilntlni : on fill metal * ,
tnblcwnro , oto , replal il
writing , card paper
rolUliliittrA 9 chad/
per , etc. dellorurork llltDodzi
'i '
Eibbel & Smith , Sohroeder & Oo. ,
Dealers In country prod- Cash nuyerj buttqr ugl
uee , frulta , > cuctnbles , CPBS , nnl Konorru o < Ja
til. mission murohantj ,
1207 Howard street. 123 South llth itrett
0. Rosso & Oo. , E. B. Branch & Oo. ,
Foreign , California and I'rcduce , fruits of all
tropical fruits , kinds , oysters ,
1213 Honnrd street 1211 Howard itroot.
Porter Bros. GJ. , Robert Purvis ,
Cnllforntn , Florida nnd 1217 Howard street
Ironical fruits. Write for prices on butter -
801-811 Jones street ter , eggs , poultry and
O.V. . Hulls , - Mnnagor. Kiuue.
Kirscbbraun & Sons , Olark & Qy. ,
Duller eggs and poultiy. nutter , cheese , eftt ,
poultry nnd ganio ,
1203 Howard street. CO1. * South 13lh street X
Bites & Oo. , Williams & Oro33 ,
Country produce , friilti.
Tefiotnbfo ! , urocors' Troduconnd frultt ,
specialties , tons , spiral ,
etc. 417-I1U S. llth HL 1211 Hnrney itrosL
Omaha Rubber Oo. ,
flmifnrturlu ; nn 1 Job
bers all limn rubber
IMS r.iniaru siraat.
A. L. Deano & Oo. , Emarsoa Seol Oo. ,
General aid'iits for I Inll's Beod Krowori , deilori In
Hntcs. KarJjn nr.nj , gralnanl
321 nnd 3.M South 10th St. , trount'B h ,
Omnhn. 4M-1.M tioutli Uth.
M. A.Disbrow ( & Oo , , Bohn 8aib & Door Oo.
Mauufucturnri of naih , Manufacturers of moull-
doors , blinds nnd Ingi , bllmls , dourj ,
Moulding ! , llrnnchof- otc.
Bee , 12th and Izard sti. Ifith nnl Cl irk itroot ) .
Farrell & Oampiny , Ddffy-Trowbriclga
Wholosnlo inanfucturorj Stova Minufao'g ' Qj ,
syrups , innl.ii.81 nn 1
vlnoimr * , MrtT4fatur'g stnrosual
217-311) ) Hauth 8th street. stove pi pi
1211-121 % I .irnnwnrtli si.
Consolidated Oofloa
Oomp&ny ,
HI ! nnd 1119 Htirnoy it.
Ouialm , Neb ,
U. S. Wind Engine & A , L. Strang & Sons ,
Pump Oo , ,
Ilnllldny nlnd mills. 01) 10JM001 Farnam atroit
nml WJ .lonui st ( J V
Iloja , acting manager. Omaha , Neb.
Orane Company ,
Hose belting , packing ,
ktuum pumps , plumbing
9.3-2I tariiA-nstroat
H , Hardy & Oo. , The Omaha Typa
Toys , dolls , albuini.fancf . Foundry ,
Koods , liousufurnlsliluf Printers' Supplies.
goods , children's car. Now and fecund-bin !
rlagiis. 1319 Famauist. 1I1S machinery. Howard street.
Boyer k Truitt , Martin Bros , ,
W-W KxQbimiu llulldtng , 44-W Kicbnnce Ilulldlnt
rJoulh Omahn. BlCKchtngo Ijulldln *
BuutU Oiuarm.
B , J , Ooflman , Smilo.y lIunter Sc Qreon
& 0o. , ,
28 Eirrhango Building , CO K idlingllulldloi
Houth Omiilnt. Houth
Wood Brothers ,
Ilulldlug ,
Bouth Quito *