THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY , JAISTUARY 4 , 1S91-TWELVE PAGES. OVfER IN THE PROBOSCIS , Study of the Moses of Great Men at Washington. THAT ARE WORTH MltLIONS. Xlic Knn\o \ IJcnk of ISvnrts nnilVnn - maker' * Flnnncinl Indluntor Tom Itcctl'H I'ng How In- Knits Is l.iulplictl. , tKX ) , liy rnu(7. \ \ . CrtrrxTiffT.I Jim. 1. iSpccliil to Tun -Tho nose Is tlio emblem of the soul. It Is only a wad of cartilage nnd flesh , but by It you nmy road Its owner as though ho were mi open book , nnd Its extent nnd stiapo give the incnsui'o of the statesman nnd Iho fool. The Greeks added nn Inch to the humnn nose and made tholr mnrblo heroes gods. Of tlio great men of the pnst not ono In a score hnd n snub nose or n ptig nnd of the mighty men of Washington today the pioboecs of nine out of ten nro enormous. Where will you find a bigger nose tlmn that of Blnlnol U domin ates Ids fnco nnd It has nil the characteristics of'lho Homan patrician. It Is the nose or n lender nnd It Is tbo nose thnt Plato snys Is Indicative of power. It Is the sign-post of ninlnc's personal magnetism nnU of his Intel- TFelvFiil force , and If It stood nlono In nn ana tomical collection you would feel thnt It was the nose of n great man. It wns Ulggcr when lilnliic wns n boy than It Is now , nud it gave Bltiino nt collcgo the iilcknnmo of Nosey Ulntno. All of our presidents iiAvu HAD nio xosr. ? , mul President Harrison's nose Is no excep tion. At llrst fight it seems to DO rather short , but as you look at It again you sco that It Is long and drooping , It seems to hug his face , nnd tlioro Is considerable strength In the nostrils. Itlsn consovatlvo nose , nnd It belongs to the clnss of sclf-apprcciatlvo noses , You can see that Its owner has confV deuce In himself , but you do not llud in It the pugnnclous , obstlnnte independence which is found In the nose of ex-President Cleveland. Cleveland's nose Is too fat for beauty. His complexion Is rough mid his nose hits not the smooth , velvety appearance of that of Ulalne. V has , however , great strength , and It Is n * hort Homan In shape. Arthur hnd a good sized nose , and the great big nose of Abe Lincoln has become historic. John Tyler had an immense * proboscis , and Andrew Jackson had one of the biggest and ono of the lumilsotncst nmonir the presidents. JIo Is onq of the two presidents who had their noses pulled while they were hero. Ho wns on n Potonuio boat going i.'down the river nnd had stopped nt Alexandria when n mnn rushed In nnd prnbbcd him by the nose nnil pave It n torri' bio pull. Old Hickory raised his cnne , but before ho could got nt the mnn ho h.ul es cnpcd. This mnn wns a lieutenant In the navy who had been disgraced nnd who con tillered the president the cause of his trouble. James K. Polk hail his nosu pulled while lie was speaker ot the house of repro- s\.Uirt.4 , nnd It was expected that ho \Mj\A \ light the man who pulled It. Ho aRitncd , however , that the man hnd only nt- wSnmtcd to pull his nose nnd h.ul not suc ceeded ami the matter was dropped , .lacks on , _ upon Polk ns a coward because ho did not HgTit mid ho held , I nm told , a secret dislike like- for him on this nccount for years after wards. I wish I could paint inn JJOBB or uxci.i : Jiitn : IIUIIK , the bend of the department of agriculture. . It Is n big nose ami n rollicking noso. It \k \ shows , sttcngtfl. and. < ; oed natpro nud It * fairly dnnccs between Secretary Rusk's ' blue eyes when ho tells ono of his stories. Wnnamnkcr bns a fat nose , very thick nt the nostrils but It Is strong and clean-cut nnd It bears the lines of executive ability. It Is the no-io of n financier , nnd It. hns been worth millions to the postnmster general. It would make n better nose for the secretary of the treasury than thnt of Windom nnd it Is , with the ex ception of Blalno's , the best nose in Harri son's cabinet. Window's nose is short and pudgy. It looks ns though It might have no bono In it nnd It does not iiulluato the ptronglh that the man really possesses. The noses of Noble , Tracy and I'roctor nro very inlinary noses good enough nnd big enough % it Indicative of nothing in particular. They show their owners to bo evenly bal anced men , but they do not at first glance im press you. j It Is In the supreme court you will find T/lio / big noses of Washington. Justlco Fuller has the nose of n Homan. It stands well up from his cheeks. It seU .oil his classic fea tures nnd makes Ills palo face almost noble ns It stands out In front of his leonine gray hhlr nbovo his llorco silver mustache nnd over his togn-llito black gown. Judge Field hns n nose that might Imvo been transplanted from ancient Greece. It is straight , .largo nnd full , with scholarly lines about Its sensitive nostrils , nnd It indicates JJiat its owner is n thinker nnd n scholar. Judge Ulatchford's nose is another scholarly ono , and I can never look nt llradloy's clean- cut beak without thinking ot llguroj. The great mnthcmatlclan nnd the great jurist Is written nil ever it , nnd It U so big thnt it seems to bo running nway with the face , Judge Hnrlan has a face that would do for a model of Jove , nnd his nose is thnt of n god. It Is n nose that sculptors would rave over , nnd It has that delicate rosy hue of Judge ! jlaVlnn's ' complexion , which corresponds with the best efforts of Hubcns In color. It Is one of the strong noses tu Washington , nnd It comes out in fine contrast with the weak , fleshy nose of Justice Gray , whom nature modeled on her grandest nlan with this ono exception. Gray Is considered a great Judge , nit bo is somewhat of a snob unit his nose Is n snub. It Is tha smallest nose on the bench , nud Judge lliowcr's nose WOULD MAKE TWO OF IT. The great Judges of the past Imvo nil hnd big noses , and Justice Mai-shall , when ho was nt the hend of the court , called attention to his Horaan nose by the habit of snufllng. Qno day Ilfnry Claj % who hail a nose ns big as your list , was making a speech before him , and ns ho saw the chief justice take up u pinch of the titillating powder bo could not resist the Inclination to do the same , nnd lit stopped his argument , walked up to the bench nnd asked for n pinch of BiiufT. This he aniiffcd up his nose with gusto nnd then went on with his speech. I doubt not thai some of the judges sntilT today , nnd thcro arc a half ilozcn senators \\hosuck tobacco lute their nostrils nnd say they prefer the habit tc chewing or sinoklnp. Senator Thiirman Is n great snuffer , nud ho 1ms a line- nose for It. Harris sr.uffs , nnd I nm told thnt George ol Mississippi prefers his Mnccnboy to his din ner. The government buys snulT for Its soil' ntors , nnd tlio scrgeant-nt-nnns always has a bottle or so of the best makes on hand I saw n nose last night thnt must have cos ) nt least $10,000 in Its coloring alono. It was fastened nbovo the mouth of ono of the most noted dlnors-out of Washington boclety nnd It shows what men can do ns to the making of their noses. The nose of the high liver is ar different from him who lives on cat , " " ' mnn Is noted for his love of torratiln nnd champagne , lie hns bold a high rank in the nrmy of the United States nnn ho has otic of the biggest heads nnd tbo most beautiful silver hair In Washington. His nose , how ever Is a wonder. U is fat. largo nnd bluish ] . It looks llko n rose colored pin cushion , ,1 , you can rend champagne , chartreuse nnd j'bourbon all over It. It is so prominent Tihdccd that Its owner , who Is ono of the Jol < licst fellows of Washington , was thought tc .bo wearing It as n musk at a fancy ball of n year or two npo. Ho hero met n charming VOUIIB lady ' | io was making her debut at the capital that season nud who pleased him very much. She were n mask and the chatted co qucttlshly with him from behind It. To wards the end of the evening ho asked hui to unmask. She Olit HO and General lihwV i was us beautiful as tug was witty , and while ho wns complimenting her lipoB her charms , the lady turucd to him and snld : "I tlmnk you much for your compliments , but I would llko to know to whom I am talk * Ing. I have taken off my mask und now I want you to tnkooff yours. " "But , " replied the Reneral , ' 'my ' dear girl , I nm not masked. It Is my natural fnco that pa7.cs cnrapturcdly on yours , " " 1 don't belleve'lt , " snld the pay young lady. "You arc wonderfully well maJo up , but I can sco thnt thnt nose Is fidsc. Como now , please do tuko off your nose. " The general' face grew red , his nose became - came Moun rt.vM coi.ounn THAN cvnn , nnd It wns some time before he could per suade the young lady that his uose was not a false one. I went into the press gnllcry this afternoon and took n look at the noses of the senate. What n handsome proboscis Senator Ed munds hns. It stands out llko a great rosy Low between these red checks , and there Is a striking Homan curve between Its tlp.nnd Its roots at the forehead. Kdnninds" " head Is ns bnld nt the top ns a hlllinrd ball , nud from his silvery whiskers behind his croivn his skin Is ns fair as that of a two-year old baby. His nose has this complexion , nnd though it Is charged thnt at times he takes n little old brandy for his stomach's sake , this hns never discolored his face , nnd ho looks us though ho fed on grits and spring water. He hns a re innrkably sensitive nose , nnd physiognomists would call the nostrils fretful nnd irritable. It is n Judicial noSe , and a legal nose , and when It smells nt the law It smells for pay. it brings in Its owner many n (5OUO fee , nnd t has made him one of the rich statesmen of state which runs uioro to brains thau to noney. As to golden noses , however , ' thcro nro n ozen In the sc-nato chamber which would iring gold galore If their owners were in the muds of brfirnnds , Senator Sherman made \ trip to Cuba n few years ago , nnd vhilo thcro he came within nn ncoof heing nptured by the banditti nnd held for ransom. Its nose Is a strong one , and I don't ' suppose 10 would say It was worth KiOO.OOO to him , nit had they caught him and with razor In mud , told htm that they would slice that ese oft into pieces the size of Saratoga po- ate chips , I Imagine they woula have gotten lielr money. Look at that nose of Senator Stanford. You could put It In u wlno glass , mt Stanford would not sell It for S.IO.OOU.OOO , , nd the same is true of the long , thin smeller f Senator Hearst. The noses of these two noiioy-imikers nro entirely different. Stnu- ord's Is fat , with largo nostiils. Hearst's Is ccrotivo nnd thin , and it Is said to bo the > cst nose for mines In the country. It Is not , lowever , the nose of n statesman , and It has not the pugnacity nor the cruelty of that nose vhlch sits above the suoxv-whlto colarund ho rod necktie of John .1. Ingalls and dellcs ho world , the Ilcsh and the devil. There Is i lighting IIOSP for you ! That nose might bo no nose of n pirate. It might bo the nose of i reformer , of a great writer or n poet. It Is ho nose of an orator and n genius. It is hin and sensitive and nt the same time itroui ; . It has nil of the Koman aggres- Ivencss combined with nil the Greek Intel- ectuallty , and its sensitive nostrils nuo these f a patrician. It is the great nnd only nose f the great and onlv Ingalls , and it is a nose I'hich some senators 1 know would MICE TO VUU. , HUT DAHE NOT. Another lighting nose , but ono of a differ ent make , is that of Senator Vest. It is mailer than that of Ingalls , nnd ns it trots uound the scunto In front of Vest's cheeks md between his pugnacious eyes , it makes no think of the bad man from Bitter creek , \lio walked aromil with a chip on his houlder yelling that he was a terror and ho mild whip nnv blanked man in the house. Vest likes to light as well as ho does to eat. ilo is n man of remarkable ability , and bo- ilnd his pugnacious nose ho carries a very good-natured soul. If ho thinks his corns are stepped upon , however , his nostrils begin to lllatu , his shouldeis droop moro than over , his head Jumps an Inch further out from his shoulders and his enemies need to look out. Senator Uonnan hns a classic noso. It is lanre , straight , and Grecian , and It looks very much llko the nose of Senator Gray , save that It shows more power. Senator Cock roll's nose is long and thin , It Is a typical American nose and Cockrell keeps It wcl ! down on the grindstone of senatorial hard work. I seldom got a fair-loon ut-lt from the press gallery as ho Is always bending over his papers , and Cockrell seems toork from morning till night. Next to him sits Senator ( joke who has n magnificent nose but who seems to do llttlo else than polish it ; am back of him is Senator George , who has a fat shapeless proboscis which will not hold peso tacles and upon the end of which n pair'o. ' gold glasses usually rides. Senator Carlisu has what is called THE INQUISITIVE NOSE. It looks as if it were cut out by nature's chis el but left Jn tlio rough. It runs straight from the forehead for an inch towards the mouth at tno proper angle for the correct nose , and hero breaks off it a kind of a but ton ending in rather sensitive nostrils. It Is n curious nose nnd wo all know thnt it is the nose of a statesman. Senator Hcngnu's nose is fat and bunchy and that of Vance is ono of the bcst- nuturcd , all-around noses in the chamber. I would r.ithcr live behind Vance's nose than behind that of any other democratic senator. It has all the lines of good nature nnd good fellowship ana like contentment , ills bolter than great riches. Ouo of the most remarkable beaks in the senate h thnt of Senator Evarts. f use the word beaks advisedly , for Evarts has a nose like that of an caglo. It is big and strong and it makes pronounced curves ns It stands well out from ono of the strongest nnd ono of the most homely fnecs in the United States senate. It is the king nose of the republican side of the chamber und it is n good noao as well us a big one. It is n deliberate iioso nmt nil of the lines nbout it indicate cotibcrvntlvo thought. Ills n nose capable of judging a good dinner nnd the nostril'i are those of n gastronome. It has smelled bar rels of terrapin and has felt tno effervescing gases of oceans of champagne. Still there is not n blotch nor n stain upon it and it shows that Its owner with all hts love for good living is cither a Spartan or Is possessed of n remarkable stomach. Senator Cullom hns a I.ONO nitm-SHOVI.nEIIED NOSK. It Is llko tno rest of his features , rugged nnd honest , nnd ns it cnirii-s him about the cham ber It makes ono think ot the nose of Abe Lincoln. It has not , however , the strength of Lincoln's nose and It Is lontrcr than it is largo. Frank Hiscock of Jsew York has a fat , well-made nose , the nostiils of which show out over thick lips nnd are rather con ceited In their outlines , and It Is the nose of n man who estimates hlmsolf us highly as ho is worth , It is rather n sneering nose and it don't strlko mo ns nn aristocratic nose. It stands out In strong contrast , ns I look , with thnt of SenatorSawyer who , short and portly , has one of the best business noses in the senate. Every line in Sawyer's proboscis is strong. It comes out from the eyes with n prominent curve and goes down towards tbo mouth ns though it meant business. It does mean buslnens , too , for Sawyer , quiet as ho Is , Is ono of the ablest men in the chamber , Ho mndo a big fortune and ho has made a good business senator. Ho moves around quietly but ho "gets thcro Just the same. " Among the hundreds of noses in the house you will Und all kinds , all sUes , all shapes. McKInluy has a hundsoino uose , inclined to the Homan. It is conservative and thought ful , and Its owner docs not like to bo told that It looks llko the nose of Napoleon , It Is brdud at the top hns n spectacle bridge at tlio eyes , and It droops just enough as It comes down to make It serious und thoughtful. It is a watchful nose and It ls arioso that works for McKlnloy nnd works to win. It Is n fnr liner problscU than thnt of Tom Heed nnd Heed's nose Is one of the exceptions uhlch proves the rule thnt all great men have big noses. Heed's nose Is not moro than an Inch long. It Is a lump of fat on a great , hip , round face and Its most renmrkablo feature is its distended nostrils. Taken , however , hi connection with Heed's ' face it makes you feel that the mnn has moro power than a llrst glance would give him credit for and as you hoar his squeaking , Yankee voice , fil tered through It. you soon know thnt this Insignificant - significant uose Is that of a genius and giant. FIIAKK U. r Among the ninny articles acceptable as gifts none Is moro appropriate than cut glass , Dorlllnper's American cut glass is by fnr the best , Their trudo mark label Is on every piece. Your dealer should bo able to show It to you , Joe riioynskl. the 'Frisco ' heavy-weight , now In Australia , is matched to tight Lunp , the champion ot New Zealand , Harry Lqwis of 'Frisco writes a friend hero UmtC'hoynskl told him after hU fight with Juck Davis that ho hud IIMUO the narrowest escape of his life. Ho said If Jack hud not rushed him bo much be would certainly have won. A BRUSH WITII THE REBELS , Personal Recollections of a Private Daring the Late Unploasantno33. BUSHWHACKERS HID IN THE CORN , Lively Times In Missouri AJonj ; the Line of the Ilniinili\t : Jt St. Jofloph Work of an Illinois The following reminiscences of the rebel lion are contributed by n. KOiitloinati who was then a pnvnto In ono of the llrst companies rahcd Inrcsponso to President Lincoln's caU for troops : Almost thirty years Imvo passed awny slnco the commencement of the stupendous contest when the north and the south closed Uko gladiators for the mastery. And yet the scenes and Incidents , the personal exper iences of that tlmo are moro vividly Im pressed upon my mind than anything tnnt has happened slnco then , however recent. The Sixteenth regiment Illinois volunteer Infantry was composed of companies that hail volunteered immediately after the firing upon Fort Sumptor and the prosldont's call for 7,00i ) men for three months. But the quota for Illinois was so quickly filled that not ( mo-half of the companies that offered tuomomsclvcs could bo accepted. Governor Yntes , forscclng the necessity of another call very soon , Induced the legislature to piss the famous ten regiment bill , authorizing dim to accept the surplus offered , anil they were ac cordingly accepted by the state auU ordered Into camp In various portions of the stato. Tno companies composing the Sixteenth were raised In the counties of Adams , Pike , Hnneock , Sclmyler , MeDonough , and , I think , Wnrron. They went Into camp at Qucncy , 111. , where the regiment was organ ized , and our captain , Kobcrt P. Smith , was elected colonel , and Cnptnln Hays of com pany 1C , major. Ours was company D. Wo were mustered Into the stnto service , under the ten regiment bill , May 0 , U01. and into the service of the United states for three years , on Muylil , by Captain 1'opo of the regular nrmy , afterwards General Popo. Company D , to which I belonged , was raised In Hancock county , principally from the towns of Carthage and Hamilton , although Fountain Green and Lca-IIarpo furnished a small quota. This company was ono of the best companies ever organized. Most of Its mem bers were of the best class of men , mentally , morally and physically. They were well drilled In company drill , having1 all served in the republican "Wldo Awakos" or the dem ocratic "Hlcitory Clubs" of. the presidential campaign of the previous year. Men of al most all trades and professions wore found In its ranks , and during the war whenever nn emergency nroso requiring the services of a civil ojigincer or a mechanical engineer , bridge builder , telegraph operator , or any thing else , men could always bo found In the Sixteenth regiment and almost always in the ranks of Company D , who could ill ! the bill. Wo remained in camp at Quincy for sev eral days nfter muster , before wo were sup plied with arms and ammunition. Then , about Jnno 1 , wo were sent Into active ser vice , Into Missouri , along the line of the Hannibal & St. Joe railroad. This was at that time , and until after the close of the war , the only railroad in the United States mat extended so far westward. On this account it was of the utmost importance to ttiu government as a means of speedy com munication with the vast western frontier , and as it ran through a country then hostile to the government and friendly to the con- feaeracy. it .became a .matter of strategical Importance also , for it was the settled policy of the confederacy at Richmond and of tnb confederates In Missouri to destroy it , and of the government at Washington to protect it and keep it open as a means of trunsporta- tisn for troops and supplies to the western frontier. The company who owned the road , as well as its nmnuecrs aim employes , were union men , as were also many of the citizens along its line , but these were so terrorized by the slaveholders and rebel element , which pre dominated , that they dared not say a word or lift a linger In opposition to them. The reb els had torn up tlio track In many places , burned some of the bridges and stopped the operation of the road , except as they per mitted It to be used for their own military purposes. They had also taken possession of the railroad foundries anil machine shops at Hannibal , were casting cannon , and had be gun to erect fortillcations on the heights at the left of the landing , with the purpose of closing the navigation of thu Mississlnpl river at that point. Such was the condition of affairs In north ern Missousl , when the government ordered the Sixteenth regiment , Illinois volunteers , to take a hand In affairs there.Vo were embarked on steamboats which floated down the river ono dark and rainy night early In Juno. Port of the regiment were lauded several miles above , Hannibal. These were to march through the now deserted streets nnd Hank the machine shops occupied by the rebels , and the remainder of the regiment were taken by the steamboat to the landing at the lower part of town , close to the ma chine shops. Of cflurso the movements were executed as silently as possible and the tlrbt intimation the sleepy rebels had of our approach , was when the the boat touched the wharf in front of their quarters and the troops rushed ashore with shouts and cheers , which were answered by the companies approaching through the town. The rebels beat n hasty retreat , leaving everything benind them. Including their drums , and wo took possession of their quar ters , together with the town and the heights they had begun to fortify. Tlio railroad ofll- rlals and employes now came forward and tool : nossesision of their property , and by daylight two trains were In readiness to start out on the road. One was a freight carrying railroad material , such us ties , Iron , bridge timber , etc. , besides n , largo force of work men to repair damages on the road , nnd the other was a passenger train to carry five companies of the troops , nnd followed close behind the repair train , Our regimental Hag , which had been pre sented to the regiment by the ladles of Quincy , floated above our train , and at every village and hamlet along the route the rebel Hag was seen Hying from the top of a long polo. At each village or station where ttils was seen the train would stop long enough for the boys to cut down the polo and drag the rebel emblem through the dust of | the street. The rebel clement of the town invar iably fled to the woods , whllu the loyal citi zens welcomed our coming with tears and blessings. All day wo rods westward towards St. Joseph , but wo made slow progress , being obliged to stop frequently and wait for the laborers to repair some damage to the track. Finally wo arrived at Grand river bridge , which had been destroyed , and there \vu en- camnea for the night and stayed while the workmen rebuilt the bridgo. Thus within twenty-four hours had the line been wiested from the possession of the rebels and reopened for about two-thirds tlio distance from Hannibal to St. Joseph , But wo had to do a deal of hard work , make many n long forced murch , and do a good deal ot lighting , in order to keep this thor oughfare open during the summer of 1SC51. Grand river bridge was soon rebuilt and the line opened from Hannibal to St. Joseph. Then the regiment was scattered oy com panies at different points along the line , and moved from place to place , as cir cumstances and" threatened hostilities re quired. Finally Companies D Fnnd 1C found themselves at Palmyra , from which point wo were ordered up the road to Mncoti , \Vo boarded a train of freight cars at about 5 p. m. ono hot day In Juno and went steaming up the road. The cars wnro box cars , such as were then used to ship cattle , but they were clean and well littered with clean straw. They were boxed nil around except the upper part of the sides , which were open to admit air , as were also the doors. A part of each company climbed on top of the cars , prefer ring to ride thcro on account of the heat. Wo were not expecting an attack , and each ono disposed himself as comfortably as cir cumstances would permit. 1 wni sitting In ono corner of a cur with my back against the side , when suddenly wo became con scious of what seemed to bo a lively fusllado outside. The roar of the train partially drowned tbo nolso at llrst , so t was several seconds bcforb wo could make out what it was , but then tbo boys on top be- ran llrlnp , and wo know we were attacked by mshwlmekcrs. Instantly the boys insldo sprang to their cot and began firing from the open spaces and doors , into u Una of bushes that skirted hu track on ono sldo , and a cornfield beyond , rotn which Issued a lively stream of lire di rected on the train. I watched , ready to flro the moment I saw m enemy to lire at , but I could see nothing > ut puffs of smoke coming from the corn leld , which was only n little over waist high. I'ho boys at my slilo were loading and firing at random ns fast as they could into the corn leld and bushes. Suddenly 1 saw a tall form rlso up from the corn Held In front of mo In tlio net of ovellng a heavy doublc-bitrrulcd shotgun , was n good snap shot m those days , and I Instantly fired at him. As I sprang to my feet and turned around to cot a chance to lire upon the enemy , I hap pened to look ucnui where I had been sitting. At the sntno Instant I saw n liolu made thcro hrough thcsldo of the ear , directly where ny back hud been leaning against it. This lolo was made by a largo bullet which came with such force that it went through ooth sides of the car. What bccanid of him I do not know for 1 stepped back to reload , but ono of the bovs at my side said ho stiw his jun drop and also the man himself. Just tlien Colonel Smith cnmo walking ilonpsldo the train and said : "Jump off , fix jayoncts and go nt them. " But the bush- wlmckers not relishing a close acquaintance with cold steel broke cover nnd lied. Tlioso of us who hnd our guns loaded could not re sist the temptation of unloading them atthelr expense. Wo chased them tl-rough the corn Held , but they had the start and were ro- marknbly licet of foot and they arrived wliero their lioroes were hitched flwt nnd when wo got through the Held they were mounted mid making good tlmo away from that vicinity , while wo gave them a liberal volley asu part ing salute. The train whistled the signal for our re turn , nnd on our way back wo cnmo across qulto n number of dead and badly wounded guerrillas , but wo had no tlmo to render : hem any assistance , and loft them for their friends to find nnd care for. The sun was setting , and ns it was dangerous traveling on this road after nightfall the colonel was anxious to get us to Macon City ns soon ns possible. As wo boarded the train wo learned that Corporal George O. Felt of company D was killed. Sergeant Dickinson mortnlly wonndod , Privates Caruthers badlv and BIulii slightly wounded. Company F Had several men wounded , but none of com pany 1C were hurt. Considering the number of the guerrillas , Lheir advantage and the number of hhots ilrod at us , It seemed a mlraclo that our loss was so slight. They hnd evidently expected to capture and destroy the train , as several rails were torn up a llttlo ahead of us.Vo were soon ready to go ahead again , and ar rived nt Mncon before midnight without being again "bushwhacked. " This was our first serious skirmish and the first loss of blood nnd lite of the Sixteenth regiment and company D. I have used your Salvation Oil for cracked iccls , mange , nnd sand cracks with horses , mid it gives perfect satisfaction. CUM , W. LT.K , 414 W. Baltimore street , Uulto , Md. The cost of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is only 25 cents. A bottle will convince all of Its ex cellence. s JGa i. A itiTi IN. A now variety of sea gull has mndo its ap- [ icarnnco on the New Jersey roast. It is darker than the old kind and the mo t re markable peculiarity is that its tali is nar rowed to a sharp point. Ono of the largest rosebushes in the world prows alongside the residence of Dr , E , 13. Matthews in Mobile , Ala. It was planted In 1881 and now covers the entire house ana neighboring trees. Frank Loorais an old trapper , has found what is probably the largest tree in the world. While hunting near Centrovlllo , Fresno county , California , he followed a wounded bear through n dense thicket and there discovered a tree which measured , four feet above the ground , 120 feet B inches in circumference. The motherly Instinct of a cat wns touchingly - ingly displayed a few days ngo , in Orlando , Qa. A flro oroke out in the house adjoining Campbell's restaurant. The latter contained a cat and several small kittens.1 The mother made a hasty investigation , discovered the peril of her offspring , and carried thorn from ihe building ouo after another , ) A negress named Caroline Jenkins , near Houston , Tex. , Is n , vcrltabloSumpsou. Four police ofllcers went to arrest bor when she took them ono by one , threw them out of the house and locked the doors 09 them. Sno can break a half incn rene with case by stretching it from hand to hand. "Vampito oatsaro so destructive to cattle In the Brazilian province of Mntto Gross ! and Entro Fios that stock raising has become un profitable. The government offers a liberal reward for the suggestion of niy | plan whieu will tend to abate the post. Iu single night as many as twenty of the wlngod blooJ suck ers attack a single cow , leavhig it in the morning helpless on the Held. Just ns the funeral procession of a colored woman arrived at the cemetery in Shreveport - port , La. , the mourners were affrighted to see the supposed corpse kick the top off the coflln , arise to a sitting posture , and coolly nsk what was going on. She all right , and grins with a four-Inch smile when ques tioned about her novel oxporlonco. Dr. Carl KiRcnmann has been collecting fish in San Diego for some years. In malting up a collection recently for the British mu seum ho found a new specimen of herrinc that has pocket membranes for slipping in the dorsal , pectoral nnd ventral tins. The scales are largo , tno eyes hovo'a glassy cov ering and most , of tha head Is transparent. Thousands of goldcrests annually cross nnd recross the North sea nt the wildest period of the year , and , unless the wcnthcr is rough , generally make their migration In safety. Ami yet this is the smallest and frailest Brit ish bird a mcro Huff of feathers and weigh ing only seventy grains. Three mothers gave birth to triplets each In Dahlonegn , Gn. . the other day. Mrs. Mcrwln Jones gave birth to two boys and ono girl , Mrs. McGcovcr to tnrco girls and Mrs. U'obgood to one girl and two boys. Such an unusual influx of infants has created a panic among the mldwivcs. The other evening up atMchnmn , Ore. , when George P. Terrell's llttlo twelve-year- old daughter went down to the paaturo to drive up the cows she found a pretty llttlo two-year-old dcor feeding with them. She drove the cows to the barnyard and the deer ran along with them , as sportive as n , calf on a Juno morning. When they were all secure in the barn the dcor was caught with but little - tlo trouble and Is readily submitting to do mestication. Not long ago when James Sowoll of Sun- bury , Pa. , had given orders for the removal of nis daughter's body from the Sunbnry cemetery , at Pomphrct Manor cemetery , the casket was so heavy that it required seven men to lift it. Tha removal of the lid dis closed the fact that that the body had been turned to stone : oven the ( lowers which had been placed In tno coflln were petrified. Miss Sowell died three years ago. She was a bru- nctt with dark hair ; in the coflln it was snowy white. Trlnidad'H Hoiilt'iful Ollmatr. The climate of Trinidad , Colo. , Is r.oted for its hcalthglving qualities'It has the pure , dry mountain air of the Hockics , nnd no malaria. The town is 0,000 feet above ttia sea. For full information address Trinidad Lund & Improvement Co. , Trinidad , Colo. A good many famous horses have died this year. Among them wer i Boll Boy , 2ll ; ( > X : Will Cody , ll'jy. : ' Domestic , 3:20 : ; Du- quesno , ! J:17Jf : ; Naiad Queen , 2:20f1 : Hay- onuo Prince , 2:21B : : McCurdy's Hamblb- tonian , 2:20) : ; Cobdcn , 2:289f : ; Mumbrino Star , 2:28' : < ; Electioneer. Homer , Annie Easton , Maid of Clay and Smuggler. , Hello Hclkcs , Dayton's fumous shot , and who hns a score of friends In Omaha , U goIng - Ing to remove to Chicago. On , Now Year's day bo will shoot his last match as nn Ohio boy. His opponent will bo Hpott McDonald. Hclkcs will have to break ten moro balls thnn his opponent to win the tlOO purse which has been hung up. Mlko Conloy , the Ithaca glaut , has backed out of his match with Hill ? Woods of Den ver Woods Is now anxious to get on a match with Davis of thU city. William Hall , tha Nebraska City mnn , was an easy winner In the I'aluco billiard tourna input. H. B. IR.EY & BUG. For Sale Real Estate. 84 x135 foot , Improved , half bloct from court homo , Seven 2- tory lie i' < n , very lariio tot fnop tliroo tto.'ls , pays 11) IUT cent nut on Inu'stmeiit ; llltll ICllOUl. 10-room liou'o nnd Imrn , Imnliroocl HnMi , nil moil- crn trnproroini'ntt , nu t front , imvril sttcel , uioit Ixlitlr nnd best rnldunro loc.illlr In tlio cltjr 0-room rotlnco niut t nrn , louth front , r > afd street , nnd ncnrSllh striTt motor : c-u < ; turjnv i'.MMJ. T-rconi IIOUM' . full lot , fn\ Oil street , 31st near Pop- ilotonnvomio , $4 , < ) . ( l-room cultiiKo , atli reirriinrlcs , M,00rt. 5-rnom cottneo , I-on o nrcnuoim I Ilniullton , (2000. 7-rrom coltnue , Siouttifrout lots , cornor'Alli ana Mnplo.Jo.fiOO. Truuinstory homo , modern Improve ncnts , S'tli near it , Mnrjr'i nvrnno , $ lf > utl. UNIMI'IIOVKn. Knst fronttil ncnr I'opploton , f.1M9. Kml front , 2i th nonr ropiiteton. f ? MK ) . CO foot lot , Sltn oppusltu Ilniullton , will sell or rndc. South front , 2tith nnd Ilurdctte ; nocr.s'i required f inmlirnerluilliK f-Y..V ) Hoiilh front , l"Jth utiU Hamilton , terms saruo ns nbo > e , Jl',000. Two Ion , corner , north nnd en t front , piveJ itroct , on Clilcnfo. near Yule * ' rxtdonco , JlWJ. CllxlK foot lot , Onus near ' " ( I. M.IKO Noith Oiunlm addition loU , trncUn e , f.VK ) o.icli. I.nrim llTory ntnblo fnr mtlo or trudo for largo rrmcliln IDWII or Kmtcrn N'chrn-kn Itost&nrreiln llt-llntr addition. t..COO. 15 ncrei nenr " ( Irninmcrcy 1'arW , " ilKbtlf and orcl ( Joodfor nutdlvldlntf. Two lots near 21th street motor. $1,000 O'Ch. l.nritc U t of houiua nnd lots In till parts of tlio city on en y U'rms. Kor Trndo-'Cltynnd Knrm Property. Eastern money tolonu nt low rule * . H. B ; Ircy & Bro. . 206 N. Y. Life B'ld'g. ' Are Yon Thinking About Getting n Nice ' An Imported IIAUT7 MOI'SIAIN CAN A 1C Y. Riinriintocd Rood t > ingor , and cu o will iniiko an ck'giint and surprising picsent , I further rucumiuoml my stock of ImpoitiHl I'miry naiiarli1. , siu'h as : Norwich , deep onxtifio fnloit'd ; I IIK- llsh I'oppur I'ud , almost rod : Mnnelicstor UiiiplcH | and other beautiful canaries. Talking Parrots from illiX ) up. up.l ! l Jnpuncso Goldfish ami globe for $1.63. MAX ! 417 S. ICth St.Omahn. N. M. RUDDY OPTIGIM 211 South IMh Ft. , Omnhn Dealer in Artificial Eyes Selections sent to by < "XPtPSS to any part of the U. S. " / FOR LADIES'SHOES ALMA POLISH. Try ono bottle and ou will use no other polish for your Shoes. Only Shoo Dressing ovci1 awarded u silver modal. ASOMr/rillNONEW-fl.OO an liour raslly inailo by Agents , nmlc or fi'inali * . Saiu- Iilound fulliMrtloultirsdoo. CIIAS. U. MAU r.u l.ouUnort N. V. IT WILL DO. Produces a Beautiful Complexion , Whitens n Sallow S'tln. ' Removes Moth and Llvar Spots. Prevents Sunburn and Tan. To Travdlors It Is Indispensable. Keeps the Skin perfect in any Climate. I'LANTA HEATRIOK. 1'HU JAU JI.25 FLESH WORM PASTE. Sltln Refiner and Plmplo Remover. Will reflno a COAHSK , UOWJII , 1'OHOUS SKIN , n positive cure for 1'ISIl'M'S , eruptions , unil entirely removes that disagreeable IIKDNIISS with which 10 m ny nronllllcleJ. PerJur. ll.W. Tlioio goods mo absolutely PUHKtmd II AKMI.KBS unit can bo obtained nt tlio following representative druggists' ! J.cillo A Leslie , intli nnd lo < luo SlrccH. Kulin A Co. , Corner 15tli mid streets , nnil North SUh nnd licit I.ln ? . Bhcrnmn & McConnell , 1M3 IloclKo St. \Yhol snloAROnt9 : HIchariljuiiDrui : Co. , 1007 nnd 1011 Jones street. Or oT Solo Manufacturers , London Toilet Bazar Co. , 38 and 4,0 West 83d St. , New York Wholcsnlo Olllco , No , 30 . 17th St. Treatise on tlio complexion nt nbovo address free. or sent to any nd > lre > 3 o n receipt of ( els. ONLV--pr. Ixmuc'a Periodical Pllti the French rtimodjr , act on ttiu monsirual ajrilom anU cure auppreialon from whmuver cansa. 1'romote rnenntrunllon. These nlll sliould nutb ? taken dur- og pregnancy. Am. I'lllCo. , lloynUj 1'roin. , Spencer - cer , Clar Co. , la. Oenulcobr Sherman .t McConnell , UotU'O it , near I1,0. , Umahai U. A. Melcher , Hauta Omabu ; M. I * . Elll . Council Uluff * . II. or 3 fur 15. lending remedy for alt Urn nntiMuiftl dluc-bRFKea and , certain cure for tindulilll. . tatlnx weokntua peculiar to women. Irrc8crlbelt ndfeel ai8 In recnmmeudloi ; it to Nolil JPF.OI'JEwrlo ! for Illustrate ! tanilly paper on oierullom | up. on tuinuri , tlituU , piles , varl- - cocpleliilroceleiliruc ) , nppll- _ unccs for ckformllliit alto cur. 8' , ilentlal book for men , rxplulnlnic wliv „ ihousandi cannot gel cureiluf special , prl- * \ ate , clironlc dUcasca , icmlnal weakness , lots _ , f manhood , gleet , lyphtlli , imnnlur l loiiea , nri'l ' result * of abuse or cxeruca uhlch unlit nil for mar' rlaire , liapnlnem or life's duties. Dr. I.lehlu'i AViitidrrfiil Orrniun Iiitliriirulor curea nil. To prove lt merlin , si trial Iwule cnt free. Ilr. i.leiilir .V Co , , ail W. Nlntu street , Kausoa cur , * * ' * . . urban KruucUco. Cat * DR. GLOJGK , EYE AND EA.R , Barker mock , \ 'Mand Furium. Teloohona ( U1 GONSUMPTION. I bare a poaltlvt rerufd ; for tha atmta diafiia i lir Its use thouunda of caats of tlio wortt kinil and uf ( one stindlni barn teen cured , Inilwd o Mronn U my fillh U its pfflcicjr. thu I will send TWO HOTTLKH YIIEK , wlib a VAI.UA11I.K TltnATIHC onthladlioaMtoanyiraf. fm-rwboKlll Mud me their KipreMand l'.Oadtlr it. T. A. blucum , .11.0. , 181 1'ourl Hi. , N. Y. ( " ufyvitr | ailMtni 4iti r iu liiuntiri < l toil A pro i | 18 "b ItllrcuVt Ml a If. UiaOHC. U Br a4.M , & , X GLAUS SOAPi There's baijksof violets , B&nks of Arjd ba ks wfjere Djlrjers grope } And bMjks tljext hurdle golden coin , ButFAIRBANK m THE BEST SOAP. u TA That Person Had. I Could Hardly Talk With Him. " There Is not n person who rends this thnt hns not both heard nnd mncle n similar ex pression to the nbovo , perhaps many times , yet few evef- think wlmt the cnuse is. Nine cnses out of ton n bad breath Is cruised by decayed teeth. Thcso cava- ties of decay form rooeptlcles for tlio accumulation of food wlilch becomes decomposed , hence the ol'fonsivo odor. Ono do-jnyod tooth will often mnko the breath almost unbearable to those with whom you converge , It being a sensitive subject to mention be tween friends frequently ono goes In ignorance of how offen sive their breath may be. Tliis is not nil. The decomposed matter in a cavity ofttecny is constantly being swallowed nncl is frequently the cause of diseases of th i stomach , which in many cases bring on other complicated diseases of the general system. How Important it should be then , to keep your mouth in n clean and henlthystate , forsb much of your health , comfort and happiness depend upon It. Visit DR. . 13ATLElYTlie Dentist , And have your mouth looked over. Examination and advice free. Office 312 Paxton B'ldg. Telephone 11)85 ) , loth and Parnam Sts. IOE1 SEASON 189O-91 ISXOLvUSIVLi AGRNTS FOR 9 Celebrated Ice Tools. We have a full line now on hand comprising : Plows , Chisels , Hooks , Markers , Bars , Run Iron , Snow Scrapers.Etc.Rope of all Kinds. WRITE for CATALOGUE and PRICES James' Morton & Son. 1511 DodgeStreet.Omaha , Neb , ] ME YORK DENTRL PMLORS N. E. Cor. 14tl'i and Farnam Sts. DR. KLA. . BROWNE , . Wo will innUo vou u set nf tretli. nslnstho lieU niMior , nnd OUAKANTRKa ( It , for $100. l'AINM > SlTKACTIONVllli our nu'tlioil. teeth aru EMracloJ Absolutely Without 1'uln Gold. Silver and Itniin Illlln s , i'nnvn .mil lliliisoWorK , Our Motto Tliu lil'.sT dental work , nt LO\VisT : living prices. HIMEBHUGH&TAYLOR CO COO CD 1 I CO Skates , Boys' Chests of Tools , Fine Pocket Cut lery , Scissors and Scissor Cases , Carving Sets , Rog CD ers' Triple Plated Knives and Forks , Tea , Table and Dessert Spoons. NO GXJRR ! NO 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Poveiitecn years experience. A roKulrtrpradunto In medicine , rn dlplom 11 Oiow , Is still trnatlnf Tlth tlieKreatott nut COBS , nil Nervuua , Clironlc ntul I'rlvuto l > lHnio * . A purnmnuiit enru Kuurunttied for Cnturru , Bpcrniatorrlirra , I.o t Manuond , femlnnl Woakneit , Mulit Ixisoi , Impotuncr , SyplillU , iUrlcliiro , anil nil Mil- ea onoftlio lllood , bkln umlUilnirr Urxans. N , II. litunrnntcu IVXI for e > ery omul undertake niul fall to euro. Coniullatlunfrco. Hook ( Myatorlm of LIfo ) tent froa. OIBcohours Unm. . tut p. to. HuaJuya II a. m , to I'i in. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 12OY Doufjla.3 Stroot. Btovo repairs of all descriptions for oook ami lieatliu stoves , family nud liotol ransom Water 'tltacumunU a b)0clnlty. | R ° DERT UHLIG > p''opl'lotot * Telephone 96O C. M. EATON , Manager. DEWEY & STONE FURNITURE COMPANY A mn'iiiflcont ( , display of everything useful and orrminontnl In tbo furultur * rrwkor'B art , ut ronsotwblo prlcon. CHICHCSTCR'S ' EH6LISH. RCD CHOSS Ik M m m w L v B - THt OHICINALANP GENUINE Tb only M f ( . hurt , i I rttiallt IMtl for i li. I tttlr * . _ k _ | ) ruti lf < > r Ckttkntm t.g\ti \ * / < um nU It fund lu ltr 1 ol 0J mu lit , u 1 ( , [ , j jy i teD 'luLu nuotUrr Ltitilt Ktfmt HubttltuHo t ( MUaffeni Ir.'lo lor t > * rtUuUr * iMttmoivuU.'iti > l * lUllrf fur I. illt .M intnttr by return 3JnlU * ' ! JY/ all Lutii