Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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r lverrd by Carrier In tiny part of tlio City
fluslnfRS Office , N * ) . tt
Night Kdltor , No. 21
N. Y. 1 . Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal.
Prof. Stevens was reported to bo suffering
quite seriously from Illness last evening.
Subscriptions to periodicals nt wholesale
prices. Drop mo a card nnd I will call on you.
F. ,1. Hoaghind , No. lOO'JSlxth avenue ,
Dr. M , J. Bellinger leaves today for Chicago
cage to witness several surgical operations
that nro attracting the physicians all over the
The Woman's Christian association will
meet Monday. January fi , nt ! 1 p. m. , with
Mrs. George Phclps , corner of Willow avenue
nnd Sixth street.
City Attorney Stewart has been Instructed
to commence suit niralnst John Lender , the
r i bondsman of EKncdish , for the recovery of
tlio 8100 bond forfeited by the saloonkeeper
Information was received by the friends of
General G. M. Dodge In this city yesterday
announcing his Intention to return to his old
home in n whorl time. Ho hat just returned
from an extensive European trip in search of
St. Albans lodge , No. 17. Knights of
Pythias , will have a public installation of
olllcers next Friday evening , Ucfreshmonts
will bo served and p. peed time had socially.
Tlio Pythian sisterhood and nil knights nnd
friends are cordially invited.
John Lindt , attorney for Foedlsh , has de
clared his Intention of preventing the nty
collecting any more saloon licenses. The
provocation was the destruction of Foedish's
beer and whisky by Chief Carey's ' men yes
terday. Limit announces that ho will enjoin
the marshal , mayor and city council and city
clerk from collecting or attempting to collect
the Illegal "lines. " In pursuance of this de
termination ho will apply to the district court
tomorrow for nn Injunction ,
Another change In the management of the
Nonpareil has been made and will go into
effect tomorrow. Spencer Smith resumes
business control of the concern , and Judge K.
C. Hubhnrd takes chnrgo of the editorial , the
Snyders dropping out altogether. It wan
their first attack of daily Journalism , nnd Is
reported to have been a pretty severe case ,
costing several thousand dollars of hard
earned cash. Judge Hubbard is one of the
old faithful stand-bys of the paper , and has
devoted the best years and best energies of
Ills life to Its service. He will coimn'iiico his
duties tomorrow with ninny wishes of suc
In the latter part of DecemberOfdcor Craft
nrrcstcd two men named Howard and Burke
on a chirgo of vauruney. They could not
give n satisfactory account of themselves
nnd were each fined $ H5.iO. ! Howard served
several days and then paid the remainder of
his line and was released. Burko's tlmo
would hnvo expired next wool : . Yesterday
n telegram was received from a sheriff at
Grand Islnml , Neb. , asking for the re-arrest
of Howard its n fugitive from justice , claim
ing that both ho nnd Burke were wanted in
Grand Island for working numerous con
fidence games. Howard was arrested and
locked up nnd will bo held until an officer
comes to get him.
The most complete lino.of blankets nnd
comforters , hosiery and underwear in the
city is nt , the Boston Store , where good goods ,
low prices , cash and one price to all is their
rule. Boston Store , Council Bluffs.
Homeinber the Young Men's Catholic
Miltunl Benefit association concert oa Jan. 1.
Great reduction on ladles' , misses' and chil
dren's coats to clear at the Boston Store ,
Council BlulTs.
First-class fresh candy made for the holi
day trade , at A. C. Dempsoy's ' , 105 Main st.
Miss Mary Howard of Hubbard , Neb. , who
lias been the guest of her cousin. Miss Mnl-
quccn , for the past weeir , returned homo yes
Miss Cecelia Mulquccn entertained n very
pleasant high five party Friday evening in
honor of her cousin , Miss Alary lie-ward , who
lias been visiting her.
Mr. Joseph Wells will lead the young
men's meeting today at 4 p. m , A cordial In
vitation Is extended to all men of the city.
Electing lasts but one hour ,
Mr. J. Nichols , a railroad man of Omaha ,
will address the railroad men nt the Young
Men's Christian association to day at 2:20 : p.
m. All railroad men Invited.
Mrs. Hugh Stevenson and daughter , Janet ,
of Ansloy , Nob. , returned to their homo yes
terday morning. They have been visiting
Henry Stevenson , manager of tlio Council
Bluffs lumber company.
A few down comforts left at ? 0.73 , former
price ? 10. Call and get the bargains In carpets -
pots , lace curtains , table covers , rugs , etc. ,
before prices are advanced. Council Bluffs
Carpet Co.
The best 25c hoio In the country is to-bo
found nt the Boston Store. Council Bluffs ,
either In gents half hose , in wool or cotton ,
in Indies' all wool or cotton. In misses nil
wool or cotton. Boston Store , Council Bluffs.
Tho.Boston Store never docs anything by
halves. Thpy have put the knife in Indies' ,
misses nnd children's coats. See advertise
ment in another column for this week. Bos
ton Store , Council Bluffs.
The Work ofPrnyor.
The week of prayer begins tomorrow nnd
special services will be held during the week.
The Evangelical association of the United
States have suggested topics for the various
days as follows :
Sunday , January 4. Srnnons ; "Tho Glory
of the Triune God , " Jer. x , 0-7 ; Hah. ill , 3-4 [ ;
2 COr. Iv , C nnd xili , 14.
Monday , January 5. "Confession and
Thanksgiving" for the nation , community ,
church , family and Individual. Confession i :
Hoseaxlv , l-'J ; 1 John I , 8-U ; Psalms xxxil iI I ,
1-5 : SBvn.xii , 13. Thanksgiving : I Thess.
v , 18 ; Psalm c ; Psalm clll ; Neh , xii , 43.
Tuesday , January ti. Tbo Church Untvcr-
vcrsul , Prayer Hint the power of the Holy
Ghost may rest upon It. Acts U : 1-18 : that
the disciples of Christ maybe ono , John xvii I :
! ! l : that the church may gala u truer and
bronder conception of her mission. Malt.
xxli. : : > , Matt , xx : 2S ; John xvll : IS. t.jr
Wednesday , January 7. Nations and Their
Killers. Prayer for all ia-nuthorlty , I. Tim.
11. , 1-2 ; for pence , Isn , it.,14 ; for the abolition
of the slave , opium and strong drink trotyl c.
Exodus xxi. , 1(1 ( , Psalm Izzil. , 4 ; fcr all
needed reforms ioinpornnco , Hnb. ! ( . , 1C.12 ;
Snbath. Ngh. xlll. , 15-22 ; industrial , Jer.-
xxil. , 13 ; social , I. Cor. vi. ISi-'O olltical ,
I. Sam. ll.imnuavill.a.
Thursday , January 8. "Tho Church at
Home. " Prayer for a selise of personal re
sponsibility and for the co-operation In the
evangelization of the city , country nnd
frontier. Mutt. x:6-13 : ; Mark xlll:34 : ; Acts
Frlday.Janunry 0. "Tho Church Abroad. "
Prayer for increased missionary spirit , co
operation nnd enlargement. Joel 11:28-32 : : : ll-ln ; Psalm Ixvll.
Saturday , January 10. "Tho Family. n
Prayer lorsons , daughters and servants ; for
Sunday schools and all Christian associations
for young people ; for schools , seminaries ,
collct'cs and universities. Prov. Iv : Ucut , vl ? ; :
Mfi"Markx ; : 13-KJ ; Eph. vl : 1-4.
Sunday , January 11. "Sermons. " The'
manifestation of Christ In his people. John
xvll : 21-28 ; Col. 1 : 8S ; 2 ; Tuos. 1. 12 ; Eph. ill- ,
Bargains in blankets nnd comforters nt the
Boston store , Council Bluffs , this week.
For Solo 415 acres , ono mlle from market ;
finest grain or stocK farm in Pottnwatamlo
county , Very cheap. Most ofgroundh-is been
In tame gross from flvo to ten years. For
.particulars see Ohio Kuox , U Mulu street ,
Council Bluffs , la.
All our toys jutt half price for the week ,
Prices cut In two. tivcryluln In the tov line ,
iVni'kcdTn plain llguros. you can half U for
yourself. 1,00 fpr CUc , 75o goods for 3So and
80 ou , Boston Store , Council 11 luff * .
Mayer Macrae Caurcs a Commotion Among
the Snlooti Men.
I'ocdlnh Cmvlotod of Keeping n Dis
orderly House and Ills Place
Closed up The Grand
Hotel Leased.
Mayor Macrao promulgated an order yes-
tcrdiiy that will cause n good deal ol flutter
ing among the saloon men , It was addressed
to the city clerk , city marshal and chief of
police , and wns to the cITcct that hereafter ,
beginning.fnnunry 1 , the inontlily saloon li
cense In CouncilBluffs will bo iO Instead of
tM. It Is a very brief order , but Its brevity
does not detract from Its perspicuity. The
Instructions to the heads of tuo three depart
ments of the city government communicated
with nro also models of brevity. All sa
loon men nro required to como to the city
building before tlio 10th tiny of each month
and pay tliclr licenses. Failure to do so calls
Into activity the other part of the Instruc
tions , which Is to close up nil saloons where
the llconso not paid by tlio 10th.
This order will create a sensation when It
Is generally known among the saloon men.
There nro now Just eighty-three saloon in the
city recognized as such by the ofilccrs , and
compelled to pay n monthly license. One
was closed on Now Year's ' day , but thrco
now ones were started up yesterday , making
n totnl of eighty-three , whoso proprietors
will ho compelled to contribute $51) ) to the
city each month and Si.W to the city mar
shal for serving the notices and punching ui >
the delinquents. Several more buildings ara
being lilted up and it Is thought that thcro
will bo even ninety saloons in operation by
the end of the present week. At the present
time , or under the old license , those saloons
are paying about . ' ,000 a month into the city
treasury. If they can stand the pressure of
tuo double license over $1,000 a month will
mid Its way Into the city's strong box from
the saloon tills.
The cause for doubling the license Is stated
to bo the desire of the mayor and city officials
to check the rapid Inurcnio of saloons. On
December 1 there worn only about sixty sa
loons in the city. During the last two weeks
of the month twenty new ones sprung up
without hurting the prospect for further in
crease. Ne.irlyall of these carnofromOmtiha ,
evidently for the purpose of escaping the
high license that makes the business nn un
certain one thcro. They have generally come
in night time. When u suitable room eould
he procured it would be swept and gar
nished during the day and locked up before
dark. The Invariable answer returned to
Inquiries concerning the nature of the busi
ness to bo transacted at the place would be ,
"We're putting In a restaurant.1 The next
morning would llntl u full-blown saloon'
thero. Twenty new restaurants in two
weeks indicated that Council Bluffs was
either the best place on earth for the rcs-
Uurant business or that the saloonkeepers
who were slinking out of Omaha to escape
the SI,000 license believed that prohibition
was observed in Iowa and considered it nec
essary to christen their whisky-shops res
How tno$50 license will effect these people
and all others engaged in the trafllo can only
bo told IAV about a month's experience. Here
tofore tno saloon men hdvobeen given the
whole month In which to pay their § 25 li
censes , and frequently they would permit
their obligations to lap over into the new
month , and some of them had to oc hauled
up to the rack without ceremony. The new
order makes the total licenses for a year
amount to giliio , the extra SiO constituting the
marshal's fees. If the prohibitionists sweep
down upon them they will fin it that the
Omaha license is not any larger than will bo
exacted in Council limits.
? 10.00 coats for $5.00 , S12.00 coats for $5.00 ,
S17.00 coats for $9,00 , at the Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs. _
All our $30.00 , $3.1.00 , $3.1.00 and $ .19.00 plush
coats reduced to $25.00. Now is the time to
buy your plush coats , all euurantccd Walker
plushes , best London dye , at the Boston
Store , Council BlulTs.
See the Boston Store advertisement and see
what they are offering in coats for this week.
Boston Store , Council Bluffs.
Dr. McNnnititoii at DCS Moines.
Dr. James McNaughton returned from DCS
Moines yesterday , where , as the retiring
president of the'state teacher's association ,
ho took an active Interest In the deliberations
of the body , and presided over a gathering of
over 1,000 representative Hnwkoye teachers.
His annual address was published In full by
the DCS Moines papers , and was received
with great favor by the teachers and the pub 1s
lic. A rnlo adopted by the association makes
n second term of the president Impossible ,
but Prof. MeNaughton was gratified by hav
ing H. H. Freer , one of his strongest per
sonal friends , elected to the position of presi
dent , and all the other important ofllces of
the association llllcd by men who are his
friends and acquaintances.
His address was dismissed editorially by
the Dos Moines papers. The News devotes
nearly u column to it , and praises the effort
very warmly. Speaking of McNaughton
personally it says :
"A man of much ability , a student , a
philosopher , a deep thinker , ho graces' the
position of prcsldentof this association. * *
The address was filled with sound logic and
pure argument. The speaker devoted some
time to the discussion of the non-partisan
election of school olllcials. 'I wish to sug-
gesfhero , ' said he ; 'that la some localities a
non-partisan nnd unpolitical method of choos
ing school ofllccrs will have to bo tiilopt < > d , or
disastrous Jesuits will follow soon.1 In the
speaker's opinion the school is on. a piano
xvith the church , and If that is not a sensible
Idea , what is ! "
Dr. MeNniighton loft last evening for his
worlc at Mayvlllo , N. D. Ho will comp'.oto '
his first year's labor thcro next March , ana
will then return to Council BluffE.
Get our prices on ladies' , misses' nnd chil
dren's ' coats. Boston Store , Council Bluffs.
Thackcry , 10 volumes , bound In cloth , beau
tlful clear type , § 3.83. Boston Store. Councl
" Lousing tlio Grand.
The Grand , the now hotel , of which Conn
ciiniuffsls so Justly proud , was yesterday
leased to Cragin ft Co. of Now York city.
They nro thoroughly experienced hotel men
who have such reputation and standing
where they arc best known as to give the
greatest assurance that the new hotel will bt
conducted In a manner which will make ii
the best hotel of this part of the west.
Thcro is no hotter hotel building between
Chicago nnd the Pacific coast , nnd It is to b
furnished In a manner fully in keeping
Located , as it Is , right In the heart of tb
city , and yet facing upon a largo and boautl
ful park , no moro attractive or comfortubl
resting place for the traveler in summer o
winter can bo found , even in a Journey clea
across the continent. The Intcnor of th
hotel id now being finished and elogantl
adorned , nnd the furnishings will ho comnlot'
for the opening of the hotel by March 1
When complete "palatial" will apply truth
fully to both , interior und exterior.
Sco our prices on oanU in another column
Boston Store , Council Bluffs.
J.C. Blxbv , steam heatlnj , sanitary en
gineer , SOJ Mo rriam block , Council Uluns.
Horse blankets and lap robes at cost at
Theo. UocUinau's , L"2T Main street
They Spilled the AVhlHky.
In the police court yesterday E , Foedlsh
was arranged for keeping u disorderly house > ,
In other words a saloon that did not como up 1 >
to the measure prescribed by the unwritten
law of Council IllufTs governing such mat
ters. Foedlsh conducted a , saloon on. the
corner of Sixteenth street aud Broadway ,
ut for several weeks past numerous com
lalnts tutvo been inndo thnt the place wns
scd to harbor n lot of confidence men nnd
rooks.i'ai''lsli claimed that this chnrso
row * bnl of some occtirences over
vhicli ho had no control , and
s.scrto j that lie was n victim of police pcrso-
utlon. Neither of the claims wore suhstnntl-
ted In the police court yeStcrdny nnd Food-
sh wns convlctPrtof the charges that wcro
made against him. A line of $100 was assessed
L'autst him and the chief of pollco wns
rdored to destroy the beer , whisky nnd wlno
aplured In the plnco when the raid wni made
week ngo. The stuff wns destroyed ycstcr-
ay afternoon. Captnln Martin and Ortlcer
iurptiy were detailed to cjin-
uct. the execution. They had two
ottlcs of whisky , ono bottle of sour
vine , ono Jug of port wlno , ono Jug of black-
orry brandy , ono of whisky labled "No. S , "
no Jug of gin nnd ono keg of beer. The hot-
Ics nnd jugs wcro broken and their contents
crniitted to run In the sewer in the rear of
lie patrol house nnd the beer emptied out In
lie snow.
The line assessed against Foedlsh has not
con paid , nnd it Is said ho has skipped the
ity. leaving bis Itondsman , John Llndcr , to
cttio with tlio city.
Winter Suhu.
Mrs. Ilnnnnh Wilson now socks matrlmo-
lal frcedo'tn from Daniel H. Wilson , who
, -as sentenced to the penitentiary in the
ourt hero lost October , nnd which fact forms
ho chief basis for her claim for a divorce ,
llbough she alleges In addition that ho has
or some tlmo failed to support her.
Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson has commenced
isult against iho city claiming § 15,000 on
ccotint of personal Injuries'received by her
ty railing nt u defective place in the side *
vnlk on Fifth avenue , between Tenth nnd
eleventh streets , the accident occurlng Do-
ember 10 ,
The American District Telegraph Co. has
con reorganized and Is now prepared to give
rotnpt service. Special attention , to express
nd parcel delivery.
Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co. ,
30 Broadway. Telephone 13(5. (
Charles Dickens' works , 15 volumes , bound
n cloth , excellent typo , $3.85. Boston Store ,
Jounell 13 luffs.
Among the Chnrulics.
The dedication of Tilulty Methodist church
vlll occur on January IS.
Berean Baptist church Dlvlno service nt
00 : ! ! a. m , und t0 : ! ! p. in. Suhjobt : "Tlio
Old and New Year. The week of prayer
vlll bo observed. AH will bo welcome.
First Presbyterian-corner of Willow nve-
nuo and Seventh street ; Hev. Stephen
'helps , pastor. Preaching by tlio pastor at
0iiOa. : in. nnd 7 : ! ! ( ) p. m. Sabbath s.ihool at
2:00 : in. Young peoples'mooting at 0:30 : p.
n. , strangers and others cordially invited.
Seats free , all welcome1
Congregational services morning nnd evcn-
ng ; preaching by the pastor. In the morn-
nc the sacrament of the Lord's supper will
> o administered. Subject for meditation ,
"I'ho Greatest Love ; " evening , "How to
vlulco the New Year Happy. Young People's '
Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:1(0. : (
Trinity Methodist Church--South Main
treet , opposite Eighth nvenuo S. Alex-
indcr , pastor. Residence 2'Jl Eleventh
avenue. Preaching at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : p.
n. Class meeting at 10 a. m. Sunday school
itl'Jm. Young peoples' meeting ntTp. m.
'raycr meeting Wednesday at 7:30 : p. in.
Broadway M. E. Church T. M. K. Stuart ,
lastor. Residence , 250 Fletcher avenue. Ser-
Iccs at Masonic temple , corner Fourth an-1
iroadway , nt 10:1(0 : ( n. in. und 7)0 : ! ) p. m.
Morning theino , as designated by the Evan-
eclllcal alliance "Tho Glory of the
God. " Sabbath school at W in. Class meet
ing nt GiO : ; p. m.
St. Paul's ' Church Dlvlno service today at
0:45 u. in. and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at
12:15. : Bible class nt (5:30 ( : p. m. Sermon
: epics : Morning "Tho Lesson of Failure
md Hard Times. " Evening sermon "Tho
Dead Year. " Full choras service in the even-
ng mm anthems by the choir. Young men
nnd strangers'always cordially welcotncu to
these services. T. J. Alnckny , rector.
Special prices on ladies nnd gents under
wear this week at the Boston Store , Council
Why pay SI.50vhen you can get Jnst ns
" oed tare aud beds at the Scott house for
$ 1.001
Wo have just received 100 pairs cured live
geese odorless feathers In pillows of 2 Ibs
3ach , 51 bs in the pair. The price while they
last , $3.25 a pair. Wo also keep ou hand n
full stock of foithers in bags from ono to live
pound bags from a medium to the finest live
eeeso cured odorless feathers. Boston Store.
Council Bluffs. _
Fa if nro In Oakland.
The assignment of W. S. Brucn of Oak
land , this county , was filed yesterday in the
office of County Hccordor Thomas. The as
signee is L. F. Potter. The assets are sot
forth in a schedule ns follows : ' Clothing
and gents' furnishing goods , JJ.501) ) ; hats ,
caps and gloves , $ . ' 100 ; boots ana shoes , $2,500 ;
dry goods , 1,000 : groceries nnd flour , $1,800 ;
glass and quecneawnro , $100 ; trunks and va-
llscs , $ 5 : store fixtures , $100.
The liabilities foot up $14,194 , nnd include
n long list of creditors for amounts ranging
from $ i" ) to .S''JOO , a largo majority being for
small amounts. The largest creditors are :
Broken Bow roller mills $ 520
J elm B. Farvvcll 2,200
C M. Henderson & Co T8IJ
J. S. Nelson & Co fiOO
It. L. McDonald 800
K. T. Limlsoy afl'.l
Stovcr.son clothing company 680
C. li. Brucn , note 2,000
Among the local creditors nro Perogoy it
Moore $ -.10 ' , W. A. Maurer $0. % Consolidated
Tank Line J5 , and John Bono & Co. $ S1.
The Boston store , Council Bluffs , is show
ing special value in blankets uud comforters
for this wcok.
' Great success.
Uuliablo goods.
Fair dealing.
Bottom prices.
At C. B. Jacquomin & Co. , No. 27 Main street
I'lattHinniilh Up and Doing.
PMTTSMOUTH , Nob. , Jan. 8 , ISOl.-r-Bnsobnll
Editor Bnn : Since the beginning of the agi
tation for n state baseball lenguo tlio enthusi
asts of this city have been wild with excite
ment. They have oxortcd their utmost ef
forts to secure enough capital to run n good
club through the season and with good suc
cess. Owing to the fact that there uro so
many good baseball towns In this state the
boys hero have felt a llttlo anxiety as to
Pliittsmoutb's ' probable chances for n place ,
but have nevertheless kept at work and have
secured n fairly good club to start with.
They have engaged C. A , Miller1as manager
nnd ho has , spared no effort to put tbo club on
n sound basis. Ho has already secured the
following players : Walker , catcher ; S. Pat
terson , pitcher ; T. Patterson , first base ;
Powers , second , base ; Schuloff , short stop ,
and Miller third base. Ho has strings out
for an excellent outfield nnd several change
batteries , That this city will bo well repre
sented in the lenguo thcro is now no doubt.
Among tbo parties interested in the club
hero there Is decided hostility to the idea of
holding the league mootlni ; at Grand Island.
It 1s objobted to for the reason that it is too
far west to bo convenient to n
majority of the clubs. As the
lenguo will Include sonio eight of the
following cities it Is plain thnt Fremont is the
best place to hold the meeting , as It is nearer
the center of the circuit , viz , . Plnttsmouih ,
South Omaha , Nebraska Citv , Fremont ,
Grand Island , Hastings , Beatrice , Norfolk ,
Kearney and Falls City. As all of these towns
with the exception of Kearney und Hustings
nro coat of Grand . Is plain that a
much moro convenient point would bo Fre
mont. The outlook for the league Is most
certainly a bright ono. Heports from all the
above towns muicnta that they are nil cnthu-
slastlo over It and say they will make It a
success. As the local flu I ) hero has only ono
obstacle to overcome , It is hoped that they
will soon know whether they "ore in it" or
not , , 'Ihoy want to obtain grounds In the
city limits , but have not yet done so , as they
cannot secure any itodfesMhlo by the street
railway , They Iiav'rf their oycs on several
places , however , and will try and make n deal
before the season o
Poet Burns is bookiSi for the shelf nt Kan
sas.City. . , ,
Charllo Daly has como to his senses at last
and quit the ring .for good.
Frank Slavlti has .slitnod nn agreement to
meet Jem Corbctt before the California ath
letic club fora pursoiof ? o,000.
St. Paul has corraled' Fred Osborno , who
hit the hall so well null fielded so badly for
the .T. Palmer O'Neill's ' ' Folly company last
season , Mulford.
tt wns stated In Inii Sunday's Bni : thnt
Minnie Calm was the best straight billiard ,
player m the stnto. The statement was er
roneous. Ho is the worst.
Al Bandlo Is willing and vorv likely to
meet J. A. li. Elliott within the next two
months Elliott's two defeats nt Chicago
wcro surprising , and ho Is anxious to retrieve
the laurels lost there. Bandlo would make a
good match for Parmglco.
Hclfelflnger , Yale's big foot ball player , is
nicknamed "Pudge , " and received a big wel
come homo from St. Paul friends , The people
ple up thnt way hone ho will take a law
course . , at the university of Minnesota next
year , but ho thinks ho will stick to Ynlo.
Captain A. II. Bopardus attempted to beat
Dr. Unrvor's fast target shooting record of
1,000 balls In thirty-four minutes nt his homo
In Elkhart , Iiul. lie broke fill ) In seventeen
minutes , missing twcntv-thrco in that tlmo ,
Then his Winchester rifles get too hot for him
and ho had to quit.
Denver has signed Charles L. Hevnolds ,
tlio pedagogue catcher , The Colorado team
gaged. Tom llamsey is
Wings' ' " list
A nnd II are playing single blgh five. Iloth
nro " ( I points. A deals ami li bids two on clubs.
11 holds tlio ncn of rlubs and Jack of clubs.
A plays low. Does low i-ouut buforojaok ?
Twoiity-ono Is game. Upiidur. Omaha.
Ans. \ 03 , low counts before Jack , but In
this instance It happens to hold the nco and
of course wins.
The devil has caused moro good sermons to
bo preached than over the good St. Paul in
spired. *
"Js thnt the water tower over therol"
"Eh I Yes that is practically , you Know ;
it is the stceplo of the Baptist church. "
"What did AIoscs say when ho saw tbo
promised land in tlio distance J"
"I don't know. 'I'm not in it,11 guess. "
Wlion the sermon Is extremely long
The tired nnd wicked sinner
Has but a singe thought to-wlt ,
"Will I be late for dinner } "
'I do not think ' the Hov'rend Blnx began ,
And then ho blushed u really brilliant hue
Because ho overheard n wicked man
Remark , "I really doa'mjclievoyou do. "
It is moro blessed to give than to receive
simply because the giver can squeeze no end
of contentment out of the contemplation of
his own generosity.
" 'Tis ' not good for man to llvo lonely , " ono
The same significations in t'otlier :
' A man for Ids wife ( u their direst needs
Shall desert both bis father aud mother. "
Then ho smolo ut his hundreds of slippers in
And went for a drive In his carriage.
"Aasainst women , " ho said , "I am safe I
Centipedes nro not given la innrrlago. "
Clcrgj man Ah , my friend , why don't ' you
lay up treasures for yourself in heaven I
Business Man Becaaso I'm not sure that
I'll over got there to claim thorn. ,
'Tis thorny after Christmas ; the minister'
Stands on end as his gifts ho inspects.
Of slippers ho has moro tuan eight dozen
pair ,
And to each is attached the same texts.
Mrs. Nagloy Why do you supnoso women
were commanded to Iccop silent iu the
churches j
Mr. Nagloy To glyeluo men la chance In
at least ono place ,
"Why were not Shadrach , Mcsbach nnd
Abcunego harmed when they were cast into
the fiery furnace i" asked the teacher.
And a short-hnlred boy with a bad eye spoke
up und said it was because they stood ia with
each other.
Hobbs What a godsend Union square
would have been to the Lord at the tlmo of
the creation.
Nohbs How so ?
Hobbs Ho would have had enough ma-
erial to make a hundred Adams.
"Dreadful scandal about Dr. Pulx. "
"So ! "
"Ho claims to bo a bachelor , but I hoard
yesterday he'd ' burled nineteen wives. "
"Horrible ! "
"Yes , isn't itl Other men's wives , I mean ,
of course. "
Noted Exhorter ( In western town ) Mv
friend , in passing through tills place last
week , I noticed It was full of sinful char
acters , and you remember I told ycu some
thing ought to ho done to raise thorn up.
Host Yes-sireo , and I started out quick as
you loft to hnvo it done. It's all right now ,
parson. Wo raised every cuss wo could
catch and the rest has loft town.
Good Minister ( down in Kentucky ) The
cony-Ibutlons this morning uro remarkable
simply wonderful. I never know them to bo
so largo. Deacon Drawem Yuas , I reckoned
they'd mount uf ) somo'iit today. Some on
'cm didn't like the idee
, but I knew the thing
would work. Got It set up in th' vestibule
this mornin' . Good Minister Thingi What
thing ! Deacon Drawoin Why , our now
- - slotandseeth'bossrace
South Dakota Content * Decided.
DKADWOOU , S. D. , Jnn. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKU.J Two contested election
cases from Mcado county wcro disposed of
hero this morning by Circuit Judge Thomns.
They were McMation , independent , against
McCaull , republican , for the ofllco of state's '
attorney , and Budems , democrat , against
Jowctt , republican , for the office of county
Judge. In each cnso the alleged
ground for con test-was that the contester
wns not learned In the law. Jowott was ad
mitted to the bar after his election , but bo
fore qualifying as county judge. McCaull
wns admitted in court a few days prior to the
election. Judge Thomas held that admission
to practice was prlina facia oviuenco of that
learning contemplated by the statute , dis
missed the contests , and decided In favor of
the defendants.
CINCINNATI , O , , Jan. 3 [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BBE. ] The ofllclal export employed
by the board of revision of this city reported
this nftornoon the re.-Ailt of his examination
of the extraordinary vsum of $ . > , " 00 , paid by
Comptroller Stevens'for tags used for license
receipts , the usual annual outlay for
which is $300.'The report shows
that the comptroller had paid for wncon and
carriage licenses for'flvo ' years , Including the
year IblH , nnd thnt bqhiui also paid $1,000 for
40KK , ( ) tags for whletl nb diilo could be found ,
ulbo that the full niiriiber bought for the year
18113 could not bo fotirirt. The ofllclul report
creates u sensation IioVo.
Unruly Clcrka Kuspondod.
Losnoy , Jan. .1. [ Special Cablegram to
TUB Bnu. | A sensnt6n | was caused In post
otllca circles hero touity by n wholesale sus
pension of clerks. . Qvor two hundred clerks
employed in the postoflico savings bank wcro
suspended from duty bccnuso they disobeyed
the order of the secretary of the bank to remain -
main on duty two hours over the usual time.
The placet of the suspended clerks were
promptly filled by new men.
Tlio KoottlNli Striko.
Gt.isnow , Jnn. 3. ( Special Cablegram to
TUB BKI : . ] The condition of affairs In re
gard to the railroad strike U unchanged , Tno
companies are engaging now men very
slowly. Mon who nro on probation accom
pany most of the engines , The strikers uro
atlll confident of success.
Kliot and Killotl Ills Hlval.
NnwroiiT , Ark. , Jan. ii. Louis Sherry and
Jem Smith , both colored , were courting the
same girl. Sherry called at the house of tlio
young woman last night and found Smith
there , lie culled him out nnd shot him doad.
Shfrry fled with n mob In pursuit. If caught
bo will bo lynched.
Gray nnd canary yellow are a now combi
nation nnd n very effective ono.
The Soudanese ; women wear no shoos , but
decorate their ankles with bright bands of
the most precious metals when they ran got
them , They also wear rings on their toes.
The children of the four hundred are no
longer seen In long dresses. There seems to
be n tendency to rottirn to the French styles
and shorter dresses are the result.
Those who ore really the loaders of fashion
nro very conservative nnd simple In some of
their ways. This is particularly so in regard
to note paper , nnd invariably the most simple
styles for making It nro selected.
A certain philosopher has drawn up a cede
of kisses under four bends. This shows that
a man may ho a great philosopher and yet
know nothing of kisses. The only kisses are
these under two heads ; kissing by fours is no
Marquise rings nro again In fashion , They
are worn generally on the llttlo linger , but
unless the hand Is prettily shaped uro rather
conspicuous. Opals sob In diamonds are a
favorlto combination. Flvo opals graduated
In size nro preferred to one largo one.
If any of your gowns have long shoulder
scams and the sleeves put in without fulness ,
It Is a sure "give-away" that they arc at
ono season old. On some of the now gowns
the shoulder scams arc not more than two
inches long mid the slcovcs of aU costumes
uro high and full on the shoulders ,
Anew female do vice for earning n liveli
hood Is that of going around to the houses of
society people nnd cleaning nnd repairing Jlno
dresso.i that have been accidentally soiled or
otherwise Injured. The scheme was devcl-
pod In Buffalo. Tf.cro are some women
who have all they cin attend to la this lino.
A very expensive fad Is having your por-
trlt cut as nn onyx camoo. The work Is verv
slow , dlfllcult and laborious. The Imago
when done is permanent and will last for cen
turies. Tlioro are enough people In New
York who enjoy this kind of extravagance to
clvo constant employment to llvo cameo per
trait carvers.
The succowof Bcrnhardt's Cleopatra nnd
her introduction of snakes In the last act has
made the snnko a fashionable feature of the
season. It is shown In Jet for millinery pur
poses and dress trimmings , and a very hand
some brocade Is ono of gold snakes brocaded
on black satin. Some fashionable Now York
girls wear gold or silver snakes fastened
nbout the left ankle.
At nn elegant private German Riven at n
town near Boston the other night the men
went up to n slot machine , put in n nickel ,
supplied by the hostess , and received forth
with a dnmty roll of chocolate \vlth the
mimeof his partner on tlio wrapper , Now
that , slot machines have made their debut in
society , wo may expect to bo introduced in
ono way nnd another to the various eccentric
members of the family.
Chrysanthemum dances arc nil the rage in
England Just now. At a great tall in Bir
mingham the other evening Mrs. Herbert
Chamberlain was dressed as a white chrysan
themum in a skirt of white silk , stiffened
and shaded to represent the petals of the
flower : bodlcoof green silk to represent the
stem , with shaded velvet leaves fulling on
ttio white skirt , and headdress of petals formIng -
Ing the heart of the flower.
_ Silk underclothing has had its day nnd in
all the retail shops It can now bo purchased
comparatively cheap. It never looked well
lifter being Inundried , unless ono could afford
to take It to ono of the French places , and
then it was not always satisfactory. Linen
and cambric nro preferable , and the under
garments and night robes of French percale
are not only ho most serviceable but the
daintiest tilings scon for some thro.
Decided oddities in fur.s are the beaver
' cravats , " which some of the fashionable
girls are wearing. They are made of the ac
tual pelts , with two or three tails added and
the head loft on ono ofthopults. This head
fastens in front , nnd while it is not particu
larly ornamental , it indicates that the beaver
Is the genuine article and expensive. Al
leged beaver cravats can bo had for a few
dollars , while the genuine article costs $50 or
House decorators say that the beautiful
quartered oak so much in use now is not the
expensive thing that' uninformed persons
might suppose , In fact , it is the most beau
tiful and at the same time one of the cheap
est of the hare woods. Black walnut , for ex
ample , now llttlo used in house decoration , is
considerably more expensive. The carving
of hard woods as well us the decorative cut
ting of stone has been brought to a high de
gree of perfection in this country , and only
tlio best class of European work equals that
put in to comparatively expensive buildings
Some of the most prized appointments in
the newest houses are bits of old bouses that
have been worn out and torn down. Men
about to build fine dwellings may go shopping
for colonial fireplace fixtures , old mantels ,
fun-lights of 1830 to 18-10 , door frames , door
knockers nnd even the doors themselves.
Sometimes whole houses are sold by the
dealers In these wares. Possibly San Fran
cisco led this fashion , for ono of Its first und
most substantial stone business structures
was an English bank in Hong Kong , and was
shipped to California early in the fifties.
Safe Blowers Arrcs'eil.
S.u/rLui : , Utati , Jan. . ' ) . [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB BKK.J The police made an im
portant capture this morning by thotrrestof
Percy 'Hollowny , James Watson nnd Kmll ,
Gromborg , charged with being Implicated in
several safe robberies which have lately oe
curred hero. . On searching their room an
extensive outfit of safe blowers tools was
discovered and the police claim to have ample
evidence to secure their conviction.
Killed nt u Crossing.
Mass. , Jan. 3. A Central
Massachusetts train ut Hauloy tonightstruek
n sleigh containing six young people on
crossing and instantly killed Henry , son of
Dr. J. B. Learned , and Mabel H.j daughterof
Rev. Frederick A. Hmkley. Tlio other occu
pants of the sleigh Charles , son of Judge J.
W. Bond , Edward Bond , Fnnnlo Plyinpton
and Lulu Adams were all badly but not
fatally injured. _ _
Killed by a Cnvc-In.
SAI.TL.VKI : CITV , Utah , Jan. 3.--Speclal [
Telegram to Tins Uisis. ] Henry Ralph , em
ployed la the Niagara mine at Binghnm- was
Instantly killed this morning by the caving
in of the tunnel in which ho was working.
His body was taken out alter several hours'
work , and was found crushiM * to n pulp.
Tlioro is no definite cause to which to ascribe
the accident , ns the timbers were apparently
sound nnd secure.
Crentod n Soono In Court.
CIIICAOO , Jan. 3. Mninlo Starr , the do-
mestio who"poisoned her employers , screamed
and fainted away this afternoon when Judge
Drlggs overruled the motion for a new trial
On being revived she begged for mercy , nnd
when the sentence of life imprisonment was
formally pronounced she airnlii fainted away
nnd was removed from the court room in an
unconscious condition.
Claims DlKtliign'Hlied ItoliitloiiHlilp.
Niw : IlAvn.v , Conn. , Jan. 3. Lev ! Gros-
wald ISvnrts , who claims to ho a cousin 01
Senator EvartBwas a few days ngo removed
to the Now Haven nlmshousc. IIo gave his
ago as seventy-three. For several years ho
has been living In a littlodown town rookery ,
but lately became unnblo to support himself
nnd was n regular applicant to the towi
board for aid.
The loonnr" Wns tlin lies I. Shot.
GUTIIIIIK , Oklahoma , Jan , 3. A fatal shoot
Ing affray took place on the stroat today , In
which Heproscntativo I. N. Tcrrlll of Piiyno
county killed O. M , Embrco of the snmo
countv. Tlio trouble grow out of n conies
over Terrill's ' homestead. Torrill was charged
with bclnjr n "sooner" and Embreo so testl
fled before the United States land ofllco.
I'onrly Knlppcd | fur a Striko.
. x , Pa. , Jan. 3. The minors h
the Broad Top nnd East Hiyul Top hltumln. .
ous coal Holds went out on a strike yesterday.
Those men are but poorly equipped to endure
an extended strike at this tlmo , as they have
been working but half tlmo for severa
months ,
I'oel Itpoovnrlim
LONDON , Jan. [ Special C.ibloimim to
Tin : Bi'.u.J Spcuicor Pool , who has boon so
Journing ut Cannes for the bencllt of Ills
health Is now well again and will return to
London In tluiu for the reopening of parlla
AXIt I * . . ' / / TIC.
It is Augusttn Daly's purpoio to soon ex-
ilolt Ada Helian ns Lady Tciulo.
Julia Ma.-lowo U b.Htor. When well
notigh sha will go to Florida for the winter.
John W. Norton of St. Louis U shortly lo
narry Miss Davids , who known herd In
The World's ' Fair" as Elaine Ellison.
JclTorson nnd blorcnca rtro likely to part
'oinpnny ' next season. They have not , nccii
lolng so well this year as they did nt first.
Clara Schumann , widow of tlio composer , Is
till playing in Germany , at the ago of seven-
y-one , and Is cordially rccelvud by the
The latest rumor connect * Joint H. Koger * ,
ate of the Minnie Palmer rntourntro , with
Mairlcian Hermann nnd banishment to Aus-
nil In ,
A now theater is to he built In London for
\gnes Huntlngton , Hho Is to have n fifteen-
car lease of it und will open It herself next
Mantell Is still playing "Monbars. " A few
veeks moro and his engagement with Gus
comes to an end , after which ho will
run himself.
Joseph llnworth Is to star under the man
agement of H. S. TAylor , In a now romntitlc
tiny by an American author. Ho will also
> lav "Hamlet" and "Othello. "
"Tho World's Fair" has finally gone to
ileces , and Edwin E. Hleo IH at liberty. Ho
'ought to the last , but did not have the
nonoy to make his light successfully.
Louis Harrison , ono of the gentlest nnd
: > est of nil our prominent eccentric corne
lians , has gone away down south to Join the
'Pearl of Pekin" once moro. Ho will play
Tyfou for the remainder of the season.
'Poor Jonathan" is hnving a phonomtnal
nn nt the New York Casino. The seventy-
Ifth performance will soon talto place , and
.ho crowds that pour into the opera liouso at
test the fact thnt Us popularity Is not at nil
on the wane.
Atthongoof seventy-one Clnrn Schumann.
, vifo of the composer , still makes occasional
appearances in concert. She recently played
"Jliopin's ' F minor concerto nt Frankfort in
such a way as to stir her auditors up to a
° ilgh pitch of enthusiasm.
It may bo presumed that W , II. Cr.ino has
made tip his mind to play Falstaff without
much moro delay , as It is announced thnt his
manager is In "London getting models nnd
costumes for the production ot Shakespeare's
"Henry IV. " In January , 19. .
The affection with which tlio American
people view Edwin llooth is touching. It Is
closely allied with our history , ns well as
with his art. It is ttio best tribute the world
can pay an actor , for it will survive him , and
ho bequeathed unto nt least ono generation.
Epitaphs are moss-grown and forgotten long
before such praises are silenced.
After scoring tremendous successes In
Berlin , Hamburg and Lalpslc , Teresa Car-
rcno created a purfect furore at n recent con
cert of the Philharmonic society in Vienna.
Hansllck , the mighty , enthuses over her per
formance so : "Sho Is Indubitably a bril-
iant br.mir.i player , nn original , energetic
personality , with a head of true southern
beauty. She grasps the key with masculine
vigor , comolnos them intomlgbty chorda nnd
creates wild havoc among the keys. Butsho
can also coax the tenderest tones from them
and make the daintiest passages die away
pianissimo. Her tochnic is especially
brillitult jn rapid octavo passages , in the
equality of simultaneous scales In both
hands , nnd of the long continued trill. Her
phrasing , like her toehnto , reminds ono of
Sophie Mcnlcr , but the color Is darker , the
spirit moro fiery , \\lint pleased us most
was the luscious tone which her touch gets
out of the instrument and her pronounced
r.vtbinlcal feeling. Thcro is nothing indefi
nite , vogue in her pinno playing , but every
thing is chiseled iu clear outlines. "
Considerable Dllllciilty Anticipated In
the Matter of Organl/.at Ion.
On Monday evening ; the present city coun
cil will hold its final session , closing up the
business of the year.
The now council will meet for organization
on Tuesday evening. An immense effort has
been made over since election , and particu
larly during the past week , to effect an or
ganization of the new council , but as
yet no slate lias been definitely
lixod. The ten democrats of the council nro
ubout all In favor of n strict party organiza
tion of the council , and all but two or thrco
of thorn are candidates for the presidency.
Thov have agreed to hold a caucus on Mon
day for the purpose of selecting , if possible ,
a president and a city clerk. An effort Is
nlso being made to form an organization irre
spective of party , but no definite progress
has been mado. 'Thcro are a dozen or moro
candidates for the city clerkship , among
them being Jolin Groves , tbo present incum
bent ; Tliomas H. Dalloy , Ed Burke and
John Valentine , and the light on the ofllco
promises to bo quite as lively as that over the
presidency * . There is n probability that an
organization mav not bo effected on Tuesday
night , but that it may require several days
to bring the required number of members
into ono way of thinking.
Arrested I'or Snnulc Thieving : .
Richard IJodd was a trusted nnd capable
employe of the Kllpatrlck-Kocti dry goodi
company n few years ago , but ho wandered
from the paths of honesty and sobriety and
for two years ho has been drifting about In
the slough of vagrancy. Recently ho has
been in the habit of visiting tlio store of his
fnrincr employer. ? and ho has aroused their
suspicion. Last night lie visited the store on
Howard street ntul wont up to the third
story to talk with some of the clerks. Whllo
Hodd was in the house Mr. Koch telephoned
for tin officer and Detective Ellis answered
the call. Hodd soon loft the store and Ellis
followed him. The ofllcer became convinced
that Hodd was n man described ns the fellow
who had pawned a stolen watch some time
slnco in n Tenthstrcet pawnshop , so ho asked
Hodd to go down to the sliop to bo idontllled.
The dawn broker Identified Hodd as the man
who hud pawned the watch In question , nnd
Ellis arrested him. Ho proceed to search
Hodd , nnd found a watch and two boxes of
silk handkerchiefs in his pockets- , which
Hodd admitted ho had but a few moments
before stolen from the Kilpatrlck-Koch com
pany's store.
1 fie Samoscts ,
The Snmosct club met last night In Henry
Ivostcr's store on Fourteenth street to make
preparations for attending the inaugural cer
emonies nt Lincoln next Thursday.
The committee on transportation was au
thorised to secure a specinl cur for the use of
the club on the way to Lincoln and return.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians' band was
engaged to accompany tlo : club.
A committee , composed of Frank Morris-
scy. Senator Shea and Representative : Her-
trand , was apnointod to make the necessary
arrangements for scats at tlio inaugural ox-
C. V. Gallagher was selected to prosonl
the Inaugural chair now to bo seen at Dewey
it Stone's ' storo.
The club adjourned to meet at the sumo
place on Monday evening.
A Mttlo Girl Jiijnrctl by n Mot ir.
Little Lizzlo Dennis , nged about twelve
years , nnd her brother , nbout two years
younger , who llvo on Knunott street near
Sixteenth , wcro engaged In the dangerous
pastime of catching rides on the uloetric
motor trains last night nbout 7 o'clock on
North Twenty-fourth street , and the llttlo
girl slipped and fell as she was Jumping off
the front end of near. The wheels parsed
over ono of her leg just above the ankle ,
breaking hand also bruising ono hand quitu
severely. She was taken to a drug
store close by where the accident occurrnd
nnd medical assistance wns called. Half an
hour later she was taken to her homo on Em-
melt street. Shu bore the pain with but lit
tle complaint and WAS rotting quite com
fortably at a late hour lust night.
Franklin Cnmo to Torms.
A colored man named William G , Franklin
was arrested last night hy Constable Cusoy
nnd arraigned In Justice Anderson's court at
the Instance of a colored plrl named Jane
Brown , who says that Franklin , In order to
shield her from disgrace , should marry
tier forthwith. Franklin admitted that
It would bo boat for him to
marry the girl , under the light
of past associations , and ho agreed to do KO
If tlio girl would wait until ho could gut the
nocossury license , Shu will wait until to
morrow and then If Mr , Franklin ( Joes not
cotno-to the front In thnroloof n bridegroom
bo will probably bo given u cell in the city
or county Jail.
CO XX VlltAI , I TIK .
E < iticstricnncs uliould tnko kindly lo matrl.
nioiiy. Tlioy grow accustomed to the bridle
rein , you know.
Vnssar college points with prldo to the fact
that no grndtiato of that Institution has ever
been divorced from her husband.
Mr. Harrison Ciuor of Philadelphia , hav
ing concluded to become a benedict , gnvo a
parting dinner ton party of bachelor friends
which cost f ISO n cover.
Thomas M , Turner , n Now York broker ,
had n Jeweler named II loom Hold arrested 011 .
llio charge of selUm ? nn ohsceno picture nmf" V5
then ran nway with hit wife , n daughter of
A. S. Dnrncs , the schoolbookpubllshor.
Mrs. Marshall O. Roberts , who lives now
Iu Spencer llousi > , London , Is said to receive
ns miinv otters of marriage ns any widow In
llio British metropolis. .She has the entire
Income of the s& . estate , now very
much Increased , left by her husband ,
V southern Oregon paper relates that Miss
Sophia Ish of Jacksonville , who inherited n
fortune of JIUO.IXX ) from her father , deeded
Ihu same to her relatives bccnuso they ob-
| cctcd to her nmrr.vliiK a poor man , and then
wuddcd the man of her choice , who had only
manly attributes to recommend him.
Mrs. Joslo Sullivan tried to nmko Dr. J. H.
Stewart of Marietta , O. , nmrry her by bring
ing stilt for that purpose , but failed , Then
she answered n newspaper personal and
found another disciple of tusctilaplus , Or. K.
( } . Hamilton of Iowa , and after several ex
changes fo letters and ono of photos they
were married last Christmas evening.
The custom of throwing a slipper after a
Liridu is said to come down from ancient
limes. Long before the Christian era n de
feated chief would takeoff his shoes and
liand them to Hie victor to show that the
loser ol the shoes yielded . p all auti > rlty
over his subjects. Therefore , when the fnmlly
of a bride throw slippers after her they mean
that they renounce all authority over her.
David Kiimncmmn of Siinlmi v , Pn.ioh1 _
his wife to John Stewart , ono of his boarders.
forJ2 , " > cents , and everything was lovely until
Stewart quarreled with John Olnybergor , an
other boarder. The latter had him nnd Mrs.
Xlniiiierman arrested and now tlio guilty
couple are serving out terms In jail la splto
of the fact that Mr , Zimmerman te.stltlcd to
making the contract nnd said ho was well
satisfied with it.
Grant Mayes , the so.i of a wealthy fanner
living near Jacksonville , 111. , wanted to marry
Miss Annn Day , but her stern father , for
reasons unknown , objected to the match.
Anna would have preferred n inarringo In
church with flowers and ndmlring friends ,
hut early one day she met Oriuit and they
slipped olT to Jacksonville together and were
made ono wlillo the stern parent was taking
his morning nap.
There are some places in the world where
no man can whip his wlfo with impunity. A
wretch in McPhcrsoti county , Kansas , if the
Kansas City Star speaks tvulv , gave nis
wife n beating the other day and was hauled
ui ) bcforu n police magistrate nnd lined I
cent , , The flno was not a heavy one , but It
establishes a precedent and vindicates the
law. It may have boon the man's first of
fense. His next one , in all probability , will
cost him 10 cents. Will the Star give the
nnnio of the upright magistrate who balances
the scales of Justice with so firm 11 hand \
AX * 01 X C'iJI
Manager Lawler of the Eden museo this
week presents to the public one of the great
est curiosities of the age , namely , a woman
cigut feet tall , perfectly formed and ns beauti
ful as a queen. Pretty Kiln , Ewing , as she is
known , wiis born In Lewis county , Missouri ,
eighteen years ngo. Until nine years of ago
her size wnsjbut normal , but since then she
has growti rapidly , and now is taller thiin nay
person now living. She wears a No. 1 ( > glove
and No. IS thee and weighs 2b'i pounds. Her
figure Is perfect. She was raised on a farm ,
and In consequence attfactcil but llttlo
attention until Mr. Lsuvler found her wJiU < _
on n hunting trip. After much persuasion lie
secured her for n weolt nt his popular house. "
Miss Ewing never before appeared in public ,
hut has consented to appear Just this onco.
She is well Informed , a ready talker , but
rather shy and. reserved. Mr. Lawlor pays
her ? I,0K ( ) per week in gold. She Is without
doubt the greatest curiosity known. Besides
this feature , Mr. Lnwler will put on the
boards in the bijou theater the satirical oddi
ty , "Fun in iv Grocery Store , " introducing
the latest .songs nnd dances with the funniest
bad DOV , old dad , grocery cash gh'ls , bums
nnd policemen now cha .cterized.
Omaha Club Directory.
The members of the Omaha club held n
meeting last night for the purpose of electing
a directory for the ensuing year. After a
spirited contest tlio following nnincd gentle
men were declared duly elected : Thomas
Kilnairk-h , ( Juy 0. Birton , Frank Murphy' ,
C. N. DoitW. . V. Jlorso , James Vilcs , Jr. ,
H. W. Yntcs , C. A. Coo and 0. S. Montgonn
cry. The proposition toconsolldato with the
Union club was dismissed and the entire matter -
tor left In the hands of the new directory.
All of llio members present favored the
scheme of erecting n club house and two
weeks from last night the club will hold n
meeting to taUo final action regarding the
matter. _ _
The Horticulturist * .
The Douglas County Horticultural society
met yesterday nnd di-jcussed ttio question of
"What , when and how to prutti" One of
the members uncorked five bottles of native
wine , of his own vintage , nnd after \ie\ntr \ \
sampled ny tno members , was pronounced
A committee to revise the constitution nnd
by-laws was appointed , with , instructions to
report at the next meeting , which will ho
hold at ono o'clock on the first Saturday of
next month.
FUHNIS11KI ) moms with heat , light and
bath , No. IKO I'lrst , iivuiiuo.
_ _ _
TpUHNIfHBl ) rooms with liuitt , light und
A ? bath , No , G'0 Klrst iivrnne.
\\7ANTF.I-Gnol , ) ( innii us itenprnl agentt
salary J7.1 per month. J4'J ' Hemirlty ru-
iiulrecl. Call January Dor 7 , ( JJ7 Willow nvo.
Council Hlulfs.
_ _
[ OWA farms for sale , a'fio chnico garden and
frull land near Council lllutis. Johnston
k Van I'uUen , Kvcroit blook ,
Ml liv .Mr. U'cuii ) . Hood house , barn und
4lx > . | s , ( iooil well ana spi'lns of living wulnr.
About 05 ni'ivs In ei.ltlviitlon. Hulliiblo for
Knnlrn unit ilulry farm. Kent Is JlOOpur year.
Apply to Leonard Kvt'rull.
I ? AUO A INS I n fruit and v i'c't-illo lands.
I * I'orwalc , f > 7 IUTO * , SI tods north of C'htiu-
taiiiiia | grounds ; ( MS I cm slow , llnu springs.
line spring tiiook , Iniuf vury rich : will soil In 10
-Oaoro lots nt fit per aero , or7 per acre for
whole tract.
J ! IICTCM on Grand uvnnuu ; ( ino orchard
wind mill , tin" groveMtti.itud on Mynslor
prn | > ( M'l ( motor llnu ; pi'li'O * IV ) pur noru.
in aunts : iil1olnliii : elty llmlt.s , tuo story
honsu , cool ) barn , llnu oruliard and Bimill
Trulls. 1'rlco. fi/iOO ,
u acres onliraml n venue , l'i ' miles from I * .
O , $ Uj ) nn auro.
llOnurcs , three miles from city limits , good
hnu i > , burn and nut Imlldlius , N ) licu-liiu ;
ani > lutreosaiid small fruits. I'rlcc ' , | idH ; ( ,
Stork fiirni , 4.VJ acre * , II mi Improvements ,
well w.itorod , only ono mlle finin Mutton , t'-JJ
an uuiii IT tiikfii soon. H'lsy terms.
I'arm ami i-lty property fur Hilo. \ \ . O.
ntaey , room 4 , Upcr.i liouso nlk.CoiincIl Hhilia.
FIJIt.N'ISIIDI ) rnotns at very ruasofiublu
terms , en HIIflu or Hlir.'lo ; baths and Htram
heat ; now hoiisu , newly fiirnlshixl. .Mrs , sto-
phrnson , Itt'l I'urk avenue. Council HIiitN ,
IT AHMS I'nr Hiilo A Ions list , ninny of thorn
-L at low priors ; also VO uurus llnu ganleu
and fruit Jam ! near the city limits , IIOIIHO.
barn and otlmr Improvements ! also III acres
frnltaml ganlim land just outside tint city at
f.V-UJ. W. A. Wood fc Co. . fi'j > .Miiln8tri'iit.
FOUSAI.E or Hunt-Oar.lan land , with
hounua. by J. U. Itloo. 10J Main t. , ( JounoU
Or Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK 8150,000 ,
DiiiK-rniu-I. A. Miller , F. 0 , Oloaion. K. I *
Bhuiiiirt , i : . ! : . Hart , J. I ) . ICdmiiiidioa , Uhurlot - t i
O. llunnan. Truninot , Kt' buaklnv bu l-
nu < . Largest capltul und nifiilui of auy V
liankIn South weswrn lowiu