Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1891, Page 11, Image 11

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, t.
A Bouynnt Feeling Oharaoterizea tha Open
ing of the Now Year.
An Improved Kcellnp nt Homo nnd
All Over the Country Kery Hoa-
son to Anticipate n
Iluislncss In 1801.
It lina been assorted by some writers on
commercial topics that sentiment docs not
enter Into business , but If that bo tnio what
stinll thnt something bo called which does
enter to largely Into nil trndo circles nnd that
is so plainly visible under different circum
stances. In a tlmo of distrust , when the nlr
Is filled with vnguo minors , nnd when tbo
public Is anticipating soinounfavorablocvcnt
or condition , business bc-comes Infected with
the prevailing sentiment nnd pcoplo say that
trade Is bad because of a lack of confidence.
When the opposite Is true nml the prevailing
sentiment Is on the side of the prophets of
"good times corning" how everything bright
ens up. This was plainly visible during the
past tow days. A month ngo business tnen
wore Inclined to shake their heads dubiously
end to look perplexed nnd grave when the
fiutj ( ct of the future of trade was broached.
Money was close and trndo was slow , hut as
tbo llnanclal prospect brightened business
men commenced to look forward to the first
of the year as tbo turning point for the bet
tor. Tno lltst of the now year has arrived ,
nnd while It Is too early to form nny exact
idea , of the correctness of the predictions
made n few weeks ago. . It Is snlf-ovldent on
every hitnd tlmt the feeling at least Is better.
A part of this may bo duo to
the Influence of the associations surrondlng
the Incoming of the new year n thno when
every man Is Inclined to look upon the bright
cldo of nil things nnd lot by-gones bo by-
Bones. Traveling men are packing their
samples and laying out their routes , nnd in n
law days they will bo out on the road again
lor another year.
The uctual amount of business transacted
liwt week \vns small in Jobbing circles , as no
one tried to do nny business , but tbo wcok
wis rather given up to rest and to the laying
of plans for the work to come.
The conditions prevailing In Omaha at the
present time are very similar to what is re
' ported from other localities , nnd It is snfo to
'say that the focllnc nil over the country Is
much hotter thnn It was a munth ago.
As usual at the opening of a now year , the
press of the country has presented In mnny
cases elaborate reviews of the year just
Most of them show that the growth of thn
western country even during the depression
of the past year has been very satisfactory
nnd nil of them give evidence that there is
no lack of contldenco on the part of business
men generally in the certainty of a good
business for the coming year. This confi
dence Is bnsea upon many features of the
present state of trade and the condition of
the country merchants. One of these Is that
the depression of the past few months has
made buyers cautious and few retail dealers
nro overstocked so that , as Is true In some
k renvhcri sales have been smaller than
1 "usual they have been gauged by the demand
nnd tlrad stocks are few nnd Inr between.
It Is too early In the year to toll much
nbout the manner in which January collcc-
_ tlous will turn out , but the business of Fri
day mul yesterday was very satisfactory
both with bankers and jobbers nnd Indica
tions nro that business tncn generally have
heeded the danpor.Rlgnals that have been so
liberally given for for some weeks past and
nro In a much bettor condition to meet yearly
settlements thnn has bcon nntlcipatod.
The completion of railroads Into the Black
Hills country during the past year has made
„ o largo and rapidly developing territory di
rectly trioutnry to Omaha and the local Job
bers are preparing to take full possession of
the new acquisition.
Altogether the business men of Omaha
have reason to confidently expect a big year's
business in 1S91.
OMAHA , Jan. 3,1591.
OATTI.H Estimated receipts , 2.100 , as com
pared wlthWMyusUirdny and 9JO Saturday of
last week. The murlcot. on the best grades of
ntcers and lintuliom' tttoolc wan steady , with
poorer grades slow mid sagging or lower.
Venders nro slow und weak.
Hon < Ksllmalod receipts of heirs P.OOO , as
conipaioil wlth : . ' . > l yesterday a'nd . UlSatur-
day ot lust uoi'k. The inarlictopunod ashado
tooc lower nnd eloscd active and strong , with
tlio doullno rcsrnluod. All bold. The
s ranito of tlio prices paid was $3.W > 76i.r : , . " . the
bulk ficlllns nt * ; i.4Kftl..rI'l ( a , $ I.U09 2.50 ;
llsht SlOocacUO ; heavy , mvftn.M ; mixed ,
l.3Xi.'l.35. ( Tlio uviTiif-o of the prices paid was
* I.43K as compared with ; t.45,5i yesterday und
e.144 Hntunlny of last wcok.
SIIIJKU Thcro wuro no fresh receipts of
sliuop nnd tlm mnrkot U nominally steady ;
natives , 2,50l.50 ; westerns , i2.ooai.25.
JlccolptH ami Shlpmonto.
SliowlnRthvofllolal rocolptsand shipments
of u.ittlcogi \ und sheep ou the Jut us Indi
cated :
Dates. Caltlo. | HOKJ. Bhecp.
ft 4'VVJ. 20. * * * ( * IB ! )
ilay. Doc.57 , . . . 9'iC IN )
jtuinuny , nee. If. ! . . . . * . 1..TSI 2,137
Tuoidnr , I > oc.,10 1..TSICO 6.6(3 ( 'ssii
( CO em 8
riiurmlar , Jnn. 1 768 6iw : 1,078
Vrliliiy , Jan. . . . . . . . . . Ckl'J 2,234 , 185
Batimloy. Jnn. 3. . 2.1001 cou !
1'Iilnl wceilof IVo. . . , U.Oil rW.OIS
Pocoiid week of Pec , fl.OSI 44,315 4,100
Klritwock of DtH ! . . . , 13.fKX ) , t 7 2,744
Kuurtli wcolc of Xav. . 1U.7C4 tl.101 l,70rt
U'hlnl woi'k of Nor. . . , u.i in 42.501 12.3W
Vourth nook of Poo. , 10,511 2,878
I1ATKS. I Cattle. I lloifi. I Bhooop.
Krlilujr , Doe. LI i , 1671
HnluntnUooTI C41
Momlnr , Doc. .M 607
Tuesday , Doc.iM IRU (19 2M
AVeiliiKKday , IX'C. 81. . . an IT ) 135
Thuriilnjr , Jnn. .1. . . . 42 178
I'rlil.-iy. Jmi. a
I'\iurtli wcok of Doo. . 4G8'J ' 1.IM 1,407
Third week of Deo. . . , 4.4.UI 1,24 }
Bccuiut week of Doo. , 4.512 IS4
Klr t weckof Deo. 4.IW 3.H16 1.7B7
Knurl li Hook of Nir . . I.M1 3JM 1.328
Third weekot of NOT. . 9,10
' Avcrniio I'rleo of Ho s.
ShowhiR the avor.iso prlco paid for loads of
bojjsou tlio days liulloatod In lsS7,1SS3,18SD and
D.iya. | Doc. "JO. | loo. ) ' J. I Una. ' 81 I Doo. ' 87 .
IV ) . : M il Sundnr. 694
ai. 3 54 607 6J7
J-n.-Vo Jan. ' 83 ?
3 W > 60J llolldnr ,
3 44 4 M 6.11
Stoolc Hecdlpts.
Kstlniatpd Today. Olllclal YoMerday.
Cattlo. . . , 02 cars. .MOO Cattlo. . . 25 cars. 500
lion * BO ci'.rs. 0,000 , IU > n , . . . : eiirs , 2.254
Sheep car. . . . Slioop. . , . learn , 1S5
Toduy. Yesterday ,
Hlgbost } 3. < H HlKhost . M.70
Lowest U.OO howeat . 3.10
Disposition < > r Stock.
Sliowlng Iho number of houd of itoolc pur-
cliasud on thin market aa reported by the
WHlvhtniastorof tliu Htookyurdt company for
January ii
Ituyors. No.
SwIft&Oo 5.V )
Tn ( ) . II. lliinunond paclilni ? company. . . . ; tS7
Tiio Oudahy paoklng coinpuny. , , . . . , UK )
I.eoUiithwlillil. . . . , , . . . . : . . . . . U74
iiiitiiiiuiiuv aiephon : a
Null Morris KM
Bulpponnud foodon 159
ThoOudnhy packing company 3.0C7
Omaha paoklni ? company ( W4
Kvrltt.tOo OOH
TliolJ. II. llamiuoiid packing company. . . 'Jixl
' North pnoklin ; company. , , , , , . . , W3
Shipperand fcodora 18
Ttio Blonth.
Rhowlng.tbo number of cattle , hofra and
lu > ep pilrcndsed on tlila murket br the dldor-
ent buyfritpyrlng tlio month of Uocombor ,
JciUjl j
BwKiftOo. . . 10,571
( ] eor e II. Ilanimond & Oo 0KM
Thu Annour-yudahy paokluc couipuay. 0,503
The Omnlii * packing company
Other buyer * . . . . . . . 19.0EH
Total . 42,081
TlioCudahy packing company .
TlinOiiinlia packing company. . , , . ,
Kwlft&Co .
Ocorito II. Ilanimond k Co .
North 1' tc 1' company. . . , * . < > <
1,1 vcrpool A ; 1) . 31. 1' . company . . . . . .
Jnnc.s& Stllos. . . , . . , , . . . , , , .
Tlionias Clreori.Vrfoirs .
K rue packing company .
lioinl .
Underwood & Co .
Wlilta."c i-on . , , .
Bhlppors ana feeders . . . . . . . . . .
Total 100,001 ,
Swlft.t Co 2,102
( loorcu II , Hammond & Uo 1J4
The Ondnliy packing company MJ
Other buyers , " -V
Total 4KR )
Monthly Htnloiiinnt.
fihowhiRtho olllclalrccolpti and slilnmonts
of live stock durlni ? tlio month ciidliiK DOCPIII-
ber3t , l.t ! , nml tliu number of head consumed
at South Omaha !
Itcprcfloiilnttvc Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av , 1'r. No Av. Pr.
H..1081 $2 8.'i iov.ioioKi : M..1SB J400
24. . 87 ! ) a 00 i. . 7ifl : i no H..12n 410
B. . 07" . a oo .V..10S7 3 ft ) : . .12D7 410
! . . ion : t 10 10 .1 M 420
o. . i7 a 2J 40. . 1181 a & > 1.1. . 1217 420
" IT. . 1170 a fit ) 20. . 12S5 43)
12"ID. . * ! h si 4. . 1185 a 7. " > 4tO :
3. . : i as ism a 75 4 35
B. ( MI ai . . 1203 a 8 > 4t5 :
19. . 1112 a 25 24. . (1118 ( a 8. 440
I.K.ICC. ' ) a no 10..I25i a no
304 2 00
020 1 50 14..IOI.1 : 25..1023 245
ono 1 75 1..10(10 ( 24. . 0.17 245
.1. . 83(1 ( 1 75 17. . ID- ? 2 I0 ! 25. . b77 2M
13..10.VI 1 (10 ( 20.61) ( ) 2 : H. . 079 250
1. 1210 2 01 14. . O.V ! a : io 20. . 04 ! 2M
i ro 2 M ) n. . mid 2 a. " 24..1000 250
2 0) ) 5..ioin 1. 12(0 250
2 00 12. 14.J2.-iO 2 53
770 2 00 14. . ww 2 : i5 7. . 1100 2C3
1070 2 00 .1000 2 40 27. . MVi 2 S3
1074 2 Oil " { 042 2 40 15. 1010 2 CO
K)7 ) 2 15 017 2 40 L.lfilO 203
7511 2 15 3. . 1218 2 40 is. . OH : 270
0. . 078 2 20 2..IOfi5 S 40 4..ian 275
10. . IK'S 2 4. . n.T > 2 40 1..10SO 275
4. . 782 2 25 12..1041 2 40 i7..ina 2 no
13. ITO 2 25 1) ) . 1 > S9 a 45 L.l.'liTO ao )
20. . 840 2 2-5 10. . 1050 2 45 2..IC05 4 10
23. . 073 2 30
1/1400 fi5 1..1270 1 00 l inoo 2 ° 5
1..12SO 75 1..1400 2 00 ll770 ! ! 325
1 . ( VJO 75 3. . 1313 2 00
1 .ia70 75 2..13UO 2 00 1..1IIO 2 25
1..1H70 75 8..K > 00 2 00 240
2. 80 1. . I.'KIO 10 1..KM ) 240
80 1..1770 2 15 1..1OT ) 2M
1440 1 80 2..1.r 75 2 25 I. . 1410 2 M
1405 1 85 i..i4r o 1..IS20 275
1470 1 03 1..1771) ) 3 00
8T001CEI13 AN'I ) FEEUEI13.
1. . 480 2 00 SI. . 025 8 25 1..1250 205
2. . KW 2 15 4. . 722 30 7. . 7115 275
40 . 4.7J 2 20 2. . 783 2 40 2. . 0-0 200
1. . 700 21. . bOO 2 CO 23. . 000 300
MIUCKI13 AND Sfltl.VnElli
1 milker 1800
IsprlnKcr 1300
1-printer 2000
iHprlnxor M 00
Icow nnd calf 2500
Icow aiidealf r. U500
2. . 70 3 00
25. . 718 2 20
1..1400 22o I..UUO 2 00
3..17IO 300
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av.Sh. Pr.
04. . . .1.17 - 13 0) ) r.i. . . .2.VS lfiO 345
0.1. . . . 1TI1 310 a 05 ffii. . . 200 345
83 . . .111 - a rJii r,2 . . . . .JiYI 120 343
m. . . .r.7 a 15 H'Jl. . . .211 ICO : J45
KJ. . . .172 40 a 20 BO. . . , . .212 320 345
85. . . ' .172k a 20 01. . . ' ' 2.V1 40 34"
! . . . k.mi \ > a 20 . . 2. > 4 345
0. . . . .mi a 20 . , . 2.VJ RO : i45
81. . . . . .20:1 : COO a 25 ( M. . . 254 120 350
101 . 175 bO a 25 7i. : 80 350
81 . 101 bOM a 25 41. 3r > 0
HI L ! ! / ? M a 25 . : tl)8 ) 120 350
75. . . .2IH 100 a : ; o 60. .2tfl 200 350
55. . 200 a : w 57. .2G4 120 350
77. . 210 a : io . .20 : 280 3 53
CO . . . .201 a ao ffi 281 40 350
41) ) . . . . .219 200 a 30 GO 2KI 120 350
. . ,2115 2SO a : H 04 2.V1 IfiO 350
. . .241 ieo M * k > ( ZJ 287 120 350
. . .2M ice a .TI M 273 240 350
(15. ( . . .247 iuo a .I" ) Ki 273 1UO 350
200 a 35 51) 280 200 353
200. a 35 Kl 2l 40 353
75 . 2i ! 200 3 35 09 310 200 355
OS . 239 aw a as G2 270 355
03 . 230 ice a 40 48 HIM IfiO 355
40 3 40 2S9 120 353
58 215 240 3 40 M. UOI 40 353
73 224 80 3 40 57 , LTO 355
73 'J2n 1(10 ( 3 40 K ! . . . .284 400 3 55
72 274 100 3 40 > " . . . .27-J 355
00 202 120 3 40 74" . . . .270 40 300
73 103 40 3 40 54. . . . .317 80
50 2JO COO 3 45 48. . . . .320 BO 3JO (
00 201 120 3 45 71. . . . .210 3M ( )
01. , . .2)1 80 3 45 55.2tt . . . . .317 40 I ! GO
SI. , . .215 80 3 45 2tt 319 40 300
77. . .219 120 3 45 55.K . 312 120 3C2K
48. . . .177 40 3 45 K > . 277 80 3G3
GO. . .2. 21W 3 45 50 411 100 3G3
IV ) ann 3 45 02 . . . .317 40
50 251 100 3 45 B" . . . . .333 80 ; na
50 233 3 45 4S 337 40 3C3
PIGS AM ) 110UO1I.
1 401 2 50 7tf 118 80 205
1 250 - - 1 GO
OJM//.1 WHOLEti.lM.Jl M.lItKKTS.
OANNEO t iiuiTS-Callfornla-Aprlcots , V..M
G2.40 ; pouches W.'Jii.i.O' ) ! poarn , * , ' .rxXil2.70 ;
crapes , | | .8 > 3I,0 J : cherries , while , $ . ' .50 ®
2.,3 ! chorrhH , hloolc , * -.2.va2.50j quinces ,
$2.00 ; bluukbvrrlos , WAIi ruspborrlo-t , J3.00J
strawborrlos , $2.tK ) ; oiirrnnts. W.2U : Koosuber-
rlcs , W.S3 ! nliiins. ivir. f i.6r > ai..Vi : plums , irrcon
panus , tl.SO.'Jjjl.yo. Kasioni cniincd frult -
I'oiichcs , boeoiids. JJ.20is2.UO : annles , 3-lb , Jl.lO ;
Rill , ij doi In case. 83.10 ; KOosi'herrltM , Ilaltl-
nioto standard , s-lb. H.lUi strawheorles , j,25 | ;
raspberries. J1.40 ; Uhiohi-rrles , JI.j ; ! ) ; n-d rusp-
boi rk's , jl-U ) ; lihiokliorrliM. 11.10 ; ohcrrlOj , (1.2-3
( Qil.65 ; iilnoapnlns. llopI , $ l.2.V.fJ.4l ) .
Jlot.AssBS llbls N. O , fancy , per cal , 4fiO
48ccholic,40QiKgood,2Nii3yc : ; ; : Cuba. Duklujr ,
yWSKa ; blackstrap. lfi2.1o ; syruj ) . 70 tjriido.
bhis , 20or bbl , 2doi 4-jjal ko ts. (1.31 ; 2-gal
klttii , (17o. (
SrnAH Granulated , O'ic : cubo'i , 61 o : cut
loaf , 7' c | powdered , fitunilnrd , ( Pjc : AXXX
IMiwilen-u , 7iO ! jrvllow 0 , fie ; eanary , .1J o ;
light extra f , ,1li6r0 ! control loners' A , ( i'ic.
Oi.tvES-Quarts , per dor , fl.00 ; pints , pordoz.
J2.50j bulk , iicrral l,20. Ollvooll , Si pints , 2
ttoz pt r case , ( I.VXi ( .a > .
TWINKS , CoiuiAOB , ETC Cotton twine
"lllbb , " very line , V-lb balrj. 2 1 ; cotton
Iwlno CX brand. U-lb bales , 18o ; hump twine ,
U-ll ) bait's , ISoi Hiilttwlnu , Soot otindle nick.
2Jc ; 40-fout cotton clothes lilies , $1.40 ; O'Moot '
ootton clothes Hues. 11.03 ! UO-foot slsul lines
tl.75 ; 00- foot Jilto , * 1.85 ; wool twlni > s,8io. ! M
nllla roi > o-All slrt-s from 7-10 to 1 In , 14o ; slsw
roiu ) , nil sUes from 7-10 lo 1 In , Ou ; "no-
procrssos. " all sires from 710 lo 1 iu,7 > iocot. ;
ton rope , y In. Itic.
CIIEESK-F. 0 , twin flats , nor lb. lie ; ! ' . O.
YOUIIR Anii'rlca , llMos ( lomcstlo \vli3 , ISJJo ;
brlcl14ui Kdain. 111 foil , caoli , JI.OO ,
VI.VEOAH Aoulo c III or , too : double eld or , 12o ;
wlilto wlno , 1201 triple strength , IOo.
I'lCKi.KS-Mcdliiin , bbl > , 18.00 ; small , 110.00 ;
Eburklns , 111.00 ; IJoiton inlxod. (12.00.
HICE Jiivu , 601 choice , Go ; fancy , Co ; head ,
, .
Oiusn-Per bbl , rcnned.M.50 ; half bbl. UM , ;
bard elder , pure , per bbl , J.3.00 ; oruiigo elder ,
bait bbl , M.50 | pear elder , half bbl , (0.50.
Diuin 1'ituiTS Turkish prune * , less than
hhds , lsS9,8o ; auulus , evaporated , now rlnB
ciholcc. 14)io ) ; cprloota , fanoy. In iHOkn , lOHo , ;
blackberries , now , Dot ruipborrlos , S5 11)8 to
box , 32o ; currunU. new , 5)ciVotlzzn ) ( currants.
extra , tiim > xo9SHoi .ncuolica , Uala. , oholco ,
17S 'J Uullfornlu dried grupes , la bans. Co ;
seedless HiiHanas. saoks. lOK-oi musoatels.
BHoj now Valencia. 801 Opura layer , Oo ; figs ,
layer * . 14$20c ) citron , Leghorn , 20c | lemoa
pool. 15o. *
MAI'I.K SunAit-Perlb 5o calces , 30-lb boxes.
13o ; too culios. ao-Ib boxes , 12 Sic ; 1-lb bricks , 83
Ibs In box. puru. llo.
UnooMH-4-tle parlor , taOD ; 4-tlo , H75j 8-tlo
I2.25 | 3-tleplnln. SIM ! warcliotiso , N.OO ) toy ,
tl.2S | Whl k , SI.WI6I.2V
bOU' t/'intllo. niottlod , per lb , lOo ) ue whlto ,
peril ) . 14c ! laundry Koau , per 100 bars. jai.VJft
6.00 ! ( having soup , WcWNe per doz : lollot soap ,
3 eakcs i > nr box , per dor. . Wt2.25 ,
NUTS 1'cr Ib-iVlninncls , ISe : Ilrii7.ll < i , 2lci 111C&
borts , 13c : poeiins , iKM4c : ! walnuts , lc : peaK
nun , fancy white , 8ci roasted , lOfl.
SALT Dairy , 280 Ib * In bills , built , 12.10 ! licat
grade , noHf-'nini boil Brailo , 1003s. ( . ' .40 ; bent
grade , 28 lot , $2.25 : rock salt , crushed , j10. .
bouA I'ackagcs , 00 Ibs to box , Olio ! keja
SAt.soiiA-KoBS , 1'epcr Ibjbbis , lic , granw-
lutod.KWlb boxes , vc.
OASSKU VKOKTAIII.ES Tomatoes 3-11) , 11.00
Pol.10. Corn Very line , Jl,2.y8t.3. [ ' > ! 2-lb miifiir.
tl.IAl 2-ib standard western brands. J1.10.
j 1-IU French , extra line , S32o ;
1-11) ) French , line. lf ! < ? 22e : l-lb Crunch , ordi
nary , ItxaiSc. lVas-2-lb early June. ! . ! : S-lb
Miiiniw , .standard brand. ' * , $1.10) ) 2-lb soaked.
"Oc ? . I'riMich poai 1'oreaso of 100. II.MxftJ.oo
Ftrlni ; bonus-2-lb JilKli grade , Wei 2-lb wi > x
bisnm. 8'ic ! 2-lb strlnu beann. 80c. TJtna beans
2-lliRoaked. Wf , "Union baker ] bonus 3-lb ,
'l.a.v | . v . Kwcot i > otat < H's-3-lb Now Jersey.
.I.i0j3-lbolr and tmnatoos. II.OTi ; 3-11) okr.i ,
tl.CiOi asparaiitis. 3-lb , . > .K.V33.73 ; rhubarb. 3-lb.
HA'KIKH I'owiJiiH Itnya'l , dlmo cans , nor doz.
'oj l-lb ( cant. $1,45 ; H-ll ) can- * . J..on ; i lb cans ,
J.VIK ) ! 1'rlco's illmuoniK. DOci K-lb cans. 4liS : ;
' 5-lbciins , I2.M ! 1-lb cant , 11,75) ) other kinds ,
i-lli cans , our doz , $ uiOi l.8\
I'Arr.ii I'or Hi , host straff , 13x13
to ' . ' .x44 , Pic : dryeoods , 44'o : oxtru quality.
mixnllla. tJc ) ! : tiiiinilln tua , i'xS , Do ; dark raK ,
hardware , "Kc ,
KAiitVACKOUH GOODS Ttarloy , 4c ! farlnii.
ko s , * 1.tfl ! plltpoas. i'O ! KM'on pnns , ! ! oat-
moiii , hiN. ) ft if/an.511 imlf bbN , ; :
macaroni , I2o ; vvrnilcelll. 12o ; HMCO and tnplo-
ca , r/M'4c ( ! Ijliuii beans , eyes coreulluc , ( .LSI ;
II a l < ml hominy. VH' .
OIM l.'iOiirlini' white , Oljc ! 1M urntcr white.
HViU ! heailllKlit. lie : ! 71 cusollm' , ll'ic. ' Oil
pans-1 cal , J.I.UJaJ.SJ ! 2 sal , * l.7. > ai. 01 5 gal.
: . * ® % . .
ToiiAcro-FIno cut , peril ) , 2M7. > 0 ! pint ! , 22
( il7Sc ; stnokliiK. - - ' ® ( ! ; fnaoy brands , IMc ©
COITBK Orpon Ulo , 232IO ! Java , 27o ;
Mocha , l e. lloustod Aruslii. 23c ; Itunoln ,
L. " > c : ( iitrnrin. "liu ? ; IHIluortli's , L'l'ic : Lion ,
2.V ; Mallpoiich. 'oc ! Cordovla , 2. > oj Mocha.
; O.O. Jnvii. Sflc. _ Coireo-Ks _ neo-i ! gro.
" " ' ' " ' "
. . : Oolonir , 2.VTt4."n's 2-lb package ilnst , ir > o.
( JA.viiY Mixed , : tO-lb nails , 'iB. ' ' < ? ic : stlclc.
8'ie ' : twist stlok.l'c ' ; Kreneh mixed , 134r ! > : lioar-
lioiind stick , H'.iu ; Jnr and case candles , 5-lb
bo.xe. * , liVittiio ; cxtru line woods. AYidu.v.
AM.B UUKASK I'or uro-n I'razlor's Inrso
thin , * & ) .oi ) ! niudltiin ( Int. W.OUj small , J15.W ;
ot her urn kt"i , wood. $ , 'i..Vx3.8.Y ) .
Iti.AiKiMl tliluz In Iio.v. : wa"C ! Itidlos' shoo
drcMsIn ' . 4W3J1.00 ; steve polish , persross ,
( J.IKX&.V50.
HbUKlNll Mqillil. 4 07. 3 doz 111 box , ( WJH.75 ;
8 oz. 3 doz " hi box , Jl. 50(22.75 ( ! dry , small , 2oo.
S'Sc ' ; cream.
UIIOCOI.ATB. KTO. 1Mb boxes ,
mati. sweet , -Wi'lc : cocoa , ; ii4'lc ! ' ! llromo , ! ta !
( Jot'OtNUT l.Vlb cnscs. } .l and Ulb packages ,
IHT lb.2iX.Z2Ti' : bulk. 15-Ib palls..V. .
KXTllAurii-I.ionion.2n7. rxiciSJi.M ) ; 4 oz. $1.00
0:1.50 : ! vnnllln. a oz. Mc'SttM ) ; 4 ot , Jl.53.50 !
Jamaica Klnzor , 4 ax. JI.KV
M ATI'IIKS 1'iirlnr , 1WU and 300 per box , ? l.G.VjJ
l.Ti ) per gross ; sulphur , il.l.Vftl.ilt ) .
KS-fhoc. oor doz. JI.'iVBaOO : daubers.
: scrub brushes ,
inni-HEi ) Mixed bird , Mb packages , 5c :
cnnury. 4VJc ! hemp , 4VtO ! anlsu , 15o.
\Vooni.N\vAUK \ : \ I'er doz Tubs , No. 1 , $ S.35j
No. 'J , < ? .l5 ! ! Xci. 3 , t ; . : i i kcolcr. oak irraln. Ti-ln.
best. JI.M ; wtiltoccda r. 4-ln , bust , Sl.SSj palls ,
: i-lioot ) . oali griilnril. Jl.W : L'-hoop , II.Mi syriip.
II.M ; dowojl. JI.7. ) ! niipur , metal beepS , * -.r.U !
ccdiir , II brass hoops. No. 1. all red , & % .ao ; cedar ,
: i brass hoops. No. i red , ' W.Oilj ocedar : i liTa4l
lioops. No. 1 striped. f. > .00 ; ccchir , II brass hciups ,
No. slrlpi'd , if4.ri'i ' ) horie. extra lioavy , No , 1 ,
J5 : wnll buckets , J.1SS. lliittorwtiro-Tubs ,
susb , : i-ln , per neat , 7Uc ; ush , 2-ln , 1 ! lar 'o slzu ,
jier nest , 4.Vi ! buttnr Indies , hard wood , 70c ;
buttortmddles or spades , 70o. Wiishboarcls
SliiSlo.Jl.4092.00 ; double , J2.SXa3.23. Clolhcs-
plns-75 gross boxes , li5o.
UANiu.Kri-40 Ib3 to box. OJici mining , 103
; wax , lie.
K For crate , { 2.50.
I'OTATor.s-lloino grown stock , 31.0031. 10 ;
Colorado. JM.Vfil.lM.
OMONS Clinloo stock , $ l.i1.50i : Spanish ,
$1M1.C'J ) perorate.
HuiiiKiii ) SQUASHI'or cloz. $ l.ST > ai.r : > .
HWIKT I'OTATOKS Clioluo stock , $ l.03l.50
per bbl.
Ouwsnv Choice stock , 41l5c.
HUTABAOAS Some rliolco Mluhlgau stock Is
sollliiB at OOitKio per btishnl.
J.ETTUCK ( Iholl'O Stock , 400 ,
1'AHsr.Kr 1'resli stock. 40o.
1'AHSNll'S-l'orbblR. J3.25.
1IEKTS 1'cr bu. $ ! . " > .
FrcBh Fisli.
I/ako-Sllvcr lierrniB , ( ic ; perch round. Be ;
perch , dressed and scaled , 8cs pickerel , round ,
Scj ; steak trout , 8c ; trout , choice , Oc ; perfect
white lish. 1'c ' ; pike , round , DC ; stripped ba'.s ,
Ik ! cropplc. Wo ; bltii'k bass , Ific. Sea Cod ,
innrkoti-u : badiloek. Oc ; smelts. lOu : llnuiid-
uri , Ulc ; ted snapper. He ; blue flsh , 15o ; hali
but , l"c ! lohstors , IScs eels , ISO ! Columbia
river saltunn , ISu ; inackerul , laruc , each. : tOo ;
slirliups , per Ktil , (1.50 ; soul lou-i , per gal , 11.00 ;
Krcsli I' ' > it .
STiiAwitvHiuis : l'or box. 2."iQ30o.
TANOEIIINKS IVr box , J4.50.
CiiANiiKitiUKS Rincy Capo Cod , $12.0M13.00.
Ai'i'i.ES The supply Is small uud cholco
stock Is hold very lilKii.Jl.OOi35.UO.
GUAi-Ks toiiiu veryoholL'o concord's , held In
cold storage , r > ro bulnK put upon tlio inarliot
at O.V0.7UC per 10-lb baskets. Malaga , } iJ.r > ©
8.50.OAbifoitNiA 1'KAiis I.arso and -fancy per
box. W.ixXtW.ftO ,
LBMONS C'holeo stock. $ l.r 0o. 00.
OUANOKS Mexicans , boxes , SH.OO ; Ii"lonaas ,
bright , | ) ,00l. 0 ; russets , $1.5094.00.
J > ry
CHECKS Caledonia X. OVSo ; Caledonia XX ,
10iu } ; Kconomy , SSjc ; OtU , 8Ke.
FiiAKNEC i Plaid , raftsman , 20c ; Ooahcn ,
32ic ! ; Clear Lake , ICiMe ; Mnplu City. 30Hc !
wlilto O 11 > o. 2. ZH-io ; O II No. 2 , U. 27Vie ;
Illl No , 2. ,21Uoi lilINo.2 , ? { . ! ! lKo ! ; Quc-
boo No. 1 , 4"c ; Quubuu No. 3 , li.4'Jiie ; Quebec ,
H , No.4a25io : Aswan , niici Windsor X U. 21
In. , 15V.O ! Ol' ' ' , 15c ; II A K , * i , 25c ; JUK , %
2'o ( : d , K , 20o.
COTTON Ki.ANNKb Cluardlnn LL , 5Me , not ;
OnUur.rd CO.C3ioSS. ; 7 o ; KE , 8io ; GU.l jo ;
XX , 10'/,0 ' ! OO , IIMC ! NN , 12Hc ; AA. 14c ! 1)1) ,
15Vio : TT. 10c ! ; YY , I8e : Hit. 1'Joi bloaehed ,
JSo.lM.8Ho : No. 00 , 10ic ! ; No. 80 ; 12 o ; brown
atidslato. No , 50. tk : No. 70. 13Jo ! ; No. W. IOC !
colored Missouri valley , 12'-Jc.
lli.KACiini ) COTTOX llorkeloy Cambric No ,
Cfl,9L4e ; li 3t Yet , ! Jo ; HuttHroloth , XX,4Ko ;
Cabot. 74'c ? ; Klrst Call , 0lc ! ; Krultortho Loom ,
Oc ; Hill Semper Idem , tic ; Housekeeper , B'/Joj
KliiK I'hllllpcumbrlc , 10c : Lan don ( i 11 , OVJo ;
Lousdnlc. \ > o ; Lonsdiilu cambric , I0yo ; Now
York mills , lie ; Ouk Lawn , 7c.
Coi'Oitei ) OAMiiutus o'rown. JlJo ; Hed Star
4lc } ; Clever , flc ; Slater Itollod , 5Uo ; nlgli col
ors Jo extra.
UiNfiiiAMH Plunkot checks , 6' c ; Whltton-
ton , ( IJLiC ! Vorkfl 4c : Norinumlldri-M , 8ci Oal-
uttii uressi. TKc : Wliittcnton dress , 8oi lied-
ford drs . 8l-Jc. !
Ill'CK West Point. 2S In. 8 oz , 10Je | ; West
Point , 28 In. 10 oz. 12V4c ; West Point , 20 hi. 13
oz. isc : West l'olnt.40 In. II o15Hc. .
lUTTS-Stundiird.Hc : Mohawk , lOiio ; beauty ,
lie ; lluonu. lie ; It , cused , MOO ; lee ) , * t,75 per
KBNTUCK.V jKAKS-lMomorlal , 15c ; Dakota ,
2 < > c ; Dtinham. USKe : Hort-ules 10o ;
"JlC ! Cotts\vood,27 o ; Mulvlllo , .
Amoskea . 7o ; Amoskoaff dress ,
8o ! } ; Hates. C io : Warwlckdross , So ; Canoas-
tor , 6Mo ; Ulonntru. Oio : Whlttoadon dross , 8c.
I'lilNTS 1'anoy Kddvstone , OWe ; Steel
niyer. ; ; Jtanmpp , 4Jic ; St. I cdKor. 5io ! ;
SlilrtlngMurtbaVashlnitoii,4Uc ; i Merrlinac ,
4a4C ! Turkey Ited fountain , Oijo ; Oaruor-
llorlln. 0ic. !
; o llluo Not Martha Wasb-
IiiKton. filiu : American , GUo : Arnold , OUus Ar
nold It , IOIIK cloth. IOo : Stllle A , lliio ; Mcrrl-
niac , 7-3. IOo ; Gold I.oa ( , S'/Jo ' : Hamilton. 5io ; :
Allen I'lnks , < Hjo ; Allen Cliumtiray , Co ; Glou
cester. 5Jo ! : IIirtol.Vc. :
I'INK lluow.v COTTONS Atlantic Mi , no ; Au
rora It , C'ju ; Aurora It. fl'io : , ON1I , 71io ;
ohi'no cloth. 4o ; ( 'llniunt'l SKo : I'D pporoll I
It , B'io ; banudon fill. 7e.
OorT At > Ba Vorlt. iiuiilcln , lO'.Jo : Kvorotl ,
R oz , ISu ; l.owhton , 10 oz , 22Ko ; Worklu man i ,
cpporell. 42 In. lOlJu ; 1'opporoll , 40 In i ,
Il5ci ! Peppercll , 0-4 , 14ci ( } Popnornll , 8-4l o ;
Popperull , 0-4 , 2-'u ; 1'oppnroll , 10-4 , 25o ; Utlca ,
8-4. ilo : tItlcn.U-4.2ik ) ; Utlca. 10-4 , SSo.
n COTTON \ VAUIHlbU , y , white , 16JSo ( colored ,
" ilrwr IliiowtiCOTTONS-Atlantlo.TMo : At-
lantlo ll.Tc ; Atluntlo D.OJ o ) Atlantto I1 , do ;
Aurora 0. 4C ! buck'u head , 7 oOabot\V. :
Darlington , fi' o ; Winners' No. 1. 4K ©
4Hoi ; Indlun head , 7Hoj LanroncoLL ,
llonrlottu L
_ ) JS Not Ainoskcaj , 0 oz , HUoi York
camlet. Ho : Krnrutt , ntundanl , 12'o ' ! : Hay-
makers' , 7lio ! Old YorkXX , lOJic ; Lawrence ,
220. UKoi iiawronco , 0oz , 16He | fancy atrlpea
TlCKS-VorU , 32 In. 12Wo ; Bwlft nivcr. 7Koi
Tliorndyko , OO , 8 oi Tiiorndyko , KB , BKoi
Tliorndyke 120 , OHc : Tliorndyko. XX. fie
Oordls , No. H. Ooj Oordk No. 4 , IOo.
\yiaANS-Net-lMilitle , . 6to.Ited ! : , .
Ciusn-Stovens' II , 10-Inch , 6 o Stovons' D.
IS-lnch , OJio : Slovens' A. 16-Inch. 7Mo | Slovens1
1' . 18-Inch , Bo ; btovem' M. ID-lncb. Oo | Htevcns
N.20-lnoli,9o ; Btsvenj' NN. 82-Inch
. - , 10o ; Sto-
veui'BUTW-lach. 12o | bieaohod ,
Quinine , per 01 , P. & W. Hot Oorman , t7o ;
ndlgo. perlb , 75o ; Insect novrdcr 21oi opium.
tV7l : ! morphine , per or , 13.70 ; nopi , per Ib , Mo ;
glycerine , lioj dextrine , lOoi oultletrano. f85c :
cream tartar , pure , Kg ; comtuerelul , Ido ; earn-
phor , SOei am. cnrb. , 14o ) blnn rltrol , 7Kc | onr-
l > ollonclda fk ) ; citric , i3 * o : tnrtnrlc , ; ut < 3
IiOo ! sulplmrlr , per ib , 2oi iporni oil , 11.10) ) tur-
pontlno. 4Vj ; Tonkn boons. ( lKi3.oot balsam
toln,4li4l.n3 ( ; calomel , ll.Wftl.OJ ) cntithnradlo
Ki . ' assia buds , -W--'c | chtoroforni ,
( Oo ) crROt , 475J.WC ; utu ar.iblu , & . " > ctl.0. % ; lyco-
podluiu | , 40a4Jo ! mercury , 83os Hiilphur ,
alum , 2SOI copperas , IHc ; apsoin suit ,
Claiibur Halt , 1'ic ; antlpyrlno , JI.ID per oil
anistol , 11.80 per 021 nntlkamit. tl.OO per oz |
. cryst , ! llcorleoroot ,
per. 11) ) . Ific ) oil cassia. * 1 , : per Ib ; oil rlovui.
tl.25perlu : oil iiiislo , t2.UO | oil lemon , Jl.fVi ; oil
boruatnot.Sl.aspor l Ib ; buHarn copabla. Olc per
lbM : sub. nit. bismuth , $2.W per Ib ; loclldo potaH-
lbHi , t2.75 per Ib ! bromide potasaluin , :1SD : tor
Hi ; salloyllo acid. II. Jj per Ib ; benzole uci > i ,
02c per lu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I , inn ber.
Tluotatlotis nro for out , lots on board cars nt
Oiuiiha :
IS ft 14 ft 10 ft 14 ft CO ft 22 ft 2 ft
2x4nr w ir > oo isoo ISM moo 1700 is oo
2x0 . 15 00 15 00 13 00 15 50 10 00 IS 00 18 IX )
2x8. . 15 00 1500 1500 JJ SO 1000 17 M ISOO
2X10,1500 1500 1500 J5 50 1600 17 ) ISOO
2x12.1000 1009 1000 1000 1700 18 M ) 11)00 )
8x8 1000 1800 10 00 17 00 1300 1000 1000
KKSCINO-NO. 1. 0-liu Uauil 14 ft , rf , liu.oo ;
No. 1.0-ln , 10 ft , $10.00 ; 4-ln. JID.OO ; No. 2. o-ln
12nnd 14 ft , rf.14.004-ln. } ! J14.001 No. 2.11-ln. 10
ft . Jlfl.00 ! 4-ln. Jin.OO ; No. a , O-ln , 12 nnd 14ft ,
* ii.Kl 1 : ( ! 4-ln , ifia.O'J ; Na. 3 , O-ln , 10 ft , iUOU ; 4-ln ,
iii.K : ( ) .
lloAnns No. 1 com. fllM ; No. Scorn , JI3.00 ;
No. M com , H3.50 ! No 4 Odm , lll.W.
SllINl-A ) , 12. 14 and l ft , * J2.00 ; 0 , J17.50 ; II ,
12. Hand 1(1 ( ftJ.UrW : IJ.' '
I'Mioittxo A , O-ln , whlti ) pine , .00 ; O ,
1211.50) ) U , ( Mil. white Mints tJia.iifl ; 1 , tia.RH K ,
ir-ln. wlilto ) ) lno ( ) < ol , foncliiff ) , J17.00 ; drop slcl-
Inir , Mo per M extra ,
STWIC ; HOAIIIIS A.IS-ln. sl t MS.OOl H , 12-ln ,
sis , * i.UO ; 0. $10.00 ; 1) ) , * 2.\00i No. 1 common. 12-
In. sit. 10 , 12 and 18 ft , Sl.flO ; No. 2 , f H.50 ; No. 1
common , 12-ln. sis , 14ft.fJO.00 ; So. 2.J17.M ; No.
1 eoiiinion , 12-hi. sis , 10 ft , flii.M ; No. 2. JIT.OOj
No. 1 coninion , 12-ln , sis , 20 ft , $21.00 ; No. 2 ,
Hmrr.Ai'-No. 1. plain. 8 nnd 10-ln , Jlfl.00 ; No.
2 , S10.W ; No. I. 0. (5. . 4-ln. JW.OO ) No. 2I0.50 | 10-
lii. croovcd roofliiff. 12. 14 : ind in ft ,
KiNtCiiixn 1st and 2nd el. . 1-ln , s. .
Hi and --In. MU.iH ) ; : td clear , 1-ln s2s. Ji : > . ( ) j ;
I'i ' , and 2-ln , J7.00 ; A. select , 1-ln. s3i. S4II 114
1'i and 2-ln. W > .00 ; II , select. 1-ln , sis , Ml.oOjIU
I'i and 2-ln. $ O.W ; U , select , 1-ln , s2s , Ji7.03i li !
IVi anilIn , Wi.OO.
A. 11 or C select all Ifl f I. Jl.Ort extra.
SOUTH KIIN VKLt.owl'tNE 1st and ' 'nd clear
flooring 13-1(1. ( 2,100 star. Ill-IB. * in.OJ ; com lloor-
IIIR. KJ-10 , l,5ifl ) rift clear. IS-lfl , f.11.00 ; 1st and 2d
elear. ? i celIlii14.M | ; 1st and ' . 'd clear. ; | coll-
Ins. * l.r ! ) > 0i 1st and 2U clear. oellhiK , $ iVO ) ; 1st
and 2d clear. HtiHh , s2s from 1 In. S'.7.00i 1st
and 2d clour , Ilnlxh. bX from 1'i In , JW.OO j 1st
and ' 'd ' clear , llulsli , s''s , from lit nnd 2 In ,
$ l < > .00 ; 1st and 2d clear , V P casings , $30.00 ; base
till ) . 00.
Poi'LAiiI.UMiiEit 8 Inch and up. Island 2nd
clear. 1 Inch , s2s , Wi 00 ; 8 Inch and up , 1st an. !
2nd clear , H Inch panel , ? -"UW.
SASH , Doous , KTO. Tar board , $1.50 ! sash , 55
per ct ; doors , W per ct ; blinds , 60 per ct ;
moulding. M pcrct ; tarred foil , pcrcwt. J-MO ;
straw boaid , $1,20.
foe : ( ixll , sH. IISciH Inch well tilbhiR , I ) . & M.
and Iraf , lil.iH ) ; pickets , D. & II. , llat , (20.50 ; 1) .
& II. , ai. fcUuO.
SiliNdt r.s , LATH Extra "A , " pine , $5.80 ;
standard "A , " $2,4 , " > ; extra "A , " cedar , $2. ; 0
Inoh clear plno , (1.00 ; clonr red wood , fl.33 ; lath ,
. .
POSTS White cedar , 0 Inch. HS , lie ; 0 Inch ,
qrs , lie ; white cedar , 5H Inch. > is. Oo ; 8 Inch ,
iiri. Re ; wlilto cmlar , 4 Inch , roiinU , Via ; split
oak , 8c ; Tounossco rod cedar , split , 14o.
Ilaccoon No. 1 , large , fiOBTOe ; No. 1 , medium ,
r.aiOo ; No. 1 , small , W lUc ; Noa. 2 , 3 und 4.
Mink No. 1 , larRO , 60.i7.GOo ! No. 1. medium
ac > c ; No. 1 , small , 2iaBo : ; Nos. 'i , 3 and 4.
MUSK . KII - fan , _ Mjiue ! ; _ Kit , .10.
Skunk lllnck , 7r eil.OO : striped. No. 1.35JJ
40o ; Ns , 2 , 15 25c | No.3 , ll Moe ! No. 4 , MMOc.
C Cross Knx-No. 1. S.15 34.00 ; No. 2 , KOJO'J.50 ;
red. No. Ml.OOxai.S.'i : No. 2oaaoOj ( ; grey , No. 1 ,
4K'a50C ( ! No. 2. 20O'i")0.
Mountain Wolf-No. 1 , J2.50 < JM.OO : No. 2. JI.OO
ai.50 ; pralrlo wolf. No. 1 , 7Jca l.OO ; No. 2 , 40 ®
Heaver-No. 1. per ! b. 83.5 ! 33.BO | No. 2 , $1.MO
2.M ; No. : if)075o : No. 4 , Ro. )
Otter No. 1 , larjro prime. $3.00 < a".00 ; No , 1 ,
modliiin. * I.XXW.W ( ? ) ; No. 1 , small2.503.50 ; Nos.
2 , ! l and 4. SOc ® .W.
Wild Gat No. 1 , 400 ! No. 2.20335e.
Opos4Uin No. 1 , cased , 10312o ! No. 1 , open ,
lladuor No. 1 , full furred , 5073o ; No. 2 , 50 ®
We ; No. : i. 5 IOc.
Hear Hlaclc , No. 1. $10.001420.00 ; crlzzloy. No.'iMS.OO ; brown , No. 1 , Jj.0010.00 ; cul ) ,
lluckskln Indian dressed , per Ib. 7.WJil.OO ! ;
deer , slimmer , ner Ib'iva-'tic ! fall , per Hi 20 ®
25o ; winter , per Ib , ' 'uGi'-'c ' ; uroen salt , per
piece , 7J80c ; untolopc , per Ib , I.va20o ; elk , per
Ib lc
Others Fisher , No. 1.8I.WW.OO ; mnrlen. No.
l,7Bcl.50 ; No. 2. Sftft-Wu ; lynx , No. 1 , $3.5046
5.00 ; wolverine , No. 1. J1.0U440.00. '
Paints mill Oils.
I'IUME LAUD OIL ( Winter strained ) , 49c : extra
tra lard oil ( winter strained ) . 47o : extra No.-
lard oil , 40c ; No. 1 lard oil,3lo ; No. 2 lard oil
Die : extra neat's foot oil , 45c ; tallow oil 45c
lialf-bblsllooverbbls ; 5-K l ouns PJ In a case )
5coverbbls ; 1-gal cans ( tula ncusc ) , lee o\or
bblssal ; ' { cans (20 ( Ina ease ) , Ifloovcrbbls.
ENOINB OILS Diamond crescent emilne oil.
lior Kiillon.JOo ; perfection engine oil , fiOo ; Hter-
llni ; ciik'lno oil , 45c ; herculcs onilno oil , 5Qc.
VAHNISIIUS Kurnlt.iire.iNo. 1 , OOc ; fiirnitnro ,
extra , tl.OO ; coach. No. 1. $1.10 ; coach , extra ,
11.20 ; hard oil llnlsh , light. $1.20.
OI.ASS 75 and 10 per cent from list of March
b ! .
LKAD WIIITK IK On , Carter. In GOO-lh loU
JT.IO ; In 1.000-lb lots , per owt , * 7.20 ; Southon
Co. . .St.I.ouls , In 530-11) llH.Sr.50 ; In 1,000-lb lot
nor owl , J7.20 ; Hed b'oal.St. Louis , In 503-lb lots
J7.SO ; In l.ODO-lb lots , per Cwt , $ r.20.
WiiiTKliicr nildur'a whlthiK , per Ib , l n ;
Coiiiniorolnl whltlnn , per Ib , Ic ; English O. s.
Paris wlilto , per Ib. Ijjc.
UKII Duv American Venetian rod , IVie :
Chattanooga. 2o ; Knshsh Venetian , barrel 106
Ibs , xyu ; Indian No. 1 , 12c ; Tusoan Kngllsh ,
ynM.ow Cromo yolloiv , fffilOo ; ochcr , Ito-
ohellc , 2Lic ; ochcr , washed Uutcb , 4c ; ochcr ,
washed 1 > rcnch , 2 0.
PUTTY Pure In barrels , kess and tubs , 2ic ! ;
In bladders , 2Kc ; In HO-lb tins , 2Hc.
VEaKTAiiMjOu.s Lliiwed. domestic raw , In
barrels , per Ration , .V > c ; linseed , domestic
boiled. In barrels , per gallon , "Wo.
ANIMAL AND risii Oir.s Whale , bleached
winter , per gallon , 5T o ; whnle , extra bleached
OOcwlnter , ; sporui , bleached winter , $1.00.
STKEI , WIKE NAILS Ilase. 12.55 ; stool nails
base. S2.1J.
Ooi-i'Kli Planished bollor size. 2Do per lb ;
cold rolled , 27u nor lb ; shooting , 26o per lb ; pit
and Hats. 2Ho per Ib.
WniK-Jap. barb , W.25 ; eal. , 1.1.0 $ .
RooFiSQ-Cliarcoal , 1.0. . Hx20. 112 , $9.00 ; I
* '
SII'KKT Ino.v-No , 20. S.50 ; No. 27 , W.OO.
SOMKH Strictly half and luilf. 18c.
TIN PI.ATK-I. O. . 10x24 , 7.50jLX. , 10x11 , $0.23 ;
coke. 4xiw. : 112 , $11.75.
lU.ncic TiN-Small plj.SOo per lb ; bar , iOo
per lb.
GALVANIZED SHEET InoN Plsoount 50-10 per
cent ; uut , plan. Iron , Nos. 24 and 27 A ,
IliCKOitr NUTS LarRe , porhusbcl , $1.50.
I'oiCoitN llholco stock. Ii5t.-o. !
I.EATUER Hemlock slaughter solo. IG-
por'lb ; homlook dry hldo sole , 2024o ; oak
sole , 'axa-'Hc ; Krcnch kip skins , IWcfttl.lO ;
Krench calf skin , Jl.2. ' 'i-.00 ; American oak
calf , K5u@ll.15 ; American homlook caU , 75c@
il.10 ; American oak kip , 7. " < oftV 3 ; American
hemlock kip , WVSi''io ; sheep skins , 'DOcOILOO ;
Boat skins , per foot , 20 < ft.'Mc.
HIIAN Sacked , per ton , $20.00 ; chopped feed ,
"lioNK.v White clover , 1 lb frames , per lb ,
16c ; 2 lb frames , I'e.
J.IUU.OKMKNT.KTC. Onboard cars at Omaha
Per bbl. Ash flrovo lime , OOcs Ohiiinplon
lime , 85cQulnoy ; whlte,80e ; Loulsvllloceineiit ,
$1..V > ; JIHwaukei' cement , $1.45 ; Utlca ecmont ,
$1.40 ; KnRllBli Portland cement , &I.45 ; New
Vork plaster. $2.2,1 ! MlehlBnn plaster , $2.00i
Kurt Dodge plustor , 91.73 ; white sanu , t'.OO ;
P. 1' . hair , per biilo , M .
lltKS-Froen hides , : tI54o ; No. Icreen sailed
hides , 4',4'ii.K ' ' ! ; No. 2 green suited hides. If
No , 1 green suited hides , > to 40 Ibs. , 4
No , 2 green salted hides. 25 to 40 Ibs. , ,
No. 1 vual calf. H to 15 Ibs. , 7o ; No. 2 veal calf. 6
tolS Ibs. , 'KJ ; No. 1 dry Hint hldns , 7e ; No. 2dry
II Inl hides' Ro ; No. 1 dry salted hlai-s. 57lOa.
Hhncu iiolts-ircon ( milted , each. .
Bri'oii salted shearlings , ( short woolod ouny
skins ) each , 102.Vi ; dry slioarlliiKs ivbort
woolod early skins ) No. 1 , each , K0a [ ; No. 2 ,
each , Sc ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska
butcher wool polls , per pound , actual weight ,
llxailVjo : dry flint Kunsau and Nolirnska mur
rain wool polls , porpnund , actual weight. B'3
12o ; dry Hint Colorado biitchervrool iiolts , per
pound , actual weight , 10312'io ; dry lllnt Colorado -
rado murrain wool polls , per pound , actual
weight , fiJJlOo ) dry pieces und bucks , uctual
weight , 7Qic.
TAM.OW ANnOiiEASK Tnllnvr No , J , a 4' < r&4o )
tallow No , 2 , a'JWUje : civaso , irhito a. )3l-iu ! !
Kroaso , white b , ymt-'iXo ! Kreas . yellow , lie ;
Krcaso , dark , 2Kc : old butter , 2CfMio ; beeiwax ,
prime. IMt'So ) rough tallow , liitt'.V ,
IIONKS-In oar Inti only Dry hitlTalo , per
.on , IO.oOftl8u ) ! dry country , bleached , per
ton , $ IO.OO13.00 : dry .country , damp and
meaty , per ton , t3.00&10.00 , Theao prices are
for bones weighed uiul delivered InUhlcugo ,
HAV On track nt Omaha-Upland , No. 1 ,
J0.50 per ton ; coarse blue stem , 10.00 ; oats
traw , $0.00 per ton.
Hl.ACK WALNUTrt-l'or bliuliol. 11.25.
COCOANUTB I'or lee , , sacked , 14.50 ; bulk ,
CoArOn board car * at Omaha Anthracite
Chestnut , range and eVJTi 150 per ton : grate ,
3.25 , Soft coal-Ohio. I5.M ; Bouthorn Ilfinols ,
H.50 ; walnut block , tXJJj lena lump , 1.1.15 ;
Iowa nut , 12.75.
CIIKST DT Large Italian. I5o per lb.
The burcmr Is a handy sort of man to as
sist with the bank clearings.
Activity Characterizes the First Hour in All
the Pits ,
Three \Vnvcs of lluylng Corn- Close *
nt tlio Highest Figure Oat *
Sticks Close to Corn
Cnttlo nnd
OIIIOAOO , Jan. 3. [ SpecialTelegram to TUB
DEC. ] Tlio board of trade markets were
qullo active the first hour. Wheat was depressed -
pressed a llttlo nt thu opening , but rallied nt
once lie to a shade better than the close on
KrMny , Corn also rallied Uo after selling at
? > o under the close lust night. Miiy oats
moved up to 45o again , fork opened about
steady , but at once became strong on tlio postIng -
Ing of stocks , which were llghtor than the ca-
tltimtt's , hard and ribs In stock were more
than thu popular estimate , uut prlco * held
It appears that a lively wheat market Is In
order every day. The pit was not only active
most of the session , but after n decline of HO
early there was a good reaction of 1'ie , laud
ing ( he price of May ? { o over the close j ester-
day. The receipts hero were over the esti
mate nt 173 cars. Receipts at Minne
apolis were reported much too largo
by mistake. Earlv ciblo : udvlcos were
oonHletlirr. There was no very nctlvuMipport
nt the opening and the market started about
&o lower with Jlay at ( xl'je and the prlco
touched Otic , This was the turning point.
I'ardrldgo saw a good place to cover a largo
line of wheat. Ho bought Judiciously but
freely and the crowd Innocently sold out to
him fromOJe tolU'ic. Mltehcll ami Counsel-
inaii wcio peed buyers also. When I'lllsbnry
wired from Washington that any rumor re
garding the Iod ) o crop report mu l bo false ,
as there was no estimate nr.ido as yet by the
department , the crowd who had been selling
I'ardrldgo clii'apvlieit : turned Into buy. The
prlco went to fiUVS.Oil'.iC at once. Clearances
at Now York of 4lVXJ wheat nnd working of
some three loads for uvport helped buying.
Them was a llttlo easier fueling before noon
when May ( Jot back to 1)0 ? ; o. From
this flgiiro a second advance set In.
shorts were the principal buyers. St. Louis
sent buying ordurs. Driver became an'out-
H | > okun bull. Thu trade was In an oversold
condition and In getting wheat back put tlio
price of May to07lic. Tliero was iisllght re
action toOI'ioon reullzlng Hales. Tlioru was a
third wave of buying Just before 1 o'clock
when the prlco of M.iy wlioitt wont up to97Sc. !
or a full cent over tno soiling prlco at the
close Krlilay. Whont closed with the strongest
bulge of the day at 97c af tor touching OMc.
.Tniiunty sold alKSo and ! ) ) cj July nt01J.ic and
0jv : ; . There was buying on the reported
drouth In California and light farmer's dell v-
orli's unrcKul.
The receipt1 ? of corn were under the esti
mate. There was tome buying by I'ardrldgo.
uarly , which caused a llttlo udvimco and
scalpers all sold. I'rk-es did not yield roimlly
nirl tliey had to buy corn back
and brought Ion a bettor advance.
The strength Increased with the advance
In wheat and the nuirket became
quite buoyant. The estimate for Monday was
but Oo ears anil this sent the prlco up another
pcir. I Thoaetlon In May was 52s to 517.O to
. < ' , ! ? 0 to MHu to M c t' ) 52 So to MJaoat 1
o'clock. Corn closed nt tlio top prlco of the
day nt .V'I'So for May , .January was quoted at
4BWo to IJ'Sc and up to 4D7ic at thu close , 1'ob-
ruary ut4'JaO ' ! to49o to SOijo. May corn prlvl-
lonns were quoted at5.'lc nnd ftlXo toftlu.
The oats market sticks tight to corn. The
action of tlio two markets was almost identi
cal all day. May oats sold at 4l'ic to 4l ? oto
4."O c , closing ut 45 ? © l.iC. ) The nominal
prices for the other months were : January ,
4moto40 , ' o t)4n9oo ( I'loie ; 1'obruury , 42iO !
IO417JO to42"aOto tlio close.
Tlio country looks nt mess pork more than
all other products. Thus It wa-thatthe stock
of pork as published , bulng below tile iiopitlur
estimate , had moro to do with the making ot
prices than both ribs and Inrd , which
were over the estimate , Tlio mar
ket for all products was firm from
a start although the first prices wuro slightly
lower. Miiy pork wild at J11.02 J nnd up to
(11.15 early , dropped back a llttlo on an olTort
by Oudahy and others to depress prices but
a aln became vnrv llrni and advanced to } 11.25
and closed at the top prleo. January was
quoted at JI0.55 at the eloso. Lard was o
higher all around and short ribs fie to IOo up.
Hogs Hecelpts for Monday are 40,000 ; fornoxt
week , 200,000.
OiiiCAno , Jan. 3. [ Special Telegram to TUB
UKE. ] CATTI.K IJuslness was about llkoany
other Saturday. Ituyors that had urgent
orders went out and filled tlio same , at ab'out
th o snmo prices as ycslunlay , mid others rode
around liidlirurcntly and did not care about
buying , unless they could see a fair margin.
About everything desirable was sold out. market closed steady. A big run
1s looked for next week and perhaps a break
In prices. Top sales wore J4.SO&.MO , others ,
$ ) .00l.75 ; common , J.'I.OO.1.75.
lions lluslnoss opened slowwith a straight
cut of a big f > o per 100 , making a drop of about
15o for Friday and Saturday. Kongh and
common light mixed sold nt J..lVTr.-.M ! : prlmo
packers and good mixed. JlMXffi'UM.vltli prlmo
lioavy und butcher weights nt ) .7Uy.75 ,
load or ao at &J.SO ; light sorts , & ) .453.0U.
NKW YOIIK , Jan. 3. [ Special Telegram to
THE IIKB. ] There was a lltllo depression In a
few stoekscarly , but Iho list generally was
not demoralized , and thu close of the half day
was In keeping with thn confident , firm tone
of the week. Hears were against the list at
tlio opening nnd caused , some stocks to sell at
over ( Ultra * th-m prjvallod lust evening ,
Louisville & Nashville bolus the most con
spicuous with a los-i of H per cent , while the
most of the list were Bllghtly higher , Now
York Central being up y , The strength of
Iho market. Immediately became apparent ,
howevor. and the loss In Louisville & Nashville
was recovered Inside of the hour , while the
other blocks showed slight gains and Lncka-
wanna was again remarkably strong , ilslnu
I ? ; percent to 13I4. ! The upward innvemoni
mndo llttlo progress after that , while the
market became less unlimited later In the
hour. The bank titatomtmt showing reserves
further Increased by f iUUuO was un assuring
piece of news Northern 1'uulllc , preferred ,
rose to Gftvj , closing 1 per cent up. Atchison ,
Nortbwestorn , St. I'aul and Mlisourl I'aclllo
each closed with a not tain of ? ; to 4. Ilur-
llnKtonand Union 1'uolllo each were sloady.
The cloio in LncUawaima was at 1U4H , u not
gain of 1 percent.
The following were the closing quotations :
II. U. 4 * regular 121 Nortliorn 1'ucltlo 21
U , H. 4 > coupons 121 doproforrod. . . . . . . . fjG
U. H. 4S regular 10.1'f ' C.N. . XV 10C
1).a. ) 4Hs coupons..1UI 1 do profcrrod 137
ruciticii * of * 10:1 : N'cw Vork Central. . . 10I ! <
Contrall'aclCc 'i H 1' . , I ) . A. K U
Clilcnco.VAlton Hook UlnnJ 70
Clilcnxo , HurllnKton C. , M..V St. I1 63 ! <
& Qnlncy (10 ( UoprofciroJ ] ii5
' ' ' ' St. l' ul AOrnahu . . . 23
Illinois Centnii' ! . . . . i 7 < lo preferred bO
1. . , 1IA\V Union I'aclflc. . . 41
Knnsn < k Texas 12K \V.Ht. I. , i'r 9
Lnkohboru 1UT5 < do profvrrod 17
MIchlKan Contrnl. . . . V\4 Woitorn Union 7j |
Allnnonrll'aolllo Ul ! <
MONEYOn cull , easy ; closed ottered at 3
per cent.
MniCANTir.K 1'APKit 7aflV { per cont.
SrKiir.iNd KxoiiANOE-Qiilet. but llrm :
day bill * , JI.7tXi4l.70 > { : domund , M.61H.
YonK , Jan. 2. I9poclal Telegram to
TUB HF.E. ] The folloHla ; are Iho mlnlnj
sleek quotations :
A mart or 100 A pen IM
Con , Cal.A V'a 200 llnloi Nortross Hi
Ilomesuko NJO Horn SIKor 260
Alrilcnn . . . ' . ' 00 Ontario SbOO
Ophlr tK Plymouth 100
Hurnno 140 Slerr * Nevada 135
HUndard 1UO
The Dry Good * Market.
NEW VOIIK. Jim. 3 , [ Speolnl Telegram to th
HER. ] The dry goods market was moro active
In curtain print specialties , particularly Ring
hams. The tone of the market Is uncliungoi
and fairly steady. Tbo following prices for
now prints were announced : Delmarln
fancies nnd wonnlngs. Estol Hovlor novelties
Ou ; ArgcutlnoKreya , no ; harmony prlutj , 4Ko
chuniber oak prints , 4Jo. !
OIIICAOO , Jan. 8. 1 p. m. clo o Wheat-
StrouRj cawli. uoot May , 07 > ( QWo : July , WHc
( torn Finn | oasb , 4UVoi May , Kli5'lio. !
Outs flriui ' cusli , 42 , f 4J > ii ) ; May , 45So.
I'ork 1'lrmi oxih , HO.U7 > i | new II " " '
Iard-St jaly ( : cash. J5.87HI Mar. .
Khort HltS-ritulyj : caah , K.WMay \ , t5.t)7H
Hyo I'lrmat G5o.
llarler Firm nt 72i
Flax-Firm utlUiH.
Flour Unchanged ; iprlnu nnt nt , ll. ( iW.OOi
inter patentu , ll.70ii.VOOt baiters' , K1JOO4.00.
Ilulk JloatShoiildor * , ll.SOa4.Mi ibort
lear , .DOtoa" ; : abort ribs , M.liyil.VO.V
Huttor Steady ! oroatnory , isa57o | d lrrt
* ifr23c
Cheese Dull : full oroam clioddnr * ( V30 > { ei
ats , OKtoOVet YouniC Americas ,
Kjcs-t'irm : fresh , saasic.
llldps Unclinmcnd ) heavy nn < l lUht Kreon
altcd , Co ; preen , 4'UlXpsute ; ! < llMlll hide ' , 4Uo :
_ . Ilecelpti , ShlpmrnH.
lotir.bbls . 1S.O.X ) l.\003
Vhcat , bu W.OOO
"torn , bu 121,000 1.M.003
Outs , bu 134,000 227.000
Nr.w YonK , Jnn. a. Wheat llocelpts , 7.FOJ
/iishel.- : exports , 40,000 , bushels : Bpot nn-
lianged : opt Ions closed easy : No. 2 ted , Jauu-
iry , closing at tl.0.'l > j.
Corn Hocolptr&WS bushels ! export * . 1I.ISO
nishelij spot steady : No.2.W y.W.SolM t'tnvn-
or : W > o nlloati ungraded mixed. fts Si'lll-Jo :
iptlons , , , , closed weak aud lowor. January clos-
Onls Kecclpli. .W.OflO busholst ovpert.i. 10.000
biiHlicN ; spot stcadvt No. 2 whllo. nifii ) > riO < iH |
, 4a."ilu ! opt loan llrnuir , January
'losing ' nt49'ic.
Sugar l''alr. stoadyi fair rcflnlnir , 40-iricj
entrltiigal.iw test , 5Uc ; rollnod , more active
mil firm.
1'otroleum United closed for Kolmtnry at
1'gcs-Flrm . . . . . . : vrcstorn,2 ! > 3MOo.
Pork Steady : now mess. 11.50iM2.00.
I.ard-Wuak : western stoam.
Ilittlrr Knty : nostornilalry , croam-
iry. ISftSil'io. ; Klein. aWWUiic.
OhecHo rinn : fight skims ,
ST. Louis. .Tan. 3.Vhoat Irregular ; cash ,
tjc : Jlav.nKc.
t'oru Itlghor ; cash , 4M < n May ,
OiitM-l'Irm : cn-ili. 4110 ! May , 4SS
Iiiird Qulut at t'l.tG.
Whisky- Steady .
Ituttcr Steady : dairy , 203210 ! creamery , 2.1
MINNEAPOLIS , Jan. 3. Wheat Strong oath
utrkct In face of drop lu features of wheat ,
lecelpls. ! ! 2tcnrti ) shipments , 120 cars , Clns-
nit ' : No. I hnrd , January , Ilkon : tr.iek , ( r.'o :
s'o. 1 northern , Junuarv , S7o : Febrnary. H)3 ) ;
Mil } ' , IH'aej on track , B'.Hi ' : No. 2 northern ,
lannniy , Sic ; on track , S. > ! ji' .
KANSAS CITV , Jnn. 3. Wheal-Qnlct : No.
! hard , cash , no Mils nor offerings ; January ,
llo bid : No. 2 rod , asked.
Corn-Steady : cash 'i'So ' ' bid.
Oats-Quiet : No. 2 , cish : and July , 4,1Jo ! bid.
MILWAUKEE. Jan. : t. Wlicat-FIrmj No. 2
iprlng , cash , 8VrtH7o ; May , Olc.
Corn-I'lrmj No. II , 48Vi ( ! .
OatM-l'irm : No. 2 while. 4.1llc\ !
1'rovUlons Quiet ; pork , quint ; May , J11.12 ! { .
CINCINNATI , Jan. 3.Yheat Scarce' , No. 2
red. wxar7o. !
Corn l-'lrm ; No. 2 mixed. M'Jo. '
Oats In good demand ; No. 2 mixed , < ll5c.
Whisky 31.14.
1,11'fj STOCK.
OniCAno. .fan. X O.ittlo Kecolpts , 3.0M !
mirket stondv : steers , J.'l.OOtJi.'i.lO ! cowi bulls
ind mixed , $ I.OXS11L"5.
Hogs Itecolpts. 'J7.0U1 ! market slow nnd
ewer ; rough and common light mixed , M. VIVO
i.fiA : prime packers and good mlxud , J-'LUKJl
prlmo heavy and butchem' wolghls ,
. . ' .
Shoep-llei'olpt.s. 0,001 ; market lower : west
erns. W.Ooai.SOM ; natlvoi , tl.OUQS.'Jj ! Toxnn ,
.734.5li lambs , $ t.00g < . ! r. ,
ST. Louis. Jan. X ( ' .ittlo-Hecnlpts. 1.003
oad ; shipments , blank ; market steady ;
fair to fancv " native stoera , $ LWaTiOJ ; stockers
mil fcudi ra" f-MMft'l. * ) .
lloss liocelptsMOO head ; shipments , blank
market easier ; honvv. W.W W.80 ; mixed ,
* : light , J.Ciai40. :
KANSAS OITV , Jan. : L Cattle nofolpts. n.RM
loud ; shipments. : i0 ! head ; mnrkot 10iric
ewer ; steurstl..VI.VMicows ( , $1.7.MJi.-1 ; ; sloek-
eriaiul feeders. JJ.iM4i2."i. ( ;
lloss Kecoipts. S"M bond ; shipments , 1,100 ;
market lower ; all grades.
A Week's Ilcsuiue orilealty , Hiillding
and liniilc KiiHlness.
The holidays of course had n ( IcmonillzliiB
cfTect upon realty deals and improvement
matters of all kinds nnd but Httle has been
Ing further thati to make tin effort to get
the year's business cleared up. The pros
pects are very flattering , however , for a biir
year's business , both in building and es-
Late transfers.
The following flRiircs give tho'total of real
estates transfers , building permits and bank
clearings for the week :
Monday $ 10,4. "
Tuesday 40.250
Wcdnosday tT ! > , l'i7 ;
Friday ni,2sa
Saturday 7:1,470 :
Total 8217,420
IlUir.Ill.Nd TKItMITS.
Monday J 17,000
Tuesday 2,1125
Friday 0,450
Saturday U.OOO
Total . 27,775
Monday 77Ufi7.00 !
Tuesday ClS,702.6a
Wediifiday 512,602.2.1
Friday 7JUI. tO.00
Saturday 701,220.47
Total M.40I.46S.51
A ( Increase of 12.5 percent from the corresponding
spending week of last year.
Tlio followlnR figures show the total of
roalcstato transfers for IB'.H ' ) compared with
1889 :
Month. 1RSO. ISOO.
January $ 1,2I2,7W ( C 1,28:1,151 :
Kubriiury l.OfW.rttO 1,5IH,407
March 1.3S3.W8 1.K18.M7
April 1X51,421 ( 1.57I.I23
May J.i74,7 ( 7 1.125.708
Juno lK\ltM \ l.KlU.Sft'l
JulV Ir7.578 ( ) ! 1,412,729
August ' . 1,2117,471 1,724.109
Huptember 1.057.013 I.52flor.9
Ootobor 1.4S7.703 1,402,5.11
November 8.7112,116 1.H7.721
Uccember l.aiM.488 1,408,425
Total * l7.8ilii0 : 818,233,430
Increase over IFSD.I.V"
rNSTUUMENTo piaooaon record January a
Jacob AVIlllamset al to N M Howard , lot
IIiliS \ \ , Kllby I'lacc. w d $2,000
I , Sclirocder , tnmtoo , to l''runk Itadll ,
lotd. blkH. Ilrown Place , w d 400
Frank Hadll and wlfo U ) K llonak , lot U ,
blkH. Ill-own I'l.'ice , wd COO
P llunak and husband to V SleRl , lot 0 ,
blkH. Hi-own Place , w d 700
John Larson nnd wlfo to XV A I'nsna-
WHiit , jr. , lots Uund 10 , blka , lloyd's
add , wd 1,80)
ClausSlevcM nnd wlfo toO .ScliulU , I'/
acres In nxv cornoK-l.Vll' , wd 1,000
K A I'arrand ' husband to Jacob Knglost ,
Iol7. blka. Amblcrl'lace. wd 015
M K M Wlnstanloy und husband to M A
Upton , und H lot n , llk' ) ll"t-.iundi. rs
Sc Illmobaugh's add , w d 1W)0 )
I , W Illll to Jacob Hanson' lot J , blk 11 ,
I'ark Forest d "
, w 2.0
J N Glass to W It Mottor , o ' / , lot 'M ,
Illiiiobuugh I'lace , wd 0,000
0 K Illll and wlfo to John Illll. lots 25
nnd 27 , blk 2. nnd lots 4 and IB , blk 7.
Douglas add. w d 3,000
MV Hill lo NO Nerncss , lot i , blk 8 ,
Turk Forest , wd 250
0 W liooinls and wlfo to FV Gray , part
lot It ) , 11 awes' add , wd 1,000
Hull Motter and husband lo J N tiltus , o
y lot : w , Ilinuibaupli I'laco , wd 6,500
W.ll Motcrtol''LMcOoy ( ' , o V , lot W ) ,
llliii liuih ) : ; I'laco , w d 10,000
Samuel Mortcuson to Thomas Thoiup-
KDII , lot 0. bll ; ! W , Ilimion , wit 450
Anna Klovo to/'harlo3 ( and 1'red MoU ,
lotsl , 2and : i. blKU , Arbor I'laco , wd. . 5,500
Omaha Heal Estate and Trust rrom-
nunytolill Hovoram-e , lot 13. blk 3 ,
BauiKlors ft lllmubaugh'a uud to Wal
nut Illll , wd 800
0 I'tJlmmonds and wlfo toP W Oray.lots
2rt and 27 , McOandllsh I'lnco , o o d . . . . 1
A 1 * Tukoy ot al to W 1' Diirkve , lot 20 ,
blkU ( Jllflon Illll , wd 3,500
Ida M Voro and husband to A M Dawson -
son , lol 4 , blk 21 , Iloyd'x add , wd 1,000
J Q Willis lo Ilonjarnln KmsIlo.aovlIK In
lotto , blk'J , Idlowlld , wd. . . . . . 3,850
L II Kovoranco and husband lo Omaha
street railway company , lot 4blk , JiXHS ,
Omaha , wd. . . . . . 12,800
E U Mathls and wlfo to August I'crU
lott ) , Archer I'laco , w a 3,500
Alvln Baundora and wlfo to Frnnuls
Qoodull , lots ii : nnd It. blk 8 , Myers ,
HlohanlsA ; I'loldon'a add , w d 1,500
Twenty-Dvo transfer * . 373,170 ,
nulldlni ; i'erinui.
The following permits xvore tssuo.l by the
tuperintendcntof buildings yesterday :
A. V , Church , one-story frame cottage ,
Twenty-eighth and Oranl BtrcutH.,1 COO
A. 1' . Turkey , onu-itory frame oottase ,
Jllflon Hill , . 1,000
A. I * . Turkey , one-story framu collage ,
( Jllflon Hill l.r 0
Total , i 3,003
IlnM'lll Strive to Scaura ttio National
Couvontloii for Oinnhn.
The plasterers' ' union held ttiolr niojt 1m-
portnnt meeting of the year Friday night
Officers were nU'ctod nnd nrrnngomouU wore
mndo to send Mr. Jack Ihvoti to the national
convention , which moots Iti 'teuton , Mr ,
Ureon loaves on the nth.
At l-'ridoy nlsht's meeting hoVM In
structed to do all In Ills power to secure tlio
next iiiitlonnl convrntloii for Omaha , The
following ofllccw were cloctcd for the ensuing
Ixni Cmnicr , prosldont ; SlorlltiR Kddlo-
ninu , vice president ; Kuiieno Hamea , treas
urer ; John Mltehcll , Himtienl | socn-tary A.
1'ottor , reeordlni ? secretary ; .lack llrecu , cor
responding < secretary ; K. Walsh , lylor.
The board of trustees consists of the nrosU
dent . , j , treasurer , socroUry , Mlko O'tirlen
and John VViiruor.
I'cilntOfs for I'luinliors.
Plumhlnc Inspt'ctor Pcnnls states that be
tween forty ntul llfiy lu-cusc-s will l > o issued
to master plumbers and drain layers , The
restrictions , regulations and qunlltlcutloni
are the same as last year. The applicant
must deposit $10 with the city treasurer to
pay for his license , furnish a bond \vitn two
sureties each of whom Is worth FJ.WX ) ever
and above all ileht.s , Htibiult the cortlllcate ot
some to the eiToot that the
applicant Is qimllllcd to bo a master plumber ,
and must deposit $ il ) In thopnviiitf mainte
nance fund in case ho desire * to do work on
the streets. The latter provision Is made to
insure tlio roliivingof torn up paving in good
shape , and if tneexponsu to the oily in patchIng -
Ing up the plumber * ' work taken nil of the
money deposited in the fund ho must miilio
nnotlfer deposit before doing nny more work.
Ktocklioldurn Mooting.
OMAHA , Nebraska , December 21 , ISOO.
Notice If hereby Klvon that the nunuut moot *
hit ; uf the stockholders of the Union land
Company for the election of IIvo director.- ! ,
and such oilier business as mny properly oomo
btiforo the meet Inc. will bo bold In tlio com-
pauy'tiotlliH ) atOmnlm , Nebraska , on Monday ,
llio 12th day of January , ISlll , al 10 o'cloolc
IU in , \V. J. OAIIUOI.I. , Assistant Secretary.
Stokli < ) llcrn' ( .Meeting.
Oil All A , Nob. . Doc. 2"th , 1800. Notion I-
hereby plvun that thu annual meeting of the
stoeldiolders of the Omaha .V. llepnbllcnn
Vnlloy rnllwny coinpanv , for the election of
SUVIMI directors and sucli oilier business as
may properly ooiiKi before tno meotlnR , will
bo held nt the ollleo ot John .M. Thiirston ,
Union I'aclllo building , Omaha. Nob. , upon
Wodiipidnv , the 7th day of January , 18H ! , io- )
twven thn noiirsof tOo'elock a.m. nnd 4 o'clock
p. m , W , J. OAftuoMj , Assistant Socrctary.
OMAHA. Dee , in , 1830.
Notice. Is hereby Riven thnt Ihc. annual mee.t-
Inn of the stockholders of the Omaha ( las
inanufniilurlni ; company , will bo held at the
ollico of the company , Merchants National
bank bullillnu nt 10 a. m. Mondny. Januiiry r > ,
lSHfor ! thoi'lectlon of directors for the cniulnif
vear , and any other business that may cinno
before the hoard.
THANK Mttui'iiv ,
I'icsidcnt Omaha flas Manufacturing Co.
( I2IKI10
Not ioo t < Stockholders.
The annual meet Ins of the stockholders of
The Hoc llutldlnK Oomnuny will bo held at
( ho ollico of'J'iiK OMAHA HKK , lice HIIIHIIMK ,
Umnliii. Nob.at4 o'elook p. m. , Tuesday , .laiiu-
nry. iXUhOI.forthopurpOMMitiiloctliiKiiboardof
dlicctoM for thoonsulni ! your nnd thu trans
action of such other business as may come before -
fore the mcntlng. Ity order of thu president.
Oimilm , llcc.H , ISOO. N. 1' . b'r.iutjccrolnry.
Annual n
Notice Is hcreny clven that the nmiiial
moot Inn of the stockholders of the Unlou
Stock V.ard Itiink. of South Omahn , Nob. , for
thu flection of directors and the transaction
of such business us may pioperly itrlso , will
bo held nt. the First National Hank , of Omaha ,
Neb. , on Wednesday , January 7 , 1H01 , all p , m.
K. 1) . IlitANOU , UaHhler.
South Omaha. Neb. , Doc , 0 , 1830. decddZO
Uranun. | Papal IQlli aml.Mttioii _ _
ISO n ml . . . .knnmi Cltr I > T Kipren. . . . 6.10 p'm
8 , < 5 p inlf.J' [ . Nliiht ICjn. rl U. 1' . Train. I C.45 A in
| Arrl >
Omnlia. I ) pot I'jth ' anil Miircr troet . Onmhx
3.M p m Overland Flyer ! U.U3 p m
7.30 p m 1'nclUo Ktircii | 11.45 R ra
lO.'JJ n in Dtmvur Kiproas 11.65 p m
fi.07 a m . . . .jjjKnutM Cltr Itiprai .iii"l12-05 J
Ienvo "i " TTnfUAiRf , If. i. A IfACU'ltT. ] AfrhroT"
Unmhn. | U. 1' . depot , will nnd Mure * rit , | Oiimiia.
C.10 p inl. . . * . . . . . ! | > rMi ' lk'i ( ) ( n m
90S a ml Atlantic Kipron , r-10 p m
4.W p nij. .Jtl..Vcitlbule limited. , . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . * 1'AiJfT'TG TArriTO
Oninh * . | U. 1' . dupot. 10th nnd Marcf Hti. | Onmlii
7.16 n ml . Blum Cltr I'nuonxcr. ,
. ± 3 n m _ { . . . . . .Bt.l'nul " lJMO _ m
re fAHr (
Oiuahn. I DepotlitU nnd WebilarHt . I Oinnli
8.IX ) p nil t. I'nul Ijlmltud . .I ii.3'i urn
. . .
Oranhn. | U. I' , depot , lOtti and Marcf Hti. | Omiiln , .
Oninha. | ( J. 1' . depot , lutli nnd MnrcrBU
. -
l.cnve * f\7T * MO. VAU7 BY"
Depot lltU nn.l Wubitor Hti.
U.W n m . lllnck illlli Kxprasi
9m n m . . .HnitlnKi Kip. ( Bx. Hund r ) . .
610 p m WahooA Lincoln I'M ( Ki.Nund'jr )
6JO p HI . Norfolk IKi. HundiiT ) .
. . . . . . . . . . ArriVd
O'liaha. | J ) poUilh nndWj > bUMr Sti. I Omill
H.10 n m . . .Hloux City Aocuuimodntlon. . . 9 03 p ra
1.00 p ra . .bloux Cltr B i prom ( Kr. Hun. ) . . 12.ID p ra
UI ) p m . 8U I'aul Uuittod . U.'S n m
6.15 u ra . llanooft 1'asneiianr ( IU. Hun ) . . ) _ 9.45 ji ij
Cl.inTui I "MIMSOUlU | ArrTvui"
COinahivJ JJtiiiot IMtijuid Wobilor Hh. I Om h . _
10JO a mi. . .Ht. Ix > uli A if.X Kiprun. IM p m p nill _ . jBt. . Ixiuli A _ O.HO a in
T.enTo" . fOJIKTAoo ; 1C 1. 5'1'Ai.TViu' Arrlroi"
Tram for I Union UupoU CnmiiMi Illiiffi. 1' nnif r
6.80 p ml Milbt Ksprui S.M in
8.30 a m Atlnntlo Kzprei > 665 p in
6.00 p in ] Veitllinlo l.ltnllud. . . . . . . . 10.30 > in
Trunnfer Union Depot , 1'oiincll Ilium. 'FrnniMr
B.W n"ra " . . . .r.T.CIitcnKO Kipnm CXKJ p in
r.00 p m Vmtlbulo I.lmlUa y.3u B in
JO.U ) p .11 Kaitarn Klyur 203 p m
LM p in .Atliintlc Mall. 7.30 am
DM p m jnwi Xpb < iramiiiiiitlon.JCi ( [ ( Vrlun _ ) fi.4 ( ) p 111
Tfuiufer ! 'union Depot. Council HlulH. | 'i'ruiii' r
6..10 p nil ( MilcnKO Kiprou I 11 li m
12.10 P m | . . . . . . . . . 'lilc Kg K prei-.2. . , . . . | 11.00 p in
"LoaTe.T - R7 l.8T.jflK \ < ' :
Traniforl Union l ) linl. ( ; onncl Hl-ilH ll/nnlfc-
" " " " "
1001 % io.Knnia"i"L'lt"jririr | ) Kipreii" . . . I l. < 1 p in
IDJSp m.hana | < .ntr ] NUht Kipriut. , 1
l/envB4 T 'O.VfAIIX A ST.'nOUlS. " I Arnvm
Tr n or | Unlonl _ > jmt , Cuiinrlllllulli _ _ | Trnmfef
ft.0ljp ni | . . .T Ht. l < nil ; J.onon "ill Ml.lijim
"T are * " [ CIlTCA"lCf , niruf N A OI1INOT | XrrT ei
Tram ( or | Union Depot OiincIl Ilium , ITranifer
9.W m1. . . ClilcnKO Kiprsn 6.20 p m
lO.uo p w ! Chlcauo Ktpron U.W n m
7 .05 p ml . . .t'fiiiiton locKl. , , . , , . . . . ' 11.30 a in
LTranjf . " r"Bioui'(1'.A..I' ' > .iri. ' . ' . . X
Diuncll . j
Tranjf r _ Unlon llluffi. _
" '
T.iSa m'.Hloux ' "Cllf Accommoda'tlon. . . ! ) .43 ara
tc.ui p iu1.UL1..fl'1 . ' " * " ' . ' - . " : " - _ " ' - * ) ) .
Wesln&ra MI ? " | 'OM
a.m'ii.ii. ' n.m I u.iii in ni. I '
\VolitcrSt , 5.40 il.i T.M J.W .JU ) 'I3. . J
Oak Chatham. . 6.wc ! n' ' 6,57 8U fJ.S7
Drilld Hill .11) ) 8 .01 I.W 6.01 8.1) ' 1.0) )
I.RKu Hlreot. . . . 7.UI S.U7t.M ; HM B.Wi 1,1)1 )
\VnlDUt Kill. . . O.U ) 7.U1 8.0-J l.ID C.Ui .W "
Dumieo I'loou. . u.w 7. OS 8.11 ' l.l.t C.Ui 8.M1 1.01
\Vtiit Hide t.Oi MUH.Ii'l.lS 0.10 8.V , ' 1,10
S.It ) 1,18 e.wi
ftlMDUt * . * ) y.uj i.ii
Hoyroo tul'ark. H.24 l > .0 > ! 1.31
I'urUI. . . . .jji 0.HO 4.R6 v ui i. ; )
a.m'a.iu n.m'n.m , ,
rorlil H.U , . , . | v. > ! lli :
Kejuiour I'ark. , 8. 1 I.M . . , . ' U.W 1,11
IJatcol 8.41 ! . , , ,1 U.Jt' 1.4T
Ijiwn , , . . . H.49 . '
Wfil Hlilo. . . . (1 ( | 1 7 ! l8 .Mli.Ul uli' ! ' v't i ! "
JJunduu I'lace * , U.h , 18 . 6J'5.U7 '
Walnut Kill. . , MlT.Jl v.ui 1,10 ,
I < aii > HtruoU. , , o.nil u v.ut i
Druid Illll T W .Oi U.U il.Ul Z.Oi
Oak Chatham. , 6-4 V.Oi I V.M * .Ui
\V liitermroal. 6W.liV .3U llO.Wl t.H