10 THE OMAHA DAILY 13J5JC , SUNDAY , JANUARY 4 , 1891.-TWELVES PAGES. IJ SPHG1EL NOTICES , A nVEKTIBEMENTS for thflno columiwlU Jbo taken until 12'30 p. in. , ( or the OYcnlnt ulltlon And until 8in p.m. , for tb * morning edition unit BuNiiAr BEK. rMEIUtH Ouh lu atlrnnco. TA.TES AdTortl crnentnon this pife wlllbo Jlchnnrpd for nt Ibn rnto of IK cent per word for the flrat Insertion and 1 cent p r word for < j ch subsequent ln" > ! rllon. anil I1JO per IIn month. No advertisement taken ( or for ttmn 21 ccntu for tlm first Insertion. TNITIAL.S , figures , symbols , etc. , count nch .Lai one word * nillESR advertisements must runeoniecra- -Ltlruly nnd under 710 circumstances will they lie taken or discontinued by telephone. PARTIES ndvorllslnu In tlicso colutnni and JL liix-Tlnu tholr answers nddnmod to a nura- ter d lottnr"ln cnro of TUB UEB pill rccelv * f. numbered chock to enable thotii to get their letters. Ainu urn will bo delivered only on presentation of thlsc-hock. Tncloio answer * In envelopes properly addressed. idvi'rtlsomcnts under the lionil of "Spiclal'Not Iri i" urn published In both the inornltu nnd evening editions of Tnr HUE. the circulation of wlilcli nggro.fiiti'H inoro than SOOW ) pipers dally , nnd nlves the ndvi-ttlser the benefit not only of tholarjte circulationof 2 IIr. llKKln Uinnhn , but ulso In Council IllufTs , Lincoln nnd other cltli s nnd town sin ( bo wont BRA.NCH OFFICES. JdvcrttslnR for tlioso columns will ha taken cii the iibovii conditions , at thnfollowlr i * buil- ness liouai H who tire Authorized totnko special iiotlci s nt the 8.11110 rrttoj as can had at the /iinln o'Ucf. < : < OUTII OMAHA IIUANOH OFKIOB-No. \J mu N Strcot , Lister lllock , TOHN Vf. HELL , 1'imriiiaolnt,620 ' South Tenth J street. fc BODY , Otntlonun and Printtn , 113 South IGth street. . rAUNSWOuTU , rharmaolit , 2UB Cum- SH. street. TIT J.IlUOIinH , t'harm&olstC24 North 18th TT ttrcut. f\rO. \ W PAKU , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven- worth street. TfUOHES'I'll ' AHMAt'Y.SUh nnd Virnnm. SITUATIONS WANTED. J ff ratei , rtf. , tcr Inn nf fint enlwnn nn tlifi ) i7 . 'VV T'ASTr.O-Bltuntlon by wiitnlnnakir to < 1ITUATION' bv sobi-r and steady youiif f ! ) man of 20. Address A 25 , Iko. 879-4 * ) - ' ) : oxperlcnced. Address A 24 , l oe. 6"8-7 " \lTANTnn-Tabl8 or bed linen to hem. or TT any plain suwlnK.br widow lady. Ail- dress A SO. Hoe. 839-0' AN Interostlni ? widow wishes a poiltlon as stipi rlntcndent housekooner ; gentlfinin's homo pn-forrod or hotel Mrs A , Onnlia. Jiostofllee 840-5' ' " \lTANrnn lly competent young manPO TT Hllloii as boolK epcr , assistant ornny Itlnd of olllcowork. Itostof reference' ' . Address - dross IJDIlea M3V.-1 * ArCOl'N'TANT Twenty j'pnre experience , will post or hilincn books ; stitninent rcndcrod ; terms rtMSonnblo. Marie M Partner lir Kathbun'ii lluslnosj college , or address bov 172 "J M7H.V-7 CAHl'FT silesman open for oneisomcnt ; first-class roftrcnc-es J. Ourrle. IfiDl N. HUli . . ' . 4 * } I'm ; moment by an pxporloncod loan man is special igont and cxnlnlntT of lo in securities. Territory proforrid : Enst- f-rn Ivans is , N.V , Missouri. Hnsloi n N'o- liraska , ln xnSo. Dakota and Minnesota. Ad- Ihoss A 1 ? . Hoe 31709 4 * A VOUN'O tnnn InvIngoYpeptlonally good JTVclty rcforomi'S and business tr.ilnlii'xvlll lin npon for a pisltlon January I. Am a good accountant nud can (111 ( any oftlco position J'xpoetnllons as to silary nro rcnsonaule. Ad dress Y7I. Heo olllco. l > 21 ' - ' . - - WANTED-M ALE HELP. , i" < ir tnfr , ttc. , tee topnf fitflcolumn nnlht * rxV7 . \\TANTED r\porlencod flro Insurance so- TT llcllor on commission. Horse and bugitv furnished. Address A IIS , Heo oflicc. 1)130 ) "V\7AISTiO : Man In every town forgri > nlest vl solllnu nnxoltx on t ; something noxv ; blR proflts. Address with stimp , 0 , J. Nortlirup. UrcUhton hotel , Onnlia. 915 4 * OALT3SMAN wanted by aloadlnK retail dry K-Jgoods house In N'ubraska ( Jltv. Must ho A IdiessKiio Is salesman. Ono speaking Oer- iiinn prolerred. Slnglo and best references frquired. Good salary to right pirty. L. Weasel. 007-4 \\7ANTnn-Ilvo. , experienced flro Insurance vT solicitor on commission ; horse nnd buirgv furnished. Address A. 39 Ilee olllce. WB-10 "TTJANinn Wanted , vouut ; mm about 15or T ISxeur'iof ago as assistant bookkeeper , nun who has had experience profenid ; lust t-efcronccs required. Address A 2J , Bee ofllco. _ _ 876-4 ANTED JmiMi for light xvork nt good pay. Call 1410 DodKObt , Hootn 8 3d lloor. sns-5 * SALr.SM\N-TaUo atjoncy In your city. - "Nlol cl Parabola Whlsnorphono. " No tclo- phone pirfi'et xvlthout It ; stops shouting , mixes ropeitln. , Insures secrecy ; trial sells It. AVrlto for circulars. 0. W. Ohamborlln , It 14. - LaSallostreet , OhlciKO , 111. 887-4 * \\rANTF.I-F.lthcr a shoonnkpr or blnck- vT smith could fludn K < > od business location nt Alamo , a Kionlng joung toxxn In the famed Itlg Horn biiHln , Wyoming. Gold , coal and oil In nbundnnoo. Tor particulars address W. J. Bhnfcr. Alamo , Wyo. 888-4 * "V\TANTEI > Actlxo young man to manngo T branch olllco. Must furnish Rood refer ences iiiidt 100 cish capital. Haliry tl.OflOncr year. Address iMan.igor 40J Heo bli1 IK. ( 877-4 * " \X7ANTED Silcsinen on salary orcoinmls- TT slim to liandlotlio noxv palc'nt chemical Ink erasing pencil. The greatest selling nox'- olty ox-erprodueod. Krases inU tboroiuhlv In txvosocnnds : no abrasion of piper. SOOtoCOO per cent profit. Ono agent's silos amounted to fCW In six days ; nnothcr * ! 2 la two hours. wo want ono cnorKotlo Roneral igont for cnch Rtato nnd territory. Sample by mall .15 cents. 1'or torius and full tiirtlculars , address The Monroe Eraser MfK. Co , La OrosseVls. . 875 u * WANTIID Olllco boy about 18. must bo lu- tolllgent and rome well recommended. Adrtre Msstiltingnso.xiltb refoiom-o and speci men Of hand xrltlngdraxvo No.2. , postolllce , Umiiha. 817-5 WANTED Mnn of oharnctorcapacity und some flninoliil ability , to conduct a western business for us : romune ratlon ilOO per month at the start , Address I'll , onto l.ord& 'llioiniis. Ohlctgo. MKVS-4 * \\7ANTED 'loxporloncod olnar salcsinon nt T once. Address A 20. Heo. 832-4 "V\7ANTKI AUUonnd experienced mento T tiiKoiicnenl iiRcncy for a noxv and Im proved oisli nvlstort register does all the work of tbo others and soils for lial f the price. Apply to I nloul/'ash HoKlstorOo , Watcrliury. Conn. M83J-1 ANTnn lly nianufacturor.strlctly Hrst- class snloMiiou to sell HavorhiK extracts , baldnt ; po\\d \ rand other goods of similar m- tiiro.boiliwlth and without bchomos Ad dress , xvlth references. K20 , care lord K. Thoninn. ClilouRO , III. M811-5 * "VITANTFO ARonts , nialo or female , to soil LIMI'H iiatent bneUskln ( chiimols ) car- mcnts for ladles and gentlemen , 'llio best liiado , I'or Illuslratcd prlio list and terms address 1'hllo H. Leo -V Co , lltnghumton. N. V. M 8JOS * ANTPI ) Men or women with capital to Join 1 irpo colony of llxo people ( 'olns to the siato of ahhlii.Mon. Sum xxnik , lar o profits. Call on W. Oili > rard , Jun. 8 , 2 i % in . rnxton Jiotcl. Oniiilia.Nob. M S10 4 * \V"ANTEI > Orocory clerk liumtidlati'ly at > T 1J01 Chicago st. M HI. 5 * \KTKOTI\"E3 wanted to not In tbo ceo ret JVserx Ion under Instruction * of Capt , firnn- imiioi-chtcf filotccttxi > sofUnclnaat ! , I'\io- [ rlonconotnoeessiry. I'.ntlculiirs free. Orin- nan Dotcctlvo llurcau Co , . 41 Arcade , Olncln- nutl.Qlilo. RKOISTEURI ) pharmacist , Sweido prefe'rrod. Addre-ssboxll. , AVnkufleld. Neb bl8-t' OUTTHItSana tailors \xnntod-TlioUloxo- ' land Cuttlmi bcliool , now In the 1-Jth year , had a lai ger attendance for 1 UK ) thun over before - fore and Indications point to its hotngcroxul- uil durlnu the uutlro xvluturof Is'I.MUiatU ) the reason ? " Simply this , cutters nrodmo bet tor results with the A. 1 > . Undo Noxv Method than by any other pilnclploof cuttlnKltiughl. MHU-S' WANTI'.I ) Men tolrivol forour ( Jnnndlixn liurdorlesbtoiioA.\\ollliigtoii.HuillsonU'U \ \ ANTPIV A rollablo man to Introdticoa now household Inxontlon that U having n blKBalowhure'xor Introduced.salary orconi- Inlitslon. 1'or trrnib. etc. , nddrcssM. H. Tyler & Oo , Munclo. lliil. M707-C WANTED A nuui thoroughly competent to cut and store Irn. Address with refer- prices , Lincoln Ice Co. , Lincoln , Nob. M778 4 WANTED A sooct baker to part of BtoroatlWNori U'stroot , MOlO-S WANTED Flrtt class piano plurcr. 103 N. Clhatreet. WJ WANTED-MALE HELP. Kor rnf , ffc , , tee lop nf firtl cofiinin nn f ft t * P/ig clork. AddrcES 0 , W. LOUR , Wnkcfluld , Neb. C80 4 * 9 "VirANTHD Salesman lo inimnfiictnro and > i wholesilo our noiv process elder , made wltlintit apples. Kxcollcnt wnges. 1'nrtlciilnn 4c , lown elder infg , Co , boxlU , Kcddln ; , la PTCO Ralcjtncii wtinted to sell our premium ' nursery Btoclt. The largest nursery xvcst of the Mississippi river , llio llnest stoeU , All the noxv nnd old f mil1 * . The lowest prices and blgjiost piv toncent1' . Jlonoy nil vnnced exery week , outfit free Write tmntonco. The O , J. Unrpcntor Co , I'nlrbury. Neb yM Jlfl \\7ANTnD-Snlcsmnn xvhn incot the grocery T i trade to sell ono of the bcstartlclcs nn tlio market on commission. Address. X J5 , llco. WANTED FEMALE HELP Fnrratrf , ffc. . trt top < > r Jlrtt rolumn on ltilYIIJS. \ . "VVANTKn-OIrl for Kcnorrl housoxvork at V > irjai'nrk axeimo. 834-8 \VANinD-Laundrcss , prlvdo fimlly JAl ' mouth , ono by llio dny $ IVdiiy : cooks In fainllvof three nnd four , fi week no nsh- ln | 'i second girls tlW ) to 14 week ; nui-so xvo- niiui for ono child $110 xxiek ; glrln for house xvork , iiocooldng ; xvnltress for boarding house it , nlso for restinrant ; M girls general xvork. Omaha Kmp. olllco. 1IU North 10th street. G1 Rf/ wanted In fntutlv of three. Mrs. H. P. \Vllllnrns.MO-.S. l.ltbstreot Wl-l In fimllles. $100 ; ( rood Iniimlrcvi , nnrso girl 1(1 ( jonrs cook In Miiall roslniii.uit. ulrl for houseworkbust pay. Noxv Employment HutouulOtlinnd "odgiiHts. \\7ANTKO-A Rlrl to cook , wash nnd lion , T Tjood xuigcs , atgiia I'm minintnot. nip I/ANTED Comnoteiil girl to do " ' r > Hh'iitb me , h'll ' \\7ANinn-rirsl-class girl for general T T lionsiiworki Hinill family , Inquire Mrs. II. 1) ) Nicly. I40" > Iliiinllton st , one block fiom Ualnut Hill motor M8I1 l > \\TA > -Olrltoworklii Mtchcnat Ilor.in TT house , 4'.V b. 13th st. , 1 bloulcsouth of couit house. 8" > ) 4 * \TANTio-Ono : illnlng room girl. City J llotd _ MUM-ff * " Wllili jiay Indies n sal a ry of $11) ) pi-r week -to work fo" tno In tliclr locilltv at hotno. light work.gocd pay for part time , nrltowlth Htaiiii | , Mrs. ti , 1. KilriliiKton. box 70J Chlcngo \VANTEIJ-Olrl , about 14 veirs old to belli TT ( lo housework. Call at.111 South I''tli Ht reft. 824 W&1S" . Girl for gcnenl housework. Mary's avo. UI-4 * \\rANTii : > Good girl , small family ! Georgia a\o. Mrs. J. 11. Il-iynes. 7CO 17 ANTED A aood xvoiunu to do xxork , 10J N. T Otli street. f > : t3 ANTED Hood girl for general house- xvorkat t''lh LcixeiiHortli Mb03 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. IfrntfWelf , fftlnjmffltst column on till * V\rANTlMl VounK men to join OM-nlnjr T class In nruhltootural and mechanical drawing. I'erspectko and descriptive ge ometry Tucsdnj and Thursday 7 p. in. Itnth- hnn's Huslncss tollon'u , corner Capitol nvinno and ilxtituth street. .T. 0. Gossolliij ; . 80S 4 * WANTHO lly export tearher , students In shorthand and t > pow i Itlnrf. Ne class begins Wed. me. , .fin. 7. One week on trial fieo. For terms call on or address'"Jll Uill- fornla Btuot. 870 4 * FOR RENT HOUSES. I or rate * , etc. , ecitit > o t si column outfits FOH KENT 10-room modern brick house. 2301 Douglas ct. T-room now house , bith , w. c. , otc. J. U. Evans , IJJ3 N. Y. LIfo. 60J-5 I710U 11HNT - Small cottage , SOth and Vlnton , K. Sl\-roomcottn o and barnl. Throo-room cottage , $7. AVII1 take p irt rent In n ilntlng and work. llkks , N. V. LIfo bulldluir. 850 rr-HOOM house and barn. 2M street near l.iavenworth. $1800 jKsrnio. . or for sale on ousv terms. J. G. Cortelyan , K. 40 , Ohamhor of Com mo ! ce. Mb.ll FOH RKNT lleantlful now brick and stone bouses at s-w cor. Itlth nnd C illforala sts , all mod o ni contcmenuos 12 nnd 14 rooms , upculil terms for winter months , llronuan & Uo . M N. Y. LIfo building. ? > " ; S TEAM heated Hats at 700 S 10th. Thos K. Hull. IllI l'a\ton block. 703 IT-HOOM liouso w 1th nil modern eonxenlcnccs ; ' rent Wiper inontb , corner Thirtieth and Woolworth , facing llaiiscom I'urk. ' Ennulrn Luo.lNlthol , Sstli ana Leaxcnxxorth. N701 POH KENT Coniplcto furnlsliod liouso , all inodornconxenlciiccschuap to rlglit pnrty. 2017 bpencer street , Kountzo Place. 8Ti ( 4 * "IT1OH IJT.NT I lats , 4 ioom eicb , cltv xxntor J- and sewer connections. O. U C. and T. Co. 4 Heo oldR. 70S "I'jou wish to rout n house or store see II. ui : . Uolo , Continent il block. 70 ! ) rpo Conductors nnd KnplnccrsVo offer J tboso ten new n lid complete Hats with all modern com enlone-es , situated txxo blocks from the new lenth street depot : they have several now and commendable fe.itmos nnd rent for only $ . " > per month. Band 7 rooms each with lirsoh.ith and comontent closets. Call and sco them , 'llio Mead Inxestmont Co. room 44J llco building. 711 F I OK IlKNT Sovon-room cottniro , cor. 2 th ax u anil Cap. nve. Inquire COlSDodtfO. M714 TT OK KENT 7-room house , I8th and VIntoa JL1 ti oo b-rooni hoiiso. SAth and Corbr , * 1000 8-room liouso. ! 27th and Woolxvortli. 81800. S- , room house , -Gth and Caldxxoll , $ J5.00. J. U. Johnson , SIU 1'axton block. CS7 G 1-rooni steam ho.xted flat for rent , M5. lloborts , 402 No. IGth street. MG70 4' ' POR KENT flood R-room houses , comcn- Icnt to Hear lines , } i ) tier month. Jno. II. Tate- 1 ! . ] f > , Ohamberof Commerce. d42 JIG * TTAOHUKNT 3 houses 10 rooms each. 1'ark -L a\o and Woolworth St. , city xvator.furnaco , ko. Call ntonce. MumaiiKh & I'llelictt , house agents , S. W. cor. IJtb and Ho'.uiicl st.G0 . G0 ( OfllSCap. RI-O. . P-rooni cottngc. West half 2511 JUaTcnp.st. . aU'iiis. Fnq.'JildCap. aie. bOl-Jli * MOHKIJN now brick B-room house , nicely pipoicd. choice location , only t > per month , ILK. Cole , Continental block , 410 171OR UHN'T Jan. 1 , 0-room cottapc , lirst- -L class In every respect , bath , hot nnd cold water ; on motor lino. Call utl5lilSlionin\n \ nvo. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS for nifx ( , tit. , eee l j > nt Jirxt i.ilitmn on Hits inoil IlEN'T Nicely furnlsbod room with all Jinoderu conveniences. 21-1 Cnllfornli streot. 01H-5 * YUIIV pleasant rooms furnished for house Keeping , centrally located. Address A ,17. Hoo. OOS-I. . * _ 1T1OU KENT Neatly furnished rooms with J-1 bo ird.M19 California st. 6110 * _ OOMS for rent Suits of rooms for light housekeeping , kitchen i.uiuc , pas , steam lioatnnd bath Imludod. rurnlshod orunfur- lilhhcdUl'J ' nonplus st. N'll * LAltOK room xxlth nlcoxo ; modern con \ cnlences. Ki.5 B. SJIb st. M fin 1) ) * _ OH IJKNT Ilooms furnished for Unlit housekeeping , also bed looms 1704 Cap , axe. HJO-I * _ _ rOHKHNT rurnlshed rooms , itus , hnth and steam. 1'il'J Howard , 71" T\KbIUAllLn room , modern convcnlencis. 1 1701 Capitol nxo. 710 _ QT , OLA1H European hotol. with dlnlnsr k J room , btenm bent In all rooms 1 lib and Dodge. Special rates byxcoU or month 717 _ ROOMS , slncta or cu sulto. gas , bath nnd bent. S22 N. 15th at. 787 4 * _ "SjIOI'LY furnished looms , rout rensonnhle , x by a widow Indj : cigar makers preferred. 1514 llnrnoy , 71X1 C * _ T UlfNISHEU looms , IttM Cnpltolaveniio. U M774-6' _ NK\\LV furnlnhod rooms for rent. Stonm heat , bath and gas , $10. 2 U Tarnnm. Sml lloor. M78J 4 _ TTIOIlltnXT-Frontroom xvlth rxlcox o , curtains J- ' mantel , steam heat , BUS and bath , S closets , suitable for 2 Kontloinoa or man and wife , 119.00 per month. Also adjoining room will ; big closet nnd all cononloncei (10.00 per month , -W 8 24 that. Hall between 8 and U n. ii or 8 o'clock p. m. _ 01. T > OOSIS Itcasouablo ratct. 2023 SU Marx's Jl > axcnue. _ JlK'J-J.'l ' ' * LAKOE front room , private family. Refer- onoea. MI5 Cam. _ n O LVT : llouutlful front room I ) best purl J. of city , oloso to good board , llout ren on > Mo. IS k Jth it 413 FURNISHED nOOMS AND BOARD. Fnrtale * , ttc. , ite top nf trt mhimn on tMr boinl with all inodorn convenience * . 1011 Douglas. 1)14 ) G' TTdoM nnd bonrrt. W.CO. 17IJ Douglas"7trier JV Day bonrd IJ.OO per week. J1071 U * TIilASANT. hnndsomoly furnlslipd rooms L on siH-ond lloor , Boutli nnd rust exposure , with board , nt "llio rrciuor , " 110 North Txven- ty-Hf th struct. BS2-4 * "T710H 1IKNT Twoor lliroo closlMiblo rooms J- with board nt " 1'ho Mcrrlam" lath nml Dodfio 692-U' TTMUfcT-CLASS room nnd bo mint 421 S. Illli st ; restatirint. BOfrC * _ f > OO.M9 to rent ( Irst cln s tibloboard-torms J.X i onsoniiblo ! a pply am N 18th st. K > 28 * _ "M'lOI'.LV furnished rooms xvlth lioinl. - - ' "trlclly llrst class , l.ountlon central 1017 Dodffo slreot , _ M8J7-4 * "VTIIWIiV fiirnlslud pleisant toatn , Kclosels , JL > with first-class board , 2" > 7i llarney. MSI3-4 * _ 411 North tntli Htreet , hnndsnmclv furnlshrd rooms xxlth board. Mrs. II A , Uhurchllls KOOM nnd board } , " , \xcok , tail I'arnnniMW1J31 * rilO HUNT With board , txvo hcniitlf ul rooms JLnttliuShelton. 101 , Houtli 2.itli street. Terms reisonnble. Ull-l * TTooMS and boaul atllKJ -IV _ _ _ fi7R )2. ) ' . "VfliW lmu e. largo , handsoiiioly furnished J- > room Niiltable for 2 | 1 "inuller loom for I ; excellent boird heat , iras , lintht lliit-e-lnss prlxato filially. Terms IS3 ctioh per month. Address X M. lluo olllce IV ) POH coed board , nlco rooms , modern com en- lences , rates nnd location , the I'lillman house , 1310 led ; ? o sU cnnnot bo vxcollcd. FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED tin intei , etc. , > rc tt'pnf Jlnt loiiinnioii tlitsjxmt. ' ' M 147 BOARDING. Fcrrcitrt , etc. . rn top of fist column nn Mfi jxv ; ' TTIIUS-OLAfeS table board. 2o78 Ilarnoy. J ? aisic-n * FOR RENT STORE.S St OFFICES. Fci rate * , ffc. , > re tnntif ynt column nit f/id / at 700 S. 18th , steam heat f mulshed , i'lios T. Hall , JII 1'axton bile. 718 Tj OIt linNT-Tho 4-story brick bulldliiir.xvitii - - or without poxvpr.formerlx occupied by the Hi o I'ubllsliln ; ( 'o.ii ' ) I nrn nn st The build ing has a llri'pioof cciiiont < | nseinont.coinpluto stuim heal Inf lixtiires. unteron all tholloors Kasetc. Apply at tliu olllce of The Heo. 1)15 ) EOIl Itr.NT-Hy Tiiiiu iry 1,4-story bulldlnz. * , WO iiu ire feet ; snltitblo for any kind of \vholi3sa'liiK ' , at T < nth nnd Jones streets. 0 , A. Llnilquost , JIG South 1 Ifteeuth si loot. 3719 . . .EN'T I'artof sloreroom at HSN'orth ! 10th street. MliTi-l A DKSIRAIILIl slore room to rent In the -cibcstilry Roods or olothlng location In He- atrlco. Audicss IlairlsA I'rlLilm.ui. licatrlcv , eb. 4J1 " 17011 ItUNT-Tlio third llooi of No l.071Ioxv- ! JL1 ard stieot , with steam he it and power If desired ; rent rc.ibona.blc' . Icstucr i'rlntliu Co,1 07lloxxnrd. M.1U FOR RENT WAREHOUSES. 1 cttatei , ttc. , Hf topnf frst c/iliiiini uu thl * j Itl'.N Tor sale Klne , lieivy brick flve'- J-1 story corner warehouse xvltli tnoat central trackage In city ; floors .uu 1V > 00 squuro feet. btrliiKer I'eiiny , Darker block. 7.0 " 171011 KENT HiIclc unrphoiiso , two storks J- high , basement , bydiaulio cluvntor , track age. Best loc it Ion lu the city. A. O. I'oxxell. 721 STORAGh. Formic' , etc. . tee top n' /in : column on Mifj rpHAOKAOn.stojigo ntloxves rates. W. M. llushman , Ull Lcivcn\xorth. QTOUAGCaud trackage. Divld Cole. 815-817 Olloxxard ttuot. _ 7 1 STOUAOIJ The best lnclty-cloan.dry.safo , and privately stort'd at rcisonablo terms , Ouiilinbtovo Hcpalr Wks,12o7 Douglas. Tel OA 7-4 WANTED TO RENT. for tufffl , cfc. , ffc fen nf fitt column on f/i / ( < V\7ANTrD In pilvato family fortxvo innr- rlod couples , four rooms , ue-d room and sitting room for each with board , or 0-room furnished house. Address A 27 , Ueo. 657-J * WANTED toHent-0 or IC-ioom fninlshod house , all conxonleiices , by p.irty le- sponslblc , ( inlet young men for residence pur poses Address , xvlth terms , A 18 , Bee olllce. 811 4 RENTAL AGENCY. Forrn ( . etc. erf to nf Jinl rod/nut m tills IJIINTAh ARint-OcorKO .1.1'.iul , 1000 Tar- -L nmi. ; Houses aud stoics for rent. Itonts collected , 712 IST vour houses to sell or rent with 0. K. Harrison. OIJ N. Y. Life. 7CO HU. COLE , rout dageiicy.Contincntal blk. 709 Br-NNlNQIIAVKNA CO. , rental ugents. 207 Omaha National bank. M3.U-.Tlf > * PERSONAL. Forratc' . ttc. , nt fop nf fml column nn this pnoc. WANTED A widow of 4 > xvoutd II1.O the ac quaintance of a vrldoxvcr from 50 lo ( K ) yours old ; object , a Rood husband and a com- foitahlo home. Addicss 45 , P. 0 , public deliv ery , Oinnh i , Neb. , foronovook , i ! -4 * WILL the Indies nho oxchnngcd muffs at Mrs. Samuel Hums' reception please re turn the same to Mrs Hums. 807 4 * LOST. IOSt1 Purse nnd money between Douglas Jiind Oass streets on 10th Howard to Under at 0001'a-Uoa block but 4 LO&r on rarnim uetxveen l.r > th aad 10th , Sat- urd'iy , Deo.,1. at Jp. in , $ ! . " > , conslstlni ; of Ihreo IN > croenbaoks I'oturn to room U04 Doutjl is hlook and recolvo roxvard. 815 4 * FOR SALE FURNITUrlE tTC. For r < ilecf , tee tnp of tin' c > l < t on till * paj ; . POH SALK ruralturo of 5-room cottage ; a bargain ; must lua'xo Address A UO , lloo. 909-5 CJI-CON1) ) hand furniture , stoxcs , carpets and ObliiRor sowing machine nt half prlco ; easy payments llawkeyo Inv , Co. . Ji : Douglas blk. 720 FOH SAlK A ( Ino lot of nearly now house hold furnltino. ohoaji , by tbo pleco or all. H. li. Iroy , "JU NOXT York LIfo. 68.J-U FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. ) rates , etc. , me top of flnt uitumn on f/ito WOHKliotsotV ) . two-horse wagon.20. dou blo xx ork harness $13. Or will trade for u iiood llKht sidu-bar buggy , II , II , Cole , Con tinental block , 709 FOH HALL : 2 good work teams. Inquire at ( IIS 1'attoa bloc-It. 609 FOR SALE GOWd. Fnrrattt. ( tt , , ret top nf f'rst coimnii on Ihfi bALR HcRlstorcd Jersey eows. Ono - yoiins , cholco animal , ( rush ( w Ith or with out oilf ) , perfectly broken , kind nnd peed eolor , excellent milker , Ono good milker will b fresh next spring. T. 11. Lone , 1012 N. 22d stri'Ot. 891-10 * FOR SALE MI3CEL LANE O US. lor rate * , ttt , , reetnnnt fljut roltimii on thu TXV ; . MY llamhlotonlau-MnrKm stilllon xvlll bo sold on Saturday. Jan. 10 , IM'H.at ' Jn. mnt the lear of 1514 Douglas st , Om iha. All por- BOIIS Inluroatod take notice. 1V , \Vnssorinaii. IKXI-4 * ijlOHflALK Complete hot of drug stiirollx- -L turcs , shoxv cases , etc. 1' , O. Itox .17. . BID cheap A 10 borse jiuwor Nuxv York Hiifpty stonm eiulno In tlrst e'lns condition , I'e.stner I'rlntluj Co , 1.107 Hoxxnrd JI7iO 171OH HALK Txvo Iron safes. HooniKW N. V. JL' Life building. 7f4 5 " 171OH BALI' .Stclnway piano but little used -L at a bacrlUco. Innulro at ' . 'll'J ' Ualdwell street. ted PAWNBROKERS. For rnf . rtn. . irt hip nffirtt cotumn on tM ) Mnhlo loans money on diamonds and wutch03Joxvclryotcs. u. cor. 1'arnum & llth TM WANTED 70 BUY. ( M. r ff . . M e top nf flnt Miiitim nn Ml ANTK1) To buy hisli oak ofiico Address I'.O. boxt < M. CO.S \VTANTKI ) Two Rood pool tables wanted" ; > must bo cheat ) for cash. Aildrrsi A III. llco. 8J7-7 * _ ITIUIINITUUE , household eooiKrtc. JL' cnsli prlco.cllsllll \ liirnniii. TOO ANTKD-To buy clnlnis of all kinds npalnst rullroao omplovcs Sums oxer } 20 pri form ) . Write Wm. llichnrdson , Sioux Llty. In. . L. U. ixa. P.H-J5 * _ OHSKS wanted at M.U N 10th st , 674 _ _ fVIISCELLANEOUS. iorrttlf * . el ( , rretop nf flrxi ( ofiimn onlnlj yxujj nVEl/\TION lo Ji < Sifoty pills rcllovo Irreitulnrltlos Inimo- ( lliito'ind oifect ual. I'rlcn ll.VU Motion Co. 4 ! ) I'eck Court , Chicago , 11L _ 8 J-4 rpAILOltSxxIshlnz to lenrn agooil rollnblo * syste'in to cut Kcntleiiien's xiirments , cm rtcelxo Instruction ntl.'iia lloxrird st.elt ) bH ' _ t T\I AsnAUL Muiiuin DoUler , oxer till ) ! ? . Uilu J-'t. - , - K--1 J _ ASNAl * for ttporters. compositors nnd cir- rlirs. Addnss A2I , Ilee. J18JC-I * HAi > SAan treatment. elect ro-thornnlb > th . sculp tmd linlr treittnint , mnnlcuro nnd chiropodist. Mrs. l'ost,31'JCj ' S 15th\Vlthnell blic EFOTtn buying a piano examine tlio noxv so ill' Klmball piano. A.IIuspcr > ll DoiiKliis. tf\1 MONEY TO LOAN. loiratuctcHctoitoffr te < Auinnnn Mi O at loxxest rates to Ml N. V. LIfo bUlg. J II. LmniuiRer. 7 Km STOMTVlnrtdiuo Co-Loins of tie to SLOW : get our tates befoiu borroxxhij ; nnd MIXO nioni'i | loans on horsis , fiirultino ornny npprovid MCm-lty without pnbllclt } , nous boiiKht ! fornexv loansIriMiownl , ofold indllow- cst rates , call Una Sheuly blk.lStli A , lloxvard. MONEY'to loan on second niorlgaRcS \ , Wynii , room J.'l Oniahu Nat Ilk. bl'dg , M7 t riHATTELbank , niflfi 15th st. . lo ins money won chattels 01 collatotal at reasonable lates 7 > FII59T A , second mortgaces on vncant & hi- proxoJ city prop. Countyxvainntsbought. Jlonoy on hand. I1 , SI.HIchardson,818N\.L.ire. MONI'V tolo in on city ami farm properly. W. M. Harris , U i-0 , 1 renzor blk. , opp. 1' 0. 7J7 D Kirsl-cln'iS linldit loins [ .onrst rales. Pull ind sto us. Mutual IucM - inent Co , l.VII r.irnain , 710 BUIM > NO lonns , 0 to 7 per tent ; no ndill- ttoniilcliirRrsforiointnlsslnnoriittoriiaj s fios. W. IJ. MelKlo. I'lrst Ixatloiial bank blilir. . 741 EHAL restate Io ins-Cash on hand. OInho Iioin tS. IrustCo , 30"b lOth st No deli ) , no extra charges Houses for rent , good list E A. O. M. Anthony. : MS N Y. Mfelnilld- liiK , lend money on farms In choice coun ties In Nebraska and low a. also on coed Omaha residence properly ; lowi slrntui ; best terms ; no dtilay , inonoy ready. Tltlus and i.linos pissed on lion * . 741 "APOMV : toloan byll K. Musters on chattel - 'Land cell ileralsucurltlosfiif.nl > tlmo fiom 1 to fi months , In any amount to .suit bor rower. Loans made on household goods , pl.inos , or- p ins. horses , mulis , houses , lea-.cs \ \ areliouso receipts etc , at the lowest posslnlo lates , without publlrltj or removal of piopeily. Jly loins aio soarninui'il that joucaii niako a pij mcnt of any amount at nnj tlmo and re- ( Ini.o both prlnolnil and Intuost. If you own a balance on your property or li'iv i ) : i loan von wish chaiiKca , 1 will p iy It ( lit and carry It for \ou. If you Und It inoro con- \cnlent , call iii lolcphonoNo. 1U1 and your buslnihi will ho arr.anjicd at home. Money always on hand. Iso delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. It. r. Masters. Koom4 , Wlhnell blk , 15th and Hiunej sts HONEY to lonn on linprn\cd city properly at current ratts ; funds on hand ; noilt'lny , ( jto. F. lllust & , Co , aJ ) l aiiiro ) bldjc. M5IB MONTA * 30 , CO or 03 days , on liansoliolil fur niture , etc. OJiil'tixloii block. J.J. Wilkin son. . -J BUblNESS CHANCES. rortntfi , etc fee to < nttilrxt cnlmn on tMs WANTED A piece of land In Nebraska for good lorporntlon stock. Also a bujcr fora silnonln oity ; also ha\ can UoRunt out- lit of saloon ll\turea at your own prltc. 0.11 1'axton block , 8GW TI10K SALL Small Rroooiy store , good loca- - * tlon , cornur store , cheap lease , with lioiso ana waRon. for sale clm.ip Keason for selling , unlnj , ' out of business 1'rlco J8CK ) cash , without horse ar.d wagon St.00. Address A H Ute. 6sd-10' "TTiLOIMDAPaying Invcstnieiils : oranjjo Jgroos : winter homes In well settled coun try : write for p.mtou'nrs. Stlth & . Jac'khon aialtland , I'la. 87-.M' fi\0ll \ hALK-A saloon outsldo the city llin Us -U Uhcap for cash. Address A U2 , Hoo. 8'JO-4 ' * DO You A\ nut Jloney ? Merchants who nro overstocked and must icallze , uddicss. In confldcni.0 , I , T. Newell & Co. , 1410 Douglas bticctOmaha , Neb WO 17IOU SALE No. 1 senoral store In Wayne -L ( county boat ) , Neb Olcan nlnulc. M.WX ) . Terms , cash. Two-story brick building , L'4.\00 , for rout or sale. Gcimin buvor preferred , IJoason for soiling , retiring from business. 1'or pattlculars address Win. bocnnoken , Wayne , Nob. or men or women with capital who would join a largo com- pnnv In now ton doul of o\ < optional promlso In state of AVnshlngton to call on W , U Oerunl , Jan. 8 , 10 a. in , Paxton hotel , Umalm , Neb. M841 4 TTOH 8ALE-A well patronlzotl bakery with JLJ grocery store connected , for further In formation apply to J. Koenlgstclu , Norfolk. Nob. MJOO-7' FOR SALE Iliindsotno atoro. nlooly fur- nlshod , xvoll stocked clRnrs and novelties ; best location In elty ; re isons for selling , ttmo taken up n Ith other busiiitsa AddrossJ. J. Jfulxey , general dcllxory. . Omaha , Neb 6.15 \VANTKD-Acthoorsllontpartnor or the TT use ut il.UUO for one yeir to extend my business ! will g.vo real estate security and pay a good bonus. Address Y 70 , llco olllce. 373 FOH SALK-llalf Interest In a well estab lished buslnussln tills city : will require J15.0JO cash. Address Y 04 , IJooofnco M5M J20 FOIl SALIl Or trndo. A largo Ihory.board- Ing and food stable , with feed store con nected , tiood location and doing a duo busi ness. Cull ut once on Mnmaugh & Kltchott , roul estate agents , s w. cor , 15th and Howard. S7J FOU SAIifi or Trade Largo livery and feed stable , feed store attached. 'Una la well loeatoit on lined street and dolngaiwod business Mumauir.li tt 1 Itchttt , real tstato agents , cor. 15th and Howard st. CO I FOH rfAI.K oroxcliangbforHtoclc of gonorat ineicluiiifllsti " 40 acres of land "H miles from Unoloy Centor. the county scat of Grooloy county , W notes In cultivation , i wells , wind mill , hoiiso andhtiblu ; black loam soil noailv lovolj over ] foot of this track lit for cultivation ; Incuniboiuno $ l'J.iO ; rented for no\t J ear Also 100 acres unlmjm > \ od land 5 mllcH dom Orvuley Uintcr anui ! mile-i from first track adjolnliu Aekuilo postollli-o ; black loam soil , will gl\o eUui tltlnofthls tract , or will oxohnnzo forOmabtor Council Itlnlln property. Address IJ. J. V.Lock box likl , ( ireoli'y Center , Nob. HOTEL Tor Sale-Do you want cot Into a Lood business ? if vouilo , buy the Comiuor olal at Iliokcn Itow , Neb 2SJ LN established buslnesb for sale or trade , llox 518 , city , 111) ) DRESSMAKING. /"or rate * , trc. . tee tup offnl column n thl * rplIOIlOUQIIIiV competent dressmaker J- would llku work In few families. Address A : ifl , lite. b05-4 E NGAUnMr.NTStodDdrcsHjiiiiklni In r mil- lies solicited , illsa Sturdy , ' .1J10 llarney st. > SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Iorratfs , tta. , 'tci iiint irtt column oiit'iu ' ) > ( ia WR trust yoai Atlll InVesUznto The hmlth pr iiili < r tynwrltor l ) ( oru purohiislii ? any other , us It husinaily valuiiblo liiiproteineati overall olhorwrltliu muthlni-s , Compotltor must hniirovo In order toiquul. Ofllce 1COJ4 Farniiiu at , K. II. Mnyiiew , manager , TO HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. Forntu , tie. , tcilaital Jlnl column imtlili pigs. YjI.STilnohair goods In \ > ent | hnlrdruMlatr , . * wlfrs , HwltoliifsT hingH , hair chains , etc . u MH'CluHy. liuvlnsHinlr RIMKIH and milliner , oppuiltu poatolllcc , 111 a lOtli btriot , Oiuuliu. FOR EXCHANGE. Fortatt * . tie. , rrftnfiof fitft fiitnmu nn lht * To TixcHANOi : i'or clear city property , n ti,0'j ) ) lituiibomo is-rooin modern rosl- lenci' , nlcrbarn , gniuiul IWxIMftuit.ou motor Inv , In lines ! rcnldencn I art of city , Addrows iwner , 1 * . 0. HOT 71K ) . Oil 10 _ J _ STOCKS nf movclnndUo to nxclmimo for t Kood , clear fnrms. 8I , K ) . if.lVH ) , fjoooanil IKW ( r.'irms must not bo moro than tuo miles from Omtlii. Kvans' K\ohnngc , 411) lloo h Id'g- OIJ _ T\TANTn-rClcar linils and cash In exT - T T ( .hiinite forlltio Oiuuba icntal propertv. \ddivss A ftV llm. bM 10 _ iriOlt nxdllAMin-NVbrisUa farms for nay Jsilabc personal propirty. Merchandise preferred , bpnruur A. I'lsher , Clmilron , Isol' ' . ti7l 4 * 't I'D Address of parties hn\lnc stoolc to trade for land llox .1. , Illalr , Neb fJlIllST class tPiiltr eleir to oxchancofor Jliolol furniture , also tiood farms for horsi't and hugglis. Addtoss A ai , Uuo Ml 6 * Ltotindo for iiierchandlso or other prop- irty. AL' . ' . llou M . 'i.4 _ "l\7ANTl I ) Clioau nitern lands and cqul- T ties forcn- or tr ule. Oho doiorliitlou nnd Ion est pi Ice AK Itco Msr > - 1 WANT ! I- ) Two slocks of poncril nier- cbajidlv , will trido coed farm nnd inrt eish My .Ma ling ron & . Lovgion , Itonm 14 Uiirkei block. MTl'M ' _ _ _ A N I'M III , U of stock ranches to oxclumjro for incrcliandljc.OlS rixtoiibllc.Camcion ( . _ _ 75ija > * \\7 ANTKD Clear Mcnut lots In oxclinngo T fet Omaha Insldu property , Address A ill. ee. Mil 10 _ WANTI I ) llorHo and IHIRKV In exchan o for Oinnh i equities ot railway lands. Address \\\J. I'mil , 1WJ raraamst. 44UJ1 W ANTIJ ) Good fin m for houses and lots. 410 lliobtilldlti ) , ' . OIJ 4 * V\7ANT'D ] rncuinbprod or clear lands In T exchange for Unulm lota , Il\o stock , etc. A'llco. . ' WANTT1) Astock of druss , notions , etc . amounting to about WOuo , will put In 1MJ notes of good land , balauc'u In cash , lly Mulinironi Loxgien , Itoom 14 , il.irkor block M7'il-4 ' niOIIANTS-If jou xtnnt to dispose of your 2uuas or suiplns stock , x\o will ulxu jou u blir deal in lots , nouses , Inndsiind mort- riKO > , This must bo ( loneillicitly. ( Address i' Ol.jlco _ ofUco. f > Sl-riJ W AN'TI D 1'usonul piopi'i tj of all kinds. suuh as horses nnd bugglos , furnlturoaiid plnnos , mnelilncry. etc. Also nil kinds of Mooks of incrcliniiillsu , etc. , clear lots nnd lands foi ciiultles. or as Hist payment , lu Uiiinha jiropoi tj nnd rnllxv iy Inmls. Via haxo a plnco for such property and vlll Klvn an ex ceptional trade If mude Immediately. Ad dress Y l.'lllci' . 441M1 CLAIRVOYANT. Itn mf/i , fte , rcctnp nf ft it roluinn o MISSHS Fddvs , sisters , traneo inedhims ; mass.igoa spuchilty. 1510 Capitol a\o 7885 * LEIIi CLAYTON cin by her wonderful will pjwergrunt any reiiuest. 4.4 North ICtli street. JISW-l * MHb. Nmmln V Warrenclalr\oyanttrnnco , spi.iklnn' , urltlng niul reliable business niuaium , four ytars In Omaha. 110 N 10th 7 > 0 HAIF IJitrrouxh Palmist tolls the past , nres- cMitnnd futnrt ) frtini the lines of the hand. In thuuld ( Jypsi Miy. Toe. tl. ladles only. 1817 Inrd strict , Omuhi , CJJB * AKItlN'ED Olalrvoant , tiaturallv gifted , tolls i ) ist and future , love tfonhks , ab sent friends changes , travel , busine&s. balls- faction glun. Mrs Wallace , IcOb Farnamst fvlASbAGE , BATHS hTC. Tor rates , ett , tea top otrsl tntnmnnii l/ili / i aye. M A"SAOi : bath at Madnm Smith's pnrlors , U)7S. ) 1.1th St. , next ll.u ktr liolol. PIlsJijT electric and electro thprnnl bath rooms. Iniludlng 'lurUlsh onblnet bath ; ) Ladles , to lilally \ . Tuesdny & t'rld lyov'ngs Ute 10. Di.llleliiuils , rooiuaJIS A.J-'Ulko J\E \ PASbAGi--Madam : Delzlct. over 010 S lllh KW-1 J * MANICURfc. Tor rates , etc , tec ton of flrat column on thlx j > aof. MISS SI. AIiI KN of N'cxv 'i ork city Is at No. 2205 Douglas stieet foi i few xxei-ks onlj. \\\\l \ \ \ nunlcuro Indies'linger nnllH after the "liondon tollot li.imnrinctlioil. " Will alsocut nnd uirl bnigs In the most correct form. Hours from flu , in to a p. m. U.M * MUSIC ART ANO LANGUAGE. forratct , etc. tetlofnf finl cfilimn nn Mi TJKOP ofiTl 'KlTSiK l'Tiin TTlTilTn. Jl guitar , ocal instruction , Studio r > or > iiliooly blook. M Tiff J J' GHO P. Oellonbeck , toaelior of the b.iulo with llosuo , 15U DoiiK'laa. JW PATENT SOLICITORS. .Tor ratce , etc , fee fuji of flist colionu on thl PATLNT lawyers and solicitors , O. W Sues & Co , Hco huIldlng.Om.ih i. It ranch olllco at A\ash nxtoiil > . C Consultation free. 7U PENSION AGENCY. I or ratf , cte , ito tn > of rtl coiuni'i nn tliltpni ) P TENSION'S ThcOlluiriiian Pension Agcney , 21 I'rcnrorblock. Infoimillion fiee. 7- > COSTUMbS , T AD1HS and gentlemen can rent ninsiiuer- Uado suits at ON. . lUth st. (17J.IJS' ( FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. For iata , etc , eee tow or colnmn mi < hn pays TJ1INK cast front In Ilanscom Place bot. Pop- -L ploton and Woolxvortli uxenucs ; U rooms , furnace boat , barn ; a complete home. 1 Ino 8-room house , city water , bath , nlco lawn , on fr-o. 20tb street , very cho.ip , or will cxiliaiipo forsinaller place down tov > n. Very line cast front on IUd stieut bot. 1'op- pleton nnd Woolworth nxoniios. motor nt the door. 6-room house , can putln JOO feet front Great hircaln. two line resldoncos on Virginia , avenue netr Moolworth onoO-room , ono7-ioom , modoin full lotnOOxlW , price fMXW. Will sell half lot \xlth ono of tin so houses , ? .tr4X ) , Wnterman A. lie ill , GJOandCll 1'i'Xtonblk. BOU-I * OT onOlmrles street , Walnut Hill , DOvTlO feet to alloy , ono bloclc from motor , $1,100 lot on N. 22d street , near Manderaon , I'lalu- view. 50x124 toalk-y , $9 1 Lot on K. 28tb blrcet , liotKord Tlaco , 50x120 to alloy , t" 'i , Alexander Moore , SHSheoly block. $1500 will buy a lot ( SOxlTO ) on AVest I.oix on- worth noarthefalr gmunds andp.irk. Ill- ) gest bargain ox or offered , beiy. 1515 r.irn.un. M'J 4 I710U " 5\nT-A ; " ( lend bargain" In Oartbage. V im oitlgatc , Kx ins , JJ8 N , Y. LIfo. BU2-3 " 171011 SALK-JTiOcish nnd jn per month ( no Jj Interest ) will liuyaniloiaiittlooo ( ) lotr , > 0 by 128 foot , on U > th btieet. duo xvcst of fair grounds Only short walk from motor line Apply 101. Karnani struct. MS-IM Gioomliousnln I'oitland place ; 7-rooinhouse nna uood hum. 22d street nenr I.eaxon- worth ; liousoof 4 lingo roonison b.isth Mictit , north of Vinlon ; lieu oand b irn , xxltli largo Krniiiids , In Council llluirx. la ; U-room house and 4-ioom liouso on S. 10th street , nunr Dor- casstreet. .Sum 11 paj meat < ioxx 11 or xx III tal.o Micint lot and easy tunas nn balance J. d. Corlnlyou , It , 16 , Uliainbor of Coiumetcc. MMI A ( tRKS , acres , neros , acres 'llio largest J-Acheapest and best list nf acreage propel ty , iniiKlnuIn prices from i > oo totl.OOU piirne-ie > , u > ir oirercd InOmnha , h shown byO , J.Coll mini. 411 llrown block. OIJ-4' OIl.MtliHS Kaufman It r-on , real citato and loans Choice meant and Improved residence and business property furhalulu all purls of the city and Ninth Omaha on easy terms. 1,1st your property xxitb us , Loans at lowest rites. Ufllco 1UOJ OoilKlas ) st Tel. 530. POK SALE- , , , , HonscH nnd lots , monthly , quui t < rly or yi'iirly pjymeiilsi. " Vacant lot * In all pnrUof tlioc-It ) , IluslnuM iHoiort ) and fi aero truets. Ecyinour'Niiddllliin lou are selllii'at only f.vo , on > nry easy tui nix. Cull for plat. Money to loan , Ore , J , I'aul , irVM Tarn 1111 at , 5-KOOM housu , lot ; n\Hi , $1,700 ; nho 0-room Ldiisii. lotitixBj : ! , u. .or. lltli and Ylnton ht.lt-,00il. Urlck liousu und Aine-rlciin houso. lot GflxOJ , n. o , cor. 10th and Douglas , Mli ICublmunn , 2Klfe. llth. FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE , Far rate * , tie. Mtnpflfflriltoltttnn on K'AI , ESTATE. No I'i. ' Oeorjrlii nvciiuo ncnr Shlrlojr f-trcut , .sniiill hiHUC.Iiirne'barn.lirtco only . . , a.noooo No. 10. Cotby near , c.'il street , well built , 7 rooms , city xvatcr , cistiTii , fruit and shade. Terms. J.VW cnsh . 2,800 00 No. 17 , Kmmutl strict , H rooms city xxati r. ilr > WuiHli , i'rkc . 4,00000 No. R llloiido street , 8 rooms , > IA\4 oasli . 3.COOOO No ID. Ciolghton Ilclglits , 4 rooms , * V-Ocnsh . 1,10000 N'o.VO Ohio street , fl rooms , Jl.llonsh. 1'JUO 00 No 'I , Chloago , ncnr VCth strct , 9 houses . 1,00000 No. W. ISorth llfteenlh near Corby streot. .Mtorlesxvltliharn . 4.no001 No. ' 'I f > tocniis , I'loii'iion street . . . . l.bOO 00 Nn Jl. ; il t no ir I/oiixen\xorth tttrc'ut , J new luloKs , modi'ilt . 11,00000 No.ai. IDIh nuar Ohio , 5 rooms , JlHW cnsli . . „ 2,70000 No 27 He uitlMI Clifton IUUr iooms , \Mill an 1 eUtein , JloOeusli , b ilanco $ , V per month . 2 , ; 00 00 No "t. IWtli near I.Piixcnxxorth slioot , 8 rooms , modern , $1,000 oasli and part .trmlo . , . , 5,00000 No .M.3h ! axe-nne noai Uumlng stieot. ( iiionis , tents to txvo faml- IhH , Jl.dtJOcash . . . . 5,00000 No. M. list ncit Cidlfornh street , 8 rooms , modern , \\lll tnhflenixl va- : i nt lot In pnrt trade and tl.fiVOc ish 6,000 00 No. .B. iNoir Central parli , 4 rooms , * IWrash ) . . . .60000 No , ci. U7ih mid 1'lnkiiey all eels , 6 i ooms. J7l cnsli . . 2.2.V ) CONe No 34 li'thstrcit , 4 rooms , JS03 oish . S.SUO UO No. Jr > OKhoinn street , Himll street 4 , SflO 00 A MKb * UKA.L EsTATli No. UO 27th st. , B rooms , brick cellar , . . . 11,000 00 No .17 IWtli st , . north. It t rooms S'JOO cnsli 01 c'ood clo ir lot l.fUMOO No. is Jlillard .V O ildxx oil. ( I rooms 3,00000 NO..O Daxeiipoit iit.ir SthH4 story and barn 00 No.41) ) . DecatnrSt..0 rooms,8iOoasli ( ! , balonc'o ril poi inonlli : prlcoonly 2rno oo No 41 : Nlia\e , noilh,5 looms , now. 3,500 00 No 4. ! baini ) location , 0 rooms and .barn , f iw onsh . aGoooo No 41. liiirdettonuir2 > th , 4 rooms , bain for " > IIOIM'S , nun's room and caril IKO loom , $ . ' 00 c ish , balancu f 15 pel luiiutli . . 2,100 00 No. 41 M isoti near Illth , 1 ! small .house's , one-third cish aGoooo No 4' ) Jlth st. , 1'aimentor placecot- tage. ensy terms 2iriO oo No. sMi bhiill's 2d addition , 1 store building , i odtliiKu . . . 4r 00 (0 N'o. 47 C' illfornl i , 7 looms J.300 UO N'o. 41 * I'nispi'ct place , small liouso , if-'i PUSH , b ilancu * lli per mouth 80000 N'o 4'l ' a iniideis .t lllniolnu h'8 ? 500 eash i , co No. M. Central park , 4 rooms , WOO cash , bnl nice tlO per month 1,20000 No. M Hitchcock's 1st addition , 4 rooms , JJOJ cash , $10 per month ; prlco . . . 1.20000 No. 5J. Cnln placo.Samulirs st..north of Denlso's addition , 7-room liouso , lots each 40x157 , $ . " > UO cash , balinco In monthly piymeiits ; prices xary from $ .1.7 > ii to 4.50000 No. M 10 houses In Klrkuood , } " > 00 cash per hotiso . . . . 2,7. > 0 00 A Mi : & ' HIIAL Ksl'Al'K. No SI llthst. south.7 rooms $1,000 CO No. 85 14th st , south small house and burn 3,50000 N'o SO 'JVdsU , t-room house good or der , $ JKc ( ) ihh.bihime Jl.'i pel month 1,70000 N'o..17 Hurt nun LNJthI ( moms , ilty water , oMurn , bun , lll t.ikoa - Fiintlor wuithjl.uojoi J-.OOOItitruh ) or fiOO incnsh and arrangeb iluiicu ; prlio 3,000 00 No. M. btew.u t 8t. near J.'d , small house niul hat n , . . 2,500 00 No , .71 IHthst..south oLoa\cn\vorth ( , 7-iooni house nnd b.un 3 COO 0) ASlLh' KUAIj IbTAlP. Otlmr Iksldcnccs. N'o. f5 Mason and 18th. 7 room house $7,003 00 No. 01 I'nrkor Mrcot , 7 loom house , inoilcin , niul 4 room house ; will di vide ( he piopeity If dcslud ; prke 050000 No W T > th street south , lot b3xl',0 , 2 storj house ami bam. prke . 2,500 CO No. II.1 UoKu's addition , full lot , 4 houses ; will trulu for farm In Mat- shall county. Iowa . . . 0,50000 No ill , t-onth l.lth St. , full lot with 10 houses and stoics anu barn for J hordes , all rental . . 50 000 CO No. W ) Hickory st. : i small houses 7,50000 No. fi'l ' Uassneai 17th. 8 rooms ; Jl,000 oasli . 5,000 00 No. W 2 > th near Louonwoi th , 5 looms \\lthbarn . . . 7,30000 No. 57 11 room modern , slito roof house. Alamo jiluza near I'limim ; prko li.OOO CO No. frfi L'aliromln between lltb and nth , 2 sin ill houses . . . . 2000000 No. .V > Uiipm's. uddltlon , G room nnd 4 room houses . 5,50003 No. 51 , botitli KJtlist. , u rooms , bath , otc . 5r)00 00 No. M. Nicholas st. iiiarU'Uli , 4 new 5 room houses , forJ huusos and lot - 8300 00 Kor I houses and lotiO\l ( * ) 12,000 00 No. S. ' Kltli ne.ii Or.ice , b i-oom i PIII house . . . . . 10,000 00 No. . " > ) . 1'lt ' list. , lot 35x109 , 8 room modern - orn house with b u 11 ; ] irkc . . 0,000 00 Will trade this prolierty , timothur wlth.'l ' lots Intst Albrlghtvulupd nt $ "iOOU for lot UK ) feu front In in Al loc itlon. No. 60 Ilaiiscom place , 3 room mod ern hoiiHO . . 9,000 OJ Will tr.nlo for Al cluir piopettj or renioM ! hoiihu nnd sollMiu nit lot No. 4U. Ilaiisconi pl.ico facing park , double house. 8 rooms and 0 rooms mo lei n , largo birn , iloblrablo piop- orty . 15,00000 Nort luthst no ir Uinveiiworth , 11 room nioilirn liouso , . . . 7,000 00 No. 47. r.iriiim st opposite .11 th , - fraiius , 7 rnoins and 5 rooms , tle- Kiuitlacutloii . 12,000 00 No 4" > JOth noiir LoaMiuvorth. two 2 story Hats model n. and ono l'/J story bulldliiff with 00 feet of lot , \acunl . . 23,000 00 No. 44. ( Jelsns ndd , ] Cx.U7feot , 8- rooiniind.-roomliotists . 8,00000 N'o 42. J'Jlh struct , cast fiont , 12-rcioni house , good barn , a full lots , U cash prleo . 20,000 00 N'o. 41 Douslas stieet nc ir 20th , .1 brick houses , niodorn , all rented , price . 8,500 00 No. 40. Webster street near 18th , half lot. K-rooinlionsHiiiidbirii , prlc.0. . 6.000 00 N'o. U ! ) Windsor Place nvtunslon. 3 lots , 7 room house and B-room house 13,000 00 N'o .IS. MloVoiy , 17th and IBthstrcUs , 7 houses , nil rented . 20,000 , 00 No. IJ7 2id street , N. , 8-room house , modern , ulth barn. } , ' , OOJ cash or will trade for HID ill house and lot wolllocatid. 1'iicu . 10,00000 , No. 'M lllnnoy stieut , pivcd , B-rooni modtrn house . . 8000 00 N'o ; H 5 acres on Snunders street wit h 7- room house and barn , SJ.500 c.ibh , h.ilnmofito 10 > mrs . . . . 8,50000 No. : u boutli "itli htreet. double ( r i me , o. nil 10 rooms , tented for $110 per month . 1300000 No. ! U. Hurt iidiir. ' 1st , 0-rooni liouso , modern , and barn . , . 12,000 00 No. Jl. Wlrtsti eel near 20th , U-rooin modern house nnd barn . . . 10000 00 No , , JJ apth sticot neat 1'arK avonno , 8-room brick , moilorn , with Unrn , nnd M-rooin fiuino faolug pirk 20,00003 No 20 1'irnnm htrojt nuir t.'d.U-room modorii house nnd barn , prko 7,500 00 No. 28. 7th street. s4 houses , each 7 moms . . . . 12,000 03 No 27 I'nuneti street acir baundora , 4 houses , owh "rooms . . . . 6,00000 Will trade whole ] trooily | , ulilch h is 4UD feet fiontuKc , and lakoclcnr city property. No 21 fcouth llth , full lot. 5-room honmt . . . 0,000 00 Tso 25. I.eaMiinvorth and ISth slreots , 13-rooin inodorn house 97 ftct front ( Hi Loii\enwortli , price . 33,000 00 No. 21. Ktli no. ir I.o.iMMinoith , full lot , 4 lioiihLS all rented , ' 4 cash , price only . 20,00000 No - " _ ' . Hurt nnd .Ud.4 b-rootn housti , 15-ioom house nnd bum nil rented , rconi for - morn liousoi on lot 20,000 00 Jio 21 btowaifc 1'lace , full lot , 10- nmm modi in brick . 8,00003 No 2J. Mounrt I'laco on ,1'Jth streut,2 U-room modern biluks ultli barn , i leb . . . . 8,503 00 ISO ill n < iutlas ! near STith , double bouse , modern , each 10 rooms , pi Uo. 10,000 00 No 1H. ' . .Mli Nlreut near 1'oiiploton , 8 room . . 0,000 00 No. 17. 2lith street no.ir liirnam. 4 8- rooninuxU'riilioiiitx , ullrontedlll nil ! hcpur.ilily "Itli U ) foot lot to i ic.li house for 0,000 00 \\lll unlLit.iln tiailo or inukii vciy t isv terms for a part or all this property. Nn HI. On I'ark avenue near I-oavcn- worth stn'i tU model n IIUUSDH oiuli I ) rooms L/i,7HxHO / ; ftot with each house , jirloo . . . . . . 7,500 00 This pnii urty Is now rtnlcd nnd wo will sell houses separately at prlco named on npuyiiiiut down lit . 1,00003 No l'i. llainuy niuiI'll. ' . It-room . , . 11,00000 No 14. I iku street no n , th , full lot , 2 bouses . . . . . f > ,000 00 No II. ITlli struct near Nicholas , 2 houses , ! aeh b rooms , mid oiiu 4-ioiim house . 12,00000 Nii.l- . Park ntumioSti-rooiii modern houhiis , uaeh . . 0,00000 No II. Iliiinoytioar Jllh.O-rooiu , bath and hOHitr. with barn . . 11,000 CO No. in Tarn nm noir 4l > t , lU-room inodorn housv , oury ImproMinont , prluo . . . 0,003 00 Nn. H , Park IIXMUIC. 8 rooms , eauli dnuhlu brick , nuidrrn , with ham , prlco . 11,00000 Oi for ono of the above houses supu- * ruteij . n.onoo3 No. 7 , Pnrlf a oiiuo , 8-room frame , , 0.50000 No 5. Nuir llolcomb'H. reililenoo ( in a7th utiout , 7-room feu me , with barn C.COO 00 FOR SALE REA ESTATE. Fur terntt , tie. , ttt top nf flrri rotiimn on ( A < * IMC FAKNAM STUKKT. lloiiHusnnd I.ot.s. No. I , rioison street , near Daley. 7 V , rooms , full hit . t DTOO 00 No. 2. MooHNUb-dlv , 4 rooms . 1,40000 No. 3 8:11110 : location , I ) rooms niul burn , full lot . . . . . . . . 'l.r OPO No. S. ( I room , Moe'H BUh-div , full lot 1 7W 00 No. n. I'urlier. lutwoon 2. > lli and 20th streets , 4 rooim and barn , iholco . 3,10000 No. 8. llurdotto , between i.VtliandMith streets , 8 moms nnd burn , choice . ,1 4,00000 No. ft Stewart flrout , Bt' > en roomi and barn , elsloni and city walur works . 4.2JOOO No. la I. ono nieuiid and lluinlltoii strut. r > rooms modi rn . 4,00000 N'o. II. 2 small houses on Htli near yioooo N'o. I. ' . : d near I < ou\emrorth street , sinall hou c . 2,00000 N'o. II I'opploton park. 2 liloeUs fiom motor. Ssloiles , l nioinsateraud \ gas pipes , furnnco plpt's and re ls- f lster , street graded , l"ull lot , > ory clieiip nt . . . . . . . 4,00000 No. 14 , 15th aMMiuo. 2 small houses , No. 1' ' 27th near Jlaiov. 2-Mtory house and b.irn . . fi.r 00 00 A JIKS , liCAIi jV. Aero Property. N'o. ! > . 10 acres , llrlglitou Ilcauh , flno garden laud ; cisy terms , jirli'i1 . . { 3,00000 No. 4 , 25 acres , well loeiitodiiearl\irt Omaha , nor ucro . . . COO CO N'o. : i 10 acres , mime loontlonnsabovo for separate acres , M',101) ) eieh ; for the ten niros" . . . 3,03000 N'o. 2 I hu hanilsoniost plero of nere- nuo for siilidhlslon nmnhoro In thlsclty. bolngM ) ncris , oury foot of It avnlli.hle , prlco pt-r aero 1W 00 N'o. 07 Cbolco 1 aoris , Hollalr. per ucro * 7000i ) ; will take clear lot In liart pnjmont N'o. II A nuiiiliorof aero lots , spleu- (11(11) ( ) ndnptiKl for mirlcet gardenIng - Ing ; will ho sold upon easy terms ; prlio IHM ucro , MHH.IH ) toNe WO 03 No 20 10 ncios In KdKowood 1'arkoii easy torins for . 1XX > 00 Nc 2. f > Iricts of r > ncros o icb In I'd 8i wood 1'a.rli. 1'rii.o for oncb r IICM13 . . . 1.100 00 No It 4 acres lu West Omahii , splen did bulldlm : lots l'rlci > . . 1\000 00 No Itl r ncres. 7-room homo. Kood barn , on Not th.MI h it t'.ish piv- mi'iiH f-IHJ ) UO. ( lefiTied p 1 } ments T to 10 years I'neo 6OM , 00 N'o : 'S f > acres front IIIK on ( irmt axe. with comic-room Imiisu and turn. \VIII plat to excellent aihantiKe. I'rloo . 7,2.1000 N'o.i. . ' fi mrps In West AlbrlRlit 5,003(0 ( 1 t nrroHsninn Incut Ion at samonto. U 111 trade for house and lot within i inllu of l'.u lc no nnd 1'opplcton nve . Tuinty acres nf vniycboleo K'ouiid ' , wltliln 3i ! miles ot tin ) postofllco Surroiiiidliig prop erly pi itted and sold In lots Will soil 10. IJ or 20 acres of Mumnil JI/JJO per aero , upon a ' pax mint of 'S cush and llvii to ten > uirs on * ilcfornd pnymi-nts at H per cent Interest 'I his Is a valuable pleio of ground fur snb- dlxlslou and ollcrcd upon remarkably easy linns. Tltlo Is perfect mid the proiiorl ) A I In every w iy , shape and iniiitu'r. Any pli'co of property In tliealxixo list x\o will cheer f- fully shovMoii. orglxojou iny nossuj ( Information - formation utility time oonxinleiit to your- -elf. \\o \ luxo inory facility for sliuxxlni : propertr inxiniptlj anu tn the satisfaction of the liiijer. balosini-n nro alxx.iys n idy to shoxv xou propi'ity and quote you prices Wo Mm 1 1 l > oplei o I toliaxo jou call upon us 119 we haxo nnslllvcl ) tliu hrjjost , best sclei'ti'd , nnd ax illabln list of propi-rlv today for H.ilu In tbo clt v of Urn ilm , to w likh your attention Is especially Invited. Invited.A MKb' IIPAI rSTATH. 15J71aili.ua Strict , Ofllcoopcnoxonlngs. fcolo Admits f TjlOU SALE Jly lesldcnceiM : rarn.im Jstuot. . ( 'holiest lotatton and best bonso In Omaha for the money Hot water and o\my convenience possible Hani , connected xvlth sewer , water and g-is. 1) . "V. Slioles , 211 IstNat hanl. M7 < il TOK SAIjK A largo list of choice resldi'neo ' . nnd hiiHlness jmipurty. llousus nnd hits o : inontblv ) inincuts ; il/i'iO nnd \iicant lots J500 nnd up , George J , I'aul , 1 rnrnani , KOUNT/El'laco-I Inxo Mild ? JiO,000 worth of this property , \\liou jou seoono of mj adds you cnn hot it Is n b irgaln. I h irn iiu nioney to throw axvay on ndxcrtlhlng. lleio s a hnrgila I will guirantio the puiebaser J.VX ) net in six nioiiths ; ll-iooni house on p ived stii'i't. 8"r)00 ) ; fiMJ c ish , b ilauco easy. Also I line dwellings , s imo ndd , f roru Jr > .r > 00 tt > Jir ( > )0 ) , * . " > ( ) cash , bildnce tL" > PIT month A\oulil t ike some clear pioperty Inoxe'biiii i Alsu U-room house , full lot. Mansion ! I'ltice toexclmi.'o for Knunt/c 1'lnco property. , I..T. Gibson solo .iKont ICountri ) 1'laee ' , Honm 3. Ciolghton block. 7Vi TTIOH EXC1IANOE JL ; llo.OOD 00 busliii ss pioperty for xncant 1 its. SK.OliOOO business property for resldoa o property and lots. 1UU ncrcs Neb. land c'car for Om ilia prop erty. 210 acres In ICnox Co. for lesidonco property. $17.000(0 ( block of lots for Iowa farm. 75 foot on IMnrtha street. 0110 block , south II inscom pirk. 1'our small cnttiiKi" ) will rent forJ. > Witl ( rrlcoS'ilOOiX ) J..IXWOn Inciiin- liruiooatT percent ; iictliipomoyc irly WJM ) ; owner's equity $ .i,5DO 00. Wantgood lour lots Gio N. IlleUn 83M N Y. LIfo lllilg. j 2U acres flno farm Innil iidjolnlng good No J hraska toxvn ; ne1 uly olenr. Ml ncrcs finelv impioxed land 24 milesf | , i < > count ) fcoit In Nobrnskn ; IlKlitli ciiciiniLuii < l 1JO acres Kood land In Nebraska. Omilcsfiom comity so itVJ ; ) Inhahttants. llnusonnd lot In tou n In Ivans.is ; clear. Clear lot In good Nubr iska town. T 4 room house and lot. b irn , xvell nnd cisti rn IGth sticot. Umalin ; sllgntly enctimhoiod ; will tride forOmiiba iiropoitynnd assuniii oncuin brinccs II. I' , Colt' , Continental block. imo TjlLKOANT residence la Konnl/u I'licu ; U J2Jrooms fluoly llnlslu-d nnU nil minium con- vonleiicisVlit Ht , ni'.ir20tn. Clan sell on ono- nuirtorinsb p.iyjiiout nui' tnlanio tlmo to rl btpirtv. 'Hi Is Is no cbeupnITiiIrof a bouse , but a conifortablii homo In exury hcnao and a big snap hnrsain , 1' , K. Darlliij , Ilirknr block. M74 ! ) rr-HOOM cottigo , full lol.IInnsconi Place cast t front , and agrc-nt bargila for u feiv dajs , Hm ill cash piymcntand bnlanoo on long time. I1C. . Darling , llarkor lilock. 7JU & . Westcrllold.real estate , Om ilia. 74U BIGGEST h irgaln In Omahn Onlythrcoof tbosoelogant liuuM's on 4 Ith and Karnim leftoutof Hlx ; other tlireo oetuple'd by lirst olass putles. Houses aiu open all day lorln- hjKctliiii Kxcry conx onloiice la the houses , IiuliKllnir KHS ; uii Rns fixtures 'lakaulookattlicMiidiiiliu this nninxoathor : buy ono and take life comfortable during the wlntor. Only takes from 8.W1 to J.VX ) cash. Sou them without fill forthuy xxill plo.wo you , 1) V Sliole'f. 211 Klrat Nat'l bank. TTi ritlin best corner on upper rarnam strict J front igo on threohtrccts ; splendid conn r on luiiniiit-Micnt. close loiourl liousi a nnr- ( ? aln ; uoinur with trackngo in H. U p irt or city ; KOOI ! rcsldi'iHcsand toxv-iirliMMliutt W Kood lots foi bulliling. fiiiinu asloxv us } 1 < 0 , In ttldonuicH , farms and unlmprovud land Ue xx'IIUull any otthls property of xxhn h w haxu entire control , nt prices xxny bcloiv uh , you can buy nlulsimliorc , HtrlnKer tc Tunny , Uutkor bloolt , llth an I Kamam. _ i EANOIir.8 and rarms Wo am solo IUIIHH ( or f-omo ekgant ranch and faun pro | r tics , oluirof Inc'iiinbranci1 , that xxo can si 11 on easy ti rniHor tridn fur coin ! liicinni * pnip orty , r > ,280 aeics In llooiio loiintv , Neb llflien houses on It , fiuuly Imprint d pi ko JI-'Oiiuu 4,1011 ncrrs In Veriion county , AIo , nine boo is .and other excellent Iniprox-cnionts , IflOnim OOOaciosIn Colfov count ) , 1C in , \oryllmly liiiioviil.IO.tHIU | ) | n.nonaores \Mchltu \ cuun tyIun.exuiv necessary liiipiinoini nt f' ' > r i llrit-ulassxxost'rn slonk ranch , ahuiulan > t of water. Aihlie.is M. A. Upton Co , Omahn ( Man isorvlco , I'liie Hldgo Agnni v " -outli Dakota , DecDinbor-'iltli , IHiU : .Scatud pmpoiils I'lidoiiied Proposals for I'luld beeils nnd ad drcaicd lo thu undersigned at I'lnv 'Kid. " Axcncy. bliaiinon Co , boutli llakoti will In locelxednl this agency until ono orh.ckof January 2ld. IS'll ' , for fiirnlhhlii/ for IhH am ney nnd (1 JlUoili./ the M.iruoat Kushxillo N'i'braKl < ii , about W ) bushels of sen ! wheit. i > OObuslinlsof hiod potatoes , 4uObiiHhijN < > f si id oats nnd l/V bushels of hi od ( urn Iliddurs miistHtuto the proposed prlcn of eaob nrlklo to bouirerid forilollvury under a cuntiact Ci i tilled Clieoku. Knch bid must bo nccoimunlid by ncertlllid check 01 ilr.iflii | ] ( > iinoiim llnUuilStalin di pus- Itoiy , mailu payabliito thnoideiof tin ) iimicr hlKiicd , for nt hast live porcontof tlinnnioiiiit of the proposal , xvhlch check or draft xx III tm forfeited to tbo Uiiltid htati s In enno iinv bid ikTor bidders iciolxlni ; iinaxv.iril shall fall to promptlyoxoonte a contract xxlth good nnd MI Ulclont sureties olhei xvUn Ui bo relurm d to thu bidder. I ) . I' . KOVKIt , U. H , Indliin Aucnt da'il.'IlM N' 01' I OIJ N hur'iby ul-ie > n that thu uuiiu if nicotine of thu jitocUlioldoiiior tint C'om- mercliil Nntlonnl bank of Omaha for the ulec- Honor directors ; iml tlio transaetlon of NUI li biiHlnet-s us iniiy properly conio boforn thu iiioulliiK. will ho hold at tjiootlhoot null ! bunk 011 Tui'Mlay. Jniiuary IJ , Ib9l , ut 4 p. m Alfred MlllurdCashier. jJd lot f TYPEWRITERS 9 - * " - * . - * * a . . . . . i r t i a