u TWELVE PMGESHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. : TWELVE PJH3E8 \VSnVTLNTIETH YEAR. OMAHA SUNDAY BIOBNING. JANUA-EV 4 , 1801.-T\VJ3IiVE \ PAGES. NUMBER 200. \11E ROAR OF CANNON. r It is Heard at Gordon and Oalh Everybody into the Field , J * . ; . t CHIEF RED CLOUD HELD BY HOSTILES , s Indian "Warriors Continually Circling Near the Agency , TROUBLE FOR THOSE WHO BURY THE DEAD Bishop Hare nnd Father Stephanie Arrive nt tbo Scone , HOW THE MILITIA WILL BE WLLCOMED , A lloport from HiiRlulllo Gives tlio JGoKjrnor llcnrty Appliiusc ! I'or Ilia Promptness In Sending Out the Guards. Gonnov , NOD , Jnn. ) . [ Special Telegram to TUB DKE , ] A b.tttlo Is now i aging nbout ten miles noith and cast of this place. The booming of cannon con bo distinctly heard Everybody Is under arms. The wildest excitement exists. A company of fcttito ttoops Is expected nt 12:30 : tonight. jcr.it II in m t to Itoitcli tlio Agency the HostlluH. Pi\n KIIKIK Anevcv , S. D ( via Ilushvlllo , Neb , ) Jan , 3. , [ Spochl Telegram to Tin : Unp.J Tvvonty-ono of the wounded soldiers , thieo of the officers nnd eighteen men will 4 have to bo taken to Fort Kiley , Kan. , tomor row night by special train. rj.lcro have been no noiv developments today regarding the hostiles except that old Hed Cloua tried to slip avvny ftom them and let rn to the afcnc- . When the fact was ( lit crodby the hostiles they shot all of his ponies , uuuibering about fifteen , placed n guard over the old cbtof nnd proceeded to 4 move several miles fuithcr from heio. * This last move places their main camp within but n few miles or the bad lands , but the warriois , according to the icports or scouts , keep circling within ten or n dozen inilcs.of hetonlltho limo. Tt-U considered ns among the probabilities tat the patty that -went out this morning to 'bury die dead Indians at Wounded Knee will encounter tioublo with hobtllo scouts before they get their big Job completed. Jim Stephcnson of Omaha , who hns fifty lour horse teams , a total of two bundled hoises engaged In army work bete , is at the iiKcney. Ho returns homo tonight. Tied Kcmingtoii nttlst for ' , Ilatper's or- rived this morning to sketch tbo fields of tbo | recent battles , particularly that of Wounded 1 Knee. DUhop Ilnro of South Dakota , nnd Father Stephanie of Now York arrived this evening The wounded Indians weio this afternoon removed from the Episcopal churcn to the Catholic school house about a block distant. Ono of the llttlo babies found at tha battle field jcstoidny died today. 0. II CHIS : I.V. A A T 11 f/SH / riLLE. Evrrjliody Ilpllcicd nt the Report That tin : Gn.irilH Are Ordt-rrd Out. sj.jrsnvinr , Neb , Jan. ft. [ Special Tele gram to Tun llrt 1 Dr Martin , state super- lutcndcnt of relief supplies , urilvcd hero jL-stciday and has since been busily engaged In distributing the first consignment of goods to the nredy settlers. Ho has recolvd word from headquarters at Lincoln that farther consignments are on tnoway to Chadion nnd other points as well ns this. Universally , the feeling here Is ono rtf giatltude to the donors for this sub stantial evidence of thilr Intel cs > l and settlers nio warm In their praises of Governor Thnjcr , Tim BEE nnd nil others who have taken great Interest In icllof matters. News received this moitilng fromGovcrnor Tlm.vor that ho had sent several companfcs of militia to pi elect the settlements bolder- iuc on the Indian country elicited hcaity np- plauso and already a much better feeling pre vails. Is'o ouo who has not been hrro dur ing the past few dajs can begin to understand the degree of excitement nnd the si tain that settlers have endured , The repoit that pcopto heio do no' , want mill tin or think that the best possible monsutcs of safety should not ho taken are absolutely false. They realize only too painfully the lack of sufficient protection heretofore exist ing all along this border and Governor Thnjcr has never jet performed an act wherein ho was accorded greater general support than in this matter. Company A , Coininnndril by Ilcut. O.slxirno , Iouo for the rlrlil. YOUK , Nob. , Jan.3. [ Special toTiiK HFB. | Company A , First regiment , Nebraska Na tional guards , in command of Uieutennnt F , F. Osborn , loftntll o'clock this morning on n Fremont , Klhhorn & Missouri Valley special for Ilushvlllo. The bojsviro Jublhmtat the prospect or going to the front , ami the com pany's ranks wito swelled by now enlist- monU. A largo crowd accompanied the com pany to the depot , ntm as the train pulled out they wote checreii to the ocho. Coinpiui } U Notified. Nnmi K\ Cur , Neb. , Jan. 8. [ Special Telegram to TUB Hue. ] Company 0 of the state uiilltla bos been notlflcd to bo In readi ness to bo called to tbo neat of the Indian troubles during the next twenty-four hours. riilloiito to tlio Front. Bunt , Neb. . Jan. . [ Special toTiiK BEE. ] The Tekamnh guards , under Captain Heck , passed through lllalr today en route to Gor don , Nob. There was ono and One-half hours between trains , and the boys made a rush for the second hand stores and hardware stores , and about cleaned the town out of revolvers. Ono joung man , when asked how ho liked going to light the Indians , rcmaikcd that ho guessed when he Joined the guards ho "bit off more thun he could chow up. " There were about forty In the roinpany. Chccrrd on Tliflr Way , Fi.ruo.NT , Neb , Jan , 3. [ Special Telegram to TiiEDtr.J Two or throe thousand cltlicns of Fremont turned out to the depot this fore noon to see company H , Nebraska national guards , off for the Indian country. The com- jMiny wasiscortcd to the depot by Mcl'l.er- ton | > o tjnmd . ( Aimy of the Uopuollc , when It was drawn up In line nnd photographed. Company II of Tckamah , under command of Cnpttln Heck went forward on the same train. As the train pulled out three hearty cheirsvent up from the assembled multi tude louuns .Notilli'il , MASON CITV , In. , Jan. 3. The Sixth regi ment , Jovvt Is'ntlonnl guards , has been or- dcied to bo In readiness to march to the front for service ngnlnst the Indians. I'our hull ui.s Killed , Dm nt , Cole , Jnn ,1 A special from Obey- cnno to the Ifoclcy Mount iln Ifews siys a dltpatch from White river tolls of a light ho Uvcen 1C troop , Sixth cavalry , nnd n party of Indian ? . 1'ourIndians were kilted , with no loss to the troops How 1 hi'y 1'eel. , Jan. 0. A special to the Tribune from Ainu din , N. D. , siys : Com- pan ) II , Twenty-second Infantry , ordcicd to Tort Yates from C.innon Dili , his reported that friendly bucks nt Standing Kock have gone out to Join the hostllcs. They told Agent McLuughlln they would sooner bo killed in vvnr thin slaughtered In peace Tin ; linn I I'layod. Hvv BNNI , Neb , Jan 3. | Spcclil Telegram to Tin : Bnr J Two hundred pcoplovcro as sembled nt tbo II & M depot depot this even ing to see Iho trdn load of militia The train stopped ten minutes to change engines , dur ing which time thoKavcnna hind plaved "Marching Through Georgia , " "Tiamp , Tiamp , tlio Bojs Aio Matching , " and other appropriate selections AnArmy Iieiuly. . Onn , Neb. , Jan. . ' 3 [ Special Iclogram to Tin BII .J Comp.ni ) 15 of the Ncbraskt Na tional guntds of this tity left this evening on n special train v in the O & M , vlu Claw- fold , Neb , wheio they hnvo been ordered b ) GovcrnorThuvcr to protect the Nebraska fiontler. The cotnptny miinbeu forty-six nblc bodied men nnd was under the command of l"lr = t Lieutenant J L > . McDonouglt and Second Lieutenant 0. W Hull Captain Wcdst , who is now in Illinois , will Join thu company at ( Jiawford riftctn hundred more men will bt > lead } foi action within twenty-four hours' notice. A Keiiort Iroin IMrr1. . I'IEUUC S D Jan II ' , , [ Speci'd Telegram to TIIK I5n : J It is reliably imported that hostile Indians hive sent out runners to nil the Indian camps , notifying them of a battle und calling upon them for aid. Ono of the Indlms has made his appearance among the Indians up Bad river and has been using every means to incite thorn Into Joining in tlio conlllct. The piopcr army ofllcinls have been notified and nro no doubt on the lookout for the red rascals The principal Indian trader at I'oi t Pierre , Mr. Ketehum , savs ho hns sold more red paint to Indians In the lust few days than for joirs 'Iho Indians aio ong.igi-cl in cairjlnc ; large quantities of sup plies between hue ami Foil Hemiett Colonel nel Tossln bus telegraphed for lations for eighty people in Foil 1'ierio who have left thch homoon account of the Indian trouble Some of the Ro > H Hi ) Not Peel ns HilniioiiH us Usual. Lost ; PINK , Neb. , Jan. 3. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bn. An oilier was icccivod by Company G , Second regiment Nebraska national guards from Gencial Colby to place Itself In readiness to march on short notice. They assembled at the armory again toduv nnd are on duty awaiting ftnthor orders from hcadqunrtcrs. Captain \V , 'J. Court- wilgltt was elected major to fill the vacancy of Major Cioss on December 20 , Ib'JO ' , nud to day Lieutenant ( J. F. Ingnlls was elected cap tain of Coinpaii ) G. Captain Ingnlls was \Vnukcgin , 111 , nnd responded Immediately upon the till of the /rovtuioi / Company K of riomont and Com- p.iny II of Tolicin.ih took supper at Long Pine tonight and they seemul to bo in tolcr- bly good spirits , but the no\olty \ nad nearly worn oft bj the time they retched hero and somoof the bojs woto faces that indicated mote seiiousncss than lo\eof adventure en titles them to wear. wiiJii ; inrr.n News of It is Conllimcd in News from the 1'ino lllitgo District. Pi\n Ilimn : , Jan. 3 The engagement be tween General Cart's ' commands and the Indhns onVhlto river is confirmed. It is believed no ono -was killed , though several Indians weio wounded. An Indian courier brings n message from the hostile camp , tbo substance of which Is a demand that nil soldiers bo withdrawn from the locality , and fuither thai tboj wijltteat with no ono for peace but the v Ice president of the United States on the commissioner of Indian affairs. This message came direct from the hitherto sunposed friendly chief , Hed Cloud. iiovlng bauds continue to scour the coun try In the v lelnlty of Pine Rldgo. Many per sons coming in tell of narrow escapes. Tlio Indian training school at Pine Kldgo was bumed last night , no loss of llfo tesultmg. Jl.l t'jK Appeals for More Troops from Xortli- ucslcni NVlnnska Towns. LINCOLN , Neb , Jan 3. [ Special Telegram to THU ELL. ] Governor Thiyor iccolved the following dispatch this morning : CIIAIMION , Neb , Jan. 3. The county is being depopulated and stock Is \lng for wantofcaio. runners aio huddled In the city , Business is su-pended. Theio are no Kilns , ninimmlUon or tioops hnio. Bands of hostile Indians niowithin striking distance. Wo must have a second regiment quick for the safety of the tovui and country. Li. A. AMI FIM : OTIIHIS. General Cole replied tint the Fremont militia was on Its way to Chadion to protect thntcity. This moiuliig1 the Central City and Old militia compinios left for the front , They \vlll ho stationed nt Crawford. Tbo Tckatnah company loft for Gordon nnd the York and Geneva cumiuuies for Hushvillo. The governor bus received from Hay Springs nn appeal for threogotnpanicsof militia. One or two will probably bo sent this afternoon , General Cole telegraphed to Gencial Miles asking for additional guns , but Miles loplted this morning that ho had none. Agent Ilojer'H Koport. AVASIIINQTOX , Jan. 3. The commissioner of Indian uffalrs today received from Agent Uojer thp following telegram , dated I'lno liidgo Agenoy , S. D. , January U : "Number Two and Three day school buildings and the Uplscopnlchuich , all located on White Clay creek some distance fiom the agency , have been but ucd b } hostile Indians. Isaae Miller , a white man und former cmplojo on the beef horil , was killed by Indians ten tulles north of the x agency , About three thousand men , women nnd children aio cinipcd near the mouth of Grass crcok , llfteon miles northeast of the agency \vlio ate hostile und refuse to como Into the agency as requested They are com mitting all kinds of clenreuutlons and driving off our agency beet hnrd , tdttlo Wound , Illg Road niul Hed Cloud with their pcopm uro among them , and It is reported they want to como into the agency , hut the others object and say they will kill the lint one that starts for the agency. " What General MllrH SajH. WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. General Schoflold this morning received the following telegram from General Miles dated jcstorday : "Thoro U n tx'pott roni the Indian camn this morn ing thut Hed Cloud and Liittlo Wound nro de termined to coma in with their following. Their lives have been threatened by the hostile } who are determined to go to war. There is ult > o n report from the same j tourco of an unKJgeicciit biiUecu the Indiana nnd cavalry. In which quite a number of sol diers were killed and some Indians. If this is correct the battle was prabably on the "White river. General Brooke has uotnnmnu of that lino. " Ino genernl snld nothing addi tional had been received up to the urescut time. Curr'H SklrmlHh , PINT. Ninon AOP.NCT , S. D. , Jan. 3-Moro definite-rumors relative to the reported en gagement between General Cnrr's ' command nnd the Indians In the had lands have been received , These would indicate that the ttoops . ] vvero driven biek nnd a numherkllled hut It cannot ba considered authentic. Scouts . who have returned from other hostile camps , however , me beiring nn.vthlngbut reassur ing ' reports. The Indians will not listen to peace propositions. Iho parties sent out to bring In the dead bodies found IDS lying on the Held. An nt- tempt was tnndo to remove the dead to Pine lildgo Afcncy , but before the taslcvas com pleted the rescuing tiaity was nttickcd by a roving band of hostflts nnd driven away. ixi'i. : < tsittHI" run : / > .u// . An Accident That U'lll Ucsult In tbo Dcnth ol * 1'orty Mlnor.-i. VIINVA , Jan 3. A tcirlblo explosion of fire damp occin icd today In the Tiiuity pit , near tbo Polish town of Ostruu. rifteen bodies have been recovered nnd twenty-four miners are missing. It Is now known tint many miners nro still imprisoned in the p'.t , It Is feared that the accident will tesult in the death or forty miners. jn.tjt\'foit Tin : nt.ii' , Politicians of AII Sorts on the Grounds nt Lincoln. Livcoi.v , Neb , Jan 3. [ Spechl Telegram to Tiir UUK.J There nroiifty-one Indepcn dents In the house nnd of thesootily ono has failed to put in an apjwarancoup to this time Tno missing incinbci Is .1. G Iviuso of ICnox , Thcro aio eighteen independents In the senate and nil of those have ar rived on the ground. The Independents have 1 established their headquarters at the 1c Umlcll 1 hotel , though a unmoor of them nio quattoredln other hostehles thioughout the citv. Tonight they hold n conference , ns they tt called it , nl the Llndcll , and nt midiiiuht tc they are still in session. The objoctof this conference Is to decide upon the tetnporar ) speikershlp of the house. There are sovoial candidates , among them being bluoeder of Logan , iidcr ; of Clay ami Tajlorof Johnson , The lo-st mentioned seems to bo In the lead at tc this t writing. HOrinnn of Silme , the Kniirhts of tt Labor'andidate , and Stewart of York aio tbo dai k hordes The light seems to bo upon the organization of the house. Vcny few democrats and republicans hux'o arrived , hut 11 number of them are ex peeled on the carl ) trains 1 Monday. Opium Sniujru'ers Hiijny a Ttoom. ST. PAUI , Minn. , Jan. 3. A I'loneci-Press Seattle , Wash , spcchl sajs : "Investigation by careful men sent fiora hero to Victoila shows more than twenty opium icllncrlcs in full blast besides many small Chi nese establishments which fry out small amounts , For the thico months ending Seulcmbci 18IS.HSO pounds of crude opium landed at Vaucouvct fiom Chlnoso steam ships. Of this amount 5,179 pounds vvero foiwaidcd to Now Westminster , 1M 10- mnlns at Vancouver and 41,30'J ' pounds vvero sent to Vlctorh , where it was roliucd and smuggled across the American lino. Dur ing those months not a single pound of opium was lawfully passed through the cus tom houses. SmugKling is going forwaid nil tbo tlmo by sloops , schooners and steamers , and the opium business alone amounts to over $1,000,000 , a year. Besides tliTs. Chineseare' being smuggled 01 or constantly. It is ho lloved that wealthy residents of Victoria are backing the smugglers and share In the picHts. " An Kslntc In Dad Shane. KANSAS CITV , Mo. Dec. 3. Guardian Hugh Ljnch , appointed to take change of Bernard Donnelly and his cstata upon Donnelly being declared insane , Is being overrun by claims against the estate for sums aggiegatlng id- ready $40,000. , Fiom piesent indications L\nch is of tbo opinion that the estate will pay only a verj small per cent of vv lint Is duo fiom it , nnd mtnv persons will ho creat losers who can 111 afford the loss , bciiit' mostly personal friends of Donnelly who en- ttustcd their uionov to him for Investment. Ono Ijoyal Chief. SvFnANcisco , Jan. 3. The schooner "W. H. Bee bo , which arrived from the Marshall islands , brings Intelligence tending to con firm the rumor that the German government hns taken possession of the islands. The chierswere compelled to sign a petition re questing Germany to establish a piotectorato over the group One chief , however , who declared himself in favor of allegiance to the United States refused to sign the petition , which was forwarded to Berlin. DlHlnhorltcd Ills i onutiful Nleco. CIEVELIND , 0. , Jan. n. The will of Sclnh Chamberlain was piobated in Payncsville today. The only public bequest out of the estate vas a small ono to Lane theological semlnciy at Cincinnati. The remainder of the vast estate will go to his two nephews , who reside hero. Ills niece , the famous botuty , known as Jennie Chiinberluin before her nmiriago in .England to Mr Naylor- Lpjlan , is not mentioned in the will. DculcltMl Not to Publish It. M until ) , Jan , 8. The Cuban delegates huvofoinnlly submitted to the Spanish gov ernment'their conclusions as to the best economic and fiscal policy for Cuba. Tbo government hns decided not to publish the report foi fear It mignt prove dctiimental to the negotiations with the United States gov- mcnt looking to the establishment of a reel- ptoclty treaty iclattvoto Cuba. Olio Killed nnd Foiir Injured , PiTrsnimo. Pa , Jan 8. Iho Philadelphia express on the Pennsylvania railroad this morning struck four men walking on the tt nek near Thirt-third street. John Young of Allegheny City was instantly killed , and Chailcs O'Hara Joseph Henderson anu D , Mai tolma severely injured. Wane a IjCKltlnmto Fight. WASIIINOTOV , D. 0. , Jnn. 8. At on in formal conference of democratic leaders to night , it It understood that it was agreed to use all legitimate pnrlhtnentiir.v means to defeat - feat the federal election and proposed cloture scheme , Caused by n IMUplncocl Hvvltuh. CII.VILVNI > , O , , Jan. 3 A misplaced switch caused a collision between the Lake Shore fast mail anil an engine at Uljrla to night. Several trainmen vvoro badly hurt and the postal cars wcro much damaged , A DefHttlting Treasurer. STOcKiimnar , Mass , Jnn , 3. Charles Wil lis , for llfteen ) ears treasurer of the Stock- hrldgo Savings bank , Is a defaulter to the ex tent of ? i5,000 or inoro. Ho vv 111 plead guilty. Willis is now prostrated at his home. Kutertalncd JMIntHter Lincoln , Piiu.ADF.i.i'iiu , Jan , 3. Vlco President Thompson of tno Pennsylvania rallrondconv puny tonight entertained Hobor minister to. KngUnfl , at Cork beautiful country beat at Merlon Kcan'fi AhtiiKiicffi Deny. CIIICAOO , III , Jan. 2. ICcan's assignee's today issued n card denying the report that they hncf offered a settlement at ilfty cents on the dollar. _ The Ktro Hconril. Fn.Tov , N. Y-i Jan , 3. 'Iho Osvvcgo Fulls tannery burned this afternoon. Loss , JIOO.OOO. . WILLIAM'S ' POLIGI ATTACKED , The German Press Indulges in Bitter Oritl- cism of the Emporer. CHANCELLOR CAPRIVI GETS A WARNING , 1'rof. Kouh Orowlnji An/itry / at the In creased Severity ol'I'rhfesslonal Crltluisni at'llouio aiiU Abroad , 1S)1 ) till X e Y r1t stWl-itCil Prc 1 llnitnv , Jnn 3. The relations between the conservative majority in the fandtag and the government Increase In hostility. The Cologne Qazetto , Hamburg Nnchrlchten nnd other otgans of the opposition attack the emperor's policy all around.-- i-ovlovv of the year bccamo a pretext ftor bitter criti cisms In contrasting the emperor's promises of reforms with negative results. The CologneGas-etto warns Chancellor Capilvl tint nothing is inoro dangerous than un realized promises. The government , It sajs , since Prince Bismarck's ' totlrcmcnt his achieved nothing. The projects for labor re form , alteration of the system of taxation , now school svstotn , new customs system nnd new communal legislation hrvs opened up n prospect of Internal conflict of which it Is Impossible to foresee the consequences. Munich seml-onicial pipers refer openly to the Internal policy of the emperor and declare it Is tending to a ci IsIs. * The tie-ity with Austria is threatening the influx of Hungarian corn , and the ctnporor's dalliance with labor laws has rnido the Huh- gnrhui members of the rclchsta ? turn a long ing eye unon rnednchsruho. The year prom ises to bo n stormy parliamentary period for the government , with the probable icjppoar- nnio of Bismarck in the fora front. Mrs. bhaw , the American whistler , has met with brilllnnt success In her concerts In St. Petersburg. The Itussian government ( s nbout to estab lish diplomatic relations with Mexico. A legation will shortly leave Stf Petersburg for the Mexican capital. * The quantity of fiost is abating. The deith rate has notably increased. The baptism of the infant , prince Is fixed for January 2 > The king and queen of Italy will ho sponsors. Prof. Koch Is in lll-hutuoi'Trtrer.tho Increas ing sovcilty of professional criticism1) hcio nnd abroad. It is understood that ho his nsked Minister Von Gossleiio : relieve him from his pledge to surrender to the stito his right to the discovery. Von Gosslcr was opposed to publishing the ctjtnpositlon of the remedy until roreign governments were com- munii-atcrt with to the ns precautions neces sary to secure the pioductlon jf the genuine lymph. When the landtag rfoumos Its sitting nn ofllclal declaration will bo tindo repudiat ing a doslro on the partof tlm government to retain any advantage fhrouglij tbo production of the Ijmphand oxprcsslfic-p readiness to communicate the process of'tho ' manufacture through other govcrnmonts'Tvhlch are able to guarantee against nn abuse ? or it. In the mean time the anger of mudic-nl circles arisine from privileged trafllo in tliijymphjs Dr. Pettcnhofcr , n lending Davnrl-in phy- slchn , while declnilng recently his belief in the success of ICoch's method In the treat ment of lupus and tuboiuiloslsof tlic Joints , added that it was a deplorable blot "upon Ger man science that some Berlia ph.vslclnns abused Koch's discovery for pecuniary ends Ho suggested that the state fix a regular pi ho for each Injection of the Ivinph. The Tagoblatt nssorts tbnt while ninny patients are awaiting treatment a largo quan tity of the lymph remains unused in the Lib- hertz laboratory and that Dis. Cornell , Dengell nnd 1'fuhl have a practi cal monopoly of the use ot the lymph. Ur. Cornell , It siys , besides his private clinic In Chnrlottcnburg1 , a suburb of Berlin , -vv 111 form a similar os tab- llshment In the center of the city for high class patients. This , it ad3s , maltes the fourth pltco whore Injections nro criven , nnd all four are under the control or Dr. Cornell. The Tageblatto's statement Is somewhat exaggerated and ignores the fact that a dally increasing quantity or the lymph is sent out to the German and foreign hospitals. The Iilbbcrtz laboratory Is chiefly drawn upon for the supply. The Austrian government has forbidden the use of any Ijmph except that from the Libbertz laboratory nnd has nlsooidercd physicians to icporto very death that occuis from i-eactlon and to hold a post mortem examination In each case. Dr. Cboyno of London has hecn hero sev eral weeks studying the onlcncy of the rem edy in cases of leprosy. Ho hns become con vinced of Its \alue niul ho will proceed to St Petersburg , where ho will inoculate lepers The lepers uiuler the treatment of Pror , few man of Vienna show Improvement in their condition. The National Gazette , as the organ of the colonial paity , explains the reasons for the kcomplalnts of Stokes , the Eucllsh trailer , fo- gardlng Emln Pasha It appears UintStoltcs loft Saadanl in Juno under orders from Baron Wissman , taking goods on Ulii own nc- count to the value of KiO.OOu besides $10,000 \\oith on behalf of a Zanzibar firm. Cmin'a ' w arllko plays provcntedStokes from disposing of thesogoodshcncotho trader's ' vvralfa. The National Gazette docs not allege that Wlss- nian was Interested In Stokes1 venture , but its statement suggests that the baron did have nn Interest In the c-ntcrprlso. The Frelsiuigo , commencing on the work men's nccldent insurance law , which came into operation on January' ' I1 , saj s that if a plebiscite should bo taken 9J per cent of the people would pronounce against the measure 3I.lJtlllt.lt THE HMHa KICKEll. A Wealthy Denver Durto Creates a by AVcildfnf ; nn AulroHB. Col , Jan. 0. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bnc.J A genuine scnsutlon was created hero this moriilnK by the announce ment that Clarence M. D w , son of C. H. Dow , president of the Commercial National hank of this city , had been married to Miss Millie Price , the danseusq of the "Natural Gas" company now playiqR at the Tabor Grand. " The ceremony \vai pci formed at the "Windsor hotel , Justice of the Peace Palmer officiating. The groom dives 'll8 ' aB" flt twenty-two , but his father sajs ho Is only nineteen. Ho mot Mils Price only two days ago , Ho Is known as eonslttoniulo of a duuo , Tlio elder Dow is a gentleman of largo wealth and is Interested In hanks in Kansas City. St. Joseph , Salt LnUflnnd other points beside Denver. The atTiilt Is the talk of the town. Miss Prlco appoqrod as'Jennlo last night as usual and exvputod hereby-scraping dance with her accustomed agility and grace. llhoru KatlliiK at 1'Utibiirg , PiTTsmmo , Jan. s f.\ll danger of a flood in thlH vicinity has { tossed Imd tbo rivers nro now fulling. or tlio Ilnukf t/8liop. CIIICAOO , Jan. a. A cauclta or ( hut portion of the board of trade members who Are op posed to the methods employed by the prca- c nt management , pirtlculnrly In the matter 0tl f removing the telegraph wires from the tl adlng floor In order to DI event bucket 8l hops from securing- quotations , was hold l oday. < It was decided not to put n candidate' ' ' i the field against Picsldctit Unkcr In the wining election , hut candidates for v Ice tires- lent nnd five directors were namoil , They jpoct by electing these directors to cause n cturn to the former methods , Aintorr I > \ JG. She Is Stricken Down \vlh ( I'neu- tnonlii nlSi.K Ijuko Oil ) . S\iTtiikR , Utah , Jan , 3. [ Special Tele- piam to Tun HEB.J Umma Abbott , the k'rcat prliim doniin , Is d.vlng In this city. She { came hcrcNto flll n four nights' engagement , and despite the advUo of her physicians , ncnt on the first nltrht The next day she i\ni \ tiiken nlirmtiigly 111 with pneumonia and lias been falling t.ipldly cverslnco Her phy sicians say tonight at ! ) o'clock thit she can not live. She in totally unconscious nnd tlio ml is not far off. sa.ur ir.tflA'ii ; isr/i ; > . lie Visits tlio Ucsitlenco of American MIs-lmmrliM at Tohoinn. WASUIN'OTONJan. . 3. The secretary of state has received a dispatch from Tehenn , living many Interesting particular * of the re cent visit paid by the shah of Persia to the residences of the American missionaries nt that capital , His majesty evinced the great est inteiest In the methods of the mission school and bestowed much commendation on : ho genernl good appear nice of the promises , lot omitting to spoik or the American ways of "housekeeping , " The Jlrst nrtesion well ever drilled In Persia is being sunk on the iitomises and bad reached a depth of over two hundred foot at the time of his visit , flits is the Hist visit ever nitJo by the shah nt the residence of any foiciguer. njs Tjuit inKJ : UAMI. A Clilci Konn Dion or ItulHMMillo Conlitlcnt > ! ' Uceovcr > , UIUCAOO , Jin. 8 [ Special Telegram to Tin : Brr. ] Honiylinnkwitr , a Polish resi dent of Avondale , vi as bitten siv weeks ago t > y a vicious bull dog. Ho paid llttlo atten tion to the imttcr and suffered no discomfort from the wound until InstTucsday afternoon , when ho wussoi/cdby a lit and fell to the floor. IIo railed ftoin the attack but was soon seized with a second , ntidnt short Inter vals afterward until jcsteidiy , when ho dicil , completely exhausted. lV. ) Hose , who was called to see the patient when ho was first ntticked , and who remained with him until his death , describes the suffering of Unnkwltz as something horrible. Ono thing that I never knew before In a cise of rabies , " said the doctor , "vv.is tbo strange fact of the consciousness ntintcnals of thopitlentovcnup totbe point of Ueith In fart , ho died conscious , conversing with his family , but his nervous sjstotnwns cotn- pietelj overcome and ho died from sheer cx- uaustion. " In Ills conscious moments Bmkvvlt/ , who w.is a man of strong will , combattod the Idea of death and live minutes before the end eime tola tlio doctor that the convulsions must cease soon und that ho would then rc- cov er. , . , ' ° ; lhnlr Approaching linUle Arousing Orcat Interest , NtwOni..EAN , La , Jnn 8. [ Special Tele gram toTnn HHB.I As the date forthegreat Dempsoy-Fltzsltninons fight nt the Olympic club approaches the interest begins to grow , irji tliohidlcatlous arp hat n.Jnrgcr assmn- bhge or people will attend tho'mllliban Imv'o c er been seen at n bnttlo bororo In this sec tion or the country. Messrs. Noel , Shorlaud IJardcs , the con test committee for the Oljm- ple club , has loft no stone untuincd toseo that the patrons of the club enjoy every com fort possible on the night of the mill. Largo pictuies of the club house , ring nnd ofllcerj hnvo been forwarded to inquiiing friends nnd news paper men as far nway as Svdney , Mel bourne and London , and no expense Is being spared to make tbo approaching bittlo the best managed affair of the kind ever reported In the mi mils of pugilism. lempsey ) and Fit/slmmons are doing nicolj , and too latter , with his charactctistic good humor , tofers to the mill with an air ot confidence tint would t rtorizoa less game and exiorienced [ nitn than the Nonpareil The lofereo will bo chosen acouplo of dtys befoietho light , arcl ho will bo n prominent Olympic club member. Neither contestant objects. Dompscy Is the favorite for n smill odd. Much iconoy hns nlrmdy been wacered. Jack McAulllTe and Denny Coitignn will second end DcRipsoy nnd Jlintn } Carroll , Doc O'Con- nell and John Griflln , the Brain tree , Mass. , fttthevv eight , will look after Fitzsinnnons. Krroncous reports have been imdo icgardlng the prlco of admission to the light. No man will bo able to see the mill for leas than (10. There will bo but ono price. TJIKK.IMill'.iy Croat Dlflloulty I xporicncod In Coin ing to an Agrprmoiit. CHICAGO , Jan. 3 [ Special Telegram to Tun BKK.J Iho railway press bliteau savs : The western railroad presidents had two piotractcd sessions today , Iho last contin ued until after (5 ( o'clock , and at Its conclusion a settlement seemed almost as far oft ns it did Monday. Thit the presidents nro In earnest , however , is evidenced by the fact that they concluded to bieak every railroad precedent and hold a session on Sunday , to morrow. Mho sentiments of the piesldents have undergone a * maritud change since Monday. At that tlmo all were perfectly confidant that the Now York meeting next Thursday \\ould end in the formation of a gilt-edged associa tion which would satisfactorily taketho place of old existing western lull road associations. At the close of this afternoon's session it was the general opinion that the St Paul , Keck Island and Northwestern would nil have to settle their disputes with the Union Pacific before the agreement could ho formed. Ono of the presidents said : "Wo have been discussing the proposed ngipomeut , and so far huvo only agreed on the minor features , Wo can como together in Now Vork , however , if Mr. Gould can as sure us ho moms to honestly carry out the ngicement. It may also bo necessary for him to first settle his quarrels with westetn roids. " President Cable oflholtock Island loftror Now York tonight. If thu agreement Is not formed ho will go to Washington and carry tha war Into ligypt by blocking anv con gressional aid for the Union Pacific. IIo Is loaded With facts which It Is thought will brine ; Gould to tlmo in hlsvvarf.no on his his connecting lines , All the western roads have adopted the report of the commltteu of managers concern ing free transportation , and the plan recom mended is now in force , It provides that annual or tlmo passes shall not bo issued to emploves of foreign roids in train service , station ortrafllodepartmenis , except upon tlio icqiiestof the proper ofllchls of such roads , thatannual half fate permits be good only In the state Invhleli the holder resides , that annual , time , or Magic trip ! passes shall not be Issued to the world's fair , L commissioners , to representatives of street car or cable roads , agents engaged In the sale of commodities to roads , grand army people , or any United States army ofllcers. except the command of thodopirtmcntof the Mjs- souri , or his immediate staff. The Woollier Forecast , Tor Omaha and vicinity Fair ; warmer. Tor Nebraska ami Iowa Fair ; southerly winds. Tor South Dakota Fair ; winds shifting to westerly ; warmer In northeast , stationary trni | > erature In southwest portion. . , Derailed liy u llriilf en Kcog. CK\HVM > , O. , Jan 3 The limited ex press , east-bound , on the Foil Wayne road , Jumped the track todiy noir Mn lllon wnlto running forty miles im hour. 'Jho vestibule attachments prevented the cars from topllng over nnd not n single person was injured The accident was caused by the breaking of n frog. _ OrUmMl Into thu I'o > t. DEVTHVOOD , S D. , Jan. 3. ( Special Tele gram to TUB lKr ) , | Abe Jones of Jones Bros , who have a herd df horses in the vi cinity of Twin Unites , Hindlng county , reached Deadwood late lust night and re- potts tbat his firm } esterda.v received or ders from Colonel Otis of Foil Meido to bring these horses In at once. Several set tlers all along the valley of Hear Butte creek have also boon ordered into the fort. Krmk il a Imtmtli * . Dcvnwoon , S D. , Jan. a ( Special Tclo- gram to Tins lit i'-At ] 10 o'clock last night John Huclcr , n grocery man of the First ward , was attracted to his fiontdoor by tbo shriek ing or a woman Ho had no sooner put ) Is held out or doors than tl.o wotinn pointed a a levolvcrln his face and Hied , Tliualm was poor and Uucler escaped unharmed. The woman , vho pioved to bo Canio Jansin , rushed up the street , nnd meeting n polho ottlcer gave him her pistol and smrendered herself , siv Ing that she htd hilled lluoloj. She was pi iced In Jail and Is now a raving mnnho. No luison for her assault on Dueler is known , jii : Jtv.\ti \ . Curioni ! > tfito of AffiiiN lloporlcd Iroin 1 liomnNlon , Ate. DOSTOV , Moss , Jan. 3 [ Special Tele gram to TUB UriA special to the Herald from Thoninston , Mo. , ohtonlclcs n novel condition of tbing-s nt the state prison tbeic in , that William l-\ Gould , serving n ten \ tnrs sentence for embezzling $180MWwhlloeashlcr ( of the First National hank , practically runs the institution It is alleged that Gould has unlimited power niul is vlrtuallv warden Ho piys nil bills , Including tlie officers' sal aries , receives all money and hujs all goods , runs tbo commissary "dcpirtment niul the deputv punishes men on his complaint. Ho Is not locked up la a icll as othcis ate , and has privileges accoided him , It is stated , no\cr given prisoneisin nnj institution Ho tills the position of clirlr , assistant llbiarlnn , choir member , assistant yhjsielan and assist- ant watchman , and It is also silu that ho makes outttie annual icuoit of the piison. VIltil.lt 1O HETVttJf. n > o I'roHPiico or Itcpubllojui Senators DiMiinntloil in \\i\slilnuton. \ WASHINGTON , Jnn 3 The news that Sen ator Ingalls ins stilted eastward In re sponse to urgent telegrams f torn UdiUUiuU nnd Hoar was recoHcd with soinoonthusinsiii by the ftiemls of the elections bill in the senate - ate Theaiinounc'omcnt hid been mule that Ingalls Intended to loninln In Topcka until tlio legislature hul elected Ids successor , and the republican mamgcrs weto vety much afraid thnttbov would not hive a quoiiitn of icpubllcan senators hero next wool ; . Pad clock saj s ho cannot ho hero next week , und Squlio also has announced Ills intentional ic- malnlng In the west for a week or more Urgent Iclcgiuins litvo been sent to them and they in ly bo pui waded to return. Hvetj tepublic.m vote will bo needed in the senate next vv cek , as ills not unlikely that nncfloil will bo in.vlo to "set out" the elections bill and the democratic senators can be counted on to break n quorum if possible by absenting themsnlves from the chamber. As stutod b\ \ Ilaleund Tcllcrdutlug the recent delate in tlio senate , nothing Jias been done publicly by the democtats to Indicate that they In tended to filibuster against the bill. AS bear- lug on thut point the lussertlon of n leading democratic senator ixcontlj mar ho quoted , to the effect that tiis ptrty would "nsoover.v fair and honoi-.iblo means to beat tha bill , " with the supplemental statement tint the democratic leailcis had not put forvvatd theli heaviest bpeakeis yet. * 31ITKK' H l > tt81TE < Hf. N'o I'prBtinal Aniliitfnn , Hut tlio Conn * try's Wollaro lullneno sHIm. Putts , Jan. 3. [ Special Cablcgutn to Tin Bur. ] In an li ervlovv today on theslttm tlon In the Atgcntlno Iicptibllc , General Mitroexpicsscd confluence tnat the crisis In that country cannot last long. The agree ment between the Bnglish financial commit tee and the government of tno Argentine Republic ; , ho said , promised to rehabilitate the finances of tno republic. Tlueo voars lienco the finnnchil position will again bo normal The effect of the cilsls on comincico will bo only tiansitory. The republic possesses lin mouse i-csouiccs which as 'yet have boon monlv tapped. Regarding his candid tturo for the mesldency of Argentine , Ucncral . \lijre said thutho would not stand us ucnndl- ditto for that oftlco unless ho found , after his nt rival in Buenos Ajrcs , that his election would tend to secure the welfaio and pros- perhy of the country. IIo was grateful , ho suid , for the demonstration by the people ot IJucnos Ares ) In favor ot his canduhturo , but ho must postpone coming to a definite decision on the mtttcr until he had met and talked with hid compatriots KtonniHlilp Arrivals , Bremen-Arrived , Steamer John from Now Yoik. Hamburg Arrived , Stcimer Danla from New York , iMew Yoilt Auived , Stcunor Wisconsin from Liverpool. At Queenstovvn ( midnight ) The Sorvla , from Now York tor Liverpool. Passed the LlzirdTho ijji.tln , from New York for London , the Laliourgoym > fiom Now York for Havre. Passed Klnsnlo Tbo Franco , from Now York for Liverpool. At New York Arrived , Adriatic , from Liverpool. Iho Weather Crop rtttllntin. WASIII > OTOV , Jan , 3. The weather crop bulletin for the month ending December 81 says , The absence of moisture and tha usual high temperature In the central vallcjs has left the wheat crop la it less favorable condl * tlon than reported December 1. The heavy wins which nro now prevailing over this to- glen will relieve the droucht condition , but the sudden freeze vvhlclt followed may tcsult In injury to the crop In localities not pro tected by snow. Lop rosy and MAIIUIP , Jan. 3. [ Special Cablegram to Tnc IJi5E. | A number of persons buffering from leprosy hnvo recently been treated in this city according Wllio method employed by Dr. ICoch. The last leper who lias ro ceivcd Injections of llio lymph has been suf fering from sharp attacks of fever nt Inter vals of fiom six to eight bouts , since the remedy has been applied. The condition ol the other patients has been much improved , Sfnntor Hi'arsl's I'rlendH ( Vlnriit-d , WASHINGTON' , Jan. 8 The colleagues and friends of Senator Hearst nro much alarmoi at his continued Illness. IIo has been ill bov end weeks , and though no occasionally ral lies his condition Is not improved. Ho ro mains very weak , and tbo complaint , which Is an affection of the stomach nnd bowels , does : not jleld readily to ticatincnt. More over , ho is subject to spoils or depression thai diminish his strength , for A Child Steal-r , N. Y. . Jnn , 3. Kxcltcmcn continues In this section over the nbduotloi of thuyoungdaughtorot Grajton Dungcrfori of this city by a ( nan named Hoc J , The police and cltUens arotuardiliig for him and a to ward has been offflral for tils canturo. Noth Ing has yet been hcaAJ of the villain. Tlio Clica * Content , Ni.u Youh , Jnn , -Btelnltz and Gunsbori , plaj ed another draw today , JIIE ARROWS IN HIS QUIVER , Gladstone Will Not Go Dowu with the Loss of Homo Kiik A SHAFT MARKED DISESTABLISHMENT , \Vlint\Vlll Ui'sitltvvhon tlio Hovv-Sti-liii : Twangs Parnoll'H Droaiun Thing of the 1'iiRt Salisbury Ciinllilent , \Co\i\n \ \ \ W ivii bit Jimr * ( jmJ , < in Itcnnttt \ LONDONJun 8. [ Now York Herald Inbio-Speilnl to Tin. Kir. ] An absurd rumor vvns started yesterday , Indicating the iiinni'dliito rotiroincnt of ( . ( ladstotioftoni pubIc - Ic life , No such Intention has crossed tils nlml or ulso ho hns kept it n pro round secret from lib closest friends and supporters Ho ran not but see that homo rule is hope- : cssly discredited for the prcsotit , but 1m has other airovvs in his quiver , and if nccossnry would not hesitate to bring ono mirhcd "disestablishment , " \\hlch would nt onto mi Ho the wbolo body of non-con fonnists irouiul him and gritlfy iiino-tonths or the iboralpntt ) Ono of the most actlvo ( Jlml. stoninn supporters In tlio country assures nio th.it the Iilsli policy is togaidoil with aver- Ion bj tbo innk niul 1119 or the pirty PntilcU Turd's revelations will not Impiut : oltnc\v \ vltalit ) . Ills stntoincnt lends to the cliir Inference tluu ncousidcialilo pntt of iliofumts subscribed for tbo ovlotod ten- nits was expended liibuvlng United hulmid for William O'lirlon It hns nlwn\ boon v suspected that league funils vvoro used for Llmt purpose , but tbo i.inlc admission of tbo foot shocks nnuy nrdont Qlndstonlans. Vord's ' caustic ' ciitlclsms upon O'Hilcn nro ilso the subject of much loinmonU Tbo Inbol clapped upon Ms buck , "A prlltioal dude with n small bond , hi constant tioublo with Ids breeches , " will slide to him , but liow in the wothl uro tbo Iilsh leaden over to get over the thill-mo and discredit which they urn helping upon each othorl Thut la what Ul.ulstono nud his bilppoitors would like somcono to tell them. Salisbury will incut patliament stiongor thnn over. Wbcio uro bis focal Ilmd at work scuttling e ich others' ships. The very mention of homo nile would now exelto shouts of laughter In tbo house of commons. 'Iho stais In their couisos have foueht for the Sdtsbuiy inluistiy. Whenever tboy nmlcn mistake the IiUh ptrty fell Into ono ton times 113 ( jio.it and shielded the govern- nicnt. Salisbury Is buoyant and ovou Smith is ID Rood Spirits Cioschcn \voucd ! about hit surplns.whlch ippcnts to bo anything lint secure The rest of the ministry look on vith delight at tbo COUfaOOf OVCIltS PmiiUl has demolished homo rule nud throxjn mud lit the most of bis colleagues. The other * hnvo d tagged down Piirnoll from hh pedestal. Fold hns tuppoil all the line foituon off O'llricn.Tho nholo patty Is lolling over in the mud. Ministerialists are in ccstncloa It seems most pnmablo that Salisbury will allow this parliament to live out Its natural term , thus prolonging its existence till 1&O.I , effectually postponing , It not flnnlly disappointing , all of Gladstone's hopes and plans. A MLMIIPII op PAIHIAMIAT. Pnriiell's Movements. Dumiv , Jan. ! ) [ Spccttl Cablegram to Tun lli r. ] Mr 1'iirnell loft Dublin today for hit country soil at Avonclalo , vvlieio } t Is expected ho will remain until Monduv inorn- liiif next. Unless his nhns nro changed between - tweon now nml Mondaj Mr. I'arncll wlllloavo Avondale forUoutogno Sur Mor nt a-i early hour on Monday to tnko put in what is likely to bo the Hnal conforeneo i > etwo3ii the hish lei < lctsso fir as the question of thb IctdciMilp of the Irish pvrty Is eoncoincd. ' III I * 1UJI < IM > MtllFVNIUt. 1'wo Colntailo ( iciilloinoa 1'iosnnt a Silver Brlolcfor Cndingr. . PitiuDnmiiA , .Inn. I ) Today JudgoIInr- loy 1) . Morse and George C. Menhir of Den ver , Colo. , called nt the United States mint In this city with a brick of silver weighing flH Bounces line , presented it to the weigh ing cjerk mid demanded that It bo coined into money for them. Upon the demand being re fused they waited upon Colonel Hosbjsholl , superintendent of tlio mint , and made the srrtno demand of him Colonel liosbjshcll refused to accept a hi Ick for piivato coinage , and at their icqucst furnished a written reply , stating tbntho dccllnoil tbo Jonuind en the giound that it Is in violation of tbo laws and rotations of the mint BCH Ice to deposit - posit slh or. Tbo Coloiado gentlemen pro pose tomitkon test ease of this and curry It to the supreme court. The giouiul upon \\hlch \ they bised their demand is , thej as sert , n constitutional ono , and duties tbo right of the government to make what is known 0.1 'Seigniorage" At ptoscnt the market value ofi stlv or bullion is 10 1' cents per ounce line , vvhilu the mint vultlu of an ounce Is I'JCt.'j'j ' cants. When the government buys bullion it pays the miirktt bullion prlco and makes the difference , which h "solpnlo- raire , " botwtcn that pilco and the legal ton * der value This "solgniorapo" the gentlemen w ho presented their silver bilck at the mint today think they have as much light to a3 the government. iwii 'fin : rn tuii iiKi'intisic. Cardinal Kavlgrrieti Declaration Sane- tionod by Kronoh DlgnitiifioH , PAIII ? , Jan , a. Cardinal Lavlgerlo's doo- Inmtlon In favor of the Trench republic has received the support of the archbishops of Tours , Cornbrai and Rouen and sovor.il bishops and other clerical dignitaries. In a recent Interview with the pope Monslgnor Fuzetto , bishop of Itouon , urged thit In the interests of the church the French Cutholio clergy ought to sever all connection with the monarchial party. The monarchists , ho hold , were now powerless to conceive or found nil ) thing , whllo thny weio so far forgetting" the dictates of umiclonco as to icsorb to weapons of corruption nnd conspiracy. Ills holiness remit kid th.it the republican clery oufht to bo satisfied with tlio senti ments of Caidlnal haUgcrle's toast. Fu- zutto replied ttiat Cardinal Liiivlgorlo had struck a most fortunate blow In behalf of the tlmrt'li , which could not Identify the cnuso of icllglon with opposition to established gov ernment. Tu/etto's letter rcpdt tint , ' this In- tcrvlow In countersigned by many blfihopa mid Is tantamount to the dllliiltho subnus- bimi of a lurh'u scLtlou ofttio cleigyto icpub- liiau government. The I < atin monetary convention has boon pioloriKul luiotbur jour. ' 1 ho i'ronrh grand orient lias declined the ONertuiw nf tb'j Uernmn rieeinnsont tot closer co opcutlon of Kuropouii lodges. A New rrrnuli I'tniji , Jan. a. [ Special Cablegram to Tun iltK.JIt is oftlulally announced that n now loan of W19,003,000 , francs In perpetual throat will bo Issued January 10. The hsuo prlco will bo SWf. Slo. Hlnlno ( ilvrHjv Dinner , W\fiiiNt.ro\ . : i Secretary of Stnta ( ; .ive a dinner tonight In honor of lti and cabiueU