0 THE OMjVHA DAILY BEE : ? TJRDAY. JAlSTUAllY 3. 1801. TUP Piii'nMi ITHITI iiinifpTn THE SPIiCULATIVL MARKETS. Opening After the Delivery Hour Marked by a Good Deal of Snap. SHARP BREAK IN WHEAT IS A SURPRISE. No Good Support from Any Quarter Wlinnt Continues Aotlvu Up to the CloHO Caltlo mill JI < IK . Jnn. 2.-Hjoclal [ ) TclcKrnm Ilr.r. . ] The loir ; < l of trade inurkots npeiiuil wllli u ( treat ilcal of mirip after tliu delivery hour , Oreulu were rurnnrkiibly stinus fora. lion tlrnn mill mile * for May wt-ro m high us Uiiic for wheat , M'4 ' for corn mid over 460 for oati. I'rovlHloris ' wcro i.-atlor , with Mi.y | iork n.1111 41fIT ) to lll..r > i itirilat M.M elf to } < H5 ; rlln at IV77'/ off to | 1.T2'/4'85.7S. ' ' Tliuro WIIH A l > ro.ik of nearly 2c In what In two lioiim today citi what ftaorno'l IniuTllclcnt \ > ntir news for so slmrpn break. The mnrkot minted a fraction liltfliur with coimlilurulilo forcu nil ( I a ltirK < > voliinio of Iritilc. Thorn win aliiljo for altnotnutit when May sold ut OS ! < c toIftUc. This 'vo.s tliu top of the day. Cables worn ' , jd up for spol and futures Awl tlioinnrkol liad a liullisli tnnofnr a f w inln- utm Logan ft Co. . Irwln-Uruunr , Mitchell and Kloln rill boiuht rather freoiy , hut < .cllursliad news mill thuinitrkut , Ijcforu the half hour , vriii cnOud. DlHiintuhus hroiuhl reports of extensive ralni , wiow iunl Koticnil moisture most nccdi-U In Missouri , Kansas anil icro In the wlntor wheat conn try. I'nrd- c , nncou raitoil hy Ills recent mic'-t-i on tno bciir slilo wasilitvy : : seller. 11 u lull Ininn sold. Ruvuriil commission hoimeH were wlllntf for noiiKjhody , Thnro WIIH no outside Hiipp'irt. After n tlnio tlioru vim nci''ood JOCK mipuiirU Tlicro win iiljoul WJ.OX ) btiBlii-Udullvuiu.l bo- foie tlioopi.'iilin. and this had to ho lukuu euro of , Kxport clearances wcro oxtruinuly Unlit. Will tlio market .iMtt % unilur the Iiiitlllin ilo bear IIOWH nnd free offerings the rumor went nroiind. mill WIIH ljullovcd , tliat DotlKu will tnako u very licarhli Ntatuiucnt on the Ihial crop UHtlinuto , inakliiK It uxccod MOO.fXW.OOO biiNiiulH. Tlili was llio last wL'lKhtlu carry. Bnnill loiiK's sold out.Vlieat caino out on stop onlurrt llitouitli coiiiiulsHlon IIOIIMJI arid llio rnoro nctlvo hiillH stood from under. The prlco of May went from KHUc early to Wltti DOW lit midday. Hnjos of July woru reported from leijjo oil to V2y . The activity In wheat continue ! ! to the close , hut tliuro was no re covery of Importance. , M"ay touched IKjyit Wl'/ii ' ! and cjloiiil at IxHj'TlW.L1. July sold at M ! t ! at the bottom nnd closed attCJU' ' ' . Janu ary was ijiiotcd at KISo elf to fcs',0 ' , closing at fcft'io. Itccolpls at the four principal Hprlnz wheat markets for the wuulc woio 2,721 ears. UKalnst..VIU lait week and li : 'lllio IUIIID week lust year , ' 1 ho com market started stronR but proved very weak later. Kct-olplH were Unlit at 172 cars with only llfteen cursor contraut Rindo. dullvnrlu * woiouxci-cillnitly ll ht at hardly any IjiiHliii-H * has licon ilono In January for Homo lime , UIForlnKs fora fu'.v minutes wcro very light and Liverpool was upid on spot corn and futures. Tliu opening for May wax iLiound fiSSu , ! io over the close Wednesday anil tliu price Jumped lotvi'ie. Ilryant lie- , came a free Heller. The ciowil Mild for the re action around.'Vic. The prlco deullnud with the hroak In wheat to M'ie ' without any ma terial recovery bufnro I o'clock. There was no ! niirimjiiicnl | In coin at the close. Tliu last prices wt-ro : I'oi-.Tuiiiiiiry , 487ioj Febru ary 4Hjc ! , and May , ( flliWilit ! , or a Hhado het- tortliun tin ) low IlKiiro of the day with "OQoitrs CNtlmateil for Saturday. This roculpui forllio week will ho about 1.IIH ears , against I.TIU list : week nnd 4,0(18 ( last year at this lime. May coin puts Hold at fi''u to Wijo ; calls , 5'Jic ! to MJic. Tliuro was a IICTVOIIS fcolliiR In the o-itH traileeaily. The hullef eflHtslhat Konieonu will conliol thi ! niaikot sooneror later. The opcnlnu was at an idvanco with May at lOo nnd aalel at IQ'/iC ' almost at lliusanin moment. This was wlillu wheat and corn woru stroni ? . The hreak In the [ irlcohilor was Idnntical with that In wheat , from 4Q > 4i to 4lJu. ! The cloiu walal 4l > < ( &llVc. llellvrrloi did not ex ceed 100,000 InifiliulH , and tills wan a fealuru of the eai l.vHtreujrtli. Nominal prices for other itiiiutliH wnrii : . .January.4IJ > 4olo4Jlfo ! to4Q < { o to lie : 1'i'hriiury. 4'IUu tn4'IV4u to ll o to f.'a. Thu receipts were llt-lit. Trices weio lu ll neneod hy oilier tniirkolfl nnd hy the sullhiB ontof bought stuff hy llntcltlns'in. It hits Iji'iiii fully doniiinstrated In the past fuw days that the paeUom were condiictlni ; tlie provision market to stilt themselves. They colehrated the npcnlriv of btislnoHS for 18UI hy HcllliiK incFs pork nlf itliuut USe a liairel and dciirculn ' other pro'luct.s ' In iirntiortlon. The provision market opened heavy and at BllKlit deellnos. It was on "call" that Cudaliy , Armour Ac Co. , Allitr- ton nnd otlior packing companies noli ! pork In cruatquantities. Leadlm ; houses wiirn uredltod wltli salt-H of 4,000 to(1,00) ( bar- ruls each und Ilax tor sold out homo 'J.uoo hiir- ridinf Hluir. Deliveries of pork weie mild to bo from HVKXi to 40,0 0 barrels and hinl W.i'W ' ) to : wWX ) tluri'iii. Hlln weio Ilwht. The esti mate on Rtooks wlileli will ho public tomorrow wiiH )0KiOliHrrelB ) ( rif pork. llu.OJO tlurciis lard nnd ptirhaiis M.ODO.ttX ) iionnds of ribs , l.ard at Now Vork was estimated at. Vx0 ) ( ; tlorres. Mess pork Hold fur May at 111.10 to tll.Wtt. clinhiK heavy at thn bottom. January closed nl IO.to. : I'obruarv at ilO.I. ' . . .May lar.f . sold at lfl.MtoM.Il. ( January was at JW,4 to f.VSO , I'ehrnary otosoil tit i.ll'i. ' Man h ntHI'J'i. ' Itlhswoio otr to fin for January , and S3.0JS4 f rom 8.r7U enrlj wan for May. AfJO l.lt'K HTHVIt. OIIIOAOO , Jan. 2.-Special [ Telegram to TUB UEC. ) OATTi.K-llusliieus was active and prices Rtronx to a Hhado hlxhoron overythln In the fntcattli ) line , lint tlniro vus no Iminovemcnt of notu In HID ordlnarv iindiHlrahlu class of BO-callcd fat Htnei-H. Ilutcher stock Is Rolling lujjlier tliiin last week , as are UHO | sloirkurii , which fur a day or two have been Buarco. Tlio folIowlnK am the cur rent price forthu Muck named : Extra. I.IIOO to l.SOO lux. , t3.00Q5.2S ; prime expert , tI.T.VfJl.Oi ) . ItoiiKli export waH atil.IOQI.4iJ ; KOOI ! toeholce , 1XIQ U ) 1.500 Ibs. , I.IOt.lH ; medium to Kood. 1,150 toxa \ Ihs. . fl.75I.W ; common , I.ttV ) to l,4J01bs , Jl. .vai.75. Kat pony , smooth , 1,100 to 1,1110 , was ut * l.0 : > r ! > l 15. uholco heifers were at t'.iSfti.X : ( ) . I'oortOKooil cows , 800 to I.O.V ) lljs. , wcroati.H ( > a2.53 : poor to KOIM ! bulls , 000 to 1,5001IH. , tl..ViJ2.00i choice bulls , J.&jO to'.ooi ) HIM. , L .wviii.r : > Oi stock Htnors.rrom nee to see ib.s. , ia.UKaa.'iOt ( fi-edlnt ? HtniirM. .V ) to llWllis. , JS. U.Mi voalealves. 1M ) to law \ \ > H , , were at ji. : 0.01 ; nilleli cows , iierheiul , $ l , * > .OiXitli.iO. ! ( llodHIlimlncss was aellvi'.wlth uiliiwn turn of fiiclno us compared wlthlho oponliiK prices of Thursday , yet toward Ilio clese , on aei-oiint of a falling nlf In oaily ostlmutcx , there was a Improvement , hut Urn creat bulk suld IUO. Nr.w YOIIK , Jnn. 2. [ Special Tnlogriim to Tun HIR. ] Tlio uutlon In Mocks wan fotnowhal odiHtirprlsu huforo the day was Imlf ROIIO. The tonn of lh advlcui latu Wednesday oniist-il the licllof Hint n cool bull market would IH ) foil nil at tlin opening today. 11 was qnllu ttiuruvurso und all trailing o ( tlio first hour win ( llscnu raKln to tliu bulls. Then when It lookoil ilarkust the lido lurnt-d anil prli'us vruro onn-lod up on u bony.in t miirkut. Thoflrxt urli-ri worn almost nil lowur unil Josses from Woilnuidny's Until 11''iiros ' ruliirnnd to ? i purcont. Those concosiloiiHvuro fol lowed by rurthor ( loollnOH In ull ncllvo H looks , allhougii the tmsiit ! > 3s tlonu witsqtiltu limited , mid outslilo of tlio usual halt do/.en Htoclis llttlo Biilinullon wn shown , LouUvlllo .t Nnshrlllo was ilio loader of the downward move , HCorliiK a lois from \Voilnusdny's jirlco of IK porccnt , Other losers , In which I.aoka- waiinii was tlio mostproiiilnont. . lost fno- llonnal umount.i. Tlio list dovolopcd a bciior tone Inter In Ilio hour , but tlioro was iioniu- tiTlul Iinprovoiiionl In prices , and at II o'clock tlio nutrkot WIIH dull. Durlni ; the hour to noon Sugar Ituct-ljits turned tip from .Vl'i toM ; J.oulBvlllo , from 71V to 72. % i I.nku Shore , from Jl.OflSi to fl.07U | Northern 1'a- olQo proforivd , 03(4 ( to C47i ; AtohUon , I8H to Llit ) IlurlliiRton , SOU to DO ; Hock lulnnd. QM lo7U ? § ' : til. l'nul3V to Slti ; Missouri I'nclQo , WVt to Civil Union t'lU'lflo 'J'ito ) CJlit Lackiiwiiiuiu , llll to itlU : ! Itead- lugr.'Vi ; insss. Silver nno to ins , but did not hoUl linn. The position of Ilio stockM U U > - coinliiK itHtroiiKoniMMKl the notion tinlny WHS very KratlfyliiK to tlio ulosc. I'rluoi continued to iiilvnncn almost to tlio oml. nnd nftur t > n- tlrt'ly iwovetliiK from tliu early lU'prosslon , Very fair not itulus were rocortlod , l.uld , Hhuro wwil up lo lOi , Liickwuuun to l JJi , followed all stock * Minvrlntt any activity , flrancors wore tip ' ) to ? i nil around. Hales were IW.WI hare * . T ho following wcro the oiovn quotations ! SiTrr ; dliir . 121 y.Nortliorn I'jdtlo . . . t\f \ J. H 11 con [ ins. . , . | yj ' ii > i > r"fVrre'l ' . < i.M < M. l& < rivular. . lui'f. ) ' A N. W . 1 H J.H ( H < c.ui"ini . . .IUIMI do | irefctrcl . . . . . US 'nrinctis of . . . . IOJ , .Ve Vurk Central. . IW i-ntrsll'ndno . 29 I1. . I ) . AK . li Alton . 134 Hock Inland . 7t/ Iliirllnxton IC.M.\yt I1. . . . . . . . fIU A ( Julnnr . COS ilopiofi-rr l . .IM II. . LA V ? . t ! ( St. I'nul ' XOmilm . . . 21 Illnoli Ccntrnl . WAI ilonrfforrc'l . 71 HAW . Union rncHlo ( nnifit A-TciHf 13V.St. . l > . A I' . _ . do ( in-forrM 17 MlrMvnn Ontrnl. . . WJV Mlon Union 77H llyoutl I'acllli.- illilK ( ilhr MONKV On call , close : clutod offered at 2 > cr cent. I'HIUK MKHCANTtt.E I'AIT.H 7JW Bt'f TWlt , HTLIIMNII KxciiANOK-Quloti wtrotiKer sixty- day blllb , 11,70 ; deniund , tl.fc. . The Wool Hono.i , Jan. 2. [ Special Tulejir.irn to TUB IKK.J Tlio stock of wool on hand lnro ariimry 1. In tlio dualerV control , VIM I.Ki'iM't pounds of domestic nnd 3,1'Tl.IXiO , totiniNof foreign , iijralnnt ! I,30I,000 iiotinds of lorni'sllo and 5,410.000 pound * of foreign a yi-iir IKO. Tlio Mock In bonded warehouses Is eon- Idi.-rably smaller than It wni last yoar. J ho Null's for HID year show nn In- CM-HSU of nearly ZViOo.W ) pounds. The re- col tits of domestic Inno licun larucr Hid tliono of fotc-litti lluhtfir. Statistically. : lie position Is Alfonxur. The transactions of ho weiik , ainountlnu Inl''I'.fWO pounds of all .trills , liiivii IIDPII nt full prlrix. The miles In clude Ohio X nUI''k ' ) and XX and ubnvis at EWfr'llc. MlehltruiiX af-lh-nnil Mlchlcun No. I il' ' ' . CoiiihliiK unildolaliiulli-fcea arescarco UK ! Hun. No. I comliliitf Is sullliii at JO'&l''c ' , Jlilo line dolaliin at Ilfl1l.i7e and Mi-hlK"ri | llnu lolalno at Jllc. Territory uo > ) l > < liavo been In Hood doiiiiitid , Ilti Hilllti' ! { at fi'i iK'Ino tno- Hun ) al fi'fit'iOi1 and niedliim al MV/i" ' . Tnas , California and Oregon wools , h-ivo liuon rinlot , ; Niall lolHonly of tiulloil wool aru fculllnt , ' orolKn wools liavu beun firm. Nr.w YOHK , Jim. 2.-lSpcclal TolcRrum to Tlir. EK 1-Tho followlii ; are the mining lock quotations : Atnmlor ion IOjilr | ) -.VJ , \xpen .VrO I'lyiiiollth 100 Jon , Cnl. , V Vu VII Sfivaio NO loinestnke WXJ SlerriiNuvaila I Horn Silver VTA HlnnilHnl IUJ exican < Union Cuti 12J Untnrlo \iHI \ Tlio CitfTno Nr.w VOIIK , Jan. a. [ Special Telegram to TIIK IlKi.l ( 'olTeo Options ripunu , ! steady and monan cd t > > 5 points down ; closing steady , R Hilnls down to 10 points up , Kales. R..VW ba s , nclndln January. IIC.-'uiiM. " > ; February , J.VHI ; Mnirh. jiri.I.VSii..V ) ; May.J5. | . .Spot do. quiet and steady ; 'falr curjtoet , JIO.IU ; No. ' - ' vn o n vai : .11 .tit it K-I s. CillCAflo , Jan. 2. I p. in. closnVhoat Stoudy : cash. M"c ; .May , IKJlJo ; July , WUo' ( Jorii-fli-iulyi cash , Hlji-i .May , ( Uo. Oats li'lrm ; cash , 4IW4li- ! . I'ork Dull ; cash. . IO.r > ; new May.lit. hard Slow ; cash , fi.f)0 ) ; May , J .l0.12'i. ! Hliort Klljs-Doll ; cash , iJ.UJ : May , Vt.'KVi'Z ' 5.fi-i. Ityo Sti-ndy ( il Olo. Ilarlov rinn al 7UJ4nc. 1'rlmo Tlniolhv Kasy at JI.2I. riax Klrni utfl.15. WhlskvI.14 Flour -UiiL-hanuod ; sprItup.ilonH.tl.VUr ( ) . ( )0 ! winter pdli-iils , ? l.7''i.ri.ibakers' ' ) ' ) ; , Jl.IWiOI.OO. . Hulk Meat * -Hhoiililnrs , tt.'M'AL'M ; Hliort clo.'ir , ( . * > . . ' 10p.Ti ( ; bliort ribs , } l. "u4V03. Hiittor Unchaasod ; cieamory , IMiSToi lalrv , I.Vfl'JIc. KKM UnchaiiRcd : fresh , 2I5J72C. Ohi'oio Uni'hniiKuil ; full urisain olioildars iWJUo : llalB , Oii'aiOo ' ! Votinj ; Atnorlcas , lUU 10" < ! . Hides Unchanepd ; heavy nnri ll''lit Rrcon uniti-il , flOi ffroon , Ift'Ji-isailed buIIhlilcs , 4Vi j itriii'iiHiiltuil , nit'it'u : dry Hint , Me ; drys'iltol ililus. r/itt o ; dry calf. SftfM ; di-auons. ouch. - " > . Tiillnw Uiiuimngod ; No. I , build paokud , 4 ? aie ; No. 2.ia'i.onkn. ; ! ; . 4U . Ituci'lpli. Hhlpmniitfi. I'lonr , lilJls (1.0'W ( ' 10i03 ( wiiiint , bu 21,000 IH.OOO Corn , Im 0" > ,000 llt',000 Oats , liu ( W.003 15VJOO Nr.w YOIIK. Jim 2. Wheat Ilc'celpls , 4.MJ liiisliclH ; exports , none ; sjiot ' 20 lower ; No. J rod , (1.0'l'j In clovalor ; .11.0'i'i alloat ; II.04S ft.MV ! , t. o. ) > . ; options onencd Hlronit. but closwi weak at Ift-'c lowur , .So. I ! red , January , Corn HocolpiN , & 9.fO ) liuslii-ls ; exports , 2,100 ; Kpotolusud wuiikcr ; No. ' . ' , Main rlovntori GO ® WYo alloal ; uiiKradod mlxud. .I'iJ'a'ilo ' ; op- lions unchanged to lower. January olosliiK at W/ic. Oals-lJccolpln. 32,000 bushels : exports , COO : spot weaker ; No. 'J whltu , Wi CiIo ; mixed wtjHlorn. WJu ; wlilto vnsnt < iinWitMs ; options woaker. January closing at 49'ju. ' Huunr Kv , Hteadyi rollnof Btcady ; pow- dcrol , O.-f-lfc. I'otroloum United closed for 1'obruary at 72'ii- . K irsMriii ; western , 'Jw3''c. ! * ' ' I'ork Kasynow ; mess. Jll.rJtl2.00. . Lard \Vuak ami nulel ; weslurn stonrn , W.20 1)1(1. Htittnr Kasys wostorndalry , ll'JiSOc ' ; crcatn- erv. IDit-H'/ic ; Klitlri , uni 'JU'/ic. ' C'houuo I'lrm ; ll ht iUlum , 4'/i'SOic. ? ST. fjOUis , Jan. 8. Wheat Lower ; cash , Ol'/c ; May , 'jfi'ic. Corn Lower ; cash , 47'io : May. 49'J' ' < i49 > { c. OiitH IrrcKUIiir : ciisli , 4'J u ; .May , 445(0. ( I'ork-Steady at tlO.j7'/aiO.M. : ' Lard Steady at& . ( < 5. Whisky -Hi tiady. Hutter Steady ; dairy , OU''lc ' : creamery , 23 a-7c. . , Jim. 2-Wlir-at Oooil demand forHpot wheat and lil'-'lier. llecisliits. twoitiiyx , MJ cars ; hhlpments , 2JO ears. ( Jloslir : No. I hard , January , UOlic ; on tratl : < . 01 lie ; No. 1 northern. ' January. Hfi'ic ' ; I'tiliriiary , M'An ; May , Kl > e ; on traok , hi'c ; No. 2 northern , January. PH ; on track , hSc. KANSAH ( Jirv. Jan. 2. Whoat-Qulets No. 2 hard , cash and January , Wo bid ; No.'Jrcd , cash , 87e bid. Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 10 ? c bid ; J titulary , 47.ic. ! ( Juts-Kasy ; Xo. 2 cash , 4'l ? o bid ; January , MII.WAUKKK , Jan. 2. Wheat Easy ; No. S HprhiK , eash , SVlWo ; M ay , 'JOJifS'jOVlo. Corn -l-'h m ; No. : i. 49 ! . Onts-J-'Irnii Nn. 2 while , Mfc Provisions ICasyj pork , M.iy , ill. 15. CINCINNATI , Jan. 2. Wheat Kaslcrj No. 8 n I.WU ! 7c. Corn -I'l run No. 2 mixed. WIJo. Oats HtronKer ; No. 2 mixed , 4lc , WhIsky-Jl.ll. _ LlVKiil'OOU Jan. ' . ' . Wliouf-PIrm : demand Improving ; red western spring , TH'Wcfc'shd. ( Join .StioiiK ; demand Kooilj mixed western , Ss 5id ? per cental. ftll'K NTttt'll. OniCAOO. Jan. 2. Oattlo-Itecolpts , 0,090 ; market netlve. htioiiK and hlu'hor ; meilluin to ext ni. Jl.omfi.v.'i ; eoinmon , * : i.'i < fc.'l.75 ; coivs and bulls , l.r.'Wl.ou ' : stookers , li'iVfyno. lloxs Heeelpts. IW.OOO ; mnrktit active and lower ; miiKD anil common light mixed , ( . 'I.45T6 : i..V , : fair toKOOil nilxi'di.tixf6l.70 : ( ; iirliiieheavy and butchera' wolKhU , > .l.0 .i.bj ; llKht , ( -'I.M .SheepHccolpn. . 4,010 ; market ncttvo and hlKher ; natlvoi , ti.lJQ4 : ( > U ; wi-HleniH , Jl. j'iJ 4.O ; Tuxnns. tl.OOCU.4' ' ) ; hi nibs , i.VUO'UU.IS , ST. l.otim. Jan. - . Oatlln-Uocelpts , l.'jna lioad ; Klilpiuonls , Itx ) huail ; marUot utixtdy ; lair to fnnuy initlru steers , Jl.UOifiVlU ; blouUuu anil feudi-rs , ? -Kil.i'J. ( ) : lloss Koralpts , 0IW ) lipail ; shlniuunts , 0 * ) head niarknl .sloiv J.l.5-yiii"0 ; ; heavy , ; nilxt-d , ' ' - ' - ' " 3 ; llv'hl , KANB\H OITV , Jan. 2.-Oaltlo Uocolnti , 2.0W head ; tdilpmcinti , KW head ! niaikot hlzhori Kti-tirs , f I.'inw > .l0i cows , t.oiiiw.ro ) ; ktoohemani feeders , it'.OM&'l.to. Moss Itojolpts lO.H'Whoactishlpmouts , none ; market higher ; all grades , O.JIAII.I .n. O.MIIA. Jan. 2.1Snt. OATTI.K Kstlmutcd rot-olulsiw cars as com pared with f > 7H yesterday and 4-'l" P'rlday of last week. Tln > market was active and stronu on beuvi's and butehcr xlouk , Keeilor.s are In deiiiand at steady prices. lions Intimated receipts of heirs 2.nno , as compare.1 with ) , II ytntor.lay and 157 Krlcluy of last week. Thu market opened active am stronc , oloshiK weak with all Hold early. The ranuu of the prices paid was KU'U&VM , tliu bulk soiling ut rMO&UU. I'lKs. JI.OOftS.B3l lluht W00 < ai.40 ; houvy. il..wai.70i mixed , HMMtlM. The uvorncn of tlio prices paid was M.45 ? as compared with Hl3Vi yubturday and * .l.4iy : I'rlday of last week. HilKBi1 Natives , W.MiJl.S'J ' ! woatorusi.0oa } 4,25. DNpnglllon of Ktook. ShowliiK the niimbor of head of stock pur chased on this market as reported by tliu WHlahtinasturof tlio tituukyunU com puny for January ' . ' : CATTLE. IluycrB. No Swlft.VCo 2Ja Tno 0. 11. Hammond piioklnk'company. . . . M The C'udaliy paekliiR company li ; Oniiiha imoklnp comjiany i : I.eo ItnlliMihlld „ ai NeU Morris ? : ou Shippers and feedorn , , 11' IIIXH. ThoOudahy paeklnt ; i-ompany l.reiS Omaha puokliiK company , . , , , M' Hwlft&Co. „ JBI The O , II. Hammond packlni ; coiiipuny. , , 42 : uud fccJcra u Itcpi-cHontntlvo Hnlos. BTiiiis. : : No.Ar. I'r. No. Av , I'r. No Av. I'r. 4 712 12 00 1 lowj M 40 40. 1104 ( I 10 IU KS4 rf 00 1 I41K ) II WJ : tU. II WJ 4 13 4 li is : i sn 21 .tie. aw : u 1470 t.'w 4 M40 a s n lavj a no f..nnt } 4:10 : 20 U7o : i 2.1 i . iios : : i HO aj..ic : 440 7. . H a10 17 ii.vj a bt > STKEIIS AND IIKIfKltS. 15. . 1133 3 tO q COWS. i..ltoo lee i .IOTIO t M 2 .I2ai 220 6 . HIS 140 10. . ( W 173 2..1IIO 32T. 1 .1HW I MJ JI. . 712 IK ) U.- . . . 8Sfl 2'IO 1 .1110 1 M 1. . M 200 li. . Nil 2IKJ 2 .ItO ) I M 1..I070 20T 10. . MW 240 a . ten i no i , KXo 2 io t ) , inn 210 1.1.807ta 6. . 700 200 1C. , fell S45 2..H > v ) 100 r.iiw : 210 ia. . uia ssn I..1IWJ I K > ! . . 774 2 l.'i III. . Oil iM 1..I170 175 fi..l01l 215 43. . 0.5 2W 1..1100 173 22. . 7.V ) 220 O..iai3 273 IIIM.I.S. 0. . 1.170 175 1. . Kn 2 fX ) 3. .law 22T 1 .ir.i : : i b3 i. i..io 2 10 I..IT--O ; ' : I..12.-0 1 S3 1..1X10 2 10 1..I40) 253 1. I ICO 200 1..17JO 210 1..I210 280 HTOCKRHS AMI rBCDKItS. S. . 77S 2 10 1. . 610 2 50 5. . 000 283 I. b70 2 0 WII.KElia AND SI'IIIMIUIIS. 1 milker . ! IC CAI.VKS , 27. . 310 183 1. . 100 303 1. . 17J 423 COW AND MUM * 2. . 1020 1 75 COWHANU HCmillS. 23. . O."l 2 M IIKIKEII.H. I. . 1070 2 73 uoas. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av.Sh. Pr. 07 . Itt 20) ) 'I 10 C3 . BJi 200 3f-0 iff . tut 210 a : n 7H . 217 so : ir 3 100 . If/I 40 a 2) ) Kl . 'JIO 80 3.VJ 7U . 17 ! ) M 't 23 ! { ( .7 . 2lll bO HBO 81 . 17:1 : 210 ! l V5 43 . 'J < ,0 a DO tj. . . .mi I'M a 2.1 7s . 2:0 210 aw ll.i . 177 : i M ( -0 . 212 40 35."i 77 . . . ,2.'H - a 27) ) { C3 . 2--fl 35.1 hi . ni 120 a wi r.i.KM 40 s.v. M . 17 ! ) - a .r , i . 2112 i-'o ass 101. . . .i ! > i M a : n GO . ail 200 : iB7M 7U . 213 U-0 a 'li 70 . 2711 30 3B7'/ a . 41:1 : 40 a 37 > j iw . ma 210 ar ii tfi . 213 400 340 f.'J . : 21 toim \ 71 ! . KB 2hO 340 fil . IIM 40 .100 7:1 : . . . iw ! jo a 40 t'j . : r.'i M ) a co 8- ' . ' . ' 01 iw a 10 & 7 . : ioa 120 : ice 78 . 1'JI - 340 4i : . 2UI 200 , 'ICO 21 . SH 40 345 Or . 2.-.7 40 3 m M . 20 $ 120 3 41 t5 . 2fifl 100 3ZJ ( Ji . an 40 3 1.1 C2 . : a bo ais ri' . ' . 2SI 1IX ) a 4.1 43 . . . .400 370 70 . 2J3 200 3 50 63 . 349 fcO 370 1'IOB AND HOUdll , 10. . . . Ill 1 M C . 03 275 10 . UO 1 CO KIIKEP. No. AT. I'r. lfe.i wostoro , owes . 100 4 CO OSIAII.l WHOLKtiM.Ji .UAlttiKTN. OroiJorleH. CAN.VEII I'liuiTR-C'alKnrnla-Aprlcots , ! 2.rw 2.40 ; | ioiivliis. ! ? 2.7.r.'U.- ) ; pnars , J..Vjii'.70 ( ! crapes , Sl.8.V < il > j ; elierrle.Hwhile , tiMfo 2.7."i ; eherrles. block , { 2.2.Vt2.riO ; riulnceH , 8 .00 ; blackberries. ta.B.1 ; raspberries. J.'I.OO ; Mtrawherrles , U.tW ; curraiitH , jL'.2i ( ; Koosulier- rlcs , ta.2.1 ; iiliiniH. vtp. ? l.h.VSJl.j ! ; plums , L'reon II.DOQI.09. KiiHturn canned fruit H , Hiicond.H. H.0 ! i2.W : ; UDplos , 3-lb , tl.10 ; Kid , ' /4 doIn case , ! 3.4u ; Koo tlerrles. llnltl- moio standard , 2-11) ) , 11.101 ittrawbtjeiles , ! ! . ' r > ; raspberries. ) ll' ' > ; liluelicrrlcn , fl.wi : ; red riiNji- berrle.s , ! I..VJ ; blackberrleB. J1.IO ; eherrles , Jl.2,1 < & ! . ( ; iilneapnlns , hllcod.lt. ' fsti , 10. MOI.AMB4--IIII1H N. O. fancy , per Rnl , 403 4cci choice , 4M4' { > cKood,2 ; aWc : ; Cuba , baking , 2./iJ.Oo ( ; blackstrap , iwiiiiie ; syrup. 70 Krudo. bulii , SCO ! M Ml. aaci 4-Rul l < i'K , II.2I2Kiil kltts , 07c. Si'OAii-Granulatcd , OKc ; cubot , oio ; ; nut loaf , 7tc ! ; powdered , ntiinditnl , OJic ; XXXX jiOHditrcil , 7iio ; yellow 0 , r > ci canary , Wio ; llKht extra O , fiJiliGc ; eonfeetlonerV A , ti'ic. OI.IVKS Qinirts , per clo < , $4.1)0 ) : pints perdoz. 52..W ; bulk , per irnl 11.20. Olive oil , \i \ pints , 2 dopi > rciiHe , ll.riOUS.'JO. TWINKS , CoiiDAdi : , HTC Cotton twlno "Illbb. " very line , ' 4-lb bales. 23oj cotton twine XX brand. U-lb bales , IBi'i lienin twlno , H-lh bales. Ihc ; Halt twine , 20e ; canillu wick. 2-'c ; 40-foot cotton clothes lines , 91.40' 00-foot cotton clothes lliiep , * I.O. > ; ( > 0-fuot hlsal llne.s * l.7.1 { 00-foot Jutu , ) l.b5 ; wool twines , 8'ic. ' H nllla rene All sl/.es from 7Hi to 1 In , llci.nlsw rope , all Hl/ci from 7-IG to 1 In , He ; "no- proccHbCH. " nil .sl/.es from 7-10 to 1 In , 7 > Jc ; cot. ton rope , H In , Hie. t'HKiwii-R 0. twin flats , per In. lie ; I' . O. Yonn Ann-rlea , ll'/ic ' ; domeHtlc Swiss , 15'io ' ; biluk. lie ; Ivhim. in foil , caoh. } 1.X ) , Apulocldor , 10e ; dnubloelder.lSoi wlilto wlno , Ivc ; trlnlo struiiKtli , 1'Jc , STAHCII I'urlu. cwtc. PlCKi.es-Mcilliiin , bblfl , 18.00 ; Binall , 110.00 ; gherkins. SI1.W ) ; Hoslon mixed. Slvi.OJ , HICK JavaCc ; choice , Cc : fancy , Oc ; Iicad , O.Uc. ClliRH-I'orubl , refined , M.fJO ; half bbl. I.T.JO ; lianl elder , pure , per bbl , } . " > . 0 ; oruniso elder , half bbl , M.W ) ; pear elder , half hhl , W.TO. JHIKI ) ) KHWTH Turkish prunes , iet.s llian hlids , 1 89 , Be ; apples , ovaporatcd , now ring cliolci ; , 14',4c ' ; uprleols , fancy. In Hacks , Ill'/io ' ; blackhurrluK , now. Do ; raspberries , ! Q His to box , .Kiv currants , now , MJo ; Votl//.acurrnnlH. extra. In boxes , lilies poanhcs , Uula. , cholco , 17io ! ; California dried grapes , In baKS. Uo ; Hu ° dloss Sultanas , sucks , 10ic ! ; intibcatols. 8H I now Valenc-lii.Kc ; Unilura layer , Oc ; lliM , layers , 14&Muu ; citron , Leghorn , 'My lemon peel , I.r > c. JlAi-i.K SUOAH I'er lb-5c cakes , .10-lb boxes , lllc ; KJccakoH. IlO-lb hoxcs , IBiJc ; 1-lh bricks , U3 Ibs In box , pure , He. Hitoo.MS-'i-tlo parlor. J3.0D ; 4-tlo. t2.7.r ; 3-Uo J2.2.1 ; a-tlo , plain , Jl fcO : warehouse , 13.00 ; loy , 3U'A ; whisk , Ji.OuiTtl. ' . bOAi'-C'astlle. inotlled , per Ib , I0c ; do wlillis. peril ) . lie ; laundry boap , per 100 bais , ! : u. . < 3 > fj.Oi ) ; HhnvliiK wap , WWi.io pnriloz ; toilet soap , ; ) cakes pi-r box , piirdo ? , Vc$2. ) ) ' . > .25. NUTH I'or II ) Almondi , IMe ; Ilruzlls , 2Ioj fll- Ix-rts. iic : ; | ) OcaiiH , li oiK'i walnuts , IPo ; poa- nilts , fancy wlilto , 81ronitid ; , lOc. KAI.T Dairy , 280 Ibs In lihls. liullc. 12.10 ; licwt Kradc , ( Wfts , i-VEl ; best Kradu. IWII.s. J..40i bust Krade , 2S 10H , K.Ki ; rock salt , vru4lu-il.t2.in , SODA I'ackii eH , CO Ibs to box , 5 , ' c ; ke 'H HAI.SODA KCKH , ITjc per lb ; bbis , 15c { , fe'ranu- lated , 10)11) ) boxes'c. CANNIID VIIIIKTAIII.KH Tomatoes 3-lh , 11.00 Gil.lo. C'orn Very line , JI.'iVBI.ii. ' , ; 2-lb mik'ar. il.l'i : " -ill Hliindard wi'slorn brands , tl.10 , AlimfirooiiiH I-ll ) rroni'h , lixtra line , iSfitiSoi 1-lb Krencli , line , IB-ri'--'o ! 1-lb Frenoli , indl- nary. ICOIHc. l'oas-2-lb early June , tl.tTiiii-lb .Marrow , Htandanl brands , tl.10 ; > ' -lli soaked , TOi.I'rencli peas I'ur uaso of I0 ( ) . 11 .fiftb'.OO Hiring bi-ans-'J-lb hlKh Krade , OOc2-lhwiLX ; beiiriH. K"io--Hi ; string beans. Kile. Ilma beans 2-lb Miaked.Mu. Iloslon baked beans ! Hb , SI.3.VfklVi ( , hwi'dt jHitatoeBIllb New .lersoy , tl.Ul ; : i-lbokra and toniatoii.M. ( ! , ( ; . ' 1-lb okra , fl.oil ; asp.iraiius , : i-lh. Ju > ' /it.i.7."i : ; rliubarb , U-lb. 11M ; HiiccdliiHh , 1\'Mfl.Z' \ > . HAKINO I'owtiKit Itoynl , d linn cans , pordoz. We ; ' 4-llicans , 1.45lbcaris ; ' , ! 2.Hj ( l-lhciiim , i.r > .W ) ; I'rlcii'Hilliiiucans. IWo ; K-lb CIIIIH , il.ir : > ; ! i Ib CKIIS , S'--.V ) ; 1-lb cans , ( -1.73 ; other kinds , 1-lb eans , Derilo.ii'l. | ( . " > . WitAi-riNfj 1'Ai'Kii I'urlli , best straw , 1.1x18 toi2xll : , ITic ; dry KoodH , 44o ; extra iiialily. | nianlllaiHe ( ; nianlllii ten , l xli ! , Uu ; dark ra , hardware , i- c , I'AiiiNAUKot'H OOOIIH Ilarley , 4c ; farina. keiH ; , * . " , . (4) ( ) ; npllt peas , lie ) Kri-on IIIMIB , 2u ; ( int- muiil , bids. l',2Viip ' ! ( ) > ) ; half lulls , i.'l..Wti.r.O : ; inaearonl , l-e ; vernilculll , 12o ; unco and laplo- eii , f/fWiiie ; Lima beans , 6Uo ; eeruallnu , M.VII ; linked hmnlny , : i4c ! , OILS ISO tirlinu wlilto , Olio ; I Hi water wlilti ) . lliic ; hcailllidil , lllo ; 74 Kauollne. It'ic. ' Oil ' I , UW&IM ; 2 gal , tl.7.vai.Wi " . TOIIACCO I'lno cut , per 11) , 'iVV,7.1c | ! plnit , 22 r'bo ; binokliiK , ' . " 'ffliCIe ; fancy brandu , UJc < Zi , SI. 60. CorFKE-Oreon Itlo , 2Jl2lo | Java. 27ci Mocha. 28o. Itoasled - AroHla , 2'e ; Ilnnola , 2.1u ; ( jerni'in , 2l ci Dllhvorlli'H , Vl'io : I. Ion , 2'ie ; Mullponth. Ulu ; fjordovla , 2.1c ; Mocha , 'lie ; t < . (1. Java , it'o. ' Colfco KHV-IIUO yt KIO. boxes , tl.il.Vu.l.fiO . ; ehlclcory , THttHVic. TKAS Jiipiui , basket Hied , 2uU.V > e ; nun dried. xreen. 'jori&uoi KUtipowder , 2Wt'iOo ; Knu'llsh broakfiiHt , 3.VT67.1C1 VniuiK llyHon , 2-Kffc Oo ; Oolong. M645o ; 2-IbpackiiKe ilnst. liu. CANDY -Mixed , : Mb palls , blJ'&SJie ; stlek. Bi-iu ; twist stick , Oc ; I'rcneli inlted , Kllic ; hoar- hound sllok , hlie ; Jur and case oandlos , 5-lb bokiiH , If/iV.'lo ; extra line uoods , Vi'Kiua. Axi.K tlanAHE I'or ' urosH-IVazkr'n lurio tins , J'fJ.W ) ; medium tins. K'T.UUf stuall , 8I5.UO ; other million , wood , M..r X S.5'J. Country I'roducn. OA.MHItabblts nrelhoonly Ramnln Reason thnt arocaintn to tliln inarkei , and thuv are Moplunly as to be almost unsalable JuekH Tveroollcred at tl.OO per do/en , and oven at that price It was linposaililo to c'ose them all out. Hinall rabbits slow at 4 ( > ii.0o. POUMIIV Dressed poultry of allklndB.and chickens especially , woio In Unlit supply. Tlio niarkut wan linn. Chickens , CiiUo ; guebo anil < lui > UH. Oilllu ! liirkoyH. IWllc. KciflH The market Is very weak on account of the lartjo reeolpts and while the bulk In btlll uniting at20o MIIIIO aioiiolnit at lUe. IIUTTKlt The niarkot remains about steady. Seluet country rolls , l.vftiiJo ; oed eountry rollK , 123l3o ; Infiirlnr , 7WIOo ; cholcoilalry , 10 tol'o ; good creiiinory , 2W.3o : ; fancy , 20o. CAniiAtn : Perorate , } 2..10 , I'OTATOK.S Iliiiuu Brown Block , 11.00(31.10 ( ; Colorado. * l.l.Vi4l.20. ONiONM-Uholeo utook , tl.l 01.50 ; Spaidsb , Jl.WJtl 0) ) porcr.ito. IliMiiiAini SgiJAHiiI'urdoz. . JI.2.VT1I.M. S\VIIT \ ; : ruTAioui-Uliolcu btouk , tl.03QI.50 per lib ) . CKI.KUV Choice stoek. 4) ) < a . ' > o. HiiTAii.uiAH-SoinoohoIco Michigan stock la BelilllK iit > a < rH ) perhUHliel. l.KTTt'Cl : Oliok-o StOOlf , ) OO. 1'Atisr.Kr Kri-sb Htock , 40o. I'Aiisxil-s I'er bbls , M.S , llKKTtf-rorbu. JI.2.1. I'Uh , I < ako Silver horrliiK , < " ! perch round , flu ; pert-h , dressed and scaled , bu ! plekutel , round , he ; steak trout , HO ; trout , oholce. ( k''perfect ; white Hull , Do ; pluo , louuU , Do ; ktrlppud tabu , - - - - trr-- | cropili | > . IV i hliH U ba s , ISo. Hen t'ml , tnnrkct.'ci haddocV , < fK-j unicllt. lOci lloniid- cr , l.o ) ! ted snapper. t4o ; blui < flih. IV : hali but , 17c ! lobsters. ' I'M ' ; ccln , loj Columbia rlvrrnalinon , | sct tKiicMcrol. lurife , ench.fie ; shrlmpH , per KiU , I.M | callous , per gal , tl.ttlt I'n PTIIA wnr.iinir. . < - I'er box. 2 : TANflF.IIIM'.H-IVr l ) t , $4.60. C'HANiiKlllllKit-rtiiicy C'apo Cod , J2.00 ! < ai3.M. Afri.rH-Tho Miipnly l < ntnall and cholco block IH In-Ill very hhtn. Jl.OOtW.tfl. OHAi'EiSome voryehoico concords , held In cold Rtorauo , i.rn bi-lnit put upon the market ut G."i&70o per 10-lb b.iHkctH. MalaRii , J0..ii UAI.IPOHNIA I'KAiis-LarKO anil fancy | > ur box. { : i. ( X'W..riO. J.EMo.iH-CfioIco ttork. JI.MrM.OO. ( JHANitMeOeatis : , boxes. JI.Wi I'lorinai , bright , II.OCKai.M ; Missels , ' . , . , . IhllHDIItiu. / rj. 1M.111. ; . tv , ! colored Missouri valley , 12JJC. llt.HAijiit.il CoTToN-lioikoloy Cuinlirlc No. Co. Uo : Hest Yet. O'jci liiittnrcloth. XX , 4'Jc ' ; Uabot. "Vf.1 ! ! Irsl Oull.iiVic ; Krultof the i.ooni , Jo i Hill temper Idem , HC ; llou < .cki > cper , f"le ; Kin ? I'hllllp oainbrliI0o ; LuiiKiloii ( I II , O'ii1 ' ; I. < in iliil ( ' , Uo ; I.oiisdaio canibrlu , ICHc ; Now Vork milk HIM Oak hawn,7i- . Ooi.oiiEiiOAMiinicH-CJroivn. 4'i" ' ; Hod 5-lur 4/cl'lovir ! ; ) , Oc ; Slater Hollcd , 5'iei nigh col ors It- extra , GINCIIIAMH PluiikPt rln'ckn , O'lo ; Whlttun- ton , CJtoi \ ork , ll c ; Norinandl dress , fie ; < 'al- outta dress , 7'CVldtttlnloa | dless , ke ; lied- ford drsss. ' DUCK West 1'olnt ' , 28 In. S or , lO'/ie ; West Point , 28 In. 10 oz , 12'ic ' : West Point , 29 In , 12 or. 15c ; Wist 1'nlnt , 10 In. II oz. ISJjc. ItATTfi-Standard.ec ; Mohawk , lV4ebpauty ( ) ; , \ , ' eIloono. \ . 14c ; li , cased , W.OU ; Hoe , 11.75 per 8KK.NTt < CKV JKANS-Metnorlal , I5o : Dakota , o ; IJuiilmin. 2 ie : liorcnles. lOc ; Lenilntoii } ; , 22'/c ; Colts wood , 27' ic ; Melville , ffic. Ul.sdiiAM Atnosheai. . 7o ; Ainoskeag dress , Hates , O' \VarwlckilroHs ; , fcc ; lancn- tor , 6c : Uliinnlie , O'jeVlilttenilon ! dtess , Sc. I'niNTrt - - l-'ancy llildvstoiie. 0' ' Jn ; .Stce.1 Itlver , Cc ; Kninuno , 4'ic ' ; St. LedKcr , OHc ; Martini Washington. 4'icMcrrlni ' ; inc , 4io ; Turkey Uoilfountain , Oiicj Garner , 7c ; Cienlleld.fi'/tc ; llerlhi , fytc. I'liiNTrf-lnillgo Illno-Not Jtiirtli.i Wash- ItiKton. fliic ; Ainorleun , 0 > iC ! Arnold , ( i'le ' ; Ar nold II. long cloth. I0c ; Htlllu A , IIKa ; Merrl- niac. 7-K. Mo ; fluid Ioif , HIJO ; llninlllen. 5'/c ' ; Allen Pinks , OJio ; Allen Cbambray , Oc ; Glou cester. Mie ; Marlel 6'jc. ' I'l.NK IIIIOWN COT-IONS Atlantic Mf.c ; Au rora II , iJ'io ' ; Aurora It , OHc ; Atlas. O.N1I , 7ic ! ; chceH ) cloth. 4e ; < 'llntonrr , 5Uc ; Po ppere.ll , O'ic ; l.iin don ril,7c. COTTONAIIKHVork , nankin , 10".e ; Kvorett , 8 o/,13u ; Lowlaton , 10 o/ , 2.c } ; \Vurkliiiiiiun , lie. SIIKKTI > OS A.MI I'u.i.ow CASINOS llrown- Net-l'opiieroll , 4.1 In , lOc ; I'oppurell , 8-1. Ho ; l > iUpcrull,0-4. 20c ; Pepperell. in-l.lSJ' ' o ; Utlca ; 48 In , lie ! ! Ut leu , frt In , 17'/iC ; Utlca , 22 In , ' . ' 4cj Utlea , 84 In , 2 < k ! : 1'tlca. IW In , 2-l'ic. Hloachcd Net -PiiDpori'll , 42 In , lO'/ici Pepporell , 40 In , ll'/ic ; Pt-npercll , 0-4 , UVic ; reptiuiell18-4. 20o ; Puptiuruli.l-l ( , Uiii I'epporcll , 101.2.ric ; Utlca , 8-1. i'lc ; Utlca. 9-4. 2iu ! ; Utlcii. 10-4 , 28c COTTON WAiii'-Hlblr , f , wblto , Idlio ; colored , /jC. HKAVV Iliiovr.NCorroNB-Atltintlc. 71ic ; At lantic II. 7e ; Atlantic I > . ( Hfp ; Atliintli ; P. fie ; Aurora U. 43 0 ; buck's head , 7 ! < e ; Cabot W , UnrlliiKton , oyoi Fiirniois' No. I. 4i ? © ; Indl'in ' head , 7tfc ; l.awrcneo Lli , GJic ; Ilenrletla I-L. .l c. Ui.MMJ-Nut : ! Ainoskong , O.oz , ir/o ; Vork cainlul , 12c ; Kverult , standard , ! 2He ; Hay makers' . 7tR'i Old York , AX , lOiic ; l.awruncc , 20. ii'/c : ' ; Uiwrenco , OUz. IWiu ; fancy btrlpus Hid cheeks , 11 Vie. TICKS Vork , If ! In. 12Hn ; Swift IMvor , 7'/tc ; Thorndykc , OO , 8 ,0 ; Tborndyko , KK , H'-ic ; riiorndyke. 120 , UVie : Thorndyke , XX , 14c ; CVjrdls , No. 6 , He ; Co rills , No. 4 , luc. WIIIANB Not Thistle. 0)4c ) ; I ( oil Cross , 7'/5c. CIIASIIStevens' It , llMncli , ft'ie ; Slovens' I ) , 18-Inch , fi'ic ; Stevens' A. 10-Inch , 7He : Stevens' ' P. Id-Inch , Ce ; KtevetH'M. ' lA-lncli. Uo : Stevens N. 20-lti < ; h.0o ; Stevuiii' NN , 22-lnuh , lOo ; Sic- vens'HKT.'O-lncli. 12o ; > t > 'leachud , lo oxlra. Quinine , per oz , I * . & W. 4lo : Oernian , 27c ; ndlgo , peril ) , 7,1c ; Insect powder 21o ; opium , (2.7,1 ( ; morphine , per fit , J2.70 ; hops , nor II ) . IWo ; Klyccrlni1 , Ho ; dijxlrlno , 10o ; cuttleljonc. 'Me ; cream lartar , pure , ICci commerelal , IHc ; ontn- ; ) lior,50ci am. earl ) . . He ; blno vllrol , 7Jc ! ; car- ) ollc aeld , WitXte ; citric , 4.YiMao : lartarlca : 1'Ju ; .sulphnrli * . pcrlb. 2c ; pcrni oil , JI.10 ; tur- lenllne. 4.1c ; Tonka beaiiH , il.8.VfoO ; balsam loin , 41 < aiSc : - aloinel.ll.lrjai.o : . ; canthnradlcH. ! . ' 1.10i.i.l : : ; cassia buds. 20'ci ' chloroform , 57O ,0o : ergot , 47ftVi2oi ( KUin'ar.iblc , Mcftil.O.I ; lyco- [ lodlnni , 4iiic ( : ; mercury , H8c ; Hidpliur , 2ic ; aluin,2SpcoiponiH ; , Uic ; opsoin Halt , Hie ; glanlier Kid ) , IHe ; anllpyrlno , tl.lU per oz ; nnihtol , 3 1. nil per oatitlkaina ; , (1.00 per 07 ; er.vBt. strychlna.JI.O.'iCll.IS . per 07. ; llc-orlco root , iier , Ib , IVc ; oil enssla , Il.i0 : per Ib ; oil cloves , II. 2.1 per In ; oil anslo , { 2.00 ; oil lemon , Jl.ftS ; oil lorgmnotl.ri pur Ib ; balxain oopubln , ( lie per il > : sub. nit , hlsinnth , t..OO per lb ; Iodide potas- sluint2.7Sper Ib ; hromldo potusslurn , IWc per Ib ; siilluylfo acid. { I.U.1 per lb ; bonzolo aclJ , C2o pur lb. _ I'Uinbcr. Hnolatlona are for' car lota on board curs at Omaha : 12 ft 14 ft 10 ft IS ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft 2x4 } ir > 01 is oo ir. oo ir .10 ir oo 17 no JH oo 2x0 . IS 00 IR 00 1.1 00 l.r M 10 00 18 ( X ) 18 UO 2x8 . IS 00 15 m 15 00 13 M 1(1 ( WJ 17 60 18 ( X ) 2x10. is oo 1.1 no ir , 01 15 no in oo n m i oo 2x12. 11) ) 00 10 00 10 00 1G 00 17 0 } 18 W 10 00 4x4 lo x8 ir oo in oo in oo 17 oo is oo 10 no in oo KKNCtsn-No. 1 , IHn. 12 and II ft. rf , ll'.i.O' ) ; No. I. fi-ln , 10 ft. tlU.OO . - ; 4-ln , 810.00 ; No. 2. o-ln 12 and It ft , rf. JI4.00 ; I-ln. ill.'XI ; No. 2r.In , IU ft. Ulli.W ) ; Mn , tlil.OJ ; No. 3fi-In , 12 anil 14ft , ilJ.UO ; 1-ln , JH.OJ ; Xg.3 , C-In , II ) ft , JiatU ; 4-ln , tKt.OO. HoAHDH-Nn. 1 coin. JI8..V ) ; No.2 com , Jl.ri.OO ; No. ilcoin.lKJ.W ) ; No 4eoni , III.M , KIIIINO-A , 12 , 14 and 1'i ' ft.jr.OO ; ( J , II7.M ; II , 12. II and HI ft , IM..V ) : I ) , tlLSO. I't.ooitiMl A , 0-ln , while pine , * . ' ! S.OO : C , J20.r'l ; li. li-ln. wlilto nine. JM.'KJ ' ; I ) . tJJ.50 ; K , C-ln. white plnoisul. fcnclui ! ) , $17.00 ; drop tdd- Inu , Me perM extra. STOCK lloAiuis-A , 12 In , sis th.OO ; 11 , 12-ln. HlH. il.1.00 ; ( ! . HO.lfl ; I ) , frJO ; No. I common , li- ln , sis. 10 , 12 and Ib ft , JJI/W ; No. 2 , ilH.Wl ; No. 1 common , 12-ln , sis , 14 f I , (20.00 ; No.2.17.riO ; No. I Roinmon. 12-ln , hlH , II ) ft , iW..r > 0 ; No. 'J , J17.CHJ ; No. 1 eoniinon , 12-ln , HH , M ft , (21.00 ; No. 2 , J 18.50 , Kiili-i.Ai'-No. I , plain , 8 and 10-ln , $10.00 ; No. 2 , * 1U.X ( ) ; No. 1 , 0. 0. . 8-ln. 4IU.OO ; No. 2 , JIII.50 ; 10- ln. grooved rooting , 12 , II anil Hi ft , i lll.fin. KINIHIIIMI Island 2nd el. , l-in. 2s. ? in.OOIU ; Wi nnd 2-ln , J-4IUIO ; : n | clear , 1-ln S''H. * I5.0) ) ; IU IH , nnd 2-ln , * 7.dO ; A , sulciil , 1-ln , H''H. ( II ; 1'i ' l'i and2-In , f 1.1.00 ; H , snh-el.l-ln , h''H. it.'II.IK ) ; li ! I'/i ' and 2-ln , tlO.OO ; U , be.Iect.l-In , h'Js , J27.00 ; li ! ) ' / and 2-ln , T.Ti.OO. A. II or 0 soled all 10 ft. JI.OO oxtra. KOIJTIIKIIN VKI.MIW I'INK 1st and ' 'nil clear flooring ij-Hl : , 2,100 star , Kl-PI , JH > .0 > ; com lloor- Ink' . IM : < > . I.'M ) rlfleleiir. ii-IU : , 12(1.00 ( ; Island 2il clear , ? celling , t4. ! 50 ; l t and 2d clear , K cell- lux. llft.W ) ; 1st nnil 2it clear , celling , $2.1.0) ) : 1st and M clour , finish , h''s from 1 In. $27.00 ; 1st and l clour , llnlnh , 2s , from Hi In , $ WX ) ; 1st and 2d clear , llnlsh , h'-'s , from I1/ and 2 In , ? : ) . ! ; Iwl and 2d clear , y i > cuslngx , < : w.W ) ; base I'oi'l.AiiI.u.MiiKii 8 Inch and up , Int. and 2nd clour. 1 Inch , H2hl-K ) 00 : 8 Inch and ill ) , hi anil 2nd clear , VI Inch panel , < f2l.OO ! HAHII , DooiiH , I'.Tix Tar Imard , JI.H ) ; sanh. Ki per ut : dooi-H , M per Ct ; blliulH , WJ per el ; mould I n KB , .V ) iicret ; lurrud felt , per c\vi , $2.10 ; btraw hoaid , f i.-jo. , HATTK.NH , WKi.t.TiTiilNn , Etc. 0. O. 2 ! | Ineb , 05ui } ixi : , Nls.itSoi . 'UiH'li widl tubing. I ) , & M. and bov , til.liO ; iilukiilx , I ) , k II. , Hat , fVJ.M ) ; I ) . & ll.Hi | , 20.MI. i HlliNdl.KM , I.ATiK-ttxtra "A. " pine , M.60 ; Btanilard "A , " lMSixtni"A , " ecilar , S .M ; ( i Inch clear pine , JI.W ; c ear redwood , * 1.23 ; lalh , (2 > 0. POSTS While cedar , 8 Inch , > / , llo ; 0 Ineli , ( jrH , lie ; wlilto cedar , AH Inch , "is. Uo : N Inch , ijrs , He ; white cedar , Inch , round , l,1c ; Hpllt oak , 80 ; Tcniio-iiii'o reilcodar , Hpllt , lie. i TJ TJr HPH. Hapcoon-No. 1 , Inire , WK7l70o : No. I , infdluin , No. 1 , miiiill , ' W/iiloo ; Nos , 2 , U and 4 , fjfk ! . Mink No. 1 , laruo , SOiiOOoi No. I , nindlntn , 40 ' No. I , fcimill , 'jyi woi No.s. 2 , a and 4 , ftlik Ilat-Kall.hiaiOo ; kit , He. Kkiink Illai-k , Tficittl.OOi slrlped , No. 1 , av 40o ; NN. 2 , l.V.WVNo.i ) ; - : , WAtoNo. \ . 4. MMUo. C t'rots Kox No. I. l.r t4.0ili No. > , J2Wfr'.5 ( red. No. Ml.txxitl.2. ' r'N'o. 2 , MiXlut ( Krey.No. I , 4tKf.VJo ; No. 2. 'Mvi'Mi. Mountain Wnlt-No. I , JS.TOiW.OOi Na 2. tl.M fil.Wj pralrlo wolf , No , 1 , 7Jtttil.OO ! ; No. 2 , 40 ® WJc. lleavur-Xo. 1 , per lb. 2..wai..10 : ! No. 2 , | l..riOO 2.WI ; No. : i..VJt7.1fl ; No. I , ft'le. Ottnr No. 1 , hirirn prime. 'i.WI47.nO ( ; No. I , medium , il.UK5.jO ( ( ; No. 1 , Hiniill. .fHXitl.W ; No * 2 , Hand 4.Mc * H.MJ. Wild O'al-No. I , 40o ; No. S , SOJtlfc. Opossum No. I , eavd , lOijI'-'oi No. I , open , 7ffc luc , liiulitiir No. I , full furred , 50a73c ; No. 2 , 20 ; ! ! ; NO. : i. .vrstoi- . Ileiir-llhiek.No. I. JIO.OOa20.00 ; u-rl/.zley. No. I. .1.H5C1.1 ( W brown , No. I , 85.00ii6lO.OO ! cub , .U > T < .4. ( > 0. lluckHklii Indlnn dressed , per lb. 75df ! I.OOi deer , Huniiner , tier lb , Wt'llc ; fall , per II ) 20 2.1i < ; winter , per Ib , ' 'Kii-'c ; ureen halt , pe juoee , 7.ViiiOiJ ! antelope , pur II ) , ISU'JOo ; elk , pe II ) , r.'e. OthurM I'lhlmr. No. I. * 1.00185.00 ! marten. Na 1 , 7.1o5j.l..V ) ; No. . ' . 2vr .Vki lynx , No. ltJ. 5,00 ; wolvuriao , No. I , ( I.OUsifi.nO. 1'aiiitH nnil oilH. IIIMK I IID On , ( Wlntor trained ) , 40i ! ex tra bird oil ( winter htralneill , 47et extra No. I lard oil. I0c | No. Hard oll.Illc ; .No. 2 lard oil < lloi extra uuat'i foot oil , 45o ; tallow oil , 45tf S-Ralcinsfl In a cnsc ) , ' over bbl ; I-RII ! ranoiolu a csnt" , too over bblst 'i-ifalcanirjo ' In a i-asel , l..oovvr bbls. ICWOINK 011.8 Dlaniond ciesfcnt rnulnc oil , per itallon , lOc ; pirfi-ctliin cnKlnc oil , fxicl Hlt-r- line engine ell , t.V ) IKTCII In engine oil , 'iOf. VAHNi.mir.s rnrnlliite. No. I , tiOc ; furniture , extra , Jl.do ; poach , No , it 11,10 ; conch , extrn , 11.90 ; hard ell llnlsh. Unlit. 11.20. UiA H-7.liiid ! Hi per cunt frotn list of March , ' I.KAO WIIITK IN On , .Carter. In WO-lb Ion I'.VJ ; In l.ow-lb lots , per fwi. < 7. ) | Soiillinii ( ' ( ) . . } i | , I.ouls , In M ) . I Ul IK , $ ; . .V ) ; In 1,000-11) ) lot S [ icrc t , 17..1) ) ; IteilSonl.SI. louls. InSOO-lblots , I7.rrf ) ; In l.iKO-lb lots , peri-wl , I7.au. \VilUB DllV ( lllder's nhltlne. per Ih , IV" ) C'oiiinipri'lal whltbifr , per lb , lu ; HngllHli 0. S , I'll rls white , per Hi , l ii- , HKII Dm-AimTlciiti Vonotlnn roil , Ilici j liiittnnoosii. 2i < ; KtiKhth Vcnetluii , batrol : C)0 ) His , 2io ! ; Indian No. I , I2c ; Tuscan DnKllsli , VKt.t.ow-rrotno y 'llnw. fllOc ; oolier , Ho- chollc,2 < tcoc-her ; , washed Dutch , to ; ochcr , washed l > ri-ncli , 2'te. ' PurrvI'nre Inbarreli. kcs and tubs , 2 > 4o ; In hlailduts , 2Hc ; In nb ) | tins , 2Hf , ViuKTAiil.BOii.s-llnsePd.doniestlf : ! raw. in iKirroli , per Kidlon. 'Oc ; linseed , ilomestlu boiled , In b.'irri-ls , | ior imllon , W-c. ANIMAL AND I'IHH oii.H-Whnle , blenched winter , iiernalloii , Mo ; whale , c.x'.ra bleached COowlnter , ; siorm ) , bieachod winter , SI. 00 , SiTr.n , WIIIK NAII.S llaso , U55 ; stool nails laso , J3 15. UIIIM-KII I'lanlhlied holier sire. 29o per lb ; cold rolled , U'o'ner lb ; hhcotln , ' , 20o per ilr , pit and Hals , 2 cp rlb. \Vliu-Jap. : burl ) , M.2,1 , ! Kill. , W.Oi. ItooilNU-Uhaicoal. 1.0. . 14x20. 112 , M.OO ; I -X , * 7.'A SiiKt.i Iitov No. 20. J.1.W : No. 27 , HGO. SOI.DKII Slrlotly half nnd hnlf. ICx ; . TIN l'I.ATK-1. tt. 10x21 , 17.00 ; I. X , 10x11 , $9.25 $ ; iokiIxlIiO. . 112 , ? J,75. SIIIIT.txv : : ho. HI.OCK TIN Smull plg.Mopor lb ; bar , LOo PIT lb , , ( JAI.VANtmiSllKKT IllOK Dlsr-Ollllt " > 0-IO per cent ; uat. plan , Iron , .Nos. : 'l and a" A , lOJiu ! II , Uiic. _ Mlsccllaniioiit. HICKOHV NUTS Iiarpc , i > or bushel , tl.rxi. POP CoiiN-UhoIco Htock. lii 'o. hiATlliii-Iloinlick ( elatiKlitcr solo. 2T/ii20a per lb ; hemlock dry hldo solo , 2Uft24c ; oak f-ole , axa-'Wc ; 1'rpiich kii > skins , liUu@tl.10 ; 1'ronch calf Hkln , tl.2V&2'00 : AnuTlcun oak ciilf , 8.1c < illll'i ; American hemlock cull , 75c © 11.10 : Ami-rlcan oak kip , 7.1 < : iItK"c i Atnerlean beinlnck kip , Ooxft75o ; slieop Bklns , DOcflll.tO ; tent ? skins , per foot , 20Soc. : ; IlliAN Sucked , per ton , 120.00 ; chopped feed , " ' "flo'sKY Whlto clover , 1 lb frutnci , per Hi , Iti1 ; 2lb frameH , 17c. ljl.MiCKMh.NT : , KTC. On board cnrs at Omaha Per bbl. Ash drove Mine , 03o ; Champion llioo , 81o ; IJulncy tthltc,80c : Louisville ceincnt , II. r , ' ) ; Milwaukee cement , tl.4.V , Ullca fcnient , il.4 < ) ; KtiKllsh Portland ri-mcnt. M.4.1 ; Now Vork Dla.ster , ? J.2.1 ; M It-It iKaa plaster , J2.00 ; Tort UudKu phtHter. $1.7.1 ; wldlo sunn , S'.UO ; I1. P. half , pir bale , JI.'iO. HIDES Frozen lildus.ttiMc' ; iRrcciimiltnil lililc , Witfo ; No. 2 Kreeni suited hides. : ai'ie ; ; No. 1 Krei'n Halted bldos , 2.1 to 40 Ibs , , 4l/ifrf > c : No. li irrocn Halted hides. 2.1to 40 Ibs. , 'li&'l'ic ' : No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs , , 7c ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , . ' c ; No. Idry Mint hides. 7c ; No. Stlry Hint hlUe.s1 So ; No. 1 dry Halted hlui-s. f > 1irc. Shooo in-Ill Oreon Halt-d. eacli , 'fcVitl.2.1 ; Kreor sailed shearlliiK" . ( short wooled early hklrs ) each , 10 / ( , ' ; > : drv filicarlln 'H isliort wuolcil early aklnsi No. ' > 1 , each. MllOc ; No. 2 , each. f > c ; dry Hint Kansas and N'uhiaska liuti-her wool nolts. per pound , actual uoUlit , WilU'if ' dry ulnt Knnsas and Ni-brasKa mur rain wool pelts , perpound , actual wcluht. 8 < J4 lie ; dry Mint Colorado biiti'lierwool pelts , pur poutiil , acttml wclKht. lOtilS'/ic ; dry Hint Colorado rado murrain won ! polls , per pound , actual itoiclit , fW4IOc ; dry pieces and bucks , actual wel ht,7 < S'Jc. TAI.I.OW AMI GRKAHR Tnllow No. I , : iJ4 ® < o ; tallow No. 2 , IIViii"iiirrease ( : , white a. W/r ; Ktoiisc , wlilto b , IP.iftl'ic ; wreaso. yellow , tic ; Kre.a.se , tin rk , 2'/ao ; old butler , SMic ; beeswax , jirltni' , I ( i'i1 { roiiKh tallow , I'iilt2o ' , HONKS In oar hits only Dry hulTalo , per ton , * KUX > KIH ( > 0 : dry eountry , bleacheil , per ton , HO.OtKSMOQ : dry eottnlry , damp and meaty , pur ton. 3H.OOS&10.00. Tlio.se prices arc for bones welshed and delivered In Clilcaito. llAV-On track at Onialia-rpland. No. 1 , ( (1..VJ ( per ton ; ooarso blue fctcin , tC.OO ; outs btraw , M.no per ton. HI.ACK WAi.NtJTH-Por bushel. SI.2.1. COCOASUTS I'or 100 , sacked , 11.50 ; bulk , COAI On board ears at Omaha Anthraclto ( Jlicstnnti range anil t'ltp , SH.SO per ton : crate , K2r > . Heft coul Ohio. $ .1.90 : Soiithern Illinois , (4.50 ; walnut block , S.'I.SJ ; low a lump , W.10 ; Iowa n t. J2.7" > . C'llusTNUTS-Largo Italian. 15c per lb. 7ho Crcnt Mouse of Tlinrhor. A Now Vork dispatch says : The wholesale grooory house of Thtirhcr , Wliylanil Sc C'o. are pcrfoctltiK iirranxoinonUfor the reorganiza tion of their biiHlnoss upon a basis ( if a coni- mnrclal corporation to bo known aa the Tlnir- bcr-\Vhylandcotniany. | The company will bo Incorporated under the liberal proviHlons of tlio Keneral corporation act of tlio state of Now Jersey. The amount of the capital slock will bo$2- 500,000 , divided Intol..riOO,0)0 ) of preferred stock bcarlni ! 8 per cent Interest , ami (1,000,000 of common stock , which will bo entirely taken bv the prcHcnl Ki'neral partners of the firm , Tlio Incorporators will hu the presenl mem bers of the Htm and a few capitalists , Mr. 11.1C. Thurher mild that Iliii firm would oxplre by limitation February 1 , 1HU1 and that tlie present Roomed a happy tlmo to inert ? " lliulr business Into u corporation , llo bald that his special capital was unimpaired and would remain in the new corporation. The first news of tlui contoiniihiU'dchanue was an nounced to the employes nt ilielr annual din ner ul tlio store ! of Thiiriior , Whyland A Co. tins ovenln , The employes will ho ulvcn an opporlnnlty to subscrlbo to the stock of the CiirrmilH of from tlio amount of spring poods of nil kinds now hi-lnc put In by the two wbolo- halo dry Kooils houses In Oniaba , they miiHt have unbounded conlldenco In the future of the d ry goods t radc , The Rioo and I.oalher Itcvlow says that criidi ; ruhbnrappears lohavoxriisped thcslt- uiillon , or tlioholdnrn have , nnd tlio result has been a sharp advance In Para sto.-ks , It Is ovldontly tlio rcHidlof apcoulatlon that has started prices upward. Tlio dispatehcs from Philadelphia announi.-o that from January I t ho production ofhinall Btovo coal" will bo discontinued. This Is the fll/n which comes between stove and chestnut and as It was the most economical hl/e for uuneraluso Inslovos It was Immensely popu lar and largo quantities of It were Holif In Omaha. The production of .silk throughout the world last year Ise.stlnniled at 11,7J2 ( tons , as nmiliiHt ll.iT > 48 tonsln lsS , llhiS tons In | si7 , llr.ll ( tuns In liMJ , nnd U.iiflJ In 1W.1. The nver- tiKiiof tliu four years from ISSTi to 1HRS was 10.74H tons. Tlio 1H > 'J ' crop was rather above It. althoiiKli Hcan-uly any Hlllc was produced In Hyrla and other parts of the Levant , Thovidiioof llioworld's pindiietlou of cof fee , al 17,000,000 owl. , would bo about J.'W- ' ( ll'J.OOJln ' the tvholesalo market. The worlds eonsiiinnllonof eoireo Is placed al KVl.OoO tons , tlie United States and ( ! anaila nliino usln 2AOOO ( Ions. Two-thirds of the coiTeovo drink COIUCH from llra/.ll , which produces cnn- Nlilerably inoro than onu-half of tliu world's Hiipply , There Is a horror of rubbers and ovorslioos foil uml expressed by most KiiKllsh lieople , and ridiculed particularly In the u-oloslms of "Tlio Private .Secretary. " "Tho feet fcul itlllfd In tlici.i. " your Kngl'sh friends will tell you. and they wear their o n heavy hnots for wnlldiiK , In Neiirn of lho > thinner American boots protected by riibhurs. Hut of latu our i-oiislns over tliu Hea. havinK heard H'i ' much jirnlso of the hinall foot well hlind of the American K'rls ' who Hock lo hon- < tnii , have been Killing kindly to rubber and leathorholrs. These are praised IIH nl vln | { "u KCIIHO of ( ixlillnnillon In walking , and a great pmvontlvo offatliiue. " Calico prlntliiK Isbidloved not to have been practiced In Kurnpo unlll thn hoventeenlh century. In what country the art was first Intiouui'cd , uccoidlnu to llalnes , Is doubtful. "At t lit ) iHSKlnnmu of the ululileonth i-enlnry AuKshmi ; , wliitro the nianufarliire of colton bad picvulied loiiKboforultH lull oiliii'llon Into Kiiulnnd , was fatuous for Its lulnled linens and eiittonsi butevun ( in thin It IH not easy Imib- tam any aiillientlo Informatlnn uf Its Inlro- din-t Ion. Tim city lotiK iitio siiiiplled the mun- ufacturers of Alsace and Swll/erland wltn eolor maki-rsdy.trs , etc.a , proof of tliu oarhor ( hlabllslimi'iit of tlio urtiit AiiKsliurK. whluh has wltnebhcd allko Its birth anil decay. " 5 AS A PLACE TOJHVEST HOHEY. Tlio mormon * nmmint if ( unil Invotcrt by tlio c-ltirunmit lli'lciiu Iniulnlntfi > iitc'ipr1vtiiliiiluf cdtijr thu nbrnirmully liutrii iirnlltx urliln tliurnlrom li'uvi-a ciixiri tor Kantfrn cupllitl iiiri'iitlnnal opiKir- liinltlcn III n'ul ontalu und building InvuHtiuuntii. liloh. lillu b < " > luti'ly fiifc , yli-ld Income ! rnnirlixr. Irnui Illtei-n tollfty IUTmilt , unnualljr. Iti'ul ) : ialo lH inKtuntlyun thondvunculn valuu u HIM ruMilt of mi dutiiulof wc'iilUi iuic < | uulludIn Ihuulnlor'of ) ' Ka tcrn'lncrmionli ( 'rt upon 6and 0 per omit. Inr TpHlinenlii inaylHi liirifitly iiuviiK'iitvil nllliout rl > k. byklillllw tlio principal tou locality oITiiUiH vtldor upportunltloa , A vixV. id Jlcltrui wilMr.monxtralt tlielntlh of this tUitcjiicnt ami convert Hit nuuUncnituUjui , lr lull Inf oniutlon , a < lilrui , L. Q.PHELP3Scc'y Citizens Committee , Helena , Montana. OMAHA Manofactaras' DIRECTORY. I