Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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The Relations of Omaha to the Union Paif3o
A Protest Against Transferring the
"Icctl ) to Depot Grounds nnd
Bonds Before tlio llond
Italics tlio Embargo ,
OMAHA , Jan. 2. To the Editor of TUB UKK
You have given Mr. Thurston n hi' rlni. ' n
your columns. Ithlnk the olhor'stdu of the
case shoulil ho stated.
The nctloii of the Union Pacific company In
attempting , In violation of a written contract
signed by Itsproildcnt , by niithorlty of Its
board of directors , May 1 , IS'.K ' ) , to exclude
the Milwaukee roaa from Its bridge and to
prevent Its trains and cars from running Into
Omtitia and delivering passengers nnd freight
without transfer In Council Bluffs , Is the
most Important railway event which has oc
curred to Omaha since the decision of the so-
called terminus caso.
Presumably , this contract was approved ,
before execution , by the solicitors nnd coun
sel of the Union I'aclllo company , Including
Judge Dillon. If it Is an illegal contract
( which seems to have been discovered by n
government director slnco Mr. Gould has
recovered possession of the road ) , the law
' provides a plain way by which it may bo sot
To set asldo contracts Is the province of the
courts. In this cnso the Union Pacific 1ms
taken that question Into its own hands , de
claring the contract void , and by force and In
violation of nn Injunction Issued liy the state
court , has torn up its tracks nnd locked Its
switches , practically ( to enforce the policy
pursued under Sidney Dillon for twenty-live
years ) to force the Union Pacific business
onto the Iowa side of the rlvor.
This lawless proceeding Is resorted to to
prevent precisely what tlio company , through.
Its Union depot organisation , nnd its guaran
tees nnd thosu of the Chicago , Burlington ft
Qulncy railroad have crmtr.tUuil with the
pcoplu of Oimiba to nllow , the consideration
for which is the $1.10,000 of bonds voted in
nld of tlio now station. Omaha cared little
lor the new station , as surh. The chlof con
sideration of the issue nnd delivery of these
bonds was the agreement of the Union Pa-
ciilc not only to nllow nil Iho Iowa roads to
cross the brldgo with tholr own trains nnd
cars nnd motive power , but to procure tbo oc
cupancy by these roads , If possible , of the
union depot now in course of construction
The contract with Omaha , when tlio bonds
shall have been delivered to Kountzu Broth
ers nnd tlio deeds delivered , will have
consumm.itoil on its part. On the part of the
Union Paciilo company , or the Union depot
company , which , practically , may bo re
garded an the same , tbo contract to allow the
Jown roads to cross to Omaha Is still In the
futnri1- yet to bo performed.
Judging by the action nf tlr " "Ion Pacific
In respcct | of tbo Milwaukee , wimt prospect
I have the people of Omaha of over seeing the
Jown ro.tds cross If the Union Paciilo pro
poses to bo its own Judge of the legality of
the contracts It enters into !
It seems odd that a government director ,
who was in ofllco when the contract with
the Milwaukee was entered Into , as Into as
.December Ulth ( only a tiny or two bo-
fora tlio passenger trains of the Mlhvukeo
- , ' vicrS f-ofused access to the bridge ) should
have boon movnd to write nn elaborate letter
to the president of the Union Paciilo ques
tioning the legality of this contract. In all
probability that letter was drawn by the
Union Pnelilo people nnd the subservient
government director signed it lit dictation.
In fact and in truth it is a mere pretense on
which to base action ; n tlovlco to sugar-coat
the utter luck of good faith in the trans
The people of Omaha and Lincoln nro
vitally Interested in the new Rock Island
line , which , for its transit from Council
llluffs to Omaha and South Omaha and
thenceforward over Its own track to Lincoln ,
relies upon n contract similar to that with
the Milwaukee. The effect of this trans
action Is to destroy the Hock Island line
from Oninbn to Lincoln. Instead of going
Into pffeetJunuary 1 it waits the tedious determination -
termination of the legal question in the fed
eral courts , unless the injunction shall urovo
Of what value nro the protestations of
Judge Dillon , ivs sot forth by Judge Thurs
ton , to tlio effect that the Union Pacific will
keep its contract with Omaha. It cannot
keep it If its position in respect to the Mil
waukee is correct. Neither is Jndgo Dillon
the man who dictates whether contracts shall
bo kept or broken , slnco Mr. Gonld has resumed -
sumed his Interest In the Union Pncillo.
When did Judge Dillon discover the ille
gality of this contract ? How did ho advlso
Mr. Adams when Mr. Adams appended his
signature !
The lesson of this business is that no con
tract Is to bo kept with anybody when it In
terferes with the I'lterest ' of the Union Pa
cific , nnd the quicker the people of Omaha
wake up to that fact the better it will bo ( pr
The people nro blandly told that , Mr. Bond ,
acting on behalf of the Union Paciilo , Is
ready to mnko another contract. What is
the tiso of mnklng contracts if their legality
is to bo decided in the manner applied to the
present Milwaukee contract I Bolter ten
years of litigation In the courts to settle the
question whether contracts of this character
may bo wantonly nnd recklessly c.tst nMdo
when their effect roaches communities llko
Omaha nnd Lincoln ami the whole of the
ttnto of Nebraska.
Contracts iietween the Hock Island and tlio
Union Pnclllo for running privileges to the
Itoclc Island urn said to have existed for sev
eral years , covering Union Pacific track be
tween Kansas City nnd Topeka nnd between
Ijyinnn mid Denvernnd also local roads in
Kansas , and the Union Par-illo Is sold at the
present time , under such contracts , to bo
running over rock Island track In Kansas.
The Milwaukee contract In terms is not a
contract for running privileges , hut simply a
a contract for crossing the brldgo with its
own motive power and trains , depositing Its
business In Omaha aud South Omnha on
tracks of Its own , to bo thcnco switched by
Union Paciilo engines to the different ware
houses nnd houses of business. Under the
terms of the Milwaukee contract the Union
Pnclllo Is paid for handling nil the oars of tlio
Milwaukee nnd transacting nil Its terminal
business , nnd it pays the lull vnluo of the use
of the Union Pacific tracks and brldgo for
the purpose of depositing Its freight and IMS.
Hcngor business on the wostsldoof the Mis
souri river , and thus avoiding the Inconven
ience , annoyance nnd loss of the Iowa trans
The principal to bo decided In the Mllwnu-
Iceo case will practically detormluo the power
h of the Union Pacllle company to keep up and
maintain the toll gate of the last twenty
years at the cast end of the Union Paciilo
brldgo. Fortunately , the matter has at
lust reached the courts , which must de
termine it.
To proceed any farther in the conveyance
nnd delivery of property to the union depot
company or any other organization tinder the
control of the Union Paciilo company , upon
tlio contract of guarantee of thai company
that this toll gate U to bo taken down , In the
light of recent events , Is the lust extreme of
folly. TAXI-AIKIC.
AVliy the Union 1'acillu Freezes Out
the ICaNteru Kontls.
" \Vhen \ the injunction cose of the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul vs the Union Paelllo ,
to restrain tlio defendant from Interfering
with the running of plaintiff's ' trains over the
Union Pacific bridge , was called for a hear
ing In Judge Doauu's court yesterday the
petition for removal to the federal court filed
on Wednesday by the defendant came up
for consideration ,
The petition str.ted that the amount In con
troversy was over $ JtXX > , nml that the plain-
tllT's ' alleged cnuso of action rested In u cer
tain contract executed and signed by Cbarlcs
IVruiiclR Adatns as president of the defendant
The petition alleged that said Adams had
no right , power or authority to sign any such
contract , as It was done without the con
sent ot the stockholders of the
company- whereas , under tlio acts of
congress relating io the operation of the road ,
this contract should have been submitted to
the stockholders , either at a general or special
The petition further nllcsrcd that the con
tract In controversy was Illegal , nud there
fore null nnd void , Inasmuch ns It conveyed
to the plaintiff a road not organized by nn
net of congress , many of the rights and priv
ileges solely vested by congress In the de
fendant , nnd which the defendant had no
right or power to convey , deed or sign nwny
ns n federal corporation , except with the con
sent of congress.
The petition further alleged that the de
cision of the cose depended solely on the
proper Interpretation nud meaning given to
the certain nets of congress relating to the
construction and mnlntcnauco of tbo Union
Pacillo railway.
On this showing Judge Doano ordered the
case sent to tbo federal court , anil the clerk
proceeded to make out the transcript.
Tlio CHHO In the United Htatcs Court.
The Injunction case of the Milwaukee road
against the Union Paclflo carao up In tno
United States court yesterday afternoon ,
whither It had been taken by the latter com
Judge Thurston , for the Union Pacific ,
nsked the court to set aside the restraining
order of the stnto court and hear the case on
Its merits the sumo , as an application for nn
injunction would bo heard. lie claimed that
the Union Pacific had no right to allow
another company to use its tracks
and brldgo and collect its own tolls.
The Union Pacific , ho said , was ready and
willing to handle nil trains of the Milwaukee
with the former's engines.
Mr. Popplcton , for the Milwaukee , argued
that the question Involved the construction of
a contract which the Union 1'ncirlo had taken
upon Itself to declare void. This contract ,
ho said , had evidently been considered good
nt ono time , as it sc'emcd to bo signed by
Judge IJumlv stated that ho did not feel
llko setting aside the restraining order of the
state court until ho had heard arguments on
both sides. Ho refused to set the order
aside , and sot the case for hearing on Mon
day at 10 a. m.
Qnmlin ns \Vay-Slntlon. .
Spcaklnir on the freeze-out , a well known
citizen said yesterday :
" 1 don't believe the people of Omaha fully
understand Mr. Gould's ' action In breaking
tbo nrrangoment between tbo Union Pacific
nnd the Milwaukee and Hock Island roads to
use the terminals at Omaha.
"In the first place , ox-Prcsldent Adams
had no right under the Union Pacific charter
to make n contract binding that road for OO'J '
years at a nominal or any other sum. The
effect would bo to make Omaha nothing but
a way station on a through line between Chicago
cage and iJonvor. In that case , Chicago and
Denver would got all the plums nnd Omaha
nothing but the husks. In .short , nil tbo dis
bursements , transfers and labor would bo located -
cated in Chicago nnd Denver nnd only
a few train crows at Omaha. Tno main line
through Nebraska is naturally nn Omaha
rend , and the terminus should not bo un-
wrenched from Omaha aud transferred to
uml Denver. The "
Chicago "skinning pro
cess" will bo too severe , nnd Omaha Joobers
will have no show against Chicago under
such a Jug-handled arrangements. The people
ple of Omaha nro struggling to build up a
grcr.t city. To do so tnoy must .have termi
nal facilities to the railroads. As I said , this
means disbursements among our business
men , increased population and steady em
ployment to our workingmen. The OOU year
contract with the Milwaukee and Hock
Island roads will knock this out , and I for
ono can scarcely bellevo the people of
Omaha will regard such a thine with com
placency. If the Milwaukee nnd Hock Island
want to como into Omaha , well and good , but
let them mnko Omaha a terminus. Thov can
acquire facilities , erect bridges , nnd help In
every way to build up the city by the em
ployment of our workingmen to create such
facilities in Omaha nnd Council Bluffs.
Omaha has no right to sit up laboring for
the benefit of Chicago nnd Denver , to the de
struction of her own vital energies. This Is
where some of the Omaha people get mixed
up. The contracts arranged between Omnha
and the Union doH | > t company nnd the Union
Pacific have nothing to do with the contracts
with the Milwaukee and Hock Islandagainst
which Mr. Gould is lighting. They are en
tirely separate nnd distinct. Judge
Thurston explained this yesterday In
his Interview with TUB BKE. Ho
showed that the Milwaukee road rejected
the proposition to simply run into the union
depot , nud In this way make Omaha its
western terminus. The Milwaukee is after
larger game ( with Omaha ns a way station
under the ' .KM year contract on the route to
some western point to bo determined in fu-
turi ! . ) Our panel's and citizens are making
airroat mistake In confounding the two. "If
the city keeps the agreement delivers the
SlliO.OOU bonds In good faith , the Union depot
company and the Union Pacific and Burling
ton are bound In f 400,000 to finish tno depot
for use hi ono year , and then to admit all
roads over the urldgo and to the depot at fair
rates , with the alternative of
arbitration if the can't ' agree. Anybody
can see this jncans that Omaha
is to be the western terminus of these Iowa
roads under such an arrangement.
"If the city violates the arrangement It re
leases the depot company and the Union Pa
cific and Burlington wholly from their obll
gallons , The improvements could bo cul
down several hundred thousand dollars , the
time of completion extended nt will and other
roads shut out of the depot or bridge at dis
cretion. Any intelligent citizens can see
Omaha hns the best of the bargain by n lone
way. And it Is n puzzle to determine the
cause of the attempts to break the trade. 1'
anyone wants to sea Omaha nothing but ;
way station under the 901) ) year contract In
stead of a great metropolis under the union
depot contract , ho is taking a good way to ac
complish It. Omaha ought to staud by Mr ,
"I think , " observed Joseph Barker , "tha
wo ought to have both the Milwaukee nnil
Uock Island road run Into Omaha , and I hone
the Union Pacific nnd B.M. . will not bronli
their contracts , buttlmt they will allow thcsi
roads to como into this city across their llni
ns they agreed. If tnoy dodcciilo to oppose ,
them and go back on their contracts this city
can no longerstnnd quietly by. It mustus (
every means nnd spend any amount of mono )
to have an independent bridge ! For one '
am ready to bond this city and county for.
half million of dollars and inoro if necessary
nnd give them JelVersou snuure for a do no
slto. "
John A. Crelghton snld there was no doub
whatever about the good results of tno run
ning of these two roads into Omaha nnd that
they would como was equally certain. Ho
further said thut the hostile corporations
would soon got together and settle their dif
ference , nud ho couldn't see much grounds
for any very general worry over the matter.
Milton Hogers was of the opinion that the
question of n magnificent benefit to Omaha
rosultnnt upon the coming of these roads ad
mitted of no argument. There was no use of
entering Into n detailed statement of the in
terests that would bo enhanced and that
Omahat-hould have them. If not by the ac
quiescence of the Union Pacific , via an inao-
pondcnt bridge.
Mr. Stnlu'H Action.
Mr. Ernest Stuht , who enjoined all thcjclty
onicors and the stnto auditor from transfer
ring the Tenth strcot viaduct bonds to the
Union Pacific people , stated yesterday that
ho did so because of his remembrances of
the treatment of the city in a sim
ilar cnso some twenty years ago. Then
the city voted $200,000 bonds , nnd the com
pany after receiving them went back on its
agreement. A rcllo of this betrayal of con
fluence , ho claimed , could bo found
in the unused foundation of a
proposed headquarters which stands
and has stood for twenty years
nt the corner of Mason nnd Tenth streets ,
When the people of the neighborhood heard
of the now bond question they came to htm ,
nnd ho promised that so far ns be could do ,
the pledges made to them by tbo Union Pa-
citlo would bo respected this time , even if
ho bad to bring action himself.
Ciondrloli Gets the Honda.
City Comptroller Goodrich , with a deputy ,
went to Lincoln yesterday aud received
from Auditor Benton the 9150,030 Tenth
street viaduct bonds which It was thought at
0110 tlmo would be transferred to the Union
Pacific pooplo.
Attention , U. V. U. S.
Col. K. W. Savage , command of U" . V.
U. S. , will meet in Uroon'd hall , Farnnm
street , Sunday at 2 p. in. sharp , Jim.I ,
1891. Como prejKxrod to muster. By
order of Coinummlor.
It is Abont to Make its Appearance all
Along the Line ,
Ilnninrs Itegardlnj * ; ttio Coming nnil
Going of Union I'nclllo Olllolnls
The linrllnctoii anil
Jlcntlvootl. .
Consternation WIM created among the army
of clerks In the Union Paclflo headquarters
yesterday morning by the circulation
of a rcx > rt that tltera it very soon
to ho ti radical reduction of salaries
of clerical forces all nlonR the lino.
The first step toward carrying out this
order hns already heen taltcn. All of the
eastern ngiMits of the Union I'aclllc , and
there Is a largo number of them , htivo had
their salaries reduced , some of thorn very
radically. This was noticeably true
In the case of the company's '
general opcnt at New York , who had Ills
salary redueodfiO percent.
The order tun been practically Issued for a
reduction m wages of clerks and agents
amounting to from 15 to to per cent.
\Vhllo some of the titled salary drawers
arc In a position perhaps to meet such a re
duction as is proposed , it would ho rough on
the headquarters forces , most of whom nro
not Rotting an average of inoro than $00 per
iMr. ItcRsoKiilo'M Itrtircinont.
The report of the retirement of General
Manager Uesscgnio of the Mountain division
of the Union Paciilo Is neither denied nor nf-
llrmcd at headquarters , although It has bcon
generally understood that the retirement of
eneral Manager Mcelc of the Colorado &
Fort Worth division would ho followed by a
dropping out of the old general managers nt
the various division points. "Billy" Bancroft ,
Into general superintendent of the RioOrando
Western , Is mentioned as Hesseguio's successor
ser with the title probably of division super
Bancroft is considered a first-class railroad
nan. He left the HioOrando because of a
railuro to ntjreo with President Moffatt. "Ho
, vill have a big job , " snlu a local oftictal "If
! io takes Uessogulo's place , as the mountain
illvlslon of tbo Union Pacific Ii the hardest
section of road In the country to manage. "
Dissolved I'artncrahit ) .
The Union Pacific has withdrawn from the
lease by which It used the Burlington passen
ger depot In Lincoln and is now running its
rains into the old sjjitlon house. No expla
nation hns been given for the change. It was
understood that the Union Pacific and Hock
aland wcto to join In a union depot at the
capital but the recent abrogation of contracts
per bridge and terminal accommodations has
nJcflnitely postponed all plans for such n
woliug of interests. In the meantime the
Union Paciilo will use Its own local depot at
Lincoln , which Is u more shed.
Gold 111 : Into Dcnilwnod.
The Burlington has completed four tun
nels on its Black I tills extension , ono of them
1,153 feet In length , and is now within twen
ty-four miles of Deadwood with plain grad
ing and track work ahead. It is expected to
iiavo the line completed and opened by Feb
ruary 1. _
Notes nnd 1'ornoimls.
A.V. . Putnam of General Freight Agent
Whitney's ' ofllco has returned from Boston.
The Burlington has stopped work for the
winter on Its extension west of Newcastle.
A rate of ono nnd one-third fares for the
round trip has been made for the inaugural
of Oovnruor Boyd at Lincoln on Thursday
General Freight Agent Whitney nnd As
sistant General Trafllo Manager Monroe , of
the Union Pacific , are out cm the line in a
private car.
_ _
Colds nro frequently the result of derange
ment of the stomach and of a low condition
of the system generally. As a corrective and
strengthening of the alimentary organs ,
Ayur's ' pills are invaluable , their use being
always attended with marked benefit.
Backed l > y l'o\\vrlul Influence * ) .
The City of Arunsas Harbor , Tox. , ia
backed by the railroad influences , also
the company to whom the congress of
the United States granted the exclusive
right of obtaining deep water over the
bar nt Aransas Pass.
Such Dr. Gapcn'B Board Socks to Fur-
iilsli tlio City.
There was a meeting of the board of health
yesterday morning at which wore present :
Mayor Gushing , Councilman Chafteo , Plumb
ing Inspector Dennis , Chief Scavey nnd
City Physician Gapon.
The services of Health Inspectors Holmes , and Stout were dispensed with. This
was done because the limit of time which it
was possible to employ them had boon reached ,
They had been appointed upon the recom
mendation of the special council committee
mittoo organized to confer with the
board of health , and it was under
stood that they should hold their positions
until the close of the year 1S90. As the llfo
of the old council has about expired , It was
considered advisable that the tenure of ofllco
of its appointees should expire with it
Tlicro was no money loft to pay them.
The board decided to make another attempt
to secure the payment by the council of n bill
for tri ) rendered by the city physician. This
outlay was required in compiling the vital
statistics of this city upon which the census
report could bo based. The bill was
presented half n dozen times to the
council and as many times disallowed ,
it Is alleged owing to the efforts of Mr.
Wheeler. It is thought the bill will bo al
The board adjourned to assom bio again at
the call of the mayor.
Dr. Gapen says that the health of the city
is In fair condition and that \vhilo diphtheria
still obtains ills by no means so prevalent as it
xviw some tlmo ago , These are about twenty
cases of the disease In the city and others are
reported from time to time as are also occa
sional deaths ,
The only health ofllcer uow in the employ
ofthocltyisMr. Pettlt.
The senior proprietor of this paper has
boon subject to frequent colds forsomoyears
which wcro sure to lay him up If not doc
tored at once. Ho llnds that Chamberlain's
cough remedy Is reliable. It opens the secre
tions , relieves the lungs , and restores the
system to a healthy condition. If freely used ,
as soon ns the cold has been contracted , and
before It has become settled In the system ,
It greatly lessens the attnck nnd often cures
in n single day what would otherwise have
been a severe cold. Northwestern Hotel Ho-
porter , Dos Moincs , la.
Itcputnlilo I'liynlclmis Called In When
It to Kmlrcly Too Imtc.
Mr. G. C. Muir , a brother-in-law of M. J.
Burns , died at the latter's residence , 105J !
South Twenty-ninth avenue , Wednesday
night of typhoid fovor.
Mr. Mulr nnd his wlfo had boon visiting
Mr. Burns , their homo bclnp in California.
Several days ago Mr. Mulr complained of
feeling ill and a Christian science
operator was called and pretended to
give him a "treatment. " Ho appeared to
bo bcnetltcd nnd was ublo to zo down town.
In a day or two ho was again taken sick and
the operator was called a second tlmo. He
seemed to I in prove , but In a short lima was
again taken sick nnd another operator sum
moned. Efforts wcro made to have him see
A regular physician , but ho refused and con
tinued to grow rnpidiv worse.
On Wednesday a l.idy physician was called
who at once announced that Mr. Mulr was
past recovery. Every effort was made to save
his llfo , but without avail ,
The physician refused to sign the death
ceitlllcato and nn application will bo made to
the city physician.
Polio llns Skipped.
It U now believed by the police that Belle
Hrnndon , Uio woman tfhb had the custody of
Harry Mansfield's booty , has skipped the
country. Her bund U $312. Munsllold Is
still in JaiL The B ram'on ' woman is consid
ered ono of the most reckless and crooked In
her class nnd has conducted n "fence" for
thieves for some tltn * } . Manslleld was her
best man , but other crooks have made their
hcndrmnrtors at her plrlio. Her ease will bo
called tomorrow. The uhargo ngamst Hello
is receiving stolen prpicrty.
Sudden changes oT" Weather cause throat
Iscnscs. There is no inoro effectual remedy
or coughs , colds , etc , , than Brown's Uron-
hial Troches. Sold only in boxes. Prlco
-3cts. ' _
llljj Knlo nfCitr Lots.
The Inmost auction sale of city lots
jvcr hold In the south will titko plnco
it Arnnsas Hnrbor January 7 nnd 8.
V Stcnily Incrense for tlio Vcnr with
No PlotltloiiH Values.
The speculative feature did not enter into
ho transactions in real ostnto In Omaha In
SIX ) , tno stringency in the eastern money
market nnd the pending of the prohibition
question In the stnto being the deterring
causes. Notwithstanding this tlio market
ias bcon characterized by a steady rise In
values nnd an increase In the volume of busl-
toss over 1SS9. The Increase in value and
juslncss has been based on actual develop *
nents and forms n splendid evidence of the
city's general growth. The following llg-
ircs show the total of the real estate trans-
lers for the year by months , compared with
ust year ;
18SO. 1800.
January $ J.8I2.7IB 8I.ISI.1M
p'elirntiry l.Oir < i.iM l.r > is,407
Mnroh l.SS'l.'teS J,5.I8BI7
April l,0tll,421 1.571,123
May U74.7U7 2O.7GJ (
lime l.Ml.iCM ltt.ii,20i :
inly i.iuT.wa 1.4U.729
AUU'USt l.1iil,471 J.724.109
eptembor I.or > flai2 1.K0.059
October 1.4S7.703 1,40.KI1
iNoveinbur 2,7lttlS4 1.147.721
December ] , : , ISO 1,400,000
Total $17,8.11,870 il8.2SU.lfl
Increase over 18S9 tM51.ri.Yi
By a typographical error in the annual edi
tion of this paper the total transfers for ISb'J
were given 0318,831SrUlnstead of $17,831,879.
The druggists of this city sell the most suc
cessful preparation thut has yet been pro
duced for couclis , colds nnd croup. It will
loosen and relieve a cold In Icss'Umo than
any other treatment. The article referred to
Is Chamberlain's Is medicine
cough remedy. It a
icine that has won fame and popularity on its
merits and ono that can always bo depended
on. It is the only known remedy that will
prevent croup. It must bo tried to bo ap
preciated. It is put up in 50o and $1.00 bet
No Now City
will bo started during1 the next quarter
of a century olTortng1 such grand oppor
tunities for investments 113 Arunsas
Harbor , Texas.
More Information llcgarilliij { the Pools
in Wliloh Ijlcs Poisoned \Vator.
The members of the board of public works
met yesterday for tbo purpose of letting
the contract for Ulllng lots that have been
declared nuisances by the city council and the
board. There was ono bid , that submitted
by Katz ft Cnllahan. Tueir bid was
from 18 to 85 couts per square yard ,
The prlco depending upon the location of the
lots nnil the length of the haul. The contract
was not awarded for the toason that the mem
bers want to view the lots before ordering
tbo work. To make the fill will roiiulro the
removal of 0,500 cubic yards of earth.
The contract for repairing sewers during
the year 1891 was awarded to J. O. Coruy ,
bo being the lowest bidder.
For laying new and repairing old sidewalks
during tno year 18'Jl ' , there were three bid
ders , Kdwnrd Burns , L. 1' . I { oil ins and Ilnm-
ilton Brothers. Burns was the lowest bidder -
dor aud received the co.ntract.
The following estimates were allowed :
Hugh Murphy , curbing Seventh nvo from
Williams to Pierce street , $1,000.4 ; ) ;
C. D. Woodworth , curbing North-
vop avcnuo from Mercer avenue to Burt
street , $710.07 ! C. \Voodworth , curbing
.L.OWO avenue from Mercer avenue to Hamil
ton street , $ . ' ,013.00. ,
For Dprnnjjomeiitor tlio Brain
Use IIurHloril'H Acid Phosjilinto.
Dr. D. P. Boulstcr , .Augusta , Mo. , says :
'In ' functional derangements of the brain
nnd nervous system , I have prescribed it
with gratifying results. "
Don't Forget It.
The grout auction sale of city lots
takes place at Arausaa Harbor , Tox. ,
January 7 and 8.
Father Krafts , the Victim of the In
dian Assault , Known in This City.
Kov. Father Krafts , who was so dangerous
ly stabbed In the light on Porcupine creekbo- ,
twcen the hoitllo Sioux and the Seventh cav
alry , was ordained In this city in the year
18SO. Ho had been educated for the Indian
mission In St. Meinrad's college , corductcd
by the Benedictine order in Indiana. Shortly
after ho loft the college bo came to this city ,
nnd was mot by Bishop Marty who had been
but n short tlmo previously consecrated bish
op of Dakota. The ordination took place dur
ing holy week , the ceremony being performed
In the cathedral of St. Philomcna by the
bishop. Father Krafts Immediately proceed
ed to the mission where ho has since worked
energetically among the red men , It is known
that ho stood high amonir thorn and believed
that the assault upon him was owing to the
heat of the moment and under other circum
stances would not have bcon made.
Mrs. Wlnslow's soothing syrup reduces in
flammation while children nro teething. 2
cents a bottle.
The Ericlcgon Failure.
The store of C. L. Krickson , the North Six
teenth strcot Jeweler , was closed Thursday
night on an attachment Issued at the instance
of C. C. Briggs & Co. , of New York , who hold a
claim of $1,000 against Mr. Erlckson. The
stock is now in the possession of the sheriff.
Mr. Krlekson states that his as
sets far exceed his liabilities , and that if his
creditors will glvo him a little tlmo ho will
soon bo on his fcot again.
Clerk Moores was routed out of bed nt mid
night to lllo two more attachments against
Krickson. Ono was lllod by C. C. Briggs to
protect a claim of ilMO duo on four promis
sory notes , nnd the other by Byron L Stras-
burger ctol. , who hold three of lirlckaou's
notes for amounts aggregating $ 'JW.'Jo.
Mr. Churlos E. Ford , cashier of the Union
National bank , holds a bill of sale of Krick-
son's entire stock , which was given Decem
ber ! ! ] , before the attachments referred to
wcro served. The consideration was * 9,0'J-IO : ! ' ,
Mr. Ford assuming a note given by Kriokson
to the bank for JJ.MW , on which ? l > 00 had
been paid. The balance was paid in cash to
Mrs. Ericksou , who hau mortgaged her prop
erty and put the money Into the storo.
Tno store was open yesterday with a dep
uty sheriff In charge. The clerks were busy
taking nn Inventory of tho' btoclr , but no
goods were on salo.
Mr. Ford was of the opinion that the at
tachments airalnst th6stock would not hold ,
as the transfer had boon made before they
were served ,
Lnto in the afternoon , Ford gave bonds , ro-
plovinod the stock and was put in possession.
' Positively cured by
thfso LltHo IMIN.
Tliey also relieve Dis
tress from Di-spcpsla , In
ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty
Eating. A jicrfrjct rem
edy for Dizziness , Nausea ,
Drowsiness. Had Taste
In tbo Mouth , Coated
Touffue , Pain In tlio Side ,
regulate tbo Bowels. Purely Veijetnble.
Cure * nil disorders ol'tlio btonincli , Ijlvcr , Dowel' , ICnliioys , Ulniltlcr.Nrrv-
mis DlHcnNOfi. Ijcns /Vppptlte , llrntlnclic , CoiiNtluntlon , OoHtlvoiiCRn , Initler-
tloti , lllllDiifliioHa , Foror , 1'llos , Kto. , nnil rcnilor-i tlinHystom leas llnblo to con-
tinot illicnso.
illicnso.DYSPRPSTA. .
KADWAY'S PILLS nro u euro for tliltooinpliilnt. Tlii-y touo up tlm IntornM necrctlonsto
ticixltliy notion. rustorostroii-lli | to tlio stonmon , uml cuablu It tiiporfnrin IH funotlniu.
Price iVj n box. Sola by all drugjlats , or mulled by UADWAY At CO. . 'Ji Wurrcu Street , Now
i ork , on fuuulpt of urlou.
r/ < r r. < r < ) r. w * vr * < rr * <
5 The Standard Cocoa of the World.
2 A Substitute for TeannuCotroo.
f Van Iloutcn's lias fifty per tint more of the desk-forming
elements of cocoa than is obtained by the best processes of
other manufacturers.
Doctors and analysts of the highest standing all over the
world , certify to this immense saving , nnd by VAN Hou-
2 TEN'S ' special process only can this be attained.
2 ajrVAN llotrrrx's COCOA ( "onco tried , lw ; ui cJ" ) po oMe § the grout KiUnntnci ) of
2 loatlnjiiolnJarlomefToction rlionnrvoui njstora. No womlcr , therefore , Hint In all parts
S of the world , this ( nrrntor'j Oocn9 | rrciiitiiiifllileil by mcillcal liit-nltt * trtiit iftt-ii
2 ! < < l coffee nr other ciirnit nr chuculaipi , r r itiilly ui by chllili-vii ur'titlult * ,
$ hulo nntl alcU. rich inul poor , Ask for VAN HourKK's And < < iA noofA'r
&f r4 ttr-t ewffffr * ff4 rfff rr&fSfr'fffir&rAf&ff rj <
o Flows 111 cl Majplvqrs : ,
A 1UH line of Everything used by Ice Qathorora
EHM Send for Catalogue nncl Prices.
If you lut'i'c a }
ncuto or Icnillui ? to
OF 1'UBCi : < > ! ) > I.IVBvIC OKIL ,
This preparation contains the ntlmuln-
tlnK properties of the ltt/jinflinniililtr
nnd Duo Konrtalan Cod Liver Oil. Ust-d
by physicians nil the world over. It Is a *
l ilttiible an mllle , Three times ns eftlcn-
cloua ( is plain Cod Llvor OIL , A perfect
Emulsion , bfcttcr than nllothorn mnito. Tor
all forms of IIViiNiifl Dlfrasfs , JlnnichlHi ,
Scrofula , and as a Flesh Producer
there la nothing llko SCOTT'S EMULSION.
It Is sold by nil Druggists. Ix > tnoonoby
protnso explanation or Impudent entreaty
luiiiico you to nccopt n substitute.
ln. IIusnuiKva'SrEcincs aroBclentlUfnllyand
rnrcfully prcrxuril prescriptions ; used for ninny
yf > rHlnprlrntoi > itictlcoivllhBurcc8ian < lforovi r
thirty j ucirausiM l y the people , livery Plnglo bpo-
clilold usi > oclalcuro for the tlUcaNo named.
Ttieno hpoclflcfl euro without tlruKglui ; , pttrg-
Ing or reducing tbo B > Ftcinnnit am In rnctniul
( loodthonovorolKU ruinoillrtjof llioAVorltl.
URT nr r nuicirAL K03. CUKES' ' . nt
1 I'pvc'm , Congestion , Inflammation . .
\Vorinn. . Worm l > ver , Wonn Colic. .
Iryliif ' Colic , orTeetUtnif of Infuuu
21' > l in ru on , of Children or AdulLi. . . . , tfJJ
n Dyn'litory i , Urlplngllllloun Colic. . . . . J5
. ( Ifioli'ra niorlHin , vomiting
' CiiUKhn , Cold , llnincIittlH * J.S
4 Nliurnlclu , TootliachoFncenolip . . . , 'J5
I llcadnchcfl , Slckllendntlie , Vertigo , * J5
Ilj.HlH-piiln , Blliniii blomnoh
HiipiircHHoilor 1'aliiful I'erlodn.
! AVIiltt'N. too 1'rofmo I'tTliHis
I ( IrniiPi Cough , Dinicullllrrnthlnir. . . .
Mnlt ItUlMini , Krj ( > : : > cla , r.niptloiis.
13 lilil'iiniiitltin , Khriiinntlol'nlns
111 l-Wornmt Ague , ChilliJlularla .11)
IT 1'lli'N , Illlnilor lllrodlnp O
I'litiirrh , Innuenm , Riildlntliollrntl . .TO
Wlinolni | ) { CniiKh. Vlolrnt CniiKlm. , , * iO
If < ipn < * rnl llrMIIIy.rdyelcnUVcakiifM .51)
Klilnry JNPIIH | . . " > ! >
s NITTOIH Drhlllly . . . .1.1)1) )
: to Hrlmtrr WrakiiriN , Wrttlnitncil. .fill
- Jllficnm'.t of IlicJIenrl.riilliltatlon l.OO
Sold hy DrUBKlitii , or dpnt poilpnld on receipt
Of IirlfO. D ItUHl'IIHEYS' JlAMIAI , (141 ( p l0 )
richly hound In cloth and Kold , innllol free.
Oor. William and John Streets , New York.
Tor IniDrovi'il and
ccoiioinlu cookery ,
use It for .Sox * ' * ,
und .M i < r < t
[ ( lUlllO ,
b'lsli , etc. ] Th jiir-
c t moat prtparn-
tlnn. Contain ! ! nn
milled salt la
I'Uoapornncl of flnar
llavor than uny
oilier stock.
EXTRACT Ono iKiunil oqunl
to forty pountU of
lonii bcnf of the value -
uo of about * 7W.
Gen ulnoonly with
von JJcltlg'
tilRiiaturuas sliown
0. L. EricksonLocal Agent , 00 N.lUt'h
J W1EANS'U > 3 OllOB J
It the iM'st mnilc , nml It lolj/ /
ovcrv liPro. 'ililt li tlie orlj-/ ;
Irnl f J alto * ? Howard of Iml-
Ullom I'mltlrcly nnn
Ui'llillllK unlvti utarr.pcd
on the inli-i , "Jilliiel
Means' S 3 Shoo."x
J. MEANS & CO. ,
< l Llnrul. Mrrrl , '
llil.lOi , Iu > , '
Eurtf rltu from th ritictanf jouthful < rn > rn , early
ill coy. utvilliii ; wcnkno-n. lc l niuutHMKl.ctc. , 1ifl |
w.'iil a tamable trt'atlso twnltdi contalnluK full
r rllcul r for homo cun > . FltKI ! of rhan-e. A
pk'Qdlit medical works nhouM lu < rcful by i-verr
man who l ucrvniu and derillluiril. Xddrru
1'rof. V. C.
, BAKER & Co/s
from which tlio cxccsi of
oil has boon removed , la
Absolutely Pure
audit is Soluble.
No Chemicals
arc used in its preparation. It lias
more tJian three times the strmyth of
Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , aud ia therefore far inoro
economical , costing less than one cent
a cup. It Is delicious , nourishing ,
strcugthiming , ] : ASIIA" DIOKSTI-.D ,
and admirably adapted for invalids
as vell ns for persons in health.
Sold by Crocors everywhere.
W. BAKER & GO , , Dorcliesfer , Mass.
Epps's Cocoa.
"lly n tlioroimh knowlcilco of the natural lnw §
which govern Urn oporntloniof ( llpcitloii nncl nutri
tion , niKlby a ciri'tnl'iillcitlon ; | | : uf tliullim iirnpor-
tloaof null BvlrcliMt L'octin , Jlr Kpi > linn prmlclt'd
our tirunkfntt tnlilcxnltli tidellcnti'ly ( Invnri'illover-
ngowhlcli iniiyBiivi'lmnaiiyticnvjriioctorH1 bllu. jt
U by the juillrtou * unoof mull nrlleli'H orillot thut u
constitution liny liuKrndunlly liullt lip until Mroni ;
cnoiiRh to rt Hht ovrrr tendency to tllneate. llun-
tlrcclH of riibtloimilmllos are Hunting nrnmid uari'iuly
tonttmk vrln're ur tlmm Isn wi-uk point \Vo mar
pycapo tunny n f'ttul slrif t by kouplntf Ouifclvvs well
fnrtlliod wltli I'tut ' ! lilood ami a piopurly nourished
frniun.l'l \ II tarrlcu ( inicltf.
.MudnHlinply Mth uolllnunntcrornillk. Soldonly
Inlmlf liuimi ! tins , by gn CLTJ , InbdiM thus :
1AMFS I'PI'S ' ' Sr O llomn-oimthloUlionilsts ,
JflJlLO LllOtX tU.
, London. Kiwliiiid.
National Bank
Capital , - - - - S/tOO.OOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - B7.0OO
OfllccM mid llri ) > ctor "Ifcnpjr W.Yiitm.I'rcuMent ;
Io ls jKi'0l ( , Mcu-ITi'Mileiit ; . .InmctV Savant * , \V.
V. .Morse. John 8. Culllim , II. O. Cualiliii > , J. N. II.
I'atrlck. W. II. S. IlliKliow , caslikT.
Corner 12lli and Ktirniiiu Sin.
A General Ilanklns Huslness Transacted.
J. HEED WHIFFLE It CO. , Proprietors
J. HEED WHIFFLE & CO. , Proprietors.
Cooklnunntl Service firollml by none , ( /nmnteto
n nil uPI'ulntmunti ' Iloit luratlon In Ilinolty
Tno notion 'transcript nnjr : " . .Mr.Vlilpplo li n
prlnco of landlord * ! , nnd palroni of I'orlturs' m-iy
Imitlcli'iito n return i < > the noud old tlmm ot lu
founder , llarvoyl ) . I'arkor.
\V1II'1M.K ! will cuuttnuo the inaim.'omcnt o
' fts liurtHuloru.
t'S. None Ilcnii ?
wlllciiro wciik back , tnkn nwnjr that Kloomy , llri'it
IrelliiK , tint iiervuua vxlmunlloii , | iut ro f Hi your
flii'cks , brltihton ' "iiruyua. Klcu > uu noivllfi ) , iiialit-
tlcm , apiiptlto innku you tunmlil uinro attruotUn.
Aljiolululj llurinluia , Hiiro. II u box , inn limit
I'nmpiilutiriio NKIIVB III5AN CO , Itullnlo .N I'
Hold by ( inivlruuu Urng Cu. , I11U t'uriinmHt. ,
Oniiiln N.iljraoku
OonerU anrl NSRVOOa UiBILIiy i
Wenknesa cf Body tnd Mind , f ffttti
. . Inf Errora or Xtcoticiin Older Yountf.
Holioil , lullintN 111011 f.ll , luil.rod. llowlo.nlirr. .W KtK.l UirfUll'KUlli ( ) N8rilll UKJljUl.
kululrl ; rilll > | IIIIIK TriKlTllir < T.HrKllll la K ttir
H. > Ititll ; ( rou 4UM.I. . 114 , , , ( togalrUl. Hrll. lloj.
ll. . < tlpl.r | ok. rifleiiilua and proof. B.II I ( . , .ld i fr. ,
My r lntln ( nnd rapeihnnnInK tiuilnom Kitiii > .
Ililiixl ItUI. I Inn n "Oil helcuted l etc of Wul
1'uiwrViill .MnuldlniH , I'ulnti , llriiihui , tto.
DIG b. 10th Street , Omaha.
FRIDAY ftnd SATURDAY , JAN. 3 and 4 ,
1-nit rorformnnoes of Iho Orlslnnl mut IVorlcsi
oriniic f > f ] | D I TV M 17 ICorinne
orlnnc UlHli\INacoriiiiiB |
In the 1'rcltr
COIUXNI ; as r.tnu'xn msny
Intlnpo jitl'es Mo nml TV liri'nliiR ptlcoi 150 ,
VV 5-J L C5 Oomiiionciiig
A Ofoat Attraction.
The De Wolf Hopper |
Opera BoufFeCo ,
In Korkof < itf Pomla Oi > ern ,
1 ho Moat Powerful ( ' "mpnny of Compillim In
1'rlce *
SunUntj. xJanunrij fi.
6fh Successful Season
or TUB
Greatest Play of ( he Age.
\Vlii. nillctto'9 Ma'terploc'O ,
Presented by n Most Powerful
Cast nnd all New Scenic _ ,
Prices n usual. Uox sheet * upon Snl
The Grand = Special. .
v. fit * roll's Now Ynrk Mundnnl Tht'itro lroiluo *
lion nml Ailfiplntlon of Ale * . 'Him.ia
Klvo Act Plujr ,
/ ! > 1 _ | I A * . . .
r _ _ '
J A 1 li
Clemenceau Case.
ItclEnliiitSciinalloii of I'nrli mill Now York.
Ai tliotipwltculnu In. ( Jintuvunlcvlix Clins Kent ,
Ictinlo llcllfurtli , nnil the ontlru nrUlnul conipnnr ,
undei tliiMlireetloti ofVm. . A ltnid >
1'rli ! ' , ; . < ! > ) u TricniiiHlUO I'lio rosi'rvo mile Till
Will Lnwlor. Mriiiau'or. ( ! or. llth anil I < "nrnnm
Six nioiitlisolii i-iito , ouniiliu. pratty , artl
Iho Juriotlu 1'iiplijts. y
Wctliorannil Uurioi. thuroou luiiin. Swconr
cdtitoitlonlst Alllo ( 'liiiiiilur ) , the
uml : i hcHt of at trart IOIH.
THAT h\\KIli-Sr.i \ \ ) : HIM.
is niistirpassoil In tlio truuttiioiit ot nil
Btrlotuio. SypliIlK Lost M inliood. SUIii Ills-
sfj anil I'Ynmlo Dlsi'iisi'i. llr. JItGiow'n
TOSS In Mil ) Iruiitinrntof tlioiibovu Dlso isuv
linsuovur livi'iii'iinnloil. Aciirolstiiit"iiiloid : )
without tlio IOSH of an hours tlmo.Vrlto
for tslrc'iilnrs. IjAlHKS. from 2 to 4 only.
Ofllco , < ! ( ir. 14th and Kniiiiini Sts. , Omaha ,
Noli. KutruiK'ooii t'lthur htroct.
I'rntttco Ilinlleilto
IMnounciof tha
Nervous System
Inchifllni * N'miinlula ,
1'aialyHH , Jjpilt'iuy.
( " . ilnlepiy , llymi'ro
Kpllupiy , Con nil -
Mon * , Hitlnil Iriltu-
thin , ItliiMiinallsin ,
Chronic Alodiollnji ,
NiTvuiu llcailadir.
Norvoua I'rnitrnllun
C'lmumpUon iindtill
bt'Hioa of the lufiKN
Ilooini 3111 to : i."J ,
Wonderful Remedy
I'llco Hl.OO. I'lnl Hollies ,
For Sate by leading Druggists.
Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Go ,
Blake , Bruce & Co.
rei ) for Ky f rln , niitln , Fta. ! KuumlitU. WnVu
lulntii , llintiil iM > ri"i lon , M ll nliiint thu
tultini ; In Icinnlty .i'l ' Uulluir to inUcij ileruy arj
flu th , Prrm lurd Old Av , linrri nnf , l.on < nt t'tincr
intillliur * } ! , Invuluntar/ > ea , anil Huitriniito'Tl.a'ii
cauml lir uvfrxjioalox of the hraln , KCH : l.uso nr
o trlnii8-iro. ! ! l h lx > i roruilni nnimonit'i trenu
nie-nt , tlalxiT , ui U ( nr i , nt liy inullpruiMll.
With earn unl r f * > r tli l.ojn , will lend purctiuiir
minrant o ID rprand ncnnr It lh ( rutnirntralitU
Curu. UuaruiteilUnUkiti AuiJ uvuuuiu M > ld uhlYbv
lUOFaruutn atreou - Omahn Neb ,
W/S. ROBlNSOiN' " "
Chcinlht uml
roriuurly In Clit'inlcnl I.ubnratory of tlio Union
1'iu-lllo '
Hallway I'
peclnl Attention Given to Or'cs ,
V/ntorsand Oils.
11 i2Doclgc St. , Om aha , Neb
Ab o1ut 'ly rrllabla , prrfrctlr rtafe. mo t powerful ftnn&li
rtVultUjrKnown never falfi * > * l oi i > ut > tmlJinu | boi
huaitlenU jldtlrftM WON Dfd'O ( VK , flufTUo , N. If.
bold UOOlJUAiJ MitJu UA