G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAYDEOEMBEK 23 , 1890-SIXTKEN PAGES. THE OMAHA HEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PEARL ST. rcltvrrcd by Cnrrlor In any pnrtof the City II. W. TlI.TOfl. ilANAUKH TELEPHONES ! HiiBlnpM Ofllcc. No. 43. Nlglit Editor , No. 21. K. Y. P. Co. Durliorn'8 for watches. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal. Tlio veterans nnd their families enjoyed i todnl season nnd n.crry dunce in the Grant Army of the Kopubllc hall last evening. Subscriptions to periodicals atwholcsnl < price * . Drop tno n card tiiul 1 will call 01 you. F. J. llonglnnd , No. HJO'J Sixth nvcnua Special communication of Uxcolslor lodge No. 25'J , A. tnnd A. M. , Monday evening n Masonic temple , for the Installation of ofH curs. ' Our Church" Is the tltlo of n now llttli pnpcr , Issued weekly , In the Interest of tin l lrst I'rcsbytcrlnn cliurch of this city. F. J Honolulu ] IH the editor , JudKoCnrson wai listening to long arpu incuts on n motion for n now trial In the cast. of the Kllpntrlck-Koch Dry Goods company vs Hlot/ky Ilro. , garnisliccs. Died In this city , Friday evening , Onxc Amy , infant daughter of 1A. . Oonovlovi Bllchtcr. Funeral Sunday afternoon at t ! : ! ti o'clock from the rcaldcuco , No. JiGO Llncoli BVCIIUO , The I'ythmn Sisterhood Is nrrnnRlng for i grand time. Now Year's input. They wll open the new year with n ball and supper a Masonic temple , and those who are fortunut enough to hold Invitations will enjoy the oc cnslon. As has been the custom for in any years , th ladles of the city will keen open house Nov Year's day nt the YOUIIR Men's ClirLsttan as Boclntlon rooms. The ladies will receive froii 2 until 10 p. in. Light "refreshments " will b served. Leave to marry was yesterday KVCH ! to E Swnnson nnd .Icnnlo Olbbs ; Andy Walil&rci nml Illbmo Mullen , both of Onmha ; Jatno Woooroof this county and Annlo Peterson o Cass county. Grace Amamln , Infant daiiRhtcr of Mr. am Mrs. F. A. Sllchtcr , dlod at 11:15 : p. In. DC cembcr . ' ' ( I of congestion of the lungs. Th funeral will occur today at ! 3.30 p. in. fror the residence , aoij Lincoln avenue , Hov The thanks of tlio lidlcs of Trinity Mctli odlst church are horcby expressed to th press , the merchants nnd others who so gen crously donated articles and In any way as slsted them In their fair , nnd for the patron ngo afforded them , enabling them to inako tu fair a success. A novel entertainment will bo plvcn Ne\ Year's cue at the Masonic tcinplo bv the gci : tlernenof the Broad wav M. ii. church. A ojstcr supper , followed by music , reading ; recitations , etc. , all provided by and pel formed by the gentlemen , the Indies havin nothliip to do but pay for their suppers nn enjoy thomsulves. Chief of I'ollco Cnroy cuRaged the Mosonl tcmplo hall yesterday for the purpose of holi Ing another ball for the benefit of the men bcrs of the poliro force. The ball will I given February SJ , Washington's blrthuni nnd will no doubt bo n very pleasant oven The proceeds are to bo used for the mirchas of a library for use of the patrolmen. In the damage suit of Ltndscy vs Hunt tli court directed the Jury to return n verdict I favor of ttiu defendant. The plain tiffvc some tlmo ngo arrested nnd brought before Justice of the pence on the charge of trespas : ing on land belonging to J.V. . Paul and nnu ItiK away sand. Ho turned about and sue for damages on account of this prosecution. "Thoio was nothing new to bo learned yes tcrdny In reifiml to the ISIscmnn failure. 'Th work of making out the list of liabilities an the list of assets Is going on and will tak Bovornl days to complete. No iittnchmcul nnvo been Hied nnd no now documents throv Ing nny licht on the affair. The hope is goi cral that arrangements can soon bo made t reopen the establishment nnd to allow tli business to proceed. The saloon of E. Foodlsch was closed b the chief of policoyestcrdnyuponordcrs froi the mayor. Many complaints have been mad ogninst the place , Focdisch has been warne l-Dpentedly to keep n bettor house , but has nc heeded tlio warning. Ho was nrrosted vei terdny on a charge of keeping a disorder ! house nnd his saloon on the corner of Broai ! way and Sixteenth street permanently closec DuriiiR the afternoon howasadmltteil to ball nml his case will come up for hearing durhii the llrst of the week. The old Central house on Lower Broadwa was closed by the police yesterday , npo complaint of soterul citizens. The propr etor , Anthony Stauuton , obtained police poi mission to open the place on Christmas dn With thoumlerstandtngthnthocoiild continu to run It if ho kept a house that was not ol Jectlonnblo. Nlfiht before last a stranpe was entifod In thcro and robbed , nnd Chle Carey concluded that Staunton's ' promise vroro not to bo relied upon nnd promptl' ' issued the order for the permanent closing d the place. It Is said that nn application Is to bo mad early this week to have the guardianship c Uoso Holdcn changed , and the present puni dlau. A. Alexander , displaced. The Holdo girl iias been already the subject of muc controversy , her parents being dond an there seeming to ho a disagreement botweo nn undo nnd an aunt , each objecting to th other having control of her. It was sui posed that the appointment of Aloxanuoi wiio had quite astruKRlo in getting posse : slon of the child , would scttlo the matter fc a time , ho Icing no relative and supposed nt to bo acting in tlio special Interest of eltuc Bido. It seoins that such appointment is ani thing but satisfactory , Scott house , 23 N , Main st. , Co. Bluffi Good board , nice rooms and beds , lowest rate See the Boston Store advertisement and s ( what they are offering in coats for this wccl Boston Store , Coim ell Bluffs. I'EHNOX.IL J'.tJK . Mrs. Viola Cux nnd sons , Ous nnd Uay , c Brookflold. Mo. , are In the city visiting reli lives. Two of F. E. Shepherd's children hni been quite 111 with diphtheria , but nro no nearly recovered. The Misses Carrlo nnd Lottlo Buck nt : Miss Lulu Stearns are visiting Miss Nc Dillon at 2M South Sixth street. Miss Mary Howard of Hibbard , Nob. . spending the holidays with her cousin , MIi Cecelia Mulquccn , on First avenue. Thomas Howmnn , congressman elect , hi returned from his eastern trip. Ho hnd plate at the big banquet of the tariff ro for league in Now York , visited his relatives : Mitiuo , and enjoyed himself generally. M. M. Staoy , son of W. C. Stnov nnd pt veto secretary cf the son of the aupcrlnton cut of the Hnnnlbnl & St. Joe railway , i llrookflcld , Mo. , has been spending Chrla mas with his parents In this city , and le last evening for his desk. The Misses Pile. 353 Lincoln avenue , wl entertain the members of Harmony cbapti and Vesta chapter , Omaha , Order of tl Eastern Star , on Wednesday , New Year ovo. A cordial invitation is extended to c members of the order to bo present. First-class fresh candy mndo for the ho ! day trade , at A. 0. Dompsoy's , 105 Maiu st. Buy your coal nnd wood of C , B. Fuel Co 630 Broadway. Telephone I'M. The E'HtMiinn Full nro. The Eiscman failure Is still tho. j bject i universal comment , although , uo now dove optncnts have occurr * ' and nothing Is o : poctcd of public In forest before Monday. M Henry Etonian U confined to his bed attl residence of his brother , seriously 111. Mm tflcgruins have boon received from oastei creditors and friends nnd all of them are the most reassuring nature. The bond of Assignee MacConnelwas flxi up yesterday and was lllod for record la lost evening. It is 0110 of the strongest bom over given iu ttio city. See our prices ou coats in another colum Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Great reduction on ladies' , mlucs' and chl drcn's coats to clear at the Boston Star Council Bluffs. _ Cooic stoves can't bo bout for their fin hatdnif atMundcl & Kleiu's , ! EO Broadwa ; THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS. . Death of Alderman Lacy After n-Brief but Severe Ijjncss , BRAIN FEVER THE FATAL DISEASE , ArrcHtof n Colored Woman Wanted nt heaven worth on n Charge or Murder Minor Mention . and Personals. Ahlcrman P. I acy died nt9:10 : o'clock lni nlptit. For the past two weeks ho has beer seriously , but It was not thought dangerously ill. Two weeks ago last Monday ho nccom panled the members of the city council ns t committee of the whole to look over the sltt of the proposed new lovco north of the city , It was a chilly , cold day , and all of the alder men returned from the excursion in tin patrol waeon thoroughly numbed. Mr. Lacy was particularly distressed by the trip , and when the council mot In tbo evening ho was still suffering from the exposure. Ho re mained , however , until the meeting was out nearly midnight , and went homo feeling very badly. He continued to grow worse during the next day , and the next evening was compelled polled to take to his bed , from which IK never arose. On tlio following "Wednesday brain fovcr had developed oped , nnd Urs. Lacy and GSrcci were summoned. Medical skill nnd the ten derest care proved Ineffectual. The blow could not bo averted nnd ho gradually sank until death released him from his pain There were many times durlntj his sickness when his symptoms seomad to indicator favorable turn of the disease , and the roporl was circulated that ho was rapidly recover Ing. Ills true condition , however , seemed tc have been kept from tlio public. From the llrst attack ho was seized will dellrum , and during all of his ravings ho wa : going over the levee slto , nnd enduring tin rigors of the cold trip. Ho talked of noth ing else. Jt was lovco , lovco , all the tlmo a : ho inonncO and tossed on his couch. ' Th phantasies of his brain assumed the fortno myriad menacing calamities to the city whlcl lie was , trying to avert by constructing1 tin levee. His agonized moanlngs were pltifu in the extreme. There was no recognition o the heartbroken friends who surrounded him only the phantoms of a publio danger , and a : his life ebbed uwnv anil the Html moment ! cnmo lust night the last hal syllabled word that died on hi : Hns referred to the public work In which , hi sacrlfied his life. Yesterday afternoon Dr. Macrae was callei Into consultation with the attending phy slcians , but ho was passed tbo point whop human skill could aid him. In the death of Mr. Lticoy Council Bluff ; loses a citizen whom she could 111 afford t sparo. Ho has always held a prominent plao in public affairs , lie served four years in tin city council and was ono of the best aldormoi tno city bad. Ho was born In Ireland forty-sU years ngo When a very small boy ho ramo to th United States with his parents and settled n Savannah , Ga. , and when about twelve year : old cnmo to council Bluffs and has Hvci hero for the past thirty-four years. Twi years of his four year's service in tin council he was president of the organization He was chief of the fire department for etch years , ana for several j ears was president o the state firemen's association. Ho was th father of the iniigulllccnt fire department tha is the pride of the city , Ho loaves a wife nnd nine children , and ba sides these , two sisters , Mrs. Donahue am Mrs. Mlthun. Ho was also closely related t the Wickham and Million families. He wa always an active nnd successful buslnes man , and has accumulated a great deal o property. The news of the death caused pro found sorrow , for the honest , blg-henrtcd genial "Pat" bad friends in every walic o life , nnd there are thousands who remombo ; his generous and unostentatious charity will the deepest trratitudo. No arrangements for the funeral have bee ; made , but It Is safe to say that ono of th largos' lunorals that has occurred , for year will mark his consignment to the tomb. Hoys Wanted. . Wanted Boys at American District Telegraph ograph ofllco. * 1,000 coats for M.OOt,20'J coats for $5.00 1,700 coats for $9.00 , at the Boston Store Council Bluffs. Arrested For Murder. On Monday a neatly dressed mulatt woman of about thirty-flvoyears of ngo , ai penrod at n bonrdiu ; 'JOUSQ kept by a colon ? ; family namoJ. Hiuhaictson , at No , 19 Kort' ' Main street , nnd applied for lodging. Sh gave no account at herself and was asked in questions. JV. room was assigned her nn she kept It very closely , not appjarin g on th street or mingling with the other boarders On Monday evening Marshal Teinplotou nn < Deputy Fowler went through , the house look Ing for another party and saw nnd quot tlonod the woman. She gave ovasiv answers and appeared considerably frus tratod. The officers were not looking for h < and she seemed very much relieved who they wont away. Yesterday morning at 8'8 o'clock she was arrested for murder oy Mai shal Tomploton at the request of oftlcor from Loavenworth , Kan. , and- within flv minutes afterward was Identified and ha confessed her guilt. Yesterday morning Deputy Sheriff Mill Lonccan nnd Sergeant of I'ollco J. H. Rober son of Lcavenworth appeared at the marshal1 oftlcoand asked his assistance In finding colored woman named NcttioVallaeo \ , wli was wanted in Lcavenworth for murderln a former colored lover named Joshua Bigslci on last Saturday night. The woman bears bad character and was known to tlio police ( Kansas City by several aliases , Seine tlm ngo she shot nt a man therewith the intei tlon of Killing' him , but her aim was bad an nnd she missed him. She escaped to Loavoi worth , where she used her revolver on aj other man wltti better effect. She had bee living with a man ramed Harris , but ha recently made the acquaintance of Oigslo.i On the night of the -0th Blgsley and tii woman wcro together on the stieet whe they met the old lover Harris. The womu abruptly loft her now love tor the old an walked away with' Harris , leaving Blgi ley on the street. This enifged Ulgsloy an ho followed thorn. The woman warned aim 1 leave several times , but ho continued to fo low , and without any further ado about It sli pulled a 8S-eallbnr revolver ami commence shooting nt him and llrod thrcoshfcti In nnic succession. The llrst hit Bigsloy In tholoi and ho bent over nnd grasped the woumlc member and while in this position tlio vlnig tired two more , but both shots mlssiKl hln The woman then started to walk away wit her old lover , but after going n few stops si stopped suddenly and turning flrcd again i Bigsloy , who was hobbling away. It was tl cholco shot of the fusilado , for It struck tl negro in the back beneath tbo shoulder , pan trating the heart and killing him almost li stnntly. Harris assisted the woman to escape an she enmo direct to this city. Harris was a rested , hut refused to toll the direction tl woman had taken. Not knowing that howi arrested , on Thursday she wrote a letu from this city , giving- the Richardson plai as her address , and asking him to foruai s.omo of her clothing. The loiter fell into tl hands of tlio ofllcors nnd they ramo after tl woman. Wncn they went to the placetl woman was still iu bed.Vhllo ono ot tl ofllccrs guarded the front of the building lin another the rear , Marshal Tomploton o tored her room and compelled her to dres When she was brought out and saw tl oftlccrs she rbmurkud with great no chaknico : "I know you lelU ra 11 right , and I shot that nigger , too , She was taken to the city jail and locked 1 while the oftlcers prepared for the trip horn They felt considorublo anxiety about gettit : their prisoner out of the state without requisition , but Marshal Tompleton agreed help them by lockliig the woman up and r fusing to permit any person tot > coher. At o'clock they returned to Jail and took her the depot and not a hint reached her that si could demand a requisition , She was close guarded and WM gotten out or the city with out any person being permitted to say a won to her. She \ ns not advised that her victim wa : dead until oho was being taken up the stain to the foinalo department of the city jail then "There's toi Acr only remark wan , many people in this world , anyway , nnd sotni of them ought to dlo , and that nigger wasoni of thorn. " J. O. Blxby , steam neatlng , sanitary en > glnecr , 043 Llfo buildtncr , Oauha ; 23J Mar rlain block , Council Bluffs. The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 41 ! Broadway. All our $30.00 , (3n.00vf35 ( 00 nnd $ .10.00 plus ! coats reduced to tiJ.w ) . Now Is the time ti your plush coats , all guaranteed Wnlke plushes , best London tl > e , at the Bostot Store , Council Bluffs. nnd t'ervlces. Rev , John Bycrs will preach In Ovortoi Mission this ovcnina , nnd continue the re vlvnl meetings throughout the week. Rov. E. N. Harris will address tLo rnllroni men at 2:30 p. in. today in the Young Wcn'i Christian association rooms , Merrinm block All railroad men invited. Bcrean Baptist church Preaching nt 10 : n. in. and 710 : ! p. m. "Tho Model Old Man1 is tbo subject In the morning. Sunday schoo at 11:45 : a , m. Strangers are pnrtlcularl' welcome. Christian church Ilev. C. Monroe , pastor Preaching nt the corner of Broadway am Twenty-third street at 11 o'clock n. in. am 7:30 : o'clock p. m. Sunday school , 10 o'clocl a. in. Congregational Services morning nm evening. Preaching by the pastor. Mornlni subject. "Tho Old Year.11 Evening. "Th 0 real Salvation1 Young People's Seeing of Christian Kndeavor at 0:30. All nro cot dlally welcome. First Presbyterian Corner of Willow nvo nuo nnd Seventh street. Hov. Stcphei Phclps , pastor. Preaching by the pastor n 10:30 : a. m. and 7:150 : p. m. Sabbath school n 12 in. Young people's meeting nt ( l(0 : p. m Strangers and others cordially Invited. Young Men's Christian Association , Moi rluni Block HexL. . A. Hall of the Mrs Baptist church will address the young men' meeting today nt 4 p. m. All men of the clt ; InVitcd to attend. Any stranger will bo wci come. Meeting lasts but one hour. Com nnd bring a friend. Broulway M.B. Church T. McK. Stuarl pastor. Services at the Masonic temple , cot tier Fourth and Broadway , at 10:150 a. m. ati' ' 730 p. in. Morning theme. "Tho Star o the Magi. " Evening theme. "Seeking Sell Delusion. " Sabbath school at IS m. Clas meeting- 0:30 : p. m. Trinity Methodist church South Mai street opposite Eighth avenue. S. Alcxan dcr , pastor ; residence , 221 Eleventh avenue Preaching at 10:30 : a. m' . nnd 7:30 : p. in. Sun day school at 1'J ni. Class meeting , 10 a. in Young people's meeting , 7 , p. in. Praye meeting , Wednesday at 7:30 : p. m. St. Paul's Church Divine service today n 10:4r : > a. m. nnd 7:30 : p.m. Sunday school 12 :15. Bible class , 0:30 : p. m. Sermon topics morning , "Some Christmas Thoughts. Evening- sermon , "Tho Meaning of Chrisl mas Day to Boys , Young nnd Old. " Th Christmas day music will bo repeated an the children's carols nnd anthems by th choir will bo sung nt the evening service Young men nnd strangers cordially we coined to these services. T. J. Mackaj rector. i I'ytliinii Hall. The New Year's ball to bo given by th Pythian Sisterhood , January 1 , IbOl , nt Ms sonic temple , promises to bo a grand nffaii The ladies will be assisted by their husband ! who are as enthusiastic ! ns the ladles then selvss. A splendid collation of good thine will bo served In connection with the bal Tickets can bo procured at the followln places : W. N. Young's drug store , , f. A Scanlan's meat market , A. Keller's sloro , I Moltaz's meat market , and Kclley & Yout kerman's store. Fine Holiday Presents. Every person in the city nnd surroundln country is invited to call and examine th line line ot holiday goods nllboold rellabl business house of E. Burhoru , 17 Main strce C. A. Beebo & Co. are going out of the re tail tradn and will close out their line line < ladies' writing und ofllco desks , book case ; chiffoniers , parlor tables , parlor and cliambc suits , folding beds , plain and fancy rocker : cabinets , mirrors , etc. , etc. for less tha cost. Taken Into 1'nrtnorsblp. On January 1 Mr. T. E. Casady will b taken Into the law firm of Burke &Howilt a a partner , and the style of the flrm will b Burke , Hewitt & Casndy. Mr. Casady is tt eldest son of Judgo'J. N. Casady. Ho is pn eminently a Council Bluffs boy , having bee born hero und grown to manhood , disth gulshed always a $ ono of the brightest youn men in the city. Ho received the llrst pa : of his education in the Council Bluffs publ schools nud completed it at Parsons collegi Two years prior to last October ho spent i tbo Iowa City law school , and continue there until the illness of his fathi made It necessary for him to r turn home. During the latter pa ol the month ho passed a very creditable e : ainination before the supreme court and wi admitted to the bar. His legal studios ou side of the university have been prosecute In the ofllco of Burke & Hewlttand undi the tutorship of Fmloy Burke , and since h admission to the bar ho has been employed 1 their ofllce. Mr. Casady isa bright your man and his friends and acquaintances wl bo highly pleased with the splendid start I has made in his profession. Wo have just received 100 pairs cured 11\ geese odorless feathers In nillows of 2J II each , Cl bs in the pair. The price while the last , fej.'S a t > air. Wo also keep on hand full stock of fotthers In bags from ono to li\ pound bags from a medium to tbo Hncst li ) geese cured odorless feathers , Boston Stor Council Blutls. The American District Telegraph Co. hi been reorganized and is now prepared to gi\ prompt service. Special attention to oxprei and parcel delivery. Bed room and. parlor suits nt reduced prici at Maudel & Klein's , US ) Broadway. Get our prices on ladles' , misses' and obi dren's coats. Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Sucldnn Dentil. "I don't ' feel very well , and I guess I'll ' E up btalrs and Ho down for n while. " It was ono of the nurses In the Women' Chribtlan association hospital , Mrs. Sophl Maltby who spoke , and they weio her la : words. A few minutes later another attacl of Iho hospital , on going up staira to see wht she could do to rcllovo her , found herlyiti bosldo the bed dead. Hdart disease was tl evident cause of her sudden ending. Mrs. Maltby came hero from Dakota aboi three months ago und took n position as nur in the hospital. She has no family nnd tt only relative hero Is a counsin , Mr. D. Mid by , to whoso homo on Washington nvont the remains wore taken preparatory to into incut. Our Mot tors. "ilest Quality of Goods for the Lea Money , " "Spucial Effort Made to Pleai Every One , " "No Trouble to Show Gooi and Glvo Prices , " "Prices to Suit tl Times , " "Live and Let Live. " Read nr proflt by buying your holiday goods nt tl old established house of E. Burhoru , 17 Ma street. Great success. .Reliable goods. Fair dealing , Bottom prices. AtO. B. Jncquomln & 0o. , No. 27Malnstre All our toys Just half prlco for the wee ! Prices cut in two , everything In the tov Hi marked in plain Jlgu res , you can half It fi yourself. 81,00 for 50c. 75o goods for IISo un so on. Boston Store , Council Bluffs. The Lovco Improvement. Mr. J. W. Paul of Omaha was la the oil yesterday looking after his extensive leal e tntu interests , Ho expressed himself qul stoully la regard , to ths proposed widening i the old lovoa , ha Icing anxious for a no lovco instead , Ho njsthntho ha ? 003 lo which are to bo subjected to special asses incut for the expense of widening the o' ' . lovco , and to such an assessment ho docs in propose to submit. , fllnttmatcs ) that If the city council nttompWiV ) collect for tbo wort ho will servo nn Injunction restraining nnj such notion. Ho claims that the Improve mcnt is of n temporary nature and cannot b < thus assessedunlcssibyunnnlinous request o tbo property ownoraj affected , and theli waiving ot damage ) , * As bo hns not con sented to nny such arrangement ho feels con rtdcnt that ho can stpp.-any attempt to collect " by special assessment oil "hli property. Ill' ' plan for a levco nt somq distance from the oh ono is what ho wants tbo council to adopt nnd this ho will help along in every way pos < siblo. ! The Christmas trod and cantata by tin children of Unity Episcopal Sunday school which was to bo i ycn December BO it Huehes' hall , Is postponed to Friday , , Tanu aryU , ns tbo hall is otherwise engaged foi tbo former Unto. The Boston Store never does anything bj halves. They have put the knife in ladies' misses nnd children's coats. See advertise mcnt in another column for this week. Bos ton Store , Council Bluffs. Ma ndoI & Klrln Have n few cholco Peninsular heatcts lof which they desire to close out nt less thai cost in preference to storing them for nox season. Como and sco them , 320 Broadway Attention Union Veteran Lotion. All members of encampment No. 8 , Unioi Veteran Legion nro requested to assemble h Grand Army hall this Sunday evening nt' o'clock sharp for the purpose of f.U a 3lni divlno services at the Methodist Kiilsvopa church , held in Masonlo Temple hall. Abi Lincoln post , Grand Army of the Republic nnd all old soldiers in the city are fratcrnull ] invited to join with the legion on this oc casion. casion.O. O. Axsr.N' , R. 0. TIimiiAHD , Adjutant. Colonel Commander. Pntranlzo Homo Industry ntid Al Will Ilo Happy. The enterprising firm of Rlnndcl & ICleir carry the most complete line of houscholi goods , consisting of cholco furniture , carpets stoves , crockery blankets , in fncteverythini pertaining : to household pood. Wo gunr iintco you lower prices than you can obtnli outside of this city , besides you help bulU up ourown city. Como nntt see us when h want of anything In our lino. Wo will trea you well , and If you have not nil cash wi will extend you a llbcril credit , so as to enable able you to enjoy comfort , Remember tui place. MANDUF , & KI.KIX , U20 Broadway. . SXOTjKSKVKXtr TIlOVSAMt. Serious Charters Auninst the I'rcslilcn of n Chicago Concern. CHICAGO , Dec. 27. According to tin charres made in courl today Iho P. L > . Stan ley-Winston company , a real estate corpor ntion , hao been wicckcd by the speculation o the president , P. M. Stanley. Bertram M Winston , treasurer applied for the appoint ment of n receiver for the concern nnd tha the affairs of the corporation bo wound up Stanley Is charged with npproprlatltif $70COO. Judge Shepard appointed C. M Walker receiver. Winston says bo discovered a few days agi that Stanley find misapplied $70,000 nnd thn most of it had gonoln wild mid recklcsi speculation on the Chicago stock exchange The wrecked corporation was organized Ins fall , succeeding the old Ilrm of P. E. Stanlc ; & Co. Prior to the organization of the nev company Stanley was engaged in conlldentla business with certain customers , and a con siderab'e ' portion of this private business wa : never merged into the business of tin firm. Among the transactions which tlu AVinbtons claim wero'Jmt through byStanlej in his Individual capacity , wcro deals will L. H. McConnickand J. F. Kreny , luvolv ing respectively 5,000 and $125,000. Afte Stanley became convinced of bis liability t ' criminal prosecution bo gave it out that 'tin corporation was liable to McCormlck , Keen ; and pthers for money iulrustecl to and appro printed by him. The Wiustons , said McCormick , threatei to bring suitngnlnst the corporation , nnd h nsked the court to enjoin him and others froc so doing. * The court took no action on this poln today , and McCormick Hied a suit against th company forf50,000 damages. The assets , according to Winston , are sufll cicnt to meet all obligations and the vnluo o the securities hold by banks exceed th amount of indebtedness by 110,000. A. CAXAJtlAX VJEir. Colonel Dciinlson's Opinion or tin Itcccnt Protection Movement. TORONTO , Ont. , Dec. 27 , [ Special Tele gram to Tins Bce.j At the commercln travelers' banquet last night , in response t the the toast of "Tho Army and Navy , ' Colonel George Denntson said : "Tho patriotic Canadian cannot but loo' with great anxiety at the movement no\ going on in the United States , in a spirit.t | say the least , not friendly to this cowii try. I have little or no doubt thn portions of the lust tariff bill In the Unitci States were carried by the people at the bo ! loin of Iho movement for the purpose c bringing prcssuio to bear upon the pcopl of Canada in the hope that they woul < bo able to cut off a largo shnr of our trade. Their purpose Is to try am orlng about a closer , if not an nbsolut union between the two countries , may say , in behalf of the rillitla o Canada , that wo will ao all wo can to prc serve the autonomy of our native land. Th policy of both parties in the United States i ono to which wo can only say Have the milltln ready to do tlfel duty nnd the people of Canada , in ever walk of life , ready to stand shoulder t shoulder behind the mliltiu. " The colonc Kredicted the cutting off of bonded privi ! ges iu transit of goods within a year nm hopcd.preparatioiis would bo made lo mee this inevitable action. Ij"t Us Hnno So , CHICAGO , Dec. 27. It Is now believed tha the difference between tbo world's fair mat ngers and.the Illinois Central company wit regard to the lake front will soon bo nd Justed , President Pish of the Illinois Ccr tral has agreed to fill In the lake front fc COO feet and put tracks at the limit of Iho 111 nllowed by the government. A few citi/en opposed to the lake front arcrquietly workln , against tbo plan , Gcorco Storm ItnlcnROd on llnll. WASHINGTON , Dec. 27. George M. Stern son of the late Emory Storrs of Chicago , wh was arrested hero several days ago on n ba piece from Now York claiming forfeiture e bond at "White Plains" , nnd whoso hearing o a writ of habeas corpus was sot for Monda next , was released tfrom the custody of tb marshal today on a.bond of 203 , PrabnMy NoVh'tiif ? but a Rumor. WASHINGTONpqc 87. The war dopar monl has received , no information in rcgar to tbo reported contemplated invasion of th Chorokco strip. > 'Tho ' department com mandcr has standing instruction to kec boomers out nt all hazards and the war di partment ofUcinls hatfo no doubt that the so diers will carry out the Instructions to tli letter , i Seventeen Hkntors Drowned. tiONnox , Dee , 07 ; Tbo ice In the Rtv < Avon , nt Warwick ] broke today while thousand skaters \ycrc on the surface. Man persons broke through and wewrescued wit difllculty. Later reports state that seventeen bodlc have been recovered and many nro still mis : ing. _ Probably Mailo tijr MUtnk * . ELGINIII. . , Deo. 27. Judgement by coi fesslon wa found against M. W. DuLols I favor of the Homo National bank today fc tIO.001 , Hubois is largely Interested 1 'lexas cattle raising , He Is believed to I wo j I thy , nnd it is thought thai the Judgniet was entered unthrojgh inndvertanco. A Kanm-s l iibt illuo Jtntiood. Fw.no.NM , Kan. , Dec. 27. Tha postoftlc at Buffalo , fourteen miles north of this cltj was ribbed of its entire contents last nigh N j clto to the robbcrj. OOIICIM ! Juntos HuichcH Stokm Deal Niw YOIIK , Doc. 27. Jeneral Jnmt Uufb.es Stokes dlod today , Ho was born. I Maryland nnd graduated ntVcst Point In IKlSj offered his services to the governor of Illinois In the civil war nnd was made brig- ndlor general of'voluntccra , At tlio closd of the war ho returned to private life and lived until n few years ngo In Obtcago. "I * Shlltwrook'ed Mariner * . New YOIIK , Dec. Ii7. Sixteen shipwrecked seamen landed hero today from the German steamer Elbruz. They were tbo captain nnd crow of nn American fishing schooner , wrecked whllo on its way from Gloucester to the Newfoundland Banks nftcr liallbut. Their vessel was wrecked during a , storm and they tool : to the boats , when they were rescued. . Crooked County KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Dec. 27. A special from Columbia , Mo. , suys James Glllesplo , treas urer of Boone county , has been , nrrestcd for embezzlement. Tlio amount is nol definitely known , Warrants have been Issued for County Judges ISoberts and Angcll , charging them with collecting ; Illegal charges for mile- ago. _ _ Mexican Presidents Can Ho Itc-KlocJed Cmor Mr.xico , Dec. 87. Troops and ofll- clals marched through the streets today nnd olllcinlly posted n notice that rc-electloti to the presidency of the republic is now per mitted by law. Sulc do ol a i ompnsr-r. LONDON , Dec. 27. A telegram from Whtt- by , Yorkshire , announces thosulcldoof Wal ter Grlmshaw , the chess player and composer. Ho cut his throat this morning wltb a razor. No reason nsslgned for Ibo deed. A Brotherly How. CIIICAOO , Dec. 27. Michael Flavin and his brother Frank were fatally shot tonight in n light with Harrison lierry and his brother Tliomns. The men wcro all packing house emplojcs nnd quarrelled nbout a woman. Pullman Strike Temporarily Settled. CIIICAOO , 111. , Dec. 27. At noon today the threatened strike at thn Pullman car shops was temporarily settled , the men deciding to roturu to work nt tbo hew scale. Very llcnvy Snow in Michigan. Cincioo , Dec. 17. Dispatches fromsovora iwliits In Michigan report an extremely heavy snow storm prevailing and some delay to trufllc. 1) nth of a FnmouH Stallion. HoitNEi.i.sviun , N. Y. , Dec. 27. The famous stnlllon , Smuggler , record 2:10K : , died today. JB LECrifK Afj XO TE S. The submarine telegraph system of the world consists of 120,070 nautical miles of cable. Somebodv hns coined the word "motor- nccr , " to designate the person who manages the motor on electric car. Utilizing scrap steel rod by welding it nnd drawing it into fcnco wire is ono of the re cent successes of electric welding , rra An electric paper points out that in Europe oronzo has In n great measure superceded iron and copper In electrical appliances. Tbo new telephone cable between Paris nnd London contains four copper conductors , well insulated and armored. The circuit will bo a metallic ono. Prof. Mendcnlmll , the new chief of the United States coast survey , is about to attempt " tempt to locate anew tho"magnotlo polo of the northern hcmlsuhcro. Ingenious engineers suggest that tlio nrto- sinn well may bo developed by moans of elec trical appliances into a. powerful nnd cheap source of almost unlimited power. The effect of the electric light current on the compasses of some vessels i so great that it becomes necessary to determine how many hours the dynamo has been running before working oul the vessel's reckoning. The mechanical dlfllculties attending the introduction of the storage battery system are said to have been entirely overcome nnd the solo question now to he considered is that of its economy in comparison with other sys tems of traction. Bnrayn Is n lioplcnl-looking name , bul it has been tacked to a clay like mineral ob tained from nn island in the northern part of Lake Superior. In combination with zinc and common brine it is said to form a satis factory electric battery. SUUTUHUANKAN PIGMIES. Singular Discovery or Iiiitlo Folks Wlio Dwell in a Cave. Stanley and Du Chnlllu have rivals , says a New York special to the San Francisco Examiner. According to n dispatch from Indianapolis , some boys have discovered a cave in Crawford county , Ind. , und which is Inhabited by a race of humans averaging less limn three foot in height and aboul forty pounds in weight. Of course the boys were laughed nt when they told their story. Then they returned to the civvo , and , after convinc ing thomsolvbs that they were not dreaming , came back and excited the curiosity of hundreds of citizens by re iterating their story. A largo expedi tion hns been organized to visit the cave. Tlio underground cave-dwellers np- pear , according to dnscriptions by the boys , to bo the lowest typo of humanity. They run upon all fours when they tire of the erect position. They exhibited extreme fear of the intruders and clambered bored with agility over heaps of stones in their frantic flight. Not a vestige of clothing covered them , and the boys say they noticed no signs of hirsuteness or other physical marks of the low orders of the animal kingdom , The form is not well devel oped , and males are little if any superior to the females. Their food can bo noth ing except fish from the streams which abound in thocavo , for long before their place of abode is reached every vestige disappears of the animals which haunt the caves or Book refugetherein. . "When the youthful explorers were ob served a baby-like chatter arose , which , awakening the echoes of the ciivo , was- almost deafening1. Efforts will bo made to capture some of these remarkable people. . Colonists \Viuit < ; il In China. China has room for all her children. It is wrong to suppose that tlio whole empire is suffering from n plethora oi population , writes President Martin ol the Royal college , China , in Iho Forum. Certain districts are overcrowded , par ticularly on the southeastern seaboard ; and from that quarter alone laborer * como to this country. Mnny of the provinces are thinly peopled and call lor colonists. Yunnan , with nil uroiv of 107- 000 square miles , had 11 population ol barely 7,000,000 prior to tlio Molmm- mcdnn rebellion , though highly favored byEoll _ and cllmalo. Slnco that devast ating scourge , the ilguro must bo ro- ( luced by half. Tlio same is true ol Kwolchiin , nnd of Shun si and Konsuh , the two provinces yf the northwest. On the northeast , in what Is called Mimclm Ha , are two now provinces , ouch of thoni nearly as largo us the elate ol Now York , which , excepting n few miL itury posts , present tlio spectacle of an unbroken wilderness. Tlio government is now endeavoring to attract Bottlers tc that region ns the bosl wav to secure il from falling into the hands of Russia , The immense regions of Mongolia arc sure , for the same reason , to bo thrown open to settlement at no distant ditto , At present they are in a condition analogous - logous to that of our Indian reservations , only more sparsely populated than unj of them. The population of China two centuries ago was less than U00,00u,000. It id now neurlv twice as great , or to bo nccurato , about a82,000,000. With the extension of railways and the development of now resources , it might onslly double itsoll without nny clanger of treading on the heels of supply. The actual inuroaso If 1,0 < J < ) ,000 per annum u rnto that speukt to the economist of resources still capa ble of largo expansion. OF INTEREST TO THE FARMER , The Secrclary of lowti'a Health EmA. on Hog Oholon. MEASURES FOR ITS PREVENTION , Bulky Fond for Poultry In Winter Ikying UpSceil Corn A Ho mark.- able 1'utnto Crop IMowlnit In the Full. In n bulletin Issued by Dr. Kennedy , secretary ol the Iowa stiito board of health , is-glvon the following valuable preventive measures of hog cholera : 1. As soon us the herd has become in jected , tho'lii-althy animals should bo Immediately retnovctl from the sick BO far away there will bo no danger from Infection by contact , drainage of the eoilwater or gusts of wind. They should bo given ample space , BO that If there are dlboascd animals among them It will not Bjiread so rapidly as when they are crowded. The bodies of those removed may bo disinfected by pouring over thorn a 2 per cent solution of carbolic acid , or two and one-half ounces of ncitl lo one gallon of water , and also driving them through the solution to disinfect their feet. 2. Destroy all diseased animals. As there is no reliable means of treatment or cure , destruction is the simplest and most economical in the end. A single diseased animal will soon infect a herd. 51 Kaeli dead body bhould bo buried bo deep no animal can got ut it. It should bo covered with a layer of slacked limo several inches thick. It burned euro should bo taken that parts not burned are buried as above. The sale and cur rying of such dead bodies to rendering establishments is prohibited by law , and is a most prolific means of spreading the disease. 4. There should bo frequent and thor ough disinfection of the promises , and cleanliness mainlined. Slaked limo is a good disinfectant for hog cholera , using one pound of limo to a gallon of water. It may bo used us a whitewash on tlio fences and pens , nnd spread over the soil in a thin layer and thrown Into pools , hog washes , or wherever tlio water stag nates. A more ellicient disinfectant is crude carbolic acid , costing about 81 per gallon , and an equal quantity of sulphur ic acid. The two acids should bo care fully mixed in a glass jar or bottle and poured slowly into water in a wooden pail , iri proportion of two ounces of the acid mixture to ono gallon of water. This should bo used with a broom or brush upon woodwork , fences , pens , floors , tools , etc. , and also dashed over the soil. For shoes and bootsbrush them with a mixture of one-fourth ounce of carbolic acid and one-half gallon of wa ter. Palls after using should bo rinsed with water to prevent the acid from de stroying the iron hoops. 5. All manure from sick hogs should bo disinfected before removal. 0. After a disinfection of premises , no hogs Bhould bo allowed thereon for at least four months Where a few ani mals are left that have been ox posed no fresh animals should bo added to thorn for six months. If it is necessary to put fresh animals whore the disease has been , as in stockyards , etc. , then all prior infected animals should bn killed and the promises previously disinfected , as stated. 7. Sick hogs should not bo permitted to stray into out-of-the-way maces , un der buildings and into fence corners or under straw stacks , thus scattering the disease , BO as to make infection impossi ble. They should bo penned or inclosed in u yard whore proper attention can bo given them , and other hogs kept from them. 8. Whore no disinfection is had hogs should not bo admitted on premises whore the disease has prevailed for ono year. It is believed tnat the cholera germs will lose their vitality entirely in ono year. 9. All domestic animals , especially sheep , that have been in contact with diseased hogs > should bo enclosed away from all other animals and closely watched. 10. No person from a farm or promises whore hog cholera does exist , or has ex isted , should bo permitted to como on premises whore the dlaeubo docs not ox- ibt , unless previous disinfection is had of his boots and clothing. 11. All birds , wild or tame , should bo excluded from infected premises , After all this trouble , there still re mains the danger of a fresh introduction of the disease. It is dillicult for ono farmer to protect himself when con stantly menaced by his neighbors. Still , it is much easier to keep it away than to eradicate it It is best , therefore , in these regions whore the disease is al ways more or less present , to keep the hogs in more limited space and enclo sures of such form and size that dis infection may bo had with less labor and more definite results. It is confidently bolleved if these rules bo faithfully observed wherever the disease exists , hog cholera can bo permanently eradicated from the stato. Though winter freezing will not de stroy the gonnsthere is good reason to believe tlioy will not survive more than a year in any soil. But it is carried and distributed , throughout the year , from places whore cases have occurred , and thus the virus is kept alive. Ilonco the necessity for qxtcnsivo concerted action among farmers. Hog cholera germs have never been found iu soil or water independent of the diboaso. Neither have tlioy over boon found except in the body or discharges of diseased hogs , and from these the in fection spreads. llnllcy Food for 1'onltry. It is only recently that clever hay has been found to bo the cheapest and best winter food for laying lions , and that by ithuso the great uilHculty of procuring green lootl is ovorcnmo. says the West ern Stockman and Cultivator. In fact , the essontlal want of the hens in winter is not so much that of green food us of bulky food of a nltrogunous character. For many years the writers and breeders have made n specialty of recommending all kinds of grains for poultry , the only variation being that at curtain times Bomo of it was to bo whole grains , and at other times boftfood was to bo given. It aid not occur to tliom the effects of n long'pontlmiod dlol of t > tti\n \ was ns in jurious to fowls as tolittle , nnd Hint tha concoiitralcd grain food gave the best refuilts when diluted ( if wo may use the expression ) with nome kind of bulky nm- torial , which not only promoted diges tion , but also largely assisted in supply ing the elements necessary for the albiu men of the ogps , which was lacking in the carbonaceous ' food of the grains. To prepare it'as food for hona , clover hny should bo cut line with a feed cutter mul scolded. The scolding is done by pouring boiling water over it , in a tub , at night , throwing a covering on it and allowing It to remain until morning. In tlio morning , before feeding , add , for every twenty hens , ono pound of ground grain mixture. Tills grain mixture maybe bo prepared by mixing twenty-live pounds of ground corn ami oats " ( they are usually ground together ) ton "pounds of bran , live pounds of middlings , two pounds of Unseed meal and four ounces of salt , the whole to bo well mixed. Send Corn. It scorns out of season to discuss this matter , but wo are quite sure that 'n suggestion now Vjllt pro x-o-valuable to whoever acts on it , says the Western Stockman and Cultivator. Every farmer who expects to grow corn next year should save his seed now. Tlio quality of fcccd has so much to do with the character of tlio crop that every farmer imdoi stands the necessity of planting the best seed. 13ul it is not aa well understood as It ought to bo that this year good seed corn is very scarce , nnd the fanner who hns grain fit for toed will make a great mistake if ho fails to save it in the best condition. in Iho states east of the Mississippi river the fall has been warm and wet , BO that the corn has not matured enough to1 nmko good beed unless it Is carefully selected ' lected and 11 ro dried before cold woa'thof come ? on , This is not practical on A largo scale , and many careless farmers will line ] themselves next spring without good , vital seed , nnd will bo vitmblo to buJT it of their more provident neighbors who have saved only cnough-for them selves. In the west much of the corn la Imperfect. There Is such a general lack of quality , that on whole farms it will take careful selection to scctiro perfect oars to make seed for next year's plant ing , and more than this , there are whole sections where there is no seed corn at all. Enough seed corn can bo easily nnd quickly saved at husking time by having a box or other receptacle at hand into which choice cars can bo thrown when unloading the wagons. It is the worlt of but n few minutes to make n rough selection at this time , and it saves time and money in the future. Three or fottf times ns much corn should bo saved in this way as is needed , for after it ia thoroughly cured a good deal of what la now chosen will bo rejected ; and moro than that , a good quality of Heed corn will bo a nice source of revenue next ) spring by way of supplying these farm ers who do not read farm papers. Points In Pnvor of Clover. The following is nn extract from bulle tin No. 10 of the Iowa agricultural ex periment station , treating of rust and blight in wheat , oats and barley in 18001 Clover ( if it wits sown in sulloiont ) quantities ) would not only cause our soils to bo much more moist than they are now , but it would inereaso their fer tility , and its roots would improve thoi. * ' > iit mechanical condition. Glover should bo * sown not only for what it would do for our cilmiito and other crops , but because there is more money in it than In any other crop which can bo grown success fully in Iowa , except corn.Vliy not make clover one of our principal crops , instead of oats , which have failed oftener - tenor than they have proved prolltablo on account of unfavorable cllmatlo con ditions. And who not substitute Man- shury barley for oats ? It , is compara tively free from rust and blight in Iowa. It is very productive , has good strong straw , yields more dollars' worth ot di gestible nutrients per acre in all kinda of seasons than oats , and as a nurse crop for clover , it is much better than oaisjw spring wheat. Although timothy , clover , oats , barley , corn and rye , ara very common crops in Iowa , yet there are but few farmers who have tried to determine the dilToronco between the feeding values of an average ucro of oata und an average aero aero of any of tha other crops which. I have named. Allot them are sulllciontly palatable when ia good condition ; but some of them ara not well adapted to our climate ; nnd from equal areas of lanil- seine of them will produce much moro and much bet tor food for the domestic animals than others. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. W ANTIU ) A good girl at 207 North first st. . lo nxuliaiuu for lawn Mr.ltOlIAMHSE ( in ins , Johnston & Viiii ration , Council lIliilK la. B AKGAIN8 In fruit iind vcKnt.iblo lands. 1'or s.ilu , fi7 nui cs 8J iwls north of Ulmu- .un mounds ; oiisturn slopi , ' , line HiirliiK'S. line spring bionlc.lniul very rich : will neil In 10 or lOiicro lota at $30 per ucru , or $71 iioraerofof vrholo tract , * \ acres nn Grand nvciuini flno orchard wind mill , llnu prove , situated on Alyiistoi proposed motor line ; prlco UV > uor noro. 10 acres iiiljolnliiR ulty limits tno story house , conil lirn. ) line orchard und Rinall Jrults. Prlco. fimio. 0 acres on ( Jrand avenue , l'/i miles from IN O. MM an nurc. 110 acres , three miles from city HmltH , Rood house , burn and out lmlldliis , 8J bearing upnlo trees and small frulLs. 1'rlco , $0OOJ. block farm , 4V ) acres , line Ininrovemonti , well wnteiod , only ono inllu from Htutlon , IJJ un iicio If taken soon. Easy tonns. Kami nnd city pmporty for HUO. w. 0. Btiicy , room 4. Upurit IIOIIMJ ulk. Council HI u If a. WAN'Tr.D Knorrfc'tlo lady oruont : pornm- nunt position ; $ H per week ; oxporlouca not neccssaiy. lO. . S. , 1JU7 Willow uvcnuo. OK HKNT.-riirnlshod front room. Sitting and lied room onsiilte. G"5 l''ifth , avenue. T711JUNIS1IKO rooms nt vorv roanonabla v terms , on milto or single ; baths und steam heat ; nuw hnuso , newly furalHliod. Mis , bto- plicnson , 10 ' , ) I'aik uvenuo. Council MlulN. Tor H.ilo A Ion , ' list , nmny of thorn FAUMtf at low prices ; also VO auroi line k'linleri nnd finlt land nuur the elty limits , home , hum and other Impiovuiiioiils ; also ill ucroj fruit nnd Kunli'ii laud hist nutslilo thQ city al fc > , . - > lX ) . W. A. Wood & Co. . 5 ! ) Main Ktiuut. 1011 KI'.NT Tim Mo.Mulion thrco-story lirliilc block , No. IBS. Main Ht , witholovutot J. SAIjE nr Hunt O.irJun land , wlti FOR , uyJ. It. itloo. lUJM.ua t. , Council D. H. McDaneld & Co. , Butchers' ' aid Packers' Supplies , Market Fixtures , Casings , Fplcpsund Sauaago MaUorV Machinery. 830- HJ- ' Main si. . Council KlulK In. Also UculoM In Illdus and Kurd. PEERLESS BLACK PEERLESS , VI Is In every respect the best Cool for domostlo purposes In tha market. It lasts longer , produces more heat and burns up cleaner than any other Iowa coal. One ton will go as far as a ton and a half ol the ordinary stuff , and it costs no more than the cheap , unsatisfactory grades commonly sold. Try U for cooking and heating. Sold only b L , G. KNOTTS , FUEL MERCHANT , All kinds of Wood and Coal. Cobs a specialty. Full weight an < | prompt delivery. 29 South Main St. Telephone 303. L