M THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUND-A/ / * , DECEMBER 28 , * 18DO-SIXTEEN PAGES. J SHOT BY HER DUSKY LOVER , A "Whlto Woman at DCS Moincs Seriously Wounded by a Nosro. FATAL ACCIDENT IN A COAL MINE. Pluck and Presence of Mind of Two I''ort ' UOdgc OlrlH-Tho Cellar * * .npldn Disbarment Case , Or.s Moixns , la. , Dec 27.-ISpocl.it Tele gram to Tun llEB.l John Koblnson , a col ored waiter at the Savory house known as "Happy.luck , " at 7 o'clock this morning shot his mistress , Sadla King , n white girl em ployed as n chambermaid at the Savery. Tbo girl now lies in a precarious condition nt the jiospltal , nnd her dusky Lothario Is under arrest. Thoshootlng took place nt Hoblnson's room In a flat on Seventh street , near Walnut , where the glri was in the habit of spending much of her time. Lost night when Robinson went to his room ho called In his landlady nnd complained of being sick. She did what she could to relieve his suffnr- Ings. Along nbout midnight ho called In an other roomer , C. W. Clarkson , and asked him .to go for some laudanum. Clarkson thought It wns queer that Koblnson should want laudanum , and fearing that ho contemplated 'euicldc ' , Instead of going for laudanum ho went to tbo Savery bouse and told Sadie that Koblnson wanted to sco her right nway. About < i"iO : Sadie appeared nt his room. Sno win seen to enter nnd lock 'tfio door. Ten minutes lutor the ilrst pistol shot wns heard nnd the occupants of the flat heard her scream and rushed to the door , which In her excitement she could not unlock nt Ilrst. Just before she throw open the door n second shot was fired and badlo rushed Into the hallway , pursued by Kablnsnn. IIo emptied his pistol nnd then hurriedly put on his shoes ami overcoat and made his escape. Ono of the shots took effect in the girl's thigh and another gnizcd her tem ple. Tbo girl's story is that when she wont In the room Koblnson 'told her to lock the door , which she did. She then went over nnd sat on the sldo of tlio bed. Ho was then in bed , nnd asked her to bring hU clothes that ho might dress him self. She did as requested , and niraln took jip her position on the bedside. At that mo ment no pulled a pistol from under the bed clothes nnd fired at her. Itoblnson was captured ut noon whllo ap parently on his way to the hospital to visit 'his victim. "They Vvero dead stuck on each other , but 'uho wouldn't ' marry him , " Is the way ono of Kobliisou'n associates summed up the Intlin- 'OCT bctwccu the couple. It is suid that she 'will not prosucuto him. Attorney AVINon Disbarred. Cntuu KAPIDS , la. , Dee. 27. [ Special Tele gram to TUB UKB. | Judge Kinno this morn ing rendered "a decision in the disbarment case against Gcorgo W. Wilson of this city , decreeing that Wilson's certificate as an at torney bo revoked. The Judge holds that the defendant was guilty of forgeries and perjury ns charged , nnd that an attorney cannot use a bogus power of attorney and transact bus ! ness for a flrlicioiis person to hold his prop erty beyond tbo reach of his creditors , nnd any property thus found can bo seized to satisfy debts. Wilson is now under flvo or six indictments for forgery , perjury , swind ling , cheating , etc. , and will be tried iu Jan uary. Wilson , who of late years has become so ' notorious' because of bis methods of doing business , has been a resident of Cedar Itanids for , ovcr forty years. Fifteen or twenty years ago ho sought admission to the bar of this county , but falling to find anyone to vouch for tils good character , bo went to Clinton county , nnd there gained admittance , it being claimed that J. Kllen Foster acted as sponsor for the occasion. Since being ad- inlttcd to the bar ho has done an luimcnso business In buving fees , claims , etc. , and , deuUng in real estate und chattels. Ho finally failed , and in order to'dodge his credi tors used various means to prevent them getting his money. IIo accordingly organ ized "The Toilers' Protective association , " "Gcorgo W. Wilson & Co. , " "Union Invest ment company , " mid a number of other or- gnnUations , and in each instance Gcorgo W. Wilson was business manager ami his wife treasurer. The other members of the oompa ides , of which there were uono In reality , were represented to bo silent partners. He also appeared us "an attorney In fact" for ono B. M. J. Wilson nf Chicago , and did n very extensive real cstato business In that name. The operations of Wilson becoming suspic ious to Ids fellow practitioners , nn investiga tion was commenced before Judge Preston , which was nn examination supplemental to execution. During that examination a cor- 'tulii loiter was lost and Wilson wns accused of destroying or of holding it. The letter wns very Important to prove that no such nan ns B. M. J. Wilson existed. A search warrant was secured ; also a landlord's writ of attachment , and an attachment and an execution for a Judgment for attorney's fees. On these papers his oftlco and safe wcro seized , resulting in the finding of numerous idoeds and mortgages which were foruerics. The bar association took hold of the case and selected as plaintiff ono Jacob Wright , who had nurehusod u tract ol land Irotn Wilson , the snld tract Having been secured by means of numerous forged deeds. Oa September S9 the petition and motion for disbarment were lllod nnd on December S the trial began in the district court at Marlon Judge Kinno of Toledo presiding. The trial Blasted for sit days nnd was fought viijorouslj by both parties. At the conclusion of tin trial Judge Kinno took the o.'wo under advise inont , tiling lib decision with the clerk of the , courttoday. Two Plucky Heroines. Four Domic , In. , Doc. 137. [ Special Telegram , gram to TUB BEK.I Mninlo Crawford ant Bertha Loomls , two pretty slxtccn-yoar-oli h'erolnes , by their pluck and presence o Inluil averted a disastrous flro hero last even Ing. ' TJio two girls were alone In the Craw ford homo when they discovered that th 'toot wnson tiro. The worst wind storm o ' 'the season was howling outshlc , nud the do structlon ol the hnndsomo residence before Help1 could nrrlvo scorned inevitable 'Wltlio'iit ' losing n moment the girl ilfngged n heavy ladder from th bsck yard and with wondcrfu strength reared it to the blazing roof. Th garden 'hoso was then connected with the hydrant , nnd Miss Crawford held the swayIng - Ing ladder whllo Miss Looinls , in , the teeth of the howling gale , managed to crawl to the roof. Then the plucky girl handled the hose i\'ith such energy and precision that after u abort light the llamos wcro subdued. The girls' presciico of mind and courage Is the talk of the town , and the lire boys uro talking of making them honorary uiomu'era of the lire department. A Coal Miner Killed. DM MOINES , la. , Dec. 27. [ Special Tele gram to TUG BEU. } At Koso Hill coal mine , near bore , today" William ICoulpoth was killed nud his seventeen-year-old son probably fatally injured by the premature explosion of a blast. The blast had been prepared and both were safely outsldo the room , when the father sought to return. He had just got inside - side of the room when the explosion came und a glgantlo ploco of coal shot out striking the tnuncr in the bend , Instantly killing him , Tbo terrified son bent over the pros trate form of his father and wns stricken down by u large ploco of slato. In a dazed condition he nroso and started to d rag his father from the room , when ho was again knocked down by n falling coal. Ho called for help and a dozen willing minors rushed to their aid and dragged them from the room. Klcvntur ami AVnrchonno liurncd. MANNING , la. , Deo. 2 . [ Special Telegram toTnr. BEB.The ] largo elevator , oftlco and warehouse nf Montgomery Brothers of Tom- ploton , were totally destroyed by flro this morning. The loss is estimated at & 0,000 , ; partly Insured. . A lllHHHtrous Holler Kxplnmon. rt , O. , Dec. 27. A boiler on the cmtscs of Qus Tiowoiutein , a butcher and iiailQfAQturcr of sausage , exploded this morn- Ing , Thcro was a terrific upheaval nnd no less than seven dwellings wcro wrecked nnd torn so they will have to bo taken down , Hcrttin dray , aged ono add a half years , wns killed nnd Mrs , Lowenstcln had her back broken and ctititiot llvo. A number of oth ers wore seriously Injured , ziEvoxctUtt. Tiox n'lrir r.i uxKiti * O'llr.on IlefuHcn to Stoto Whether lie Favors U. PAIUS , Dec. 2'Vllllain O'Brien , although beset by reporters , has not breathed a word us to whether or not ho favors reconciliation with Parnoll. Ho has rccoivod n letter from a leading English radical , stating that the Irish split must uoon bo repaired , othcnvlso the liberals will IM forced to subordinate homo rule for Ireland to other questions. Paris pipers generally lean toward Parncll. The Ucpubllquo PrancaUo refuses to bo- llovotlmt thoanti-ParnelHtcs , ovcu If they continue to gain by the elections , will over crush Pnrnell euQicicntly to bo able to treat with Mr , Gladstone in the name of Ireland , It will tnko years , It says , to eftnco the power ot the man who has virtually sovcrncd Ireland - land Tor slxloon years. Meanwhile the English radicals may roftiso to sacrl- lieu social reforms for n Jcopnrdl/cd cause. Mr. Gladstone will hold to his en gagement , us ho Is bound to do after plung ing Ireland into anarchy , by j > oslng as a moralist , but his party is not equally bound. The Ucpubllquo Krancnlso concludes by ex pressing confidence In the ultimate triumph of the Irish cause. The negotiations In connection with Now Foundlnnd nro for the tlmo suspended. Lord bnllsbury is considering what part of the British possession1) to offer as n territorial compensation In exchange for the French shore , M. Illbot never treated the sugges tion of the St. Picrro council seriously. Ho- gardlng the session of the Burin peninsula , if the whole of British Oamola is offered M. Hibot will consent to enter Into ncgotlons. Senatorial elections will bo held on January I. Seventy-nine senators are'to bo elected. Of those retiring , sixty-three are members of the left and sixteen belong to the rleht. The republicans oxjmct to replace all of those re tiring who belong to their party nnd to gain six representatives. A letter from Cardinal Lnvlgerlo has been received here , in which the cardinal on- nouuccs that ho will defend the singing of the Marseillaise hymn in the Catholic mission schools In Algiers , Malta and Jerusalem. Colonel Poroff. chief of tbo Kussian police , In nn Interview today' accused the English government of using underhand means to hnmss the Kussian government bv hnrborlng Hussion criminals and fomenting dlscon- cuts. Ho charges Socialist Mandclssohn , low in England , with Inciting the murder of General Sellvcrslcoff. The father of Gahriell Bompard said today hat ho had only ono wish regarding his 'nughtcrnnd that wns that site might die inlckly. Prom childhood , ho said , nothing : ould bo oono to check her perverse instincts. XATIOX.IL. LKAUUE FVXMtS. \n Agreement Kenchcd by Messrs. O'llrlon nnd Harrington. Dunr.iN , Dec. 27. [ Special Cablegram to 'nn Bun.l The Freeman's Journal today nnouuces that the conference between Messrs. .William O'Orlen und Timothy Har- Ington has resulted in an understanding vheroby the funds of the National league ow in the hands of that organization are to > o devoted to tbo maintenance of tenants who vero evicted for not paying their rents under ho plan of campaign which was inaugurated u the different estates throughout Ireland y the National league. In addition these unds will be used to assist other sufferers vho uro depending upon the league for upport. All disbursements will bo made > y Messrs. Kenny and Webb , members of larlliiment , jolot treasurers of the league. It s suggested by both Messrs. O'Brien nnd larrington that the fund being sent to"tho onguo from America should bo sent to Messrs. Kenny and Webb , members of par- [ amcnt. O'Brien Wants a Kctrnctlon. PAUIS , Dec. 27. [ Special Cablegram to TUBBIB. ] Messrs. GUI , and O'Brien are taymg at the House of Kaffulovitch in this ilty. They are reading up newspaper flies and'postlm ? themselves on the otfonts which lappencd sluco .they loft America. O'Brien enjoys excellent health. IIo ro uses yet.to discuss the situation , but do- crlhcd as an atrocious libel the statement of he London Times that while in America ho jontributed to the columns of Patrick Ford's icwspaper und that Patrick Ford , who , like ils old guests , Messrs. Davltt and Ilnnly , is greatly shocked at Parnell's moral obliquities , ins just.reafllrmcd his faith In the gospel of lynamito. O'Brlcu asserts that ho has tele graphed to the Times for a retraction of the statement. Untrue Statements Published. PAUIS , Dec. 27 , [ Special Cablegram to TJIEBEE. ] The announcement made in the lowspapers of this city that the formal con- 'orenco between the Irish leaders will take ilaco on Monday next , Is officially stated to jo premature , William O'Brien complains of the number of false statements mnito in the newspapers" hero nud attributed to Gill and to himself , O'Bi-ien especially classes as untrue the assertion made that ho would rec ommend that Parncll bo maintained as loader of the Irish party. Nobrnnka nnd Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , Dec. 27. [ Special Telceram .o TUB BKK. ] Pensions were granted today ,0 the f allowing Ncbraskans : Original invalid John Welch , Falrbury ; Jackson Bird , Wln- bngo Agency ; James A. Avcry , Fair- mount ; Gcorgn B. Adams , Omaha ; Albert M' . Bush. IJlchfleld ; William Tucker , Johnson ; Oriel t-Drake. Franklin , Lewis S. Catlln , Palrbury ; Andrew Young , Crystal City : tUonzo.B. Johnson , Ohlowa ; Chatllolil II. Butler , Ouoll ; Myron U.Wickw'lro , Nnuskot ; Joseph Hawkins , Newark ; James W. Foster , David City , Increase Robert Dillon , Lin coln : Herschcl Smiley , Stella ; Benjamin N. Piper , Johnstown ; Henry C. Cromwell , Stranc ; Frank M. Murhlln , Ceroyl. Origi nal widows , etc. Ellen , widow of Wllllutn Tucker , Elk Creek. Iowa : Original Invalid Frank M. Weaver , Farmgut ; Edwin L. Graham , Montrose ; Miles W. Wilson , Pulaskt ; James E. Draper , BloomUeld ; Otto A. E. Lauror , .Tesup : William N. Hall , Mlle ; Alfred Hall , Nora Springs ; .lohn 1C. Daniel , Monterey1 ; Foster A. Woods , Creston ; John Whitraoro , Pleasant Grove ; AlvirtusE , Oay , Marshall- town ; Emnnuel B. Greenly , Moravia ; Klch- ard Eatlncor , Dos Molncs ; John Pickup , Dubiiquo : George Whlpkoy , Yorktown ; William 1C. Smith , Sclma , Kcstoration and Increase Robert Love , Atlantic. In- crcaso Jacob Goodman , Mackey ; Samuel - uol Smith , Wheeler ; James AielCcc , Avon ; John C. Marietta , Palmyra ; Freder ick Armbuster , DOS MolnesJohn C. Oats , Swan ; Klehard Campbell , Carbon Junction ; Thomas Wcldon , Docorah ; Joseph Cook , Brooklyn ; Alonzq McChiln. Dos Molncs ; Isaac McCollam , Brunnclls ; Samuel C , Cooley , Mima ; John West , Mason City ; William M. Carter , Clnrlndn. Rolssuo IJtchnrd Metro , Morrison , .Original widows , etc. Ernestlnn , widow of James Walsh , North Nashua ; William , father of France : II. Tollo , Mount Pleasant ; inluoru of John Pickup , Dubuque. Wants lo Ituy Alaska. WASIIINOTON , Doc. 27. Captain James Carroll of Sitka , Alaska , Is hero. Carroll has been chosen by the territorial convention as its representative in congress , provided that body should see fit to grant the territory the right of representation. He Mild ho was empowered by n number of citizens to offer SlKXt)00 ( ) in gold for the territory. The offer , the captain said , was bonntldo , and tbp money would bo paid on short notice. Thelr Credlt Unimpaired. T.ONDOX , Dee , 27. The false report ns to the suspension of Messrs. Plxloy ft Abtll , bullion brokers of this city , arose from the financial indiscretions of u youthful member of the Una who has shico retired. The firm's credit Is unimpaired. AcL'ltlontnlljr Stint and Killed. SrAimox , Va. , Doe. 07 , This evening nt Knblo's military academy A. 1C Ilnlhaway , aged fifteen years , of Dcnnlson , Tox. , was accidentally shot nud killed by James \Vblt- worth , ngod seventeen , of Sulphur ShrliiKs , Tox. They were play-In ? with an old pUtoU PENSION OFFICE POINTERS , Commissioner Baum Makes a Statement of Great Interest to Applicants. CERTAIN RULES WILL NOT BE VIOLATED , I'rcsldoitt Harrison Slgnu the Hill Providing I'or u Public IJiiilillnn ut lleatrloo PciiRlati Donrd Appointments. BUR , ) 513 FouiiTrjBNTir STIIBGT , > WASHINGTON , D , C. , Doc. 28. ) Senator Paddock celled upon Pension Com missioner Uaum this morning to see If some- tiling could not bo done to expcdito the pen sion claims of thoio who IK'o In thti drought- stricken portions of Nebraska. Ho presented nmong n number of others the cose of W. II. Tucker , In Pawnco county' also ono of n man hi the southern part of Gngo county , whoso limbs are shrunken from disease contracted in the service. IIo Insisted that the claims of the soldiers living lu the drought-stricken section should bo made special hi any event , nnd was assured by the commissioner that all possible would bo done , but the commis sioner reminded Senator Paddock that there were certain iron-bound rules of the bureau which must bo observed. From the number of requests being re ceived by senators nnd members to have pen sion cases made special , it would appear that the oft-repeated rules of the pension ofllcenro either not understood , or , being understood , nro disregarded under the Impression that the request of u republican member of con gress can get any favor. The commissioner of pensions says ho will not make exceptions to the rules ho has adopted and which have governed the ofllce for several months , and ho repeated the statement that it wns an ab solute was to of tlmo for any applicant to address members of congress , or senators , cabinet ofllcers , politicians or anybody else unless the rules are complied with , and whenever and whoro- ever thov nro complied with the applicants will receive more prompt attention by ad dressing the pension oflleo direct , as letters sent men In congress necessarily create some delay and letters sent to the pension oflico in , the Ilrst Instance by the applicant are an- .swered ns quickly as these transmitted through public men. The commissioner of pensions , after reiterating the fact that the services of pension agents are no longer nec essary , calls special attention to the following rule of the oflico , which , he says , is never departed - parted from for anybody , and ho adds that the country newspapers , which reach dltctly so many pension claimants in per son would render a great service by reprint ing : "It is manifest that the expedition of ono claim must bo nt the cost of delay to others , und therefore the discretion which is lodged In the commissioner .must bo exor cised with reason nnd Judgment. To justify the commissioner In malting a claim special it is necessary that such a condition of the claimant shall bo shown to exist ns will sat isfy these whose claims will bo put back by this action. The rule Is therefore adopted that , to warrant making a claim special nnd have it considered out of its proper ordqr , it must bo shown that the claimant Is unable to earn n' living and is in destitute circumstances , or that the claimant is sick nnd iu dancer of immediate death. These statements must bo crltlcd by the onth of the claimant making hem or some other , reputable party acting or him. " There nro now recorded nt the pension sfllco nbout 1,100,000 claims , of which , in ound ligures , 350,000 are duplicates , having 'enewcd their old claims under the recent lependent pension law. It can readily bo eon that to undertake to make special any jonsiderablo number of these cases upon jolitical or other Influence would work great njustlco to the humble citizen who has. not ho Inlliie'nco to command , 30 tbo dotcrmlun ion was sometime ago reacted that all claimants would bo treated llko except whore their circumstance's recommended exceptional action , and for hcso coses the rule quoted above was formu- a'ted , and it was strictly obeyed. The most nlluential republican , senator or roprescnta- Jvo is unable to get a case made special ex cept when he conforms to , the requirements of this rulo. Ono is frequently amazed nt ho throats which are mado'by some , pen sion claimants. They threaten to vote the democratic ticket if their coses are not made special , or if there are not more liberal pension - sion laws enacted. Such persons would sim- > ly Kill the geese that lays the golden egg. f" the democratic party had its way there vould soon bo no pensions paid at.all. It wns only the other day that the democrats in the house fought the consideration of the general pension 'appro priation bill , and had it not passed 'tho pay- ncntof pensions would havobooh suspended. Jho ? democrats refused to pass any general xmsion bill under President Cldvelnndf. and t was frequently stated that tho'lattor would nivo vetoed it had ono been passed. It is ono of the cardinal principles of , the demo cratic party to raise the money witti which pensions are paid. If paid at 'all , by direct fixation. This is for the purpose of making pensions obnoxious to taxpayers and bring ing about the repeal of all pension laws. Further than this it Is well known now and it is dally admitted by repub lican senators nnd representatives from several eastern states that many thousands of votes were cast against repub lican candidates In New Kngland ( probably enough to account for all the republican'con gressmen defeated ) because of the liberal pension legislation enacted by the present republican congress , The democratic ranks in New England and some other sections of the country are receiving daily so man } ' ac cessions from the anti-pension element of the various parties that it will cause no surprise nt all If ono of the . principal planks in tlio democratic national platform in 1803 is lot the repeal of certain if not all the general pension laws. JIC4.TWCE runuo nuir.niNa'ntM , SIGNED. President Harrison today signed the bill providing for a public building ut Beatrice. Al'l-OINTMENTS OX PENSION llOAHDS. Members of pension boards were appointed by Commissioner Kim in today as follows : Nebraska Drs. Arthur D. Stowltts aua J L. Tnrletz at Sidney. Iowa Dr. Albert F. Barfoot nt Dccorah. ANOTIIKIl ItCMIXDEIt. Again the settlers in the Indian-frightened sections of Nebraska and South Dakota nro reminded of thu fact that it Is useless to apply to anyone hero for arms for any pur pose upon any chum or pretext. There Is no authority for the Issuance of arms or ammu nition by the federal government direct to the pcoule , and it is not done. Too arms are issued to the governors of states and territories and they Issue them to the people ana nro hold responsible for the earn and re turn of the arms. A lot ot requests have re cently beuu made for arms , nud congressmen nro put to n great deal of unnecessary corre spondence and settlers to much unnecessary trouble. MISOr.M.ANT.OfS. Juan Boyle of Kearney Is in the city. Bishop nnd Mrs. John P. Newman of Omaha nro at the Illggs. J. C. Santco of Niobrara Is In the city. Ho wants nn important mall service established , lie asks that It shall bo extended from Nio- Drara through ICokcr , Lynch nnd Germantown - town to Munknto , the length of the Ponca reservation nud the now territory recently uctpjlrod by the state of Motu-aska. There urn posttitllces already established nn the projwsed route. Petition Is also miido for a mail from O'Neill to Gtirtnnntown nnd through Fort Bnndnll for the special accom modation of these having business with the O'Neill Und oflico. PEIIIIV S. HIUTII. A Now Silver Dollar , WASHINGTON , Dec. 27. The Star says : "A now silver dollar will bo created by the pun American monetary conference , which meets hero next week. It will bo a dollar clrcu cutatcd not only In the United States bu throughout all the republics of thu nc\ world. In nil probability it will rosoinkloth United States silver dollar , with a portrait o Columbus to IUKO the place of the Ooddcsa o Liberty on ono sldo , the obverse varying. Kim Anloulo'H Suspended Untile. SAN AXTOSIO , Tex. , Doc. ur. The assets c the Maverick bank , which closed yesterday whllo moro than double the amount of th liabilities , cortSIST largely of real cstato nnd other securities which cannot bo roallasl on immediately Without sncrlllro , nnd the policy of the asslgnoo VvlIl be to avoid snmliclng the Interests of thovflrbdltora by Ituily action , The suspension of'thls bank , the Ilrst In the history of tb < f cliy , has had a somowhnt de pressing InfluonVxj'ln ' local tnulo , but It Is rewarded - warded as ouljt temporary. Thu * far there has been no iMft on any of the other banks consequent uprfiPlho Maverick suspoaslon , and none is anrtcljlnted. Ilic Government I.IOHCS n Million or Moro ijijfitnficnllr Airuth. Nnw YOIIK , Doc , 27. A Washington special says : I'Yaud Jjy which the government has been robbcdof wvar ? l,000.000 within the post twelve months' HaVe Just boon brought to the knowledge of the treasury ofllcials and a searching inimiry Is In-progress. The frauds were committed by consuls and con sular agents of the United States in Canada and by oxpjrters of Cam dlan goods to the "United States. Some twenty consuls , the larger number stationed in the province of Ontario , are Implicated In the charges. The process of the fraud con sisted In the appropriation of illegal fees nnd the undervaluation of exports by the export ers. Consular certificates In blank , signed by the consuls nnd consular agents , wcro issued for a nominal sum for the use of the export ers making fnlso return ? of the value of the goods sent to the United States. The ovl- dcnco Is not complete ns to the per centages allowed by the exporters for the privileges of undervaluation , but enough Is Known to show that a systematic scheme of petty flwUidlltiK has been carried on. The certificates were , distributed in great num bers. The estimate of $1,103 , 000ns thong- greguto of the loss to the government Is noth ing moro than nn estimate. A further Inves tigation may show the loss to bo many times that sum nnd that there nro oven moro guilty parties than have yet been discovered. They Will IIo Pmiinhcd. WASHIXOTOX , Dec. 27. Acting on informa tion from the treasury department to the effect that inequalities were suspceted in consular authentication of Canadian goods imported into the United States during the past twelve months , the secretary of state recently determined on a thorough luycstiga- tldn of the United States consular service In the Dominion of Canada. While It is impos sible to obtain an ofUclal acknowledgement to that effect , it la understood that extensive frauds have boon discovered In n systematic undervaluation by consignors and In the wholesale collection of Illegal fees by con sular officers. The amount of money Involved is said to bo very largo , but the exact sum cannot now bo ascertained. Secrcnry { Wiudom said tonight that If the charges were proved the guilty ones would lie punished If there was unv power in law to dolt. _ _ Profess to Know Nothing. OTTAWA , Ont. , Dec. 27. American Consul General Fey , referring to the alleged frauds reported from " \Vashlngton , snld ho know inspectors had been nt work In Canada. Ho lersonally know nothing of Irregularities nnd bought if there had been a loss It had boon ight. Tbo American consul at Toronto thinks the vholo thing a "muni's nest. " A31KHH1AK KCOSOM18T8. rncccdlni ; or the National Associa tion Jin Wnslilngt. n. WASHINGTON- , 27. At today's session if the American Economic association a num- ) or of papers wcro read nnd the report of ecrotary Ely discussed. It represented the association to ho , iu a prosperous condition , .ho number of members and subscribers on he list being KHi Three national associa tions' on the other/.side of the world , the ro- > ort said , had received an impulse which tnvq them oxlstvnco from the American Economic association. The report suggests , ho wisdom of continuing the policy , of offer- ng prizes for essays , tlio object being to iwakou pubilp interval lu economic topics und cad to the formation pf intelligent opinion tpon important mjyefs.of the ilny. * if The report of thu committee on statistics by Hon. Carroll D. "VYright was read at the evening session. Thoreport said that ns to quantity the work of the American statisti cians , was equal to that of any other country , > ut as to quality it still fell somewhat below ho scientific characteristics which belonged to continental efforts" . The report spoke encouragingly of the progress of stntlstical nvestigntlon and science iri the United States. The work was viewed with incmas- ug respect abroad and was exciting wide- iprcad interest at homo. The evening session closed by the reading of nn Interesting paper by Prof. H. C. Adams on ' 'Statistics ns a Means of Conncct- ng Corporate Abuses. " The ideas embodied are"that' . the granting of corporate privileges should bo limited to these businesses in which the interests of the nihllc predominate avcjr the Interests of indi vidual In'corporators. All incorporations should bn required to make such report ns will enable the go'verritnont to direct their wllcy and control. the administration. Dther businesses" , should bo subject x > nn inquiry , with the purpose of rtotennin- ng whether or not business In any ca o should bo required to assume corporate form. fLEVttO VXJEV3lIXlA IX CANADA. Secretory Rusk Taken Prompt Meas ures Tor Inspecting IJvo Stock. WASHINGTON" , Dec. 27. The secretary of agriculture today made an order to close all ports oxcoptSt. Albans In the collection dis trict of Vermont against the importation of cattle , shcop and other ruminants and ) swine , nnd requiring that all such animals imported through this collection dlstrlst must enter nt the port of St. Albans , whore thov must bo inspected by a veterinary inspector of the de partment of ncriculturo. This Is done ns a protection against the introduction into this country from Canada of any contagious dis ease affecting these classes of animals. Such Inspection Is provided for by the act of Au gust ! iO , 1800 , ana Inview of the fact that the Knelish veterinary authorities at Dundee re cently * seized Canadian cattle , declaring them affected with contagious plouro-pueu- ino'nia. Secretary Kusk feels It Incumbent upon him to tnko all measures necessary for its rigid enforcement. Moreover , England has prohibited the Importation into that country of shcop from the United States , on the ground that the government has not here tofore caused to bo made an Inspection or quarantine of sheep arriving hero from other parts of the world. The stringent regula tions of Secretary Husk nro designed to in Sura the protection of the llvo stock of the United States from imported diseases , and to secure If possible tha removal of the prohibi tory restrictions ! nowpluced upon animals exported frotn'tnliliicwntry. The Hclmo'rit Horse Sale. NHwYowc , Diiijj T. B. F. Dwycr pur chased Potomos at vtho Bclmont sale today for $25,000. Among other horses sold wera Haccland , bought' ' " By Michael Dwycr for $7,000 ; Prince H6ial'"at So.fiOO , wont to Phil lip Dwycr ; St. CSrlrffor SI.GOO , to William II. Jennings , and'Mdftnato for $ a,500 to Fred Eshncr of the KcMtt no stables. Pnn&j ' WASI'IIN-OTOX , Dpc 27. A statement pre pared at the ponsiotifonico shows that up ( o December ! M cluliWi wtoo filed under the act of June 27,1890 , as follows : Original Invalid claims. IT-MOS ; Qvfg ial widows , fi5 , ( > ! 17 ; ad ditional claims top there on ( lie , .101.303 ; total , 031,393. , t The Vnr fludsot Approved. SOFIA , Doo. 27 , [ Special Cablegram to TUB DEI : . ] The sobronjo has approved the war budcct after having Increased the credit for fortltlcatlons by SOO.OOO francs. This was done at the request of the prime minister. . F.lectioiiH In Grocer. ATHEN-S , Dec. 27. ( Special Cablegram to TUB UEK.J The chamber of deputies has elected M. Constnntopoulos president and has ro-clcctcd the -vico presidents of the standing committees. The Weather Forecast. For Omaha nnd vicinity l 'olr ; slightly warmer. For Nebraska , Iowa and South Dakota- Warmer ; southerly winds. r Wostoru Hallway * not Troubled About the . Gentlemen's Agreement. CUT RATES THE GREAT DIFFICULTY , AH JtntcM to Ho ICHtnlillshcil on a Par * Inc Hnsls A Pass Leakage Next Meeting of tjio Presidents. CIIIOAOO , Dec. 28. [ Special Telegram to Tun HEP. . ] With or without n president's ' agreement n steady nnd healthy Improvement n the western railroad situation Is confi dently expected by the managers from this .lino forward. In fact some of them attach ittlo or no Importance to thoproposedsehnmo of the presidents nud nro Inclined to think ! int to put it lu operation at this time would bo useless , Snld a general manager this afternoon : "What wo need is , not a iftnv us- icclatlon , but n supplementary agreement to ho ono now lu effect. Our present agree ment is good enough as fur ns it goes niul all , vo need is an additional contract of a character - actor that will diminish or entirely remove .ho temptation to cut rates. Wo have a plan n operation for n division of trnfllc at jonthwo stern Missouri points nnd It Is working satisfactorily. If It wcro put In "orco at all Missouri river points and ut tit. 'nul and Minneapolis , I believe wo would tiavo no more trouble from cut throat compe tition. Let the Western Freight association adopt n supplementary agreement to that end nnd there will bo no need of a now nssocla- Ion such ns the eastern bankers and railway uagnatea propose to give us. " After January 1 nil rates between Chicago and tin- southwest , west and northwest ; will bo established on a paying basis. The ruto clerks have been In session for two weeks re vising tariffs and ono good Indication Is that nearly all tlui articles that have heretofore .akcn commodity rales uro being merged into lie ciass schedules , The ad van co in grain nnd flour rates bo- Avcen St. Paul und Chicago from 1 % cents to 2 | cents per 100 pounds Is regarded by railroad inon as ono of the most .mportant achievements of the season. Tbo mump in transit business of the Chlcnco , Milwaukee & St. Paul road has kept these rates down to n pol'it that prevented the non- rauslt lines from getting nny profit out of ho traftlc. . That road has now consented to ; > ut the rates up nnd divldo the business with ' 'ts competitors. The committee ) appointed to report n plan for a division of grain nnd 11 our tr.UlIc bus not yet met , but It wns given until February 1 to mnko its report. The advance rates , however , will bccomo effective Janu ary 1 , nnd in the mean tlmo the St. Paul road will mnko its transit orders good over the ptho other lines , paying them the difference "jctwccn the old and new rates. Whitro tlic I'rcsldentH Will Meet. CHICAGO , Deo. 27. [ Special Telegram to TiiEBiSE. ] Thodato of thonoxt meeting of western railroad presidents has not ycf been ; lxcd. President Miller has communicated with the other members of the advisory board for the purpose of ascertaining what date will be most convenient for all but further than this no arrangement has been made for the conference. It is generally believed hero that the meeting will , bo held in Chicago and not in New Yord , as A larger representation can bo secured hero than In the cast. " The Chicago cage & Alton will participate In a meeting iero but will pay no attention to it If it Is lield in Now York. ' 1'ho power and iulluonco of the Alton is recognized by other companies nud they are inclined to mane a concession , If by so doing they can secure President Ulnck- stone's signature to the new agreement. Nevertheless It is said that the eastern bank ers are stroncly in favor of having tbo meet- 'ng in Now York. _ The I'nss Cnrc'AOo , Dee. 27. [ Special Telegram to TJIB.BKE.J 'l'io | commlttfto of western rail road ofllclnls to formulate rules of free pass giving , held a scsslou today but transacted no business of Importance. Every mention of the movement is accompanied by a quiet wink , and as the annual pass list for 1S91 , of all the roads , Is now inaJe out and in almost every ca'so Inci-eoscd over this year , there seems to bo no real effort made to stop the annual and dally leak in this direction. The Union Pacllli : Statement. BOSTOX , Mass. , Dec. 27. [ Special Telegram toTiin Bun. ] The Union Pacific November statement ( preliminary ) shows , gross earn ings of $3i93t12t ( , nn Increase of $270,013 ; net earnings of 11,170,832 , an Increase of $104,240. For the eleven months to November 30 , TOSS earnings- $39S5'3D07 , an increase ) of W,75(5llp ( , and not earnings of $13,189,020 , a decrease' fJ74l70. ! REVISING TH13 OlIAHTEH. A Number of Important Oh a litres llocomiiiciulcd Ijast Night. Tbo charter amendment committee met yesterday afternoon in tbo mayor's oflico. Every member of the committee wns present and the discussion was free and earnest. A number of points that had not been dis cussed before were presented and the meet ing was quite profitable In bringing out the different views of the gentlemen on the com mittee. It was moved and carried to incorporate in the proposed changes a section giving the mayor the authority , with iho consent of the council , to appoint the city clerk with a salary of fci.OOO a year. The question of reducing the number of councllmen wns discussed , nnd also the idea ot having them all elected ns councilmen-at- large , but thcso propositions were finally laid on the table , Mr. Moriarty submitted n proposition , to raise the salaries of councilmcn to $1,500 per annum. This proposition brought out a vig orous discussion nnd wns strenuously op posed by Mr. Kosownter , who held that un less the number of councilmcn bo decreased tbo salaries should not bo Increased. It was decided to recommend that a major ity of the city council bo maao n quorum for the transaction of business , and that the snnio rule bo made good in the ooard of public works. A motion was made and carried rceotn- metulhlg that the supervision of public build ings bo plnrod in the hands of the board of public works , butoxccptlon Is made by buildings - ings now in process of construction. A section will also bo recommended which will authorize the county treasurer to pay on demand to the city treasurer 75 per cent of all taxes belonging to tlio city , nnd also such moneys ns may arlso from the levying of the road and bridge tax against the property of the city , nnd which shall bo expended upon the streets of the city. The committee favors the Idea of tnxlni local property for local improvements , nnd authorizing the council to so mnko all nuiU levies , A motion wns passed recommending Unit paring , curbing and guttering lx > awarded to only ono contractor on each struct paved us a sinL'le contract. The committee favors the appointment of a city assessor , nnd recommended the salary to bo placed ut f.lOJU pur annum. Plilny Wins. The three-mllo blcyclo rnco for a hnndsomo medal nt the Coliseum last night between young Plxloy and Bobby Muontoforlng , re sulted In a victory for Piiclor , It was an exciting - ' citing chase nnd the victor hadn't ' but the margin of a few feet to go on. However. It Is boldly stated ho can beat every boy of iiU ago in the world. Imitianiicl Hospital. Immanuel hospital is now ready to accom modate the sick and the lndliratlon.s are that Its capacity will soon bo fully tested. Pa tients are .arriving from several hundred miles distant , and the advantage ? of the hos pital will soon bo heralded abroad , Itulli Itehecou KiiU'rtnlimionf. The memlicrs of the Ruth Rebecca dcgrco of Oddfellows entertained a largo number of ttieir friends at Oddfellows' hall last night. Tlio entertainment consisted of vocal and In strumental music , recitations and readings. Samuel Vrcodnmn , n young1 man who has been very successful in private theatricals , favored the nuillcnco with tragic and comic recitations , In whli-li ho took fifteen different characters. Mr. Frocdmnn wns applauded lit n hearty manner and once moro appeared before fore the nudlcnco , reciting n snlection from "Fra Jaclmo. " After the conclusion of the musical nml literary part at the programme , these lu attendance engaged In n dnnco that u-ns continued until nearly mornliur. An ele gant supper was served nt midnight. AHUKST OP ArMiminmss. : ; Mr . Collins Admits of Having KUIril n Man In Iicnvcnworth. MM. tCltllo Collins of Lcnvcnworth Is a rather handsome colored woman about thirty years old , nnd she Is u murderess according to her own frank nnd open confession. L.nst Saturday night , as she walked the street In Lenvcnworth , she was mot by a colored man named Joshua Hlgsley , with whom she h.id been on qtilto intimate terms. They engaged. In a chat about some soclnl un pleasantness connected with another woman , und DUrslcy became angry nnd struck Mrs. Collins iu thu face. It was the last act of his llfo. Au instant Inter Mrs. CoUliiR whipped a revolver from her pocket nnd shot him dead In his tracks. She then wulkinl away before she could bo appre hended nnd took the first train for Council 111 uffs. She was arrested yesterday In n house of ill-rcputo In Council Bluffs und lodged In jail nt the Unmhii pollco headquarters , where she awaits the arrival of an ofllccr with a requisition from Lcnvcnvorth. . "Yes , sir , I killed him , " said Mrs. Collins last evening to n HUB reporter. "Thero is no use for mo to deny It , for several people saw mo shoot him. Ho struck inn in the face nnd I killed him , ana that is all I have to say. " "Have you a husband living } " "Yoi , he is n member of Company C of the United States cavalry , now In South Da kota nftertlio Indians. Ilosupuortedmo und I Itent house in Lcnvcnworth. " Blgsloy was ajnlncr about fifty years old. The Iilucngn Hour ] , At yesterday afternoon's session of tlio li cense bonnl n number of applications for sa loon nnd druggists' licenses were considered. A largo number of these who had lllod their bonds had failed to fllo their receipts from the city treasurer showing that they had paid the $1,000 , nnd thu board refused to con sider any of the applications that were not accompanied by the receipt , - . The following licenses wera granted Montgomery & Adams , comer of Four teenth and JDodgo ; M. J. ICnuffnmn. 1314 Douglas street ; Andrew N. Frlck and Charles Herbert , 1001 Farnam ; Charles Storz , M01 North Twenty-fourth street ; Pelor ICeyser. 501 South Eleventh street ; Herman J. Meyer. ' . ' 07 South Thirteenth street ; J. A. Wood nnd E. K.Vhlt - moro , 215 South Fifteenth street ; James Douglas. 1321 Douglas street ; Frederick Krug , 1001 to 1007 .Inckson street ; Kar ScUultz , JWl Pacific street ; Louis Smith , 101 South Thirteenth street : Ernest Wctzlir , 2S2S Fiirnaiu street : Gnrberg Bros. , 70 ! South Thirteenth street ; Charles and Fred 5Ictz.S01 South SovcntU street ; Albert F. Wolfe , 201 Cuinlng street. The following applications wcro considered , but the board decided to Imvo the principals iippear on next Tuesday nt 2 p. in. nnd have their bondsmen present : Gran & Jensen , Henry Poncefeldt , Oustav lludolf , John Hoffman , Henry Uolph , L. A. Goldsmith , Edward Qulnn , Barnard Boyle , Michael F. Burl : , W" . J. Lemp , Jerry O'Grady , August Schrocdcr , A. Weber , O'Connor & Hart , Sloup & Crummel and lullusFrellschke. Protests were lllod In the cases of John D. Bohn and John Dluum , nud tUo hearing was set for January 31 at a. p. in. The New Kroijiht The now union freight depot at Ninth nnd Jackson will bo occupied on Monday. Mr. J. McCllntock , the nrosont freight agent of the Union Pacific , will have his headquarters there , representing the "Union Pacific , Koclc Island , Milwaukee nndjWubasu. The second story will for the nolct year he devoted to oniccs that will bo removed to tlio no\v pas senger depot after that is finished. Superin tendent Bllckonsdorfer and his 'clerks ' will liuvo quarters there , and Trainmaster Kecshin and Train Dispatcher Boies will move over from the Council Bluffs transfer , Hey Hiirj lnrn. James and Jerry Collins were arrested last night for burglary. They are boj-s , being but thirteen and seventeen years old respec tively , and they are charged witn having broken open n' freight car in the Union Pacific yards nnd stealing a quantitv of canned fruit. in KUIISHH' Constitution. TOITKA Kan. Dec. 27.'Tho , , - - 'Tho committee to revise and modify the existing laws of Kan sas has completed its labors 'niul rendered a report to Governor Humphreys tlilp morning. The following nro the most Important changes proposed : Providing for frco public works ; the election of railroad commissioners : Htato board of charity ; making n reduction in the salary of county officers ; taxing of actual values of property : hinitlm ; the privileges of state banks nnd providing a strlnireiit coilo of regulations for the conduct of their busi ness , designed to guarantee patrons ngalnst loss by Injudicious Investments nnd lee o raanneement ; n state bank commissioner Is provided for , Strikers' Hopes Grow Snuillor. Qi.Asnow , Dec. Si" . Thcro Is n slight change for the better In the railroad strike. The number , regularity and punctuality of passenger trains Is increosinir , nnd with this improvement the hopes of success for the strikers grow smaller and smaller. Another serious result of t ho strike is an nounced In the statement that the .shipping trndo of this post will soon bo nt a standstill , as the supply of coal for the steamers Is al most exhausted. Should- this state of affnir.i continue much longer considerable ) suffering will ensue among tlio poorer classes. Many trades dopendlnir directly or indirectly upon shipping must also suffer seriously. the Ivimaivny. WASHINGTON- , Dec , ST. The wlfo and daughter of Secretary Proctor wont shop ping today In n sleigh. AVhilo the ladles wcro in the store the two horses took friulit nnu ran nway , smashing the sleigh and badly Injuring the colored tl river. Over Two Hundred Drowned. LONDON , Dec. 27. Further advices from China In regard to the burning of the steam ship Shanghai about fifty wiles from Nan king show the disaster was much moro serious than at Ilrst reported. It now seonm that over two hundred people were droxvned. A Dend Crook identified. iNnuxArnMs , Intl. , Dec. 27. Tlio man shot anu killed by Street Car Driver Seely Friday night has been Identtlled ns Alexander Cronln , 11 Loulsvlllu crook. IIo had Just fin- Isiiud u ten year , } ' sentence In thu southern penitentiary for burglary. President Onillo ( I'w tioii to Marry. CHICAGO , Doc. " 7. James H. Oarflcld , son of the lute President Oarlleld , took out a license today to marry Mlsi IlpJon Nawi'll , daughter of John Newell , president of thu Lake Shore & .Michigan Southern railway , Murderer Putllcwinki In Koine. KOJIK , Dec. 27 , The Trlbunn says : Padlc- wUki , the murderer of Oenoral Bi'liversUolT , has been srcu hero in the Victor Kmanuol art gallery. Thu pollco uru searching the houses of all the Hussion refugees , Kat.il AVrook in California , FIIESSO , Cul. , Doc , 37. A collision three miles north of thU city between' u freight train nnd two wild englnei resulted In the death of a hrukeinan and fatal Injury to a jlroinan. Tlio Chess Toitrmty. NEW YOIIK , Dec. 27. Today's chois game was a draw. The score now stands Bleinllz 'HO , Uunsbcrff 2 , drawn . The Senate MciiU nnd AdJonriiH. WASHINGTON , Dec. U7 , The senate assem bled at noon today and on motion of Mr , Hoar adjourned. DHAI ) INTllti STIU2KT. Joint Oorttnn of Dcndwood n Victim of Henrt Trouble. Ono week ago yesterday nn old man giving the tintno of John Gordon .applied to the Omntia medical and surgical Institute on Ninth street for board and treatment. Ho snla ho had Just arrived from Dcndwood , and was very ill. Ho appeared to bo suffering' from heart trouble and general exhaustion. The MifTcrer was given n room nnd medical rnra , and ho paid ono week's board. Ho wan shabbily drossi-d and had no batrgnge except * IIIR n largo , rough looklno snrk , which eon- tniucd a variety of worthless old clothes nnd other hrlc-a-brho that ho had picked up nbout the streets , Yesterday nftcrnoon about i > o'clock Gorton In formed the pnniriulors of the Institute that ho could not afford to pay his ward at no ex pensive n place as the Institute , but would gi > to n cheap hotel on Thirteenth street nnd coiuo In for treatment occasionally. Ho started out with his bundle thrown over his * shoulder , nnd Just as ho passed the alloy be tween Hnrncy and Howanl streets , ou Ninth near the Institute , ho fell dead on thoulilo- wallc. 'J.'lio coroner was notified niul the remains were taken to I lenity ft Henn'y's , where u post-inorteinwlllbo held tqilnynnit mi Inquest on Monday , ' The old'man had a receipt In hU pocket for board paid In Deadwood during the eurly wirt ot December. i U 1111,1.1AIU > TOUKNAHI2XX' A lirnce of Very YeiMcrtlny. Interest Ing Contests I ThoPnlnco billiard tournament wan resumed - ' sumod this afternoon , the contestants being Parish vs Halo. There wns nnothcr largo at tendance and the contest was highly enjoyed , the score : llnlu-O : ' 1 1 2 0 0 4 1 2 0 0 1 5 1 ! 1) 4 II D 4 B28 4002201 5 005 . Total 509. 1'iirrlsh 2 13 7 o o n n 'J i u 2 o u o o a o a 2 o 0 4 0 22 2 1 0 .1 1 R 0 1 0 1'J 1 ' 0 0 0 < ! 2 0 u 1 I 1. Total lf.7. llah''s liost riina Jl 0 tl. Average 3.0 Parish's liowt inns Si 13 12. Avcraga 2.2. The gnmo In the evening was handicap , Calm vs Halo , the Intter playing HU to ! XW. Tho.scoro : iinio-a i fi r r , i o a i o o o n o o o a j G 5 4 12 2 a o o i o it o 17 a 2 i 1 URJOUOO. Totnt- HO. Cnhn-3 11 1 S 0 1 1 0 0 1 10 0 1 .1 B 10 2 2 1 10 2J ( 2 2 0 II 1 0. Total-ll. Hnlc'H ' average S ll-ii : : best runs 17 14 0. Culm's iiMirano 2 11-13 ; beat riius-LV , ID 10. This evening at S o'clock W. 13. Mngncr will meet Hurry Parrish , 200 points up straight. Kofcroe , F. U. Kcmslln. llniniltoii Street Court. Yesterday afternoon what is known as the Hamilton street sowercontract was finished. The contruct was lot some months ngo , coverIng - Ing nbout 0.000 feet , to J. F.'Daly of'this city. The sewer Is of tlio nnd runs on Thirty-fourth 8trectto Hamilton , thence to Lowe avenue. There Is n branch on Thhty&clKhth street to Orchard anil thence west to Lowe nvenuo also. Yesterday afternoon , when the last tlio had been laid , the men who have worked so faithfully on Iho job gathered uniler the leadership of Inspector Parker and H. Mc- 0 rath , the latter specially representing the inon. The contractor was called and pre sented with a beautiful ebony canosurmount ed with a gold bead linely engraved. The speeches wcro. made by Messrs. Parker nnd McGrath , and though the recipient of the T testimonial was taken by surprise , ho feeling ly thanked his men for the tribute which they had paid to tbo friendly relations which had cxsistcd between them. tit. Paul Time Card. The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railroad has IssueJ a new time card for its Nebraska division , taking effect to day. No change Is made In Its main line passenger trains , but there nro several Important improvements In its freight train service. The now extension of the road from Ian- dolph to Bloomlleld , n distance of twenty-two miles , Is now open for business. Trains leave Bloomlleld at 10:110 a. in. and connect nt Emerson with trains 1'ornll polntsjroturn- lug It reaches Bloomtleld nt U p. m. Vimiilco Iliitind Over. W. L. Vaniilco was tried in the police court yesterday afternoon and bound over to the ' 'district court under liond of $100. IUs _ tense was larceny. TJ 1'MC.Ki HM'llH. T. J. Doyle of Greolyis nt the Casey. J. M. Neal of Denver Is at the Barker. II. D. Allen of St. Louis Is nt the Mlllard. ( J. M. Winant of Now York is at the Mur ray. * F. A. Thompson of Sioux City is nt the Pnxton. , F. 1) . Stcelc of Hustings wus at the Pnxton last night. C. F. Meek of Denver was at the Mlllard last night. M. M. Nerve of Sidney was at tbo Casey last night. K. J. Olcson of Hooper was nt the Barker last nlgtit. Miss Kennedy of New York Is a guest at the Barker. Samuel Lewis of Chicago Is in the city , at the Murray. F. S. Brown and wife of Grand Island are at the Casey. W. I ) . Butler of Boone , IK. , Is In the city , at the Id'rker. | ' W , u'lngcrsoll was In the city hist night , at the Puxton. Frank W , Yale of Atchlsou , Kan , , is visit ing in the city. , i Frank E. Coo of Mountain Ilomu , Idr.ho/ at the Murray. George S , IflRglni of Hastings Is In aha city , ut the Casey. George H. Ackcrinnn of Chicago la In the city , tit the Mlllard. . , Morgan Jones of Texan wi * in the city 1 ast night , at thu Mlllard. T. W. Teasdnlo of St. Paul wns registered at tbo Pnxton last night. W. I. . Harding- and wlfo of CoioradQ Sprlngf Is at iho Murray. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Thompson HpCnt Christmas visiting relatives in M'uma and Mnwhnlltown , la. T. L. McMonlos of the Scnrles-Horcth manufacturing company of Chicago , who hiw boon visiting his pcoplo and many friends liiire , returned to duty yesterday , William 1) ) , Hughes , formerly1 'this ' city , hut now located at Wayne , Neb. , and family aru spending the holidays with Mrs. Hughes' parents , Mr , and Mrs. Thomas Krans of 120i3 CJraco street. JlUKl'JTJKN. The Theosophlcal society muota every Sun day afternoon , at 40 : ! { o'clock , in the Bhuely Mock , room"05. All uru invllod. Born Doivmhor 11 , to Mr , ami Mm. Charles L. Altstatt of-I 111 Noith Twonty- ninth street , a lioy ; eleven pounds. The literary of thoCommerclnlcollcKO gnvo a very interesting entertainment at iho col lege class rooms last night. Thu uxerclsui consisted of recitations , essays nnd select readings. They were listened lo by a fair slicd audience. Died--Mrs. KlUaboth Itnttr.iy , ngcd HOV- cnty-slx vcura , died Friday ovcnlnx at tlio homo of her daughter , Mrs. Kobort WIse , corner of Forty-third nnd Grant ntn.'oti. runcral services Sunday nt li : ! ) . Interment will bo ut Mount Hope cemetery. Friend * invited. J. H. Standoven yesterday received hU commission , seal and u stock of stationary , authorizing him to la-gin his duties as secre tary of the Association of Holler Inspectors and Kxamlidng ISuginoorii of the United Status nnd Canada. The seal It a unliino niYuirand bears upon Its fncoa representation of every kind of otuuni boiler known to the trade. Immanuel Baptist church , North Twenty- fourth and BInnoy streets , I'Ynnlf W. Fos , ter , pastor. Services at 1010 : ! u , in. nnd 780 p. in. Sunday school ut 1'J. noon. Morning tlieino , "A liood Halnnco1' ; ' evcnlug thoino. "Weighed und WnnthiK. Special services of prayer for the church ovury ovcnlng next week. Covenant und business meeting aua sermon after buMncss meeting on Wednesday evening , December Ul ,