THE OMAHA DAILY BEBt SUNDAY , DECEMBER 28 , 1890-SIXTEEN PAGES. BEST FROM SOCIAL DUTIES , Holiday restiyHica Tarnish a Eeapllo for the Ultra Paahicmablo Folk. THE OPENING ASSEMBLY PARTY , Now Year's llcccptlnnn Among Ills Ilircc-Yoitr-OldB Kountzo IMnco High Fives Movement * of Society People. The only rest from social duties that ultra fashionable society hns , nro the few days preceding Chtistmas and the ilvo days be tween Christmns nnd Now Year's. ' With the exception ot several small dinners , the inaugural dance of the assembly Friday evening , nt the Mlllard , two or thrco card parties and several parties for young people , there has been absolutely nothing doing in ' tli'o social world for the post seven days , Even the I.iden ! whoso tltno is generally taken Up with Kensingtons , kettle drums and calls have been shopping the past week nnd buying Christmas gifts which gladdened the hearts of thousands who are kindly rcmcin- berad on that very delightful day. Tills week will bo oven more dull , If all in dications do not fall and for the next seven days there Is little of importance prom ised. The rest , however , that the Ultra fashlonnblo will thus secure is really qulto necessary , for BO fur there certainly lias been naunicloncyof doings , quito enough to pleiiso the bud , who , during her llrst sea- $0n. . lives only for the enjoyment that comes from tbo dance , the dinner and the luncheon. New Year's day will not bo observed by the followers of fashion to the extent it hns been ill previous years. There will bo a few houses open , but the list will not bo largo nor impos ing.1'ho -1'ho Young Men's Christian association Will receive Now Year's calls from 5 until CsBO , president nnd Mrs. Fleming nnd a contingent of 100 ladles making up the re- coptlon com'tnlttco. Mr. IX H. Whcoler , Jr. . isiuod invitations yesterday for a "stag recoDtlon" nt his resi dence on Virginia avenue from 2 until 0 on Now Year's day. "I know last year. " said ho , "somo.stnycd away because they thought ladies would bo there. I want that idea dis pelled ; they can como and cat and smoke to say nothing about , drinking punch nnd not bo bothered by any of the fair sex. " This feature beiutr generally understood , no doubt many invitations will bo accepted that would otherwise bo declined. Now and then men llko to get away from petticoat government , for it makes them moro appreciated by the gentle BOX. Hon. George \V. Linlnccr will entertain the Knights Templar of the city nt his resIdence - Idonco , Eighteenth and Davenoort streets , during the afternoon. Mrs. Henry M. Stanley , when Miss Doro thy Tennnnt.wns almost the ilrst lady in Lon don to practice "slumming. " She used to be friend the little street vagabonds and rowaid thorn for good behavior by teaching thorn to play familiar airs with ono linger on her nlano , nnd sing them to this accompaniment. She relates of her experiments with much dollcht that onoyoung heathen was hoard to render "Kulo nriltaiiinl Brlttaula Rules the Wovol" as follows : Rue ] , riUnllonl Britnllion rules the whales , Truo-'enrlcd Britons Never , never shall bo slain. Tlio Opening Assembly Pnrtv. Tbo Assembly , which hns been so much of f-1/lc.tor In the smart world of the metropolis , , . _ t oil stlft sometimes nnd _ limited to the ' 'four hundred of Omaha , gave its opening party of the season Friday eveningat the Mlllnrd. The number of guests WIM not ns largo by any moans as subsequent dancing parties will show , for It was the night after Christinas nnd many of the social leaders hail not recovered fully from the festivities on Ch rial mas day and night to attend the in- nugural party of The Assembly. Never has there been seen together so many pretty girls as at this party. It was common talk in tbo cloak rooms , in the din ing room nnd in the ball room. And the cos tumes worn were far moro beautiful than have been displayed at any similar affair this Benson. And what Is still moro pleasant thcro was A0 esejyding in the ball room , there being justonoirgh participants in the dnncetomako the evening enjoyable , n delightful aftermath of Christmns. Refreshments were served nt 11 o'clock in the rooms off the ordinary on the cast sldo of the null. . Among the many well known1 society women present the following nro rocnlled : Miss Kimpp of Raclno , Wls. , ono of the prettiest women who has ever visited Omaha , potlto brunette , vivacious nnd interesting tea a degree , were n beautiful gown of black net caught up with American beauties , the top of the corsngo also being prettily trimmed with the same variety of llowers. Miss Laura Ilongland appeared in nn im ported costume of white China silk , trimmed with heavy passementerie , entrain. Miss Iloaglnnd were a blnclc flowered net gown , the neck prettily oniumcnted by green and blue mousscllno do solo , Miss Williams were a sweet dross of palo blue silk mulld over blue satin , blue satin Bllppors. Miss Yost , always n favorite la the exclu sive circles of society , wore yellow crepe , trimmed with passementerie and feathers. Miss Nash were a gown of pluk silk mous- eolllno do solo , made in the simplest txuslblc tnamlor and all the moro effective on that ac count. Miss Dundy. tall nnd distinguished graced n gown of white mullo nnd she carried n beautiful bouguct of la Franco roses , sliver clippers , Miss Beach of Now York , a guest of Miss Stewart of Council Bluffs , a very striking blondorworo a handsome rostumo of yellow crepe with brocaded waist , ontndno. Miss Stewart were a pulo blue not gown heavily embroidered in palo blue silk will : n border of tiny plush rosebuds around the neck. neck.Miss Emily Wakoloy , a charming dobutantc nnd oio | of the season's beauties looked vcrj _ pretty in a gown of white sllft and pink roses iironud the top of the corsage ; duuchif length. Miss Daisy Donne , Miss Wakclov's altci ' ceo nnd another of the very interesting "buds" were a gown of palo green plno apple orcpo , plainly m&do , cntraino. Miss Sherwood , Just homo from Vassal- , were n palo green net over green silk with i girdle of pcnrl passementerie. Miss Bessie Yatcs , satin striped gauze. Miss Wyman , palo green silk. Miss Clnrko were a beautiful dress of blacl lace over palo blue surah , caught up wltl feather trimming. Miss Gertrude Chambers , a simple gown o black net. Miss McCllntock , palo lilac gauze ovorlllai Bilk. Bilk.Mrs. . W. S. Popploton , black net olfectlvol : trimmed with bunches of holly. Mrs , Hill were a pretty costume of whlti gauze with stripes of gold running througl . , it. Miss Jordan , whlto China silk. MlsB Opal Touzalin- were ono of the dalntl cst costumes at the ball , a pink silk ontralne trimmed with bended pusscmentorlo. Miss Bishop appeared in u gown of heav ; crcpo over white silk relieved by light browi crcfio drnplngs. Mrs. David Biium , whlto Hk with brocade * corsage. Miss Pearl Hnrtman were a tollotto o nhlto China silk with rose plaltlnps cdgci with gold.- Miss ICnlfe'bt , on exceedingly pretty youn woman , were a striking costume of brlgh rvjd crex ( > which became her beauty exceed inRly. Miss Ralcombe were 'a pink flowered Ell ! entrnino. The following were present : Misses Hoas . . , . * * 4 v. * vMh i 44U , JJVltllll A UaVj A-41U11 , Wakeloy , Daisy Uoano , Nash , Illshop , Araea Kiinpp of Uuclne , ; vls,7 IvnlRlit of Texas Touzalln. Wyinan , Clarke , Smith , Mora Ual combo , Dosslo Yatos. Uaum , Jordan. Dundj Williams , Sherwood , Ocrtrudo Chambers McCllntoclr , Sloword of Council UlutTs Ileachof Now York. Hurtman. Mr. and Mrs WoWharter , Mr , and Mrs. Will Hodtok , Mi nnd Mrs. Clement Chase , Mr. and Mrs. W. S Popploton. Mr. and Mrs. Fnmk Colpotzoi Mr. and Mrs. 0.1C Coutant. Mr. and Mn David Bnum , Mosdamea Hill , Brooke , Mi nnd Mrs. Ed Peck , Messrs. Tuttle , Will Me Cague , Frank Hamilton , Will WymanHeur ; "Wyraan , Charles Saundew , Richard S. Ber lin , Paul tlorback , CurtU Turner. Will Kennedy , C. 1C Barton , CrofUt , WlUl'axton , Will McMillan , llnxtcr , 0. II. Brlggj , Stewart , Ed Sherwood , W. II. Ontos , U. B. Ilwlgcj. They Plnycil nt ' 'llrnrt' . " In honor of Miss Mai Bums and Miss Mary Duryca , the chnrmng young women Just returned - turned from their schools , Miss Morgarct Brown govo a delightful "hearts" party Tuesday evening nt her residence , liOlS Cap itol avenue. The house was tastefully dec orated in honor' the occasion , and the games wrrocxcltlni ; to a degree. Refresh- menu were served during tuo evening nnd the prizes distributed as follows : First prize for the ladles was won bv Miss Helen Smith , a very pretty chamois glove case ; the second ladles' prize was taken by Miss John son , a handkerchief box ; the llrst prize for gentlemen was won by William Colfax , a pretty silver stamp box ; the second by Wal ter Dale , n handsome blotter. The guests present woroi Misses Mai Burns , Mary Duryen , Helen Smith , Lllllo TuKoy , Florence Lee , Cnrrlo House , Lillian Houso. Alice Parker , Ada Parker , MinaMar shall , May Yntos , Margaret Brown , Marga ret Cook. Murimrot McKee , Ncttlo Sher wood , Ncllio Burns , Miss Wilkinson , Misses Pearl Hnrtmnn , Lou Johnson , OcorgloShnrp , Honn Strung , Loulso ICclloy , Lllllo Duruoll , Frltza Bnmalt , Maud Staloy. Miss Hlbbard , Mesdames Frank Irvine , Thomas AVllson , iVnrner Welch. Messrs. Hilton Fonda Fred dcOormlck , Maurice Diiryen , Wing Allen , Jllnton Mills , Wood Allen , Mr. Gamble , . ! ort Downs , Walter Minor , Frank Fosbon- or , George Miner. Bert Cook , LonDnlo , Jim ilcCann , waiter Dido , Harry Cotter , Will- am Fovc , Lid Johnson , William Colfnx , ! ould Dlcte. Mr. Merrlck , Mr. Clark , Mr. rVolsb. Mr. Driscol , Mr. Urnnilt. Mr. Nott , Ir. Frank Burley , Mr. Paul Hurley , Mr. larry Moorcs , Mr. Egbert Kcilor. AmonK His "Tlirce-Ycar-OHls. " There was a special dinner at the Hotel Barker Christmas afternoon. It was not so irlnccly ns that of the regular hour. It was ntended to bo Informal nnd the viands were , o be of the simplest but most wholesome iharactcr. The dinner was designed by Mr. A A. Balch ns n con-pllmont to several of his boarders who have been regular diners at tils table almost since the hotel was opened. The menu was as follows nnd was "served n the style of Auld Lang Syno : " Roast Turkey. Chicken Plo. Deviled Crab. Plum Pudding. MincoPio. Hard Cider. Crackers and Chcoso. The guests were ns follows , or , as Mr. Balch calls them , his "three-year-olds : " Major J. W. McMuhon , Major J. is. Howard , T. S. Ferguson , Frank Chlttondon , B. A. Fowler , Jules Lumbnrd , Paul Horsh , Joe Teahon , Miles French , Harry C. Godwin , E. A. O'Brien. U. B. Couglas. R. W. Bakor. The health of the gonml landlord was toasted and his many good qualities extolled. The memory of O. II. Rothaekor and John Rowland was feelingly referred to. Joe Teahon , originally intended as ono of the "Monks of the Screw , " kept the table in a roar , and short addresses were made by Major Howard , Major AIcMahon and Messrs. Ferguson , Hcrsh. Douglas , O'Brien and Baker , whllo Mr. W. A. Wallace sang with sweetness and expression "Tlio Maid of the Mill" and "Dorklns' Last Night. " The event was a most memorable ono and will long bo remembered by the guests with grat- tudo to their host. Iligli-Ftvoln Knimtzo 1'lnoo. The Kountzo Plnco High-Five club met at the charming homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Lewis , 1931 WIrt street , on Friday evening. The host and hostess extended n cordial-hos pitality to their guests and their efforts cul minated in a most successful evening where all enjoyed a spirited and hard-fought game. After close competition Mrs. J. P. Bay car ried off the ladles pnzo a very beautiful chair drape while Mr. L. D. Fowler was successful in securing n handsome oxidized silver scarf pin. The usual refreshments were served in an elegant manner which showed Mrs. Lewis' ability as a housewife. The following members ana guests were present : Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Van Court , Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bay , Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Blum , Dr. nnd Mrs. B. F. Crummor , Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Duubar. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ed- mlston , Mr. nnd Mrs. G. L. Fisher , Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Fowler , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Gib son , Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hustus , Mr. and Mrs. H. Jayues , Mr. and Mrs..E. V. Lewis , Miss Lipps , Mr , and Mrs. H. Lnwrlo , Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mmnhan , Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Shields. Guests Mr. and Mrs. Cuinls , Mr. nnd Mrs. Pritchard , Mr. nnd Mrs. Bradley , Mr. and Mrs. Josselyn , Mrs. C. F. MeLarcon and Mr. C. H. Fowlor. The next mealing will bo hold at the rosl- denco of Mr. and Mrs , J , P. Bay , northeast corner of Biimoy and Twenty-llrst street on Friday evening , January 0. A Star Party. The most unique and novel entertainment of the week was given at the beautiful homo of Mr. and Mrs , W. Q. Temploton on Friday night in honor of the Misses Stafford of Nebraska City and their son Frank. The house , which Is largo and well adapted for entertaining , was beautifully decorated with potted plants and cut ilowors , n prominent part of the decorations belncr "stars , " which glittered in the curtains and draperies , In the Btnilax and holly which were artistically fes tooned upon the walls. The Idea was carried out through the evening , the refreshments being served 1u star shapes and each attend ant being furnished with a hand-painted star , which was looped on with a ribuon and worn ns a badge. . The invited guests were the Misses Lolghton , Misses Stafford , Misses Johns ! Miss Muttlo Stone , Mnmio Josclyn , RcimStrnng , Mubcl Mason. Miss Wright , Miss Gibbon , Miss Wilkins , Mcssers Strang , Leonard , Charles Stone , Mark Brown , E. L. Roberts , Henry Flndloy , GusDrcxcl , Churlcs Gibbon , Harry Wilkins , Mr. Spoonor , Mr. Gramllchs , Mr. Burgos , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Epcnoter. Lighting the ClirUtmnf ) Tree. A Jolly party gathered nt tlio residence of Mrs. Ella Rlggs , Sixteenth and Howard , Christmas evening to assist in lighting the Christmas tree and joining with the children In their games. For the tlmo tno older people - plo were the boys and girls once moro , and as there was a goodly number of the little ones present , and as the tree was big and beauti fully decorated , pleasure and delight reigned supremo. It was to the , man mid women grown in the nature of a reunion , nnd the dinner , which was served before the fun ol the evening commcncodwould havodcllghtod the most exacting of epicures. Thcro were in the party , besides the children of the guests , Mr.'nnd Mrs. E. F. Test , Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Goodrich , Mr. and Mis. I. W , Miner , Mr. and Mrs. Ira Maples , Mr. and Mrs. McDonald. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frlco , A. S , Carter , F. N. Richards , Mr. Bender of the Mercury , Mr , and Mrs , Uobldoux. A Dcliclitfu ! Theatre Party. The yule tide with Its Joys and Its pleas- urcs was dclightfvlly celebrated Christina ; night by a thcatro party to Bond's opera house , "A Woman llator , " with Roland Roet In the stellar part being the attraction. Aftoi the piny the party adjourned to the Omnh : Guardsarmory whcro an impromptu danc < was indulged in , music boiug provided by i small orchestra. Among these present were Miss Mary Uurycu. Mai Burns , Helen Smith Maude Stnloy , Allco Pnrkor , Ada Parker Barrio House , Nettle. Johnson , Margaro Cook , Margaret Brown , Margaret Moore Nina Marshall , Pearl Hurt man , Lou Johnson Jcsso Farusworth , Nelllo Zurmuhlen tint Anglo Rockwell of Council Bluffs ; Mrs Harry McCormlck , Mrs. Remington , nn < Messrs. Colfnx. Johnson , Dcltz , Benedict Downs , L. Dale , \V. Halo. MoBurnoy , Cook Brown , Charlton , Rnthbun , Fosbcnucr , Me Cnun , Morrow , McCormlok , Remington , Mills Duryoa , Brandt , Fonda , G , Miner. Comlnic to ilia Front. The Peerless club added ono moro to th list of their Innocent amusements last Thurs day evening by celebrating Christmas with i masquerade party. The ladlca costume were perfectly gorgeous , ranging from th < Aubllmo , refined nun to tbo giddy school girl with short dresses and all colored trcsse hanging gracefully down their backs. Am the gentlemen's costumes were very uulnuo varying from the hay s od farmer iwitu No 11 boots and straw bat to the unruly sailor boy in coat of bluo. In fact , It was a perfect success and would have done credit to the New York " 400. " It was n continual Ktronm , of laughter from beginning to end , not only by the participants , but by the visitors in the gallery. It was attended by the club members nnd a few Invited guests , comprising some of the cream of the ether social clabs and Councl. Bluffs society people. l "Under the 31 In tie too Rough. " The mlstlctoo hung In thn castlu hall , The holly branch hutifi on tlio old oak wall. Tlionms llayncfl Huyloy. The kiss snatched busty from the .sidelong inafd , Thomson. Christmas somehow or other scorns to have n significance for young people , and how they do enjoy the delightful yule tide which comes with thq closing of the year ! A number of Miss Emily U'nkeloy's friends decided to avail themselves of the yule tide period and called at tier homo nt Nineteenth and Cali fornia streets Christmas night for souio ronl old fashioned game * . Miss Wnkeloy , with rare thoughtfulness , had suspended n tiny bit of inlstlotoo from the chandelier in the drawing room , possibly uitti the hope that It might bo missed in the general joy of tha evening. Kut It was in too conspicuous a place for tha guests to easily miss as tuo evening proved. Black oycs nnd tcpder blue eyes sparkled in the light of the chandelier us their owners came face to face with the friends of the ether sex nnd the bit of mistletoe , the cause of all the mischief , looked down upon the re vival of old-fashioned customs with many a tender sigh. "Blind Man's Bull , " "Spin the Plate" and "Forfeits" were irtayed to the enjoyment of everybody present. Refresh ments were served during the evening. There were present : Misses Clarke , Curtis , Touralln , Miller , Dojno , Carter , Messrs , Hnrknlow , FalrJleld , Will Crary , Cleaver , Bnldrldgc , Loomls , Charles How , Clam Rcdick. Marriages ami Wo . ' . i.r.r.s AND HOWIE. A very enjoyable wedding was that cele brated at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Howie , 1710 North. Eighteenth street , on Chrl'tmas day , In which Mr , Stewart D. Lees , nd Miss Euph Bowie were the contracting lartlos. Mr. Charles Youso acted as best .nnn and Miss Tina Bowie as bridesmaid. At n few minutes after 4 o'clock the wedding : oremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Thaln ) f the Plymouth Congregational church in , ho presence of a few assembled guests , after .vhicli the usual congratulations followed nnd hen a sumptuous m.irrlago feast. At 0 'clock Mr. and Mrs. Lees left for Denver ami tha west on a two * weeks' trip , and will ho at homo nt the nbovo number after Jan uary 10. A goodly number of rich gifts were : nado them , several of widen were direct .from Scotland , tlielr native land. Among the guests present were Mr. and Mrs. John Wll- 1011 , Mr. nnd Mas. William Fleming , Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Ross , Councilman nnd Mrs. Me- icarie , Mr. nnd Mrs. Little , Mr. and Mrs. L-itlnk Bnnnochlo , Mr. and Mvs. Ackorman , Mr. nnd Mrs. I. L. Richards , Mrs. Thaln. Mrs. Frank Reynolds , , Mrs , David Elder , Miss Agnes O'Brien , Miss Evn Morse , Miss Cute One , Miss Hannah Wilson , Miss Mate lunnochlo , Miss Ann Rutherford , Charles .nnderyou. VII.SON AND WIN'COTE. Married on the 22d. nt St. Barnabas church by Rev. John Williams , Laurence , second son of Rov. F. Wilson , vicar of Milckcn , Surrey , England , to Marie Loulso second daughter of the late William Wlncoto , osq. . , f Portland 1'luco , Heamington , England. VlCianitS AND I'El'OOtf. m At the residence of the bride's parents , near Tnblo Kock , Nob. , December i4 ! , by J. W. Little , Mr. Henry R. S. Vlggora of Omaha , Nob. , nnd Miss AHco Peooon of Table Rock. The ceremony wus attended by about llf ty of the relatives of the orldo and groom and after its completion a wedding supper was served. Several hours were spent in litornry , musical and conversational enjoyments. The groom is a conductor on the union Pacific railroad and will reside m Omaha. MUl/VANT AND WELCH. It will bo qultoa matter of surprise to many friends of the groom to learn that Mr. John Mulvany , the celebrated artist , was utilted in marriage nt the rcsldenco ot Mrs. Judge. Barnes at Columbus Junction on Friday of last week , to Mrs. Nellie Welch of-Chicago : For some tnno past vnguo rumors have been heard that this marriage would taka place during the holidays , but only twoorthteo friends ot Mr. Mulvany were informed as to the time. The groom is too well known to need any reference at the hands of Tnii REE. He has been a prominent llguro in art circles both in this country and in Europe for years. Ho has seen many beautiful women but until hemet met Mrs. Welch'his heart was true to nls bachelor inclinations. Something over two years ago the artist met his liunee and a love mnk'h was the result , which will bo hailed with Joy by the friends of both parties. Mrs. Welch is a thoroughly refined and ed ucated woman nnd the union gives every promise of supreme hnppmoss. A. Deli trill i'ul Ohrlntmas Pinner. Mr. auu Mrs. S. S. Curtis , 517 Virginia avenue , gave a delightful Christmas dinner to n number of old-timo friends on Thursday. Tno house was daintily decorated with ropes of evergreen , bunches of holly nnd sprays of inlstlotoo. And the table pro- sentcd n royal holiday appearance with Its holly and cut llowers placed in rose bowls and Jaldluiers. The dinner too was in keeping with the gnlo tldo and the courses were silent witnesses of Mrs. Curtis' cooking. The guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Merrlam , Mr , and Mrs. Thomas Suobo , Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Whitney , Mrs. McClure , Mr. BostwlcK , Mr. Gulou , Mr. Cleaver. Later in the evening a number of other friends cumo lu and nn exciting game of high flvo resulted Prizes were given to Mrs. D. H. Wheeler , who took the llrst Indies' prize , nnd Mrs. Whitney , second. Mr. Penso won the first gentlemen's prize and Mr. Swobu the second. In addition to the guests at dinner , the fol lowing other guests were present : Mr , nnd Mrs. Riall , Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wheehir , Jr. , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dean , Mr. and Mrs. C. N. DlcU , Mr. and Mrs. Francis , Judge aud Mrs. Thurston , Mr. nnd Mrs. Vnlll , Mr. 'and Mrs. W. F. Allen , Mr. and Mrs. Ponso. Close or tlio Oninlin Art Inhibition , The management of the Omaha art exhibi tion have decided to formally close the oxhl- bitlouMoudii > evening , January 5 , with a reception , dancing after 10 o'clock. In order to send the largo collection back to New York the freight alone will cost $ IGOO , and to rcnllzo this amount the directors have decided to Issue BOO Invitations , nlacing the tickets for the re ception at $ o , which will admit a lady nnd gentleman. These Invitations will issue early this week aud sent to the lead ing people of the city. Tickets will then bo phiced on sale and these holding Invitations may purchase thorn. The patronesses of the reception nro the wives of the directors , viz : Mesdames J. N , H. Patrick , Henry W. Yates , Louis Reed. B , B.Wood , George L. Miller , J. M. Woolworth , E. A. Nash , Guy C. Barton , George Llninger , Max Meyer , Hy Meday , W. V. Morse. Lynmn Richardson. Tno sale of tickets will bo In charge of Nothcrton Hall , Frank Hamil ton , Arthur Smitho , John Patrick. Refreshments will bo served during the evening on the lower floor of the gallery , while the upper lloor will bo .canvassed for dancing. Undoubtedly this event-will provo ono of the most delightful of the season , for what moro could bo desired than to dunce in such surroundings as the art exhibition ) "Tlio Clrclo's" . Mystic ) Slnnquoriule. Wednesday evening "Tho Mystic Circle , " a new organization in the social life of the city but otio destined to moot with a great deal of success , will give its llrst bal masque at the Coliseum. No efforts are being left un done to mnko this carnival eno of the events of the year nnd It will afford aniplo oppor tunity for people who love Innocent uiuuso- mcnt to have no end of fun. . Two bands will bo in attendance , ono fet danciug and the other for promenade music. The building will bo handsomely decorated , a New York decorator havlug been engaged for the purpose. There nro twenty boxes in the bulldlnp which will scut eight persons each , aud those nro In demand by tlio leading people of the city who will go there to be "lookers-on In Vienna , " rather than participate in the pleasures of the evening which will bo en. gaged In by the young people , Should this vanity fair In mtsrocostn provo tbo success It deserves it will bo the aim ol the club to glvo a big carnival in February , fashioned after the "Veiled Prophets" In St. Louis nnd the "Prtott of Pallas" in Kunsoa City. The Coliseum nmnafrt fiiont hu raado ar rangements with the stfrtMitcar company to run cars all night so it * m bo very easy for spectators nnd participant * to go to and from , tie building. Y Prof. Gavnoro will 164W the grand march which will taVo plffl < 6 at 0 o'clock , of ill tno characters en masque. At midnight , JuiPi' as the old year dies and the now-KBrn Is ushered Into the world , th charact&rs' will unmask , to greet the Infant in propH'persona. ' A featnro of the ovcnftltf will bo the pres ence ot .1 , S. Cooley , \Vlifo''will Impersonate "Hamlet" nnd will bo attended by "Ophelia , " who will bo unknown uflTiyho uumasklug , "In Honor of'Ucr ' Son. " The hospitable homocffalrs , Ish on Georgia nvcntio was thrown open last Saturday even ing for the reception of the guests of her son , Mr. James Ish. The parlon were profusely and handsomely decoratfcd with cut ilowers and blotsomlng plants. Cards and ether amusements were indulged In until 11 o'clock , when elegant refreshments were served. These present were Mrs. Ish , Mr. James Ish , Mr. nnd Mrs. Guild , Master ttcorgo Guild , Mrs. James , Mr. and Mrs. Cox , Misses Sams. Cook and Strong nnd Messrs. Darling and McMnhon , Coining Events , Mrs , Samuel Burnos has issued Invitations for n real old fashioned Now Year's recep tion , from 4 until 7 , January 1. A number of the prettiest girls In Omaha will ossUt nt the punch bowl , the chocolnto table and ut the colTco urn Mr. D. H. Whcoler , Jr. , mmouncog a "stag" reception on January 1. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Droko hnvo Issued in vitations for a Oormnn In honor of their daughter , MUs Loulo Drake. December ill. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Carter announce a German for Mr. Carroll Carter , Monday oven Ing. Miss Mnmio Moore gives a card partv for Miss Dwlght Tuesday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Turner will give a dancing party next Friday evening1. The Park avenue card club moots at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Goodrich Monday evening. Mrs. George Cook , 1213 Georgia nvcnuo , announces n Kensington tea for Miss Cook nnd Miss Margaret Brown nt 3 p. m. Tues- duv thoiMJth. The Omaha Art nssodatlon will give a largo reception nnd dancing party In the Im provised rooms ot the association , D. M. Stcclo building , Monday evening , January 5. Movements nnd Whurnntinittfl. Mr. and Airs. M. Peters are In St. Louis spending the holidays. Miss Fnnnlo Haiiloy of Lincoln Is the guest of Mrs. Churchill Parker. Miss Clara Brown , whoso Illness was noted In these columns last week Is very much hot ter. ter.MUs Emma Hedges of Lincoln nnd Miss Elslo Palmer of Hastings are visiting Miss Lottio Watts of this city. Miss Lottie Watts hns returned from Hastings collcgo to spend the holidays with her parents on Caldwcll street. Mr. Joseph A. Ruhl of Georgia avenue , who hns noon a visitor to Florida for some months past , returned homo this week. Miss Yost loft vesterdny for Detroit on nn extended visit to filonds , Whllo there n largo dancing party-wilt bo given in her honor. - < Mr. Wing B. Al'en JisVecelvlnK the con gratulations of his frieVids over his unani mous lo-electlon to thQ'sccrotaryshlp of the coal oxchango. ' Major St. A. D. BnlconbbMn. { Balcombo , anil Miss Mabel Balcombo loft for Florida this week , their IntentUux. being to remain until summer drives thciii northward. Miss MorySherwood returned fiom Vnssar college this wenk to spend the holidays with her parents , Mr. aud MJU , E. II. Sherwood , street. r on Dodge j A select masquerade by tho' wives and daughters of Court EcllpsrnNo. 107 Independ ent Order of Oddfellowsirwill bo given New Years eve at Garllcld ball. . * Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. McLean , 2705 Hamil ton street , gave a very delightful high Ilvo partv Tuesday evening , enough guests being present to fill eight tables , ' " Mrs' . EM. Koonig , m3tnbr of Mr. VV. ' it Koeulg , who raturned but n short ; tlmo ago from n nine month's trip1 In Germany has been ill lately , bufls happily better. The bpuso In honor of yule tldo was pret tily decorated with roses , ferns nnd holly , whllo several beautiful sprays of mistletoe were hung la both front and back parlors. Mrs. Anna E. Dickov of San Jose , Gal. , mother of Mrs. Charles P. Hughes , 1001 Georgia avenue , Is vlsltlnir the latter , having arrived from her California homo this week. Mrs. A. J. Popplctoii. gave n beautiful luncheon nther homo , Elirabcth place , Tues day nt3 o'clock In honor nf Miss Mary Pop- plcton , who has just returned from Miss Brown's school , Now Yoric. Mr. Albert , Offutt , brother of Charles Of- futt , is now at Colorado SnrluKa for his health and for a plcasurp tiip. Mr. OITutt expects to return soon to his position In tbo South Omaha National bnnk. A pleasant DO.X party consisting of the fol lowing Indies and gentlemen was given Christmas night at Boyd'R ' : Mr. and Mrs. Bert Evnus , Miss Jesse Farmwortb , Nellie Xurmurhlon , Anglo Rockwell of Council Bluffs , Mosirs. Lou nnd Walter Dale and Reed McUurnoy. They all adjourned with tlio other theater party to dance at the armory , Tuesday evening a number of Mr. and Mrs. D. ft. Gooilrlch's friends "happened in" to their homo on Lcavenworth street and passed a delightful evening at high ilvo. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Price , Mr. and Mrs. Mapes , Mr. Richards , A. S. Carter , Mr. Reed , Mrs. Will Briggq and Mrs. I. W. Miner. The children of Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Hcln- rich hnd a beautiful Christ mas trco Christ mas Eve mid its illumination was .tho signal for muny Joyous shouts trom , the little ones. In addition to the children present were Miss Bomcrnrdner , Miss Brandt , Judge Straun , Mr. W. II. Koenig and Mr. and. Mrs. E. C. Snyder. In honor of her brother , Mr. Arthur Me- Namnra of North Plattc , Nob. , who visits Ouialia but seldom , Mrs. S. D. Barkalow gave a charming Informal evening on Tues day. About fifty guests were present , the pretty homo being artistically decorated with Christmas garlands. Cards wuro played and the evening mndo charmingly homelike , -in keeping with the well known ability of Mr. and Mrs. Barknlow as pleasant entertainers. Mrs. W. G. Temploton gave an elegant luncheon at her homo on Walnut Hill on Friday afternoon. The refreshments were perfect In every respect and daintily served in five courses by four young ladles. The guests were Mrs , Kurtz. Mrs. Ncoley , Mrs. Churchill Parker , Mrs. John Barker , Mrs. L. F. Weeks , Mrs. Dr. Mirrcll , Mrs./ / . II. Mc- Conncll , Mrs. J. O. Philllppi , Mrs. Dr. Brcck- cnrldgo , Mrs. J , L. Ponssftn , Mrs. F. B. Bry ant , Mrs. Clallln , Mrs. Tukoy. Mrs. Andrews of Grand Island and Mrsf1Hall , Master Lovcll Dunn erttortalnod a few of his friends Friday evening. The tlmo was pleasantly passed playUigRaraca nnd cards , after which dainty Jjf/rcshments were served. Some very good muslo wns rendered by blisses Clark nnd Welly at tbo piano , whllo Master Lovoll gave a' ' few of his very pretty violin solos , laoso present were Misses Nelllo Clark , Mamio Wolty , Suslo Welly , Besslo Hulnort.Tnf , Moores , Helen Barnhnm , Master Dick p fty ) , Frank Fergu- bou nnd Newton Buckey ! f [ The football game ChrljtJtnas morning be tween on cloven from the Young Mnn's Men's Christian associatitm-and resident college - lego boys brought out a'flumbor ' of society people to see the gamp , wtflch was played at the ball nark. Among UyjflQ present were : Mesdames Samuel Buriis. Patrick , Misses Moore , Burns , Mao Bftnis. Helen Smith , Jordan , Dr. nnd Mrs. Srfllin , Mr , and Mrs. Lucicu Stephens , Messrs , Eastman of Chicago cage , Crary , Preston , Rustln , Fosbcnner , Patrick. Wllkes , Rustln , Mr. and Mrs. Mcln- tosh and William McCaguo. Mr , W. L. Irish gave jo number of his friends a stag dinner on Friday evening In honor of his twenty-eighth birthdav at bis beautiful homo in Druid Hill. At 8'o'clock ho was presented with a Hnndsomo leather arm chair by Mr. John Flanugnn in behalf ol bis guests , and then the following men routed themselves at , the tablet Messrs. Irish , Clancoy , Munn , Richardson , Frahtn , Boxtcn , Jentcr , Flanagan , Murphy. Ship- man , Brown. Peterson , Soaris. Antono , Spauldlng and Bnrtlett. Aaollcious menu was dUcnssod , after which toasts were re sponded to by Messrs. W. O. Richardson , John Flanagan and John Bextcn. The bal- mice ot a charmingly spent evening was topped off with Jolly songs and stories , Road Worse's adv. Dtli pngo , THE LOUNGER IN THE LOBBY , Roland Reed and His How Play , "Lend Ma Tour Wife , " ATTRACTIONS IFOR THE COMING WEEK , Pleasant Tribute to Hilly Florence by tlie Poet Kltlilcr Doings In tlio Drninntlo ntul Mai * leal World. There Is a delightful freshness nnd local color nbout tha Captain Tarbox of Koland Heed , which show * the moat inlnuto care on the part of that very clover comcilmn , who Is fust eommandlng the attention of the critical public us an actor of largo ability. In "Cliook" Mr. Hood had IHUo oppor tunity to display these varied talents which has since brought him rapidly to the front as ono of the few leading comedians of the stage. It was his formative period. Through It ho tested the feeling of the public , ascer tained what It wanted most and realizing that the field of legitimate farce comedy was fal low ground , determined to occupy It. "Humbug" cntiio later. It was a trlflo better than his former play , hut still InsulU- clcnt to plvo the actor the opportunity no louredor. . Then Mr. John B. Owens died , leaving to his estate n very valuable piece of literary property , "Tho Woman Hitter , " a play which afforded Keed , as ho thought , an excellent vehicleto carry him Into a higher plane of comedy , which had oven boon a day drcaui with him. Ho bought the play and surrounding him self with a very strong nnd capable company , launched his bar It upon the uncertain sea of legitimate comedy. The end proved his wisdom. "Tho Woman Hutcr" Is just as stroiic in his hands as in the hands of the lamented Owens. The press and public hailed Uced as Owens' legitimate successor mid grow enthusiastic In praise of his originality , his Dorsonullty , his ability. Not satisfied with his notable triumph In a clearly legitimate comedy part , Mr. Heed longed for something that would display his versatility as a character actor , something Unit would bo distinctively local , and "Lend Mo Your Wife , " by the into Dion Boucclcault and Sidney Hoscnfcld , was the result. In Captain Tarbox the comedian has a very congenial role. Tlioro is n salt air about it which enters your nostrils nnd lllls your lungs as If it was blowing directly inland from the Atlantic Brusque nnd breezy , Heed makes n Jolly old sailor to the marrow , Just such another as Captain Cuttle , with a few less idiosyncrasies than tha character ninilo famous by Burton nnd later by "Hilly" Florence. And it shows the fcttlo of the actor to the utmost. "Cheek" and "Humbug" are remembered only ns Initiating Mr. Heed to the public. "Lend Mo Your Wife , " shows the rounded nrtof the artist , who has Industriously la bored to create a now Held for his manifest ability. And yet bin success Is not to bq mar- ' vcled at. Ills present position has been rc.ichod through conscientious work and an intelligent purpose. There Is little of the meteoric In Roland Reed's mnko up. Ho hns gained the height * by years of plodding , Just ns poor men got rich bv judicious investments , with probably a bit of luck toilcnd Itself to the work in hand. Now that ho is on tbo top none cun bo more pleased with his success than I , for ho has deserved it. "Joy's double Joy < thnt comes before Its time. " Such must have been the exclama tion of Roland Heed , the well known come dian as ho entered his dressing room at the Boyd on Christmas afternoon. Ho had been "turning them nwny from the doors" by the hundreds , and ho had been steadily looking forward to a house for the evening perform ance which would bo packed , to the fresco lino. Ordinarily , that was. 'joy enough for ono.mortal See a. day. but It was not all ho was to experience , because ho had scarcely entered his dressing room when ho discov ered a-display which almost took his breath away. There , on a table , lay a large cedar cigar box , the edges and corners of which were bound In solid silver elaborately embossed. On the lid were inlaid several scrolls In silver , which were engraved as" follows on the scroll near the top , "To our manager and friend. " On the iniddlo one. ' 'Mr. Holland Heed , Uhriat- mas , IbDO , " and on the lower ono , "As a token of esteem and good fellowship , from the members of his company : Isadora liusn , Harry A * Smith , Ernest Bertram , Mary Myers , Max Fehrmnn , .lulls Reed , E. B. Jack , A. S. Perinoyer , M. Monroe , II. Hoes DavieaV. . C. Andrews , James Douglas. " But this was not all. There was usmoking sclin oxydlzcd silver , comprising an em bossed tray , a spirit lamp , mutch safe , cigar nna cigarette stand and ushcs cup. Then there was a beautiful rolled plato box with a poker hand engraved on the lid with the words. "A fairly good hand , II. It. Chrlst- 'mas , 1890. " The interior of this box was lillcd with a sot of most beautiful poker oldps. All of these gifts rested In front of a back ground of mistletoe , holly , Ivy and evergreen arranged on the wall in a most artistic man ner. ner.Tho gift was unexpected. It was therc- fore uli the more appreciated. Coaling at a tlmo when the star hud otherwise the most liappy'of feelings , it tended to make him feel that ho might consider himself among the eavorcd ones of providence. It was nothow- ever this fact , which caused him to feel so tlatcd. It was the consciousness that ho had gnlnod the confidence and the esteem of his company , something unusual among stars , which ho prized more dearly than almost any material gift which they could bestow upon him. Speaking of the saline breatn , I om sure I will bo forgiven If relate a bit of nautical experience I had ono or two years ago , in which several theatrical fnenus played no In- Klgnlllcant part. A. P. Uunlop of the Stage News had in- vitert mo to bo ono of a party , whllo in Now York , to take a sail in Jack Ryloy'a trim yacht , wtiich ho called after his wife , The Jiladelleno , but subsequent events showed that ho should have named her The Rock Hunter. Duiilop , who is In love with the ocean in nil its moods , probably with its tenses too for all I know , had selected the crew from men who evidently nnu experience in nautical dramas. We all remember how good a Cap tain in the "Pinafore" troupe John Nusliwas : ho was the sailing master. Uyloy himself was a wonderful Admiral in the same plcco and his mnrltino intelligence quito exceeded anything I had over witnessed up to that tlmo. Ttiobo'sun , first mate and loblolly bov , all combined in ono , \vus well up in sailor's horupiiiEu and had played William so that ho was little seasick. Quito a party boarded her on the day I waste to bo one of the party the prlma donna of ono company , the soubrctto of another , a llrst old woman weighing " 00 pounds , a light comedian , Dunlop ana the gallant Ryloy. It had reached mo rnthor vaguely 'tis true that Jlyley yachted on rocks M frequently ns on water , so I was not unprepared when all of a sudden wo felt a sudden shock , and in a moment wo woronll standing. But In n few moments wo had recovered ourseh'cs to go below for seven bolls nnd the "Larboard Watch , " * 'A Wet Sheet , " "A Life on the Ocean \ \ avo'1 were all sung wit U the joy thai the occasion demanded. Thou the breeze died out and tbuynchtwaa becalmed , so wo took out our quadrant and took our bearings. For hour wo drifted "like painted ships upon a painted ocean , " Well provisioned nnd provided with the means ol having unlimited hovon bolls our stalwart heart ! ) never lllnched. Then all of n sudden , without warning , we were high nnd dry upon another rock , while the mmntos of thoMadclicno butted each other in their efforts toright ship" and got upon their sen legs. Kventually the boat was persuaded to abandon the rock and -wo all sang "How , ye Winds , I O , " ana then ad Joumcd to the chart room for seven bells. It was a jolly sail for the next twenty minutes , wo were ofl Olen Island , when crash ! bang ! w < were holutod up on a beautiful steady lock and wo dinned to windward and bent to star board and did all sorts of things to larboard but como off I There wa stuck , The captain wont below and reported aholi as big as a barrel in her stern , "Tuko to thi boat , ' ! said ho heroically , "loavo no to mj fate. " Wo were a couple of yards off shore and the captain was a good swimmer , so wi took bis advice auu the bout , and vent a mat to taVo him oft tha wroclc. ami afUr unheard of trouble on limd wo potto Now York. It was an experience , however , nnd no mistake. ' The Madeleine , If Ryloy la to bo believed. Is still hunting rock along the Stnton Island ohoro and onlfUlug the brouth which comes in from old ocoau , TUG Louxouu. Commencing this oronlna and continuing throughout the entire week the Bingo of the licyd will bo occupied by ono of the leading burlesque attractions now before the public. Corlnno and the Klmbnll Opera Comlqno and Uurlcsquo company vlll lx > the Attraction , appearing In two of Its best productions "Carmen , " the now operatic burlesque , on Sunday , Monday , Tuesday and. Wednesday evenings , and "Monto Cristo. Jr. , " on Thurs day afternoon nnd ovonlug , Friday evening and Saturday afternoon and evening. It bears little or no rcsciubluuco to the orig inal score. It Is ningnlflcnntly staged And gcorgcously costumed , nnd Interspersed with gems picked from all the great operatic successes of tun present day , The choruses nro strong nnd wonderfully well trained. Over SJO.OOO Is sola to have been expended before the curtain was raised on the llrst performance. Never before In the history of burlesque has such attention been given to detail , Corlune , of course , is the central liguro and IIfoot the perform ance. She Is , Indeed , the ideal In the Imper sonation of that vivacious , sprightly Spanlsii dancing beauty plump but shapely In llguro , her Hashing black eyes set in n smiling face , crowned with a wealth of rich , dark hnlr , making n pretty , lovable and appropriate pic ture , In fact Corlnno is the wily artiste who hns presumed to essay n role so dlfllcnlt and yet , when properly presented , so attractive and pleas ing , since Mlnnlo Hank gave to Carmen , the distinction it has attained , Corlnno hns the advantage of youth , grace , facial expression and action. Her work dues not appear stud ied or mechanical , but has that charming , al most reckless abandon which enthuses and Inspires the nrtlst. She Is a thrilling picture of joyous life , and the happy , mischievous coquetry with which she ensnares her num erous lovers , only to abandon them finally for the more attractive , blustering Toreador , is an excellent ploco of acting. In ending the year I&1K ) nnd entering upon 18U1 Manager Lnwlor of the Eden Mnsco has eclipsed nil previous efforts In presenting : n llrst class variety entertainment to the pub lic. In the curio hull tbo Nebraska triplets , Benjamin Harrison , tevl Morton and Baby McKee Jarrotto , will boon exhibition. These babies wore bom Juno last in Cherry county , near Gordon. Neb. The father la A well known Grand Army man. The babies nro handsome , cute nnd cunningand will delight every mother who hns an opportunity to see thorn. As will clearly bo seen they will grow up republicans , excepting the latter , which is a girl. Probably by the tlmo she gains her majority she can also vote with licr brothers. The babies are an Interesting study. Allle Chambers , the pink eyed lascon , hns been secured for the year. This beauti ful young woman has beautiful pink eyes , a complexion that will cause women to rave , and her hair falling In long , wu'vy curls Is white ns the snow that caps a mountain peak. She can relate interesting stories of her homo in the old world , Bin the bijou and vaudeville theater n strong company of special artists have been secured. Ritchie in a laughable pantomime ; silence and fun can amuse the most molnneholly per son. The Alabama mokesVclbers nnd Car roll , nro the greatest coon team of the variety stage. They will bo hero. Jennlo Ritchie , mala impersonator , is n clover nr- tlsto in her lino. Kugono Mackln , Is acknowledged to bo the greatest nnd fun niest fomitlo impersonator traveling. Swoenoy is a very clover contortionist. Edson nnd Slnts the California wonders nro without a peer in the line of specialties ; nnd That Swcdo Is the greatest musical oddity of the times. All these clever performers will help close this year nnd swing the now In lino. With this host of talent Manager Lawlor promises the best show of the year. JUVBICAT AXMt Hnworth will be starred next season In a repertory. "Joan of Arc , " Margaret Mather's ' ricw play is n failure. Tommy Russell has loft the stage. Ills mother has placed him In school. Roland Reed's now play was adapted from 'the old source of , "Proto-mol to Femme , " a French comedy , by the late Dion Boudcuult , and was the last work tbo actor-author did , Nat Goodwin docs not "mako up" at all In "Tho Nominee. " Ho simply Is himself in the role , so it is said , and tbo play fits him , nnd Poole himself could not make a bettor nt. Fanny Davenport has a lively boa for "Cleopatra. " Melbourne McDowell , her husband , says It gives htm the cold shivers when ho touches It , but his wife some hewer or other is on good torins with Ills snukcshlp. "Uondrlck Hudson , " the burlesque In which Miss Fay Tom pleton made her reap pearance and which was hoadud for n few short weeks by Miss Anna Boyd , Is said to have been sola to Corinno. Emma Abbott , has given a commission to M. Audran to write her a now three-act opera. The price paid Is $10,000 , with the proviso that after thrco years the right of production and sale shall revert to the com poser. Capoul , the bearded French tenor who on a small capital broke many susceptible Ameri can hearts some years ago , has written the libretto of an opera entitled "Tho. Black Prince , " for which Duprato has written the music. The story Is Russian. A London dispatch states that Charles Coghlan'lms been declared a banitrupt. Atone ono tltno ho drew tbo largest balary over paid a stock company leading maur-$700 a week. Ho bos always commanded n hand some llguro. A recent unsuccessful effort to star Is supposed to bo the causa of bis pros- cnt embarrassments. Mrs. Jcanuetto M. Tuurbor , president of the National Conservatory of Music , an nounces the following examinations : Voice- Monday , January 5 , 1891 , from U n , in. to 12 in. , 2 to 5 and 8 to 10 p. in. ; piano , Tuesday , January 0 , from 9 a. m. to 13 in. , U to 5 and 8 to 10 p."in. ; violin and other orchestral In struments , Wednesday , January 7 , from 0 a. m. to 12 m. , S to 5 and 8 to 10 p. m. The long pending action broucht against Gounod , the composer , by tbo American managers who oUltnod hoavr dumngos trota hltn for an alleged broach of contract , br which ho ntrotrnled n traveling enc Keraens in this country , ba been settled hi Paris , The plaintiffs accepted Gounod's offer to pay fci.OOO ni reimbursement ot expenses In curred. it Is now definitely decided that Sarah Ilcrnhontt will arrive hi Now York about February 1 , She comes under the manage ment of Abbey & Grmi nml will imko her llrst appearance In "Ia Toica , " \vlileh she hiw not been scon In this couutrr. A feature of her engagement , liowover , will bo the tlret French representation of Simlou's "Cleo patra , " which Fanny Davenport nugllcltod on Tuesday night at the Fifth Avenue thea ter. Billy I-'loronoo'd Onestn. A fortnlgnt ago Hilly Florence gave a pleasant little supper nt the Continental hotel , Philadelphia , to Mr. Jefferson , Mr. nnd Mrs. Kendall , and n pnrly of Now York friends , Mr. Edward K. Klddor , who waste to have been present , at the lust moment bad to decline , but ho sentttio following ns n , sub stitute. ! I send you ns a sentiment two names wo'ra proud to know The Irisn boy niut Yunkoo girl who charmed us long OKO \Vhou the stage ls flllf-d with scandals which must cause it friends to grieve. A record lllto the Florences la something to achieve. If Knrma only favored me , nt what a rapid pace I'd ' project my astral body through the nine ty mill's of spnco And drain n ptinntoin bumper , with nccorapa- ing toast. To the host of course ho's only only ouonnd , jot that one's uhost. For there , ns do the Yogi , 1 could show you in the ntr A tin-dig of Ills creations closely grouped bo- hhul his chair , Mixed dialects mid ages merry fellows nearly all ; Let mo tax my doubtful memory for some that I recall , There's the sturdy William Williams , wlta his llavorof burlesque ; The scheming Obcnrolzcr , pallid , calm nnd picturesque ; The mercurial Vivian Ripple , fond of gaiety nnd dance , And , in oxtravapanzn , King Fronds , into of * Franco ; Iron-handed Cnp'n Cuttle and his "Waller lad , " you know , With the wardrobe and the talent that old Burton used toslinw ; Ana , coming down to later days , Our 'Gov ernor wo greet A modorti Ananias , who had rather Ho than cat ; That delicious cultured Qormnn whoso troubles \voro displayed In n , play they called ' 'A Million" that nniount it should linvu inndo ; And Sloto our dour old liardwell Sloto our thoughts of him , bow truol Ho inado a million , I am sure , and miulo it "p. d. q. " A bumper to Sir Lucius , cool , daringdo - bonatr ; A health to Keklol Homespun , who nods behind - hind tno chair. Of all the splendid company , offending not our host , Bravo , honest Robert Bricrly was the 0110 I loved the most. How bo packed the Winter Our Jen ; bow the people wept nnd cheered And grow outnuslostlo when his clouded nuino wus cleared. How many of that company are memories of the mind Dolly Davenport , and Hagen , Vining , Bow ers , Bland and Hind , Then ahcalth to William Florcnco.hodeserve * "three times three , " And n bumper to his helpmeet , which wo waft across tboflca. They pay no hoed to bigots , who the theater condemn : Tnoy nro proud of their profession , their nro- . fosalou prouu of them I Dr.Bivnoy , HOBO nnd throat. BooUdg. ' Now Year's ' Boyd's Engagement. A GALA WEEK OP FESTIVITIES. ' Beginning1 Sunday , December 28. The Original and Peerless Corinne Corinne Corinne Corinne Conn ne Corinne Supported by the Kimball Oncra-Cora iquc and Burlesque Co OO ARTISTS. 00 Carmen Including MH. HKIINAIID DILLON In the 1'ollowlng Hoportolro : Carmen anil Barmen Carmen Carmen It'cilitemlau Carmen A Spectacular Ontnlo Oporn Durlosquo in Tliroo Actn , iirnniKvd and nduptcd by Mrs. li-nnlo KlmlHill ; inmlo liy Hlzct , Oiroutiaoli , Kvrkor. Htulil and I1 timer. a rand Jttdrrh of the J'lrmlorcH' annul Hull Vifiht a la BlrxU-nnd Thursday Afternoon nnd Evening , Friday Evening and Saturday Afternoon and Kvoning , , A Qorgcous Reproduction of the Coiobratod liurlusquu. CORlNNi : AS EDMUND DANTEH. Under tliu solo iniuiUKOinont of Mrs. Jumilo Klmlmll. I'rlees us Umml , MANAGER , R TUB NEBRASKA Bonjamtn Ilarriaon Jnrrotto , Lovl Morton Jarrotto and Haby MoKoo Jarrctto. Tliroo cue cun- nincr little infants. Horn , Juno , 1890. in Cliorry Co. , Nob. , nonr Gordon , in a typical wosturn sod house. The father isa well known votonui and G. A. R. man , A treat for the ladies. Fun-Songs-Laugliter Dlmun nnd Walker topical songa mid tlio latest dances. * In silence nnd fun , SWELEXNEXY Tlio great contortionist. THAT SWEDE The ( jrcutest musical oddity of tlio year. EDSON and SUITS The California wondora. JENNIE RITCHIE Male impersonator , EUGENE MA.CK Female Imporeotwtor. WITHERS AND CA.RROI , Alabama tnokoa , the prontcst coon team on earth. THELABT AND BESTBHW OP 180C