THE CXMAIIA DAILY BEE , FEIDAY , DECEMBER 20 , 1890 , SPEGlJiL NOTICES , ? A BVEUTisEMENTS for thwo colutni wlU * Xno taken until 12w : p. tn. , for the eTonlni edition and until 8:31) : p.m. , tor tti * looming edition tud SUKIUT Ilr.i. rpEUMS Cash In advance , . T > ATK8 Advertisements on thtsptje wilt b IVoharifod ( or at tlio rate of IH cent per wort \Ior the flrat Insertion anil 1 cent per word to : Tyich subsequent Insertion , and ( IMpor Dm twr month , No advertisement taken fo : Uss than 21 conU for tliu first Insertion. TN1TIAI , ? , figures , nymboli , do. , count cad Jna one-word , rPUESR advertisements must runeonioew -Ltlrcly nnd under no clrcumsUncru wll they bo taken or discontinued by telephone. "PAHTIKH Advertising In these coluinni nni 4- having tliclr answers ndilroisod to a "num tor d lottnr" In euro of TUB HEB will rocclvi f. numbered chock to rnnhlo thutn to got tliol , Jcttor . Answers will bo delivered onljr 01 presentation nf this check * Rncloso answer Jn envelopes properly addressed. r.ilvprtI crannU nndor the lioafl o ALIi "Hpcclnl Not lei V nrn published In both th rnoriilnjt mill nvcnlnc editions of THE Itr.r , th circulation of which nRRrexatPS more thin 10,000 in pel s dully , nnd'Klvos the advertise the brnclll tint only of tlin larjo circulation o J'liK llt.K In Umtilin , hut ills. ) In Council Illuff > Lincoln nnd othercltlt-siind towns In thn.wp * ! AdrcrtUIng f or those columns -wlllbetakei on the above condition * , at the followlr n bunl BPRS liOUBi-s who are authorlied to take spoon notlcfH. at the sarao ratua as can h&d at tn main ofllro. OMAHA I1IIANOII OKFIOE-Ni SOUTH Btrcot. Mstcrllloek. I W. HELL , 1'hurmaolst , 630 South Tent v strict. - _ IIASE fc. EDDY , Otatlonors nnd Printer 113 Bouth ICth street. SIl" PAHNSWOIITH , 1'hnrmaolJt , 2115 Gun Ing atreot. J. lUiailES , rharmaclst , 034 North 161 Btrcot. , W. PARK , rharmaclst , 1718 Loavoi worth street. prUailES1 I'HARMAUY. 21th nnd Ftirnam. ' SITUATIONS WAr-TfED. tit. , rre tori nffirftenlumn Mitlitipai mnn liberally educated wou like position at Homo light oflleo work. A - dress Y r.O lleo. j u-- TWOUIVnilkT ) topimniro with a wholesale ill 4 Iniiibor iircfpnvil either ns cashier bookkeeper. ' Ilavo hnd two years' oxncrlon Hid can furnish bunk and other first clnns ri trances. Address Y so , lice. " M5J1- : Situation * for good Rlrls ; n waltlnt rooms ara Bill from 4 n , m. u. in. Nonoe'd of bolni ; out of help'a dn Irs , llropn , I4'S. . Ifilh. Tel. BSI. Wj WANTED IVIALE'HELP. Finialrf , tic. , ttetnpof fiist fuliimn onifi ixr. . If"IlITTRIlti nnd tailors wnnli-d. l V > Mnml outline school , now In the 13th yo Iiad a larger attendance for 1800 than over I fore , and indications point to Its helncerow nd dining the ontlro wlnlor for 1801. "What the reason ? " Simply this : Outtors prodn better results with the A. I ) . Kudo now mcl od than by any principles of cutting tniight J1V54 WO laborers and teamsters I WANTED . 1'roo fnro. Kramer Kramer , labor ageiicy,210 South 12th Btreot } ! 5il- A ynunf miinwlio Is a Rood DC WANTED man nnd has had experience ns prooc olork. Itoforence-j required. Address ' lleo olflco , jl.ilS- ANTED a good news agents. Apply W person to U. H. NCWH Co. , Lincoln. men with good reforoneo who ho : away from homo can hour of way to mn money. Seluuno honorable aud takes lit time , Address Y 61 lleo. KIT Salesman to manufacture n WANTED our now process older , mi without npplos. Kxccllont wanes. I'artlcul 4o. Iowa elder nifR , Co. , box 482 , Heddlui , 51 $ J \X7ANTKD-Klrst class piano player. 108 Vy oth street. _ , - 1 TOO laliorors for "Wyoming r Infouth Dakota. t'.00 nor day ; tcamst i dev inoiitlmnd bonrd , fieo trnn < : porlati % " * jlits labor nKency , 1120 l''arnaiu ' st. KOO salesmen \jantod to sell our prcml - > nursery stock , TholnrRcst nursery west the Mississippi river. Thu finest stock , the now nnd old fruits. The lowest prices i biggest pay to agents. Money advanced ov week. Outfit , f reo. Write ns at onco. The 0. Carpenter Co. , Kalrbury , Nob. 854 "t \7ANTED Sidesmanvlioinccttlio groc VV trndo to sell ono of tliobestiirtlcloson murlict on commission. Address , X 'M , lice 'ANTIII ) Men lo trjivol for our Cnnad nurberles.StoneX\YclllngtonMudIbon \ , , ANTI'D Man with peed rcforcnco W Metropolitan Mfg. Co. , 1000 Howard st. WANTEDFEIVIALE HELP Forratff , etc. , w t < > i > of JirM ciiliimnoii tMt ix "XjffA TED First class Klrl for pom T house work ; must bo good cook ; K wages. S3 Hurt street. M51C " \\7"ANTiD Olrl for general housowarl T > 4'JI N. 17th st. f > 34 WANTKD Girl for hoiiseworlcgood wa Uall 2.VJ7 California t. _ TXT ANTED A peed kitchen Klrl. Appl ; VY Mrs. W. R. Vaughn , 'M" , I'opplotoii av T\/ ANTED Woman ovorS , capable of m TI uglng a business uf tor loarulne It. Y Iteo. M&i : _ IRL for general housework. 010 N , I'll G ' 6. T\7 ANTED A good woman to do work , K Y > nth street. _ ANTED This week to meet demand competent book-keeners In January , Indies , one young man. J.I ! . Smith , 1)10 ) York Life. _ Ol _ VxrANTED Idlnlnjrroom girl undid vruslicr. City hotul. CIT-2.V WANTI'.D Good , rapid typewriter , lad eontlemen. Addrtiss Y 47. Iteo. In handwriting. 1 VX7 ANTJU ) A ir t nurse at U14 N 13th st , \\7ANTKD-Comiietpnt girl for gen T > housework. atixH'oiiploton avo. \A7ANTED-Good girl for general ho . . . . . _ T worli at 2I8 ! IjOavoiiworth. : FOR RENT HOUSES. flwnife' , etc. , > 't top nf flnt rodimu on ( his j Trioit "uEN'i- : Jt ? 7-l-ooin house. Ifth and Vlnton. J15.03 U-rooiu house , -itli nnd Corby , J10.0U. 8-ioom house.Mill and Caldwcll , rJo.OO. 8-rooia house , l7th and Wool worth , IJ5.0C J. 11. Johnsor 5W 1'uxton l > lW FOR KENT L'lats , 4 rooms each , city nnd sewer connections. O. H. R. unil T 4 lleo bldg. YOU wish to rent n house or store se IV Cole , Continental block. HOUSE of 8 rooms , nicely papered , w t.ewcr and itns , Mttl mid Cumin ) : , KJ mo. U V , nanlson.Oia N. Y. Lite. "ITIOIl 11KNT To rcspeuslbio parties i JL' these line now brick nnd btuua house GrorKln uxcmie ; tlltoim roous nndalc < moro convenlinct'S and Letter flnlbhed any liousa for rent lu the city. 11 , 11 , llor bon. 4tU I'nx ton block , city. T7\OIi \ KENT Good P-mom houses , cor JU lent toU car lines , 20 per month. Ju Tut , It. Chambfrof Couinierco. S4" O'll'JCiix ' | avoab-room cottn \Vestluil'm .Kiii.aildOiiu. ave M. rr-HOOM liouso with barm nominal rout. Kl io Conduct or * n nd KngTnei'rs-Wo offer i J. ten now mill complete lints with nil me i conionlcncuK , situated two blocks fron now Tuuth street depot ) they havu so' iitw mid nimiuendublo features and rt'n only t OO JUT month , U und T i-ooma onch largo bath nnd ronienlcnt cloeta. Cal .po them. The aitad Investuieut Co. , 412. lloo liulldliur. _ 1 > k > : NTALi Asei 1 1 Oco. J. I'uul , 1COO Eur JLl Houses and fctoros for rent. Jteuta lecteiL * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JJpOR RllNT-A new brli-k IIOIHO. nil me improvoiucuts , kitchen on Ut flcHir. roo-iif , cluRHiit location , good neighbor BIT 1'ark avoiuio. i now brick S-rooiu house , n -lUpapert'd , choice locution , only tX month. H. K. Cole. Coutlninttal block , _ jfjISlf Tn T"-Seven-rotim "cottage , cor J avo. and Cap , avo. limulro"JIS IjlOIl RENT Jan. 1 , 0-rooui cottane , JL' clnsi la every respect , bath , hot and watori on motor line , Call at 1521 Shormni FOR RENT-FUnNISHEP ROOMS For rota , tit. , rtt ( op ojlrnt tntntnnm tMt [ vagi - ratc . 2K3 St. Mary1 ; ROOMS-Uoasouabla ' ' ' arcnuc. _ M503-J''l' room for light housekeeping- N , LAHOK M * " _ _ front room , private family. HotVr- rAUGE / Ml , ' . Cuts. _ Ml-Jj * TT10II KF.iNT llootm furnished or unfiir- * ? nlshcd , centrally locnted convenient for clerks , etc. Apply to Mrs. Julia Stolu , nor H mint. .CM ! _ fTUUtNIHHEp rooms lu n private family. 1511 Jj lliirnoyat/ _ _ few Si ; POH ItKNT Pown tovrncottase , furnished complete. , to tlio rlglit parties. Inquire nl 8103 Wybgltr Atcct. _ 473 if "TOOK lir.NT Ono lnrei > , ono small soull JL. room , modern conveniences , private fam ily , 8015 DoiiKlns. SlO-'Ji room , steam heat , $0.00. 624 9 ICth street , lint I ) . _ KSO ! O ItOOMsTilRlit housekeeping. a > : o St. Mary' . -i.'ivoiitic. l _ ' furnished rooms 5:0 S. 13lh , Uun ' 5'-4 " 4 . e. _ - * . f - "IjlOR KENT Judfio Kelley's apartments a J "Tho llcrrlaiii" during Ills absence west months. 4H ! SO KENT furnished rooms ; gas , ball roll and steam , 1310 Howard. 49 rpo LKT Ucnutlf ill front room Is licit par JLof city , clone to good board. Hunt reason able 123 K 23th st. 41 llKNT-l'urntshed rooms , 1C09 Honda ! T\E8TKAIILE room , modern convenience JL/ITDl Capitol arc. . . Tf& FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD For later , itt. . tu fop nf flnt roltim'i on thtr pay and hoard. M.OO , 1712 Douglas strce BOOM bourd Kl.Ot ) per week. _ 4a2 < OOM and board. ' 016 S 17tli street. , 655- ! TTUmNISiIEi ) rooms , with or without bean .1 ? 1SJ.1 N. 18th St. SOa-'J _ VTKW liousc. hfrgo , handsomely furnlsho JL > room snltiiblo for 2 ; 1 smitllor room f ( l ! excellent board , heat , ens , bath ; first-cln. ' iirlvato fiunlly , Terms 5 5 uach per niont Address X 61. lleo olllco. 1 _ TfilUIlNISHED rooms with board ; ono lar ( MJ south front. lioferonces. 2114 b'arimm. 2JJ7-5 TftOM and hoard , W.00,1712 Douglus street. T71UUNISH ED rooms with KHS. bath and fu J-1 naco hunt : hoard If desired ; s. o. cor. 'ill morme and Hnrnuy , 3072 "ITlOKcocd bo.trd , nice rooms , modern coiivci -I ; ILMICTS , ruin und location , the I'ullmi liouso , 1310 Oodno st. , cannot b < uxcnllnd. 811 J -ROOMS and board , 1810 Chicago street. OA 719 d31 . European hotol. wth dining rooi steam limit In nil rooms , 13th and Dode Spet'tal rates by weelcor month. S FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHE 1'ortntr * , etc. , tec tc-u ofli t Mww 'in thta pa < "I71OUK unfiirnlsliod rooms , all eonvcnlenc J. for housekeeping. Reference reuulred. - ' " 40 ! I'nniam st. O ROOMS for light hous > cKceplng,2512Harno O M I iroil lliNr-3 : unfurnished rooms. 2 < WN. 13 JJst. M 730 FOR RENT SfORbS & OFFICE ! Foriatm , etc. , > ic tnji'of Jmt cmnmn on tl\l \ jyii A I1KSIRAI1I.E store room to rent In t JiVbust dry Rouds or clothing location In II atrlcu. Audicss Harris & Friedman , lleatrli Neb. TTIOH HENT-Tho third floor of No. 1.107 Ho -U trd street , with steam heat and power desired ; rent lensonuble , Kostnor 1'rlntl Co. , 11107 Howard. * . Mi TOKKS at 700 S. ICth. steam heat furnlsh ( Thos. F.llall , ! tlll'axlon blk. 503 TjlOU RiNT The 4-story brick bulldlnp.wl -A ; orwlthout power formerly occupied by t lleo Publishing Co. , OIC Furnum st. The bull Ing has a fireproof cement bnscmont.pomplc steam heating fixtures , water on all thofloo Bus , etc. Apply nt the olllco of The lleo. I T71OU RENT Us January 1 , 4-story bulldlr JU ; i8.MO square feet ; suitable for any kl of wholesaling , at Tenth and .loni-s street. A. Lindqiii-st , 310 South Fifteenth street. rilO RENT After January 1 , store and t JL at C20 S. ICtn st. Enquire at BCX5 Hro bldg. 11. J. Kendall. 3JT 1 HENTorSalo-Klno. heavy brick fi\ story corner warchouso with most cent truckage In city : lloors are la.SOOsjquilro ft ' ' I'l-nny , Darker block. ! FOR RENT WAREHOUSEs tirrattt , etc. , ice tup of Jlitt < v > ! ii w on Uifa pa RENT Krlck warehouse , two stet Foil , basement , hydraulic elevator , trai age ; best locution In the city. A , O. Pownll 807 STORAGh. rorrriV , c ( . , tee top of frit column on this pf rrMlAOKAOnstoraifd at lowest rates. W , JL Uushmaii , 1311 Leaveunorth. QTORAGK aud trackage. David Cole , 815' Ollownrd st. The best In city , clean , dry. sn STORAGE and privately stored nt reasonable ton Omaha htovo Repair Works , 1207 Douglas. 1 OCO. 632 WANTED TO RENT. For ralf , etc. , tee fop of flrtt c/ilnmti on tlttg j To rent a small huildlnt ; v WANTED . . Room 314 , Vaxton blk. J " J. - or partly furnls : WANTED-Furnlshod U rooms for lIuhthousekeoplnRformani wife ; locution must bo central nnd have m orn comciilcnci'H. Address Y : Hue. 411 RENTAL AGtNCY. } 'nrintr * , etc. , ft. inn of flnl column on that p " " Omaha National bank , M I4- your huiihot to sell or rent with 0 , LIST Harrison. 1)12Tf. ) Y. Lite. _ I * IJ. IKEY &llrclrontal agents.HXiN.Y.l il E , COLE , rental ngent. Continental 1 UOAltlUNG. Fnr rattt , etc. , ree top of fail column on thin p ' Induccnioiits to table bonnier The Hillside , 11. w. cor. 18th and Dodge. 511 uosr. For rates , t tc , , tee top of flrtt column on thtx j > Near Uth and I avonworth strc LOST pockotlmok contiilnln ? receipts cr money from H. Kllno , A reward oflvll ki. paid upon Us return to 1513 S 10th ht. to Ji 44 Viilselinan. 5U ' ' Pm ill lilaok pocket book on Dour LOST 14thj contained money and cher Leaveat Ueuollicannd got reward. MSB lr , , . TOST , near llnusconi I'lirlc , pug doz : rel ° < JJ to J. C.K'lirulverut Morse Dry Good ! und get re wn ni , - . ; 's' ' ' ! FOR SAUt FURNITURE ETC in - For mtf , cte. , tee toy ofIn ! cjlit on l/i / ( * p r- r101 A HOK double sitting desk , almost " ] 1'hll Stliiimel. No. ull Junua st. n- _ nII. . iriOUSALr.-Twopool tables In Rood o JL' cheap for rush , 314810thet. K CJECOXD hand f urnltura. Btoves , carpets nt half price ; i a payments , llawkeju Inv. Co.i < a IJouglaa ISI ) SAI.i : Two heating stoves , bar rn POU , In llrst-elass order and wll bond told cheap. Cull nt 1WU N. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITII nd nn Forrattttte. , etn\ior \ Inl cotum-i niifiU CIlm \\7Ktrnstyoti vlll InrestlRate Tno Si m , premier typowrltor before purclui illOT any other , us It nus many valuable Impr OT inunls over ull other wrltlnc mnchlncs. ( Til petltors must tiupmvo la order to equal , t ne iCOOJi Kuriuim at. HORSES WINTERED. 110 ier fcrratet , etc. , ft- top uf flrtt cutumn tin tMt i wintered , \Yo have the best _ HOUSES the atute for wluU ithorse * . Itox or siuKlo Italia , wltb nadil ild Apply to Windsor. Kemp & Oa , an New 1 vo. I.ifo bids. , or to Chris Nerlos , &t ( ho Bta Irvinjtou. Nub. 110' . FOR SALE-HORSES WAQONS ETC. For rofM , etc , tee fp of flnt column on tola pnoe "fillNK top bugffy nnd new harness. Ie s tliar J.1 half price Jtooin 17 , Uhumbor Oorntnc-ifp ( JKCOND hntid omnibus. I'lill Stlmmel. No joull Jones st. BT WORK horse MO , two-horso waitontJJ. dou ble work hnrncss ( IS. Or will trauo for n VT'Vl r III * * ait. 0-1 V t * * \S 1 Will II (1 * * V * .W > „ „ „ . ! lljhti Ida bar bufgy , II. E. Cole , Contt < iiental bloo J * 40C T71OU PALE-2 Rood work teams. Inquire al JL'oiH 1'axton block. M Tjion SATjlV-CO liorsos and marcs , caih 01 Jtltnc. . 1'rlces from $15 to fm. Would OX' rhatiRo sonic of them for Omnlm rrM citato \Y , T. iicainan.Utnulia's largest rarlotjrvagon1 nnd carriages. _ W FOR SALb MlaCEULANgOUS. fir 'rnjr ' * . etc. . we top ofrut coturnn tm lht Wfr TTIOK SAM > -I''lno Kngllali suttor puns. Sfil -L1 Urlstol atrcot. al5C7-a "IjlOU SAl K-Choai ) ! small safe : cnll at roon JJ-'Jua , Plrst National bunk building. n _ - Ii1OU9ACnietons of loo. Gilbert llros. -L' Council llluirs. la. _ Maoo-2 ijlOUSAI K-A llnouprlslit piano at a saerl X1 lice ! must bu sold at ouco. Inquire utNc gJlU Caldwcll st. K _ " 171OH BAIiK olicn ) ) A 10 liofso power Win JL1 York safety steam eiiRlno In llrst clas condition. Kcstnor Printing Co , , 1U07 Howun st. M 1 WANTED TO BUY. Vorrnlrn , tie. . Me tnpttf .drat column on ( All ' - buy , lot In Harkcr tilnci WAM'ED-To Clifton Hill. Haundcim & : lllinobaui ; ndd orOrcharrt Hill for part cauli nnd horse hnrncss and phaeton. Address K. 0. Mctrll 42d nnd Casssts. H - buy claims of nil Ultid WANTKU-To . . . . . . . . . employes. Sum eve J20 proforrcd , Write Win. Klchardson , Slou City. In. , I , . 1) ) . SOS. KI7-JI TTIUUNITUUE. household uoods. etc. lllghc' -L cash price , Wells. 1111 Furnani. 51 MISCELLANEOUS. Forratti , rte. , KC topnf frn column ontfttiW\ [ \ Money to meet claims ncnlni WANTED Mission before Now Year nnd thosuprort of the missionary , Addre1 Her. J. J. II. Kcedy , 42U N. Y. Life. Jt'l-l you \\n\n hordes , cnrrlngos or houses I IF trndo sea F. H. Jerome , room 317,1'lr- Ni tlonal bank building. M710 J TTlOUSAI.E-Unltcd States for the host paL > -L out luvutitcc. no fake. Add. Y M Hoc.sias sias to Aransas Ilnrbnr Toxns EXCURSION of lots January 7th nnd Ft For full particulars and town pint , call on li cal ugcnts , UIngcr& Urndlcy , l.'iio 1'nriiaui HD - . 610 Sl'lt MAfrSAGK-MadamUolzIor.ovor ? \JJ ill APSAOKlrontinont.clectro-thormiilbntli I'i-sunli ) and lialr truatment , manlcuro in chlrpooalst Mrs. Post , UlOVj 8. 15th Wltlmc MONEY TO LOAN. fci iatt > . etc. , tee top'of first column itn l/ili JKU tlATTEIi loans at lowest rates , Runiovi to Oil N. Y. Lift ) bldg. J. 1J. [ i EY8TOM3 MortKnso Co.-Konns of } IO ? 1,000 ; pet our rates botore borrowing in save inonoy ; loans on horses , fiirnlturo orui approod security without puollolty ; not bought ; for now loans , renewal of old and lw cst rates , call K. % , bliculy bll ; , 15th & HowarE miulo on Improved property ontsli LOANS hue , Alex .Moore , wi Shcoly bloc 40B : _ to loan on second mortKaco. W. , UoomXit Omaha Nat. Ilk. Hl'dc. M TS4 to loan on Improved nnd vnca MONEY . Lowest rate. 0. J. Caswoll , t N. V. lAfo. a-/j i ; to loan on real estate. Improved MONEY vacant. Ocr. Am. Suv'gs Hank , 10th in 1'arnnm sta. VIS T OANS of $1.000 and upwards on approv Ucollateral or real estate.V. . IJ. MlUurd , : Omaha National bank building. , , I ! riIlATTUIi bank , 319 SIStbst. , loans mon Won chattels or collateral at reasonable cat & second inortgnRos'on vacant & li proved city prop. County warrants bougl Money on hand. I'.M. Klehardsoix.Sli ) N.Y.LI to loan on city aud farm proper MONEY IJarrls , U 20 , ! roiizor blk. , opp. 1' . 30 , CO or ( Malays , on household fi MONEY . etc. 0181'ulcton block. J.J. Wllkl son. MC70- to loan by 11 , F. Blnstcra on chat MONEY securities tor unytlinofn 1 to ( i inonlhs. hi any amount to suit IK lower. Loans i.iado on household eoods , plnnos , ( gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , wnrelioi receipts , etc. , at the lowest poisihlo rat without publicity or removal of proporty. My loans lire sonrrainjcd that you can mn a payment of any amount at any time nnd duce both principal nnd Intetust. If you OHO a balance on your property havti a loan you wish oliunRfd , I will pay It and cnrry It for you. If you find It nioio cc von lent , call up telephone No. Ifi21 and yt biiHlnoss will be arranged at home. Money always on hand. No delay. No pi llclty , Lowest ratos. B. F. Masters. Itoom4YIthnollblk , 15th and llarnoyst : 0 per cent real cstulo loans. WANTED , 012 N. Y. Life - - Inside loans.Law WANTED-Kirst-class us , Mutual Invc niontCo. , 1504 Karnain. UILD1NQ loans. 0 to 'i per cent ; no ad B tlonal churRos for commission or attornc fees , W. H. Molkle , Klrst National bank bl Kstato Loans Cash on hand. GI < REAL A : Trust Co. , WS. 10th St. No del no extra charges. Houses for rent , iood 1 E. & 0 , M. ANTHONY.31S N. Y. Llfo Im ! hiK , lend money on farms In choice eo ties of Nebraska und Iowa , also on p Omaha rosldoncu property ; lowest rates ; I terms : no dolan money ready. Titles i values passed on hero , MONEY to loan on any securty forshort tlino at low rates. Lowest rntos on personal property , . The Henderson Mortuuun Investment Com j ny , room 400. 1'axton oik. CLAIRVOYANT. Farming , etc. , reet < i ] > uf frL mlurtmoii A IIRIVED Clairvoyant , nutiirallv glfi -CX tullw post and future , love troubles , sent friends , ohanzes , travel , business. Ba faction given. Mrs.Vullute , lUOUFarnnn J195 M1SSKS Kddy , clairvoyant nnd trance ; dlains ; uiassjpu a speelalty. 1510 Cap avenue. (14 . IlurroiiRli 1'almlst tells the past , pi MMK. find future freui the lines of the bn In thoold Gypsy way. Fcee , tl : ladles 01 1817 Iznrd street , Omaha. 443 MASSAGE Madam Uelzlcr. over 010 S. 1 7:0 IIS. Nanulo V.Warron , clairvoyant trai speaking , writing and reliable bush medium , four years lu Omaha. 119 N. Kith. MASSAGE , BATHS ETC. For rnfe * , etc , f'c lop of frsl rolumn on tliti r ASSAGE batb at Madam Smith's parl COT 8.13th Bt , next llurkcr hotel. W cloctrlo nnd electro thermal t FINEST Including Turkish cabinet ba I.ndles.b tel dully i Tuesday & Friday or GtolO. I > r. Richards , rooms 318 & 3Mlleib ) MAbSAOK--Mai5am Delzier. over 010 B 1C 1 MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE ferrate * , cte. t * < topuf frtl column onUili p TVANTEr ) ny an experienced gcncriif 'l porter , n fpw pupils in shorthand , bl lions when coinpotont. ( Jull , room 43 , Ix IK of tradu. il B- Bil il0 on. I KTIHSIN : I'mno. vioiin.iit ? 0 eultur , vouul Instruction , btudlo . * > U5 ih 37 block. _ KFOitK buylnK a piano examine tha > bcalo Klmbullpluno. A.Uospo,1513Dou { t , GEO. V.OEl.LENllKOK.toachorof thobi o- with Hospo , 15U Douglas , PENSION AGENCY. TDKNHION8 The Ollmtman Tension Age JU I'renzcr block. Information fre . lr For rate * , tttne > foi ot/U/j / t fotmn IlSAI1E--6rTradclt'lt l riollvory.board- Ing and feed stableWild feed store con nected. Oood location nnd doing a line busi ness. Or'l nt ouco oJr2tluiuauRh& Kllchott , real cslalu agents , s. w.cur , 15th and Howard , 573 j SALE Ilandsolhd store , nicely fur- FOR , neil stockcdi clears nnd novelties ) best location In city : retrjons for selling , tlmo taken up with other business. Address , J. J , 1'ulvey , general dollvtr'y ' , Omaha , Nub , 5GO 25 The U. B.Ktenm laundry will bo sold cheap If UkenOntonce. . A complete new out lit uf machinery. Cull or address Louis Connolly , 61 ? N , IStli it , , Omahu.M M tH7 21 * ANTED RollnbloTn'iin with Km for po sition of trust , splendid opportunity. Y Bl. lloe. „ M 644-20' Chnnces-Wnntcd six physicians BUSINESS nnd ndvorttso my new snnl- torlum on the roadV. . O. Ilotcler , Jl. I ) . , Bt. Josi'iih , aio. 3161(1 HO * KENT A well Imprniod 100 acre farm , Foil miles from South Omaha , A. S. Ultchlo , ( KM 1'ii.xton block. EAT MAKKKT forsalc. Pitted up llrst class In every particular , Oood business. Will hear the strictest Investigation. Address lock box 400 , Council IllulTs. la. M.TJI-,11 / A stock of general nierchun- FOUSAI/K Inn good town and splen did location. This snlo must bo for cnsli or Rood short time paper. ' Wrllo forpnrtlculars to Satiiidors County Nat'l Il.inlcahoo , Neb. KCJ ! \VANTni ) Active or silent partner or the use of Jl.tXKj for ono year to extend my will giro real estate security and liny a good bonusk Address Y Dt5 , lleo onlco. _ 372 rpHE only exclusive mllllnory liouso In ono JL of the most thriving cities of n,0i)0 hi the statoof Nub , UTIIIS reasonable , bis discount will bo Klven , posst'sslon at once , us am com pel led to no south on account of my health. Addles * Y63 Hoo. KMi'.T * for stock of ucneral mercliBiidlso-l4U ! acres of land 2'i ' miles from Orceley Center , the county seat of Oreeley county , no ncres In eultlvntloii , ii wells , wind mill , house undstublol black loam soil noaily le\ol ; ocry foot of this track lit for cultivation ; Incumboriitio JI.250 ! rented for next year Also 100ncrcs unimproved Innd fi miles from Grccley Center nnd11 miles from llrst track adjoining Aekmlo noBtollloni black lontn soil , will give clo.,1 tltlooflhts tract , or will oxchnncc for Omnh > or Council HlnlTfl proporty. Address D. J. l'.Lock box liifl. Oreeley Uenter , Neb. bOSJIO * ' Kor Falo Do you want Rot Into a vood business ? If vou dobuy the Commor clal at Broken How. Nob. 2SS FOU'SALE The furnltnro of a nlno room house by the piece or nil tozother. liouso full of boarders. lOOOCapttol avcnuo. 51 308-20 * N established business for sale or trade , A llnx 518 , city. 100 FOR EXCHANGE. F"orratff. ttf . rertnw of < imt rolumn on tha 17HH"KXcYlANaE lM acres clear "raw larni ! want nulbo or good horses. HoxWCrliunnn- ! onh , la. M57U 31 * .X * HAT have jou tocxeliunco ? Call or send ' full duscrlptlou , Alex.ilooic , U01 i-hculv look. M.VJO-W AND nnd clear duelling property to uv anKO for hotel furniture , both In large n'l small quantities , or would lease a good otcl that Is furnished. Address V 40 , Hoe. JIXJO-23' nXOHANOE 8-roomhotibowith full lot Kith near 1'oppletqn. $7,000 : property If lour. O. F. Itiirison. lS N. Y. Life. Dll-2 ; WANTKD Personal property of nil kinds such as hoist's and nuggles , furnitureui ( Innos , machinery , eto. Also all kinds ol locks of mcrelmndlso , etc. , clear lotsunc ands for equities , cr as tlrst piiyniciit , h Omaha property and railway lands.Vo have i plnce f or such property and will plvo nil t uptlonal trndo If made Immediately. Ad Iruss Y 43 lice. , 44iU : WANTED HorHO nnd bUKKy In oxohangi for Omaha cnultlos or railway lands AddicHS Y44 lice. ' 44ua ; A horse ormaro In part pay WANTED u wnppn or carriage , w. T ccuman , Omaha's largest Variety wagons un < arrlases. 34 FOR SALE RE At-ESTATE , ' "nrrnfiy. etc. fee ton of first column on this pag LpOR business property vxamlno thlsllvt : No. 1. 33x120 feet. Capitol avenue , Hour 13th 2.V ) front foot. No. 2. SJxCO feet , 13th , near Davenport , $25 'rout ' foot. No. It. COxBO feet. 14th , near Dodge. 820.000. No. I. l.'JxUU fret , Faruam , near 10th , soutl 'ront ' , Sa.V ) front foot. No. 5. Unillvldod one-half Interest In three story brleV store on 1'nriinni street ; rents } 20 lor month ; will soil for * 15WW. No. ( i. dl feet.south front , on Cunilng street u-ar 18th , $ JoO front foot. No. It. Northwest corner 14th nnd Daven ) ort streets , CflxW-J feet , a choice lot , 440,000. No. 10. A line corner on lOtb , near the nov vliuliiut , fflxllfci feet , cheap. $15.000. No. 11. CGxCO feet , on coiner Dodge and llth $10.400. No. 12. 44x132 foot , Podge , near 15th , $14,000. No. I ! ) . UlxlIK feet , on Cumlne street , be tvtocn 31st und &M atrcots , WX ) front foot. And a li\rgo list of residence proporty. Houses and lots on monthly payments. Vacant lots from J500 up. Ocor o J. 1'aul , 1C09 I'nrnam. bargain lu Omaha. Only threoc BKiGKbT elegunt houses on 44th and Farnai loft out of six ; other three occupied by llrat class parties. Houses ace open all clay for In spoctlon. Kvory convonleuco In the houses Inolndlnggasand Kia : llxturaa. Take a look nt them during this flu wonthor ; buy ono and take llfo comfortabl dunns the wlntor. -v Only takes from S30J to J3M cash , gee thoi without full for they will please you. 1) . A tiholes. SU First Nat'l hank. fi ! POU SALE Very cheap , or will trndo fc horse , lease of llrat class house of 0 roon 7 at 4-d and Cuts sts. from Jan. Ibt to July Is 7a IB'Jl. ' Inqulro at house. 41 to Aransas Harbor , Texas EXCURSION of lots Jnnuacy 7th and btl For full particulars und town plat , call on It oal agents , Ulngor & Urudloy , 1519 Fiirnam s I OK SALEorLonso 17 feet cast front 1 : F SOI ; feet deep , alloy corner , 24th and Cumin streets. Address Jean Suhoni , lleo bulldlm : . "ITOU SALE A largo list of choice resldoui JL1 and business property. Houses and lots i : monthly ] mvment ; J1,3M nnrt iiiiward , vacant lots 850 ! ) and up. George J. I'aul , II , Fnrmuu. 2 "V A7 AUOU & Westcrllolilreal estateS.Omhr 5-ROOM liouso. lot 33X82 , $1,700 ; lUsofi-roo hoiiHO. lotatMxSs.e. . cor. IHh and Vlnti : Bt. , i ' .OOO. Urlck hou--o nnd American hotii lotGOxGU , n. e. cor. 10th and Douglas , J40.CX Mrs. Kuhlmunn , 2KI S , llth. 4 l'LACE-0-room modern hou KOUNTXE on paved si. , for fV 00 ; tvio cash , lialum onsy. Tlilsopportunlty Is offered but once u llfo time , J. J. Qll.san.ieolo agent Kount : 1'lace , room U , UrolgutOk.bJocl { < . 4 TllllE best coiner on Opor li'arnntn streo -L frontage on 3 streets jiplendlJ corner r Farnam street , close to epurt housc.a bar ali comer with truckano1 In S. E. part of eitj peed residences und lo-ilirlcod cottaecs. gO ( lots for building , some' u < low as { 100 , lusli nerex. farms and unimproved land. We will soil any of this'property ' , of whl < woluiveenCiro control ; at prices way bolo \vhnt you can buy at ols whoro. atrluser& Touny , Hurkor block , 15th at I'urnuin. * 188 Ci.20o : for full oust front.Iot with cottage. 28 'PntidVoolworth. . 0 , V."llarrlbou , 81'J N. Life. a oil. XOUUSION to Aniil'so" Harbor. Texas Auction sale of lota.Timuary 7th nnd bl For full particulars unciltnvrn plat , call on I cal agents , lUugcr St llr qjey , 1511) ) Farnam - . , I EANCHES und farmsirj Vo ore solo . . „ . . for sonic elegant ranch and farm pro ertlc.s , clour of Inounibraiico that we can si on easy terms or trndo for good Income pro erly : 5.20 acres In lloone county. Nob. , llfto hcusea on It. finely IniprovtuI , price tt2U,0 4.000 acres In Vcrnon county. Mo. , nlno hous and other excellent improvomouUi , 1100,01 IXX ) acrcii In Coffey county. Kan. , very 11 in lmpioved.ia,000 ; ! 5.COO aurenin Wichita couni Kan , , every necessary Improvement for iirst-clnss wcstrrii stock ranch-abundance water. Address & 1. A. Upton Co , Omuha. oj TTlKSIItAULE house und lotonacth st. b JL/Farn&m nnd Leavcnwortu , U.5W. 0 , llorrlMin , 1)13 ) K. Y. Llfo. fill ucrtrt fine farm lund adjolnlnit good t < 120 hruaku town : nearly clear. 100 ucroa llnely Improvol land 2K miles fit county seat lu Nebraska ; lightly oncumbon I'D acres Kood land In Nobrnika , &inlle > fn county seat ; 2,500 Inhabitants. llouboand lot In town In Kunsaii clear. Clour lot In good Nebraska town , 4 room houno and lot. barn , well nnd clnte 18th street , Omaha ; slightly Incumbcred : n trade for Omaha property and nssnnio Inou branooa. U K COP , ConUaantal bU < ofc- FOn SALE-REAL ESTATE. fnr Mitt , etc * tet tn i of tint enlumii on t > iU " " " ' " " ' - LAOK- M foot lots. Motor cars. Paved street * . On grade , IMncofnr ' men of amall moans to get A housp. Now Is vourtlrno to buy In Ames Pliico , because before OD days Is nast , there will be n very general advance in all Omaha property. Coma now unit see Amcsl'liicolots. If you wait , you will simply pay moro * money for thotery AOr.NOY , 1507 Farnam Bt. , _ : i.i TTIOU SALK-At nbarcaln , ( XlxlSO on Davon iv port near lth , one block from new pot nfllcu. very clii-nt ) . $20,000 ! MXVi \ corner ait I ' and Fiirnum , .U,000 , O , L. Green , room .K' llarker block. M _ . . Kaufman & Foil , real ostat and loans. Choice vacant and Improvoi rcMdcnvo und business property for sale In al parts of the city and South Oninlia on can ; terms. List your property with us. I.onns u lowest rates. Olllco 1UOJ Douglas st. Tol. & 0 ( _ 4S1 J3i ) , for 4fl fret , oust front , with Rood cot $1,000 . on 20th ave ( I'nrk n\ct just north Farnam st. school , worth * t,500. orTill ex chaiiKu for Indliinupolls property. C. 1' . liar rlnon.UB N. Y. Life. _ 511-2 . ' . ' for very deslrnble 8-rouin house am $ full lot In north part of town. 0 , F. llnrrl son. tll'J N. Y. Llfo. r.ll- _ , for IJfl feet on 10th st In tlio heart c $ the city. 0. F. Harrison , 1)12 ) N. Y. Life. r 1/1OK SALK-Unoof the llneststook farms ! i -I ? the west , Cl mllei southwest of Kntisn City. In the Rarden part of Knnsa < * . The fan consists of rUJ neiea , all first class land , fence and cro-is-feiiced. An oleKtint 12-room hous nnd other flno Impiovomcnts. A 13-ncr orchard , artificial lake , etc. , etc. To any on wanting a Kilt cdjto Htook and crulii fari no tli I lie can bo found that will onlrcly fill tli bill bolter Hum 'this ; : 0 head of cattle. tons of hi : v. can bcpurehased with the f ram I dcslrod. Wo will soil for cash or part oai nnd notes. Gilt edso Income property wpul l.o considered In exchange. Address M. / Upton Co. . Omaha. Neb. _ 7j residence In Kountzo I'lnoo ; rooms finely ilnlshcd nnd all modern cor vrnlonces ; Wlrt St. . near SOIh. Can soil o one-quarter cash payment and balance tlin to rlRlit party. This Is no cheap affair ot house , but a comforablo homo lu every ten" nnd a biff snap bargain. I' . K. Darling , lliirkc M.73.1 llloek. _ ; _ S.f > 00 for full ensl front lot on qraar. Mth s $ not far from I'oppletun. C , F. Harrison. 0 N. Y. Llfo. _ Ml- SALE Nice residence , four lots , goo FOK town ; will talto heavy team , wagon nn harness part pay. F. J. HolmcMl ckmnn.Ne uo V. ' 1'lac property Int'ortland FlNnresldenco , worth S'-UOOO : won ! take some Chicago property In partuxohans 0. F. HiirrSaun. 1)12 ) N. V. Life. _ Ml _ * 7 ROOM cottaRO , full lot , Ilanscom 1'lac I east front nnd a fircat bargain for u fo days. Hntill cash payment and balance t lone time. 1' , K , Darling , Itaikor block. 5 HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. Forratu , ttc. . fee top of first coltmm on Hits pug line hair goods In west ; hnlrUrcsslit BKST , switches , bangs , hair chains , etc. , sueeliilty. Duvlos , bnlr poorts und nilllliie ouposllo postolllco , 111 S. litn street , Omaha.C EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. For rules , etc. , src foj > of first coluinti nil HiH vn ri A NAblAN oinployinent olllce , 314H ,8.151 , wthobcst nlaco In Uiiuiha to find help or si uatlons. iiKilo or femalo. Tel. t&l. M'J D PAWNBROKERS. For wff , etc. , re foji of first column on thfi pn 171UKD Mohlo loans inonoy on diamonds ai - \vutchiaawolyoteB. ] . K.cor. Furnaui & 11 PATENT SOUCITORS. For rate * , cte , ice ton of r.rst column on tMina" lawyers and sollcltors.G.W. Sues PATENT , bulfdlnK , Omaha , llranoh olllco Washington , 1) . C. Consultation free. t DRESSMAKING. for nitcp , ere. , tee tnj > ofjimt ri > ! iiiiin < iii tM * jft In fan lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , L'UIO Hanioy * 3l"J . COSTUMfcS. For rait' , etc. , tcf. top of jiiat nimmii un th ( naT \ T ADIES and Kuntlomcn can rent musque iJude suits at I/ " . ' N. Itith Ht. Notion. Matter of apollcutton of John A. Dodge i permit to sell liquor us u druggist. Notice Is hereby glvcu that John A. Rod did upon the " 4tli duy ofDeceiuber , A. I ) . , lb file his application to the bourd of Hro a police commissioners of Omaha for permit boll mult , spirituous nnd vlnuus llqiu as u drunulst , for medicinal , mcohuiili und chemical purposes only , at t 104U South Twentieth street. Second wa Omaha , Nob. , fiom the 1st day of Junua : Ib'Jt. ' to the 1st day of January , 18iW. If there Is no objection , remonstrance protect filed within two weeks from Uecuml 2. ) , A. U , 1890 , the hiikl permit will be. Krautx O-31 JOHN A. UODOI : . Appllcunl Notice. Matter of application of Henry J. Pauli for liquor license. NottcO'ls herebyelven thut Henry J.Paulf did upon tho-Kb day of December , A. D , , It Illo hih application with the Lotirdof ilro : i pollco eommlssloni'rs of Omuha for license soil malt , spirituous nnd vinous liquors at I 1/01 Juckson street , First ward. Omahu Ni from the Ut day of January , 18D1 , to the day of January , IMC. If there bu no objection , remonstrance protest llled within two weeks fiom Uobeml 23 , A. D. , IbOO , the suld lleonso will bo grant HK.MIV J. l'AULbi.v : , llENKV J. 1'AUr.SEN , D20-31 Appllcan Notlco. Matter of application of M , I'nrr for pori to sell liquor us u druggist. Notice is hereby gl\un that M. Parr ' UDOU the Situ duy of Ducembor , A. I ) , 1 tlio liU uppllcntlou to the board of l and police commissioners of Omahafor pen to tuill malt , spirituous and vinous liquor * , a druggist , for medicinal. , t chemical purposes only , ut No. 4' i H , 1 street.Thlid surd.Ouiulia. Neb. , from the duy of Jnnuary , IbUl , to the 1st duy of Jai ary , IftOi * If there bo no objection , remonstrance retest Illod within two weeks from Dcccm , . A. I ) . 18UO , the said penult will bo grant D 2t ) 31 Al. I'Aiui , Applloan Notice. Matter of application of MlahaelWalonz liquor lluunsu. Notice Is hereby Ktvon that Michael Will did upon the Ibth dnv of Dercinber , A. I ) . , J tile his application with the board of IIro ; police commissioners of Omaha , for llci'nsi hell mult , bplrltuous und vlnoim liquorsat 1320 I'lerco stri-et. fecoud ward , Omaha , N from the 1st day of January , 1B01 , to the day _ of January. 181I1 ' . If them bo no objection , remonstrance tiled within two weeks from Dcccm Iirotcst ) . IblW , the suld license will bo cran 1HO-SO MlCllAEIi WAI.I2NX , Appllcai : Xoilue. Matter of apDllcntton of C. Q. Rapp for i in It to sell liquor as a druggist. Notlou Is hereby Riven thut O , G. Itapp upon the 18th day of llocombor. A , I ) . Ib'jO. ' Ills apullcatloii to thobOHrdof lire and pc commissioners of Umuha. for permit to malt , spirituous and vlnnous liquors , u drtKKl | > t. for medicinal , mechanical audch leal pilriwsesoply , atUM North "Oth Rtr Sixth ward , Omaha , .Nob. , from the Ibt die Januiiry , IB'Jl ' , to tlio 1st duy of January , Ifthurobo no objection , roinoiistninci protest tiled within two weeks from Uocciri ID , A , I ) . Ittuo , the suld permit will bu Knuitc U 10-20 O. G , ItAl-r , uppllo ttockhollcrn' OMAHA , Neb , , Doc. U , IK Notice Is hereby Riven thutthe .nntinlm Ingot the Btockholdurs of ( the Union elavi company for the iiurpo-o of elcotlnK su dlrtictorn , and such other IIUSUICHS as i properly coma before the meeting will be 1 atthuotllcoof John M. Thurstan , Union clflo Imlldlnz , Omaha. Neb. , upon Monday , 6th day of January , 1B01. between the houi 10 o'clock a. m. unit fi o'clock p. m , W , J , CAnnoi.L , Assistant Eeorotni UoclOd * . Notice. Matter of anptloatton of John Otaplnwtkl and Mlohnot Uznplnwakl , partneri us Uinp- law lci llros. , for Honor license. Notice II hereby jtlren that John Oxnplaw- nUland MlohnolUzaplanskldld upon the 19th day of December. Al > . UO ) , Illo their applica tion with the board of tire and pollen com * mlsjloncrt ofOmtihii for Ilcemo tosullnmlt , nplrltuouinnit vlnoiti liquors , under the firm nemo of Criiplawsljl tiros. , at H.V. . corner Wth nnd Walnut strrotn , Soicuth wnril , Umahn , Nub. , from the 1st day of January , 1S91. to the 1st day of January , Ifri. If thorn bo 1111 objoctlon , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from December 10 , A. l > . 1SW , the said license will ho granted , C7 < riAwsiu lines , John Ciaplawskl , Michael LViiluw | kI , ( HO-SO _ I'nrtuurs niidAppllounls. Notlor , Matter of application of J nines It. Borland tot liquor llcpiiso. Notice Is hurruy ghen that Jnmo.sli.llorl.iiul did upon the IWh Tn.v of Hcoonilicr. A. 1 > . IS'.X ) . flic his application with the board of tint and police cnmmlsslonoMof Oinalin , for ilcenso tu soil limit , spirituous nndluous liquors at No , lll'&mlhDtli Mn > at , first ward , Onmlm. Neb. , from the 1st day of January , 1SU1 , to the 1st day of January , IMC If there bo no objection , remonstrance 01 protest llled within two wet'Ks from Di'oeiuhni 10 , A. D. 181 * . the snld Ilocnso will be tf rallied UIO-M _ J.uir.all. llout.AMii , Appllcunt. Nntlor. Mutter of application of ChrlMlnoChrlstof- forsen for liquor lleenso. Notice li hereby glxeii that Chrlstlno Chris- tolH'r.-iuti did upon the tiuhdnyof Dccembi-r , A. D. , 1800. Illo his npiillentlon with the board of tire nnd police commissioners nf Umuha , foi license to soil mult , Hpliltuous and vinous Illinois , at No. 414 S. 1(1 ( tli street , Third ward , Oniiiha. Neb , , from the 1st day of January , Iblil , to the 1st day of January , ltd ? . If there bo no object Ion , remonstrance 01 protest lllud within Uo wcok.s fin in Dcceinboi 111 , A. H. , 1800 , the Raid license will bo granted , 1)10-23 _ Appllonnt. Notice. Matter of application of A. W. Olson foi liquor license. Notice Is hereby given Unit A. W. OUPI : did uiion the Kith dav of Ueci-mbor , A. D. 1890 Illo his application with the. board of fire am ! ixillco commissioners of Omaha for license tc t > ell malt , spirituous nnd vinous liquors at No , 11)18 ) DotiRlaH slroot , Third ward , Omaha , Neb. from the 1st day nf January , 1891 , tu the Isi dnyof January , 1818. Iftheru lo no ohjeetlon , remonstrance 01 protest tiled within two HI nkH from Dceemboi 1C , A. U. ISM. the bald llcen < u will bu in-anted 1)1020 A. W.OI.ISKN , Applicant. Notice , Matter of application of S. J. R. Maltleo foi permit to soil liquor an adriiKulst. Notice Is hoteby Riven that S. J. s. Maltloi did upon the IMIi day of December , A. D. Ib'.H ' ) Illo Ills application to the Ixiurd of Hro am police commissioners of Omaha , for permit t < Hell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors. UK i d i tigRlst , for medicinal , mechanical uudchciu loul purposes only , at No. 1W5 ! N , l th street Fifth u ard. Orruhn , NcU , from the 1st duy o January , 1SDI , to the 1st day of January. 1KK If there bo no objection , remonstrance o jirolos tilled wltliln t\vo weeks from Decembo 19 , A. U. , 1S1X ) , thuHiild permit \tlll bournnted dlO-WJ S. J.S. JIATTICE. Appllount. Notion. Mutter of application of Henry \VIcso \ fo llquur Ilcenso. Notice Is hereby Riven that Henry Wle * did upon the 10th duy of December , A. I > . 1MK Illo his nppllcntlon with the Board of Fin and 1'olleu Commissioners of Omnha , fo lleonso to sell malt , spirituous and vinous 11 quors. lit No. 1ICJ1 I'lcrco btreet. Second anl Umaliii , Nul > . , fronithu Intday of'Jl to tliu 1st duy of January , Ibir. ' . If there bo no objoctlon , remonstrance o protest llled within two \seoks from the lot tiny of December , A. D. 1KU , the sail llpcusowlll bu granted. DlD-SO HtumrWiKSs. Appllcunt. Notion. Mailer of nppllcation of Andrew Rlloy. Iloi imrd O. Klleyand Kdwiinl Klley , partners u Illloy Ilros. , for liquor license , Notlco Is hereby islvonHiut Andrew llllej Iluniiird O. Klloy mid Kdwaid Hiley did upo the lUth day of December , A. I ) . , 1S1U , Illo thel npnllcatloii with tlnibo.iid of Iliu and pollc commissioners of Omaha for Hconto to so niiilt , spirituous and vinous llmiors under Ih firm riamo of Illloy llios at No. IIIOO 1'oiiBln .street , Third lyaru , Umahn. Nob. , from th 1st duy of January , 1801 , to the 1st day of Jtu : uury , 16 ! ) . ' . If thi'io bo no objection , remonstrance r protest llled within twowooUs from the 17t ( lnof December. A. U. , 1S1K ) , the Hnld llcciih \\111 bo ( { runted , UlLEr IlllOA. , Andrew IMloy , U orn aril 0. Rlley und ICduar Hlloy , l'artncr.s ' nn-l Apullcunts. Js'otlco. Matterof application of John H. Canto , fc penult to sou liquor Is n druggist. Notice Is hereby given that John 11. Conl did upon the 131 li duy of December , A. II. Ib'J Illo his application to the board of lire un police comiiiNslonors of Omaha , for permit t .sell mall , spirituous and vinous liquors , as dniRKlMt , for imdlulnal. inouhunlcal an chemical purposes only , at No , 1(1- South lilt htieet. First ward , ( ) miiii : : , Neb. , from tholi dayof January , 1691 , to the Istday of Jam arv , 1H9. . Iftbuiobono objection , remoiistrauoo ( protest llltHl within two weeks liom Di'ejmhi 18th , A. I ) . 1890 , tlio Slid pel ni It will bojirante 1) ll-2il ) JOHN 1) ) . CONIC , Applicant. Notice. Matter of application of IlualniarSaiulstoi for permit tc bell liquor us a druggist. Notlco Is hereby Riven that llnulinnr Sam stcdt did upon the Ihth day of December , . I ) , ma , Illo his application to tlio Hoard of II : : iud pollco coniiiilb3loin.M8 of Omalia for pe mil to hell mutt , spirituous und v.'uous Hquo asa druggist , for medicinal , nn.'i-li mlcal ni cheinlciil puipoHcs only , at ! U3 North 1C direct. 1'oiirth ward , Omaha. Neb. , fiom the 1 dayof Jiinuary , 1801 , to the 1st duy of Jau urv , 18W. If them bo no objection. icmon < traneo jirotost within t\vo weeks fiom December 1 A , D. 18'JO ' , the said permit will bo Krunted. . Appllcunt , Matter of application nf .Inmns H. Uurjo nnd Stephen A. Crowo , partnurs as liurjcss Crowe , for liquor llcenhe , Notlco Is beioby Riven that Jumes II. llu jiessu.nd Stephen A. Crowe did upon the 18 day of December. A. I > , 1SK ! ) , lllu Uiulr uppllu tlon with the board of II ro and polled com in I sloiicrs of Omaha , for lleensn to s-jll ma spirituous and vlnoim liquors , under tlio tit nanio of ItUKOMs Ac Crowe ut roar No. 1-1 Douglas street. Third ward , Omaha. No from the Utility of JammrIdJJI , to the 1 dav of January , 1KU. lfthi > i Ue no objection , remonstrance pretest llled within two > weuks 'fioin the 18 dav of December , A. O. 18W. the * said lli-on will bo granted. IltiiunwH & CHOWK , . OllOWB , D19-20 Applicants Notice. Matter of application of P , O , Ilunscii f liquor license. Notice Is hereby Klvon that I > , O. IIu son did , upon the 18th day nf December. I ) , IbOQ. Illo his applluiitlon with the board lire und police commissioners of Omaha 1 llcensu to sell mull , bnlrltuous nnd vine liquors at No. IKi'i NorthTwenty-foiirl h tn'i Blxtli ward , Omuha , Nob. , from tbu llrst il of January , JbUl , to tholliatday of Junuai ik < n , If there be no objection , remonstrance piotoM llled within two weeks from Doceml 18 , A. I ) . Ib'JO , the bald llci nso will bo sranti Deu 10-Ltl I' . O. HANSON , Applicant Notluo. Matter of application of Daniel Ryan llnuor license , Notlco Is hnroby Riven that Danlol Ryan < upon the IHthday of Dcecmher , A , I ) . , Ib'.X ' ) , 1 his npplluatlpnvllh tha hoiird of lira a pollcucniiimlssloncrs ofOmiilia for llconso sell malt , Hplrltuout nnd vinous llquor.s at 1 northeast corner of Thirtieth street and O ; Held iivcntii' , Sixth wuril , Omahu , Nob. , fn the 1st dav of January , Itot , to the 1st day Juntiary , IKK. If there bo no objection , rcmonstrnncn Matter of application of Thomns .1. Foley llnuor license. Notlco Is hereby given that Thomas J. To did upon thoiath day of December , A. I ) . 1 Illo his application with thu Ixmrd of lire u police com mlsslowrs of Omaha forllcunsi icll mult , bplrltuouM und vlnouH liquorx at ; 14I3 Douglus street , Third wuid , Omuha , Ni f i oni tinIht duy nf January. IB'JI ' , to the duv of January , ISx' . If thorn bo no objection , rcnionstrnuco protostllled within two weeks from thu 1 day of December , A. 1) , lU'JO , the suld lice will bo grunted. THOMAS ,1 , r'oi.r.v. D1U-2G Appllcan Not Ire. Hatter of application of John II. Conto permit to soil liquor ns a flriifKlst. Notice Is hereby cl\en that John H , Co did upon thu Ibth day of Doci'infier. A. D , 1 Hie hU upplloiitlun to tun board of fire und lleo coiniulsslonoriof Oi'iiiilinfor ncniilt to malt , splrltoni nnd vlnousi liquors as u dr Klst. forruodlcliiul , iiif-chanlcal und chciiil purpoicn only , utN. W , oorner liith und M tha Btrt'otn , I'd ward , Oniahn , Neb , , from Ut day of Juauury , 1 'JI , to thu Ut dny ut J u Iftheru be no objection , reinonstrunc protest died within two i\cuks from Dec , A. D. 1890 , the suld penult will bu iiriiuleJ. IH90 JUIIN li. CoNTii , Appllcan Notlco. Mnttorof nupllontlon of Oharlos J , 1'rlcofor per m It to if 11 liquor ui a drugitlit. Nottcp 1 < hereby given that Ohiirloi J , 1'rlco did mien Iho 19th dny of Dccombf r. A , I ) . IftX ) , nlo his iippllOHtloii to the board of tire and po > lleo wiiiiuMlonrrs of Unmha for permit to soil mult , splrltous \lnouslliiucrs ns ii drilRRlst , for mediulnrtl , mochnnlonl und chcni * lent purNpA | only , nt No. I ' 4 DotiRlas RtreeN Third ward. Uiualtn , Neb. , from the Isldny of January IS'Jl to the 1st day uf January INC. ' . If there ho no objection , remonstrance or protest llled within two weeks from Decomhur 19. A. D. . IbSU. thu said permit will be n Muled. dlO-i.M CitAuu:3 : J. I'liioK. Applicant Not loo. Matter of Replication of 1'rlti Mueller for liquor lleonso. Notlco Is licrebv Rlvon that I'rlu Muntlor did upon the Uth day of December , A , I ) . , IS'.W. lllu his npiilloiitlou with the board of llro niul pollco poiutnlsslimurs of Omnha , for lleonso to si > ll malt , uplrltiioiis and vinous liquors , at No. 1J4 VliUon street , Sceond ward , Omaha , Neb. , from thu 1st day of January , 1 1 , to the 1st day of January , IS'G. ' If thtiro be no objection , remonstrance or pretest llled within two weeks from December Uth , A. D , , 1800 , the .said llc-onne will boitrunted. I'll ITMUKI.I.I.II. . D10-M Alipllcnnt. Nntluc. Matter of application of Martin Ilenrlckspn for HuuorllcoiiftO , Notfre Is hereby RVCII | that Martin llonrlck- seu did upon the 1Mb day of December , A. 1) . 1800. tile his application with the board of lire and pollcoconiiiilsslom'r.sot Omnhu , for Ilcenso to sell mult , spirituous and vinous llquois , ut No. "MO Oiimlng HtriMit. Kluhth wnrd. Omaha. Nub. , from the 1st dnv of January , 1801 , to thu 1st dav-of January. IrtC. If there no objection , remonstrance or pro- teat Illod within two \\cuks from December 10th , A.I ) . 18 < H. the said license will bo itianted. AW-'M MAHTIN UKMIICKSUK , Appllounl , Notiuo. Matter of application of HlKKcns Yates for llnuor Ilcenso , Notice Ishoroby Riven that HlBRens VntosdUl upon the ISthday of Doccmbur. A. 1) . Ib'JJ ' , Illo his application to the ho.nd of lire and police coiumlsslnnuie of Omahu , for ptrmlt to soil malt , Hplrltuotis und vinous liquors , at 1101 Kurmuu street , Tlilnlnard.Omnlin , Neb. , from the 1st duy of Jauunry. 1891 , to the 1st duy of January , IbUJ. If ( hero bo no objection , romonstrancn or protest llled within two weeks fnim December 18th , A , 1) , 1800tho siild permit will boKriuitnd. llflM ! Uianm > 9 YATtiK. Appllount _ htooklioldiM-H1 Alcotnii ; . OMAHA , Neb. . Doc.n. isoo. Notice Is hereby ulvcn that the annual moet- InRcif thustouklmliluri of Iho Omaha ft Klk- horn Valley railway ! comp.iny for tliopurposu of ( lectlnit Km en directors und Huch otheir buslni'ss Sis may iiropitily come before the mooting , will bo held at thu ollloe of John M. Thurstoii Union 1'aclllo building , Omaha , Neb. , tiiioiiVednosday , the 7lh day of Juu- unry , IbUl , at. 10 o'clock n , in. W. J. CAUIIOLI , Assistant Secret nry. DooUiditltM _ StoclcliolderH Itlcolliii ; . OMAHA. Nebraska , December 24 , ISOO. Notice Is hereby given that theannual mcnt- \\\X \ of the Htoekhuhliirs of the Union hand Company for thu election of llvo directors , and such other business us tuny properly cnmo before the nicctliiir , will bo hold in tlio com pany's olllco atOinuhu , Nebraska , on Monday , the ISth day of Jnnuary , 181)1 ) , nt 10 o'vlouli a. m. W. J. OAiuioLi , , Assist nut Sucrotary. ' RSILWffiYTIMBOKRD I-cnvoj ' ClIIUAdU. IIUIIMNUTO.N * Arrlfoi Omaha , i li'iot | lutli ml .Mmun Jtri'Qti. ' 4.33 p ru . , Chicago Kxprusa , B l ) a m 0.V ) a in , , .Chicago Kipron. C.VO p in U.lOp m Chicago . Jlxpruij . . ln.HJ a m e.50p 111 12.00 m _ - A MO. lllVKIl ArrlfO " Ounha. lie-not loth nnd Mn on utrunts. I Urnnhiu IO.V5 it m Denver Dnf Ktpr < ii. > 4.U5p ra 10.25 n m DoiiTCr Kiprtx Mi p m TI.O p m Denver NlKht Vixpron. lUSa in | i m I Inci In 11m t il. . . t ,3'J ' | i m Lincoln lx/ml .00 p tn " " K. U. , hi. J. * U. a. ArriToi" Depot lOtti and Mntoii itruoti. , . . . . , . .IS p m ) K. ( ' . NlHlit Hip , jvln.1) . 1' . Trnni Oinfihu. Depot lUili _ nnrt Mnrry atioata. | Omaha. m . . .Overlnnd I'lyor. . . . 0.03 p ra . 1'nciflo Ivipru.n 1I.4J am 0.a ) n ra . Denver Kipresj 3.M p tn 7.03 11 tn . . _ .z..JCnii aiCltjr Kiproy.ii. iSJi | a in ' " LeSfevr "jiBAtroricrsT'AViiPinrTArjiroi' Umuha. H. 1 * . depot , 10th ftiiJ .Murcy HU. | Uuinlii. 6.10 p in NlKht Kxprua ilOUJa m 11.03 n ru Atlanllo KsproHi 6. : p m 4..IQ p | . . . . . . . . ) l.liultoJ llu 45 it ii I.uwu4 ; "j 8101/X " 011'T S VACIr fU f ArnuT Onmlm. | u. I' , denot , 10th nnlJMnrcr Ht . | Oiualit 7.15 n nil Bloux CHr I'Mieimur. .4. ) . . .p.m . | . . . . . . Omabn. | Dt-pot l61Unml Wulntef Ht . B.W p'ml , , Ht. I'aul l.liiiiteil. , . . ' iiSl'h."TtN T ArrirJi" " -/caToi iClilUAUO n .NOlll'UNV Ornaho. - | U. P. depot , 10th nml Murcy Hti. | < ) m lit. W5 n ml. . ( 'lilcaKd Ernran I 0.3J p m 4.30 D ml Voatlbulo Uniltjil , . . _ . O.SO a m 6.1 S p in ' Iowa Accoinmnilntlou ( Kio. Sun ) p m 8.10 p nil ICnitcrn Klyer 2. < 3 p ni 7.40 n m ixnTo ICU.II.AUO , MIU , * "BT. lAli ) | Arnro * Omttlin. | U. 1' . cltpot , llllli nml Miuoy at . | OintUa. 6.11) p nil ClilCAKO Eipron , I tl.43 in 11.Ma ml .Clilcnro Hiiirt-n , . . I f > . ! iO o ra iMiei I DSfifllA A ST. Colllit. I Arn o Oinalin. | IT. I' , depot. IQUi MnrcrHti. I Oinahtt. _ 4 . ! JJl > _ iu L > : i- * SlTljuUjmi nnnllaU _ . . . . . . 1.18 jju J.m ' " Leava * I * . , K. A MO. V flTlTK" ( Anlroi Onmlm. | Duput 15th and Wet ) i tor Htl. | Qmtliv t.UO ) a m . .lllnck llllli Ejtpruai . 6.30p m 000 n m ( . .IlnillnKi Kip. ( El. Siicdir ) . . . I > .X p m fi 10 p in Wnlioa&I.lnouln I'BJ ( Kx.Hund'f ) ll.Mt m . Norfol Sumlivrl . 11.35 'n f. ' . . N'io. Onmlia. i Depot IMIi nnO Wnliuor Btl. COnmlio. | nopoi IMIi nnrt Wal tuf Bti. 10-W n in. TKT Ji\h \ p jnjlj..Ht. . Ixiulifc _ K.C. _ Kijire : Tninnttir | Untnn Dc'uul. tViuncn illugi. SaOp uT . . . . .Night Kiprun. , . .j m 980 n ra Atlnntla Kiyte .MP ru JOO p m . . j. Vojtlliulo Limited..jjj.JJO * ) ft in lioavSTTCJildAiKJA NOltTHWK'ffi' . Hrf. | Arrl oT" Trannfurl Onion Depot , Oiunrll HIlltTj. I'l'mnitof V.IO a m . ChlciKo Kipruji I tilUp ra . . V.'IOitra 60 p ni Vcallbulo I.lrnlluJ JO.W p m Ka.tcrn Klyer . 200 p ra i.a p m Atlantic Mull . I 7.10 a ra n < } p jj "LtaVrr [ LllllOAjT"MTLr4"S'r7 ( I'AUu ] ArrtT a Trim fer | Union liepol. Council llluni. | Tftn fer eaop ml Chlenuo K.iprou I W 15 m 1WIOPJ"i . . _ . . . . .C'lilfiito | KtfTftr „ . . . _ . . . ; ) C.HO p rg T * K , CC.HT. JJ5U A U If. TArrlrM" Trnnsferl DnlonJ ) pot. Council lll'ilti la'riiiiafor lOOf iTni.T..Kim | M City D r Eijroi | . . ,7 | 67ili p 10 tip l > eavui { BtfGOUK" l Arrival" Tnuufor ! _ Union _ iTrantfar AM { I. nil . . . /.Hi. lxiul < Jj < non Mull . TlZ.Tljl ni Lcnvo CI11CAUO. BlIKWH A Trannfor Union > ) uncll ll iB Tr B for ! I.4U a lu . . Chlcnito Kxproii.iT < ' 1 P 10 ( X ) p in . Chlcano Bipro i.41) ) a ra 7.05 p m . rro Uin Ixicitl. . . 11.91 itjn _ " " 5IoiJ " ( : iTV A I'AClTTo. Arrlvei" Trnn f r Dnlon Uepot Council IlluCi. 'franifor 7.16 ni T7.8Toux"Cltr AcoonJinodatToD , , , ) IUO am 118.0.1 p in , . at. rani ICipren . llu.O ) p in " " M1SSOUIII PACIKIO HUltUltllXN TIIAINU Westward. WcbiiUrBl Oak Clvnllmm Drnlrt Hill l.nku Btruet Walnut Mill . DuhdiH ) Maicot , Kojnio Btl'ixrk rortnl. . . . p.m. 1.8J 1.41 l. 7 1.10 I.IA t.67 X.OJ X.tlJ J.Oo I.OS IH AIL Tilt WOHLD THEKE IS BUT UNE CURE DR. HAIHES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC , ll eiui ! fflten In'ft ruii of totfr * r It * , or In ar. tU > f f ud , wilboui th Koof > ltil ( ot the c > U < al , atoamarx * Ilia utMOlulelbarmluaa \vulaflvol 9 nnta0ut and apMtly our * , whtthf r lup Jlant lamed mod ril Urink ror u loohpligwr ok. 1TNKVKU VAILfi. It op r l ft KO quioily and wllh auob oav- Umiytlial lh < pailont underuoM no lnconvenutic , ana era ha u nwiiri , hli oomplei * rtlormailon II tlnawd. 4Qp f0 book of pftrileularfr . TolMna'tol KU UN et CO. , 16th H Uouilau , It 11 th ft Oumme " , ' -Trado uppllnd tor UI.HK.E. UllUUB CO. , ul Ii DBUU OU , Omtha.