Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Several Pleasant Tcatures Connected With
Its Observance ,
Four TlitnmntHl Poor Clilltlroti ? Indo
Hiijipr nttlio Kxpnnltlon Ilullil-
Ing Appropriate Hcrvlocs
In All tlio Cliurchea.
\i\it \ The Christmas of 1890 will long bo romom-
' * " " * * 'bored by iho people of Omahn. The day was
bcmitlful , the weather being nil could bo
nskod , nnd , M Is the usual custom , the tiny
wns Koncrally ot)3crvo < l by tlio church pee
plo. religious services bohiK held In moat of
the houses of worship. The afternoon was
devoted to driving nnd sonorat fcatlvltlos.
Iiiwl nlj-ht n number of balls were hold In
j. " ' "mriiJU pnrta of the city , whllo m-lvnto pnr-
Jf ties nnd ffuthcrlnip were nlmbst without
f * number.
Tlio NuwHtinvi' nlnnor.
The dinner given ycstordny to the news
boys of the clt.v by Tun BII : : wus enjoyed by
these who pnrtook of Has peed Christmas
dinners tire liivnrinbly rnjoyod by the pro-
verblul limiRry , growing boy.
The sjircnd for thorn was laid nt the ICoy
Stone rcstaunvnt on Fourteenth street , and
nt 1:110 : o'clock the invited guests were
promptly on hand to secure favorable seats ,
as well as tlio choicest cuts of game and the
whitest meat of the turkey.
The newsboys of Omaha have newsboy
trntt.i , but few of them nro the typical char
acters thai metropolitan newsboys are pic
tured to ho. The little fellows who were
TIIK Ur.n's ' fniests at dinner yesterday were
all fnlrly well clothed , from head to feet , and
they dined inoro like gentlemen than struct
The street vernacular of the average gut
ter snlto | and shlno-'crn-up was not heard
whllo the dinner was being discussed. They
came in quietly , greeted each other heartily ,
nto enormously or sparingly as their appe
tites prompted , stuffed their pockets with
fruits , nuts and raisins mid departed as qui
etly as they camo.
The typical newsboy of Omaha can malco
nolso enough on the streets during his busi
ness hours , but It is In evidence that his table
manners hero had some attention at homo
and that the attributes of embryo Rontlonien
nro not luclcini ? with them.
Tun HUB wishes them many happy returns
ol the duy and its festivities , hoping that nil
who were its guests yesterday tnav similarly
entertain ttio newsboys of another peucr-
A Fcnst fur tlio Children.
The poor children of Omaha were not for
gottim yesterday. They hold the fort , 4 000
strong , at Exposition hall , and at 1 o'clock
yesterday afternoon they were there , all
colors , sizes , apes and sexes.
A number of the charitably Inclined ladies
and gentlemen had rourcived the idea of pre
paring a feast for homeless little ones.
"When the doors opened thcro was a wild
rush , but Chief Seavoy , Sergeant Ormshy
and seven patrolmen were on hind to keep
the youngsters In plaoc.
After quiet had been restored Mayor Gush
ing , Hov. Dr. Ilaraha and T. S. Clarkson de
livered addresses to the llttlo ones. The
Walnut Hill band discoursed sorno sweet
muslo , after which dinner was announced in
the annex and in n twinkling seven
long tables were lilted and the
way the cold turkey , meat , bread
and butter , pics , caltos and cofleo disappeared
was a caution. Seven times were these
tables illled , after which the entire force
again congregated la the hall to listen and
watch for the coming of St. Nick. lie came
nt > lust , tmt not in the usual manner , for in
stead of driving a deer , as is his usual cus
tom , ho rode in a dog cart , drawn by a
grizzly elephant. Behind the old man there
were scores of men carrying huge baskets
filled with story books , oranges , red apples ,
sacks of nuts , candy and pop corn. Each
person in the house was supplied and then
000 tickets to the Kdeu Museo were plven
Once moro Mr. Clarkson mounted the plat
form and lead a telegram troni Long Pine , in
which iiK ( ) children of that town Joined in
- wishing the -1,01)0 ) poor children of Omaha n
iJIWry Christmas.
The members of the Trlnltycathedralchoti
sang several choice selections , after whlcli
Prof. Oilllspio of the deaf and dumb Instl.
tute , assisted by twenty of bis pupils roti'
dercd "Nctiror My God to Thco" in the slgt
language In a manner that evoked loud and
long npplauso. During these exercises Mrs ,
J. K. Held presided at the piano.
This closed the sot programme ana durinp
the remainder ol the nf tornooon the children
romped about the hall and munched pop-corn
to their hearts' content.
At Trinity Ontnodrnl.
Trinity cathedral was filled to ovorflowinj
nt the midday sorvlco yesterday. The decor
atlons were charming and appropriate. Tin
nltar was almost completely hidden behlm
ropes of evergreen and sinllax , relieved bj
largo bunches of carnations , calln lilies nm
roses. All the stations were decorated wltl
ropes of ovorgrocn and bunches of holly , tb
red berries standing out In marked contras
with the dark green. Within the chance
rail thrco largo arches had been erected , tb
design being la enrmony with the general dc
sign of the altar and stations. These archc
were covered with evergreen and holly wltl
which the chancel rail was also decorated
largo ropes being twined about the rail. I ;
the transept voro further decoriitlons of ovoi
green and llr.
The services opened with the "Adost
Fldolis , " sung by the vested choir M Itmovei
from the outer door up the center uislo to th
The usual Chrlstma-s service followed , thi
muslo by the full choir being as follows
Vcnlto , by Bnrnby ; To Deum. Vogrich
Bencdlctu.9 , Cobb ; offertory , "There Wor
Shepherds , " Vlnccntcommunlon : | sorvlco 1
.A. ; recessional , ' 'Hark 1 The Herald Angel
Sine , " Mcudclssohn.
The sorvlco was conducted by BIsho
"Worthlnijton. Dean Gardner delivered th
sermon , taking as his text Hebrews I , B
"Thou hast loved righteousness and hate
infinity ; therefore God , thy God , hat
anointed tlieo with the oil of gladness abov
thy follows. "
The sermon was an earnest andstlrrlnpr aj
peal to tlio hearts of the hearers , dwellin
upon the Ideas and purK | > ses of the fostiv :
being celebrated anil appealing to the bcttc
self of nil to endeavor to make the season a
ctijoyublo one to all mankind.
The musio was most excellent and was ron
dcred very effectively by the largo choir.
Among these present were noticed Mr ;
Henry M. Stanley and mother.
At All
The Christmas services at All Saints Epi
copal church , comer of 'Twenty-sixth an
Half Howard , were appropriate to the occ :
slon aud very Interesting.
The church was elaborately decorated wit
evergreens , laurel and palms , which rendore
the interior of the imposing cdiQco moi
beautiful than over. The evergreen an
laurel wore procured in Pennsylvania nn
shipped hero for the express purpose of dc
orating the church , and It required a week <
constant labor on the part of many busy b <
willing workers to fashion them into tl
plcAslug designs which tmccd all parts of tl
structure. Along the center nlslo were a
ranged six arches of evergreen on
V laurel leaves , under which the su
pllccd choir marched from the entrain
of the church to the ctinncol , tti
effect lielng a very pleasing on <
The walls were covered with soomiugly cm
loss festoons of evergreen , and wreaths <
the same material graced the chandeliers on
gas brackets. Bunches of palms tlgurcd n
fusel ; in the decorations , and the softcnc
light entering through the stained glass wh
dow served only to Intensify the genon
richness f the scene.
The first Christmas exorcises were bold o
"Wednesday oveiituit nt 7 : 0 o'clock , when
full musical sorvlco was rendered. At th
same hour yesterday morning short service
were hold , at 11 o'clock full mu&lcal scrvlc <
nnd holy communion. A special musical pro-
grnmtno was arranged by Choirmaster ljon-
nell and an accompaniment In brass added
much to it.
The rector , Hcv. Loul * Zahnor , chose M
bis text. "For unto us Is bora this day In the
city of David n Savior which is Christ our
Lord. " In the course of bis re
marks ho took occasion to answer
Hov , Dr. Mann's sermon of last Sunday , In
which that gentleman took the stnud that
the observance of Christmas was simply the
outgrowth of heathen festivals nnd customs ;
that llko observances had crown up la con
nection with other Individuals. Homer ,
Mahomet nnd others , and that the Christmas
celebration had nothing to do with the divin
ity of our Lord. Mr. Zahncr emphasized the
fact thaitho observance of Christmas could
not have hold its plnco during these many
centuries o ( tlmo unless the I ord was moro
than n mere man and was God.
No services were hold last evening.
At the KoiinlZK Memorial.
The Sunday school of the ICounUo Memor
ial Lutheran church gave a Christinas enter
tainment with the regular Kantn Claus ac
companiment last night. The church was
attractively ami artistically decorated with
bct.utlful festooning of evergreens and foli
age plants. An Immcnso llreplaco occupied
the back part of ttio pulpit , and from the
mantle over It hung half n dozen stockings
illled until they were bulging out at the top.
An enjoyable programme of songs , recita
tions and address by the Sunday school
scholars , the superintendent , the pastorKev.
Turkic , Rev. Lire and ethers , was given be
tween 7:150 : and ' , ) o'clock. '
It was then announced that Santa Claus
ad promised to bo there , but ho had mot
vlth nn ai'clilcnt nnd his team had run away ,
o that it was feared ho could not reach the
hurch In tlmo to assist in distributing
ho presents. A heap of candy bags
.nd oranges half as high as a man lay on the
mlplt floor and Just ns Dr. Lelscnrlng , the
.uporlntendcnt . , nnd ethers , were preparing
o distribute the fruit and candy Santa Claus
: amo rushing In very much out of breath but
: lad to sco the children. The llttlo ones were
vlld with delight nnd thov all went homo
: arrying presents In their hands nnd a great
cat of joy and gladness in their hearts.
At the Southwestern I'rcsbytorlnti ,
The people of the Southwestern Presby-
orlan celebrated their Christmas Wednesday
Ight. The church was illled with people ,
ho exercises consisting of singing , recitations
.nd select readings. The tree was a beautl-
'ul evergreen , nearly twelve feet high , cov-
trcd with candy , pop-corn , books and gifts
'or the children. Santa Claus was late In
rrlvlng , but when ho did como from the Ice
.vallod cave in one corner of the room ho was
eceivi d with a hearty welcome by the 300
hlldren of the school.
A riirlHtniHH Cantata.
That cosy-little church , the Welsh Prcsby-
.erlan , on the corner of Twenty-fourth and
Jumlng streets , was Jammed to the doors
( Vednesday evening with happy parents and
children , Thcro was a great big Christmas
, rco , plenty of music , n Santa Claus and ov-
ythlng clso that goes to make up n success-
'ul Christmas cantata. Mrs. Hev. J. K.
Johns , wife of the pastor , conducted the
singing. During the cantata Mr. Hughes
presented Mrs. IJov. Johns with a wcll-fllled
uurso. The characters in the cantata were
ns follows :
Hanta Clans Mr. Robert Owen
Queen Winter , . . .MIss I'ruilenco Jones
Ice Mrs , T. O. Humphreys
T/ont ? Ace Mr. W. E. lluclios
Storm Kins ; Mr. John Rowland
Jack Frost Mr. T. 0. Humphreys
Hull Mrs. D. Evans
Shepherds and reapers Twenty children
At ttin Knox I'rrsbvterlnn.
Knox Presbyterian held Its Christmas fes
tivities Wednesday night. The church was
packed to overflowing. The exorcises con
sisted of songs , cs'fiys nnd recitations by the
pupils of tno Sunday school. Instead of the
tlmo honored Christmas tree , the gifts were
distributed to the llttlo ones bv Santa Claus ,
who drove up nnd down the aisles of the
church , his sleigh drawn b > a reindeer.
At tlio 1'onr Farm.
The 135 Inmates of the Douglas county poor
farm enjoyed something of a feast. County
Agent Mahoney varied the dally bill of faro
nnd substituted turkojr , cranberry sauce and
mtnco pie for the every day beef steak. At
the noon hour twelve turko'ys nnd twenty-live
mince pies wore devoured.
A ChrlntiiinB Tree Tonight.
The Sunday school connected with the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
on Twenty-first , near Clark street , will give
its annual entertainment this evening at the
chapel. There will bo a Christmas tree , ijpon
which will bo placed the rewards nnd pres
ents for the scholars of the school , nnd the
exercises of the evening will consist of sing
ing , recitations , dialogues , etc. The public
is Invited and may look for a plcssant oven-
lug ,
The I'olloo Poroo Troiited.
Chief Beavoy tapped his annual barrel ol
apples for the police force at central station
yesterday. Whenever the chief remembers
his friends and fellow officers there is always
apples in it. The force appreciated the
Frank Moorcs RrniomDornd.
Frank Mooros , clerk of the district court
was not forgotten in the hurry nnd bustle at
tending the incoming of Christmas. Yesterday
day morning ho was down at his desk as
usual , working over his books and figuring
out fee bllK when there was a knock at the
door. "What are you knocking for at the
door of a public oDlcol" muttered Moores
as ho bid the man enter. The Intrude !
walked to the desk nnd handed over a package
ago ilx I feet , and requested that It bo Hied
Upon opening the package Mr. Moores dls
covered it to bo a beautiful etching , In ar
elegant frame , n present from Judges Woke
ley , Dome , Clarkson and Hopewcll.
Tlio Nasoii Tournnmont.
The Nason shooting tournament across th
river yesterday attracted a good crowd am
the matches were all close and interesting
The first event was sov n birds each , fo on
tran co. Thoscoro :
Pannolco ' . Z -
llruckor 2 -
Dlokey 1 220122-
Ickon 2 131201-
Hmltli 0 -
Nuson 1 322211-
I'ox'g 2 112010-
Parmeleo , Bruckcrand Nason , llrst ; Dicko
nnd Iclcen , second ; Fogg , third.
Parmolco 1 011121-
Kmlth 2 -
llrneUor 0 001011-
Dlokuy 1 210001-
Vaxa 2 110110-
HiiBbos ' . . . .I -
lokun 1 121112-
Nason 2 111302-
Ickon , first ; Smith and Nasoa , second o
shoot off ; Fogg , third.
The second and third events were dupl
catos of the lirst. The score :
Pnrmoleo 1 110811-
llrtioker 1 1 1 1 1 2 2-
Dlokoy 0 213211-
UilKhu * 0 122100-
Ivkun 2 221111-
I'OZK , . 0021122-
Smlth 1 212211-
Nnson , 1 -
Icken ami Smith , first on shoot off ; Pa
tnoleo andlIckoy ) , second ; Fogg , third.
The closing uvont was miss and out. TL
score :
I'OgK A 1 122200
1'urmeleo 1 1 1 1 2 o 1 Z
IMokoy 1 2 o ! 1 o
Nnson 1
Uimlner . . . . .2 1 0
Parmoloo killed his ninth bird and won.
A Tin Kick.
The game of football yesterday morning b
tweon the Young Men's Christian nssoclatlo
team and a team composed of college boy
homo on a vacation , resulted in a dnu
neither team being able to score.
The Noiipnrlols Win.
The game of indoor baseball between th
Nonparlels and Crane company teams ye :
terduy afternoon resulted as follows :
Nonparluls . . . .5 3 Z 4 0 8 3 0
Cranes , , 0 0101002
Pnrmm Joe Wlioohy.
Parson Joe Shcohy of Ashland , WIs. , Is i
the city. He came hero with the view i
uicctiug Jock Davis before the South Omat
club , but fallod to got on a match. Sheohy
wanted n purse of 11,000 hung up and was
willing to place a fovv hundreds on himself
on thu side , but the club declined to comply
with the terms. Davis' numerous engage
ments , any way , would hnvo prevented him
from entering In u match. Shoehy Is n big ,
clever giant , and was much disappointed
over his failure to got on a go.
TIIK cnttl'HE AT ItlTCllVIKtin.
Citizen Defondfl the Honor of the
Town ,
LtTCiinnt.n , Neb. , Dec. 24. To the Editor
of Tnc BEE : I would llko space In your col
umns to correct a fo\ ? statements made
therein tlio Issue of December20 nnd In an
article headed "Won't Have the Corpse. "
In the first plnco , the man referred to died
on the train whllo passing through Custcr
county lost Monday morning , but ns ho had
boon slopping his death was not discovered
until the train had pulled out of Mason City
and upon the arrival of the train hero ho was
taken oft nnd laid upon the depot platform ,
where ho remained moro than an hour with
out even the protection of a box , ns stated In
yourtpapcr , and until the writer of this article
secured assistance and can-led him Inside the
depot ,
The "soulless corporation , " as you nro
pleased to term the company , and
which you nro undoubtedly correct In thus
designating , notified the county coroner of
tlio circumstances , nnd he , after investigat
ing tlio case , refused to lake the body from
the depot , and thus the matter stood until
Wednesday afternoon , when money was
raised In our town by private subscription to
pay expenses nnd the body was given decent
The statement that the "authorities placed
a night watch at the depot to sco that the
corpse was not surreptitiously removed nnd
placed in some vacant house , " is fnlso in
every particular. The authorities were un
doubtedly right in refusing to accept the ex
pense and responsibility the "soulless cor-
lioratlon" sought to thrust upon them , but
when it conies to n matter of humanity not
only the authorities but every citizen of
Litcbflcld will bo found rcadv to do their
Deceased had been working on the railroad
west of this state , ana nt the time of his
death was traveling homeward on a pass as
far as Grand Island , and while there may bo
question as to who were legally responsible
for his care , the facts in the promises would
Indicate that It was not Lltchtleld or Sher
man county. Ucspoctfullv ,
E. II. Bit\DLr.T ,
Editor Monitor.
The three outlets of dlsoaso ere the bowels ,
the skin and the kidneys. Regulate their ac
tion with the best purifying toulc , Burdock
Blood Bitters.
1002. Sixteenth and Fnrnam Btroota la
the now Rock Island ticket ollico. Tick
ets to all points cast at lowest rates.
A A3 O VK31KS1S. .
Manager Lnwlor of the Eden Musoo prob
ably dlstrltuted ) moro presents than any par
son In the city yesterday. Each employe of
the house received a valuable present from
Mr. Lawler and every person that attended
the shows received a neat Httlo gift. Each
lady received a hundsomo Christmas card ,
each gent a beautiful boutenloro nncl each
child a bag of candy. After the last show
tlio handsome Cliristmas tree was stripped of
Its handsome trinkets and these attending
this show received one of them as asouveulr.
All humors of the scalp , tetter sores and
dandruff cured , and falling hair chocked ;
hence , baldness prevented by using Hall's
Vegetable Sicilian Hair lienowor.
Make a Fortune.
Don't fall to visit tbo auction sale of
city lots at A ran sag Harbor January 7
and 8.
"kcstcrday'H Fires.
There was an early morning Christmas flro
yesterday at No. 10H North Sixteenth street.
The cntlro damage will , perhaps , not exceed
Shortly nftor 7 o'clock a Missouri Pacific
cnglno passed through the alleyway between
Nicholas nnd Izard streets , pulling a heavy
train of grain for the Woodman Unseed oil
company. Sparks from the engine sot flre
to the roof of a barn Just back ol
thostoro occupied by the S. F. Oilman flour
company , and before the flro was discovered
It hnd reached ttio store building , which was
considerably damaged. The loss on the
stock will reach nearly JJ,000 , but it , is fully
The Inman hay company occupied thoitore
building next door. The llamcs soon reached
the hav and feed and did about $1,000 dunv
ago. The stock was Insured In the Home
lire company for $ . ' 173.
Mrs. F. D. Krebs conducts a chop house In
the third door from whcro the flro started ,
She estimates her damage , principally from
smoke nnd water , at 100 with no Insurance ,
Samuel Cotnor owns all of the buildings
that were damaged , hut had thorn well In ,
surcd and will loose nothing.
Itow the Egyptian Queen Iiooka or
Hot * Coins.
Cleopatra being now a good deal before
fore the public ns a topic of theatrica
interest , the Egyptian coins struck ir
her reign which are in the numismatic
department of the National library nn
greatly run upon hero , says the Lender
Truth. They show her when she wn ;
respectively wife nnd qiicon regent
Ono sees her at nil ages , fron
her early teona to almost the
close of her rolgn. Cleopatra
on these coins and medals , ii
far nearer to Sarah Bornhardt than t <
Mrs. Langtry. She Is almost spare Ir
tiguro when young , and at all timoi
lithe. She remained young to the
last. Had she lived to olghtv she rnigh
have looked a little like Prlnco Nn
poleon , the mouth and chin having i
Mother Ilubbard tendency to moot. Th <
full , Iticlous lips , resembling these of i
Somali woman's , do not mitigate mud
the hardness of the physiognomy.
It is a strange countenance , and om
easy to read. The forehead bulges ou
at the eyebrows. Its prominence hen
gives it singular irregularity , produc
ing the offoot almost of n smaller hcai
growing out of a larger one. Jove wn
represented by Greek sculptors will
such a forehead , but on a moro mnssivi
scale. The eye is greatly in shadow
nnd almost sinister , it having the expression
prossion of a snake's when a bird is to b
charmed. The aquiline curve of th
nose is at once strong and delicate
and the nostril is well onon nnd finol
curved. Taken with the lips it gives a :
impression of a woman prone t
sensual joys , cynical , feud of a cruel jok
and contemptuous. Her firmly moldo
and advancing chin shows volition. Sh
was wilful to the last degree , nnd not t
bo turned from nny purpose. The hai
is dressed In the Greek manner nn
twisted up in a wmnll knot on the nnno t
the nock. She is bad and bewitching
All the men she facinatod saw throug
her , bt were too intoxicated by he
charms to break away from hor. Sh
were a royal diadora , which is ropn
sontcd on some of the coins.
Burdock Blood Bitters taken after catln
will relieve nny feeling of weight or overful
ness of the stomach. Sold every whore.
i An American's Experience In an Ei
"London may not bo provided wit
elevators on anything llko the scale tin
Now York la , " sold a man recently : wb
snont his vacation abroad to a i roportc
for the Now York' Tribune ' , "but I saw
'lift' there the like of which I do not bi
Hove oxlsta in this country. I ontore
an otlico building in London , which wi
not far'from the IBank of Knglund , 1
see a friend , who was on the top tloo
In the corridor I saw a number of boxc
following1 ono another up one shaft an
down nnothor. Thorworo attached to
an endless chain , an * , were hirgo enough
to hold several pewpns.
"I looked at tlm .machine In some
doubt , when suddenly' u man stopped out
of ono of the boxcsf'tib cars which wns
coming down. Thb car , which wns
going nt what scomotl to mo a rapid rate
of speed , did not stop , the man jumping'
olT it whllo it was In motion. Pretty
soon I saw other men jumping in and
out of the cars , wh'idh were about as far
apart on the endless chain as the dis
tance from Iloor toilloor. I nt first lies-
Itntod about risking my limbs nnd llfo
on the contrlvnnco but finally stepped
Into nn asccdlng car' , just before Its bottom
tom wns on a level ' \vlth the floor.
"No sooner had I done this than I
began to pot nfrald that I might bo
crushed to death between tlio car and the
floor or roiling when t tried to step off.
Of a sudden it struck mo that if I did
not got off at the top iloor I would bo
carried to the roof and then stood on my
head in the car ns It turned over. I was
In a perfect fever of unxloty and could
hardly Bcrow up my courngo to the point
of alighting , but I mnnngcd to do this
when the top floor wns reached. I found
that It was much easier to pot out than
I hnd punposed , nnd when 1 finished my
call I boldly rode down on the mnchlno.
"I afterward learned that a man who
did not got out of nn ascending at
the top Iloor would bo in no danger of
being turned upside down at the top of
the shaft , because the car always main
tains its upright position. This is duo
to the fact that only the roof of the car
IB fastened to the cable , so the car nl-
wnvs remains bottom down bv Us own
weight. A 'lift' llko this may bo eco ]
nomlcnl , ns it docs nwny with the need
of men to run it , but I myself much prefer -
for the safe American machine. "
Dr.Blrnoy , nose and throat. Beobldg.
' aiollio Matches , " the Well Known
Sncnlc Thief , Describe ! ) the Art.
Molllo Matches in San Francisco Ex
aminer : "It takes at least thrco men to
do the work , nnd four are bettor. In
this 'mob , ' as wo torin it , is ono pick
pocket proper ; the rest nro helpers.
The expenses of a mob nro high. Then ,
besides , there goes 20 nor cent for 'pro
tection. ' Muny a tlmo I've ' worked under
the actual eye of a dotcctlvo. In event
of a 'tumble' and a 'squeal' ho would In
the hurry and bustle rush in and grab
tlio man who was touched and hold him
until the boys and I got out of sight.
Then , ot course , ho would apologize and
deplore his mistake in grabbing the
wrong man. Then , another thing.
Thieves lese vastly on the stuff they take ,
unless it's money. Watches , diamonds
nnd similar plunder wo only got
about 35 or10 cents on a dollar. There
is another reason why profits in thievery
are not so large. Ono cannot work for
ever. A man's nerve begins to shako
after about two weeks and then ho hno
to lay off until ho is .himself . again. Th
man who 'takes , ' as a , rule , passes th
stult out of his hands ns soon as ho can.
If n thief carries a 'hot leather , ' that is
some pocketbook just taken , or that
thcro is a row about , ho doesn't put It in
his pocket. Ho carries it under his vest ,
so that by simply Drawing in his breath
it will fall to the ground. Ho does this ,
of course , and lots the leather go in
event of being takdn. Ho will drop the
wallet as ho and tho'ofllcor are walking
along. In the dark it's easy. Just drop
the stuff ana walk t > vor it. I've walked
over hundreds in my tlmo. Where de
tectives make a mistake is in not search
ing men as soon as thoygrnb 'era.
"Thieves don't work in winter if they
can help it , either , as overcoats and that
sort of cold wonthot- harness make it
very risky. Sometimes thieves got reck
less and turn a trick for fun and just to
demonstrate how smart they are. I saw
a man once In the scat ahead of mo on
the train who put his pocketbook in his
hip pocket after ho paid his faro. Just
to show what I could do I waited until
ho sat dozing in his seat. Then I began
to push on the back of the car seat with
ono knee , and as fast as I raised the seat-
back I held It by wodginer my other foot
in between it and the bottom of the seat.
I lay back nnd pretended to sloop all this
time myself , and I worked so slowly and
so steadily that my friend never awoke
at all. When I had the back of the seat
raised so high that I could make the
trip I reached under nnd took the pocket-
book. It took forty-llvo minutes to got
this pockotbook.
"Nover take a silver watch. It Is not
valuable enough. In getting1 watchoa
the man who does the work stands still
with his back to the party wanted. This
sort of work will occur at race tracks
and at any place where crowds are
standing. The 'stalls' got behind the
victim and commence crowding ono way
and the other until they got .the gentleman -
man squro against.tlio shoulder of the
pickpocket. On his loft arm ho carries
a duster or shawl as a 'cover , ' and when
the gentleman is all placed the pick
pocket goes through lam with his right
hand , reaching across himself to do the
feat , covering his right arm and hand
from sight with the duster on his lofl
and looking steadily the other wuy all
the timo. The man who is robbed
never sees the face of the mar
who takes his watch at all , and this is r
great point in case ho makes a roar. At
u rule I never take the chain. They arc
mostly plated nnd there's nothing ir
them. It is easier and quicker to tak
the watch alone. The rings nro onlj
sprung into the watch stem not riveted
and as you take the watch you can twls
the ring free from the watch nnd chair
by an easy effort of the thumb and fore
finger. You don't ' drop the ring ; yoi
bring watch nnd ring both , but soparati
from each other.
"Sometimes a very ticklish thing oc
curs. I got hold of a wntch that open
easy and spring1 it open before I knov
it. Of course , I've got to lot it re mail
that way. Shutting the cose is cloni
out of the question. Closing a watcl
case under these circumstances makes i
noise like n gun. > , >
"I was talking with a gentleman on
day as I am to younnd , ho called my at
tontlon to an omonild stone of groa
vuluo which ho his scarf.
" 'Valuable , ain't jlV ho asked.
" 'I should judge it was , ' I said , 'but
don't know much nbout emeralds. 1
pure ono , I hoar , Ib worth as much as i
diamond ! ' "W
"k So it Is , ' hd' eplicd ; 'you wouli
rather like this onfc I wear , woulun
you ? ' nnd at that ho laughed ns if h
supposed I couldn't'look on anythln
without wanting to-ktenl it.
" 'No , ' I Baid. 'lidon't want your on
orald : they bring bad luck. If I wunto
it I'd take it. jnj- ,
" 'You couldn'tgot it ; its fastening
are harder to got at than you think. '
"Wo lot the matter drop and talked (
something' olso. Something , as wo tall
cd , got into my eye and pained mo grou
ly oyo-lash , I guess. I was In groi
pain , and ho volunteered to got it ou
Ho worked about ten seconds , and the
I winked and declared the eye all rlgh
As ho stopped back I handed him h :
emerald , thut ho thought no ono coul
cot. Ho was very much astonished , hi
didn't Bay much. J could see that it di
strayed his faith in thosecomplex fas
onlngs , though * "
D.-.Bi rnoy , nosouud throat , Bi3 bld (
A Biipromo Test.
Going to Springfield the other dc
there wns seated in the car ono of Ho
yoi o'6 legal lights , accompanied by h
vlfo nnd six-year-old eon nnd hotr , whoso
Boloambition In llfonlprcsont Is to lonrn
o whlstlo , says the Northampton
Mass. ) Journal. The window was open
uul the boy had boon holding on to his
mt with ono hand for four It would blow
nwny. The conductor coming in
slammed the door , nnd for an liistnnt
the bov lot go his hnt. Ills father
cached round through the window and
vhlskod it off his hond. The boy was
"Look straight ahond and whlstlo for
t nnd it will como buck , " said the
"I can't whlstlo , I'm too mnil. "
"Well , then. I'll try , " nnd the dlgnl-
Icd lawyer whistled n few bars of
"Annlo Koonoy , " and shortly nflorwnrd
ilncod the hat on the boy's head , whoso
-onrs wore now turned to smiles. Then
10 stood up In the sent , nnd snatching
Ills fnthor'n now $3 tllo from his hond do-
.ibonitoly throw It out of the car win
dow , Baying , "Whlstlo for It ngnln ,
[ Kipa. "
Dr.Blrnoy , nosonmlthront. Coo bldg.
She Navigates n Ship Across the ln-
News from Cullno was received hereof
of the trip by thu bnrkontino Johanna ,
which loft the island of Mnuslclo , off the
coast of Peru , April 5 last for Melbourne
with a cargo of sugar , says n special dis
patch to the San Francisco Chronlolo.
Two days out of port yellow fever broke
out among the crow , and In two days
moro the only pcoplo loft alive on board
tlio vessel were Captain Molndros , his
wife and baby , and the first mnto. Mrs.
Molndros too'k command of the vessel
and with the help of the first mnto suc
ceeded In navigating the vessel Into the
port of Frccraantlo , in eastern Australia.
The mate managed the sails and the
captain's wife stood nt the wheel during
nearly the whole voyage. When the
weather was line the mnto would take
the wheel nnd Mrs. Molndros would
cook and nurse her sick husband , for the
captain , although ho survived the fever ,
was sick from It all the voyage. Once
in the course of the voyage a storm carne
up , and the vessel labored so heavily
thnt she sprung nlonk. In the midst of
the storm Mrs. Momdros and the mate
managed to throw overboard 250 bags of
sugar to lighten the vessel. Finally on
July 9 the bravo heroine of the sons
brought the vessel snfo into the port of
Dr.Blrnoy , nose nnrt throat. Bcobldg.
A Hnsslnn Ilaby'a Bathtub.
The Russians have a way of bathing
their very young babies that is uninuo
and most comfortable , says the Now
York Morning Journal. A largo log
hollowed out as deeply as possible servos
as a b.ithtub , and is placed on two cross-
atlclc uprights. A small blanket is laid
at the bottom of the bath together with
n lltllo pillow of folded ilnnnol just high
enough to lift the tiny head nbovo the
King Baby is then Inid comfortably
down as if on a bed , to kick nnd splash
without lot or hindrance nnd ho doosso
enjoy it , the bonny woo raanl After n
good hath ho is taken out witntho _
blanket wrapped about him , as described
above This seems a very practical way
of bathing , as there is no strain in the
position as there is whontho head Is hold
up with the hand.
nig Halo oi'Clty tioti.
The largest auction sale of city lots
over hold in the south will tnko place
at Aransn Harbor January 7 and 8.
A Cure for Felons ,
An old sufToror from" felons thus tolls
how to got rid of thorn : "I was engaged
in marking iron with white load and
turpentine , and having a felon coining
coming on my finger , dipped it fre
quently into the mixture. As the iron
was quite warm which I was marking at
the tlmo' I found the next morning that
there was a small yellow spot where I
felt the folon. I opened this and had
no moro trouble from it. The next time
I felt ono coining I procured some turpentine -
pontino nnd bathed the part affected fre
quently and hold it near a warm surface
to dry , with same result as the first.
Since then I hnvo used it several times ,
always with the same result. "
Don't Forget It.
The great auction sale of city lots
takes place at Arnnsas Harbor , Tox. ,
January 7 and 8.
lUcli Puynllup Indians.
There nro Hcoros of Indians on the res
ervation worth from $50,000 to $250,000
each , and when the reservation Is thrown
open by congress , as it will bo in n very
few years , there will bo in Pierce county
a dozen or two of the richest Indians in
the United States , says the Puget Sound
Nows. Following are the names of some
of the wealthy Indians :
Mrs. Joseph Douotto , a full-blooded
Indian widow , with 82-50,000 ; Chris
Lnughlot , a widower , with 120 acres and
$60,000 ; Joe Coatcs , 100 acres and $80,000 ,
and the Contos family , worth $128,000 ,
uro some of the richest.
Remarked byll. C. Joiner of Allen P. O. ,
Hillsdale Co. , Mich. : "Nothing gave my
rheumatism such quick relief as Dr. Thomas' '
Electric Oil bellovo it Infallible for rhou.
' i
Brassy Taste Means Bail tiivcr.
Ono of the symptoms of a torpid llvoi
is a brassy taste in the mouth , indlcnt
ing the presence of cholostlno. Anothoi
symptom is specks before the oycs , ntu
these specks are of cholcstorlno deposited
itod in the crystnllno Ions of the eye
where they Intercept the rays of light
Sometimes these specks 11 oat about
moving with each movement of the oyc
ball. If these specks become very abun
dant they form an 1m pediment to vision
rorui.Aci : IT HECOMES
BookB on Illirad anil Skin disease * free.
[ ihfly fefife o ted
Matryqiliq i § inTefnfe"
, lF' , fc * i * J-w + * { ! & * * & & } * * ' c
0. L. EricksonLocal , Agent , 200 N.lOt
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Povontccn roars e porlcwo. A regular sr.vluntn In nxxllclno , m Olpknn.n cliotr , I * jllll treatliu with
tliOKrcnlost nuccosB , nil NITVOIIB , t'lironlu ami I'rlvnto Dlvntot , A iHTuuiiuuit cum ennr.intt'mt fur Oatirrh ,
Spi'rninlorrlmvi , I-o t Mnnhonil , Hcmliml Wi'aknn" , Nlalit r ) 'to < . Inipntoiiur , Si > hllK Htrloliiru , nnil nlldl -
emos ofllio lllooil , Skin unilltrlnujr Owini. N. II. 1 Kimrnntuu &VH ) lornvury eaiu 1 unilorUku niul foil to
curu. ConiulUtlunfroo. liook ( Myalcrloi of Llfo ) font froi > . OllicoUouri Da. m. tuK p. m. BiuulMS U
a. in. to 1 ! m.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
The mct widely nna tavorablv know spoo-
lalUts In the United Brutes. Tholr long ox-
porlonoo. rotanrknblo skill : iml unlTomul suc
cess in the trontmunt nnd euro of Nervous ,
Chronic and Surgical Dlso.isei , imtltlo tlioso
pmlncmt phrslolaiis to the full coiifldcnoo of
tuo afulctoa every where. They cuarantoo :
the avrful effects of early vice nnd the numer
ous ovlln that follow In Its train ,
pt-eilllr , oomiilotply ntid iiormanfntly-ourod.
OUUEKS yield readily to thulr aUllUul troat-
guaranteed cured without pain or detention
npntly and successfully cured In nrery caso.
nmtorrhea. Seminal V/e kiinss , LoitMnnhood ,
NlKht Emissions. Doanyud KnoulUos , Kcinnlo
Weakness and all dnllcnto disorder * peculiar
to either so * positively cured , na wull ao all
functional disorders tlmt result from youth
ful follloa or the oxce3s of irmturo years.
CTDIpTIIpil Gunrnnteod permanently
OlIVl l U1\L > aurod , removal cownloto ,
wlthou. cutting , cnustla or dilatation. Ouros
affected at homo by imiout without a mo
ment's pain or annnyanco.
A SURF TURF The QWful effects of
/i. OUI\.E I/UIU ; early vlco which brinRS
primnlo weakness , dostrnylni ; both mind and
body , with all Iti droiuleJ ilia , ponnanunty
DRS RFTT5 ? Address these who have 1m-
L/l\a / ULil 1O
paired themselves by Im
proper Indulgence and solitary habltc , whloh
ruin both mind nnd body , unuttlnB them for
bu ! neM , stud v or marriage.
. MARUIED MEN or these entering on that
happy llfo , awaroof physical debility , quickly
* " 8t6 '
Is boatd upon fncti. First Praottoil axperl-
cne * . Beoond Krory case Is specially studied ,
the * starting right. Thlrd-M dlolne are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to null
each cMe , thun efteotingouroi without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
To euro IHHonsnoss. Blck ncad&cho. Constipation.
Malaria , LUur Complaints , tnke Ilia sufo
and certain remedy , SMITH'S
Use the SMAM , SIZE (40 llttlo Ixinns to Clio nettle -
tlo ) . 'Jlioy nre the most convenient : Milt ull nccu.
I'rlco of either ulio , SSconUpcrbultla.
KISSiNC1" 7 > , 770 : Photo BTOriiro.
ixiwaOBSBUrf panel slzo of this ploturo for 4
CeuU ( coppers or atarnpa ) .
Mnhcra of ' 'Dl'lu bcniis. St. Ixiuls. Me
Wonderful SpanUr
Itemedcniea nil
.Nervoub Diseases
Buck ns Wcnlc Mem
ory , Loss of Dralu
Power , llvadacu
Wnkcfulneff , Iotil
- , . _ , Manhood , Nervous-
Ic/oro & After Use. ncro , Lnenltndo , all iroin Ute. drnliiB anil lo ol
power of the Qencrnthe Orcnnn , In either Bet ,
caused by ovcr-oxtrtlon , youthful lndlrcritlon , oi
the excc ? lTe'uso of tobacco .oplum.or otlranla.itt ,
whlcti ultlmntcljr lend to Infirmity , ConBnmjillon
and Insanity. Put nn In convenient form In cnrr-
In tbe Te t itockct. Price gl n package , or 6 for 8S
Sent by mall to any ntldrcits. Circular free , ilea
tlon this pnncr. Artdnn
1UCK1D C1IP.MICALCO. , tu De rl rn EU.ChlcqjoIII.
Kuhn & Co. Cor. 15tli A DouglM htrettn.
J. A. Fuller & Co. , Uor. lliii & Duuzlx fitrccU.
A , u , Foster li Co. . Council JlluHfl. loua.
KIB V UKBKH Hla l9KaB1 aaMMV * 91QM ]
Ir you UTilTcr from dl uiteii r.uufrl tiy EX1 1
I net Uanhnnii WcuLiuvi , , lx ir > or llralnil
LOSI MdlinUUUior any Llnd anil wnnt to l.imw I
how to cum fourt lr at li < im , retul nt oitro Tori
our took. "FACTS ? < m WEAK , MEN,1
lnallp < l In plain rover. Mi'titlmi IUU j ii r
CUD Dcurbora blrcct , CllltlAUU , JL1.1.NOIS. I
1802 Farnam Stroot.
Harry P. Deuel ,
City PassonRor and Ticket Agent.
( I'lrst tlmo hiiro. )
Mil. HKKI ) . ns . . . .Uupt , Alincr Tnrbox
"Ai Mild a MnnnorcMl Jluii as IC\er SouUluil
Souls wilt ' > o put on snloVidncsilny nt res-
uUr j
WM. Qii.i.uiTn's Masterpiece.
Presented by a Powerful Compiiny.
At 1'opulnr I'rlcc * .
People' ffii'pheater.
T. 0. KKM.OOO , Sor.K
Female Minstrels.
In n brlzhl , spixrUllnR olio nf novoltlcH , Intro
ducing lovely ladles. A bower at bounty.
A Gorgeous Female Pint Part aud
Puuny Oomodiam nnd Strong Specialties.
Southern. Grand MatIncoXnms Day. DOOM
open ! : ; ! ( ) p. in. mid 0 In the ovcnlng ,
Will Lnwlor , Mimngor. Oor. lllh and Farnnm
Sts. . Omiilm. Wtiolc of Doc. 2J.
Thof'imoiH UIJciii Trln In "Irish mixtures , "
a Batliloul , comical olillly with the lutust
Whltn I'outhor , the Chlpuow.i chief.
Jliiln D.ihiniM limit' , scr puiitlno HIIIHUI.
Tlio Croat X'niiis Kxlilblt. The Dervlllos
and other Rt.mdard attractions. A guimlim
holiday tiuul.
"We guarantee to
cure any case of Syph
ilis no matter of how
long standing. And
we have the only rem
edy that will cure the
disease. You have
tried everything , else
and wasted your
money , why not now
try us , "We guarantee
to cure or refund every
dollar. When it is nec
essary for patient to
come here we agree to
pay railroad fare both
ways , all hotel bills
and refund your .mon
ey if we do not cure
you. Write for partic
ulars ; do not be hum
bugged any longer.
We are financially re
sponsible with $300-
000 capital. COOK
REMEDY Co. , Omaha ,
Neb. , Rooms 39 & 40 ,
13th and Dodge Sts.
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $4OOOOa
Surptun Jan. 1st , 1890 - 07,000
nfl Dlrectoro-.II nry W. Ynte . Vreildonfe
V. Morie. Joh'o b. Collloi , II.'C. Cmhli , J. w' a
Fttrlok , W. U. S. Iluubei , cititiUr.
Corner 12th nnd Fnrnnm UU ,
A Ofneral Ilanlilnz llinlmi < r fti > rt.
will cct wtll If hnlippdi.nrdlolf lielgnorm.our
waroliiK. flleIIInilii iirln lvet Hiitrtmu
thilQiir. Tliouiund reslnrrd by / ( !
JVfrtftuftttt < luarHnli' < 'il Tittltmunlals.
! _ . . _ . . . . . . _ . _ . . I li inalleil fri-e for a Km.
OUR HEW BOOK ft ; ' ' " " ! VvAllvleo '
I I Vital. All WnnknrMri
and Jll.scu i' uf Men trt-nlvd itnd mint. AUilreKi
to-ttav. r.mir : MII : > I < ; AI. < < > . , nmruin , N.V.
f b , * -j icruiiiiiK r mi'dy for all tha
rCurMln SH unnatuiBl ( ilaibnrRKU nnd
TotllAYH.w Prlv tu < ll mi * iif men. A
iuut > t4i > iuW certain rurx furl IIP delillu
tatlnt ; weaUiais peculiar
. ti wiimin.
; urdo ifhj Jirirrai8lt | nl feeUafa
1 Tn tv H > CHEUi' iro. In refiunmfiidlui . ; It Ui
" ClMCINHfcTIn VBWrt all
. ,
Noli ! liy
llarkcr lllock , Utb and Faruaai. TolopliuuaOM